#also a homeless feral brat that took what he could to get himself and others he tried helping by-
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cosmicwhoreo · 2 years ago
Can I interest you in some guppy Black Pearl art in these trying timez? (with a hint of Grand Reef Cookie, of course!)
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believe it or not, I had these doodled before the update! Granted, bp was colored slightly different than now, but it's easy to fix that with pixels~! Frankly my ideas on how my shining grandpapa Grand Reef haven't changed much! In fact, I think the conformation that bp has (or had) sisters helps me! All that really changed is that merbabies leave the reef at a certain age to go with their pod of siblings to their kingdom and be a good citizen or whatnot-
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Yes, I know logistically there is no way in HELL these two would have ever met as kids; But that's what AUs are fooooooooor~~~~ SO SHUSHH
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undertale-writing-times · 3 years ago
so instead of romantic it's platonic/family-esc - the skellies getting followed around by this little like 9 year old kid who very clearly looks like they havent been eating well/being bathed, practically wearing a potato sack and they just stare at them with these big doughey eyes and wait around for them to let them inside. if the skellies call cps or something the kid is apparently very good at hiding from them, or if they're caught will struggle hard :V when they are let inside they'll act just a little like a feral animal, also hisses at people, but also clings to their legs and arms like a koala bear
with the main bois plus some mafia and nightmare please?
This was so cute and fun to write. I hope you enjoy it :)
It took me a while to finish but only because I wanted to make them long.
Sans: When Sans first met the kid, he would buy them some bread. You know, some stuff that he thinks that they would like. It wouldn't be enough most likely, but he just wanted to do something for them then he would start to walk home, and he realizes that the kid is following him. It confuses him, why would the kid be following him? Where were the kids parents? Did they... not have any parents? He gets that, he didn't have parents either. He took good care of Papyrus when they were younger and pretty much homeless... he thinks for a while, then sighs, scoops the little kid up into his arms, and walks into the house "Okay, come on kid, you can stay here for a while" a while turns into a lot longer time, then that turns into him pretty much adopting a child. He doesn't have any problems with that, the only thing that annoys him was when the kid bit any humans that they saw, most of the time Frisk...
Papyrus: When Papyrus met the child, he perks up and grins, crouching down and looking at them "well hello little human! I am the great Papyrus, why are you following me?" He had just been out at the store, getting noodles for his normal meal, when he realized something "Oh! You must know that I am making my world-famous spaghetti! Well little human, you may come with me and have some" he opens the door to his house, allowing them to scamper inside and he goes to make the noodles. He has no idea what he just got himself into. He doesn't even think about calling anyone, he just is going to take care of the little kid by giving them noodles and food most likely. Once Sans says that they can't keep the kid, he's going to ask why and they argue a little until Sans sighs and agrees for Papyrus to be able to keep the kid. He will buy them food, clothes, and many other things. He's excited to have a child!
Red: Red was just going to take out the trash when he saw the little kid outside, looking up at him with the big eyes, causing him to squint his eye sockets at them "Edge, bro, there's a weird brat outside! It ain't Frisk!" He would kick the human outta his yard if he didn't notice the fact that the kid looked like they were starving, their clothes hanging off their body a little, and... they just didn't look good. Were they homeless? It reminds him of when he was with his brother... they had to go through a lot of stuff when they were younger to be able to live. After a few seconds of thinking, he sighs shaking his head, and steps a little to the side "Get in here, you fuckin' weirdo..." He tosses out the trash and goes to the kitchen to get the kid hearing his brother shouting. "Why is there a human in our home!?" Ugh, this is gonna be another thing that they were going to have to deal with. He wasn't gonna call any dumb humans, why would he? They took care of Frisk and they turned out fine... sorta. Whatever, screw you guys. Red could take care of another brat, at least for a little while... until they were able to handle and take care of themselves. That's all that mattered.
