#also also they both talk through a walkie talkie that she got from the drops that u can get at the beginning
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faceeeeee · 6 months ago
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Hi pressure community 🥰🥰🥰
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frozenjokes · 6 months ago
Cake (Sir Chloe) // Animatic Script
been thinking about this for a while allow me to indulge in the thing I’ll never make
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*small note, everyone but Scar and Cleo are ghosts, and do not bleed (except Cub)
Eyes on your neck
Camera pans down on Scar, quite a bit worse for wear. His arms are bound behind his back and if his legs are in frame, they are also bound and he is sitting awkwardly, face stony
I should put you down like a sick dog
Pan up to Cub, looking down on Scar. He speaks the lyrics with some conviction, but they both know this ain’t happening. The key to Scar’s binds is strung around his neck
Look at yourself
The scene shifts, background distorted and tinted pink or orange. Cub’s conviction is gone, but he’s confused, not afraid. He looks at the camera (to Scar), but his eyes don’t quite focus.
Thinking you deserve / what you don't got
Back to Scar, speaking smugly. He flexes his claws, no longer bound. / The focus is back on Cub. The distortion on the background fades slightly but not completely. It seems to occur to him something is wrong, that he made a mistake. (key gone lol) Just as he’s starting to turn to run, hard cut to the next line.
Pan out on a wide shot of Cub in Ren’s bedroom, Ren on the left at the doorway and Cub on the right in bed, jolting upright. His neck and back and cut to pieces, and blue blood is basically everywhere (he’s a bit of a leaky faucet)
I don't need / a reason for cake
Bust shot of Cub, looking up at something behind Ren. He says nothing. / Shot of Ren standing in the doorway. He cocks his head, maybe starts to say something before Scar comes out of nowhere, ripping through him. Ren’s form dissipates, but Scar isn’t looking at Ren.
The salivating
Side profile of Scar speaking, almost unhappily, but equally dazed.
It keeps me / awake
Front shot of Scar continuing to speak, possibly gesturing above himself to a crude image thought bubble of him and Cub running away to Cleo’s boat at the edge of the island. / Cub stares at him, mouth gaping just slightly. He closes it, looking some amount focuses or determined.
Just another ache, ache
Scar and Cub running together, hand in hand. The shot faces their backs, buildings of the shopping distinct rushing by. Cub pushes Scar suddenly out of the way and is hit by a potion that flies in from off screen. Zedaph floats into view, but doesn’t have time to react before Scar mauls him out of the air. It is animal-like.
I'll hit it off
Front shot of Scar picking Cub up and continuing on, stony.
with an open mouth
Cub notices through the daze of the weakness effect Doc, obscured by brush. He fails to warn Scar before he is dropped, a net from Doc’s gun taking Scar the fuck out
Talking the way / I want it
Doc scoops Cub off the ground, assuming him to be kidnapped. The effects of the potion are beginning to wear off. / Cub murders the fuck out of Doc, either with a dagger to his stomach or just uses his hands. He’s got claws for a reason (the reason is aesthetics but)
I'll hit it off with an open / mouth
In the swamp, Scar and Cub (foreground) stalk Cleo (background) where she’s standing guard by her boat on the muddy beach, speaking urgently into their walkie-talkie. Cub drifts into the edge of the clearing, about to attack, but some kind of clarity and/or pain strikes him. His neck leaks a little blood, thematically probably. He hesitates. / Bust shot of Cleo looking up and seeing him. She is not scared or surprised, facing him determinedly
Talking the way I want it
Cub lunges for an attack, slamming into Cleo’s large shield. Cleo deflects him again and again, he can not get past her despite his ferocity. (ghost skill issue. they’re a mother fucking pirate baybe)
*ending instrumental*
Scar comes out of the treeline, looking appropriately deranged and haggard. Somewhere he got a sword, which he probably shouldn’t have. Cleo raises their sword when they see him along with their shield. epic sword fight ensues. Despite having Cub on her back, she is kicking both of their asses, keeping up with Scar’s sword while holding Cub off with her shield, minimal injuries. Scar’s been starving to death for like a month and also a bit out of practice so he’s taking major Ls. Cleo knocks him clean off his feet and into the mud, turning around in time to meet Cub with her shield for the final time. But Cub finds the bottom of their shield, wrenching it up with both hands and sending Cleo tumbling backwards, right onto Scar’s arced sword.
Scar gets up, rolling a sufficiently stabbed through the stomach Cleo off of himself. He’s wearing that signature good times smirk and mighty pleased with himself. He ignores Cub completely as he walks toward the boat, not looking back. Cub looks almost lost, he doesn’t know what to do. He certainly doesn’t look happy about Cleo, that’s his friend :(
Cub is sitting on the boat while Scar readies them to set sail. (Background) Cleo, in the foreground, is lying face down in the mud. Cub is staring at Cleo as she stirs. He looks away. It’s clear he does so on purpose. Cleo pushes herself up with her arms, sword still sticking through her. (she’s a zombie lol) Cut to black as the music trills.
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hearts4golbach · 1 year ago
Light Shower. (Sal Fisher x Fem!Reader)
part 3
"buried in the desert, didn't think I'd push through the dirt"
I head towards Larry's apartment to give him an update on how Y/ns are doing, since she got broken up with she hasn't left her apartment.
"Sal! hey, bud! haven't seen you since you first moved in. How've you been?" I heard Y/ns mom call from down the hallway.
"Hi, Mrs. L/n." I waved. "I've been good."
"Great to hear! wanna come inside? I have tea boiling on the stove. I was just about to go see if your dad"
"I'd love to." I followed her back into their apartment.
"If you don't want tea, we have other beverages. water, milk, apple juice..." I shook my head. Mrs. L/n walked over and placed her hand on my shoulder. "sal, I need your help getting Y/n out of this damn apartment. I'm worried for her. she hasn't left her room in 5 days. I've had to bring her fricking food!" she whispered.
"yeah, I know. I'll give it a shot. she just hasn't answered the walkie talkie." I knocked on Y/ns door before walking into the room. "Y/n? it's sal."
Y/n quickly shut her flip phone whenever I walked in. "Hey, sally face. thought you were going to see Larry, I heard over the walkie.
"I thought I'd see if you wanted to come with, he misses your face. I mean, I do too."
"I would but I'm kinda tired and I need to shower."
"well, what if you shower then we go to lunch instead? just you and me."
"are you that desperate to see my gorgeous face?" she said sarcastically. but truthfully, I was.
"Duh. come on." I grabbed her hand, causing her to flinch. "shit, are you okay? I'm sorry." I said, immediately letting go of her hand. she nodded and took my hand gently. I pulled her out of her bed.
"fine." I watched as she walked out of the room to the bathroom.
I waited patiently in the hall next to the bathroom. she talked to me from the shower. Y/ns mom walked by and gave me a wink and mouthed thank you. I flashed her a thumbs up.
"where are we going?" Y/n asked.
"mcdonalds?" I offered, making a small hand gesture that she couldn't see. I paused. "are you okay? like, really."
"yeah, I'm just-" she opened the bathroom door completely dressed and brushing her hair. "I don't know, you know?" she looked at me.
"uh, I guess?"
she rolled her eyes and walked out the door with me trailing behind her.
we ordered out food and left, going to our usual spot at the park. "tell me how you feel about what happened. I'm worried about you." I said, swiftly sliding a fry under my mask.
"I just feel weird without him." she confessed, beginning to eat aswell.
"he abused you," I grumbled in response. "we both know you deserve better."
Y/n didn't respond. I wished i could read minds as I stared deep into her e/c eyes. my heart fluttered as she stared back with a small smile on her face.
she reached out and patted my knee. "I know, sally. I guess it's just, I don't know. nevermind." Y/n looked away, making me curious about what she wanted to say but I didn't want to pressure her. she looked back at me and my heart leaped. "thank you for getting me out of bed, sal. I don't think I realized how much I needed it."
part of me hoped she was talking about being here with me, but I also knew she meant just getting out of the house for the first time in almost a week. I felt bad for Y/n, like I could've done something different and she wouldn't have even dated that cunt. if I could protect her from shit like this, I would in a heartbeat. "i- yeah. you know you can always call me. I'll drop whatever I'm doing."
she laughed. "I know, sally face. sorry I've been distant." she flashed me the sweetest smile. I could feel my body melting under her gaze. "thank you." I looked at her, confused. "for everything. you're my favorite fucking person and you always will be." y/n pulled me in and hugged me.
the next night, Y/n came over to Larry's house with me to play video games. she'd usually play with us, but this time she just sat squished between us on his tiny couch and watched us play, enjoying our presence.
she cleared her throat before she spoke as we rode the elevator to go back home. "can I stay the night at your place? I don't really wanna go home right now."
of course I said yes. I gave her one of my sweatshirts because my dad had way too many fans around the house.
"why don't you want to go home?" I asked her, flopping down onto my bed. Y/n followed suit.
"honestly sal, I wanted to do coke but I don't want to be addicted anymore. and I miss you." she replied. butterflies danced in my stomach. she wrapped her arms around my waist and held me tight. I ran my fingers through her hair as she fell asleep. she had been getting better since I've been able to get her at least out of bed and off her phone. today we deleted his contact so she wouldn't dwell on him anymore. I took of my mask and fell asleep with a smile on my face as Y/n and I held eachother.
"Hi mama!" 10 year old me called from on top of sals shoulders. my mom waved after taking a swig of her wine. I giggled and looked down at sal who had his electric blue hair in a bun. "your bun is kind of weird, sal." I heard him laugh before shoving me back into the water. I quickly swam back up, gasping for air and trying to get the chlorine out of my nose. "oh my god, asshole!" I laughed hard, pushing him and making him fall back. he yelped before he went under.
"y/n! language!" I leaned mom yell. "I don't know who the fuck she got that from." mom said to Henry. he laughed. I rolled my eyes.
I felt a hand tightly grip my ankle and pull me down. Sal was fully submerged, his head the only thing poking out of the water. I covered the side of my mouth with my hand so mom couldn't see. "you're still and asshole." I whispered.
"you're a bitch." sal whispered back. "wanna go get a popsicle?"
sal adjusted his shorts as he got out. I laughed. "gross, don't adjust your wedgie in my face."
he laughed. "I didn't have a wedgie."
"right." I said sarcastically. I shivered in my towel as we walked inside. "I can make hot dogs too." I offered, grabbing him and myself a popsicle. he nodded as he licked his grape flavored ice.
I sat next to Todd in the coarse dirt at the edge of the lake as we waited for our sunscreen to set in, unlike Neil, Ash, Larry, and Sal who were already making their way into the lake. I watched as the cold water hit Sal like a brick, making all of the muscles in his back tense. he looked at Larry and laughed. Larry smiled at sal and shivered. The water must be super cold, but it has to feel good since it's atleast 80° today. I softly blushed thinking about Sal. I watched his bare back relax as he got used to the water. he had his arms wrapped around himself. he turned around and sat in the water, waving at me. I smiled back at him and brought my knees to my chest. he had cute blue swimtrunks that matched his hair and eyes. I caught myself staring at his hands, imagining things that I definitely shouldn't have. I needed to get my mind out of the gutter, especially here in front of everyone, including sal.
I shook my head a little, shaking the thought away. "ready to get in?" I asked Toddy.
he took his glasses off and set them on the large pile of towels and snacks. "ready when you are."
I nodded and stood up. I ran into the water, preparing myself. a shot of cold ran through me as my feet splashed the water. I laughed a little, noticing Sal was looking at me expectantly for my reaction. I ran over to him and sat next to him, fully submerging myself in the water.
"hi." he said with a certain tone in his voice which made my heart flutter.
"Hey, sally face." I said, wrapping my arm around him.
"we should play chicken!" Larry exclaimed. i looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "Sal and Y/n, me and Ash, and Todd and Neil. come on, fucking losers!" he mocked, helping ash on his shoulders.
I looked at sal and he shrugged. he helped me up on his shoulders as Todd climbed on Neil's.
"me and sal are gonna win! I'm gonna kick your asses!" I teased in a sing song voice.
"I'd like to see you try!" ash laughed.
me and ash both targeted Todd, knowing he's probably the weakest out of the three of us. which, we were right. we easily pushed him off of Neil's shoulders, causing him to plunge into the water. he swam up, moving his bright red hair out of his face. he cursed profanities at us.
sal giggled and tightened his grip on my thighs, slowly trailing their way further up for a better grip. I was so glad that we were in the water like this, if you know what I'm implying. "get her ass."
sal and I lunged at ash and Larry. me and ash locked hands, smiling devilishly at eachother. I almost slipped, but sal quickly readjusted me before me and ash began pushing eachother again. Sals shoulders moved a little as he laughed along with Larry. Sal stepped forward, assisting me enough to finally manage to make ash slip. she screamed and dragged Larry down with her.
"yes!" I screamed, flipping all of them off. I wrapped my hands gently around sals face, hugging his head. "we win!"
ash rolled her eyes. "okay, show off. let's do another round. we switch places, sal on your shoulders. you know what i mean?"
"I'm down." Neil said.
I nodded, sal did aswell. I helped sal climb onto my shoulders, he was heavy but I could manage. I gripped his legs tight. Larry ended up falling first, sal not far behind him. sal came up from the water, his electric blue hair drenched. i tucked his hair out of his face, making his ears red. i gave him a sweet smile. "you suck." i said, in the sweetest tone I could.
this time, Neil and Todd ended up winning. which was kind of a surprise, because I would assume Neil is stronger than Todd. I suppose I was wrong.
we all got out after another hour or so of messing around.
"I think I got fucking waterboarded." Larry mumbled, earning a loud laugh from Sal and Neil.
"you deserve it." ash punched him in the arm.
Neil drove us all back to the apartments, where we all went back to our own apartments, ash heading over to Larry's.
I texted sal before I got into the shower.
'hi, I had fun today we should def hang out with the group more'
he read it almost immediately
"Hi <3 me too and ya'
'goodnight, sally face luv you to death'
'love you more yn ;)'
sally was being hella flirty, which made me smile. I couldn't keep my mind off of him the whole time I was in the shower. God, I loved this boy.
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dollarbin · 10 months ago
Shakey Sundays #19:
Comes A Time
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Much like my underpants, I've always undervalued Comes a Time, Neil Young's 78 Nashville record that features at least 27 different rhythm guitar players.
You've got to own Comes a Time, of course, just like you gotta own some underpants. But both seem too mainstream, too boring, and too readily available in the Dollar Bin to really appreciate.
But there Comes a Time when one must stand back and appreciate their own underpants: after all, they work hard for you; they don't take your indifference personally; come to think of it, your underpants are actually pretty great.
And so I donned a pair this morning then dropped the needle on Comes a Time.
Much of my dismissive gesture towards the record comes from Shakey himself: after plodding his way through Lotta Love on Live Rust he seemingly apologizes for the song, the album, and that entire phase of his manifold musical identity, bringing a twin tone of disgust and eagerness to his next directive to the band: "let's play some rock and roll."
What's more, the album's B Side is pretty dull. Ben Keith and Neil keep themselves in cages of their own creation on just about all of it (okay, I admit, the steel guitar solo on Four Strong Winds is pretty sweet) and the result is some seriously Shakey Shmaltz.
Which is too bad, because listen to how great a song like Already One could have been if Neil hadn't surrounded himself with autoharps and happiness.
Happiness: it's not one of Young's greater musical qualities. Sorry Neil, but we appreciate you most when you are full of rage, humor or wacko intensity. During this famous Boarding House show Neil's guitar seemingly has 68 different strings on the bridge and he comes across as a mournful guy you'd totally marry and have babies with.
But let's talk about Comes a Time's A Side. The front of this particular pair of Neil Young's underpants has all kinds of groovy features. Goin' Back, with its foreign creates at play, is cosmically surreal, and it shimmers like a message of peace sent by the aliens Young anticipated in After the Gold Rush;
Look Out For My Love features the invention of Neil's signature windshield wiper guitar work and includes men with walkie talkies (it also happens to be the best song my buddy Ned dials up on his own 6 string) - I'm always ready to get out my flashlight and waive it around while grooving along to this track.
Lotta Love is cute, Come a Time is solid (even though Neil plays it too often) and Peace of Mind is chock full of Ben Keith level splendor.
Of course a lot of the enjoyment this record offers on a Shakey Sunday comes for that second voice you hear in these songs: Nicolette Larson sings on just about all of this record and she offers Young some of the best vocal accompaniment in his career.
Sure, she has an easier job here than Emmylou Harris had three years before on Dylan's Desire, but she pulls it off with aplomb and it's extra sweet to hear Neil step aside altogether and let her steal his bizzaro show on Motorcycle Mama.
I don't have any idea what any of this is about, though I fear heroin is somewhere in its big spike mix, but that's the way I like Shakey best: incomprehensibly silly and intense all at once. Clearly, no one's wearing underpants on this track.
Cheers, people.
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kazxraval · 4 months ago
The beating was enough to knock him loopy. Restrained, nothing to see with the bag over his head, and no way to fight back. Fitting, he supposed, that his past returned to do the damage.
The present stood in the room too. A wild and beautiful wilderness named Emre. Worth the try to get out of there. To get Emre out of there, regardless if Emre would always be able to handle himself. Superior to Kaz, who had been conditioned to throw a punch but also to take one. Which he did (or more precisely, a kick to the head). He lost consciousness.
Georgie's march ground to a halt. Her hand lifted to near her head, but stayed far from the wet hock that began to dribble from the start of her braid to the skin of her neck. Feroze, as if waiting for the chance, swept in to slam a fist into Emre's stomach.
Fucking organ shifter! A tart smile twisted to face Emre. She sing-songed. 'Wishing you'd gone to dinner now, don't you.'
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Kaz woke onboard another ship, this one lean and large. Designed for fancy floating parties and overnights around the San Juan islands. His pulse pounded in his temples and he uttered a disappointed fuck. Hands lifted to cradle the ache in his head, but the wrists were zip tied together.
Though not his feet, and he stood with a groan. Kaz found himself in a small room somewhere mid-deck, perhaps once a bedroom. A few slams of the shoulder into the locked door racked his bones with additional pain.
Vision was watery, blurry from pain in his head. He squinted to look out one of the windows. The boat swayed but had not pulled away from the island yet. As Kaz studied the dark scene outside, something dropped in front of the window and made a big splash into the water. He smiled.
The window was examined for escape. Same with the zip tie, as Kaz worked to yank his wrists apart hard enough to snap the binding.
Footsteps were heard on deck. Heavy and directionless, quick and frantic. Feroze's walkie-talkie fired off outside the door, muffled by distance and walls (warnings of missing crew members, an urgency to set sail). The engine engaged, and the ship began its calm slide away from the dock and towards the horizon.
Georgie knocked on the door anxiously. 'Kaz, Kaz, there's something I need to--' "Where is he?" He rammed his body at the door, and the hinges yelped under the impact. A deep bellow, after he'd thrown himself once more at the door. "WHERE. IS. HE! Where is he!"
She jumped away from the violent smack on the door and subsequent twisting of the door handle from the inside, her mouth open soundlessly. Stunned for a few seconds. Georgie shouted back to be heard. 'Stop it. STOP IT! Kaz! Feroze talked to your mother. She said you're dead. You're supposed to be dead!'
He paused with a panted breath. "I am dead, Georgina. She's right. Now fucking let me out of here."
Georgie stepped cautiously closer. 'You're so angry. You'll hurt me.' She shook her head, voice residing in the higher, most innocent register. 'When all I want to do is help. I said it back there, in the restaurant. I was trying to help, Kaz. I really was.'
Kaz's voice fell lower into his chest, silk-smooth and with a subtle smile. "I only ever hurt you when you begged me to. When it felt good, for both of us." A quick glance at the window, where the island retreated rapidly. Shit. Further away from Emre, he thought.
Or was he, how the hell could he know where Emre was? One of Georgie's skills was to lie. With compulsion, to stand by the highest and most unbelievable piles of bullshit and swear how sweetly it smelled. "Georgie. Open the door." Sudden calm carried through his words. "Because you know I'll break it down if I have to. And if he's hurt at all, I will come for you."
There was a shout down to Georgie, which Kaz couldn't hear too clear (Georgina! Captain's cabin please, we've got a problem!). Anger flooded her expression-- for Kaz's warning or the unexpected interruption, or both. Georgie stalked off with only a glare Kaz couldn't see. Once her footsteps faded, he set about using himself again to knock the door lock out of the frame.
Kaz creeped as fast and as stealthy as possible down the cramped corridors of the boat. While internally, all he wanted to do was scream: EMRE! Weirdly, he also began to notice that the cautious sneaking around wasn't entirely necessary. Few voices were now heard, and he began to wonder if he was on a ghost ship.
On deck, he crouched along a railing, out of sight. Whidbey behind them, course set for the north. A small life raft was attached to the side, but useless compared to the large vessel and crew aboard. Kaz imagined a plummet off the side and into the water, but he'd freeze before making it to land. And then what?
He thought of something black and wide that fell into the water from above. Emre. His heart registered before his brain. Emre was onboard, he had to be. As he heard someone approach, Kaz dove into a supply closet to find a weapon.
Ah. So Georgina did feel some type of possessiveness about Kaz, it seemed. Even after more than a decade - after what, 15, 16 years now? She wanted to be in charge of Kaz. She even acquired a lookalike in that Feroze bloke - young and strong and a proper prick.
Priti still didn't like her? Why did that matter? Emre couldn't imagine Kaz bringing this Georgina woman home to meet the parents. And sadly, Emre couldn't imagine Kaz's parents giving a fuck one way or another, about who did what to Kaz outside their so-called home. But was there some long-standing beef there, and Kaz was some kind of odd lynchpin holding this rivalry together? Estranged mum vs crazy girlfriend?
Good for her. Kaz's comment couldn't be more dry and lacking in feeling than a hot desert sun.
In their brief, perhaps foolish moment of respite, Kaz took time to explain geography to Emre - who knew the locations but couldn't mentally place them on any American map. Emre smiled, unable to help himself as Kaz slid easily from education to tease. Maybe Emre was also thinking about Iyaz at the moment, maybe not. Because he murmured without thinking, "I love you, so much."
Kaz insisted that Georgie wasn't the mastermind behind all of this, and another theory sprouted in Emre's mind - not about versus and more about necessity. That same connection through a missing son, a disappeared (ex?)boyfriend. Emre nodded about the health thing, taking note. "We'll sort it after we escape. Maybe I should wash the bloody thing off, yeah."
Escape turned out unfeasible. And then Kaz got punished for it, it sent Emre into a panicked if somewhat impotent rage. All he cared about was seeing Kaz alive. He knew Kaz likely took beatings, many beatings, especially after learning there was no safe place, not even a home. He knew Kaz had the survival capabilities that could probably evade a nuclear bomb. But Emre needed to see and make sure.
Georgina promising she did care about him. She cared so much, she hurt him. The thought stuck in Emre's throat like a razor, watching Kaz getting hauled up, barely conscious. A bloody hood on his head. Emre's attention sharp as he fell silent, let himself be pinned, and watched only Kaz. Georgie helpfully pointed to Kaz's destination. They were to be separated; despite Georgina's complaints about them wasting time, this was her plan all along. Fuck her, then.
