#alright that's it that's my final note she's adorable and should be smooched when mad <3
tvrningout · 10 months
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i'm feeling tired and mushy and soft so have the soft image of chiyo being a lil miffed at your muse but being unable to stay mad when they kiss her. they press lil kisses to her cheeks and forehead and she's trying very hard to keep scowling, but she starts grinning the moment they kiss her nose. she's still mad, she says, but she keeps on smiling between kisses and it's very clear that despite whatever she says, she actually isn't all that mad :' )
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zoey-wades · 4 years
Golden Boy
Characters: Carter Jackson x MC (Dionne Hughes
Rating: T
Summary: Dionne spends some quality time with a new friend and reevaluates her morals.
A/N: I have a type. And it’s jocks with a heart of gold.
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Dionne learned quickly that Carter Jackson didn’t have one malicious bone in his body.
When he knocked on the door of her room at 1 in the afternoon on a Saturday, she expected the worst. And, honestly, she kind of deserved it. Before her arrival to Belvoire, Carter probably had a very easy time with Poppy and his friends. All it took was a very public smooch and a dance routine to make it all come crumbling down.
She expected fireworks. Maybe even fire and brimstone.
Instead, she opened the door to find the 6’2 football star staring at his feet like a punished Dickensian orphan. The corners of his mouth were pulled into a deep frown, and his brows remained pinched as if he was in deep concentration. She couldn’t help but find the expression adorable, but kept her inappropriate opinion to herself.
“Carter?” She questioned, leaning against the door, “What’s going on?”
“Am I stupid?” He asked, finally looking up to meet Dionne’s eyes.
She instantly remembered an excerpt from a book she read as a child about how people with good thoughts had the loveliest faces. Carter was no exception. He radiated a softness in his eyes that made Dionne’s heart melt.
Not completely. But just enough to make her want to hug him. Instead, she mirrored his frown and crossed her arms over her chest.
“Of course you aren’t stupid. Why would you say that about yourself?”
He shoved his hands into the pockets of his letterman jacket, choosing to focus on his feet once again, “I don’t know. Poppy always said I was when she got mad at me. I know she was just mad, and she probably didn’t mean it. But she’s not the only one to ever say it. And...I don’t know, Di, this time I think I really fucked up.”
If Dionne was heartless, she would ask why he was coming to her with his existential crisis. If anything, she was the last person he should be seen with after Poppy’s post-game meltdown. But, against her better judgment, Dionne stepped back and allowed him a way to pass into her dorm room.
“Come sit with me, I’m about to make some lunch,” she offered him the warmest smile she could, letting Carter know that he was safe in her space. The minute he crossed the threshold, his eyes lit up.
“Hey, it smells good in here. Like sugar cookies.”
He looked around the decorated living room, searching for the source of the scent before Dionne pointed at the candle on the counter.
“It kind of reminds me of my grandmother’s house,” she explained, a more genuine smile gracing her features, “A nice scented candle makes any place feel a little more comfy.”
Carter eyed the large Yankee Candle with raised brows, “The Alphas could totally use that in the bathroom!” He paused, “I hope one of us doesn’t get fucked up and try to eat it though.”
At this, a giggle bubbled out of Dionne that she would be ashamed of under other circumstances. It was the kind of giggle you give when you’re 12 and the person you like makes a terrible joke. Was Carter’s comment that funny? No. Was he trying to be funny? Dionne wasn’t sure. But damn it she was going to giggle anyway. The sweet smile that spread across his face made the nauseating gesture worth it.
But it was time to get to the meat of the problem. She sat on the kitchen barstool and patted the seat across from her, “Let’s chat, Jackson.”
He blinked as if waking up from a daze, “Right, I did come here for that reason.”
Sitting across from Dionne, Carter shifted a bit uncomfortably and shoved his hands back in his pockets.
“Now,” Dionne crossed one leg over the other—not for any particular reason—and noticed his eyes flicker down to her thighs before focusing back on her face, “What makes you think you’re stupid? You do well in class don’t you?”
He sucked his teeth and shrugged, “I do alright. But what if they’re just passing me to keep me on the team?”
“Well, what if they’re not?” Dionne gently challenged. The look he shot her screamed “Are you kidding, Di?” and she continued on, “I’m serious. What if you’re actually doing well?”
Carter laughed bitterly, “Poppy has a point, sometimes. She talks about things—finances, social stuff—I don’t always understand it. I want to. But...” he drifts off, as if shuffling through his thoughts, “I’m used to being called stupid. But this time I think Poppy actually meant it. I know I sometimes get things wrong, but this time I thought I was doing the right thing.”
Dionne listened carefully as Carter sorted out his thoughts, and laid them out on the table for her. She was angry at the ways people made him feel mentally inferior, while banking on his body for social and financial gain. He concluded with a deep, tired sigh.
After some thought, Dionne finally responded in a gentle, measured tone, “Carter, there’s more than one way to be intelligent. What you’ve just expressed to me is a deep sense of emotional intelligence that most people take their whole lives to figure out. Your teammates love and respect you. Your brothers respect you. You’re a natural leader and an honest person.” She smiled at him, “Professor Kingsley even told me that they really enjoyed your time in their class.”
Carter’s eyes widened, “They said that?”
She nodded. It was half-true. Kingsley admired that Carter was so easy to get along with, and seemed to genuinely enjoy learning even if he found it difficult. He maintained a C-average in that class, but she wasn’t going to bring that up now.
There was a brief silence between them as Dionne daintily picked at her chicken salad. She wanted to devour it, but she kind of hated eating in front of people. She doubted Carter would really care, but...
He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees and suddenly much closer to her now than he was a few moments before. She fought the instinctual urge to raise a questioning brow, as he still seemed lost in his own thoughts and completely unaware of the action.
“I don’t know why Poppy doesn’t like you,” he said, locking eyes with her, “But you seem really cool. Like someone I could talk to. Zoey, too! But mostly you.” He twisted back and forth on the swivel chair, “Sometimes, it gets super hard being one of the few black people on this campus. Like, I love my bros. They’re the best. But it’s really nice having you around.”
