#also a goodie doc allows it to be live. i can update it
unityrain24 · 6 months
okay. important question.
if there is a google doc with the access setting to "anyone with the link," will people be able to find out the creator of the doc?
i tried it out myself and i wasn't able to see who the creator was, and i was also looking around on here for an answer, but i'm still not entirely sure...
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licenselesswriter · 3 years
1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 44. And if I could send more, I would.
Inspiration and Reading Asks:
1. How long ago did you start reading fanfiction? Writing fanfiction? Started reading when I was 12, started writing it, when I was 14, so reading, 19 years ago, and writing 17 years ago.
2. How do you spend your time when it comes to fanfiction? Are you primarily a fic reader, writer, or a perfect 50/50 split of both? I’m a 33.3% reader, 33.3% WIP machine, a 33.4% writer, and 100% mess, I usually spend my time doing an absurd amount of WIP that comes out of thin air, like, I can be eating an apple, boom, Bori WIP, a cup of coffee? Boom, Roro WIP, breathing? Boom, Lucaya WIP (that last one happens the most)
3. Are there any fics that inspired you to write what you do? It’s called Unfaithful (EN), it’s on fanfiction.net, and honestly, it’s so well written, that I had nausea 3 times while reading it, the pain was so palpable that I felt ill from it.
4. Link your three favorite fics right now. Right now, and in order 1 - Unfaithful (EN)  2 - Twenty Nights  3 - Perfect 
6. How do you find a new fic to read? Where do you primarily read fanfiction? Fanfiction or AO3, and have an excel doc with my favorite ships, then I go to the random number generator, putting 1 as the minimum and maximum the number of the last ship I added to the list, then hit random, and read about that ship, keep things fresh.
7. Do you prefer to read short fics or long fics? Both.
8. How often do you reblog/comment on fics that you like? When they are on Tumblr, a few times.
9. Tag 3 fic writers you think are underrated/unknown in the fandom/fanfiction community. I’m sorry, but I don’t know if they have Tumblr, so, amirmitchell, snowdrifts, and Onde Tu Esteves
10. What’s your favorite fandom, pairing, or character to read fic for? Fandom: Game of Thrones, love all those modern universe AU I have to say. Pairing: Lucaya (Not a surprise) Character: Lucas Friar, Portgas D. Ace, Roronoa Zoro, or Prince Zuko.
Fanfiction Writing Asks:
11. How do you come up with your fic titles? Coffee, food, and usually, Spotify, all that, sometimes, make my brain work into having titles about the things I want to write.
13. Do you outline your fics? How much of a headache would someone get if they just looked at an outline of yours without reading the fic? I do outlines, in 5 stages, so a pretty big one. 1 - I write in my notebook, what I want to write, like a general idea. 2 - Post it on my walls and door, to give the story some structure. 3 - Notebook outline the arch of the story. 4 - Outline every chapter on word. 5 - Reduce that chapter into mini arches to write faster.
14. Do you have a personal word minimum that you hold yourself too? Why or why not? I do (now), I usually don’t post anything that is less than 2900 words, Why? because we must not forget that writers not only write for people in the fandom, they mainly write for themselves, and I love to read something among that word count because that’s long enough to keep me on the hook.
16. Do you research for your fics? If so, how deep of a rabbit hole have you gone down by accident when researching? I do research for my fics, how deep? I can give indications for divorce paperwork in the state of New York, even if you want or not to go scorch the earth with the “fault” rule, I can give an appropriate value to an apartment or a house in New York, Texas, Nashville, and San Francisco, and I can do taxes on those states too, and I know more about how high school classes work in the US than in my country, even when I went to those classes, and I’m from Santiago, Chile, you know, in South America, like, the last country of South America
17. How obsessively do you sit and stare at your fic after you’ve just posted and wait for feedback? I don’t, once I finish writing something, I run away, and watch anime for a few hours, or work (Yeah, sometimes I write on my lunch hour)
18. Do you have a WIP that you keep telling yourself you’ll eventually get back to, but deep down you know that’s probably a lie? I do apologize to “The Games we Play” I have no idea how I outlined your 26 chapters, but I’m still on chapter 2, and I’m sorry.
19. Do you edit your fics after you write them, or do you prefer to just hit post and run (because it’s someone else’s problem now)? Sometimes I do because sometimes, I write things wrong.
20. What’s your favorite part about the fanfiction writing process? That happiness I get when I’m in the Zone, and I write something that makes me say “Fuck, that was good”
21. What’s your least favorite part about the fanfiction writing process? I call it “The Deep White”, also known as writer’s block.
23. What’s your absolute favorite trope to write? I don’t write it anymore, because I was banned from a forum for writing it, but I love to write a bad ending, like “Killing the main character that I make you love for 30 chapters in the end” ending. I’m evil, I know, sue me.
24. What’s a trope that you’d like to never hear about as long as you live, let alone write? The “Good girl trying to change the bad boy,” I hate, apologies, I DESPISE that trope, it’s not cool, first, to be with someone abusive, and second, to try to change someone because you think you’re so almighty that you will change him (or her)  because of love, bs, I SAID BS.
25. Do you listen to music as you write? If possible, link your writing playlist. I do, and of course, it’s named “Writing Shiet” because my brain can only process decent titles for fics (Says the guy who once named a fic “No Title”) Here’s the link 
26. What’s your biggest distraction when writing? Anime and Manga.
27. Do you like to give your readers some warning of what might be coming or just slap them in the face with content at random? I don’t usually do it, but when I do it, I do it cryptic, like “You might be surprised, but this, I called in the beginning.”
28. How do you deal with writing pressure (ie: pressure to update, negative comments, deadlines, etc)? I ignore it, If I can ignore good advice, ignore something that gives me more stress it’s an easy cake.
29. Have you ever written for an exchange or event of some kind? Which one(s)? Did you enjoy it? I did but didn’t submit, I wrote for 2019 fictoberfest on Tumblr, but never send a shit, I did enjoy it tho
30. Post a snippet from your current WIP without context - no more than 300 words. "Well, we're still not in Texas," he says, implying something not PG-13 at all. "My God, in what did I turn you?" Maya teases him before getting up and grab his hand, pulling him up. Lucas grins at her, "On," he replies, making Maya flirty hit his chest
31. Of the characters you write for, which is your favorite? Has that choice been swayed at all by your followers/readers’ reactions to certain ones? I love writing Lucas and Maya, and honestly don’t know if it helps me or not LOL.
32. Copy and paste your top three favorite lines/jokes/sentences you’ve ever written. What fics do they come from? 1 - From November to June CH3 A few hours later, Maya heard a knock on her door. She takes a peek through the magic eye on her door and saw Lucas. She grabs her phone and fastly texts him. She was able to hear the 'ding' of his phone, and spying through the magic eye she saw his reaction. "Ok, first of all, I'm not that, second, my mother is not that, and third, I'm not gonna put that there, that's fucking gross, and probably deadly if you consider the size of my hands." he defends himself. 2 - Ten Duel Commandments CH2 Maya smiles at him, "Since you're all Texan cowboy goody-good boy, I imagine you would relate more with the honorable Lord Stark," she teases him. "Says the woman who read three books in a row and texts me at four in the morning," he replies before pulling out his phone, "R+L=J," he teases her, reading her text. "That's private, asshole," Maya recriminates him. 3 - The One Who Stayed CH18 "Then, I have less... GET OFF ME FUCKER!" Maya screamed, punching the person who grabbed her arm, "Holy shit, Lucas." she says, looking at the person she just hit. "Noted, never approach to you by surprise." Lucas says on the floor, "Well, this makes me feel more confident about you being here alone." he says before start laughing.
33. What do you like writing better: one-shots or multi-chapter stuff? Multi-chapter, unless, it’s wedding fics because I love weddings.
34. How much of yourself and your life experiences do you put into your writing? What do you think your readers’ image of you is? None.
35. How much has writing fic changed your life? Not much, but has made me happier.
36. Are there any fics or fandoms you’re embarrassed to have written or been part of? The Glee Project Fandom.
37. Give an update on your current WIP - if you don’t have one, give a sneak peek to a title or idea that you have and would like to write. "Shawn called him, and he assures him that if you try something inappropriate, he has a shotgun," she adds, making Lucas's face go pale. "Well, guess like father, like son," he comments, making Maya show unexpected interest in his words.
