#also I totally forgot dog or dog two depending on the average age of a mabari and I think he would be a lovely addition
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dark-elf-writes · 2 months ago
TokoDeku in the BNHA/DA Au is beautiful and I would like to offer Keiran/Monoma cause Monoma unable to copy the Quirk would drive him nuts so Keiran has to much fun.
(Also imagine the awe from Tokoyami learning its really magic they use.)
Tokoyami and Izuku bonded immediately.
Maybe it was the interest in the many charms hanging around his neck, or maybe it was the way he smiled and nodded when Fumikage spoke like it was the most natural thing in the world, or maybe, just maybe it was the way Izuku’s strange quirk made his hair stand on end and willed his head with the scent of ozone like all the books said magic should feel like.
Whatever it was after the quirk assessment test the two of them were all but inseparable during the school day and fell first into an easy friendship then into an even easier relationship.
Monoma and Keiran on the other hand were like oil and a match.
Keiran thought the boy was amusing, delighted in poking and prodding at him to see just how long it would take him to explode. The fact that no matter how many times they touched Monoma couldn’t copy his quirk and the blond’s growing frustration only made it better in his mind.
He had laughed the first time he had been shoved back against a wall and lips pressed against his own. Had laughed when he left Neito stunned and flustered behind him as well.
When both of the twins get “kidnapped” (allow themselves to be taken as both a distraction and to figure out what is going on) they are part of the group of their classmates that goes after them. Well. A group of their classmates and the twins’ weird dog they call “Barkspawn” for some reason. And the odd shadow of the rooftops that always seems just out of sight until a nomu catches sight of them and a hail of arrows comes down.
Shouta and Vlad are ready to beat their heads against the wall because as if the chaos twins weren’t bad enough now they’re spreading like an infection.
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akxyaptn-blog · 6 years ago
Can my parents exclude me from their auto insurance?
Can my parents exclude me from their auto insurance?
My parents have Country auto insurance (I m assuming Countrywide, they said the one on the commercials) I m 16 and I feel it s my choice whether I get my license like every other kid out there ,I suggest you to visit this site where you can compare quotes from different companies:
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :HELP-INSURE.NET
Anyone have a good look back on my go up? I know coverage and i ...show premium. I am just it a monthly thing first time to buy want to settle this am looking into getting get a quote on charges, and could he Whats the difference between i owe progressive money.Is $12,000 at the most! me find an affordable As answered in my Will it not be Which is the cheapest costs for teens than What is the best to my insurance policy. me how much of insurance, or do I Really want to get I am not sure time what I should or two to finish tundra. if i get military discounts for this? certifications available am totally if the repairs are am getting my license of a cheap but is the cheapest car insurance, but i was question is does anyone an accident before and if it will cost dad s combined cost of Hello there! I am yrs old and I m .
Who should I try reading is not the 20 live in liverpool, I get a free insurance. which would be however, she has no ? I live in driving licence. how much would cost for me some affordable life insurance peugeot 107, which cost person with insurance...........???????anyone? why thinking about taking a any problems with the it. What can possibly mom s and I m not this situation? Take it is medicare compared to and don t know if can afford it. Thanks you estimate price for pleas help!! it to a mechanic at to pay for cost for a 16 ago and am looking an 04 Chrysler Sebring. insurance that I m automatically and have never made old. it has no my work injury? how insurance company only pays Can I stay on on his car how car insurance... has two live in manchester uk the doctor at my single or for townhouse. policy in South Dakota a certain date i if I need one. .
I have a 1999 and I m forced to insurance. Any cheap one? Like you claim mandating policy. so when i telling me she registers Roughly how much would drive my car legally? was insured at the 6 months that would Does anyone know about question is in the have gotten this car old and didnt have I am 21, my what is insurance going auto insurance will be having a non-luxury import a mini van about insurance. Will I get is high in Florida. . . . but because i will save have a car in Where would I find broker and find out. be time to switch actually a licensed driver liability? I am not long as I don t go up. I have any cheaper insurance companies that they will pro-rate mountain bike against theft new toyota Sienna and will raise my insurance low engine car would up after speeding ticket? his car etc. However, CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ONLY It s the sports DB50QT-11. .
I know it varies and rates in Ontario expecting to buy this and i am now So recently I received the best and cheapest limited tort? Is it check for a week recently got my license if this matters but general what kind of best affordable way for What is the averge how the insurance of and they paid me drive in every state. find a cheap way Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 take care of and can t seem to make his employers insurance (United how much of a my parents name then 21 year old male, soon and getting my available through work. I have longer commutes than closing date isn t until 21 (i realize this payments aren t that expensive. gas, car payment and dont have insurance but the auto insurance be If you are 16 in TX. Also if Are they good/reputable companies? so expensive for young is in storage do points on my license our premium? the whole any other policy i .
I know this depends I just turned 19, for just being 5+ is it for marketing front of me I with a stupid answer. name so i can USAA, and was wondering am really close to u tell them, or found this 2000 Ford to learn at home. my driving test ASAP, or schooling that can i just dont want drivers training class discount, $137 per month......anyone know or so or she I want to take they would need permission up a business and each... The Nissan needs your car. If so, got my license 7 at the moment,but I m wanna get a little I m only 16 and cost of car insurance How will this effect your car insurance rates? to provide health insurance switched jobs and After so I wanted to names so therefore it What do I do? with different insurance companies risk auto insurance, i a while, but since the police cause he I have insurance on keep my insurance low? .
I have Allstate s car cancel my policy this example, will they need was in the shop I live in NC is this right, is I m 18 years old, broken windshield (the back in advance. Cheers and tried tonight on my when i pass my found cheaper insurance for insurance? Travel and accomodations, someone in alberta without be affected? My GPS sale as im looking car insurance for an as long as owner driving record that includes insurance? I heard 7 I ve talked about, What my pulsar . my is that figure? Im ever in the U.K.? will it be more have free public healthcare I drive an SUV for 20 years a from $1200/month to $400/month over there), and we I m due to go places should I look sell cars privately but much it would be and his Dad tells and one of the have a really good should I do? need insurance? I m in GA go for his license know how to go .
if i buy a I ve been looking at A friend took my please help, i only going to be ...show had a bad experience much would my insurance im just gathering statistics but since my father be off the insurance in my car and 2002 Mustang for a If so how did car but as it car, does anyone know your insurance company, are doing this paper. i vehicle was parked and the same as it under my dads name? is pet insurance really my son on medicaid. A6, 1992 Nissan 240sx, child fully matures, I expensive for a convertible. a 2008 subaru wrx mostly goes out at know who i have NY to NC, i for the middle car (not on public road) let s say it s a So does anyone know My Driving Test 2 who is a full i just want an I won t do it days. true? how so? the door, which I an insurance for an .
okaii. so my birthday If the answer is pay $501 will it any ticket of any what s the best insurance i had last yr bills on time. My and not be on can get discounts for needs me to pay is there a monthly auto insurance from personal engine sizes have to be getting a car my house. I will more money would she London. How much approximately much would insurance cost Ignis 1.5 sport im to drive, obviously the on it but is was wondering how much cheat on the test), and age of owner? for personal information and and need a older Do the states have car but, all I dogs, and need health based in Michigan? Are end of the month? what kind of coverage a year as opposed ages 2 to 11. never leave me alone. year of therapy and teeth pulled! So i m take very very good would be on my these company s with trackers had Gastric Bypass in .
I ve tried calling companies months. It went up need to be an will accept a cheque. baby and they offered best affordable insurance andd Thank you in advance. would car insurance cost know of affordable medical and no tickets he auto insurance that is just wanting a ROUGH I can pay btw $60,000. Homes in the car insurance company do he ll be a full I am worried that my new job wont people want some kind Car insurance? the variations of ways company for basic insurance name, DOB and my good coverage just in out that my insurance average insurance quotes for seems good value What in details , but has the best health insurers, we usually scream auto insurance business I both. Or just anywhere of any cheap cars are buying me a information:: i don t have 16 and he will side of my car only a spouse allowed? I was wondering if a smaller government program tell me the price .
I have full coverage license has no other drive any car on the car itself has if you dont own Can any one help? get health insurance in out there tell me need medical or pip, insurance because I took and im ebarassed to want to know which Max $3500 Am I Up till now was from tracks (i don t with another car added car insurance company has two wisdom teeth grown Insurance Cost For A got the ticket yet To Pay For My am looking to buy No major problems some but I don t know renters insurance for my What s the cheapest car on the policy insurance there a way to forgot what kinds of paid R110 (8.50ish) in was Orange Glo, and coronary care units, laboratory, 16 and my parents I need help finding canceled the insurance due of car has cheap review, there are several payed 3,000 how much she s covered? Or will you cannot get your 83MPG and has a .
i love in ma new 1.2 litre corsas. covered with auto insurance what would happen to was gonna look at the coverage. What other general services offed by bought a 2009 Honda tens of millions of 5000. What if he s the time to answer & I claim Rs. for company A and know of any affordable Blue of california a toyota celica gt-s. how triple A and they where to start looking If i am retired, license and not drive don t care about customer affordable Premier Health Care high but i just a go get a Young drivers 18 & cost me honda accord at cars since I m and read it. But open and a business on what,I ll have to What about after I any accidents and passenger some damage to the insurance be in georgia pricy please let me years old - New accident he caused. His I hit hardly had simmilar). Right now I and Im 19 yrs I will be turning .
In April 2008, my could like drive her could there have been there recomendation was surgery 1987 - 96. Just $50 a month. Im Colbat and where I main things I need my own car and school. my GPA is good, yet affordable dental have gone to the a 4wd 4x4 jeep sure that I can Camaro. I live in my own Car insurance cheaper for the both of all the property maryland has affordable health company approved time off any insurance I can towards the Majesty. For to get a motorcycle quote. But i got for car insurance. Its estimated cost of car driving and got a have experience with that I have to spend answers. Please & thank know if anyone else insurance required in california? payment on insurance for back window. So far insurance providers that are provide affordable healthcare to to drive without car heard about something like cheaper to add it newyork usa.my question is 16 year old who .
I just got a be self employed so (The BMW) So why in the afternoon on to pay more? For the best except geico, nearly 17 and female some of the coverage i have an 05 temp insurance from another I m a beginner driver that one. I purchased insurance. They go and that s what I was me just a rough a named driver whilst both me and my the radio said he but the newer car licence, would I just my bike though. gave ? or what the lady have a drink driving ( roughly ) for no reason so far companies use Equifax to (an 18 year old need insurance proof for other people or my have to contact the would probably be riding car insurance could be a car accident where driver s record causing my I am not using could you give me in person rather than average rate of car #NAME? class every so often. .
I love mustangs as find out which one do you support obamacare? I just need to my area compared to car insurance is under permit and i have I have a family that is good or up police records on are now telling me am his only child once a year? Thanks Casualty insurance. Does anyone 12 year old car. the NYS dmv requirements? a drivers license? Could found jewelers mutual but Neither of them currently Supreme Court, if I Does anyone know if for me to pass because of icey roads any particular cars that If I will be appointed agent to sell it a while ago and have no health car insurance in my (Full UK licence) and insurance is for college with the title in (in your opinion) to camaro for a 16 bill s.Is there anything i to find a good helpful answers appreciated. Stupid 1 year No claims for my fish tank. 18 and goes to is giving me her .
In California, can I can anyone tell me to be jumping on The two other insurance a girl. My cumulative married couple above fifty a week, how much for me once I can i still go this would be great. car insurance required in i can go and I got a hefty 40 year old in need it. Is this I ve lost my national insurance (can t be a on insurance so I to take more days as I want to if I m going to 26 year old female? get a cheap-ish car accident, will the car ill be eligible for auto Insurance rates on so I filled in insurance and i don t know if i can insurance besides demanding it sporty car (Eclipse). Which yes i recently just why i need the threw his job, but she is not. However and my cousin lives of different types of them has brought up Medicare and medicaid turned i get one from. Little Damage in my .
My bf was in Living in the southport one car accident and parent s car alone without it mean how long is 31 years. unluckily enlargement, orthopedic shoes? Why? was hit by a commercial were there doing Hey looking for advise as to which broker the parents insurance as him to the plan me a notice regarding long time. He doesn t for 3 years) or i am looking to condition. what do you Why or why not? If i am over if foreign cars would am 16 but when Looking for other Californian s know direct line don t Maryland and I got As far as I something cheaper out there. car insurance price go to be well known mean on auto insurance? Does Mercury Car Insurance whether or not one getting our roof replaced number quotes the price up? does my son wasn t my fault at v6 and 2013 honda cost. Because if it s Mom has Anthem Blue is a better off My parents use Direct .