“Well,” Dionne began, “Maybe I’m not as cool as you think I am. Maybe I’m just as bitchy as Poppy is, and you just don’t know it.”
She was half-joking, but he seemed surprised by the statement.
“Poppy really isn’t that bad,” he returned his hands to his pockets and leaned away from her. Back in defense mode, she guessed, “She might be kind of mean sometimes. And she yells a lot when she’s stressed. But when she’s chill and not mad, she’s actually really fun to be around. She just doesn’t really handle anger well.”
Understatement of the century.
Considering how much Poppy tore down this guy’s self esteem, it was wonder why he was so willing to jump to her defense. Would she do the same for him? Every time she saw them together, she was more focused on maintaining her dignity than enjoying the people she surrounded herself with. It had to be a lonely experience for both Poppy and Carter.
“Do you love her?” The question slipped out before Dionne could stop it, and she regretted it immediately when another frown pulled at Carter’s lips, “I’m sorry. That’s none of my business. You don’t have to answer that.”
He shrugged and fidgeted with something in his pocket, choosing to avoid eye contact, “I think I do...My parents do. Everyone says she’s good for me. I think I’m good for her too.”
Dionne was probably about to step onto a land mine, but it was a risk she was willing to take.
“Someone who makes you doubt your worth in the world isn’t someone who’s good for you,” she stated, slowly.
“But what if I’m not much better than she is?”
She smirked, “Copying my lines now?”
He returned another half-hearted chuckle, “I mean it, Dionne. If Poppy is as horrible as people say, and I love her anyway, what does that say about me?”
She considered this for a moment. If Carter could see the way Poppy spoke to people, and still chose her over and over, what did that say about him? Did he ignore it if it wasn’t directed at him? Did he make excuses?
“It says that you’re human, I guess,” she finally responded. She noticed his soft sigh of relief, and made a mental note for later, “Sometimes, when you love someone, you’re willing to overlook the flaws because you want to see the best in them. You know?”
“You sound like you’re speaking from experience?”
Dionne stiffened and avoided his gaze, which now seemed determined to burn a hole through the side of her face.
“No,” she quickly stated, “I’ve never loved anyone.”
“You’re telling me you can give me this advice without any experience,” he chided, “and I’m supposed to believe you?”
“I’ve never been in a relationship,” suddenly her salad was super interesting. She bit into a crisp cucumber slice as Carter considered her answer.
“Hmm...that’s surprising,” he reached up to scratch the back of his neck, “I mean, I think you’re really cute and really smart. It’s hard to believe you haven’t been with anyone at all.”
It was true. Dionne was cute. Anyone with eyes could see that. And she had her reasons for remaining single. But the gentle earnestness in Carter’s words and expression made the heat rise in her cheeks. He seemed completely oblivious to the effect he had on people, Dionne specifically. It made her feel...things.
She didn’t like it.
She cleared her throat and shrugged, casually, “I have standards.”
Just as Carter opened his mouth to respond, his phone vibrated dully in his pocket. He quickly glanced at the message, and his shoulders slumped, “Damn. I gotta head out, I forgot I had to meet with the coach before practice. Can we pick this up again, later?”
“Sure, of course,” Dionne nodded her understanding, “let me walk you out.”
As they walked side by side to her front door, she could admit to herself that this conversation made her feel something akin to guilt. Maybe. Here he was, being so sweet to her, after she used him just to get under his now ex-girlfriend’s skin. That wasn’t her initial intent. Kissing him and asking for his help was simply a means to an end, but she never considered how he’d become collateral damage. And she definitely didn’t factor in this slowly blossoming fondness for him.
As he passed through the doorway, she reached for his arm, “Wait.”
He raised a brow at her, “What’s up?”
“I just wanna say sorry,” she swallowed, “For everything that happened.”
“What happened?”
“You know...kissing you. Asking you to help. I’m sorry I dragged you into this. I’m sorry it ended up this way.”
He stared at her for what felt like an absurdly long period of time before opting to lean against the door frame, “Dionne, you have nothing to be sorry about. I may not be Professor Einstein or whatever, but I know that everything happened because I wanted it to. Do you understand?”
What the hell was that supposed to mean?
She studied the intensity of his face—that goddamn face—in complete silence. For once, she was at a loss for words. She nodded, latching her teeth into her lower lip. His eyes followed the action, and he grinned at her before pushing away from the door.
“I’ll see you around?” There he was again. Sweet Carter. Golden Boy Carter. Maybe he wasn’t entirely ignorant of the effect he had on her. That made him a problem.
“Yeah. See you around,” she mumbled back.
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77marvelimagines · 5 years
Ursala’s Bet
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Ursala’s Bet
Tony Stark X Reader
Prompt(s): For the Drabble thingy can I get #64 with Tony Stark please Note(s): #64- “Yell, scream, cry, please, just say something, anything.” I love taking seemingly angsty plots and making them cute! This got a lil carried away but that’s alright, I think, since Tony is so determined to beat Clint’s butt xD
Warning(s): Fluff, swearing.
Word Count: 1043.
“Yell, scream, cry, please, just say something, anything,” Tony begged, a hand draped over his brow. From his position laid over the couch, he looked like a maiden in distress. The pitched tone of voice only aided in (y/n)’s thought of so. “Please, dearest mine, let me hear your pretty voice! It’s been a week and I miss hearing the sound of your laugh. Say something, anything, or else I’ll die, sweetcheeks, I’m sure of it!”
Their only response was a raised eyebrow.
Tony’s expression collapsed back to annoyed defeat as he pressed his lips together tight. He groaned and smooshed his face into the back of the couch, which he promptly screamed into. There were most definitely more than a few curses thrown into there, both of the swear and magical type. Which was saying something, considering Tony’s intense dislike (“I don’t hate magic, it’s just unexplained science and Strange can kiss my ass!”) for the supernatural art.
(y/n) struggled to suppress their snickers at his almost adorable frustration. God, this was pretty fun, Clint was right. But then again, they were in this situation because they lost a bet with him anyway, so.
Tony shot upright and launched himself into his lover’s side. (y/n) muffled their laughs into his shoulder as he cried out, “Alright J, tell me where Ursula is! I’m gonna kick his skinny ass, both in and out of the armor! Let me at ‘im!”