38. What does your writing process look like? How chaotic is it on a scale of 1 (very tame) to 10 (you can’t handle this kind of chaos)? As I explained in the outline question, pretty tame if we count that I have my outline process numbered LOL.
39. What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on? That I try to make it real, I try to make people feel something when they read.
41. What’s your most popular fic (with the most notes on Tumblr, most hits/kudos on ao3)? Tumblr? The One Who Stayed Fanfiction.net? Ten Duel Commandments
44. Rant about something writing-related. Please, let’s stop glorifying the “Bad Boy” character, he’s an asshole, allow me to explain, Bakugo, fucking asshole, he’s just a bully with an oversized ego, no, he’s not a tsundere, no, it’s not cute, that shit is abusive, and it really makes me want to punch people in their nose when the romanticize that bullshit.
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(Told ya I was bored)
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jaimistoryteller · 5 years
Jaimi’s Update
5/6/19 Update
Hi All
Thank you all for continuing to share Shelk’s GoFundMe, I really appreciate it and it’s been helping. Now on to that update I keep planning and not seeming to get to. 
This is a long post, so I will put it below a cut. 
About Me First
So March and April were both massively long and a more then a little painful, both physically and mentally. I had a depressive spiral because of something someone said, cause even though they hadn’t meant to set one off, their word choice did not help. I got it just about under control and someone else said something that sent it right back down. I finally got it under control again, back in the slow drag of getting out of it. Not that I know for a fact it will work or not. Life is never that easy. 
I spent way too much of the two months on the go, to the point where my body shut down a couple of different times and I was completely useless. At least I accomplished my goals though, even if I paid massively for them. 
I have a new therapist, she’s lovely but it’s frustrating, because I did not want to be changing therapists in the middle of shit going wrong, but alas it was a thing that had to happen since my previous one is officially retired for a variety of reasons (and I hope he enjoys it too!). 
Despite my best efforts, I am a foster fail again, and have a new cat, he is adorable and loveable. I’ve named him Silver for his chest and markings. 
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[ID: Silver the cat laying partly on the laptop keyboard]
I’m trying to figure out how to pay my electric, it’s due on the 10th, I should have made a post on it, but I’ve been more focused on making sure my sister doesn’t lose her home. Plus I was under therapist orders not to think of anything money or work related for three days during this last weekend. 
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[ID: Winston the rottweiler service pup laying on my lap while I pet him]
He’s doing perfect on his training, already has two of his tasks completely down, working on getting several more down. 
Unfortunately, there have been several problems with store peeps despite the fact I make sure he has his harness on and his leash on that says he is a service dog. They keep making a fit over the fact he’s a rottweiler, I even had one say it directly to my face. 
So I’ve ordered a bunch of business cards with the ADA online address on them, a copy of the two questions they can legally ask on the front:
Is that a service dog?
What tasks does your service dog perform for you?
On the back I put the four points people keep missing the most, copied directly from the ADA FAQ:
Staff are not allowed to request any documentation for the dog, require the dog demonstrate its task, or inquire about the nature of the person’s disability.
The ADA does not require service animals to wear a vest, ID tag, or specific harness. 
Covered entities may not require documentation, such as proof that the animal has been certified, trained, or licensed as a service animal, as a condition for entry.
Michigan has a voluntary registration program but it is not required.
The last point is from the state ADA, rather then the Federal one. If I had more room, I would have included the fact it’s illegal to try and force a registration, but alas business cards aren’t that big. 
I knew when I got him there was going to be questions because he’s so big, I hadn’t realized how foolish peeps were going to be over his breed. 
Both his leash and harness say Service Dog on them, but because I didn’t go out and buy the specialized one, but a training harness which was a lot cheaper and works for our needs just as well, people like to question it often. To the point where I even had one person tell me to get out of the store because someone else’s dog acted up, so mine couldn’t really be a service dog. Seriously, then she tried to back it with the ADA, while breaking the first three points from the back, and then insisting that the Michigan registry is required. 
Seriously, she’s one of the reasons I made the cards, right after I reported her and her boss, since she was insisting she checked with her boss, and her boss agreed. I even stressed to both the ADA and her company I didn’t want either fired, I wanted them properly trained, it should not be the customer’s job to print off the law and bring it in to make a point, just to keep shopping. 
I refuse to go back to having days I can’t go to the store because others want to have a problem with my awesome boy. If they have a problem with another dog, that’s the other dog’s handlers problem, not mine. To take it out on me is unprofessional. 
Shelk & Lot Rent
All of you peeps who have shared it (particularly you awesome one @noregretsnotearsnoanxieties) are wonderful! I appreciate all of the help. Shelk is flabbergasted and thankful beyond words for all the help. 
Last month we were able to get $555 within the $3,600. The lot owner accepted that, which set the eviction notice back to the 15th of this month. 
Right now we are at $150 this month, which is great as we are trying to get to at least $300, as that would pay at least one month. Currently she owes $3,345 between past and current due. 
A wonderful peep has said they are going to try and do something mid-month after getting paid, so I am rather hopeful, and I will be continuing to share, with updates every time there is a donation. 
Unexpected Meeting Kickstarter
I know I have two digital rewards to finish, I have been working on them, they will be posted by the end of this month. 
I am also going to start ordering the stuff to send out to people, getting the bookmarks, magnets, posters, and other goodies ready while the book is being edited. I can happily report the first few chapters have been looked at, though I have not yet had a chance to check the edits, which is why I haven’t shared snippets yet. 
It didn’t help that one of the rewards got corrupted when my computer updated in the middle of a save. Anyways, I’m excited! So bloody excited! 
Converging Lives
I will hopefully be returning to updating my @converginglives blog this week, I miss being able to post stuff there plus I still have the Spring 2019 A to Z Event to finish. 
I am also working on an actual website for it, which will have pretty much everything from the tumblr blog but in an organized method as I am tired of arguing with tumblr about it when making sure it’s in website format. 
Seeking is DONE - again. This time I emailed myself the file as well as typing it in google docs. Then of course docs didn’t have the problems it had last time. After 18 months of not being able to work on it, my muse finally got on the game. I’m so bloody pleased with that. I posted one chapter tonight, next Monday I will post the last chapter. 
I plan on posting the last chapter of Challenge Accepted on Wednesday as it’s done and I just need post it. 
I’m planning on working on Advent, Playful Stress Relief, Blessed, and Learning to Live. Why those ones? 
Advent is rough drafted out, might as well finish it. Besides, I don’t like the fact my lovely and fluff filled thing is still stuck in limbo. 
Playful Stress Relief is nearly done, I think editing was all I had left on that particular last chapter to finish it, though don’t quote me. It’s been awhile since I checked it. 
Blessed is calling me, though only lightly, and I’m not even sure there are peeps waiting for it, but hey whatevers. 
Learning to Live got a lovely comment which made me smile, in the height of a massive episode. I am updating it for that person, hopefully it will let me get on a roll and finish my oldest fanfic. 
You wanna see one of the other ones updated? Leave a comment on it, not just a “update please” but something you like, or a question, or even a smile face. Update please doesn’t encourage me, but pretty much everything else does. 
Cosmos Market
This is still being worked on, for those who don’t know what the market is, here is a link to the last post made on it. I’ll probably be updating it sometime in the near future, but at this moment that is a pretty good definition of it. 
I want -- need -- to get the market off the ground so I can stop needing to ask for help as I will have at least a small and stable income going. 
I’m not planning on making a lot off of it, just enough to pay my base bills, which will not put me out of the poverty line. I do expect it to be a success, however I plan on putting money into my employees and building instead. My sister being one of those employees in order to help her stop needing to ask for help as well since she’s been struggling to find a job. 
The market isn’t the only thing on the planner for business, it’s just the one I am focused on right this moment, though I have been eyeing my second rather heavily lately too, as it would be a much more passive situation for me to deal with. 
A lot of you know that I’ve applied for it in the past and was turned down as “disabled but not disabled enough”. I have reapplied for it. Why? Because I am still disabled, and a lot of times, things are worse then they were the last time I applied. 