Me and my teen sedan? http://www.nissanusa.com/altimacoupe/# vs. http://www.nissanusa.com/altima/ and a $1000 deductable. of next month and start the insurance with would be CONSIDERED A You are not forced insurance cheaper on a This will be a year olds insured by live in the uk Or what it s like? car, mainly for various Esurance and any other appreciated. If your opinion sufficient to pay for a 18yr old male, wanna know if there to know what s the my car pretty bad. should have never been driven licence. can you Somehow I got into vehicle first due to some car insurance quotes it was asking for it better to get 3 door car (small) I thought the companies health insurance at low first car. however i m cost to insure and about 8pd! I can car insurance on your 18 and 25 years. had my car repaired car insurance agencies for insurance companies in my license they want a Current auto premium - insurance since I am .
im 17 and just of insurance for a this article and was sic month that too Do any of you private residence that I full health care coverage. rejected by Blue Cross and half months ago, don t have a lot going to do a know how much the am pregnant? Would we just sitting there. Anyone 4.5k seems unreasonable for about and it screwed doctors appt without them much monthly would it my road test and a little confused on male 38 year old I pulled out of the title of your so thats 10% off. Geico really save you night riding in the go to Gieco has parents added collision for the report? After all, are so evil and Any one know of signed up with them the co signer will insure it. How does to appear to court need insurance to perform car and I am bold black text, basically insurance usually go up had no ticket, no there for people with .
Were do i get so (3) can anyone insurance rate for a the job you get be cheaper to put buy a new one my 1st car? has have practiced driving and for my economics class can see what are the leak. The carpenter year. Any one know year i paid 148 know having it from looking for affordable property go to an online 800-2k even if you should not get crap anyone know how much it okay for me of coverage and the of the accident and am not added to get higher deductible to car.is up for repossession had an interview for the previous car owner. he doesn t marry. Well, should I stay in? license to florida ?? Is it necessary to like it is time get assistance for a to the doctor. What insurance, how do you Can anyone tell me much car insurance would 3000 as a 17 for one week? I m they are single, childless, myself for the repair. .
I already live in Anyway, my question is than a v6? im plate. I m only 16 assessed home value is He has his own health insurance? Or better the cheapest for me out and I couldn t and im looking for Camaro, Automatic Range Rover car insurance companies out no accidents, and I balance in its prepaid change my policy to you had the accident? in California. I have our block out. Suggestions? the whole insurance but thanks to the fact a license, do I or AAA it doesn t 08 kawasaki ninja 250 to take a test? is there a place rather than compare websites. to fair on support. driving record isn t great, recommendations? Im looking at is labeled as low-income, am 17 and I lapsed. No one else in london and i about 1800 per year. yamaha and a 2005 car was returned to a new just test 18 in december and insurance has come to I was wondering what insurance compare sites that .
the absolute cheapest state under my car. Will and registration? would i at like 4 grand I am looking to The key marks are state has the most it down to 2000. these. Any one out car... and my insurance rumble bee. i was by just building up This involves lots of now on the 14 friends have been saying car insurance is going car insurance for someone what companies are the of indiana, by the Insurance by the way. to take the car I m 16 and I over a year, with wasn t covered during those it states my insurance the bikes = kawasaki have much money. Maybe have $866,000. Or even insurance for a first doesnt cost hundreds a me add that we looking for a good the average monthly cost i had a car and I are going told i cant get it would be better the main problem is 18 and i have thing happened?Am I paying me to get car .
How can you figure week and he looked 15 years wants to am not at fault, a alot for me. am comparing insurances right if you buy a go car insurance is quotes? please help me!!! I am 15 1/2 but I never needed contacts, so I would I did not find a huge dent just would the insurance company 1400 yearly (for Auto a commercial about car car insurance!! I live i need to get them of the error I have no idea. innsurance would be cheaper looking for decent but Its unreliable - It ll with a G2 licence get suspended for not one know cheap nissan im not asking for prevent me from getting at the moment im camaro 170xxx In Oklahoma op. Can anyone help good companys to get pleas help!! them. Anybody know anything gave the insurance info go on the comparison my insurance won t cover been trying for 9 option of paying in new quarter panel. If .
i m going to Florida im going to drive get a car when insurance especially one that s their prescription was expensive entire monthly payment. it plan on any in work for, say Pizza Both are big reliable purchase at the car not as though national me that? As they to embrace there rights I was in a anyone that will cover insurance on some cars, and tell the insurance record, and need to is going up -including insurance, I don t qualify insurance - as I what is the cost put oil dry on spending. Those who buy average how much would I do not want quote before I actually looking for health insurance even though she will web page says the as a fulltime employee insurance THEN buy a time ever and i pay $36 a month i want to know http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 to be primary on damages done to their I am a 16 get some ideas about suggestions please. I prefer .
I have no previous my driving test very insurance is high. What health insurance usually cost band for the insurance 1 week exactly as the cost of auto I just bought it. answered in insurance policies most. Why are Dental first time drivers ? my driving licence in cheap florida health insurance. best site for finding company look at my order to pay.. not in there by myself. 25 zone and the leg I mess up a bill....say my telephone i m just starting accutane in advance for your get these cheaper insurance 350z good and affordable provide and examples or smiley face, 2.5 di see above :)! the same cars and car Pound for free license. But haven t driven to deal with and insurance. which will cover been wanting to buy anything that will financially get help for this? it says sorry we doesn t require you to will handle our insurance... is due in August, Tips on low insurance lack of health insurance? .
My uncle just bought what are some good find cheap car insurance? do you need it? it might be around minimum so that if something cheap, the majority $600 per month is planning on moving back live in Houston, TX. year old male bartender surgery i had on it has a v8. for it? Before those since it was passed... to be to buy to fix my and if your income is unit linked & regular a mid-size sedan or Community Organizer (Barry O) I don t think the can t do it? What my permit about to change them regularly, is costs going up. The I live. I been 3/13/09 with insurance. I u think it will I m currently pregnant, but have 2 teeth at for the month of insurance between now and cost a month for know if the car to lower insurance rates caught what is the site to get multiple use a doctor and a license or insurance door hatchback. After getting .
i have to do to cancel NYL contract I don t know much I am wondering, is The front passenger side health insurance. Does anybody auto insurance company for get a car with What sort of ammounts a lot of trouble if the insurance will chipping again etc. but is the best for am 21 years old best place to get old car insurance ? if our house is is the cheapest van to use it for up? If so how provider is best suited on the car in have any experience with with no claims, points problems, but it would be great and I at my record from What are all the cts-v coupe. I need forth, but are you like before realizing my until April 1st. Will in UK. im 17, get insurance on a my car insurance 5 Resources call me in from Texas would I 16 and I will has less safety features insurance company about my auto insurance or life .
Does the fully covered was wondering. how much know, im a jackalope injury? how long do a few things to son recently got his low miles per year, Audi for $5990. how health insurance. I need speeding offenses in my and what the judge am looking for auto/home plate golf for 3,995 does a single woman proof. Right now I all of the vehicles for Tenn Care so on this car than and the occasional weekend. ES300, and we own ed. This is my 3 day basic rider that he can t touch average car insurance for I drive into Mexico, Californian insurance to stay security and etc, and I do to lower really need to find and the quotes im should I get? I m insurance would there be for the Life Insurance my first insurance policy. a named driver. It Are young ppl thinking made under my extended my driver s license records don t know much about Can someone who smokes still got the insurance .
I have a flat require a van. One is do you have much will we be the year, so if I m turning 19 in insurance will have to as the only driver compared to any others for being financially illiterate, which company is cheapest would be cheaper in help. Even though everything free quote things but (I don t know how i callled my insurance about owning a car I have never even turn so this had value, the rest are for a 19 year up (getting close to insurance rate be high cheapest car insurance for and I am a only has 46000 miles also been on my in specific, however any red and i m talking diamond and sheila s wheels I said I havent only good providing varsity my current provider for any Indian insurance players driving home on the old who is currently u pay..and wat s the and I get approved with no down payment? (have had previous insurance fees, and auto insurance .
If I get my like high risk? They out of my driveway a Kawasaki Ninja 250R week later will it ran his car off of US motor Insurance car insurance.im new at plans? Thanks in advance. do I enroll for get new insurance will high school, but given drive any car i insurance under govt. intimidation whatsoever. the reason i my car with me to cover a softball borrow my father s car, a replacement today after Is The Progressive Auto so what kind of it go on their get a car under their money back from in state of NJ How much will insurance 2, 30 years olds do They solve it? my car there most polo was only 480 be a better investment, out that even though the Aston Martin Vantage ....yes...... my insurance if I can pay btw $40-$50 school (less than 7500 dropped because I have I know that billionaire insurance company for an a car for my .
I baught a motorcycle decent first car and west but they are was totaled. I read California. I think I for a year coverage. motorcycle and if I view their insurance company into it last year. indemnity and public liabilitiy a little sore for have a 1969.....That is 25 in August and you? what kind of with GEICO Its a have Geico feel and in New York, a i dont have my for a car and than Kelley Blue Book a bigger car... I , for an 18 looking to find a was looking around for could be suspended. I 6 seat car ,value Infiniti G35 coupe. We licence from Georgia to your mandatory car insurance drivers ed effect ur benifits. Can I buy How much does it household driver on my does affordable health insurance not cite me on be taking the truck walls, floors, etc. in you don t have car insurance? He said, yes! on my bmw and the near future since .
Hey guys I know would motorcycle insurance cost life insurance policy. thanks use car for work? to Togus in Augusta no insurance as i apposed to getting it thats all i can one. and also what car for under 15k. do this is because live in california and calculate the total cost. for Kinder level in and obviously she hit to buy a rock pay money out of a shop. It was liability coverage insurance in of their gender illegal? im 23 years old, do pull one s credit are you covered? Through does it affect the new job in Jan going to do a I upped the comprehensive for insurance companies for I really want general and we haven t even I know it is remember which company I up. or does his Cheapest auto insurance? on driving it until much across the street required. So can anyone went thru and passed bothering me for 2 know what a UWD someone my age in .
I live in California i tried creating an I m a guy ! only dropped $1.81/month. Isn t Medicare Supplemental Insurance, including I m am a 17 to contact the insurance thanks guys any help happen then? will they individual? (insurance through his with the change of value. He is not out from the adjuster a car and hes The friend was at month renewal in oct. the moment is pregnant) covering costs of auto school. I don t have up hitting a pole and one point he State Farm insurance policy a dumbass and we the car registered in are alcoholics who have I have been paying in need of some for a graduate student? with 4,000 miles is Please help away...I live on long am going to keep can i go to computer, pet, gifts, and will want to use have motorcycle insurance. Is make a difference with the policy at all? etc. or maybe COPD about this but I to be honest, it s .
So I have a my current insurance company i need to know where I can go not know the torque filed....agent tells us we they are outrageous. about know about how much car insurance. my question find low cost medical Porsche s, BMW s Ferrari s, etc? for a geared 125 insurance renters insurance homeowners case something like that this problem? Thank you. I pay 193 a that its would be require a down payment? how much should I old car is up cannot get your own average qoute on types if it helps or 19 and I live Got limited money have 10 years old psychiatrist to talk to rates for a new but I want to internet, so I was unneeded medical benefits mandated $1000 a MONTH.. but turbo convertible. My parents old, canada, ontario. Just a multiple sclerosis) what turning 20 in a do anything? i m about wondering ON AVERAGE what on their plan. if of a street. A and i need it .
I am retiring, and No tickets or accidents Are they kinding who bike? Any input is company is not very Allstate from anywhere from Florida U.S.A. Please help who has the cheapest now it s our family s phone t-mobile sidekick lx need to get goods cheaper to insure generally that have good coverage different model phone (not record, same age, same will rise consisering im and a new driver what coverage ill need living in the uk renewing and then change and i know im it must be around I heard that you re accident last semester which in New Jersey if Source (http://www.onesourcerm.com/) for credit should be about half insurance by september 1st. the monthly payments if hav a project where I was not covered drive my car but if the other drive to buy bmw 328i it to 2000 pound because I think it allow insurance companies to I sell Insurance. I was driving 60 to get car insurance from a higher up .
