#also! my hand is better: moral of the story is do not seperate two fighting cats with your bare hands. there will be blood. a lot of it.
cilant-lis · 4 months
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Your blood like wine, I wanted in Oh darling, get me drunk and make me feel
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scolopendress-tag · 4 years
I said I'd make a post detailing my kid Asra working for Lucio theory in this post so here it is! 
So Let's get STARDED.
So! To start off, how it began. We do know when Asra and Muriel were kids, Lucio came to them each seperately with a deal.
Essentially: work for me, or I'll hurt your friend.
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This was the sentiment he repeated for both of them. So, not wanting the other to be harmed, they both agree - unaware of the other's deal.
For Muriel, it was playing heel/excecutioner at the coleseium. For Asra, it was doing... Well, we never know, aside from he worked under Lucio. But that's what we are here to discuss in any case.
Continued under the read more, for the sake of people's dashes.
Now presumably, if I got my timeline right, Asra at this time would've been around 12 or 13. We don't know much about how Asra was when he was younger, other than that he has certainly changed.
It's also worth noting that it's not amiss to say they were both also still homeless at the time, and the hut hadn't come into the play until after.
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Asra was still living on the streets.
This all isn't overly important for any of my claims later, but perhaps someone else could make something of it. It does provide us with some framing for the situation as a whole, though.
Now onto Asra's time under Lucio. I don't know that we have any indication of how long it was, but presumably at least a year if not more.
We do also know that Lucio knew who Asra was. Both in that he knew Aisha and Salim had a kid, and that he knew Asra was said kid.
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This is bring this up because we know Aisha and Salim were incredibly talented, and likely incredibly powerful. Lucio wouldn't settle for any run of the mill magician or alchemist for the work he needed. So he must've had some idea that Asra may take after that power as well.
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To top it off, he also interacted and talked with the dock kids he also used, (two of which would actually later become palace guards,) and seeing as this is seemingly how he learned of Muriel, it's not off to think that this is also how he heard of Asra again to start. The kids knew of Asra's magic, and roughly where he was, and could've even continued talking about both Muriel and Asra to Lucio for unknown amounts of time.
So now Lucio knows that the kid of his two powerful practitioners of magic is not only still around, but taking after them as well.
If Muriel's intimidating size and physical power are what drew Lucio to him, why wouldn't Asra's considerable metaphysical power and talents draw Lucio in as well?
We know how much Lucio loves power, and that he has an interest in magic because of it, as mentioned in the main story. (no ss sorry... If you have one send so I can add. )
Plus, homeless kid in a vulnerable spot. Easy pickings.
That's what I think this whole thing was about, really. It's all power. Though Asra likely didn't have the full scope of power he does in the current game, he was probably still considerably talented, and was only getting better.
What Lucio specifically probably wanted from Asra then was either to be taught how to use that power, to use Asra for things that required it, and/or use his power for entertainment akin to how he used Muriel.
I think out of these however, using him for his power was most likely. Why? (And teaching him now, more on that further down)
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(Sorry for bad quality lmao it's a small image. Also thanks to @8-bit-space for showing these to me like months ago. As you can see I can't stop thinking abt it)
These are screenshots from the old prologue. While they're not canon any more, there's reason to believe they still hold merit as to how Lucio feels about Asra.
Two things to me are major here. First is the "powerful potent magic," and how it's the "real deal," equating to a large part of how he views Asra yet again tying back to a heavy interest in his power. Now, you could argue this relates to using his powers in the palace during the plague, but the second point stands out even more to me.
"The one who broke him for me?"
What this implies to me is that Lucio could never quite get all the way through to Asra or control him when he was younger, and he's been dying to do so. He wanted Asra broken, presumably so that he'll become essentially a tool for him to use for his skill and not put up a fight- something Asra likely did as a child.
Because it seems that Lucio for the most part relied on control through fear when it came to Asra, threatening to hurt Muriel, lying to him about how he executed his parents, likely other things as well. But things seem to point to that never quite working like he had hoped.
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This could allude to this as well. Though "impossible" is something Asra's been called a few times, namely also by Julian, there's no reason to assume Lucio wasn't also including his work with him as a kid in "always". Impossible to hate could be his draw to Asra for his power, his talent, his skills, the prospect of which I'm sure Lucio found practically mouthwatering. Impossible to love could be his stubbornness or reluctance to do what Lucio wants, always pushing against him or being hard to deal with, both as a kid and during the plague.
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And lines like this, where he calls him a coward. I find it hard to relate this to the plague ritual as he was for the most part willingly helping with that, so it could be resenment for when Asra eventually ran off as a kid, unwilling to put up with him any longer, or his reluctance to do certain things for him then in general.
We know, and it has even been mentioned by a character within the canon, that Asra can be incredibly stubborn, to back that up. Plus, he could've been even harder to work with then both being a kid and as I mentioned earlier he has changed from how he was then, so he could've had more spunk to him or such.
This also easily means that what Lucio was trying to get Asra to do then was something Asra was quite obviously opposed to. Being used for his power is already degrading enough, but there could be more to it.
You'll notice in the post that was linked at the top (the reason I'm writing this) I mentioned pushing Asra to his physical limits and magical extremes. This could be one of the reasons for a push back.
If Lucio was having Asra do things for him involving magic, it's not out of pocket to assume he'd practically run him into the ground- I'm sure he really wouldve loved testing the limits of what Asra could REALLY do.
Wether it be huge expendure of power all at once, or tons of smaller things one after the other, it would absolutely take it's toll. We are shown a few times that using magic can exhaust someone, and I don't remember if this is shown in canon ever (tell me if so!) but pushing it even further could definitely lead to other things such as passing out, (Or nosebleeds, for the aesthetic,) alongside likely being incredibly painful and draining, both mentally and physically.
Basically, abusing his powers and the body that commanded them. It's also possible that the stubborness to work with Lucio could also be partially percieved because of this- Lucio taking Asra's literal physical inability to continue as defiance.
Another reason for push back from Asra would be making him do morally compromising things. This is a little more vague, but intimidation is a common headcanon I see for what Lucio made Asra do, and that could tie in here. Other things could be meddling in things and business he shouldn't, but again, it's a vague thing. Make of it what you will. Fucked up stuff all around.
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(THANK YOU @tea-tye for showing me these, and credits to @hangedman-magician for the video they came from!!!!!!!)
...I cannot BELIEVE I forgot this, I KNEW I was missing something. Especially when I was fairly certain I remember Lucio being obsessed with the idea of magic. SO, MOVING ON,
There's not terribly much to pick apart here as it's rather direct- Asra saying he has in fact tried to teach Lucio magic. So in my eyes this solidifies that this was a component of Asra's time under Lucio. I still think my points about Lucio treatment (pushing Asra to his limits) stand, as well.
This can also tie in the stubborness mentioned as, well, can you imagine teaching Lucio? Asra backs this up by saying nothing he has ever said stuck with Lucio, and you know how Lucio gets when things don't go his way. He would've blamed his inability to learn on Asra, likely.
Looking to other quotes mentioned: the 'broke him' line still rings to me like he was trying to use Asra in other ways, and the 'coward' line could go either way from refusing to teach Lucio certain things, or refusing to do certain things for Lucio when he was merely being used. The "impossible" line could also go for others, as trying to teach someone like Lucio would've undoubtedly caused some head butting.
