#also Ajak is still Thena's mom
softquietsteadylove · 2 years
Hi! I love you and your work! I really appreciate what you do for us and how you show us different Thenamesh content every time! ❤️❤️
Just curious what next project you have planned after your latest fic (wich was awesome and wonderful btw) ended? Do you want to give us a little spoiler? 👀
You're very sweet! I do have something on the boil right now, actually. I've had the idea for a little bit, I'm just trying to make it work, right now. But, well...it's time--we're doin' it.
It's a Highschool AU.
I don't want to spoil anything too important, but I will give you a little something from what I have planned.
Gil has a cat. She's a black cat he got as a kitten, rescued from a box in the rain. Her name is Sesame Seed.
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idkjustletmescroll · 1 year
My thoughts on the Eternals SPOILERS
Two years late, I finally got around to watching Marvels “Eternals.” And I obviously have to write a ridiculously long tumblr post on what I thought about it.
I think something that made me appreciate it a lot more on a rewatch was realizing that this was never supposed to be a standard Marvel movie. My first watch had me complaining that more than half the film was spent getting the gang back together, instead of on cool action scenes. But “Eternals” isn’t an action movie at all, though its actions scenes are great. It’s a film about family.
Second: let’s discuss the characters, who are at the heart of this story.
I don’t agree that every character was completely underdeveloped. They all have very distinct personalities, for starters: Ajak, the mom of the group; Ikaris, the little bitch--sorry, I mean PERFECT SOLDIER--Sersi, the goody-two-shoes; Phastos, the smart one; Druig, the hangry one; Makkari, our fave speedster/hoarder; Sprite, the sarcastic one; Gilgamesh, the lovable giant; Thena, the badass-who-still-struggles-with-mental-health, the quiet but strong type; and Kingo, the funny one who loves his family and is SUPER extra, as befits a Bollywood star. HOWEVER, they definitely needed more than a 3-hour movie to develop them.
For example: Why was Ajak the Prime Eternal? Her power is healing, not fighting. While I liked that deviation from traditional superhero roles, why did Arishem choose HER instead of, say, Ikaris to remember their past lifetimes and lead the team? I love Ajak a lot more than Ikaris and she seemed to actually be a great leader. I just want to figure out Arishem’s motivation.
And speaking of Ikaris, WHY was he so devoted? The others got the whole “duty, no interfering with humans” spiel from Ajak, but they still have critical thinking skills. Why was Ikaris so ready to turn against the people he considered family and kill a leader he seemed to genuinely respect and love as a mother figure? Why did he leave Sersi? Why was everyone so happy to fight him at the end? Like, Ikaris is annoying as shit (this post is not Ikaris-stan-friendly, I’m sorry), but the movie’s whole thing is family??? But...they all wanted to kill the one guy who turns out to be a villain at the end? Thena already seemed a little annoyed with him in Babylon at the beginning of the movie, but how about a few glimpses of the others getting annoyed with his know-it-all-ism?
Sersi. Sersi, Sersi, Sersi. I wanted to love you so bad. My main problem with Sersi, after careful consideration of why i found her character annoying, really isn’t that she’s softer than say, Thena, or cries more than Makkari; it’s that it feels like she doesn’t really have...more than three emotions? Happy, confused, and sad. For example, when Ikarkis reveals that he’s killed Ajak, she kind of just cries until he goes away. She looks at him kind of sadly when he’s defeated and flies into the sun. How about some anger through those tears? Let her cry and stuff for her ex-husband of 500 years. But show me that she can have “uglier” moments, too. I did love that they showed her moving on with Dane, though. We love a gal who knows her worth. I also would’ve loved to see her standoffish from Ikaris when he comes back. The guy abandoned her with seemingly no explanation 500 years ago. Keep him several arms’ lengths away, girl.
No notes on Druig. I love him so much. I’ve been converted into a Barry Keoghan stan and I have no regrets.
Makkari I felt like was also pretty cool. We know she’s a speedster, a hoarder, the only person Druig can tolerate for more than thirty seconds at a time, is generally the cheery one, but also has her dark side, like (rightfully) trying AND ALMOST SUCCEEDING to kill Ikaris after he almost kills Druig. My only criticism is that the deleted scene of her talking to Sprite was cut! Like, that was so good! More on that in the Sprite section, but we get a bit of Makkari’s motivations for wanting to stop the Emergence.
Phastos was also cool. I feel like we got what we needed to know about him--the dangers of technology and how it’s used, how he regained his faith in humanity, etc.--but not really his relationship with the other Eternals. That’s actually something that could’ve been improved on in general. They all really feel like a family, but there’s not much in the way of their individual relationships (Makkari and Sprite, Phastos and Druig, Ikaris and Gilgamesh...)
Sprite’s thing about being in love with Ikaris was stupid and cringey. Her conflict about not being able to grow up and experience what she wants is a lot more interesting, but for some reason, they decided not to explore that! It should’ve been her ultimate motivation and set up from the start of the movie. Her deleted scene with Makkari has her talking about how Babylon was their only real home on this planet, again setting up how Sprite’s never really fit in here.
Gilgamesh didn’t last long (*Sob*), but we get a pretty good feel for who he is. But why didn’t they mention his death again apart from Thena? Like...Makkari and Phastos never reunited with him! Why didn’t we also get their reactions to his death as well as Ajak’s?
I LOVE THENA. No notes.
I also love Kingo. I love how they kind of went in a grey area with him, with him being devoted to Arishem and not agreeing with stopping the Emergence, but refusing to hurt his family the way Ikaris did. I thought that was an unusual and much-appreciated angle to take.
Ikaris and Sersi, obviously, had no chemistry, and while I agree that in present-day, they’re probably SUPPOSED to feel like an awkward, divorced couple, even in their Babylon love story they feel like...two actors who are being forced to pretend to be in love for a paycheck. Like, I’m sure Gemma and Richard are great actors individually but together it doesn’t work. Was I supposed to feel sad that they broke up and wonder why the hell Ikaris left? Nah. I cringed. I skipped over their dry sex scene. I looked for Druig eating fruit during their wedding.
Druig and Makkari though? THEY HAVE MY FUCKING HEART AND SOUL AND MIND AND BODY. I love them, I love them, I love them. I will always love them till the day I die.
I also loved how Thena and Gilgamesh’s relationship can be interpreted as ride-or-die besties or old-married-couple or a mix of both, rather than a romance being forced down your throat. Refreshing angle to take, once again.
This movie was refreshing for phase 4 because, unlike CERTAIN FILMS (*cough* thorloveandthunder *cough*), there’s dialogue outside of cheap comedy. A visually stunning movie. I didn’t think it was as bad as a lot of people said, but I also think it would’ve been soooo much better as a miniseries, with more time to explore each eternal.
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lady-of-the-spirit · 11 months
also eternals
The first character I first fell in love with: SERSI. no contest. love of my life from the moment she talked to that statue of Charles Darwin.
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Kingo! I don't remember having any strong opinions on him my first viewing besides thinking he was fun, but I've come around to loving him a lot.
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: Druig. simply because people won't shut the fuck up about him.
The character I love that everyone else hates: not exactly LOVE but I like Ikaris a lot more than other people do, and I don't think people who watch this movie try to understand him.
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: probably Ajak, mostly in the sense that after the first viewing I was like "Hey she fucked up a lot!" still love her, but oof, she is not exactly the Team Mom people like to make her out to be.
The character I would totally smooch: Sersi. probably Kingo too.
The character I’d want to be like: Phastos, just chilling, living his best life, after fighting through demons to get there.
