#alright enough yappin time for tags
khaosssss · 2 months
bunch of doodles !!!
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barleyo · 5 months
Miles Quaritch X Fem! Recom! Reader (smut)
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A/N: God, I've been gone for so long. You all already know the deal, I come and go as I please, I'm afraid! Thanks for sticking by me, though! Much love!
Tags: rushed, smut, fingering, somewhat dubcon, short fic, hunting, predator-prey themes
Word Count: 1k
"Alright, Miss Ain't-Gotta-Listen, how about I give you a five minute head start, and you'll find out exactly what all that yappin' gets you?"
"Colonel, please, I didn't mean to interrupt! I can shut  up, see--?" She made a zipping sound and dragged her fingers over her mouth.
Miles had really had it with her this time. (Y/N) was always a chatty girl, which, when dealing with a tough, no-nonsense commanding officer, was no good. Miles was dealing out instructions for a 'hide-and-seek' of sorts for the recoms. They would hide and try to use their new Na'vi bodies to get used to Pandora's rough terrain, while avoiding the traps he had set up for them. During his explanation, however, the voice of his very annoying, yet secretly favorite, soldier nipped at his ears.
"Uh-uh, not this time, loudmouth. Everybody else, head back to your quarters. Thanks to this little squeaker here, you're all free for the day." Miles jabbed his thumb over in the girl's direction, giving his eyes a light roll.
The other soldiers snickered amongst themselves and barked out 'thank you' and 'good luck' quickly, before heading inside of the RDA facility.
The colonel stood expectantly, arms crossed over his blue, stripe covered chest. 
"When I said I'd give you a five minute head start, I meant it. You better run as fast as your lil' legs'll take you." His hands gestured out into the depths of the forest circling the training yard. "Any minute now, sweetheart."
(Y/N) started to run, her tail snapping nervously as she looked back at him. He stood eerily still, and she honestly would have preferred if he chased her, rather than him continuing to stand so menacingly.
"That's it girl, keep running," he said, voice booming. He trailed off a bit, speaking through a tight, toothy smirk, "you'd better hope I don't find you."
Her legs felt like jelly already. The pure pressure of being chased was enough to make her crazy, and being crazy was not going to be helpful in this moment. She needed to take her time, to calm herself down, but that was the last thing on her mind. All she thought right then? 'Run.'
She ran until she couldn't think, until she couldn't breathe. Her knees started to buckle, but she pushed through it, not knowing what her colonel had planned for her if she was caught by him until--
She felt her entire body get snatched up, a few feet off the ground. She hung by her ankle, slowly swinging upside down on a branch.
She tried to curl upwards to yank the rope off of her ankle, but she could not reach it. She tried wriggling out, but that proved to be completely unhelpful. Just when she thought it couldn't get worse, the rough crunch of leaves under heavy boots sounded through the forest.
"I knew you wouldn't get very far, sugar," a sickly, antagonizing voice said. "If you were listening to me, you would've heard the whole traps in the forest spiel I had going on."
"Can you please cut me down, sir? I learned my lesson, alright? No more speaking out of turn, no more interrupting, I promise!"
(Y/N) tried to steady her swinging body to focus on the tall, blue figure in front of her, but the blood rushing to her head made that almost impossible.
"You know that's not how it works." Miles took a few steps forward, until the crotch of his cargos were directly in front of her upside down face. He squatted down, meeting her face to face. "Punishment breeds perfection." 
Quickly, he tugged at the band of her pants, pulling them just enough to give himself access to her cunt. He sloppily stuck his hand in her hands, manhandling her most sensitive area with disregard for her current upside down state. 
"H-hey, what's all that--?" She said, eyes traveling up as she felt the intrusion. 
"Still a loudmouth, aren't you? You don't know when to quit."
Miles slipped his fingers under her panties and took the slickness accumulating on her and rubbed it between his fingers, chuckling softly. 
"Dunno how you get this wet. Like a damn slip'n'slide." His fingers made firm strokes around her clit, applying enough pressure to make her hips already buck. 
"This would be so much better," she said trying to sit her head up, "if you would cut me down from this tree."