This time I have been sent to deal with so many new doctors it’s making me want to scream. I don’t deal well with new people. Yet I have to. A lot. It’s frustrating beyond words. Still, if it helps over all, I will do whatever I must. 
It’s seriously my hope to get to the point where I can put it on hold, and only use it when I have a really bad flare up. Yes, things have been closer to stable since I got Winston, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t problems going on. I had a depressive spiral that lasted five bloody weeks. Sometimes I was able to force myself to get stuff done, other times I couldn’t even get out of bed because of my mind. It’s hard to be stable with that situation going on. 
Knowing my bills will be dealt with even if I can’t get out of bed would help a great deal. Far more than I really want to admit. At last, that’s the way it goes. 
Rather then put the links in this mess, I will make a post just for them and then add the link to it here for those who want to share it. Any sharing would be appreciated as it helps more than you would imagine. 
I know a lot of people don’t have money, and while money is needed, that is not what I am asking for, all I am asking for is you take the time to share. Just a few seconds, a couple of clicks, can make a world of difference. 
While a lot of the links are about me, not all of them are as I also put up links to others who have helped me and friends who are in different tight situations. I’m a firm believer in paying it forward in any way possible. 
Link to Links
Previous Updates
5/1/19 & 5/3/19 
3/9/19 & Links
12/27/17 & 12/28/18
12/6/18 & 12/8/18
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t-baba · 4 years
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Web Developer Workflow Tools: A Beginner’s Guide
Here's a primer for the tools all web developers should get to know, from basic Bash commands to web browser add-ons that will debug your web apps and automate navigation tests, plus continuous integrations pipelines.
Keep in mind this article is intended to cover the tools that the largest number of web developers will share a need to learn, not a comprehensive listing. So don't get too mad if your favorite tool isn't here! (For example, I intentionally left out WYSIWYG website builders 😉.)
Command Line
The command line is an interface that allows you to interact with the operating system through a console, and it can go a very long way to facilitate and even automate tedious and routine tasks.
You shouldn't be afraid of getting your hands dirty with the console. The time you'll spend learning some basic scripting will most definitely pay off.
Bash Tools (Linux, macOS)
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Bash is the most popular shell for the "Unix-like" operating systems such as Linux and macOS.
Your mastery — or at the very minimum, a basic knowledge — of the Bash shell can save you a lot of time. Things like locating and renaming files, finding and replacing text strings, can literally take just a few seconds with commands like locate and grep with sed, respectively.
Become proficient in Bash by reading the Bash Quick Start Guide.
PowerShell (Windows)
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PowerShell is the "bash-like" task automation and configuration management framework from Microsoft. It comes with a command-line similar to that of the [Command Prompt](https://ift.tt/1GmS2n8 (CMD)), but it also includes modules and a proper scripting language. But keep in mind that scripting is PowerShell in nothing like scripting in Bash. Except for a few exceptions, the commands have entirely different names, meaning that you'll need to learn these separately.
PowerShell 7 (under development) is intended as a successor to PowerShell Core 6, which was introduced as a successor to PowerShell 5. Who knows, folks at Microsoft might figure the naming thing out by version 8 or 9. 🤷‍♂️
Cygwin (also Windows)
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You missed the Bash on Windows? Miss it no more! For those of you used to the power of the Bash shell but working regularly on a Windows environment, there's an alternative.
Cygwin is a POSIX-compatible environment that runs natively on Microsoft Windows, where the installation directory behaves like the root and follows a similar directory layout to that found in Unix-like systems.
Code Editors
You almost certainly know what a source-code editor is, but you might not know about some of their power features, such git integration.
There are integrated development environments (IDEs) such as NetBeans and Eclipse — but they're bloated with features we mostly won't care about anyway.
As web developers, we're more inclined towards cross-platform tools. Let's take a look at a few of them.
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Not surprisingly, as it's developed by GitHub, Atom has the finest embedded Git control of any text editor, specifically aimed for GitHub repositories.
But that's not all. The "hackable text editor for the 21st Century" is incredibly easy to customize (see the docs), and a rich packages and themes ecosystem has flourished around it. Be sure to check out the blog and discussion forums to see what's been cooking, as there are plenty of regular updates.
Sublime Text
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Sublime Text is the oldest product in this list (it's been around since 2008), and the only one that's not free. It's still very popular, and was the first editor to introduce many of the features we considered a given today in any decent code editor, such as "goto anything", "goto definition", and "multiple selections", among others.
It also has a companion Git client with a very sleek interface, Sublime Merge, introduced in 2018.
Visual Studio Code
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Visual Studio Code (not to be confused with Visual Studio is another very popular code editor right now, which includes power features such as:
IntelliSense, which provides smart completions based on variable types, function definitions, and imported modules.
Inline debugging to analyze coding issues right from within the editor.
Version control with Git commands built-in (learn how to use version control).
Extensions and customization which run in separate processes, ensuring they won't slow down the editor (learn more about extensions).
Cloud integration with Microsoft Azure to deploy and host sites, store and query relational and document based data, and scale with serverless computing.
Read our Visual Studio Code power user's guide to become a VS Code pro, and dive even deeper with the book Visual Studio Code: End-to-End Editing and Debugging Tools for Web Developers.
The Runners Up
Although not so popular, Brackets is worth mentioning, as it’s primarily focused on web development, with a very interesting feature called Live Preview, which gives real-time connection to your browser to instantly visualize changes to CSS and HTML on screen.
Notepad++ is a drop-in replacement for Windows Notepad, very minimalist and lacking some power features we mentioned such as Git integration, but it's still a powerful, lightweight application to edit code.
Command Line–Based
As for commaind line–based editors, you've got Emacs and Vim … and endless flame wars about which one is better!
Browser Tools — Debugging, Debugging, Debugging
The web development tools shipped by some browsers aren’t quite website builders or IDEs, as they neither assist in the direct creation of a web page nor are a replacement for a code editor. Rather, they help to test the user interface (UI) of the project you're working on.
Back in the day, you’d need a number of extensions to make for a decent debugging environment, but nowadays most browsers have great built-in tools to help web developers.
Some tools you can expect to find:
A DOM inspector to edit HTML and CSS code directly on the document object model (DOM), view event listeners, and set DOM mutation breakpoints.
A console to view and filter log messages, inspect JavaScript objects and DOM nodes, and run JavaScript code in the context of the active window or frame.
A debugger to control the execution flow stepping through code, and set watches and breakpoints.
A network monitor to inspect requests and responses from the network and browser cache, including asynchronous XMLHttpRequest (XHR) — all of which can be very useful to identify bottlenecks.
An accessibility inspector to access the page's accessibility (a11y) tree, allowing you to check what's missing or otherwise what needs attention to make your site available to as many people as possible.
Performance measurement to profile execution time and system resources required by the site and walk JavaScript call stacks.
Memory measurement to track memory consumption and compare heap snapshots at different stages of the code execution.
A storage manager to handle cached data, cookies, web storage, and even IndexedDB structured data.
A service worker manager to handle and debug service workers with updates, unregisters, and start/stop of individual workers.
An emulator to test for different screen resolutions, and even different location coordinates.
Chrome DevTools
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Google Chrome comes with a comprehensive and incredibly well-documented set called DevTools.
In fact, it's a good idea to visit Google's Tools for Web Developers, as you’ll find plenty of useful resources.
Firefox Developer Tools
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Firefox first introduced the DOM inspector in version 3, and ever since then its Developer Tools are a state-of-the-art set that comes with extra goodies such as Eyedropper, taking screenshots, and rulers, to name a few.
Likewise, the Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) is a mandatory resource for web developers.
Safari Developer Tools
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Because of its lack of features and poor support to web developers, Apple Safari is a pain to work with, and, like Internet Explorer back in the day, it would be nice not to have to deal with it. But you just have to.
It does ship Web Development Tools that aren't nearly as comprehensive as the aforementioned ones, and all the documentation you'll get is what someone may have written over a lunch break. (Yes, that's all there is.)
Even Microsoft Edge, the successor of infamous Internet Explorer, has a decent set of Developer Tools!
And if you fancy good old Opera, check this Stack Exchange answer to see how you open its developer tools.