The character I’d slap: Druig and Ajak. Not in a hating way, but in a "are you fucking kidding me" kind of way. a "come to your senses people what were you thinking" kind of way.
A pairing that I love: Thena/Gilgamesh. I want what they have. without the dying. also Phastos/Ben. GIVE THEM SOME DAMN RESPECT FANDOM.
A pairing that I despise: I don't think I have any pairings I despise.
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druigvoid · 3 years
The Prince And The Princess Pt. 2
Pairing: Prince!Druig x princess!reader
Summary: A few months after the confession, bad news arrives. Druig and you will be forced to get a divorce so that he'll get married to your sister Sersi instead.
Warning: angst, fluff ending.
A/N: @addieromero01 requested for this to be a series. You ask you shall receive. I hope you like it ❤️
Part One (Part Three Coming Soon)
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The sun was rising and the birds were chirping. The sunlight came through the curtains, hitting your face. You opened your eyes and noticed that an arm was draped around you. You carefully turned around and saw Druig fast asleep. You didn't want to wake him up as he seemed calm and at peace in his slumber. You carefully caressed his cheek with your thumb. His skin was soft, his hair was a bit messy. And yet he still looks amazing.
His eyes slowly opened and a small smile was seen on his face. It had been a few weeks after the confession. "Wake up my love, I think your mom has an announcement for us." you continued rubbing his face softly. "5 more minutes please." you chuckled at his response.
You removed his arm from you and got up from bed. "Hm, where are you going?" He was now sitting up on the bed. Eyes still looking sleepy. "If we don't get up now then we'll never get anything done Dru."
You both got dressed and headed downstairs. You both got to the meeting place and sat down beside each other. You both focused your eyes on Thena and his mom, Ajak. "We've finally decided and we think you two should get a divorce." Your mouth shot open and your eyes widened. "What why?"
The two mothers looked at each other and back at you two. "We all know you two hate each other. So instead Druig will marry Sersi." You felt this sadness take over you. Tears forming in your eyes. You looked at Sersi and thought to yourself, that's why she was here. "I need to be excused." You stood up and left. Druig on the other hand was shocked too. He didn't want this to happen. Not anymore. He loved you now. He sat there silent for a few minutes before leaving as well. Sersi also left to go find you. Like usual, you were at the garden. You were quietly sobbing, your body curled up into a ball.
"What's wrong Y/n? I thought this was what you wanted. Is it not?" She sat down beside you, still leaving some space between you two. "Not anymore Sersi! I started to love him. I realized that my hate for him turns out to be silly love. A crush that I didn't want admit I had!" She looked at you and smiled. " Thank god sis, I really didn't want to marry him. Truth is, me and Ikaris are in love. But I never told mom." "So that means I can keep him?" You looked up at her, begging her. "Yes"
You barged into the castle where you saw Ajak, Thena, Gilgamesh, Ikaris and Druig. "Mom, dad," you looked at each of them "truth is, I love Druig. I never thought I did but I do. I don't want to get a divorce. I want to be with him all my life. Grow old with him. Please." Druig then came running towards you and he hugged so tight that you could barely breath. He let go of you and faced the others. "It's true, I also love her. I want to keep her as my wife." Your parents looked at each other and nodded. "Of course! Anything to make you two happy."
Sunset soon came. You and Druig went to the beach to see it. He looked at you and pulled you into a hug. He put on hand on your back and the other on the back of your head. He kissed your forehead then your lips. "I love you and thank you for standing up for our relationship." You looked at him and smiled. "I'd do anything to protect our love. I promise."
He pulled out of the hug and got a small box from his pocket. He got down on one knee and opened it. "Marry me again?" He asked. "I'd love to."
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aspeninthesnow · 3 years
Ok, so I'm absolutely obsessed with the family hierarchy in the Eternals and I haven't really seen people discussing it (maybe between 2 eternals, but not as a whole). Here are my thoughts and I would love to hear yours! I came up with this after seeing the movie 4 times in theaters and there's a little headcanon sprinkled in.
This list is in hierarchy order.
(I am using their canon genders, but all of them being nonbinary/agender is valid)
Ajak - the ultimate mom and team leader that loves all her ducklings, but still makes questionable decisions sometimes.
Phastos - Mom's geeky younger brother/the gay uncle who’s life is only together at his husband’s insistence.
(I'm not as sure about this one, because while Ajak and Phastos definitely strike me as siblings rather than mother/child, he also seems more older brother than uncle to the rest most of the time? Idk)
Ikaris - the perfect, loyal soldier and the eldest that can keep a secret, but is very traumatized over it.
Gilgamesh - the softie 2nd eldest brother who will kick your ass if needed and whose love language is food/caretaking.
Thena - the badass older sister with TraumaTM but she loves her family and does not want to see them hurt. Has rich, posh vibes.
(Ikaris is just slightly "older" than Gil and Thena who are about the same "age")
Sersi - the emotional support middle sister/the humanoid embodiment of Agape.
Kingo - Como se dice middle child syndrome? Loves his family to pieces, but can't help being the center of attention all the time.
(Sersi and Kingo are like "6 months" apart)
Makkari - the adventurous 2nd youngest sister that will be stealing (read: persevering) some shit but is a ray of sunshine so it's fine. Will rock your shit if needed.
Druig - the pain in the ass younger brother because his feelings are a pain in his ass. Loves everyone but the AssholeTM and his lackey.
(Makkari is "9 months older" than Druig and will absolutely use it to get her way and everyone else will back her up, leaving Druig to pout in the corner)
Sprite - the brat that hides her pain with sarcasm, just so happens to be the youngest. Will stab a bitch.
(Sprite is the "oops" baby that grew up really fast to keep up with her siblings even though they support her just being a kid)
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in-any-universe · 3 years
In Another Universe 
The Eternals University AU (because they’re just “friends from college”)
- Sersi studies History (she wants to work at a museum one day) and is always dragging the others to museums.
- Kingo studies acting and is always bragging about his role in the theater productions (even if they aren’t the best roles). 
- Ikaris studies politics. 
- Phantos studies engineering and is constantly taking the other eternals stuff apart. He is also the guy to go to on campus to get something fixed.
- Druig is studying Social Work as he wants to help kids in a way he wasn’t helped when he was a child. He is an all around grump (except for with Makkari), but does have his friends back when they need it. He is doing a double major and studying psychology as well.
- Gilgamesh is studying cooking (culinary). He makes amazing food, although Kingo makes sure to check what is in each recipe before eating (he still hasn’t gotten over the time he accidently ate fermented meat). 
- Thena studies physical education. Everyone at school is terrified/in awe of her except the other eternals. She and Gilgamesh are besties and are practically inseparable.
-Makkari studies archeology and history. She loves looking at ancient artifacts and is always making Druig (who would do anything for her) take her to museums and look at exhibits. She got into the uni on a running scholarship and is constantly breaking records.
- Sprite studies mythology and folklore. She is always asked for id at every bar she goes to as she looks so young (much to her annoyance and the others laughter).
- Ajak studies History as well, but more about human influence and how humanity progressed. 
- Ajak is the mom friend of the group. You may laugh, but she is also the reason the eternals get any sleep/ turn in assignments in time.
- Ikaris is the “golden boy” of the college, but is also a little uptight to others that aren’t the eternals (even them sometimes).
- Phastos and Ben are dating, although Phastos tries to steer Ben away from the eternals because they are incredibly embarrassing. 
- All the eternals know sign language and can communicate with Makkari, even though she seems to go a 100 words a minute when she wants.
