#also I'm sorry you went through this and I'm glad you're finally properly medicated
monstermonstre · 4 years
Re: the cholesterol thing I would look into the ldl/hdl ratio cause that's what really concerned my current doc (that gave me meds) about mine.l Also very anecdotal but for me it was always about weight for docs but then I lost weight and it only lowered a bit and meds was what really helped finally but I know 2 people that lowered theirs by following very strict diets for a short amount of time so idk bodies are a bit of a mess I guess
thanks, I know about ldl and hdl that's the thing: my ldl levels are High and my hdl is low, it's Not Good but it looks like my doctor only looked at the overall level of cholesterol combined and decided it wasn't too high. except if you look at the different types of cholesterol then the ldl one is too high (and hdl not high enough). everywhere I look, my ldl levels are considered high (over 160) but she didn't seem bothered.
and I'm aware that fatphobia is rampant and that doctors are horrible with fat people and tell them that the answer to everything is losing weight/diet/exercise, but my bmi isn't high (not that it would be bad in any way, the bmi is bs, but like you said it was always weight for doctors for you until you lost some and it didn't fix the problem and that's when they finally got their heads out of their asses...except for me she didn't tell me to lose weight because doctors don't see me as someone who needs to lose weight).
i really don't understand her reaction and it's not the first time she's acting incompetent and I can't change doctors right now so I have to take this into my own hands.
do you know what kind of diet the people you know went on? I'm afraid of the "very strict" part but I can at least consider it or find useful tips in it.
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msilwrites · 3 years
(A 3AM Short Story) - (SHORT 1/2) - The Dark Knight
A/N: Hi guys, I have a lot of drafts I've been editing inside the draft folder of my Tumblr page. Sorry that I have not published them, I'm aware I make a lot of grammar mistakes, therefore, just I want them to be written properly, for it to have a strong narrative voice and can be easily understood.
Nonetheless, here is one of them...
Let me add, I'm actually busy updating my other stories, so do standby for that!
Cast -
'Q' is an Original Character
'K' / Kieran Sorensen - Mads Mikkelsen
WARNING: SEXUAL TENSIONS.... you need cold water!
The Dark Knight
Even before Q was known as 'Q', she was first a trainee under 'K' or Kieran, her commanding officer. However, she didn't expect to work beside him after finishing her training and working for the MI6. Neither did she expect that he was preparing her to take over once he steps down. That he wanted her to succeed him.
It all started when she entered the training programme. He had interviewed her for the first time, whilst holding on to the piece of paper which contained information about her background.
A woman who spent her primary education in Dragon School, and a secondary education at top international school in Shanghai, before graduating tertiary in Cambridge. With these, she could've been considered a 'strong candidate'.
"Privileged..." was his reply, upon reading everything. He clearly wasn't impressed. "You're probably very intelligent, but do you have grit?"
She gulped nervously and was thankful enough that she didn't write anything about her grandfather being an admiral or her father being an officer.
She remembered what he had told her clearly the first time, which is why it was a surprise to her that he considered her as a 'successor'.
Her job was something classified, she was not a field agent, but her duty was akin to that of a chess player, a tactician, a strategist and her chess pieces, were the agents under her command. And the playground was the operations she led and handled. And after a long time, she became good at it.
Throughout the years, she slowly got the hang of it, and finally earned the respect of her colleagues and superiors, specially Keiron, who had eventually become fond of her.
Everything was fine until she received a piece of devastating news.
Q's mother had committed suicide and her sister had a breakdown. At first, she couldn’t believe it. She knew her mother would never do such a thing! Didn’t she just remarry a good man who also happens to be wealthy? and had told her that she is in love with her new husband? That didn’t sound like the jovial mother she had often talked to over the phone. But as the details and truth began to resurface, everything became clearer...
As Q dug deeper for the truth, receiving the suicide note, her mother’s diary, the Private Investigator’s report and her sister’s story, one thing became clear; the cause of her family’s ruin was her mother’s new husband; Vincenzo Rosello.
Much to the family’s dismay, the truth was something painful to learn. Q broke down and cried. She considered dropping everything, just to get to her sister.
Her sister Helene, according to the report given to her by the investigator, was locked up in a private mental institution/ rehab in Mallorca and was given medication that had kept her mind blank every day.
Her grandfather and father were willing to do anything to get Helene rescued. But Q knew that if both her grandfather and father made a move, it will cause a diplomatic problem for the country. It was enough pretext for them that they should not intervene or try anything. Besides, the fact that the information was classified and Vincenzo Rosello was no ordinary man, makes it no easy task for her grandfather and father who holds high positions in the government, compared to her, a 'small fly'. So Q talked her family out of it and took it upon herself to rescue her sister, whatever it took.
At first, Q leaks the story to BBC News and CNN through an agent contact in Madrid, believing that public sympathy and pressure would force the country to intervene. However, Kieron Sorensen had done something, causing the networks to retract the news as a hoax.
Q was angry of course, upon learning of what happened. But she couldn't show it, and couldn't let anyone know that it was her who had leaked the information.
She didn't know what was coming for her until Kieron summoned her to his office.
"Ah, Q, please take a seat," Kieron offers, as she closes the door behind her. She had a feeling he might try to pry something out of her, but whatever it was, she decided that she will not admit to anything.
"What did you call me for?"
"Straightforward as always! Well, do you remember the painting at the museum that we saw?" he starts.
She scratches her head and thought how random the question was. "Which painting?"
"In front of the painting where I first handed you your badge," he said.
She suddenly remembered the event years ago, when he had welcomed her officially to the agency, by giving her a gun and badge inside a box, at a gallery, right in front of a painting. It looked more like a transaction between two people instead of a 'welcome' due to its secret, unnoticeable nature.
"Yes... what about it?"
"What was the painting again?" he asked.
"A knight and a lady," was her answer.
"A yes! 'A knight and his lady'! remember what I told you that time?"
"That there is no knight in shining armour to the rescue, that you are your own knight..." she casually mentions.
"And?" asking her to continue.
"That we should not aspire to be white knight, but a 'dark knights'" she rolls her eyes, thinking that this was a waste of time. "If there is anything else, I would like to go. I have a lot more paperwork to do,"
Kieron smiled " I am glad you remember, what is this then?" he pushes a paper towards her, containing the report that was leaked to the networks.