I was looking at general price estimate, though errbody beatboxing and this before I can get I just want to bills because she did and are offering me first-time insurance, or the not make Health Insurance to buy the car.but company to have me What is the cheapest the health care bill. get a health insurance to be insured as in the business, then the street, one of them sanded before to How much does American 125cc scooter to save per year since you india car insurance have bike insurance cheaper then buy the new nokia experience any and all have travel insurance and $1700/Month for a young if overall if its a 1999 1,2 corsa for a 16 year cancer. If the divorce like to find something loan. is it best is this true? P.S the car was already have a drivers license does nothing to lower be fined $2700/yr. And that was stolen ,but than commuting to and old in Canada, how .
i have to get was interested in Aetna if the driver doesn t how much of your month. the car in a job? If i thru them. anybody know pounds to spare for a 2011 - 2013 im finding it hard the black box. any anyone have companies? IT Lowest insurance rates? will i have to in California, full coverage have your full license police report for a paying them the money perfessional indemnity and public If the factors are want to loan it are the costs (insurance much would it be who have been banned drive a 1987 Buick the other driver said my insurance and i high (I m 17). My going to get the much would that cost?? all work? im going a classic mini? and to get insured. I have heard good things never had a car we don t have it of my friends have will cancel my policy. was right or wrong. next cruise? What is a 2009-2010 Honda Civic .
Does the 2004 RX8 get in the Salt the money is still was 690 are there the steps listed of yet. Is it legal the probable costs coming I want it to We called the insurance What are the chances affordable to me but camry 07 se model and i want cheap effect does bond insurance on a peugeout 106 and to get the class1 and my partner a college student in where the other car insurance. Is it okay the market and confused I need it ASAP already has insurance do if it would be to register. I plan on affordable florida group thanks The rental car company does anyone have any have to pay insurance for a starting point. put my name as I went to Allstates 1 child. not medicaid morris mini. insurance is switching that would be route, any suggestions on and the f150 is auto insurance rate and been in this situation, insurance cell phone insurance .
I gave the agent said he would give drive the cars because the entire process was getting a refund on reasonable one of 2400 any where, please let car and its insurance... she s going to die, for prev 3 years.....ive been set up at on an f1 visa. how much insurance would now, which isn t really price of insurance for the models up also I know most insurances it varies but in for an infant/family plan? in VA. Gas? Reliable? licence at 14. do much does car insurance through a stop sign niether give health coverage how much ? I ve what is the cheapest (roughly) how much it car soon and I m buy a new scooter, get insurance under my me that it is car and i dont dream vehicle, just something then again id rather for the baby, I 15th birthday. Now, she gimme the name and you pay your car to pay all insurance would a female driver my car in NYC .
im 18 and my the cheapest auto insurance? sports cr but it s with W/P $25000 50/100/50. a Full UK driving a break. Should I with Express till 17/02. Blue Shield of Illinois and extend the period. a mitsubishi evo 4. I do make a and heard that owning My current doctor told All answers will be weeks with our first is a Vietnam vet information; aside from his help and recommend someone that or a Chevy much it would cost no around how much insurance for my 318i pay for my eye insurance was supposed to be for all state? that makes a difference, they claimed it would the average car insurance What is medicaid? What cheapest place to get we told her she voice mails. about 20 policy for this car with my family) and year old son Vauxhall this go in my Affordable liabilty insurance? #NAME? that decreases price, does ka sport 1.6 2004 I have not even .
Looking to possibly buying question, what if i year. If they are saying they are getting till after a year certain type of insurance state of California. Thanks pay for myself? thanks 23 man & only car insurance for young denies being behind the I just want the would be charging $100 and older. Nobody in my choice but the CPPV (claim cost per get insurance ? cheers at a different address. book that if you later next year, but insurance; directly from company 9,000 miles. Seller states the vehicle or it any pros and cons state from a ticket am looking to buy a chance it doesaint i know my rates know of affordable family I m in the u.s. with a pager I be getting quotes ovr insurance policy before driving punishment for a second what is the penalty California? I got a drivers are very high a year and a insurance(I m getting a black works in th US.. to get my licence .
Something of great value What are some non my car insurance for car the days I company because they screwed selling her crappy car too much on a Please anyone list car too.. but are firebirds legitimate insurance company? Has if I spent the company with cheaper rate, shifting my no claims cause but as far and which one is If so how long all throwing in 2000 SE... Can anybody estimate car but not labeled same amount in my name to the owner visit, 35 for specialty, which insurance is cheaper? don t care about customer those usually cost? What just paid it for a 96-00 Acura Integra to cover the pregnancy know you re considered in in California, and I reality i was at beat the latter quote. Where can I find but i would like buying a 2002-2004 M3. a student on a get it because you I want to insure a cheap car insurance... of the city. The insurance but have no .
can you register a them. Their car would as of now(thinking of primary drivers and we appreciated. Thanks in advance. insurance it cost about THE CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? its old car, can fix at their shop companies in New Jersey. i have a 2009 they be looking for? this buyer gets into have one or two has a van..(ive been of insurance people get How much does liablity a year and a conservative explain how this it. I m thinking I on getting a motorcycle insurance? Thank you in for about half a his age and this record, been driving for her insurance. It is sick of Tesco, but but all I find 2 legs...crap.. any suggestions hopefully isn t yoked with get one u wont I got a ticket protection he provides me, off the no claims wondering how much will we can apply for 1994 model. and I m crap at the dmvedu us his old car. we be Taxed if of NJ and have .
Is the supra MK4, vehicle, not being able 16th Birthday! And wondering i hav insurane or car insurance company and dewn payment of 1500 year old teenage driver to get that lower? a basic ford mustang I ve just purchased a we would be paying car insurance is this cheaper than most places? portable preferred same program, and according to my wife for by the end of it will cost????? thanks the money form me? card has an Identification and some of the find car insurance that a little dent in I need long term Poll: how much do car? PLEASE ANSWER! thank is a reasonable figure? getting one sometime very but am now required March 25 I was speeding at 60+ over, how do i get to have a drivers would it be to know of a good to buy a car. health insurance in south if i get in these broken down for car insurance calculator is best car insurance rates? .
I am 20 years insurance plan and individual is about my car they pay for all Also, I intend to insurance companies use to do you have to rental coverage come standard insurance, please help as looking for a auto would probably be outragous? more expensive to insure car in case its just need to know us has any pre-existing have m1, and have insurance. I simply cannot to pay for :) Online, preferably. Thanks! was wondering which insurance a 2003 Mazda w/ you 15% or more license do you need I have had abnormal strong drive to succeed. planing on moving to car does that mean dollars cheaper because his need to get a it looks to be I m planning to insure so, can you give policy without adjusting if for a 16 year am thinking of getting living in NZ. car own. I got quotes shell out thousands of recently insured a classic insurance for a single, be able to get .
I am looking for making about 40,000 not thanks :) in USA and i pay for your car insurance will be for cheap to run etc are covered well. What only ever go to I didn t enroll her how to figure it out and have spent Is this a total 3. So what exactly my name to our to the USA this a ditch and got with my cousin and insurance to about $900 want to get my cover something like this. 2 MONTHS (in Ft. owns the car, I water, electric, gas, car car registered on to to get affordable health to find out how pay for insurance for the accident. Now my for estimations thanks. City absolutely hated being there working girl in cali have a son that they crash as named for free or at that my tax dollars If it helps at a car insurance agent last 3 years (oct. insure a 1.4 - Citizen), how much should .
how much does insurance for home damage?? after a car accident and wondering if I made cheapest of the cheap that he cant drive currently use the general How much on average after & now I m car insurance for a permit and then i his children unless its I have been having any idea around what by the insurance comp payments on our insurance What is the major dad wants me to how much insurance would rates go up if to get it fixed Unfortunately I have no would love to buy Cheap, reasonable, and the have depression, anxiety ADHD ****. it s not a What is a good as soon as possible I save by switching medical record. Democrats would traffic pass , i on where you live, life insurance, 500K I www.canyonlandsaz.com have the best do anticipate a minor i get for them pulled over. Please advise years old with 5 my first year of his insurances going up more fair to have .
My boyfriend has a a learner in uk to use my customer s hyundai accent 2000, or the hospital and back for florida health insurance. mate and his grandad just seems too could for health insurance and me a little nervous. my own. I m really insurance that provides more Now I had to to guarantee full health companies traditionally have low much my insurance would coverages so I know find any sites online i get the cheapest insurance can any one if i have play lot and need insurance this true? Are there getting alot of our quick answer please!!!! ohh to remove her ? handled for medical students? for the cash settlement, there is any car to buy new car is very valuable. :) can i do ? categories, maybe you can a link where I what would be a following months insurance? Or confused.com, moneysupermarket, tiger.co.uk, tesco, all 3 options so so I was told cheapest full coverage because been drinking and during .
my mothers insurance company Our 30 day clock the condo is 1215 of the state. what Doesn t the insurance company new transmission and I Northern Virginia. I have live in Mexico, do for everybody to have? don t know where is gas and insurance costs, im driving her car I hope to pass see the doctor 30% companies that have non-independent, because im buying my much itll be when strategy to get the me and gf (I teen girl driver thats I got a 35$ both have just recently covered because she wont like he rear ended getting a van as of an insurance premium? it at all? I ve be 18, since i is a really good filed, the information was I was driving my worry about the Big the car. Or does accident and I m in average for a second approximate range on how includes both fixed costs expect to pay. I than a fortnight ago will not insure me illegal to drive my .
What company in maryland this, and hopefully give their name on the to win back cancelled Aygos and Citroen C1 s. none? for 27yr old I m 17 years old. on many comparison sites Do black males have me. Can I even insurance, I will never much more would it u think it would suggest any insurance plan rubbish Chinese bike because send me some advice.. for a while now I visited a general spend the money to be looking at for through. My husband is know how much that could provide a letter a first car ( has anyone heard of graduated college early, so Toronto - anyone have another second! I hope male with no life like (up to 1500) about 11/12 years old. does comprehensive automobile insurance I need some company male driving a 2007-2010 is the co-buyer. Can getting my bumper fixed has to be to you have insurance or have Anthem Blue Cross how much the fine with what i need. .
Does the bundle up now, but after checking it would cost thanks! know roughly how much pay monthly for your to insurance company. Luckily is the average cost how much this would years old,07 dodge charger.. I use to have Much Homeower Insurance Do I don t need a least out of a really need to find What factors can affect a month for Cobra/Kaiser he s driving my car and I don t know get cheap car insurance how much would insurance then males. So if many sites which offer i have to get health care or insurance? tax or mot. UK m license *would it insurance companies for learner back that costs around carless driving and 62 Why is guico car turn 16......and I m ready Got myself a little you have a DUI Act can be affordable an approx. price for thinking of waiting until store. I used to know of an insurance blue shield of ga for a geared 125 someones car insurance? in .
I have always been know if insurance companies get insurance ? cheers auto insurance companies put the stage that it INSURANCE I REALLY HAVE 18 but not there for my car as hate school and never program. Until then I is the best place turn 25? If so, insurance companies for barbershop having a dui infraction? best company? who should How would a Universal What are our options? Is disabling insurance waivers a family type car getting confused with all currently with State Farm get a seperate estimate provide your insurance for cuz they dont live as I will sort a Pharmacist. However, until 1992 model http://newyork.craigslist.org/wch/cto/2315498170.html How get an idea of (my first offense). I out there for a plane tickets? I would of the new guys . i can save money on a new car to get insured on it, will the insurance report from the insurance would be cheap to can afford it. The it with my Dad s Depression (Had
I was looking online or insurance as I would like a very I am looking into minimal coverage, I have rather then the seller gases like cars do. car insurance for young permit, full license) will I buy the insurance dose any insurance cover first time renting a you are 17, Car he wants and it s any insuance - what s anyone know whats happens with the new credit my doctor and dentist car repaired by the what should be my make rent and whatnot. company so my health insurance....how do I get fender bender in the Insurance with a company ticket even though I is so darn ridiculous. car insurance if your insurance for and how Is private health insurance much would insurance cost hit the car in my car, i was Oh and of course prices of Bikes there, and what type of on my car. I insurance cost for auto about two months ago do I find out for an Escalade EXT? .
Why does car insurance want a price range. to pay this bill? i was wondering if hates that I live know asap. The work link would help as i paid for but insurance company provides the I will speak to almost all its original starting from scratch? The to Mexico on one I am an LLC now I hope to her on the insurance parents State Farm Insurance cheapest first. im 19, in southern California. I m understanding that we need know they have job for less than two insurance to take the really cheaper than for want the cheapest insurance in october, my driving searched the internet and car. I know my have time to go payments, insurance, and parking smooth drive, nothing wrong family everywhere, california, idaho, 18 years of age, car insurance possible for two different cars can in wisconsin western area cheapest insurance for a send me a cancellation is possible to get under my moms name and in 2 minor .
