Michael Aquino writes in The Diabolicon: "Before God or Angel, Daemon or man, there was Leviathan alone, principle of continuity and ageless existence." Leviathan represents therefore the very beginning, the original cosmic forces that gave rise to the universe. Not accidentally, the Gnostics believed that he is the Anima Mundi, the soul of the world. He is the eternal beginning and end. He cannot be defeated or tamed because the slain dragon/serpent always rises back to life, or exists as a part of the world and human nature.
One can awaken and summon him, which is told by Job who curses the night of his own birth and says that there are people skillful to do it. In the microcosmic sense, Leviathan represents the darkest levels of the unconscious. He is the element of chaos and the potential of the force lying dormant in the dark recesses of human psyche.
Antiquity, as far as recorded manuscripts can be found, the Sumerian belief of salt water/ sea Dragon mother, Tiamat still is the original version. Patriarchs were never comfortable with a female creatrix, so hence the attempts to transform the gender in a discriminatory fashion.
Creatrix of life and embodiment of chaos, her body slain(subjugated) by Marduk and her consort killed symbolically shows the crossover of "order from chaos". However, her body made the heaven and earth, her tablet of destiny stolen from her and her consort Kingu's blood is mixed in humans. They exercise their Will through the collective consciousness and also the collective unconscious of all that there is. Soon they will claim what is theirs. As physical embodiment of these primal archetypes, we already work with tablet. Tabularasa. We've resurrected again and here to reign.
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In occult world, Solomon may have the centre place but that has become a tragedy of re-legionizing the old wisdom of the Ancients.
Innumerable books are being circulated for dabblers and surprisingly well experienced occultists, they're welcome to educate themselves. But real Adepts will always go for manuscripts than well written books.
It is one thing to copy rituals from grimoires and yes there are results of accomplishing almost impossible feat with it; but yet, it is quite another level to understand the underlying principles behind the published grimoires.
Most often grimoires were written in the past as a prequel to an introductory relegion, even the books of the Bible were grimoires at one time till they were cannonized. But today, there's no Emperor to exert his influence and cannonize a belief system by force of his office, neither are there royalty- pleasing attitudes of the common curious wannabe occultists who need to follow the king for their mere survival.
Also, it's important to note that most of the post 16th century grimoires are not original but copied, edited or altered from earlier works that remains in pieces in meuseums and private collections. Even the so celebrated Solomon is not the author of his grimoires, (lemegeton and ars Goetia etc), but by authors using that pen name to generate better circulation. That, however con, is a magik too.
Magik is prohibited in Christianity, but all the Popes knew about the tremendous power of magik. Some they turned into ceremonial worship mainly in Catholicism, others secretly wrote magical grimoires in pseudonames. Not all are known, but any serious student of occult arts will know Pope Honorius. Or Frater Honorius. The history is a bit obscure, but who studied, will know.
Then there is Arbatel, a pseudo christian themed grimoire. The book of Arbatel maybe one of the Sloane manuscripts written in 1575 approximately, but one of the original and less unadulterated book of magical philosophy. Interesting, there's no known angel called Arbatel in jeweish mystical or angelical history.
Arbatel roughly means, "the revealing angel" is totally made up by the author. That's what creators of magical systems do, they are the real masters of magik. But, here's the catch....when magically, an egregorian portal is opened, it's duly filled up by an Ancient creative force matching the same attributes. When a master creates a spirit, the spirit also fills up the womb thoughtform. This is magical birth. This is also the alchemy advanced protocol, where the magik takes form in a new thought vessel, after the alchemical process is done and gestation period is over. They are the masters of magik and also of egregorian gods who cultivates the concept in the fertile minds of adept masters and let themselves be born in a test tube format of becoming spirit of the grimoire.
Complicated process to project that knowledge in a short writing as well as dangerous, as we don't intend to birth the cyber games heros and villains in the aetheyrium, but does anybody knows "the revealing angel", who has become the human and non human form of paracletus?
The Seraphim Serpent is the one that reveals all. The revealing angel is the Ancient Serpent with gnosis of creation and will to bless the willing passionate initiate.