“I’m afraid Agent Barton is somewhere within the ventilation system right now. Agent Romanoff predicted this outcome and has disabled my tracking of him in hopes that it would buy him time. Apologies, sir, as I cannot give a precise location.”
(y/n) barely hid giggles at Tony’s string of curses. Wow, he was angry. Even the smooches he placed to their crown was laced with fiery determination, or just extra aggravation, as he picked them up and started for the common floor.
“Don’t you worry Baby, I’ll stop by my workshop on the way and pick up my latest armor. Then we’ll tear this tower apart floor by floor until we find him and beat him! We’ll break that dumb bet, I promise!”
As if on cue, an alarm went off right before Tony could step into the waiting elevator. The inventor jumped in surprise and (y/n) let out a full-belly laugh as he dropped them. Their phone clattered a few feet away and proceeded to vibrate violently against the floor.
It’d been a full week, to a T, and finally they could talk.
“Wh- what time is it? Why in the world do you have an alarm set for 7:43pm?! That’s so obscure! And stop laughin- wait, you laughed!”
“Barton?!” Tony’s head shot up towards the ceiling, where a vent laid about two inches in front of the elevator. “HEY! Get down here right now, asshat!”
“Fuck no!”
(y/n) wheezed on the ground to the point of tears. They laughed until their ribs ached and their throat felt raw. They’d been waiting for this spectacle all week and it was finally happening.
Tony and Clint could barely argue for a minute more before Jarvis flushed the vent system. Clint screamed as a gust of air push him and he crashed through the grate. (y/n) screamed with laughter when he toppled over onto Tony, who’d taken to standing beneath the grate with a hands-on-hips scolding posture. Even piled on top of one another, the two of them wrestled and spat insults like a pair of territorial kittens.
At some point Clint tossed Tony far enough away to make an escape. Still seething, Tony got up and petulantly brushed himself off. Even serenaded by his lover’s laughter he managed to pout.
“H-hehe, wow, what a beatdown, I’m sure he’s really afraid.”
“You know what?” Tony huffed, “I can’t even be mad right now. Look at that, Ariel got her voice back and nobody got stabbed. I couldn’t ask for a more perfect ending.”
“Yeah you could; you’d totally rig the smoothie maker on Clint the next time he makes one and give him diarrhea.”
“You’re damn right I’m gonna; thank you for the suggestion. I can’t believe he made you mute for a whole week!”
(y/n) snickered as he pouted. Gathering their inventor in their arms, they made way to the couch and curled up with him again. “Well, I held up my end of the bet, so I don’t have to go toe-to-toe with Nat on leg day. She was really excited too; had a whole regimen made up and everything. It’s too bad I value feeling in my calves and thighs, otherwise I totally would have broken the bet for you.”
“Awwwe, how sweet, we can both be afraid of Nat’s workout regimen together! I’m glad you don’t have to do it though, Honeypie. Although, I totally would be down for giving you a massage in the case that you did have to endure such torture.”
“Oh?” (y/n) raised an eyebrow and nuzzled against his cheek. Tony’s goatee scratched at their cheek, but it was familiar, and they loved it. “Do you have anything to soothe me with after a whole week of being mute? My vocal cords are soooo sore from being used after a week! Woe is me!”
Tony snickered into their cheek. “Oh yeah, I’m sure I can think of something for that… Perhaps we should make our way to the penthouse, my poor darling?”
“Please, whisk me away and heal my wounds! Legolas has been awful to me all week! My knight, fix me up!”
“Oh, I can do better than fixing you up,” Tony tittered. (y/n) shrieked with peels of delighted laughter as he picked them up and ran for the elevator.
The next morning Clint had the worst smoothie in the history of smoothies and occupied the bathroom for a full hour. When he came out swearing up and down while as pale as a ghost, (y/n) and Tony lost it in the safety of his workshop. There was nothing sweeter than revenge and untampered, lovingly made smoothies. Oh, and being able to talk was pretty cool too, they guessed.
Tag List:
@princess76179 @kalechipps ​@a-confused-blogger @agent-valkyrie-romanoff  @starkslaufey @bad-black-angel @pieceofsupersoldiertrash  @chari-a @bluudhavens @wowitstonystark
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aalissy · 5 years
Midnight Meetings
Chapter 10 of Dreaming in Black and White is doneee!! And it’s on time wheeee!! I really enjoyed writing this chapter and the Marichat fluff that comes along with it! I hope you guys enjoy reading it! I also hope you like the fluff while it lasts hehe. There’s going to be some angst sooonnn. Lemme know what you think?
Adrien flopped face-first onto his mattress as he released a relieved sigh. He snuggled into his warm pillow, his eyes fluttering closed against the harsh light of his bedroom. 
“Long photoshoot?” Plagg snickered, floating out of the boy’s front pocket.
“Mhm,” he said tiredly, nuzzling his head further into the warmth of his pillow. Blinking his eyes open blearily, Adrien looked at his phone to check the time. Seeing that it was only 7:00 pm he groaned in frustration, “It’s too early to go to bed and I still have homework to do. How am I going to stay awake, Plagg?”
The kwami merely shrugged, “I could tell you but you’d have to get me some cheese first.”
Brushing a hand through his hair agitatedly, Adrien reluctantly got up from his cozy bed, tossing Plagg one of the cheeses he kept lying around. The black cat’s face immediately turned into a beaming smile as he ate the delicious treat in one bite. “I will never understand how you do that,” the model said with a disgusted expression, “Now will you tell me what I could do to stay awake?!”
“Two words for you,” Plagg’s face transformed into a mischievous smirk, “Baker’s daughter.”
“Marinette?” Adrien’s brow furrowed, “But I already saw her today.”
“Yeah, but Chat Noir didn’t,” the kwami practically sang, “Don’t you think your purrincess is getting a little lonely? After all, it’s been a while since your last visit.”
The model’s cheeks warmed slightly before a pensive expression overtook his features, “Actually Plagg, I think you’re right. It has been a while since I’ve talked to Marinette as Chat. Besides, this could be a great way to gauge her feelings about Adrien!”