" I do not know what is this about?" she feigns ignorance.
His handsome face twists into a cynical smile. "Oh Q, isn't that your sister in the news?"
"Yes, I can see that, but we have been estranged ever since our parents divorced..." she lied. In fact, she almost communicated with them every day.
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"I see..." Kieron folds his hands and takes a long hard look at her, which made her uncomfortable, but she was not going to give anything away. "I just want to remind you not to play the 'Dark Knight' in this situation. I'm not saying it was you who did this but consider the position your family would be in."
"Is that a threat, Director?" she clenched her teeth.
"No, it's a warning..." was his response, followed by a handsome smile, that she had so wanted to punch.
"Duly noted..." was her resigned response.
"I'm glad you understand, we have to always choose and preserve the greater good..."
"Greater good? so you want me to abandon my sister?" her voice was strained, as anger began to rise within her.
"I never said that... What I'm saying is, incidents like this can be considered as something against the agency and the government "
"I am aware of that and don't need you to remind me..." was her curt reply.
"I will not tolerate insubordination, and I will not back you up or rescue you if you continue this," he adds.
"I did not break any rules..." was her firm response, bent on not admitting anything.
" If that is so, you are to take a two-week compassionate leave,"
"I don't need it, I have a lot of work to do," she says, brushing it off.
"It's not a request, it's an order..." was his stern reply. "You're not into step into the office within those two weeks,"
"You can't do that?! I have a lot of work to do, and people who depend on me," she insists. She knew the moment she leaves the office, she will be unable to access some resources needed to rescue her sister.
"That's all taken care of," he said nonchalantly.
She felt her plans fall apart. It was obvious why Kieron was doing this. And that is to prevent her from taking any action, and this made her extremely frustrated.
" You have 2 days to finish whatever you can. After that, surrender your access card and gun before you go..." he adds, which finally broke the camel's back.
In a fit of anger, Q bolts out of her seat and attacks Kieran, pulling his arm forward, and punches his face the moment she had close the distance, which caught him off guard.
But a seasoned combatant like Kieron had recovered quickly and caught her body, swung her into his back and slammed her hard on the table.
Q, flinched in pain, but was not one to give up, countered his attack by trying to lock his arm, forcing him into submission. However, he was able to free himself from it and back throws her, causing her to land on the nearby couch with a loud thud.
But before she could even recover, Kieron had already gone on top of her and held both her wrist above her head, pinning her down the couch in a compromising position.
He leans close to her face and whispers to her ears, "You do that again, I will not be as merciful..."
She felt goosebumps on her neck with what he did. It was no mistake, she was turned on. It was also not a big help that Kieron is a handsome man. She did not want to look at him in the eye, or the feelings that she had withheld inside her, for him, all these years, might just spill...
He drags her back up and buttons the top part of her shirt, which she had not noticed was open. Some of the buttons were gone due to the physical altercation that had happened between them earlier. Her face felt warm as she looked away, as the gesture felt sensual and intimate. A significant other is supposed to do these things, not your boss! And certainly not after a fight!
He stilled her and gently tilted her chin to meet up his gaze. For a moment she was lost in his citrine eyes.
"Don't cause trouble, I would hate to lose you..." he whispered, and it felt more of a warning. "Go..." he turns around and walks back to his table, waving her off.
"Damn him..." she muttered under her breath as she went back to her small office. She had only two days to do her work, in addition to getting whatever resources she needs to rescue her sister. If Kieron thought this setback will discourage her, then he is wrong.
After two days of work, the moment she had reached home, she had finally decided to go off-grid. She knew the moment she had left the agency, Kieron would've probably put her under watch list.
Pushing a heavy bookshelf on the side, the self glided easily despite its weight, revealing a small secret room with a vault inside her apartment. On one part of the shelf, was two fake passports and identity cards she had procured over the years, on one part was a thick clipping of the currency 'Euros'. She takes them and throws packs into her bag, before coming back for the vault, and taking another handphone.
She leaves her handphone on the bedside table and didn't plan on taking it with her to Spain. Kieron surely would use it to track her and she couldn't risk anyone knowing her plans and ruin them.
But before leaving, she messages her father;
'Perseus is coming for Andromeda'
Mallorca, Spain
Q was not surprised that it was raining hard the moment she arrived at Mallorca. It was after one of their coldest seasons.
She wasted no time and immediately embraced her new identity, Geórgia Santos, a woman from Terrassa who will work as the cleaner at the psychiatric hospital where her sister, Helene is confined.
She eventually took on her role well, and immediately gained the respect of the medical staff within a few days of working as a cleaner. She even gained information who are some of the patients, through gossip with the nurses.
By the end of the week, she learned that the forbidden room she wasn't allowed to enter was the same room Helene is solely confined in. Not only because it was guarded. Moreover, thrice a week, a man comes to visit the room and stays there for almost a whole day, and he would ask the staff about his 'prisoner' in the room.
Upon learning the whole truth, she had sneaked in one night into her sister's room and found her in a state any family member would not like to see. Her informer was right, Helene was kept mentally blank every day. She had eventually bribed the nurse and the doctor assigned in Helene's room for information and their silence. According to the nurse she had bribed for information, the ‘stepfather’ would often visit Helene and stay at her quarters for a ‘very long time'.
Flabbergasted, Q calls out the nurse for not doing anything. But the nurse reasons that the ‘stepfather’ is a powerful man and they themselves were afraid to go against him. When she made it known that she wanted to take Helene from the institution and bring her back to England, the nurse and the doctor, though feeling guilty, advised her not to, as Vicenzo Rosello will not allow it. It will put the whole staff in jeopardy.
When she promised a way out, and a way to cripple Vicenzo, so that he would not misdirect his anger. Both of them immediately agreed and cooperated.
"Saint George, has seen the dragon" she sends another cryptic message to her father. What it actually meant is that she had seen Vicenzo.
The messaging window indicated 'typing' for a long time. She knew her father was holding back the anger, he was surely thinking of giving an order to kill. But no, he seems to have thought it through.
"Saint George should not slay the dragon," was his response followed by "Yet...".
Q chuckled upon receiving the message. Oh, the many ways they plan to hurt Vicenzo. After all, killing him immediately is an easy way out. They should torment him every chance they get, after what happened to her mother and Helene.