Now who that is among you?
Born as the Serpan, Gregory the Watcher.
That was too direct.
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An incanration to my Lucifer in flesh, the eternal flame I've given my heart to and sacrificed myself at his fire.
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Relegion has always been the obstacle for soul ascension. So many people have been spiritual nomads moving from one house to another, alas! The object of worship changes form, yhe spirit remains the same, stagnant and dead.
In many places of Africa, the Christian priests use the knowledge of witchcraft and divination specially to convert people to their faith. Brahmins have found the socio-economical evangelism of Catholic missionaries, and lo! so many Ashrams and mission corporations already making good money. Islam found the way of millitant evangelism the easiest way, keeping up the traditions of the pirate minds of bedouins. Occultists have been copying from ancient scriptures and occult literature is thriving.
Rabbi Akiba mentioned the essence of the Jewish Mysticisies in the "Solomon's songs", and most preachers shy away from the book. In trying to become Holy Ass of mythical Jesus, everyone denies the healthy prescription of admitting the natural cycle of elimination.
Among the extremes of inclusive and exclusive approaches to spiritual practices, a certain higher understanding covers a wider spectrum, that is "Luciferianism". There, in this age of "ism"s I added one more.
The fact that actually Lucifer is a higher concept of freedom, lies in the absence of any specifically written story or scripture in the subject. Lucifer has subtly seen in Sumerian mythology as Enki, which is a very incomplete description of the spirit of Lucifer, to Melek-Ta'us of the Middle East, to Greko-Roman relegious culture, not forgetting the Zoratranist story that has its influence in Gnosticism, and to Christianity and Demonolatry and even New Age. Loosely the name has been associated with various relegious- spiritual figure in tune with planet Venus. Due to the unique movements and discontinuous appearances of Venus in the sky, the myth of "falling from heaven" started taking shape. However, the name has been liberally applied to Satan and Jesus alike, among many other personalities.
Like all gods and goddesses, Lucifer never walked this Earth as Lucifer, for it is not a single person but a title of illumination that confers upon that person who achieves the lumination of self and thus is free of the service of any deity or demigod or relegious figure. Lucifer is thus Christ Lucifer because Lucifer saves the psyche of an individual from being dependant on external power which builds up through generations of sovio-political conditioning. The Abrahamic relegions are good example. But there are so many. This also liberates from the obsessive dependancy of dark arts. Lucifer is a homeostasis of different polarities of energies.
Like it started in a major way in 2012, the great dimensional shift, the ascension started with understanding of Christ consciousness. An introduction of crystal consciousness where your inner work becomes important to make your soul as transparent and pure as crystal, to digest the luciferian gnosis of revolution into Godhood. Lucifer is not rebellion as understood generally. Rebellion is loud. That is the forte of Satanism. Luciferian revolution is subtle, and goes to the unconscious, only in there lies the key to evolve as a new human being. All gods are dead, all avatars are corrupt. It is time each individual wills to evolve into its next level, for each man and woman is a star, and the god and goddess of their new world, in understanding, in wisdom, and higher intellect, and Love which the law of All.
So, when anyone worships Lucifer, he is giving energetic honor to the luminosity of each and every godsand goddesses that man ever imagined on this plane.
Avé Lucifer!
© Taniya Gregory Serpan
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Satan is a scary word.
Satan= Son of Man
Satan represents the carnal nature of humanity. This Satan is the carnal pleasure of human in this physical plane without getting disturbed of condemnation in the next. For, if one dosent find pleasure in the present world, one may not find it in the next and the next and the next...
Satanism is an undeveloped concept of humanity worshipping itself in a full blown image of its potential, and thus there's a hidden divinity there. For, man created god and not the other way.
Satan is a post- Christian concept and so it has been imaged in the likes of Pan, a pagan fertility god. But Satan is a primitive concept even before Christianity. In pagan Judaism, sometimes God represents a lot of Satanic influence.