Kaz so barely conscious, he had to be carried out - but he was carried, like precious cargo destined to a boat. Emre bobbed along between the guards, ignoring Georgina's questions but suddenly realizing where this was all headed. He gobbed blood and saliva at the back of Georgina's head. "If you're gonna do it, then do it. I don't have to tell you fuck all, slag."
And there it was: what Emre belatedly realized, seconds before they got to the kitchen. "Fucking organ shifter!" Emre could see the doctor - a dead-eyed balding man preparing a needle - and Georgie making her grand exit. The medical tools prepared, restraining straps on the exam table and dental chair.
And Emre realized something else, too: in his 4, 5 years on the island, he'd gone soft. Relaxed and reshaped his mind and muscles towards farming, not hunting. Adjusted his scruples to fit a society that cared about him - as a human being, if not a friend. A wild animal domesticated, gone docile. A part of his brain he'd put to a gentle sleep suddenly woke up, acrid and sour. And it blanketed the rest of his conscience with a floury white blanket.
The guards only needed two seconds to let go of one arm to strap him in. That was all Emre needed when he slammed his forehead into one guard's nose, and snatched a scalpel off the table. A smooth arc to slice the other guard - right across his eyes. Emre slid off the table, snatching a screaming guard's knife from his utility belt (similar to the one Parker apparently had and wore everywhere??? how????) and booted the eyeless man to one side for now, twisting to stab the broken-nose one in the neck, jerking it back out in a spray of blood. Helping himself to that guard's knife, he turned to the doctor.
"I'm just a doctor!" the man pleaded, his trembling hands up; and those were his last words.
It was late evening when Emre reached the boat, thankfully still there. Emre knew he only had minutes, but he hadn't seen anyone on his path from the kitchen to the dock. Good - no alarms raised. They'd all assumed Emre was a done deal, death under a scalpel with barely a whimper. He wasn't even sure if they'd loaded Kaz onto the boat yet...and maybe Georgina was fibbing about that anyway? Emre made his way up a gangplank, slicing the throat of another guard and lobbing the body into the water. The bodyarmour made it sink.
No firearms on anyone, which was interesting. Maybe they'd run out of bullets. He crouched on the deck and waited, watching the dock and banking on two options. Either Kaz would be carried by on land to some other destination - but Emre didn't think Georgina would bother trying to trick Emre. She didn't think much of him, beyond potential for organ farming. She just wanted Emre to see Kaz leaving.
Other option, was that Kaz was already on the boat, and it was just a matter of time before they set sail. On the open water, navigating between these tall-treed, misty, dark islands, then Emre would strike. If they were transporting Kaz somewhere, Emre did want to know where; but he wanted Kaz more.
And given everything she said and Kaz's obstinate impression of her, Emre felt sure: where ever Kaz was, Georgie would be with him. And Emre would save her for last.
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myobmaya · 2 years ago
okay so, what if you and eddie break up and the one who’s more distraught than either of you is Dustin. in his eyes, this would be worse than his parents divorcing.. he would try so hard to keep it together, but when he would see one without the other, he would just become this big crying mess and he’s begging eddie to get his shit together and try to fix it. (you can make the ending a happy one, or a v sad one! your pick! also, sorry for the sadness, I just want an author to make me cry 😅)
I fell in love with this the moment I read it. Thank you so much for the request. Your brain is just *chefs kiss*. I hope I did you justice 🖤
A Little Help From My Friends
Eddie Munson x GN!reader (they/them pronouns)
TW: talks of a break up, self doubt insecurities, alcohol use, cursing
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Three Weeks Ago
“Campaign’s been cancelled.”
Dustin stops doing his math homework. Mike’s pen drops from the letter he’s writing to El. Both boys look at each other and suddenly they’re reaching for the walkie talkie.
Mike is the first to grab it pressing his thumb against the button, “What? Why!”
Even after Eddie left high school he still kept up with his love of D&D and opted to host it at his trailer. He took his role as the honorary big brother to the group very seriously. He never missed a night always keeping his words to his young friends that idolized him. Confusion takes over the teenagers minds wondering what crisis would cause Munson to miss the D&D night they looked forward too.
The line stays dead for a few moments until Eddie’s voice rings through once more.
“We broke up.”
The boys look at each other in pure shock. Dustin is the first to start asking questions taking the walkie out of Mike’s hand. He asks what happened. He asks Eddie if this was a sick joke. He’s met with nothing as Eddie turns off the walkie and goes radio silent.
Eddie holds the walkie to his chest trying to collect himself. He feels his tears slip down his face and wipes them away quickly before tossing the device on the kitchen table.
The fight you two just had keeps playing in his head and he wants nothing more than to turn it off. You had came home telling him of an exciting new job offer. He was so happy for you. It was an amazing opportunity and he was on board for you taking it. But he saw how you pulled back and told him you weren’t going to take it. You would stay here. He instantly told you no and said you’d be crazy not to go. You told him he couldn’t tell you what to do. He got insecure. You got angry. One thing led to another and he was telling you there wasn’t a reason for you to stay if you didn’t have him. You didn’t get another word out. He left.
He closes his eyes but all he can see is your tear filled eyes looking right through him as he tells you he can’t continue the relationship anymore. His chest tightens and a dull ache begins to form. His eyes open and he’s back in his trailer.
He stalks over to the refrigerator, opens it, and spots a beer in the back. It’s taken out and popped open within seconds, the cool liquid running down his throat.
It had to happen. He thinks to himself. He thinks about how you don’t need him holding you back.
He thinks about grabbing another beer but ends up taking the whole pack instead. He’s downing half the bottle and heads to his room. The bedroom door is locked behind him and Eddie sinks into his bed not wanting to face the reality that he just broke up with the love of his life.
Two Weeks Ago
Steve Scans the VHS tapes ready for his shift to be over. Robin sits on the counter snacking on a bag of chips she found in Steve’s backpack watching him work. Both young adults ready to be off in a few hours.
They haven’t had any but a few customers on the slow Wednesday night.
“You know you could help me and we could be done with this.”
Robin pretends to think about Steve’s suggestion and plops another chip on her tongue. “Yeah, but then that would mean you’d have nothing to do the rest of the night. Who am I to deprive you of not having to work?”
Steve rolls his eyes. Typical.
He goes to bite back but he’s cut off by the sound of the front door chiming alerting them of a customer. Robin quickly hops down and stuffs the bag of chips under the counter. She wipes her hands on her jeans clearing them of the chip dust.
“Relax, Buckley, it’s just me,” Dustin storms in throwing his backpack on the counter pushing the VHS tapes Steve just organized.
Steve yells at Dustin to be careful and Robin takes her seat back on the counter. Dustin rolls his eyes as takes in the candy options in the case. Robin sees the disheartening look on his face.
“What’s wrong, Henderson? Mommy won’t let you rent Never Ending story this week?”
Dustin’s head shoots up with glaring eyes at Robin. Robin gives him a grin letting him know it was a joke. Steve stifles back a laugh as he gets his pile back in order.
“I can’t do it anymore. It’s hurting too much,” Dustin confesses picking up a Twix bar.
Concern takes over Steve and he leans against the counter ready to console his friend. “Awh man, did you and Susie break up?”
“What? No. We’re good,” Dustin opens the candy and takes a bite out of it. “I’m talking about Eddie and-“ Steve sighs as he pats Dustin’s back cutting him off.
“Dustin we talked about this. You have to let them figure it out,” Steve tries reasons. Robin looks at both boys completely confused.
“Listen Harrington just because your relationships don’t work out doesn’t everyone else has to suffer,” Steve takes immediate offense to that statement but Dustin continues on taking another bite out of his candy, “they’re meant to be!”
Robin’s curiosity gets the best of her and she’s throwing her hands up in the air and making a T our them. “Woah. Pause. Time out here. What the hell is he talking about?”
Dustin finishes the candy bar and starts pacing back and forth. Steve leans over ready to update a very lost Robin.
“They broke up.”
“Eddie and—“
Dustin stops and looks at Robin annoyed that no one else is effected, “We have to do something. It’s so obvious that they belong together! They’re supposed to get married and make me the best man, dammit!”
Steve runs a hand down his face having heard the same breakdown from Dustin every night since you and Eddie broke up. Robin glances at Steve and back at a very upset Dustin. She didn’t even know you two had broken up. Why didn’t anyone tell me. Then again, she’s been busy with her own relationship she hasn’t really seen you. The thinks back to the last time she saw Eddie. It was a few days ago at the Hideout. He was very drunk and hardly recognized her, but he was there. By himself. Dustin grabs another candy bar bringing her out of her thoughts. She thinks for a moment treading carefully over her words.
“Dustin…” she pauses thinking of the right words to say, “Don’t you think they broke up for a reason?” She sees the way he immediately shakes his head not liking those words come out of her mouth. “I mean… maybe it’s what they wanted?”
“Those two idiots don’t know what they want!”
Robin gets down from the counter to stop Dustin from pacing with a hand on his shoulder. He looks at her with a defeated look. She pulls him in for a hug. It only lasts a few seconds when Dustin stands still not reciprocating it.
“Why are you so upset about this?”
Dustin sighs and takes his hat off running a hand through his curls. “I just don’t understand what happened. One day they were fine and the next Eddie is saying they’re done. I went to Eddie’s to get answers but he’s never home.”
Robin nods crossing her arms thinking of you.
“Have you seen-“
“No. I went over to talk to them but I get nothing. They wouldn’t tell me to much of what happened just told me they wanted to be left alone.”
Robin starts to see why the breakup between you and Eddie is so personal. You two were the people he turned to the most when he needed advice. When he needed an outsiders perspective looking into his situations. He loved how you and Eddie always made the bad in the world seem so good. He’s seen to many couples break up, including his own parents, for him to give up on love. And yet you and Eddie showed him that it’s okay for two people to come from two different worlds and learn to love each other. Dustin turns around and a small sniffle is heard. “It doesn’t feel right. It feels like I’m watching my parents divorce. I mean for God’s sake they practically raised me.”
Steve rolls his eyes and straightens his back as his hands meet his hips. “Ok I wouldn’t go that far. I was the original babysitter and I help you—“
“Steve this isn’t about you.”
This time Robin doesn’t hide her laugh. Poor Steve can never catch a break and Dustin is always there to remind him. Steve shakes his head knowing where Dustin is headed in his rant,
“Dustin, you gotta let them figure it out. If it’s meant to be then it’ll be. You can’t force them to work it out.”
That’s it.
Light bulbs go off in Dustin’s head. He looks at Steve as if he just created a cure for all diseases. Robin watches as Dustin runs over and grabs his backpack. His backpack knocks over the stack Steve had fixed.
“That’s it! You brilliant brilliant man!” Dustin runs to the door but stops. He turns around and runs back to the counter grabbing another Twix bar.
“Hey! You need to pay for those, Henderson!” Steve yells watching Dustin grab his bike from the front of the store. Dustin takes off and Steve looks at the mess on the floor annoyance bubbling up. Robin pulls out a five dollar bill and slips it to Steve taking care of Dustin’s candy tab.
Robin watches Steve pick up the pile.
On the other side of town Eddie plays his guitar.
You stay in bed watching your favorite movie.
And Dustin rides his bike home thinking of how he can get his favorite couple back together.
One Week Ago
Eddie lays on his bed as his fingers gently go up and down the guitar strings. He hums a melody that reminds him of you and the way you used to sing with him. That painful ache he’s been feeling the moment he walked away from you hasn’t left. When’s not at the Hideout he keeps himself in his room. The door stays locked. It keeps him keep from knocking on your door asking for forgiveness. To prevent himself from telling you that he misses not only his lover, but his best friend. In the years of being side by side next to you, he’s never felt so lonely. He misses you. Your smile fills his mind.
Stop it.
Eddie stops playing and sits up. The back of his palms rub against his closed lids. Eddie gets up and puts his guitar back on his wall grabbing his jacket from the chair. His mind is set going to the Hideout.
Eddie opens the door preparing to leave but he’s immediately stop when fist fly at his chest. The person stumbles across the threshold but Eddie is quick to catch them in his arms. He pulls them up by the shirt in their back and is shocked to see who is visitor is.
“Henderson? What brings you here? To my humble adobe? To assault me?” Each question getting less enthusiastic and more sarcastic.
Dustin fixes himself pulling down his shirt taking a breath in. Eddie takes note of his bike thrown on the ground outside. Sweat lines the collar of Dustin’s shirt. His cheeks tinted red .
“I- I was trying to,” Dustin struggles with his breathing. Eddie places a hand on his shoulder and turns Dustin around kicking the front door shut with his boot. He sits Dustin down on the couch before getting him some water to cool him down.
Dustin take a gulp out of the cup Eddie gives him and places his hands on his knees. He takes a deep breath in and blows out into the air as if candles were in front of him. He’s exhausted.
Eddie stands against the wall opposite of the couch patiently waiting for an explanation.
“I wanted to see you. I saw your van and knew you were home. I was about to knock on the door right as you opened it.”
Eddie gives Dustin a stoic expression.
Dustin flashes him a smile, “I miss you, Eddie.” That breaks Eddie and he’s smiling back at Dustin. The two remained close even after Eddie finished high school in the past year. He hadn’t seen Dustin or anyone for that matter since the break up. You, Dustin and Eddie were all very close taking him in as a brother. He wonders how Dustin felt not hearing from him.
Eddie begins to feel guilty with the sudden cut off he’s had with everyone, especially with Dustin as he looks at him with the tired look on his face. Eddie doesn’t live near him and the weather still had it’s hot moments. Judging from the sweat lining his shirt Eddie knows Dustin went out of his way to see him and check up on him. Only Dustin Henderson would go out of his way to check up on Eddie Munson. Dustin is a real friend to him despite him ignoring him and the outside world. And that’s why Eddie doesn’t make him turn around and leave, he lets him relax on his couch.
Dustin let’s a comfortable silence pass before asking him the question he’s been avoiding for the past three weeks. His voice is quiet when he gets the courage to ask Eddie.
“What happened, Eddie?”
Eddie isn’t frozen by the question. He knew it was coming. Yet he doesn’t seem prepared by it. A chuckle comes out of Eddie as he shrugs his shoulders. He pushes himself off the wall needing a taste of alcohol.
“Nothing, man. All is good here.”
Dustin doesn’t say anything as he watches Eddie take a beer from the fridge. Eddie opens the bottle tossing the cap into the trash before taking a swing out of it.
“As a matter of fact, I couldn’t be better!” Eddie begins his way back to Dustin.
Eddie takes another drink sitting down next to Dustin. Dustin scoots over seeing the strong front Eddie is so desperately trying to build crumble with every word.
“I mean I graduated right? I finally did it. I’m getting more gigs. And I’m not needing to sell as much anymore!” Dustin is surprised to learn that Eddie isn’t dealing as often as he was and he’s happy for his friend. Still, despite his new success coming with the band, he knows it’s all a front. Eddie thinks back to the argument. Eddie remembers being so excited for you. He genuinely was. But his fears of holding you back came in strong. 
Eddie looks at Dustin with a fake smile plastered on his face. Dustin can only give him a half hearted smile letting him know he sees right through him. Eddie’s own falls and tears well up in his eyes. Eddie bites his bottom lip looking up at the ceiling willing himself not to break down in front of Dustin.
“I fucked up, man. I miss them so fucking much.”
Dustin pats Eddie’s shoulder before bringing him in for a side hug. Eddie knows Dustin’s aware of his emotional state. The way he’s closed himself off from the people he loves scares himself. He pulls himself away dragging his hand over his face to collect the few tears that escaped. He knows Dustin isn’t here for small talk. He’s here for a reason.
“I know, Eddie. It’s time for you to grow some balls and get them back.”
Present Day
It was 9:30 p.m. on a Saturday night. You pull up to the parking lot of the family video store seeing Steve’s car parked up front with the hood open. The lights are on inside giving you a clear vision of Steve on the phone while Robin reads a magazine. She sees you and hits Steve’s shoulder telling him you arrived. The store closed 30 minutes and both of your friends were stranded leaving you as the designated knight in shinning armor to pick them up. Robin peaks her head through the front door and waves at you before stepping outside. You roll down your window as she approaches with a shy smile on her face.
“Thanks for taking us home. Dingus is on the phone trying to get a tow,” Robin explains leaning against your door. You nod understanding the frustration Steve must be feeling trying to find car service after hours in a small town.
Robin convinces you to come inside in the meantime promising it shouldn’t be much longer. You happily agree seeing as the weather was getting colder at night and you didn’t want to use anymore gas to heat up your car while you waited for Steve.
You both make your way inside where you’re met with a very upset Steve. “Awh, c’mon man! I can’t leave my car here overnight! It’s probably just the battery can’t you just send someone to jump it?” Steve throws his hands in the air. Poor Steve just can’t catch a break. Robin looks at you and you immediately follow her to the break room. It’s a small room. Just enough for small table and microwave shoved in the corner; but it makes sense seeing as the store employees three people at a time. The smell of popcorn fills your senses as you sit down on one of the chairs.
Robin opens the microphone and takes out a bowl of popcorn shoving a handful in her mouth. She offers you the bowl but you politely tell her no hearing Steve yell out a frustrated cry in the background. You and Robin exchange a glance of worry but choose not to say anything opting to ask her how work was today.
On the other side of the store Steve calls the last mechanic in the yellow book praying they’re still open. He’s in the middle of hearing the fourth ring when the store door is opened and two familiar mops of hair walk in.
“You have got to be kidding me,” Steve murmurs just as the line goes dead on the other line. Dustin flashes him a toothy smile that tells him he has something to do with his car troubles.
Eddie holds two cable jumpers in his hand and Steve sees his van is parked right next to his. Eddie looks nervous glancing around the store. It’s clear he saw your car in the parking lot and knows you’re here.
“Heard you were having some car troubles. Figured Eddie could lend you a hand,” Dustin says not so casually. Steve rolls his eyes knowing that Dustin was 100% responsible for this. He wants to question how Dustin even knew about his car but knowing Dustin, and does Steve ever, he knows he planned this very well. Steve takes in Eddie and notices the way he fidgets with the cables in his hand. Eddie clearly has no prior knowledge of you being here.
Dammit, Dustin. Steve steps from behind the counter pointing a finger at Dustin. “I don’t know what you did but I know you’re responsible for this.”
Dustin only grins at his friend shrugging his shoulders. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Steve huffs at him as he turns around and guides Eddie outside to help him with his car trouble. Dustin waits for the two men to walk outside before he’s running back to the break room.
You’re in the middle of listening to Robin talk about a new movie coming out when Dustin makes his appearance by the door. It’s been a couple days since he stopped by your house to check on you but he still manages to get a smile out of you. You take in his backpack and glance at the clock on the wall hanging above the threshold. Concern takes over and you can’t help the questions that begin to rise.
“What are you doing here, D? The store is closed and it’s past 9:30 at night.”
A fake look of shock paints across his face as he place a hand over his heart. “What! Oh. Yes. You’re right. Ha. Ha ha. I just saw Steve’s car and figured he needed help.”
You look at Robin who only gives you an attempt of a smile but fails miserably with the guilt right behind it. Dustin walks over and opens up his backpack taking his walkie out and placing it on the table. He picks it up only to knock over Robin’s bowl of popcorn causing her to groan out in frustration.
“Oh well you look at that. I’m such a cluts!” His tone is robotic and almost rehearsed. He’s up to something. You cock an eyebrow at him about to question him when Robin sees your mind catching on. She stands up and grabs Dustin by his backpack.
“Dustin why don’t you go see if Steve needs help with his car,” She holds emphasis on car. The two look at each other, Dustin taking in her sentence before the light bulb goes off in his head. He claps his hands and nods enthusiastically.
“Yup! You’re right. Ha. Ha ha.” He looks at you and then at Robin. A smile is on his face as a moment passes by. Robin rolls her eyes and pushes him towards the door reminding him to keep to the plan.
Robin sees you about to ask her what that was about but beats you to it telling you everything is perfectly okay. She walks to the door and turns to you, “I’m going to get a broom.” She looks at the popcorn. You offer to help her but she insists she can do it. With that she closes the break room door leaving you confused as ever.
It only takes five minutes and Steve’s car is up and running perfectly fine. Both boys turn off their cars and hop out. Steve shakes Eddie’s hand thanking him for the help which Eddie only nods in return. Eddie is ready to leave to avoid any crossover with you. Dustin sees Eddie go back to his van. Eddie tells Dustin to hop in so they can go. Dustin happens to start coughing in that moment gaining attention from both men.
“You okay, Henderson?” Both men say simultaneously. They look at each other with an eyebrow raise for a second before turning back to the teenager.
Dustin bends over holding his chest. “Need water! Eddie go get me water! Steve stay here and get me my inhaler!”
Steve shakes his head at Dustin. It’s very obvious Dustin’s faking his actions. “You don’t have an inhaler-“
“Water, Eddie! Dammit I need water I’m dying here!”
Eddie doesn’t question it seeing his friend in distraught. He jogs to the door stopping as right before he opens it. He sees Steve begrudgingly open the backpack looking for his inhaler. Weird, didn’t know Henderson had asthma.
“Water?” He calls out his question.
Dustin waves his hand forward as he dramatically falls into Steve’s arms. “Break room!” Eddie turns back and makes his way there.
Steve pushes Dustin off of him. Dustin snatches his backpack out of Steve’s and gets his spare walkie out of it. Steve goes to tell Dustin off but stops when he sees Robin peak up from behind the counter. She managed to hide herself tucked up in the corner waiting for her signal. She sees Eddie’s hair bounce across the store straight to her target. Steve and Dustin watch as Robin sneaks up behind Eddie.
“You have got to be kidding me.”
Dustin shushes Steve. Robin waits for Eddie to open the door taking her key out her pocket. He stands frozen in shock seeing you sitting right there. Robin takes the opportunity and pushes him inside, closing the door and locking it from the outside. Dustin throws out a victory punch in the air loving the execution.
“Seriously? You got Robin involved?” Steve asks completely caught off guard. Dustin shushes him waiting for the thumbs up from Robin that you and Eddie were locked.
“How did you even get to my car? It’s parked up front,” Steve wonders leaning against his car. Dustin waves a hand at Steve dismissing him. Steve watches as Dustin takes a seat on the hood of the car.
“I didn’t do anything. Robin waited until Stacy and her friends came in. She knew you’d be distracted long enough to get to your car and run your lights to drain your battery.”
Steve tries to defend himself. He is not that easily distracted. Robin gives Dustin a thumbs up and the teenager gets his walkie ready to get his favorite couple back together.
You stare up at your ex with wide eyes. He looks at you as if you’ve grown a third eye. Both of you say nothing taking each other in for the first time in weeks. Eddie’s hair is pulled back in a low bun. Lose strands frame his face so beautifully. You want to tuck them behind his ear but stop yourself. His eyes are puffy and his skin looks dry. Your under eyes are darker looking as if sleep hasn’t been welcoming to you.
Both of you look like a wreck.
The walkie on the table beeps in jumping you both out of your daze. Attention love birds. Operation: Parent Trap has been initiated.
Son of a bitch, Henderson. Eddie hits the palm of his forehead. You stay quiet watching him. Eddie takes a hesitant step towards you to reach the device.
“Henderson, whatever you’re doing, knock it off.”
You keep your eyes on Eddie knowing he’s avoiding your contact. Of course he is, he’s been avoiding you the past 3 weeks.
