#also a part of this presentation also involved how we should not commit tax fraud
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Had a huge day full of seminars in college today, some were great, some were good and than there was the crazy Instagram lady that came in to talk about how to market and sell your therapy sessions and kept forgeting psychologists can't post about their clients nor cases (and this includes familiar enough descriptions that they could be recognized by). So she just gave a bunch of tips about how to market our patients, was correct and keept going. She made some other coments (some good, some insane, some generalizations [i refused to go to a psychiatrist my therapist personally recomended and I could aford because he didn't had Instagram and I'm sure u'all would do the sane]) but the fact she deeply insisted we commited a crime (and a huge huge huge ethics violation that would certainly make we lose our licenses and get sued and is just icky on general and very harmfull) because her dentist clients post their cases was amazing.
P.S: But for real the "literature analisys as a tool for bibliographic psychological research (aka the relations between psychilgy and literature)" and the "studies of despersonalization in social psychology" were phenomenal and while not really my area the presentation about Young's Scheme Theory was also great.
P.S.2: For some reason they made people sing the national anthem. A thing me and my friends pointedly refused because what the fuck and I don't believe in patriotism.
#white woman instagram#instagram#my day#personal#the most bizarre thing was that she corrected herself at first#so she in some level knew it was a crime#also a part of this presentation also involved how we should not commit tax fraud#just a bunch of different ways to show that tax fraud was bad and a bad idea#wich sure but it is a weird thing to tell a psychology class
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Is Prostitution a Victimless Crime?
Target word count: 2000 Final word count: 1944
Prostitution is considered a moral crime. Moral crimes don't necessarily involve breaking any major laws, or prosecution for any laws that do get broken. They involve the breaking of common morals or deviation from societal norms, meaning that they can differ depending on the cultural beliefs and common views in a specific location. An example of moral crime (asides from prostitution) is begging. While it doesn't land you any jail time, it is still actually a crime. In the UK, the exchange of sexual services for money is legal, but things like soliciting, kerb crawling, owning or managing a brothel and pimping are considered to be crimes. While they may often be seen as simple subcategories of prostitution, they are looked at as separate offences within the legal system and will land you with different charges.
Prostitution falls under moral crime, because it deviates from the norm. The majority of people don't perform sexual acts to receive a payment. Many people see it as morally wrong, because they believe it represents violence against women, or that it requires loss of dignity. It is most often strongly disliked by those with religious backgrounds, as religion plays a great part in shaping morals. There is also an overlap between prostitution and trafficking, as many prostitutes are, or have been, trafficked; however, sex workers have said it is important to distinguish the two from each other, as they are not the same thing. Whereas trafficking is always done against the will of the person being transported, prostitution can involve consenting adults
As stated in the above paragraph, a common argument siding with the opinion that there are victims within prostitution, is that it endorses violence against women. There have been many accounts of sex workers who have been assaulted and beaten, often having things done to them against their will. There is a belief that women who work as prostitutes have somehow given up their human rights and are exempt from the rights to protection which are easily given to other citizens. Public discourses concerning female safety often mention the view that women who do not act responsible with how they act are 'asking for it' or should not have the right to public protection, as they put themselves in that situation by choice. However, a person's human rights should still apply no matter what they choose to do with themselves, as it is their own business, especially considering that quite a lot of prostitutes have been forced into the field through trafficking, fraud and such other ways, which I will discuss next.
There is also the argument talking about trafficking often overlapping with prostitution. It is widely believed that prostitution must involve trafficking in every instance, and while that isn't the case, approximately 40% of prostitutes have reported that they were former child prostitutes, meaning they were forced into the industry by either being trafficked or being a teenage runaway. 40%, while not being the majority, is still a very large number. Despite the clear overlap in prostitution and trafficking, there was a study done by two academics, Liz Kelly and Linda Regan, which investigated the extent of the sex trafficking problem within the UK. They concluded that the problem could be anywhere between two to twenty times larger than what we know, however the meaning of the term "trafficking" has been loosened and broadened, making it lose it's rightful impact. People have exaggerated the amount of trafficked prostitutes by making assumptions, and have used it to describe the general movement of all sex workers, even when they have willingly travelled somewhere themselves.
Another argument that sides with those who believe that prostitution is not a victimless crime is that both mental and physical health of the offender are affected by the profession itself. It has been shown that sex workers are under astounding amounts of stress which often lead to many psychological and physical health conditions. The most common psychological diagnosis reported by women who work in the prostitution field is depression with 35.1%, followed by anxiety with 19.9%, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) with 12.7% and many others. These conditions on their own are bad enough, but when one considers that they can also lead to physical health complications such as Gastro-oesophageal Reflux Disease (GORD/GERD), a gastrointestinal tract related disease which can cause daily pain, poor sleep and food intolerance; depending on the severity of the symptoms, this condition can be debilitating. This isn't the only physical condition that can be developed. Besides the obvious sexually transmitted infections and diseases, things like peptic ulcers and Disseminated Gonococcal Infections (DGI) can also be developed, not necessarily related to stress, therefore even if the prostitute themselves doesn't find their job stressful at all, they are still at risk of physical health complications.
Another argument that supports the belief that prostitution victimises the very people that work in this field is that it causes substance abuse which in turn leads to a poor headspace, or vice versa. A study was conducted on 200 prostitutes, centred around substance abuse before or after starting their work. 55% of those that were questioned reported that they were addicted prior to starting their work in the field of prostitution. This would suggest that their addiction, leaving them in a vulnerable state, led them to start prostituting themselves due to them viewing it as the only way to get by. 30% reported that they developed an addiction after they started work. This would suggest that they suffered some kind of traumatic experiences during their time in this profession and had to resort to substance abuse in order to cope with it. The last 15% reported beginning to abuse substances concurrently with the beginning of their work. This could mean that they either got addicted around that time due to starting prior, or they began taking substances excessively in order to prevent traumatic experiences from taking over their lives. Overall, the suggestions here are grim and often point back to coping mechanisms or voluntary reality shifting in order to escape how they feel in the moment, which suggests that they are in fact victims of the profession itself.
An argument that agrees with the statement that prostitution is actually a victimless crime is that the criminalisation of prostitution is the main cause of the victimisation of anyone within the scenario, especially the offender. It is thought that criminalisation of prostitution is one of the leading structural factors that create vulnerability within the prostitutes. There is not only a link between criminalisation and violence against the individual providing the service, but also a link between criminalisation and HIV transmissions, further affecting the workers. Committing a crime in itself is seen as irresponsible and risky, meaning that society's generalised view of prostitution is that they are there because they have chosen to enter and stay in their situation. They also think that once someone enters the field of prostitution, they have immediately degraded themselves and they shouldn't complain, since it was their choice. This view in itself victimises sex workers, as now they feel that they are lesser and undeserving of protection rights. This in turn makes them more vulnerable and susceptible to violence. According to statistics, around 40% to 70% of prostitutes have or are experiencing some type of violence due to or within their career. This argument suggests that if prostitution was decriminalised, it would be a victimless activity or service; however, this is opposed by an observation of locations where prostitution is legal. It is shown that places that have made prostitution legal actually experience a larger amount of sex trafficking into the country, as do richer, more advanced countries with higher populations. A good example of this is Germany, which further legalised prostitution in 2002 by allowing third-party involvement. Now, Germany considers prostitution a regular job subject to tax payment and retirements, with about 150,000 people actively working as prostitutes. Despite this, the estimated stock of trafficking victims in 2004 was 32,800, which is about 62 times more than in Sweden, a country which re-criminalised prostitution in 1999.
Another argument which agrees with the claim that there are no victims within prostitution is that the act itself is consensual; both parties are willing to do it, therefore consent is present as long as both of the participants are of legal age. In our current society, we are given the right to freedom of choice, or rather the right to freedom of rational choice. This includes sexual activities. The laws surrounding consent have been put in place to protect people from having unwanted sexual experiences, whether that be outside the home or within it. Danger isn't exclusive to one place, and protection is a must no matter where someone is. However there is the issue of coercion and manipulation of someone into giving verbal consent, or at least not explicitly denying it. Many women in working the field of prostitution have said that they have felt distorted in their thinking, or powerless, unable to say no to sexual activities, no matter how much they were unwanted. The line between consensual and nonconsensual sexual activities within prostitution is purposely blurred by the industry itself. This is done in order to allow as much profit as possible, conditioning women from a young age that they shouldn't say no, because it will bring them a reward of some kind. This kind of treatment is inhuman and morally corrupt; it is the major problem within the field of prostitution. Thusly, the original argument about it being a consensual activity and not really being anyone else's business is invalid. Consent is only truly consent if it's conscious and informed.
To conclude this evaluation, after looking at the evidence presented in the form of statistics, statements from prostitutes themselves, and observational studies, there is a clear victim within the crime of prostitution; the prostitute themselves. They suffer from conditions, both mental and physical, caused by the activities required by their job. They are significantly more likely to be murdered than the average person, often suffering assault of many kinds at the hands of their clients, pimps, and in the case of kerb crawling, at the hands of people who are merely bored and need an easy target. Their vulnerable emotional state and lack of a stable life makes them susceptible to manipulation, extortion, coercion, and many other things that could affect their ability to consciously and honestly consent, without simply having to comply to the wants of their clients or "employers".
The arguments made against the presence of the victim in these deeds are easily disproved with studies, or just common sense. While it seems as though if prostitution was legal, there wouldn't be such an astounding amount of other issues (like trafficking and fraud) surrounding it, that was proven untrue by an observational study. The arguments were misinformed and based on speculation, some of them even disproving themselves whilst trying to make a point for themselves. It was very clear from the beginning that prostitution as an industry victimises those who work within it; more specifically, those who perform the sexual favours and acts. There is a shocking amount of lack of understanding of consent within the industry, leaving a lot of room for rape and other forms of violence.
Overall, while prostitutes themselves shouldn't be criminalised, seeing as they have been proven to be the victims in these scenarios, the actual act of prostitution shouldn't be endorsed or encouraged in any way. It does more harm than good, and it definitely harms a vast amount of people, whether it is knowingly or not doesn't really matter.
Bibliography: Legality of sex work: http://www.mash.org.uk/get-support/the-law/
Opinions on sex work: https://www.globalsistersreport.org/news/trafficking/worldwide-debate-about-sex-work-morality-meets-reality-48216
Opinions for and against: https://prostitution.procon.org/questions/is-prostitution-a-victimless-crime/
Violence against sex workers: http://sro.sussex.ac.uk/id/eprint/26912/1/Phipps_VAWchapter.pdf https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.0141-9889.2004.00405.x
Trafficking and prostitution: https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2009/oct/20/trafficking-numbers-women-exaggerated https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0305750X12001453#s0030
Criminalisation of sex work: https://d8dev.nswp.org/sites/default/files/impact_of_criminalisation_pb_prf01.pdf
Sex work and mental/physical health: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5735638/ https://www.researchgate.net/publication/349336426_Impact_of_Prostitution_on_Health
Consent within sex work: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-04-28/jensen-with-prostitution,-when-is-consent-not-consent/7363782
Substance abuse and sex work: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7143150/
General statistics: https://sex-crimes.laws.com/prostitution/prostitution-statistics
Notes: I have slightly changed the structure of this essay as it was kind of a disjointed mess, the arguments were all over the place. I fixed some typos and grammatical mistakes that I noticed. I now have an improved structure and I'm fairly proud of it. I will reblog it when it gets graded, hopefully I'll have some tips and pointers for improvement.
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The Womb
Crime is up five hundred percent since the Academy opened The Womb.
Twenty years ago, some newish academics who were still in their first century and therefore still hopeful, published a groundbreaking study on crime. They said the problem was simple: people committed crimes because somewhere in their past or current reality, they lacked security and love. Becoming a criminal was simply a call for help, too late. That part wasn't groundbreaking, but it bore repeating (and repeating, and repeating - hit the boring nail on the head, they did). Here's the important bit: they then asked what would happen if criminals could return to their childhoods and start from scratch, supported by the state? The ultimate rehabilitation program?
Instead of prisons, they imagined a system of homes with specially trained and vetted "parents" to provide love; instead of cells, there would be small rooms they called nurseries filled with safely approved enrichment toys and lots of soft things for squeezing; there would still be community service opportunities and classes and career preparation, but capital punishment was firmly nixed.
It hinged on some pretty wild de-aging technology, but once they'd made the proposal it was only a couple of years before the tech caught up and then it was all hands-on deck "for the future of all children" and other such meaningless shit. There were some modifications - the cells are simply called rooms instead of nurseries, for example - but when they rolled out The Womb it was pretty much as presented.
Let's say you commit a crime. It's a little one, like maybe you didn't pay a traffic ticket, or some dick egged your apartment and you told them where they could shove it in front of the wrong soccer mom. The judge says hey, okay, that wasn't very good. But it was probably just a little lesson you forgot to learn along the way that led you to your Mistake, so you're sentenced to be de-aged a year and you're given a counselor who's supposed to help guide you onto a better path this time around.
But let's say the crime is bigger. You threw a major party and then drove drunk and high on heroin and ran over someone's dog. You commit armed robbery. Someone got seriously hurt, repeatedly. A guidance counselor for a year isn't going to cut it, so that's when the jury steps in and tries to figure out where your life went wrong. Was it at sixteen the first time you shoplifted and got away with it? At ten, when your teacher told you your work would never be any good? At eight, when your mom started working three jobs because she was suddenly raising you alone? And then you get zapped back to the pivotal age and placed in The Womb so you can be Reborn.
Somehow in all their planning the academics and the politicians forgot to bank on the allure of avoiding all those five hundred-year-old wrinkles and arthritis for a couple hundred extra years. Most people when they hit four hundred rob a bank at fake-gunpoint. That's the biggest crime that's least likely to get them killed rather than de-aged. That, or they get involved in some sort of tax fraud scheme. What's losing access to a couple million when you're going to die soon anyway? A second chance at life has got to be worth at least that.
The worst offenders get de-aged all the way back to babies, but that doesn't happen very often. It can seriously shorten your life if you end up a repeat offender, and anyway raising babies is more resource-intensive than the other kids. You have to kill a whole lot of people in a whole lot of lives to make it worth the parents' time.
The years you de-age get borrowed off the end of your life. As long as you avoid any more Mistakes, you get those years back and get to live out your original life span in full, with the bonus of a second childhood thrown in. But if you make another Mistake, you lose them forever, and have to live with it. That's how come I've only got two years left to take over the world.
I have been twelve years-old seven times. The last time I was Reborn, I'd made it all the way to age three hundred and fifty before I made another Mistake.
"You gonna eat that?"
We Reborn may have to use our manners, but for some reason the Womb Workers are exempt.
I sit up straight, elbows off the table, and look at my pudding. "My spoon is dirty."
They pick up the spoon, squint at it, rub it on their apron, then return it to the table. "You going to eat that now?"
The pudding looks delicious, actually, full of real chocolate shavings and cherry jam and cream liquor. If I let myself look at it any longer, I might cave. So I look at the Worker instead. They look like they could use some prune juice.
"This spoon is dirty. I would like a new spoon."
The Worker opens their mouth, probably to tell me where I can shove the spoon, when Ren interrupts in a tiny voice, "You've got to say please."
This is Ren's second time Reborn. She's six years old now. When she was twenty-one she was sent back for planting an eco-bomb, and for again stealing an entire corporate farm when she was ninety. She's got an impressive file; we could be a good team eventually. I like her. But, regretfully, I no longer have the time.
"Please," I say, and smile real sweet.
The Worker takes the spoon from my hand with a measured precision that means they would much rather stab me with it, and give a little bow.
"Tell Jeremy he needs to pay more attention; the spoon was dirty!" I holler after them after they've passed into the kitchen, to everyone else at the table's disapproval.
Because this is my seventh time in The Womb, I've been placed in a high-security house, with experienced Grandparents rather than normal Parents and bars on all the windows under the cheerful blue and yellow curtains. I've also only got five siblings rather than the usual nine; Ren is the littlest, and Matthew is the oldest at seventeen. The rest of us hover around the dining room table in the throws of those terrible years right on the cusp of puberty, and we've all got the lanky self-awareness to match. Really, the jury should have forgiven me the second they realized my pivotal moment was at twelve, or at least written me off as a lost cause. What preteen doesn't want to take over the world? How was living through that desire again and again supposed to make me desire it any less? But we've established the establishment isn't very smart about the details of redemption. They just want to Save the Children, or at least look enough like they are to appeal to the constituents a couple times a year. Statistics to the contrary are handily swept aside as anti-love.
Everyone here has taken a wood chipper to someone else's moral fabric, most more than once. Even the Grandparents have been Reborn once each, although they won't tell me how come. Just that it's part of the job requirement, so they can relate to where we're at on our journeys or something disgustingly syrupy like that. I'll miss them the least.
The Womb Worker reappears at my left elbow. Another little bow, definitely sarcastic this time, and then they hold out a silvered fork. "Jeremy says all the spoons are dirty, but he offered an extra fork. The pudding is thick; this should serve just as well."
Finally. I accept the fork and dig in with an admirably restrained glee, I think. The pudding tastes sweeter knowing that it will be my last meal in this place.
Jeremy is old hat, been with the place since it opened basically, and is the only Worker authorized to visit every Home because he's worked his way up from day cook to Head of the Households. The first time I met him (on accident, during a poorly planned slip during my first sentence, involving a new bouquet of flowers every day until the home was buried in chrysanthemums and little baby's daisies and Womb Workers had to come and confiscate them all) he told me about his First Home, in Libya. It's taboo to talk about First Homes, not because it's illegal or anything or even really frowned upon. It just makes people sad. But Jeremy smiled as he told me about the fried dates and bsisa, the ironic wetlands and sprawling steppes and the big sky full of birds over everything all the time, the migrations. About the little lizards, the way they sashayed when he chased them down the streets. He made me forget almost everything and believe I'd grown up in Libya too. I volunteered for kitchen duty every night after in hopes he'd be that night's cook.
He climbed the ladder and I followed behind him to each new role, begging for stories about Libya, and about The Womb too, since he knows everything there is to know about it. Including, of course, how to get out. It wasn't hard to bribe him. Just two more rebirths of a little bit of smiling, a little bit of begging, and I've now had six life cycles to practice my hand at money laundering. Jeremy is four hundred and ninety-five this year. It's time for him to bail.
The pudding is gone too soon, and I lick my lips and immediately wish I had some Vasoline. They’re dry, and they sting. "I'm not feeling well. May I please be excused?"
Ren's tiny face looks doubtful and a couple of the other kids look intrigued, but Grandnanna is a warm, benevolent rock. "Do you need me to grab a basket?"
"I don't think so. I think I just need to lie down."
"Let me feel your head."
"It's my stomach," I protest, but go to her nonetheless. I'm up from the table, which means I'm almost in the clear.
She puts the back of her hand against my forehead and cheeks, then turns to rattle in the credenza behind her seat at the head of the table. "Richard, can you grab me the thermometer please? I forgot I moved it to the study when that cough went around last month."
"I'm kind of dizzy. I just want to lie down." I cross my arms and hunch my shoulders and do my best to turn excitement into flush agitation. Grandnanna (what a laugh; she's younger than me by a century, at least) purses her lips.
Then she steps back, and sighs. Good for her – she’s learned how to pick her battles. Probably why she’s still only been reborn once. "Grab a clean towel from the cupboard on your way up."
I finished my part of our plan this morning - digging out each of the security features in the home and bypassing them with a wire or a code I custom-wrote before my latest de-age debacle. The bars are just a formality now. But that's the most I could do on my own. It was up to Jeremy to arrange the rest - reaching out to my old contacts, setting up the weekend lecture series, making sure the Grandparents are out, finding a Sitter with enough moral ambiguity to agree to pack their overnight stuff in over-large luggage and to not ask questions. It was a lot of work, and he hasn’t said it but he’s going to negotiate for a better cut once we're free and clear. At least fifty percent. That's a cliché, but it’s fine. I can do those too. Not everyone makes it to five hundred. There won't be any questions when he’s never heard from again.
The corridor to my room is lined with photos doctored to look original, of the seven of us in this home, and each door has an initial painted in well-meaning green that comes off as military in the dim light. I dutifully grab a towel from the closet and go to my room, draping the towel over my pillow and curling up under the fluffy comforter. Once I bust out there will be no niceties, at least for a couple of months. Definitely no pudding. I close my eyes and sink into the bed. I dream myself a feast.
~D.E. Scevers
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A 2nd common objection to these designs is that it is questionable whether such indeterminism might include any kind of worth to consideration over that which is currently present in a deterministic globe. Libertarianism keeps a principle of free will that calls for that the agent have the ability to take more than one feasible course of action under an offered collection of conditions. The problem of this argument for some compatibilists lies in the fact that it requires the impossibility that a person can have picked besides one has. For instance, if Jane is a compatibilist and she has actually just muffled the couch, then she is devoted to the case that she could have continued to be standing, if she had so wanted. However it complies with from the repercussion argument that, if Jane had remained standing, she would have either produced an opposition, breached the laws of nature or transformed the past.
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Therefore, compatibilists are devoted to the presence of "extraordinary capacities", according to Ginet and also van Inwagen. David Lewis recommends that compatibilists are just committed to the capacity to do something otherwise if different conditions had in fact acquired in the past. On one hand, humans have a solid feeling of liberty, which leads us to think that we have free choice.
Carson verifies that God has the ability to experience, however argues that if he does so "it is due to the fact that he chooses to experience". God's eternity might be viewed as an element of his infinity, talked about below. , where it claims that God "is not offered by human hands, as if he needed anything".
A variety of event-causal accounts of free will have been created, referenced below as deliberative indeterminism, centred accounts, as well as efforts of will theory. The first 2 accounts do not need free will to be a basic constituent of the universe. Regular randomness is attracted as supplying the "breathing space" that libertarians think needed. An initial common argument to event-causal accounts is that the indeterminism might be harmful and also can therefore lessen control by the representative rather than give it.
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If the court finds that fraud or undue influence were involved in the creation of your will, it will be deemed invalid. Common situations could include: A family member getting the testator to sign a will by pretending it is just a general legal document that needs a signature.
Christian beliefs regarding the origins of enduring worldwide and also exactly how to respond to this trouble differ. However enjoyment has deeper definition and also considerable ramifications for humankind's connection with other pets. Enjoyment adds inherent worth to life-- that is, value to the person that feels it regardless of any perceived worth to any person else.
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Unlike a will, a living trust passes property outside of probate court. There are no court or attorney fees after the trust is established. Your property can be passed immediately and directly to your named beneficiaries. Trusts tend to be more expensive than wills to create and maintain.
This argument entails that free choice itself is unreasonable, however not that it is incompatible with determinism. https://colnbrook.trusted-willwriting.co.uk/ calls his own view "pessimism" yet it can be categorized as difficult incompatibilism. Deliberative indeterminism insists that the indeterminism is restricted to an earlier phase in the decision procedure. This is planned to supply an indeterminate collection of possibilities to choose from, while not risking the intro of good luck.
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If you get it terribly wrong, it can even mean that your will is void and also the law determines that your cash as well as property should most likely to.
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Many scholars see Alexander as the initial unambiguously 'libertarian' philosopher of the will. Wayne Grudem suggests that "if God likes all that is right as well as excellent, and also all that complies with his ethical personality, then it must not be surprising that he would certainly despise whatever that is opposed to his moral personality."
What do I need to think about when making a will?
Making a will and planning what to leave 1. Make a list of who you want to benefit from your estate. 2. Write down your assets and roughly what they're worth. 3. Think about how you want to split your money and property when making your will. 4. Check if Trusted-WillWriting official website 'll have to pay Inheritance Tax. 5. Think about protecting your beneficiaries.
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The love of God is particularly emphasised by followers of the social Trinitarian college of theology. Kevin Bidwell argues that this institution, which includes Jürgen Moltmann as well as Miroslav Volf, "purposely promotes self-giving love and liberty at the cost of Lordship and a whole selection of various other magnificent characteristics." Louis Berkhof states that "the consensus of opinion" through a lot of church background has actually been that God is the "Incomprehensible One". Berkhof, nevertheless, argues that, "in so far as God exposes Himself in His attributes, we also have some understanding of His Divine Being, though however our expertise is subject to human restrictions."
The option process is deterministic, although it might be based upon earlier choices established by the very same process. Deliberative indeterminism has been referenced by Daniel Dennett and John Martin Fischer. An obvious objection to such a view is that an agent can not be designated ownership over their choices to any higher degree than that of a compatibilist design. Event-causal accounts of incompatibilist free choice typically rely upon physicalist models of mind, yet they infer physical indeterminism, in which specific indeterministic events are claimed to be brought on by the agent.
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Does a will override a living trust?
Key Takeaways. A will and a living trust are both part of a comprehensive estate plan, that sometimes are inconsistent with one another. When there are conflicts, the trust takes precedence. A will has no power to decide who receives a living trust's assets, such as cash, equities, bonds, real estate, and jewelry.
As well as it is anyways usual to typical Jewish, Christian, as well as Muslim theologies to keep that humans can not transgression in paradise. Nevertheless, standard Christian theology a minimum of preserves that human persons in heaven are totally free.