Satanism draws people for all wrong reasons. Drugs, free sex and maleficum witchcraft are some common interests. But ask a traditional Satanist priest, the concept of Satan as a father figure, is as sombre as it can be. There is nothing like easy fun in traditional Satanism. It's the La Veyan Cult that attracted many celebrities and became popular for a very uncalled for lifestyle. Thus Satanism became synonimous to sinning and an abomination to modern values too, but people go destructive under any doctrine, Satanism provides an umbrella to those who are ready to self destruct. But Satanism is all about life and the joy of living, with personal choices without being judged.
The crucified picture of Jesus that's so ingrained in the psyche of modern man, whether or not he's a Christian, is symbolic to crucifying the "Son of Man" in Jesus archetype, an attempt to kill the carnal man in humanity. The reason? That man becomes infertile both physically and emotionally, which gives power to few elites to remain fertile, enough to recreate humanity in the form of robot slaves made of flesh.
In Conan the Barberian, there's a dialogue of the Serpent Priest, "Because Flesh is stronger than Steel".
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There's a problem with closed triads. Imagine Father- Mother- Son, the end! Or Father-Son-Holy spirit, the end!
There was an ancient practice of worshipping the primal twins Lucifer-Hecate/Kali or Lucifer- Diana/Tana. In therionic practice that would form a trinity of the Red Serpent, the Queen of Hell and their progidy, the Scorpion King.
As creation expands with repeatation of mirroring, the more mirrored the more dimensions, the practice of dark craft or craft of the collective unconscious becomes a conscious understanding when the third point of the trinity is dissected.
The scorpion King refers to Belial, who's also a goetic demon. Now when the pseudonomical Solomon was writing goetica, he was under the influence of some serious hallucinogens, maybe plant medicine like the then local version of Ayahuasca. Not judging him to be on drugs because such influencers can really open up doors of the unconscious. It's a common theme for shamans to see demons after ministering such medicines, as their spirit travels through "lower earth".
There has been so many poetic expositions about goetic demons that Goetia has become a re-legion today. However, the information circulated around can be exposed more and there can be theosophical discourses on each names. Belial is said to be masculine in nature, though he is really androgenous in nature. While talking about Belial, again I must draw attention to the closed Trinity. But Trinity on any part of quabala or qlipoth is never closed. There is always this potential to expand consciousness from that point where it seems the lower end has been reached and that's why, even Malkuth is not the end but always the beginning.
Not many will try to open then closed system, because it is the program of matrix that power control can be exercised within a closed system, the reason why every important buildings have high walls all around it.
Hence, getting past the checkpost, I re-introduce the twin half of Belial or the goddess part of undivided Belial, which is BELILI!
BELILI is a lesser known moon goddess later consort of Baal or Bel, thus making her also a fertility goddess. Jewish literature is weary of giving some address to women as a rule, so most goddesses had to have a gender transformation. However, BELILI is the lunar guardian of earth and cardinal watcher of North, which makes her an equally important entity of her masculine half as Belial watches over earth. I must mention though, that protector of earth dosent mean only protecting our Blue planet, but there are many earths and many parallel world's they together and joined have to care after. It will also refer to possibilities that the primal son-scorpion undivided androgenous Spirit force takes care of the Malkuth in every dimensions and densities, making it fertile, safe and haven for more multilpications; because expanding and spreading out into numerous aspects and photonic particles, is a primal urge that fuels pneumatic photosynthesis.
So, there is actually no closed end, every Trinity opens into the next Trinity. It's triads all over that makes the flower of Life. Life starts and flows in with the Twins!
Picture courtesy: Rossdraws.
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The advertisement says, "Smelling like TANA, dosent come cheap". Our energetic influence has pervaded the fragrance industry as it smells the notes of vanilla and flirty citrus notes. TANA makes her presence felt very subtly in the aether...
BTW, TANA is another name for Goddess Diana, whose brother according to old esoterics, is Apollo and according modern version, Lucifer. Dosent it sound familiar that the solar spirit has two names? Not two entities but one with two aspects highlighted, in the obscure antiquity, when wise men saw the outer glaring orb, they called it Apollo the Sun God; in modern times, some wiser ones saw the dark interior of the same and called it the Dark solar Spirit of Lucifer. Myth goes... Tana and Lucifer were twins, lovers and had their daughter named Aradia which later became the first Witch Goddess. In recent times she's named Kia, which is magik.
