#also English is my second language y’all so sorry if I sound like a redundant asshole sometimes
galaxyblake · 7 years
What’s your opinion on Jaspers life and death? I feel like they had so much wasted potential with him and it was kinda unecessary for him to die.
I loved Jasper, I really did. I think his character was extremely complex and well done. While some may disagree, and that’s okay, I think that his character was set up to die the way he did after he lost Maya. We see all these kids go through so much trauma within the span of 9-10 months and time and time again we see them fight through it one way or another. Clarke is the person who fights the depression by herself, she grieves for who she used to be and what she had to do to survive. We see Bellamy and Octavia sort of lash out, likely because of their relation, it’s not surprising that they have the same emotional instinct. We see Bellamy feel so much guilt and resentment towards himself and towards the people who abandoned him and his way of grieving is to try and fight it head on because that’s what he believes he is good at. Same goes for Octavia but she did it in a more personal way. She lashed out on Lincoln and Indra and her brother, people that are important to her. She became brutal because of what she went through. Monty and Raven put themselves to work, usually being the ones to solve the main problem in the story. They survived their trauma through their work and by making themselves useful they found their purpose, they found that through all they had suffered they could still help everyone. Harper and Jasper kind of parallel each other in a sense, while Monty was the one to suffer with her physically in Mt. Weather her battle scars were much deeper and as were Jaspers. We all forget that he was only 15. He was in love with Maya, in love for the first time ever and then his love was ripped away from him at the hands of his best friend and two people he looked up to like they were his own parents. Yes everyone has lost someone, but in the real world not everyone can come back from that. He was depressed, he had PTSD and unlike the others he couldn’t fight it even though he was strong. He didn’t have to die, we all know that, but in the end it was his choice and his choice alone. I loved his character and what he stood for and I felt like it hit really close to home when he died because it reminds you that some of the worst wounds are the ones that you can’t see. In that final scene in arkadia when he dies we feel all that he felt and then we see Harper change her mind and I think it’s meant to show that some people can pull through and some can’t. That doesn’t make him any less than Harper, that doesn’t make him weak, it makes him real. Now I don’t think that his death was necessary, it would’ve been amazing to see him pull through with Harper and Monty I just feel like it was a painful reminder that they’re all just children and they can only suffer so much. Now feel free to add if I’m missing something or if you disagree, but no hate
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