Unbeknownst to the agency, within her two last days before her compassionate leave. She had forged a directive signed by the agency's head to begin "Operation Persues" a rescue mission that is spearheaded by the SAS that she had developed within a short amount of time as 'Plan B" for her own attempt to rescue her sister.
On the night of the extraction, the moment the power was cut, Q hurriedly rushed to the floor where her sister was confined. The guards were out so she was able to easily enter her room.
When she entered Helene's room, she found her sleeping soundly in the dark, much to her relief. She checks her watch to see how much time she has. She could carry her sister to the nearby coastline herself where a boat is supposedly waiting for them, or wait for the soldiers she assigned to guide them there.
Her plan was to get Helene to Madrid and have her transported via car (as she was not mentally stable) to the south of France where their grandfather was waiting for them.
She felt her hands grow cold, as the clock ticks. The guards will be back any time now, and she has no gun to neutralize them if it comes into an altercation.
Suddenly, there was a sharp sound of a suppressor, followed by a loud thud on the floor. There was a knock on the door before it opened to reveal an imposing figure standing in the door frame, dressed in black night ops camouflage, with a large rifle. A normal person would probably be scared if they see him. After all, he looked like the stuff of 'nightmares' specially with his face covered, and his eyes were night-vision lenses that made him look like a multi-eyed monster.
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"She's not stable," she whispers to the man. " I'm afraid of her waking up, and causing a commotion. "
The man nodded in understanding, before signalling another soldier outside of the room to come in.
The other soldier takes out a syringe containing a sedative to calm Helene down, in case she wakes up. In any other situation, Q would be fine, doing it to the target. She had carried out a lot of operation that needed this course of action. But now that they're doing it to her sister, she felt a little conflicted.
Another soldier enters the room and carries Helene out carefully. The first soldier, who first entered the room pulls out a gun from one of his armour's holsters and hands it to her.
"Thank you," she says softly, glad that he was considerate enough to give her a weapon to defend herself.
In a few minutes time, the power will come back, they needed to get to the nearby coastline by foot, as the sound of the car can attract attention this late at night, at a quiet place like this.
The smell of the incoming rain was obvious to her, the moment they stepped out of the hospital, they needed to get to the boat before the rain falls. There were 5 soldiers, and the boat can only carry 5 people, which meant two should stay ashore, and leave in another way.
"I will see you at Bordeaux, give her to the Admiral as instructed..." she says, referring to her grandfather, as she instructs the soldiers and they respond with a nod. She trusted them enough to carry their duty. Moreover, it wasn't the first time working with the SAS.
She watched as the boat left the shore, and turned away once she can no longer see them in the distance.
Turning her attention back to the soldier who stayed behind with her, she realized that it was the same person who first entered the room earlier and passed her a gun. Though she could not see his face like the rest of them, it was his aura that separates him from his team. He seemed like a very seasoned soldier and she wouldn't be surprised if he was, as her guest and observations were often right.
"Thank you for staying behind, I do not know if you have a plan B, but I'll take care of us here, from now on. And we'll be back in London before you know it!" she tries to convince him, but he did not respond and just stared at her. She sighed in resignation and asks him to follow her, as the rain began to fall.
Not far from the hospital was a small cabin she had rented as her temporary quarters.
"Come in..." She opens the door and holds it open for him.
The moment they entered the house, he was met with countless papers, photographs, stuck on a corkboard, and a few, small spy tech, including a laptop. The rest, was just a small kitchen, a small fireplace, bathroom, a queen-size bed, and a small couch, nothing more, nothing less. The small house looked like an operational briefing room, instead of living quarters.
"I'm sorry about the mess, I'll burn them once we leave, go make yourself at home. You must be tired so you can take my bed and I won't mind it, I'll sleep on the couch" she uttered mindlessly, as she started packing some of the equipment for more space. "Besides, I need to forge a few papers here and there to get us out of here, I'll buy you new clothes tomorrow too," she adds, turning towards him, still without a response.
"So, uhh... I don't plan on seeing you in the raw, so... just cover yourself up with a blanket" she sighed, though she meant well, not wanting him to stay in his damp clothes, she felt sorry for the guy. He probably thinks she's a weird pervert now for saying that carelessly. "Sorry, I came unprepared for this part. I didn't know it will rain..." she reasons.
The man finally sits down on the couch and makes himself comfortable, and began slowly dismantling his rifle.
She heaved another sigh, before remembering the gun he has handed her earlier on. "Ah yes, I almost forgot, here's your gun, I-" she paused for a moment and disarmed it, removing the silencer and the bullets and then she felt a certain texture on one side of the gun and saw an engraved quote;
'This is a tool, I am the weapon'
There was no mistake, this was her gun that the agency confiscated before she left for her 2 weeks leave. How did a special ops soldier end up having it?
She looked at him confused. "H-How did you?"
The man's answer was silence and then he took off his night visions goggles and his mask, only to reveal Kieran, underneath the camo.
"Shit..." she muttered under her breath, as alarms started ringing inside her head. This operation was unsanctioned, to begin with, and the only way she was able to carry it was by using her and her father's money, forging signatures for approval and unprofessionally using the companies resources to carry out the rest, which she knew she had distorted the evidence so that they will not find out.
"How... how did you-?" she was lost for words.
"You made a small blunder... that's how I found out..." he says sternly, as he slowly approached her, his expression was cold. She knew what was coming. He was going to kill her in cold blood. It didn't matter if she was his prodigy and that they've been colleagues for a decade, or that he was fond of her. Kieran was first and always a cold-blooded assassin/operative, even before he became the division head. She heard the stories, and she witnessed how cold and cruel he could be. Nor does he take betrayal well. And this unsanctioned operation is considered betrayal in the agency's eyes, and his. And what happens when one commits 'insubordination? if lucky they can get away with getting court-martialed if not, they are 'neutralized'.
Unfortunately, she will be getting the latter.
But she didn't want to die. She wanted to reunite with her family, to finally be there for Helene, after years apart. To finally mourn her mother properly. She didn't want her family to have another person to mourn for. She wants to live, and she will fight to live.
Wasting no time, she throws the gun at his face, as she didn't have enough time to re-assemble everything.
"Fuck..." Kieran cursed under his breath when the heavy metal hits his chests and was followed by the silencer before she made a run for it outside.