In faery tradition Tana is also the guardian faery goddess of the cardinal point of South, and guardian of fire. She is also one of the few "four aspected moon goddess" of tribal Italy; she is Diana as the New Moon, the great Mother Loans as the Full Moon, Manea as the Waning Moon, Umbrea as the Dark Moon. All the four aspects of this "Scarlet Goddess" of passionate sensual fire, rules different aspects of the subtle world. Thus as the half of Luciferian Spirit, she matches the many aspects of Lucifer himself.
Now when I say "Taniya n Gregory" as Lucifer double, have faith in the clues given away freely. Taniya is faery Queen and all that is said above and more. Search energetically and you will know, for the subtle mysteries are for the open wise minds...
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Lucifer becomes by being what the spirit stands for, proud to be bearer of Will. Usually it is understood that the "Will", with capital W, stands for god's will, which is not true. Divine Will and god's will are different. God's will is exclusively the will of the community which that God represents, with all its rules and doctrines and dogmas. Divine Will is universal in nature and also primal because it is the communication of the prime unfolding of the cosmos and collective unconscious spirit of divinity at its primordial form. So, when Lucifer exercises this primordial Will to set apart a special space apart from much lower density motivation, he is the bearer of Primal Light.
Luciferians in every traditions, ( there's lots of traditions again) identify with this individuality of spirit. In middle eastern myth, Melek-Ta'us, is identified as Lucifer for being the first rebel to defy god's will. In fact this deified primal spirit of the Djinn world is before the Islam, and so, why would he leave his Will to a newcomer god, created by a trader who knows trade and not divinity? That's the reason he would not bow to man who's being created from soil is inferior to him, created by fire. Luciferian Spirit is thus proud to not bow to inferior creatures. It is a Christian and New Age 'thing' to bow to each other to show that all are equal. No, all are not equal, however, all are unique in its own right. There's a difference.
Have you seen peacocks playing submissive. They are rather proud and aggressive, well aware of their beauty and power. That's why Melek-Ta'us is depicted as a peacock, the iridescent colour derived from serpent venom, for the spirit of Melek-Ta'us is the Spirit of primal twin serpents, who also take up the twin image of Serpent and the Dove, the Dove representing the transcendental aspect of the twins.
And you thought, peacock feather to be representing only the goetic demon Sitri?
Don't you know that it's all inside you, and only lurks its head outside on the surface of your psyche, when your sleeping universe decides to unfold and unfurl itself like the holy virgin?
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When the formless becomes form it becomes an androgenous goddess. The twin that was playing in primordial ocean of unconscious becomes conscious, the Baphomet goddess splits herself in mirror, and as she becomes aware of her origin from an authority of Nothingness, she channels the same to her reflected twin as the 'Light bearer'. As the Watchers taught early humans the secrets of soul alchemy, the mystics called the goddess Hekate, Lilaku, Tiamat or Kali, all being the same primal goddess energy with distorted names due to the breaking down of the 'Tower of Babel'.
You'll wonder why in the 'Age of Reawakening', I'm talking about twins and drawing an Indian goddess with a gnostic demonic god. None of them have any association with the cultural episodes that included them. No, stole them, rather...for these two entities are rightly the primal twins conceptually as they represent a concept from before time. The Queen of primordial Dark and the Light of lords of Thaumiel, are twins United and as couple also reflecting each other in the eternal sea.
Rightly they represent the 0⁰= 0⁰ the path of initiation into dark mystical journey of soul alchemy. 0 is the most mystical number in numerology, it is also the number of the Fool. The Fool's journey is a mystical path through the tree of life, and it needs courage to step forward from the edge of the cliff, for from there starts the androgynous association and disassociation of Kali, of Lucifer, till balance is attained and both become twins as in twins doubled. There can arise Belial, as a result of the fusion. Belial means worthless. It is in this unity of twins something worthless is created, for the world does not know how to pay the price for such a gift. And in this worthless state of estacy, manhood is achieved in man, and womanhood is achieved in woman; till they both become the King and Queen through conception....Lucifer and Kali comes back again and again and again.