“Yeah, yeah, lover boy, whatever you need to tell yourself to feel better about seeing Marinette,” Plagg snickered.
Rolling his eyes, Adrien called for his transformation, “Plagg, claws out!” 
With a rush of renewed energy, his tiredness from before was completely eradicated. After shaking himself slightly to get rid of the last flickers of exhaustion, Chat Noir carefully snuck out of the Agreste manor. Slinking out into the cool Parisian night, the wind gently brushed along his cheeks as he jumped from rooftop to rooftop. Chat gazed up at the brightly lit full Moon as his tail swayed gently behind him. It was with remembered practice that he eventually found himself back at Marinette’s balcony and a subtle smile overtook his face as he stood above her trapdoor. With a quick knock to the hatch, the superhero awaited her presence eagerly.
After a few minutes, the girl emerged, rubbing a hand sleepily over her eye as she yawned, “Hello?” Marinette called out tiredly.
A soft smile spread across his face as he took in her messy bed-head and pajamas. Adorable, the thought flitted across his mind before Chat bowed, “I’m sorry purrincess, did I wake you?”
“No, I just look this amazing all the time,” she said sarcastically, rolling her eyes before giggling cutely, “Kidding! But I am glad you woke me. I took a much-needed nap because I’ve been staying up way too late in order to finish a commission.”
“Can I see it?” his eyes lit up excitedly, “Your designs are always amazing!”
Smiling shyly, Marinette opened the trapdoor wider before ducking away, “Sure. It’s not the best right now but it’s only a rough version of the final piece.”
Jumping down, Chat landed gracefully on her bed. He watched her go down her ladder curiously before he saw her hold up a sweater. Though he, unfortunately, couldn’t see the colors properly, to him, it was a very light gray, stitched with darker grey hearts on the sleeves. “That’s pawsitively amazing, Marinette,” he grinned happily at her.
“You think so?” she looked down at her own design, “Maman assures me that it’s a pretty pink but I can’t tell or even know what pink is or looks like. Hopefully my customer likes it,” Marinette shot him a small smile.
“Well I love it and it’s not even finished yet, so I’m sure she’s going to love it,” the superhero slid down her ladder before going over to her and placing a warm hand on her shoulder, “You’re an amazing designer, Marinette. Even without the ability to see colors.”
“Aw, Chat!” she beamed before wrapping her arms around him in a giant hug, “You’re too sweet to me!”
He chuckled as his arms came up to hug her back, “Only telling the truth, Mari.”
After a few seconds, the girl pulled back and gave him a serious look, “But are you alright, Chat? I haven’t asked why you’re here yet.”
“I’m wounded purrincess. Can’t a kitten come and visit his favorite civilian without something being wrong?” Chat placed a hand over his heart.
Rolling her eyes, Marinette said warningly, “Chat!”
“Honestly Mari, I just missed you,” his eyes softened as he watched a small smile take over her face before she ducked her head down.
“Well I missed you too, kitty,” she peered up at him before looking away and giggling nervously, “You know, I haven't seen you or Ladybug for a while. There hasn’t been an akuma attack in a long time. Maybe Hawkmoth’s finally given up.”
The superhero let out a puff of breath, “Wouldn’t that be nice.”
Marinette nodded before falling backwards onto her chaise, “Yeah it really would,” she murmured as her eyes took on a far-away expression.
“So how’s boy trouble going?” he tried to ask unsubtly as he nudged her so they could share the small couch together. Shooting him a nasty look, she moved over and sat cross-legged so they could face each other.
Chat gave her a charming grin as Marinette rolled her eyes again and grumbled, “What boy trouble?”
“You know,” he nudged her slightly with his knee, “How’s Adrien?”
Her cheeks puffed up before she blew out a long breath, “Honestly half of the time I want to punch his stupid model face.”
Chat’s eyes widened and his hands unconsciously went up to cover his face protectively, “What?” he whispered.
“I mean seriously! I don’t know what’s wrong with him,” Marinette ignored his reaction, “I swear it’s like he’s going around making certain that we’re ‘just friends, Marinette,’ or ‘I hope I’m not making you uncomfortable. I don’t want to remind you that you had feelings for me.’ God, it’s exhausting.”
“I-,” he swallowed, “Maybe he’s just trying to make certain you’re okay?”
“I know he is,” her lips pursed, “This is Adrien, the sweetest boy in the world! I know for a fact that he isn’t doing this on purpose but it still hurts.”
Note to self quit asking Marinette if she’s okay, Chat thought to himself as he watched said girl stand up and begin to pace.
“And then,” Marinette chuckles dryly, “And then he goes and interrupts my conversation with Luka and I do stupid things like hope! Hope that maybe he’s realizing he does have feelings for me even though I know that I’m wrong!”
“Mari,” he stood up as he placed both of his hands on her shoulders comfortingly, though his face felt as though it was on fire from her words, “Are you alright? I don’t want an akuma to come...” Chat trailed off as he scanned her face.
Her eyes fluttered closed for a second as she took in a deep breath, “You’re right, Chaton. I’m sorry.”
“No, I’m sorry, Marinette. You should be allowed to get upset without the added fear of an akuma,” he ran a hand through his hair frustratedly.
“Hey, that’s not your fault, Chat. You and Ladybug are trying your best and I know that in the end you’ll win,” she grinned at him.
The superhero shook his head slightly as he chuckled at her, “How are you the one cheering me up when I’m supposed to be cheering you up?”
Marinette giggled, “We can both cheer each other up! That’s why we make such good friends!”
“While we’re still on the topic, do you have any other feelings of residual anger toward Adrien you need to get out? I'd rather an akuma come with me here rather than having your emotions build-up,” Chat asked as a smirk tickled at the edges of his lips. Am I really this much of a masochist? he thought to himself, Well if it’s to help Mari, I suppose that I am.
She snickered before shaking her head, “Honestly no. I’m more mad at myself than him.”
“What?! Why?!” his eyes widened as she plopped down in her desk chair, spinning around slightly.
