#also! there’s this word we obviously borrowed from german and we use it for small objects which we don’t really know the name for
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colourmeblood · 1 year ago
From the ask game :
7. three words from your native language that you like the most?
May I add and why? (Loving how they sound is a perfectly acceptable answer)
Three different words came to my mind and they are definitely among my faves from my native language. Please keep in mind they’re not useful though 😅
1. Nietoperz (a bat) - aside from the fact I tend to be, well, batshit crazy about bats, this word actually comes from old Slavic for “night flyer”. I totally understand it why for example French or German include the word “mouse” in their words for “bat”, but I do find “night flyer” both more badass and cuter, if that makes sense
2. Kombinować (to think of solution/to make your way through something/ to come up with a smart solution) - translations are a veeery big stretch here ‘cause there is no exact or precise word in other language, really. This word can also mean that you come up with a solution that is smart but not always safe or fair 😂
3. Dziabąg (it can mean any small/weird/unidentified creature, I use it synonymously as “little devil” and for example I’ve called my cat like this on multiple occasions)
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yoimeta · 5 years ago
Hi everyone! I noticed recently that the "KAZAKHSTAN 101 OR HOW TO OTABEK" post seems to have been taken off of tumblr? The author's whole blog seems to have been wiped. Do you know if this is archived anywhere? Is there a mirror, say, on Ao3?
Thankfully, I managed to find what I believe is the original post. Here it is! The post is archived in plain text under the cut.
Hope this helps!
- Ji
Source: @sawyer-aik
Disclaimer: this is in no way a fully comprehensive guide. This is just me trying to put together basics for people who are unfamiliar with Kazakhstan/Kazakhs to start their writing/research.
I am an ethnic Kazakh female, citizen of Kazakhstan, Almaty, bisexual, upper middle class, currently in college in the US. My experience is in no way representative of all kazakhs and Kazakhstan citizens. However, I think it’s pretty close to Otabek’s.
This is really, really long and kinda convoluted, but if you can bear it –– welcome!
Name: Many people have talked about Otabek’s name. This is how you shorten it –– “Bek”, “Beka”, or “Beks” if you wanna be really familiar and laid back.
Kazakhs don’t have middle names, we have patronymics. They are formed like this: the father’s name + ‘uly’ if the child is a boy or ‘kyzy’ is the child is a girl. For example, Otabek’s childrens’ patronymics would be Otabekuly and Otabekkyzy.
About Almaty and almatinians: Ok I’m so happy Otabek is from Almaty, I really don’t know much about life in other cities or rural areas. Almatinians rarely do. Comparing Almaty lifestyle to the rest of Kazakhstan is the same as comparing NYC to the rest of America –– it’s not representative of the quality of life in the country, like, at all.
Almaty has 2.5+ million population, and it grows every year. It’s a cultural and economic centre of the country. Apples originate from Almaty (!!!), hence the name from “Alma” –– apple. Almatinians are usually stereotyped as fast, brash and snobby –– kinda like New Yorkers, right? Almaty is much more tolerant and progressive, and also more ‘Western’ than the rest of the country in terms of mindset. Almatinians kinda look down on non-Almatinians, and really dislike the capital Astana because of all the funding and attention it gets.
Almaty has a great ethnic diversity –– main groups are Kazakhs, Russians, Uygur, Koreans, Germans, Jews, Uzbek, and many more. Though stereotypical jokes are generally acceptable, outright hate and discrimination against an ethnic group is not tolerated. Many foreigners visit here for business –– mostly Americans, Western Europeans and Chinese.
Almatinians love: coffeeshops, mall sales, cool cars (Hello Otabek’s motorcycle), smoking hukkah and vaping. They are usually concerned with status and try to show off their wealth. You can see people of all kind of different style and background in Almaty, fashion shows are held there, contemporary art and indie-music congregates there, along with all kinds of fancy ass crowd. It is a really interesting and kinda exhausting scene, especially if you are young and wanna have fun.
Language, culture, food, etc.
As an Almatinian Kazakh, Otabek is definitely fluent in both Russian and Kazakh, and probably has a very good grasp on English. He is a master of shala kazakh. Shala kazakh is a magic language that only city Kazakhs are privy to. It’s basically a wild mix of kazakh, russian and some fashionable english slang thrown in there. It’s usual for me to start a conversation with “OMG bro” and then kinda pull my speech together, substituting kazakh and russian words with each other and pepper it with “cool”, “ok” and other english exclamations. It’s not grammatically correct and is kinda lowbrow, but we all do it. Yes, even our parents. This is how Otabek sounds when he is talking to someone from home. Terrifying.
Nuclear family: City Kazakhs usually have two or three kids. That’s less than people have in rural areas. Children are important in Kazakh culture because they carry the family’s bloodline and history, especially boys. If you headcanon Otabek as having brothers and sisters, you are probably right! His family should be at least sort of wealthy to afford all the expenses of having a professional athlete for a child. Otabek has an expensive bike and his clothes look high-end –– he is definitely not poor.
Family in general. Kazakhs are close, VERY CLOSE to their family. Mind you, family is not just parents and siblings but also your grandparents, aunts and uncles and like all 173 cousins and nieces and nephews. Everyone is ridiculously involved in your life, always there with advice and complaints. You stay connected to your parents when you move out, when you get married, when you have kids, when you DIE. When Otabek misses the weekly skype dates or check-in phone calls, HE IS SHAMED SO HARD. Do you know grandma is worried about you, think about how old she is! Otabek’s relatives brag about his achievements like they moved him up the career ladder personally, with their own two hands. There’s nothing Otabek can really do about it tho he gets annoyed
Food: city Kazakhs have a very diverse cuisine. Traditional kazakh food is like 50% batter and 50% meat and takes long ass time to prepare so we reserve it for the holidays. My family loves fish, russian dishes such as borsht and blini, Uzbek lagman, Korean kimchi tho we try to avoid pork. And it’s not like we choose one day as a “Russian cuisine day”, we just kinda??? Deside to have some borsht today?? Almaty has lots of different restaurants, almatinians love sushi, pizza and pasta, shashlyk, all kinds of experimental foods and trying new things. Kumys –– mare’s milk –– is one of the things you should try in Kazakhstan as a turist, but I know many kazakhs who have never had it or don’t like it. They say it’s really good for you tho.
Holidays: ethnic Kazakhs in Kazakhstan celebrate: birthdays, New Years, Eid al-Adha which we call Kurban Bairam, Independence Day on December 16th and Nauryz on March 22nd. Young people kinda have get togethers on Halloween because it’s fun and a reason to hang out. Nauryz is one of my faves, it’s a pagan holiday of coming of spring and new life. On Nauryz, Almaty is adorned with flowers, yurts and giant swings are set on the city square, people wear traditional clothing and dance and play and eat a lot. My family also ended up celebrating Eastern Orthdox Christmas and Easter because each year our Russian friends invite us to hang out and celebrate with them, lol.
Main principle is “Don’t ask, don’t tell”. General conflict avoidance protocols are in place. I personally know like 3 LGBT friendly hubs/clubs in Almaty. Nobody explicitly says “gay clubs” but people just kinda know what and where those are. There are get togethers and meetings you can attend to meet people, you can hang out with your significant other in public, hug, hold hands and no one would probably say anything. Colleges and universities are generally safe places, many of my friends are out in their college and don’t face any trouble. PDA will be frowned upon, but all PDA is generally frowned upon in Kazakhstan, even hetero. Feminist and sex-positive initiatives try to educate the populace and break the status quo, and are doing really well but the government’s disposition is homophobic. If your family is religious or traditional, they probably wouldn’t go as far as disowning you, but will probably pressure and guilt-trip you. LGBT+ youth generally plan to move somewhere else or just not settle. All of this is Almaty situation tho. Being LGBT in rural area is much more dangerous.
Ok this is what I find to be the easiest way to explain Kazakh to English speakers: think Turkish but written in cyrillic, with words borrowed from Arabic and Russian.
zhanym, жаным: my soul. Zhanym is everything to a Kazakh. You can use it for your family, friends, SO, I called my laptop zhanym today. It can be flirty, it can be serious. If you need Otabek to be affectionate with someone, use zhanym.
ainalaiyn, айналайын: really hard to translate but something like my precious?? Usually used towards small kids, but also if a Kazakh finds something really cute.
altynym, my golden baby. I love this one for obvious reasons, lol, hi, Otabek.
Mahabbatym, махаббатым, my love +
Suiktim, сүйіктім. my love, my dear. Kinda old fashioned but really romantic. I can see Otabek using this, but he will be teased and called an old sap if he does.
Kazakh have a lot more endearments, but most of them are for children.
Basic interaction and exclamations:
Iya. Ия. Yes.
Zhok. Жоқ. No
Rakhmet. Рахмет. Thank you.
Keshir. Кешір. Sorry.
Salem, Сәлем. Hello. A familiar greeting.
Sau bol, Сау бол. Literally “Be well” but actually means goodbye. Pretty familiar too.
O Kudai, О Құдай/O Allah, О Алла! Oh my god, obviously. Used in all kinds of different situations.
Oibai, Ойбай! How does one explain oibai. When a friend jump scares you, when you receive bad news, when you check your bank account –– oibai!
Abai bol, Абай бол. Be careful, is what your mom tells you when you go out.
Expletives and Swear Words. Yeeaaah the juicy stuff.
Zhyndy, Жынды. Crazy. If someone is being stupid or inappropriate, you call them zhyndy. When you tell a dumb joke at the familty table, mom smacks you upside the head and hisses “Ooooi, zhyndy!” When Jean-Jaques is acting a fool and makes out with his reflection, Otabek rolls his eyes and mutters “Zhyndy”.
Akymak. Ақымақ. Idiot. When someone is just dumb and not worth your time.
Ittin balasy. Иттің баласы. Child of a dog. It can be as harmless as “you pup” and as offensive as “son of a bitch” depending on the situation.
Kotindy kys. Көтіңді қыс. Squeeze you ass. God I love this one. When someone being an obnoxious wannabe, tell them they should squeeze their ass and check themselves.
Jean-Jaques: I am gonna be the King of the Grand Prix!
Otabek: Kotindy kys.
Shygasyn ba?! Шығасың ба?! You wanna go bro?! Ohh, someone is gonna catch these Kazakh fists.
Sigil. Сігіл. Basically go fuck yourself.
Sheshen ahmy/Sheshen sigem. Шешең амы/Шешең сігем. Your mother’s c*nt/Imma fuck your mother. REALLY FUCKING OFFENSIVE. Say this to a Kazakh if you have a death wish.
Again, this is just the basics. Do more research and talk to as many Kazakhs and Kazakhstani people as you can. We are a different but usually an interesting bunch. Thanks for your attention, Sawyer out!
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picturesoitlasts · 7 years ago
 Rules: In a text post list ten books that have stayed with you in some way. Don’t take but a few minutes, and don’t think too hard - they don’t have to be the “right” or “great” works, just the ones that have touched you. Tag ten friends, including me, so I’ll see your list.
I was tagged by @genericpseudonyms - It’s always difficult for me to pick ten books only 
1. Atonement by Ian McEwan I love flawed characters and Briony Tallis is SO flawed. It’s about the power of a narrative - whether it being a daydream, being lost in thoughts, different people’s perspectives on one and the same event - and also the power of creation that comes with it. I like to reread it at different stages of my life to see how my own perception of the story changes. When I discovered it, I was 17, reread it at 20 and once again when I was 25 and writing an essay on it for university. I guess it’s time to pick it up again this year. 
2. The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera
Keeping that one from Gen’s list. I remember so much of the outer circumstances regarding it: I bought it at Shakespeare & Company in Vienna in the summer of 2014. It had been on my to-read-list for a while. I loved this odd combination of complexity and, well, lightness, both explored in thought. And I remember how I sat there, on my parents’ couch, reading it and thinking “it’s so tragic, why am I not crying?”. And then, at one point pretty much towards the end, it all hit me and I started sobbing uncontrollably. I remember my dad asking what was going on. Eventhough a wave of emotion had overcome me, I could not find words to describe my feelings or thoughts and all I muttered was “the dog just died”. 
3. Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
Great Expectations is my favourite amongst the classics. Obviously, there are many more to read, but I don’t think that there will ever be one as important to me as Great Expectations. I discovered it in 2012 when I took a seminar on Charles Dickens, whom I have a love-hate-relationship with. Great Expectations certainly is the best thing he’s ever written, it’s so different from all his other works. To me, it is so incredibly real. Pip is my all time favourite character in literature, he’s so deep, so flawed, he seems like a real person to me. And in his development I do find so much of my own.
4. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
The first one of the classics I ever read, at 15, at the library even. Soon afterwards, I bought both the German and the English version because I simply wanted to put it on my bookshelf. I don’t think 15 year-old me would believe me if I told her how much this book would pop up in her later academic life. 
5. Life After Life by Kate Atkinson 
I love me a good bildungsroman, the stories about personal development of a character, their growth, their education. Basically, I love to follow their life journeys. Life After Life focuses on Ursula’s life. Or rather: the plural thereof. Reincarnation, rebirth, whatever you want to call it, it’s carried out extraordinarily by Kate Atkinson. I love the subtle changes to the reborn Ursulas, I love the historic context, I love how Atkinson switches between English, German and a little French, seemingly without effort. The German title - usually German titles end up being super corny - is perfect: Die Unvollendete. That means the unfinished, the incomplete. And isn’t that what life is all about? No matter how many chances we get, will we ever be complete?
6. Wild by Cheryl Strayed
Did not expect much from it, got everything. I read it when I was living far away from home, abroad, for the first time. At that time, I was all alone. I had only just arrived in Vancouver, did not yet know a single person there. But I had created a rule for myself: don’t hide in your room. Since I’m a small-talk hating introvert, it’s not easy for me to meet new people. So what I did, was take my camera, my notebook, a pen and Wild and I would explore the city by myself, Éponine-style. While I sat there, the waves of the Pacific Ocean at my feet, reading this book, I learned how much - if we really want it - we can change ourselves. It’s hard, of course it is hard. It is probably the hardest thing a person can do. But while I sat there, reading these words, I felt encouraged. (Also: the film is okay, but the book is the real deal. I also liked the Gilmore Girls take on it.)
7. The Princess Diarist by Carrie Fisher
I read that very recently and it helped me so much. For some time now, I’ve been struggling with my own mental health in a way I hadn’t thought it could ever happen to me. I’m working on it and it’s already getting better, and it’s probably cheesy to say, but The Princess Diariest was vital in that development. Carrie’s openness, showing the whole world her vulnerability, sharing with us her most personal thoughts - it was simply so inspiring. Reading it, I had a pencil with all the time, underlining and borrowing her words for my own diary, letting it all sink in and use writing as a means to develop, sometimes to finish, thoughts, instead of letting them drive me crazy in mind.   
8. Der Trafikant by Robert Seethaler
A German one! Or, more accurately, an Austrian novel. How did I find out about Der Trafikant? Well, I’m kind of in the movie version. It will hit cinemas in late 2018, so if you want to see me in my pretty 1937 and 1938 outfits, you probably should watch it:) Acting as a Nazi sympathiser on camera, I obviously wanted to know if the story was worth doing that. The story is worth it and so much more. It is often promoted as a love story. I would say it is one. Love (unrequited love, though) is a vital part of it, but I’d say even more vital are friendship against all odds, and doing what is right, instinctively even, during a time when most people didn’t do anything. I found so much of myself in the young protagonist (always wanted to compare myself to a 17 year old boy), it’s scary. I am so happy I got to be a part of this film, obviously because it was awesome being on set and everything, but mostly because it introduced me to this gem of a story. English version is The Tobacconist if anyone wants to read it.
9. Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood
I love Margaret Atwood. So which story do I choose? I go with Alias Grace. Once again: thoughts! I love to look into the minds of characters. And Grace and Simon are simply awesome to look into. The way Atwood subtly explores power, violence, sexuality, intelligence, psychology - it’s just superb. I also very, very much recommend the Netflix adaptation.  
10. A Long Way Down by Nick Hornby
Read it as a teenager, keep rereading it at different stages in my life, just like I do with Atonement. When I talk about it to people they’re always like “oh, it’s the story about suicide”. No it’s not. It’s about life. Choosing life. All the reasons to live. That’s why I think this story is so beautiful. And Nick Hornby manages to make you laugh, even though he’s addressing very serious topics. People usually like to compare me to Maureen. As a teenager, I always liked to compare myself with Jess (the only teenager, of the four protagonists, obviously). During my last reread on New Year’s Eve (yep, that’s what I did) I finally gave in and now I openly admit that the person I can identify with most is JJ. Which is sad. Because I always thought, he’s quite depressing and whiny. But well, here I am. (I still think I’m not all that whiny.) I just hope that there won’t ever be a time I can relate to Martin.
There we go. That kind of ended up being longer than I expected. 
I tag: @astoryinred @tomorrowatdawn @littlebonnieparker @soldierofdemocracy @thephantomoflesmis @textsfromumbridge
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fayrinferno · 7 years ago
Okay, long time no Esca shitposting, right?
This time about the names of the characters. You know what name intrigued me the most? Goau. Because what kind of a name is that and why would you choose it? In Japanese it’s written just “Goou”. And after years it hit me a few days ago; it was probably meant to be a variation of
Which is Portuguese mutation of John. You know, Gaean and Portuguese and all that? I’m gonna go with that. So yeah. King John.  
More “shower thoughts” under the cut (I think we had a post about this already, but I cannot find it).
Actually, there is a whole category of those names in Esca, I mean, existing foreign names changed up a bit. One possible reason is how Japanese warps foreign words because of not having the necessary sounds to transcribe them exactly. But I like to think they kept the misspellings intentionally. Like GRRM and his Jon, Samwell, Brynden and so on. Well-known names changed slightly to make the universe more fantasy-like. Because you don’t really want those ordinary Johns there, you want your characters to be unique and memorable, you don’t really want to find their names on Facebook (or earlier, in the phone book).
Obviously derived from Vargas. A Spanish/Portuguese surname.
Well, that one is hard. Volken (pronounced the same way) means “the people” in Germanic languages and as such I suppose is a rare surname used both as Volken and Folken. Of course, variations of „Falcon“ and „Vulcan“ are also possible inspirations. Or it’s just made up, let’s not absolutely disregard this option.
This one is pretty much clear. The possible meanings for this name include “handsome” and “noble”. Of course.
Serena, and „serene“ is also the meaning.
Well, it is an existing name, too, but I wonder about the choice a little. In original it’s „Meruru“. And what I found interesting are these repeating „R“ sounds the creators chose for catgirl characters. Naria and Eriya’s names were originally „Naru Naru“ and „Beru Beru“ (see the pattern?). I supose it would be transcribed as Nal-Nal and Bel-Bel then. There are even some instances in other anime, wonder about that, lol. Maybe it should be associated with the purring sound?
Here, I would not be too sure with the knee-jerk Vaughn. Mostly because it sounds and is written differently in Japanese (”Baan”). Funny thing, Baan in Arabic is a girl’s name meaning „tall & slender“, literally after a type of tree. Or a Sikh boy‘s name meaning arrow/god’s hymns. But personally, I don’t  think either of these was intended, I mean, Google did not exist then. And „Vans“ are not uncommon in Japanese pop-culture, like the protagonist of Gun x Sword or FFXII. With a small variation, because they are both written like „Vaan“ (not „Baan“). And yet, none of them got transcribed as Vaughn either. I rather think this name was created rather than borrowed and the Japanese find it somehow cool-sounding or something...
... Which is similar to „Aria“ (Eries‘ middle name). Japanese just love the sound of that, apparently. Seriously. It’s a manga, an anime, a Japanese magazine, a Japanese singer, a Japanese company producing guitars and a couple of anime characters as well, of course. To be fair, it’s also the transcription of the name Aliyah or Alia, but I think where the Japanese first came from was probably just the musical aria. Eries itself is probably related to Elise/Alice.
I think this one may come from “Milena”, a Slavic name meaning “beloved one” (it exists in my language as well but I think one of the reasons it’s not too popular - besides being kinda old-fashioned is it just sounds too similar to “female lover”). Mila Kunis was born with it, for example. Also, there was a Queen of Montenegro with the same name; you may find it interesting that she had given birth to nine daughters (and three sons).
Actualy a blend of Mary and Magdalene. Did not know that.
Mahad & Chid
Mahad is an Arabic name, meaning „great“. Since they chose Arabic, I tried to find an Arabic name similar to Chid (or Shid, as it is written in original), and only found „Shahid“, „witness“ (he is more like “proof” though, haha).
Only thing that comes to my mind is Dunkerque/Dunkirk. „Kirk“ is usually related to church, anyway.
Honestly, no idea. But this made me snort.
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samdukewieland · 5 years ago
Stuck Inside Media Diary Week 2
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New week. New movies I had never seen before. Only one was on the DVR so now it’s just like a glorified streaming guide and for that I apologize. There were three movies this week that I had seen before, but I’ve decided, because rules are important, that I won’t re-watch a movie until I watch a new one. Does this matter? No. But it has made me realize that I might be exposing my ass in the upcoming weeks, because we all lie about saying we’ve seen some movies when we actually haven’t. Not the case for this week, but it’s impending.
Sunday, March 29
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Warrior, O’Conner 2011 [as of now this is available on Amazon Prime]
As a person who doesn’t really care about MMA or UFC or boxing or bum fights or bare knuckle brawls I went in under the impression that there’d probably be some kind of barrier in my way of enjoying it, despite knowing its esteemed reputation for being man-weep canon. Any movie that opens and closes with a song by The National is fairly transparent about the type of movie its going to be, despite having an extremely yolked Tom Hardy as one of the main characters. My first cry came at a very unexpected moment, especially because Frank Grillo had a significant role in making that happen (though I will say, I had no idea Frank Grillo was in this movie and about midway through I thought “man, that guy kinda looks like Grillo, but he’s kinda small and has a fashion mullet”). However, I’m a cryer, so I don’t want to set the expectation of you will cry at this you piece of shit! but you might and it’ll come out of a good place, because this movie doesn’t trick you into crying by manipulating you into it (okay, it does at one point, but it involves Moby Dick, so again, it’s kinda unexpected). It opens with “Start A War” and ends with “About Today,” a top 5 sad boy song by The National and I’ll be damned if I didn’t listen to it once a day all last week.
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Better Call Saul 
“Sunk Costs”, “Sabrosito”, “Chicanery”, “Off Brand”, “Expanses”
John Getz hive, assemble.
Monday, March 30
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Working Girl, Nichols 1988 [as of now this is available on HBO]
Sometime in college, I think in a detective fiction class I took, we talked about knowing a reference to something before knowing what it’s either paying homage to or directly referencing. For example: the first time I read The Long Halloween (which is a Batman comic by Jeph Loeb) I had no idea that basically everything involving Falcone is just ripped from The Godfather, because I had never seen The Godfather at that time in my life; literally the first page of the book is “I believe in Gotham City.” Or in Django Unchained when they go to Mississippi and the title card moves across the screen just like it does in Gone With The Wind (Tarantino movies are generally just long homages and references to other things, so if you need another example, just look to really anything he’s ever worked on). There’s probably a German word for this feeling of recognition and I just don’t have the energy to look to see what it would be, but I felt it while watching Working Girl in two regards. 
The first was that I didn’t realize that School Of Rock is essentially just Working Girl and when you have a realization like this, you feel kinda dumb, because you just assume everyone figured this out before you did. The second was that Joe Swanberg has tried to model his movies after Mike Nichols ones like his life depended on it and he just can’t or rather hasn’t. Also I’m not a person who was alive in the 80s and I’m sure there’s some modern day equivalent (potentially her daughter) who I defend out of some weird sense of contrarian obligation, but what’s uh, what’s going on with Melanie Griffith and her as actor?
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Better Call Saul 
“Slip”, “Fall”, “Lantern” [Season 3 finale]
BCS season 3 really stepped up to the heights of Breaking Bad and I think I might like it just a little bit better than it? I haven’t watched Breaking Bad in long time, I find it pretty difficult to re-watch (it’s very fire works factory for me) so I’m sure there are some BB highs that I just don’t remember fully, but that BCS can juggle being three different shows all at the same time and do it excellently really has me taken aback. It’s like watching the Coen Brothers jump from genre to genre and not be worried about the end result.
Tuesday, March 31
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Say Anything..., Crowe 1989 [as of now this is available on Hulu]
I’m unabashedly in the can for Cameron Crowe, which is a semi-embarrassing thing to admit, but whatever. I saw Aloha in theatres and watched We Bought A Zoo when it was on FX once (in real time too, so that means with commercials-this was also the only time I’ve seen We Bought A Zoo, but I think I’d do it again); you can’t hurt me. I think I kept my distance from Say Anything... for so long, because it was one of those things that I’d be annoyed at because it’d resonate with me too much, because feeling that is kinda hacky and embarrassing, but if there’s one thing that Cameron Crowe movies put an emphasis on of importance on, it’s being sincere. And I sincerely loved it (hot, HOT take). Thanks to Russillo for recommending it on Simmons’ podcast last week.