Edge: They snuck into his house, and when Edge finally catches them, it took almost two hours. They were very good at hiding, and wouldn't allow him to catch them! Normally, he would be pissed but after being above ground for a little while, he cooled down from his rage from before, and he could see that he was most impressed that they were able to hide from the past leader of the royal guard "I see that you know I am the best choice to be able to stay and live with. I will train you to become a great fighter! As you should be. For now, let us get you something to eat, then a change of clothing... I do not have a nose, but you smell gross" he walks over to the kitchen, holding the child under his arm ignoring the fact that they were biting onto one of his bones. He is sure that they would grow to get along, or at least he hoped so... plus, if this child did have parents, they did not deserve to have the child because they were not taking good care of them at all! Idiots, all of them.
Blueberry: When Blueberry first saw the human standing outside his house, eating some stuff out of the trash, he's going to perk up "Oh!" He shakes his head, laughing softly "little human, no, you don't need to eat out of the trash" They were staring at him with such big eyes, and he opens the door, waving his hand in a silent way of saying to come in! The human does come in, and he goes to get food ready. He doesn't even think about the fact that he should call someone, the human seems like they need help and he is the best Blueberry so he shall help people if he's able to! He gives them food and goes to get some clothes, just some of his own which would most likely be pretty baggy. Afterward, they didn't leave, and... well... he doesn't mind too much? It's like having Chara around again! Isn't that fun?
Stretch: He would most likely be the one to call the cops, to come and check out the kid, and would help them the best he could. If the kid turns out to not have a home, he would adopt them himself! He hated the idea of a kid not having a place to stay. He would be a pretty good dad, I bet? After he's allowed to adopt them, he makes sure that they're never hungry by giving them corn dogs sometimes, and other times the tacos that his brother makes but uh... you know, sometimes they just order out, and he would buy clothes for his babybones... ha, look at that, he's calling them his babybones, that's pretty cute. Even if he doesn't look it, he's always wanted children so the idea of being able to have one without worrying about getting a datemate and such makes him pretty happy. As long as they never, you know, try to kill people randomly he'll be pretty proud and happy with them.
Axe: When Axe first saw the little child was following him, he felt on edge. Why were they following him? Were they going to try to attack him, or something? He didn't have anything but the food that he just bought from the store. His mind rushed with different thoughts until... he realized something. They were staying far enough away from him but they were also so small and skinny like they didn't have any food. They were wearing dirty clothes... looked dirty too. Half of him thought it would be best to just ignore the child but even he knew that he couldn't do that. Instead, he sighs, and lets the kid into the house and goes to make food, then sets it down on the floor and walks off to sit down, watching them, squinting. Was he really going to keep this human child? Either that or he would need to call the other humans to come and collect the child and he does not want that. After a while, he got comfortable with the child being there. He finds it kind of enjoyable, weirdly. Sometimes they would chew on his bones but he didn't really mind too much... they sometimes acted more like a dog than a human child.
Noodle: "Oh goodie! New friend!" They would get so excited about having a new friend to play with! They would invite the child into the house, then cook them something up nice and good. It's burnt, and kinda gross, but hey food is food. Noodle quickly gets clothes for the child to wear, ones that Frisk used to wear when they were around. The clothes were old and kinda torn themselves but warm, and big enough... Then... Noodle gets uncomfortable seeing the human wearing those clothes and decides to get different clothes! The human takes a bath while he asks his brother to go out to the store to get clothes for the human child. They argue for a little, then Axe huffs in annoyance but agrees, leaving to get clothes for their new human pet to wear. That's what Noodle called them. Noodle doesn't mind when the human latches onto them, or anything! As long as they don't bite too hard, or bite people that Noodle likes... Noodle will bite back.
Wiseguy: Wiseguy would get a little uncomfortable when he goes outside and sees just... some kid staring at him. “Uh... hey... kid. What you doin' here?” he'd ask. The kid wouldn't say anything and just stare at him. He was half tempted to close the door and say that there was no mail but he knew that none of his brothers would believe that. Ughhhh. “Hey there, buddy” he reaches over, patting the top of their head. They almost bit his finger, causing him to tense up quickly pulling his hand back, and they run by him running into the house “Hey!” he raises his hand, using his magic to catch their soul, and shuts the door with his foot “Ah ah ah, come on, ya know ya ain't supposed ta go runnin' into people's houses, pal” he pulls them over, seeing them struggling and trying to get away. Why were they acting so weird? He looks them up and down, noticing just how dirty they were and everything. The gross clothing... “Are ya homeless?” he asks, frowning slightly. They didn't answer him. Did they not even know how to speak? He sighs out slowly, scratching at his cheek unsure of what he was supposed to do right now. He knew that they couldn't raise a child! He would go over to bathe the child, get them some food then put them into his bedroom and lock the door while trying to think of what he should do right now. This wasn't what he expected to have happened today. Maybe he could talk to Books about this? Books is the older brother.
