#also I bought Front Mission 1st and am getting such a rush to back when I figured out how to play Japanese SNES roms in english
Listen nostalgia's not inherently bad. People act like it is and it does make you do stupid things but it's fine. You can't buy a product and recapture your youth but you can appreciate old stuff in new light, and you do get to spend just a little bit of time in your youth.
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youngreaderswriters · 7 years
Revenge by Kyle S.
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Chapter One: Razor Sharpening
On a sunny morning in the room upstairs on the left, Bob Dude sat reading an action-packed book called The Amazing Book, which was about all the cool facts of the world. Bob loved reading books, so he couldn’t wait to dive into The Amazing Book. Bob, 10 years old, enjoyed chapter books such as Harry Potter or Percy Jackson. Bob had a twin brother named Bill, and they were best friends.
After Bob finished the book, he set out for Bill’s room, which was located downstairs on the left. Bob tiptoed down the creaky steps, planning to complete the near impossible mission: scare Bill. As he arrived at the bottom of the forever stairs, he decided to use the bathroom first. While he flushed the toilet, a strange, scary noise sound from Bill’s room.
No human had ever heard of this sound, for it was horrible. Bob silently crept toward Bill’s room (the bathroom downstairs was right next to Bill’s room). As he became closer than ever, he started to doubt himself for entering Bill’s room. After all, he still had books to read. When he was a yard away from Bill’s door, there was no mistake: the sound was a sound of a sword being sharpened.
Meanwhile, Bill Dude was also reading books like his twin brother, Bob. Bill loved Bob, and Bill knew that Bob loved him. Bill wanted to be a professional basketball player when he grew up, just like Bob who wanted to be a professional soccer player when he grew up. They were the best and most amazing superstars at the beautiful sports. People have even said that they would become the greatest basketball and soccer stars in history. For their reward, Bob and Bill was interviewed on time on ABC news by the most famous interviewer, John Smith.
Bill decided to sharpen the knife that he had stolen from the kitchen with his super sharp sharpener. After he finished sharpening it, he planned to scare Bob.
He always scared Bob.
As Bob silently and secretly went inside Bob’s room, he was so surprised at what was happening.  
Chapter Two: The Old Book
The next day, as Bob rifled through an old book that he had, a piece of parchment slipped out. The ancient text read, “If you are reading this please know this. My name is Famous Dragon, the one and only. I come from the Ancient Lands that no human has ever been to. But if you are reading this, you will be the first human to go to the Ancient Lands if you do what I say. You first need to follow this set of clues:
Swim to Hawaii. Do not fly, do not walk, do not go by ship, do not do anything but swim.
Sleep for exactly 15 minutes in the nearest hotel from where you arrived in Hawaii.
Fly to the very tip of Mount Everest at exactly 12:00 am on January 1st, 2000 B.C.
Steal a nuclear bomb.
If you do not complete all of the above, you will not be able to go to the Ancient Lands.”
While Bob read this aloud, the knife sharpener, Bill, was inside Bob’s room. Bob hadn’t noticed him. Yet.
“Why do you get to go to the ancient lands?” Bill demanded. This set Bill off his rocket. Bill hated Bob at the moment because Bob had found the ancient text first. Bill stormed into Bob’s room and stole the old paper, then quickly rushed out of the room before Bob could say a word.
Chapter Three: The Conflict
Back in his own room, Bill read the ancient text carefully for the first time. He then laughed to himself. Bob had been so dumb!
There was an almost invisible sentence near the end. It read, “Receive a gun by chanting this part of a song: Let me get my gun, let me get my gun.” Bill closed his eyes and chanted this phrase. When he opened his eyes, the gun materialized right in front of him. It was an ice-electrical gun - the only one in the world.
Upstairs, Bob felt a whole world of sorrow and fear, but strangely, also happiness. Bob had a gun! Bob had gotten the gun by chanting the phrase: “Let me get my gun, let me get my gun.” But not only was it a normal gun, it was a fire-electrical gun; the only prototype in the world. Bob felt sorrow because his brother let him down and fear because Bill now possessed a gun, too.
Bob set out for Bill’s room, so he could challenge a final fight, one that would decide who was the better brother, Bob or Bill.
Downstairs, in Bill’s room, Bill had already starting planning an attack, a deceiving plan that would kill Bob. So, like Bob, Bill went out of his room to try to complete his mission: defeat Bob. The mission came from Bob reading the text. Bill was mad, so he made the mission to get revenge.
The two brothers met each other in the hallway upstairs. Anyone could tell by their betrayed eyes that they felt anger towards each other.
“I hate you!” shouted Bob.
“I hate you, too!” replied Bill.
Bill loaded his gun and pointed it towards Bob.
“You’re gonna die,” sneered Bill.
“Let’s see about that,” challenged Bob.
Bill shot an ice-electrical bullet which hit the lamp next to bob. It shattered, and Bob jumped away. After that, Bob shot a fire-electrical bullet at Bill. It hit his [adjective] chest. Feeling weak, he swayed left and right, then finally fell to the ground.
Bill fainted. Now, Bob thought, I have completed my first mission.
Chapter Four: The Escape
Finally, Bob realized that he still needed to go to the Ancient Lands. He couldn’t just stand there and look at Bill.
Bob quickly gathered his swimming gear, only to find his snorkel missing. In the closet, he found his [adjective] snorkel and also packed his climbing gear into a waterproof backpack with $500.
Ready to go, he headed downstairs, where he found Bill starting to stir. He shot two more bullets at Bill, which would keep Bill asleep for at least another six hours.
Then, he set out for the ancient lands.
Chapter Five: It’s Time For Revenge
As Bob put on his swimming gear, he saw Hawaii, a little dot in the distance. Bob swam for five hours straight and bolted to the nearest hotel with the rest of his remaining energy. The hotel was called the Hilton. Bob bought the cheapest room and set a timer for 15 minutes. When Bob woke up, he caught the cheapest plane to Mount Everest. When he arrived at the bottom of the mountain, he looked at his Apple watch and found out it was 11:00 P.M. on December 31st. He had one hour. Bob climbed as quickly as he could and arrived at 11:59 P.M.
He dug up the nuclear bomb in the heart of the mountain (he guessed that the nuclear bomb was in the middle of the mountain) and waited for the dragon to appear. When he saw a flying figure in the distance, he thought, “Yes!”
When it came closer, he realized that it was only a normal plane to his disappointment. Even more, the plane hovered above him and out came Bill.
“Hi, evil brother,” called Bill.
Now, Bob knew. The ancient text was a fake.
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