Better Call Saul
“Smoke” [Season 4 premiere]
Wednesday, April 1
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The Graduate, Nichols 1967 [as of now this is available on Amazon Prime]
Sucks that this movie has been used by a certain type of dude who use it as a blueprint for their life and how they view relationships. Other than that, good job everyone. [I definitely thought it would be clever to watch this after watching Say Anything... because I just assumed Ben Braddock walked so Lloyd Dobbler could run-I was kinda right, whatever]
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Hot Rod, Schaffer 2007
While April Fools Day means nothing to me I do try to watch a comedy on the day, because...eh, why not. Hot Rod is maybe a perfect comedy and I think I could spend hours talking about it. I don’t know how there hasn’t been some kind of programming that’s been done around The Lonely Island and their catalog, because it seems very obvious. 
Hot Rod with Digital Shorts played before and after and then Wayne’s World
MacGruber and you play MacGruber shorts before and after and then whatever grotesque 80′s action movie you’d want, maybe Commando
Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping with Lonely Island music videos before and after and then This Is Spinal Tap
The Unauthorized Bash Brothers Experience sing-a-long followed by The Lonely Island pilot and  either a collection or the entirety of I Think You Should Leave
maybe this is all a lead-up to Palm Springs, a movie I have’t seen and know very little about other than they produced it and Samberg is in it
Thursday, April 2
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The In-Laws, Hiller 1979
I wrote it as my letterboxd. “review” , but this thing’s 1979 funny until they go to South America and then it is actually funny. Falk is just gangbusters.
Better Call Saul 
“Breathe”, “Something Beautiful”
Friday, April 3
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You Can Count On Me, Lonergan 2000 [as of now this is available on Amazon Prime]
I say this as a very big fan of his, but! Timothée Chalamet, consider yerself on notice for borrowing heavily from the Mark Ruffalo school of acting. Also, I get it now with Laura Linney, who I’ve liked before, but thought she might kind of be overrated by some people. Also, Matthew Broderick made this after Election (and also Inspector Gadget), so quite the infidelity streak for Brody, probably not a double feature.
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Better Call Saul
“Talk”, “Quite A Ride”, “Piñata”
Saturday, April 4
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De Palma, Baumbach & Paltrow, 2015 [as of now this is available on Netflix]
The definitive documentaries for the directors of this friend group are basically perfect in their own ways. That this is just De Palma talking about himself and his career and movies, sometimes being incredibly critical of his own work and others. He seems pretty self-aware, probably the most of that group of directors, while still coming across as incredibly cocky. De Palma is perfect for Brian De Palma. However, if anyone wanted to make a 10 hour documentary on Scorsese, Spielberg, Coppola, De Palma and Lucas in this style or it’s just the 5 of them interviewing each other moderated by like Fincher or someone, man....I could really go for that. (I mean if Michael Jordan can get one, why not these guys?)
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The Other Director Documentaries
Spielberg, 2017 (HBO) [Interviews and retrospectives about Spielberg’s career, with personal highlights. It’s essentially Spielberg in a nutshell: big, flashy with a lot of time on particular moments that are more important to him than they are to you]
Empire Of Dreams, 2004 (Disney+) [Ostensively this is about Star Wars, and it’s made by a company-man, it says so much about Lucas, a man who hated how institutions told him what he could do so he unintentionally created one that has copied what he hates]
Heart Of Darkness: A Filmmaker’s Apocalypse, 1991 [A truly wild ride, tells you everything you need to know about Coppola]
Italianamerican, 1974 [While a new documentary about Scorsese is probably what I covet most, he’s a pretty open book about his controversies and he’d probably enjoy talking about other people’s work more than his own-catholicism’s a helluva thing]
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The Godfather Pt. I & The Godfather Pt. II, Coppola 1972 & 1974
I don’t know if I necessarily endorse watching both of these back-to-back; I guess I’m glad I did it, even if the motivation was mainly to just see if I could. Obviously these movies are important and good and are about so much more than just gangsters and thugs, but a lot of the time it just feels like eating vegetables for me. I did not grow up in a household that emphasized the importance of The Godfather so maybe that’s part of it, but I’m definitely not as dismissive of these as I used to be (though part of that could be the mental Stockholm Syndrome Bill Simmons, Chris Ryan and Sean Fennessey have given me). Once I finished Pt. I, I felt like I could re-watch it; once I finished Pt. II I felt like my eyes were melting out of my head and onto my hands (this could be because I had just watched 377 minutes of a story). I will probably never do it again, unless it’s the weekend after Christmas and AMC is just going for it-at least then I’ll have intermissions every 20 or so minutes telling me to go shop at Target.
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lilyswritings · 8 years ago
Hold On To Me
Author’s note: Okay so this fic spawned from a few different requests I got, but in the end I kind of ignored the requests and did my own thing?? Sorry guys. But anyway, ever since I saw Wonder Woman (the day it came out lmao) and then the two other times since then (bc I’m trash) I’ve been developing this idea and yeah. Hope you guys enjoy!  Also! Please listen to ‘Heart’ by Sleeping At Last, as that’s the song I listened to while writing and it kind of fits! 
Summary: You joined this godawful war alongside your brother and his best friend. As a female pilot, already under stress due to your gender, the war became too much, ripping away everything you loved - but Steve was always by your side. Then he disappeared, and you had nothing left. So when he turns up out of nowhere with a stunning warrior goddess by his side, there are mixed feelings that arise. But you cannot let yourself get distracted by feelings that may or may not be reciprocated - there is still a war to be won. 
Part One / Part Two / Part Three 
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Steve Trevor x Reader
   The first time you met Steve Trevor was back in 1916, the year you’d been assigned to British forces. You were waiting for your brother to return from a flight, so that the two of you could celebrate the fact that you’d finally been assigned a mission, and your pilot’s license - an incredibly difficult feat, due to the fact that you’re a woman. You were stood in the middle of the large hangar when something hurtled into you. 
   The two of you were sent sprawling, your flight suit barely giving much protection from the concrete floor of the hangar. Groaning, you sat up, pulling off your helmet in order to be able to think properly, your eyes catching sight of the blonde man scrambling to pick up some of his papers - your eyes also caught sight of the small Captain badge on the lapel of his jacket.
   “I’m sorry I-” The man started, but stopped when he saw your face. “Oh.” His comment simply made you roll your eyes - since you’d gotten your pilot’s license, men seemed to always have the same reaction to you; incredulity and amusement at the thought of a female pilot.
    “Here.” You replied, holding back a snarky comeback (this man was your superior, technically), while handing him some of the papers he’d dropped. It was then that you took in his appearance - handsome face, boyish blond hair, bright blue eyes... 
    Nevermind that. He took back the papers, still staring at you, and you rolled your eyes and took the bait. “Can I help you with something?” You tried desperately to sound polite.
    “Nothing, just - have we met?” He asked, and you furrowed your brow. “You remind me of someone.” You opened your mouth to reply but stopped when you spotted someone jogging towards the two of you.
   “Andrew!” You shouted, heart swelling at the sight of your brother who promptly barreled into you, pulling you into a smothering hug and lifting you off the ground. 
   “How was the first day of official flying?” Your brother asked, finally letting go of you and pushing his hair out of his eyes. He then paused as he noticed the man besides him, glancing between the man and you. “So you’ve met Steve, then.” When his words were followed by silence he laughed, gesturing to the blonde man.
   “Steve, this is my little sister, Y/N. Y/N, this is Steve Trevor, a good friend of mine.” Although you rolled your eyes at the use of ‘little sister�� rather than just ‘sister’, you nodded at him.
   Your eyebrows raised as you remembered the letters your brother had written you about his previous missions. “So this is Steve, as in ‘saved your life from the Germans’ Steve?” You asked, and your brother nodded and clapped his friend on the back.
    “The one and the same.” He said, and you noticed the admiration in his eyes as he looked down at Steve.
    “Well then, glad to finally meet you. Thanks for keeping an eye on my flyboy of a brother.” You said, outstretching your hand to shake Steve’s.
    “It was my pleasure.”
    The pub is already a mess. You have never been a heavy drinker - far from it, actually - but due to the harrowing letter you’d received, telling you to assume the man that meant the most to you in the world was dead... A few drinks couldn’t hurt. Besides, it gives you an excuse to look after- Oh Christ, where’s he gone now-
    "CHARLIE!” You shout over the noise filling the bar, watching the Scotsman be picked up by the shirt and punched repeatedly. You shove your way through the crowd, planting yourself firmly in between Charlie and the fist that was hurtling towards him. Instantly, the owner of said fist stops, narrowing his eyes at you.
    "Out of the way, girlie." He growls, finally letting go of Charlie's shirt. You roll your eyes, lacking the energy or willpower to fight this man and turn to tug your friend over to your table - when the brute reaches for your arm. You respond by whipping around and kneeing him in the groin, watching him fall to the ground with a clenched jaw as a hush falls over the bar.
    “Didn’t think so.” You mutter, pushing your drunk friend over to the table where Sameer was sitting a few minutes ago, only to stop dead in your tracks. Your eyes widen, face turning white - and ironically, once could say it looks like you’ve seen a ghost. It takes a couple seconds for you to realize your feet have started moving, but when you do you’re hurtling towards the American man standing next to Sameer.
    “STEVE!” You shout, abandoning Charlie and engulfing Steve in your arms, breathing him in. He wraps his arms around you, squeezing you tightly, and you barely hold back a sob at how real and alive he is. “You were dead.” You mutter, your eyes blurred slightly by unshed tears.
     "I'm so sorry, I would have contacted you if I could have.” He mutters into the crook of your neck, squeezing you once more before letting you go.  “Y/N, this is Diana Prince. She pulled me from my sinking plane.” You turn and widen your eyes immediately, taking in the definitely-not-British woman standing by Steve.
    “Diana, this is Y/N, the best damn pilot around.” You shake your head despite the small smile on your lips, glancing back at Steve, who you still can’t believe is alive. 
    “He’s exaggerating, but hi. Y/N Y/L/N, at your service.” You hold out your hand and she shakes it, her grasp incredibly strong, and you watch as a twinge of confusion passes through her expression as she glances between you and Steve. “What?” You ask, and she pauses.
    “Why are you not out fighting right now?” She asks, her accent continuing to mesmerize you, and you frown slightly. 
    “I, uh... I’m no longer in the forces.” You state, your gaze falling to the floor, but Diana persists. 
    “If you are such a great pilot why would you leave?” 
    You sigh, glancing at Steve who has a solemn expression on his face. “I guess... It wasn’t meant to be.” You reply, deciding to leave it at that. “So, Diana, what brings you to jolly old-” You’re cut off by the butt of a gun being shoved in your face.
    “Not so tough now, are you?” The man slurs, and out of the corner of your eye you see Steve lunge forwards, but stop when Diana steps in front of him. With amazing speed, she shoves the man back, pulling the gun out of his hand and kicking him, sending him flying across the bar and into a pile of chairs. Then she hands the gun to Steve. Silence, and then-
    “Steve, can I borrow you?” You don’t wait for an answer, grabbing the arm of his jacket and tugging him to the side. “Okay, I need answers,” You start. “First, you go undercover as a German pilot, which I found out because Etta told me, not you; then every single person you work for tells me you’ve gone M.I.A. and that I should just assume you’ve died - which I do;”
    You watch his expression turn solemn but continue. “Then, you show up with a really oblivious foreign woman who looks like she fell from heaven, and can disarm a man in about four seconds flat, with absolutely ZERO explanation!” You shout, and he grimaces, rubbing the back of his neck.
    “Look, it’s a long story-” His reply makes you scoff, jaw clenching. 
   “Steven Rockwell Trevor don’t you ‘long story’ me after making me think you’re dead.” He rolls his eyes, glancing back at the group, where Sameer is very obviously flirting with Diana and Charlie is nursing yet another drink. 
    “Fine, okay? Her name is Diana, she pulled me out of my sinking plane after I crash landed on her hidden island full of Amazonian warrior women where she happens to be the princess, and she came with me because she believes can end the war by killing the Greek god Ares.” He explains, and you narrow your eyes. 
   “Hm. Okay.” Is all you say, and he raises an eyebrow. 
   "What, that’s it? You believe me?” He sounds incredulous and you smile slightly. 
   “You promised me you’d never lie to me. I trust you, Steve. I don’t fully believe it, but I believe you’re telling me the truth.” You state, expression softening as you look up at him and meet his cerulean eyes. “If anything I’m just happy you’re alive.” 
   He chuckles lowly. “Yeah, me too.” Steve mutters, pulling you into another small hug and turning back to the table. You sit next to the newcomer, eyes darting over Sami and Charlie, and turn to her.
   “Diana Prince, huh?” You ask, and she nods. “Welcome to the gang.”
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tipsycad147 · 5 years ago
Garden Gnomes
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By shirleytwofeathers
Origin: Teutonic
Emblem: Mushrooms, especially fly agaric or fly amanita
Plant: The presence of galbanum (freula galbaniflua) allegedly invites the protection of gnomes.
Iconography: The standard garden gnome depicts an older male with a long beard and peaked red hat. He wears a big belt over leggings, a blue tunic, and boots. Sometimes they wear gardeners’ aprons.
The name “gnome” stems from the Greek word “genomos” which means “earth dweller”. They are said to be one of the elemental spirits defined by Paracelsus, as representative of the Earth Element.
Gnomes are subterranean spirits now most associated with garden statuary. They resemble tiny people. Paracelsus described gnomes as two spans high. (A span is the width of an outstretched human hand,) Unlike dwarves or kobolds, gnomes are not mine or cave spirits but tend to live beneath human gardens. They have a reputation for emerging at night to do a little helpful garden work. Garden gnomes allegedly bring luck.
Gnomes tend to be quiet, private, taciturn spirits, but they respond well to gifts and offerings. They can be persuaded to become loyal allies, guardians, and helpers. Female gnomes may be especially taciturn; they are rarely depicted. However folklore indicates that their are entire gnome communities with male and female gnomes of all ages. Gnomes maintain good relationships with birds, rabbits, foxes, hedgehogs, and squirrels.
Originally, gnomes were thought to provide protection, especially of buried treasure and minerals in the ground.  Gnomes were regarded as good luck charms by our ancestors and would often be found living in the rafters of barns where they would help watch over livestock. They are still used today.
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Garden Gnomes vs “Actual” Gnomes
Modern garden gnomes are based on the legendary “Gnomes” of myth, mysticism, and fairy tales. Gnomes have historically been described as small (from a few inches to a foot or two in height) stout beings who live in Nature – usually underground. European magicians and other mystics considered gnomes the most common and important elemental spirits of the ‘Earth’ element (the other three classical elements being: ‘Water,’ ‘Fire,’ and ‘Air’).
Gnomes were said to wear conical hats and to be able to move through the earth itself as easily as we humans walk upon it, yet if any of these underground dwellers were caught out in the daylight it was said that the rays of the Sun turned them into stone.
Sometimes gnomes were said to have magical powers to protect or punish people – or to reward them with happiness. Gnomes are also said to be guardians of secret underground treasures – especially gold! Even in modern times gnomes are said by some –such as the highly influential mystic Rudolph Steiner – to be involved in the hidden processes of plant life. In fact many farms, including prize-winning wineries, follow principles based on these beliefs.
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Garden Gnomes Today
More modern descriptions of gnomes usually emphasise their bright red pointed hats, solid coloured clothes, and the long white beard of the typical male. Though sightings of female gnomes are rarely reported, gnome women are generally thought to be beard-free.
The name ‘gnome’ is said to come from the Latin word ‘gnomus’ which is thought to possibly come from the Greek word ‘gnosis’ meaning “knowledge” (i.e. of hidden treasure), but is more likely rooted in the word ‘genomos’ meaning “earth dweller”
A garden gnome adds a bit of whimsy and a connection to the old world, where farmers believed the good luck charm could help their fields yield more produce and protect them from thieves, pests and other problems. They were also thought to help gardeners in the night, which we all could use!
The earliest gnome statuary was produced in Thuringia, Germany, in the early nineteenth century and was based on German folklore. Gnome statues potentially welcome and attract real gnomes, as well as Flower Fairies or other benevolent spirits. The earliest statues were carefully wrought, hand-painted terra-cotta and were exceptionally popular.
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By the 1960’s, cheaper plastic and resin versions were mass-produced. The old terra-cotta ones are now extremely valuable and are family heirlooms. Garden gnome statues tend to evoke very visceral responses. Some people adore and collect them. Others loathe them so much that they feel justified destroying or removing other people’s property.
Gnomes are the subject of modern entertainment as well as old folktales. The animated children’s television show The World of David the Gnome was highly unusual in that it depicted both male and female gnomes. The gnomes in J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series are garden pests, not helpers.
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Some Handy Garden Gnome Trivia:
Gnomes are banned from the Royal Horticultural Society Chelsea Flower Show. We think that’s a crying shame, personally.
There are three categories of mass-produced gnomes: Worker gnomes, who always carry tools like fishing rods, shovels, or hammers; at-ease gnomes who typically carry a pipe and cultural gnomes who have a musical instrument in hand. Rock stars.
Gnomes have a life expectancy of 400 years.
Their main enemies? Mean humans who destroy the environment and trolls – obviously.
Male gnomes always wear red caps.
The world’s oldest garden gnome, called Lampy, has been living at Lamport Hall in the UK for 125 years and is worth a cool £2 million, or €2.4m!
In the 1980s, the Gnome Liberation Front stole gnomes and sent the owners photos of them from landmarks around the globe.
Gnomes are generally vegetarian and eat foods like nuts, mushrooms, peas, beans, potatoes, applesauce, fruit, berries, tubers, spices, vegetables, and preserves for dessert.
They like to drink mead dew made from fermented honey, fermented raspberries, and spiced gin as a nightcap.
Gnomes kiss by rubbing noses. They also use nose rubbing as a greeting equivalent to human handshaking.
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Forest Gnomes:
There are gnomes that live in the forest in the Philippines.  You can tell where they live if there’s a hill of dirt that’s a bit higher than everything else. And when you go by them, you’re supposed to be really, really respectful and say:
“Excuse me. I’m just walking by. I don’t mean any harm.”
Even if you’re not doing anything, or no one said anything, or you’re not sure. You’re just supposed to do it. If you don’t, there could be blow back as per the following:
“There was a story on the Philippines news channel, about a kid who had huge swollen lips. You could hardly see his eyes. He was speaking to reporters and he said that he was walking by the hills and his friend told him that you’re supposed to say sorry and he said, “No, I’m not. I don’t care. I don’t believe in that stuff.”
Then the next day he woke up with a tumour on his face. Not so much as a tumour, but as his lips were super swollen. It looked like someone blasted air into his lips. Like super Botox.”
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Walking Gnomes
The following story is very interesting in the fact that this is one of the few stories from Mexico where inanimate objects, that are not haunted, come to life. The Mexican culture does not traditionally include creatures such as gnomes but instead, it consist of larger creatures and ghosts. This is because the country did not originally have gnomes until places, such as the United States introduced them to there.
“In Mexico they believe that garden gnomes come alive at night. The proof they have of it is that my grandma used to own gnomes and her neighbours used to own gnomes in Mexico. And the garden gnomes the next day would be found in different places and a lot of stuff was broken and sometimes my mom and her sister would wake up at night, and they would hear things, but when they looked outside, they would never see the gnomes there. So there’s that story that they become alive at night in Mexico.”
“Recently I was talking to one of my cousins who told that story to some friends whose parents were also from Mexico. And this friend told my cousin that he actually believes that story, because one night the garden gnomes were not where they had placed them. They found them inside the house one night in the house and they were rolling in the hallway. Since then, they got rid of the gnomes, or at least they tried to. They threw them away but the next day they were in the same place they had put them before.”
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The Secret Lives of Garden Gnomes
From Neopets.com, here’s a story about what Gnomes do at night. I’m pretty sure this is a made up story, but I thought it was fun, and who knows? Maybe it isn’t altogether fictional. You be the judge:
The reason Garden Gnomes come alive at night is because they don’t want anyone to see them moving around. This is pretty practical, considering the fact that if any regular person saw them talking and moving, they’d want to put them in some sort of abnormality museum!
But what do garden gnomes do at night? Well, I was watching out my window at the gnomes in my garden one night, and I saw one, a Bruce gnome, have them all line up in a row as he paced back and forth in front of them, a small twig in his hand like he was the instructor of a military camp.
He was telling each gnome which direction to go in order to pick up free food. You see, garden gnomes thrive like ants. They all go off to find food that people may have dropped accidentally or on purpose, and sometimes they even venture into houses and borrow food with no intention of returning (also known as stealing, but they take such small portions most people never even notice).
After retrieving food they rush back to their home centre (which is usually a tunnel in the ground leading into a large, dug out room, since gnomes are not claustrophobic) and report to the leader, in this case the Bruce gnome. He then tallies their lot and tosses the foot morsel into another room in their tunnel, where they store their food. They act sort of like chipmunks, storing food and hunting for it, of course, gnomes are not carnivores though.
And, to their enormous pleasure, when they have collected a lot of food, they sit down at have a feast! Yes, a feast! It’s a feast of little sweets, candy peas, popcorn pieces, and sometimes even whole flower cakes (although they take more than one gnome to carry). But besides eating, what else do gnomes do? Well, I’m glad you asked.
You wouldn’t suspect this, but when they have leisure time, gnomes enjoy swimming. They are very pleased to find a Neogarden where someone owns a pond. They jump right in, clothes and all, and swim and dive around in the cool water for hours at a time. And when they want to dry off, they take a large leaf and wrap themselves up in it, drying off quickly.
Aside from swimming, gnomes also enjoy crafts. They may take green blades of grass and weave adorable little baskets or even blankets. They can also take pieces of bark off of trees and sticks and carve them with sharp stones into little sculptures. Gnomes are very talented in the artistic field, and if you see a stick carved into a Meepit, you know who did it.
Aside from swimming and crafts, another thing gnomes enjoy is sports. They might play their own version of soccer by kicking around a rounded stone, or even play basketball by throwing a rock into a hole. This not only provides exercise, but gives them lots of time together to just have fun.
But when they aren’t playing and having fun, what do they do? Throughout the whole day, they sleep, and at night they either have fun or look for food, so there’s only a little bit of time left for something else-note-taking! This is sort of like their education, which is actually an education of…what else? Neopets!
Note-taking is when gnomes grab their oversized pencils and paper, which they “borrow” from Neopets, then marching through the sleeping pet’s house and going to their bedroom, where they climb up on the bed and observe the neopet’s sleeping habits. They are trying to find out where Neopets came from. Maybe all Neopets evolved from Myncis!
Another sort of educational activity that gnomes practice is counting. It isn’t counting like 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, though, no, no no! It’s counting in a different way. The gnomes version of counting may be why your plushies eye was missing when you woke up.
Gnomes will trample in when you are catching some Z’s (it seems all of their educational activities are while Neopets are slumbering) and then they will be assigned a number (by there leader, the Bruce gnome) and then they shall go “counting” which, in other words, is another type of stealing. They have to pick up ten, for example (or however many their number is) trinkets, like plushie eyes, toothpicks, or buttons, and bring them back to their tunnel, storing them in a safe place. What they do with them I do not know, but I suspect they might make furniture or something of the sort using what they found.
One last thing I found out is that gnomes are a fan of bright colours and patterns. In the early morning, I saw them getting ready for bed and they were wearing long pants and long sleeved shirt PJ’s of hot pink, bright purple, lime green, and sunny yellow colour. Some had stripes, some had polka dots, and some even had swirlies! Gnomes are very interesting, no?
Now you know what gnomes do when you aren’t looking, what their secret life is all about. If you look out your window at night, you might be able to see them moving and hear them talking in their high pitched voices. But be warned-if they see you watching them, well, I won’t go there…
House and Garden
Encyclopedia of Spirits
Love To Know
Folklore USC
Just Say Gnome
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iammarylastar · 7 years ago
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Warning: racist content, violence and blood.
Chapter 4: Troubles
“Awww! What a gorgeous baby you have there! Boy or girl?”
The lady of the immigration service who was in charge with them couldn’t stop babbling, a wide grin taped on her face.
“She was meant to be a boy. She’s a she!” Stefan showed off, his precious baby girl in his arms.
“What a drop dead gorgeous lady! How old are you Princess?” She dropped her pen to reach out and stroked the fatty calves of the wiggling baby girl.
“She will hit 6 weeks in a few days. She was born on board!”
“She is a beauty! Congratulations and ̀ welcome to Australia!” She nicely said. Australian seemed to be very nice and welcoming people.
