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Nice people. Positive. And I totally get it -- the “No worries”-mentality is affecting everything, ey? I didn’t get it at first, coming from a worry-zone, but I learned to love it. And I still use the “No worries”. “Sweet as” would totally top it, if only it wouldn’t sound so riski. Really friendly people. If I stopped in the train station to locate the train to Caboolture, there were at least 3 (*) older ladies running towards me to help me with anything. Even tho I knew when the train was suppose to leave and I even had tickets for the train, a lady went to Information to check if everything what I just told her, is actually true. Turned out it was. Thanks. Or when they rent out, on a word, their vintage Holdem.
Or randomly just start talking to you in a shop to discuss your language because they have never heard such accent before. She didn’t even know the country. And the whole traffic stops when an pedestrian sees a crossing. Literally. Found it out the hard way -- met a hostel mate near a crossing, chatted for a while, and the whole traffic stopped, waited for our crossing, which never happened. I released the traffic by moving a feet away from the crossing. #powertrip #signals. I love the tease. A truck driver walking 200 meters to his truck and back, just to see your face when you eat Vegimite for the first time ever. It was the only time an Aussie laughed at us, bonding means some humility. You will love them. Their heart is as big as their country. And if you place all the bets on an Aussie’s “No worries”, you will soon learn that the question “How are you” isn’t actually a question. Just like the problem of all the dangerous snakes and bugs. Ay?
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* just one, tbh.
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The beginning
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Australia. My passage of rite. Coming from Europe, I changed planes in Singapore and spent 12 hours there, just wandering around. I knew only few things about this city-country beforehand, so I assumed nothing of it. But it was the perfect start point. Singapore is impressive. The heights of the buildings -- back home we used to have one of the tallest towers in the world, so I know about towers -- Singapore towers are good towers. Hands down! The city itself is like a designed garden with palm trees, blooming bushes and thousands of signs of fine-warnings of simple misdeeds. Chewing gum costs you 10 slashes/dollars and it’s cheap -- only rich people can afford to drink soft drinks in subway. Extra points for Singapore Airlines and the company’s perfect service with perfect-looking crew. I did’t see the captains, but I’m totally sure they were picked because of their looks. Even in the airport -- the crew’s presence is always noticed -- beautiful people  moving in ordered group, wearing designer uniforms. You will take a photo and you will share it. #singaporegirls. Flying over Australia was like flying over the Mars -- everything is just as red as it is dead. And it’s cool. When the clouds are there, you know you are really close to Sydney  -- last 4 hours. 
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Not gonna lie -- had a panic-attackish situation flying over the red continent -- wtf am I doing!? It was like surrendering to unknown -- it was fucked up anyways, so I wanted to shuffle the cards and see the new hand, It was a  total reset. My balls did not fail me.  It was summer for me, but apparently it was winter for the Australians. Of course I knew it and coming from a cold country I expected the Australian winter to be springlike for me. And it was, but Australians are not like my people in springtime. They are not gonna get a heating system like normal people do, because most of the year, they do anything in their power to cool the house down. You don’t get yourself a cooling system when most of the year is cold. So it was oh-so cold and wet. Apart from sleeping at night, the weather was actually perfect for me, but since Sydney is the bestest of places in Australia, Melbourne being the best, it takes a  toll on your finely tuned budget, especially when you realise that no one was expecting you.  In my mind, I saw everybody waiting for me In Sydney airport, holding up signs and banners of job and rent offers -- Optus begging me to join them and sweet landlords from Slutty/Surry Hills willing to cook me a breakfast every day, just as long as I choose their apartment. The realisation came fast, didn’t have much time to cry. So I brought out the survivalist in me, on one condition -- I can’t settle down in one place, i must see and experience Australia -- nature, people, culture. I became a backpacker. The transformation brought up just one issue -- since I was going to move around and not move in, i needed to get myself a backpack. The wheels of my suitcase were design for beauty, not for mud-roll. After a visit to a backpack store, I got so inspired I went to my hostel and added shoulder traps to my suitcase. Backpacks are expensive as the price contains a cut for the hotels for missing a customer. 
So there I was -- backpacker with a suitcase. Italian jeans, made in China, French perfume, made in China, Swedish phone, made in China and I let it all go to experience different life and and because I was broke and willing to do whatever it takes to survive. Bought myself a train ticket to a tiny town in the middle of nowhere, met fellow travellers, was hired, was fired, was hated, was loved, was fed and was hungry, but never once was in a comfort zone and never once regret any of the experiences.
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I’m a guy in late twenties, backpacking in Europe, Australia and New Zealand. I travel alone and enjoy long-term (3+ months) wanderings. The post are inspired by real life events. I am from Europe, English is not my native tongue. In this blog I practise writing for IELT’s test to apply for an Australian or New Zealand visa. Haven’t decided the country yet.
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