- Makkari and Druig are dating, not really in secret but the other eternals (except Ajak who suspects) just haven’t realized it yet.
- Ikaris and Sersi used to date, but broke up. Sersi is now dating Dane who is studying the same course as her. 
- Thena sometimes gets in angry moods and the only person who can calm her down is Gilgamesh. The others try to avoid her during them cause she is terrifying. 
- They all go out for drinks on Friday nights (unless they have an urgent assignment) and everyone in the school thinks they are some elite frat/group but really they are a bunch of rowdy 20 year olds. 
- They all didn’t/don’t have the best home life so they spend holidays together.
- No matter what happens they are friends and they love each other (even if they don’t always show it)
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inklore · 3 years
I watch Eternals again and yeah that's true, Druig don't "hate" the others Eternals, he's part of the family and I like the relation that he and Phastos have because they teasing eachother, and Ikaria definitely hate everyone but Sersi.
i love all of their dynamics, like while i was watching the film the second time i was just picking up on how different they act with each other, but at the end of the day there’s still love and respect (we not gonna talk about how half of them stayed wanting to fight ikaris at all times ok)
like druig, phastos and kingo all have that teasing brotherly vibe going on between each other and it gives me ‘they drive me nuts but if they ever need me or anyone messes with them i’ll be there!’
and it seems sprite drives everyone a little nuts, if not insane from the sarcastic teenage angst, but they still have care for her, still try to sympathize and understand her (*spoiler* after druig knocked her out he was still smiling and happy to see her finally become happy and human)
not to mention gilgamesh is the superior older brother, he’s the one you go to when you want to day drink or need a bully beat up, like he is the one you’d go to if you didn’t want a life lesson chat from mom (ajak) and just needed to hear a dumb joke or a big teddy bear hug, and he’s always making sure everyone’s fed and their blood sugar is in order.
thena is the one to go to when you need a pep talk or to just hear ‘get up’ in her demanding beautiful goddess tone. like miss ma’am would do wonders for your mental health because she understands!
makkari would most definitely be the ‘i’ll help you with your homework by doing it all for you’ sister, or the ‘i saw you do something you shouldn’t have but i’m not going to tell anyone, let me help you do it better’, and she for sure could read a whole book for you in seconds and tell you every detail without you even having to pick it up. also, like gil, she gives the best hugs and has the best snacks stashed away.
ajak and sersi are the serious ones, like if you ever want a ten hour speech on why someone did this or need the softness of a mothers touch or affirmations go to them, like they are both mom and the mom friend.
ikaris is the brother you either look up to for being disciplined or the brother who ruins every holiday gathering and storms out because everyone would rather play dance dance revolution instead of call of duty. i see no inbetween with him lmaosks.
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lesbianarchers · 3 years
Okay so, thoughts on Eternals:
I loved the family dynamic they all seemed to have with one another. The teasing, Ajak’s mom energy, it was everything to me
DANEEEE. When I found out he was going to be in the film I was so excited, little bit upset at the lack of screen time he got but I understand why since he isn’t one of the Eternals and his role was mainly introducing him into the MCU. Really excited to see where he goes as Black Knight tho
Makkari, Druig and Thena were hands down my favourites. Love them
GILGAMESH’S DEATH. I had a feeling it was coming because of the lack of footage of him there was in the trailers but it hit harder than I expected it to.
Felt like Ajak was gonna die for pretty much the same reason
Sersi and Ikaris’ relationship was a bit meh for me. Didn’t really see the point of it other than to cause Sersi issues when he showed back up in her life after a couple centuries
Ikaris’ betrayal came as a shock to me. As someone who read some of the comics before seeing the film I was expecting Druig to betray them if anything
Also Ikaris flying into the sun had me dying
Kingo and Karun were so funny omfg. Loved how even though Kingo thought the emergence should happen he was unwilling to harm the rest of them. Also where tf were all Karun’s cameras coming from?
Drukkari is my new otp
Loved the little bit with Phastos and his family. Gives me hope for when the Young Avengers inevitably show up
Arishem was fucking terrifying, especially at the end
Speaking of the end, I’m so fucking excited for a sequel after that cliffhanger. Omfg I have so many thoughts and theories that I might post but I am very excited
Sprite’s character was a bit meh as well. Her decision at the end seemed a bit sudden. It’s probably so that they can still use the character as the actor ages but maybe if they’d at least hinted at it a few times throughout the film it would’ve seemed a bit less out of nowhere.
Deviants were pretty weak antagonists ngl and it was kinda a waste that they killed off Kro immediately
Also I doubt the three Eternals who died are really dead or will be dead for long but I’ll probably talk about that in a different post
The Post Credit Scene. I bet that Makkari, Druig, Thena and probably Eros will be the main characters in a sequel based off of that and I am all for it. Harry Styles casting confused me a little at first but the more I think about it the more it kinda makes sense
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night-lynxy · 3 years
So are we going to talk about:
Druig and Makarri being so close because he can read her mind and she doesn’t have to sign with him
Gilgamesh caring for Thena for centuries and still being a pie baking ray of sunshine no matter what
Dane/Black Knight totally rolling with ‘my girlfriend’s an immortal sorceress’ and his first though being I wanna be a giraffe 🦒
The sheer mom vibes of Ajak and her still loving Ikaris even as he betrayed her
Sersi being a badass Indiana Jones type and putting her own shit in the museum. And also ‘Charlie’ 😍
Humans being so done with superhero BS that the emergence barely makes the news
Feeling more sorry for Sprite than I ever though possible. No matter how hard we try to be mature, we will always be a kid when we all get hurt and cry.
Everything about the family just being so… real
How many points can I put in one list…
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starfriday · 5 years
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Studio Leaders and Filmmakers from Lucasfilm, Marvel Studios, Disney Live Action, Pixar and Walt Disney Animation Studios Reveal New Details, Introduce Major Stars and Host a Stunning Performance at Ultimate Disney Fan Event
ANAHEIM, Calif. – The Walt Disney Studios—including studio leaders and filmmakers from Lucasfilm, Marvel Studios, Disney live action, Pixar and Walt Disney Animation Studios—wowed an audience of nearly 7,000 this morning at D23 Expo 2019 at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, Calif. Alan Horn, co-chairman and chief creative officer, The Walt Disney Studios—joined by Lucasfilm’s Kathleen Kennedy, Marvel Studios’ Kevin Feige, Disney live action’s Sean Bailey, Pixar’s Pete Docter and Disney Animation’s Jennifer Lee—offered guests a captivating look at Disney’s upcoming film slate, including never-before-seen footage and a host of stars, plus a spectacular performance from “Frozen 2” voice cast members Idina Menzel, Kristen Bell, Jonathan Groff and Josh Gad.
“You’re not just fans, you’re family,” said Horn to the packed room. “It’s because of you that we keep working so hard to make great movies, and we love D23 Expo because it’s where we can share them with you first.”
The presentation included the following highlights.
President of Lucasfilm Kathleen Kennedy and “Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker” director/writer/producer J.J. Abrams showcased the riveting conclusion to the Skywalker saga. Kennedy and Abrams revved up the audience, introducing nine stars from the film—many of whom marked this as their first D23 Expo appearance: Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Anthony Daniels, Naomi Ackie, Keri Russell, Joonas Suotamo, Kelly Marie Tran and Billy Dee Williams, plus special appearances from R2-D2, BB-8 and the new droid D-O. A brand-new poster was revealed—and gifted to the entire audience. And all were given a look back at the incredible legacy of Star Wars storytelling and treated to a sneak peek of “Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker,” which opens in U.S. theaters on Dec. 20, 2019.
