#also Lauren is Antonio’s sister in law and every time he fucks up he calls her so she can keep Jayden in control + bail him out
skyland2703 · 1 year
Opinion on Antonio
He also needs Spanish lessons, actually.
And he’s deeply in love with this man:
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chxoticmuses · 4 years
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Status: Accepting
@hammurabicomplex​ said: plots please!! (as if we don't already got a bunch lmao)
— Marco/Pat: Lately ive been craving an on the run Bonnie and Clyde type plot for these two. Like they go on a heist and fuck up or maybe it was a trap all along and they end up having to flee and go on the run dodging law enforcement, not being able to talk to or trust anyone but each other, just all the angst. All these stressful events would bring out a more agitated, on edge, and meaner side to Marco that mirrors his old asshole self that I think would be really interesting to see interact with Pat since she’s used to the complete opposite.
— Xavier/Pat: This is kinda similar to the other plot butttt I was also thinking what if someone found out about Pat & Xavier and what they knew about each other??? I assume after a while and then constantly visiting each other someone would get suspicious, confirm their suspicions, and go running to tell someone. And BOOM they’re forced to go into hiding after an attempt is made on them. Buttttt, it depends on which side is doing the snitching. Like if a criminal snitched on them then they would probably have to go into witness protection program through Xavier’s job but the other way around and he’s a fugitive with criminals. 10/10 either way.
— Veronica/Pat: Heh, I have one word for you: affair. Veronica meeting Pat during that last strand in her and Vincent’s marriage, getting attached to her, and starting continuous booty calls with her??? I love everything about that especially since we talked about how Vincent and Pat wouldn’t be able to stand each other. It’s a really punch in his face and was probably only started by Vera to get some sort of revenge on him and she ended up growing attached to Pat. She won’t admit that tho.
— A young Eliana/Sienna: Both of them being hired to take out the same person without knowing it until they stumble upon each other the day of and piece everything together. Which results in a little rival with them and a race on who gets to kill the target first??? And remaining something like enemies after, mayhaps enemies who smooch every now and then (seeing this is pre-Angel). Omg, which can lead to some angst between them once Eliana does discover Angel and gets into a relationship with him which can spark enemies whom might like each other romantically? Muy bien.
— Gabriel/Destiny: Eeeee, ART BUDDIES!!! Destiny always needs some friends in this cold world of crime especially after she was basically forced into it without her will and I think Gabriel would be perfect for her. They’re both very talented and creative individuals whose outlet is art and that’s already a BIG thing for them to bond over.
— Giancarlo/Wendell: Look, I put this pairing from that one random ship meme you sent in a while ago and idk how it’ll happen, but it’s going to.
— Giancarlo/Angel: I know these two are both criminals but I NEED more friendship oriented things with that these two even if it is Angel getting them in trouble and cussed out by Eliana 80% of the time. Give me the soft stuff like helping each other out of trouble, showing up to kid’s births, birthdays spent together, holidays spent together like family, etc. anything that builds up on that strong connect and debt somewhat lmao that Angel has with him!!
— Giancarlo/Lauren: Hmmm, a small time drug dealer getting caught up with a high end cartel criminal like Giancarlo?? I don’t have much just yet but give me three Red Bull’s and I’m sure I’ll come up with more.
— Gabriel/Smiley: Okay I’m running out of energy now from all my other rambling lmao, but they’re both bodyguards and I’m sure they crossed paths before considering that the Amicis have dealt with Pat and Giancarlo before. This isn’t much to go off of I’m sorry but I’m getting sleepy now.
— Antonio/Xavier/Rose/Violet: LOOK, Xavier can be a good and sympathetic guy sometimes and this is one of those times!! After hearing about Antonio’s situation I feel like he would really pity the guy and do what he can to help him out of his situation, but of course there’s a catch. In return for a little information (cause of course his job comes first) he gets him in touch with Rose, a pretty okay lawyer who has some connections that can get him immunity, and her sister Violet, a detective who can tweak things around mayhaps to make that immunity possible. It’s a chaotic plan and there’s probably hella factors that stop them along the way from their end goal.
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