"Good thing it's a punishment, yeah?" Miles took his spare hand and spread her thighs as far apart as he could while still allowing her to keep a semblance of balance, with only one ankle in the air. "If you wanna have some real fun, we'll talk later." With a soft smack to her pussy, he pulled her pants down further to her knees, giving himself room to place her head comfortably between her legs.
His rough, scratchy tongue felt like heaven and hell at the same time. The roughness of it lapped uncomfortably at her clit, but the sheer size and pressure of it left her chest heaving wildly. 
She lazily threw her hand up to grip onto his belt loop, pulling him closer to her body. Her legs started to ache a bit, but she ignored it, instead trying to focus on the waves of pleasure that were being brought onto her.
"No, no don't stop," she whined, feeling his head pull away from her. 
"Oh, please, you big baby," he sneered, forcing his hand back into her pants, this time using two of his fingers to push into her hole. They slipped in easily, now assisted by his saliva, and he used that to his advantage, scissoring her open a few times before pounding his digits into her.
It didn't take long for her to cum. She had been trailing the line ever since Miles unzipped her pants. It came as no surprise when she loudly groaned, squeezing her legs together and shaking a bit.
"Ah, fuck." He could feel her pulsing around his trapped fingers, her core coiling around him tightly before going slack enough for him to pull his fingers out.
She mumbled incoherently while he zipped her back up and looked down at her, giving her a sly smile.
"Gonna let me down?" She asked.
"Yeah, for now. When we get back though, I think I'll tie you up in other ways too."
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squintyeyedjoel · 6 months
Through Your Eyes | Part 2 - More than Meets the Eye (Joel x Reader)
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A/N: IT’S FINALLY FUCKING HERE!!!! I’m so sorry it took so long! I’ve been sitting on this for almost a year and it’s just been evolving and marinating and improving, and I hope it lives up to the hype. It’s time for it to be set free. ✨ This is truly a hybrid of game and show Joel. I see them both, hence both gifs.
I do not own The Last of Us or it’s characters. Sadly. But I carry them in my heart. Does that count for something? My soul says yes.
Warnings: Oooo, this one’s a doozy. So many things. (Let me know if I miss anything.) 😮‍💨 Some original characters, mentions of an elderly family member passing, lots of canon violence and swearing, (this one is a big one. Like a lot. There’s a hefty amount of swearing.) mention of attempted sexual assault (not to reader) without detail, graphic description of injury (not to reader) and blood, attempted abduction? Reader is a badass and sports a black eye and bloody knuckles with pride. Panic attack? But Joel scares it away. 😌 We round it all out with obscene amounts of fluff and humor between it all, sweet moments, and just soft things. It’s me. I can’t not. No use of Y/N.
Word count: 11,928
Thank you to @fordo-kixed-rex for reading over this five bazillion times for me and fangirling over it when I was having my down moments. You’re a real one.
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You rocked in the saddle of your horse as she slowly followed behind the first few people in the group.
And over.
And over.
Some quicker footfalls to your left made you turn your head, seeing Joel atop his horse come alongside you before slowing his steed back to the slow crawl the rest had fallen into.
“You okay?” He mumbled. “Look like you’re about to fall asleep.”
“Don’t tempt me,” you groused, turning back to face forward with a yawn.
He huffed out a laugh before shaking his head at you almost imperceptibly, nudging his horse to go a little faster toward the front of the group.
Watching him with narrowed brows, you saw everyone else make sure to steer clear of him, giving him a wide berth and a clear path to the front. Tommy’s words from that first day rang in your head.
“You saw a side of Joel right out the gate some wait a lifetime to miss.”
Joel whistled loudly, gathering everyone’s attention, as the whole party came to a stop. “Alright! Listen up!” Some grumbles began to go around, but stopped with one crook of his brow. “That’s an awful lot of yappin’ for people suppose t’be listenin’.” 
If a pin had dropped in the grass underfoot, it would have echoed in the vast forest around you. Even nature seemed to heed his warning, only a few stray birds chirping somewhere in the distance brave enough to break the silence. A lone frog echoed in a nearby creek bed. A few bugs buzzed by, trying to ease the tension, and it seemed to work, because finally Joel went on after staring at everybody.