“Because even after he’s told me he likes someone else I still can’t help but like him back. I mean, just when I think I’m getting over him he does something and all I want to do is lean in and smooch that pretty model face of his. Take today, for example, we were working on a school project together and I couldn’t stop myself from looking up at him. And then, suddenly, the setting sun hit his face just so and I really did almost kiss him,” Marinette sighed as she lowered her head on the desk in front of her.
“You almost did w-what?” Chat’s eyes practically popped out of his head as his face burned. He tried to scan his memory for any sign that she had continuously glanced up at him as they studied together. Finding none, he looked at her helplessly.
Marinette’s head whipped up at that, scoffing as she rolled her eyes, “Please, you know what I mean! Smooching, kissing, making out it only means one thing!”
“L-like on the cheek you mean,” he stuttered nervously.
“Yes Chaton, I want to make out with Adrien’s cheek,” her words practically dripped with sarcasm as she stood up and swatted him over the head, “No, you idiot! On the lips!”
“So y-you want to do WHAT to Adrien’s face?” he practically screeched as he envisioned her leaning over and actually kissing him from earlier that day.
“Shh, Chaton! Be quiet or you’ll wake up my parents!” she hissed, getting up and smacking a hand over his mouth quickly, “And surely you know what it’s like to want to kiss someone! Don’t you want to kiss Ladybug?”
“Well, I mean... I guess... yeah... but that’s different,” Chat stuttered and stumbled, still trying to erase the vision of Marinette and him kissing instead of focusing on their assignment.
Marinette’s eyebrows rose as she said incredulously, “Different how? We both have feelings for them. Usually you want to kiss the person you have a crush on.”
Because I wasn’t imagining kissing you, he thought to himself desperately as he sucked in a harsh gulp of air, “But... but...,” Chat’s face paled as he couldn’t stop himself from envisioning leaning over and connecting their lips right now.
“But what, silly kitty?” the designer giggled before concern took over her features, “Are you alright, Chaton? You look like you’re going to be sick? Do you want me to get you some water?”
 “Yes please!” he gasped out, “You’re right! I’m not exactly feeling like myself right now, though I’m certain a glass of water would help. If you wouldn’t mind.” 
“Okay! I’ll be right back!” she nodded quickly before ducking down her trapdoor. 
What in the world is wrong with me, Chat thought to himself furiously as he ran a hand through his hair, suddenly Marinette says she wants to kiss me and I turn into a raging lunatic. I rejected her a few nights ago and I’m in love with Ladybug. Ladybug! I can’t go around thinking about kissing Marinette! As the superhero raged to himself silently, he collapsed back onto the chaise. Staring up at the ceiling he attempted to get his thoughts back in order when Marinette finally came back upstairs with a cup of water.
“Here you go, Chaton,” she said, looking at him with clear worry etched onto her features. She handed him the glass and he gulped it down quickly, shaking his head to rid his mind of its errant thoughts. 
Chat cleared his throat before smiling, “Thank you, Marinette. Sorry I really don’t know what just came over me.”
“It’s alright,” she grinned softly back at him, the concern in her eyes slowly receding, “It is getting colder. I hope you’re not getting sick.”
“Don’t worry purrincess, I’m feline just fine,” he winked at her cheekily to erase any remaining tension between the two.
The anxiety completely left her features as Marinette rolled her eyes, “And there are the puns. I was wondering where they had gone. I suppose you must be feeling better then.”
“Well, if I’m being honest, I’m pawsitively famished. Do you think this little kitten could get a treat from the bakery, purrhaps?” Chat pouted up at her.
Her lips pursed in annoyance as her brow furrowed, “Did you come over here just so you could get a croissant?”
“No,” he said innocently, “Why would I ever do that? I come here for you and only you, Marinette,” Chat’s lips jutted out further as he blinked at her innocently.
Marinette’s lips twitched into a smirk before she giggled and shook her head, “You’re too charming for your own good, kitty cat. Keep those eyes to yourself,” she flicked his nose once before ducking back down her trapdoor.
Pushing himself up from his reclined position on her chaise, Chat looked around her room. Not for the first time, he wished he could see colors instead of the light greys and whites that decorated her room. He wondered if one day he’d actually be able to see it, preferably after winning over his sweet lady. The superhero sighed longingly as he thought about where Ladybug could be and what she was doing at this particular moment. Chat chuckled as he imagined she was most likely in bed sleeping by now.
“I’m back!” Marinette practically sang, interrupting his thoughts when he turned to look at her. She was smiling brightly as she held up a plate of steaming, hot croissants. 
“Food!” he chirped as he plucked one of the delicious treats off of the plate. Biting into the buttered, crispy pastry his eyes fluttered closed as the flavor exploded on his tongue, “Mmm! This is delicious, Marinette! Thank you!”
She merely rolled her eyes at him with a fond smile, “Yeah, yeah, you’re welcome Chat. I swear though if my parents ever catch me up at almost midnight reheating croissants you’re taking the blame!”
“If it means I keep getting some of your delicious pastries then I’m alright with that,” Chat smiled widely at her.
Marinette chuckled before a wicked expression twinkled in her eyes, “Want to get destroyed in Ultimate Mecha Strike III?”
“You’re on!” the superhero said before sitting on the desk chair next to her as he grabbed the controller, “Bet I can beat you at least once,” he smirked at her.
“Good luck,” she scoffed, booting up the video game. 
Marinette’s fingers easily flew across the buttons with well-timed practice as Chat’s tongue stuck out in concentration as he attempted to win. Though he got close several times throughout their multiple rounds, he never quite managed to beat her.
“Aw come on!” he whined as her combo completely destroyed his character.
“I did say you wouldn’t be able to beat me,” she smirked at him triumphantly.
Chat’s eyes narrowed as the need to erase her smug expression filled him. I know I can beat her in at least one game, he thought to himself determinedly, I just might need to play a little unfairly. “One more game,” he pouted, “Purrety please, Mari.”
“Fine, one more,” Marinette giggled, “But then you need to head home. We still have school tomorrow, you know.”
They restarted the game and this time when his character was on the verge of death, he pointed behind her, “Mari, look over there! It’s Adrien!”