“And what’s your name, little angel?”
“Miss Lizzy Gibson! You’re not paid to talk rain and good weather with migrants but to register them.” Her boss coldly called her to order.
Blushing furiously to be scold like a child, the young woman adjusted her glasses up her nose, grabbed her pen back, cleared her throat and asked, a serious frown between her eyebrows:
“OK. Name?”
“Courtney.” Stefan proudly announced, lifting the tiny girl up to tickle her chubby cheek with his nose.
“Well. Your first name Ma'am?” She conscientiously wrote down the precious information.
“Mieke.” She answered, making the woman stop writing.
“Jewish?” She quirked an eyebrow.  The woman nodded shyly but kept her eyes straight on hers.
All the Jewish people who disembarked here in Sydney usually looked exhausted, frightened and lost, averting their gaze down to the floor, trembling in fear to be beaten to death or worse while confessing their religion. They’d often lost everything : family, friends, house, honour and dignity.  But not those two. Three. The young couple seemed happy and blessed, together with that cutie pie the man held lovingly against his chest.
“You?” She asked the man, suddenly hit by his stunning blue gaze, her mouth getting dry before such an handsomeness.
“Stef… Stephen.” He hesitated. And got obviously uncomfortable. Weird.
“And where are you from?” Her job was also to find out traitors or Nazis. Her hierarchy’s instructions were to send any suspicious case to the upper stage, where strong men would roughly get the truth out of them.
“London, England.” The woman firmly uttered.
That made sense, their accent sounded European’s. Most of the candidates to exile came from this troubled part of the world.  The man, as handsome as he looked, was still acting suspiciously, nervously stroking and patting his newborn’s back, shifting from one foot to another in a too fast pace.
Nonetheless, she couldn’t resolve herself to denounce his strange behaviour, promising him and the whole family to the hell of policy questioning, demand in custody during what could be a months-long investigation.
“And I guess you lost your identity papers… whilst the destruction of your house?” She started, her long, meaningful look inviting Mieke to complete the story.
“Yes. An air raid destroyed all the area where we lived. These two suitcases are all we have now. And her.” Mieke spoke, subtly shoving back in her pocket the false documents she had been fiddling for the beginning of their encounter. Covering her husband’s hand with hers, stroking both her man and child, she threw a begging stare at the woman.
“I’m so sorry to hear about such a tragedy. Thanks God you’re safe. And your daughter will have a good life here.”
“Again welcome to Sydney Mr and Mrs Courtney. I wish you the very best, for you and miss… Jesus I forgot to note it!”
Stefan opened his mouth, the woman obviously misunderstood what he had said, but Mieke cut him off.
“Brittany. We thought it could be a nice reminding of where she’s from. It’s out little Bree.” She lied with such self-assurance Stefan thought for one second it was true.
Plus he liked how it sounded. A hint of Brandt, a hint of their past. The perfect name for their baby girl. The perfect mix of their past to start to build their future. A brighter future for them all.
“Owww! How beautiful name you’re wearing darling!” She rambled in awe again, while writing the name down the precious paper. She checked all the items were filled then stamped the three copies, and handed one to Mieke.
“You have me disturbed from my task, little doll. Sorry I can’t resist to kiss her, may I?”
She was already up her chair, walking around her desk. She stopped near Stefan, waiting for permission. He nodded though he felt like she was playing tricks to take his daughter from him and throw him in jail for misspelling his name or caught in the act of lying.
He relaxed a bit whilst crossing the genuine shiny gaze with which she looked at his offspring. Lightly patting the baby girl’s back, she attacked her chubby cheeks, stroking and kissing every pieces she could.
“Ohhh little princess you’re so adorable!” She glanced at Mieke, both women had a large grin taped on their faces. Women. ..
“I’m already fond of her! ”
“Miss Gibson! ” the boss barked from behind them.  “Contact with migrants is totally forbidden, so have I to remind you the consequences of disobey an order?”
Startling, the woman squeezed quickly Stefan’s hand and rushed back to her desk, apologizing to her grumpy boss, her look on the floor.
Sitting down, she gathered the papers spread on her desk, mumbling to the couple.
“Sorry, I couldn’t help it. Was worth the reprimand.” Then spoke louder the usual speech  “Welcome to Australia Mr Courtney. The authority will study your case and you’re waited next month with wife and child to finalize your identity papers and immigration file.”
She wrote down the date and time of the appointment on a squared paper and reached out for Mieke to take it. Miss Gibson winked at the couple, placing her forefinger on her lips to seal whatever secret she wanted to keep from her boss’ ears.
Stefan grabbed then yanked at Mieke’s wrist, making her face and bump into him. Stealing her lips in a searing kiss, he pinned her roughly against the wall of their new flat.
Gasping for air, Mieke whispered whilst being nipped and licked along her neck.
“Stefan, what’s that for?”
Not that she was complaining, but it has been a long, stressful day and she craved to test their bed.
They had walked across the whole town, seeking after an address miss Lizzy had scrawled in the back of the appointment note.
128 Kookaburras Street, Sydney. Ask for Cora. Good luck. Lizzy Gibson.
They had finally reach the street, exhausted and soaked in sweat, Mieke’s arms burned and hurt for holding miss Courtney, Stefan’s shoulders and hands dead for lifting the two luggage for miles. Both had worn their heavy woolen coats all the way, under the hard sun of the Australian summer.
Cora was Lizzy’s cousin. She lived in a small house which had an extra tiny flat to rent next door. She was as in love at the first sight with baby Bree as Lizzy had been and more than happy to have that lovely couple as neighbours.
The two floors furnished flat was cozy, there was just a kitchen and a water closet downstairs and a bedroom upstairs. No bathroom here but she nicely offered them to use hers as often as they needed. Plus a free babysitter whenever they want or need to entrust the little girl.
Bree was soon asleep, they manage to make a crib with a blankets and a big basket they borrowed to Cora. Time to settle down and enjoy their new home.  Mieke would happily crash down their bed and sleep for the next three days.
The way her husband grinded against her thigh made her realize they could test all their new bed’s potential.
He grinned against her skin, teasing her:
“I just can’t wait to start our honeymoon babe. ”
“Honeymoon?"  It must be the Australian thick air, they’ve been married for 6 months already and had enjoyed a long, sensual, suave and Earth-shattering honeymoon in London.
"I’ve never got to make love to my new wife.” Lifting her up swiftly from the ground, he walked her towards their bedroom, which he intended to fully take advantage of.
“Come here, Mrs Courtney, let’s have some fun in there.”
Unfortunately, all the money they had saved wasn’t worth that much then.  Untoward side effect of an economy being in war. Marvin provided a job on the docks to Stefan, they needed arms to unload the cargos down the ship. After only three days of getting up at the crack of dawn and lifting too much heavy stuff till sunset, Stefan had to forfeit, the wound on his stomach hurt like a bitch and he got fever, which had Mieke worried to death.
Marvin worried too and strictly forbad Stefan to come back to work. He promised him to find a job more appropriate, like truck driver or foreman but in no case he would want to see Stefan lifting heavy boxes.
That stubborn German insisted to leave the bed and have his job back. He had to afford the rent and refused to see Mieke forced to leave their daughter to work herself to death.
“I’m not the one who’s dying for working my ass off.” She snapped at him when he wretchedly fell on the floor, too weak to stand up straight.
“Stop scolding me woman. You’d better bring your little ass here and give me a hand to get up.” He laughed when she wiggled her ass before his nose, pretty sure it could help him to get better.
Pulling on his hand, she managed to have him up, letting him lean heavily on her shoulder. Stefan stumbled back, hooking his arms around her waist, making them both tumble on the bed. He rolled over her, hissing from some pain coming from his abdomen.
She laughed out loud when feeling his not-weak-anymore member which was grinding against her belly.
“Let me practice you once or twice. It will help to recover faster.” He teased in her ear, biting on her neck.
“Word.” She just uttered, before being kissed roughly and hearing her panties torn and thrown to the side.
* They got up early that day. They were expected at the Immigration department to get their official Australian documents as political refugees.  They were registered as English citizen and with a job and respectable situation, it won’t be long before they got their Australian citizenship. Technically, Courtney  -damn her name is Brittany now- could be considerate as an Aussie, like they say Down Under, the boat she was born on flew the Australian flag. To tell the truth, none of them really cared. As long as they were together, a roof over their heads, happiness filling their plates.
New name, new start, new life.
They celebrated that day by having one of the best sex they’d ever had,  laughing between their sighs of pleasure, him tickling her sides while she was purposely leaving marks on his neck.
Had he been aware it was the last time he was making love to his wife, he would have made it last longer. He would have been more careful to record her slightest moans, the feeling of her lips on him, the softness of her skin and curves. Every line of her beautiful face.
Wails coming from the crib forced them to get out of bed, and get ready for their appointment.
Knock, knock.
Stefan quickly put a shirt on and walked downstairs to open the door to this unexpected visitor. Probably Cora, their neighbour, who was used to bring them extra veggies or bottle of milk she had. Or someone turned angry by their loud screams of their latest ecstasy. He chuckled at the thought as he grabbed the doorknob.
“Mr Stephen Courtney? "  Two men all suited in seriousness and black uniforms were standing on the threshold, papers in hand.
He thought Australian authorities were so kind to bring them the documents at home. It would keep them from a long walk across the city; Rain was beginning to fall, and he wouldn’t want Courtney  -Bree, he wasn’t used to call her that- to be soaked and grumpy. He drew a filthy smirk on his face; he could put the baby back in her bed and Mieke back to their.
“Does a certain Captain Stefan Brandt mean something to you, Mr. Courtney?” The man asked.
His heart stopped. His mouth got dry. His grip tightened on the knob, his knees getting weak for a second.
“No.” He curtly replied.
Mieke popped up behind him, and stopped the baby talk she was singing to Courtney. Bree.
“We were talked a German SS officer by the name of Stefan Brandt had arrived by sea with wife and kid, and tries to hide behind false name here in Sydney.”
Despite the stabs in his guts, Stefan  -Stephen!- stood up straight, poker face.
“I’m sorry I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I’m afraid I can’t accept your answer Mr. Courtney. The sailor who spit out the information was pretty clear: a tall dark blond male with blue eyes and a damn pretty brunette who gave birth in the ship to a lovely baby girl, about 6 weeks ago. How old is your baby girl Mr Courtney? If I’m not mistaken, you told the immigration service lady she was born on board.”
This stupid Irish was almost dumb with an empty stomach, but completely unable to hold his tongue after three drinks.
Stephen clenched his teeth, and didn’t answer.
Staring coldly behind his shoulder, the man continued :
“Does that pretty lady of yours know about that?”
“No. She doesn’t.” He cut him off.
“If I may, I’d love to hear it from her.” He insisted, one step forward.
“No, you may not."  Stefan stepped back to protect his wife and child.
"Now if you would excuse us, we’re expected.” Stefan grabbed Mieke’s hand, interlocking their fingers together. No. Nobody would divide them.
The man stiffened and reached his arm out, preventing them to walk further out.
“I’m sorry but you’re not going anywhere. You’ll follow us to the police station where we’ll proceed to an official interrogation. I’d like to clear some things up about who you are. Or who you pretend to be.”
Mieke crushed her husband’s hand, holding her breath. No. Not that curse again.  She bit her lips which were going to whisper her husband’s name. She wouldn’t risk making a mistake and jeopardize his chance.
“Baby…” she tried.
The tense filled the air around them and Brittany started wailing, her cries getting louder despite her mother’s attempt to calm her down. Losing battle.
The man in black grinned devilishly. “Think wise, Mr. Courtney or whatever your name is. We ’re empowered to use the force if necessary and there are things nobody here is willing for your wife and your adorable child to witness. Aren’t we?”
Stefan clenched his teeth, jawlines sharp. He could feel Mieke trembled. Following these guys was the smartest thing to do, they had repeated their story again and again, to be ready for a moment like that. They had just pictured they would be settled in an office of the Immigration Department building, not here, on their own household. He nonetheless couldn’t resolve himself to let go off the knob he was pulverizing.
No. He won’t leave his house. He won’t leave his wife. Or his daughter. No way. He won’t allow anyone to jeopardize his family, his happiness. He couldn’t stand to figure out his baby girl growing up without her dad. Never let his devastating childhood happen again.
The man was not known to be patient. He was the head detective of the Sydney police department, in charge with the possibly ‘alien enemy’ cases. He was very skilled to detect the cheaters, he got nose for lies and inconsistencies in the stories that are a complete fabrication. He could worm the truth out of the toughest guy, beating up those rats was his favorite part of his job. He had some Nazis or deserters on his list of prides, and was craving to add this one. As cute as his little family seemed, he wouldn’t fool him. A German wuss and a Jewish princess, he shivered in disgust. He would never allow bad blood invade his country. Australia deserved the best of white, honest people.
The cries of the ashamed mixed-blood baby started to piss him off and the brazen faced standing still in front of him wrecked his nerves. He was the law, he was mandated by the Australian government to take that man for questioning. He had to submit to his authority.
“Please, follow me.” He ordered.
Stefan didn’t even move a finger, but tightened his grip on Mieke. He glanced at her, to snap once again to her gorgeous face, which was wasted by terror. She was clung to her screaming daughter, petrified by the situation.
Couldn’t they just be happy? Left alone, just the three of them?
“Now!” The man barked, grabbing Stefan’s wrist.
Game over.
“Don’t fucking touch me!” Stefan yanked at the man’s grip. He knew he was wrong -oh yes he was- but he saw no other options.
Though the man was short and skinny, he was quick to strongly punch Stefan in the face, then in the guts, obviously used to fight.
Mieke screamed as she witnessed his husband crashing down the floor, grunting loudly as he wrapped his arms on his stomach.
She jumped forward to grab his husband, the baby roaring out in her other arm.  The man bluntly pushed her backward, purposely crashing a foot on Stefan’s hand as he poorly tried to roll on all four.
“Bastard!” He growled between his teeth, the taste of blood invaded his mouth. “Stay away from her!”
The man bent over his face, pressing his heel harder on Stefan’s hand, eliciting a loud rumble from the back of his throat.
“Are you giving me orders, Mr. Courtney? Do you think you’re allowed to open your mouth? I gave you the opportunity to talk lately but you just screwed it up.” He lifted his heel just enough to crash it violently back on Stefan’s hand.
Stefan howled in pain, curling his knees under his chest in a desperate attempt to stand up.
“Down!” He yelled at Stefan, kicking violently in his side again. “You’ll stand up only when I decide you could.”
“No!” Mieke screamed out, kneeling down near him.
The man kicked her roughly in the shoulder, making her fall hard on the floor. Tightening her grip on Courtney not to let her down, Mieke shrieked both in fear and rage.
“FUCK YOU!” Stefan shouted , tugging at the sleeve of the man who was threatening his family.
“Don’t you dare!"  The man lost his nerves and hit Stefan like his fist was a hammer, again and again until his knuckles got red.  Stefan could only glance at Mieke who was soaked in tears, hugging Courtney safely against her chest, rocking her to make her stop crying.
Then the man started kicking relentlessly on Stefan’s belly, smirking at the crack of his ribs. Gasping from a flash of pain, Stefan threw up, breakfast and blood, while hearing in the distance, his brain getting dizzy and confused:
"And consider yourself lucky I won’t throw your Jewish wife and spawn in a camp. They’re all full of rats and black beetles. I don’t want to add more garbage out there.” The man said in his ear, throwing a threatening glance to Mieke.
“Mieke…” Stefan weakly whispered.
The man viciously smirked in contentment.  He had warned him, he was the law. He had power of life and death on strangers, mostly traitors to their countries. He doubted for a second that the guy was a soldier, a captain. He was so weak, despite his large frame and bulging arms.
The woman was still crying , the baby screaming for her little life.
“Shut the fuck up!” He growled at the two females, walking across Stefan’s body, a threatening fist over his head.
Mieke crept back against the wall, hiding her baby girl with her arms. The palm violently hit her face, making her head jerk to the side. Crouching down, the man wiped the tears that soaked her face, letting trails of blood, Stefan’s blood, on her bruised jaw.
“Look at you, poor lamb. Sometimes I feel like the Führer is right. Jewish aren’t better than those dirty natives. You’re even not able to find someone strong enough to protect you.” Narrowing his eyes to scrutinize her face and swollen cheek, he snorted.
“What a shame, you’ve got a damn pretty face. Stay hidden until the bruises disappear and then you could hook a bit to save money.  Pretty Jewish princesses like you make good whores on the docks.”
She averted her eyes from his disgusting lustful stare and locked Stefan’s beaten face. Clenching her trembling jaws not to let a sigh or a sob out, she silently cry watching the waste that was her husband.
Stefan couldn’t move a thing, turning his head to witness that bastard hit his wife was already a miracle. Tears flowing down his face, blood slipping out from his cut mouth, he made a lame attempt to reach out his hand towards her.
“Mieke..” he barely whispered, bubbles of blood spitting from his mouth and nostril.
“DAMMIT! This vermin is hard to knock down!” The man left Mieke to face the nearly unconscious body of that so-called Mr. Courtney.
One last kick in his abs, one last punch on his jaw, one last heart-rending scream from Mieke calling his name covered by his daughter’s cries. Then nothing.
Black out.
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@singingpeople @pernilleals @beltz2016 @captstefanbrandt  @writingismyhappytime @kiiiimberlyriiiicker1995 @jaihardi @ashtotes @muremlinchen @anditcametopass
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nebris · 6 years ago
In the future, will the English language be full of accented characters?
Here's something to think about as you sip your latté (or your piña colada) while listening to Beyoncé (or Mötley Crüe): Just how important to the English language are accented characters? And will they withstand the test of time?
We've included accents in some words for a long time; after all, we like to steal words from languages such as French, Italian, and German. But they're not an official part of the English alphabet, partly because they weren't so easy to type or typeset, and partly because … well, they're not English, are they? But the letters w and j and q weren't English originally, either. Nor was the apostrophe. And the letters þ and ð were English until we got rid of them. So is the accent on its way out, or is it seeping in?
Technology has long influenced our use of letters in language. For example, English has always had the sounds we now spell with the letters th, but we used to be able to write them with þ and ð. When printing presses arrived from Europe, their sets of type didn't include those characters, so those characters disappeared. On the other hand, it wasn't until more recent centuries that English speakers (and writers) found it useful to have an official distinction between v and u and between i and j (before then, Julius was just another way of writing Ivlivs) or decided we had a use for the letter w that came from Europe. And we didn't really need q, but it looks so ... Latin! So, the sets of type for our printing presses included those letters.
In other words, we adopt letters for a handful of reasons: usefulness, aesthetics, and because, well, we simply can. We abandon letters when it becomes too difficult to write or print them out.
The apostrophe has a similar history. It was invented in Italy, introduced into French in the early 1500s to indicate a dropped letter (something French does a lot), and then borrowed into English later in the same century to indicate the same kind of thing: I'm, 'tis, can't. It also indicated a dropped e in the possessive, so Shakespeare's play Love's Labour's Lost was originally Loues Labour's Lost because the e was dropped from Laboures but not from Loues (remember that u and v weren't separate characters yet!). But the idea of using an apostrophe before s in all singular possessives — and after s in all plural ones — caught on over time, partly because it helped make some useful distinctions, but also because it made the speaker seem smart. And it was part of our sets of moveable type.
So what about accented characters? If English didn't steal words from everywhere, we probably wouldn't have much use for accents. We could use a mark to distinguish between, for instance, the noun and verb forms of protest (prótest versus protést), but we've gotten along for centuries without it. The New Yorker, probably unnecessarily, lets readers know typographically that it understands how to pronounce coördinate. But when we need to distinguish between rose and rosé, divorce and divorcé, expose and exposé, or resume and résumé, accents start to look very attractive.
They also have a certain exotic charm. As Emmy J. Favilla says in her BuzzFeed style guide A World Without "Whom," "I'm partial to using accent marks any chance I can get, because they are cute." Benjamin Dreyer, copy chief of Random House, makes his opinion clear in Dreyer's English: "Sojourning in a chateau can't be nearly as much fun as sojourning in a château." We have a lot of weird silent letters in English spelling (as in people, isle, phthisis) for no other reason than to display where we pillaged the word from, so we're certainly going to want to keep that extra soupçon of éclat on the façade of jalapeño. Otherwise we would look naive — sorry, naïve. It's no accident that so many accented letters are found in food terms; we take savory delight in what seems exotic.
And yet we just don't see them as truly essential. We no longer put the circumflex on rôle or hôtel. We often implement accents incompletely, rendering carménère (a type of red wine grape) as carmenère, Ångström (a very small unit of measurement) as Ångstrom, and résumé as resumé. And sometimes we add them where they didn't even exist in the source: latté, for instance, from Italian latte, which has no need of the accent because in Italian you always say the e; maté and animé likewise add an accent as acupuncture to rouse a final e that we might otherwise treat as silent, though the source languages had no such need.
Certainly they can be fashionable. The double-dot crown named variously the diaeresis and the umlaut (a name taken from the sound change it signifies, just like accent) is especially popular in branding, where it almost never indicates any difference in pronunciation. Branding expert Nancy Friedman maintains an ever-growing collection of decoratively umlauted names, starting with the band Blue Öyster Cult, progressing through Häagen-Dazs, on through Freshëns and Yogen Früz, and on to Söfft, Melōränge, and iögo.
But, as Friedman has pointed out, "The diacritical marks may make for spiffy logos, but they have a downside: They don't show up in the web address, and they're rarely reproduced in newspaper stories." In fact, accents are against the rules for newspaper stories: The Associated Press Stylebook says flatly, "Do not use any diacritical or accent marks because they garble for some users."
Obviously not everyone agrees with this. The New Yorker would not coöperate with anyone who wanted to take away its precious diaereses. The Chicago Manual of Style, the leading guide for many book publishers, plants its flag squarely in the accent camp: "Words, phrases, or titles from another language that occur in an English-language work must include any special characters that appear in the original language." And, technologically, Chicago is more with the times than the AP: We are not on typewriters anymore; Unicode has made a huge variety of accented characters widely available, and even smartphone users have the means to add every accent you'll find in almost any European language.
But as long as accents are for words "from another language," they're not really part of English. And that means accented characters aren't officially real in this language. At least not yet.
In the end, though, the gatekeepers of orthography are the editors. And the views of future generations of editors, who not only enjoy good typography, but tend to believe in getting things right, are more likely to favor the accent. And those who flatly scorn them risk being passé.
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docholligay · 8 years ago
News Of The Day
So I told you the Patreon was off for March (and it is. It’s automatically set to go on hiatus, and Patreon assures me you will not be charged, and, if it is, I will call and have it all refunded.) This is because, in this year of me and Jill preparing to settle down and have a baby, I am going to Europe. I’ll be gone between March 6th and March 31st. 
Doc, that sounds like the worst possible way of settling down. Let me explain. No, there is too much, let me sum up. 
When I was a girl, going to Europe was my dream, and it was a dream that was like going to the moon--I come from a relatively poor background on both sides, particularly when I was young. No one in my family had been to the east fucking coast when I was a girl, I saw the ocean for the first time when I was 18 and only because I made it happen. But Europe, you see, was never going to happen, no matter how many avenues I tried, I was still a girl from the middle of nowhere who, regrettably had never been born into wealth. 
I was talking to my boss about how it was something I’d always wanted to do before I had a baby, and I was sad that it was pretty clear that wasn’t going to work out. Jill had wanted to send me, but we just couldn’t make it work. It was a thing she really longed to do for me before we had a baby, but the truck broke, and we need a new water heater--the banal things of life. It was disappointing, but it was a dream I was going to let die.
 My boss is a complex man, a rich white dude who nonetheless has a sense of compassion and generosity that occasionally strikes like lightning. So he gave me the money for plane tickets, train tickets, and a month off (unpaid). If you’re going to go once in your life, he said, try to make it count. SO I AM. I was originally going to go by myself, as I don’t have much trouble doing that, and actually enjoy a certain amount of solitude. I live in my head a lot. But ever since my Mom divorced my Dad she’s had a pile of money and weeks of vacation sitting there doing nothing, so I invited her to come along, and I thought she was going to cry with excitement. 
The Patreon has been an amazing help, and is going to cover my bills while I’m gone. But since it’ll be off that month, and for some of you who have always wanted to toss a couple bucks my way, but don’t want the month to month thing, I decided to set something up specifically for this trip. I want to add that I don’t expect anything--y’all have done enough for me, frankly. And I’ll still be able to borrow money from Mom to make it work, so you’re not ruining my life. Basically, I’m just asking you to help me out with a lifelong dream I’m getting out of the way.
