#also I have some of haru's done but i'mma keep looking
sillyfudgemonkeys · 6 years
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@khadijahmjohnson Uhhhhh ew gross no. At least if this is directed at me, if it’s directed at people being pervs on my video (btw this video if anyone is wondering for context) then.....yeah go at them cause I don’t want that either. But I’mma assume it’s aimed at me so I’ll continue on as if it were (might as well explain myself since I can’t really do that each time I post a video cause people don’t like walls of text ;w;).
Yeah that’s not the point of this video, unless you’re getting an eye boner for how the song sychs up with the dance moves then yeah that’s bar for the course with my Dancing Sync videos (since like P4D). 8U But seriously, I’m just trying to find songs that match her dance (cause I hate P5D’s song selection, not just with Anne but with everyone, Anne is just easier cause I know more pop/sexy like songs and she’s mah fav character and I like her dance so I tend to think about what might fit, the 2nd most thought about characters are Haru and Ren btw....also I probs should’ve changed the name of this video but I only decided on that name later when I was still just gonna call all of them syncs but after that post I realized I might not make the “Ideal” videos full sync ones like the Anne/Catherine one was so yeah I’ve been debating this for awhile and sorry for the confusion ;w;). Plus I just really like Catherine, and the new Catherine OP, and it just works so well (both genre wise syncing up with Anne’s dance, but also with how P5 and Catherine connect both character wise and jazz wise it was just ahhhhhh all the pieces fell into places for a good character/game parallel and I’m all about dat)
Also her dancing sexy isn’t me projecting, unfortunately Atlus legit said that about her (and Yukari), and that’s what I have to work with (aka, I didn’t program them to dance like that, trust me I would’ve chosen a few less bold moves). On one hand I am personally annoyed by their choice of words and what they did with Last Surprise (specifically cause of a certain character or two), but....there’s nothing I can do. orz So yeah, working on finding sexy Persona (pretty much just this one song) songs or Pop Persona songs (go the Rise and Yukari route with this, and can probs do more anyway) to match Anne’s dace but that’s really as far as this is going. Nothing esp sexual on my end, just trying to find songs that match her and the rest of the cast (minus maybe Ren/Mona....they might be tricky, that or Ren might get a similar deal that P3D is getting and just having him dance to songs I think were part of P5/D/Q2/anime that didn’t get to be in the game cause Atlus rushed P5D out too soon)
Anyway hope that cleared that up, probably will still hate it/me, that’s fine. ;w; Just wanted to clarify some things since it looks really bad outta context I’m aware (esp since I haven’t released other characters or done one for Anne with just a happy upbeat pop song) haha uggghhh orz ;w;
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blackhakumen · 4 years
Mini Fanfic #537: Comforting Phantom Thieves Chat (Persona 5 X SSBU)
Ann: Ren!
Ann: Is everything okay?!
Ann: Please text us back when you can!
Futuba: Makoto told us what you told her about last night!
Morgana: We're already starting to worry!
Yusuke: Our worries will be at ease if you talk to us, my friend.
Haru: Pleeease?! My heart couldn't take you being hurt anymore :'(
Ryuji: Alright. Who's ass I need to kick right now for making my bro sad and maed him have a bad drean last night?! >:(((((
Ren: Guys, relax! I'm gonna be just fine now. Even more so now that my Queen is here to keep me company. And don't worry, Ryuji. No one said anything about me that transpired to that bad dream in question. It just happened. So no kick ass-ing for today, alright?
Makoto: Please, Ryuji? No one here wants you to get yourself in trouble today. Or ever.
Ryuji: Fiiiiine.....I won't kick anyone's ass today. But we still wanna know about that bad dream of yours, man! It's killing us like crazy!
Ren: Alright. So.........long story short, I dreamt that all of you guys starting to hate me and told me that you don't want anything to do with me anymore.....And once all of you disappeared, I was alone.......in complete darkness......Till I woke up.