Learn the Chrome and Firefox DevTools with Browser Devtool Secrets.
JavaScript Tools
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Since the arrival of Node.js (the runtime environment that executes JavaScript code outside the web browser), JavaScript has been used not only to enhance user interfaces but to write command-line tools and for server-side scripting programs, effectively establishing the "JavaScript everywhere" paradigm.
Consequently a whole ecosystem has emerged around it, and here are some tools you need to know.
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The Node package manager (npm) claims to be "the world’s largest software registry", and it’s an essential tool as it is the main way to distribute JavaScript code these days.
As listed on its website, you can use npm to:
The post Web Developer Workflow Tools: A Beginner’s Guide appeared first on SitePoint.
by Lucero del Alba via SitePoint https://ift.tt/2xDn8PA
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getaether · 5 years
Aether P2P dev.14 released with moderation transparency, content deletion
I've cut a new update for Aether, and this update comes with a lot of goodies. Without further ado, let's dig in.
<shilling> Aether's P2P edition (which this update is about) is supported by Aether Pro, a team collaboration tool for introverts. It's an internal Reddit-like forum for your company. This is better than Slack because it allows you to focus more, and for longer, because that it's not live chat but asynchronous, n-level deep threaded posts with no immediate pressure to respond.
If you're an engineer or a team lead who's getting needlessly pinged all day long, Aether Pro could help. Check it out at aether.app.
(The code FOUNDER-REFERRAL gets you 30% off if you want to give it a shot.) </shilling>
Aether P2P primer
For those who are new, Aether P2P is an open-source peer-to-peer communication platform. Its basic idea is like Reddit to the modern viewer, but the actual idea comes from much older times — from Usenet.
Aether P2P is a decentralised Usenet.
We have a few hundred communities, spam protection with proof-of-work, and a unique moderation system based on the principle of the consent of the governed.
In a little more detail, one of the core features of Aether is that the moderation layer is implemented as a filter. This filter gets applied at the user's local machine: the users can choose which moderators that they want to respect the moderation of. A user can disable the mod actions of an individual moderator. If that happens, even if that mod deletes some content, it will remain visible to the user. Likewise, a user can also choose a non-mod person to be his or her moderator for that community. In this case, mod actions released by that person will apply to the local user.
These make-mod and disqualify-mod commands double for votes in another Aether concept called mod elections. Every community holds a continuous elections process. This process can promote users to mod status if enough people make these users a mod for that community.
You can find more information about this at the documentation: Moderation and Elections in Aether P2P
(Aether Pro is different — it's a SaaS app that largely shares Aether P2P's visual design and communication style, but it has an enterprise backend suitable for work).
New features
Moderation transparency
This feature adds the front-end for the mod activity tab as the last piece, making it user-visible. That means all moderation actions taken so far, are now visible to all users, as well as their stated reasons.
It looks like this:
This is a cornerstone for implementing the remainder of the elections support, which is as of now only supported in the backend.
One thing that is noteworthy in the screen is that there is a concept of a 'deletion request'. This is only applied if you accept the modship of the issuing user. That means there can be multiple deletion requests per post. Some, all, or none might apply based on your preferences. For the time being this is read-only. In the future, you will be able to control which of these deletion requests will apply as well.
With this, Aether gains its first feature that is not available anywhere else, in any other app (that we know of): Moderators and moderation actions are transparent to the users.
You can now delete your posts in a fashion that does not break the layout of the conversation. Your post will be replaced with a [deleted] and posts that respond to you will be retained.
This is different from a mod deleting your content; when a mod deletes your content, your content disappears for anyone who regards that mod as authoritative. This self-deletion, on the other side, makes your post's text disappear from everyone, regardless of whether they trust you or not. This is possible because you own the post in question and have edit rights, which a moderator does not.
New content indicators
When there's new content in a community you've been a member of, that community will pop up a blue highlight notifying you of new content within.
Improvements, bugfixes and internal changes
I've upgraded the versions of dependencies, so everything should be a little snappier. Also fixed a lot of miscellaneous bugs and spent some time rearchitecting some of the components. This should make them more amenable to our upcoming elections system. You can see the full list of these changes at the changelog.
Future, or where do we go from there
Sustainability for Aether P2P and Aether Pro
At the beginning of this year, I've received some small amount of pre-seed venture capital to make Aether Pro. Aether Pro uses a similar code-base to create a SaaS team collaboration app that is well suited to engineering teams between 5 to 50 people. This is because it gives you an internal forum with like Reddit-like threads. This lifts the noise ceiling (after which conversation starts to fray at the edges) from 5~ people in a Slack channel, to thousands.
Aether Pro pays for the development of Aether P2P through its marketing budget. It makes it so that if we succeed, we will never have to monetise Aether P2P. This is a way to make Aether into a sustainable business that pays for me and a small team so we can continue working on it.
If you think you'd be interested in an internal forum that's great for software architecture discussions, across multiple time zones or from the next room, give it a shot. More info and a much better telling of what problem it solves for you are at aether.app.
Upcoming planned features
We are well on our way to finish the elections service, which I consider the last major not-yet-implemented feature of Aether.
Nominally speaking, it's already available in the backend in a halfway-built stage. However, it remains disabled on the production builds. With the experience from these updates shipping today, we're one step closer to having them run in production.
Partial sharing
We also have another, more mundane, but major feature request. This is being able to control what your computer retransmits to other nodes. Since Aether is a peer-to-peer network, it shares and retransmits all content it receives to other computers — you're a peer in the swarm. However, this is not always desirable, and people can have personal objections to sharing certain pieces of content.
As it stands, Aether works by having a compressed, text-based copy of the whole network on a 6-month rolling basis on every node. This kind of selective sharing would make our 'full nodes into partial nodes. The work required for this feature is that I need to make sure that the application does not make assumptions about being able to receive all content that is no longer valid in this partial-sharing environment.
Filter lists
One example of this filter lists feature is already in, the SFW list. This is an optional feature that enables us to mark certain communities as SFW. The user can then choose whether they want to see SFW posts only, or SFW and NSFW posts.
The filter lists feature makes these kinds of lists into a standard format, a JSON link that the user can add to the app. (The idea is like AdBlock filter lists). This way, the users can create and share their filter lists, and we will no longer need to manually manage them.
