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sunnywaives · 1 year ago
Chapter One: Setting The Scene
This is the first chapter of a fanfic im currently working on thats Alastor x Female Reader. You can find the whole thing on Wattpad, or I can continue to post here if yall want :)
Word Count 1,380
There is a general disclaimer for violence and mature themes that goes more in depth on Wattpad, might add it here later depending on if yall want me to keep posting chapters here too. And in case none of you have read a story like this (which I don’t think is many people) here is a guide on personal stuffs: - (Y/N): Your Name - (L/N): Your Last Name - (F/C): Favorite Color - (H/S): Hair Style; like Long Blonde, Short Red, Black Bobbed, etc. - (E/C): Eye Color - (S/C): Skin Color - (S/N): Stage Name. And with that, lets get on with it! Here is Chapter One: Setting The Scene
New Orleans, 1928 - Friday, 7:02pm
          It's the Roaring Twenties all across the young America, glitz, glam, Jazz music, prohibition, sex, and good times were all around you. The smell of moisture in the air surrounding you as you walked to the Gentlemen's Club/Bar where you worked as an exotic dancer, going by (s/n). The sound of your heels clicking on the sidewalk, the glow of neon as you pass by stores, their glow illuminating your (s/c) skin. Your coat, long and to your ankles, is decorated with a fox pelt up top, keeping you both hidden and warm. As you approach the club you work at, the smell of liquor is present, and patrons who already had too much to drink were standing outside. 
          You sigh, getting ready to open the door to the backstage area to get ready for the night. It was Friday, so you were expecting lots of customers. After all, your club was one of the only ones with a rather steady supply of alcohol. As you step in, the smell of harsh perfumes and makeup overwhelm your nose, as you make your way to an empty mirror, you hear voices cheering from the main area, presumably from one of the other performers. as you sit down at the mirror, you dig through your bag to find your compact, outfits, perfume, and hair supplies. Not paying attention, a voice suddenly startles you. 
          "Hey (y/n)! I feel like I haven't seen you in ages!" One of your friends and fellow dancers almost ran up to you, almost tripping from excitement. 
          "Hey Maggie, I know, I had some business to take care of, wish I could've seen you more." You kept it short and low, nobody knew who you really were, they only knew you as top performer, and one that isn't seen very often.
          "You always talk about this 'Business' of yours, what is it? Is is some secret society thing? You can tell me~" She leaned in close, looking at you side by side in the mirror. 
         No matter how much you want to trust her, you just can't say anything. You muster up a half hearted smile, and continued putting on makeup as Maggie sat next to you, talking your ear off. You almost wanted to tell her to buzz off, but you had been alone these past few days, and the company was nice in a way. A loud voice was heard, calling Maggie's stage name for her to go out next. 
          "Well shoot, guess I gotta go, talk to ya later (y/n)!" She bounced away, like she always did, heading for the stage, leaving you in the soft hum of the lights around you. 
          "Okay, now I can finally tame this mess of hair, where is my brush." You start gathering all your hair care items, getting ready to tame your (h/s) hair. 
          After about an hour of getting ready, you get dressed into your first outfit of the night, and sat waiting for your name to be called. And just as you think about it, there is is, the announcer calling your stage name. As you walk out, the smell of sweat, alcohol, smoke, and perfume once again flood your senses. Once halfway out, you scan and read the type of crowd it is tonight. Lots of young men, some older gentlemen, and some performers mingling with the crowd. You think to yourself "seems like an easy crowd, I'll go easy, and turn it up at the end of my last dance.".  As the jazz begins to start, your body becoming one with the dance, making time go by faster. Whoops and claps erupt from the crowd, as you slowly expose more of your body, tips gathering at your feet, sweat dripping from your neck as you finish your routine. 
          As you prepare to leave the stage, a familiar face catches your eye. A younger gentlemen, sitting in a booth alone, sipping what looked to be whiskey. In the bright lights, it's hard to make out features, you did notice one thing; his smile. You could have sworn you've seen that face before, you aren't quite sure where though. Just as you turn to leave, you make eye contact with a few patrons, making them want more. The night has just begun, and you were about to make it yours to win.
~Time Skip - 3.5 Hours~
          As you slip into your last outfit of the day, you hear the performer before you finish their routine. Getting up, you suddenly felt something was wrong, as if someone was watching you. You looked around, made sure the doors were locked, and tried to ignore the feeling. Shaking off the feeling, you made your way out to the stage for the final routine of the night. Most of the older men have left by this point, leaving less than sober young men up front and at the bar. You could tell they were all piss drunk, as they could barely sit in the chairs, let alone keep their eyes open. It didn't matter to you, you were here to make money, and this night was no different than the others. One last scan of the room, whoops and cat calls, claps and whistles encouraging you to come out faster. They were thirsty, drunk, and it was Friday, all the making of either a good night or something horrible. 
          "One last show, then I can leave. I still have that bad feeling though..."  Thoughts flooding your mind as you begin to dance, now just wanting to be done and go home. You can't help but lock eyes with the same gentleman in the back, still unable to make out many features. Is he the reason you have the feeling?
          As you dance, your (h/c) hair is shining in the light, the glitter on your skin is dancing, and tips are once again forming at your feet. Preforming you final moves, your signature splits always get the crowd going, swinging your knees to the front, you stop in a 'Come get Me' type of pose and face. As lights go out, you gather the tips and leave for the back for the last time. All of the other girls had left at this point, leaving your bag at the same mirror you had earlier that night. Gathering your belongings, you make sure to double check everything, since people have taken things before. As you slip your coat back on, you can't help but get that feeling again, unsure of where it was coming from. 
        Opening the door to leave, the crisp midnight air almost slaps you in the face, waking you up a little bit. Just like before, the now silent street has an eerie yet peaceful vibe, as the only sound to be heard is the clicking of heels as you walk. "That feeling, what was it from? I didn't see anyone suspicious at the club, and nobody else is around. Maybe it's just from being away for so long." As you think about the night and how it went, you unlock the door to your apartment. Same beige walls, same flat bed, same loneliness. Nothing has changed. Locking the door behind you, your body succumbs to the soreness, making you plop onto your bed face first. You look over the the photos on your nightstand, your brother, mother, father and you all smiling for a picture. The only time everyone was truly happy. 
          "Just another day. Tomorrow will be the same, and the next day. When will all of this end." You start talking to yourself, trying to fill the silence of the room. Feeling the sweat now dried onto your skin, you decide to take a shower, wanting to wash away the sins and feelings you had that night. Stripping your clothing and tossing it into the hamper, you sigh as the cold tiles touch your feet. Getting into the water, you feel all your worries wash away, as you get lost in your mind, getting away from reality for a few seconds. 
          Clean, tired, and sore, you cuddle into your (f/c) blanket your mother once made you, giving you the comfort to close your eyes and fall asleep, waiting for the next day to come.          
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