Kevin Feige, president of Marvel Studios, kicked off his presentation with a surprise visit from “Black Panther” director and co-writer Ryan Coogler. Together, they revealed that “Black Panther 2” (working title) will hit U.S. theaters on May 6, 2022.
Feige segued to next year’s “The Eternals,” inviting cast members from the much-anticipated film to the stage: Richard Madden, who portrays the all-powerful Ikaris; Kumail Nanjiani, who plays cosmic-powered Kingo; Lauren Ridloff, who portrays the super-fast Makkari, the first deaf hero in the MCU; Brian Tyree Henry, who plays the intelligent inventor Phastos; Salma Hayek, who plays the wise and spiritual leader Ajak; Lia McHugh, who portrays the eternally young, old-soul Sprite; Don Lee, who plays the powerful Gilgamesh; and Angelina Jolie, who stars as the fierce warrior Thena. Feige revealed concept art images of each character, and announced three new cast members and their characters: Gemma Chan, who plays humankind-loving Sersi; Kit Harington, who was cast as non-Eternal Dane Whitman, and Barry Keoghan, who portrays aloof loner Druig, and was on hand for the event. Directed by Chloé Zhao, who helmed the critically acclaimed Sundance film “The Rider,” “The Eternals” opens in U.S. theaters on Nov. 6, 2020.
Feige concluded with “Black Widow,” the Cate Shortland-directed first film in Phase Four of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which hits U.S. theaters on May 1, 2020. Feige shared a pre-recorded greeting featuring stars Scarlett Johansson, who reprises her role of Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow; David Harbour, who was cast as Alexei the Red Guardian; and Florence Pugh, who plays Yelena. The audience was also treated to an exclusive look at the upcoming film.
Sean Bailey, president, Walt Disney Studios Motion Picture Production, took the audience through upcoming releases for the studio, including next summer’s “Jungle Cruise,” a rousing adventure inspired by the classic theme-park attraction. Star Dwayne Johnson, who plays riverboat captain Frank Wolff, entered Hall D23 aboard an original Jungle Cruise boat, introducing a “trailer” that showed off his character—so much so, that co-star Emily Blunt, who portrays Dr. Lily Houghton, arrived via classic car to share with fans her own “trailer,” offering a different perspective—Bailey laughingly informed Johnson and Blunt that neither trailer was official. Directed by Jaume Collet-Serra, Disney’s “Jungle Cruise” hits U.S. theaters on July 24, 2020.
Bailey welcomed Angelina Jolie back to the stage to present exclusive footage and details about Disney’s “Maleficent: Mistress of Evil,” the exciting follow-up to the hit 2014 film. Maleficent, portrayed by Jolie, and her goddaughter Aurora, played by Elle Fanning, begin to question the complex family ties that bind them as they are pulled in different directions by impending nuptials, unexpected allies and new dark forces at play. Aurora’s imminent marriage to Prince Phillip is cause for celebration—however, Prince Phillip’s mother, Queen Ingrith, portrayed by Michelle Pfeiffer, challenges Maleficent’s role as Aurora’s mother figure. Chiwetel Ejiofor stars as Connal, one of the leaders of the dark fey who becomes Maleficent’s ally. Ejiofor, Pfeiffer and Fanning were all welcomed to the stage by an enthusiastic audience. Directed by Joachim Rønning, who co-helmed 2017’s “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales,” “Maleficent: Mistress of Evil” arrives in U.S. theaters on Oct. 18, 2019.
Bailey next introduced acclaimed filmmaker Niki Caro, director of “Mulan,” the upcoming live-action reimagining of the 1998 classic animated film. Caro expressed to fans her passion for the project, sharing several minutes of footage from the epic adventure inspired by one of China’s fiercest warriors. In Disney’s “Mulan,” which opens in U.S. theaters on March 27, 2020, the Emperor of China issues a decree that one man per family must serve in the Imperial Army to defend the country from Northern invaders. So, the eldest daughter of an honored but ailing warrior masquerades as a man, transforming into a heroic warrior to ultimately earn her the respect of a grateful nation and a proud father.
Next up, Bailey shared details about “Cruella,” an all-new feature film starring Emma Stone and Emma Thompson. Stone, who plays the iconic “Cruella,” sent D23 Expo fans a greeting from the London-based set with help from a spotted, four-legged co-star. Fans also got a glimpse of an image of Stone in full costume with Cruella’s signature black-and-white hair. Director Craig Gillespie, who helmed “I, Tonya” and “The Finest Hours,” brings “Cruella” to the big screen on May 28, 2021, with a fresh, 1970s, punk-rock approach.
Pixar Animation Studios’ Chief Creative Officer Pete Docter guided the audience through Pixar’s upcoming film slate of originals. Docter began with next summer’s release, “Soul,” which he directs. The film journeys from the streets of New York City to the never-before-seen cosmic realms and “The You Seminar,” the fantastical place where we all discover our unique personalities. Producer Dana Murray, co-director/writer Kemp Powers and writer Mike Jones joined Docter on stage, and together they set up the film for the audience and shared a sneak peek. The team revealed members of the voice cast who joined them on stage, including Ahmir Questlove Thompson, Phylicia Rashad, Daveed Diggs, Tina Fey and Jamie Foxx. Foxx lends his voice to Joe Gardner, a middle-school band teacher whose true passion is playing jazz. Fey plays 22, a soul-in-training who has an unexpected encounter with Joe when he accidentally finds his way to the “You Seminar.” Together, the two are going to find a way to get Joe back to Earth, making him think again about what it truly means to have soul. Filmmakers also revealed that globally renowned musician Jon Batiste will be writing original jazz music for the film, and Oscar®-winners Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross (“The Social Network”), from Nine Inch Nails, will compose an original score that will drift between the real and soul worlds. Disney and Pixar’s “Soul” opens in U.S. theaters on June 19, 2020.
Docter next introduced director Dan Scanlon and producer Kori Rae, who shared details and more than ten minutes of exclusive footage from Pixar’s upcoming feature film “Onward.” The movie, which opens in U.S. theaters on March 6, 2020, stars Tom Holland and Chris Pratt as two teenage elf brothers, Ian and Barley Lightfoot, who embark on an extraordinary quest to discover if there is still a little magic left in the world. Set in a modern fantasy world, Disney and Pixar’s “Onward” is inspired by Scanlon’s personal experiences with his brother. Holland, Pratt and Julia Louis-Dreyfus—who voices Mom in the movie—joined the filmmakers on stage—much to the delight of the audience, who all received an exclusive “Onward” poster.
Walt Disney Animation Studios’ Chief Creative Officer Jennifer Lee presented an overview of the studio’s next two features, beginning with the Thanksgiving 2020 fantasy-action-adventure, “Raya and the Last Dragon.” Directors Paul Briggs and Dean Wellins (“Big Hero 6,” “Frozen”), producer Osnat Shurer (“Moana”) and writer Adele Lim (“Crazy Rich Asians”) joined Lee on stage to set up the film, which introduces Raya, a lone warrior from the fantasy kingdom of Kumandra who teams up with a crew of misfits in her quest to find the Last Dragon and bring light and unity back to their world. The D23 Expo crowd was the first to get a look at the new film, viewing an exclusive three-minute piece. They also met two newly announced members of the voice cast: Awkwafina lends her voice to Sisu, the Last Dragon, who was left on Earth in case dark forces return to the world, and Cassie Steele voices the lead character, Raya. Exploring themes of community and hope, and inspired by the beautiful and diverse cultures of Southeast Asia, the fantasy-action-adventure “Raya and the Last Dragon” opens in U.S. theaters on Nov. 25, 2020.