The backwoods was dark, and she almost tumbled down, running. Especially now that it rained heavily, the place was slippery. This setback was certainly something she didn't expect. She needed to gather her thoughts and think of a plan C. She did remember that she had kept backup 'necessities' in a locker at the port. She just needed to get there safely and get Kieron off her trail.
However, before she could make her next move. A pair of strong arms wrap around her waist, swung her to his shoulders, and then throws her back down into the ground.
"That's for earlier..." Kieran mentions as he circled around her.
"This is not fair, I thought you were a gentleman!" she says, in spite of the situation.
"I am... I haven't injured you yet, haven't I?" was his playful remark. "Get up!"
She struggled to get up and glared at him. " You think this is a game?"
"And you thought I wasn't serious when I warned you? Remember, every action has a consequence and this is yours..."
She finally gets up and rushes forward to attack him. He immediately blocks her fist, but she kicks his knees, breaking his stance.
He quickly recovers and prepares for an attack, but she had jumped at him, wrapping her legs around his waist, and using the force of her momentum to throw him back down to the ground. She quickly grabs his back leg and twists it.
Quickly wrapping her legs around his, she cranks it the wrong way, pulling it forward, hyperextending it, in an attempt to dislocate and cripple him.
He screams in pain, as she put him into a kneebar submission. However, he quickly counters her move by kicking the back of her knee with his free leg and freeing his other leg out in the process.
Unable to continue the kneebar, Kieron immediately grapples with her once he was free. But she was too quick and got away quickly.
"Not bad..." he laughs.
She tried to catch her breath and glared back at him. She rather escapes than prolong this fight. Fighting against a veteran like Kieron is futile. However, before she could make a run for it, he moves forwards and quickly strikes her in the gut, causing her to lose air and then consciousness.
It was 4 am according to her clock when she gained consciousness once again and found herself with her arms tied up to the bedpost.
The only thing that serves light in the room was the small fireplace, and Kieron was in front of it smoking a cigarette, with nothing but a blanket on, wrapped around his waist.
If this was any other situation, this was a wet dream come true. She had always been curious about the body underneath those sharp custom made, Saville-Row suits and smart apparel he wore to work. He was like those silver fox models that were displayed in GQ and not once did she see him undone and raw like this. Heck, he looked good even when doing violent interrogations.
His body was muscularly lean and well-toned, with scars here and there. In short words, he's damn hot.
She sighs and takes in the sight before her. It was probably the last thing she would see and remember him for before he ends her life.
"Like what you see?" he teased.
"Put a shirt on... you're ugly..." was her rude response.
He laughs out loud and stares at her.
"Just kill me..." she pleads. She was not willing to go through torture and interrogation, and she knew that was coming next.
He gets up and seats down on the side of the bed. "But I'm not done with you yet...." he whispers.
" We can be done in a minute, I will tell you everything. I admit to it. I forged all your signatures for approval, used the agencies resources to gather information and used my own savings to fund this operation. That is all... now... do what you have to do..." she says in resignation. "And do it quick, I don't want it to be painful" she adds.
He takes out a knife and she closes her eyes shut, preparing for what's next. However, to her surprise, Kieran cuts of the rope binding her arms instead, before walking away and sitting back down in front of the fireplace.
"Kieron..." she calls his name whilst rubbing the lacerations on her wrist.
"You're a fool, you know?... I've advised you many times to not do this..."
"The agency will..." she began but he quickly cut her off.
"They're not aware, I've cleaned it up for you..." was his simple response.
"Why-why? you said...-"
"I'm not that heartless that you and others make me out to be..." he says nonchalantly, waving it off. "You're not trained as a covert agent... do you know how worried I was when I found out?"
"Who are you to care? we're nothing but colleagues and your nothing but the heartless department director who wants results! I am well aware that I am just your pawn!" She shook her head. Kieron Sorenson was too cold to even care. " Please save me the pretence..."
He glares back at her and gets back up to approach her. Closing in the distance like a predatory animal and she was his prey.
"Kieron... I-" before she could say anything, he crushed his mouth against hers and much to his surprise, she did not protest or struggle and welcomed it wholeheartedly. Returning the kiss with equal intensity.
He tried in vain to slow down and pull away for them to catch their breath. Only to find her looking back at him with longing eyes.
"Since when?" she asked. Of course, she was confused by this sudden 'confession'. She may admit that she does have a secret crush on the cold-blooded director. But not once did she expect that he had affection for her too.
"The museum..." he whispers huskily, referring to the time he had welcomed her to the agency. She looked so beautiful that day, her head held high, upon proving how wrong he was about her, as she sat beside him in front of the painting. " I wanted to kiss that witty mouth of yours... but that's just unprofessional..."
"You're being unprofessional now..." she remarks.
"I don't give a damn..." he says and tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear.
A/N: I think I might have made some grammatical errors. So I'd do soft editing. I'll write Part 2 (SMUT!!!) next after this.
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spencers-dria · 4 years
Things Left Unsaid
Someone To Stay Ch. 12
Content/Trigger Warnings: mentions of drug abuse
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"Where is he?? Where's Spencer?!"
You run through the hospital doors into the waiting room to find your Aunt JJ and Derek sitting quietly.
JJ quickly stands up and grabs you by the shoulders, trying her best to calm you down.
"Y/N, hey, look at me. It's okay. He's okay. Take a few deep breaths. Spencer is fine. We are waiting till they say we can go back to see him. Why don't you come sit for a minute? Just try taking deep breaths okay?"
You follow her to a seat, reluctantly. She rubs your back soothingly as you feel your breathing start to slow. You fall back into a seat in between her and Derek. The more you feel yourself calm down, the quicker reality hits you. Tears start to fill your eyes, threatening to fall as the memories play over and over again in your mind.
You're woken by the ring of you phone across the room. You rub your eyes and look around. You fell asleep watching Netflix on the couch again. You stumble your way over to your phone as you answer with a groggy voice.
"Y/N, hey its JJ."
"Hey, what's going on? Are you guys still out on a case?"
"Umm yeah, that's why  I'm calling actually. I know you and Spencer have gotten to be pretty close friends and..."
Her voice trails off and the line goes silent. You feel a lump start to grow in your throat. In that instant, you feel your switch flip off, the switch to your emotions, allowing you to focus only on what needs to be done, and not how you feel about it.
In a cold voice, void of any emotion, you finally speak up.
"Where is Spencer?"