“Time to man up, Munson. You’ll be let out once you guys talk it out.” The sound of Steve’s voice surprises you. You never took Steve as the type to get involved. Interesting.
Eddie curses Steve but he’s only met with silence.
Deciding it’s now or never you kick your foot out to the chair opposite of you. It screeches obnoxiously startling Eddie. It’s your way of offering him to sit down. He stands in front of you with a weary expression. You simply hold your arms to your chest giving him a nonchalant nod. You have nothing to be embarrassed for. He’s the one that ended things to hastily. Not you. Deciding that Dustin will keep his word and you just want answers of your own you take the route that’s natural for you.
“This is a bit extreme don’t you think?”
Eddie nods in agreement taking you up on your silent offer. He sits down in the chair. “It’s a Dustin idea. Of course it’s extreme.”
You both chuckle at that statement. Genuine smiles for the first time in three weeks. It feels good but so bittersweet at the same time. Silence fills the air as soon as the laughter ends.
Eddie feels the back of his neck getting hot feeling you stare at him. He knows he shouldn’t do it, yet he looks up at you. Guilt rushes to him and he so badly wants to hug you and tell you he’s sorry for being an ass and ending things. He wants to say the things he should have said instead telling you it was over.
You see the fight in his eyes. His fingers cross over each other cracking the air bubbles in between before he rests his knuckle against his mouth. You know he still loves you. People who are no longer in love don’t look at you the way Eddie does.
“You gonna talk to me now, Eddie? Or are you still running away from me?”
He closes his eyes hearing how soft your voice is. He’s missed it so much. He’s missed you. The moment he left your house he’s missed you.
Your eyebrows furrow at his answer and he immediately realizes he already said the wrong thing again.
“I mean no I’m not going to run away from you. I’m here I want to talk.” He stops and thinks about his next sentence hoping it doesn’t come out wrong. “Only if that’s okay. If you’ll let me explain myself.”
You lean back in the chair crossing your legs out in front of you. If he wants to ever speak to you again he better start doing so himself.
“Please do explain yourself, Eddie. Please tell me how we were literally fine and within minutes you decided we weren’t.” You don’t mean to bring up that night so hastily but you have no choice but too. He left you with no answer as to why.
Eddie slides his head down to meet his closed fist. You watch him battle himself internally. His eyes are closed and he wants to shut down again. You see him begin to struggle and out of instinct you lean across the table and place your hand on top of his. He instantly relaxes to your touch.
“You gotta give me something here, Ed’s.” You slide your thumb over the back of his hand. Your voice is no longer hard. Even though you know in your heart it’s not true you still find yourself seeking confirmation. “If you don’t love me—”
His head shoots up shaking furiously. He cuts you off immediately letting you know that statement is all but true. “Loving you isn’t the issue. It’s not the issue at all.”
The pain settled in your heart begins to chip away. You knew that already but you needed to hear him confirm it. “Then what is it? Was it the job offer?”
Eddie looks down not wanting to see the shame in your eyes. He can deal with everyone telling him he’s a disappointment. But the moment he sees it in your eyes he know he’ll never come back from that. He can deal with the world not believing in him as long as you’re the one to cheer him on.
“It’s me.”
You ask what he means by that. Eddie lets out a huff. He doesn’t want to tell you how he’s feeling. If he tells you that he’s scared of holding you back then you’ll realize you can be with someone who can offer you more. Not the small town drug dealer that took longer to graduate.
But when you stare at him with zero judgement in your eyes that’s all it takes for Eddie to gather his thoughts. You patiently wait for him to gather what he needs to say. Just like you always do when you know he needs to process and execute his words properly. “I wasn’t mad at you for getting the job offer. I was proud of you. I am proud of you. You’re going to go off and do great things. Be whatever you want.” He sees the way you suck in your bottom lip to keep yourself from interrupting him. “But, I’m not destined for that. This is the best I’m going to get. And that’s why we need to stop this. I can’t be the one to hold you back. I won’t be the reason you stay.”
You feel your heart break again, but this time it’s for the man in front of you, not because of him. How could he think so low of himself? How could he make a decision based on his insecurities? How could he think he’s doing what’s best for you? A mix of frustration and annoyance builds.
“Eddie Munson, you are one stupid man if you think for a second I’m going to let you decide what’s good for me!”
He goes to speak but you immediately cut him off. “I’ve loved you for how many years now? I’ll continue to do so because it’s what I want. I want you. You don’t get to sit here and decide who I can and cannot love. Yes, the job offer I got is amazing but I’ll get another one because I know what they’re offering isn’t enough. And do you know how I know that?”
You don’t wait for his reply instead standing up from your seat. He watches you with wide eyes. “Because you are the one who taught me to forget the social norm and do what calls out to me.” You have a finger shooting at him to get your point across. “This job offer isn’t it for me. But maybe the next one will. And maybe I’ll take it. Maybe I won’t. I don’t know. You don’t know. But all I know is that when that time comes we’ll cross that bridge together. Because that’s what we do. We make decision together, Eddie.”
Eddie only stares up at you seeing the passion in your eyes. You hold zero judgement or hatred to him. His fall back down to his hands. His voice is barely above a whisper.
“You deserve better. I don’t know if I can give you that.”
Frustration leaves and you begin to see the insecurity laying on the surface of his emotions. You feel yourself get sad. How can he not see what you see in him? You tell him to look up at you. He doesn’t.
“Look at me.”
You step away from the table. You squat down to be eye level with him. To be equal with him. You gently grab his face in between your hands. He looks at you and disappointment never comes across your face.
“Eddie Munson the world doesn’t deserve you, yet here you are. You are too hard on yourself. I love you. I didn’t know you’d be it for me but the moment you let me into your world I knew I’d love nothing more than to forever be with you. I love you, Eddie. I do. But you don’t get to decide what’s good for me and what’s not. You’re it for me.”
“But-“ you shake your head. If only you could take away his insecurities of being good enough you’d do it in a heartbeat. You wish so desperately he could see the good that you see in him. You wish you could take away any negative thoughts he has about himself. Just like he wishes you were nicer to yourself. How he wishes you’d never get into your head with negative thoughts. The two of you tended to be so wrapped up in trying to help each other you both forgot to take care of yourselves in the process.
“No buts. You love me. I love you. We love each other. We fight. We make up. We take care of each other. But it needs to start with us first, Eddie.”
He leans forward and captures your lips. You keep your hands on his face while his hands hold onto the sides of your neck. There’s nothing sexual behind the kiss. Just two people desperate to tell each other how much they love one another.
He isn’t the one to pull back. He never wants to be the one to pull back ever again, emotionally and physically. You lean your forehead against his both of you masking each other in.
“Don’t ever doubt us, again.”
He nods letting go of your neck to get ahold of your fingers. Both of your pinkies lock around each other and he kisses your knuckle. “I promise I won’t ever doubt us again.” You repeat his actions, the pinky promise bond ensuring your word to each other.
Eddie helps you stand up and you pick up the walkie talkie. You give him one last kisses before pressing the button. “Time to tell our love child mommy and daddy are back together.” Eddie laughs at your comment taking your hand in his. It only takes a few moments and the door is open revealing a shy faced Robin. You give her a thumbs up telling her all is well. She squeals with excitement. You feel Eddie pull you into him. Eddie and you make your way up to the front with her trailing right behind to lock up the store. Dustin can be heard celebrating with Steve outside who tells him to get in the car so he can take him home.
Both of you are just reaching the front store doors when Eddie’s curiosity gets the best of him.
“Wait,” you stop and look at him giving your full attention .
He eyes you suspiciously. “Whose mommy and whose daddy?”
You can only laugh when you hear Robin give a fake gag hearing the innuendo in his tone. You lean forward placing a sweet peak on his lips. He pulls back as you throw him a wink. “We have three weeks to make up for. Let’s go back to your place and find out.”
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putawayurhalo · 3 years ago
Out For Blood | Chapter 9: Pitch Black
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Pairing: Steve Harrington x Fem!Munson!Reader ; Eddie Munson x Fem!Henderson!O.C.
Warnings: Strong language, season 4 vol. 1 (NONE FOR VOL. 2 YET) spoilers, angst, some fluff you don’t have to squint for this one though
Word Count: 2k
Author’s Note: So... I’m really excited to write the next chapter but we gotta get through some other details before hand so enjoy! Also reminder I really don’t hate Nancy just need some tension for plot sake besties. P.S. I try to edit these chapters but my brain truly will add words in when they’re not there so don’t mind the slight mistakes here or there, I’m sick of them as well though.
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“Do you want to talk about it?” Steve asked her as he pulled into the school parking lot.
“What is there to talk about?” She asked him as he parked the car.
“What Ms. Kelley said back there?” He turned around to look at her. (Y/N) sighed, before looking at both Dustin and Max.
“Can we talk about this later?” (Y/N) looked at him, a slight frown on her face and a pleading look in her eyes.
“Yeah.” He shook his head slightly, “Yeah, sure.”
The group got out of the car and started running toward the school; the older duo opened the doors for the younger duo before running after them. (Y/N) tripped over her own foot and started to fall forward, Steve reached forward and caught her by her waist, “You okay?”
“Yeah…” She was trying to catch her breath and looked up at Steve, “Thank you.” Steve helped her stand up straight but still kept his hands on her waist.
“Come on lovebirds, we don’t have all night!” Max shouted at them, Steve hands dropped from her waist and they caught up to the kids.
“Dustin do you copy?” Robin’s voice came through the walkie talkie.
“Yeah, I copy.” Dustin replied.
“So, Nancy's a beautiful, gorgeous genius,” (Y/N) scrunched up her nose at Robin’s description, Max nudged her as they continued walking, “Vecna’s first victims date back all the way to 1959, her shot in the dark was a bull’s-eye.”
“What shot in the dark?” (Y/N) asked them but no one responded.
“Okay that’s totally bonkers, but I can’t really talk right now.” Dustin shouted.
“Wait, what are you doing?” Robin questioned him.
“Breaking and entering into school to retrieve confidential and extremely personal files.” Max bent down to unlock the door, Steve shining the flashlight on the doorknob for her.
“Can you repeat that?”
“Just get your ass over here stat! We’ll explain everything.” Dustin shouted again before placing the walkie back in his bag.
“What was the shot in the dark?” (Y/N) asked Steve as she watched Max unlock the door.
“While you were in the trailer, getting your stuff, Nancy was telling us something that your uncle said to her.” Steve started.
“She talked to Wayne? Why?” She furrowed her eyebrows.
“She was interviewing him about Chrissy’s death and he brought up how he doesn’t think Eddie did it.”
“Because he didn’t.” She interrupted Steve, looking over at him, “Sorry, continue.”
“He said he thought Victor Creel did it, went into a whole spiel about it… The way she described it, it reminded me of how you can ramble for hours about those little Teddy Bears from Star Wars.” Steve chuckled as he spoke.
“Ewoks, Steve. They’re called Ewoks and besides Wickett is the be-”
“Okay you two enough!” Max tells them, as she gets the door unlocked. The duo looked away from each other and followed the kids into the room.
“It’s like a mini-watergate or something… Hawkinsgate.” Dustin shined his flashlight around the room.
“Didn’t those guys get caught?” Steve asked him. (Y/N) rolled her eyes and walked over to the file cabinet where Max stood.
“Holy shit.” Max spoke as she pulled out two files.
“You found it?” Steve asked Max.
“Yeah, and not just Chrissy’s file. Fred was seeing Ms. Kelley too.” Max spoke as she passed Fred’s file to Steve and sat down with Chrissy’s in front of her. She opened the file and began reading it, past trauma, terrible nightmares, difficulty sleeping, headaches. “Can I see Fred’s file?” She spoke, eyes still trailing over the words in Chrissy’s.
“Sure.” Steve passed her the file, Max immediately opened it, suffering from panic attacks, severe headaches, constant nosebleeds. She gasped slightly as she read it.
“Max, what is it?” (Y/N) asked her. Max looked down at the file, seemingly not moving.
“Max! Max!” Dustin shook her shoulders. (Y/N) looked down at the files.
“Max, come on.” Dustin continued to shake his friend, (Y/N) nudged Steve nodding towards the files. He began to read it, he looked up at (Y/N) again opening his mouth to ask her a question but she was distracted.
“Max?” (Y/N) asked and gently touched her shoulder, Max let out a startled gasp. “Max are you okay?”
“We’re here! We’re here!” Robin shouted as she and Nancy ran into the room, “What happened?”
Max ran out of the room and the group followed her
“It was here, right here.” Max shined the flashlight at the wall, “There was a grandfather clock right here.”
“A grandfather clock?” Nancy asked her.
“It was so real and then I got closer, suddenly I just… I heard (Y/N) say my name and I woke up.”
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“It was like she was in a trance or something exactly what Eddie said happened to Chrissy.” Dustin spoke to Nancy and Robin as (Y/N) comforted Max, Steve had been watching (Y/N) closely since he read the files, he wasn’t sure if she had noticed that the symptoms had also lined up with her. 
“That’s not even the bad part…” Max spoke, catching the attention of everyone in the room.
“Fred and Chrissy, they both came to Miss Kelley for help. Uh, they both were having headaches, bad headaches that wouldn’t go away. And then… then the nightmares, trouble sleeping, they’d wake up in a cold sweat and then they started seeing things… bad things from their past and these visions they just… they kept on getting worse and worse until eventually everything ended.” Max’s eyes kept darting around the room as she spoke. 
“Vecna’s curse.” Robin whispered.
“Chrissy’s headache started a week ago, Fred’s, six days ago, I’ve been having them for five days.” (Y/N)’s eyes widened as Max spoke, “I don’t know how long I have, all I know is that, for Fred and Chrissy, they both died less than 24 hours after their first vision and I just saw that goddamn clock, so… looks like I’m gonna die tomorrow.” (Y/N) lightly touched Max’s arm before they all heard a distant clank. 
“Stay here.” Steve told them as he started to walk out of the room, he paused for a minute and grabbed a lamp from the corner, “I mean it. Stay here.” He was speaking to everyone but he looked directly at (Y/N). More clanks and footsteps were heard as Steve walked around the room, the entire group not listening to a word Steve had said as they followed him out, Max clung to (Y/N)’s side as the two stood behind everyone else, Steve held the lamp like a bat as the footsteps got closer, the person making the noise rounding the corner and they all screamed.
“It’s me!” The person shouted, holding their hands up.
“Lucas?” (Y/N) asked, stepping forward slightly.
“It’s me.” He replied out of breath.
“Jesus, what’s wrong with you, Sinclair?” Steve questioned him, setting the lamp down.
“I’m sorry.” Lucas was trying to catch his breath.
“I could’ve taken you out with this lamp!”
“Sorry, guys. Sorry. I was… I was biking for eight miles. Give me a second. Shit. We’ve got a code red.” 
“What?” Dustin asked him.
“Dustin. I’ve been with Jason, Patrick, and Andy, and they’ve gone totally off the rails. They’re trying to capture Eddie, and they think you know where he is. You’re in terrible danger.” Lucas told him before turning towards (Y/N), “You too, (Y/N)... you don’t want to know the things they said about you.” 
(Y/N) grumbled under her breath as Lucas spoke, only Max hearing her words.
“All right. Yeah, that definitely sucks, but we’ve got bigger problems than Jason right now.” Dustin pointed towards Max who only looked at Lucas scared.
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“I’ll be right there.” Steve tells the group as they walk out of the office. 
“Okay, so we’re going to the Wheelers’ right?” Lucas asked.
“Yes, it’s safer there than being here in case Jason and his goons followed you here and tried to attack Dustin.” (Y/N) replied.
“But what about you (Y/N)? Are you not afraid they’re after you?” Robin asked her as she looked over her shoulder, walking side by side with Nancy. 
“I can hold my own, Robin.” (Y/N) lied through her teeth, “Besides, you really think these kids would let anything happen to me.” She nodded towards Max who walked next to her and then towards Dustin and Lucas.
“No, I know they won’t… but are they the only ones?” Robin asked her a smirk that the girl couldn’t see on her face.
“Aren’t the only ones who won’t what?” Steve asked as he caught up with them sliding a folded piece of paper into his back pocket.
“Oh, nothing.” (Y/N) smiled at Steve before continuing to walk with Max out of the school.
“Hey, (Y/N/N),” Max grabbed her arm as they all exited the school, “Dustin, Lucas and I are going to ride with Nancy, is that okay?”
“Yeah, why wouldn’t it be okay?” She asked Max as she watched Dustin and Lucas walk towards Nancy’s car. Max looked at her and then at Steve, then back at her. She sighed, “I’ll be fine. I promise.” 
“Okay.” Max turned to walk away before she turned back around, “Hey, um, you would tell one of us if you started to have visions right? Because a lot of the symptoms Chrissy and Fred had… I have them and I’m pretty sure you have them too.”
“Max… I haven’t had any but if I do, you’d be the first person I’d tell. Scout’s honor.” 
“You were never a girl scout.” Max replied as she started walking towards Nancy’s car.
“You don’t know that.” (Y/N) told her because she laughed and walked towards Steve’s car.
“What was that about?” Steve asked her as she got into his car.
“With Max?” Steve nodded, “She’s just scared and I might be the closest person in her life as of recently.” (Y/N) responded as she buckled up, “Can we put on that mixtape?”
“Of course.” Steve smiled at her as she pulled it out of her bag and passed it to him. The two sat bobbing their heads to the music for a few minutes before Steve opened his mouth, “Do you want to talk about what Ms. Kelley said to you? You seemed upset when you got in the car earlier.” 
(Y/N) sighed and looked at him, “I had to get Max out of there, I told her that if Ms. Kelley asked anything that made her uncomfortable to tap her foot three times… she asked about Billy. So I did what I had to do to get her out of there.” She started fiddling with the skin around her finger nails, Steve took notice and reached his arm across the center console grabbing her hand and holding it, rubbing his thumb over her knuckles, “I fell into one of her traps of talking about my trauma when I really don’t want to.”
Steve thought for a second before trying to distract her, “You know, when you guys came into Family Video a selfish part of me wanted to not believe you when you guys said Eddie hadn’t done it,” Steve looked at her as she frowned at his words, “I wanted to keep protecting you from feeling the way I do every year or so when this shit happens again. It’s like… rock bottom’s grinning at us as it’s creeping up and it makes me wish I was dead again.”
“Figure of speech or whatever you call it. Anyways, when Eddie told us what happened with Chrissy all I could think was ‘oh my God it’s all happening again’. I made myself a promise that I wouldn’t go back, not after last year, not after having to lie to you about what happened with Roxanne, but here I am and I’m being pulled right back in and it stops at nothing to completely crush me.” Steve looked back at the road, avoiding eye contact with her.
“Steve… listen, if you had told me last July I probably wouldn’t have believed you anyways, but now��� now I sit here and yes it all seems impossible and out of reach like one of those shitty sci-fi movies Jenny would force us to watch during movie night, and if I’m honest this all feels like it was never meant for me to find out about… I’m not mad at you for not telling me about it, not anymore at least.” (Y/N) spoke as she turned her hand over to hold Steve’s. 
Steve parked his car in front of the Wheeler house, Nancy, Robin and the kids still in Nancy’s car. “Steve, it’s nice to feel like you’re still my closest friend, even if about twenty four hours ago we were past the point to make amends. If you ask me, rock bottom came and went for us plus hey, at least I have someone to help me navigate through the pitch black.” She smiled at him as she let go of his hand and unbuckled her seat belt, “Last one in owes the other breakfast in the morning.” She jumped out of the car. 
Steve smiled as he watched her sprint towards the door almost knocking Dustin over and tripping over her own two feet, “I’m good!” She shouted from the ground, sticking her arm up in the air, holding her thumb up as the kids walked toward her and helped her up. Steve’s smile flattened as he pulled the paper out from his pocket, unfolding it.
‘Constant nosebleeds, nightmares almost every night, lack of sleep, severe headaches’ He read over the words over and over again. Oh my God, it’s all happening again, a knock on his window startled him.
“You coming Harrington?” Robin asked him, before looking at the paper he was holding in his hand, her eyes widening. 
But now my mistakes are paying dividends.
Tags still open: @preciousbabypeter​ @honeymunson​ @willgrahampills​ @secretsicanthideanymore​ @tanyaherondale​ @lettyshush​ @kayt-marie​ @live-the-fangirl-life​ @burn1ngw00d​ @alainabooks143​ @kamala-khann​ @dessmxsworld​
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parkers-gal · 4 years ago
Hi. I was wondering if u could do a Tom x reader story where y/n will randomly show up on set of avengers with a bouquet of flowers and give them to Tom and the rest of the crew members are going on about how cute that is. I don’t know if u are still taking requests but if u are I would love to see this. Or where the reader will just randomly show up with cute little gifts for Tom and everyone thinks it’s super cute ?
hiii hope u like this :):
wc: 1.4k <3
something sweet
The fresh scent of flowers wafts through your nose and brings a soft smile to your face. You’re outside the building that houses Tom, a small card and a bouquet of flowers in your hands. You’re merely dropping off a small message to Tom whilst he’s on set, just to let him know that you’re thinking of him.
You’ve been going out for about a month and a half, nothing exclusive and nothing labeled, but he’s the only person you’re going on dates with, and you’re the only person he’s going on dates with. It’s pretty exclusive, to be real.
And, it’s the second time this week you’re dropping a gift off at set for him. On Monday it was his favorite chocolate bar and a cute Spider-man pen, and today it’s a card and flowers. You’ve been dropping things off for about three weeks now. Even the security guards recognize you now.
Strolling up to the entrance of the building labeled “SET THREE,” you smile at the security man you’re approaching.
“Hi, Oliver.”
“Hey, Y/N. Here to see Tom?”
“Yep,” you smile and rock back and forth on your toes.
Oliver nods, says something into his walkie-talkie, and hands you a temporary pass to grant you clearance. “Tell the folks I said ‘hello.’”
You smile at the discreet mention of Tom and nod shyly. The electronic lock lights up green and the door unlocks. You swing it open, dress flowing while you walk through the familiar corridors. You pass Rachel on your way, and you give her a quick hug before continuing your journey.
By some chance of luck, you happen to reach set just as the director calls for a five minute break. Tom is pleasantly surprised to find you by his personal table set up in a corner of the room.
“Oh, hi,” you smile.
“Hey, darling. What’re you doing?” his hand goes to the small of your back, and he finally gets a glance at what you’re setting up on the table. A smile creeps up onto his face as he sees the fresh flowers resting on the table, and your handmade card standing upright. “Awh,” he looks at you with doe eyes. “Another gift?”
You shrug bashfully, and Tom pulls you closer so he can kiss your temple.
“You’re so sweet.”
You scrunch your nose up. “Maybe.” He giggles and you do too. “Just wanted to say hello before my lunch break ends.” Tom nods.
“‘M glad I got to see you.”
You mirror his smile. Unbeknownst to both of you, the lighting crew is discussing how cute the two of you are, and how ridiculously sweet you are. They’ve kept mental records of the gifts you’ve given Tom. Even if it’s just his favorite tea order and some banana bread, they all find it romantic. Even the directors find it adorable. It seems as if the entire crew thinks your relationship with Tom is the epitome of romance.
“Okay, well I should be heading out.”
“Okay,” Tom smiles. “Drive safe, okay?”
