#also @ virgo anon this made me think of dumb!reader forgetting nate fvjfsk
taehyungsgrowl · 3 years
What about Boxer!Duncan getting seriously hurt?? And Reader being worried about him while he's in the hospital?
oooh... something angsty for my baby :(
also i apologize that im not writing full length one shots/blurbs for the boxer concepts right now! gonna try to finish the tribes of eden before i take on something else!
buuuuut i do hope youre all enjoying my small ramblings (screaming) about them in the mean time!
Every time Duncan stepped foot in the ring, whether it was just for practice or another million dollar fight - Y/N's heart pounded with cortisol.
She knew it was part of the gig - fiancee of light-weight champion Duncan Shepherd - he always ran the risk of serious injury.
He'd been lucky enough to not been harmed in a pressing manner, but tonight, when the back of his head hit the ground at full speed, Y/N, and the rest of the stadium fell silent for a moment that felt like an entirety.
Her whole world stopped as she watched from the stands. The referee yelled for a medic when he realized Duncan was unresponsive.
Y/N heard her friends voice, a thousand miles away even though she was standing right next to her. Muffled. Far. Y/N wasn't there. She was frozen and couldn't tear her eyes away from the medics who were lifting Duncan on to the stretcher.
She barely registered as security shuffled her through the crowd - hundreds of patrons standing in respect as they watched her being taken back, following on the medical teams heels.
Once she was close enough to actually see Duncan, she snapped out of her shocked state. He had dried blood around his nose and his purpled eyes were drooping close. His chest barely moved with his slowed respiration.
"Dunc!" she tried to push past the first responder who had a stethoscope to his chest. Hot tears quietly fell down her face. "Dunc, please, baby," her voice broke. "Baby, I'm right here," she grabbed on to his hand with all her strength.
"Miss," the paramedics gave her an apologetic look, but they needed her to move to be able to work, "Please, step back."
Y/N was about to argue back, but right as she opened her mouth, one of Duncan's colleagues had his hand on her shoulder and led her back to give them room to work. She'd seen him around the gym plenty of times working out and practicing with Duncan. Jim, she thought his name was.
"Come here, let's give them some room, yeah?" he spoke softly, taking her to the black leather couch before he handed her a bottled water. She was pretty sure he kept trying to talk to her - probably trying to calm her down, but again, his voice sounded a million miles away.
She kept focused on Duncan. Y/N couldn't imagine what she would do if something happened to him - she couldn't bring herself to think it.
Anger and frustration boiled within her, "What's happening! Is he going to be okay?" she stood up from the couch, too on edge to be still.
"We're taking him to the hospital. We need to do a scan - he hit his head pretty hard," one of them explained.
The entire ambulance ride to the hospital, Y/N held on to his hand. She quietly spoke to her unconscious fiance, bargaining with him to just... wake up.
"Please, Duncan," she whispered. The paramedics pretended they couldn't hear her so she could process what she was feeling in peace, "I need you here with me, baby." She kissed his forehead, tears falling on to his chest.
"I love you so much, baby...."
Duncan was rushed into the emergency room and taken away from Y/N.
She paced the empty waiting room all night waiting for an update. She wanted to wrap her arms around him, kiss every bruise on his skin, and tell him again how much she loved him.
After about two hours in the waiting room, more people from the fight started to show up. His manager, his friend from the gym, his coach - everyone coming in to show not only Duncan their support, but Y/N as well.
Everyone gave her hugs and told her if there were anything she needed to just let them know.
The only thing she knew she needed was Duncan.
"Y/N?" she looked up at the sound of her name. She looked up at the doorway to see Duncan's opponent, the one who knocked him down - the one who hurt him, standing there.
He had changed from his boxing uniform to a pair of sweats and clean thsirt.
"I can't tell you how sorry I am," he bowed his head. They all knew it wasn't intentional. It was all part of the sport.
Rationally, Y/N knew - she and Duncan had had conversations about this very thing countless times. There had been instances where Duncan had injured other boxers pretty badly.
It was a sport.
A very dangerous and stupid sport.
Knowing all that didn't stop the angry tears that followed. And it didn't stop her from going up to him and sobbing. Her fists balled up and she punched at his chest - getting out her frustrations against his toned chest.
"How could you!" she cried.
He took her advances like a champ - understanding she was upset. He let her hit at his chest a couple of times before Jim stood up from his seat and pulled her away.
"Y/N," Jim spoke a little louder than he had earlier. "Duncan is going to be okay. You know it's not his fault. He's here for Duncan too," he led her back to her seat.
"Sorry," she mumbled to everyone in the room, "Just... so scared,"
As the night went on, people slowly started to trickle out of the hospital, leaving her with condolences.
"Miss Y/L/N?" a doctor finally called her over. She got on her feet immediately. She walked up to the doctor, holding her breath as she waited for what he was going to say next.
"The good news is Mr. Shepherd is awake," she released the breath she held in, "He is going to be fine..." the doctor placed his hand on her arm, sorrow in his eyes, "He's experiencing what we believe is short term," he paused watching as she processed his words, "amnesia."
"Mr. Shepherd appears to have lost some of his memory,"
What did that even mean?
Her heart started to accelerate again, "What does that mean? What doesn't he remember? Can I see him? Will his memory come back? Do-" her million questions were stopped.
"There are still some tests we need to do before we can determine any of that," he sighed.
"Would you like to see him?"
She silently cursed the doctor for the stupid question - of course she wanted to see him.
She needed to.
okay I'm gonna stop there before i go down the rest of this rabbit hole bc this was supposed to be like a paragraph vkdfjv vjfs
ill answer some other boxer dunc stuff that isn't as angsty fjksdf I'm sorry vfjsv
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