If we are dedicated to the Categorical Analysis, after that those preferring to defend compatibilism appear to be devoted to the sense of ability in 'has the ability to break a law of nature' along the lines of the strong thesis. Lewis agrees with van Inwagen that it is "incredible" to think humans have such a capability, yet preserves that compatibilists need only interest the capacity to damage a legislation of nature in the weak sense. Essentially, Lewis is suggesting that incompatibilists like van Inwagen have actually stopped working to adequately encourage the restrictiveness of theCategorical Analysis. A final significant number of this period was Alexander of Aphrodisias, one of the most important Peripatetic commentator on Aristotle. In his On Fate, Alexander greatly slams the placements of the Stoics.
In those instances, as well as numerous others, the matching regulation was able to properly explain the choices of individuals. This equation is able to make up all of the different means researchers have actually come up with for transforming the high qualities of the two selections. This consists of amount of food, high quality of food, delay to food, and much more. It is impossible for us to understand the sources of our selections and also desires.
What does a simple will cost?
The average cost of a simple will is about $300 to $1,000 in the US for 2020 according to multiple trusted sources. According to Nolo, “It's very common for a lawyer to charge a flat fee to write a will and other basic estate planning documents. The low end for a simple lawyer-drafted will is around $300.
What sort of freedom remains in sight below, and also just how does it relate to ordinary liberty? 2 good recent discussions of these questions are Pawl and Timpe and also Tamburro. An excellent discussion of these debates in tandem and tries to point to appropriate disanalogies between causal determinism as well as foolproof foreknowledge might be located in the introduction to Fischer. However, effective treatment worldwide does not call for that our actions be causally unknown, so the 'liberty is logically presupposed' disagreement can not be introduced for such an understanding of freedom.
How do you prepare a trust for a will?
Here are five things you should do before writing a living trust: 1. Make a List of All Your Assets. Be sure to include make a list of your assets that includes everything you own. 2. Find the Paperwork for Your Assets. 3. Choose Beneficiaries. 4. Choose a Successor Trustee. 5. Choose a Guardian for Your Minor Children.
Daniel has a Bachelor's level in Psychology and Philosophy, as well as just recently earned his Master's level in Psychology. He is currently a PhD prospect at West Virginia University examining choice and timing of non-human animals. In the world of sporting activities, the proportion of 2- vs 3-point shots attempted by college as well as NBA basketball gamers matches the success rates of those shots. Furthermore, college football coaches call for rushing as well as passing plays according to the average yards obtained by those phone calls.
This is because to be responsible in some circumstance S, one need to have been responsible for the means one was at S − 1. To be in charge of the means one went to S − 1, one should have been accountable for the way one was at S − 2, and so on. Eventually in the chain, there have to have been an act of source of a brand-new causal chain.
The term initial wrong describes the belief that transgression went into the globe when the very first human beings, Adam and Eve, consumed the forbidden fruit in the Yard of Eden. God figured out that the fruit had actually been consumed and also told Adam and also Eve that they would certainly currently experience as a result of this wrong. Some Christians now believe that all people are birthed with this original wrong. According to this idea, all humans are born with a tendency towards evil as well as the capacity to cause suffering. Wickedness as well as suffering can often make individuals question their religious beliefs.

