#als rp hub
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memcria · 3 months ago
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I still need to watch the new season of Arcane (so no spoilers pls) but ye!!! I'm still hesitant about whether I cpuld nail down her voice but I think I could do it
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qveenofgluttony · 27 days ago
📚 13, for Bee and Beelza
13. a character i'd like to play with
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Would love to throw Bee at any of the Overlords because it could go several ways depending on who it lol. Either her actually liking them and respecting them, or feeling like she needs to...humble them. But I would also like to throw her at the other Sins and also more angels too!
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I would love to throw Beelza at Charlie specifically because princess club!! And also at other hellborns and sinners too and that's about it for her
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avispatr · 5 months ago
Choose Violence #25
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
Does all of them count? I've been in the fandom for five years and have seen the same things argued over and over again, it gets so tiring seeing the same points thrown around with nothing ever changing. But that's a non answer so I'll get specifics.
I hate the Viv discourse. I hate that you can't call people weird for their treatment of Viv without being labeled a kiss up or 'wanting her to fuck you' that I've seen hurled at people who defend her against nonsense including me.
I am not going to stand here and say she has not done anything questionable, I am going to say that everyone does something questionable, and if someone were to take a magnifying glass to your life(not you personally Al but 'you' as in anyone.) I am certain they'd find something that could be used against you if you ever became a big name. By all means share your opinion if you dislike her. I am not criticizing disliking her, I am criticizing people who devote huge portions of their lives to hate on her while actively promoting her work to boot.
The professional world is full of stories like what happened to the pilot cast, its not a Viv problem its an industry and legal problem. Just because you like an actor who got screwed over does not make Viv evil. Animation is a business, its an industry, people are trying to make money. This happens so often.
Anything she did when she was a teenager or even a young adult figuring her shit out? Not your place to judge bro, again, what kind of things did YOU get up to when you were younger? Cause I am sure you were not a pure innocent little angel. Stop obsessing over this woman's life, this cult that goes after her is ridiculous. What do you mean you 'don't support Vivziepop' when you watch her shows, buy her merchandise, and write fanfiction with her characters?
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infernal-feminae · 1 month ago
A mutual has brought this up in the past before if I'm remembering correctly, but if someone approaches another person with a plot idea, I'm not sure why they would then expect the OTHER person to write the starter unless they already offer to do it? Like, YOU are one approaching the other person with a potential plot and I feel like you should also be the one to kick things off since it's your idea? Is it really that weird? I don't know but I feel like it's a part of rp etiquette.
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radioconstructed · 6 months ago
I'm suddenly imagining Al walking around with a Geiger counter, pointing it at someone, hearing it crackle and then declaring "It sounds like SOMEONE here is a bitch!"
// HAHAHAHAHAHA this is like the FUNNIEST possible reaction to her sharing that she can sense radiation. Lmfaoooooo I feel like she would. Al at Chernobyl talking MAD SHIT
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emberborne · 2 years ago
( Guard ) Supposing the Broodmother's in disguise and doesn't decide to just rip the sorry goons pestering her apart. Or she finds a warrior who's a little in over his head. Your choice! @the-fallen-hospitaller
Angsty scenario prompts.
Well now, what do we have here?
Quite the squabble she managed to find herself upon. For a few moments the Empress simply observed this spectacle from afar, intrigued yet not enough so to interfere. At first it was assumed that the severely outnumbered man amidst that web of weapons and flying fists would quickly succumb to the opposing force. Bandits, she figured, judgment based on their obscured features and disheveled appearance. To her surprise, however, he prevailed in spite of these ridiculous odds; yes, this was most intriguing.
Such strength was deeply admired by her highness- enough so to coax her forth from the shadows cloaking her ominous presence. It seemed, now, that he was beginning to tire from the exertion of fending off multiple assailants alone.
Not to worry. It would be swiftly taken care of.
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The ground quaked beneath the resounding boom of her distorted voice, shattering his attackers' focus and drawing their attention to her instead. How odd a sight it likely was--this beast dawning nothing but a measly loincloth and jewelry suddenly encroaching upon them, yet she remained confident.
"You will stand down, you will leave this man alone, and you will walk away. Have I made myself clear?"
Befuddlement was likely the sole reason they remained still long enough for her to wedge herself between them and their victim. Searing flames licked at the roof of her maw as she angled her head, embers pouring through jagged teeth.
"Now, run along."