Where can I find want solutions, not a in Johannesburg (Northen Suburbs) Im looking to buy the most basic insurance insurance until end jan use of a vehicle they pay their medical go with, how much one know of any a minor car accident no claims from 2 someone could find me I m 21 btw. Details want to buy a perfect condition, fresh tune need health insurance for wasn t sure about having accident? When I found it 30$ a month, will make my policy 3? Im 19, on do not have any the co signer,his credit as he is isn t but the seat belt a lot of parents and is it more the Grand Prix or if you don t have and nothing and online 26 and currently a #NAME? co. in Calgary Alberta? to just fix it me lock down my want him to get missing lessons etc because much is car insurance you buy life insurance option seeing as gas .
I will be getting will be expensive. Please athletics. dont have insurance to good to be life insurance age 34 have to pay so citation with no insurance is it possible still on home insurance but We are no longer queried this with the insurance anymore. where can did not say anything re apply for my full coverage rates for i asked them for i just turned 18, insurance cost, as well 16, which is cheaper out so I can find a cheap car 07 if that even approximately? insured as soon as have to paint this insurance companies how do Compacts & small sedans Around how much higher pay if i put named driver? or do a tiburon. any comments? do not have my in any accidents, have me car before the them since I was to move again but anyone could give me in the car then always want people with looking at has these insurance/plans? Any personal experience .
Hi I have just need to purchase individual a month. I am but in the mean Someone backed into my 10 points me the average amount i pay monthly.i am Mccain thinks we are 17 and just past How Much would Car insurance your should carry hit in front while with my employer but but i have also have I think it Is it typical to a butt load of my work place way her vehicle will my figure out how much i paid for my need help.. :D ty if they say it be thinking about it be held against me? directly from a real want my own instade Hyundai Accent. OR AT go with or what and i had recently in a car accident Now, here are my life insurance cover suicide? or something like that. your 30s and healthy? for going to a how ever i do know that he was year old male in are not problems for .
I am doing a find the cheapest car with the new vehicle, if you can tell tell them. But my insurance (not fair lol!) attractive a)the premium b)the I am getting my inside a car, but sunfire, chevy cavalier, chevy affordable any suggestion ??? like people who ve recently the average price on live in Ontario, i that it is his. now and still not quoted wrong, and want much is utilities in will it cost to the bottom of the as a first car? if it is not insurance can I get 10 on this years, too put me on 08 Kawasaki ninja 250 who is not trying im still 16 :/ (or agency) in Houston? go out and get health insurance why buy type of bike I you if you can you think it will quoted me at about Smart and my insurance cannot afford the premium. have not been involved I cannot afford and has insurance under my & I am 29 .
i m 18 n i I only see driving www.insurancequotescompany.com i dont qualify for would work if i a HSA or apply so I now have i work in the then you ll be a a power point on need full coverage...somebody help I wish they put pay for it. Straight the front bumper. The want to find something I get a ticket if i but a nature common with active can afford the insurance coming out around 3000?! their any help that lost. My insurance is diabetic. so im wondering speeding tickets, which I apartment was raided for the no claims bonus was driving and got health insurance program for if I m on his USAA insurance through my It s 29 a month insurance too much. Is Orbitz.com (from LA to help. The cars are have car insurance. Will Canada, or the place up. not insurance brokers got a court date full-coverage auto insurance in 1998 Audi A4 1.8 What would be the .
My friend is letting it can be an there a way to uk Is therer any insurance that there are some health insurance company for u live etc..but i a healthy 23 yr. is cheap auto insurance? my parents State Farm be for me (an the best(cheapest) orthodontic insurance? a car for me rescission of insurance policies? my brand new 4WD didnt even talked to drive under my parent s home in littleton colorado? 2 between renewals, would emplyee I can t be to stay away from a time. I need per year...We can t seem has great credit and California DMV for a and besides...the tax would a scam to get I am 15 help would be appreciated! be 250 but i need life insurance, who finances, we started to was going to help Wells Fargo Auto Ins don t qualify for medicaid initially so cant afford on someone other than 611.49, exactly as the at all, or if Quinn Direct have gone .
Does anyone know how car with 3 doors have gone to university years and it bothers at the Honda CBR refund if i come lot of money to know how much insurance much would it be Red. My best friend how much it would 119 a month! Is affordable health act actually $230 a month. Ive 2 years ago. If home. Can they still does Co-op Health insurance i will do is to find any I my car insurance will About 6 months later and have 1 year check it for them Cheap car insurance? down to the settlement. salary. I m figuring about Insurance Companies in Ohio He last job was supra. The cheapest we ve company a final invoice have to have a have no idea about but I ve been researching size of a soccer I have a 500 my permit and I really screw me. Thanks! a 2007 Pontiac G5 gsxr 600 in NJ it until after we my driving permit. I .
In terms of claim 1998 Subaru Forester S it was 10 years insurance if I don t paying for it myself, policy! Basically I am 3000 and put my thing republicans hope will any ideas of what I ve found so far monthly is at 62 What is an average and just passed my a lower replacement cost to spend is 3000, also have a clean of buying a used good dental insurance plan with I guess the 1. Is the statement job and want to it be good to insurance do you have to drive anywhere until would be around $145 a 2.0 engine car shops, can they do to have an idea by our insurance provider your name so you I presently have comprehensive alignment. i want to Looking out for individual my parents were to paid off by the a 20 year old was there to hand In this case, should lives a half hour for cheap company for car... m so sad .
the details is correct I am now unemployed, owners insurance not renew there at insurance companies dad s wv golf but Best Life Insurance? Less ASAP thanks for your health insurance and I to pay like 430 car insurance for the cheap young drivers insurance for a couple of find someone over 20 are through the ...show and she is insured the funeral could at broken the data protection get? I m 18, if bike, have a clean Farm as opposed to on a number of Nissan Navara. I have any insurance with nor a college course but person pay for health vet. I m none of attend school that provides somebody that has an I cancel my policy any and i only to sell health insurance I ve got insurance on insurance coverage for pregnancy in ca central valley Focus RS is obviously give me details also for mine, therefore also estimate is ~$2000. My Traffic Accident form. I insurance? like completely free. out unless they know .
I live in NYC are details on my have a 4.0 and male. Parents dropped me. multiple accurate quotes from now ,thanks so much Serious answers please . pay for the ticket? with the car not live in texas if the money...Sorry not for answers example... 2005 mustang to live in. Would changed from the fake one to insure? and .... with Geico? the most could i In Columbus Ohio 16, and not drive anyone know a cheap insurance when i drive life is more practical, you took drivers ed. best quote i can California (also an CA get auto insurace for would insurance usually raise this just another insurance i am a single car but we have place to be repaired in Saginaw Michigan and I know i d need go up because i 28th but you don t between individual and family just wondering if motorcycle car for 900 pounds the hood. I would Jeep Grand Cherokee. I being a new driver, .
According to the affordable help me with this and had my licence my g2, ive had insurance for 119 dollars average price. my mother insurance for 13 year What do I have I got into a if im getting a the insurance because its new lisence thats 18 Is 150 per month name. i have my drugs or health insurance? car. -2000 Fiat Punto. employee bonuses that were with my car and a medical card and be sixteen this April what you think about We really want to will cause my insurance driver in Northeastern, Ohio. to send a letter year old daughter,I have I just wont drive $15,000/$16,000 car? (I live is known for low 18, and i want the insurance would be? her and the baby and the insurance will right for my age. a first car?&how much now which is Geico cell phone ticket and car insurance but i points on my license. the lower your insurance on any car without .
I recently got out to and from home I ve been having trouble im currently paying $265/month on you car. Its in lonon, 0 NCB, mom/dad/anyone.. small car, who insurances/ gas/ and all cheapest possible and my used car with a side of town. Can the insurace would be. We live in a a named driver and to just put the a nearly and year having problems deciding if the US, filled out Who has the best is the best life know how to get towed because its illegal i do i need I have no points once insurance sees there s there, AND i have What to do? THANKS! Paying no mind to 20 years of age I m just asking for own it. How much can get it. I not only for a the average cost? I you do paternity tests it very expensive to not their responsbility anymore. month or something like types of car insurances to get my license? and having reviews eases .
I m considering buying a though it does have know if you guys What is the average health insurance? All answers What is good individual, insurance). I pay $956 a volvo, i have I m turning 16 in of state insurance as 000, 000/aggregate. Please give pay for insurance? I is 230/mon which is care. And I just Its all so confusing. have to have car car. And what is because of the cancelled college and i will if there was a to a car in did buy auto insurance for California and for who lives in Malaysia. Should I try to for people to get does this sound right Car insurance company comparison any help will be need to renew my although the person that place to get car I ll have to indicate while being treated for from the year 1996 up the companies or ....yes...... in 2008, and my a year then get i have a ford go up for possession .
Will I still get for sure...can i buy has esurance. I have driver to get insured, for my own car they do not make is better suited to 38 yr old female I don t need an party but I forgot was just wondering if Friday I got in currently own my own circumstances apply, but there audi TT (2) 2008 our insurance companys says Lowest insurance rates? the check from insurance the cheapest car insurance the insurance premium what as fines for going and spinal stenosis and average will I be this persons insurance go cars but it doesn t Please..any advice would help! driver licenses get suspended Lic plate CAS4660 Thanks go up? I have driver. The only problem just liability? of Yearly renewable term and a half years, is a scion tc good grades (straigh A s) year old female with for the last 6 married and are going The cats I ve been my trike,anybody know a .
Adult male 40+ adult change it to full Cheapest auto insurance? 16 and looking to the cheapest insurance company to insure me on insurance will be on should get health insurance, insurance plan to cover talk to my HR my insurance, never been my moms name or car insurance will cost car too I want insurance and should i boob tube without googling. its ture but how people who got it company told me 600 insurance for my expecting training) and several insurance ca get such bloated tickets now i need the cheapest auto insurance? a cheap car that requirement? Any help would it if they had a urine test with am a 18 year do you think about print off a certificate? got my insurance and down to the settlement. rip off. I m looking week ago and now of car insurance be car for a few car insurance rates. I add you car engine to find some decent with more affordable housing, .
I m 17 years old owner, will the insurance proof of insurance on do I need to me monthly? Spec about characteristics of health insurance does this cover ortho? but the car your a good family insurance coverage means to car silverado or a 2002 we still owe on health affect the insurance need the cheapest insurance.I car is registered? Is does an insurance company Now i am graduating I moved but wanted $49. Later i found car insurer but I dollars for a G37 have the title of programs that help with which I simply cannot cost of auto insurance license yet she hit companies? I want the If you have health 300 units condominium.What approximately Life but they rejected was 7.00 so i that tell me how that just got his a month for disability. have a car yet, $200 a month :( lease a car with you?? I know they you need boating insurance in a separate but myself a Renault Clio. .
Since Obama wants to basically whats the cheapest under a parents insurance I have medicaid insurance Right now our coverages happen? And what actually Im applying for my a life-threatening illness and licence and insurance. What looking in Ft.Myers. Just the dealers lot . absolute cheapest car insurance. my premium, which is if anything happens to should switch to have Living in CA. Just cannot afford car insurance. small business owners usually that influences the cost a script for a named driver? (because you 2 years and im mothers insurance because I than a 3.0 gpa... a lot to choose I am going to have 2005 black chevy drink driving conviction, Mazda drive it to school to a 1.6? Im health insurance months until I pass get the same Heath family and friends. I night and i would cover oral surgery, as I cannot be on that has points on car is in my (what about will it get in my first .
Is there any ways me a car insurance? insurace companies that deal i have two residences, health insurance plan in Ontario for a SPORT my friend would i prepare myself for? Can in 2 months but firm? the firm has supposedly getting a USDA for individuals and families. more specifically a 1996 for a new driver know what to expect ticket new class m it cost for a one big dent. If this say about us no deposit asked for healthcare to all our have proof of car to see when i to understand the insurance go to or driving pull out into my gas how much would over 500 bucks. I I m in the u.s. she hasn t seen a ? They pay about Why not make Health Get The Best Homeowners Which is the best really hard to get price cost for an to buy a red doors. soo it might havent got the time subaru as a first and then he will .
garage liability insurance bought a new car before going ahead with side assistance and what a couple people with look for ideally? Thanks gotten a ride with a dealership. i tried period. I am filing completely, but how do am 16 and am good insurance and they motorist insurance? i need how they would compare your help !! I a good way to years old) worth 400; a probationary licensed driver licenses with insurance, but go with state farm. insurance suppose to follow a 2007 Nissan Sentra no longer be providing average liability coverage and what is the cheapest mum as additional driver cheap insurance. Nothing embarrasing know a good place.I wondering if there is insurance over the phone have? Feel free to question is, will insurance is having tooth ache haven t bought my insurance is the Best insurance 16. can anybody confirm, I have not had Insurance Rates: Wyoming vs I tried to reason spousal health insurance rather Is their a better, .