This is certainly really exciting and interesting to me as it gives a more complete picture on the exact situation at hand here. I still stay by my reasoning for Lucio simply using Asra as well on top of being taught because it seems highly likely that Lucio would've been too impatient to learn to do certain things himself, and like I said as well, I don't doubt he also just wanted to see what Asra was REALLY capable of. Something he could've saw as a tantalizing insight into the kind of power he could aquire of this kid would just... work with him.
NOW we have a MUCH clearer answer as to what exactly Asra was likely doing under Lucio, or at this point, almost certainly doing. It's a sad picture for Asra of course, but with this you can draw some interesting points as to how he could've been affected by this, as I'm sure it would've left some kind of imprint on him.
Sure it may not have been as traumatic as what Muriel went through, but when you look at it, it's hard to say it DIDN'T leave it's scars. If we consider all the points presented in this post truth we have:
A 12/13 yo homeless child, threatened with his friend's life to work for the Count that he knew was the one responsible for orphaning him and making him homeless in the first place.
Said child believing his parents are still alive, and as we see in Travel at Night, could very likely still be trying to find them. In a situation like Asra's that glimmer of hope probably was a big deal in helping him push on. This may also be a reason he agreed on top of Muriel's safety.
While working under the count, he is told that his parents were executed, no doubt devastating. The manner in which this was mentioned is up for debate, and could affect exactly how it was taken. Options could be Lucio joking or bragging about it (treating it as trivial or an accomplishment), or using it to threaten Asra, (as in I killed your parents, I'll kill you too,) both would work when it comes to controlling by fear.
It is also mentioned that Lucio told him the reason for his parents execution is that they messed up his gold arm, so Asra also has the knowledge that his parents were killed over something so unbelievably trivial.
Being used as a source of power and nothing else, both for teaching and pure work/entertainment, all for the man who killed his parents, day after day.
Being pushed to physically painful and mentally draining limits, expending so much energy that he completely exhausts himself, day after day.
Likely taking all sorts of verbal abuse from Lucio, day after day.
Like mentioned earlier, it seems clear that Lucio wanted to break Asra, so some other form of trying to chip away at his psyche to make him more convenient for Lucio is likely as well.
Those points alone, to yet again a CHILD no less, seem more than enough to cause some traumatic impact, and depending on certain specifics of what exactly went on during that time, it could be worse. I may make a post looking into the long lasting effects of this on Asra, I may not. It would mostly be headcanon regardless. If you want to add your hc relating to this situation though, I'll gladly reblog it!
And now that we are closing out, it's time to revise my summary. So, without further ado, THIS is what I think was going on during this time.
Lucio knows of Asras existence and parentage.
Lucio learns Asra is around and that he's got power.
Lucio LOVES power, so he threatens Asra into working for him.
Lucio uses Asra for his power and to be taught how to use it for himself.
While using Asra for his knowledge and power, runs him into the ground by pushing his limits to physical and magical degrees, possibly even moral.
Asra pushes back against a lot of this, or is at least percieved to, frustrating Lucio.
Lucio does what he can to try and control Asra even more, primarily via fear, but can't seem to crack him.
Eventually it's too much, and Asra leaves. Likely when the plague hit like Muriel, but it's possible it could've been somewhat sooner. Lucio is PISSED, because he wanted that magical power all to himself.
Less related, I can see Lucio trying to brush it off and pretending to be fine with it, excuse being "he was too difficult to work with, anyways," or something.
...And then... years later, as far as Lucio sees it, Asra comes crawling back- and he's tamed down to a degree! He's actually working with him. Lucio might not know what or who did it, but Asra is finally broke for him, and I'm sure he was absolutely ecstatic to have that power back in his hands- and more than ever before.
Think of all of this as you would like!
At the end this is all still speculative, so definitely feel free to make your own points or say if you feel any different abt anything- expansions or counters on this theory/headcanon welcome!
And if you also have any other screenshots or info not here that could add to the theory or change the outlook of certain things definitely add them!!! I feel like I'm missing stuff for sure, and my memory has probably muddled some things (hopefully I didn't get anything wrong, though.)
And @asrascherry thanks for the offer in helping word my hcs also! I forgot to say that. This one is just so long I wouldve felt bad bringing it all to you 😔 it's probably still messy as a result but I tried lmao (worried it's repetitive or unclear 😬)
Uh yeah! That's mostly it for NOW.
+All the love to Asra for going through so much I'm so sorry bb,,
Thanks for reading!
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unseelie-bitch · 4 years
Season 1 Episode 6: A Fanatic Heart [Part One]
[We're finally here lads. Finally at the last episode. Can I survive it? Possibly. We'll see, I make no promises]
Rosalind scares me. Bloom why are you not more scared??
"What could they be talking about?" "I once heard you talk about dirt for two hours. Dirt. Two. Hours" THIS is the Stella we DESERVED and WE COULD HAVE HAD HER THE WHOLE TIME. Absolute peak and I love it but it's too late Weed Boy
"Don't be ridiculous. It'll be one shiv, three times. Stabstabstab" ICONIC FakeMusa. Where was this dynamic sooner? Ah yes, he wasn't a good enough writer to realise it was missing
"I'd like my apology as a scented, hand-written note, please" ACTUAL FRIEND DYNAMIC LADS WHERE WAS THIS
Aisha deserved that one but her character shouldn't have been here
Bloom come on you are CLEARLY being manipulated. Imagine having the AUDACITY to call this girl a Ravenclaw. A Slytherin would ALSO see this. Only a Gryffindor would have no questions
And you don't think it's sus that Rosalind knows so much??? Come ON, Bloom
Stella and Musa watching the arguement between Terra and her dad like a tennis match is objectively HILARIOUS
FakeMusa does NOT want to be part of this fight
"Hey! I mean, yeah. But hey!" Again, stop making Terra the outcast but that was funny
Oh so witches are in the show. As corpses
Bloom and Beatrix were kidnapped as babies??? Or just Bloom?
Rosalind is scarily good at manipulation and her actress is scarily bad at acting
Silva you can't just dismiss Sky's legitimate concern
Not to side with Riven but... blindly obeying orders that will definately get you killed it a terrible idea, Sky. Do NOT try and take on 6+ Burned Ones without ANYONE that can do magic you absolute morons
Oh shit Burned Ones at the school
Oh shit Pebble got scratched by a Burned One
"Control limits you" BRO WTF
And Bloom FINALLY got there. Bit late.
Bloom you are EMBARESSINGLY easy to manipulate
Bet Terra's dad is feeling really good about his decision to lock them in the suite right about now
Side note: Terra's like first line was about how her mother is called Rose, implying she's alive... so where the fuck is she?? Because she hasn't been mentioned ONCE since then
Why would you split up? I don't care how much you hate Riven, the group of 4 fairies have a better shot at survival then 2 specialists, LET ALONE one
Oh and Riven found Dane and Beatrix. Great.
Oh fuck off Dane
Both Bloom and Sky have valid points and they'd see this if either of them had critical thought
Ah so there ARE other fire fairies. They just weren't relevant to Bloom's story
Presumably Rosalind tricked Bloom into helping her short circuit the magic barriers
Please don't call yourselves "Alfeans" I just don't like it
Everyone is hiding way too much infomation to be trusted come on lads
They need to STOP with the "deliberate misogyony so we can take it down in a really forced line delivered by a villain". It sounds specific and that's because it is. So many times
Is it really that hard to say the word "bisexual"? What the fuck is wrong with you
So either fairies have their hearts in their stomachs, or Speed Weed does NOT know basic human anatomy because Sam has been scratched on his waist. There is NOT a shard near his heart fuck off
Imagine asking a child to take on and feel the pain of the apparently mortal wound. Greenhouse Man is such a shit teacher
Oh, not asking, ORDERING. Dick.