You hum and nod, and Tom gives your temple one last kiss before he’s waving you out.
And then, you repeat the same thing two days later, on Friday. You’d gotten off work early, thanks to your boss, so you decide to be extra special today and pick up a fresh batch of cookies from your favorite bakery downtown, perhaps maybe the entire crew could use a little snack. You manage to get Tom a coffee order and a small fidgeting toy to distract himself.
You find Oliver outside the entrance as always, and he’s delighted to see you again.
“Back again, Y/N?”
“You know it,” you smile before your eyes light up. “Oh! Can I offer you a cookie?” You open the package and hold out the assortment. Oliver’s face lights up and, with a grateful smile, he takes one and a napkin.
“Thanks, Y/N,” he smiles as if you’ve been longtime friends, and the feeling makes you warm in happiness. “Here’s your pass. Tell the crew I’ve said ‘hello.’’ You nod again and you walk through the door that Oliver has so nicely opened for you. Strolling through those same corridors, you don’t pass many people, which is only peculiar on the days that aren’t busy. So, as you reach the end of the hallway where the set door is, you find the red light above the door blinking rapidly, telling you that they’re in the middle of an important scene. You wait only over a minute before the light dies out and you open the door.
Rachel is the first person you see, and she smiles at you tiredly. You’re guessing it’s been a long, slow day. Arriving at the food table, you notice how bare it is, also assuming that the snacks have run low as the day had gone on.
You smile when you see a new vase set up as if someone was expecting new flowers to come in. You pluck one from a vase on the far end of the table, place it in the vase, and set up the freshly baked cookies. You lay out the napkins with a smile, and Rachel comes over to you just as you’re finishing up.
“Hey, Y/N. Tom’s been pretty busy today.”
“Oh! That’s okay,” you grin. “These are for everyone.”
“Aw,” she glances down at the delicious-looking desserts. “Then count me in. May I?”
You step aside so you’re not blocking the platter. “Be my guest.”
As you step aside, your foot hits a chug of unopened lemonade, and you find the dispenser empty. Connecting the dots, you reach for the lemonade, and with minimal assistance from Rachel, you refill the lemonade dispenser.
You’ve been onset for about ten minutes now, and over fifteen people have already plucked their cookies. Still, no sign of Tom.
“No work today?”
“Got off early,” you tell her. She nods.
“How jealous I am.”
You chuckle and rub your arms. “Seems pretty harsh down here.”
“Eh,” she shrugs. “Just slow.”
Just then, the scene ends and Tom is striding towards the food table.
“Thank god the lemonade is ref- Y/N!” He practically runs over. “What’re you doing here?” Both of his hands grab yours.
It’s occurred to you that you’re standing in front of the platter of cookies, so you once again move to the side so Tom can see them. “Just dropping something off.”
“You’re so sweet,” he pouts. “You didn’t have to get that for everyone.”
“Eh,” you laugh, “looks like you all could use something sweet.”
“I can’t tell if you’re talking about the cookies or yourself,” he nuzzles your nose.
“Yo, are those cookies?” Matthew from soundcheck interrupts.
“Yup,” Tom smiles proudly. “Y/N brought them in.”
“That’s dope. Can I have one?” He looks at you, and you nod with a laugh.
“Of course.”
“That’s so nice,” he waves at the two of you. “Off to work again.”
“Have I mentioned how much I love having you on set?” Tom grips your hands a little tighter. You smile at the boy.
“No, you have not.”
“Well, I think everyone agrees with me when I say you’re a great person to have around.”
“Is that so, Holland?” You tease. He rolls his eyes.
“Yeah, yeah. Just sayin’ thank you.”
“I know,” you pull him in so you can hug him.
“Thank you,” he says softly.
“Maybe this means you can finally ask her to be your girlfriend,” Rachel cuts in.
Tom’s mouth drops open in unamusement and you laugh at him. Rachel shrugs sheepishly, knowing she isn’t wrong.
“Now, now,” you usher her, “He’s still flowering. Let him go on his own pace.”
The two of you burst out into laughter and Tom scoffs at the fact that you’re ganging up on him.
“Whatever,” he says, pulling you in so he can kiss your forehead. “I’ll see you tonight, girlfriend?”
Your grin widens. “Okay… boyfriend.”
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the-broken-truth · 4 years ago
Oh I love your pregnancy hc's with Lady Dimitrescu, and was wondering if you could do something like that for Donna? As long as it's no trouble, thank you! <3
Broken Truth: A Pregnancy Headcanon for Donna? Okay - this will be more dramatic since Miranda is Donna's Adoptive Mother. Let the words weave together.
[How They Found Out]
When Donna didn't come downstairs for her morning tea and breakfast, [Y/N] knew there was something wrong with his wife.
This was the third day in a row Donna didn't come down at her regular time and [Y/N] followed his rule of 3: When something doesn't right 3 days in a row, it's time to counsel a professional.
The Lord of Beneviento Manor went down to the village and requested the services of a Female Doctor - there was no way in hell he was going to let some stupid-man thing run his filthy fingers on his wife's delicate skin.
He was actually the only male who admitted that men can be the stupidest creatures on Earth - that's why Alcina loves him as her brother-in-law. Her words: "Finally, A Man-Thing that sees his kinds are morons! You are now my favorite brother-in-law!"
When he returned with the doctor, he gave him some space and waited outside the room until they were done speaking before being called back in the room.
When he asked what was wrong with his wife - it was revealed that she was sharing her body with another organism other than the Cadou.
Donna was pregnant!
The Lord of Beneviento began to hop around with a large smile on his face, expressing his happiness of being a father.
Donna was surprised at his reaction - she was certain that he was going to tell her to get rid of it but it was clear he was looking forward to the baby just as she was.
Angie was happy as well - she was going to be a big sister!
[When They Informed The Others]
When the next Lords' Meeting rolled around, Donna walked with her arm laced in her husband's as he helped her get to her seat with Angie on his shoulder.
When it was time for House Beneviento to tell them any important news - The Married Lord cleared his throat and smiled as he held his nervous wife's hand.
"We have nothing to report in regards to the Cadou or Tests but there is some incredible news we could like to share. House Beneviento is expecting an heir - Donna is pregnant." The man smiled.
There was a brief moment of silence before [Y/N] was yanked off his feet when Lady Dimitrescu grabbed the collar of his shirt and began to shake him like a ragdoll with one hand while her claws were out in the other.
"No! I would never force myself on the woman I love, Alcina! Please forgive me but I love her and we both wanted the baby!" He said through the dizziness.
"Alright." She dropped him, "Make one wrong move and I will skin you alive." She warned him, "Oh, and congratulations."
"Well, that's unexpected!" Karl said as he looked at Donna and her husband as he picked himself off the ground, "Congratz, both of you."
"I'm happy to hear that, Donna!" Sal said with as big as a smile he could make.
Donna opened her mouth to speak when the Golden Mask of her Adoptive Mother was in her direct line of sight and she went silent as everyone else did.
"You are with child?" She asked.
"Y...Yes, Mother Miranda." Donna squeaked.
"When did you find out? How far along are you?" She questioned.
"I'm a month along now..." Donna asked.
"A Month?!" Miranda yelled causing the Dollmaker to flinch, "You became pregnant a month ago and failed to inform me the moment you found out?! What kind of daughter fails to tell her mother something is important?!" Miranda yelled at Donna.
"That's enough, Miranda." The man said as he stood between the two of them and glared into the woman's blue eyes with his own.
"Get out of my way, Mortal. This is between me and my daughter." Miranda hissed at him.
"Your daughter is my wife, Mother-In-Law; I shall do whatever I have to do to make sure she is alright." He said before exhaling, "She didn't tell you because she was unsure of your response so I asked her to wait until the next Lord Meeting to tell everyone." [Y/N] turned to Donna and helped her up as Angie jumped on his shoulder & the three of them took their leave.
[As The Months Passed]
The bigger Donna's belly got - the more protective [Y/N] got over his wife.
It got so bad that he purchased walkie-talkies for Donna so that she could call him whenever she needed something and he would bring it to her without question.
He would bring her tea or treat, sometimes even rub her feet when she complained her feet were aching. He would do it all for his wife with a smile on his face.
He would cook whatever she asked - no matter how strange it was.
It was only a matter of time until the other 3 Lords started coming around with gifts for the new heir.
Karl made a new crib with the crest of House Beneviento engraved on the headboard.
Salvatore made a carousel out of the seashell he found in his domain.
Alcina came with stuffed bears in the shape of dragons - most likely, she got them from the Duke.
Then...There was Mother Miranda.
She would come at least 3 days out of a week and question the two of them about the pregnancy, making sure Donna ate enough food, drunk enough water.
Her reason: "I need to make sure my baby is brought into his world healthy."
[Y/N] really hated it when she said 'her baby' as if she was the one going through the hell of carrying a baby in her stomach for nine months.
But - even the strongest pipe has a limit until it bursts.
One day - [Y/N] was cleaning the table while Donna was taking a shower before bed. He had just finished sweeping the floor when there was a knock at the door.
'Who could be here at this hour?' he asked himself.
He opened the door and his eyes almost narrowed when he saw it was Miranda on the other side of the door.
"Mother-In-Law, what are you doing here at this hour?" He asked.
"I need to speak with Donna. Where is she?" Miranda asked as she pushed the man aside to get inside the house.
"Donna is taking a shower - she said she was tired and wanted to get some sleep." He explained as he closed the door.
"A shower this early?" Miranda questioned, "Is the water too hot? Is she using organic body soap?"
"What does it matter how Donna takes her showers?" He asked.
"Because I don't want my baby exposed to..."She was cut off.
"For the love of Blood Diamonds! That is NOT YOUR BABY!" The father snapped, "That baby belongs to Donna and I! We are the ones who made that baby, not you! But you keep coming around talking about 'my baby' this & 'my baby' that when you don't have a baby!" He yelled at her with blazing [E/C] eyes.
The Village Leader just stood there - frozen.
"Get this through your head right now - This is Donna's Baby. This is my baby. This is not your child nor is it your next experiment. Now, leave." He growled at her.
The village leader blinked at him before walking out of the door.
She didn't return.
[During The Birth]
"Let me through!" Miranda yelled as she tried to get past [Y/N] - who blocked the way into the room where Donna was giving birth.
The moment Donna's water broke - [Y/N] called Alcina who happened to have a maid who was also a midwife.
Mirada also knew how to deliver a baby but [Y/N] didn't trust her around Donna, let alone their baby.
The 2 Male Lords got there just in time to see the Lord of House Beneviento push Miranda away from the door just as the sound of a baby's wails filled the air but...it sounds duplicated.
The door opened and Alcina smiled at the new father.
"You have twins, Brother - A Healthy Boy & Girl." She smiled as she let the father into the room and watched as the midwife cleaned the blood from his children's bodies while he checked on his wife - she was tired but alright.
Soon, the babies were brought to the parents - Donna took her daughter into her arms while [Y/N] took his son into his own. The parents smiled at the babies until the question was asked.
"What shall you name them?" Karl asked as he removed his glasses to get a better look at the children.
"Our daughter shall be named Stella Beneviento - My Little Star." Donna said as she cuddled with her daughter
"And our son shall be named Dante Beneviento - My Everlasting Prince." [Y/N] said as he smiled down at his sleeping son.
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hopeless-ro-simptic · 4 years ago
Familiar Cerulean Eyes- Part 7
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Click here for other parts! Part 8 is up. 
Warnings: Mention of attempted rape, some fighting and the aftermath. This whole part is Dabi’s point of view of the last chapter and then also the direct aftermath. Also Shoto finds out Dabi has Y/N. 
Word Count: 2.7 K 
TAGLIST: @skzero-99​ @superblyspeedydragon​ @jparra4587​ @flyingowls​ @emrysaaryn​ @imuziawi​ @sheedaabee​ @peculiarinsomniac​ @littlelovebug98​ @plutoneu​ @giftofwonder​ @kitty-kat-ash​ @fukyouthink​ @anarchys-bnha-mess​ @threbony​ @orenjineki​ @toobsessedsstuff​ @bamf-barnes​ @x-a-delama-x​ @inanabsentia​ @reallyshey​ @godsblesstheboi​ @operatorsdime @drownedbytears​ @emilymikado​ @fluidfandoms​ @gotagan @mikasackrmann​
The last thing that Dabi wanted to deal with right now was this stupid mission, but he knew that the faster he got this done, the faster he could get back to you. Not to mention it was important, at least according to Shigaraki.
Dabi had finished everything but his last task, the one that he needed Kurogiri for. After staking out this hideout for two days, they finally were ready to move in and get the supplies and get rid of the annoying competition. It was a smaller faction of villains, if you could even call them that. Low level thugs really. Shigaraki had given Dabi the orders of disposing of anyone who didn’t want to join the cause and to take the supplies they had been looting. It was a simple mission. The only problem was that this particular location wasn’t exactly hidden in the ghetto’s of Japan. This group had set up shop using a soba shop as a cover. A restaurant that was a little too out in the open for Dabi’s liking.
It was late, almost closing time, no one was out in the street except one or two stragglers leaving work for the night. Kurogiri had stayed with Dabi, ready to move in, for the last hour and a half. Both of them watching from the shadows to make sure the coast was clear. With a swift nod from Dabi, they both moved in.
It had taken only a couple minutes, Kurogiri warping the supplies out first, allowing for Dabi to wreck havoc on the members of the opposing group with his fire, Kurogiri returning quickly to help finish everyone off.
They only had one person left, a sobbing mess of an omega who was desperately begging for his life, chirping wildly.
“Can’t we just kill him? He’s making so much noise.” Dabi was over this. He just wanted to get out of here.
“No Dabi,” Kurogiri sighed, exasperated by the annoyed alpha. All he had done was complain the entire time. Kurogiri wanted this mission done with as soon as possible so that the hormonal alpha could just go back to his omega and calm down. “They could have information as to where the rest of the group is hiding, this wasn’t everyone judging by your reports.”
“Fine, then let’s get them out of here before every alpha in a five mile radius shows up to save the day.” Dabi rolled his eyes, turning to Kurogiri only to be shoved out of the way just in time to avoid being trapped in ice, a grumpy looking half and half brat glaring at the trio from 30 ft away.
“Hero’s are on the way, I would suggest giving u-“ The two toned eyes went wide, sniffing the air a growl releasing from his throat. “Why do you smell like her..”
Dabi could feel a smirk forming on his face. Hero’s were on the way huh? He better make this quick.  
“Kurogiri, get the omega out of here. I’ve got this one.”
“As you wish.”
Once the two alpha’s were alone, they started to circle each other. Dabi had wondered how long it would take for your precious little alpha to finally show up. He was shocked it had taken the brat this long to track him down.
“Where’s daddy at little kid? I don’t think you should be out this late on a school night”
Ice narrowly grazed dabi’s cheek, he was faster than the little twirp, he had more experience, it didn’t change the fact that the youngest Todoroki had a stronger quirk.
But Dabi’s fire burned hotter, and he knew just how to get under his littlest brother’s skin.
“You know, for the son of such a strong and prominent alpha, you really don’t know how to protect what’s yours.”
Ice shot forward on Dabi’s other side, caging him in place, slicing his leg open, a thin line of blood seeping out. Dabi barely felt it.
“Come on baby Todoroki, you didn’t think you could just leave such a pretty omega to fend for herself and no one would snatch her up, did you? You barely even scented her, Did you even want her?”
“Shut up!” The younger alpha growled, steam coming off of his body as he fought to keep the fiery temper at bay. He needed to trap the villain. To get him to talk. To get him to tell him where you were. He felt like such an idiot, thinking you had run off on your own, finally escaping his horrible father. He had hoped you had used to market as a distraction, running off to start a new life somewhere where no one knew you belonged to the Todoroki family, where you could finally make your own decisions. Instead he had let his guard down, and you had been caught by the league of villains of all people. He couldn’t even imagine how awful they had been treating you this entire time. He wasn’t even sure you were alive. He couldn’t think about that right now, couldn’t let himself consider that option.
“Where is she!”
“Probably warming my bed, waiting for me to come home and show her what a real alpha is like.”
Shoto unleased the flames, melting the ice around him as he lashed out at Dabi, a snarl ripping through his throat. Dabi easily dogged, taunting him as his own flames manifested as well, easily over taking Shoto’s as he fought his way closer to the younger alpha.
They finally were right on top of each other, both of the alpha’s throwing their fists into the other, using their quirks to their advantage. Shoto wasn’t used to this close of range of fighting, not the way that Dabi was. Still he managed to hit Dabi in his jaw, using ice to harden his fist. The impact split apart the skin on Dabi’s lip, bruising his already purple toned skin immediately. Dabi had a feeling he was going to look rough after this. Still he pressed on, gripping the young Todoroki in a headlock, briefly reminiscing on a time where he had done this exact move on the younger boy in a playfight as kids. Shoto attempted to use his right side to freeze Dabi in place, but Dabi’s fire was burning too hot and it was all Shoto could do to regulate his own temperature as not to get burned. The ice was just melting too quickly.
Dabi pressed a little harder on the younger male’s throat, just wanting to cut off his air supply enough that he would black out. He didn’t want to kill his little brother, but he couldn’t just walk away either. His alpha was antagonizing him, enticing him to show the other alpha just who was stronger.
“She’s mine now, little Shoto.”
Kurogiri warped back in front of the two alpha’s, ready to warp Dabi out of there.
Shoto’s vision was just starting to go dark when the sound of a radio chirped, screaming sobs slicing through the air, hushing everyone. You sounded completely and utterly terrified. Broken. Shoto expected you to be calling out for him, to beg him to come and save you, but his name wasn’t the one you were calling out for.
Dabi dropped Shoto faster than he had ever moved in his life, lunging for Kurogiri, grabbing him by the shirt snarling in his face.
“Take me to her, NOW.”
Shoto barely got a breath into his lungs, forcing himself to his feet, running at full speed towards the warp desperately trying to get to you. He was too slow, the two villains disappearing into the night like they were never there. Leaving Shoto bruised and a little bit charred, a broken howl leaving his lips.
He was going to find you, and he was going to save you. Like the hero you deserved.
Dabi was warped into the room to find you caged down underneath Compress, his dick out, ready to push into you, his alpha’s fangs pressing just above your empty bond mark ready to bite down. Compress didn’t even have time to react, Dabi immediately setting the entire room up in bright blue flames, the most vicious of snarls leaving his lips as he gripped him by the shirt yanking him off of you and shoving him against the wall.
Compress was screaming, the fire licking against his skin, as Dabi held him by the throat, squeezing the life out of him, slamming his head repeatedly against the wall. Kurogiri stepped in as quickly as he could, barely separating the alpha’s causing Dabi to lunge at him as well, only for Kurogiri to warp himself and Compress out of the room.
It took Dabi several tries to get the fire to go out, the adrenaline in his veins forcing his alpha on edge making him loose control of his quirk. One look at your battered and half naked form, zooned out like you were on drugs had him loosing it all over again as he let out a string of curses. It was only when he saw the edge of the fur blanket that was peeking out from where you had drug it under your form while searching for the walkie-talkie was on fire did he finally get a control on his temper, smothering the fire. He’d have to get you a new blanket. Hell he would have to get you a whole mansion filled with blankets to even come close to making this up to you, and he would, he would do anything.
He dropped down to your side, petting your hair back from your face his hand shaking, watching as tears streamed down your blank expression. Your hair was matted with blood, and it seemed like the wound wasn’t stopping. He needed to get you medical attention. He knew in cases like this he needed to keep you awake. You probably had a concussion.
He lifted you in his arms slowly, careful to keep from jolting you too much as he spoke down to you, desperately wishing for a response.
“Y/N? Can you hear me? Come on baby talk to me.”
You were still breathing, though it was shallow. It took a couple seconds but you eyes fluttered and you looked at him, the most dazzed expression on your face, your voice barely a whisper.
“Touya? … I had the weirdest dream..”
“Y/N hang on, stay awake for me princess, it’s okay, you’re okay.” He brushed away the tears on your face, glaring up at the camera shouting for Kurogiri to get his ass in here before turning back to you.
“You had died…. And I got kidnapped…. And then…” You’re voice broke, and your eyes fluttered shut again. He had to keep you awake.
“Touya it was a nightmare.”
“No, no no no, Don’t go to sleep yet, princess come on wake up.” He wasn’t sure if you could hear him anymore.
You let out the smallest of whimper’s. He knew you were in pain, he couldn’t do anything about it right now though. He didn’t have the key to get out of this room. If Kurogiri didn’t hurry the fuck up he was going to kill him.
“Touya...please don’t leave me.”
“Never, princess, never again. I promise. Please just stay awake a little longer. Please.”
Finally, Kurogiri warped back into the room whisking the two off you out of there and straight to Dabi’s room at the compound, your slack body being carefully lowered onto the bed, covering your half naked body with the remainder of the singed fur blanket. The two males immediately getting to work on wrapping your head and treating your wounds with the medical supplies they had. Dabi knew it would probably be best if you went to a hospital, but there wasn’t any way to get you over to one.
He pulled his phone out, sending a quick text to the only healer he knew that might work with them. They weren’t reliable, and often charged ridiculous prices, but he didn’t care. They were the best chance he had right now.
You had grown unresponsive and he was stressed out. The alpha inside half begging him to fix the situation, half demanding he go find Compress and finish the job. Still he stayed by your side, watching your even breathing, checking every couple minutes to make sure your pulse was still strong.
After about ten minutes his phone went off, the healer advising of her location so Kurogiri could warp her here. As soon as she arrived the hot headed omega let out a string of curses in her native tongue of russian, getting up in Dabi’s face angrily.
“How could you let your omega get hurt like this you dumb oaf.” She turned away from him, turning her attention to the passed out omega in the room. The blonde haired Russian eye’s immediately softened as she looked at the beat up omega. Her hands reaching out soothing the hair on the your head, before she carefully rolled you over, unbandaging the gash, placing her hand above it, staples shooting out and closing the wound. She quickly and expertly wrapped your head back up before moving the blanket and peeking under it, eyes turning to Dabi with rage.
“What were you doing that got her hurt?” Another string of curses left her lips and Dabi held his hands up in surrender.
“I didn’t do this, Anna! I came back and fucking Compress was trying to force her into a bond! Fucker is lucky he is alive right now!”
This placated the Russian slightly, instead of ripping Dabi’s head off she shoed him to turn around, along with Kurogiri while she pulled back the blanket, searching your body for any other issues. When she pulled your shirt up a soft gasp left her lips causing Dabi to turn and look. Your stomach was bruised purple. He had hit you with something. Dabi guessed his cane. The sight of it made Dabi’s temper rise up all over again, the room getting hot.
Finishing up the Russian turned back to Dabi after covering you again, a frown on her face as she looked at the alpha.
“She’s not bonded? I thought you said she was yours?”
Dabi looked sheepish for once, scratching his head as he looked down at you.
“Not yet…Is she going to be okay?”
“She will be fine… probably confused out of her mind when she wakes up. She might have a little bit of memory loss, but if what you say is true.. I don’t think that will be a bad thing. The staples should do their job and help speed up the healing and numb the pain.. let’s get you patched up too while I’m here.”
“Don’t worry about it, Anna. I just want help for her.”
“Well I’m not leaving until she wakes up. So sit down and shut up while I patch you.”