Haru: Oh Ren..... That's horrible.....
Yusuke: How could our dream selves did this to you?
Ren: Yeah....It was pretty intense. But rest assured, I talked to witch mom all about that dream last night and she and the rest of our family was able to get me to sleep. I know you guys love and care for me and I do too.
Ann: Well, I am so glad you think that because I would be so heart broken if you had any doubt about that.
Ryuji: Same. We love you a lot, man.
Yusuke: You have gone far and beyond for each of us many countless of times. Some of which may have caused you stress and even pain.
Haru: You never once think about giving up on us or any of the other people you may or may not have connections with. And we couldn't anymore thankful and blessed to have you in our lives.
Futuba: We always try and do whatever we can be here for you and to return the favor because you've done so much for us already!!
Morgana: And just like Ryuji said, all of us love you to pieces, Ren. So much to the point that we might even kick someone else's butt for insulting you!
Ryuji: See?! Mona gets the idea. We WOULD kick anyone's asses if they start messing with you! That's how much you mean to us!
Ren: I believe all of that too. To tell you truth, I already considered you guys, everyone in Shiyuba, and everyone in the mansion as family a long time ago. Cause you mean that much to me too :)
Ryuji: Thanks, man. :)
Ann: You're a sweetheart when you want to be lol
Yusuke: We are all very honored.
Haru: I like I'm actually going to cry....But in tears of pure joy! :'D
Morgana: Futuba's crying and hugging me as comfort. But she wants to tell you that she's happy to have you in her life. And so do I, partner :)
Makoto: You know you might be pretty tired of me telling you this, but you, Ren Amimaya are loved no matter what anyone else say.
Ren: Many thanks to each and everyone of you. Almost bout to make me cry here.
Makoto: I'm here with you, Ren-Ren. Don't worry :)
Ren: Oh don't worry, 'hon. I know that for sure~
Ryuji: So whaddya guys doing now?
Ren: We're at the Smash Mansion's living room cuddling.
Makoto: We're also binged watching some anime.
Makoto: Upload Joker and Queen Cuddle Time.jpg
Ann: Precious.
Ren: Wow, Ann. That has to be less enthusiastic tone you used for the word "Precious" yet.
Ann: Well, sorrrrrrrrryyyyy! I would be more excited about this right now if I haven't been too worried about you all morning!
Ren: Yeah......Sorry about that.
Ann: It's fine. What's more important here is that you told us about this. And we couldn't be any more happy about that and you being okay than we are now :)
Morgana: Hey, Ren! Futuba and I are heading out to the mansion to join you guys. So you better be on the look out!
Futuba: Mona's right! You two better save your cuddle session spot for us cuz we're gonna join in on this action! >:D
Haru: Please do not forget about me, you two! I would like to join in on the Cuddle Session as well! :D
Yusuke: I would also like to join in on the somewhat interesting group activity.
Ryuji: Not really that much into mushy stuff, but just this once, I'mma join in on this too! :D
Ann: You guys can already count me and Shiho in on this too! Hope you're ready, Makoto and Ren-Ren, cause we're gonna give you two love birds the best Cuddle Pile of your lives!
Makoto: Lol well do, everyone.
Ren: Seriously. When will you guys EVER stop calling me "Ren-Ren"?!
Ann: Never >:)
Ryuji: It's too hilarious to stop calling that completely, bro.
Yusuke: I actually like the nickname. It suits you somewhat well.
Haru: I can never stop calling you that! It's too adorable to bear!~
Futuba: We are soooooooo not gonna stop calling you that anytime soon, Ren-Ren >:)
Morgana: We really won't.
Ann: Shiho said it's cute and that she's not gonna stop calling you that either. So honestly, this already absolute lol!
Ren: Shit.
Makoto: Oh relax, Ren-Ren. You love that nickname and you know it.
Ren: Man, you people are impossible sometimes....
Makoto: And yet you still love us all the same. :)
Ren: You damn right I do :)
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