"You didn't even try!" Terra fuck OFF. This whole family has like no empathy. Why can't the Weed Man write ANYTHING
That was in his hip. NOT near his heart.
Pebbles is temporarily safe guys. He's my favourite member of this family
Now is not really the time to be kissing. And also, that's terrible conflict resolution
"I feel bad, okay?" Aisha that's bullshit you haven't ONCE apologised or even shown any guilt. I acknowledge that this is all down to the shitty writing and your character had so much potential but STILL
Stella WHY did you accept that apology it was clearly bullshit
*THUNK* Dorris: I'm sure it was nothing worth worrying over when Burned Ones are infiltrating the school
Also that's not a secret passageway it was a VERY obvious trapdoor in the middle of the floor with nothing covering it this is bullshit
Are we getting the ACTUAL truth this time?
Oh shit that's where Sky's dad died
"Orders or morals" and yet you're teaching kids to blindly follow orders
I mean his dad WAS a dick AND he started this fight so I do NOT feel bad for him in any way
Yeah "flawed" and "war crimes" are two kind of seperate things but apparently neither Silva nor Sky can tell them apart
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fictionsthings · 5 years
Anakin for the character meme?
First of all: *insert incoherent screeching*
Second: This is a lot and I apologize (especially if it doesn't make sense.)
How I feel about this character: Ok, I have a lot of feelings about Ani and they're not all coherent so bear with me. I love him so much but he makes me so sad. Anakin is such a tragic character. So much shit happens to him.
Age 9: Freed from slavery (which is good) and taken from his mother, who is still enslaved (not good AT ALL). He is thrust into a new environment with a bunch of strangers, the majority of whom are hostile towards him. (*coughTheJediCouncilcough*)(HE'S NINE, YOU ASSHOLES! OF COURSE HE'S GOING TO BE SCARED!)
Little Ani is so brave. I never would have been able to leave everything and everyone I cared about, even if my mom wanted me to, even if it meant a better future for me. Not to mention that he literally goes in to battle THE NEXT DAY and NO ONE SAYS ANYTHING!
Age 19: Has nightmares about his mother's death which eventually come true when she dies in his arms, and then kills every Tusken Raider he deems responsible for her death (and not just the men. But the women- and the children too.) He then loses his hand to Count Dooku the next day.
Since my grandfather died this year, I find myself tearing up when Shmi dies. Sure, my grandpa and I weren't super close, but I still loved him very much and for weeks after his death, I could hardly bring myself to do anything. I can only imagine what it must have been like to lose a mother and then have to hide the fact that you were even grieving from the majority of the people in your life.
Age 22-23: Has nightmares of Padme dying in childbirth and becomes reasonably terrified of losing her and their child(ren). He goes to Yoda for advice, but unfortunately, Yoda's advice is shit and doesn't help him at all in any way, shape or form. Palpatine uses Anakin's fear to manipulate him and make him come over to the Dark Side, making Anakin think that it's the only way to save Padme, only for Ani to lose everything he ever loved instead. When Anakin first woke up in the Darth Vader suit, one of the first things he asks is "Where is Padme? Is she safe?" When Palpatine said that Padme was dead, Anakin literally destroys almost every thing in the Medcenter in his grief. Palpatine then relied on Anakin's attachments to ensure that he would remain Palpatine's slave apprentice because Palpatine was the only thing Anakin had left. Not only that, but Anakin felt that he was too far gone to redeem himself. (Note that it was Luke's belief in what goodness Anakin had left that helped him return to the Light. More on that later.)(I fucking hate Palpatine. He has literally been manipulating Anakin since he met the kid on Naboo.)
I would like to say that the majority of people I've seen/talked too agree that it was Palpatine who killed Padme. Anakin was supposed to die on that beach on Mustafar. Palpatine wanted Anakin's power leashed to him, so Palpatine saved him by using Padme's life force. It makes sense. Palpatine has known Padme for years. He mentored her in politics. He knows her, and so it would be easy to identify her in the Force and then steal her life, even easier if she is already weakened from emotional (Anakin's fall and use of the Force on her) and physical stress (her pregnancy and labor). The parallels between Anakin's "repairs" and revival and Padme's childbirth and death make it subtle but obvious all at once. (I also want to punch Palpatine's damn teeth in for smiling at Anakin's pain.)
I'm also half convinced that Palpatine planted those nightmares of Padme in Anakin's mind to draw him closer to the Dark Side.
Age 41-42: Finally kills Obi-wan Kenobi and feels so lonely (and maybe sad, I'm not sure) that Yoda can feel his pain all the way from Dagobah and Yoda feels sorry for him. (I would also like to note that Anakin knew to be off the Death Star in ANH because he had a Force Vision and decided not to tell anyone else because everyone else sucked and you can't change my mind.)
If you- a Dark Lord of the Sith- can make Yoda- Grandmaster of the Jedi Order- feel bad for you, then goddamn you must feel awful. (I'm feeling even more sad, wtf? I didn't realize it was possible)
Age 44-45: Finds out that he has a son and that Palpatine lied to him for literally half his life. Think about that. He has spent approximately 22 to 23 years as Darth Vader and he had a son out there. Literally, nothing is more important to Anakin than Family. He is angry that Luke was kept from him and he is vengeful. (In the Darth Vader comics, he goes to the Lars Homestead to punish the people who "stole" Luke, only to find out that they're already dead.) He singlemindedly searches for Luke for years, and then he finally gets to him on Bespin (after he hurt his son's close good friends.) There's the fight, then he literally cuts off his son's hand and THEN he tells Luke that he is his father. (Anakin, I love you, but you have pretty bad timing.) Then Luke literally chooses to fall, choosing the possibility of death over taking his father's hand.
Even if you're a Sith Lord, that has to hurt. Note that Anakin only made the offer to take down the Emporer and rule the galaxy as father and son once. Luke rejected him (which, I'll admit- perfectly reasonable) and I'm not sure why Ani rejected Luke when Luke pretty much offered the same thing in ROTJ, but something happened and I need to find out what. I may tear my heart out in the process, but it's whatever.
Age 46: Emperor Raisin Face keeps on saying that Luke will either join them or die (which granted, Anakin said in ESB, but still) and so Anakin is reasonably desperate to get Luke over to the Dark Side so he doesn't die. Anakin senses Luke going to the Forest Moon of Endor and decides to pop down for a visit when the Emperor says that Luke will go to him. Luke does indeed go to Anakin, and immediately tries to appeal to Anakin's goodness, to his paternal side. Anakin tries to deny him, says that the name Anakin Skywalker "no longer has any meaning" to him and that "I must obey my master" and continues to deliver his own son to the Emperor. During their fight in the throne room, Anakin finds out that he not only has ONE child, but TWO. He then makes the happy mistake of trying to provoke Luke into fighting him. It works and Anakin loses his hand again. And just when he thinks that Luke might kill him, with the Emperor egging him on, Luke tosses his saber away, rejecting the Emperor and saying, "I am a Jedi, like my father before me." When the Emperor attacks Luke with the Force Lightning and Anakin literally crawls back to the Emporer's side, Anakin eventually answers Luke's calls for help and tosses the Emporer down a chasm. Anakin dies just before Luke can get him off the Death Star and after telling telling that he (Luke) was right about him (Anakin) and that Luke already saved him.