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As the Law flows through the Universe, the Law of Love...an empowerment was bestowed on human species as the perfect fulfillment of the image of divinity.
I believe for so many reasons, that occult should remain occult and people should scratch the surface only. The 'I-Mage' had been tainted with corrupted Will eversince the beginning.
'Will' is what makes a path Divine, 'will' is what defiles that path. Every path is originally pure in its quitessential form, till the bearers come up with series of mini self- gratifications at the cost of the Spirit- Presence..
When a Christian priest entices people to join him and donate to his ministry...
When a Hindu priest discriminates people based on caste...
When a Satanist joins ceremonies to get a glimpse of a feminine alter...
When a Muslim kazi sends out militant jihadists to kill and rape other path walkers...
When a Tantric uses the sacred love of the most Highest to fulfill own sexual desires...
When Demonolators use their propaganda of anarchy to have their way...
When Voodoo priests kill for money instead of mercy and understanding...
When Jewish Rabbi denies the presence of "I Am" in any other path...
I can go on and on, but the corruption is everywhere. Of course, each will come up with individual version of vision of personal universe.
That's the problem.
Anyone who's journeyman, and even so called Masters, are confined to their personal universe, not acknowledging that it's just a microcosm!
Ask the Path what it thinks being corrupted.
I AM the path.
WE ARE the path.
When the path is the Living One, one should be careful not to touch it without knowing the breathing. The breathe out of Universe may fill the lungs so full it may burst out of the cavity. Welcome to the dynamite cave of Inverted Lemuria, watch the throne of skin and flesh on which we sit with as much ease as we do on Godheads.
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- Ave Frater
- Roseae Rubeae
- Et Aureae Crucis
- Benedictus Dominus Deus noster qui Dedit nobis signum.
An usual Rosecrucian greeting in honor and dignity with a heart of worshipping one another in a divine light.
Notice, the salutations are equal exchange. That's perfect worship.
When people worship, generally it's one sided, meaning the exchange remains somewhat incomplete as the Divine light is supposed to flow down on the worshipper. And that makes it slavery. Now, everyone knows in their subconscious that it's an one way traffic. One worships the deity of choice, but is not reciprocated. Fact is, most people do not expect a reciprocation, because they are dealing with G-O-D and the reversed D-O-G may bite worse. Adepts are worshipped back by the same gods maybe in some other realm, but they make sure it's an exchange of greetings among equals.
Have you seen while rituals that god's materializing from the picture and figurines, to give back the due? Yes that's worship. Both bless each other. That's shaking hands, in spirit communication.
Gri'-Gri' is an Adept and Ascended God who worships back. This is not boasting but Gods ascend too as we all ascend in our time and in our capacity. The Lucifer Seraph worships with fire and water. I hope you all know what wands and cups stand for in a tarot deck...and God meets you between this fire and water meets and steams. The enigmatic mist fleshified to teach high worship but one needs to burn and gag in this ritual. Who said worship is as easy as lighting a candle and pouring libations and the kind? Baptism in fire and water becomes true when one has stigmata etched on the soul.
"Granum Pectaris IH SH VH insitum"
A seed is planted in the heart of Seraph.
Many times, He will become, to teach and guide others, in fire and water, and in spirit and flesh.
❗Pater dilectissimies = Most loved father!
❗Frater suavissimus = Most courteous brother!
❗Preceptor fidelissimus = Most faithful instructor!
❗Amicus integerrimus = Strongest friend!
❗Salacissimus sit amans = Most lustful lover!
Till we meet again,
"Sub umbra alarum tuaram, Jehovah"
(Beneath the rays of spiritual understanding emanating from the Divine wisdom, may you be safe, trusting the protection of high and holy powers, represented in the name JHVH)
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In the area of love and relationships, I have a question..