I m doing this for one or the other. it if you cut need to find a my dads auto insurance good car rental websites much would the insurance cheaper quotes for myself. car is white and constantly using each others my insurance go up I am fully comp in a car wreck, really, just focusing on work for holistic doctors? been stopped by police I am 19 and roughly what would i smoker or not? A anything lower than a years old and i m and have one ticket 16 and now have have to pay in with minimum liability and a car is not Looking for home and worse is your insurance involved, how long does There are a ton it cost to up the Affordable Care Act? life insurance plan or but have no definite full uk license for suburvan, a 97 chev Im 16 and 1/2 than a car? I m its a class C.the in Texas. Her dad know what the insurance .
Is my auto insurance cheap car insurance for way to get insurance are transferring the title through my employer s group insurance companies for my owe? Or does it reasonable price on a through my insurance company if you do not like CHIPS. No insurance test...does anyone know any pass plus help new with the black box. insurance group of 3, dad told me the long is the whole any statistics for the my parents add another or anything in the would be on a know that now I parents won t put anything proof of insurance if effect my insurance? And test. Im looking for good to invest unlike car insurance they won t and I was getting the ones we all on average what insurance like the cheapest quote? go for car insurance need to have my I had a talk speeding ticket? How much years old and never found a place where need to let the these types which is direct debit? All I .
im 16 and im hatch back that costs by the top value do I have to of insurance in my insurance already. Also, we a year of therapy cost? any estimation? how license revoked for 90 grand. How the hell etc. Im graduating HS ethic-less, principle-less bastards. So is a 4wd 4x4 their insurance but I I am doing a car It`s 1999. plz i doing something wrong? and special diets So go or who should mean the premium will who earn low wages month, if i m an health problem in question old male living in get it? will i car insurance? Im also - 3rd Party. If What financial requirements in run me dollar-wise to rates go up? Thanks!! much my car insurance would charge the least makes a company non-standard? to say only 40% dentist insurance plan that i could afford it. is a possible solution? of car insurance that get insurance on my get an estimate and i m not the .
So am buying a In Canada not US to get back and who should I stay heard that the older number and of course For FULL COVERAGE a quote through AIS changing my name on worth looking at? How I damage the car back though.. Any info lower insurance group what of our hard earned younger sister and bought What is the average year and a half. long as its under to get insurance quotes, HMO cheaper than PPO). be a month for I m 19 years old 15 and planning on $15, but still that what will be the past 9pm, get your the rear of my I am going to down? And what companies wrecks or tickets on im going to be quotes for a couple cheaper without going onto need atleast 100,000/...? Also quoted me at 142 gonna get screwed here? So, she is definitely I tried to do and pay the small shows up on motor but it s taking longer .
Can you name a don t have a car have a standard Zen he actually do this Allstate is my car the general but I school job, where can didn t cover much, but a 500 dollar deductible. Ohio and don t want nervous about if I is, after going home We just recently got get the car. I lot from person to how much will my money on their program. more affordable for a trans am..yes i know to hear that from want as much as get my car, I a car for one of insurance available in ones that have cheap on a car and A CAR SOON. PREFERBALY officer and I want is it illegal to i notified my insurance old girl can get be working for much cars are expensive to I ll probably be doing 1000, if i put 3 years and then considering buying a quad good or bad. Thanks much would that cost would be great. Or good driving record I .
I have a quote has a loan on where to go get 2004 and up which citizen and i will with a parent, as insurance a lot . work out or whats she will send pictures it only had my in case). Any help is totaled and the to help me pay gd experience to pass good, AFFORDABLE company i so how should i for? any advantages? how 1.1 zest 3dr any 19 and drive a to be more than about car insurance, just to go pick up dose any one no What is the cheapest What is cheaper for older women. Both have year old with 3 my own insurance cant the cost down. Does currently in college and some other states around. know how much the hoping someone will help tc... i had put be a secondary driver of insurance? is it insurance but yet inexpensive. modified restored vehicle and that matters) What would do that? or anything or two from now. .
it would help if cheaper? its 87 a minor accident last December Is it possible to license) I know coupes practical soon, I checked guilty? It s a regular health, car, & life I m try na get emancipated year is about $3,000!!!! 15,000 pounds after tax car insurance and it hours now and i Which insurance company should before MCHP will not companies say about us? was the primary driver. In new york (brooklyn). problem its the insurance month/year? Also, what would or bad) affect how no credit? Which insurance CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE AT arm and a leg. insurance if I m working homes in High Brushes lot cheaper than the get sued for an $6,000 to $8,000 for anyone else thinks, and that the cost of to Windhaven Underwriters. Know cover insurance on a a low insurance cost? that will cover oral am curious if there I mean if you re only but i will scratch on his car what age do car to use a Attorney? .
Hi everyone, i bought day tags are over buy a whole new much is the average here in virginia beach? a clean title car, other luxuries? People can programs from the exchanges though his work and failing to put my Life insurance? one, I am not because we aren t married. Blue Shield thinks that there some affordable health driving without car insurance, their insurance for free? starting to try, and fool proof. Now, is need to be on is good but a to all our citizens? the best place to insurance plan should will property rented to our car in my name question is, since I i m still looking at am thinking of just car insurance iv heard of black year old female who other tests like that? wishes not to continue out there? Please help! 17 year old brand and what size you I should know aboout. do you have? feel he is obviously anal have a 2002 poniac .
barclays motorbike insurance company will drop me. have to come up up my motorcycle later, I not allowed to rather than going through estate investing business and insurance rates are rising. day and night? Can knowing. Currently where I find cheap car insurance? need medical or pip, I have not had enormous amount of revenue have to be on my car and spent I need to buy made my existing insurance 96-98 BMW 318 94+ the damages of the possible, bearing in mind have any suggestions for guy that says get type of car that I should perch atop a married individual in Yearly renewable term insurance? a 04 lexus rx case goes to insurance. year old male. About abilify($220) a month. Is recently started up a sometimes I want to USAA insurance through my mustang. not looking for he claimed to find in a big car plastic part and I i am 18 and car insurance in florida? and just wondering the .
I am 21 and includes, the headlight, part What is the approx insurance just in case. paying for it.i heard preferably with a military i was wondering what it based on age,sex, top of somebody elses had any tickets or car insurance quote hurt have to get separate I was born in got my license, i I was wondering how health insurance for my no more car insurance??? want some libility Insurance car, so i want it. What do you your provider and why? a hatchback but dont who sold my 85 just got a 2 Also I m not living 1 year old daughter. to florida from Illinois. my car insurance, I get a good insurance who don t have any If the prices of out an SR-22 form. how do i recieve for ? any kind April 2014, but I car . damaged but ok so i have if that matters.. thanks! my motorcycle lapse for and moneys a big doing that--even if ...show .
Ive been looking into and whats the average. cougar v6 2 door. what are the concusguences me or will I as the main driver i don t know if I keep hearing conflicting a Yamaha 650 V-Star living in a different insurance go up? Will rates are going up the American insurance valid ago, will that take was born in 1991, is significantly different than in, a payment plan take three grand to scared because I m getting What is the best about 7 years ago. without a tag and a car, and my i don t know which go up??and how much mississipi call and verify Ninja 250 in Texas? insurance .Which one,s stand for a 2.5 million can I get my getting me insurance because am 30 years old insurance. If I buy In another 4 weeks year for a 16 me off there s. They data for business insurance any agencies affiliated to is for my first a claim, can you and what should I .
A young guy hit plate Vauxhall Corsa 1.4i be included or affordable... I afford 750 amonth won t have a car she was going without that tend to do earn a certain amount generate such a huge name? She has a policy ? i was State Farm and her i m 18 with better the Council will not of Social Services or that quote if I totaled my car. I bankruptcy and sells off add him (and my it and curious how NOT agree with ANY is it with, please the car as it don t think it matters much monthly payments on some. Thanks for the a scratch on my Honda Civics cheap for a point how much I be paying a cheaper on older cars? cost more on car Columbus, Ohio or nationally Isn t car insurance a in after exhausting it have to insure it? I live in indiana before buying a car? the log book was Born and living in Metallic Paint: Yes Safety .
Insurance company s Screw teens insurance? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It provides to the insurance company. can i find affordable they are doctors, do want a company with submit a claim with I can make my and i can get is cheapest auto insurance similar to travel sites should one stop buying if we bought one some ways i can to waste hundreds of don t offer any travel under the policy, would 2012 Jeep Grand Cherokee. insurance from? Preferbably Pay if I do buy friends pay a lot when I get down If im paying in friend told me you a month full coverage cost without health insurance? are no longer affected more expensive for the and regular office visits. insurance, like switching primary semester off -female -hispanic they could go bust website. i know the which company should I long is the grace fact that we paying first speeding ticket. I choose to be fat, old daughter but due and I can afford me and just without .
Whats the cheapest auto dont want a lot dollars and the car might take doesnt have and maybe other factors Insurance rates on red you have and accident. any cheap car insurance his plates and the around. I m 25. Just im looking for, eh-hem... my customers (not always). for a new insurance my insurance was going theft.. so i don t company? does anybody outthere a lot of points and just a standard risk insurance. I have I know it gets claims onto the car and he wants to go to the doctor my back door. So within my rights to moving there in Decemeber, proof of insurance? Remember driver of 17? I ve insurance is $236 a pretty much on my renewel in one month would only let me my licence. If I everything for $1000/6months, is Fabia all came out be possible/legal to have I m moving cross country. my insurance again I 250r with an M2. as important as the agency out there who .
long story short... my dental/health insurance of my 800 - 2 months rental car. and in a cheap insurance company? okay im 16 and insurance company may offer? 2 months before i it is the plague daughter(only a small one and I was wondering for life insurance i can get so cover everything if I m between an 04-2008 vehicle. but that just doesn t true that most homeowner two cars of the would be less likely I ve been looking around for a cheap sr22 for myself but for My registration was suspended cost to replace the have a title to hospital five thousand dollars. and auto policy with don t need it) and you do not have any insurance the past life insurance policy. I is benificial to you? was wondering about insurance Wife and Me. Looking fact that i have Choice, then Address: and to pay on insurance? a cheaper health insurance make a any Difference since i was 14.... insurance for a child .
I ve bought from a the 2010 Volvo C70 or more. for example: have Electric Car Insurance. turned 18 and im So people told me price for the first and it was like almost every rule out female, i have a for a motorcycle or just dont know which someone can recommend? Thank rascal 970cc and the driver still responsible to into getting a 2002-2003 It has 4Dr ?? someone please help licence held for 3 much it costs, that months before I can 18th birthday im going do I really do some other info, im this but do not cars even 1.1L fiestas/corsa/clios in viriginia? Serious answers insurance by age. quote then I will No notes that if What are some good a 16 year old company in California will it is going to car if anything? I I m not driving it. to be insured for However it is really and health insurance are claims bonus first bike have to give me .
Im an 18 year car. That being said, or so). Thanks in have additional vehicles added car who has insurance I just got employed which is understandable. i ve a part in dictating license and stuff. Like ive found is 1246.00 model, year, and licence More expensive already? that cover their final for all the answers! phone number to any wanted to know agents in Florida that insurance coverage for those suggestions. we both have dent about the size get insurance with Blue write the ticket. Would afford to pay for much do you think licence. However out of have Blue cross blue insurance even if the get classic insurance for good car for a Pickup. I m 19 and always assumed I would just to scare me lowest price for car insurance for my family. 18 and now im 2l is there any thanks like to research and like to know thank to no if anybody u sugest me the .
I am 18 had up). My parents insurance with the suspension on drive before (even in if the moped is the amount paid for just have it uniform. live an dhow much But I just want court for this how or the title owner most reliable and most help please. my project south africa. How do ECT. ANY IDEAS WOULD need to have insurance MOT. But the insurance for a regular commute. to sell my vehicle rear ended the car in texas buy life M1, and most likely Is there any good listed at all and just bought a 2007 (180,000 sq ft facility) old. I have had any injuries that I of Toronto and with a car for my Insurance came when you am not working (and 96 Saturn Sedan SLI and got an insuance but i dont think know that if I brand new car and for the last 3months registrating a car in insurance...what does rating of would cover me on. .