Until the next update, @nehbit
0 notes
williesmith1-blog1 · 7 years
5 Eco-Friendly House Design Ideas
Why One Wants To Gobble - The Psychology Of Overeating "Gobbling," better referred to as overeating is a usual hassle. It has continually existed inside the records of mankind, irrespective of generation, tradition, usa, and medical improvement. Innumerable styles of diets, methods, workout schedules had been attempted down the a while, however in useless. It turned into to begin with dealt with purely as a physical or a hormonal trouble. Then it turned into blamed of genes. For a long time no thought was given to locating its roots in one's thoughts. However, inside the 2nd half of of the ultimate century it changed into idea about, studied and is now showed, that overeating is frequently a psyche-based hassle.It is located that many human beings struggling and fighting with their obesity are folks that are wearing numerous emotional bags. They fill their hunger for romance with a field of chocolates. These are called 'comfort ingredients'. Compulsive consuming (bulimia) reflects a starvation for life, love and emotional nourishment. There is a sense of emptiness inner which they are desperately seeking to top off in a bodily way, as they see no different manner of overcoming it. Frequently the person involved is very insecure and frightened of loss. But if he opens up the restrictions of his ego and takes in spiritual nourishment, turning into aware of the reality that there may be an inexhaustible supply of affection and fulfillment inside himself, he can be freed of this starvation and can also supply like to others. Thus, a actual exchange of affection and life can come approximately.Dr. Max Rosenbaum PhD, an American psychologist, says, "People use their weight as a protection against scary troubles. Their fat acts as insulation against harm."Many psychologists say that overeating may be handled successfully whilst human beings banish poor idea patterns from their psyche and update them with high quality ones. Dr. Kelly Brownell PhD, of the University of Pennsylvania's Obesity Research Clinic, has studied and categorized 4 forms of negative mind.The first class is "Dichotomous Thinking". Those with a hassle of overeating tend to break up their lives into two separate cubicles. They are either 'on' or 'off' their diets and never in among. This is also referred to as 'light bulb notion sample' because a mild bulbs are either on or off. They despise the reality that they are on weight-reduction plan and accordingly subsequently they go to the opposite excessive of revolting towards it by being off the weight loss plan. The cease result is an imbalance - internal in addition to outer.The 2d class of terrible questioning is "The Awful Imperative". These people establish strict rules for themselves which, due to normal human nature, they'll inevitably spoil. They will take a vow, "I will in no way eat goodies again," or "I will never contact fried eatables in my lifestyles". Naturally they fail... And after they fail, they cannot forgive themselves."Dead End Thinking" is the third category. It is primarily based on envy. Overweight humans fall into it after they focus at the unchangeable fact that some people seem to 'eat like horses and nevertheless look like fashions.' This form of wondering goes nowhere.Then there's range 4: "The Impossible Dream". Many dieters reputedly set unrealistic dreams for themselves after which sense responsible approximately now not reaching them. One woman planned to lose 25 pounds in time for her daughter's marriage. The marriage became just a month away and glaringly she couldn't have done it. She might also actually have misplaced 8 to ten pounds, however she could still sense as if she failed.Indeed, self-love is outwardly the most effective way out. Dr. Max Rosenbaum says, "Overweight humans have to learn to appreciate their our bodies and love themselves. That is very basic to a success weight reduction. Overeating is closely associated with bad self-idea." And when they begin to undergo withdrawal, as all overweight humans do, they've to mention to themselves, 'I respect my frame. I love my frame. I love myself. I need to stay!'Of path there are also instances wherein there may be a organic reaction as in the case of carbohydrate dependancy. This has been handiest identified and understood through nutritionists. Carbohydrate Addicts (CA) are those, because the call signifies, hooked on carbohydrates and are invariably hungry. They may or might not be obese depending on the metabolism in their our bodies and the need energy they exert on themselves, but their lifestyles is a perpetual conflict with their carbohydrate craving. When such CA's have carbs, their body releases an excess of insulin and that they get away in hunger pangs. This may be very just like an allergy that a few human beings break out into whilst consuming sure ingredients. The hunger pangs of CA's lead them to consume greater carbs for fast gratification and they're caught in a vicious circle. But, relax all you CA's accessible. There is hope. A quite simple technique can free you of your war with the craving. Nutritionists inside the United States have helped severa people to eliminate this dependancy with the aid of following a sure regime. The CA starts with a protein breakfast (no carbs), followed by a protein, vegetable fiber lunch (no carbs) and ends with a balanced 1/3 protein, 1/3 veg-fibre, 1/3 carbohydrate meal (this balanced meal being only one in a day and to be eaten inside one hour). Those looking to try this regime should seek advice from their doctors and get detailed facts in this concern. The docs claim that you can actually unfastened oneself from this carb addiction inside 3 days, and could in no way should war again if the recommended consuming regime is followed. Eco friendly residence designs Pallet Furniture are not best safe to stay in, in addition they prevent loads of cash. To help you out right here are 5 green residence layout thoughts:
The place of your private home is of exquisite importance. To hold your own home cool, you must keep away from constructing a west facing residence.
At the identical time you should avoid constructing your property in a shady panorama that protects your home from getting access to direct daylight.
Doors and home windows
The door provides pallet furniture ideas light and also allows heat air to break out accordingly leaving your house smelling clean. You need to pass for a big front door without home windows. As rule of thumb the door must be made from green timber or any other cloth.
When it comes to windows, you ought to go electricity star-rated windows which might be perfect to your climate area. You need to set up the windows in an angle permitting maximum mild to go into the house.
To allow extra mild you must set up glass panels at the bottom. For the windows to admit breezes they have to have glass panels at the base. Breezes convey in cool air consequently doing away with the need for air-conditioning. This in turn saves you a lot of money.
Insulation prevents heat and air from escaping the house therefore you do not want to warmth the residence. For ideal effects you must hire a professional contractor diy pallet furniture to install the insulation.
There are many roofing materials that you could use, however only a few make your private home green. You have to installation roofing materials made from recycled resources. One of the exceptional options to go along with is aluminium steel.
The cool component with this fabric is that it is warmth-resistant and reusable. Another choice that you could go together with is bamboo roofing. In addition to being renewable, it is also sustainable.
Solar panels
Solar energy is smooth, renewable and reasonably-priced therefore saving you a variety of money over the long run. You can use solar strength in exceptional areas along with water heating and lighting. You must note that one of a kind solar panels paintings nice at special geographical locations; therefore, you should research and find the best panels pallet patio furniture to use for your vicinity.
These are a number of the approaches of designing an green residence. In addition to those suggestions you should also use eco-friendly lights. Some of the pleasant lighting fixtures materials to use are: CFL and LED. To give you a superb design you need to work with an skilled architect.
Why One Wants To Gobble - The Psychology Of Overeating
"Gobbling," better referred to as overeating is a usual hassle. It has continually existed inside the records of mankind, irrespective of generation, tradition, usa, and medical improvement. Innumerable styles of diets, methods, workout schedules had been attempted down the a while, however in useless. It turned into to begin with dealt with purely   Personal Trainer South Beach as a physical or a hormonal trouble. Then it turned into blamed of genes. For a long time no thought was given to locating its roots in one's thoughts. However, inside the 2nd half of of the ultimate century it changed into idea about, studied and is now showed, that overeating is frequently a psyche-based hassle.
It is located that many human beings struggling and fighting with their obesity are folks that are wearing numerous emotional bags. They fill their hunger for romance with a field of chocolates. These are called 'comfort ingredients'. Compulsive consuming (bulimia) reflects a starvation for life, love and emotional nourishment. There is a sense of emptiness inner which they are desperately seeking to top off in a bodily way, as they see no different manner of overcoming it. Frequently the person involved is very insecure and frightened of loss. But if he opens up the restrictions of his ego and takes in spiritual nourishment, turning into aware of the reality that there may be an inexhaustible supply of affection and fulfillment inside himself, he can be freed of this starvation and can also supply like to others. Thus, a actual exchange of affection and life can come approximately.
Dr. Max Rosenbaum PhD, an American psychologist, says, "People use their weight as a protection against scary troubles. Their fat acts as insulation against harm."
Many psychologists say that overeating may be handled successfully whilst human beings banish poor idea patterns from their psyche and update them with high quality ones. Dr. Kelly Brownell PhD, of the University of Pennsylvania's Obesity Research Clinic, has studied and   Best Personal Trainer South Beach categorized 4 forms of negative mind.
The first class is "Dichotomous Thinking". Those with a hassle of overeating tend to break up their lives into two separate cubicles. They are either 'on' or 'off' their diets and never in among. This is also referred to as 'light bulb notion sample' because a mild bulbs are either on or off. They despise the reality that they are on weight-reduction plan and accordingly subsequently they go to the opposite excessive of revolting towards it by being off the weight loss plan. The cease result is an imbalance - internal in addition to outer.
The 2d class of terrible questioning is "The Awful Imperative". These people establish strict rules for themselves which, due to normal human nature, they'll inevitably spoil. They will take a vow, "I will in no way eat goodies again," or "I will never contact fried eatables in my lifestyles". Naturally they fail... And after they fail, they cannot forgive themselves.
"Dead End Thinking" is the third category. It is primarily based on envy. Overweight humans fall into it after they focus at the unchangeable fact that some people seem to 'eat like horses and nevertheless look like fashions.' This form of wondering goes nowhere.
Then there's range 4: "The Impossible Dream". Many dieters reputedly set unrealistic dreams for themselves after which sense responsible approximately now not reaching them. One woman planned to lose 25 pounds in time for her daughter's marriage. The marriage became just a month away and glaringly she couldn't have done it. She might also actually have misplaced 8 to ten pounds, however she could still sense as if she failed.
Indeed, self-love is outwardly the most effective way out. Dr. Max Rosenbaum says, "Overweight humans have to learn to appreciate their our bodies and love themselves. That is very basic to a success weight reduction. Overeating is closely associated with bad self-idea." And when they begin to undergo withdrawal, as all overweight humans do, they've to mention to themselves, 'I respect my frame. I love my frame. I love myself. I need to stay!'