“Wah?” her eyes widened to the size of saucers as her head whipped around. Marinette’s brow furrowed as she realized, but she turned around too late. Chat Noir is the winner, read very clearly on her computer screen. Her mouth dropped open as she gasped in shock, “You cheater!” she shoved his shoulder. Chat fell off his chair laughing as the young fashion designer glared down at him. 
“I-I’m sorry,” he panted out, wiping a tear from his eye, “That was just too easy.”
Marinette’s arms crossed over her chest in annoyance, “Seriously?! You just had to say Adrien!? How would you feel if I said ‘Oh, look over there! It’s Ladybug!’ You big cheat!” she grumbled.
“What did you just call me?” Chat asked before standing as a dangerous smile spread across his face.
“A big cheat!” her chin lifted as her eyes flashed threateningly at him. His hands raised up as his fingers moved slightly, causing Marinette to take a step backwards unconsciously. 
“Do you know what happens to people who call me a cheater?” the superhero drew nearer to her.
“What happens?” she asked warily.
“They get tickled!” Chat pounced as the fashion designer darted to the side squealing. She ran across the room and stood with her dresser to her back so she could watch him cautiously.
A flicker of remembrance brushed against his mind but, before he could hone in on just what it was he was supposed to remember, Marinette giggled at him, “Leave me alone you pesky Tomcat! Go back home and take your cheating fingers with you!” 
Chat gasped in fake offense, “I’m no cheat, Marinette! How dare you accuse me of such a thing! I am a superhero!”
“Not right now you’re not!” she grabbed a sock from her drawer and threw it at him as he crept closer.
The superhero’s hands raised in surrender even as he continued to walk to her, “Alright, you got me. I apologize sincerely, Mari.”
“Uh-huh,” Marinette dragged out suspiciously, watching his every step with laser focus.
“I purromise to never use Adrien against you like that again. Cat’s honor,” Chat dipped his head in a small bow.
The designer smiled, dropping the sock that she had clenched in her hand, “Then I forgive you, Chaton. I also promise to never use Ladybug against you like that.”
With her guard let down Chat leapt at her, brushing his fingers against her sides mercilessly as she laughed. He chuckled along with her as she attempted to push his hands away, “Got you, purrincess,” he said quietly.
“You-you pr-promised,” Marinette panted out in between her giggles. She attempted to squirm away from him but the dresser behind her effectively blocked her escape.
“Ahh but I only promised to never use Adrien against you again. I never promised to not tickle you,” Chat slowed his hands to a stop, a wicked smirk on his face as he stared down at the still gasping girl.
“You’re terrible! Getting me to trust you like that,” she glared up into his eyes as she finally managed to catch her breath. Her tongue darted out to wet her dry lips and he couldn’t help himself from tracking the movement. 
Clearing his throat, Chat stepped away from her as an image of him leaning down and connecting their lips hit him in full force. Shaking his head, he gave her a shaky smile as he looked at the trapdoor over her bed, “Well, thank you for keeping me company, Mari, but I think it’s time for me to head home. As you said before, it’s getting rather late and we both have school tomorrow.”
“Ugh. You’re absolutely right,” Marinette groaned, “I’m going to be so tired. And to think, I even tried to get a good night’s sleep tonight. You ruined my sleep, Chaton!”
“Ahh but it was worth it, wasn’t it?” he winked at her before climbing up the ladder to her bed and the trapdoor which laid above it.
The designer rolled her eyes as she followed him up, “Hmm, sleep or Chat Noir? Sleep or Chat Noir? Honestly, I’m pretty sure I’d pick sleep every time.”
“Meouch,” the superhero pouted at her, “That hurts purrincess. And here I thought you loved spending time with me.”
“Not when it disrupts my sleep schedule,” she smiled prettily at him as her head tilted to the side innocently.
“So harsh, what did I do to deserve a friendship like this? Everyone else thinks I’m pawsitively wonderful.”
Marinette opened up her trapdoor as she practically pushed him out of it, “Get out of my room! I can’t take your puns any longer.”
Chat laughed as he leapt up through the small hatch, feeling the cold night air brush against his flushed skin, “Goodnight, Mari. I’ll see you soon,” he paused at the edge of her terrace before turning around and winking down at her, “And I know you think my puns are the cat’s meow. It’s alright, I’ll keep your secret fur you.”
“Go away!” she shouted up at him, yanking her trapdoor back down.
The superhero threw back his head and laughed giddily before taking off into the night. The pitch black of the sky camouflaged with the darkness of his suit as he raced back to the Agreste manor. A twinge of loneliness hit him as he carefully and quietly entered through the large window. Where before Chat was warm and happy within the brightness of the Dupain-Cheng bakery, he felt as though his empty bedroom sucked the last of his energy away from him.
“Plagg, claws in,” he whispered before collapsing face-first onto his bed.
“So?” the small kwami floated above him with a small smirk.
“So what, Plagg?” Adrien turned his head to the side so he could talk to the small cat.
“Still dreaming about kissing your purrincess?” he snickered.
“What?! No!” the model practically spluttered as his face flamed, “Plagg you know I’m in love with Ladybug! Why would I even think about that?!”
Plagg rolled his eyes, “Still in denial then.”
“Denial? What do you mean?” Adrien’s eyebrows furrowed.
“Nothing at all,” the small, black cat said quickly before whining, “Just get me some cheese already. I’m starving.”
With a groan, Adrien shoved himself up from his bed, heading to his usual storage of cheese. His muscles ached with exhaustion as he longed to be back underneath the covers of the warm mattress. Tossing Plagg a piece of the stinky food, he watched as the kwami ate the entire thing in one gulp. Sticking his tongue out in disgust he quickly changed into his comfy, Ladybug-themed pajamas.
“Goodnight, Plagg,” Adrien whispered as he shut off the lights and flopped quickly onto his bed. His eyes fluttered closed though his mind strayed.
I can’t believe Marinette actually almost kissed me today. That’s so weird... but is it? I mean, she does have pretty lips. Would it really be so bad if..., he shook his head quickly before turning over, Okay, that’s enough for one night, Adrien. The only lips you should even consider kissing are Ladybug’s. Besides, you’ve already rejected Marinette. There’s no way she’s actually going to kiss you. Squeezing his eyes shut, Adrien listened to Plagg’s quiet snores as he finally felt himself drift off into his own deep slumber.