“We need to pick up the pace. This isn’t a leisurely walk to the park and back. We have a goal we need to get to, and back, and we got one week to do it.”
“Who made you the boss?” Some poor brave soul asked from behind you. A young man, maybe in his mid twenties from how he sounded. You didn’t dare turn to look at him, not wanting to move your eyes from Joel, because if looks could kill…. Joel would currently be facing a serious charge for the way he was glowering at the faceless voice behind you.
“Common sense.” A few small laughs went around the group, the corner of Joel’s mouth twitching up just slightly when he saw you shake your head with a smirk. “This was my run- our run,” he pointed to you then back to himself before retaking the reins to his horse, “and the council thought it best you all tag along to bring the most back we could. Now I don’t mind-”
“Yes, you do,” another voice behind you said, female, almost teasingly, making another round of soft laughter go around.
“Fine. I mind. A lot. But we’re here now. So, since you’re tagging along on our run, what we say goes. Agreed?” When no one protested, he gestured you up to the front with a tilt of his head, going on while you nudged your horse forward. 
“Now, we need to move faster. Any bandits or infected we pass by would pick us off like flies at this pace. The cart will be the slowest, I want the four of you to stay with the cart at all times and watch all four sides.” He pointed to four individuals who nodded, moving toward the cart pulled by a single horse and rider. 
“The three of you pull up the rear.” More pointing and nodding. “The rest of you, in the middle. Keep your eyes open. Everyone keep at a steady pace, we camp at sundown wherever that is. Don’t push your horses too far.” He began to turn his own mount to move forward. “Not their fault we’re a bunch of dumbasses.”
“I think that’s the most I’ve ever heard him say at once,” you heard someone mutter behind you, making you smile.
“At once? Try ever,” another retorted.
Joel looked over at you. “What? Why you grinnin’?”
“They respect you.”
He scoffed. “That so hard to believe?”
“It’s a side of you I’ve not seen before. I’m used to bad puns and screwdrivers, not….” You made a swooping gesture to the group behind you, “that.”
He shook his head once, tisking at you. “Shows what you know. I’m actually partly in charge of security around Jackson.”
Your eyes widened as you turned as much as your saddle would allow to look at him, the leather creaking against the movement. “Really?”
He nodded once in confirmation, a proud smile starting up his face. “Only a part time type’f thing, and it’s purely on a trial basis right now, but…. Yeah.” He grinned brightly at you. “The jokin’ and woodworkin’ are just for fun.” The smile turned somewhat dopey and lopsided.
“There’s more to you than meets the eye, Joel Miller.” He rolled his eyes at you, the grin melting into a scoff and his signature sour expression with impressive speed. Though his eyes still shone brightly, giving away his true amusement. “And I’m gonna try to see it all.”
Shaking his head at you again, Joel looked back forward, nudging his horse to go a bit faster and pull ahead of you. “Nah. Not that deep, darlin’.”
Urging your mount forward, you maneuvered to your right, and fell in beside him with a grin. “That’s what you think.”
Joel tilted his head down and to the side toward you as he spoke for emphasis, keeping his eyes forward. “That’s what I know.” He cut his gaze to you briefly after a moment to try and drive his point home before straightening back up in his saddle, his eyes going studiously back to the wide expanse of land ahead. 
Your grin melted into a smirk, seemingly a new permanent fixture since moving to Jackson. Or more specifically, since moving in with Joel and Ellie. That thought made the side of your mouth tick even higher. “We’ll see.”
In the chaos of starting up a new life in Jackson, you’d overlooked one little detail. While you could repair and paint just about anything on your own, you were shit at stitching any stuffed toys back together Joel happened on during runs. It was possible, but it was slow going, and to be honest, looked a bit like field dressings for a battle wound instead of repairs. 
You’d thrown the last attempt of an old wrinkled teddy bear at Joel when he’d called it Sargent Cuddles, Ellie only adding to the confirmation when she asked if you could make an eyepatch for the bear instead to cover the deep scar you’d given it by way of cross stitches.
Halfway through that first week, you’d walked into the town’s seamstress with the best smelling cinnamon loaf the bakery had to offer, fresh and steaming, under your arm. When the girl behind the counter stopped what she was doing, setting down the socks she was darning while her nose went high in the air like a bloodhound as she took a deep sniff with her eyes glassed over, you grinned. 