"He's in the hospital. He's been shot. It was pretty close to some major arteries. He's in surgery at a hospital here in Seattle."
You take a deep breath in, processing all the information you've just been given. "Okay, okay I'm on my way."
"No! There's nothing you can do here. They're going to stabilize him, then we plan to have him transferred to your hospital. By the time you get here, they'll probably be done and getting ready to transport him. I know it's hard, but just stay there for now. We will see you soon."
You stay silent for a moment before answering. "Okay. I'll stay here. But I want someone to tell me as soon as he gets here!"
You hung up the phone and walked back over to your couch. As you sunk back into it you felt your mind wander. The  image of Spencer getting shot, of him bleeding out...Spencer on an operating table, or hooked up to a ventilator...
You feel your switch threaten to come back on. You know if you let emotions in now you will fall apart. You are determined to stay unemotional, unattached. You are preparing for the inevitable hurt you know will be coming your way. So you sit there in silence, in the dark, waiting.
You sit there for two more hours until you get the call, the call that he is out of surgery and is on his way to your hospital nearby. You snap out of your stupor and into a sharp focus. You jump up from your couch and grab an overnight bag. You quickly stuff it with pajamas, comfy clothes, meds, glasses, contacts, toothbrush and anything else you can think of. On your way out the door, you grab Spencer's spare key. About a week and a half ago it had been his idea to exchange spare key's "in case of emergency". You had never thought any such emergency would arise, but here you were.
You quickly drive to his apartment. You jump out of the car and run up the stairs of his old building, the wood floors creaking below you as you move as quickly as you can. After unlocking the door, you see an empty black duffle he uses for a go bag for work. You grab it and make your way to his room. You don't think Spencer will mind. The two of you have become extremely close, and this IS an emergency. You stuff his bag with all the same essentials, but you make sure to grab a large assortment of his favorite comfort go-to books. You look at your watch, seeing you still have some time before they arrive.
You decide to swing by the store on the way to the hospital. Running into the grocery you grab a few of his favorite snacks including his favorite coffee.  You know just how bad the hospital's coffee is. You make sure to grab some chocolate iced donuts from the bakery section. Once at the checkout you see a couple science-based magazines, recognizing them as ones he's read before you grab those as well. You take a few deep breaths. You know you have to calm down if you want to get to the hospital safely.
As you sit in the waiting room, all you can think about is that phone call and the series of events that brought you here. You run your hands through your hair, pulling on it out of frustration. You focus on your breathing as all the noises around you fade into the background.
You aren't quite sure how much time has passed when one of the nurses approaches JJ and pulls her to the side to update her. JJ walks back over and sits beside you.
"They're letting one person in for now. They said after he's a little more awake, he can have more visitors. You're his best friend. I think he'd want to see you first."
She gives you a comforting smile as she squeezes your hand.
"The rest of the team will be coming by in shifts to check on him. Let us know if you need anything."
You nod as you follow the nurse back to his room. You recognize her. She's transferred patients to you several times. Thank goodness she doesn't try to greet you or make any small talk. All you care about right now is making sure your friend is okay.
As you walk through the all too familiar halls of the hospital, it feels like time begins to slow down around you. You can hear your heart beat in your ears. This is so different from the your usual cool demeanor amongst the many horrific things you've seen within these very walls.
When you finally reach the doorway, your eyes land on your friend. You feel your heart stop. You know that he's okay, but you never expected to see him like this. He's sleeping, probably on all kinds of heavy medication. His hair is even messier than usual, the dark circles under his eyes more defined. He looks like a ghost of himself. You see the bandages covering his shoulder and chest and tears finally push their way out, spilling down your face. You let them go for just a minute, letting it out of your system. You can't let him, or anyone else see you like this. You quickly wipe them away as you make your way to sit in a chair beside the bed.
You reach over and grab his hand, holding it as though he would slip away if you let go. You steady your breathing as you take a moment to look at him. He really was beautiful. His overly defined features, long lashes, plump lips, caramel curls falling softly to frame his face. Its as if someone painted him to be perfect. You reach up with your other hand to brush a piece of hair out of his face.
You whisper softly. "You really had me scared you know. They said you would be okay but... It just seems like everyone I care about leaves. I like to think by now you wouldn't do that to me, not on purpose anyways. I'm so glad you're okay. We have a lot more adventures to go on, you and I. I have a feeling that we have a lot of wonderful things in our future. So you've got to stick around for a long time, okay? I need you to stay."
"You can't get rid of me that easy."  You hear a soft reply and a chuckle, causing your eyes to shoot up. Spencer is looking over at you from hooded, groggy eyes, still clearly in a medicated haze.
"I'm so glad you're okay Spencer. I don't know what I would have done if you had.."
"But I didn't." He cuts you off.
"We don't have to think about that okay. I'm just glad you're here."
You suddenly feel embarrassed, that you were the one to rush to his side, and no one even questioned it. A couple of months ago you were strangers, and here you were, the first one he sees when he wakes up in the hospital.
"Oh well...JJ and Derek, they're here too. The rest of the team will be coming by in shifts. We were all worried. We all really care about you."
He smiles at hearing this. "I don't deserve you...uhh any of you. You're all like family to me."
"I almost forgot, I brought you some stuff."
You pick up his bag and set it next to him on the bed, allowing him to look through it.
"Hospital gowns really suck. And I know it can get really boring in here. Sorry I went through your stuff. I was just in such hurry and well, you said to use the key in an emergency and I figured this..."
"Hey." Hey cuts you off as her grabs your wrist. You had started to spiral, another side effect of your anxiety.
"Take a deep breath. It's okay. I really appreciate it. I actually can't believe you did this for me. You even grabbed all of my favorite books." He smiles as he pulls out a couple to set on the nightstand. He also grabs his glasses. He probably hasn't been able to see properly since the surgery, since they would have taken his contacts out. He makes his way into the snacks and starts munching away happily.
"I can't believe you did all this for me!" He smiles up at you, face full of food, like he hasn't eaten in weeks.
"Only if you share," you laugh as he hands you one of the donuts.
"What's in the other bag?" He asks curiously, glancing over your shoulder.
"Oh that's just my stuff." You shrug, not wanting to make much of it.
"Your stuff?"
You roll your eyes, knowing he won't let it go.