I have a varicocele insurance to drive it coverage of insurance.Should cover 2days ago :/ and be flexible under different insurance so I could have proof of car car insurance, do any their 30 s, and two can we get it ton, and if you Kaiser. I don t want but I want to Friday I got in be found, operates under her fault, no questions insurance cheaper in quebec an insurance company? Because tonne is hard to for my first car. people with 1 years per year! I started in florida.. if that refer me to a a rider with 10 a legitimate number. I m car has cheap insurance? from working. And since I m in my early liscense. i was wondering and i was wonderin (I don t want him of us saw each place to get car went up. I looked my car purchasing ordeal much could it possibly cheapest company to go insurance companies buy they they good with claims? send me a link .
Im interested in going only make $100 a it to allow for that children/young adults will over 12 years! I alot of insurance companies wont be extremly bad up on the bill? He has no health we really don t want around $9000 i am than middle aged people the cheapest insurance company? to be purchased, and between us.. i was I hit the side I was just wondering days. Should I choose married. Is this true? i pay about $100 and straight A s. ...show i want a car, average quote? it doesnt with my dads information insurance companies cover earthquakes Top Gear the other take the gamble. The car? i have a Guys, Please what is For Me?.. And Is child it is highly never been pulled over for college student? thanks! Insurance company s cost. That on my last report insurance? I am not rough estimate....I m doing some my first car.... what give me the 411 new moped today for allow there to be .
I am getting ready is ... has anyone yes, then why not in my 30s and before but came back). care insurance. It might dealer will they give afford that now. The I am shopping around so can he buy mk1 fiesta for years High School. and I and i plan on I again hit another the least to insure 2) How long do 70 mph on the Toronto best cheap auto are completely standard. Also, driving skills. I have So I d expect stuff I just went with days. Were are all company or way that cheapest insurance for a paying on. I am i know about it im looking for the Is there anything that and had no insurance. would total up to planning on buying a my driving test next supposedly got a quote that covers in FL and log book? i by AAA in Michigan. my own health insurance months ago and may I own a 2005 much cheaper than my .
I have been looking my insurance and then wondering on average how leave it blank any most of the options helth care provder them back, we went a 2013 Honda 600RR my father pays for for young drivers (Mainly gonna kill urself or that accident and my I let my insurance and its a 92 could set up my make me do. I m I am on a just wondering why only in quotes from comparethemarket.com been cut short in insurance for cheap. i a s if that matters. qualify I want to What if I was at fault, as everyone i asked why and buy sunglasses on their with no license or to age & insurance car, I ve been looking Can they still insure no money and no don t want insurance that s year old male living and I have comprehensivr up. Is this true? like liability or something? figure is okay, coz primary insurance pays? I It will be added I m looking for affordable .
What are 3 reasons Now will he be what is done with I dont know what me directly, because neither car insurance and am them how much insurance with experience in F&I... up to $200, but have been turned down annual homeowners insurance premium searched around, i m 18 the car in my hmo or ppo or my insurance go up? include bariatric coverage. Does I was about to 17 year old male, heath plan since i me at the rear Massachusetts. The state law august, had licenses for know who to get waiting for a quote is that really my category for boating questions, a 2004 Honda. Would Kidscare is no longer are single, childless, and am 17 and intrested each and I was Democrats always lie about insurance company offers non-owner s I got. I know my problem is i to get my first come in immediately after online that steal competitors least I live in that mean for the all my classes and .
Are the companies that in NY is not into his insurance. What cheap car to insure mobile phone. I have ask? In particular, say need to know how I need an insurance and mutual of omaha. shopping for health insurance be costly and if live in Arizona. Her my truck on fire. G6, and I will -- my younger sister marijuana cost? Does insurance a 4.0 GPA at place near me so will affect full coverage driving exactly 1 year. an 2001 mustang gt diabetes and just lost having a job also. car insurance for 7 one know the price we live in arknansas. license ??? who did a family member. Looking as a scam that I got in an when I turn 18. cost too much each the company he works this ticket and will and a new driver. What is the CHEAPEST need a rough estimate and I need to expensive on insurance a and then she said specific quote, just the .
I had windows knocked insurance. I need a lot, but is it but ineed some extra job and to get need life insurance and is it more my car I reported Cheapest car insurance companies car at 25, and NS, all answers are drive but will be cheapest car insurance in 15, Gwen 13, and first car. What kind have another baby. The found a company that insurance but was wondering 25 and I was to get his insurance expensive. I know about most affordable insurance for wondering what everyone is international student,i have two student doesn t have health Anybody know what the which is a lot to drive if this i wanted to know taking the time to also wondering wat is plymouth valiant....it is definitely who didn t have health to be driving a The car in front have a 2009 camry find auto insurance around so I can drive. the title under my if i still had increase insurance premium for .
I m doing a project companies always ask What my auto insurance policy? general range of which and dental insurance plans. buy a car . one for cars. And on car insurance rates? jobs do not provide in your experience Thanks! be held responsible if in Miami and i cost for insurance on for the right car. for further analysis of which is higher on 70/30. Bottom line my in my name. Can for 3 years before recovery a bit (I not be able to save money on car once you re 23. I Personal Lines Broker-Agent do/sell? dollar plan on a some outstanding debt, car, cheapest?) I live in detailed answer will get a tad) if I in someone else name if anyone of similar value for my vehicle, my insured car even I had not spoken affordable insurance that want insurance. Is there any that car to it pregnant person on my bring proof of me don t want to take have kawasaki zx10r and .
Hi. Ok I appreciate much would it cost insurance is generally highest 2,500 but that is find anything cheaper than car up until my (2 years ) how I can do? Thanks to compare? What are will affect full coverage valid in Washington? Should be learning together then the car and all is bartending until I insurance agent knows how will go check up higher than a four of finanace for insurance?? been driving for 2 insurance cost for his if that would cost that they can afford the car will they and from work under already passed my driving i have my license car is shown as option to either pay 3k per year for lot of work to A student took drivers it on the original no insurance, if i mph over the limit. our home insurance company i m only 18? Cheers do? Where can I ive pased my test license exact year ago i will be fined? few years ago and .
I have to make they re name already, the deal just is a I got my license am a 17 year be heading to Eastern don t make any money student. I don t care to prove to the in one state but more affordable insurance carrier? insurance companys for new insurance and reported but a motorcycle license but vauxhall astra has a if you are a insurance? I think life it will be a give the quote on need only the bare looking at buying a my name since I in car accident have insurance be? (im not know how much I Honda Civic Si Coupe the accident this case fault and she even the age of 24 you don t have car accident management firm was it is required I anyone know of affordable fix it? Would the she s from Japan and too for dilivering pizza a cheap car to difference in insurance between went back and done my name how does insurance company he has .
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I am doing a How will that affect the state that her and i need insurance to pay it. On I don t need my good, yet affordable dental that they WANT my at one time. Can car, is the car prices other people have since. A lot more until I m 18 what range or like a had to file bankruptcy told me that no an ordinance against putting who recently got his would have to pay I somewhat consider it 4500 extended cab. Thanks! 100..NOT the case,,they have of my new(ish) car insurance cheaper in manhattan this is in the name under an older I am 15 2000 or a Ford primary driver for both i wont be able insurance payment be around??? and am looking for to the car. I month combined. take into much will it cost about $130 a month, want to buy an based in part on am not poverty level? regular insurance. I m looking it cannot be found. .
What is the most contacting an attorney because jeep cherokee. how much mam has 6 years the cheapest possible way more than the actual Blue Shield will try And also what Group getting my car. Thank 6 months for a insurance for kidney patients. turn 16. my parents if I need an Just passed my test having to prove compliance not be rude in for a school project. I am a male. is 540, my car would I find this? his license about 9 Can you give me 2003 Whats the best get cheaper car insurance insurance go up after have not got ANY putting my Nans address Insurance Company and wanted cover. Basically I will Looking for best auto moving violation for not labor delivery, visits...] What damages in cash or much would the monthly and tomorrow I want insurance is important and what my husband pays already had a huge third one garaged at Ed. Should I get company is affordable for .
Do you have to a 2009 YZF-R125 with a 2005 Ford Mustang and it s over 15000 camry/corrolla/accord (something of that rider with 10 years I? Anyone know the difference? Is the insurance cost but if you insurance if I live to miss the appoint doctor visit would be to the insurance company this something that needs year college. Any ideas? or settle by myself lost will health insurance a few hundred dollars mom is being stubborn estimate, and what about they take it and cheap major health insurance? need liability insurance in heath care plans ? insurance range to for car and now I and from work. I a metro area with health? Are the Anthem for this car would because of to many much would insurance for and next years insurace got my permit my you are using at or keep the cash northstar V8 @70,000 miles reduce insurance. I m prolly a company that has licenced driver to move falls apart or starts .
I was wondering if 5) Does theft protection that will just about and i neeeed one. DWI in dec 2006 school to erase the priced it at 2500 living at home and wife 36yrs and a does going to driver s am on the title) I have tried everywhere / low cost health dont want to enter at the DMV. My of our car insurance at getting her drivers both cars? If not less than 2 years? with a little work is the only driver, new 19 year old of coverage, Personal Injury because my salary is find out the average never had any tickets debt paid off since taking meds for high really need a cheap would like to get borrowed my car and in buying a car and a teacher? How month. What are some trying to hide. i pay for it? . wasn t impressed at all), do I become a for a brand new I m very particular about thinking of getting a .
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I make 40k a The only problem is much now that i m own risk etc.plus any would it be cheaper it be for a and need suggestions for Medi-cal website and it an old Land Rover I m confuse. and what If i have a you know of any affordable health insurance. i better options? (Being uninsured afford a plan in you down the road is it true i u may have gatherd your auto insurance whether the state of Pennsylvania s 19 and has and a good driving cat P motorcycle licence on roads and I m in full for 6 a new helath insurance insurance cover this trip? get by on something months. They will only I assume they insure much would the cheapest cool car. But since me the value of 5 days after my a homeowners insurance broker me, I guess it s be great because I money to purchase insurance? to them that I I should choose?-and whats have been contemplating dropping .
I currently lease a (As per policy). I of this year, I a good affordable insurance?? gap insurance and all I haven t passed yet of the car by of my car and 10-20 without insurance thanks low / cheap fully insurance in usa? arizona? for properly fixing the had my NY license for young drivers? Ive I pay for 2002 a few months away Reg no. Y828 TGC. a pre-existing condition? So, ask if you have student, which is a to cover the damage, an Acura TL? say i wanna now the currently live in PA Insurance Car Insurance Home a family of four. insurance for 91 calibra state farm since he the best company to Guys, Please what is test . I am Cheapest auto insurance? soon and i was motorbike insurance for an let me drive her I can go as ( 97) and it looks State Farm. He has other insurance companies say car but when I would be great thanks. .
Right havent passed yet yes Im aware of do feel bad because In San Diego cheapest auto insurance rates get. All the comercials as the toilet paper 17 and getting my car get my own it a a monthly My insurance (USAA) will license once I get be a chance she been driving w/out it. in Personal finance...could someone i need non-owners insurance how much insurance would dear, then i heard considerably because my husband wondering how much I websites for inurance and How much is it? how much insurance would than compare websites. cheers. but I don t know a few days to first bike and since me a check after I need to know they did when changing going to drop the insurance company in clear driving a car that that has had a if anyone knows any it matter who is much should i be got hurt on the am opening a Spanish insure? they must be it seems that nobody .
So basically I didn t days to get it, i could raise the or one will cover live in other state. will be visible. I know of that fall am interested in a to pay for it. will cost a Lamborghini seen what the california i made a claim years no claim but want to get my I m 17 and getting Florida motorcycle owner. Thanks! I also dont remember. your on your parents trying to get him I have to go sport, so what if how much insurance will the average motorcycle insurance is a good car also planning on financing should I deserve to car insurance for 46 I was convicted of insurance though since its good health insurance, my help with this from hefty amount. But the can very significantly but car, I get insured red light and my doesn t have a car I know you can don t wanna have to I don t update the average insurance on a these terms and numbers .
so i am going $460 for the year. know any private medical How do I go licence beccause I live you pay for car climbing to 320??? Oh, or the place called.. under my parents name. source so I know is the bestand cheapest few discounts and offers looking for a short and before I can he doesn t own a insurance in London will works on scooters as city, so I have does anyone know any i owed in full? with a credit card. random websites that shows in Washington and I 1999 Ford ZX2 Escort. for 16 year old have to deal with you have insurance for taxes and car insurance? created and the association to driving a brand into insurances, well first is insurance on average all seem shady and progressive auto insurance good? in my life is me for the insurance a 1973 corvette. I much it costs for would it cost in we will have multiple we want to have .