Lee, who directs “Frozen 2” with Chris Buck, and wrote the screenplay, invited Buck to join her on stage as the Oscar®-winning duo revealed new details about the upcoming film, which opens in U.S. theaters on Nov. 22. Lee and Buck introduced two new “Frozen 2” cast members: Sterling K. Brown, who voices Lieutenant Destin Mattias, and Evan Rachel Wood, who voices Queen Iduna, Anna and Elsa’s mother. The crowd—who received an exclusive D23 Expo “Frozen 2” poster—saw never-before-seen footage of the new characters, including a scene that featured Wood as Iduna singing to young Elsa and Anna. The song, “All Is Found,” is one of seven all-new original songs by Oscar®-winning songwriters Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez. The audience also saw a sequence from the movie that showcased Elsa’s yearning for answers about the past, culminating in another song, “Into the Unknown.” And a climactic performance of the song “Some Things Never Change” by Menzel, Bell, Groff and Gad brought the audience to its feet, capping off the studio presentation in extraordinary style.
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softquietsteadylove · 10 months
We need more fake wedding/engagement AU pls ♥️
"Hey," Gil looked up, surprised by the soft voice and the silent steps padding into the kitchen. He pulled up his piping bag from making little rosettes of whipped potatoes. "What are you doing up?"
It had been yet another long day, and even longer than most. Ajak had required Gil to make a slew of appetizers for the engagement party she was insisting on hosting for them. He had agreed, of course, because it made sense.
Thena had expressed her worry over him slaving away in the kitchen for a party supposedly in his honour; couldn't they just get it catered? He said it was sweet, but he was happy to cook for it, and he would have plenty of time to prepare everything, so it wasn't like he would be too stressed about it.
It was only a partial lie, and it only satisfied Thena partially anyway.
She then spent all day helping Ajak plan the layout for the party in the expansive 'back yard' of the property, including their little section of beach. Ajak had the best eye for decoration, but Thena was a master planner. She had every square inch optimised and every minute accounted for while Sersi and Makkari focused on the guest list and aesthetic for the party.
They had both reconvened at the dinner table, swaying from the fatigue of the day. Thena had even excused herself earlier than normal to get some sleep.
"Are you still preparing for the party?" Thena asked, ignoring his question about why she was up. She walked closer, pulling her cardigan around herself. She wore a cardigan because it was cold but preferred the silence she could achieve with bare feet?
"I'm almost done," he smiled, piping his last few dollops of Duchess potatoes. "These just need to set, and then tomorrow I'll bake them with a butter bath and a little cheese so they can be served hot."
Thena drifted around the side of the table to him, similar to how she had hovered the day of the sandwich making--a day which neither of them had mentioned, but did it ever stick out in his mind.
He could never forget the feeling of her lips at the corner of his. Although he could also never forget the look on his mom's face when they both realised she was still in the room to witness their little moment. He had been embarrassed, sure, but Thena had all but run out of the room, barely looking at either of them for the rest of the night. She looked cute all flustered, though.
Thena watched him as he worked. "You're working awfully tirelessly for a party that should be for you."
He smiled at her, squeezing out the last bit of potato. "For us!--and besides, I don't mind."
"You keep saying that."
He couldn't help but be a little surprised. He hadn't expected her to voice a kind of defensiveness in his name. He shrugged, "I dunno, I'm used to it."
She tilted her head at him (cutely).
"I've always done stuff like this," he supplied easily as he finally set down his piping bag and looked at the three trays of apps he had finished. "Don't get me wrong, mom's a great cook, but stuff like this...I did do catering before I started at the company."
Thena also eyed his bounty, including all the dishes left from it. "Most caterers have entire teams to assist them, too."
He shrugged again, somewhat more sheepishly. "I guess, but honestly, hiring a caterer is more trouble than it's worth. At least I know what we all like, what we don't, that kind of thing. I know Sersi is allergic to buckwheat, I know Kari doesn't really like meat even if she's not totally vegetarian. I know Druig is picky with textures and I know you hate seafood."
Thena rolled her eyes at him.
He chuckled, though, picking up his tray and getting ready to load up the fridge even more. He smiled as Thena pulled the door open for him. "It's something I can do to take care of my family, y'know? Mom has done so much for us our whole lives."
And his father had done absolutely jack-shit for them.
"I wanna do whatever I can to help out," he concluded as she helped him load the last tray. The rest of the fridge was already stuffed with cheese appetizers, puff pastries to be baked, fruits that needed carving, and plenty else.
He turned and stretched with a groan. He was far from done, "I'll be up soon, don't worry. I just gotta finish these-"
"Leave them." He looked down at Thena, but she stared right back at him, arms crossed around her. "Leave the dishes for tomorrow."
He looked around the kitchen; it was pretty disastrous, and he didn't want to imagine what it would be like if his mother's kitchen weren't so massive. "The sink's totally full, not to mention the dishwasher. I can't-"
"It's not as if anyone will be using the kitchen for themselves tomorrow anyway," she shook her head, even pulling him by the hand. "They can wait until tomorrow, Gil."
"But-" he floundered, although he wasn't trying all that hard to escape the grasp of her very cold, very delicate hand. He looked down at the hand, and then at her bare feet again. "Thena, you're freezing--seriously, why aren't you in bed?"
She didn't answer him, still pulling him with her to their shared guest room.
"Were you cold?" he asked, and he had a feeling he was getting warmer (no pun intended). He tilted his head to try and get a better look at her, "is it too big? I told mom we didn't need a king sized bed."
"Just come to bed, Gilgamesh."
He grinned; she couldn't sleep without him.
He could admit just to himself that he had also gotten used to sleeping with her. After the general horror of sleeping with his best friend in a partial state of undress wore off, he had to admit, it was comfy. They fit together well, he gave off enough warmth for the both of them, and Thena would naturally wake him up by running her fingers through his hair.
Neither of them had mentioned that either, but he had a feeling she liked cuddling too.
"Fine," he conceded, yawning as he trudged up the stairs. "But I'm being a bad chef by leaving all that sitting there."
"I'm sure the code of conduct will forgive you," she drawled, finally bringing him into the room. She hadn't even closed the door behind her. She really did get up just to bring him to bed with her.
Gil sighed as he sat down on the edge of the bed. He was more tired than he thought he was.
"Get changed and lie down, Gil. Don't worry about the dishes."
Well, if she was going to tempt him with that lovely voice she had. He grumbled, hauling himself up and to the bathroom adjoining their room. Now that he was in the comfort of the familiar space, he felt how exhausted he was. Maybe she was right, he should ask for more help with stuff like this.
The dishes did get done, though. By the time he came downstairs the next morning to ask why she had gotten up so early, Thena had done every single one of them.
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creepykingdom · 5 years
Disney Unveils Upcoming Film Line Up at the D23 Expo
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The Walt Disney Studios—including studio leaders and filmmakers from Lucasfilm, Marvel Studios, Disney live action, Pixar and Walt Disney Animation Studios—wowed an audience of nearly 7,000 this morning at D23 Expo 2019 at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, Calif. Alan Horn, co-chairman and chief creative officer, The Walt Disney Studios—joined by Lucasfilm’s Kathleen Kennedy, Marvel Studios’ Kevin Feige, Disney live action’s Sean Bailey, Pixar’s Pete Docter and Disney Animation’s Jennifer Lee—offered guests a captivating look at Disney’s upcoming film slate, including never-before-seen footage and a host of stars, plus a spectacular performance from “Frozen 2” voice cast members Idina Menzel, Kristen Bell, Jonathan Groff and Josh Gad.   “You’re not just fans, you’re family,” said Horn to the packed room. “It’s because of you that we keep working so hard to make great movies, and we love D23 Expo because it’s where we can share them with you first.” The presentation included the following highlights.