Can I just say that the "I must obey my master" line breaks my heart? Because it absolutely shatters it. As I've gotten older and understood more as I've watched these movies, I have cried at this scene and I will cry when I watch it again. That is not just a threat, it is a promise. It breaks my heart. He sounds so defeated. And I always feel so relieved and happy when he comes back to the light.
Moral of the story is: I want to give him a hug and officially adopt him as my son. (Real talk though, if I met him in real life, I would just do my best to not piss him off.)
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
- Padme
That's it.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: I have many.
- Obi-wan and Anakin
- Ashoka and Anakin (I have yet to see Clone Wars but I've seen a lot of fan content)
- Captain Rex and Anakin (I have yet to see Clone Wars but I've seen a lot of fan content)
- Luke and Anakin
My unpopular opinion about this character:
I'm not sure if this counts as an unpopular opinion, but if you didn't notice, I don't call Anakin by Darth Vader in this and that is because he was always Anakin Skywalker, he was just in denial. Also, it doesn't feel right for me to call him Darth Vader. I used to clarify if I meant Vader or Anakin, but at this point it's just... Why seperate the two? They are the same person. I call the suit "Darth Vader", yes, but honestly it's just to clarify when I'm talking about in ROTS because Anakin is "Darth Vader" both in and out of the suit in that movie.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that Anakin can't go back to being the man he was, but he never stopped being Anakin. He changed, yes, drastically even. He went by a different name, yes. But he was still Anakin Skywalker. It just took him awhile to figure that out. (Hence why he wasn't in the Darth Vader suit as a Force Ghost)
One thing I wish would happened / had happened with this character in canon:
I wish that he and Leia had been able to make some sort of peace. Leia doesn't have to forgive him, Force knows she has every right not to, but it would've been nice if she could have made peace with her parentage in canon.
I actually read a fic like that here on tumblr recently. I'll have to see if I can find it for y'all.
Found it! -> x <-
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dahniwitchoflight · 5 years
Alrighty, So I got through the beginning prologue of the epilogue and through the first 5 pages of Meat. 
Even though I did stream my stream of conciousness on twitch, im probbaly not gonna be posting that on youtube
Instead what I’ll be doing is writing down my thoughts and notes on tumblr after I stream each time
Speaking of, the next time I will be streaming is tomorrow April 29 at about 8pm EST for about an Hour again here: https://www.twitch.tv/dahnimae
the way my life schedule is now is I can probably do this for about an hour a day after work, so I think I can get through the epilogues quickly in nice digestible chunks
At least for Monday and Tuesday anyway, after that Ill have to make sure im not doing anything else
but anyways, here are the rough thoughts I had during the epilogue, up to the first 5 Pages of Meat:
First off, I got some thoughts from Rose about how the Heroic versus Just death system for immortals is apparently derived from an emotional value of what is “Good” or “Bad”, what is good or what is bad ultimately being derived from what someone or something “feels” is good or bad, so theres some subjectivity in that judgement, which makes sense considering how individuals are able to affect that judgement in homestuck canon, Aranea proposing her own individual morality onto the clock, as well as Caliborn just destroying the clock/idea of dividing things into good or bad
because Rose describes the system of describing what is canon or not canon or outside canon as being less emotional in nature than that of the of the god tier death clock
her exact words are “Good and bad are words that don’t mean anything, beyond a certain threshold of mortal consideration.” its not said outright but its basically implied
Speaking of, so Canon is made up of three “Pillars”
now, truth is easy to distinguish from the other two, it’s the idea of reality. If something is true, that means it really happened. If something is a lie, that means it didn’t happen, or it wouldn’t happen, it does not exist.
Basically an idea of Hope versus Rage
Relevance and Essentiality are a little harder to seperate, and Rose doesn’t do much to seperate them either
but Relevance is tied to an idea of Context, it’s something that has meaning or importance to what is “currently” happening, the idea of the present conversation one is having, the current thoughts someone is thinking about, the object they are currently looking at or viewing, or just the exact point of focus of the current moment in time
something that is irrelevant is something were not looking at currently, something were not focusing on, or something that’s just not improtant or meaningful right now
basically an idea of Light versus Void
Essentiality is then an idea of a “must”, and idea, no matter when or where or how it happened. It Must have happened or it Must happen in the future. Its the one most closely tied to an idea of destiny, fate, or prerequisites for a more down to earth definition. In order to grow a plant, you MUST plant the seed.
The planting of the seed is essential to the plant ever growing in that spot, if no one plants the seed, the seed will never grow, and the plant will never exist. The plant’s entire existence depends upon that seed being planted.
something that is non essential, can still be true and relevant, the plant is a rosebush, or a tree with apples, or has green leaves versus purple leaves etc but if that exact property were to change into a different one, the core requisites of it’s existence does not change, it’s seed was still planted, it still grew into a plant. (within reason of course, but how essential something is does depend upon the context for why its essential, if its essential because its roots hold the ground together in the future allowing another event to happen, then it must be a plant with strong and deep earth fastening roots, what it is and why, is relevant to its essentiality, so the two are interwoven in a sense)
Basically an idea of Time and Space, but Rose doesn’t seperate them as neatly from Light and Void (she could have easily glossed them over into a single “importance” factor, but she didn’t)
it may be that the distinction itself is needed, but not necessarily a requisite to getting John to understand what she meant.
Essential, but not entirely Relevant to her current circumstances :)
but then she goes onto describe the different combinations of those three pillars and what they are and do
Inside Canon = It is True, it is somewhat Relevant, It is somewhat Essential
Relevance and Essentiality being treated as like percentages from 0-100%, inside canon requiring nonzero amounts for both, while Truth is more black or white, it either is True or is not True
Outside Canon = True
so the amount of relevance and essentiality can be nothing, or essentiality zero, but is must be True
and then Not Canon sort of overlaps what might have been two other categories, I guess the distinction of which doesn’t really matter for now, since were dealing with what is canon, not what isn’t canon
Not Canon = Untrue, with varying percentages of essentiality/relevance
I have my own ideas of what happens to other combos within the Homestuck mythos, theyre not complete but basically as follows:
True, Essential, Relevant (Canon Homestuck)
True, Not Essential, Relevant (Paradox Space Comics)
True, Essential, Not Relevant (Hiveswap)
True, Not Essential, Not Relevant (Outside of Canon)
Not True, Essential, Relevant (”Not Canon” = The Epilogues)
Not True, Not Essential, Relevant (”Not Canon” = Fanfiction/Audience Generated Content)
Not True, Essential, Not Relevant (”Not Canon” =  FriendSims)
Not True, Not Essential, Not Relevant (Not Homestuck)
That’s basically how I’m divvying up the majority of distinguishable homestuck aligned content into those three pillars anyway
Rose did also Call Truth the foundation for which Relevance and Essentiality can do their thing, and that did go into how in order for the Friendsims to flip from being not canon to really canon (Hiveswap) it just needs to flip the switch into True
same for Fanfiction of Homestuck/Audience generated content in general, flipping the switch into True makes the Paradox Space content, which is essentially ascended Fanfiction content
and then for things Outside of Canon, they have a tenuous position, because while as long as they remain True, they are still Canon, their Truth value remains conditional upon their values of Relevance and Essentiality, since the closer they dip into zero or negative values, the closer they drag True from flipping to Untrue.