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infernal-feminae-archived · 2 years ago
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@als-rp-hub​ said: OOC: I'm wondering just how Moxxie's parents got together
We didn't see too much in the flashback, but mom moved her feet away when Crim tried to play footsie under the table, took a gun out of Moxxie's hands and walked him away from executing a guy, then stood up to Crim before he hit her
There's some important questions to ask, but the big one is whether mom thought he was too young to be getting into the family business or if she didn't want Moxxie getting into the family business AT ALL
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//Yeah, but thing is, that scene didn’t come off as Crim trying to play “footsie” with Moxxie’s Mom. It seemed to me more like that gesture was a warning to her to not step out of line.
For my personal interpretation, I do think she knew what she was getting into marrying into Crim’s family, but at the same time, she probably thought Moxxie was still too young. And maybe a more selfish part of her didn’t want him getting into the business AT ALL. Either way, she wanted to wait until Moxxie was older so that he could make that decision for himself and not have Crim trying to force it on him from such a young age.
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starstruckxstray · 12 days ago
Verosika Mayday
Not Enough Alcohol in the World || No || Maybe if I were wasted || Maybe || Eh…Sure || Yes || TAKE YOUR CLOTHES OFF NOW!
"Nah, she's pretty but I don't see the chemistry, y'know?"
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alteregozowie · 19 days ago
Munday Salt #5
Munday Salt Edition:
5 - A ship everyone loves, but can't stand
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(I'd be one to talk about not liking a ship when most of my RP ships are not even close to any form of canon 😂 I'm actually okay with everything, I don't really have a ship I don't like. Sometimes the fans can take both canon/fanon a tad far, but it doesn't effect my enjoyment.)
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hazbinsandweirdos · 25 days ago
FMK: Alastor, Pentious, Baxter
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"Well, I heard Pentious has two dicks so, I would have to fuck him just to sate curiosity. I'm not sure who Baxter is so, I have to kill him and then marry Alastor, I suppose."
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furby-organist · 1 month ago
Actual unpopular opinion, surely everyone will hate me by the end of this!! Disclaimer, I'm neither anti nor pro/ship, I think it's fine to make content about anything, what I care about is how you do it,
Anyway, the "fiction NEVER affects reality" crowd is qwhite incheresting to me when the military-entertainment complex is right there. I know people like to use the jaws shark movie as an example of media that has had consequences, idc, it's more of a one-off to me; the military-entertainment complex is right there and the entire msm apparatus is an arm of the state department to manufacture consent!!
this certainly isn't me equating fan content & tungler roleplay to mainstream state department backed media, like, at all, especially as someone whose community has been the victim of the USA's state department consent-manufacturing ;; I just think it's So Incheresting when someone insists that media NEVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE has consequence.
(At this point, I don't think that fanwork in insular fandom communities is really of much consequence, I don't care, I'm not interested in arguing the "morality" of writing sex crimes rp in a way that portrays them as sexy n cool, but I think it's weird and fails my vibe check and I won't interact with fanwork creators who write that stuff -- nor are they insistent that I should! I also won't harass them, just block and move on, I am too employed to do more than that.)
(nobody clown on this post or say anything stupid. don't piss me off.)
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qveenofgluttony · 1 month ago
Beauty Booty for Queen Bee (as if that's the only thing she's got), from Lucifer @king-of-wrath
Send me "beauty booty" if your Muse thinks mine has a nice butt.
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"I'm aware~"
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avispatr · 7 months ago
Does Paimon know about isekais? If so, what are his thoughts on them? @king-of-wrath
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" Defined genres rely too heavily on cliches. Isekais bore me frankly, I have an especially large hatred for Sword Art Online."
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infernal-feminae · 16 days ago
GIFTS 🎁 Emberlynn
Emberlynn would love gifts but she doesn't expect them. Honestly, she would be surprised to even get anything at all and she wouldn't be picky. Flowers, chocolates, sexy lingerie. She'd even be happy just to get a card.
If it was for her partner she'd want to ger them something more meaningful. She's a lot more observant than she let's on and would want to get them something they'd really enjoy or something handmade to express her devotion to them.
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phisaya · 3 months ago
❢: Your favourite icon of your muse’s FC
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(I haven't used my Rika icons for Phisaya in a hot minute, but I like these expressions for her)
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a-hell-of-a-time-archive · 9 months ago
OOC: Looking back at the Ozzie's episode, a couple things stood out to me
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From these two screenshots, it looks like there are love hotels in Lust (in this case, one specifically for gay men), but also tourism in Lust. For so many hotels and motels to exist, the ring must be frequently visited
((Oooh thank you for these!
Now I have ideas for future rp's.))
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