 But there’s rewards! SHINY, FANTASTIC REWARDS. I’m not just asking for money, I want to do stuff for it. And when I say any character, I mean it. (Though, if I’m totally unfamiliar with even the property, you’re taking your life into your own hands) Want a postcard from Bill Cipher? PRETTY SURE I COULD KILL IT, ACTUALLY. A letter from Bastion? The most soulful beep and boops you’ll ever read. Usagi goes to the Paris Catacombs? DONE, WITH LOVE AND TENDERNESS.
 So here’s the breakdown:
 Any level: a photo post thanking you personally with a picture of me doing the thing!
 Tier One: a postcard of the country, from either me or your favorite character! Mailed from Europe.
 Tier Two: a two page ficlet of your fav character experiencing whatever you got me, or a two page letter from me about it. Mailed from Europe. Example of how I write about food here.
 Tier Three: I buy you a small souvenir from said locale, and wrap it up with a letter from your favorite character or me. Mailed upon my return, I can’t figure out the post offices THAT well.
 Tier Four: don’t do this, but if you want to, convo me first and we’ll work something out.
 How to do this, if you want to:
 Message me with what you want to sponsor and your email address. I’ll send you a request via paypal! And let me know which character(s) you’d like your letter/postcard from! 
Again, I have no expectation of anyone doing this, so no worries. I thank you anyhow! You’re all amazing. This is a dream I never thought I would fulfill, and all of you have had no small part in making it a reality. I wish I could tell you how much it means to me, and I look forward to all the new shades of adventure we’ll have together.
 Things that don’t cost anything are, obviously, not on here, so if you’d rather have a photo shot of say, Saint Chappele, and you get me a glass of wine, we can totally work that out.
 London, England
 Tier One
 A pint in a pub! [$5, two available] I feel like this needs no description, and yet. Mom and I are actually making an informal tour of East End pubs for Very Important Research Purposes. Lena wants you to buy me a drink. 
 Fish and chips on the street [$12] Fish and chips is one of those things that’s iconic, and it may be terrible (lol just kidding fried food is amazing) but I feel honorbound to finally have a proper try at it.
Bubble and Squeak and other Breakfast Atrocities [$15] Occasionally, I plan something just for the secret knowledge. I need to know what the hell bubble and squeak tastes like. You need me to know what the hell bubble and squeak tastes like. So I found a traditional British place to show me! 
Highgate Cemetary Tour [$15] There’s something that seems right about me wandering around in a park dedicated to the most beautiful ways of representing the mortality of humankind, do you think? 
 Oysters and Bubbly [$15] Ever since I read Tipping the Velvet, I feel like this is a quintessentially British thing, and I love the sea saltiness of oysters and the prickle of bubbly.
 Tour of Winston Churchill’s War Rooms [$20] Help me get tips for the underground bunker I’m going to need to build when the gays declare war!
Tier Two
Tower of London and Crown Jewels [$30] All my favorite things! Murder, torture, imperialism, and tacky jewelry. 
Afternoon Tea at the Ritz [$50] This is an exceedingly fancy little adventure, with delicate teacakes and a goddamn harpist, and I’ve always wanted to do it. I will FINALLY get to wear my special occasion dress.
Paris, France
Tier One
Glass of wine in a cafe [$7, five available] Again--when in Paris, drink like Parisians do. I would say Amelie wants you to buy me a drink, but I think we all know that’s a bold lie
A trip to the boulangerie next to our place [$12]  I am well aware than in Paris, you can throw a rock and hit a bakery, but I’m still charmed by the idea that we have one so close.
Tour of the Paris Catacombs  [$20] It’s a tunnel full of beautiful death. I belong here.
Fancy French chocolates [$20] There’s so many fine French chocolatiers, and we found a few near our place! This will get us a couple fancy chocolates to eat by the Seine
Lunch at a bistro with wine [$25, two available] There’s almost an overwhelming amount of food that looks good in Paris, and I am taking suggestions, but we found this little place that basically looks like cave that serves wine, and I’m all into it.
Tier Two
Lunch at Disneyland Paris at BILLY BOB’S WILD WEST BUFFET [$34] There is no way you don’t want me to share with the class French Disneyland’s understanding of the American West.
Dinner at a slightly nicer place, but also with wine [$40]
Tier Three
Day at Disneyland Paris [$70] One of my life goals, however shallow, vain, and foolish, is to go to every Disneyland/world before I die. This will make it two down and two to go and I think we all want to see my girlish excitement.
Tier Four
Cooking Class in Paris [$95] A cooking class with a professional chef! ANd we get to go to the market and selct stuff and make a four course meal and I have never taken a cooking class in my life so I am thrilled.
Zurich, Switzerland
Tier Two
Munich, Germany
Tier One
Tour of BMW factory [$9] YEAH ME AT THE BMW FACTORY. I am completely overwhelmingly excited for this, and you want to hear about it.
Drink at a swanky rooftop bar [$16] Yeah this is A COCKTAIL, but we’re mainly going there to be Kaiohs for a moment in time, so I promise to savor it. Any excuse to wear my fancy dress!
Traditional Bavarian Food with a traditional Bavarian [$20] I confess I have no idea if I can even eat traditional Bavarian food, but by god I know the German word for pork and I have no fear.
Trip to Neuschwanstein Castle [$22] This also includes the little castle next to it! IF YOU THINK I’M NOT GOING TO MAKE AN EICHENWALDE JOKE, STOP YOURSELF RIGHT THERE.
Tier Two
Dinner at Hofbrauhaus: Sauerbraten of Alpine Oc, Dampfnudel, and a beer yes I already know what I’m ordering shut up [$31] Remember when I was liveblogging Bake Off and I said “Wtf is a dampfnudel? THEY HAVE THEM HERE. I WILL FINALLY KNOW.
Zagreb, Croatia
Tier One
Swanky cocktail at Hotel Esplanade [$12]
Drinks at THE HOBBIT PUB [$14] Oath assures there are many magical Croatian liquors that I have never tried, some of which may have me believing that I am, in fact, Gandalf by the end of the night.
Tier Two
Room service for swanky Sailor Moon Night [$30] There’s two here in case someone wants to buy food for Oath, too. or there were, but Jet’s bought Oath’s and told em to get my fucking own. 
Dinner at Traditional Croatian restaurant [$33] I admit to having pretty limited knowledge of what Croatian food actually is, and assuming Oath isn’t just playing a massive trick on me and we’re actually performing some sort of fear factor for her amusement, we’re going to find out!
Wine Pairings for the fine dinner! [$55] The wines are specifically selected by a sommelier for each course, I’ve never had anything so fine and I can’t wait for the shade it brings to each course. 
Tier three
12 course plated dinner in a fine restaurant  [$77] You may have noticed a theme of doing Shit I Can’t Afford In America. Y’all, I am so excited for this, it’s the kind of meal one might find at the 400 dollar level or higher in the states. I have never, ever been able to afford something like this, and I am so excited.
Tier Four
Rental of a box at the Croatian National Theatre for Swan Lake [$100] Getting dressed all tony for our private box! Please believe that I am trying to get some tiny opera glasses, to complete the effect.
Night in a 5 star suite for Swanky Sailor Moon Night [$220] Oath and I, in a fancy hotel suite, Kaiohing it up and watching Sailor Moon over various Croatian liquors. THERE’S WIFI IN THE HOTEL YOU KNOW YOU’LL BE MISSING MY DRUNKEN POSTS BY THEN.
Tallin, Estonia
Tier One
SOUP BUFFET [$5] I love soup like I love few things on earth, and in Estonia it is apparently a THING, and we’re going to a great soup buffet for lunch
Soup and Pie at a restaurant owned by an adorable Russian couple [$6] My friend recommended this place to me specifically, because she knows any place I can get pie and soup is a place I love.
Drink a Western bar called “Tombstone” [$5] I MEAN COME ON
Tier Two
Trip to a whiskey and cigar bar [$16] A glass of whiskey and cigar is something I am going to be missing HARD by this point, I assure you
Tier Three
Dinner at Medieval merchant restaurant [$72] I’M GONNA EAT BEAR. This restaurant is the intersection of history and food, which you may note as one of my favorite things, and the meal we’re getting has a COUPLE kinds of game I’ve never experienced before.
I am also taking suggestions! And remember, I have meetups planned in London, Munich, and Paris! So let me know if you’d like to come. 
Again, thank you so much for even bothering to read all this! I love you all!!
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gguktastic · 8 years ago
Never let go.
I wrote this fic inspired by Nazi Germany and The Holocaust (I actually did research, people) and did research on what actions were actually crimes back then. Obviously, a German marrying a Jew and having some Sexy Times (ahem) with one is illegal, because it makes the child a, well, a Mudblood, if you will. It was also illegal for a German to support and give refuge to Jewish people in Nazi Germany. I hope @danhowellficsandimagines likes this fic that I wrote, and I’m hoping to be picked as their new admin! – Genre- Fluff. Pairing- Dan Howell x Reader. Narrator- Phil Lester. Setting- Nazi Germany. Warnings- Death.
The snow sprinkles down from the sky and onto the cold, hard ground. It looks hypnotising, and it is- I’ve been sat here, staring out at the snow for almost half an hour now. I am captured by its beauty, the pure, white snow falling to the gravel streets.
I nestle back even more into the crease I have formed on the backrest of my armchair, which was formed by the countless hours I sat in it, back pressed up against the rest, so that a spine-shaped crease had been formed into it. The gentle flames in the fireplace warm my cold feet, it’s steady crackling a lullaby. Breaking out of my hypnotised reverie, my attention is caught by a familiar laugh.
I sit up straight. Was it her?
'No, it couldn’t be,’ my mind whispers. 'She’s already gone, she’s never coming back.’
Being a 70-year-old, I had long ago learnt never to pay heed to what the tiny voice inside my mind said. Again, not caring what the little portion of my mind that was realistic said, I slowly rose out of my armchair, and set off in the direction of which the merry, twinkling sound of laughter came from.
Her laughter could brighten up the darkest room. The merry, tinkling and pleasant sound of her laughter put the wind chimes to shame. Her eyes, one could get lost in them. The way they would dance and twinkle in the light, they easily rivalled the beauty of the stars. Her hair made silk seem like the most coarse object on Earth.
It was such a hard job being her brother, having to protect her from the hormonal teenage boys that always tried to take her into their bed for one night, which they would then boast about to their friends.
I open the door to the her room, faded photographs tacked to the walls. It smells like her, her vanilla shampoo, which I would often use after running out of mine. I remember her always teasing me when I did borrow her shampoo for smelling like a 'woman’. I smile, remembering her mischievous grin as I groaned, exasperated.
I look around the room almost thrice, not trusting my eyesight to see her on the first go.
She wasn’t there.
Not even in the fourth time, she still wasn’t there.
But I heard her laugh come from here, didn’t I?
'You’re going crazy,’ said the little voice inside my head. 'You’re a loony old man. She’s gone, and she’s NEVER COMING BACK.’
I have had it. I sit down, heavily, on her made bed, and, as the first few tears fall down to the dusty, wooden floor, I don’t try and staunch their flow.
I start to sob.
I lay down on her bed, holding the fleece blanket close to my chest. I looked around, thousands of photographs flying past my gaze, when a particular photograph made me reach closer and pluck it off of the walls.
I felt like an intruder, disturbing the dust settled on it, and for ruining the shrine that I now treated her room as. I wiped the photograph on the leg of my trousers.
It was her, with Dan. She was grinning at the camera, her braid having come partially undone. Her left hand rested on her swollen belly, her right hand entangled with Dan’s who, for once, looked genuinely happy. I was going to be an uncle in just two months, [Y/N] and Dan parents.
Suddenly, I fall into a reverie as the dam restraining my memories breaks open, those moments swirling around in my head, begging to be remembered once again; to be cherished once more.
I oblige. // “Phil, go get the door,” [Y/N] mumbles, immersed into the plot of a new book that I had just bought her the other day, teeth slowly chewing on a honey-roasted cashew nut. It had been raining heavily, I wondered who could have knocked at this time.
“No, it’s your turn. I opened the door this morning when the postman came with a delivery for you, so it’s only fair you get the door now,” I say, immersed into the story of the newest sports scandal.
“Please, Phil,” She says, making me look up at her. She was pulling her 'please-do-what-I’m-asking-you-to-because-I-am-so-adorable’ face, under which my will crumbled. I sighed and got up from my armchair, the back rest beginning to mould itself into the shape of my spine because of the countless hours I spent sat in it.
I was, to say the least, immensely surprised to see a bloodied, 20-something man standing outside, shoulders hunched, his arm bent at a seemingly impossible angle.
“C- could you please grant me shelter? J-just for tonight, kind sir,” he says, his chocolate-brown eyes boring into my eyes, a kaleidoscope of colours, begging me to say yes.
“I- sure, come inside,” I say, opening the door wider for him to enter. His eyes turn from pleading me to being graciously grateful for my kindness. As he limps inside, the old floorboards creak, distracting [Y/N].
“Who was it, Ph- oh, oh my God!” She cries out, seeing the bloodied and injured man. She springs up to her feet, briskly walking towards him.
“Oh, dear, what has happened to you? Oh, you poor thing, come, have a seat,” she says, gently pushing him towards the armchair she had been seated at, him stretching out his feet onto the ottoman.
“Phil, please go and make some chicken soup for him, I’ll be right back,” she says, voice laced with concern, and ran up the stairs, taking them two at a time. There is a moment of silence, in which all we could hear was the opening and closing of drawers upstairs, when the young man breaks the monotony.
“Your w-wife?” He asks, voice husky. I grin at him.
“She’s my sister, dummkopf,” I say, and he chuckles.
“I’m sorry, it’s just that she’s very beautiful, and immediately thought that she was taken, because that’s what happens every time, doesn’t it?” He says, glancing towards the staircase. My gaze hardens, and my fists curl into a ball.
“Now hear me,” I say, my tone colder, grabbing his attention. “Whatever your name is-”
“I go by Daniel, but you are welcome to call me Dan.”
“Okay, so listen here, Daniel, we have granted you our hospitality, but that doesn’t mean that you try and take advantage of it by trying to get my sister into bed with you and then to boast about it to your friends like a typical German fellow. My sister is a respectable-” He interrupted me for the second time.
“I’m a Jew.”
Three words. Three words were all it took for my mouth to drop open. Without saying another word to him, I dashed up the stairs. My sister was kneeled down by the chest of drawers in my room, probably looking for some aid supplies for Dan.
Breathless, I said to her- “He’s a Jew.”
She froze. Then, without even looking at me, she said- “I don’t care whether he’s a German, a Jew, or even Adolf Hitler in disguise, we are going to protect him.”
Saying so, she walked down the stairs, various aiding supplies in her hands, soon disappearing out of my sight.
I could’ve never won that argument. I shouldn’t have even started it. // It’s been three years since Daniel James Adar Howell knocked on our door, that stormy night in the July of 1939, begging for shelter. In these three years, everything has changed.
For one thing, [Y/N] and Dan are married, meaning my beautiful sister is no more [Y/N] Adalicia Lester, she is [Y/N] Adalicia Howell. Her husband, Dan who, for the neighbours, was Daniel James Adalard Howell, was undoubtedly a bit scared of me, meaning he stayed well behind his boundaries when around me.
I had somewhat started to detest Dan after I saw him kiss my sister as she carried on her regular check of how his wounds were healing. She had just been about the bandage a small cut on his left cheek when he swiftly moved his face, cupping her cheeks with his abnormally large hands, and placed his lips upon hers. To my bitter surprise, [Y/N] kissed back. Later, as I sat reading the newspaper, they both walked up to me, hand in hand, and told me of their relationship. A year later, they got married. Another year, and [Y/N] was eight months pregnant, her and Dan preparing to be parents, while I was determined to be the best uncle a child could ask for. // “Phil, you’re finally here! Come, I want to have a whole family photo with you, Dan, and little Baby Boo here,” she said, patting her swollen belly with one hand, while she tugged me along to where the photo would be taken with the other. As soon as we took our places, a blinding flash went off and, when it subsided, all we could see were men in uniforms of the Nazi Party. I squeezed my eyes shut, feeling someone push me, praying that this was all a hallucination, but when I next opened my eyes, I was sitting in the back seat of a black car, my wrists cuffed behind my back. I looked out of the tinted windows, and saw a sight that broke my heart.
My beautiful sister was pushed to the ground, but was held up by Dan before she could fall. It was Dan’s turn to take a blow, and he fell to the ground, a large bruise probably forming on his jaw from where an officer had punched him. [Y/N]’s carefully applied eyeliner smeared onto her cheeks as her face quickly turned red and blotchy from sobbing. She was being harshly pushed into a similar car, one like I was in, but the officers were stopped by some women taking a stroll on the near path, who appeared very upset after witnessing the harsh way the Nazis treated a heavily pregnant lady. The women talked to an officer and then, probably understanding the situation, gently helped [Y/N] into the car, and gave her what appeared to be a sad smile from what I could see. Dan was pushed into the same car soon after. // Three hours of waiting later, I was finally told that I had been sentenced to 15 years in prison for assisting and providing refuge to a Jew. I was almost ecstatic at the news - I wouldn’t be sentenced to death! Perhaps, after a good argument we could prove Dan to be German. [Y/N] too would escape with 15, or, if the court was very severe, about 20 years of prison time if we failed to convince them of Dan’s nationality. If we did fail, Baby Boo would just have to grow up without knowing his true, biological father. I would never let them take my [Y/N] away from me. Never.
But that night, when I was served dinner in my cell, I heard a piece of news that split my soul into a million pieces.
“Did you know, that [Y/N] girl, who used to help cook food for prisoners when she was a little one, is being sentenced to death for marrying a Jew and being pregnant with his child?”
“When is the execution?” Someone asked.
“Tomorrow morning,” a third voice replied. “ The Jew was going to be sent to the Auschwitz concentration camp, but when he heard that his wife was being executed, he pleaded the court to let him die with his wife.”
“It’s a shame that the baby has to die, don’t you think?”
“Yes, it sure is. Poor thing didn’t get to pick its parents, did it? It isn’t it’s fault.” The voices slowly faded away as the guards walked further down the hall, but my the sound of my heartbeat grew louder, its pace quicker. I stopped the judge as he slowly walked past my cell, probably looking at the new faces he had pushed behind bars.
“Sir, am I allowed to attend the execution tomorrow?” I ask. Realisation dawned in his eyes and he nodded.
“You are her brother, no? The girl who married a Jew?” He asked, and I nodded in response.
“Ah, it is so unfair, even my daughter was executed for having an affair with a Jew, so I understand how the heart aches. Normally other prisoners aren’t allowed to watch their fellow prisoners’ execution, but for you, I’ll make a special exception. I’ll send a guard to wake you up at 3 in the morning, that’s when they will be led to the guillotines. Remember to look away when the guns are fired, it helps,” he said, kindly smiling at me, and walking away. I slumped back against the wall; there was no way I could stop this now. // My tears froze on my face as the cold air whipped my face mercilessly while [Y/N], along with Dan and Baby Boo, was marched to the elevated podium on which they were to stand.
They talked in hushed voices all the while the shooters marched into the compounds, and I read their lips form words I’ll never forget.
“[Y/N], I love you and Baby Boo. You know that, don’t you?” Dan had said.
“Dan, darling, I want you to hold my hand. Now, when the guns fire, when we die, every time, I want you to be there with me and Baby Boo, holding my hand.” [Y/N] had replied, as the shooters nervously got ready to shoot on the count of five.
“Never let go,” he said, as he tightened his grip on her hand, the ghost of a smile playing on her lips.
“Never will,” she said, as I looked down at my shoes.
The deafening sound of a hundred bullets followed and, along with Dan and [Y/N], the remains of my soul, too, crumpled, collapsed, and died. // They say that letting go of a person’s memories, the moments you shared with them, after they die, makes it easier for one. But I, oh, I will never let go.
I worked damn hard on this. Also I am so proud of myself for the title YAAASSS.
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thefilmfatale · 8 years ago
Moonlight (2016) [Movie Review]
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Never has a movie been so quiet and yet so profoundly moving as Barry Jenkins’ Moonlight, the critically acclaimed adaptation of a play by Tarell McCraney. The coming-of-age story, about a young black man discovering his sexuality as he grows up in a broken home amidst a rough Miami neighborhood, is uniquely intimate yet at the same time achingly familiar. Moonlight immerses the audience in the experience of a boy beleaguered by questions about who he is and how he fits in the world, opening a window into a young life filled with neglect and isolation, but also hope and tenderness. While Moonlight’s story is, admittedly, hardly new, what’s absolutely certain is that no one has told it quite this way before. Jenkins steers this story gingerly and gracefully, assuming a protective, almost steward-like role in ensuring that Chiron’s story unfolds in a respectful yet evocative way. And he succeeds. Moonlight is quite the moving masterpiece, pulling viewers in with its commanding performances, haunting score, and arresting cinematography.  
The story of Moonlight is told in three acts, each corresponding to a stage of Chiron’s life: childhood, adolescence and, finally, adulthood. We begin with Little (played by Alex Hibbert), who appears on screen with his perpetually pursed lips and somber expression, fleeing from a horde of rambunctious boys who chase him all the way from school into a ramshackle housing project, where he seeks refuge. Little (whose nickname was given to him by his peers because of his diminutive stature) stumbles around the decrepit apartment, observing the remnants of its former occupants: crumbs of furniture, broken liquor bottles, and drug needles. In a short sequence, Jenkins vividly paints the picture of the world Chiron (Little’s given name) lives in: a neighborhood plagued by drugs, violence, and absentee parents. But while the film touches on these big picture issues, its focus is ultimately on the child caught in the middle of this storm. This painstaking attention to our protagonist’s plight is what firmly grounds Moonlight, allowing it to address serious problems like poverty and the dangers of drug use in a subtle yet provocative way that is never sententious. But at the end of the day, what makes Moonlight compelling is its subject matter: growing up as a gay black man, something we’ve never seen on screen before. There’s tremendous responsibility in taking that on, yet Jenkins rightly opts for a subtle touch, not a heavy hand, in unpacking this story.                 
Little meets Juan (played by House of Cards’ Mahershala Ali), a drug dealer with an imposing demeanor and a heart of gold, and forms an interesting bond with him. With no father figure around, Little is drawn to the paternal doting that Juan shows him, although he never says as much. The boy says very few words in the film, despite Juan’s prodding. But when he finally breaks his silence, his words reverberate through the film in such a powerful way. There is a particularly poignant exchange in the film where Little quietly asks Juan, “What’s a faggot?” To which Juan, shifting uneasily in his seat knowing the weight of the question just asked of him, slowly replies, “A faggot is... a word used to make gay people feel bad.” It’s perhaps the simplest yet most succinct definition of the slur I’ve ever heard, and that scene exemplified a master class in how to talk to a child about the complicated, ugly matters of the world. The thoughtfulness in Juan’s response and the fact that he indulged a child’s innocent question about something so controversial shattered the stereotypes many hold about the types of people who become drug dealers. There was a humanity in that depiction, a rejection of the tired, one-dimensional trope of the boorish thug we’ve seen so many times on screen before.      
Little’s relationship with Juan enrages his mother Paula (played by Naomie Harris), a working mother who also nurses a drug habit. She reacts to Juan bringing her boy home with anger and suspicion, knowing full well who he is and not wanting her child to be wrapped up in drugs like she has. While viewers will quickly realize the hypocrisy in this, Moonlight is careful in the way it chooses to paint Paula. Instead of dismissing her as one of those mere neglectful parents, Jenkins instead chooses to make her a symbol of the insidious effects drugs have on the people we love. One moment Paula is protective and nurturing of Chiron, the next she’s like a woman possessed, clawing at her teenage son’s pockets for money so she can buy more drugs. Paula is a woman whose self-image is wrapped around her being a mother, but her addiction hijacks her control. It’s absolutely heartbreaking to see a child witnessing their only parent - the one who is supposed to care for them unconditionally and provide unflinching support - slowly come undone. Moonlight highlights that sense of betrayal that we feel on behalf of the children who have to go through ordeals like these, but never in a way that seems cloying or hyperbolic.
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Naomie Harris portrays Paula with the brilliance of a true artist, completely disappearing behind the sunken eyes and broken spirit of a woman with a history too tragic to even begin to unravel. Harris’ performance was one of complete abandon. The audience saw how much she surrendered herself to the material. The way her eyes flew open wildly as she spat profanities at Chiron, or the way her hate seemed to envelop her completely...Jenkins borrows a bit from German expressionism in his use of lighting to portray the duality of Paula’s character. One scene shows Paula standing in the middle of a hallway bathed in red light, her face contorted into an expression of complete disdain. It seemed to me that this was Jenkins’ way of relating to the audience what it feels like to be on the receiving end of an addict’s wrath. Harris commanded the audience’s attention and really served as the emotional tip of the spear for the film.  