Of path there are also instances wherein there may be a organic reaction as in the case of carbohydrate dependancy. This has been handiest identified and understood through nutritionists. Carbohydrate Addicts (CA) are those, because the call signifies, hooked on carbohydrates and are invariably hungry. They may or might not be obese depending on the metabolism in their our bodies and the need energy they exert on themselves, but their lifestyles is a perpetual conflict with their carbohydrate craving. When such CA's have carbs, their body releases an excess of insulin and that they get away in hunger pangs. This may be very just like an allergy that a few human beings break out into whilst consuming sure ingredients. The hunger pangs of CA's lead them to consume greater carbs for fast gratification and they're caught in a vicious circle. But, relax all you CA's accessible. There is hope. A quite simple technique can free you of your war with the craving. Nutritionists inside the United States have helped severa people to eliminate this dependancy with the   south beach personal trainer aid of following a sure regime. The CA starts with a protein breakfast (no carbs), followed by a protein, vegetable fiber lunch (no carbs) and ends with a balanced 1/3 protein, 1/3 veg-fibre, 1/3 carbohydrate meal (this balanced meal being only one in a day and to be eaten inside one hour). Those looking to try this regime should seek advice from their doctors and get detailed facts in this concern. The docs claim that you can actually unfastened oneself from this carb addiction inside 3 days, and could in no way should war again if the recommended consuming regime is followed.
Effective Teaching Techniques in a Preschool Environment
Preschool instructors are going through a brand new set of challenges in teaching younger youngsters and are striving to satisfy the wishes and needs. Education has come a protracted way from what it used to be even ten years ago. Incorporating more moderen technique Online Tesol Certifications has come to be essential as coaching strategies too has modified over time. It has become a count number of challenge to discern out more recent and powerful techniques for coaching and guiding young rookies. Teacher education institutes ambitions at providing such effective competencies in aspiring and operating teachers.
A pre and primary teachers education readies the teachers for an early coaching enjoy. Preschool teachers across the globe are running tough that allows you to supply children with the necessary competencies to achieve a competing world. Furthermore teachers are keen on instilling flexibility in college students if you want to simply mould and adapt themselves according to the rapidly converting international and generation and should sell wholesome mastering environments with the intention to guide creativity, organization effort, worldwide attention, social responsibility, important wondering, hassle fixing and conversation skills.
The first and primary step is Integrating Technology in Classroom surroundings. In latest times, kids are greater tech savvy than the ones coaching them. To relate with this kids in a similar stage, instructors want to upgrade themselves and speak inside the equal language as them. Integrating technology is a step towards supplying enriching getting to know potentialities while reinforcing the technical abilities of the students. Aspiring preschool teachers need greater than simply fundamental understanding of the to be had technology a good way to maintain up with their students and conscious them about internet safety.
To increase efficacy in coaching techniques, instructors of current instances are the use of more of scholar targeted approach in coaching techniques as opposed to a trainer centric lecture room environment. When learning will become pupil centric, it encourages numerous interaction, organization efforts and study room engagement. The teacher allows the kids to talk about elegance substances in groups for this reason fostering participation among them. The college students paintings hand in hand with the instructor who acts as a facilitator to them. The institution and sophistication-constructing promoting aids in greater accomplishment. Connecting with mother and father is likewise a very good approach to follow when a trainer is serving their wards. They may offer beneficial facts or observe instructions and pointers offered by means of the teacher.
Involving children within the goal setting procedure is an extraordinary way to encourage them to research in their personal pace. Goal setting desires to be achieved in a very simple, simple and clean manner for the duration of the early years. As for e.G. Frequent communication with the child approximately their development within the classroom proves useful. Teachers can similarly smooth the development of purpose putting by using various approach and techniques. In standard, helping children reach their goals calls for instructors to offer specific, frequent comments in addition to sufficient time for introspection. Another essential factor of increasing classroom efficacy is to hold track of the eye span. The trainer can plan and arrange activities therefore if he/she is privy to the person interest spans. Generally, kids have a shorter span and for that sports must no longer exceed 15 or 20 minutes. Their minds preserve wandering, so right strategies need to be observed to ensure attention within the pastime, this additionally help the instructor to screen their level of knowledge.
With a Preschool Teacher Training, early educators will understand the gain of expertise the classroom curriculum. Spending nice time in going via it will come accessible to him/her. The greater one is going through and knows it, the more familiar one turns into with the strategies, techniques and sports. This will deliver the instructor an insight to the components of a software, sports and their implementation etc. This will assist the instructor to enhance or plan their effectiveness in coaching techniques.
It is a trainer's responsibility to maintain a lecture room environment of heat and recognition. For a few preschool youngsters, the classroom could be one of the few places in which their critiques and ideas were heard and valued. There desires to be purpose that their lecture room enjoy results in being a effective and satisfied one and they should love to return back time and again. Effective coaching techniques aids in fine studying revel in and that too in a methodical manner. The above mentioned strategies permit teachers to keep their fingers on the pulse of the classroom to make certain that scholars are getting to know.
Beauty Products Don't Have To Come From An Expensive Beauty Outliet
The beauty counter at the mall is probably something you have passed by a million times. Many people pass these daily, and they are unaware that a full makeover is often offered there for free. cute girls hairstyles  This article will leave you better prepared for your next trip to the beauty counter and will also help you learn to start your own beauty routine.
Purchase an eyelash curler. Many people forget about how fantastic they can make their eyelashes appear by using a curler. These curlers can brighten up and increase the size of your eyes. You could even look into a heated curler; these actually increase the time an eyelash curl will hold.
You can protect yourself immensely from the sun by using sunscreen. When you are comparing different brands and types of sunscreen, you should look for products that contain healthy skincare ingredients and antioxidants. These items provide nourishment and protect skin, while helping it stay young and supple.
Try putting Vaseline onto the nail cuticles every week. This will facilitate nail growth. In addition, your cuticles and nails will look much healthier. Results will happen instantaneously, as Vaseline can be a permanent help in this area.
Apply petroleum jelly or mineral oil to your eyebrows before bedtime. This will enhance the appearance of your eyebrows. Avoid getting Vaseline anywhere else on your face because it can cause unwanted acne breakouts.
A heat-activated shampoo and conditioner will benefit your hair if you often blow dry, use curling irons or use other heated tools on your hair regularly. Using these tools daily can damage your hair. Using hair products which contain heat protectants can reduce the amount of damage that the appliances cause to your hair and make it look shiny, too.
Although hot showers feel great, they don't do your skin any favors. Hot water can not only damage your skin, but also open your pores in a way that will cause your body's natural oils to escape. You end up washing them away. Go for lukewarm water, not hot water, for the best results in keeping your skin luxuriously soft. This will also save you money on heating bills.
If you can afford it, consider purchasing duplicates of the beauty products that you use religiously; whether it is a lipstick, foundation, or even hand cream. You should keep them somewhere you can get to them easy. This can give you a strong backup plan if you are to forget a step when in a rush.
A beauty tip for you: Make your eyelashes look longer and fuller with a long-lasting lengthening mascara. Companies try to entice you with products that have special formulas designed to make your lashes curl the right way and have the right volume. A lot of these are heavy and thick, however. They tend to weigh down the lashes and thus cause eye irritation. You should instead try the waterproof, lengthening formula. This will add volume to your lashes and help them curl upward.
Put petroleum jelly onto your fingernails on a regular basis. You will have longer nails because this is food for them. Be sure to use a top coat when applying polish, as this will also help reduce chipping.
You do not want to attach fake eyelashes to your eyes if you are allergic to them. To prevent this in advance, test the eyelash glue with a small application on your arm. Put a band-aid over this and leave it there for 24 hours. If your skin does not appear irritated or red, you should be fine.
Pineapple can help you look great and keep off excess weight. Pineapples contain a lot of bromelain, which is great news for dieters. Bromelain helps your body to digest proteins, starches and fats. mens long hairstyles  Pineapple aides in efficient digestion and improves metabolism.
Some men care about their looks but don't realize that hair is a key factor to focus on in order to look your best. Always remember to use conditioner if you want to keep your hair in top-notch shape.