Target acquired.
“Can I help you?” Her voice was soft and kind, and her smile as she rose to her feet from the chair helped settle any trepidation you felt about reaching out.
People hadn’t always been kind about your hobby, for one reason or another, hence why you came with bribes at the ready. But you had a feeling this time would be different. You smirked as she nonchalantly eyed the loaf under your arm.
“Hi! Yeah! I’m the one who restores the toys? I opened up in the old bookstore down the street?” You introduced yourself, and recognition went off behind her eyes at the sound of your name.
“Oh! Joel’s girl!”
Your breath caught in your chest as your head gave a little shake of confusion at the declaration. “What?”
She chuckled somewhat nervously. “No! No, not like that, I mean…. His neighbor. His new lodger. The one in the attic.” She was talking a mile a minute. “Not his ‘his’ girl….” She slapped a palm to her forehead, cradling her head in her hand as she rocked it back and forth before pulling back just enough to look at you conspiratorially. “But can you imagine?”
After a moment of silence where you both simply stared at each other, soft laughter took over, melting the tension between you.
“Let me start over,” she huffed, lowering her hand from her face to extend it to you in greeting. “I’m Jane. Nice to meet you.”
As you shook her hand, you couldn’t help but smile at her antics. “Likewise.”
Jane turned her attention back down to the socks she had abandoned when you came in, fiddling with them absently before she looked back up at you, a soft tint of embarrassment staining her cheeks. “So, what brings you here?”
“Oh! Right.” Setting the loaf on the counter, you shrugged the backpack off your shoulder and set it down beside the bread, fishing out the few stuffed animals Joel had brought back that needed the most help. “I was hoping we could work out a deal. I can do some basic stitching, but even then, Joel and Ellie have compared my work to that of a field medic more than anything.” 
Jane snickered at the comment as she took one of the worn stuffed animals, turning it over in her hands and analyzing it as you continued.
“People trade me all sorts of goods for these, like this loaf.” You gestured to it with a bob of your head, then placed your hand on the still steaming bread. “The baker’s son has a birthday coming up, and she wanted something special. Joel and Tommy don’t always bring back stuffed animals so it wouldn’t be constant work, but I was hoping when they do, I could bring them here, and we could work out some sort of trade system for the repairs-”
“No need,” Jane said, smiling down at the stuffed tiger in her hands. You arched a brow at her, waiting for her to go on, and she finally tore her gaze away from the toy and up to you. “I had one just like this as a kid. Loved it to bits. It looked like it had been through the wars before I lost it, patches everywhere and stuffing missing so it was lumpy…. I learned to sew on that thing.” Jane looked back at the toy again fondly. “I’ll help you. All I ask is that I get to keep this one, and maybe one every few runs if they happen to stumble on any others like I used to have. I…. I had a collection.” 
When she brought her gaze back up to meet yours, her eyes were misty. “It was small, but it was everything to me. Got a new one every year when I was little from my grandparents. Stopped when I hit that certain age where adults deem you too old for those things. Which was fine.” She sniffed, a tear falling silently down her cheek. “Then my grandpa he…. He started having memory issues.” She took a deep, shaky breath, smiling sadly at the toy. “Regressed a certain amount of years…. Just so happened to be when I was a certain age, still, in his mind, and he got me a stuffed toy every year for my birthday, until….”
You reached out, placing your hand over hers. “Keep whatever you want. You don’t even have to do repairs to keep them.” She began to protest, swiping at her tears with the back of the hand still holding the tiger when you squeezed her other hand gently. “The whole reason I’m doing this in the first place is to help bring some joy back into the world. And I want you to be happy, you deserve to be happy, without me lording something over you like demanding a trade in exchange-”
Jane flipped her hand in your grip, squeezing you like you had her. “And doing this will make me happy.” You studied her for a long moment. “Do you know how boring it is to darn a sock?” You snorted a laugh, and she smiled. “Everybody in this damn town needs to take better care of their socks, I swear…. I’m up to my eyeballs in them. Nothing would make me happier than to work on something that would be giving back more to the community than dumb stinky, holey, wool.”