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ooc: Wrote another FF14 drabble... >_>
(This one involves my new verse for Orabella as a Final Fantasy 14 OC. It also contains minor spoilers for Shadowbringers so beware.)
This was a major research project. Orabella was hoping to impress the scholars at the Crystarium and decided the only way to do so was traveling, alone, across the world. Others warned her about the dangers. The Sin Eaters and the Light that plagued the land could harm her. But she was quite determined and would be taking a path that Sin Eaters had yet to be seen for reasons unknown.
She held her book close as she found herself in beautiful fields of flowers. This area was new to her though she felt like she read about it in her many books. However the book she was thinking of was a fairy tale. Her gray eyes glanced up at the large crystal like castle that loomed in the distance, colorful butterfly like wings attached to it. She started jotting down notes about it and the scenery around her when something flew past her face, making her jump.
Then another thing flew by. And another. “My, what a cute creature.” something chimed and she felt her hood being tugged by something. “Look at all her books! Do you think she's a story teller?” There was a sudden dizzying light and sparkles that surrounded the elf and suddenly in front of her face were three fairies. She gasped and clung to her book tighter. Fairies! Real fairies! She couldn't have been dreaming. “Won't you play with us? Come play!” they cried out.
This worried Orabella. Fairies were known for their mischief nature and pulling pranks. She started flipping through her book and started chanting. “Ones who drift carelessly in the sky. I speak to thee. Come be my wings!” The fairies gasped as her book shined and three small blue birds popped out. She hoped it would distract them so she could run but it only drew more fairies towards her. “Magic! This one knows magic!” “She can bring birds from nowhere! We must show her to the King!” “Yes, yes, the King!”
There was a shine of light again and suddenly Orabella was transported into what appeared to be a castle. “Wha-Where did you take me!?!” she squeaked when she heard a melodic voice ring out. “What have you brought me? Another intruder in need of punishing?” A large fairy, much much larger than the others, appeared before her wearing an elegant dress and carrying a large staff.
“No, this one we like! She summoned birds from nowhere! She knows magic!” the fairies chimed in, “She also has many books! So many books to read us!” “Ooh~” the large fairy cooed and leaned in close to Orabella. “And she is quite adorable too! I shall keep her then. And you can read me all your books and show me your magic!” Orabella took a step back. “Wha-No! Wait!”
But the sound of a door closing met her ears and again there was a sparkle around her. No matter where she went, there was no escape. So, she settled in, and discovered it wasn't all that bad. The fairies were nice to her, loved hearing her ramble about magic and her books. And so she lived until suddenly...Titania stopped showing up to her nightly bed time stories. The castle had a bit of a different look as well. “The King is at last at rest! Long live the new King!” the fairies cheered as they flew around her and around the castle.
This new King had found her standing in the main hall quite confused. “Ooh, you poor child. Likely a victim of the last mad King aren't you? Don't worry, you are free now. My dear sapling would likely be fierce with anger if I didn't let you go.” they spoke, placing a reassuring hand on Orabella's shoulder. As she tried to process her new found freedom, she gazed over at the saddened faces of the fairies. “Perhaps...I can stay awhile longer. In my own hut maybe. Outside the castle.” she said and the fairies cheered with joy.
After gathering her things, she found a place, a cute hut set among the fields of flowers she first came upon arriving in the area. All the buildings seemed abandoned and she assumed no one else was likely around. After all no one else appeared to be there when she first arrived. That was until she came across a rather large building with grand stained glass windows. Curious, she decided to take a peek, her research journal in her arms as she decided as long as she was to stay with the fairies, she might as well continue her research.
She immediately dropped said journal upon seeing another elf standing there, staring at her curiously. The silver haired elf scrambled to grab it while gawking at the tall man before her. “Are thou alright?” he asked as she hid partially behind her book. “Who-Who are you? What are you doing here? Did the fairies tak-take you too?” she asked in a stammer, face glowing red.
He shook his head. “Thou are mistaken. I have become partners with them you could say. After helping free their King alongside my companions, they are fine with my being here.” he replied. She kept staring. What was with his words? The way he spoke almost made him sound like he had an accent and it only made the summoner more flustered. “I-I see. Wait, so you beat the last fairy King? That explains why I was freed.” She took a moment to glance over at his map of the stars and gasped softly at it.
“Did you...make this?” Now that she thought about it, when she left the sky seemed...normal. Bright but not as blinding as before. Like a normal sky. “Did you bring back the night here?” He walked over and stood near her. “Aye. But it isn't night for thy whole world just yet. There are still many foes to take care of.”
Glancing around the house, she realized it appeared to be a large study. Scrolls scattered the table. Maps and other charts lined the walls. Books were piled in shelves. A strange globe like object sat on the table. “Are you a researcher as well?” she asked, turning back to the man. He nodded. “Of sorts. Ever since being brought here, I have strove to learn everything I can about thy world.” He spoke like there were more than one world, and some of his charts suggested it as well.
Orabella found herself completely fascinated by this and took a seat at a nearby chair, her book and hands on her lap. “Please, tell me more.” “If thou wishes. I shall make some tea. Then we can exchange stories.” She sat quietly for a moment as he left then her mind started swimming. What was she doing? Sitting here at a stranger's house, a man's house, one who talks like he's from another world. She had yet to tell him her name nor had he told her his own. She just became so enthralled in his research, it distracted her from everything else.
So when he came back, she squeaked and immediately hid behind her book, causing him to raise a brow. “I ask thee again, is something wrong? Do I frighten thee?” She blushed sheepishly and shook her head. “No, no, I'm sorry. It's just...until now, I've been trapped in the fairy castle. And before then I never thought fairies existed, let alone other worlds.” Urianger sipped his tea quietly before speaking again. “I understand. The fairies have caused trouble for others such as thyself. As for other worlds, I can assist thee in learning more about them.”