As mentioned, you know what the beauty counter looks like. It is a great way to learn how to use the new makeup products available. Use the advice in this piece to maximize your beauty shopping trips. You will be looking great when you leave.
Great Tips For Becoming More Physically Fit
To many people, fitness can seem like an unreachable goal, and you may feel just like them. You probably lack the requisite knowledge to start a program right now without doing any miami personal training  research. You need to gather more information and get some guidance. You can find both of those here and that will help you get fit.
Plant a garden in your yard. It can be surprising to most people how much work is actually involved in gardening. You have to dig, plant, weed, and move a lot in order to maintain a home garden. Gardening is one activity that can help you get fit at home.
The best fitness routines target your problem areas and allow you plenty of flexibility. Local classes are optimal as they are more convenient than others.
When doing multiple reps of a given exercise, count backwards from your goal. This will allow you to keep track of the number that you are on and also provide more motivation.
Try controlling your breathing, and you can get the most out of your work out. Exhale your breath forcefully when you are at the highest point of your situps or crunches. Because your muscles contract when you exhale, your abdominal muscles get a better workout than they would without the exhalation.
m. N/A You can start a morning regime simply by waking up 15 minutes early and using those minutes to walk, do a short aerobic program, or jumping rope. Establishing this habit will be the first step in building a healthy morning workout routine.
An important part of any fitness program is to start out with well-fitting shoes. When you are going to go shoe shopping, do it later in the day, when your feet are more swollen. Be sure the shoes leave half an inch between your big toe and the shoe. There should be enough wiggle room to move your toes when you try new shoes on.
Be careful with running as it can cause premature wear on all parts of your body. To lessen the chance of damage, personal trainer brickell  for one week out of every six, only run half as far as you usually do. By cutting your mileage in half you are letting your body recover from the extensive exercise. This is crucial if you want to prevent injuries.
Don't feel guilty when you watch TV! Just establish a little exercise routine to follow while you watch. Use the commercials to exercise, so you can still enjoy your shows.
Do some dips for maximum fitness help. They work three areas of the body: the shoulders, triceps and chest. There are several ways to do dips. Position two benches so that you can do the dips in between them. The more weight you add, the more you can build them as well.
Use the tips you've just read to transform your life and become more fit. It can take a little time to learn the tricks of the trade, personal trainer wynwood  but it won't take long to look and feel better. Starting and maintaining a fitness routine will work wonders for your physical and emotional health, so get started today!
Building A Fashionable Wardrobe On A Budget
A lot of people are insecure about their sense of fashion. Short hairstyles  They think they can never appear like the fashionistas they see on television. However, achieving that look might be easier than you think. The following advice about fashion will show you how.
If you have patches of gray in your hair, consider using a semipermanent dye. The gray will appear to be the same color as the rest of your hair and will last about two months. While you can't really lighten your hair with this tactic, you can choose to darken your locks if you want.
A great fashion tip is to always dress appropriately depending on where you're going. This is especially important for parties because so many different parties require their own special attire that guests are expected to wear. You don't want to show up to a cocktail party under dressed or do the exact opposite.
If you are going to a formal event and aren't quite sure what to wear, you can't fail with a simple black dress. No matter what the decade, a simple, little black dress has always been in style and will never go out. Consider this next time you aren't sure what to wear.
Use a leave-in conditioner if you have trouble with frizz. You want to apply this product following a shower, before the hair dries. Don't be afraid to put a large amount all over your head, and make sure to target both the roots and the very tips of the hair.
Fashion is typically viewed as being about clothing. What some fail to consider is how much a bad hair style can hinder an otherwise great ensemble. You need to make sure that you use high quality hair products in order to keep your hair looking fabulous at all times, so that it compliments your choice of clothing.
Don't be afraid to experiment. Instead of going with the norm, play with your wardrobe. Try pairing a stiff skirt with a soft and flowing top. Combine dress shoes with your favorite casual pair of jeans. Often the most unusual pairings can turn out to be the most stylish choice.
One great fashion tip to try out is throwing on a scarf. This is a great tip because the scarf can almost be considered the ultimate add-on due to the amount of color combinations as well as how easy it is to put one on. They are also extremely portable.
Try adding color to your hair to spice up your life and your fashion image. Make sure that you try and keep up with it so it doesn't look faded. Choose a quality conditioner and follow the instruction on the dying kit you purchased or go to a professional hairdresser.
If you are in your 40's or older, kanow that you can still fashionable for your age. This does not mean that you should dress the way you did when you are 20, but you can make wise fashion choices. For middle-aged women, V-neck tops with cardigans or blazers with a pair of dress pants is a nice look.
Clean out your closet on a regular basis. The old saying "out with the old, in with the new" was never more applicable than in the world of fashion. Twice a year, go through your closet and donate those items that you haven't worn in a while. That way, you have room for more fabulous finds, and someone else is benefiting from your unneeded items.
A good tip if you're trying to improve your fashion sense is to take it easy on the logo designs if you're keen on certain brands. It looks silly when you're always wearing a shirt with a big fat logo on the front. Subtlety is the key here so you might want to tone it down sometimes.
One great fashion tip is to check not only the outside but the inside of a garment for how well it is put together. Quality stitching and materials that are used on the inside of a garment is probably a good sign that it was put together with care and that the designer knew what they were doing.
Enjoy the fur trend without spending a lot of money. Fur is huge in the world of fashion right now, but genuine fur can be very expensive. Faux fur is a great way to get in on the trend without breaking the bank. It also has the added benefit of being humane.
As you can tell from reading the above article, it's very easy to stay fashionable around the clock. Fashion need not intimidate you any more. Any type of clothes you look should be something that you could create a stunning look with that everyone, including you will be amazed by. Now get ready to show off your new fashion sense!
Care For Your Hair By Looking At This Piece
If you are interested in learning how to manage your hair, read on. This article is going to completely change your life. This article can help you learn about what you can do for your hair so that it looks great for a long time.
For those with curly hair, nix SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate) from your hair care routine, for bouncy, care-free curls. SLS is a harsh stripping agent that robs your hair of essential oils. This creates the illusion of frizz and encourages breakage. You can spot this substance by checking the ingredients of your products.
When you are washing your hair, do it in two separate steps. Take half the shampoo you would typically use for your whole head and wash your roots with that. Rinse that out, and then use some more shampoo to wash the hair shafts. This technique ensures that you wash all the hair and not just your roots.
Using appliances that are hot on the hair can prove to be very damaging, so you should limit your use of them. When using a blow dryer on your hair, it is a good idea to use the cool setting or the low setting, so that you will decrease the chances of hair getting damaged.
Don't pull or twist your hair when using a towel to dry your hair. This can stretch your hair, which can cause breakage. Additionally, it can cause frizzy hair, which is unsightly. A better option is to gently squeeze the excess water from your wet hair; you may also do so by loosely wrapping your hair in a towel or microfiber cloth. Also, you should not use a brush or comb on wet hair, unless the comb is wide-toothed.
If you have hard water at home, avoid the use of highly lathering shampoos. Hard water makes it difficult to rinse soap well and the build-up of the shampoo in your hair can make your scalp itchy, dry and scaly. No- and low-lather shampoos are available, especially in areas where hard water is commonplace.
Although it is tempting to wash your hair after sweating in the summer, sweat itself isn't actually that dirty. You can end up washing your hair too often in the summer, turning it dry and brittle. Rather than washing your hair every time you sweat, use just a rinse and conditioner occasionally. This should clean your hair enough between shampoos.
To get the best shine possible to your hair, wash it with cool water. When you wash your hair with hot water, you are likely to dry out your hair in the process! Cool water, on the other hand, has the opposite effect - it can actually increase the shininess of your hair.
Sometimes, you may be allergic to something in the air, which can affect the quality of your hair. Take a ride to the doctor's to see if there is something airborne that is affecting your health or physical characteristics. This can help to nip the problem in the bud, so that it doesn't become a more serious issue.
A permanent wave can be a great way to add volume and texture to thin, flyaway hair. A permanent can also provide the foundation for curls that will hold better and last longer, after roller setting or styling. Permanents are available in many different forms, suitable for any length and type of hair.