These concerns precede the very early Greek stoics, as well as some contemporary philosophers lament the absence of progression over all these centuries. Free will is the capacity to pick between different possible strategies unobstructed. If it is true that God keeps our ability to be certain of his existence for the sake of our freedom, after that it is all-natural in conclusion that people will do not have freedom in heaven.
Physical determinism, under the presumption of physicalism, indicates there is just one possible future and also is consequently not suitable with libertarian free will. Some liberal descriptions involve conjuring up panpsychism, the theory that a quality of mind is connected with all bits, as well as infuses the entire universe, in both stimulate and also inanimate entities. Other methods do not require free choice to be a fundamental constituent of deep space; normal randomness is attracted as providing the "breathing space" thought to be needed by libertarians.
Satisfaction seekers have wants, needs, wishes, and lives worth living. Some scientists, such as the American neuroscientists Jeffrey Burgdorf as well as Jaak Panksepp, think that lifeforms might experience certain feelings more extremely than humans do. For instance, when Cabanac had individuals dip their hand in a container of cold water, they reported the experience as positive if they were really feeling hot as well as unpleasant if they were really feeling chilly. Pets too show alliesthesia, which additionally puts on tastes. In making forecasts and judgments under uncertainty, individuals do not appear to adhere to the calculus of opportunity or the analytical theory of forecast.