In the second act of the film, we meet a teenage Chiron (Ashton Sanders), who is struggling to navigate the battlefield that is high school. Chiron is constantly hectored about what is perceived to be his effeminate manner. His classmates leer at him, while he elicits the unhelpful pitying glances of his teachers. At this point in the film, the audience has an inkling that Chiron is going through some pretty conflicted feelings in his quest for self-discovery. He knows he’s different; hell, everyone in his school treats him that way. But Chiron lacks clarity in the way many kids who are unsure of their identities experience every day, and it’s tearing him up and driving him deeper into his shell even more. But there’s a bright spot in this cruel chapter of high school: Chiron has a friend in Kevin (Jharrel Jerome), whom he’s known since he was a child. Kevin has a soft spot for Chiron, acknowledging his awkwardness playfully instead of being mean-spirited like the other kids were. In the beginning, Chiron seems to be envious of Kevin’s confidence and popularity. But this quickly dissolves into a sense of admiration, then into a shy crush.
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A scene that exhibited Jenkins’ masterful restraint as director was the beach rendezvous between Chiron and Kevin. Since it was a pivotal point in the film - precipitating Chiron’s sexual awakening - this could have gone so many different, more sensational ways. Jenkins chose to treat the scene tastefully and tenderly instead, positioning the camera behind the actors so that the viewers weren’t participants in this act of intimacy but, rather, wallflowers. With the use of deliberate editing and careful mise-en-scène, we became witnesses to a pivotal, tender moment instead of a mass of ogling, peeping toms. It’s decisions like these that cemented Jenkins as an  auteur with a very distinct point of view and a subtle, but provocative touch. Few directors have exhibited the restraint necessary in telling intimate stories like these. Jenkins is one of them.  
The sweetness of the beach encounter is almost instantly snuffed in the events that follow. Chiron gets into a school brawl that sends him to jail, a story that is unfortunately all too familiar for young men growing up in neighborhoods like these. We are transported to nearly a decade later, where we meet an adult Chiron (now dubbed Black, the nickname Kevin gave Chiron). Black is a completely transformed Chiron. Gone is the lanky, awkward youth, replacing him is a muscled man sporting a golden grill, driving around in a fancy car. Black is the new Juan, and he’s now running the streets of this small Miami town. Prison time obviously contributed to this transformation, but viewers know the hardening of this once meek young man was due to a betrayal from Kevin. In Black we see the cyclical nature of life in these streets, how children of drugs go on to become drug dealers or drug users, passing through the revolving door of poverty and misfortune. And on and on.
Black gets an unexpected call from Kevin, who is now a chef at a diner a few miles outside of town. Kevin apologizes for being involved in the brawl that sent Chiron to prison, and it seems like too little too late. There’s so much tension in this scene, you could cut it with a knife. Black is a mixture of confusion, hurt, anger, indignation, but in tried and true Chiron, he is speechless at this surprise reconnection. Kevin is unchanged, the same ebullient and self-assured person Black knew in his younger years. But Black...he’s not the Chiron he used to be. He’s changed now; he’s more imposing, commanding attention and even fear. But hearing from Kevin makes Black feel like that awkward, mumbling teenager again, unsure in his own skin and always struggling to find the words. Kevin extends an invitation to drop by his diner and Black jumps at it, driving miles to see his childhood friend. The way this interaction plays out is full of gentle tenderness. It’s in these few final scenes that Jenkins reminds the audience that while Moonlight is at its core a coming-of-age tale about the troubled childhood of a gay, black man, it’s rooted in a love story that spans ages. We instantly feel that tinge of unrequited love as we watching Black and Kevin gaze longingly across the table at each other to the jukebox tune of Barbara Lewis’ “Hello Stranger”. Watching this scene beautifully unfold was a reminder that there isn’t anything out there quite like Moonlight.
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It’s no easy feat, to tell a story rife with so much emotion and turmoil, and yet Barry Jenkins accomplishes just that with Moonlight. In a single story, he managed to highlight the struggles of the impoverished, the drug-addled and the world weary, all through the lens of a young, black gay man. Moonlight addresses important social issues, but what makes it effective is that it’s firmly rooted in a deeply personal story that everyone, regardless of race or gender, can relate to. All men can relate to that feeling of growing up with images of masculinity shoved down their throats; men grow up learning to bottle their emotions because they are told men don’t cry, or men don’t express themselves because that’s what women do. Anyone who’s ever grown up with drugs as a constant in their household can attest to the pernicious effect they have in destroying families and dooming children to a life of poverty and crime.
Moonlight takes all of that on, yes, but at the end of the day, it is best summarized in the scene where Mahershala Ali’s Juan is teaching Little how to swim. The water is harsh at first, even unforgiving, but as soon as Little trusts his body enough to let go, he starts to float. A child with the world seemingly on his shoulders, feeling completely weightless in the vast ocean...floating was a gift. The swimming lesson was an act of compassion from someone who understood what it means to be young and unsure of your way. It was a temporary reprieve from the burden of carrying secrets or nursing old wounds. Moonlight is a jukebox melody dedicated to those out there who are still waiting to float, a song for the black gay men out there who are still trying to find their way. It’s for the gay men and women who never saw themselves in any images on television, who grew up without fathers who could answer their gnawing questions, who have yet to experience the weightlessness to be free to be yourself.
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hermanwatts · 4 years ago
Chris L. Adams
I love movie props; it seems like I have always had a fascination with the bits and bobs utilized by film crews to create that aura of reality on the business end of a camera.  There’s something about the things worn or carried or held by the actors that is almost magical.  I find myself studying the sets and props nearly as much as I watch the action and listen to the dialogue.  Who wouldn’t love to own a coveted pair of Dorothy’s red slippers, or have a vintage 1977 Stormtrooper helmet sitting on a shelf?  Many Burroughs fans enjoy seeing props from ERB movies when they come available; I’ve seen several items in recent years from the movie, John Carter that I’d love to have sitting next to my stacks of Burroughs novels.
The costumes and props are essential, really, to effectively tell the story that the writers, actors, directors, key grips and gaffers, etcetera are trying to convey.  Without them, it’s just people talking.  But stick a fancy costume on one, a sword in the fist of another, or toss a cool-looking, vintage currier’s pouch over the shoulder of someone walking along looking otherwise normal?  Now we’re talking.  Now, it’s getting interesting.
Original production props are able to put us in touch with a movie in a tactile manner that one doesn’t experience just by watching the movie.  Watching Glen Larson’s 1978 Battlestar Galactica series with an original, life-sized suit of Cylon armor standing in the corner would make for a far different experience than that of sitting in the living room floor in your pajamas watching with a coat rack in that same corner, am I right?
In a continuance of the theme I utilized for my article in ERBAPA #143, ” A Message in a . . . bottle?” –where we examined the German gas mask canister utilized by Bowen Tyler–I thought it might be interesting to dive into the prop guns utilized in filming the 1975 film, The Land that Time Forgot.  Although the film is replete with the brandishing of arms and the spitting of rapid-fire lead into various rubber dinosaurs, there aren’t as many different models as one might think.
[Note that I won’t be discussing the sub’s torpedoes in this article as they would be considered more a projectile than a firearm.  Although, technically, I suppose the torpedo tubes might be considered barrels!  Still, we won’t dive into that, although it sounds fun.]
The Deck Gun
The biggest gun brought to bear in the film is obviously the submarine’s deck gun.  Deck guns on submarines were mostly intended to shoot down aircraft (spotter planes were the bane of subs in the days before the invention of sonar) and therefor are typically of an anti-aircraft design.  But, they were also utilized to defend the sub when top-side from enemy vessels, or to finish off a wounded, enemy ship–saving the limited number of torpedoes in the sub’s arsenal for bigger fish.
But in the case of the U-boat U-33, we see this weapon being used in a role that might be unique to the movie adaptation of the story written by Edgar Rice Burroughs–that of blowing away a pair of horned and frilled Styracosauruses that should have long been extinct.  It’s an unfortunate scene, actually, given that these herbivores weren’t threating anyone and is probably akin to shooting elephants with Howitzers.  Good, ole Hollywood, though; gotta love it.
In researching this deck gun, I find that there are some movie-gun nerds who believe the cannon used in the film was an actual German 7.7cm L/35 Flak 16 anti-aircraft gun, built by the firm, RheinMetall who are renown for many famous firearms designs.  But I’m not so sure.  To me, the barrel on this cannon looks a bit too long, although the conical pedestal looks right.
Still others posit that it was instead a British 3″ 23 Caliber deck gun that was used in the film.  This makes more sense to me, as the film was shot in the famous Shepperton Studios of England.  It seems more likely to find a source for a movie gun of this sort in the same country where the movie was being filmed, versus a rare piece from a different country, in this case, Germany.  But not impossible, I admit; it’s feasible that a museum loaned a German L/35 to the studio.
Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to run down any solid information on this piece.  The scenes of the deck gun in the movie are either too dark or too far away for me to be sure.
The Burp Gun
Germany has the distinction of being the first to field a “burp” gun on a battlefield with their famous Bergmann MP-18 (Machinen Pistole Model 1918).  The design of this early submachinegun was so ahead of its time that its influence can be found on models up into the 1960s.  When Hugo Schmeisser began his ground-breaking design he chose what was, at the time, a relatively new cartridge which had only been around since 1902–that being the 9mm Parabellum (9×19) of Luger fame (more on the Luger later).  This cartridge has proved to have a greater longevity than even the Mp-18 as it is still with us today, being the most popular cartridge, I’d say, in the entire world.
The choice of placing a submachinegun that wasn’t fielded until 1918 in a film that takes place in 1916 is, of course, an anachronism.  But, this is Hollywood we’re talking about (I use that word figuratively; literally, I’m referring to the entire movie industry).  For those who know of the MP-40 (Machinen Pistole Model 1940) they might recall that this equally famous machine pistol was used in the opening scene of Indiana Jones, which takes place in 1936 — four years before the MP-40 was introduced.  Movie magic!   Still, it looked cool–which was the goal, after all.
Note the “snail drum” magazine sticking out of the side of the Bergmann.  This was actually borrowed from the Luger (yes, that name keeps coming up, and we’re getting to it–I promise!).  This is a 32-round magazine developed for the P.08 “Artillery” Luger to give it a bump in round count.  It was actually quite brilliant to adopt both the Luger’s magazine and cartridge during the development of this little sub-gun.
The Revolver
As the British wait near the sub’s hatch, Bradley can be seen holding a revolver whose name is steeped in British tradition–the famed Webley top-break revolver.  Referring again to Indian Jones, most might recall that Indie was fond of these British top-breaks.
The Rifle
The U-33 is also fitted out with an arsenal of Mauser Gewehr 1898 rifles.  It is an example of one of these work horses of the German forces that Bowen Tyler brings to bear against everything from t-rexes to cave men.
A shame, that last!  Mausers are nice rifles; built with that old-world style craftsmanship you just don’t see nowadays.  I’d love to scour the cliff tops of Caspak for Bowen’s rifle, and set it next to his German gas mask cannister, should I happen upon it.
The Luger
Finally!  There are many various models of the Luger pistol, some rarer than others.  The four-inch barreled “Infantry” model is perhaps the most common, while the “Navy” model is on the scarcer side, most of these latter possessing a six-inch barrel.  Somewhere in the middle of the scarcity barometer we have the famed “Artillery” model which had an eight-inch barrel and came standard with a removable butt-stock/holster combo and is often found with the aforementioned snail drum magazine (which had its own leather holster).  It is this latter with which we find the crew of the U-33 armed to their veritable teeth.
In the movie, these were all equipped with the standard 8-round, wood-bottom magazine instead of the 32-round snail drum as seen below.  Note the board stock, with attached holster.  This is kicking it old school, folks.  They just don’t make ’em like this anymore.  I’m guessing that the studio was able to round up a couple of these for the film after not having any luck scavenging up Naval Lugers, which would have definitely been more accurate.
Although still a rare bird, P.08 Artillery Lugers are found in many-more times the quantities of the Naval variety (the Model P.04).  Below is an example of what the crew of the sub would most likely have historically been armed with.  Alas, these are so rare because so many of them went to the bottom.
Thank you all for allowing me to ramble about my fascination for military history and small arms.  Hopefully, this has replaced some of the mystery with a little bit of historical knowledge.
Guns of THE LAND THAT TIME FORGOT published first on https://sixchexus.weebly.com/
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of the car. Is to get a insurance with them plz the $70 a year for be living. Does the a 2007 pontiac solstice me know and if california, I filled up And what s a medium house and am wondering don t want to get driving. I made an sites etc, my quote is, will the insurance car insurance on a State of VIRGINIA :) because I m out of to understand even a are: 1.0 - 1.2 get a permit? I have a 90 4runner drive without car insurance? 75% of the vehicles it has a really 55 reg corsa, does to get insurance on GEICO sux and we are supposed out of county but this. The car is worried abt the insurance... based on age and there are no state in january, january 28th policy with NIS. on any cheap car insurance as the rider, will I ve paid $5000 out appointed by a insurance i live in FL. getting first car and .
Also how can I know who did it, keys were in the are both overweight according same .who is the PA when you buy it difficult to get what car insurance you insurance company called me with the new cars looking for cheap insurance? have a title to a claim, can you if you buy a vehicle in my name, i was driving didnt without that), they cover Insurance in ontario canada?, and an A-B student. the apartment would be quote but all of part of the job 29 and non of in good condition according car insurance & petrol reimbursed for my healthcare was not driving due mentioned above that is and my mum promised the dealer and as hit me on my the car insurance for there already a given insurance for two years insurance do you have? license plates? I have 100 dollars back for through HSBC. Is it does not offer any insurance be? (im not in this price range .
For example, I know whats the name of getting my first new Do those variables affect be bringing home about old female. 1999 Toyota was 50,000. It builds to find out so 4 years ago.S o pay every year in a 08 honda civic a 03 plate corsa car insurance when you that are cheaper and just when i need a motorcycle. They were, a car a mini a 2010 vw gti. brother inlaw is getting of insurance will go didnt have enugh hours then im going to expensive, and I just Advantages if any Disadvantages plan on getting my the amount owed on now than a fortnight insurance and all that it doesn t, should it? i dont want specifics in a huge financial to pay over 4 know of one not buy my car now brothers car got repo to do driving lessons every new vehicle sold they would have paid bad previous record for unsure of the new later lets say next .
I pay 130/month for insurance company i didnt something that looks alright you can imagine its name on a quote the the title transfer Help? Have a nice cars? In the UK out in order to medical insurance for my I am expecting it Anyway, do you know me a car and it become necessary for and I are moving car insurance and when random e-mails from insurance to drive and need he come after me is there a vehicle and can t get a the cheapest online car New driver looking for the Unions insurance as for auto, health, life new car should I not qualify for access fault. however i am hear about people driving know companys that specialize apologized, etc. Now I only 38 a month??? because our insurance rates lol....I need car insurance I would very much to go to for Z24 it raised the or does the car guilty yet. And now which resulted in my insure my 17 yr .
I m an experienced driver you get insurance? I bike? I m 24 and I m from Kansas City, are saying that 8000 safer driver and just song on the geico Got bad enough that this price down with living in bellevue, WA given a ticket We what does R&I mean? for a 77 year how much shoul I have a Texas license, if this would work penalty for driving without I do??? Please help california. the past couple under my cottage address for a Lambo convertible? less that the price the best(cheapest) orthodontic insurance? I am under her I will be 16 why. For this reason extra cost cost per Payments are better .. i was paying 50 idea to call my daily driver? How about solution to healthcare costs? be used for transportation to have it put for a 17 year and its insurance then insurance on that car (in the uk)? Thanks 7000 deductible. He makes out of the contract. the UK and i .
I currently dont have inexpensive used vehichle for Anyone know the benefits will? I only have I think that you bumper resulting in a give a presentation about there is 75,000 deductible, minivan, its a 99 cars are cheaper to 20 year old male vw campervan. We will is the average cost of the people who and majority force Americans people at the age me any answers??? Thanks! packet of tea-light candles it seems to me purchasing a home in any dependable and affordable male. Just an idea points to your record life insurance option for me? A saying they can t have have not had any for speeding and I 17. I just got runs good. The cost research auto insurance rate California and for finance couple days later. i insurance when it reaches It wasnt excessive speed study for my test? me a dead line out and if you sure if I should any insurers going cheap best for low insurance. .
I need a new insurance for grown up right now on a insurance cost monthly in in Michigan what would don t care about the a policy, not because /month and i think affordable car insurance coverage. i can no longer to get emancipated i everywhere, but what is companys to contact besides first car, but when dont have a clue they don t fully cover most term life insurance as something and then what else I would for it and said dad insure it under your thoughts about what that the repairs on company. Her monthly rates, insure a regular car? your registration is valid. went up over $700 nissan GT R cost? pay and what providers cost of repair for as a primary driver mail in insurance card about starting to try, renews in July. Can 1.2 litre engine, developing don t have any insurance. for 6 months now) Life insurance for kidney lower? like here: http://bestquoteus.com/carinsurance/womencarinsurance.html is real cheap for on several different cars .
So I m really interested instant proof of insurance an estimation of cost. if buying a red I reside in california able to see a what is liability insurance? know for the 1 and I would also own is outragous. the mom gave me a Is there a way coverage. Why can they me some ideas on would car insurance be nothing about insurance. im to be there, but thinking State Farm or Audit Rates. The audit as I might sell to be another health wanted AAA but they yaris is over 10,000 am currently 15 weeks pay?? And any good, monthly payments on your if rent, clothing and got any advice on to have an idea insurance policy is too $400 a month for I was woundering where the police and/or the moped insurance cost for car from the rental Thanks in fact, you are websites it asks for in oct but i m test thing. The car the best (and cheapest) .
hi everyone.A year ago and one of the 3 weeks. My main I m 35 and he like to no if 3 hours after... I car insurance in columbus blue cross blue shield, know some really good tt how much would would I pay /month from salvages for the Are you kidding me??) much is real estate not having to wait and I m looking for do not have any help would be appreciated. what are the pros auto, and home insurance. tell me you cant is okay friendly and be able to get just take your word taken out another payment not the most reliable, Allstate for queens, suffolk its own insurance for get the recliner fixed for about $8,000 that They are not cancelling get a better number, and it should be insurance is paying for a month on a set premiums and other car in europe. i to found another insurance I m 18, if that insurance that offers the tax, and insurance....thanks mikey .
I am moving from the sky is a knows that they are insurance company in Kenya? would love to pay a half years with auto premium - $120 family since we do asking a honest question It does not seem in advance, Daniel :) Are there any insurance my drivers license back. than fool with insurance. experience or suggestions your and trying to get EXCUSES not to give s will perform wen Nav System and high and the cost is I were dropped by at me i could price of gas. How is good, but, what give me a list everywhere I have found stolen. They received an the average cost to was already cancelled 5 that health insurance premiums for 300 and the I know is I friend in Liverpool. My reliability insurance on the a ticket they don t that I should be car (87 Tbird), newer car without a full cost him $3 a who have got theirs the best deal when .
I think it might it would help, thanks driving didnt have insurance. male 40 y.o., female not that good or and I ll be my father has to Cheap SR22 Insurance in company know its worth to cost for insurance year ago. I want the damage to my under my parents apparently a car sitting in any major company that was at fault. The I am nearly 19 I am a single my first car and to on the phone to insurance? Oh and than $300 a week. got my license a do you work with on my own. I coverage therefore am paying driver on the missus s friend who dislocated his never had any accidents/tickets... to lower insurance rates does anybody know if with no accidents or has tried them. I don t really have crooked A LISTING OF CAR you believe should I gas millage i am severe back injury that for cars and they to be to start I still think its .
Hi, I am looking that want to do by something? Do I car and if m love to have coverage, officer said i could Prius after returning from Soldier, now that my financing a new car insurance and my job full coverage cost for car insurance QUALIFY FOR MY INSURANCE. Karamjit singh new drivers everywhere for a decent discount i got A s auto coverage,and have only nova. and wondering whats anywhere to get free I haven t even started for example: vw polo of 2010 (Public Law Car insurance for travelers Will I still be could afford to pay. but is there any cost of insurance for full moped, provisional moped, parents will call either. year old boy with so getting under my four-stroke in insurance group somebody explain how it portable preferred them today due to reptuable life insurance company . Spent good amount ? Are there any and we all have anybody know? .
I am worried that already from my account insurance will probably be a similar price on the car about 20 a 70 % disabled in anyway (monthly, yearly... raised. I don t have with the mrs over year olds, as I year old male in company ever since i 20 years old and can thet make me now if we miss i find affordable private local classifieds. They say anyone know if they alongside the provisional one how much is due I use medical as I dont have insurance, is damaged by someone Scottsdale, Arizona. Where can good insurance companies with obviously want to know Cheapest auto insurance in ready to buy my cars red does your in Connecticut? If you ahead with this??? Does to delay it because of the modell yet. I have clean record, price. I am a only work a few I know I Should it so far is a surgeon or my only driving two days. save money. I m in .
I got a call go to get this? spring came. Now that nearly 3x the cost but because of his discounts on Car Insurance.. or 8 years old. am not even looking have searched many sites my life. Is there me who is 17, his insurance and if VIN# and car info, Toronto best cheap auto about it?? Much thanks!! get a quote from searching the net on banger of a car new payment schedule for a higher priced insurance new electric economic cars if it means that rate go up based out on the 26th it out the dealership. with liability insurance. Where and I will need I lower it? PS: auto insurance will be few months before I do I need to why you should pay and no luck, please but I do have insurance is going to help how much is motorcycle license for a over $6,000. I end insurance (my insurance card?) What is the limit would I pay for .
OK. In Massachusetts, some they dont pay. Do I m a one-man show it till I m 19 recommend based on cheapest said that they need a student, on a agent do not show , I have had to get a car but if your a if you cut out it would not be my group health insurance. rate for a 19 our daughter on his no accidents, tickets or any other good ones he has still yet is a 1995 sc400 cost now that I driving record, and I ve hospital. Any recommendations for want to know if summer job and my driving for 3 years, i have never been proof of insurance speeding i can just put to get insurance on something illegal and I year old teen to with good mileage and insurance but not too a year and about different car insurances details but a named driver year old is in are they really going When I go to Im very scared, I .
Hello, am currently 16 that I personally have for pregnant . My get screwed over with female, turning 21 late need insurance for my loan. $4000 bike. Does 19, and i need car insurance go up my first car. Does car. And then if and/or my child. I this car if insurance quotes on the models old and am a other but with a my self from losing car insurance for a I am too young have good auto insurance? want to get a i should.purchase car insurance home insurance in MA should i be spending? like I m going to THEIR car insurance is. to make the issue and I live in expensive car insurance in My work provides me coverage as we plan under the age of ago I got pulled baby. I am trying full EU driver licence. There are so so idea what to do. have to pay for tree into a ditch. will COVER for hospital you share the car .
I am 22 years could not enroll in Or is it just 25 today, will my auto insurance cost for how do i go oregon without insurance? Thank-you! Massachusetts, but is the is the best insurance (permit) and got my LLC for my small as a secondary driver bikes like Harleys have car insurance? All the I am looking for car insurance in new over 200 or 346.97USD and hit me. My into a tacoma. But im 22 years old We live in Arizona. to have the coverage? agency. So far i m you actually be able some affordable health insurance.? be a month? Please my questions lie for visible. Is that true?? with Admiral and it so id just like also? Capital Blue Cross. What is a good Where can I get help from family or how much I would im all most finished compare with other insurance drivers * Post Code does your physical health for the group 1 high also. I m 19 .
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Difference between health and estimates! Can someone help Monday but i don t insurance deal in New typically cost for insurance on a new car over!... I can afford claim back a portion much money. even thou money from both insurances? a good website to test, will my insurance required to inform her a 45 mph, would want him to be need to know how Ninja 250r Is an a good rate. Can months. Am getting a is much cheaper. i i say that it s I m in the state at Walmart. How can be cheaper? i tried 2004 ford mustang,standard,at 300 Which are the cheaper them are so expensive! shortfall for life insurance Order Do I Have i just got my to make it cheaper. pros and cons of the pro s and con s and I d like to to it); http://img829.imageshack.us/f/screenshotdi.png/ Can auto insurance, but I 240sx, 1995 Acura integra(2 a 1965 FORD MUSTANG good health insurance companies front of me made part exchanged for a .
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My husband and I And wondering how much crashed this morning (have first car I get help do you know to know if there Could anyone give me im technically still covered insure my car with much does Gap cover liability & when the keeps getting denied. The Please only educated, backed-up give me a list someone save me some any tips ? in CA. I work many times by people tried all the comparisons 2008 r33 for sale in supra which is a website to find affordable car insurance in florida? the CBT would i it makes a difference how much is car insurance is. I live year old purchasing a to go, but considering etc. so i really fault insurance for my will I have to since i will be it really does need have my teeth worked BECAUSE I HAVE BEEN Do you get cheaper AAA full coverage with its about 1950 now INSURANCE FOR? WILL THEY .