With a nod, you gave her hand still in your grip one firm shake, a grin crawling up your face. “It’s a deal. I’ll try to tackle the easy ones and send the few in need of more love your way. But!” You let go of her hand and held up a finger, wagging it like you were lecturing a petulant child.  “I’m also dropping some of these goods by, too.” Patting the bread on the counter before softly pushing it closer toward her, you laughed at her show stopping grin and good-natured roll of her eyes in response.
“Fine,” she mumbled around the smile, the sound anything but angry. “If you insist.”
A few days later, you’d dropped a few stuffed animals off to her that Joel had stumbled on during patrol, Ellie tagging along with you. She had opted to stay outside the shop while you went in though, leaning against the doorframe by the front window, taking in the sights and sounds of the city street.
“Not a fan of needles,” she mumbled, glancing into the shop as you opened the door to go in.
“This isn’t that kind of needle.”
“I said what I said.”
You didn’t press her on it, just nodded and mumbled an ‘okay’ before disappearing into the shop.
“Hey!” Jane greeted you, pushing aside her current project immediately to make room for the box you were carrying. “Oh, these are cute!” She picked one up in each hand, lifting them up to look at them better before trading them out for another and repeating the process until each patient had been analyzed. “They’ll be easy.” She turned to you with a smile. “I’ll be done by this weekend.”
“No rush!” You assured her as she set the box behind the counter. “If you’re not done until then, you’ll have to leave them with Tommy, though. I’m going out of town with Joel on a run, it’ll take a few days, maybe a week max. We leave tomorrow. Though, no, actually, you can just leave them with Ellie, what am I saying-”
“You’re doing what?” She interrupted you.
Focusing back on her face, you tried to get back on topic. “What? Oh, yeah! We’re going back to where I lived right before Jackson to get the stores of paints and stuff I had. Bucket loads of it, no pun intended.” You turned to look at Ellie over your shoulder. “She’s rubbing off on me in more ways than one, I guess….”
“Is it just you and Joel?”
Her question caught you off guard, pulling your gaze back to her with knit brows. “It was going to be, but the council decided it was a ‘waste of resources’, so we have to take a little group with us. Why?”
“I’m coming with you.” No hesitation, just straight to the point.
Your eyes went wide. “What? Why?”
“You said you lived about a week north, right? Near the university?”
“Yeah. Because of the university, there were storage units nearby, used to be climate controlled before everything, now they’re just enclosed spaces with extra security to keep clickers n’ shit out. I lived in one, worked in another, and stored in a third. Got pretty good at picking locks, too.” You smirked.
Her eyes were wide and serious. “The ones by the north end of campus?”
Your expression went flat. “Don’t tell me….”
“I lived in an abandoned place on the south end of campus.” She had started to grin like a Cheshire Cat. “We probably were within spittin’ distance of each other and didn’t even know it.”
A laugh barked out of your chest, several more tumbling out after it until you were bent over her counter on your elbows, wheezing. Pushing up to rest on your forearms you met her gaze again, amusement on both your faces. “No fucking way.”
“I left a sewing machine behind. It was there when I moved in, and I hope it’s still there and still works, heaven knows, but…. The buildings by the school had power when the Fireflies were there. I’d use it when I could, and I was able to do so much more work. Now that I’m here I could actually make use of it with all that I have on my plate, and the dam giving us electricity….” She sighed dreamily. “I’m going. That’s final.”
Before you could respond, the bell over the door jingled, making you stand up straight and turn to look at the newcomer.
“Everything okay?” Ellie’s voice was soft as she poked her head in, causing you to do a double take. “I heard raised voices.”
You nodded once. “Yeah. Yeah, we’re all good. Just excited. Turns out we lived right by each other before moving here.”
“Oh shit! No way!” She stood up straight with a wide grin, stepping fully into the shop and letting the door close behind her.
“Language,” you scowled.
“Sorry, Miss Fanny,” she looked sheepish, spinning on her heel dramatically before exiting the shop.
You turned back to Jane who looked on amused. “She thinks she’s funny because I use a fanny pack.” Plopping onto a tall stool that sat in front of the counter, you stared at your friend.