Utilizing A Solicitor To Write Your Will
On the other hand, an intuitive feeling of free will can be misinterpreted. making will underlying inquiries are whether we have control over our activities, and if so, what sort of control, as well as to what extent.
All of these artifacts reveal that Asherah was a powerful fertility siren. Timpe, Kevin Free Choice in Feiser, J and also Dowden, B (Eds.) 'Internet Encyclopedia of Viewpoint'. In non-physical concepts of free will, agents are thought to have power to interfere in the physical world, a sight referred to as agent causation. Supporters of agent causation include George Berkeley, Thomas Reid, and also Roderick Chisholm. Descriptions of libertarianism that do not include dispensing with physicalism need physical indeterminism, such as probabilistic subatomic bit behavior-- a concept unknown to most of the early writers on free choice.

Instead, incompatibilists usually offer among the adhering to two bases for sensible idea in flexibility. A few of these stem from the physical sciences as well as others from neuroscience as well as psychology. Many philosophers supposing regarding free choice take themselves to be trying to examine a near-universal power of mature humans. But as we've kept in mind over, there have been free choice skeptics in both ancient as well as modern times. ( Israel 2001 highlights a variety of such doubters in the early modern period.) In this area, we sum up the primary lines of debate both for and also versus the truth of human flexibility of will.
What To Expect From Your Lawyer
This is often related to God's self-existence as well as his self-sufficiency. Asherah as a tree icon was even stated to have been "chopped down as well as burned outside the Holy place in acts of specific leaders that were trying to 'cleanse' the cult, and concentrate on the praise of a solitary man god, Yahweh," he included. Stavrakopoulou bases her theory on ancient messages, amulets as well as porcelain figurines discovered largely in the ancient Canaanite coastal city called Ugarit, now contemporary Syria.
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IRS Audits