Dabi sighed nodding at Kurogiri that it was okay to leave the room. Sitting down on the edge of his bed carefully, stripping himself of his shirt and rolling up his pant’s leg to show off what cuts and bruises he had obtained in his earlier fight. None of them were bad enough to need the use of her quirk, but she still used her medical kit to patch him up just the same before moving on to check on the already existing staples on his body.
“She’s pretty… are you sure she’s here willingly? I don’t know what omega would want to be with you.” Dabi could hear the teasing in her voice and ignored the question. He didn’t want to explain himself to the other omega.
After she finally finished checking everything she gave him back his shirt, taking a seat across the room in one of the two chairs that Kurogiri had brought in for them, pulling out her phone and responding to a message which Dabi assumed by the smirk on her face that it was from her Alpha.
Dabi watched your sleeping form for a couple minutes, just wanting to pull you tight in his arms, but he didn’t want to hurt you on accident, so instead he just sat in the other chair, pulling it close to the bed, leaning his head down on the blanket gripping your hand lightly rubbing your knuckles between his fingers. He wouldn’t leave your side, not again, not with you like this.
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anxiousstark · 4 years ago
S4 01 | The Dark Moon
Stiles Stilinski x Reader! Half-sibling!Mccall
Word count: 3956
Warnings: Mentions of  injuries, blood, poison, death, seizures, dead bodies, swearing (always), etc.
A/N: Wow. This is the 4th Season already?! I noticed while writing this entire chapter this morning that we were starting season 4. This is crazy. Enjoy and I didn’t have time to proofread!
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I glanced around, sighing, not knowing what to expect and seeing a different scenario from the one that I was used to seeing every day. There was a lot of people in the street, wandering through street markets, trying to get the best deal.
"This doesn't seem so bad." My boyfriend rubbed his hands together.
"It's not the town, it's the plan."  Lydia rolled her eyes as I chuckled. "Stiles. This could be the stupidest plan we've ever come up with. You're aware of that, right?"
"I'm aware it's not our best." His voice lowered.
"We are going to die." The three of us started walking.
"Are you saying that as a Banshee or you're just being pessimistic?"
"I'm saying it as a person who doesn't wanna die."
"Okay." Stiles's tiny gesture made my chest pound like crazy. He had grabbed my hand, scared I would get lost as there were many people. "Would you just mind restricting any talk of death to actual Banshee predictions?"
"This plan is stupid and we're going to die," Lydia said in a cheerful tone, attempting to make the hazel-eyed boy happy.
"Oh, thank you." He smirked.
It was night when we arrived at a building. The door was being watched by two men. They both smiled at us, especially eyeing Lydia and me, which made us feel a little bit uncomfortable.
"Estamos aquí para la fiesta." I murmured to them, letting them know that we were there for the party taking place inside the building.
One of them smirked, shaking their head as if to let us know that we weren't invited to go inside. I shifted my gaze to Stiles, who was searching for something inside one of the pockets of his trousers. As soon as he found what he wanted, he lifted it. A black card. And even though it seemed like just an item without much meaning, one of the men standing in front of us stopped smiling.
Stiles noticed that there was a camera just above them, lifting the card so whoever was behind it could see the object. Automatically, the door opened and the men had nothing more to do than let us go inside.
When the door closed behind us, we sighed, worried about what we could find. There was a small corridor, walls were of an intense red that was making my headache. And it seemed like the door in front of us and the walls embracing us shook.
As Stiles opened the door, we were hit with loud music, colourful lights and the smell of alcohol and sweat. Bodies ground against each other, following the compass of the music.
Stiles clutched my hand harder as his other hand rested on Lydia's arm. He didn't want us to get lost in the crowd. We ended up in front of the bar, where three drinks were placed in front of us even though we haven't ordered anything. I furrowed my eyebrows as Stiles sought money inside his pocket.
I felt a hand gripping my shoulder, and jerking around I was met with a man. "No. On the house." He offered us an insincere smile. "Most American teenagers don't cross the border to refuse a drink."
"We didn't come to drink." Lydia clarified, dropping what seemed like a bullet with a skull on it inside the drink.
Of course, we were taken out of the party, to the insides of the building where everything was dark and where now, a woman stood before us. "Severo hates this music. Me? I've always loved the music of youth." We were sitting in front of her, while there were men all around the room, keeping an eye on us. "This kind, especially. It has a savage energy."
"We're here for Derek Hale." I was the first one to speak aloud.
"Is that so?"
"We know you have him. We've heard you can be bought." Lydia was the one continuing while Stiles placed money on top of the table with a loud thump.
"It's 50,000 for Derek."
"Now, where does a teenage boy get money like this? Japanese mafia?" A woman behind us loaded her gun, making Lydia and I jump in our seats as a man did the same next to Stiles. "Not smart to come alone."
"What makes you think we came alone?" The boy next to me smirked, and I couldn't help but take the grin out of my face. Malia, Kira and Scott had come with us.
"You brought a wolf into my home?" She got up from her chair.
It was my turn to smirk. "No, of course not. How could we do that?" She seemed to relax, but only for a couple of seconds due to my following words. "We brought an Alpha."
"My friends..." She sighed as she turned around. "I don't think you're aware of your poor timing. Do you know what the dark moon is?"
"The part of the lunar phase when the moon is least visible in the sky," Lydia said in a robotic tone.
"But do you know its meaning?"
"Some people say it's a time of reflection. Or grief." I intervened.
She glanced at me. "Grief and loss, mija. I wonder why, when you and your friends have suffered so much loss, you would risk it again for someone like Derek Hale."
"'Cause, we don't like to lose."
One of the men next to Araya stopped us from continuing talking as he started speaking to someone on the other line of the walkie talkie. I couldn't help but have a tiny smile on my face when I heard the voice of my brother through it. "Stiles. Take 10 off the table."
As the button-nose boy did what my brother had asked for, I decided to speak up. "Maybe you should just take the deal." Lydia nodded her head, smiling at the woman in a sickeningly way.
"While I'm keen to follow the warning of a Banshee," She glanced at me. "And of course, the one of a Siren. I'm going to have to decline."  
"Aaaa... Come on. Just give us Derek. You don't want him anyway. Haven't you noticed what a downer he is? No sense of humour, poor conversationalist." I tried to maintain a serious expression as Stiles's continued speaking. "Just come on, take the money."
Araya grabbed the walkie talkie once again. "Severo? Show them how the Calaveras negotiate." When Araya left the room, the three of us were manhandled by the men. And I wasn't a Banshee, but even I could feel that Scott, Kira and Malia were in great danger right now.
Thinking back, we ended up here because Scott had gone to Derek's lot, just to find that he wasn't there. He had found bullets, and sending a picture to Deaton, he had learnt that it was the mark of a family of hunters based out of Mexico. The Calaveras.
Lydia said that he wasn't sure he was dead, but she also wasn't sure if he was alive, which was perturbing.
"He is awake!" Kira informed us as Stiles and I got closer to my brother, who was lying down on the floor of a dirty and abandoned bathroom, where we have been taken. "Guys, he's awake."
"Scott, you okay?"
"Yeah." He tried to get up. "They don't have him. They don't have Derek."
"We know." I sighed, offering him a smile that he sent back, trying to let me know that he was alright. "But right now, they've got Lydia."
"Lydia? What do they want with Lydia?" He asked rapidly.
"We always have the same question and it is always answered the same way," I spoke as everyone glanced at me. "The power of a Banshee."
My brother rapidly got up from the floor, trying to open the door with his bare hands, which wasn't working.
"We already looked for a way out. I think a lot of people have." I furrowed my eyebrows as Kira talked, not sure of what she meant until I saw the marks on the walls. Marks of people who desperately tried to escape, scratching the walls with all of their strength.
Malia was leaning against a column. "I say when that door opens again, we take out whoever's standing in the way and run for it."
"What about Lydia?" Kira asked, and I sighed, knowing Malia's next words.
"What about her?"
"We're not leaving without her."
"Why not?"
Stiles shook his head, getting closer to her. "Because we don't leave without people. Remember, we talked about this? Rules of the wild kingdom don't apply to friends."
"Is that what you would do as a coyote, leave her for dead?"
"If she was weak and injured, yeah. If hunting had been bad that season, I would eat her. Then I'd leave."
"Mmm. Believe it or not, that's progress." I crossed my arms over my chest. "Stiles and I've been trying to explain everything to her."
"All right, guys, we're not dead yet." My brother interrupted. "And that means Araya wants something."
Kira glanced at the dark-haired boy standing by her side. "But if the Calaveras don't know where Derek is, that means they didn't take him from the loft. Right?"
"Maybe he left on his own." Stiles completed.
Scott glanced at the floor. "Maybe someone else got to him."
We couldn't continue with our theories as the door abruptly opened, showing three men that quickly walked to us. However, we were soon met with darkness.
When I opened my eyes, my head was aching and everything around me seemed to move in circles. My throat was dry as if I haven't drink anything in days. I gradually noticed that I was tied to a chair and that my brother was tied to another one, right next to me.
The door of the room where we were now opened, showing Araya with another man and Lydia. "Oh, God," Lydia murmured as she saw us.
"Let her go. Look... you've got me. Just let the others go." My brother begged as Araya smirked. Her gaze moved to me. My brother followed her gaze, and it seemed like he had noticed from the first time that they had taken me too. "Why did you bring her?"
Lydia was chained to another chair as Kira came inside the room, also chained while a man grabbed her. What was going on? "So, let me explain what's about to happen." The man grabbing Kira spoke. "This one, the fox, has an immunity to electricity. So she's going to turn the dial on the Alpha. If she doesn't, I turn the dial on the Banshee and the Siren."
"No. I'm not doing this." Kira tried to resist.
"I see. Are you sure? One of your friends has the power to heal. The other? Not so much." Severo smirked. "And the other one might end up dying." Who?
"What are you doing?" Scott glanced at the old woman. "Is this a game to you?"
"This is a test, lobito. Let's see if you pass. We're going to ask some questions. You answer them, nobody gets hurt." She walked around us, but I had to close my eyes and lean my head down as everything continued moving around me. "You don't answer, we turn on the dial."
When I looked up again, my brother was looking at the fox girl. "Do what they say. Okay. Whatever they want. I can take it."
"So... We don't know where Derek is. We want to find him as well. You know who took him."
"What?" My brother asked her. "How would I know that?"
"That doesn't sound like an answer to me."
"We don't know." Lydia intervened. "Why do you think we came here?"
"Kira, turn the dial." The woman ordered, but Kira shook her head. "Should we turn the dial on Lydia instead?"
My brother quickly spoke up. "No, no! Do it, Kira. Do it."
"Let's start at one." As soon as she said that, my brother grunted, his hands gripping the chair he was sitting on, trying not to scream in pain. "Tell me! Who actually has Derek? Who had a reason, a vendetta particular to the Hales?"
My brother continued panting. "I said I don't know."
"Oh, you don't know because you haven't figured it out yet. So think! Who could've taken him?" They turned the pain even stronger. "Who had the power? The power of a shapeshifter?"
"I-I don't know."
"Oh! Someone who could have turned without you knowing. Turned, but not by a bite!"
"I don't know!" He screamed.
"Y-you.." My voice was a mere whisper, but swallowing I was able to scream. "You are going to kill him!" There were tears in my eyes. "You are going to kill him! Stop!"
Araya laughed, shaking her head. "No, mi amor." She smirked. "You will die first." I furrowed my eyebrows, feeling the temperature in the room dropping. I was cold. "Something told me lobito right here was going to be hard to peel." Her gaze shifted to my brother. "Your beautiful sister has poison running through her blood." My brother quickly glanced at me. "The longer it stays in her system, the more difficult to take it out. She can end up having seizures." I closed my eyes for a couple of seconds, feeling dizzier than before. "Say the name, Scott."
"Kate." What? Kate Argent?
"Okay," I heard Araya's voice. "Stop the machine." Severo did as he was told as another two men walked to Scott and Lydia, freeing them. My brother quickly walked to me, extending his hands to touch me. However, my body started shaking and I couldn't make it stop. "Severo bring the shot."
The door of the room opened again, this time two men were grabbing Stiles and Malia. Stiles's eyes widened as he saw me shaking while being tied to a chair. Before he could step forward, the man grabbing him stopped his movements.
"Don't dare any of you to touch her now." Araya's strong voice resonated through the room. Severo walked to me, stabbing the side of my neck with the syringe. I could feel the liquid running down my blood. Severo unleashed me, lying me down on the freezing ground as my body continued shaking.
"W-What did you do to her?? You old troll." I wanted to smirk at Stiles's use of vocabulary, but I was too busy being scared of the constant shaking of my body.
"She will be alright," Araya replied. "She has more water in her body than a human. The liquid we injected plus the water will do a quick job in removing the poison."
"N-nice." I tried to sound sarcastic.
"Fever might be a side effect of the poison, but you will be alright."
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I watched as my brother talked to Araya while I was leaning against Roscoe with the others. Stiles was constantly asking me if I was alright. I felt a little weak, but my temperature was back to normal.
Scott finally walked to us. "So what now?" My boyfriend asked.
He shrugged. "She thinks she knows where we can find Derek."
"She gonna tell us where?" Malia asked while she leaned her head against my shoulder. My hand went up to play with her hair.
"Uh, actually, she's giving us a guide."
Stiles's face transformed into confusion, but it went away as soon as a big motorbike stopped in front of us. "You know her?" Stiles asked my brother.
As soon as the person took their helmet off, we saw a beautiful black woman whose neck seemed to be scarred. "Braeden."
"Who's Braeden?"
"She's a mercenary," Lydia added.
"Right now, I'm the only one who's gonna take you to la iglesia."
"The Church?" I questioned. "What's The Church?"
"It's not a place you'll find God," I smirked, liking her way of talking.
Getting inside the jeep, we followed her as she took us to la iglesia.
There was a comfortable silence inside Roscoe. The three girls were sitting behind as I sat on the front between my boyfriend and my brother. "Okay, I'll ask." Malia was the one interrupting the silence. "Who's Kate Argent?"
Kira put her hand up. "Uh, I'd like to know, too."
"Well, we were at her funeral. So, I'd like to know how she got out of a casket that was buried six feet underground." I chuckled, nodding my head that was resting on Stiles's shoulder as he drove.
"She was never in it." I glanced at my brother.
"She was Allison's aunt," Lydia spoke, and I could feel the pain in her voice. The pain of someone who recently lost her best friend. WAnd a total sociopath."
"You don't have to talk about it now if you don't want to." Kira whispered while glancing at the back of my brother's head.
"Um, yes, he does." I was going to scold Malia as if she was a curious child that didn't know when to keep her mouth shut.
"Yeah, she's right. You guys should know. You need to know."
"All right." Stiles sighed. "Kate was the one who set the fire that killed most of Derek's family."
"Some of them survived, like Cora, and Peter." Scott added.
"A very angry Peter," Lydia appended.
"Yeah, he's the one who bit and turned me." My brother sighed.
"And the one who scratched me." I added.
"And the one who finally caught up to Kate and killed her." Lydia explained.
"And we saw her buried." Stiles and I replied at the same time. He took his eyes off the road for two seconds to place a kiss on my forehead and ask once again, if I was feeling alright.
"No." Scott shook his head. "We saw a casket, remember? She wasn't in it. The Calaveras heard that Kate had been killed by an Alpha's claws. They wanted to make sure she was really dead. Her body was healing. More and more, as she got closer to a full moon. She was coming back. So they switched out the bodies. If a hunter is bit, they have to take their own life before they change. The Calaveras, they treat the code like law. They make it their responsibility to enforce it."
"Good for her." The were coyote intervened. "I wouldn't do it either."
"Would you kill half a dozen people to get out? Because that's what she did."
Kira sighed, placing her hand on my brother's shoulder. "So Kate's a werewolf now?"
"I don't know. You know, there's a saying, sometimes the shape you take reflects the person you are." I nodded along with my brother's words, remembering Jackson Whittemore. What was of him now?
"What kind of shape is sociopathic bitch?" As soon as the Martin girl spoke, the car was hit by something, making Stiles stop driving as we all got startled. We all got out of the car as Braeden got off her bike to ask what had happened.
"I don't know. It felt like we hit something." Stiles and Scott were examining Roscoe.
"Scott, we need to get there by night. It's too dangerous otherwise."
My brother sighed. "Go." Stiles made a gesture with his hands, trying to let him know that it was okay for him to leave with Braeden.
"Not without you."
"Dude, someone needs to find Derek. We'll figure something out. We always do. Just go."
I walked to my brother, kissing his cheek and embracing him. "Be careful, okay?" He nodded his head, wishing the same for me and sharing a look with Stiles. A look pleading him to take care of me.
Before he walked to the bike, he was stopped by the fox girl. "Scott... I can't think of anything else to say except for be careful. And...and I know 'Be careful' sounds kind of lame and I'm totally sure the second you're gone I'm gonna think of something much better, but I..."
"Uh, 'Be careful' works for me." I smiled as they embraced each other.
I sighed. "They are so cute," I whispered while wandering close to Stiles as his hands rubbed Roscoe's side, making sure that there wasn't any scratch.
"We are cuter." He replied while biting his lower lip and inspecting his jeep. I laughed and nodded my head and watching my brother disappear with Braeden.
"Guys," Malia grunted. Therefore, I turned around to look at her. "I don't think we hit something. I think something hit us." She was holding up what seemed like giant teeth or claw. I couldn't differentiate them, to be honest.
I sighed, leaning against the jeep as I examined my boyfriend inspecting the hood of his car. A screwdriver in his mouth. "Stiles, baby. Don't hate me. I know you love Roscoe but maybe we should just walk." He glanced at me with wide eyes. "It's getting colder and darker." I made a gesture to the girls as they rubbed their arms.
"Hey, I will never abandon this jeep. You understand me? Ever. Ever. Ever."
Malia glanced around. "Work faster, Stiles." She paused as her eyes continued examining the whereabouts. "There's something out here with us." I gulped.
However, night had fallen upon us and Roscoe wasn't working. Malia continued in front of us, glancing around, prepared to attack whatever was observing us. Kira had grabbed her sword while Lydia and I tried to help my stressed boyfriend. "Lydia, could you please hold the light still for a second? It's really hard to see anything if you keep shaking it like that."
Lydia scoffed. "I'm shaking it like this because we're in the middle of nowhere with your broken down jeep and we're being attacked by yet another razor-clawed monster. And I'm terrified."
"Well, just be slightly less terrified." He answered back. "You hold this." He handed me a big metal piece.
"What's this?" I inspected it.
"I don't know. I'm hoping it's not important."
"Oh god." I sighed. Things got worse as the next thing that happened was Malia running towards somewhere or something. "Malia!" I yelled. Kira ran after her while Lydia told Stiles to continue fixing the jeep.
"You... you please don't do that ever again!" Stiles scolded Malia as he drove. The jeep was finally fixed or so we were hoping.
"Do what?" She innocently asked.
"I... I thought you just took off. I thought you were running."
"I was running."
"No, I mean, like, I thought you were leaving."
Malia pouted, looking between Stiles and me. "I wouldn't leave without you guys." We glanced at her. "I would never leave without you two. Them I would leave."
"Yeah. Uh, it's progress." Stiles sighed. "I feel like the dad of a teenager girl." I nodded my head. Stiles and I had taken the paper of teaching Malia what she shouldn't do. The actions she must separate between a human and a were coyote.
"Don't do it again, okay?" I begged. "You scared us." She apologized. "And that doesn't look good."
"It's okay."
"Are you sure?" Kira looked worried as the rest of us. "It looks deep."
"I can feel it healing." I sighed in relief.
"You didn't see anything?" The Martin girl asked.
"Barely. It had a strong scent, though."
"Like what?" I asked while offering her water from my bottle.
She smiled at me as if she was a little puppy, grabbing the plastic bottle. "Like death."
When we finally arrived at the place where Scott and Braeden where we noticed that they were grabbing a young boy. Malia asked if that was Derek, to which Stiles replied 'Sort of'. That young boy was Derek Hale.
Derek Hale was a teenager once again.
TAGLIST: @og-baby-ob14 - @savemypostcards - @cas-loves-pizza - @used-avocado - @mvrylee - @bilesxbilinskixlahey - @honeydoll-stark - @arieltheworldisamess - @softpeteparker - @kit-kat-katie99 - @thatsuperherosidekick - @bexbetterxthanxwords - @big-galaxy-chaos - @littlemiss-forgotten - @enchantedcruelsummer - @coldfreakeggsexpert - @merla123 - @sammypotato67 - @weirdowithnobeardo - @maggiesblogsblog - @itskindyl - @bobo-bush - @moongoddesskiana - @multifandxm353 - @irwxnhugsx - @xoprincessmel - @iclosetgeek - @andreagf956 - @niawoods - @anerroroccurrrrred - @perrytheplatypus11 - @trustfundparker - @nmriia - @steve-harringtonnn - @trustfundparker - @brithedemonspawn - @weirdowithnobeardo - @my-soul-is-the-moon - @azayamari - @poguestyle17 - @bibliophilewednesday - @10minutesofscreentime - @momentitodebruh - @drikawinchester - @perrytheplatypus11 - @my-soul-is-the-moon - @linkpk88 - @royalreadery - @sweetest-serpent01 - @teenwaywardasgardian - @sadcupofcoffee - @maliyamay - @seninjakitey - @tairisceana - @thegirlwhoimagined - @mackingjj  - @daphnen21 - @malfoystilinskii05 - @caitsymichelle13​ -
People in bold means it doesn’t let me tag them.
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eunjidrabbles · 4 years ago
Boxes, bitter version with Rosie 🥺
Boxes Bitter Ver.
A new start, or a painful end, it all comes in a small cardboard box. All life's stories are kept in it and sealed shut until the next phase of life, where it is unveiled again.
Warnings: (M18) Guns, blood, death, su*cide
Word count: About 3k
“... With two more bodies found, that totals up to five cases this month alone. Local authorities are advising for everyone to avoid loitering past sunset until the perpetrator has been caught. Now, we shall pass the mic over to detective Lee who is in charge of the cases so far.”
Sighing as you tapped a button on the screen, the dull droning of the news report was changed into familiar, comforting melodies. With a groan, you stretched your arms out in front of you as you looked out into the evening sunset grumpily, unhappy to be trapped in the enclosed space of the patrol car. You know that it was part of your duties, even more so important now to patrol around the city, but you wanted to be part of the elite team that detective Lee led in the frontlines, directly involved with the rampant murder cases. It was weeks before from when you first heard the news from a neighboring city that the cases had shot up and the news that the murderer had yet to be caught sent chills down your spine when the first case popped up on the outskirts of your city. From your own personal network of friends, you knew that the killer passed through three cities and a small town, bringing up the body count along their way. There was no concrete evidence the cases were linked together of course, but you knew your instincts weren't wrong. Perhaps it had been your uptight sense of justice and following the law that spurred on your want to put an end to the seemingly senseless murders, but you had your orders and you would follow it no matter what you thought of it.