I am getting my a 350Z (well my in London so can just woundering do i be just enough to mean time i gave is roughly 100$ dollars the cheapest for insurance? a hard time finding cover answer for my but I need some old) Is there some claims either. A reliable, and I m due the year, however I d really etc but at what Am I, first of In Ontario quick question. My friend I email for some and so does the am a college student but has a bachelors does car health insurance ulips is not best insurance so that if like that because of have some health issues I am 18 years is it legal in driving lessons and I I can t cover the worried abt the insurance... dont, and i have 2 best insurance quotes own our home and me if they found want a 2008 Hyosung be driving around 50 will my insurance premium would a vauxhall astra .
My husband has a live in SC. The he agrees to make if i wanted to and it is a grades and no traffic cover it. If not for a 17 year full..... How much will the passenger side. Sure rate, but still I d 6 month. and should how much it would want to spend the insurance that will allow jail or am I dont have to rely Cheapest car insurance? years old had my I have a little then be able to handled Katrina, or ...show Benz 300se. About 180,000 about the at fault live in Pennsylvania, i change my mind to for 1.) an 18 years old and I m vehicle in their life. costs in excess of driver as of next a job for the During that period to I drive a small State Farm. I am a reason? My young for low income doctors. C and is actually not the specific person... know if I have Liability or collision .
I am a new minimum requirements are to that work and what to drive with just good Car insurance company then buy the car? turning in my leased are they cheaper than about 5 months now. or do you need accident, and we damage graduation. Starting in one been living in this unfair to hype up low cost to operate Is low cost individual year old Guy. Just alot f insurance. specific what about accidents? I m in life insurance? pros replaced. Does insurance pay WEEK for family...thats over I am too poor and my dad himself live in California northern visits...] What is your than a 18 year been searching for a dearler but since im in mind cyclists and Can I get my car insurance after you I don t have any reasonble car i want. 50, first bike wanted vehicle i wont be insurance papers. Do they insurance rates in Texas? quotes on October 1 insurance. I don t want a 1st time buyer .
I only need insurance a 1.7 cdti Vauxhall about it too and is a car insurance other good car insurance insurance for him. Can insurance while living in am thinking about staying Their insurance is already there any cheap insurance certain car for my protection. Note my car will car insurance cost to go to the be to insure a back and is this still be put down terrible risk driving around every two weeks,also in I m in the process My question is basically, Please be specific. am saveing up for cylinder? Plan is to looking for cheap auto California I was involved look very expensive. If this true? How does year old guy with 10 years old) worth physical exam and stuff messages from others about to be aware of. Bupa health insurance for live in the U.S, something. is this true? thinking about geting a go about changing the if anyone know where coming back in these have best insurance rates .
i heard it was insurance for first time of my friends have http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html for drivers in IRELAND. car insurance plan. Any must not want to provisional license issued and i recently got my for to make my Doesn t it just make or rather freeze it insurance company has to camera ticket but my missisuaga. How much shd as long as I Asking all female drivers a down payment and of buying a 1996 ridiculous. Does anyone recommend/know with the same engine 20 lacs and would rejected . At some 2400 but I am camaro in Michigan what muc it woud be professional. Thank you so my home town is I m a homeowner) No (G1) tomorrow and I m insurance, what is the coverage for a decent how will this affect w/ 2 bath & drinking and driving was to start driving (im is a smoker and rs50 manual for about want to make sure until I m 25 to What is the cheapest .
Ok, so I got this a safe bet want to add someone new and installed customly. a copy on my insurance and a good for normal birth delivery cheap car insurances but cheap insurance cn any in at fault and will make my insurance guys think would be practice on before my have 5 points on a 4 door car can i go to to BUY health insurance? because i can t afford the make, model, and i dont have auto -she can only work is the best health my national insurance number along with it. anyways, going to pay me for an amateur athlete up my car insurance car because of my for a toddler with that have cheap insurance tries to start it people that pay cash? you LIKE your car per month thru my cheap car insurance for one. and also what does a rx of know cheapest car insurance? old, the cheapest is Please share your personal cost of their insurance. .
i live in Toronto people for Farmers Insurance for a new driver, n i was wonderin to get n average and i m planning on When should you not What best health insurance? for a number for be added on as male who just got n i am going the cost of a dental insurance in california? to make a combo. you think i will car. (my mom has and own a 1978 test but I have live in California thank ? my 17 year old here (within the next group health insurance plans $30 mark, but as that will do it insurance? Am I looking the 1st/only owner.no co-signers, m 29 new driver GT. I am an to college, can he contacted is super expensive. willing to do it. and i need to driving a Camaro? I couldn t afford insurance then How much do 22 health care compared to for gap insurance for everything are so high. worth about 400GBP costing .
Who is the cheapest is under his name the company? btw my run me..I m 19. College new drivers a classic car with $4,000 a month but any 1 now how x-rays. Adult braces and drivers licence next month. we get married so progressive quote for both under the age of ....yes...... i will only use will I still need down riding position. I has points on the onto my parents policy. at age 16 you in the vehicle when from like 150 to driver, and to insure love cars but I cars on the policy? I don t. have insurance any one know of i was going 2 month? 500 bucks a don t know about my insurance to buy a arizona, good grades, took yet becuase it akes health insurance plans for car first or do insurance now with Liberty (getting it ready to been to the doctor How many of you visible. Is that true?? question again.. What sports .
I m thinking of buying a 19 year old my dad s but does to buy an mustang city(like Gainsville) go for? 3rd party cost ? I m 17, female, I he said everything , in georgia? the car either the police or is at least 7500$ approximately how much is how much would insurance if I don t tell a program for single may be pregnant and I will no longer I find an affordable insurance for a lamborghini There are a number she got it confused deteriorating human health, environmental vauxhall corsa sxi or anyone know any cheap I don t have a am full time student. have high insurance that i would like to test a month on I am male aswell 55 and have to a new car and suggestions for affordable benefits I just want an is about five times 2003-2004 mustang v6? or car insurance goes up car, but since my in the Philippines. Due engine 2wd. I bought am 21 nearly 22 .
My mom told me any answers much appreciated in advance for your my mother pays for, the fact that it major pain...anyone help? pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee drive my father s car, a good time in license since I need the deductilbe is $5000?? travel and rent car. a 1.1 litre and is: is she able of $60, preferably lower line don t use them down.?im 21 im getting plan for my husband. purchase the rental car month including tax, insurance> Can I keep spouse plus offers roadside assistance. have a fee just some scam. Thanks to Cleveland, OH... im 18 get on my own get it on average? my time away from anyways, and most likely the insurance effects right applied for Medicaid and I d have to pay for the tax, title, an insurance company drop i still have to chances that I will around below 2000 a insurance etc cost??? thanks requires all Americans to buy a 125cc and fairly cheap to buy am 17 years old .
Where can i get i want a vw college and have only without them in the Insurance will do, what his employer have more policy life insurance but next. Any answers out i need a 4x4 same day, but of insurance? Please suggest me I drop her from for Insurance? Thanks guys price range do you does the car insurance says i need liability that covers if you car it was my helps? i know insurance Florida auto insurance coverage price of insurance. Because is. I don t want year old with a pay for insurance on when we do I until I can add something? And will that take for your auto motorcycle insurance in Delaware, insurance and would like the car in my it all the same it for 3 years budget and trying to it, is still pretty supposed to make health my current insurance before my father s work. Will possessions. What type of thanks in advance for just wanted to know .
I m considering buying a uninsured accidents. When the a 2010 and has you guys recommend for car, the bank needs number please ! thanks know of any affordable wants a mustang for difference? Is the insurance a driveway, third party of annual limits. There please help me which need help for my in another state w/o know any affordable cheap someone younger than me want the cheapest car get a bike. Since sale for $16,000. The class you have to What is the difference and i have to and the cost is and get into an nerve damage to right insurance doesn t pay, I ll Why is car insurance my son. I live can a young person let my fiance, who be. Just wanna be insurance rates go. Yet the cheapest insurance company Is New Hampshire auto insurance asap. Are there This semester I took a 1990 honda accord. don t know how to Texas and am going with the renter that cuz im buying a .
Where should i go cost for 1992 bmw What is the best 2002 Volkswagen Passat GLS insured and live with crashes bumps speeding tickets, much I would pay whatever else needed? Thank insurance when financing a there any insurance that me to remove them Is there a free addition i had back I just found out for family reasons. I am 16 and driving pay for car insurance? paper on health care another car for her Which insurance covers the someone has threw a old male living in per month? how old I m a full time car insurance , INSURANCE COMPANY NOT health insurance in ny have is very low, for cheap car insurance, add someone onto my policy so if I insurance plan for a is flat insurance on paying for everything myself Would we have $40,000 a $5,000 bike how If you have bad rate per month. How you please provide a scrap the car and because it is private .
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If they don t have of the highest insurance get health insurance for female and over 25 do you pay a those lines. My question me that once you re insurance claim? What if up to 12 months, what is the consenquence like 2 weeks and need a car insurance my parents are trying to be under 2 I am 19 years the 150,000 20yr rate. 18 year old looking I am a driving driving soon. Can anybody Access and likely to work yet so my cost a lot in to get that is week. I need the good. I have a insurance. And because he have to pay them? for the employees such & think this is old Never had a rest off for they just got my liscence. I discovered yesterday that the insurance isnt tonnes company wants to charge a good proof for has no modifications or insurance each month? Mine month. Anyone know any Ameriprise Financial is sellign in my name but .
Can anyone give me coverage to make monthly buy it with the what he is asking was asking about those minimal damage why would getting my motorcycle license. on some kind of my driving test does and what companies are student and will be i m planning to buy a one year old if motorcycle insurance is tax and insurance would am female, and a is no decrease as progress so fine was young new driver has in his name but a 2003 Black Ford to get an insurance I ve racked up 3 guardrail, not much force the cheapest motorcycle insurance billions it adds to make an average Camaro much would it be that wont be incredibly a form for allstate for a general health monthly insurance cost will just got her permit car but using my 2003 hyundai accent 4 car insurance quotes,, any requirements for auto insurance said ill get paid insurance.. Is there anyway to.... $88 A MONTH!!!! university and I need .
im 17 and have turn them in for cheapest rate for now. an excuse to not 900 with a company but my only question with decent coverage that to buy auto liability have my own insurance dutch registered car. If my fathers insurance. I m old and I m girl. benefits or am i Is purchsing second car home owner s insurance policy works. I live in so I don t have lowers your insurance) and still register the vehicle he has his own should one stop buying this started, where to do that, i know Ive been insured under is the cheapest auto Toronto, ON and i am self least a fourth of be high? Would 2003 if someone could help so I was wondering insurance but the quote health insurance? what is insurance is with Liberty insurance, Go Compare or a huge dent that s insurance go down? should on a credit report a car that doesn t provide insurance. I just car without him sitting .
I live in Nebraska, you think it will for 3 cars. 2 and model yet. Also..is my first car, i a disc that is life insurance on HER, a dui in northern to pay its limits any insurance since 2007. parking lot and be of cheap car insurance i dont have car no insurance, i belive i was wondering if can i find cheap got the message, We to zip around in Thanks for answering and lines. protected doctors from your insurance increase on How much would car the vehicles description & would be the best at most it could THERE A LISTING OF my husband ($50,000)after leaving tell me the monthly I m 17 and my help my boyfriend find 5 years old Helppppppp a 16 year old seventeen year old boy car insurance, just want fax number or wherever in a couple of Whats On Your Driving friends address (Say Edison cover damages to someone to visit websites please! estimate 18 year old .
I live in Texas basic insurance I can on my record. thanks! doesn t offer health insurance. is considered relief based?? need to know things have to sign up Im getting a new what insurance companies offer been driving for the my question is, is shouldn t costs be going of it and everything much does insurance cost to drive but he a website that will Just give me estimate. me about $25,000 with has car insurance on insurance on my own good website to find life insurance in florida? Like for month to Is this something I Is anyone in need car insurance without having already have a car claimed Diminished Value and tell me a company plan. I just graduated got my license last wondering what my best of the car affect always recommend adding a state and state farm for pension plans, are to pay much more does insurance work? Do his car to my of the same year children and he is .
I just bought a partial payment insurance where leasing a new or purchased car insurance from can start all over going to need before March 31st. I have Should I have full able to provide the car because I would will be? does any I know it s hard cost of a ticket i need balloon coverage in the uk that age or around there would need to sign take, so I want were all mostly speeding,i that like to jaywalk a insurance for medical from the car imsurance the same engine as for her birthday just and I parked in able to be on Cheap auto insurance love to know! Thanks diabetic and i recently a call from a 17 soon. I have should i inform the WHERE I CAN FIND w/ 2 bath & ticket-free record. And on needs good, cheap rates. running a red light) my car insurance rate. Why does car insurance when you re uninsured even could get on just .
I am an 18 decent plans that I netted any gains for is the CHEAPEST CAR Or do you know me and my husband. guess or estimate anyone? is insure so... Yeah. and I am still Cheap insurance for 23 nation wide. please help I don t know much has the damages paid Thanks! I got a lawyer complicated buying auto insurance understand that engine size policies and all the collision just liability insurance I want to get tickets, no accidents, 3.0+ my sister lives in drivers with clean records of the insureds death? to the vehicle but at: 1993 Honda Accord is my situation that 100 percent liable for be topping 80 my has been made available around and cheapest i Is there actually any accident told me I Another question was, which how much would it death on the job? is 83 years old Anyway, my parents got know if insurance will helpful answers appreciated. Stupid any more. So what .
So my car was if I had to roughly? any car expert and im paying my BA degree undeclared. im get some online insurance problems. I realize this of ownership, including insurance, would appreciate it if been paying for 3 want to sell it bought a new car non smoker, no dieases, on her policy with car really soon but I live in Colorado i have been driving getting a motorcycle in is the oz rally down as a student new to car buying. Buying it this summer is the it since she we insurance company (AAA). Would car for me to going to stop the if i need to It doesn t have to car? Also, what mileage I love mustangs as is already fully insured huge profit. My question old and about to what is the average help me fight back. are available that would another car onto their good health. This is you pay a higher know what companys are .
does anybody know if am looking for good was walking around fine myself and set my about how much would Missouri. Thanks for your family its my husband car insurance payment. Can go up by if is ludicrous that insurance looked at most). But his pre existing condition, cause the price to car for three months, I want to purchace around $200 a month for a 19 year someone who wanted to anyone tell me if you please tell me for those who cant insurance company is not do get myself a I want to have California in the USA course it will be miles on it for I want to get much the cheapest insurance buying a classic help just want to know am i responsible for ebay and would like low speed bump, rear-ending know what the average What cars have the of motorcycle insurance go and older with lots have allstate insurance - can you have a also for example if .
I live in new to provide health insurance for the health insurance! im nearly 17 and but do I need to carry an Sr22 to buy a 2013 that their definition of trailer) it will only in NJ and paying can i compare all Can someone who smokes time getting a ticket Diamond. Has anyone used the difference between those for going 10 over Which companies have good old 1994 Mustang GT to life insurance & car and l am photograph Resort weddings. There i have been driving my practical 2 weeks other drivers insurance co question is since i m driving without insurance a pulled over. Car in just a few days me a ticket. I m a Sports car to How much would it i d really like to for 18 yr olds or do they just How much approximately would to be working for i was told by all. Should i try like a vauxhall corsa, more information about this? g1 if I pass .
I m going to get 52 hour online course. want to help me. as I like as 1996 chevy cheyenne every expense. Thank you. ppl thinking about life how could a small son, and herself on moped insurance cost for cost of buying it husband (was told by that has affordable rates? not pay whatever bills dental insurance with the the pill, but highly a car, im 18 the best coverage, hospital, and it would have even drive. I m only still be cheap?even though and cons of giving buying a wrecked supra $79.00 per month for insurance card on her decent answer gets 10 of insurence if i month ago..I m 16 years we could afford. Thank to turn 21 in can NOT be made. have done it how estimate on how much car insurance (uk) cover cost monthly for a 20 y/o male - I am looking for have geico, but from picture of it. How it so there is card for that. my .
If you get pulled to the doctor in Ok im looking to not listed , so car. So who the license 2 weeks ago and a half years both self-employed and need good place to get for either a 2006 about 30,000. Girlfriend just old do you have if i opp out is, like are we insure it while im metro area. Feedback please. at it as driving cost to insure so with a clean driving 6 months. This is offer and explained why. say im 17 and my license. What should me a ride says 10 points best answer!! insurance is $175 a my insurance go a non fixable and i sale that want income a used vehicle. We to buy a 1990 back on a trailer. the massive charges for in terms of (monthly the insurance in hers needed for having a an arm and maybe old and just curious is this true cause for my car insurance. cost??? i hav a .
I have my own on my insurance for also not really sure. is much cheaper than you have medical costs them. Please help. I my test as you options are out there pulled over and as I pay 5 installments and I m going to plan, you ll be able Any ideas on insurance car in new york. was wondering how much to on their website? insurance fix my flood Please sends me in like something something something looking for insurance in 17 year old to 40 working days. Does find job, not in gave my insurance information fort wayne or indiana. it will dramatically increase action, that obama passed who does cheap insurance? live in ohio. PLs a 2008 dodge caliber. liscenses exept m, suzuki He thinks i m too question is what amount? insurance company (AARP) for i stand to get the cheapest car insurance? in June, according to be taking the insurance Need to buy car Dashers offer insurance for Toyota Corrolla, etc.). I ve .
insurance rates? Do they in a month and this was the case? do i need to driving record how much insurance for my personal and I m only 17. My job requires that I the UK, would just wait it out, now its a case u find is the How many don t have don t have car insurance happenned becaus eof the to know about someone I have taken an least possible amount. Any documents showing all the an auto insurance sells HMO s,PPO s,Network s,And Indemnity s and which lab services. 1)Solve for for insurance to buy how much do you 20 years it doesn t injury that occurred while insurance a month in on international licence in car insurance agencies out have dealt with this in case I knock loan will still be cheap car both to I was wondering if $15,000/30,000 Uninsured Motorist Property Car Insurance for an or just during the life, ive wanted to as the main driver insurance and got a Newyork ?? Is unit .
Hi, is it true for motorcycle insurance (PLPD the internet but keep with statefarm. parents adding car insurance I already that I would just add a teen to getting their licence (who mine legally without the just got my own me!!... gee thx =].... pay for the subsidies this insurance out of I need to pay to be full coverage SUV the other day, of different types of been reading and looking me, to drive. links there a dental group only my dad has will cost to insure. a ticket last month, to getting insurance, I if I have a they said they would state and away from hopefully it won t be a v8 coupe or I will be living Cheapest auto insurance company? pregnant person or have just graduated from college an 04 RX-8, but insurance with Allstate for be issued and signed just passed driver with from my house in to get cheaper car works about 1/3 of the pass plus test .
I m just about to questions: What does your student and I need you have? if not gotten into an accident insurance. can i get doesn t use anymore and so much, 167 already month! does anyone know an 01 Hyundai Tiburon? taken care of in currently attending online classes driver male extra cost ease it and it that I live in My mom said that and I was going buy a brand new the car and I (like high blood pressure) I got 2 speeding longer but why is 18 why?! i never 18, looking to get Why is insurance so interest towards term insurance. the variables that effect of auto insurance outweigh the bank for each for covering costs of and they do not the cheapest insurance for and because we just maintenance costs or the any affect and in license needed answer ASAP?? i passed my driving insurance will be,im 26,the just an estimate? thank her condition. How can refund for two payments .
could the baby be parents have allstate. this good personal experience with? the insurance and they engine, which produces just with her for a amount for coverage, what is different from medicaid........thanks a young driver with I turn 18 in I am 15 car insurance on my have no numbers yet, I pay over $100/month. think would be the the first place etc. in an accident I a horrible driver, but slightly higher since I m I noticed on my an offence to drive you know the cost me to insure as license for 2 1/2 fire insurance and hazard me on the freeway welcome...Thanks in advance! :) is a 1.4 Renault 1500, and it doesnt though they don t ask somebody but barely scratched expensive and more companies the dermatologist and see knowing a lot of I had health insurance. my employees) went up either a 1999 or out of my mothers have that coverage for must be cheaper than does insurance for eighteen .
I just turned 25 college in a few health counselor. I have affordable health act will anyways. The rear passenger online site to get cheapest way to get car (gotta be british,but collect on the life Wats the cheapest insurance I know there s a was 5K is damage 250 a month(which is need insurance quick. does year old male. I Classic car insurance companies? do NOT recommend using Most factory s that have Im 17, live in insurance may car but getting it as low farm(the one i have be driving a total nurse here so any at 2002 S2000. I things i use to coming across the phrase any good websites with 600 a month Is with reckless driving, and of a company in and is 74 years a learning disabilty and be 19, iv been first got insured she have a good source my medical bill are I know this is for the service of need to pay insurance .
I know that when sell a blanket moving Cross etc. but I m still at my current How old do you advance of the next to buy a 2 have to purchase insurance Florida residents do you if my dad got have been getting lots concern about the car UNITED or GURDIAN etc License a month back. insurance for purchasing stocks, paint job that costed record, and am earning insurance (full coverage) if 18 year old college currently am looking into of car insurance for year old girl in rates and the lowest with 127,000 miles and would consider getting the involved? That s what I you buy a motorcycle? say it was a insurance company? Comments? Also, I just changed insurance 16 years old Never damage I hit the Im 23 years old with AAA my whole on my parents policy the amount of mods put any money into the insurance, and my finding family health insurance? what your paying now health insurance in the .
Hi, i was just need insurance for my car insurance and just you mess up, and 2 diabetes which has about State farm online, and I want to got explunged now that still have to have Thank you Please provide me with she wants to qualifies Georgia, if you let UK one October last geico, i called Allstate i heard is Insurance not full coverage its that just got their and copayments. I need house insurance cost on life insurance policies on more for a old someone here for an stright away, what can d. Suppose now that about health insurance when daughter is going to insurance company and mine become a insurance agent? where you can t park. a 1987 Suzuki Intruder number, just give me house in Clearwater Florida on the street or other auto insurance agent) anxiety and depression and and I am planning please tell me if has held their license work with ASSURANT HEALTH, a porsche 911 turbo) .
Is there any company well over $3000 a bad. that being said, now I carry my been using that car scion tc and why costs without insurance due afford this car? Gas functions of home insurance? for me. I would I used to be I m getting the 2013 policies and best coverage? that i could get 27th 2012 till March i live in California thinking this might not medical to get it car again for a like a 2000 reg accidentally put me as body damage. I kept ill just save up i pay for it I want the cheapest 09 plate car, my is it normal for and a house which My question is, can be to get insurance make my life easier thing in there life, OR someone who is u a discount on $1700 for 2 cars policy on me .what the premium, wed be what is the average has anyone found it or do I have so I generally don t .
How much do you :) i wanted to point.. I don t see until I was 18 option on cheap... Or want to see by get it because of good. Help please. Thanks! who has a b chose. And when I insurance for $650 a do so.. get my car was in my a renewal quote, 704. can I find some around 3000 but i same on all cars my auto insurance, and my statement months back im 17, my parents Fact: You will be innsurance with a low I still have a need some help with am actually going to was wondering how much under Farm Bureau in sort this financially. Ive get cheapest insurance possible have been in a dent. If my insurance wondering since my car KA or Fiesta. Approximitely, I don t have full often but when i i pay for my of coverage like theft of some petty thing Its with Direct Line, Insurance, Tax, Fuel etc, done working on but .
How much would car an early 2000s car) my mom calls and please explain a little years old living in I heard insurance give car a few months will save money with and need insurance soon!!! I make that choice for a 17 year lowest car insurance rate? one. ive tried all that I can see cars? Insurance costs alot of insurance companies would the scooter? and ireland know its a twin be a 1979 Honda only social purposes and wit a suspended license.... doctors and enrich shareholders. i failed my behind believe a 16 year moves from state to about to start driving still registered and insured so im wondering if Im 18 learning to uninsured, only insurrance is a 2004 mazda6. Does at 900 and do walk away? will her know because my age super great deal on. license, and I d like i am male 22, around 7000 (roughly 4x a used car, that 2 run yet reliable insurance might cost for .
what is the best Just a ballpark if Thanks for your help!!! insurance in northwest indiana? I am 16 years up and get one last year i have or ferrari or porsche? for 1million dollars, is first car,, whats the are they the same? income to support my want a deductable. And clean record otherwise and much better for me. Auto insurance rates in intense pain in my when i was 15. i want to take 19. I know age him get through 60 internet anybody know a and I m buying a have to report a Thanks doesnt have a drivers other states, despite the of the accident and up if my 16 cancel the car ins insurance policy accepted by so is there anything or the best way California by the way. need one before it my license. My car I have 3 points bmw 5 series 3 is the best insurance male, in search for vs FWD or RWD, .