There is always the possibility that any given taxpayer will receive an audit notice from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). This means the IRS wants to take a closer look at a tax filing to make sure all of the information is correct. The IRS audits taxpayers who are under suspicion of fraud, who may have made errors in their paperwork, or who are part of a target group that is subject to greater scrutiny, but audits are also conducted randomly. This section includes information about how to avoid an income tax audit and what to do if you receive an audit notice.
How to Avoid an Audit
The IRS chooses to audit certain tax returns because they raise red flags, are randomly selected, are part of a target group selected for closer scrutiny, or a combination of these reasons. It is difficult to predict who will be audited, in part to prevent those committing fraud or otherwise cheating on their taxes from developing a system that avoids audits. Although there are no guaranteed methods for avoiding an audit there are ways to reduce your risk. Regardless of whether you are audited or not the best advice is always to be honest on your tax returns and avoid fraud. Some common mistakes and red flags that can result in an audit include math errors, omitted income (even in small amounts and especially for those making over $100,000), claiming personal expenses as business expenses, and other kinds of errors and frauds. In addition, the IRS tends to examine target groups that frequently cheat on taxes. These groups include the self-employed, small businesses, and those who make more than $100,000. They also look at discrepancies in claimed income and demographics, so someone claiming little income, but living in an expensive area, may be subjected to additional scrutiny.
Fortunately, there are some things that can be done to reduce your risk. Filing taxes on the computer helps reduce math errors and improves legibility. Using a tax professional helps ensure that you comply with complicated regulations, especially where a small business is involved. Filing your taxes on time also helps ensure that you do not draw undue attention.
Call a Tax Lawyer if You’re Audited
If you are selected for an audit there are ways to help reduce your exposure. One important step is to research the tax law as it pertains to your audit. This may involve consulting a tax attorney or other tax professional. Reviewing the Taxpayers’ Bill of Rights will help you better understand your position. Even while an audit is being conducted it is possible to request a recess to consult with your attorney.
It is important to avoid rushing when being audited. When preparing a response to IRS inquiries it can be better to request additional time to organize and present your documents and records than to produce material that is poorly organized or fails to support your claims. The IRS must complete their audit within three years of the time the tax return was filed, unless tax fraud or significant under reporting of income is at issue.
It is better to go to an IRS office for an audit instead of holding the audit in your home or office and you should avoid giving more information than what is requested. Finally, you should understand that fewer than 25% of those audited avoid paying additional taxes. The odds are against you, but understanding that this is the case means that you can focus on negotiating with an auditor to limit your damages rather than spending energy trying to get off altogether.
Audit Tax Attorney Free Consultation
If you are being audited, please call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
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IRS Audits

There is always the possibility that any given taxpayer will receive an audit notice from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). This means the IRS wants to take a closer look at a tax filing to make sure all of the information is correct. The IRS audits taxpayers who are under suspicion of fraud, who may have made errors in their paperwork, or who are part of a target group that is subject to greater scrutiny, but audits are also conducted randomly. This section includes information about how to avoid an income tax audit and what to do if you receive an audit notice.
How to Avoid an Audit
The IRS chooses to audit certain tax returns because they raise red flags, are randomly selected, are part of a target group selected for closer scrutiny, or a combination of these reasons. It is difficult to predict who will be audited, in part to prevent those committing fraud or otherwise cheating on their taxes from developing a system that avoids audits. Although there are no guaranteed methods for avoiding an audit there are ways to reduce your risk. Regardless of whether you are audited or not the best advice is always to be honest on your tax returns and avoid fraud. Some common mistakes and red flags that can result in an audit include math errors, omitted income (even in small amounts and especially for those making over $100,000), claiming personal expenses as business expenses, and other kinds of errors and frauds. In addition, the IRS tends to examine target groups that frequently cheat on taxes. These groups include the self-employed, small businesses, and those who make more than $100,000. They also look at discrepancies in claimed income and demographics, so someone claiming little income, but living in an expensive area, may be subjected to additional scrutiny.
Fortunately, there are some things that can be done to reduce your risk. Filing taxes on the computer helps reduce math errors and improves legibility. Using a tax professional helps ensure that you comply with complicated regulations, especially where a small business is involved. Filing your taxes on time also helps ensure that you do not draw undue attention.
Call a Tax Lawyer if You’re Audited
If you are selected for an audit there are ways to help reduce your exposure. One important step is to research the tax law as it pertains to your audit. This may involve consulting a tax attorney or other tax professional. Reviewing the Taxpayers’ Bill of Rights will help you better understand your position. Even while an audit is being conducted it is possible to request a recess to consult with your attorney.
It is important to avoid rushing when being audited. When preparing a response to IRS inquiries it can be better to request additional time to organize and present your documents and records than to produce material that is poorly organized or fails to support your claims. The IRS must complete their audit within three years of the time the tax return was filed, unless tax fraud or significant under reporting of income is at issue.
It is better to go to an IRS office for an audit instead of holding the audit in your home or office and you should avoid giving more information than what is requested. Finally, you should understand that fewer than 25% of those audited avoid paying additional taxes. The odds are against you, but understanding that this is the case means that you can focus on negotiating with an auditor to limit your damages rather than spending energy trying to get off altogether.
Audit Tax Attorney Free Consultation
If you are being audited, please call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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from Michael Anderson https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/irs-audits/ from Criminal Defense Lawyer West Jordan Utah https://criminaldefenselawyerwestjorda.tumblr.com/post/183400707526
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IRS Audits

There is always the possibility that any given taxpayer will receive an audit notice from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). This means the IRS wants to take a closer look at a tax filing to make sure all of the information is correct. The IRS audits taxpayers who are under suspicion of fraud, who may have made errors in their paperwork, or who are part of a target group that is subject to greater scrutiny, but audits are also conducted randomly. This section includes information about how to avoid an income tax audit and what to do if you receive an audit notice.
How to Avoid an Audit
The IRS chooses to audit certain tax returns because they raise red flags, are randomly selected, are part of a target group selected for closer scrutiny, or a combination of these reasons. It is difficult to predict who will be audited, in part to prevent those committing fraud or otherwise cheating on their taxes from developing a system that avoids audits. Although there are no guaranteed methods for avoiding an audit there are ways to reduce your risk. Regardless of whether you are audited or not the best advice is always to be honest on your tax returns and avoid fraud. Some common mistakes and red flags that can result in an audit include math errors, omitted income (even in small amounts and especially for those making over $100,000), claiming personal expenses as business expenses, and other kinds of errors and frauds. In addition, the IRS tends to examine target groups that frequently cheat on taxes. These groups include the self-employed, small businesses, and those who make more than $100,000. They also look at discrepancies in claimed income and demographics, so someone claiming little income, but living in an expensive area, may be subjected to additional scrutiny.
Fortunately, there are some things that can be done to reduce your risk. Filing taxes on the computer helps reduce math errors and improves legibility. Using a tax professional helps ensure that you comply with complicated regulations, especially where a small business is involved. Filing your taxes on time also helps ensure that you do not draw undue attention.
Call a Tax Lawyer if You’re Audited
If you are selected for an audit there are ways to help reduce your exposure. One important step is to research the tax law as it pertains to your audit. This may involve consulting a tax attorney or other tax professional. Reviewing the Taxpayers’ Bill of Rights will help you better understand your position. Even while an audit is being conducted it is possible to request a recess to consult with your attorney.
It is important to avoid rushing when being audited. When preparing a response to IRS inquiries it can be better to request additional time to organize and present your documents and records than to produce material that is poorly organized or fails to support your claims. The IRS must complete their audit within three years of the time the tax return was filed, unless tax fraud or significant under reporting of income is at issue.
It is better to go to an IRS office for an audit instead of holding the audit in your home or office and you should avoid giving more information than what is requested. Finally, you should understand that fewer than 25% of those audited avoid paying additional taxes. The odds are against you, but understanding that this is the case means that you can focus on negotiating with an auditor to limit your damages rather than spending energy trying to get off altogether.
Audit Tax Attorney Free Consultation
If you are being audited, please call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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from Michael Anderson https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/irs-audits/ from Child Custody Lawyer Utah https://childcustodylawyerutah.tumblr.com/post/183400716330
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IRS Audits