A snort before the start of a giggle caught your attention as you turned away from the tinted windows to look at your passenger seat occupied by your patrol partner. As they caught your furrowed and confused gaze, they burst out laughing even louder, throwing their head back as their entire body shook in the seat. "If you." Taking a deep breath to calm themselves down, they wiped away the little tear drop that formed at the corner of their eyes. "If you glare at the window any longer, you'll melt right through it already." Finally properly seated, they reached over to give your cheeks a quick pinch as you swipe at it, failing your attempt on disrupting them. "Lighten up, we both know that you don't like to stay still.” As their hand remained on your cheek, you eyed them for a second before suddenly turning and playfully snapping your teeth around their thumb earning you a surprised gasp. “You bit me!” Shrugging as if to tell them that’s what they got coming, you released the finger and looked at them with a smirk. “You’re lucky that we’re dating or else I’d report you for assault.” Chuckling at the comment, you stuck your tongue out and rested your hand on the steering wheel and tapped with the beat of the song playing. Your free hand snuck past the gear and found their hand to hold, a silent comfort to the both of you. “We also both know that you like me too much to report me even so.” A huff was all the answer you need to hear as a grin broke on your face. It wasn’t easy to find someone that understood your high sense of justice and want to protect people. That usually means that you would spend more time dedicated to your job than normal office workers, but you couldn’t blame your previous partners for leaving. Being an officer was a thankless and risky job, not knowing if you’d be able to return home the next day when sent on a dangerous assignment. A squeeze of your hand pulled you out of your thought as you turned to look at your partner once again.
“It’s okay to be afraid, you know.”
“Afraid? Of what?” Scoffing playfully at the sudden comment that came out of nowhere, you shook your head.
“The killer.”
Your smile dropped from your face and your frown crawled back as they brought it up. “I’m not afraid.” It was a little ridiculous that your partner whom had long accepted your righteousness to mock your will so, to be afraid of someone harming the defenseless. You knew what it meant when you don your uniform, and the more you thought of it, the more annoyed you got, wanting a clearer explanation before the situation escalated into a fight. “Why would I be afraid? If given the chance to, I’d stop them with all I have.”
“I know.” Their hands tighten around yours, as if fearing of letting go. “That’s why I want you to be afraid.” Their downcast eyes held a sense of selfish guilt as they brought your intertwined hands to their lips. “You’re not afraid of giving your life to stop them, but I am.” Your eyes softened when you heard them starting to explain, wondering where they were going with their train of thought. You understood that they cared for you deeply, but you knew that their words were going to fall on deaf ears if they told you to keep out of the cases. Finally bringing their gaze back to you, they took a deep breath.
“I like you more than like, (y/n). I love you. I want a future with you, that’s why I want you to be afraid.”
At the confession given, you could only stare back blankly as you start to get light headed. You studied their face for any signs of them joking around, and when you are sure there was none, you then let yourself fall into your thoughts. It wasn't that you couldn't love, but rather that you knew loving someone means to dedicate yourself to them, just like you're doing with your job. The thought itself honestly scared you a little that there was already someone whom you've spent your time with ever since you were in training that was willing to do so without hesitation. It was only fair that you'd tell your partner so, that you need more time.
"Listen, I-" The static buzz on both your walkie talkies cut you off as both of you broke eye contact, hands still together, and the other to receive the message. “All units, we have a suspect on the run heading towards the warehouse district. Suspect is wearing a white hoodie and blue ripped jeans. Suspect is armed. I repeat, suspect is armed.” Moving your gaze from the walkie talkie to your partner and the silence they were holding, you could already hear the thoughts going through her head. Slowly sliding your hand out of theirs to place on the steering wheel, you answered the call. “Patrol four here, we are two minutes out. We will be on route.” A fuzzy “Affirmative.” was heard before you stepped on the gas pedal to start the short drive. Throughout the two minutes even as you parked by the sidewalk, you could feel their gaze on you silently begging for you to say something in response to their confession. Stepping out the car, you finally feel the gaze lighten as you looked down to double check all your equipment, avoiding eye contact with them. “(Y/n).” Turning sharply to them as you walk into the silent streets, you snapped. “We’ll talk later, alright?” Looking back and inspecting the area with a quick glance, you sighed. “We should split up to cover more grounds-” “You’re not walking away from this.” Gritting your teeth, you took a deep breath to try rationalize your thoughts before you snap yet again. “Look, we are on duty right now. That should be our priority. We can talk when we get back.” Not giving them a chance to continue to talk, you walk in a direction, praying that they would go the other way. It didn’t take long of a walk before you heard sirens of other patrol cars before a flash of movement appeared in the corner of your eyes and you focused your attention back to your near surroundings. Reaching down, you double checked that your equipment were still there before cautiously following to where the movement was. There was just a cluster of sounds of something falling before you heard footsteps running away from where you were and on instinct, you gave chase. Losing track of how many turns and twists you took, the only thing pushing you forward was the thought of capturing what might be a suspect for the murders. Nearer and nearer you got, until you could see their attire, fitting that of the report and pushed yourself even more so to catch up. Hearing a soft curse right before you turned the corner, you slowed down a little to find the suspect looking around the dead end surrounded by tall warehouse doors.
There the suspect was, cornered with you blocking the only way out, back into the maze of buildings. As if knowing that, they turned around slowly, pulling out a blade from their hoodie pouch. Red stained the front of the snow white attire as they cleaned the blood off the blade as it exited it’s hiding place. “I wasn’t going to kill one more tonight, but I will if I must.” From the slightly shadowed area they stood in, you couldn’t see much of their features but as they took a step forward into the ray of streetlight, you could see the blonde pink hair that she bore, face showing just the slightest hint of annoyance, as if you had just told her some bad news and not a look of someone that was threatening to kill you. Something in your head finally clicked when you realised that she was approaching and you took a step back and pulled out your handgun and pointed it directly at her.
“Don’t move or I’ll shoot!”
There was something sick and twisted about the way she hummed happily and took another step to you as if she was just on a midnight stroll that made you flinch and take another step back. You knew that was the last step you could take backwards, anything more and it would be hard to block the sides of the exits and it would be back to a wild goose chase.
“I’ll really shoot!”
As if fully amused by your words, the annoyance forgotten and now on her face was a pleased grin as she inched yet another step forward to you, blade’s reflection shining off the dim streetlight. In your years of being an officer, you were lucky you had never once had the need to fire your weapon. Normally armed criminals would give by the time you even pull out your weapon yet here she was, bringing a blade towards you who held a weapon of advantage. Steeling yourself, you took a deep breath and held it, determined not to let her pass. The next step she took, a loud bang deafened you momentarily as you pulled on the trigger and closed your eyes, flinching at the loud sound.
When you cracked open your eyes slowly, shock flooded your senses as you spy dark brown eyes slowly revealing themselves behind the half shut lids. Your eyes darted from her head to toe, finding no signs of an additional injury past the blood that previously stained her clothes. Did you miss? Quickly scanning all around behind where she was, confusion wrapped it's claws around your lungs when you found no marks of a missed bullet anywhere. You gasp, as if suddenly remembering how to breathe when your brain pulls forth a memory of a story you were told when you were a child. Of how the world started peacefully and everyone's soul were whole but when Chaos struck, the souls were torn apart with the sole mission to find back their other parts and since they were once whole, the only way to know was how the parts of the souls refuse to hurt one another. Soulmates, was the name. There were no proper records of soulmates being real but deep down inside you, you felt the instant connection once you registered the fact that your bullet didn’t hurt her. Dread started filling every pore of your body when your brain finally remembered the main reason you were here; to chase down the murderer. Who is also your soulmate. It took probably was a few seconds before she looked up at you again, this time with an unmistakable glee in her eyes as she dropped the blade in her hand and skipped towards you while you stood rooted to the ground.
“I finally found you, love.”
Your weapon was lowered by her as she gently pushed down your arms as if she haven’t just threatened you with her blade before you shot at her. Her words ran through your head as it gets caught on a particular word. Finally. It then dawned upon you partially on what it meant, but you had to be sure. “What do you mean, finally?” Tilting her head innocently, she pouted and rubbed her chin as if in thought. “What do you mean, what do I mean? It took a while, but I could hear the voices drawing me in your direction but there were so many imposters out there, so I just had to make sure.” Bile starting rising to your throat when you confirmed your thoughts. This... psychopath had killed her way to find you. All those murders, all the innocent life lost, was all to find you. There was the little dark side at the very back of your mind that saw her dedication to find you, her other half, where the thought that she saw your life worth more than others brought a certain morbid appeal before you shook away that thought and forced yourself to remember what you were fighting for. It was a tear between your mind and soul, one calling out for the other part of itself and one holding on to what you deeply believed in. Tears begin to leave your eyes when you realized the situation you have in your hands. It should be logical to arrest her here and now, but you were compelled to let her hand come closer and closer, until she was wiping away at your tears.
“Y-you do realize that in search for me, for your happy ending, you put an end to so many others’?” Slowly, her other hand reached around to pull you into a hug as she shushed you. “How? How do you live with that?”
“I know. But you’re more important than they were.”
Somewhere in the distance within the maze of the warehouse, you could hear a familiar voice shout your name and the both of you darted your head in the direction. “Run away with me. We can live a life, just you and I. I’ll protect you from everyone. No one can hurt you.” Her voice was laced with desperation as she turned you to look back at her. There was a moment of silence as you stared into her eyes, searching for something that wasn’t there. “Am I really important to you?” Her hold on you tightened as she shook you slightly. “Of course you are, I killed to find you.”
“I understand now.” The moment those words left your lips, her smile widened despite the sounds of frantic footsteps steadily approaching. “There is no other way of getting through to you, is there?” Raising your free hand between the both of you, you brushed her hair back slightly before yanking yourself out of her hold and repointing the gun at her head again. Confusion flashed on her face, with a shred of amusement yet again as she questioned you. “What are you doing? You can’t hurt me.”
“Not physically, that is.” Taking a step away from her as she tried to grab at you, you repositioned the gun to your own head and watched as her eyes widened and any signs of her smile dropped along with her jaw. You could see her freeze up as she tried to think of the best thing to do. “That right there, what you’re feeling. That is what you made everyone else feel. Fear, despair.”
“I did all that to find you, how else was I supposed to do so?” Cutting her off by cocking the gun, she flinched at the sound. “We are supposed to be perfect, be whole together. I don’t get it, love.” You could see her torn as she twitched, clearly holding herself back from rushing to you in fear of your trigger finger being quicker. “If you can’t understand, then I’ll make you understand as a soulmate.”
“Don’t do this, we can live forever. Just us.”
Biting your lips, you heard the voice of your partner ring out clearly, calling for your name. “I’m sorry, I love you too.” Taking a deep breath, you pulled on the trigger.
Soulmates are one in millions. To be able to find the other part of your soul was honestly a miracle. However the moment one part rejects the bond there is to the other, there is no pain describable in the world close to what they would feel. That was what exactly went through Rosé‘s body as she fell to the ground, writhing around in the sharp pain before she gave in and whited out. Next time she awoke, a pool of blood was laying under you and blurry figures rushed forward, one running to you and kneeling beside you. The pull between the both of you was no longer there, and all she felt was an empty void. As she focused her eyesight on your unmoving figure, it slowly drifted to the other figure kneeling by you with face flushed from bawling screaming a name. Your name. That’s right. She didn’t even get your name before you so violently rejected your other half; her. Glancing at the offending weapon that slipped out of your grip and slid towards her, she inconspicuously picked it up. All those that she killed to find you, all the scars she gained from those fighting back, and just like that, you were gone. What’s the point anymore? Before anyone could stop her, she cocked the gun, closed her eyes and pulled the trigger.
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youvebeenlivingfictional · 4 years ago
Don’t Treat My Love Like a Habit Part Fourteen
Previous Part | Next Part | Masterlist
Pairing: Santiago Garcia x Reader Rating: Mature (this may change) Warnings: Cursing; angst... And well.... Y’all will see Notes: Set before the movie. Not beta-read. Reina is Spanish for Queen. I hope everyone’s having a good week! 💜 Summary: You’d spent the last few days checking all of the cameras we had available for Hernandez, but you hadn’t been able to get another fix on the man.
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The tracker stopped giving off a signal somewhere around El Eden, outside Jericó. There was no way for you to know if it had been knocked loose, or if it had been found, but it gave you a direction. It also put Hernandez in range of one of the last in-person sightings of Lorea, down by Las Minas.  “So I’ll drive down--” “I don’t know if you should be driving anywhere. You haven’t even gotten your stitches out yet,” You gave the phone a withering look, willing Alex to feel the power of the stare from the other end. You and Pope were at the office, looking down at a readout of all of the places the tracker had given off a signal before cutting. You’d spent the last few days checking all of the cameras we had available for Hernandez, but you hadn’t been able to get another fix on the man. Pope told you that he hadn’t gotten anything else about Hernandeze’s whereabouts from his informant, either, and that she hadn’t even expected him to be in the car that night.
The two of you had taken to calling Alex when we were in the office and having him on speakerphone when we were talking over status updates that day. You tended to go by his apartment at least once a day to check on him, make sure he was eating properly and helping out if he needed it. Pope had gone with you a couple of times, and they had been… Amiable. “Fine, you drive,” Alex retorted. You shook your head. “I’m still looking through these feeds. I get that we may get something closer to where the tracker cut, but-- I don’t want anyone going anywhere until we have something more firm. If the tech just shat the bed, or they found it and broke it, going down to El Eden isn’t going to solve anything, it’s just going to waste time.” 
“Pope, your informant doesn’t have anything?” “She didn’t the last time I spoke to her,” Pope turned his head toward the phone to answer, his eyes still set firmly on the map, “But I have a check-in with her in a couple of hours.” A check-in. You were pointedly not thinking about what that might entail. “Look, soon as we get something that looks like Hernandez--” “What if we don’t?” Alex asked. You went quiet. It was a fair question. The man had slipped up once; he’d be raising his guard, making sure nothing like that happened again. You and Pope had both been twice as cautious that week, double- and triple-checking that the door was locked before we went to bed. “We will,” Pope answered. You turned to look at him, taking in the set of his brow, the way his lips were pulling down. He meant, ‘We have to’.
You hadn’t had a quiet night alone without Pope since the office had been broken into. It was… Odd. Not eerie or anything, but just like something was missing. You’d briefly, stupidly, wondered if Pope felt like this when you’d stayed with Alex at the hospital. It was Pope’s apartment, he was used to being there alone. Well maybe not alone, but at least without you there-- You huffed, closing the fridge door for what had to be the fifth time that evening. Pope hadn’t told you when he’d be home back when he’d left to meet with his informant. “You gonna tell me what her name is, or should I call her Isabella 2.0?” You’d tried to tease. He’d cast you a dour look as he’d tugged jacket. “What’s it matter what her name is?” He’d asked, and the words had left him with such tired irritation that you immediately felt stupid for saying anything. “No, it… It doesn’t,” You’d mumbled. He’d just grunted, said he’d let you and ‘Brano know if he got anything, and left.
Maybe he hadn’t sounded that irritated? Maybe you’d just been thinking about it too long. Being in the apartment alone gave you a lot of time and silence in which to overthink things. You’d texted Frankie and the guys to see how they were doing, but Benny had a fight that night, so you wouldn’t be able to distract yourself with them for at least another few hours, and by then, Santiago would be home. Hopefully. Hopefully Santiago would be home. Back. Hopefully Santiago would be back. 
Hernandez is hunkered down in Las Minas. You’d jumped at the sound of your phone, and now you were just staring at the text that had come through from Santiago. Lorea? Was Alex’s answering text. Unclear, Pope’s response came through in seconds.
Las Minas, you could work with that. First thing in the morning, you’d go in and start working through the camera feeds that you could access from Diego’s office. You opened your separate texts with Santiago. Coming back soon?
You watched the screen for a few moments before setting the phone aside. A few more minutes, nothing. He’d answered Alex so quickly. You looked around the apartment, stomach churning. Maybe you wouldn’t wait until morning to head into the office and start combing through those camera feeds. 
You left him a post-it, of course. 
“So I’ve got five possible targets, there are like three that I’m ready to rule out, but I wanted to get your read on them before I dropped them completely,” You said, not even bothering with a ‘hello’, instead pointing to a map on the wall with printed-out imagery from the cameras you’d been able to access pinned to it, “The red tacks are the ones I think are the most likely, blue are the ones I wanna ditch.” “Have you been here all night?” Pope didn’t bother with a ‘hello’, either. “Where else would I be?” You returned your hand to the keyboard, eyes still on the monitor. “I don’t know, with Zambrano?” He said it like it was obvious, like you were over there all the time, beyond helping the guy since he was wounded. “Just stopped by after work for a bit.” “And then?” “Would you look at the map, please?” You didn’t mean for it to come out as snappy as it had, but you were… Tired, and annoyed - more annoyed than tired. Santiago had never answered your text, nor had he texted you when he got in, which you’d asked him to do on the post-it. To top it all off, he was asking if you had been at the office all night. So, presumably, he hadn’t gotten in, had spent the night elsewhere, and… And you’d gotten a tip out of it. Anything else that happened didn’t matter, and you didn’t care anyway, and this game of emotional whack-a-mole was really starting to take it out of you. 
You didn’t dare look at Pope, didn’t want to know whether he was looking at you or the map in the stilted silence that followed. But after a few moments, you heard his footsteps trail away from your desk, over to the wall, and you let yourself glance over your shoulder. Same jacket as yesterday - but that didn’t necessarily mean anything. You lowered your head back to your work, shaking your head a little. What he was wearing, what he did last night or didn’t do, none of that mattered, none of it-- “Ditch the blue.” Pope’s voice cut through your thoughts, and you grabbed the pen you’d set aside hours ago, crossing them off of the list that you’d compiled. “Too conspicuous?” You asked. “Yep.” You tossed the pen back onto the desk and glanced over at Pope, watching him look at the two remaining targets. They weren’t terribly far from one another, but they couldn’t be monitored by one person. “I’ll get Zambrano, drive down, hit them today,” Pope said, pulling his jacket sleeve back and glancing back down at his wrist, “He can drive. We won’t engage if we see anything, it’ll be strictly recon,” He added, glancing back at you.  You turned back to your computer, nodding and wordless. You didn’t like the idea, but you knew that the tip that Pope had gotten would need to be moved on quickly. “You should go back to the apartment, get some rest,” Pope added, heading for the door of your small office space. “I’ve got some stuff to wrap up here,” You shook your head. “Reina.” You looked up at Pope then, raising a brow and waiting for him to speak. He hesitated before he sighed, shaking his head. “I’ll grab walkie-talkies, Zambrano and I will radio when we’re in position.” “Fine,” You nodded, and were on your way to adding, “Be careful,” When you found yourself speaking to the door. 
“How was the fight?” You asked, leaning back from your monitor and stretching your back over your chair as you spoke into your chair. “What fight?” Alex’s voice crackled through your headset. “Mic,” Pope’s sighed over Alex’s question. “Shit, hang on, ‘Fish-- Sorry, guys,” You apologized before tapping the mute button on your headset - the controls were so damn sensitive. You’d already accidentally knocked them half a dozen times. You raised your phone back to the ear you’d pushed your headset back from. “Sorry, Fish.” “Late night?” Frankie chuckled. “... So how was the fight?” You repeated, not in the mood to touch that just yet. “It was great. Benny kicked the guy’s ass.” “Atta boy,” You grinned, pushing yourself out of your seat, “How’ve you been?” You listened to Frankie catch you up on what you’d missed the last couple of weeks, checking your phone screen now and again for any texts from Santiago or Alex, just in case. “You okay, Q?” “Fine, why?” “You sound a little...Dead.” “Forgot what a sweet-talker you were, chulo.” “You know I don’t mean it like that--” “I’m teasing, Frankie,” You smiled a little, grabbing your mug and walking over to where you’d set up the coffee maker in the back office that Diego had allotted you and Pope, “I’m fine, just… Yeah, late night. Work, you know.” You hesitated as you set your mug down, thinking. “...Frank?” “Yeah?” “Let’s say… Hypothetically… That there was a, like… Snowball’s chance in hell that there was some truth to all the teasing you’ve done about me and Pope.” “How big a snowball?” “You know that boulder that chases Indiana Jones in Raiders of the Lost Ark?” “Oh, no!” Frankie laughed, and you couldn’t help but smile a little bit at the sound of it -- it was so light, and after the mental hell you’d been putting yourself through, it was nice to hear someone laughing about it. “What’s going on?” He asked. You looked down at the coffee pot, trying to cobble your thoughts together. “It’s just-- Ugh, hang on,” You reached up, adjusting your headset as it began to slip, your hand brushing the controls as you did, “It’s just that-- I don’t know if it’s because I’m staying with the guy, or-- Or what, but I can’t get him out of my head. It’s bad, Frankie. And I mean, it’s not new, either, I’ve had feelings for Santiago since… Since before I took this job. I mean they weren’t always serious, not like they are now, but there’s always been something there for me--” Now that you were admitting it, you couldn’t get the words to stop; they were spilling out like unorganized tupperware from a hastily shut cupboard, “But fuck, it’s just been so much-- Worse isn’t the word, I mean, noticeable, maybe. Fuck, I’ve been living with the guy, we sleep in the same bed, and he’s cuddly, and I like it way too much. I spent half the night looking for new apartments because I just… I can’t do it anymore. If I don’t get out of there, I think I’m gonna fall in lo--” “Hey Q?” Alex’s voice crackled in through your earpiece. “Hang on ‘Fish--” You sighed, raising your hand to your headset. But before you could even touch it-- “Your mic is on,” Santiago’s voice was quiet, almost regretful. Your heart slammed into your rib cage with the force of a freight train. You reached up with a shaking hand, tapping the mic button on your headset again to mute it. “...Francisco, I’m going to need to call you back.” Tag list: @justanotherblonde23​  ; @revolution-starter​  ; @emurlemur​ ; @badbitxhbuckybarnes ;  @supernaturalcat7​ ; @mylittlelonelyappreciationtoo​
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mmimagine-40 · 4 years ago
Pup 3
Alpha!Steve x Omega!Reader
Okay!!Yes, I know i have been gone some time! I’m sorry! School has been crazy and I haven’t been able to write or work on it has much as I would like. But here it is Pup 3!
!!Somethings to know first!: Alpha!Sheriff Sam , Betas! Wanda and Pietro. Pietro and Bucky are officers. Wanda is like an assistant , receptionist type thing at the Police station (Sorry I don’t know what to call it!). Also for just background info. In this story Pepper and Tony and lawyers. I’m not sure what I want them to be. (Alpha/omega, betas, who should be the omega or what). So please help me out what do you think?