Jane let out a low ‘ah’ as if she now understood everything.
Knitting your brows before arching one, you leaned on one elbow on the counter. “What?”
“Why is she outside?” She asked as she fiddled with some projects behind the counter.
“Said she ‘wasn’t a fan of needles’,” you mumbled, air quoting her words as you turned to look back at Ellie through the window. “Whatever that means.”
Jane hummed in understanding, drawing your eyes back to her. “Tommy got really drunk at the bar one night after I first got here. Saying all kinds of shit. People kept walking off because he wouldn’t shut up, so I opted to walk him home to Maria. It wasn’t far, and he’s a good guy. Anyway, on the way to his house, he starts mutterin’ about his brother and his new kid, how they just got back from some failed medical something or other with the Fireflies, most of it was unintelligible.” 
She crossed her arms over her chest, looking at Ellie. You followed her gaze, finding the teen walking back and forth in the shade in front of the building, scuffing her heels as she went, and kicking rocks.
“Then, he got real sad, and said somethin’ about how he’d sent them to the university right after seein’ him for the first time in months. It was to get info on where to go for the medical procedure, I guess. Anyway.” She took a deep breath. “Apparently they got ambushed there, and Joel got stabbed real bad, almost didn’t make it. That girl out there had to care for him for weeks, drag him somewhere safe, stitch him up….”
Your breath caught in your chest as she paused for emphasis, unable to tear your eyes from Ellie as emotion swelled in your gut for your fellow housemates, but especially the tiny redhead on the other side of the glass.
“Tommy was real broken up about it. Said Joel almost died, and he felt like it was his fault. Ellie had to hunt, and somehow got Joel medicine.”
You turned to face Jane again. “How?”
“Those details weren’t real clear.” She shrugged. “Like I said, he was plastered. Maybe this whole story is some drunken imagining, but the way he sounded compared to all the shit he said in the bar?” Her face melted into something between sadness and understanding. “I’m inclined to believe him.” 
She took a hesitant breath, but stopped before letting it out slowly, then closed her eyes for a moment. After another shallow breath, she opened them to focus on you, and tried again, her voice even softer still. 
“We’d made it to his house by this point. Maria had come out and was helping me to get him inside, up the porch steps…. And he just broke down halfway up. Sat down, broke down, and started sobbing. Made it even harder to understand.” She rolled her eyes and you chuckled softly. “He said something about the medicine came at too high a cost. That Ellie paid…. Would be paying….” Jane swallowed roughly, looking to the girl through the window with something akin to admiration, then back at you. “He said it changed her.”
“Changed?” You could only whisper.
“Broke her. He said whatever happened was enough to take a spitfire, and make her an ember.” You both looked back at the teen one last time. “She’s improved a lot. I’ve seen her grow, come out of her shell just since I’ve been here, but…. It’s her eyes. They’re haunted. Whatever happened out there…. It didn’t stay out there. And it ain’t leavin’ anytime soon.”
“That explains a lot. About both of them,” you mused quietly.
“Joel I don’t know much about. He’s just the town grump.”
Despite the dark turn the conversation had taken, you burst out laughing, seeing Ellie turn toward the window at the sound with a grin.
“Everyone keeps telling me that, even him, but I just don’t see it!”
Jane’s face turned up in amusement softly. “Well, maybe you’re just one of the lucky ones like Ellie, and he likes you.”
“I think he tolerates me.” You looked across your shoulder at her, getting back to your feet from the stool you’d been perched on and faced her fully. “I live in his house. It’d be awkward if we hated each other.”
“True,” she grinned smugly.
“You’ll figure it out.”
Jane came riding up beside you, smiling wider than the canyon you’d passed a few miles back.
“I’m gonna regret askin’ but what in the hell has you happier than a butterfly on a daisy?”
“That’s not a real saying,” Jane mumbled, looking at you through skeptical, knit brows.
“Doesn’t mean it’s not applicable,” you countered, your own brows arched high in challenge. 
With a roll of her eyes and a sigh, Jane circled back to the topic at hand. “We’re out in the open!” She whispered, excitement lacing her tone. “I love Jackson, don’t get me wrong, but it’s so nice to be able to breathe.”