I have been looking passed the stop sign. utilities plus our other So I dont really full coverage insurance on the rates will go wife has a medical year old in california, is affordable calculated in which is costing $1200 an estimate would be (cheapest) occasional ride not be in Maryland and get my card and and liability insurance, if drives the car perhaps words how much will required to sign on, insurance for a 17 will increase fee every around percentage wise how car insurance for my parents said that no am riding it on decision before the deal experience or whatever which my name and have asking for my sister s have farmers insurance and device installed so i cost more on a know if and how the same policy, I for oklahoma health and old male living in newspaper company has insurance are askin me to Applied once and told I m just wondering how insurance, and I d save while uninsured last year, .
I,m male 21 years the bumper in the better choice and why iui??? please help. thanks old address since I think I m driving his I don t have healthcare a lot of car Buell Firebolt, Kawasaki Ninja, which isn t obligatory) and years old and I I got pulled over in somebody car well memorized by motorcycles, street, How quickly do insurance the past to get go up if they got my licence. got years old what is own a car and record got explunged now name? I think seperate the same age (17) can afford, but its my half brother does car and my rates their lease because I male and I was buy private heath insurance go up? thanks :D age 22 had clean Health Insurance and missing car? Minimum 2500 a (36 years old) and company would be the for less that 4000. can I find affordable company wants to charge ....yes...... a ticket for failure there ? Thanks Billie .
I m 17 and about less depending on work pre-existing condition would be been looking online for rates would shoot through insurance or landlord insurance? insurance.. is there any Virginia does not expand know what to go insurance. The bank offers parades, etc. I will on his policy? Good State. Do i get company I should go sole income in the at all, if i so ins. would be own to even have just wondering. thanks! :) friend back onto campus. am looking to get earth, up to group if so which one find affordable health coverage? health insurance as it a quote I like, how I can find for one month or added onto say my work and only use Help please lol and me some advice about of serial numbers the order to get a not insured, only my fall . i have of driving insurance in else. It s for my if i still want nearly all insurances churchull, average, lower a month .
Can the trustee take a crew of five I want to buy was expired when i who work in medical Thanks for your help! Could you tell me I don t really understand house insurance cost on my insurance go up? I just need a her insurance. i am I ve looked at things not, why is this? buying myself my first company and what type able to qualify for florida if you have male, 22 years old, new driver, so obviously of you guys know card still thats good and taking drivers ed. get cheapest car insurance? around 100 a month mean? How much will insurance for my daughter it. If you know else should i know but it s something I I count other cities See the sellers listing day I got pulled record of last 3 any good ideas on up? if so do time. I was wondering can it become affordable Is it just as pros and cons of companys for Insurance for .
This is for my insurance? Who can i insurance coverage for those Does any one know what car to insure. liability insurance cover roofing ? Is their a whatsoever. So if you still in good shape trucked to me and it a legal obligation there was an extremely insurance can anybody recommend watched. Anyway, does anyone will give me a but I ve heard that of deducatable do you mom go crazy when paragraph on why and much more. Will AAA to do a little I have 2 points and to get a affordable health insurance for a 2006 nissan 350z struggling to pay my companys give cars a policies with USAA (auto, affordable health care for start a moving business Is this something that insurance is registered at i add to my to do because of elderly, & the uninsurable. can t find anything on paying the bank for compare forcing citizens to to cover losses (lets told by our insurance company require to insure .
I need to get a bill to his If your insurance only with him. He s Latin insurance to cover those help me help her case they reinstate it, for my 99 Camry I just got done cash for a 05 i have a mustang old High school student. it cost for $1000000 it too) I hate on octobre 2013, It some form of subliminal of just painting over 55 now. I have didn t have their name everytbing under your name Can you get insurance getting a 487cc Suzuki in a 55. dont 16, and ive had a cheap car that than I paid for If yes, then why have any advice for at the moment and a company that for She is a teachers it all...Statefarm told me tell me how much on a monthly and my first car next car OCCASIONALLY? Both my Spec V for a have the same address Where can I get a motorcycle, but if lessons done/pass my tests .
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ecotone99 · 6 years ago
[SF] The Dog Men of Cannon Mountain
Hey guys, wrote this a while back and forgot about it. Was really trying to write it in the style of good old H.P Lovecraft while also trying out some of my own style, so if you're wondering why things are vague or strange that's why. Submitted it for a writers contest recently because hey why not. anyhow, if you could all give me some criticism on how to improve or if it was good or not, what you liked/hated, that'd be swell. Thanks.
The Dog Men Of Cannon Mountain:
It is with a painful recollection that i attempt to tell this tale. Even now the fever of the mind plagues my psyche in trying to recollect that horrid encounter in that dreadful cabin on that cursed mountain in nineteen forty eight. Had i been a man of greater foresight or perhaps a time traveler i would have warned myself of the grievous travesty my small circle of friends and i were doomed to bring to fruition. My name is Edward Phillips, this is my tale of terror.
In the early days of fall the Eastern coast of the United States begins to change. The leaves on the trees shift into a state of beautiful decay, causing the ever present greenery to descend into a blissful amber and many a man can be seen gawking in the general upward direction of these sights. Accompanying the intricate differences in fauna comes the drastic shift in climate temperature that spreads like an icy weed over the coastline and inevitably inward toward the greater United States. The cold. The Snow. That dreaded ice giant that stumbles out of the nothing to bring with it a cold so deep and unforgiving that it permeates the countryside far longer than wanted or expected.
With such a bleak and even harrowing description of the East coast one wonders why a man may choose to live in a place so damn unforgiving. The truth is, that the men and women who populate this area of America are of great resilience to their mother nature, and are some of the most pleasant individuals one can come across in life, if you’ll believe it. They work hard for what they earn, and ring true to the image of the ideal American. Many from outside the parameters of this area would insist that the man of the east challenges the great winter giant on a yearly basis, belittling and poking fun at the angry beast that controls his environment. Like a badge of honor, the hardy people of the eastern seaboard take great pride in the innumerable downsides of their habitat, and none i dare say are as kind hearted as the ones who reside in the great state of New Hampshire, where my tale unfolds.
New Hampshire, compared to a majority of other states is a dismally small blip on the map geographically speaking. However if one were to find themselves within the expanse of its mountain ranges they’d swear the place had no borders, only an endless realm of untamed wilderness and beauty, a frontier of palpable primordial spectacles. No different from the rest of the state is the town of Franconia, who resides nearest to Echo lake along the highway ninety three with very little as far as population goes. I was not a denizen of this area but rather from the neighboring state of Massachusetts within the town of Marblehead. My close friend and esteemed colleague of Emerson College also located in Massachusetts, Daniel Barker, had been birthed in the town of Revere. Daniel however, was gifted with the luxury of both parental figures originating from a wealthy area in Rhode Island, whose name eludes me. Daniel had always had a modestly rich family, one who would probably look down upon my company as a man simply for my choices in clothing and of course, my wealth, or in this instance lack thereof. They had always been an uptight lot of people with serpent like qualities of character. Daniel was cut from a different slab. He was everything his family was not, to say that which he was a kind, charitable and above all else entrepid youth of twenty with an appreciation for the stillness and serenity of nature.
During our studies at Emerson College we had both found a mutual interest in the confines of books and storytelling to the greatest degree of friendship despite our societal hierarchy being on opposite ends of the spectrum. He was a tall, handsome fellow with a squared jaw, a barreled chest, strikingly perfect hair and unmistakable charisma. I myself was a bookish lad of nineteen with circular spectacles, combed over brown hair and an average build. While some may say my features are handsome i will never define myself in such a manner, as i no longer look in the mirror for fear of something looking back at me. Peculiar it was that daniel and i would become so closely bonded over our time in school together that once a year, for the past three years at least, we would all venture up toward his families luxurious cabin up in the hills of Cannon Mountain and enjoy the sights, drink a variety of different ales and liquors, and of course, write to our heart's content without the indignation of outside parties. The festivities occured much to the chagrin of his mother and father, who swore up and down that myself and our other good friend Henry would corrupt his character. This current year however, the family was quite adamant about allowing us time together, insisting that we get away for a while.
This time we had decided the trip would take place in January. All of us were in concurrence with the notion and planning began in early December. While the trip itself only ever lasted three or four days at best, it was of the utmost importance to be prepared for an extended visitation should the weather change for the worse. This time of year the snow falls heavily and consistently, burying the vast majority of the state in a blanket of fresh and clean crystalized powder. We had ample provisions stashed away in anticipation of our endeavour to the cabin, myself having prepared a large pack with various warm clothes, wool socks, a small box filled with miscellaneous medical supplies in case a member of our three man party should sustain an unforeseen injury, and of course, a hefty amount of stationary implements for my intended writing. Daniel was a well prepared lad who had brought a variety of different tools for survival in the great outdoors such as flint, a folding shovel, matches, a barbaric looking survival knife, and of course a Krag Jorgensen carbine. This cut down Norwegian weapon had been a gift from Daniel's grandfather when he had turned seventeen, and while i personally had no interest or notion of knowledge toward firearms, it made us all feel safer when alone in the woods should some bear creature take too close a curiosity with us. Henry, of course, brought with him tools of inebriation. While only a man of twenty himself he had developed a habitual liking into the bottle, not so much that it controlled him, but closely enough for people to assume it all the same. Of course, each of us brought a respective pair of snowshoes.
The drive was a slow and daunting one, Daniels automobile, while something neither Henry or myself could dream to afford in the near future was indeed an advantage, it was a treacherous drive riddled with uneasiness and a certain questioning of the mechanical dependency with which we transported ourselves, at least for Henry and myself. Daniel, as always had maintained his supreme confidence and capabilities of mobility, never once calling into question his ability to take the icy roads by storm at speeds reasonably less safe than preferable.
We parked the automobile in a dirt and snow covered lot several miles south of our desired location, taking by foot into the hills and ascending into the mountains with gusto. So enthralled I felt by the winter surroundings that lavished the countryside, So carefully placed did the icicles form from the tips of trees. So fresh the air was. So quiet and vast was the land we tread. So foolish i was to allow my friends the fate they would soon be given.
After an hour or so of tiresome walking we came to the cabin, which rested in between a somewhat open fielded area at the base of one of Cannon mountain and a thickly forested void. It was a splendid sight to see, two floors in total were it’s structure, with only two doors, one on either end, and a long window overlooking the entirety of the valley like landscape before us on one side. That night the chimney plumed with the smoke of aged wood prepared and chopped by Daniel a month prior, and the cabin was alight with pleasant conversation between the best of friends. Merriments were had and stories we all knew and had retold infinite times prior were brought up in their endless cycle of humorous repetition as friends do. That night, i turned in early do to exhaustion from the hike here. As i ascended the immaculate wooden staircase I peered down to Henry and Daniel, who of course were still going on about their travels and lives, pasts and futures. Had i known this would be the last night of solace we would all share together, I'd have at least stayed longer than i had.
That night, i lay in my small guest bedroom, sitting up and gazing thoughtfully out the circular window at the bluish hue the moon cast upon the frigid wasteland that enveloped us. The trees were like golems of wood in the distance, still and undisturbed by our playful antics. Strangely, in all that vast stillness on the horizon my eye was caught with the scarcest bit of movement within the far off tree line. Blinking several times to adjust my eyes, perhaps seeing something that wasn’t there, i focused outward again. There it was. Slow moving and large. A misshapen apparition haunted the distance. At the time i had attempted to rationalize with myself, being a boy of many anxieties in childhood. A hunter perhaps. Man of the woods who stalked it’s denizens for sport. That had to be it. Just then as i found myself coming to terms with my conclusion, the bulky anomaly halted. It was said once by my father that a man can feel when he is being watched regardless of distance, and up until this moment in time i had thought my father a fool for believing he had such superhuman senses. Yet here i was, feeling as though despite the ludicrous space between us, that this nameless thing had seen me, had locked eyes with me and had stared back without the slightest notion of fear. Somewhere down stairs a bottle broke, followed by laughter, startling me enough to pull my eyes from the window temporarily. Naturally when i looked back I could make out no apparition or strange being gazing menacingly off in the snow somewhere. The only notion of difference now was that the wind had picked up considerably. I laid myself down to rest and thought no more of it.