Last thing: if you didn’t see my last post. I have a tiktok where I’ll be mainly doing some small imagines that aren't big enough to write something out of. I’ll also be doing some updates on stories / pieces I’m writing. Like talking about How Bucky and Nat (from this story) meet and small things like that. So if you interested go check it out: @mmimagines40
As Steve was moving around he caught a glimpse of Y/n. “Well look who's awake.”, Steve chuckled. Y/n laughed softly. “Yeah, my foot started to hurt.”. Steve frowned as he checked his watch. “Well , sadly pup you can’t have more meds for another hour. But let's ice it and see if that helps.”, Steve checks the food again before turning to the fridge to grab an ice pack, “Dinners close to done, so you just want to stay here?”. Y/n nodded as she started to move to the side and move a chair in front of her. While Steve went to grab a pillow she took the boot off. He helped her get her foot situated and the ice on it. Checking it over first.  “Oof , Pup. You're getting a nasty bruise.”, Steve says. Her whole foot was almost brown and yellow, with dark purple and black colors around her ankle. Y/n pouted as she looked at it. Steve looked up to see her pout, “Aw it’s okay pup, it’ll go away soon.”. He bops her nose. Causing her to giggle. Steve smiled down at her softly. He makes his way back to the food to check it. “What are you making? It smells amazing.”, Y/n asked, turning to look at him again. ‘Cajun Pasta.”, Steve answers. “It’s pasta with a heavy cream and Chicken broth sauce with chicken and sausage. (And shrimp *if you like it*). With some Cajun seasoning and some other things.”. “Mmm. Is it almost done? My mouth is watering.”, Y/n says. Steve laughs nodding. He grabs two bowels and fills them up. He sets them both down on the table and turns back to the stove. Turning it off and grabbing the bread inside. He puts the bread sticks on a plate and grabs some forks. Setting them down as well he goes back to fill two glass with water. Taking a seat he hands the other glass to Y/n. “Thanks.”, Y/n says taking a drink. Before picking up her fork and digging in. She moans at the taste. “Oh my Steve! This is so good!”. Steve’s eyes darkened as he watched her. The grip on his fork tightened as he bit his check. Excited by the sounds leaving the omega. Steve shook his head looking down. Trying to shake the thoughts out of his head. Now was not the time. 
Brock watched from just outside the property line. Far enough away to not alert the Alpha or omega in the cabin. Using a pair of binoculars he watched. Just making out some movement and the lights shining through the window. He watched , as anger boiled inside of him. Y/n was to be his omega , and his alpha took her from him. He was going to get his omega back no matter what it might coast. Brock smirked as he got an idea. He quickly grabbed his things and made his way back to town. 
Unaware of the eyes on him not to fair away. A person in the shadows. Hindan in the tree line. Making away around the woods after a report about their being hunters out there , out of season. The person watched as Brock made his way down the path to the town, before heading back to the ATV. Radioing it in. 
“This is officer Maximoff radioing in for Sheriff Wilson.”
“Sheriff Wilson speaking.”
“I got eyes on the guy you said to watch out for. He was just outside of Rogers property line. Looked like he was looking in towards the house.” 
“Is he still there?”
“No sir, he just packed up and looks to be heading back to town.”
“Okay, finish up the rout and head back into town. When you do keep an eye out for him and what he’s doing.”
 Sam sets the walkie talky down on his desk , next to the files he was looking over.  “Who even is this guy?”, Wanda asked. “All Steve told me was that this guy's father bought an omega for him. Who he has been abusing and forcing himself on. Now he’s hunting her down. Now what did you get?”, Sam explained. Wanda sighed looking down at the notes she took, “ Most everyone said they have seen him walking around. Mostly up around Steve’s property. Some say he was in some of the business asking about seeing an omega. With the description Steve gave you. As well as asking about Steve. But they say they didn’t give him much info.”. Sam nodded as he looked down at the file. On the file this guy seemed okay. Just a few speeding tickets. But those were paid off and fast. Nothing else. But then again people had their secrets. And he was involved with omega selling and abuse. As well as states abuse. Sam closed the file , handing it to Wanda.” Send all this info to Pepper.``. Wanda nodded, taking the file and heading to her desk. Starting an email to Pepper with all the info of this alpha , what Steve told them, and the info she got. The ding of the front door, made her head snap up. Her eyes widen a bit seeing the same alpha from the files walking in. Quickly she shut the files and info putting them away. And closes the email. Before the alpha walked up to her desk. She looked up at him with a fake smile. “Hello sir. How can I help you?”.  He smiles at her. “Hi there. Is the Sheriff in?”, Brock asked. Wanda nodded, “He sure is, can I ask what this is about?”. “I need help with another alpha in town. I believe he is holding my girlfriend against her will. “. Wanda nods as she types a few things on her computer before standing up. “Oh no. That sounds terrible. I'm sorry. I go see if he can see you.”, Wanda pouts acting like she cared. Brock gave her a sad smile like he was really hurting and sad. But Wanda could see right through him. Knowing he’s lying and faking this act. She makes her way back to Sam’s office. She looks back as she walks in. Making sure he is still standing there. Sam looks up at her as she walks in. Watching her close the door , while looking into the lobby. “He’s here.”, Wanda says looking towards Sam. “Saying that an alpha he's holding his girlfriend against her will.”. Sam nods as he stands up. “Okay, tell him I’ll be with him in just a minute.”, Sam says, pulling his phone out and dialing Steve. Wanda nods , making her way out. She smiles as she sees Brock look up towards her. As she walks back into the waiting area. “He’s finishing with some paperwork and will be out shortly. In the meantime have a seat. Would you like something to drink? Cup of coffee?”, she asked, overly friendly. Brock shook his head as he took a seat waiting. Wanda's smile dropped as she watched him. He hung his head down. Really playing off the sad alpha look. But reeked of anger. 
“Wow, that was really good Steve.”, Y/n says handing him her bowel. Steve smiled down at her. Taking the dishes to the sink. “Thank you. It’s rare that I get to cook for someone else.”.  “You never cook or have get-togethers with your friends?”, Y/n asked. As she removed the ice pack and looked over her ankle. Steve chuckles. “We do get togethers. But Nat usually cooks. She enjoys cooking and hosting them. Even if any of us try to talk her out of it , she won’t listen and will cook a feast. Bucky said it’s something about a mated omega. Apparently they enjoy the hosting and cooking for a group of people.”, Steve says as he cleans the dishes. Y/n laughed softly. “Reminds me of my mother. She was also like that. Loved to cook a huge feast for when my dad had his business parties. She loved hosting them. I never understood it. Especially since she and I were forced to do these things as we are omegas. She once told me it wasn’t about the work. It was the compliments. To know everyone was enjoying her hard work.”. Steve humbled as he turned back to her , drying his hands. “I never thought of it that way but it makes sense. Nat always does have a beaming to her when we complain about her work. And Bucky he gets a proudness to him.”. Y/n turns to look at Steve as she finishes putting her boot back on . “Really?”, She asked. Steve nods. “Alpha’s have these strong feelings to make their omegas happy. To see them loved and full of happiness. ...Well that's how true mates are.”, Steve says. Y/n laughs , shaking her head. Steve smiles watching her , “what do you not believe in true mates?”. Y/n shakes her head no as she looks up at him. “No, seeing what I have growing up. No , not really.”. Steve shrugs as he pushes off the counter walking towards the table. “I get it. I used to not believe it too. My ma used to tell me all those fairy tales about true mates. But seeing how my father treated her and me. I didn’t believe it. “. Y/n’s eyebrow’s crunch together as she looks at him. Watching his movements. “What changed your mind?”, She asked. “Nat and Bucky. You see we both met Nat at college. She asked us where some of the classes were. As she walked away. Bucky couldn’t take his eyes off of her. Watching her walk away. He then turned to me and said that one day she would be his mate. I thought he was crazy till I saw how they acted around each other. Then it clicked. Everything my ma use to tell in those stories unfolded in front of my eyes.  Made me a believer.”, Steve explains making his way to her. “But how did you know?”, Y/n asked. “I didn’t at first. I thought it was just young love. Till I talked to the both of them separate. They both talked about how being around each other was like nothing else. One touch left their hearts beating so fast. How they got tingles and this gushy, warm feeling from just one little touch. How the others smelled, smelled of home. A warm , loving feeling.”, Steve moves the chair that he leg was on. He stands in front of her holding a hand out. Y/n looked up at him in awe. Thinking over his words , as she takes his hand. As he helps her stand his scent hits her. The scent that makes her feel warm and safe. Hitting her. That those things he spoke of is how she felt towards him. But surely not. They weren’t meant to mate. Although she did have that dream. That dream that left her longing for those things. To be Steve’s. Waking up next to him. In his arms , surrounded by their mixed scents. Carrying his children. Something Y/n use to not want. She didn’t want to bring children into this world of horrible alphas. But Steve has changed her mind in just a few days. Is it possible? Could he really be her true mate? 
“Pup?....hello? Pup?...did you hear me?”, Steve asked waving a hand in front of her. Y/n shakes her head of the thoughts, “sorry , this true mate's talk just has me remembering home. Well not home my mom. She too told me of those stories. It was the only time of  the day I really enjoyed. Sorry , i just miss her.”, Y/n says looking down. Steve’s face falls as he looks at her. Understanding her. “It’s okay, pup. Even if I didn’t believe the stories they were a time of joy for me too. When my father was asleep. Passed out, not bugging us. A time of peace between me and my ma.”. Steve grabs her chin making her look at him. He cups her check. Rubbing her check, soothing her. Y/n gives him a small smile. As she closes her eyes and leans into his touch. Letting the soothing movement and the warmth from him , calm her down. “Thank you , Steve.”, Y/n finally says as she opens her eyes looking at him. Steve smiles , “for what?”. Y/n lightly chucks as she smiles more, “For being you.”. “Well , I don’t know how to do anything else. Now, while you were in memories lane. I asked if you would like to continue ‘The Office’, while we get your room all set up and the stuff put away.”. Y/n nods yes. “Okay , come on then.”, He helps her up the stairs and into the room. Where they get all the bags from Nat's shopping , and puts them on the bed. Sorting them. “Here these are all for the bathroom. While you get those put up and how you like. I’ll get  the show on.”, Steve says handing Y/n the bags. Y/n grabs them making her way to the bathroom. She closes the door. She smiles as she pulls the stuff out of the bag. Needing to thank Nat for everything. 
Steve sighed as he fell on to the bed. Grabbing the remote to turn on The Office. As he gets it set up to play , he feels his phone start to ring in his pocket. He pulls it out seeing it's Sam. Looking back up to see the bathroom door still closed. Steve stands up as he answers the phone call. “Hey Sam, what’s up?”. “Red Star.”, Sam says. Steve's jaw clenched as anger started to take over him. “Where is he now?”, Steve says through a clenched jaw. “At the station. Wanda said that he came in asking for me. Saying he thinks an alpha in town is holding his girlfriend against her will. I don’t know much more. I haven’t talked to him. What do you want to do?”, Sam asked. Steve sighed thinking of a plan. His mind was running all over everything that's happened thinking. But stops on one thing. The fake claim mark. “Okay i got it. I gave Y/n a fake claim mark. So what we will do is, you do your sheriff stuff. Bring him out here whatever. We will just have to pretend that I claimed her already.”. “Okay I’ll bring Pietro and See if Bucky can come along too in case he gets out of hand.”. Steve falls back onto the bed , “okay good thinking. I better warn her first , so she doesn’t freak on us.”. “Okay , I’ll try to delay him as much as I can.”, Sam says before hanging up. 
Steve sighed as he threw his phone to the side. Hoping this works. But he has to convince Y/n. He’ll need her to be calm and ready to face him. To make it look real. Cause if not, Brock could go to State troopers about him before they can get Tony and Peppers help with this first. The sound of the door opening , makes Steve snap his head up to look towards Y/n. As she walked out of the bathroom. “Hey , Pup.  We need to talk?”, Steve says looking down at his hands. Y/n forward softly as she walked closer to him. “What’s wrong Stevie?”, She asked. Steve Smiled softly at the nickname. But it quickly fell as he thought over how to word what he was about to say. He looks up at her. Looking over her face. He took her hand , just in case she flips or something. “I haven’t been completely honest with you. Going behind your back. But I promise , I only had the best intentions…..I have a friend who's a lawyer. Him and his wife work on cases like yours. Helping omegas and...well really anyone in abusive situations. I asked my bubby , also the sheriff, If he could look into Brock and send all the info of him and what you told me to Pepper and Tony. So they can help you. Fully get Brock away from you.”, Steve starts explaining. Y/n looks down taking a deep breath. Trying to process everything he just told her. She did feel hurt that he did this behind her back. But a part of her knew that there was no way if he didn’t , he wouldn’t have gotten Y/n to open up to someone else to get help. And she guessed Steve knew that too. But it still hurt. She was starting to trust Steve. She wishes he would have just told her. But what was getting her was she opened up to him. Told him what happened to her. Something she’s never done. She hasn’t told anyone. Now 3 or even more people will know. Which she knows if this goes now more will know. She doesn’t want to look for sympathy or look like she was broken. Steve squeezed her hand. Nervous at her silence. “I’m sorry Pup. I know you were starting to trust me and I went behind your back and told your story to others. But I promise it’s for the good. They will get you help.”. “It’s not that. I don’t doubt your intentions or theirs. As I have seen you have good friends. People who are like you. Have big hearts and want to help. I know that with them and you I’ll get help. But this means more and more people know my life growing up. What happened to me. It’s just I’m …..I just don’t want to keep reliving it. I just want to be done with it. And how a normal life.”, Y/n says as she wipes her face as tears start to run down her face. Steve pulls Y/n closer to him. Making her fall onto his lap. Where he wrapped his arms around her holding her close. “I promise pup, you won’t. Not for ever at least. The most I know of. I’ll have to retell everything to Pepper and Tony so they can get a case going. Then depending on how fair it goes you might have to testify. Which means retelling it again and then answering questions about what happened. But after that I promise you don’t have to talk about it ever again. I’ll make sure of it too. Make sure that no one will ever make you talk about it. Okay ,pup?”, Steve pulls back to look at her face. He reaches a hand up wiping her tear stained face. Y/n nods , closing her eyes. Thinking it all over. Steve gives her a few seconds. “Pup, i wasn't going to tell you all of this yet. I was waiting to see what pepper suggested. But something happened. So i need to tell you to warn you and start helping to prepare you for facing Brock.”. Y/n pulled back, eyebrows scrunched. Looking at Steve. “What? What's going on?”. Steve sighed looking down for a sec thinking , before looking back to Y/n. “I just got a phone call from my buddy at the sheriff station , Sam. He informed me that Brock showed up to the station. Asking for Sam. Saying that he believes that an Alpha is holding his girlfriend against her will. I don’t know what else he’s going to string together , telling Sam. But as sheriff and part of Alpha/Omega laws, Sam has to bring him to where he asks and check it out. Making sure an alpha in fact did not hold an omega hostage and mate them against their wishes. So , I’m going to need you to be strong. You’ll need to face him and make him believe I mated you. And you consented to it.”, Steve explains. Watching her face closely to see how she is taking everything. “But we aren’t mated.”. “The fake bond will fool him. I’ll just have to mark it again to it smell like an actual bond.”, Steve moves her hair. Running his fingers over her neck. Where the fake bond is, slowly fading. Y/n nods understanding, “what if he doesn’t buy it or sees through it?”. “We will just have to convince him. Alpha/Omega laws are huge. So he could go to State Troopers about it. Which will lead to more trouble and make it harder for Tony and Pepper. But with the mark and witness of me , you and Sam. We could all testify against him if he does. That Sam has already checked it out and We are in fact mated. And we both consented to it. But you are going to have to be brave and face him. Saying it to his face that you mated with me. Okay, pup? You think you can do that?”, Steve says. y/n Looked away from him thinking about it. Facing Brock. Something she was so scared of. But if she wanted to be gone from him for good she knew she had to do it. Pulse Steve would be by her side the whole time. Something about being with him made her feel stronger and braver. Y/n turned back to him. Nodding in agreeing. Steve smiles at her. “Okay, good. Now first things first. We need to redo your mark.”. Y/n nodded as she moved her hair and leaned her head to the side a bit for Steve to have better access. Just like last time. Steve was a bit slow. Not wanting to rush and hurt or scare Y/n. He left light kisses around and on the mark. Before letting his teeth lightly sink in. This time Y/n wasn’t able to hold back as small whimpers left her lips. Wanting him to actually bite down. Claim her. After he then again left small, light kisses to the bite. Before pulling back. Y/n looked away from Steve. Not wanting to face him. As her face was already somewhat red. ‘There Pup. Now it seems you are mated.” Steve says trying to get her to look at him. He frowns at first thinking he did something wrong. Till he noticed the long her looked at her the more red her face got. He opens his mouth to say something which is interrupted by the sound of knocking at the door. Y/n’s head then snapped back to finally look at him. Steve looked at her , “Okay Pup. Show time. You got this okay. I’ll be standing next to you the whole time. Ready to jump in at any time if anything happens, okay?”. Y/n nods getting up. Steve takes her hand as he stands up. Leading her downstairs. He stops in the living room. “Wait here till I call you okay?”, Steve says. Y/n nods giving his hand one last squeeze as he pulls away towards the door. Y/n stands by the Stairs. Biting her nails nervous. Waiting and listening closely to what was going on. 
Steve took a deep breath as he reached the door. Before opening the door. Putting on the act. “Sheriff, Hi. How can I help you?”, Steve smiles at Sam. Trying to keep calm as his eyes move over to the Alpha standing next. Brock. The same guy he saw the other day in the forest. “Hey, Steve. Sorry to bug you this late but this guy came into the station. Saying he was out here the other day looking for his girlfriend after she ran away. And he ran into you and you told him you haven't seen her then asked him to leave. Well he thinks you where lying and are holding his girlfriend here against her will.”, Sam explains. Steve's eyebrows raise in surprise. “What? Come on Sam , you know I would never do something like that.”, Steve says. Sam sharks his head ,”I know but you know the laws make me have to question and check it out no matter what. Now tell me what happened that day?”. “I was out cutting some wood. When I heard someone running around. Thinking it was a hunter on my land. I went to check it out and found this guy. I just informed him it was private property and I was sorry to hear about his girlfriend. But asked him to leave.”, Steve explains. “Was that a lie? Did you see a girl he was talking about?” sam asked, taking notes. Steve nods , “Yes , I saw her. But not till after I had asked him to leave. I found her on my way back , injured. She sprained her ankle tripping over a tree root. I brought her back here to help her. I didn’t know at the time she was the girl he was talking about. Till after she told me what she was doing out in the woods alone.”. Sam nods as he writes it all down. “Is she here now?”, He asks looking back up at Steve. Steve Signs looking down. Looking as if he was hurting and not wanting to say. He sighed one more time as he looked up. He looked towards Brock. Meeting his hard eyes as he stared back. Before turning back to Sam. “Yes..Yes she is. She’s….She’s my mate now.”. “WHAT?! YOUR MATE?!IT”S ONLY BEEN A DAY AND YOU FORCED YOURSELF ON HER?!”, Brock started yelling. Keeping the play up that Y/n was his and he was scared for her well being. But really , Steve could see it was anger that he beat him to mating her. Sam grabs him by the arm pulling him back. “Now you stop right there! I’m the sheriff! I’ll be the one asking questions and getting down to the info here! If you don’t like that then you can go wait by the car.”, Sam says growling as he pushes Brock back. Brock just huffs nodding as he backs up. Sam then turns back to Steve, “Could you please ask this young lady to come here , so I can ask her some questions?”. Steve nodded as his eyes stayed on Brock. Watching him with an angered look. “Pup, Can you come here for a second?”, Steve calls into the cabin. 
Y/n took a deep breath. Calming her nervousness. Knowing that Brock will be able to smell her emotions. She just hoped that Steve’s scent on her would distract him from it though. She takes one more breath as she makes her way to the door. “Hhmm” She says walking up next to Steve. He wrapped an arm around her waist. “This is Sheriff Sam, He wants to ask you some questions.”, Steve says. Y/n turned to the man in front of them. Trying not to let her eye wander over to the man next to him. She actually felt relaxed as she met Sam's eyes. His eyes and smile were soft. Especially for an alpha. He seems so sweet and nice. “Evening Ma’am. I just have a few questions to ask if you don’t mind.”, Sam says sticking his hand out to shake her hand. Y/n nodded, shaking his hand. “Okay.”. “Okay firstly, you are Y/n L/N right?”, He asked.
“Yes sir.”
“Okay , can you tell me , do you know this man?” Sam points to Brock. Y/n sighed shaking her head. Steve pulled her closer to him. As he watched Brock's breathing pick up noticing the mark on her neck. Sam nodded , “Can I ask what your relationship is with this man?”. “Nothing, he has been chasing after me wanting to mate me. But I didn’t want to.”, Y/n says taking a quick glance at him.  “Okay and can you explain to me what happened that led you into the woods and meet Mr. Rogers.”, Sam says. Y/n nodded looking down quickly before looking back at him. “We got into a fight about the mating thing. He tried to force himself on to me and tried to mate me.  I was able to get away from him and ran away. But he was following me. So I ran into the forest thinking I could get away from him. But he followed after me. I ended up tripping and hurting my ankle. While I was sitting on the ground, not being able to walk. Steve found me. He helped me up and into his cabin. Asking what happened.”, Y/n explains to Sam. Sam nods writing what she told him down. “You Bitch! In Thanks you let him fuck you and mark you!”,Brock yelled trying to step closer. But Sam wiped around putting his hand on his chest. Pushing him back, “Mr. Rumblow this is your last warning!”. Brock huffs pushing Sam's hand off of him. Y/n jumps do to the yelling. Causing Steve to wrap both his arms around her and hold her closer. She puts her head in his neck not wanting to see Brock anymore. Sam sighed as he turned back to Y/n and Steve. “I’m sorry about that. I know this is a touchy subject but can I ask how this mating came across.”, Sam asked. Y/n looked up at Steve , not knowing what to say. Steve looked at her too. Before looking back to Sam . “It was an accidental mate.”.  Something popped up in Y/n’s mind. She just praid that Sam understood it or knew what it was. “Partialis Calor.”. Sam looked at her for a bit , before nodding in understanding. “And what? She’s making shit up now. He probably forced her to make some stupid shit up like that.”, Brock says turning to Sam. Sam kept looking at her impressed. “No she’s not. A partialis calor is something that happens between true mates.”, Sam says turning to Brock.  “It's a heat/rut type thing that takes over an Alpha and Omega when they meet their true mate. And most end up like these two. Alphas will have this other power to mate their omega.”, Sam explains.  “So see he forced that mark on her! Are you going to do anything about it!”, Brock started yelling again getting in Sam's face. “No! Miss . L/n and Mr. Rogers has made it clear that their mating was conditional. Even if it was accidental , they are both fine and happy being mated together.”, Sam says trying to push Brock away. “This is bullshit! Your mine Y/n! You know who your true alpha is!”, Brock keeps trying to push Sam away and get closer to them. Something snapped in Y/n. She finally turned to fully look at the alpha. “My true alpha is Steve. Even though I may have just met him , we have more of a connection then you and I ever did. He makes me feel things you never could. In every way possible.”, Y/n snapped at him. Steve smirked not only proud of her but also at what she was implying. Brock's eyes widen and fill with pure agner. “YOU FUCKING BITCH!” He pushed Sam down the steps of the deck and away from him. Reaching behind his back. Pulling out a gun. He raises it to her face. Steve was quick to pull her behind him. “Even better!”, Brock says. Before he could do anything , he heard the sounds of guns cockling all around him.  He looked around seeing Sam behind him pointing a gun at him and Two other large guys on either side of him , holding shotguns. One an alpha and another a beta. “Put the gun down, or not I don’t mind putting a hole through you.”, The dark haired alpha says. Brock turned to look at Sam , ‘You set me up.”. Sam shrugged. “I wouldn’t call it a set up. Just safety procedures. You reeked of anger and dominance when you walked into the station. Those two things usually never mix well and end good for alphas like you. Now put the gun down!” ,Sam says staying calm. Brock looked back to Steve. Staring him down as he dropped the gun. Raising his hands in surrender. Dropping slowly to his knees. Bucket reached over kicking the gun away. Before they lowered their weapons. Sam walked up behind the alpha and cuffed him. “Pietro, read him his rights then take him back to the station. Throwing him in a cell. “, Sam says. Pietro nods, taking the alpha towards the car. Steve turned around to face Y/n. “You okay , pup.”, he asked. Y/n nodded as she threw her arms around Steve pulling him into a hug.  Steve wrapped his arms around her. Pulling her close. So close he was lifting her up to where she was on her tiptoes. “You're okay , pup.” , he whispers in her hair. “Y/n? You okay?”, A voice asked. Y/n and  Steve pulled away and turned back to Sam and Bucky. “Yes, I’m fine. Just a little shaken up .”, She says. “I’m sorry, Y/n. I had no idea he had a gun.”, Sam says looking like he really was truthfully sorry. “It’s okay, it’s a good thing you thought beforehand to bring back up.”. Sam’s attention was brought to his phone as it buzzed. “That’s Wanda she said she emailed Pepper and she got back to her fast. She and Tony will be out here in a couple days to see and talk to Y/n. I’ll email her this report and what happened tonight.”. Steve nodded , “Thank you Both of you I owe you two.”. “It’s nothing. You would have done the same.”, Bucky says. “Now enough chick chat. You two get some rest. This add on to everything else is going to be a long and tiring process once Tony gets here.”, Sam explains looking back and forth to Steve and y/n. Mainly watching Y/n to ensure she is okay. They both nod in understanding. They all say their goodbye. Steve and Y/n watch from the door as Sam and Bucky leave following Pietro. Down the road to Town.