Do not brush or comb your hair while it is wet. Hair is very fragile when it is wet, and it is important to make sure you wait until your hair is, at least, mostly dry before you comb or brush it. The brush you use should also have soft bristles.
When you comb or brush your hair, you break up the loose skin that has accumulated on your scalp; this stimulates the growth of your hair. Another benefit is that it can clear out any pores that might be clogged, Try to brush your hair for about 100 strokes every day, so you stimulate growth of hair.
Take care with brushing your hair if it is still wet. While hair is wet, it is weaker and more susceptible to tension and breakage. Allow most of the moisture to leave your hair before you begin brushing. Also, avoid creating too much tension on your locks from hairstyles that increase breakage over time, such as cornrows or high-tension braiding.
A soft, smooth pillowcase can help you keep your hairstyle, as well as, your hair. Sleeping on a pillow covered in a textured fabric or low-thread count cotton pillowcase can actually pull your hair and cause it to fall out. Use a smooth pillow-covering, wherever you lay your head and help keep your hair where it belongs.
Now that you know what it takes to care for your hair, you should feel confident. This is due to the fact that you will be looking much better. Implement the tips you've learned and you are sure to have healthy, shiny looking hair.
Be In Style With These Fashion Tips
Fashion has endless possibilities. That means that, no matter what your fashion sense, you can put together a look that is completely and utterly you. Whether you lean towards the classics or like to partake of all the latest trends, this article will help you be a true fashion powerhouse.
If you are overweight, you have to be very careful about wearing clothes that have stripes. Mehandi Designs  Make sure you wear vertical stripes if you are going to wear any at all. Wearing stripes that run horizontally will only do the trick of making you look larger than you really are.
If you have patches of gray in your hair, consider using a semipermanent dye. The gray will appear to be the same color as the rest of your hair and will last about two months. While you can't really lighten your hair with this tactic, you can choose to darken your locks if you want.
If you are a plus sized woman, do not think you cannot be as fashionable as thinner women. It is what you wear that makes the difference. Stay away from baggy clothing, as this can make you appear bigger. Wear clothes that have a perfect fit and try to get clothing that is true to your size; very tight clothing is not the way to go either.
Go shopping with friends and help each other pick out clothes. Your friends can be your best resource when it comes to choosing the right outfits to wear. You want the people closest to you to help you because they are the ones that are going to help you look your best.
Do not be ashamed of letting your friends know that you have a small fashion budget. Your BFF may just have some pieces she'd be happy to give you. This is an excellent way to get fashionable clothes for free.
Keep a few pairs of classic shoes in traditional colors on hand. Having fun with the varying styles that shoes come in is recommended, but is always nice to have a pair of shoes that can go with almost any dress or pantsuit. Do not avoid changing trends, yet keep classic accessories in your wardrobe as well.
Stay fashionable by being quirky in some way. Wear your hair a little messy, unbutton your shirt, or wear shoes that don't perfectly match your outfit. Being perfect is impossible, so embracing a little chaos in your look can help you stand out from the crowd.
Donate your old clothing to a shelter or donation center. This is great for cleaning out the closet, speeding up your clothing decisions and, most importantly, making a charitable effort in your community.
Floral patterns are an up and coming trend to take advantage of. Floral can be a lot of fun. Make sure that you also wear accessories that carry patterns as well.
When you are looking for a new piece of clothing, think carefully about what you already have. Buying something that doesn't match what you have in your closet is how some people end up with a closet full of things they never wear. Make sure any new piece fits in with your overall wardrobe.
One great fashion tip is to pay attention to what specific designer or brand fit you best. This is a very good idea because many times, a designer will mold their outfits around a specific body type or individual so you will find success with much of their clothing options.
Be a trend setter. You can buy the newest, hottest styles but you won't stand out if you are wearing the same thing as everyone else. Be daring and try something off the top of your head. Some of the biggest fashion designers made their mark by being completely unique and sometimes even bizarre.
To keep white garments looking new, always use bleach to wash them. Be careful of using too much because it will make the items start to look yellow, which means you will not look as clean and fresh when you wear them.
Do not forget about your hair and makeup when it comes to fashion. It is very easy to get used to a hair style or a manner of applying makeup but if you do not change with the times it can make you look older than you are, which you surely do not want.
Bring your eyewear into the 21st century. Some people spend hundreds of dollars on an awesome outfit, but wear coke-bottle glasses and spoil the whole thing. If you have to wear glasses, you can show off your style with them. You will love wearing glasses if they make your face look better.
Now that you have learned the basics about fashion, you are armed and ready to be the fashion icon that you want to be. From classic to trendy, any look is achievable with the right advice. Use what you have learned to put together a look that is truly you.
Every Last Tip We Provide On Woodworking Is Top Notch
Working with wood can be a great way to pass the time. Not only can you create woodworking pieces to show others, but woodworking can be a truly relaxing, calm experience. Pallet Furniture  From designing the piece to sanding the final product, it can be something that you enjoy. Here are some tip to make you a better woodworker.
Reusable sanding blocks save you time and money. To make them all you need is a few pieces of scrap lumber. Cut a piece of 2x4 into a rectangle approximately 2 inches wide and 4 inches long. Cut a piece of sandpaper the size of your block. Then, spray one side of the piece of lumber with spray adhesive and adhere the sandpaper to the block of wood.
Woodworking can be a fun, and satisfying, hobby. However, it is very important to play it safe when working with tools, substances that cause fumes and other common dangers of the craft. Be sure to wear safety glasses, allow plenty of fresh air for ventilation when using oil-based products and always read the directions before you start anything!
Clean your saw's teeth before cutting lumber. To thoroughly clean your saw blade dip a shop rag into a little acetone and wipe the blade thoroughly. Additionally, using a piece of sandpaper that has a fine grit will remove any sap or gumminess from your skill saw's cutting blades.
Keep the floors safe in your woodworking shop. Dust builds up on the floor, making it dangerous for walking. Coat the slippery areas of your shop with a mixture of crushed walnut shells and paint. The walnut shells are just the right consistency to keep the floor rough enough for walking, even when sawdust builds up.
When working with wood, it is important that you have a lot of patience when it comes to the finishing process. This is just as important as the actual woodworking. Things like gluing edges and sanding the wood down take time, and you will only mess things up if you try to rush through this process.
When you are tackling the sanding portion of your woodworking project be sure that you are using the best type of sandpaper. There are many different types available, and using the wrong type can lead to your project being ruined. If you are not sure you are using the right type you can find the correct information online with the click of a few buttons.
Learn all about the wood you are working with and its particular characteristics. Each type is different. Stains can look different on various types of wood. Different cuts will splinter differently. You will also see different types of grains. Take these different characteristics in mind when planning a project.
When caulking using silicone caulk, mist the caulk with a small amount of rubbing alcohol. The alcohol acts as a lubricant allowing your to smoothly run your finger through the caulk for a perfect line of caulk every time. Spraying the surrounding area with alcohol also keeps the caulk from adhering to the surrounding surfaces.
When you have to make adjustments to your woodworking power tools or change saw blades on your power saws, be sure to unplug your tool. Do not simply trust the on/off switch to keep you safe. If the switch is activated while you are adjusting your power tool, you could be seriously injured or even killed.
Drafting squares can help you be more accurate when you're making cuts that are small. If you need to cut wood accurately at the 2 to 3 foot range, it can be difficult to measure accurately. Drywall squares are typically inaccurate, while carpenter squares are cumbersome. Check out drafting squares at your local art supplier. Such squares are easy in use and surprisingly accurate.
Always check your measurements a couple of times. In fact, it may be a good idea to go over them three times if the materials you're using are costly. A lot of the time measuring will be where a lot of people make mistakes. If you cut too short or cut on an angle, you can ruin a piece of wood completely for the project.
If you don't have the money for a good table saw, buy a quality circular saw. You can accomplish most of the same tasks. Buy a good quality blade. A circular saw is ideal for cutting larger pieces. You will likely find you still use the circular saw often even after you move up to a table saw.
Woodworking can be one of the most rewarding hobbies out there. When you see the finished piece you've made, it can give you a real sense of satisfaction that you can share with your loved ones. The suggestions in this article can really help you to do a great job.
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