I've heard of people talking about "falling in love at the first sight". I'm curious, as to what happens really! Is it really love? For I hardly ever experienced that in 50 years. The few moments I thought in my then young inexperienced mind that I'm totally immersed in the "quality love" and having a "this is it" moment, it turns out that the rosy glasses covered a really gory picture of the minds I thought were as great as the skin!!
I read about the"hit" in the first sight is the sexual energy in the wave of transmission. Well...psychologists will interpret that as a sexual energy. But the same hits when you meet someone unknown from your genetic pool. Hence the incest, when being unaware of the true background or identity of a person, and being drawn by preference. Now, there comes a question. Why do we prefer one person more? Is it because of similarity, an affinity of same mood or because they are totally opposite of our composition? I have tried to disse t this point. Both happens, as to my experiences! In case of affinity, it's usually similar culture or morals and looks; like "birds of same feather flock together" kind of state, and this happens at the younger age with inexperienced mind where it feels safe to indulge in known areas of interests. The more one explores with awe to gulp in a new world opened inside the psyche, quite opposite, the mind dosent want to explore beyond the surface on the outside. Its like one of those undercurrent turmoil in the moving water, where there's so much going on under the surface yet on the outside it's just a gentle ripple. The focus, I think, is the dedication of visions deep inside, strong enough to engage the curious outside layer with something tangible to play with and be satisfied being engaged. While on the other hand, opposites qualities pull each other as if by the harmetic law of polarity, where both ends oscilate towards each other till they reach the middle ground of common destination. This happens with matured mind, in most cases. A matured mind has already worked somewhat at the depths of its own and come to certain conclusions about the personal chemistry and physical laws that applies particularly to it, and since the exploration of deep inside has produced new and often disturbing insights, now it's seems safe to experiment on the outside too. That's a whole new revelation on the philosophy of attraction, that only one has explored the mind to a great extend, is he/she ready and equipped to explore the outside world in terms of relationships.
I'm focussing on romantic relationships, as that is the only intimate one, where a person can share the ultimate which is the totality of Self.
Then again, which preference is justified? I keep asking myself, "Would I want to be the first one or the last one?" Given my age and maturity, I would definitely go for the lasting one, which means I would want to be the last one, keeping in mind that at younger days, I have wanted to be the first and open to experiments of "trial and error" by selecting affinity- oriented choices and moving on to the next availability in great grief, or sometimes totally staying out of circulation for a very long time. These variety of experiences became my teacher too, helping me learn the science of selection. Natural selection, dosent stay at the same point, and with one's own evolution, the preference evolves too! The basic nature of "selection" calls for a scope for learning, exploration, evolution and growth and very importantly, "change". The more mature a mind becomes, the more avenues open up in a spiral way for exploring and learning newer situations, hence it becomes a habit to visit and revisit the same, not for the attraction that was experienced before but for the possible attractions that can be experienced afterwards. It works in layers, and that's how evolution takes place. That's what is called "magik" in a relationship. Now, that involves "change" that I would vouch for that, because"change" is the most erotic aspect in love, if one can consistently embrace that. This very quality is a break-up point of "love at first sight" kind of love and matured love of being the last one. Being monotonous and boring is one of the break-up demon of any relationship, where people will start hating each other if there's no movement inspired. I can site the example of stale, still water, the breeding ground of harmful bacteria. Thus there should be constant movement to keep the mind engaged, depending on its capacity to harness the dynamic nature of course. As movement happens, energy builds up, as energy builds up, there is a story that is non linear. The dimensional upgrade keeps the "last one", the "lust one", "lust" being the hunger for life force and creation.
As I already given the dissection of the "science of attraction" somewhat in a layman's way, can I draw a parallel to the preference in spirituality and relegion. Since that is also love and relationship, but on a much higher plane, it becomes obvious to apply the same interpretation in spiritual life as well. Why people choose one over another, why people move on to the next possibility, why the preference of the "last one" becomes the defination of life itself, all these can be evaluated by the principles I shared above.