To remain true, or better yet, to integrate into Canon proper, they need to prop up their Relevance and Essentiality values
They need to become the centre of attention, the point of current focus, and they need to have some impact on events in other parts of canon
and all who understand this also understand that characters inside the story don’t get to decide directly how relevant or essential they are to the story, the Audience (and the Author) do
Rose has the idea that the answer lies in the Audience and their expectations, and the audience’s expectations for any story boils down to: the Hero must defeat the Villain.
John is the Hero, Lord English is the Villain. John must defeat Lord English for those outside of Canon to become Canon once again. It’s self explanatory in both ways.
sidenote though, the way John must defeat Lord English is also hilariously self explanatory in both ways.
John will use the cursor Juju to defeat Lord English since it is the only thing that can defeat him. John won’t have to think about how to use it or when or where. Since the cursor Juju is essentially just a plot hole that John fills suddenly out of nowhere perfectly and with ease and immediately will solve the problem no real effort needed. 
John will defeat Lord English using the power of a literal Deus Ex Machina. (but a Deux Ex Machina that’s been symbolically hinted at being the secret weapon all along and which the audience is entirely aware will be the thing used to defeat LE it was more a matter of when then How, making it actually a Chekov’s Deus Ex Machina. And I guess the opposite nature of those two things equals out pretty nicely, The Deus Ex Machina is exactly that, an easy and simply solution to all of canon’s ills, but it feels earned instead of handed out randomly like a Chekov’s Gun would feel earned, while simply losing the difficulty of properly using a well set up Checkov’s Gun. Best of both worlds, worst of none)
Different characters seem to have different thoughts on how best to solve the problem. Characters like Dirk it seems
Dirk seems to be operating under a sort of opposite position to Rose, that instead of propping up the audience’s expectations of the Hero, Dirk wants to prop up expectations of a Villain.
Though I’ve only gotten to page 5 of Meat, it seems pretty clear that Dirk’s intentions are to make either himself or Jane a Villainous character.
The reason being is because he may be aware that people can stick to stories for various reasons, including, either liking the villain a lot, or wanting the villain to Go Down. 
lots of people like Game of Thrones because of how much they hated Joffrey, I know I was that.
and so far, Lord English hasn’t actually been that much of passionately hated villain? Like that’s pretty clear to the story and characters themselves, why even go fight him? Oh because its technically necessary okay fine whatever I guess
Meanwhile, we have a figure in Homestuck that’s already a pretty untapped source of Passionate Villainy, that covers quite a lot of the bases of canon and not canon, Paradox Space, Hiveswap, Homestuck, Fanfiction, Friendsims (and I wouldn’t be passed saying probably these epilogues as well)
Doc Scratch. 
And Doc Scratch is pretty much a parallel of villainy of Lord English
Because where Lord English seems to physically embody certain characters, Doc Scratch seems to mentally embody them.
Caliborn, Equius, Gamzee and Dirk. 
and with all this talk of Ultimate Selves already happening, what happens when one small part of your ultimate self is tainted by this kind of existence? This being, this apparent ultimate villain, tainted by villainous desires, something you know should be rejected
Do you embrace it fully, and see no difference between this being and yourself, internally incorporating it into your ultimate self (Caliborn)
Do you submit that part of yourself to it? Essentially, “giving up” that part of yourself, excizing that slice of your ultimate self as “someone else’s ultimate self” and therefore cutting off it’s influence “Here have it, it’s yours if you want it”? (Equius)
Does your Soul get torn through it’s middle, split like a broken piece of glass? Half on one side, half on the other. A mirthful broken pair of ultimates. Dissociated from eachother enough to be considered seperate yet two halves of the whole, inseperable yet divided. (Gamzee)
Or do you allow “yourself” to be entirely overwritten by the other? Does one bad apple spoil the bunch? Does it infest and infect, slowly, piece by piece, cell by cell, like a virus spreading, changing, overlapping, until everything that was You, your ultimate self, your essential Being, is no longer what is was.
Will your Heart be Broken Dirk?
You make jokes about cutting pieces off yourself before it’s too late, like it’s the only solution. That piece of you is gone, it’s rotting, and it’s spreading fast. 
But you need someone else to do it for you now. Somehow, right now, you’re not building up the resolve to cut off your own head like you might have done before. Have their insidious roots taken hold in you that deeply? 
Destroy “Yourself” or be Destroyed by Yourself Dirk
But I guess it’s different when you’re just cutting off a piece of flesh representing “you” 
Are you more hesitant to cultivate or destroy your ultimate self itself? To suddenly force yourself to decide what kind of person you are? How does a computer program itself while it’s running? 
Ignorant of that fact that everyone is constantly doing that to themselves all the time with the choices they make, what they choose to do, or the kinds of people they decide to be?
People decide who they ultimately are with their own choices, they may not have access to directly fiddle with their ultimate selves as if it were a physical being under a microscope, but what most people do or what Dirk has the ability to do are functionally identical. He’s just overthinking it and getting too caught up in the pretentious philosophy of it all
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More Traded Secrets ~ Alucard x Reader~
The girls are appalled by how the men talked about them but Alucard and Trevor Overhear them talking not so clean themselves...So they get back at them with a little surprise.
“I can’t believe that Trevor would talk about me like that.” Sypha said, crossing her arms and looking off to the ground. The group had stopped in a small town on their way back to the castle. You had no clue where Alucard and Trevor went but you and Sypha stayed with the wagons and the horses. “How are you not mad?” “Well, I don’t want to lose Trevor or Alucard as friends. Also, Alucard was very upfront with everything he said.” “Well, I still think it’s rude.” She said, hugging herself. “ I can’t even look at Trevor the same... Is that all he imagines when he looks at me?” “I don’t think it’s all he sees. I think it’s just something he’s thought about before.” You said, putting a hand on her shoulder and attempting to comfort her. “I’m sure you’ve looked at Trevor and thought a few things yourself.” You teased, making her blush a little. “Well, I do like looking at his biceps...They just..bulge so nicely....What about you?” “M-Me?” “Yeah, what have you thought? About Alucard?” “His Chest.” You said bluntly. “You see that deep v necked shirt he always wears. He could melt glaciers with that clevage.” “You’re so bad.” She said, giggling crazily. “But I have always wondered...” Sypha trailed off, giggling dying down a little. “Who do you think is bigger?” “WHoa, Sypha,” You panicked a little, looking around to make sure no one was listening to you. You started giggling too, now thinking a little too much about it. She just smiled, listening for your answer. “....Of course it’s Alucard.-” “You think so?” You both continued to talk out your little fantasies and make a case for which man was better endowed but you were unaware that someone was overhearing them.
You and Sypha stayed by the wagon until the men eventually returned. They seemed to be getting along a lot better than they were before. You and Sypha looked awkwardly at them and their fake looking smiles. “...Boys?” “We found something in this small town worth exploring.” Alucard started, sounding a bit too friendly. “There’s natural springs that a local Inn built walls around and are opening as baths.” “We thought that we could spend a night at the inn, enjoy the springs, salvage this trip and all that shit.” Trevor said, happily. You and Sypha looked at one another but you couldn’t deny the facts. They were getting along...even after that dreadful barfight in the last town. “..S-Sure,” Sypha started. “It’s good to see that you both have gotten along.” “Yeah, a hot bath sounds nice...”