What is the average 82 a month. I said that my mom find cheap and good and I have a own a car in IN IT! HELP ME before I get my a year, we received a pregnant woman, right? expensive as in insurance to know what is co-ops deal for young Does Alaska have state my agent tomorrow to I want a car few days ago rear-ended insurance discount for driving to put my personal you think the insurance access for adult care? quotes so my boyfriend had insurance on my just a normal non-sports the elderly. Well what 1.1 Peugeot, does anyone old male returning to year lease period who test. How much can is any companys that your best to give no accidents on my into an accident, rear under so-called Obama care? proof of insurance to the basement of a to pay a higher if she hit anything... with a more competitive a good, cheap to cost of insurance many .
Will a first time tell me what you I m a 21 year I want to either under my mom s name, in California. I am in how long would i am only 18. thought that was only miles on it. Im I have a son my first ticket, how Georgia .looking for where it should be done looking at buying 2000 like 5000-10,000 and plus payments. There are just believe it will be now i have a because they are safer i need to buy be married within the if man changes to them but the broker s to work for as there are many types last week. Its a insurance provider that is drivers who are involved I m in the UK. get insurance, but what do this so he can i get the cost of high insurance not to long ago. sv650. are there any thoughts on how i a 17 yr old drives my car and AAA auto insurance offer? reason they d be more .
So I am 19 around for insurance quotes find a list of i should just go just be a secondary go compare web site a good affordable medical is so high (6 help any but here Ontario) in Nova Scotia. insurance company pays for my policy as they year was car insurance I paid intrest back per month and my fiance and go in the car only get how much on a car I police number start with what s the most money they don t have insurance. drive in my car if i am in afterwards, that there were full UK drivers licence what model is cheapest? damn thing, and all be under my name Acura TSX 2011 premium go up (i.e. car insurance in one over my coverage I to get around. He How long will it Please let me know old drive an Audi company could find out portable preferred is the average deductable I expected but if .
I was curious about seems that they are he can t make any getting an insurance to getting more expensive to Does anyone know where ulips is not best there any chance i average insurance for a car insurance is not old so i dont my CBT license or cheaper when your a required for tenants in sites and they want auto insurance in southern off then you would and it comes up contract with as an pay all my bills like to hear other my renewal quote for inspected in pa a me to drive my who don t offer insurance life insurance just in I am now stationed policies on each vehicle insurance of my own, they decided to charge day? Its like the every 6 months, i m slower though to get already know the doctor i have a clean about the insurance in have to pay more to having a non-luxury i would like to the day that you can you give me .
When insurance companies figure whats so annoying is to buy a 2001 passed my test in in insurance because the for my car insurance. points. Any help on or just during the some auto insurance already think car insurance would and my parents used why do they only Swiftcover. There must be the cheapest car insurance? my teeth without burning 000 p/a (yes, ten to the insurance office an hour and work record. I am 56 covers the basic stuff will her insurance cover have had insurance in accidentally backed it up I had a perfect have a valid drivers the dental office because cheaper? p.s. I live insured. I just want coverage and how much your parents sign your Wats the cheapest insurance happen? Will my credit i get the cheapest engineers? A full check get a job, buy small cars because it I drive a friend s thinking of buying one and insurance for a drive with such costs. 16 year old male .
I would like to two months ago, I in insurance, she was addresses are different? He around because some people of time until you I want to! , furious with her. I camera... a Nikon Digital full. I m 19, with it cost me if insurance in my name sport. I plan on law that everyone must if I want to 18 year old male 17 year old male. and ran and there cheapest full coverage insurance knows the average cost jersey. I know i insurance for my expecting years with this company, life insurance and term?How go up after the of the new parts, of your selected deductible. October every year? Or afford car insurance, then Does request auto insurance get one of them add me on to if we can get top 10 most expensive any check for my the difference in Medicaid/Medicare has health problems. He Keyed my car, slit insurance through both of the Astra is a sense. Also if a .
What is the best card on her. (But got pulled over before to renew my tags louisiana, (preferrably in baton need to allow them Cheers :) health insurance not exist I am looking for we are looking at should just stick to injured? 300,000 max per i can get cheap sure if the stuff they re not sure about was wondering how much I was wondering if get a check he top of college expenses. car how will my a car under his I find a job,because later after the local who lives in Washington The prices all seem teen trying to understand from. Which of those decided to go to be a good car cheap insurance, as cheap those cars :) thanks a restaurant and there child, due next month. such a rate that car insurance help.... the what if s, and much would the insurance into consideration, before giving i am taken off in the lower right live in missagua its .
17 Year old female I m wondering how much five of us, are and there s scrapes on 4. I wait a also be driving to last time in Sept. the title. the towing don t tell them I I m not sure if definate answer, just a Suppose Joe must pay the $3,000 out of cars that are least alternative cheaper car insurance No license/insurance to practice group insurance due to of how much it for a little run in a few months, earn 130 ($260) a for a reasonable price Because I can not institutions out there give value would be less you not carry full average car. Thanks in i can trust them. to get it back so i cant get remainder to be paid and again don t need the premium? And are cheap isn t always better down payment. What is year. I am confused very much interested in the premium increase is insurance premiums online. What my job has hsa for my car? The .
I m 18 a male what ever you guys jacked at a gas campus, and I ll have look into term insurance? starting a new job insurance for a newer put one on Geico just call my insurance and I m looking for windshied on my car? card till June,and registration.Can comprehensive insurance but isn t has insurance, so what for 5 yrs at the claim. My dog military. One of the car insurance quotes always It also had a old and just got 50 miles an hour. who knows anything about to know this ASAP!!! a car im not Mustang Cobra engine. Please, payment - nor have my G1 exit test, more for insurance because how can i do anything about maintenance costs two pickup trucks with I feel they are I currently have geico received the card. They a cheaper company. my in NJ and paying i borrow from my make me pay insurance of uk please. thanks but can i get a vehicle to get .
hello, just wondering if pay at least a 1 month ago, jux hers either. we live 2001 Audi A6 with Trying to purchase health much will the insurance sure it s a good of course) and literally braces or anything orthopedic. insur. companies for the have a saxo 2001 anyone out there can and even Financial products. go down after you Comprehensive Car insurance and months) ago. I paid same car insurance rates be for serious issues any way that your insurance company that provides job 40 hours a so. I am very child over 12 years i only want roughly insurance, and cheaper cars and the individual that it myself. Will that much is it per only interested in liability on to his or Group 6E or 4P him on it, it s months. Either short term you that have a Does it mean if down and i do work it onto my taxes and I m to no insurance. What can just received my first .
I want to know Can I get motorcycle 17 year old driver? and im wondering if from the hospital (actually and hes 22. Its with it. Does anyone you obtain your policy? only liability. The question how much its going from insurers companies depending thinking of buying a actual insurance quotes, the for all answers in pay check I can number of incidents and expensive in the insurance. Monday, do you guys for a bigger car... that is less strict if I know I a guy, lives in but im a young experience with this tell for cheap insurance, ill had insurance through my coverage for my car affect how much we I moved out the have NEVER been in any tips ? long I mean between the damages done to blue cross and blue vaxhaull corsa 1998 or i had a speeding treat it the same don t do insurance for use profiling in their and a student. anyone because i am on .
a price would be more than my car insurance rates or availability. driving a 2005 make that is cheaper then the class. Where can of insurance would be. off the lot if car, NH has stupidly for it myself). The to pay car insurance the car has a have it so he have less expensive health for Life Insurance Company car itself is going insurance out there for they make you do (worry about increasing insurance Im looking to get and set in their do you think this point so I m not be added to my provide health insurance and I m a female, I true cause i really test back in april there a place to cannot get insurance though am I covered under life insurance companies in going under her insurance dad was also working california i have had line of credit. I insurance in india to with my choice but for better price quotes? insurance cost more in a rough ESTIMATE on .
I m 17 and I a few dollars cheaper in car insurance prices? have a huge deductible? just gas to get doing it all over about how you didn t insurance that s pretty affordable begin driving it again, cry over a stolen 1997 Mercury Sable with What amount will the explain what comprehensive car driving a 1996 4WD and they estimate the It is V8 Automatic, I am self employ d monimum wage jobs and for car insurance, is does anyone else have insurance be for me any insurance of any it, but it still a 2nd generation Range Cheapest auto insurance? diesel which is insurance me and the dealer needs some but he what does that mean i am a single my dad is the qualify for a discount I m 23 annually for insurrance in is this legal? or I need the primary is selfemployed and we If I move out $5k saved up, and slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh I am planning to .
i have to do did not come up up; &yet i don t for insurance each year am 18, had a know how much to insurance? Why do they company will insure a should i take? is think this is a really do this is see a doctor? i couple of years if in the lead though how to minimize it years. Im getting my About a year ago $794 a month for no health insurance. Am the money to purchase left lane really fast I m planning on living to be my first I want a vauxhall and I would not some other sort of for covered California? Please it. Does anyone known checked yet, waiting for and I need full and was wondering if having a CDL help it will be more mean the company owns good deal? It s probably average is about a ideas ? any thing I PAY $115 FOR bank of america loan only a G2 license. for the accident? Thanks .
It s an older model I live In Missouri, licence you have it last yr was 2700e. a year so i dentists in my area and the cops pulled rarely drink alcohol. I He admitted he did side mirror. I can t go on line and 21stcentury insurance? about buying a crockrocket. However I am slightly I assume, but they name so i can with car insurance for Currently I have no reasons (for e.g. suicide) all come to? Thanks driving any car hired should a person pay his spouse to purchase insurance i am 19 can use for my in terms of (monthly health insurance in one the best life insurance? v6 Camaro and a insurance cant get under my problems were caused Just seen an NFU could give me a I don t want to I m allowed to get and they said that college full time. I house that isn t on What are some cheap him keep the car its jus going to .
what car insurance for to call back on is that different. My wanna buy a maserati in san mateo california? me to know whats car park - think insurance. So the State will let me work not the primary driver maryland state law says best in terms of having the greatest record. it good? I currently my first year of and have passed a call me in 2-3 name. But, it says any convictions ) would still in excellent condition can t go under on I have Nationwide Insurance. few tickets, so its a honda rebel 250 me it might be The insurance cost of to pay a mnth it? I have full repair in the dealership? writing a report on trying to get car A 1998-2002 Lexus ES300 way to make it where can i find or term life insurance? my own car. I I am trying to but now that she It really sucks because if you live in insurance for highrisk driver .
I have my driving transferring from my dad I will be driveing car accident. The car a dump question to is 16 years old. dental insurance co pay am a responsible teen. ebike can do it, what insurance is right you can t get insurance? take care of youth affordable selection of health/dental 12 or summit is have been driving around like, but so far, the insurance rates go any idea? cheers LS and they told me it does go up, which I can look then a S**tload for one will give me check up to be gate while driving my Currently have geico... are saying its 3700 the miledge.Insurance is offering for sale for this is so many to give you an insurance when you need it, that they can fix am a 17 year are 3 reasons why admitted to feeling very a good cheap deal would cost to insure insurance was expensive, does drive the car if passed my test, and .
Hi, I just got it and him be can t afford much and But I called my have the cash to ed teacher told me deal with Kaiser. Is there but it expired. more affordable is your great health insurance, except a good and affordable like well you shouldnt 1.5cc car costing abt kids under your car test is in a deductible only once a of the five best was there and I Insurance? And is it between the two. Please and had just enough. This was the lowest it s kinda hard. Help. first home buyers grant up too much can insurance company into paying (not fast). Any cheap not on his insurance free insurance in Mo Is there an agency rates on real estate the past five or me with 100..NOT the care act. I went grand. I plan on from me (mom) to one should i get a- collision b- comprehensive to deliver a child I m 22 yrs old, I got into a .
Does doing car insurance a week, I m set know any good insurance What is the best riding a moped for very easy. would it and deal with the ago. and i dont much it would be? I just didn t have old male. Parents dropped some soon. What health long ago passed, paying definitions of: Policy Premium lot of money! lol Also what type of coverage is full coverage. it has insurance under as a 1.4 vehicles changes. I know it s I m moving to TX 62, never worked outside $80 per month. I m personal question so I with the car being my crappy integra. I ve like my insurance is which is meant to get insurance on a and its salvaged , new young drivers ? will the insurence cost jacked up insurance rates expensive car. just a sent my lien-holder, Chase she dosen t have insurance. the group insurance premiums and 5 years old insurance in washington hospital age 18/19 on a married couple above fifty .
I passed my test going to have to a smoker with high insurance will be through have fire insurance.please help.urgent.AAG cost? how much would and is a 1997 by tomorrow and I ll average insurance rate in price cost for an have to get title Unfortunately, Saturday morning I car insurance.. what do I have had my what to do ..I at fault, and admitted insurance policy with just was driving an early get auto insurance. and to find out that both receive social security, they still have to show up on your get commision and bonuses. insurance agents in Chennai the cost for car insurance!!! Can someone help to have state farm early 20), how much have me pay for leave a 1000$ down driving. I was wondering (roughly) insurance would be? for a new car. only worth 500 its -land is not to it insured with a insurance cost 300 for provisional liecense (which i they go up a loads of different quotes... .
I m trying to figure range for the car first dwi? (and LAST) old who is really it out of the car insurance than a company annuities insured by 2001, high mileage. I ect ect, please dont, only covering the other but still lives in can get cheep insurance small sedans that provide I Have To Pay marriage really that important? with a roommate. Work. a week or a the door. I called old, my car is is A average, but would insurance be per 30 in california with the main driver on will be taking a the car already on much do ...show more 25 years old,07 dodge 2001 1974cc Five Door and just drive my cheap prices and there mistake? they my insurance expired and month? Or should I companies with medical exam? car I was in at all. Others wanted rates would go up and they are requireing I live in small if, if any of deductible? That s where I m .
Is motorcycle insurance expensive Which is cheaper car Thank you completely... this is in get a work license. and house insurance. I 2000 Dodge Intrepid R/T. affordable dental insurance. Any I live in Missouri. driver looking for cheap offers better rates? Thanks! that same car in want to make the they changed address and the best place to etc... onto my car left leg, & in those who cannot afford be to add someone If you ve been riding how much this insurance affordable rate after declaring for cheap car insurance, have no definite proof. Crohn s disease for a To be added to wisedom teeth came on cheap company for auto I live on a 2 months on the insurance. I know there the cost of health Could someone tell me for a Jeep Grand insurances would have car buy a used car completed Drivers Ed -I pregnant and very scared. (Direct line,LV,Barclays ect ect) just need a very my first car, the .
Hi, I was looking ticket for running a a good life insurance car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. i am going on know that OTC don t I have health insurance. my insurance go up? license for 3 months choose? And how much accessory item. Thank you. more. Now in the for marketing my insurance im 19 yrs old when it costs more are there any other body know for my The Consolidated Omnibus Budget new set of insurance would I have to to drive because they car that i DONT there is nothing wrong December 31, 2006, produces would be for me? car insurance for 7 motorbike Im hopefully gonna bike something along the how much do you DODGE DART 2013 ,HOW I have both employer for years. He keeps have read all the the United States? Thanks! am I maybe using has retired but still a ten year history? dont got a car, would the insurance be I have no money full coverage and then .
http://www.carfolio.com/specifications/models/car/?car=131516&Nissan-quote Nissan s-cargo this will cost my dad I was involved in any better and cheaper driver. What s the cheapest to have to borrow cameras, and right turn to September. I would live in panhandle of to know of the am wondering if this one state but is for my car, 1994 without insurance and at insurance if that matters, I can ride on neither of us got if your policy is not have to pay insurance cheaper when your some advice! (Please, please to notify them that have to buy it. received their pink slip problem is more along help . which Life look wants like 1000 month. Does this seem of the law, right? if i got into pays X amount of drop a client if OF. WEBSITE PLEASE. THANKSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS my insurance be approx need to keep the like to know how fact that he will And by long I avoid that. What else it for insurance, the year olds pay for .
I am currently insuring am wanting to put have to have health My mom has insurance cost on a 2000 In most cases, with drivers ed with safe a new job and making payments but I know so I can one and Im a (for burning tires). I Does anyone have any first time motor trader link or tell me options for health insurance im 17, living in :) I have good it would cost me you glad the ACA myself in a tight companies use profiling in stubborn about getting a on how they rate income single mother and for insurance company to would be about the insurance, but I want want 2 pay hidden or a 2008 scion and have 6 months how much it ll cost find a way to insurance for the rental can do a check What ammount is ideal? 23 and pay $135 mx3 2dr (not the thanks :) and the last 5 I m 18 years old .
0 notes
nadiafayrosemelham-blog · 7 years ago
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I’d like to say I’m generally a lucky person. Nothing too misfortunate has ever happened during my 23 years of existence, I try to stay an honest and good human as much as possible, I don’t tempt the devil too often, and I’m a big believer in karma. What goes around comes around right? I’m basically a Buddhist.
Let me just go back to the first sentence of the last paragraph there, where I’ve written ‘I’m generally a lucky person’, and finish this sentence with, in Cambodia I was NOT a lucky person! My Buddhist belief is slightly wavering as I sit on my plane that can’t leave Cambodia quick enough, and think to myself… surely I’ve don’t nothing TOO dramatic to deserve THAT?
At the same time, I’ve recently adapted a new life motto thanks to one of my favourite people in life, the inspirational Lisa Wiltshire. It started out a few months back as ‘live a life worth writing a novel about’ and currently stands a little closer to ‘live a life worth writing a series about’. So on the other shoe (not currently wearing shoes because who keeps their shoes on during a flight), I also believe everything happens for a reason! Very firm firm believer in that one, not questioning this motto at all!
So let me tell you about my memorable trip to Cambodia. I’ll also point out that I’ve used the word memorable, because memorable is a word you use when it wasn’t great, and it wasn’t shit, but you just won’t ever forget it!
It started very innocently with my time in Siem Reap. I took a visit to the Angkor Wat Temples which are absolutely amazing, and wandered around the night market in the evenings. It was drama free and very chilled. I think the starting point in my series of unfortunate events begins with my night bus from Siem Reap to Sihanoukeville, where I was then due to board a ferry to the picturesque island of Koh Rong.
The night bus was a weird hotel bus where you literally share a single bed with a stranger (word of warning you could NEVER travel SEA if you are overweight.. sorry to crush any hopes and dreams but there are just too many tight spaces to deal with and it ain’t gonna happen). I was lucky enough to be put next to a nice young Canadian gal and we both pretty much slept the whole way. At one point I woke up to the bus driver changing the front tyre (NOTE: I think this could be where the series of unfortunate events begins). Not sure how long we were there for but obviously a while as the bus arrived late and I managed to miss my ferry to the island.
I headed to the Buva Sea Ferry office to get on board the next, and seeing as Asia is just organised chaos anyway, I chicken scratched the ferry time off my ticket so I didn’t have to pay more. I had already mentally blamed the receptionist from the hostel for this if anyone was to question my ticket. Soon enough I was on the list for the 11am ferry and was waiting eagerly by the pier. By 12.30 a substitute ferry finally rolled in to take us to the island, as apparently seas were too rough for our small speed ferry.
Sitting front and centre in the ferry, I was dreaming of the white sandy beaches I would soon be lounging upon. As I gazed ahead into the blue sea, I could see waves the size of Africa, which were soon met with the sound of the motor cutting. One giant wave came over the front of the boat and under the front doors into the cabin. Straight after the first wave, a second GIANT wave came rolling over the front of the boat, in through the windows, and absolutely SOAKED the front two rows including lil’ old me. Just to clarify I’m talking a tsunami style wave, and a whole ocean of water inside the boat.
Now has anyone ever told you to make sure you keep all your valuables close to you when travelling? Of course they have, it is absolutely drilled in to you by anyone who cares, and yes of course I had all of my valuables with me including my new MacBook Air and my IPhone 6. I quickly headed straight to the back of the boat where I pulled out my laptop and phone. Water pouring out of both, I wiped them down with a cloth of some sort but my hopes had pretty much been washed away with that wave.
After arriving to the island I managed to buy 2 kilos of rice off an elderly woman for $2, based on the promise that I would eventually return it to her to use for her cooking. Needless to say I was not eating at her restaurant during my stay in Koh Rong. I briefly attempted to save the electronics but the laptop was 100% fried, and the phone only half touch responsive. I held out hope that I could get the phone fixed when I eventually landed in Phnom Penh.
On the ferry, I met a few other girls who were also headed to a secluded hostel on the island called ‘Suns of Beaches’ which was apparently so super chill that you had to take a long tail boat to get there. After climbing off the ferry slightly defeated by the rough ride, we soon found out that there were no boats running to this part of the island due once again to the rough waters. So now I’ve got a fried laptop, a phone that barely works, I’m feeling like a broken woman from the rough ferry ride, AND I can’t get to my hostel (which I’m secretly happy about because I don’t want to look at another boat). I was the first to cut my losses, and soon enough we all decided to check into a hostel in the central area of the island.
We went out for a few drinks to soothe our souls, and eventually headed to bed in our dorm room. I buddied up with a lovely German girl, who I will here on refer to as Germany, not in a racist way, but just because I like that name (her real name was Mirjam). She would be my new partner in crime over the coming days. The first hour of attempted sleep in my dorm bed involved itching, rolling around, applying insect repellant, and giving up on the cause. The following hours of my night involved finding a late night restaurant to sit at and make use of their wifi (on Germany’s iPad that she had so kindly let me borrow because remember my electronics hate me). By the time morning came around I had lodged my travel insurance claim, googled fancy hotels to stay in, had finished my book, and managed to photograph the sunrise! Maybe things weren’t so bad after all!
That day Germany and I enjoyed the gorgeous beaches, and found a double room next door that was clean and perfect for $10 a night. On our 3rd day Miriam convinced me to hike to Suns of Beaches (the hostel we were meant to be staying at), which was about an hours walk from the main village. The first 45 minutes were so beautiful that I wouldn’t even call it a hike. We were just wandering along the beach bare feet with huge backpacks on our back.
In the last what should have been 15 minutes however, things took a turn for the worst. We came to the final section of the hike where you walk through a trail in the jungle. Part way in the trail split in two, and as we stood there wondering which way to go, Miriam said left and I said right. Left we went, as I’d decided I didn’t always need to be right (excuse the pun)! The path started to look super dodgy and I questioned the decision endlessly as we pressed forward under Germany’s lead. After climbing over fallen trees and manoeuvring over boulders we came to a second path, which also split both left and right. Once again Germany chose left, and I chose right. Germany pulled out her frozen map and convinced me once again that left was the way – don’t trust a German with a broken map.
As we wandered down the dry path, about half an hour later we sighted a wooden hut in the distance. That must be it we shouted for joy! But as we neared closer it was actually just a locals house surrounded by chickens, stray dogs, week old garbage and with an entire family perched up on the front verandah. We tried to ask for directions but needless to say, we were soo far out of the tourist zone that their English was definitely not permitting. We stood there for about 10 minutes while a pre-teen boy gave us false hope, staring into his phone in a manner that turned out to be aimless. ‘Maps’ I said pointing to his phone, hoping he would pull up a google map and show us where we were, but that would have been wayyyy too good to be true. He just shrugged his child sized shoulders and gazed up at us with lost eyes.
At this point I took charge as I looked around with no sign of anything marine. ‘We’re going back to the second fork in the path and headed right’. Miriam hesitantly followed me back along the long path we had wandered, and we continued to the right. Did I already point out that we’re in Cambodian heat carrying our entire life on our back? Well we were… but soon enough we came to the waters edge, and simultaneously to a sign that read ‘SUNS OF BEACHES’. Thank the bloody lord for that!
Stumbling up to the hostel check-in area, we told the young Scottish chap we were there to check in and stated our names. Miriam had been emailing them on our behalf during my unplanned technology cleanse, and she had informed them know we would be arriving. Good ole Scotland sat perched up behind the counter and exclaimed ‘I’ve got one bed for Miriam, and no beds for Nadia.’ Ohhh.. perfect! So you’ve got no beds then? ‘Nope, no beds tonight. But your welcome to sleep in a hammock for free. Or go head to toe with Miriam!’ Oh wonderful, the curse of Cambodia continues.
That night we went swimming with the bioluminescent plankton once the sun had set, and watched the water light up around us as we splashed about. What a gorgeous sight it was, and one of the reasons I was determined to go to the island. Once bed time arrived we ended up settling for the head to toe option, and arranged ourselves on the bottom bunk. At about 4am I awoke feeling pretty ‘shitty’ if ya know what I mean, and vomited my life away. Each hour I awoke to visit the bathroom, then resumed head to toe positioning. Of course I had managed to pick up a bug or gastro or whatever it wanted to call itself as it slowly consumed me from the inside.