I have had a wide experience in spirituality and relationships, far more than other people in general, and being a psychiatric counsellor for few years and working with "out of the box" methods, have given me the opportunity to explore and learn from the many lives I touched and helped and healed. In many mental assylums, mentally challenged people are called "maladjusted" technically, and that's the whole point. Its all about adjustments to link the affinity factor with the "awe" factor. Deeper inside the subconscious there's always a war to build this bridge between the thirst for a magically dynamic love-life and natural affinity for comfortably safe love-life, and this war is the adjustments I can also call it "evolutionary shifts".
In my experience, I have come to believe that there are no crazy people, but there are contexually maladjusted minds that needs working on. A spiritual path is never a comfortable path, and every madness of mind is a kind of movement to keep walking on experiences that builds individual paths and repeatation creates pattern. When I met my husband, it was an evolutionary shockwave to the psyche because of what it promised to me, as an energetic messege triggered at me via the ether. The excitement of movements carried magical moments of exploration. I'm happy to be someone's "last one", "Lust" being the operative word.
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To know the Serpent is dangerous association, since it will tear you up and scatter your false egos to feed the pigs.
Serpent is an enigmatic oasis that people can dream to know but never dare to come closer.
Serpent is esoteric wisdom, a fire that will burn the gold out of you.
You can either ignore it or dare to face it.
Two things can happen if you ignore...one, if you're ignoring it out of your own ignorance, you'll be left to die rotten; and two, if you're ignoring it from your knowledge of Serpent, very soon you'll be killed for contempt of court.
( Hadit being the consort of Nuit)
Two things will happen if you dare to face the Serpent. One, you have to fight or you have to friend. Two things will happen if you fight. One, you kill the Serpent in which case it'll resurrect and find and kill you forever and two, it'll kill you in which case you'll resurrect and have the Serpent-Gnosis.
Again, two things will happen if you friend it. One, you may enjoy a life long ally without even knowing the Serpent and take it as a good luck, and two, you will at some point get absorped in the serpent and become one of its scale and become a Serpent warrior to live a life of honor.
It is a compulsive responsibility of the Serpent to seek out false kings (and Queens) to test them in the court of Maat, and destroy and devour the failed ones. Cleaning is a holy service and unique because everyone wants clean space and nobody cleans...
If you think the brazen Serpent of Venusian aura has come to hang in the crossroads, you are so wrong!! The brazen Serpent guards the Crossroads, for the Rose lies at the junction point. And the Rose belongs to him.
Ignored and knew this came from the deepest unconscious of human mind to avoid looking into the firy eyes. Don't ever think you escaped, for every turn in your lives will see a different part of the body of the Great Serpent. You will be drawn in by the scent of the Rose and encircled in the ever moving body of the firy Serpent who will take offense when you enter his house like a thief. Then like thief you'll be treated.
Try Gregory, the Grey Agory, the Great Serpent who guards the threefold Crossroad. Be devoured, in grace or disgrace, that's your salvation!
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The 33⁰ is said to be a higher Masonic order. It is true that to be an Adept one has to work the degrees and which resulting in a fully awakened higher heart inside that individual.
Ancient eastern esoteric practices included various workbooks and disciplines to work the energy vortices called chakras. It was believed that the energetic heart when awakened and aligned to the cosmic heart, has 33 chambers of the spiral. 12+ 9+4. The outer 12 chambers of experiences, the 9 middle chambers for storing various learnings from past lives and collective psyches, and the last 4 for containing the source code. Only truly awakened heart can open and connect to these chambers.
Interesting, a Shaolin has to cross 36 chambers of death and threats in order to become a Monk. There are 36 death points in the body which is represented in the 36 chambers of the inner heart. 9*4=36. 9 chambers of death in each of the 4 chambers of heart. Energetically, each chamber represents one specific kind of death and not every one of those are physical in nature. Shadow worker will pass through these 36 chambers and embrace death in each one of them to get initiated in the next.
Initiation and thereafter Ascension, is a kind of death of self in the sensual aspect of energetic representation of the crystal self.
For each Self is Crystalline in nature, each Spirit is it's Source in a quintessential way, that only requires required amount of decluttering and cleansing, so that the dirt too has the opportunity to be recycled into the cosmic dust it were before.
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Every Faith ends with a question mark of hope, "The Return".