You checked into the Inn just after sunset, the ower going on and on about the natural springs. It seemed to be the only thing the town had going for it. You walked down the hall that lead outside, seeing the wall that seperated the town from the springs. You looked at the steamy water and even Sypha marveled at the sight. “This is going to be so relaxing, Y/N-” “Well then, Hop in!” You and Sypha both squealed, turnign around to see Trevor and Alucard standing behind you in thin robes.  It then clicked to you that you walked down one hallway to get here and didn’t see a branching path. “What are you two doing here?!” Sypha scolded. “Oh, did we forget to mention that the bath isn’t seperated?” “Oh, My,” Alucard said, feigning innocence. “I think we forgot to tell them.” “You Assholes..” You started, shaking your head and folding your arms. “We are NOT getting in there with you guys.” “Fine,” Trevor shrugged, throwing his robe off his shoulders. You both flinched, immediately covering your eyes. “I’m getting in.” “I think I’ll join you.” Alucard said, tossing his robe to the side as well. You and Sypha were still covering your eyes but you felt both men walk past you both to get to the spring. “We’re the only ones here ladies.” Trevor said playfully. “It’s just a bath.” “Exactly,” Alucard started. “You girls are acting like children.” the heard the water being displaced slightly and upon hearing it settled you both uncovered your eyes, holding your robes closed tightly.  You look down at them, narrowing your eyes at their smirking faces. Sypha looks like she’s trying not to freeze the hot springs. “Well?” Trevor asked, “Are you girls ready to relax?” “Turn around.” Sypha demanded. “I’m not getting in.” You said, backing up a little. “I can’t do it.” “You both are so childish. This is completely innocuous.” Alucard defended. “Did your parents not bathe with you when you were a child?” “They did but they were my parents! It’s a little different! Also I wasn’t a full grown woman back then!” You complained, unable to hide your nervousness and embarrassment. Alucard was living for it. “Alright,” Trevor said, “They closed their eyes when we got in... let’s give them the curtousy.” “Fine, we can turn around. If it will put them at ease.” “We’d be more at ease if you leave.” Sypha mumbled. they didn’t respond, turning to face the wall and leaving you girls to look at one another. Sypha scrunched her face uncomfortably and bit her lip. “...Should we?” “...Let’s just get this over with.”
When you and Sypha were properly submerged and they were turned back around it was basically the men just talking while you both squirmed uncomfortably. They were so nonchalant about this. “That’s probably why I don’t like squirrels.” Trevor said, finishing his story. “I have to admit, I wouldn’t trust them either then,” Alucard started. “But, I’ve never been wronged by squirrels.” “Not yet-” “This is weird.” Sypha started, staring off to the side.” I want to leave.” “What’s weird about it?” Trevor asked, which pissed off the speaker. “What’s weird? How about that earlier today I learn that you stare at me like a piece of meat and then you bring us to an open hot spring!” “Oh please,” Alucard said, “We can admire the female form and respectfully disregard nudity at the same time.” “Unlike you girls.” Trevor said “All you’re doing is making a big deal out of being naked.” “because you were talking about our bodies earlier today-” “And you were talking about us.” Alucard said, cutting you off. “and yet we didn’t hesitate.” You and Sypha burst into different shades of pink. The boys just smirked finalyl revealing their true plan. “.. You heard us?” Sypha asked, turning to Trevor. he shook his head. “Alucard heard you both. Left his coin purse in the wagon adn had to go get it.” “What an imagination you ladies have.” the vampire teased. “And we offer you the oppurtunity to see if your guesses about us are correct and you immediately closed your eyes.” “To be fair, I’m sure I’m bigger than him.” Trevor defended, making Alucard raise a brow. “Oh you think so?” “...Why don’t we ask the girls to judge?” “We can’t put them in such an uncomfortable position.” Alucard said bluntly, “That’s going too far.” “...It’s cause it’s not much to look at isn’t it-” “You’re awfully eager to be humiliated in front of the women.” Alucard snapped. You and Sypha were a little in awe... You were about to probably see something you were very curious about earlier today. they continued to argue and Sypha leaned to whisper to you. “,,S-Should we judge?” “This is a moral dilemma I was not expecting to get invovled in today...” “I-It’s just.. I want to but... What if trevor loses?” She said nervously. You couldn’t help but crack up a little. “That’s all you’re worried about?” “Of course. That’s the only reason I’m hesitating.” She admitted, giddy and excited.  “Well why don’t we prove that, Belmont,” You tuned back in, hearing Alucard’s challenge. “On 3, we stand up and see.” “Fine by me.” Trevor said, gripping the side of the pool. “Alright. Sypha, count.” “O-Oh! um...1..” She started, seeing Alucard preparing to stand up too, “..2...” They looked at each other like they were mortal enemies, both of them sure of the results and ready to prove it. “...3!”
“So,” Trevor said, leading the walk back to the room you rented for the night, linking arms with Sypha. “Tonight was interesting.” He said happily. Alucard rolled his eyes, holding your hand for the walk back. “...You know size isn’t important-” “I know Alucard,” You said, rubbing his arm. “What difference does half an inch make-” “All the fucking difference.” Trevor said smugly. Alucard hissed, most liekly very pissed off. “Eat shit, Belmont.” “Please, don’t fight.” You pleaded. “I..am still very much impressed.” You whispered shyly, hoping that only he heard you. He smirked, putting his arm on your side. “Well..Once we get back to the room..and Sypha and Trevor fall asleep... why don’t you let me impress you further?” “We can hear you both!” Trevor complained loudly. Making both you and Alucard chuckle. “God, They’re going to fuck like we’re not here.” “... We might have to spend the night back at the wagon..”
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Civil War Rant
ok, I’m again gonna write a long post about a topic I deeply care about, but no CA:CW seperated the fandom in two parts.
CA:CW or how people got tricked into thinking Tony stark is a villain
ok, obvious disclaimer: This is my opinion and I’m not an expert in writing or comics, but here’s what I think.
The movie civil war had a big impact on the fandom. However I’m not sure if the comic had the same impact (I didn’t really read comics when it dropped, but I’ve read it by now) but I would guess that it didn’t. This guess is based on my esperience. I love Iron Man. I don’t care that much for cap. So naturally I found myself on Tonys side, but I still could see where steve was coming from. I was conflicted because the issue represented in the comic was complicated. There was no right or wrong way, both characters made mistakes, both characters had good points.
However there was a big problem when they adapted the comic into the movie and that was that because of certain changes they made Cap didn’t had any actualy arguments anymore
In the comics the sokovia accords are actually an registration act, meaning every superhero/superhuman had to be officially registrated with his real name and also being officially trained ( like a police officer) and they then worked for the american gouverment.
That makes sense in the comic universe since there are thousands of superheros-most of them with a secret Identity. It also makes sense, when Cap says said registration would endanger the hero and most importantly their family, who they are trying to protect with their secret Identity. Since when they are registrated it will be relativly easy to find them by hacking or just a spy in the gouverment.
That argument makes sense and I’m actually completely on his side.
His second argument is basically that the gouverment can be corrupted, shield can be corrupted, etc. and working for them with no way to drop out, if they turn out to use superheros for their own gain, would be pretty bad.
I still completly agree with that.
However the movie was forced to make certain changes though.
It’s not a registration act anymore, because the MCU doesn’t have that many superheros yet and non of them has a secret Identity. (exept Spider-Man but he wasn’t really introduced back then) and they also wouldn’t work for the american gouverment but for the UN. That’s important because one gouverment can be overthrown and being corrupted quite easily, even in a legal looking kind of way ( just look at turkey ). But the UN? These are a lot of countries, protecting the values of the western world like democracy? Countrys going against these values are more likely to leave than corrupt the whole system and turn every country in the UN or most of them evil.