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LUCASFILM President of Lucasfilm Kathleen Kennedy and “Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker” director/writer/producer J.J. Abrams showcased the riveting conclusion to the Skywalker saga. Kennedy and Abrams revved up the audience, introducing nine stars from the film—many of whom marked this as their first D23 Expo appearance: Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Anthony Daniels, Naomi Ackie, Keri Russell, Joonas Suotamo, Kelly Marie Tran and Billy Dee Williams, plus special appearances from R2-D2, BB-8 and the new droid D-O. A brand-new poster was revealed—and gifted to the entire audience. And all were given a look back at the incredible legacy of Star Warsstorytelling and treated to a sneak peek of “Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker,” which opens in U.S. theaters on Dec. 20, 2019.
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MARVEL STUDIOS Kevin Feige, president of Marvel Studios, kicked off his presentation with a surprise visit from “Black Panther” director and co-writer Ryan Coogler. Together, they revealed that “Black Panther 2” (working title) will hit U.S. theaters on May 6, 2022. Feige segued to next year’s “The Eternals,” inviting cast members from the much-anticipated film to the stage: Richard Madden, who portrays the all-powerful Ikaris; Kumail Nanjiani, who plays cosmic-powered Kingo; Lauren Ridloff, who portrays the super-fast Makkari, the first deaf hero in the MCU; Brian Tyree Henry, who plays the intelligent inventor Phastos; Salma Hayek, who plays the wise and spiritual leader Ajak; Lia McHugh, who portrays the eternally young, old-soul Sprite; Don Lee, who plays the powerful Gilgamesh; and Angelina Jolie, who stars as the fierce warrior Thena. Feige revealed concept art images of each character, and announced three new cast members and their characters: Gemma Chan, who plays humankind-loving Sersi; Kit Harington, who was cast as non-Eternal Dane Whitman, and Barry Keoghan, who portrays aloof loner Druig, and was on hand for the event. Directed by Chloé Zhao, who helmed the critically acclaimed Sundance film “The Rider,” “The Eternals” opens in U.S. theaters on Nov. 6, 2020. Feige concluded with “Black Widow,” the Cate Shortland-directed first film in Phase Four of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which hits U.S. theaters on May 1, 2020. Feige shared a pre-recorded greeting featuring stars Scarlett Johansson, who reprises her role of Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow; David Harbour, who was cast as Alexei the Red Guardian; and Florence Pugh, who plays Yelena. The audience was also treated to an exclusive look at the upcoming film. DISNEY LIVE ACTION
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Sean Bailey, president, Walt Disney Studios Motion Picture Production, took the audience through upcoming releases for the studio, including next summer’s “Jungle Cruise,” a rousing adventure inspired by the classic theme-park attraction. Star Dwayne Johnson, who plays riverboat captain Frank Wolff, entered Hall D23 aboard an original Jungle Cruise boat, introducing a “trailer” that showed off his character—so much so, that co-star Emily Blunt, who portrays Dr. Lily Houghton, arrived via classic car to share with fans her own “trailer,” offering a different perspective—Bailey laughingly informed Johnson and Blunt that neither trailer was official. Directed by Jaume Collet-Serra, Disney’s “Jungle Cruise” hits U.S. theaters on July 24, 2020.
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Bailey welcomed Angelina Jolie back to the stage to present exclusive footage and details about Disney’s “Maleficent: Mistress of Evil,” the exciting follow-up to the hit 2014 film. Maleficent, portrayed by Jolie, and her goddaughter Aurora, played by Elle Fanning, begin to question the complex family ties that bind them as they are pulled in different directions by impending nuptials, unexpected allies and new dark forces at play. Aurora’s imminent marriage to Prince Phillip is cause for celebration—however, Prince Phillip’s mother, Queen Ingrith, portrayed by Michelle Pfeiffer, challenges Maleficent’s role as Aurora’s mother figure. Chiwetel Ejiofor stars as Connal, one of the leaders of the dark fey who becomes Maleficent’s ally. Ejiofor, Pfeiffer and Fanning were all welcomed to the stage by an enthusiastic audience. Directed by Joachim Rønning, who co-helmed 2017’s “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales,” “Maleficent: Mistress of Evil” arrives in U.S. theaters on Oct. 18, 2019. Bailey next introduced acclaimed filmmaker Niki Caro, director of “Mulan,” the upcoming live-action reimagining of the 1998 classic animated film. Caro expressed to fans her passion for the project, sharing several minutes of footage from the epic adventure inspired by one of China’s fiercest warriors. In Disney’s “Mulan,” which opens in U.S. theaters on March 27, 2020, the Emperor of China issues a decree that one man per family must serve in the Imperial Army to defend the country from Northern invaders. So, the eldest daughter of an honored but ailing warrior masquerades as a man, transforming into a heroic warrior to ultimately earn her the respect of a grateful nation and a proud father.
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Next up, Bailey shared details about “Cruella,” an all-new feature film starring Emma Stone and Emma Thompson. Stone, who plays the iconic “Cruella,” sent D23 Expo fans a greeting from the London-based set with help from a spotted, four-legged co-star. Fans also got a glimpse of an image of Stone in full costume with Cruella’s signature black-and-white hair. Director Craig Gillespie, who helmed “I, Tonya” and “The Finest Hours,” brings “Cruella” to the big screen on May 28, 2021, with a fresh, 1970s, punk-rock approach. 
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Pixar Animation Studios’ Chief Creative Officer Pete Docter guided the audience through Pixar’s upcoming film slate of originals. Docter began with next summer’s release, “Soul,” which he directs. The film journeys from the streets of New York City to the never-before-seen cosmic realms and “The You Seminar,” the fantastical place where we all discover our unique personalities. Producer Dana Murray, co-director/writer Kemp Powers and writer Mike Jones joined Docter on stage, and together they set up the film for the audience and shared a sneak peek. The team revealed members of the voice cast who joined them on stage, including Ahmir Questlove Thompson, Phylicia Rashad, Daveed Diggs, Tina Fey and Jamie Foxx. Foxx lends his voice to Joe Gardner, a middle-school band teacher whose true passion is playing jazz. Fey plays 22, a soul-in-training who has an unexpected encounter with Joe when he accidentally finds his way to the “You Seminar.” Together, the two are going to find a way to get Joe back to Earth, making him think again about what it truly means to have soul. Filmmakers also revealed that globally renowned musician Jon Batiste will be writing original jazz music for the film, and Oscar®-winners Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross (“The Social Network”), from Nine Inch Nails, will compose an original score that will drift between the real and soul worlds. Disney and Pixar’s “Soul” opens in U.S. theaters on June 19, 2020. Docter next introduced director Dan Scanlon and producer Kori Rae, who shared details and more than ten minutes of exclusive footage from Pixar’s upcoming feature film “Onward.” The movie, which opens in U.S. theaters on March 6, 2020, stars Tom Holland and Chris Pratt as two teenage elf brothers, Ian and Barley Lightfoot, who embark on an extraordinary quest to discover if there is still a little magic left in the world. Set in a modern fantasy world, Disney and Pixar’s “Onward” is inspired by Scanlon’s personal experiences with his brother. Holland, Pratt and Julia Louis-Dreyfus—who voices Mom in the movie—joined the filmmakers on stage—much to the delight of the audience, who all received an exclusive “Onward” poster. WALT DISNEY ANIMATION STUDIOS
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Walt Disney Animation Studios’ Chief Creative Officer Jennifer Lee presented an overview of the studio’s next two features, beginning with the Thanksgiving 2020 fantasy-action-adventure, “Raya and the Last Dragon.” Directors Paul Briggs and Dean Wellins (“Big Hero 6,” “Frozen”), producer Osnat Shurer (“Moana”) and writer Adele Lim (“Crazy Rich Asians”) joined Lee on stage to set up the film, which introduces Raya, a lone warrior from the fantasy kingdom of Kumandra who teams up with a crew of misfits in her quest to find the Last Dragon and bring light and unity back to their world. The D23 Expo crowd was the first to get a look at the new film, viewing an exclusive three-minute piece. They also met two newly announced members of the voice cast: Awkwafina lends her voice to Sisu, the Last Dragon, who was left on Earth in case dark forces return to the world, and Cassie Steele voices the lead character, Raya. Exploring themes of community and hope, and inspired by the beautiful and diverse cultures of Southeast Asia, the fantasy-action-adventure “Raya and the Last Dragon” opens in U.S. theaters on Nov. 25, 2020.