"Yeah you know, clothes, pajamas, toothbrush, etc." You turn a bit read, knowing how presumptuous you had been in bringing all of it, but you don't care. Spencer is priority, not your pride.
Spencer opens his mouth to reply but you continue.
"And before you can say anything about it, no I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying right here."
You still fully expect him to argue with you on the matter. What you don't expect is the giant grin he gives you as he pulls you down toward him, leaving a soft kiss on your cheek before pulling you in for a hug.
His head is buried in your shoulder as you hear
"Thank you Y/N...for everything."
The two of you stay there for a moment before a knock at the door causes you to jump up.
JJ steps inside "Hey Spence, I brought some people to see you."
She's followed by Derek and Penelope, who has her arms full of flowers, candy, and stuffed animals. You hadn't expected any less from your colorful, cheerful friend. She really knows how to brighten up a room, and goodness knows these dreary hospital rooms could use a dash of Penelope.
Spencer exchanges hugs with the three as they all sit down to talk with him. When they start talking about the case, you find yourself having to walk out of the room. Spencer seems unbothered by the situation. You get that it must be normal for him and the rest of your friends, but you aren't used to having the people you care about in harms way.
To them the guns, the blood, the danger, its all just another day at work. The blood you were used to, it's the putting their life on the line every time they go out into the field that makes you feel uneasy.
You make your way to your hospital floor, greeting some of your coworkers, explaining why you're there on your day off. They offer hugs, kind thoughts and prayers before you make your way back to Spencer's unit.
Hotch, Rossi, and Alex are now sitting around the bed. Spencer is sitting up more, looking a little more alert than before. He also looks in pain, but you know he won't say anything. In your experience, the men usually try to tough it out, especially with other people around.
You lean over near him and talk low enough for only Spencer to hear.
"Do you want me to call the nurse? We can get you more pain meds. I'm sure it's well overdue."
He brushes you off. "No, Y/N, I'm fine."
You're slightly annoyed at the front he's putting up, but not surprised.
"Look it's not a big deal, no one is going to judge you for needing a little help to get through this. Any normal person would. Why don't I just go ahead and..."
"I said no!" he grabs your wrist before you can hit the call light.
You're too stunned that he's yelled at you to say anything in response.
"I told you I'm fine. I don't want any pain medication, okay? Just take no for an answer and leave it alone."
You are completely used to moody patients yelling at you, taking out their frustrations on you, but this came out of nowhere. It's so out of character for him.
The other three take this as their cue to leave, as they each hug you and Spencer goodbye before exiting through the door.
"What the hell, Spencer?! All I'm trying to do is help you! Why did you just yell at me in front of everyone?"
You look over to see not anger in his eyes, but sadness. He's looking down at his lap as he fiddles nervously with his hands. You can tell he's on the brink of tears. You assume he must still be moody as the anesthesia wears off, something you've seen often.
"I need you to stay." he mumbles under his breath.
You scoot into the bed next to him, wrapping your arms around him to comfort him. You pull his head over to you, as you rub his back, trying to sooth him. You don't know what's wrong, but you can tell he's hurting.
"Of course. I already told you. I'm not going anywhere."
"Not j-just tonight...always. If I tell you everything, I don't think you'd stay in my life any longer. You're my b-best friend, and I can't lose you."
You feel his tears start to soak your shirt, but you don't care.
You whisper your promises softly "There's nothing you could ever tell me that you make me walk away. I'm not going anywhere. I don't care if you're one of the, what do you call them... unsubs or whatever. I'm staying right here, Spencer Reid."
He takes a shaky breath as he tries to calm down. He begins to tell you the story of one of their cases, and how it led to him being kidnapped. It was a man with DID, one personality the abusive father who had kidnapped Spencer, another being the son who thought he was helping.
"I tried to convince him to let me go. He wanted to help, but he was too scared of his father. He decided the only way he could help me was to take the pain away..."
Spencer gets choked up as he struggles to continue. You knew he had seen a lot of dark things and endured the trauma with Maeve, but clearly this affected him deeply in a way you had never seen.
"He injected me with dilaudid, multiple times. In the end, I had to shoot him. I had to kill him. And before I left, I took the drugs with me. I used for months after. I didn't know how to deal with what I had gone through it seemed easier just to...escape I guess. It made it easier to deal with problems in my life too, issues with my mother..."
You continue to rub his back, making sure he knows you are still here for him, despite divulging the horrors of his past.
"I have been clean for years now but...addiction it never really..."
You give his arm a squeeze causing him to finally look up at you. His eyes are puffy and red from crying. His cheeks are tear stained.
"I get it, Spencer. I understand. I'm sorry I pushed you, if you weren't ready to tell me. But it means a lot that you opened up to me about this; I know that can't have been easy. Just know, there are options here, non-addictive pain medications, if you really need them. But I won't push you okay? Just tell me what you need."
He wraps his arm around you before laying his head down on your chest, letting out a deep sigh of contentment and closing his eyes.
You swear you hear him whisper "You" before he fades back into sleep.
You make it your purpose to lay as still as possible, as not to wake him up. You lay your head back, letting yourself drift off to sleep as your mind swims with thoughts of feelings and things left unsaid.
A/N: If you're enjoying the story, I'd love to hear your feedback!! Thanks friends 💖✌🏻
I wanted to come back and add this. For anyone struggling with substance abuse or any mental health issues. You are not alone. You are always welcome to message me. I encourage you to talk to someone, anyone. That is why I will be adding a few hotline numbers below here. These are available 24/7
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration: 1 (800) 662 – 4357
Suicide Prevention Lifeline: Hotline: 1-800-273-8255 
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spencers-dria · 4 years
Someone To Stay
Original story by Fairytales1896
Content/Trigger Warnings: mentions of drug abuse
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12. Things Left Unsaid
"Where is he?? Where's Spencer?!"
You run through the hospital doors into the waiting room to find your Aunt JJ and Derek sitting quietly.
JJ quickly stands up and grabs you by the shoulders, trying her best to calm you down.
"Y/N, hey, look at me. It's okay. He's okay. Take a few deep breaths. Spencer is fine. We are waiting till they say we can go back to see him. Why don't you come sit for a minute? Just try taking deep breaths okay?"
You follow her to a seat, reluctantly. She rubs your back soothingly as you feel your breathing start to slow. You fall back into a seat in between her and Derek. The more you feel yourself calm down, the quicker reality hits you. Tears start to fill your eyes, threatening to fall as the memories play over and over again in your mind.