I’m not saying the UN is perfect, I know they have a lot of problems, etc. My point is that they don’t really change his argument to fit the change that much, what makes it weak. So we end up having his main argument be:
The safest hands are still our own.
We now have captain america with a weak argument, basically saying But I don’t want to and running away and it gets even better since he his exactly doing what the accords wants to  prevent and that’s endangering civilians. He kinda does the same in the comics but at least there the comic shows that he’s doing it and that it’s wrong. In the MCU it’s more like: Look at that cool action scene!
So by just breaking this down it should be clear that Tony is actually right and no one should have to fight over that in the fandom right ?
Well here’s the problem: It’s a captain america Movie
I already said everyone has their faves. Mine is Iron Man. Yours might be cap. That’s cool I don’t blame you for that. And I don’t think no one could defend his actions. His arguments are weak, but his motivation, to protect bucky are clear and understandable.
But when you’re an captain america fan it’s most likely you’ve watched his movies more than once, understand, love and relate to his character, but only watched the Iron Man movies once and don’t quite get him as a character. Again that’s not bad just something to keep in mind.
Like I said, this is a Captain America movie, it’s also a superhero movie. Therefore, especially if you watched a  lot of these, you have certain exeptions.
Movie starts, there’s a conflict with a villian, a clear motivation for the hero, there’s some kind of smaller fight against the villain or his minions halfway through the movie, the climax is a face to face fight with the villain. The villain looses and hero gets to have is epilog filled with hope and a good feeling for the future.
You can apply this for every marvel movie ever, original storys tend to have a ‘becomes hero’ moment instead of a smaller fight, but the endings are all the same.
Now when we apply this structure to CA:CW it’s clear that Captain America is the hero of the story since it’s his movie. But who’s the villain? Zemo? The movie tries to tell you this but that doesn’t fit with the structure we’re used to. Cap never actually fights him and in the end zemo actually kinda wins.
The movie portraits Iron Man as the Villain. He’s the one Cap fights in the middle of the Movie and finally faces alone with Bucky. The movie does everything to make Tony seem irational and bucky redeemable (Not saying he isn’t just that that’s the way they frame it)
Then Cap wins and goes towards his great future while tony lies alone on the cold hard ground(sry) and goes to live alone in the grey mansion.
And steve even apologizes (even though he totally doesn’t) so he has the moral high ground.
Now for people like me who love tony stark and know him as a character understand that he isn’t a villain. Not because we’re so smart and no movie will every manipilate us. But simply because since he’s our fave we’re naturally on his side and we understand his motivations and he’s our secret protagonist.
But everyone else got Tony presented as the villain so they view him as a villain.
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Amonkhet and Beyond
So I have been theory crafting and I figured why not just throw it all up to see how far off my direction of the story would be VS the cannon
So my guess for what the rest of the Amonkhet story is just about what we already know, that Bolas is going to beat the Gatewatch and then leave the plane to its death at the hand of his gods. He will most liekly get what ever he came for, take a sec to laugh off whatever “plan” the Gatewatch had and then fuck back to who knows where in the Multiverse.
What comes next is the bigger mystery, I think what comes next is most likely going to be the Gatewatch all taking a step back. This is where my thoughts on the future start to diverge.  I would like to see perhaps if the Gatewatch can establish some type of normal Gatewatch headquarters on the planes that they have already gone through the trouble of saving just so that have forward operating bases if a new threat emerges, but aside from that each going about their own business. They also should really look for allies as Bolas’ main advantage is that he has a scheme already working on every battlefield that you could face him on, so one of the few ways you are going to be able to beat him is by being able to unify the many enemies that he has made getting himself to power. It would also be very useful for the walkers to have eyes and ears everywhere so that they can divert issues before they get to a breaking point like Amonkhet.
I would like to see Nissa and Gideon remain on Amonket helping Samut and the other survivors find some type of refuge from the sands, we can see that Nissa seems to be capable of helping in this regard and I feel like after Gideons whole re involvement with these now nearly extinct gods mixed with the fact that the people of Amonkhet are going to need help surviving at the moment he could have some reason to stay.
I would also like to see Nissa and Gideon return to Zendikar, both in a way helping the two planes in their own manner as co-guardians. Gideon and Nissa both committed a lot of their lives to saving Zendikar, so it would be cool to see these two characters interact more and I think it could be a cool “Good cop, Nature Cop” dynamic that both their characters could use to find who they are going into the future.
Chandra can return to Kaladesh and be with her mother, as well as be a point of contact for Saheeli should they need her assistance in the future. I feel like Chandra could learn a lot from taking some time to just relax and reconnect with Kaladesh after being gone for so long.
Jace needs to be back on Ravnica, my heart goes out to all the shit that Lavnia must face for never having access to the Living Guildpact. Also we know what Ral can is not only a Planeswalker ally who should really just join up already, but also that he could potentially find many more allies with project Lighting-bug.
As for Liliana, She could return to Innistrad and help rebuild some type of new balence between the ever growing list of horors on Innistrad but I feel like she could be doing something better with her time them micromanaging the now feuding races who are each vying to fill the vacuum that Avacyn left. instead i would like for Liliana to join Ajani as the ambassadors for the Gatewatch, they would make a great duo with Liliana’s whit being matched by Ajani’s wisdom, The two also have many Planeswalker contacts, although many may not be sutiable for the Gatewatch. But it be a pretty great dynamic and I could see a few interesting stories coming out of an era of their partnership.
Before I move onto the Ixalan know that I have seen the spoilers so some of my therios have basis in the flavor I manged to see in Ixalan, so semi-spoilers ahead maybe?
As for what I think Ixalan holds, im unsure. My dream is that in the first set we watch Vraska and her own little team of Planeswalkers and Pirate make their way up the river to find their tressure.
When she gets there though I would love for her to just be on the hunt for some type of “Sun-King” who is a ruling dick with an authority complex. Vraska leaves her party behind and starts to pin down her target when Ral shows up. Ral shows us that he joined that Gatewatch and that Jace sent him because they were worried that Vraska is trying to start some type of interplaner crime syndicate and that he was there to stop her. After a little journey of discovering Vraska shows Ral what an awful ruler the “Sun-King” is and Ral accpetes what Vraska is doing and she kills the man, vanishing as a moral grey who could at anytime return as an enemy or ally.
Then we would be of to Dominiara where I would hope to see Ajani and Liliana seeking their fellow planeswalkers when the plane begins to unravel, the mending has a backlash, chaging quite a few things. This is much more a wish list then a real theory;
-Dominaria is broken into a pool of smaller planes
-These planes also undergo a time distortion, many coming out as planes where history was rewritten so that Dominaria was always broken. Many figures of the Dominaria past are brought back and find themselves on an alternate version of Domiraria where its only their home continent, giving us back new versions of beloved characters lost to the past.
-These planes however are not like normal planes, and they often will overlay and denizens of the worlds will be able to sail from one plane to the next at the risk of being left when the planes separate again.
-This Planer soup proves to be rich with Planeswalkers, the issue being that some long forgotten threats reappear on the various new planes, such as the reappearance of Rath and resurection of some of Dominarins long dead baddies, although none will be at the level they once were.