Bones: When Bones saw the child outside, they would stare at each other, Bones slowly blinking then grin wide “Aww! Hello” They reach over, picking up the little child off of the ground “Well hello there little fella, I never expected this to happen so soon. These guys are so mean to people that they send asks for, huh?” They boop the child on the nose, and walks into the house, shutting the door behind themselves with their foot. They didn't really care about how their brothers would feel about this, they've done a lot without caring about how Bones would feel, and honestly, what's the worst that could happen? “Let's get you somethin' to eat. I'm gonna call ya lil puppy cause you look like a puppy” the child felt confused, they could just tell but hey! Friendship is good! Plus, they need the help, and Bones can offer it. They've always wanted to have a child. They had a strong feeling that this child didn't have a family. Now they had a big family! It was sort of like Frisk! So fun.
Clip: He met the child after he was leaving a crime scene. He shot someone, and was gonna take his leave, when he saw the child staring at him. Aw man, he did not want to have to hurt a kid! That's so against his rules so, instead, he picks up the little kid with his magic “Ya know, watchin' people ain't somethin' you're supposed to be doin'... what are you doin' here?” they wiggle in his magic, not much else they could do, and stare at him with big doe eyes “don't look at me with them big old eyes...” he mutters. He heard voices getting closer so he starts to hurry off, quickly. He found it a little annoying that he was now going to have to drag this kid with him. Finally, once they were far enough away, and he put the kid down starting to walk away, he noticed that the kid was following after him. Ughhhh why were they following him? He looks down at the little kid, and scoops them up again "Fine, if you're gonna follow me, come on" then he started to walk again muttering under his breath. He had no idea why he decided to take the kid with him, why he wanted to help them out but they looked like they needed the help. He'll just… take them home, and feed and bathe them then he'll figure out what he needs to do. He wouldn't kill the kid. He never hurts children.
Boss: When he meets the child, he will squint at the, and wave his hand "Shoo" they don't leave, just staring up at him with big eyes that he could compare to that of a puppy "Really... shoo. Go away." He pushes them away gently with his boot, but then they latch onto his leg hugging it, causing him to tense up and he starts to bounce, shaking his leg trying to get them to let go "No! Unhand me, creature!" He falls back onto the ground, with a thud, and groan from him. When he fell, they ran by him, into the house making him lift his head, growling softly "Oh no" He stands up, stomping into the house starting to search around for them. He didn't care that he was the youngest in the family, he wasn't going to be treated like an idiot by a CHILD! Finally, after a few hours, he catches them and they're struggling in his grip "Ha! You thought you could get away from me? Really?" He was going to say more when he finally got a good look at them. Baggy old clothes, skinny, dirty... They were homeless? Weren't they? He doesn't say anything for a few seconds, then sighs and goes to put them in the tub muttering under his breath. Damn it... he understands what they went through, he was homeless for a while after running from home.
Books: The little child in the house shocked him, and he had to stare at them with his shocked eyes behind his glasses. What in the world? What were they doing in here?! His eyeshines shot around, then he looked back at them "Are you alright?" The child stares at him, holding some of his books. His eyes shoot around and slowly reaches over, grabbing a snack bar that he had for later and holds it out "Do… you wish to have it?" the child rushes forward, taking it from his hand and opens it starting to eat quickly. He watches, studying the child. They were messy, dirty, and didn't look like they had bathed or eaten in a long time. He hums and pets the top of their head lightly "Well… if you would enjoy it, you can stay here" he smiles, and scoops them up in his arms, wondering to go to the bathroom to give them a bath quickly. He would call one of his brothers to get some clothes for them… he knew that they had the money for it! Plus… the idea of sending a child out is crazy to him! They need help and he's going to be able to help them. When the child starts to chew on his bones, biting him sometimes and biting others he knows that he should stop them but… you know, it's… it's kinda funny?
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