There is always the possibility that any given taxpayer will receive an audit notice from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). This means the IRS wants to take a closer look at a tax filing to make sure all of the information is correct. The IRS audits taxpayers who are under suspicion of fraud, who may have made errors in their paperwork, or who are part of a target group that is subject to greater scrutiny, but audits are also conducted randomly. This section includes information about how to avoid an income tax audit and what to do if you receive an audit notice.
How to Avoid an Audit
The IRS chooses to audit certain tax returns because they raise red flags, are randomly selected, are part of a target group selected for closer scrutiny, or a combination of these reasons. It is difficult to predict who will be audited, in part to prevent those committing fraud or otherwise cheating on their taxes from developing a system that avoids audits. Although there are no guaranteed methods for avoiding an audit there are ways to reduce your risk. Regardless of whether you are audited or not the best advice is always to be honest on your tax returns and avoid fraud. Some common mistakes and red flags that can result in an audit include math errors, omitted income (even in small amounts and especially for those making over $100,000), claiming personal expenses as business expenses, and other kinds of errors and frauds. In addition, the IRS tends to examine target groups that frequently cheat on taxes. These groups include the self-employed, small businesses, and those who make more than $100,000. They also look at discrepancies in claimed income and demographics, so someone claiming little income, but living in an expensive area, may be subjected to additional scrutiny.
Fortunately, there are some things that can be done to reduce your risk. Filing taxes on the computer helps reduce math errors and improves legibility. Using a tax professional helps ensure that you comply with complicated regulations, especially where a small business is involved. Filing your taxes on time also helps ensure that you do not draw undue attention.
Call a Tax Lawyer if You’re Audited
If you are selected for an audit there are ways to help reduce your exposure. One important step is to research the tax law as it pertains to your audit. This may involve consulting a tax attorney or other tax professional. Reviewing the Taxpayers’ Bill of Rights will help you better understand your position. Even while an audit is being conducted it is possible to request a recess to consult with your attorney.
It is important to avoid rushing when being audited. When preparing a response to IRS inquiries it can be better to request additional time to organize and present your documents and records than to produce material that is poorly organized or fails to support your claims. The IRS must complete their audit within three years of the time the tax return was filed, unless tax fraud or significant under reporting of income is at issue.
It is better to go to an IRS office for an audit instead of holding the audit in your home or office and you should avoid giving more information than what is requested. Finally, you should understand that fewer than 25% of those audited avoid paying additional taxes. The odds are against you, but understanding that this is the case means that you can focus on negotiating with an auditor to limit your damages rather than spending energy trying to get off altogether.
Audit Tax Attorney Free Consultation
If you are being audited, please call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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from Michael Anderson https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/irs-audits/ from Top Rated Utah Lawyer https://topratedutahlawyer.tumblr.com/post/183400702746
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IRS Audits

There is always the possibility that any given taxpayer will receive an audit notice from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). This means the IRS wants to take a closer look at a tax filing to make sure all of the information is correct. The IRS audits taxpayers who are under suspicion of fraud, who may have made errors in their paperwork, or who are part of a target group that is subject to greater scrutiny, but audits are also conducted randomly. This section includes information about how to avoid an income tax audit and what to do if you receive an audit notice.
How to Avoid an Audit
The IRS chooses to audit certain tax returns because they raise red flags, are randomly selected, are part of a target group selected for closer scrutiny, or a combination of these reasons. It is difficult to predict who will be audited, in part to prevent those committing fraud or otherwise cheating on their taxes from developing a system that avoids audits. Although there are no guaranteed methods for avoiding an audit there are ways to reduce your risk. Regardless of whether you are audited or not the best advice is always to be honest on your tax returns and avoid fraud. Some common mistakes and red flags that can result in an audit include math errors, omitted income (even in small amounts and especially for those making over $100,000), claiming personal expenses as business expenses, and other kinds of errors and frauds. In addition, the IRS tends to examine target groups that frequently cheat on taxes. These groups include the self-employed, small businesses, and those who make more than $100,000. They also look at discrepancies in claimed income and demographics, so someone claiming little income, but living in an expensive area, may be subjected to additional scrutiny.
Fortunately, there are some things that can be done to reduce your risk. Filing taxes on the computer helps reduce math errors and improves legibility. Using a tax professional helps ensure that you comply with complicated regulations, especially where a small business is involved. Filing your taxes on time also helps ensure that you do not draw undue attention.
Call a Tax Lawyer if You’re Audited
If you are selected for an audit there are ways to help reduce your exposure. One important step is to research the tax law as it pertains to your audit. This may involve consulting a tax attorney or other tax professional. Reviewing the Taxpayers’ Bill of Rights will help you better understand your position. Even while an audit is being conducted it is possible to request a recess to consult with your attorney.
It is important to avoid rushing when being audited. When preparing a response to IRS inquiries it can be better to request additional time to organize and present your documents and records than to produce material that is poorly organized or fails to support your claims. The IRS must complete their audit within three years of the time the tax return was filed, unless tax fraud or significant under reporting of income is at issue.
It is better to go to an IRS office for an audit instead of holding the audit in your home or office and you should avoid giving more information than what is requested. Finally, you should understand that fewer than 25% of those audited avoid paying additional taxes. The odds are against you, but understanding that this is the case means that you can focus on negotiating with an auditor to limit your damages rather than spending energy trying to get off altogether.
Audit Tax Attorney Free Consultation
If you are being audited, please call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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from https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/irs-audits/
from Criminal Defense Lawyer West Jordan Utah - Blog http://criminaldefenselawyerwestjordanutah.weebly.com/blog/irs-audits
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IRS Audits

There is always the possibility that any given taxpayer will receive an audit notice from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). This means the IRS wants to take a closer look at a tax filing to make sure all of the information is correct. The IRS audits taxpayers who are under suspicion of fraud, who may have made errors in their paperwork, or who are part of a target group that is subject to greater scrutiny, but audits are also conducted randomly. This section includes information about how to avoid an income tax audit and what to do if you receive an audit notice.
How to Avoid an Audit
The IRS chooses to audit certain tax returns because they raise red flags, are randomly selected, are part of a target group selected for closer scrutiny, or a combination of these reasons. It is difficult to predict who will be audited, in part to prevent those committing fraud or otherwise cheating on their taxes from developing a system that avoids audits. Although there are no guaranteed methods for avoiding an audit there are ways to reduce your risk. Regardless of whether you are audited or not the best advice is always to be honest on your tax returns and avoid fraud. Some common mistakes and red flags that can result in an audit include math errors, omitted income (even in small amounts and especially for those making over $100,000), claiming personal expenses as business expenses, and other kinds of errors and frauds. In addition, the IRS tends to examine target groups that frequently cheat on taxes. These groups include the self-employed, small businesses, and those who make more than $100,000. They also look at discrepancies in claimed income and demographics, so someone claiming little income, but living in an expensive area, may be subjected to additional scrutiny.
Fortunately, there are some things that can be done to reduce your risk. Filing taxes on the computer helps reduce math errors and improves legibility. Using a tax professional helps ensure that you comply with complicated regulations, especially where a small business is involved. Filing your taxes on time also helps ensure that you do not draw undue attention.
Call a Tax Lawyer if You’re Audited
If you are selected for an audit there are ways to help reduce your exposure. One important step is to research the tax law as it pertains to your audit. This may involve consulting a tax attorney or other tax professional. Reviewing the Taxpayers’ Bill of Rights will help you better understand your position. Even while an audit is being conducted it is possible to request a recess to consult with your attorney.
It is important to avoid rushing when being audited. When preparing a response to IRS inquiries it can be better to request additional time to organize and present your documents and records than to produce material that is poorly organized or fails to support your claims. The IRS must complete their audit within three years of the time the tax return was filed, unless tax fraud or significant under reporting of income is at issue.
It is better to go to an IRS office for an audit instead of holding the audit in your home or office and you should avoid giving more information than what is requested. Finally, you should understand that fewer than 25% of those audited avoid paying additional taxes. The odds are against you, but understanding that this is the case means that you can focus on negotiating with an auditor to limit your damages rather than spending energy trying to get off altogether.
Audit Tax Attorney Free Consultation
If you are being audited, please call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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from Michael Anderson https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/irs-audits/ from Jeremy Eveland https://jeremyeveland12.tumblr.com/post/183400722584
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IRS Audits