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Lee, who directs “Frozen 2” with Chris Buck, and wrote the screenplay, invited Buck to join her on stage as the Oscar®-winning duo revealed new details about the upcoming film, which opens in U.S. theaters on Nov. 22. Lee and Buck introduced two new “Frozen 2” cast members: Sterling K. Brown, who voices Lieutenant Destin Mattias, and Evan Rachel Wood, who voices Queen Iduna, Anna and Elsa’s mother. The crowd—who received an exclusive D23 Expo “Frozen 2” poster—saw never-before-seen footage of the new characters, including a scene that featured Wood as Iduna singing to young Elsa and Anna. The song, “All Is Found,” is one of seven all-new original songs by Oscar®-winning songwriters Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez. The audience also saw a sequence from the movie that showcased Elsa’s yearning for answers about the past, culminating in another song, “Into the Unknown.” And a climactic performance of the song “Some Things Never Change” by Menzel, Bell, Groff and Gad brought the audience to its feet, capping off the studio presentation in extraordinary style. About The Walt Disney Studios For more than 90 years, The Walt Disney Studios has been the foundation on which The Walt Disney Company was built. Today, the Studio brings quality movies, music, and stage plays to consumers throughout the world. About D23 Expo 2019 D23 Expo—The Ultimate Disney Fan Event—brings together all the worlds of Disney under one roof for three packed days of presentations, pavilions, experiences, concerts, sneak peeks, shopping, and more. The event provides fans with unprecedented access to Disney films, television, games, theme parks, and celebrities. For the latest D23 Expo 2019 news, visit D23expo.com. Presentations, talent, and schedule subject to change. To join the D23 Expo conversation, be sure to follow DisneyD23 on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, and use the hashtag #D23Expo. About D23 The name “D23” pays homage to the exciting journey that began in 1923 when Walt Disney opened his first studio in Hollywood. D23 is the first official club for fans in Disney’s 90-plus-year history. It gives its members a greater connection to the entire world of Disney by placing them in the middle of the magic through its quarterly publication, Disney twenty-three; a rich website at D23.com with members-only content; member-exclusive discounts; and special events for D23 Members throughout the year. Fans can join D23 at Gold Membership ($99.99), Gold Family Membership ($129.99), and General Membership (complimentary) levels at D23.com. To keep up with all the latest D23 news and events, follow DisneyD23 on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
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(Film Images Courtesy of Disney / Panel Images Courtesy of Getty Images)
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Thena decides to do something nice for him, a sweet little gesture. Like making a snack (like sandwich or something) after he comes back from shopping with his mother all day for preparation of their wedding?
For the proposal AU
"Okay!" Gil huffed as he set down all the bags his mother had bought in the few hours they had spent out shopping (although it had felt like an eternity). "That's everything."
"Thank you, honey," Ajak smiled, patting his arm as he leaned up and stretched his shoulders. "I know you must be tired after letting me drag you around all day."
He did agree, but he smiled and bent down so his mother could kiss his cheek, "it's okay, Mom, I don't mind."
"Ugh," Gil greeted his siblings - and cousin - less warmly. "You guys are so loud."
"Speak for yourself," Sersi jabbed her brother in the arm. "You're plenty loud! Plus, Mum told us she was out with you."
Show us the goods! Makkari bounded down the stairs two at a time, much to her brother and mother's worry.
"Hey," Gil shooed them both away from the bags at his feet, "not everything is for you, y'know. I don't even know half of what's in here."
"Oh, look at these," Ajak smiled, though, eagerly showing her daughters what she had unearthed at the various decor and furniture stores they had visited one town over.
Kingo sauntered down the stairs last, giving Gil a pat on the shoulder. "You really made it all day?"
"Somehow," Gil shrugged, letting how tired he was show on his face. It wasn't even that he minded shopping with his mother, but not only did he still not know what they had shopped for, but he was also exhausted from hauling around said unknown things, loading the car, the heat etc.
"All of you, make yourselves useful," Ajak commanded her children. "Gil already unloaded the car for us, the least you can do is do the rest of the work for him."
Sersi and Makkari immediately picked up the bags that had any sign of fabric in them, either articles of clothing or something for the tables. "Oh, these are lovely!"
"Aren't they?" Ajak beamed, following them up with a few bags in her own hand. She looked down at the bend of the staircase landing, "Gil, honey, show Kingo where I want that other stuff?"
"Sure," he called up after them as they disappeared. He looked at Kingo, who looked about as eager as he was; he sighed. "Back porch."
Kingo nodded, picking up as many of the bags as he could carry, "this stuff's heavy! What's even in here?"
Gil shrugged, picking up one and slinging it over his shoulder, despite the promise that he would not be required for anything else today. "I dunno--tealight holders, and centrepieces and...napkin rings? Whatever she thought we still needed, dude."
Kingo dropped the bags off in the sun room, pulling out the various accoutrements. "Weddings sure do take a lot of...things."
"That's what I keep saying," Gil lamented as he set down his bag, although he happily stepped away and let Kingo unload the contents for him. "But Mom keeps coming up with stuff and I don't really know enough to say why we don't need it, just that we...don't."
Kingo picked at the edge of one of the candle holders shaped like flowers of some sort, "I mean, you and Thena want something pretty simple, right?"
"Uh," Gil shifted. He never was good at lying to Kingo (or in general), "yeah. All this just...isn't our style."
"I mean," Kingo set the crystal decoration down, adjusting it in the sunlight, "it is pretty."
Gil watched it cast light around the room, thinking about how Thena's eyes could have a little gold in them in the right light. "Pretty."
Kingo looked at him, "I mean, I know T keeps telling Ajak not to go to all the trouble. But is she disliking what's going on?"
Gil shrugged. Thena seemed just as tired as he was, in many ways. But in other ways, he could tell she was liking being around his family. He knew that she was unused to family to this degree of closeness. But she didn't seem to dislike any of what Ajak was actively doing.
"Sersi and Kari are having a lot of fun with their sister-to-be."
Gil blushed faintly. All they could talk about was how excited they were, and how much they loved Thena, and how they could always tell he liked her when he told them about her as a work friend.
"Maybe she'll like it once it's all," Kingo waved his hand vaguely at the various decorations, soon to be arranged properly, "put together."