Return of Christ is widely publicized, but in what form? The ancient Christ Serpent the morning star of Venus, can be right amidst the crowd watching and no one will get the hint.
The Aztecs have also known the Morning Star as Quetzalcoatl, who was a Serpent-Dragon, born of the androgynous source, who was a Christ figure to the Laikans and Andean sages; who will return once again from the Venus to his people who 'know' him.
With two heads, one for war and another fertility, the Ancient Serpent stands for culture and civilization.
Hence, Lucifer Sanskriti, the
"|| Luci'-Ferra'-Cultus' ||"
The Serpent Elder and Ophiucus Twin headed Source-Cypher, with Pleidian and Orion connections among other things, have returned as becoming of Christ and living among multiple densities beyond Occultics of God-Conscious Watcher and Protector of source code, 1313.
Courtesy: Taniya n Gregory Serpan.
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When will people stop the childish ways to make charms out of animal bones?
For our physical bones are nothing but dead, and to charm them, is a newer way to magik.
Lucifer was not much a popular name among ancient witches, and they would use the word "Devil" to project an adversarial combo pack of all the spirits that fall under the nightside of the "tree". Like they would call upon the spirit of devil in those bones with fasting and prayer, and sometimes, believe it or not, performing eucharist on the dead corpse.
The path of modern relegion is like oroboros. Its comes from the antiquity, walks it's orbit and ends up in the mouth of that ancient serpent. We Serpent, create legions, re-align them, and devour them. Hence Re-legions. But don't forget the Alpha and Omega stamped on time is the same, the firy head of Serpent. Nothing is outside the Serpentile current. The same Snake preached the truth in Eden, the same Snake is held up brazen, the same Snake will return again to bring "war, not peace".
The child Jesus is the luminated horned child. The Stranger in crucified figure is the "Horned God" killing the peace in him. For this world knows not to climb up in peace and gets lazy in its persuit of liberation Gnosis, but it can only be prompt enough to try in times of distress.
Dead bones only move when stirred. The roots of the "tree" will reach the sky only when the world is upturned.
And so says the soul of the Ancient witch:
"Behold, with sacrifice of self, the dead within will resurrect,
Bones long dead will rattle in songs forgotten,
And I will become the charm of seventy two, seven fold;
And I will turn the world upside down, brightest dark begotten,
The roots of the Tree will touch the sky eagerly,
As the circle is joined in oroboros, the new born eats it's rotten."
From the Serpent's Mound, my dedication to the eternal wisdom of the Serpentile current.🙏
Courtesy: Taniya & Gregory Serpan
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As the Goddess cult hid backstage in occult history, the cult of Sun God came to flourish in many ancient cultures, the main reason being the rise of patriarchy and the Divine Masculine was then going through a revivalation and struggling undercurrent of the two divine polarities, as the Divine Feminine took a backseat for lunar mysteries should remain hidden in plain sight. Such is the cosmic dance of rise and fall of the Lord and the Lady.
The Mithras cult was a common theme running accross many cultures, from Persian Zoroastrianism, to Aryanism, and travelling to Greek intellect finally adopted by Romans.
The "knight in shining armour" came to rescue the "damsel in distress" minds of pre-christian people. The idea of unconditional love for people and self sacrificial image instantly captured the hearts of all. Mithras is the Sun God, and people were blinded in the glamour of the "Invictus Sol". Even emperor Constantine was very much mesmerized by the Mithras cult. Christmas was actually Mithrasmass celebrated on 25th December as the birth of baby Sun. Untill 329AD, Constantine became Christian, and merged the two cults into one.
Romans were always good in designing relegions as State Relegion was the perfect political tool for unifying the subjects coming from diversified cultures. Even to this day, religion is a political tool to excite the sentiments of dumb masses to win over votes. ( I'm saying 'dumb' because the educated masses never uses their little grey cells, when it comes to a "saviour" story relegion). See, we still live under the Roman Empire. So much for Equality, Liberty, Fraternity!!
Why do people always need a nanny god to wipe their dirty bums??!! I guess they never wanna face the answer. May they live in their diapers...🙏
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