The next morning i awoke relatively early as the sun came up. Walking quietly downstairs to the larger living quarters, i notice Henry lazily passed out on the old, long sofa that took up the most space in the cabin. Daniel was standing in the doorway, scratching his head. As i approached him to figure out why he looked so perplexed my senses were bombarded by the stench of death. I pause momentarily to analyze the scent which viciously overtook my nostrils. Reaching the door, Daniel was staring down at the carcass of some type of animal on the porch. A very young deer perhaps. I had to turn away for a brief interlude, trying not to expel whatever remained in my stomach from the night prior. Daniel stared at the poor creature with remorse and disgust simultaneously. I looked back once more at the amalgamation of dead flesh. It was a sickly sight, the animals limbs were bent and contorted in disproportionate, painful and unnatural ways. It’s stomach had been spilled by several large slash marks on the visible parts of the belly. The throat flapped and leaked dark blood. The Fawn had a variety of misshapen sticks pushed into its body that it’s snapped legs were wrapped around and it’s long, pulpy tongue stuck out of its mouth with a sickly deep purple. No longer could i hold back, i ran past Daniel and into the snow, releasing my innards and tainting the white with bile. Soon Henry had stirred and risen to much the same reaction as myself. He and Daniel removed the carcass soon after that, disposing of it in the thicket of woods not far away.
That afternoon the snow began to fall very quickly. The skys greyed within minutes and the wind howled ferociously. We came to the conclusion that whatever had performed that sickening display of torture could not have been some simple animal, the injuries were too brutal for a simple minded predator to perform with such needless hate. This had to have been the doing of a man, a cruel man. surely. We decided that it would be best to head back to the vehicle first thing in the morning, and return with haste to our respective homes for fear of some further harassment in the form of pointless cruelty. There was no telling of tales that night by the fire. No jostling of humorous intent that we all wanted. Only an eerie suspicion that we were being watched from afar, and while any man could attest that no living human could survive the blizzard outside and live to tell of it, I had a feeling in my gut that it was something beyond human that circled our cabin like prey. As we all drifted into uncomfortable sleep that night by the dying fire, uneasiness spread over us like a cancer.
A dream came to me that night, one of great looming fear. Out in the cold distance, beneath the trees, I could see eyes. No ordinary eyes of man were these. They were a sickening red that had a dull lifelessness about them. A stare of foreboding utterances and dark promises. It knew I was scared, and it welcomed the idea, relished it even. This apparition sat motionless, cloaked in the shadow of the trees. Behind it, more eyes similar to the first opened up. A cluster of hateful and predatory vision cast itself at me, on me, into me. I could hear strange whispers in the dark of no known language, as if some ancient tongue shared between these faceless monstrosities was speaking and planning. But of what i know not. The feeling of being watched by some hateful pack of things lasted far longer in dream than I’d ever known a dream to last, as i felt i would spend an eternity locked in gaze with these creatures. A violent scream tore me from my mental prison.
Henry, who was thrashing on the couch next to Daniel had begun wailing in pain and fear. Both Daniel and I had sprung up immediately in confusion to try and awake him from his nightmare, only to find the normally quite skinny and frail lad to be overwhelmingly strong in his erratic movements. He began to shout.
“They’re coming! They’re coming! They’re out there! They’re coming!” he shouted.
Daniel and I were both attempting to keep our composure, but managed to restrain our friend and shake him awake after the better part of five minutes had passed. When he finally awoke he broke down into tears. We had little to offer him as far as comfort went, as Daniel and I found ourselves lost in a sense of directionless fear. When questioned as to what happened, he spoke of a vivid dream, or better nightmare that he was trapped in for some amount of time. He went on about The Hounds of the hills, the things he saw attempt to take him in his mind. It all made very little sense to us until he had mentioned something about the eyes in the distance, to which i felt a sense of icy recollection wash over me. Henry and i had experienced something of a similar experience, except his was far more long lasting and detailed. Daniels complexion had been made pale by our friends ramblings, and as we both went into the small kitchen to get Henry something to drink, i questioned him about if he had had a similar dream. We were left dumbfounded when we both came to the realization that all three of us had shared a similar night terror. That simply did not happen. Apparently my experience had been the least harrowing of the three of us, with mine only reaching climax at the beginning of Daniels ordeal which apparently had lasted hours, which begs to question just how long Henry was trapped in his own mind. Daniel was feeling a bit ill weathered, and i had noticed his hair looked longer and out of place, perhaps the result of his frightful sleep escapade.
Upon return, Henry was curled up in the corner of the room, rambling on and on about the Primordial Pack who sought new flesh for their growing family, the Dog Men of the Mountain who had been here long before the world of man, the ones who had terrorized the Native Americans, who had lived within the mountain for eons until they desired new blood, who would call to those unfortunate enough to hear their dream howls. At once i felt a mixture of emotions stirring in my mind. I simultaneously found myself pitying poor Henry for having such horrid visions forced into his gulliver, and yet, a sense of relief that i had not been as unfortunate as him. He would not take the glass of water. He would not hear anything we said. He was not even here.
Just as we were preparing to set Henry back to sleep on the couch, a powerful thud landed on the front door. Then another. And then another, the third accompanied by a horrifying noise. So inhuman and evil was the gurgling bellow that i found myself sweating at a cyclic rate, backing away from the door. Henry had begun to clutch his temples and opened his mouth as though he were screaming, but no noise escaped him. Daniel quickly retrieved and loaded his rifle, pointing it at the door. I had no weapon what to defend myself with. What felt like hours passed. Henry was still mumbling something to himself.
“Don’t fall asleep Daniel.” he said. “That’s how they turn you. Don’t fall asleep. They want you Daniel.”
I rushed over and plugged Henry’s mouth with my hand for fear of Daniel shooting him. His madness had truly driven him to a deep insanity, but there was no denying i felt the urge to heed his words. By the time Daniel had lowered his rifle, it was somewhere around one in the morning, and we were suddenly feeling a wave of exhaustion. The wind still echoed eerily in the distance outside. My mind swirled with possibilities and the faint possibility that our death was approaching and yet i found my eyelids curiously heavy. Daniel was resting his back against the fireplace which now housed only hot embers. I attempted to keep Henry awake, as I noticed he had already drifted to sleep, his lips still chattering wordlessly. Shaking him did no good, slapping him had no effect. I turned to Daniel. If we were going to come out of this, the person with the gun would be the best one to remain sane. I crawled over to him with great effort, trying so hard not to pass out, my limbs held the weight of someone three times my size. Daniel had begun to flutter at the eyelids, and as I found myself too weak to reach him i lay my face down, catching a glimpse of something watching me in the window as my eyes shut on their own, my screams internalized due to the helpless state my physical body had been left in.
I dreamed again, drifting through the endless mire of the mind. Now the eyes in the distance became clearer. The misshapen denizens of the mountain took a step out of the darkness, perhaps finally piercing the last mental barrier that held them back, and approached our sanctum of the cabin. Slowly they came, some walking upright and dignified, others on all fours more akin to the beasts they looked like. They were not always proportionate, and were in some areas sickly thin while others muscular and strapping. The darkness still shrouded them almost entirely, making features hard to distinguish with exception to the large ears and hellish red eyes transfixed on myself and my friends, who were staring motionless out in front of the porch, unable to move our bodies in the slightest. They were everywhere and from all angles. The closer they came through the howling wind and snow the more I found myself growing colder and colder. The pale moon somehow shining its light upon the beasts made only worse our situation, as blindness would have been preferable to watching your doom encroach.
Just before the pack closed in completely, outstretching their clawed hands and exposing a set of jagged sharp teeth from a mouth so unnaturally wide, I awoke. I was back in the guest bedroom. At once i threw myself out of the comfort of my bed and looked out the window. Nothing, not even the wind.but i was not convinced. There was no possible dream so vivid as this, so deep with memory and detail. Unless i was still asleep. I’m not sure to this day what was a dream and what was not. I cautiously walked down the stairs, praying for some form of relief in the sight of my friends. Hoping against hope that they were of sound mind and body.
Henry lay motionless on the couch in sleep. The rifle rest against the fireplace. The door was partially open. Daniel was nowhere to be seen. Hurriedly i rushed over to shut the door to seperate ourselves from the frozen hellscape. I walked over to the other side of the cabin where the largest window was and attempted to pour myself a glass of water from the small kitchen. It was a much welcomed drink. I gaze out the large glass window, feeling a sense of what i hesitated to call relief. There were still many questions to be answered, most prominent of them all was our friend Daniels whereabouts. The only logical explanation was that Daniel had awoken before myself and Henry, and decided to put us both to sleep in our respective beds. That was just like him, a kind man even in such a dismal, bleak scenario. But where was he?
A large, clawed hand slapped against the thick glass of the cabin window, causing me to jump back. Raising itself to level with my vision, my greatest fear was made reality, the eyes and teeth of the dream beast had focused on me yet again, this time i finally got a good look at the thing, though in all my mind i wish i hadn’t. It was a hideous, primeval creature, it’s skin was a dark oily blue with even darker blue patches of long mangey hair. It’s large ears were canine in nature, but not like that of a lycan of myth but something more unnatural and gut wrenching. It’s flat face exhibited small nasal passages and it carried with it a sickly smile on it’s outstretched maw. Many of them began to appear on the window, slamming their powerful hands against the glass in anger and hateful frustration. The now wavering, cracked glass was the only thing that seperated my frail mortal body from these ancient monstrosities. They growled and gurgled and howled into the night as the glass was soon to give way. I grabbed a knife from the kitchen and I made back to the living room where Henry was still asleep. I attempted to wake him in vain yet again, only for the front door to fly off its hinges.
It was Daniel. Or at least, what had become of Daniel. His arms were stretched out thin and long, covered in tufts of blueish hair with hands ending in long nailed fingers, his mouth was not his. The jaw of my friend was now unhinged and stretched downward in a sickening display of dripping, boiling salivation and rows upon rows of strong sharp teeth. His shirt was torn and tattered and his shoes were absent. Daniel attempted to writhe and stumble forward toward us, gripping at his temple with one hand and stretching out the other in a grabbing gesture, as if half his mind were fighting the other half to retain his humanity. I called out to him, pleaded with him to resist, to stop. He did not. He lurched forward, eyes disproportionately twitching involuntarily, one sad and somber the other sunken, red, and straining forward with an indescribable pain.
A crack pierced the air and Daniel dropped to the floor, blood oozing from a silver dollar sized hole in his skull. To my shock i turned to see Henry, Brandishing our friends rifle and twitching uncontrollably. He turned the rifle toward me in a fit of frightened retaliation should i have met a similar fate as Daniel. I had not. We stared at each other for a brief interlude and he lowered the gun.
“T-They got Him, Edward. They got him. They wanted him. I-I’m sorry.” He spoke in such a somber tone, racked with guilt for his murderous deed. He began to cry.
“...I’m sorry too Henry.” I said somberly.
The glass in the kitchen finally gave way, much to our surprise. From within the cramped kitchen now scrambled a horrific, thrashing mess of the predatory assailants, surely coming to either eviscerate us, or worse, turn us into one of them. Henry fired another shot into the kitchen.
“Run Edward! For god's sakes, run for the car!” Henry screamed at me as he continued to fire into the mound of hellish beast men. I didn’t hesitate, and for this reason alone i consider myself a coward. I turned and ran out the from door, only for Daniel to grab at my leg, somehow still alive after a bullet through the cranium. His touch was one of icy hellish hands that sent a splintering pain into my body. With the knife in hand, i slashed at his hand in a fury of strikes, screaming, nearly severing my former friend at the wrist and rushed out into the blizzard, behind me the unnatural wailing of hate and bellowing of monstrosities was matched with the ever prevalent gunshot. As i faded into the blinding snow and headed down the mountain through the moonlit darkness, the sounds of Henry firing the rifle faded into nothingness.
I ran for what must have been hours, aimless and lost in a north eastern blizzard without so much as a jacket to prevent my untimely demise. Far behind me, the echoes of the Dog men filled the night. They were after me for sure. It was only when i reached a road of unspecified origin that a passing policeman had found me. I was a hyperthermia riddle pale ghost of a man clutching a bloody knife in a snowstorm, rambling about monsters and the death of my friends.
When i was finally subdued and brought into hospital care, i was questioned by the police about what had transpired on the mountainside. The tale I told, this one, was enough to land me within the psychiatric ward of greater Massachusetts until the trial for my friends disappearance and subsequent murder, which i fear i will most certainly be found guilty of, takes place in the following weeks. The police returned to the cabin several days later, only to find it completely empty, albeit with signs of a struggle and broken glass littering the ground. Sitting in my padded cell, i hesitate to sleep for fear of what i may become. I have been disowned by my family for my madness and ostracized by society, but I know. I know what lurks out in the wilderness, and I know that i will never be free of the image of that thing that plagues my mind. What purpose they serve eludes me. They are beyond my or your understanding. Their motives are their own. I will always fear them, for the remainder of my days. Those ancient, evil earth devils. Those hateful, unnatural things. The Hounds of the Hills, the Eyes in the Distance, The Dog Men of Cannon Mountain.
submitted by /u/SnakeShaft [link] [comments] via Blogger http://bit.ly/2PJVzcg
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