"Maybe," Gil mumbled, slipping his hands in his pockets. "I don't think she's paid much attention to wedding stuff before, uh-"
"Before you started talking about it?"
Gil squirmed. Kingo had such a know-it-all tone sometimes, he could swear he was just testing his nerves sometimes. Gil shrugged, "yeah, I guess so. And even then, we just...I don't know."
"Hey, it's okay man," Kingo shrugged, as if he hadn't asked Gil some of the most pressing questions he had received yet. "Not everyone is into the whole wedding scene."
Yes, and it definitely wasn't because they were total frauds. Gil had somehow just barely dodged the question of how he had proposed to Thena, thus far. He mostly offered the lame excuse of 'it just sort of happened' to suffice for now.
"I guess," Gil tried to wrestle off his tongue, "I just worry it's overwhelming her, sometimes."
Kingo nodded sagely, "this family can be...overwhelming."
That was the easiest way to say it at least.
"Hey," Gil frowned, "where is Thena, actually?"
Kingo gave him a much warmer smile, pointing, "she's been in the kitchen for, like, twenty minutes."
Gil knew that didn't necessarily mean disaster. But he did rush a little to get there. She was no master chef, that was to say. What pans she did own all had completely scorched bottoms.
He slid into the kitchen, at least finding no immediate source of danger. Actually, there weren't even dishes in the sink. "Uh, hey."
"Hey," she blinked, still taken aback by his entrance, "are you okay?"
"Fine," he mumbled, trying not to seem like he was actively checking for signs of a fire. He smiled, "what're you up to?"
"Oh, well," Thena dried off her hands, looking a little...sheepish? "I heard you were out with Ajak all day getting wedding decor."
Since arriving, he had risen at the incredibly early hour the rest of his family did, although always saving a plate of breakfast for when Thena rolled out of bed later. He would text her if he was out doing something, for her to check at her leisure.
"Yeah," he chuckled, relaxing now that his panic was subsiding. "Every time I think we must have everything we need by now, Mom thinks of something else she wants to get."
Thena looked down at the kitchen island, her gentle smile melting away, "she's gone to so much trouble for it."
"Hey," Gil said gently, moving closer to her. And he thought he was feeling guilty about all this. "I keep telling her we don't need all this. I think she's just having fun with it, now."
Thena sighed, leaning into him as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder. "Your family is so sweet. I feel as if I'm taking advantage."
"I don't know," Gil smiled. First of all, if anyone was taking advantage, it was him. And second of all, "Mom's pretty damn excited to have you here. I haven't seen her this excited to have the rest of the family over in forever. I keep reminding her my dad's coming and she hasn't even broken anything in a fit of rage."
Thena gave him a look, but at least she was smiling again. She tugged at his jacket before moving away, fully pulling it off of him, "what about you? You must be tired."
"I guess," he sighed, spinning to let her put his jacket over her arm while he sat on a bar stool. "Long day, but it could be worse."
"Your mother does call you the perfect son for a reason," Thena teased, squeezing his - very sore - shoulder.
"Aw, she's just sappy," Gil excused, as if he wasn't just as sentimental as his mother. He groaned, "I should start dinner."
"Just sit for a little first, Gil." She said it more firmly than he was expecting her to. He looked up at her beside him, "you're doing so much already."
"I guess," he sighed heavily, already thinking about whether to have a snack or just graze on his ingredients until dinner was ready. He didn't even know what was in the fridge, he had so much on his mind.
Just like he would make for himself at home, a sandwich slid in front of him. It was sourdough (which he baked, obviously), piled high with both pastrami and spicy salami, thin cut tomato, cheddar and gouda cheese, lettuce, banana peppers, spicy mayo and grainy mustard. It was perfect.
"And eat the salad. I'm sure all you've had today is half your mother's iced coffee and a croissant."
He hid his guilty smile as he inspected the sandwich, even cut diagonally like he liked. He turned the plate, admiring the fresh salad. Thena could put together a nice salad--it didn't require any heat, and so long as it didn't involve broccoli, she would actually eat the vegetables in it.
This was what she was doing?
"What?" she frowned at the look on his face, "what's wrong?"
He shook his head, smiling at the sandwich and even more at her. "It's...beautiful."
Thena made a face, nothing short of amused, "Gil, it's a sandwich. I've seen you make it at your place enough times already, and you should have a real meal for yourself before you worry about making one for everyone else--again."
He wasn't getting through to her. He smiled, pulling her hand into his and linking their fingers together, "thanks, Thena. It's perfect."
"Well," she started and stopped, as if her breath caught in the middle of it. She cleared her throat, looking away from him and their linked hands, "you sit and, um, enjoy. I'll...ask if your mother needs help with anything."
"'Kay," he sighed, letting her go forlornly as if she were leaving for the week and not just going upstairs. He let her hand slip away from his, keeping contact with her for as long as possible.
She gave him one last fluttery, fleeting smile as she left him to his snack, choosing to busy herself elsewhere.
Gil picked up one of the halves, going for the thinnest point of the diagonal to start, just the way she knew he liked to have his sandwiches. It really was perfect, and not just considering Thena could barely be trusted to make a grilled cheese for herself.
It was easily the best thing Gil had ever eaten.
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lady-of-the-spirit · 2 years
What your favourite Eternals character says about you
Based only on my opinions.
Ikaris: you love Richard Madden, or you love characters who are fucked up and do bad things but for understandable reasons. Or both.
Ajak: Milf lover, team mom edition. You either think she's a mom friend or you think she's just as to blame for everything but you like morally ambiguous characters so it's okay.
Gilgamesh: you're obsessed with the "it's rotten work"/"not to me. not if it's you." quote. You want someone who loves you through all hardships and/or you relate to the role of being a caretaker for your loved ones.
Thena: the same as Gilgamesh and you love Angelina Jolie and badass women. You are also a softie (hidden or not) and might be touch starved.
Phastos: you have the biggest brain cells. That's right, you have more than one! You hate the mcu fandom but you're still here for some reason. You were usually the one in the group project who did most of the work and put in the most effort, even if everyone else was competent and did their own work. You have suffered burnout.
Makkari: You're also a collector of many, many things. You probably ship drukkari and/or wish she was seen more outside of her relationship with Druig. They wouldn't have been able to find Tiamut without her and you think she deserves more appreciation!
Kingo: You love purple. You want to watch his movies. You love characters who appear selfish and but also care deeply for the people they love. You love Tony Stark (and for the same reasons you love Kingo), but if you don't, you think Kingo is like him but done better. Your strongest trait is understanding other people's decisions even when you don't agree with them, and you value people who have beliefs they stand by but won't hurt people over.
Sprite: Comic relief characters who finally get to explore their dark side or personal issues are your favourite. You might have abandonment issues or struggle with your self-image. You feel like no one knows your real self. You love chaotic little bastards. You love those "shout out to [character type] Gotta be one of my favourite genders" memes.
Sersi: You love soft, good, kind characters more than anything. You have a hard time making decisions. You were the one in the group project who always did a good job and put the effort in but never wanted to be in charge or give the presentation but would step up if needed (alternatively, you were usually the one in charge and you always really appreciated these types of group members). You might be a little touch starved.
Druig: you're a basic bitch. I'm sorry but it's true. You're also a loki fan.
Ben and Jack Stoss: You're also a Phastos fan, and you want to see a lot more of him and his family in both the MCU and in the fandom. You hate the fandom for ignoring this perfect family and the first gay kiss in the MCU.
Karun: you have the biggest brain cell. Damn, you wish you'd gotten to see his eternals documentary.
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