There is always the possibility that any given taxpayer will receive an audit notice from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). This means the IRS wants to take a closer look at a tax filing to make sure all of the information is correct. The IRS audits taxpayers who are under suspicion of fraud, who may have made errors in their paperwork, or who are part of a target group that is subject to greater scrutiny, but audits are also conducted randomly. This section includes information about how to avoid an income tax audit and what to do if you receive an audit notice.
How to Avoid an Audit
The IRS chooses to audit certain tax returns because they raise red flags, are randomly selected, are part of a target group selected for closer scrutiny, or a combination of these reasons. It is difficult to predict who will be audited, in part to prevent those committing fraud or otherwise cheating on their taxes from developing a system that avoids audits. Although there are no guaranteed methods for avoiding an audit there are ways to reduce your risk. Regardless of whether you are audited or not the best advice is always to be honest on your tax returns and avoid fraud. Some common mistakes and red flags that can result in an audit include math errors, omitted income (even in small amounts and especially for those making over $100,000), claiming personal expenses as business expenses, and other kinds of errors and frauds. In addition, the IRS tends to examine target groups that frequently cheat on taxes. These groups include the self-employed, small businesses, and those who make more than $100,000. They also look at discrepancies in claimed income and demographics, so someone claiming little income, but living in an expensive area, may be subjected to additional scrutiny.
Fortunately, there are some things that can be done to reduce your risk. Filing taxes on the computer helps reduce math errors and improves legibility. Using a tax professional helps ensure that you comply with complicated regulations, especially where a small business is involved. Filing your taxes on time also helps ensure that you do not draw undue attention.
Call a Tax Lawyer if You’re Audited
If you are selected for an audit there are ways to help reduce your exposure. One important step is to research the tax law as it pertains to your audit. This may involve consulting a tax attorney or other tax professional. Reviewing the Taxpayers’ Bill of Rights will help you better understand your position. Even while an audit is being conducted it is possible to request a recess to consult with your attorney.
It is important to avoid rushing when being audited. When preparing a response to IRS inquiries it can be better to request additional time to organize and present your documents and records than to produce material that is poorly organized or fails to support your claims. The IRS must complete their audit within three years of the time the tax return was filed, unless tax fraud or significant under reporting of income is at issue.
It is better to go to an IRS office for an audit instead of holding the audit in your home or office and you should avoid giving more information than what is requested. Finally, you should understand that fewer than 25% of those audited avoid paying additional taxes. The odds are against you, but understanding that this is the case means that you can focus on negotiating with an auditor to limit your damages rather than spending energy trying to get off altogether.
Audit Tax Attorney Free Consultation
If you are being audited, please call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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Tax Exemptions
Divorce Custody and Prenups
Living Trust Attorney
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Repost: https://jamesbalmforth12.tumblr.com/post/183400688631 James R. Balmforth http://jamesbalmforth12.tumblr.com/
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IRS Audits

There is always the possibility that any given taxpayer will receive an audit notice from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). This means the IRS wants to take a closer look at a tax filing to make sure all of the information is correct. The IRS audits taxpayers who are under suspicion of fraud, who may have made errors in their paperwork, or who are part of a target group that is subject to greater scrutiny, but audits are also conducted randomly. This section includes information about how to avoid an income tax audit and what to do if you receive an audit notice.
How to Avoid an Audit
The IRS chooses to audit certain tax returns because they raise red flags, are randomly selected, are part of a target group selected for closer scrutiny, or a combination of these reasons. It is difficult to predict who will be audited, in part to prevent those committing fraud or otherwise cheating on their taxes from developing a system that avoids audits. Although there are no guaranteed methods for avoiding an audit there are ways to reduce your risk. Regardless of whether you are audited or not the best advice is always to be honest on your tax returns and avoid fraud. Some common mistakes and red flags that can result in an audit include math errors, omitted income (even in small amounts and especially for those making over $100,000), claiming personal expenses as business expenses, and other kinds of errors and frauds. In addition, the IRS tends to examine target groups that frequently cheat on taxes. These groups include the self-employed, small businesses, and those who make more than $100,000. They also look at discrepancies in claimed income and demographics, so someone claiming little income, but living in an expensive area, may be subjected to additional scrutiny.
Fortunately, there are some things that can be done to reduce your risk. Filing taxes on the computer helps reduce math errors and improves legibility. Using a tax professional helps ensure that you comply with complicated regulations, especially where a small business is involved. Filing your taxes on time also helps ensure that you do not draw undue attention.
Call a Tax Lawyer if You’re Audited
If you are selected for an audit there are ways to help reduce your exposure. One important step is to research the tax law as it pertains to your audit. This may involve consulting a tax attorney or other tax professional. Reviewing the Taxpayers’ Bill of Rights will help you better understand your position. Even while an audit is being conducted it is possible to request a recess to consult with your attorney.
It is important to avoid rushing when being audited. When preparing a response to IRS inquiries it can be better to request additional time to organize and present your documents and records than to produce material that is poorly organized or fails to support your claims. The IRS must complete their audit within three years of the time the tax return was filed, unless tax fraud or significant under reporting of income is at issue.
It is better to go to an IRS office for an audit instead of holding the audit in your home or office and you should avoid giving more information than what is requested. Finally, you should understand that fewer than 25% of those audited avoid paying additional taxes. The odds are against you, but understanding that this is the case means that you can focus on negotiating with an auditor to limit your damages rather than spending energy trying to get off altogether.
Audit Tax Attorney Free Consultation
If you are being audited, please call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
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Source: https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/irs-audits/
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IRS Audits

There is always the possibility that any given taxpayer will receive an audit notice from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). This means the IRS wants to take a closer look at a tax filing to make sure all of the information is correct. The IRS audits taxpayers who are under suspicion of fraud, who may have made errors in their paperwork, or who are part of a target group that is subject to greater scrutiny, but audits are also conducted randomly. This section includes information about how to avoid an income tax audit and what to do if you receive an audit notice.
How to Avoid an Audit
The IRS chooses to audit certain tax returns because they raise red flags, are randomly selected, are part of a target group selected for closer scrutiny, or a combination of these reasons. It is difficult to predict who will be audited, in part to prevent those committing fraud or otherwise cheating on their taxes from developing a system that avoids audits. Although there are no guaranteed methods for avoiding an audit there are ways to reduce your risk. Regardless of whether you are audited or not the best advice is always to be honest on your tax returns and avoid fraud. Some common mistakes and red flags that can result in an audit include math errors, omitted income (even in small amounts and especially for those making over $100,000), claiming personal expenses as business expenses, and other kinds of errors and frauds. In addition, the IRS tends to examine target groups that frequently cheat on taxes. These groups include the self-employed, small businesses, and those who make more than $100,000. They also look at discrepancies in claimed income and demographics, so someone claiming little income, but living in an expensive area, may be subjected to additional scrutiny.
Fortunately, there are some things that can be done to reduce your risk. Filing taxes on the computer helps reduce math errors and improves legibility. Using a tax professional helps ensure that you comply with complicated regulations, especially where a small business is involved. Filing your taxes on time also helps ensure that you do not draw undue attention.
Call a Tax Lawyer if You’re Audited
If you are selected for an audit there are ways to help reduce your exposure. One important step is to research the tax law as it pertains to your audit. This may involve consulting a tax attorney or other tax professional. Reviewing the Taxpayers’ Bill of Rights will help you better understand your position. Even while an audit is being conducted it is possible to request a recess to consult with your attorney.
It is important to avoid rushing when being audited. When preparing a response to IRS inquiries it can be better to request additional time to organize and present your documents and records than to produce material that is poorly organized or fails to support your claims. The IRS must complete their audit within three years of the time the tax return was filed, unless tax fraud or significant under reporting of income is at issue.
It is better to go to an IRS office for an audit instead of holding the audit in your home or office and you should avoid giving more information than what is requested. Finally, you should understand that fewer than 25% of those audited avoid paying additional taxes. The odds are against you, but understanding that this is the case means that you can focus on negotiating with an auditor to limit your damages rather than spending energy trying to get off altogether.
Audit Tax Attorney Free Consultation
If you are being audited, please call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
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Source: https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/irs-audits/
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IRS Audits