*You're woken by the ring of you phone across the room. You rub your eyes and look around. You fell asleep watching Netflix on the couch again. You stumble your way over to your phone as you answer with a groggy voice.
"Y/N, hey its JJ."
"Hey, what's going on? Are you guys still out on a case?"
"Umm yeah, that's why  I'm calling actually. I know you and Spencer have gotten to be pretty close friends and..."
Her voice trails off and the line goes silent. You feel a lump start to grow in your throat. In that instant, you feel your switch flip off, the switch to your emotions, allowing you to focus only on what needs to be done, and not how you feel about it.
In a cold voice, void of any emotion, you finally speak up.
"Where is Spencer?"
"He's in the hospital. He's been shot. It was pretty close to some major arteries. He's in surgery at a hospital here in Seattle."
You take a deep breath in, processing all the information you've just been given. "Okay, okay I'm on my way."
"No! There's nothing you can do here. They're going to stabilize him, then we plan to have him transferred to your hospital. By the time you get here, they'll probably be done and getting ready to transport him. I know it's hard, but just stay there for now. We will see you soon."
You stay silent for a moment before answering. "Okay. I'll stay here. But I want someone to tell me as soon as he gets here!"
You hung up the phone and walked back over to your couch. As you sunk back into it you felt your mind wander. The  image of Spencer getting shot, of him bleeding out...Spencer on an operating table, or hooked up to a ventilator...
You feel your switch threaten to come back on. You know if you let emotions in now you will fall apart. You are determined to stay unemotional, unattached. You are preparing for the inevitable hurt you know will be coming your way. So you sit there in silence, in the dark, waiting.
You sit there for two more hours until you get the call, the call that he is out of surgery and is on his way to your hospital nearby. You snap out of your stupor and into a sharp focus. You jump up from your couch and grab an overnight bag. You quickly stuff it with pajamas, comfy clothes, meds, glasses, contacts, toothbrush and anything else you can think of. On your way out the door, you grab Spencer's spare key. About a week and a half ago it had been his idea to exchange spare key's "in case of emergency". You had never thought any such emergency would arise, but here you were.
You quickly drive to his apartment. You jump out of the car and run up the stairs of his old building, the wood floors creaking below you as you move as quickly as you can. After unlocking the door, you see an empty black duffle he uses for a go bag for work. You grab it and make your way to his room. You don't think Spencer will mind. The two of you have become extremely close, and this IS an emergency. You stuff his bag with all the same essentials, but you make sure to grab a large assortment of his favorite comfort go-to books. You look at your watch, seeing you still have some time before they arrive.
You decide to swing by the store on the way to the hospital. Running into the grocery you grab a few of his favorite snacks including his favorite coffee.  You know just how bad the hospital's coffee is. You make sure to grab some chocolate iced donuts from the bakery section. Once at the checkout you see a couple science-based magazines, recognizing them as ones he's read before you grab those as well. You take a few deep breaths. You know you have to calm down if you want to get to the hospital safely.*
As you sit in the waiting room, all you can think about is that phone call and the series of events that brought you here. You run your hands through your hair, pulling on it out of frustration. You focus on your breathing as all the noises around you fade into the background.
You aren't quite sure how much time has passed when one of the nurses approaches JJ and pulls her to the side to update her. JJ walks back over and sits beside you.
"They're letting one person in for now. They said after he's a little more awake, he can have more visitors. You're his best friend. I think he'd want to see you first."
She gives you a comforting smile as she squeezes your hand.
"The rest of the team will be coming by in shifts to check on him. Let us know if you need anything."
You nod as you follow the nurse back to his room. You recognize her. She's transferred patients to you several times. Thank goodness she doesn't try to greet you or make any small talk. All you care about right now is making sure your friend is okay.
As you walk through the all too familiar halls of the hospital, it feels like time begins to slow down around you. You can hear your heart beat in your ears. This is so different from the your usual cool demeanor amongst the many horrific things you've seen within these very walls.
When you finally reach the doorway, your eyes land on your friend. You feel your heart stop. You know that he's okay, but you never expected to see him like this. He's sleeping, probably on all kinds of heavy medication. His hair is even messier than usual, the dark circles under his eyes more defined. He looks like a ghost of himself. You see the bandages covering his shoulder and chest and tears finally push their way out, spilling down your face. You let them go for just a minute, letting it out of your system. You can't let him, or anyone else see you like this. You quickly wipe them away as you make your way to sit in a chair beside the bed.
You reach over and grab his hand, holding it as though he would slip away if you let go. You steady your breathing as you take a moment to look at him. He really was beautiful. His overly defined features, long lashes, plump lips, caramel curls falling softly to frame his face. Its as if someone painted him to be perfect. You reach up with your other hand to brush a piece of hair out of his face.
You whisper softly. "You really had me scared you know. They said you would be okay but... It just seems like everyone I care about leaves. I like to think by now you wouldn't do that to me, not on purpose anyways. I'm so glad you're okay. We have a lot more adventures to go on, you and I. I have a feeling that we have a lot of wonderful things in our future. So you've got to stick around for a long time, okay? I need you to stay."
"You can't get rid of me that easy."  You hear a soft reply and a chuckle, causing your eyes to shoot up. Spencer is looking over at you from hooded, groggy eyes, still clearly in a medicated haze.
"I'm so glad you're okay Spencer. I don't know what I would have done if you had.."
"But I didn't." He cuts you off.
"We don't have to think about that okay. I'm just glad you're here."
You suddenly feel embarrassed, that you were the one to rush to his side, and no one even questioned it. A couple of months ago you were strangers, and here you were, the first one he sees when he wakes up in the hospital.
"Oh well...JJ and Derek, they're here too. The rest of the team will be coming by in shifts. We were all worried. We all really care about you."
He smiles at hearing this. "I don't deserve you...uhh any of you. You're all like family to me."
"I almost forgot, I brought you some stuff."
You pick up his bag and set it next to him on the bed, allowing him to look through it.
"Hospital gowns really suck. And I know it can get really boring in here. Sorry I went through your stuff. I was just in such hurry and well, you said to use the key in an emergency and I figured this..."
"Hey." Hey cuts you off as her grabs your wrist. You had started to spiral, another side effect of your anxiety.