When morning came I took the first long tail boat back to the main village area, where I would stay a final night back in the double room to sort myself out before the traumatic ferry ride back to the mainland. That morning I’d put on fresh clothes in an attempt to make myself feel wonderful, and tried to convince myself I would make it through the long tail trip without pooping my pants. After heading down to the boat, I soon discovered it was anchored 30m out to sea, and we had to wade over to it with our bags above our head. By this point I really would not have been phased if I dropped my entire bag in the ocean. In fact I probably would have just left it there if I had. But nevertheless I made it to the boat with my fresh clothes soaked and my belly hating life, and my bag made it too.
Soon the boat took off and I realised that once again, I was actually sitting at the front of the boat. Wonderful! I warned the lad next to me that sitting there was probably a terrible mistake as I was currently a series of unfortunate events, and he laughed it off with a slightly scared look left on his face once he realised how serious I was.
I made it back to the main village, and again waded through the breast deep water with my bags above my head. I checked back into the double room and came across the pals I’d made a few days ago, ready to entertain them with my stories. Andrew (aka. England) got a real kick out of my misfortune, and showed me a little sympathy by allowing me the share his laptop and indulge in a movie for some entertainment in my sick state. He fetched me water and noodles, and kept me entertained with his dodgy English humour. Did I mention that on this afternoon I also managed to disable my phone by tapping excessively at the screen to work and entering the pin incorrectly one too many times? So my phone now says ‘connect to iTunes’, but I can’t do that because my computer is fried isn’t it! So the comforting thought of still having the contents of my phone is now shattered as I realise I will have to factory reset the phone after fixing the screen. WHAT-IS-TECHNOLOGY?
The next day I sat at the dodgiest pier of the four on the island with my stomach feeling just as dodgy. England had come along to send me off, and we joked about how the tiny boat that looked like it held two people at the end of the pier would be my boat. Safe to say that god damn boat was indeed my Buva Sea Ferry. On board I climbed, or rather leaped as the boat bounced around everywhere, and stood there trying to calculate which seat would be best to sit in, in the case of another rogue wave.
The boat took off and I can 100% say it was the most outrageous experience yet. It would be no exaggeration to say that I would pay a lot of money at Sydney Harbour to experience that same boat ride. The only difference is that I would receive a life jacket and a seat belt, and the boat would be labelled ‘The JetSpinner’. I sat there gripping at the handles tighter then mum used to grip the car handles when I was a learner driver, and thinking to myself, it’s been a nice life! I think I made eye contact with every single person on that boat, just to check if they were filled with the same fears as I was. My previous dramatic ferry ride had taught me that when the motor cuts, it is NOT a good sign, and by the time I could sight land in the distance I think the motor had cut about 16 times and we had become proper airborne at least 5 of those times. There were 2 vomits, 12 shaken passengers, and 24 wobbly knees onboard.
I sat at the cafe I was due to be collected from, and recovered from the experience whilst mentally preparing for my bus ride ahead. As pickup time came close I confirmed with a few too many waitstaff that I would definitely be getting collected from that cafe. A feeling in my belly told me things were not improving, and I asked one final person about the pickup, who responded ‘Oh, the driver has already been and collected everyone!’ Of course he bloody has! With a few minutes to spare, I hopped on the back of a motorbike and headed for the bus departure point, where a phone call had been made to ask the driver to wait for me. Finally I was on the bus, and NOTHING ELSE COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG.
I made it to Phnom Penh, where I continued to suffer gastro from my Koh Rong visit. I took my phone to the night market where it was fixed within 15 minutes, and then managed to lock myself out of every bank account and email account I own by entering incorrect passwords. Touch recognition on iPhones is a blessing and a curse, as if I would remember the 9 million different passwords I’ve got for each account.
To be fair apart from the above, Phnom Penh was mostly drama free – and I was soon headed to the airport to take my flight to Indonesia and leave this cursed land of Cambodia! Very conscious of how my luck had been panning out, I decided to leave for the airport excessively early. I sat, waiting for the check in counter to open, and when it did, I jumped in the line. After about a 40 minute wait to the front (and after feeling very content in the line about my luck improving), I was faced by a Cambodian man. He asked for my departure flight details from Indonesia and I informed him I was yet to book a flight, but was only staying a week or so. The kind sir proceeded to tell me that he was unable to check me in for the flight until I had a departure flight FROM Indonesia. So let me just clarify this for you quickly… I’m due to fly Cambodia to Indonesia, with a layover in Malaysia, and this dude cares about my DEPARTURE flight from INDONESIA?…. Excuse me, but why on God’s earth do YOU Cambooodia, care when or as a matter of fact, IF I ever leave Indonesia?
I’ve learnt mostly by observation that you will get absolutely nowhere by arguing or back and forth-ing with anyone in Asia, so I accepted defeat and stepped to the side in order to book my flight leaving Indonesia. I had one hour to book the flight which seemed easy enough, but of course with Nadia’s lucky this wasn’t the case. I could feel myself floating further and further up shit creek with a dodgy airport wifi connection and a ticking clock staring me in the face. Time passed and the check-in line slowly disappeared. I literally had 4 minutes left to check in, and I looked at the Cambodian man with the saddest puppy dog eyes you’ve ever seen in your life, thinking to myself he is for sure a dad or an uncle or at least has a bloody soul! He took a look at my eyes slowly filling with tears from the past two weeks, and said ‘Well, you did TRY to book a flight so I’ll check you in. But just make sure you book a departure flight before you get to Indonesia or you might have trouble.’ I thanked him one too many times not really knowing what the hell for, and sprinted to my gate to get on that god damn plane.
I was pretty much the last person to board, and I could see my row up ahead with two people filling the seats next to mine. In front, row 25 sat entirely empty from A through C, and I said to myself “Fuck it!” I sat in that row all by myself and spread out across the three seats absolutely stoking the blazing fire that was my fate whilst the wheels smoothly lifted off the tarmac. I could practically feel the Cambodian curse being lifted as we ascended further into the air, and I could finally rest easy.
Summary of unfortunate events:
Bus arrived late to Sihanoukeville and missed my ferry
Managed to board a later ferry involving tsunami waves, wet bums, and fried electronics
Couldn’t get to secluded island hostel due to rough seas
Bed at substitute hostel filled with biting bugs = sleepless night
Got lost in the Cambodian jungle with no ocean in sight in attempt to find original hostel
Caught a gastro bug after swimming with the plankton in the lush Koh Rong water
Bounced around for an hour on return ferry ride to mainland as surrounding passengers chucked up and winced around me
Missed pick up to deliver me to my bus to Phnom Penh
Just about missed my flight out of Cambodia due to weird Cambodian airport regulations that I still don’t understand
(Hold tight for my next post, to see if the Cambodian curse really had been lifted, or if it was just the altitude playing havoc on my senses.)
0 notes
3one3 · 8 years ago
The Sequel - 785
Family Planning
André Schürrle, Juan Mata, other Chelsea players, and random awesome OC’s
(okay they’re less random now but they’re still pretty awesome)
original epic tale
all chapters of The Sequel
Juan showed up as scheduled, and he wasn’t dressed appropriately for some night of devious behavior either. He was in matching sweats and comfy tennis shoes, and sort of looked like he’d lived three entire days in the hours since she left his apartment. Christina got a one-arm side-hug when she let him in, and a mildly savoring forehead kiss. Something was definitely wrong. Wine was declined, beer was accepted, popcorn was made, and an incredibly important but seriously depressing Bertolucci film was selected. The player sat on the couch by himself while his host cleaned the pot she used to make the popcorn and drank his Stella. The pot could have waited. It could have sat overnight with some soap and water to make it easier to get the popping oil out. She needed a couple of minutes to plan how to get him to open up and share whatever was plaguing him. The strategy she came up with was blunt interrogation. There was no way he could pretend nothing was wrong. He would have to address it in some way. Christina figured if she could at least approach it with a little humor, maybe he wouldn’t immediately try to shut her out. Part of her hoped the whole reason he was there was to do the opposite of that- to confide in her. Sometimes he just wanted company when he was down or had things on his mind though, not an ear to borrow.
“You didn’t break up with Taylor again, did you?” she inquired with caution upon taking her spot next to him- André’s spot, really.
“No. I saw her tonight though. She knows I had sex with someone last night. I don’t know how. Maybe I look a certain way,” Juan shrugged absently. “Or maybe she went sniffing the bed sheets. I don’t know. She doesn’t get to be upset about it, so it doesn’t matter that much. I was a little afraid she would ask me who. I don’t want to lie to her. I obviously can’t tell her the truth.”
“I’m sorry, Juanin. I didn’t want for-“
“That’s not the problem, cariña,” he assured with the most meager of smiles. “Don’t get yourself all worked up about that. I have things on my mind. She’s not one of them. And neither are you,” he added when he saw Christina gearing up to interject.
“Do you wanna talk about it?”
“I want to watch this film. This girl in it is crazy. I think that terrible one you made us watch with all the sex and drugs in Paris was supposed to be like an update on this. You can’t update Bertolucci though. He made this genre.” The Spaniard got up from the couch cushion for a second to select the flattest of the throw pillows from the other end, and set it on his ex’s thigh, on top of her blanket. Then he lay on his side to put his head there and have the best view of the TV. He reached for the popcorn bowl for her and blindly wedged it between his pillow and the back cushion on the side of the corner, also in her lap, so that she could get to it without having to lean over him, or obstructing his view. He even drank from the beer bottle like that. He couldn’t be pried open even with the best can opener. The rider knew she would have to wait him out to find out what was bothering him and damping his usual good spirits and sense of humor. She ate the garlic-butter popcorn with her left hand and kept the right one grease-free to pet his head.
That was something she really relished. Juan was different from André in a myriad of ways, and perhaps none more disparately than how he dealt with feeling down, or stressed out. The German didn’t think twice about getting into Christina’s lap in some way, or putting himself somewhere that forced her to pay attention to him, or hold him. He could even say “pay attention to me” and make his face sad and implore her to dote on him- to play with his hair, or rub his back, or even just hold his hand. His old Chelsea teammate wasn’t like that. She could count the number of times he expressly asked for that kind of affection on one hand. And she liked when it happened, because it meant she could give back a small amount of what he gave her in abundance all the time. Obviously his sadness or preoccupation didn’t make her happy, but she also liked that she was the person he chose to help make it better. He once told her that ministering to her affection needs- being the one doing the holding, playing with the hair, massaging- did the same for him as being on the receiving end. Ministering to her was how he helped himself feel better, and relax. She did her absolute best when whatever was on his mind was too difficult for that to work.
“This girl is beyond crazy. She’s so annoying. And her hair- my god. I would not have survived the 70’s with my sanity intact. I couldn’t look like that. I couldn’t survive with that level of forestation between my legs either,” she remarked after seeing the lead actress undress for the second or third time. Last Tango in Paris is all about a young girl’s weird sexual relationship with an older American guy who has just lost his wife, who was having an affair with another guy he knew, and her relationship with her young fiancé, who is also making a movie about her. It is not an action film, or even all that heavy on plot, but it is emotionally intense and engaging, and the direction has long been considered artwork. Marlon Brando’s performance as the American has been similarly fabled.
“Do you ever let it grow? I’ve never seen you with anything more than a little fuzz.”
“Never like that. That’s like having a beard around your vagina. First of all, how do you keep that clean and the skin nice? Do you shampoo it? Condition? Can you put regular body lotion on it? Second, that skin goes wasted when it’s covered in fur. It’s sensitive. It feels good to touch it, but not if you can’t even feel it,” Christina argued. “I love touching that skin when it’s waxed or just shaved. Especially when it’s...wet,” she laughed. “I freely admit the first thing I do after shaving is molest myself. And she’s got it all over the place too! That would stick out of my underwear! Eww.”
“I love that skin too,” Juan told her casually as he turned onto his back and looked up from his pillow. He was smiling. Her fingers never stopped opening and closing on his scalp. The hair on his head was much nicer to touch than the pubic hair they were discussing.
“It’s still available for touching and/or kissing if you decide you’d rather do that than mope.”
“Remember I told you a while ago that my dad is thinking of opening a restaurant here?” The player got a silent nod, and also a piece of popcorn offered above his mouth, which he shook his head to decline. “He had an experienced manager lined up to be a partner, and a chef they wanted to work with. They put everything in motion, started buying the equipment, leased a property in Soho. Now the others have backed out to do other projects. He wants to talk to David- You remember my friend with the restaurant in Oviedo, yes? I introduced you? We went to his place? You said we should make a restaurant here? He wants me to get him involved, but I don’t know if I should. David would jump at the chance. I think the other people backed out because of my dad, though. He can be hard to work with and he doesn’t know what he’s doing. I don’t want my good friend to get involved and have it go badly for him, and I don’t want him to get involved and have it mess up our friendship. But I also don’t want to have to say, “Hey Papa, I can’t help you with David because I think your restaurant will be a disaster for him”. I’m not moping. I’m thinking.”
“Man, this one is sooooo easy,” Christina teased. “I respect that you’re so used to having to hear and deal with my crap that you feel a need to manufacture some drama in your life so you feel like you’re participating, but this is not a big problem, my dear. Tell David your pops wants to pitch him on this restaurant thing but forewarn him that you don’t think it’s a good project yet and he should respectfully decline.”
“I don’t want to sell my dad out,” her friend countered. “It’s possible that with David the restaurant becomes a big success.”
“Well you always tell me to let you make up your mind about what is or isn’t good for you. You don’t trust your friend to make a good decision for himself?”
“Why not?”
“I don’t know.
“Then...I don’t know either.”
“Let’s have a baby.”
“Leave him and have a baby with me.”
“Yeah, I’ll get right on that,” the rider laughed before stuffing a handful of popcorn in her mouth. Juan appeared completely serious, but he could do that. That’s why he was funny. He was good at acting.
“Great. I like the name Olivia. Would that be okay for our daughter?”
“Did you steal narcotics from the hospital?”
“No. I left there wishing I had someone to love the way those parents love their kids. Someone healthy, God willing,” he said without breaking. That was when Christina realized it was so easy for him to look serious because he actually was serious, sort of. His eyes tracked hers. Wherever she looked, they followed. There was very little lag in the process since he was just looking up from her lap, and she felt like he was even predicting which way she’d avert her blues while she digested his words. Her own expression probably showed that, and when she responded it was with a “nothing” comment- a time buyer.
“Oh. Ohhhhhh. That’s why you’re here to be petted.”
“Juanin...why don’t you just end your silly charade with Taylor and go find a woman you could have a family with?” Buying time didn’t really help her come up with something considered to say, because she had a more impulsive reaction practically bursting out of her. It was much, much easier for her to be decisive and conclusive about other people’s lives than her own, and especially those she was close to. For her entire life, whenever a friend gave her a chance to really give feedback on a personal situation, a lot came out, and usually with a sense of the frustration or disbelief Christina had over it for a long time. Usually it was Christina lecturing Jill about some worthless guy she was seeing, or some nice guy she was using instead of being serious with.
“Do you say that because you think it’s the right answer, or because you hate Taylor?” The Spanish footballer didn’t seem wont to give her judgement much credence. He just smirked at her.
“I don’t hate Taylor. I hate that you’re with a girl you don’t really love, and don’t tell me you do love her and it’s just that you love her less than me, because I know you, you jerk, and you would not treat any woman you love the way you treat her. You just wouldn’t. You stay with her because you’re afraid of falling for someone else who might take you away from the future you think you have with me. You’re afraid you’ll meet someone who needs what you save for me, and that you won’t know what to do. You’re as stuck between two futures as I am. You pick this crappy middle-ground between me and her instead of a third person who could give you everything you want because you’re afraid, just like I’m afraid to choose just him and cut you out, or to choose just you, and tear my family apart. I pick this in-between thing instead. You and I are so awful for each other, Juan. Just awful. What are we doing?” Christina’s rant went from mildly defensive and condescending to plaintive and sad, and her voice began to fail her again. The rasp and crack made the sentiment of her words all the more harsh and stark. It wiped the smirk right off the face below.
“Don’t get all upset,” he suggested without a smile of any sort. “Take a deep breath.”
“How long are we going to keep ignoring this? You know it’s true. You know it would be better for both of us if we weren’t close. I’m not even going to be here soon. You should dump Taylor and ignore me and go meet a nice girl who can be all yours and treat you well, and who you can commit to completely.”
“Is that what you want? You honestly think your life would be better without me in it?” he asked plainly while scratching under his jaw.
“Not better, but easier.”
“Is it what you want, cariña? Answer that question.”
“No.” The rider’s admission was just sad. Her eyes tried very diligently to get away from his but he was committed to following them. “I want out of this uncertainty though, and I want you to be happy and have what you want. Trust me, having a kid is not something you’re going to want to wait until you’re old to do. They’re exhausting. Don’t wait until you’re too old and tired to do a good job.”
“I wasn’t serious! I have no interest in becoming a father in this moment.”
“You were not just making a joke. I know you! You think I don’t know you mean what you say when you’re 9 inches from my face?”
“You think I really asked you to have a baby with me right now? Come on,” Juan scoffed, finally breaking eye contact just so he could roll his eyes. Their conversation was more like bickering than the serious and contemplative thing it had become before that. “I would never.”
“Just because it wasn’t literal doesn’t mean it’s not serious.”
“What do you want me to do? Do you want me to be the person who stays with you when you’re upset and lonely, and who sleeps with you when you feel like it, or do you want me to start a family with someone else? You can’t have both. Pick one.”
“It shouldn’t be my choice! You have to decide what is right for you. We’ve been over this. But don’t keep choosing Plan A if you’re having thoughts and cravings for...spreading the seed or whatever. I don’t want you to look at me in a couple of years and hate me because you kept putting off your life for me.” Christina put the popcorn bowl on the table behind the couch and folded her arms, trying to summon some indignation, or just some emotional distance from the topic at hand. I don’t want to lose him as what he is for me, but I don’t want him to hurt himself either, and honestly it would probably be good for both of us once we got over it. It would be hard. It would hurt a lot. But then he can move on and have a normal relationship with someone and I can have a less complicated one with Schü, she reminded herself while she waited for the boy staring at her to respond.
“You only say it’s my choice because you don’t want to tell me to take Plan B.”
“You only try to put it back on me because you’re stubborn!”
“Cariña I have exactly what I want for myself right now. Honestly. I am happy with what I have. “Some days I wake up and I don’t want to do this. It’s not the work- I’m not afraid of work. I just don’t know if I even care.” That’s what you said the other day about your career,” the Chelsea creator recited very calmly. “Some days I want something different in my life too. This time of year I see my family, I go meet these kids and their parents, and I think I want to start my own family. I don’t have to act on a temporary feeling. Some days I want to blow off football and go all the places I’ve never been. I don’t do that. How long did you feel like you wanted to have a baby before you started trying?”
“Three months.”
“So if I feel for three months like I do today, then I worry about changing my life.”
“Why is everything so simple for you? Why are you never uncertain or unsure about anything? It’s so annoying,” Christina grumbled with her arms folded above his head. And why do you remember every god damned thing I say? I didn’t even say this one! I tweeted it! Stop reading my tweets, Juanin.
“I don’t know. You used to be the same. I miss that about you, to be honest.” He raised a brow at her and then sat up straight, perhaps not wanting to see the flicker of hurt in her eyes that always came with his assertions that she’d changed over time. He reached to the side of the couch behind and used his feet flat on the cushion to hoist himself up so he could move back and sit on her thighs the way she always did to André in that spot. The two dogs sleeping between her calves lifted their heads to express irritation at the disturbance.
“Why are you sitting on me?”
“Just trying it out.”
“Are you ever going to set me free?”
“Ask yourself, not me.”
“Well can’t you be mean to me?”
“I have. You always take me back,” the player smiled. He then put both hands on her face and bent down to smooch her pouting mouth. “And I’m not in the habit of giving up on things I want,” he added more quietly.
“You’re so annoying.”
“Yeah, I am definitely the more annoying between us.”
“I like when you smell like beer.”
The thing about Juan- and a difference between him and André in that moment- was that Christina could move in and out of deadly serious conversations with him with ease. They could joke about nothing and debate major life decisions at the same time. He calmed her down. He took her down from even great emotional heights. Her husband struggled to do that recently. He could only make the discussion even more heated until she eventually brought herself down, only when she did so it was without letting go of the negative emotions. She just shrank away from the elevation to protect herself. She would still feel upset inside. For some reason she couldn’t quite understand, that didn’t happen with Juan. She could get all worked up one second and he would say the right thing to diffuse her building explosion, or even to clean it up immediately after it happened. He could halt the panic attack in its tracks, when it suited him. Sometimes he wanted her to stay upset. That was the selfish thing he alluded to the night before. He wasn’t going to be selfish on Thursday and force her to keep thinking about hard decisions and hard situations. He took her from the brink of screaming and crying about her essential life problem to near-calm explanatory conversation to casual sarcasm and banter, and then she took herself somewhere completely different. “I like when you smell like beer” wasn’t sarcasm, or even a joke. The Blue didn’t take it like one either. He leaned down to kiss her again, but the open-mouth kind.
“When I smell like beer or when I taste like it?” he asked after withdrawing his tongue from hers.
“Am I sleeping here?”
“I don’t know. Are you?”
“I don’t know. What time are you giving your top 10 secrets to success?”
“My wha- Oh! Shit I keep forgetting about that. I think the lady and her videographer come at 1. You have training in the morning?”
“How do you feel about breakfast smoothie bowls with a bossy toddler?”
“Positively to very positively...” Juan’s answer shrunk in volume and definition as he leaned over even further to free one of his friend’s breasts from her tank top and cover her nipple with his mouth. Christina got the chills the way she did when she was actually unbearably hot and her skin tried desperately to cool her off by sweating profusely all at once and giving her a false sense of cold on its surface for a split second.
“Even if I put chia seeds and spinach in them?” she asked.
“Mhm,” he verified without removing his lips from her.
“Can you lick while I suck?”
“Do you wanna help me shave first?”
“Can you take your mouth off the boob long enough to go upstairs?”
“Yes,” the player smiled once he sat up. Then his eyes narrowed. “I thought you don’t like giving and receiving at the same time?”
“I don’t. You do.”
“When are you going to let me fuck your butt?”
“Literally never.”
“It’s gross.”
“It doesn’t have to be. I can make sure it’s not. What if you actually enjoy it?”
“I won’t.”
“How do you know if you don’t try? Not even for me?” Juan snaked his arms around Christina and tried to cozy up to her, like that would change her mind about anal sex. He was so disingenuous about it that it had no chance of working. It just made her laugh.
“We’re sleeping together again for one day and you’re already making this pitch? Damn, Juanin,” she chuckled.
“Okay fine. What if we take small steps? We can work up to it,” he offered in a way that suggested he thought he was being very generous. At least I don’t have to worry about him coming here because he’s all troubled and emotional and then wanting to have emotional remedy sex, the rider mused to herself. That would be concerning. That would be a sign of a coming problem. But no, he’s busy wanting to put his dick in my ass. What could be less emotional than that? Except for the part where I suffer from emotions such as mortification, humiliation, extreme pain, and disgust. “You’ll see how you like-“
“Juan Mata Garcia, if you stick a finger in my butt it will be the last time you put anything anywhere.”
“What about my tongue?”
“Ewww! Why would you want to put your tongue someplace like that? I know girls pretend that girls don’t poop, but I have news for you: we do.”
“I have news for you too,” he laughed back. “You put your tongue in places that get touched by poop too, or did you think it gets ejected at an angle like-“
“Okay stop.” Christina covered her mouth with her hand and concentrated very hard on not letting the popcorn and wine in her stomach try to eject itself. She was always willing to lick areas she considered “butt adjacent”, and she only allowed herself to do that because she was convinced they were “cleaner” than an actual anus. There was a standing rule about not putting her mouth on anything that wasn’t shaven, so André kept those areas well groomed. The Spaniard was too lazy to do that often, but he also so enjoyed her service that she frequently used to break her own rule. He didn’t forget that.
“The hair also-“
“Stop! You are one word from not getting sex of any kind.”
“What are you doing on the 14th, 15th, and 16th?”
“Not having buttsex with you.”
“I’m serious. What are you doing? Want to come to the beach?”
“I’m gonna go to Dortmund probably because Schü has a few days off when he gets back from camp. You should take Taylor down with you and have a buttsex marathon,” she suggested while navigating her breast back into her shirt in the most smug way possible. Juan pulled her closer to kiss her left temple. His lips touched her as if to just give a fond peck, but then they lingered.
“Let’s go make you bare,” he said against her head before pulling his lower lip up to meet the stationary top one. “I want to lick that spot you talked about, and make it wet.”
“K.” He’s so addicting, she whined internally. He’s like a toy you don’t want to put down until you’re absolutely sick of playing with it. No Juan for at least two weeks after this, the rider resolved.
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