And with a nod, he started explaining everything he had found out. Hours passed and yet he was fine with her company. They drank tea, discussed their research, then eventually the summoner realized she still had yet to tell him her name. “I'm so sorry for taking your time when you don't even know me. I-I'm Orabella. It's nice to meet you...?” she trailed off. “You may call me Urianger. And thy company didn't bother me at all. I have taken all you shared to heart and will use it alongside my own knowledge of this world.” he replied with a small nod.
Slowly she stood up. “I-I'm glad. Perhaps I can visit again? But I really should go. I don't live far though. I decided to stay and do my research here while spending time with the fairies.” she said as she headed towards the door. He followed if only to hold it open for her. “It would be my pleasure. Come back anytime Lady Orabella.” As she left and the door closed behind her, immediately the first three fairies she met flew to her side. “Ooh, what was that about story teller? A boy? How fun!” one giggled. “Do you like him? You must after all that time spent with him!” another snickered.
Her cheeks burned red and she hid behind her journal. “I-I don't know. He's just another researcher like me. But-But maybe I'll talk to him again tomorrow.” The fairies burst into giggles. “Yeah, talk then smooch. Smooch! Smooch!” They went on like this all the way to Orabella's house where she wrote about her findings of the day, including the mysterious neighbor she now had.
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jheselbraum · 8 years
Legit confused anon, I know Bitch Hartman tends to be a bad writer but what else has he done to scare the fanbase so badly?
Alright dear anon, sit down, Grandpa Leo is going to tell you a little story about the Olden Days.
You know how hellish the SU fandom is with their shipping? Remember that drama the GF fandom had regarding authorial intent? Imagine that but with a creator that’s actually homophobic and actively antagonizes and aggravates the fanbase.
Basically, way back in the early 2000s, Hartman was (from what i recall) somewhat active on certain forums, where most of the Danny Phantom fans hung out (Danny Phantom’s original run was 2004-2007 if that gives you an idea of what The Internet was like back then. Facebook was just starting to get popular, smartphones weren’t really a thing yet, etc).
So at some point, someone asked him how he felt about fanfiction, because these were Dark Days when people plastered disclaimers all over their fanfics so they wouldn’t get sued (you know, that thing that you youngsters keep complaining about whenever you find one in a particularly old fanfic: It’s there so we don’t get sued), and knowing where a creator stood on these issues was Important Information.
Now, I wasn’t old enough to be online unsupervised yet (I was nine when Danny Phantom first came out and my parents were strict) and I took the whole ‘you must have your parents permission to make an account’ thing very seriously so it wouldn’t be until about 2007-2008 until I discovered the concept of fandom (during my Speed Racer phase) and by then the Danny Phantom fans were already in the thick of it. I don’t recall exactly what he said, but the gist of it is this:
“I don’t mind fanfiction and fanart as long as no one’s gay”
This, naturally, caused a Ruckus (they were called ‘ship wars’ at the time, I don’t know if the term’s changed or not but boy was it Bad), for multiple reasons, the most important of which being: many actually LGBT people view the show as a metaphor for a closeted gay kid who’s afraid to come out to his parents, which is why the revelation. 
This was about the only valid viewpoint in the whole debacle.
It wasn’t the popular pick.
I’d say something along the lines of “fans can write their fanfic as gay as they want it to be” but, to be honest, fanfic is not the guarantee we think it is. A lot of people take their creative freedom for granted these days. The idea of fanfiction existing as it is now was unthinkable back then. No one would have said anything even close to that.
No, the Sides in this ruckus weren’t so noble.
See, almost everyone who was mad at each other over this was straight.
These were Homophobic and Proud Straight Fans fighting with MLM-Fetishizing Yaoi Fans.
It was a vicious cycle and both sides were as wrong as they were right. (Put down your pitchforks I’ll explain in a sec)
On the one hand, the Homophobic and Proud straight fans would cite authorial intent and ‘moral superiority’ as reasons why fanfiction Shouldn’t Be Gay.
On the other, MLM-Fetishizing Yaoi Fans correctly called foul on Hartman’s homophobia, but in response flooded deviantart and ffn (AO3 didn’t exist yet) with yaoi.
Now, for those of my followers who are too young to have really seen Danny Phantom, here’s a tidbit of information:
Danny Fenton has two best friends (Sam and Tucker), a sister (Jazz), a clone-sister (Dani), and another main friend who sometimes wants to kill him but when he’s not a ghost she wants to smooch him (Valerie. It’s hard to explain). Excluding the sister and the clone-sister, that leaves Sam Tucker and Valerie as the main potential love interests, as they are all reasonably attractive, form close bonds with the main character, and are all Danny’s age (remind me to go into detail on the Fandom Hierarchy of Attraction later).
So naturally, most of the Homophobic and Proud shippers shipped Danny with either Sam or Valerie, both of whom got some nice canon interactions. It should be noted that Valerie is black and for some reason more people ship Danny with Sam, who is white but also Early 2000s Jewish, which is to say: you would never know she was Jewish unless you watched the holiday episode, so she’s at the very least white-passing. Read into that what you will.
So you’d think that the MLM-Fetishizing Yaoi Fans would have adored Danny and Tucker right? Wrong. Tucker is also black, therefore, no one really shipped him with anyone (sometimes Valerie, sometimes Dani, who is biologically about 12 but also a clone so she’s actually maybe about six months old). Nah, the yaoi fangirls just loved shipping Danny, a 14 year old, with the main villain, a man named Vlad who is literally old enough to be Danny’s dad. Vlad’s entire character arc revolves around him trying to kill Danny’s actual dad, marry his mom, and become his new dad.
Essentially, all the actually gay people in the fandom got pushed to the sidelines as any cries of homophobia from our supposed ‘allies’ were met with ‘you literally ship a 14 year old kid with a 40 year old man and we’re not listening to you.’  so excuse me for not liking incest shippers who do the same thing
This lasted for years. I think it finally died down around 2010, 2012 maybe? It went on for a while though.
And it all started because Hartman couldn’t keep his homophobic mouth shut.
Basically, as much as I complain about Hirsch and the GF fandom and the SU fandom, you couldn’t pay me to go back to the phandom during that nonsense.
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