"Take a deep breath. It's okay. I really appreciate it. I actually can't believe you did this for me. You even grabbed all of my favorite books." He smiles as he pulls out a couple to set on the nightstand. He also grabs his glasses. He probably hasn't been able to see properly since the surgery, since they would have taken his contacts out. He makes his way into the snacks and starts munching away happily.
"I can't believe you did all this for me!" He smiles up at you, face full of food, like he hasn't eaten in weeks.
"Only if you share," you laugh as he hands you one of the donuts.
"What's in the other bag?" He asks curiously, glancing over your shoulder.
"Oh that's just my stuff." You shrug, not wanting to make much of it.
"Your stuff?"
You roll your eyes, knowing he won't let it go.
"Yeah you know, clothes, pajamas, toothbrush, etc." You turn a bit read, knowing how presumptuous you had been in bringing all of it, but you don't care. Spencer is priority, not your pride.
Spencer opens his mouth to reply but you continue.
"And before you can say anything about it, no I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying right here."
You still fully expect him to argue with you on the matter. What you don't expect is the giant grin he gives you as he pulls you down toward him, leaving a soft kiss on your cheek before pulling you in for a hug.
His head is buried in your shoulder as you hear
"Thank you Y/N...for everything."
The two of you stay there for a moment before a knock at the door causes you to jump up.
JJ steps inside "Hey Spence, I brought some people to see you."
She's followed by Derek and Penelope, who has her arms full of flowers, candy, and stuffed animals. You hadn't expected any less from your colorful, cheerful friend. She really knows how to brighten up a room, and goodness knows these dreary hospital rooms could use a dash of Penelope.
Spencer exchanges hugs with the three as they all sit down to talk with him. When they start talking about the case, you find yourself having to walk out of the room. Spencer seems unbothered by the situation. You get that it must be normal for him and the rest of your friends, but you aren't used to having the people you care about in harms way.
To them the guns, the blood, the danger, its all just another day at work. The blood you were used to, it's the putting their life on the line every time they go out into the field that makes you feel uneasy.
You make your way to your hospital floor, greeting some of your coworkers, explaining why you're there on your day off. They offer hugs, kind thoughts and prayers before you make your way back to Spencer's unit.
Hotch, Rossi, and Alex are now sitting around the bed. Spencer is sitting up more, looking a little more alert than before. He also looks in pain, but you know he won't say anything. In your experience, the men usually try to tough it out, especially with other people around.
You lean over near him and talk low enough for only Spencer to hear.
"Do you want me to call the nurse? We can get you more pain meds. I'm sure it's well overdue."
He brushes you off. "No, Y/N, I'm fine."
You're slightly annoyed at the front he's putting up, but not surprised.
"Look it's not a big deal, no one is going to judge you for needing a little help to get through this. Any normal person would. Why don't I just go ahead and..."
"I said no!" he grabs your wrist before you can hit the call light.
You're too stunned that he's yelled at you to say anything in response.
"I told you I'm fine. I don't want any pain medication, okay? Just take no for an answer and leave it alone."
You are completely used to moody patients yelling at you, taking out their frustrations on you, but this came out of nowhere. It's so out of character for him.
The other three take this as their cue to leave, as they each hug you and Spencer goodbye before exiting through the door.
"What the hell, Spencer?! All I'm trying to do is help you! Why did you just yell at me in front of everyone?"
You look over to see not anger in his eyes, but sadness. He's looking down at his lap as he fiddles nervously with his hands. You can tell he's on the brink of tears. You assume he must still be moody as the anesthesia wears off, something you've seen often.
"I need you to stay." he mumbles under his breath.
You scoot into the bed next to him, wrapping your arms around him to comfort him. You pull his head over to you, as you rub his back, trying to sooth him. You don't know what's wrong, but you can tell he's hurting.
"Of course. I already told you. I'm not going anywhere."
"Not j-just tonight...always. If I tell you everything, I don't think you'd stay in my life any longer. You're my b-best friend, and I can't lose you."
You feel his tears start to soak your shirt, but you don't care.
You whisper your promises softly "There's nothing you could ever tell me that you make me walk away. I'm not going anywhere. I don't care if you're one of the, what do you call them... unsubs or whatever. I'm staying right here, Spencer Reid."
He takes a shaky breath as he tries to calm down. He begins to tell you the story of one of their cases, and how it led to him being kidnapped. It was a man with DID, one personality the abusive father who had kidnapped Spencer, another being the son who thought he was helping.
"I tried to convince him to let me go. He wanted to help, but he was too scared of his father. He decided the only way he could help me was to take the pain away..."
Spencer gets choked up as he struggles to continue. You knew he had seen a lot of dark things and endured the trauma with Maeve, but clearly this affected him deeply in a way you had never seen.
"He injected me with dilaudid, multiple times. In the end, I had to shoot him. I had to kill him. And before I left, I took the drugs with me. I used for months after. I didn't know how to deal with what I had gone through it seemed easier just to...escape I guess. It made it easier to deal with problems in my life too, issues with my mother..."
You continue to rub his back, making sure he knows you are still here for him, despite divulging the horrors of his past.
"I have been clean for years now but...addiction it never really..."
You give his arm a squeeze causing him to finally look up at you. His eyes are puffy and red from crying. His cheeks are tear stained.
"I get it, Spencer. I understand. I'm sorry I pushed you, if you weren't ready to tell me. But it means a lot that you opened up to me about this; I know that can't have been easy. Just know, there are options here, non-addictive pain medications, if you really need them. But I won't push you okay? Just tell me what you need."
He wraps his arm around you before laying his head down on your chest, letting out a deep sigh of contentment and closing his eyes.
You swear you hear him whisper "You” before he fades back into sleep.
You make it your purpose to lay as still as possible, as not to wake him up. You lay your head back, letting yourself drift off to sleep as your mind swims with thoughts of feelings and things left unsaid.
A/N: If you're enjoying the story, I'd love to hear your feedback!! Thanks friends 💖✌🏻
I wanted to come back and add this. For anyone struggling with substance abuse or any mental health issues. You are not alone. You are always welcome to message me. I encourage you to talk to someone, anyone. That is why I will be adding a few hotline numbers below here. These are available 24/7
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration: 1 (800) 662 – 4357
Suicide Prevention Lifeline: Hotline: 1-800-273-8255 
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