There is always the possibility that any given taxpayer will receive an audit notice from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). This means the IRS wants to take a closer look at a tax filing to make sure all of the information is correct. The IRS audits taxpayers who are under suspicion of fraud, who may have made errors in their paperwork, or who are part of a target group that is subject to greater scrutiny, but audits are also conducted randomly. This section includes information about how to avoid an income tax audit and what to do if you receive an audit notice.
How to Avoid an Audit
The IRS chooses to audit certain tax returns because they raise red flags, are randomly selected, are part of a target group selected for closer scrutiny, or a combination of these reasons. It is difficult to predict who will be audited, in part to prevent those committing fraud or otherwise cheating on their taxes from developing a system that avoids audits. Although there are no guaranteed methods for avoiding an audit there are ways to reduce your risk. Regardless of whether you are audited or not the best advice is always to be honest on your tax returns and avoid fraud. Some common mistakes and red flags that can result in an audit include math errors, omitted income (even in small amounts and especially for those making over $100,000), claiming personal expenses as business expenses, and other kinds of errors and frauds. In addition, the IRS tends to examine target groups that frequently cheat on taxes. These groups include the self-employed, small businesses, and those who make more than $100,000. They also look at discrepancies in claimed income and demographics, so someone claiming little income, but living in an expensive area, may be subjected to additional scrutiny.
Fortunately, there are some things that can be done to reduce your risk. Filing taxes on the computer helps reduce math errors and improves legibility. Using a tax professional helps ensure that you comply with complicated regulations, especially where a small business is involved. Filing your taxes on time also helps ensure that you do not draw undue attention.
Call a Tax Lawyer if You’re Audited
If you are selected for an audit there are ways to help reduce your exposure. One important step is to research the tax law as it pertains to your audit. This may involve consulting a tax attorney or other tax professional. Reviewing the Taxpayers’ Bill of Rights will help you better understand your position. Even while an audit is being conducted it is possible to request a recess to consult with your attorney.
It is important to avoid rushing when being audited. When preparing a response to IRS inquiries it can be better to request additional time to organize and present your documents and records than to produce material that is poorly organized or fails to support your claims. The IRS must complete their audit within three years of the time the tax return was filed, unless tax fraud or significant under reporting of income is at issue.
It is better to go to an IRS office for an audit instead of holding the audit in your home or office and you should avoid giving more information than what is requested. Finally, you should understand that fewer than 25% of those audited avoid paying additional taxes. The odds are against you, but understanding that this is the case means that you can focus on negotiating with an auditor to limit your damages rather than spending energy trying to get off altogether.
Audit Tax Attorney Free Consultation
If you are being audited, please call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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from Michael Anderson https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/irs-audits/ from Divorce Lawyer Tooele Utah https://divorcelawyertooeleutah.tumblr.com/post/183400700116
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IRS Audits

There is always the possibility that any given taxpayer will receive an audit notice from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). This means the IRS wants to take a closer look at a tax filing to make sure all of the information is correct. The IRS audits taxpayers who are under suspicion of fraud, who may have made errors in their paperwork, or who are part of a target group that is subject to greater scrutiny, but audits are also conducted randomly. This section includes information about how to avoid an income tax audit and what to do if you receive an audit notice.
How to Avoid an Audit
The IRS chooses to audit certain tax returns because they raise red flags, are randomly selected, are part of a target group selected for closer scrutiny, or a combination of these reasons. It is difficult to predict who will be audited, in part to prevent those committing fraud or otherwise cheating on their taxes from developing a system that avoids audits. Although there are no guaranteed methods for avoiding an audit there are ways to reduce your risk. Regardless of whether you are audited or not the best advice is always to be honest on your tax returns and avoid fraud. Some common mistakes and red flags that can result in an audit include math errors, omitted income (even in small amounts and especially for those making over $100,000), claiming personal expenses as business expenses, and other kinds of errors and frauds. In addition, the IRS tends to examine target groups that frequently cheat on taxes. These groups include the self-employed, small businesses, and those who make more than $100,000. They also look at discrepancies in claimed income and demographics, so someone claiming little income, but living in an expensive area, may be subjected to additional scrutiny.
Fortunately, there are some things that can be done to reduce your risk. Filing taxes on the computer helps reduce math errors and improves legibility. Using a tax professional helps ensure that you comply with complicated regulations, especially where a small business is involved. Filing your taxes on time also helps ensure that you do not draw undue attention.
Call a Tax Lawyer if You’re Audited
If you are selected for an audit there are ways to help reduce your exposure. One important step is to research the tax law as it pertains to your audit. This may involve consulting a tax attorney or other tax professional. Reviewing the Taxpayers’ Bill of Rights will help you better understand your position. Even while an audit is being conducted it is possible to request a recess to consult with your attorney.
It is important to avoid rushing when being audited. When preparing a response to IRS inquiries it can be better to request additional time to organize and present your documents and records than to produce material that is poorly organized or fails to support your claims. The IRS must complete their audit within three years of the time the tax return was filed, unless tax fraud or significant under reporting of income is at issue.
It is better to go to an IRS office for an audit instead of holding the audit in your home or office and you should avoid giving more information than what is requested. Finally, you should understand that fewer than 25% of those audited avoid paying additional taxes. The odds are against you, but understanding that this is the case means that you can focus on negotiating with an auditor to limit your damages rather than spending energy trying to get off altogether.
Audit Tax Attorney Free Consultation
If you are being audited, please call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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from Michael Anderson https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/irs-audits/ from Salt Lake City Estate Planning https://saltlakecityestate.tumblr.com/post/183400695777
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IRS Audits

There is always the possibility that any given taxpayer will receive an audit notice from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). This means the IRS wants to take a closer look at a tax filing to make sure all of the information is correct. The IRS audits taxpayers who are under suspicion of fraud, who may have made errors in their paperwork, or who are part of a target group that is subject to greater scrutiny, but audits are also conducted randomly. This section includes information about how to avoid an income tax audit and what to do if you receive an audit notice.
How to Avoid an Audit
The IRS chooses to audit certain tax returns because they raise red flags, are randomly selected, are part of a target group selected for closer scrutiny, or a combination of these reasons. It is difficult to predict who will be audited, in part to prevent those committing fraud or otherwise cheating on their taxes from developing a system that avoids audits. Although there are no guaranteed methods for avoiding an audit there are ways to reduce your risk. Regardless of whether you are audited or not the best advice is always to be honest on your tax returns and avoid fraud. Some common mistakes and red flags that can result in an audit include math errors, omitted income (even in small amounts and especially for those making over $100,000), claiming personal expenses as business expenses, and other kinds of errors and frauds. In addition, the IRS tends to examine target groups that frequently cheat on taxes. These groups include the self-employed, small businesses, and those who make more than $100,000. They also look at discrepancies in claimed income and demographics, so someone claiming little income, but living in an expensive area, may be subjected to additional scrutiny.
Fortunately, there are some things that can be done to reduce your risk. Filing taxes on the computer helps reduce math errors and improves legibility. Using a tax professional helps ensure that you comply with complicated regulations, especially where a small business is involved. Filing your taxes on time also helps ensure that you do not draw undue attention.
Call a Tax Lawyer if You’re Audited
If you are selected for an audit there are ways to help reduce your exposure. One important step is to research the tax law as it pertains to your audit. This may involve consulting a tax attorney or other tax professional. Reviewing the Taxpayers’ Bill of Rights will help you better understand your position. Even while an audit is being conducted it is possible to request a recess to consult with your attorney.
It is important to avoid rushing when being audited. When preparing a response to IRS inquiries it can be better to request additional time to organize and present your documents and records than to produce material that is poorly organized or fails to support your claims. The IRS must complete their audit within three years of the time the tax return was filed, unless tax fraud or significant under reporting of income is at issue.
It is better to go to an IRS office for an audit instead of holding the audit in your home or office and you should avoid giving more information than what is requested. Finally, you should understand that fewer than 25% of those audited avoid paying additional taxes. The odds are against you, but understanding that this is the case means that you can focus on negotiating with an auditor to limit your damages rather than spending energy trying to get off altogether.
Audit Tax Attorney Free Consultation
If you are being audited, please call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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