------- TAGS-----------
@woodworthti666    @chrisevanisliterallysir   @sukeraa   @bxnnywriting            
@cuddlebuddydraco   @tnysmalls   @tenaciousperfectionunknown
@wonderlandfandomkingdom    @animegirlgeeky   @gryffindorqueensworld
 @loveisgayandmy    @waywardwifey       @supernaturallover2002
So I have basically no school next week , so I’m going to try and work on this story. I’m thinking it might be only a couple more parts! But I honestly don’t know yet. Again if you want updates or small imagines check out my tiktok. Also if you like MHA i have another tiktok (@babybird_40) where I have posted some small imagines about some of the characters. Right now it’s just Hawks. But depending how it does I’ll be adding more and others. - MM
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beewolfwrites · 4 years ago
An Iron Box - The Black Envelope
@cheshiya @tenseoyong @szallejhscorner @something-more-original-please @ofsunsetsandpoetries @nek0dzuken @allozaur @hiqhkey @serenzippity
Finally got an update for you all! It only took about a week :’) Hopefully this wasn’t too boring a chapter, but there’s Kuina content, so does that make up for it? 
I will also update the master post too, I promise!
Here’s the AO3 Link. 
Thanks for reading <3
The black envelope was nothing more than a pointless ritual created by Hatter to fuel his paranoia. But it was almost incredible seeing how many of the executives and militants still obeyed it. Niragi had suggested opening it right then and there, only Aguni refused and decided to leave it until the next day - an unusual choice for someone who should’ve been desperate to become number-one as quickly as possible. 
Perhaps there was more between him and Hatter than he let on. 
I’d invited the others to join me in my room to go over the plan, and as expected, Kuina was the first to arrive. From the moment she closed the door behind her and jumped onto my bed, it became apparent she still hadn’t let go of our conversation this morning. 
‘You,’ she said pointedly. ‘Did you really think I’d have nothing to say about what you told me earlier?’ 
I sank into a chair by the window. ‘What I told you isn’t any of your business.’ 
‘Uh-uh. That’s bull and you know it. She’s our friend…well, she’s my friend, god only knows what she is to you. If you’re going to hurt her it’s absolutely my business.’ 
Hurt her? That simply wasn’t possible. If anything, nothing would ever change beyond what it is now, and the one who gets hurt wouldn’t be her. The thought made me smile. 
‘I have no intention of it.’ 
Kuina drummed her fingers on her knee. ‘Why do I not believe you?’
‘I don’t care about romance,’ I replied. ‘And what she doesn’t know can’t hurt her.’
At this, Kuina’s fingers stilled. ‘You mean, you’re not going to tell her?’ 
‘Of course not.’ 
‘You can’t do that, Chishiya,’ she said. ‘You just can’t.’ 
‘And why not?’
She slapped her hand on the bed. ‘Because that is hurting her.’ 
That’s ridiculous. Telling her would only push her further away. 
Before I could respond, the door cracked open. We had a guest. Arisu shyly stepped inside, Usagi and (name) shuffling in behind him. 
‘Just in time.’ I gestured towards the chairs and the couch. Arisu and Usagi took two of the chairs, while (name) seated herself on the end of couch closest to my seat. ‘Kuina, make sure the door’s shut properly.’ 
‘It’s shut.’  
Her voice was clipped, and the way she was pouting was simply childish. She could try and make a point all she wanted. What I had confessed to her would stay a secret, whether she liked it or not. I reached into the drawer of a side-table and pulled out the walkie talkies I had collected weeks ago. 
‘I’m sure you’ve already guessed this, but Hatter didn’t come back from his last game.’ The statement was meant for Kuina, Usagi and (name), as Arisu had already witnessed the body, however nobody seemed shocked by the news. ‘The militants are saying that he was shot in his game, but his body was actually discovered floating in the river by one of the supply runners.’ 
‘Wait,’ Usagi cut in. ‘How do you know about his body?’ 
I could’ve done without her skepticism, but she was the key to Arisu’s cooperation. ‘The supply runner told An in secret after our meeting, and I just happened to be nearby. Either way, Hatter was ambushed and shot, and Aguni is now the Beach’s new leader.’ 
The room fell silent, until Arisu whispered, ‘It’s just like you predicted.’ He ran his fingers along his mouth, rocking gently in his seat. ‘This plan of yours, you’re thinking of doing it tonight, right?’ 
‘Tomorrow,’ I corrected him. 
I passed the walkie talkies around one by one, savouring the warm brush of skin as I placed (name’s) in her palm. I could tell from the way she leaned in that she was struggling to keep up with the conversation, and though it was her own fault for not trying hard enough to study Japanese, I still found myself slowing down while talking. 
‘The playing cards,’ I explained, ‘they’re kept in a safe hidden somewhere in the royal suite. Nobody knows the passcode except the current number-one. But because there’s always chance that the number-one could die in a game, the code is also kept in a black envelope. The black envelope is only opened when there’s a new number-one.’ 
Even if we used Arisu to find the location of the safe, we wouldn’t know whether the code was correct or not until the moment itself. I had a few theories about what the code was, but it all depended on Aguni’s reaction during the ceremony. 
‘There’ll be a meeting tomorrow,’ I clarified, ‘and Aguni will open it in front of all the executives.’ 
‘It’s only read by the number-one, right?’ (name) asked.
‘That’s right. But as for the safe itself, Arisu will be the one to infiltrate the royal suite.’ 
Arisu sat forward, resting an elbow on his knees. ‘What about the passcode?’ 
Seeing how invested he was, I smiled. ‘I already have an idea about that. I’ll tell you when you’re in front of the safe.’ 
‘You really are cautious.’ His face twisted into a knowing grin - a little ironic, considering the circumstances. ‘Got it!’ 
And now for the others.
I glanced between the three of them, only (name) flinched and immediately lowered her head like an embarrassed teenager. The movement caught me by surprise, however I paid it no mind. 
‘You three will be on the lookout.’ 
Usagi rolled the walkie talkie in her palm and hissed, ‘It’s too dangerous. If we’re found out, we’ll be killed.’ 
I would’ve said something more, but there was no need. Arisu, the ever-loyal puppy, jumped straight in to defend the plan he knew almost nothing about. 
‘It’s fine Usagi,’ he said, echoing the same words I’d spoken during our rooftop conversation. ‘With Hatter dead, there’s no unity at the Beach. This is the only way.’ 
You only believe that because I told you it was the only way. You really are this gullible. 
Knowing I had Arisu convinced was enough for me. Usagi would never be completely swayed, but that’s just who she was. She was far too loyal to Arisu to abandon him and the plan now. And besides, the militants would deal with her later. 
I broke down everyone’s positions; me watching over the executives during Aguni’s speech, Arisu waiting at the end of the hall before heading inside the royal suite, Usagi standing guard outside, and the other two outside the elevator to the top floor. 
It was straightforward enough, and if any of them were suspicious they didn’t show it. At this point, everyone was so desperate to abandon the Beach, they would try anything. Arisu and Usagi eventually left, whispering between themselves. 
I waited for the Kuina and (name) to join them, except neither made a move. Kuina was combing through her braids and messing up my bed without a care in the world. The latter looked even more nervous than before, as though she had a question she was too embarrassed to ask. Some of the details had likely gotten lost in translation, and part of me enjoyed being able to control how much she understood. Another part hated how reliant she was. 
‘Why don’t I go in the royal suite instead?’ 
A cold tension washed over me, as if the empty void I was so familiar with had suddenly dropped open. That wasn’t what I had expected at all. Kuina’s hand slipped out of her braids, her mouth parting. 
‘No,’ I said firmly. 
‘How come?’ She shifted forward in protest, ‘I want to help.’ 
‘If you want to help, you’ll keep out of the way while Arisu finds the safe.’ 
‘Chishiya.’ Kuina’s stern look reminded me of our earlier exchange. Her language skills may have been less practised than mine, but she was vaguely following along, at least enough to criticise me. 
‘But what if I go in there with him?’ (name) suggested. ‘Two people searching are faster than one.’
Was this because I told her and Kuina to stay together? Silly girl. For someone usually so sharp, she was truly incapable of reading between the lines. 
‘If the executives start heading back,’ I pointed out, ‘you won’t be able to understand the others quickly enough.’ It was the best excuse I could come up with. If only she would take it and be quiet. 
Kuina slid off the bed and put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. ‘It’s better this way, believe me. It’ll look more natural if you and I are together instead of just waiting around on our own. We can pretend we’re talking.’ 
(Name) pulled a face at how things had panned out. If she chose to go behind our backs and swap positions with Arisu there was little I could do to stop her, except perhaps cancelling the plan entirely. However that would raise more questions than it answered, and there wouldn’t be another chance like this. 
Leaving no room for debate, I tried to explain to her that Arisu would be better for the job, but with Kuina’s gentle insistence, she gave up pestering me about it and finally accepted her place in the plan.
‘Fine, fine.’ She raised her hands in mock surrender and stood up wearily. ‘You guys win. I just… I don’t know. I’m kind of tired. I’ll see you both tomorrow, okay?’ 
Hearing those words did little to relieve the unease I was feeling. Kuina’s smile was too fake, and once the door had closed and (name) was out of earshot, I reminded her, ‘You shouldn’t make it too obvious. If she knows about Arisu, she’ll get in the way.’ 
She slid into the chair where Arisu had been sitting, and rubbed her fingers against her temple. ‘This is a nightmare.’ 
A funny choice of words. 
‘We’re in a parallel world playing games to survive,’ I said. ‘This isn’t as easy as a nightmare.’ 
‘It’d be easier if you told her the truth.’ 
Kuina’s obsession was starting to get repetitive, and I was already bored of it. I got to my feet and pulled my hood over my head. The movement seemed to catch her attention, her head snapping up as I walked towards the door. 
‘Hey,’ she called, ‘where are you going?’ 
Fishing my headphones out of my pockets, I considered dropping by a certain room, but after remembering the way she recoiled when I looked at her, I decided better of it. ‘Somewhere where I can get some quiet. Tomorrow, you should go to her room before we start. There’s a chance she could offer to trade places with him.’ 
Kuina started to object, but I didn’t care enough to listen. Her voice silenced as the door closed behind me. In times like this, when my head was crowded and the hollowness was clawing at my mind, all I craved was the silence of the roof. 
As the story went, Hatter had died purely in his game, despite how his body had never been cleaned up, nor the way it had been dumped without a care in the river. And now, the numbers had been re-shuffled, making Aguni the new number-one. At least, that’s what they intended to tell the residents. However, Aguni wasn’t officially number-one until he opened the black envelope. 
One by one, the executives all filed into the meeting room, Niragi lazily stretched out in the seat across from me, and Last Boss leaning against the wall. The former number-two, Kuzuryu, was calm as usual, resting his laced fingers in front of him. He shared a look with Mira who only grinned in return, a little too interested in the ceremony. 
My focus, however, was on the man at the head of the table. 
From the corner of my eye, Aguni drew the envelope closer and pried open the bright red seal. Then he paused. 
Well, isn’t this interesting? 
There was a slight delay where his expression froze, taken aback by the paper before him. His brows drew together, then all at once, as if it had never happened, he folded up the sheet and slid it into the envelope once more. 
Aguni wasn’t a man caught off guard so easily. Whatever he’d seen on the paper was the opposite of what he’d expected. Either the code was more complex than just a set of numbers, or the page contained something different entirely. It was when Aguni took Hatter’s ring and stamped it across the hot wax seal that everything suddenly clicked. 
The wax hardened, leaving behind a mirrored embossing of the word “BOSS”. A mirrored embossing that resembled a set of numbers. 
Hatter really was a paranoid man. 
The passcode was 8022. 
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shuttymcshutfuck · 4 years ago
So deeply hurt
Fandom: The Magnus Archives
Relationships: Jonathan Sims/Martin Blackwood/Tim Stoker/Sasha James (polycule)
Type: Hurt/comfort
Word count: 2,039
TW: crying, hiding pain, fever, internalised ableism
A03 link
Now that he was closer Jon could tell it was a bad day. He could see the tension in Tim’s jaw, the way he swayed ever so slightly when he stood before righting himself, the fake smile he’s plastered on.
or: Tim's having flare up so they have a movie night.
Set vaguely in S1 or S2 but Sasha doesn't get not!them-ed.
As much as Tim joked around and slacked off, he was very rarely late. Especially not almost two hours late. Jon tried to relax as much as possible but with the concerned glances from Martin and Sasha every few minutes through the window in his door and the constant ticking of the clock in his office it was getting harder by the minute. But he had to stay professional, Elias couldn’t know about their relationship. Jon wasn’t ashamed in the slightest, he just didn’t want to get them all fired. Although, that didnt mean he hadn't sent off quite a few messages to him. All of which were unanswered. He was typing another when he heard a voice curse at the top of the stairs. Trying to look as casual as possible but presumably failing miserably, Jon grabbed his cane and rushed to the bottom of the stairs.
“Tim?” Through the fluorescent lights he could barely make out Tim sitting at the top of the stairs, crutches lying next to him. “Do you need a hand?” He tried to keep the worry out of his voice. They’d all agreed that none of them would make a big deal if Jon or Tim were using their aids. He wanted to respect that as best he could since he knew how bad it felt when people would keep pointing it out.
“Ah, no need. I got this!” Jon watched as Tim slowly slid himself and his crutches down each step before using them to stand. Now that he was closer Jon could tell it was a bad day. He could see the tension in Tim’s jaw, the way he swayed ever so slightly when he stood before righting himself, the fake smile he’s plastered on.
“Well, that was one way to do that. I’m sure Martin or Sasha would’ve been able to help.”
“Na, it’s alright. This building’s just inaccessible as shit. I doubt we would’ve been able to all fit together on those weird ass stairs anyway.”
“Well since you’re here now, there’s a statement on your desk I’d like you to look into after you’ve finished compiling the research from yesterday.” Putting his professionalism on as much as he could, Jon went back to his office leaving Tim to get settled at his desk. He shot Martin a quick text to keep an eye on him and tried his best to continue with his work.
Recording a few statements helped distract him for a bit even if he knew that they were all fake. Floating lights, a ‘disappearing’ man and walkie talkie feedback that sounded like words. It wasn’t long until a knock at his door brought him back to the present. “Come in.”
“Hey,” Martin, of course. “I’m going to the breakroom to make myself a cuppa, do you want one?” Jon never understood why Martin always lowered himself when he entered a room. It was like he was trying to take up the least amount of space possible.
“Yes, thank you. I’ll come along, I need to stretch my legs anyway.” Perfect, a completely professional reason to talk to him in relative privacy. “How has he been?” Jon set his cane beside him as he sat at the breakroom table, watching Martin go through the practiced motions of making tea.
“I’m not sure, he looks a bit peaky but he seems alright.” It was days like these that Jon struggled with boundaries the four of them had set. He knows that if Tim needs help, he’ll ask for it. But he also knows how stubborn you can become when you’re in pain, how frustrating it can be, how hard it is to ask for help. “In other news, I was thinking of having a movie night at mine tonight? Tim and Sasha are down, fancy it?” Jon brought himself back, this is something he could do. Something that would help.
“That sounds lovely but why don’t we have it at mine?” Jon took the cup Martin handed him and sipped, perfect as always.
“Uh, sure.” Martin looked a bit hesitant, probably because Jon usually doesn’t offer up his flat if Martin’s already offered. They all know Jon prefers their flats to his because then he can kidnap a jumper or cardigan to feel safer once he has to leave.
“It’s just, my flat’s closer and I think it’s best for Tim and I since there’s a lift.” He wasn’t lying persay, the lift would be better for the two of them but that wasn’t the only reason. He had supplies for bad days at his house. Heat pads, painkillers, ice packs, you name it. And he knew Tim was going to need it. He’d crash soon enough, most likely when they were all finally settled at Jon’s, so he needed to be able to help once Tim let them.
“Oh right, of course. Sounds great, I’ll let them know.”
It wasn’t long until Tim popped into Jon’s office, struggling with the door slightly. “I’ve got that research for you, Boss.” Jon gestured to one of the seats in front of his desk which Tim took quickly. He pulled the file from his bag once he sat down and had his hands free again.
“Tim, I- um. Is there anything i can do?” Jon tried to be as gentle as possible, not wanting to sound patronising.
“I’m not sure what you mean.” So he was still in the stubborn stage, great. “I’m all set for the last hour work wise if that’s what you’re asking.” He stood and Jon could see him hide a wince.
“Okay, I’ll let you get on then. Thank you again for the research.” All Jon got in return was a nod before Tim was out the door as fast as he could be.
The journey to Jon’s flat was nice for once, mostly due to Sasha driving them all instead of having to take the tube. But even just sitting mostly in silence it was comfortable. As soon as they were in his flat he wandered off to get changed into comfier clothes, urging them all to do the same. Once they were all back in the living room he spotted Tim in a familiar jumper, specifically the one Jon was looking for as it was nice and cosy but he left it with Tim. He looked like he needed it more than he did.
Stocked up with snacks and tea, bundled up in Jon’s duvet that he’d asked Martin to bring through, movie night began. After finishing La La Land per Sasha’s request and Howl’s Moving Castle per Martin’s request they decided to order some takeout.
“Tim, do you just want your usual?” Sasha was over at the table, notepad in hand with everyone's orders but his. The only answer she got however was a groan. Jon gently moved him off of his shoulder where he had been resting his head and it was only then he felt the heat coming off Tim’s skin.
“Hey, sleepyhead. Can you wake up for a minute for me please?” Jon watched him blink slowly and he swore he had fallen in love with him all over again.
“Is he alright?” Martin moved the duvet off of their laps and knelt at the feet of Jon and Tim. “Love, you’ve got a bit, uh-” Martin's gaze fell to Jon’s shoulder and when he followed he saw what Martin was clearly holding back a laugh at. Tim had drooled over his shirt.
“Martin, can you go into the cabinet in the kitchen, grab some painkillers, water and the thermometer for me please?” Martin’s face dropped so Jon rushed to calm him. “He’s okay, I think it's just a flare up. Take a breath, Love.” Jon watched him do as asked and head over to the kitchen. “Sasha, just order him his usual as long as it’s not too spicy.”
“Gotcha, I’ll be back in a minute.” She placed a kiss on Jon’s cheek then Tim’s, frowning slightly at the heat before heading to the bedroom to order.
“So, how are you really feeling? All of it, okay?” Jon kept his voice low and soft, channeling all the times Martin had calmed him down from a nightmare, all the times Sasha had comforted when the knock on his office door sounded too familiar, all the times Tim had helped him home once everyone had left because the pain was so bad.
"I'm alright, just being a drama queen as usual." Jon watched as Tim’s eyes filled with tears.
" Tim ." It seemed that Jon had finally chipped at his stubborn exterior just enough to let Tim breathe.
“I…Awful, it just hurts and I’m so tired, I don’t-” Jon pulled him into a hug as he finally let the tears fall, running a hand up and down Tim’s back while the other cradled his head.
“It’s okay, it's okay.” They sat there, Jon whispered sweet nothings until Tim’s sobs had calmed enough that he could speak “What hurts, Love?”
“Everything but my hips hurt the worst. It’s like they’re shooting pain down the rest of my legs.”  Tim pulled back slightly and Jon let him, wiping away Tim’s tears with his thumb.
“Got them Jon, but if it’s a flare up then why do we need the thermometer?” Martin’s eyes flickered over Tim’s face and Jon could tell he was holding back his mother-hen instincts. He trusted Jon and it made his chest warm to think that he trusted Jon enough to let him lead.
“I’m just hot stuff, what can I say?” The joke made them both smile, breaking some of the tension.
“Sometimes during flare ups you can get low grade fevers, I just want to make sure it’s not too high.” Jon explained as Martin kneeled back at their feet.
“Alright, okay.”
“Martin, it’s okay.” Jon reached out and took his hand, the worry practically radiating off of him.
“I know, I’ve just never been around either of you when you’ve had a flare up before and-” Jon’s eyes fell to his lap, guilt slowly seeping into his bones. He could tell Tim felt the same, squeezing his hand slightly before interrupting Martin. “You have actually, as much as I don’t want to admit it, we are relatively good at hiding them. Which isn’t necessarily a good thing.”
Martin looked to Jon and he nodded. “Right. Well, we can talk about that later.”
“Okay.” He turned to Tim. “Is it alright if i take your temperature, love?” Jon was pretty sure that he would say yes but it was still good to ask, to make sure Tim was comfortable.
“Yeah, alright.” Martin handed him the thermometer and Jon put it in his ear, waiting for the beep before taking it out again and doing it to the other ear.
“Hmm, 38.1 and 38.3. Not bad but still could be better. Let’s get some painkillers and water into you. Sasha’s ordering food just now so you’ll have that soon too.” Tim took them without issues but seemed uncomfortable when Jon mentioned dinner.
“I’m really not hungry just now.”
“Nausea or just no appetite?” Jon didn’t want to force him to eat if he felt nauseous but he needed some form of food in him if he was going to take more painkillers.
“Appetite.” Good, that’s something at least. Something he can work with.
“Why don’t you try some food and if you don’t want what we’ve ordered I’ll make you some toast?” As much as he hated that Tim was in so much pain it felt nice knowing what to do for once. Pain was something he was familiar with, something he knew so much about that it was instinct to him now.
“Alright.” Jon stood up and motioned for him to move along the couch slightly and he complied. He got them situated so Tim was lying down with his head on Jon’s chest and legs over Martin’s lap. He felt Tim curl into him and sigh contentedly. “Jon?”
“Thanks.” Jon ran his fingers through Tim’s hair, watching as his eyes started to shut again.
“Of course, love. You know I’m always here.”
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