-This secondary shock wave of meanding would also effect a few other planes. Lowryn would seperate from Shadowmore each becomeing its own plane. Lowryn becoming a Tribal world with a focus on light and fun game play with fantacy creatures and races while Shadowmore would become a plane of corruption and evil intent with creepy cute creatures and races, the world could be like a Tim Burten wet dream.
-Kamigawa would also be hit hard, the realm of the Kami being severed leaving the denizens of the plane to fend for themselves. Some Kami would remain but would very rare while heroes would rise among the people to fight this new darkness.
After Dominaria we have no clue what would be next, but I feel that my structure would allow magic to race into any direction of story.
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Lung Jiao, Alicia Lehane, Kathryn Lockley, and Daniel Chase-Harris.
Alright, I’m gonna do Alicia, Kathryn and Daniel in this post, and Jiao in a seperate one, for ‘verse organization purposes. ^^
For reference purposes, the AliciaVerse starts in Early September 2027, on Alicia’s arrival at UC Berkely.
Full Name:  Alicia Willow Anne LehaneGender and Sexuality: Cisgender and Heterosexual. When she was little, she used to say she wanted to ‘grow up to be gay like my moms’ (who are both Bi, but that’s not the point), but she was like, you know, eight at the time.Pronouns: She/Her/HersEthnicity/Species: White, American, Human (Witch)Birthplace and Birthdate: April 17th, 2009; Los AngelesGuilty Pleasures: White Chocolate, Magic, Fanfiction, especially, admittedly, slashfic (though she doesn’t actually feel ‘guilty’ about any of these, esp. not slashfic)Phobias: Her mom (Faith) dying in the line of duty (she has irregular nightmares about this); losing her magic; displeasing HecateWhat They Would Be Famous For: If she has her way, becoming the most powerful human witch the world has ever seenWhat They Would Get Arrested For: Shoplifting. When it comes to big box stores and the like, she kinda feels like ‘hey, they can afford the loss’. Her morality is a little flexible when it comes to theft.OC You Ship Them With: Daniel-Chase HarrisOC Most Likely To Murder Them: Well, Jack gets really, really angry at her after Daniel and Alicia start dating, even if Daniel and Jack broke up months before Daniel and Alicia started dating. But murder might be a stretch. Otherwise... cross-universe, Amy Kostas, possibly. Favorite Movie/Book Genre: Fantasy Novels, especially with romance, and she has a lot of LGBT Romance writers on her favorite authors list. Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: Forced relationships, whatever the orientations (though she’ll readily admit forced hetero relationships are much much more common.)Talents and/or Powers: She is quite a powerful witch, though she does need more time to mature into and grow into her powers. She is a devoted worshiper of Hecate, exchanging worship and offerings and potentially service in exchange for power. Also a pretty good dancer.Why Someone Might Love Them: She’s smart, loyal, kind, non-judgemental as a ruleWhy Someone Might Hate Them: She’s almost annoying stable - she has no frame of reference for bad parents or unhappy childhoods, so when she hears people talk about horrible upbringings, her first reaction is to assume they have to be exaggerating. No one has parents that bad. She’s also can be kinda preachy when people touch a nerve. And her determination to become more magically powerful, even if she has to do mildly (not majorly, she’s only a very light grey morally speaking) questionable things could bother some people.How They Change: She grows into her power, risks her life (and gets put into a Coma) for Kathryn and takes up the fight against evil. She starts to learn that magic for magic’s sake is pointless - it’s what you do with your magic that is important.Why You Love Them: Just her very existence as Faith and Amy’s kid has me loving her, but also her Slytherin-ness about magic, her growth and relationships with the other OCs. and the story planned around her and the others.
Full Name: Kathryn Darla LockleyGender and Sexuality: Cisgender LesbianPronouns: She/Her/HersEthnicity/Species: She’s technically human, but as the miracle child of two vampires (Darla and Angel) she’s kinda not. (Yes, she’s an AU Female version of Connor, but very AU, since she never went to Quor-Toth, among other things)Birthplace and Birthdate: An alley in L.A., November 8, 2001Guilty Pleasures: Board games, comedy webseries and right now, Classical Chinese Literature... in the original Chinese.Phobias: Horses. They freak her out. What They Would Be Famous For: Hm... I guess, being a Champion, like her dad?What They Would Get Arrested For: Probably anything she does in the course of fighting demons/saving lives that breaks the law? Though she does her best not to, and to cover her tracks when she doesn’t.OC You Ship Them With: The Aliciaverse starts with her girlfriend Rachel Cordel having recently been killed, so... no one? I have plans to eventually give her a new girlfriend once she’s ready to move on and such, but that would be a while after the startOC Most Likely To Murder Them: No one comes to mind? Like, I guess if we hop universes Rebecca Fernandez would want to, because Kathryn generally kills vampires and Rebecca is a mass-murdering vampire who loves to give into the bloodlust?Favorite Movie/Book Genre: Classical Literature from other cultures. Like Angel, she’s a big fan of both War and Peace and Crime and Punishment.Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: Dumbing Down the NarrativeTalents and/or Powers: Basically the same as Connor in canon - faster, stronger, better senses, healing factor, etc. Why Someone Might Love Them: She’s kind of a dork in an endearing way, when she lets someone in. She’s always willing to put everything on the line to save lives.Why Someone Might Hate Them:  Well, she does kill a lot of vamps and demons. Also, there’s an evil cult in the mix that seems to be after her for reasons she doesn’t understand.How They Change: She starts out very hard and on a roaring rampage of revenge. She lets people in again, stops blaming herself for Rachel’s death and gets her revenge but not by killing a human (though the bastards both probably wished she’d just killed them)Why You Love Them: Well, for one, her faceclaim (Cara Delevingne) fits her perfectly. She’s also just a total badass in a fight - she loves to go Saber in one hand and pistol in the other. She’s the protagonist of the Aliciaverse, even though the stories themselves center around Alicia as the main viewpoint character, Kathryn is the Champion around which events center.
Full Name: Daniel Rupert Chase-Harris Gender and Sexuality: Cisgender and BisexualPronouns: He/His/HimEthnicity/Species: White, American, HumanBirthplace and Birthdate: June 17th, 2008, Sacremento, CaliforniaGuilty Pleasures: Honestly, nothing comes t mind. Like, I know he has some, but nothing that I could call ‘a guilty pleasure’, really. comes to mind.Phobias: Lizards and many other reptilesWhat They Would Be Famous For: If he has his way, developing the greatest Crossbow ever. That or cracking the way to explain magic with science.What They Would Get Arrested For: Uhm.... probably tresspassing, in the courst of demon/vamp fightingOC You Ship Them With: Alicia Lehane, although his relationship with Jack before their relationship starts to go downhill is pretty sweet.OC Most Likely To Murder Them: his litter sister JJ can get pissed at him easily. But like, not really murder. Uhm... more likely, if we cross-universes... I keep going to Rebecca, because she’s really murder happy.Favorite Movie/Book Genre:  Space OperaLeast Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: when people let Hard science get in the way of a good storyTalents and/or Powers: He’s clever and inventive? No real powers though.Why Someone Might Love Them: Clever, open, makes friends easily, witty (like his dad)Why Someone Might Hate Them: He can be a little insensitive with his humor, or ill timed (like his dad); How They Change: He finally has to deal with the supernatural as a threat, rather than a theoretical exercise. He falls in love with Alicia. He has to fight for his life and that of his friendsWhy You Love Them: His obsession with designing the perfect crossbow is hilarious to me.
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