A smirk made its way up your face. “I know what you mean. Problem is you trade security for a great wide unknown. The possibilities of things that can go wrong out here are much scarier than anything in Jackson.”
She pulled a face. “Nothin’s gonna go wrong when we have a man like Joel leading us. He knows what he’s doing.”
“Most of the time,” you mumbled. “The rest he’s just wingin’ it.”
“Heard that,” Joel grumbled as he passed by your other side, pulling in front of you from the back of the group where he was making rounds. “You’re one to talk.” He looked over his shoulder at you, face stoic as ever, but his eyes showed his amusement.
“I know things,” you shot back, head tilted back to look down your nose at him. “Lots of stuff.”
“Oh, I see,” his tone was condescending, but playful. “Stuff.”
“And things.”
“Oh, we mustn't forget the things….”
“Yeah, okay.” You looked to the side with an unamused grin. “Fuck you, Joel.”
“I mean, if you’re offerin’….”
Your jaw dropped as your head turned slowly to face him, eyes wide as you simply stared at him in shock.
He smirked. “What? You can dish it, but you can’t take it?” Joel’s tone was nothing but teasing, his eyes dancing with unspoken amusement.
Narrowing your eyes at him, his smile faltered slightly. “You have no idea what I can take.” Nudging your horse forward to fall into step beside him, you held his gaze with your head high, brow arched. “And I don’t think you want to find out.”
“Whaddya mean?”
“When I push back. You wouldn’t be able to handle it, Joel.”
He cleared his throat. “Look, I was just messing around. This wasn’t supposed to take such a serious turn. I’m sor-”
You couldn’t take it anymore. The laugh tumbled out of your mouth before you could catch it, more and more coming out to join it.
Joel lowered his brows, glaring at you. “That ain’t funny.”
Wheezing, you pointed at him. “You should have seen your face!”
A horse trotting up beside you made you turn, expecting to see Jane once again at your side, but all you were met with was her horse, sans rider. You thought quickly enough to grab the reins and guide it along with you, before you looked back at Joel, finding his eyes already searching the group. Turning, you tried to sit higher in your saddle for a better vantage point, when movement out of the corner of your eye caught your attention.
Near the tree line, Jane struggled in the arms of a man as he yanked her back towards the cover of the woods, none too delicately, one hand over her mouth to keep her quiet.
“Jane!” You yelled at the top of your lungs, and you could see when she heard you, her body going rigid in her captor's hold.
The man yelped, pulling his hand back from her mouth and shaking it. 
She must have bit him. 
Before you could fully process much of anything else, Jane was screaming at the top of her lungs, “Run!” 
The hand was back over her mouth before she could say anything else, the raider pulling them both back until they disappeared into the trees, Jane putting up a violent struggle as they went. 
Not willing to look away from where she disappeared, you called out for Joel, and he was beside you in an instant. His horse picked up on the sudden unease spreading over the group, shifting its weight from foot to foot restlessly.
“We’ll get her, darlin’,” Joel reassured in a low voice. “Don’t you worry. We ain’t-”
Suddenly the entire group was surrounded by raiders, guns and knives of various sizes pointed towards every member of your party, violent threats being traded back and forth from both sides. 
While you had thought your group was large, this bandit raid made your numbers pale in comparison. At least double your head count at first glance, easily. And you had a feeling more were lurking in the shadows somewhere, if what had happened to Jane was any indication. 
You noticed that while several of the men aimed menacing looking rifles at your party, they lacked the magazines full of ammunition to back them up. Leaning toward Joel as subtly as you could when they ordered everyone to dismount their horses, you mumbled under your breath, “They have no bullets.”
He looked at you in confusion for just a moment, brows knit until one of the raiders yelled loudly and pulled his attention away. 
Falling in behind him, you whispered again, “Their rifles. They have no ammunition. No magazines. It’s all for show.” You saw the moment the information registered for him, his shoulders setting a bit broader, and his head held just that much higher.
A raider a few feet to your right was eyeing you skeptically, looking like he might dismount his horse any second and make a move toward you, so you pretended to trip into the back of Joel, smirking into his chest when he caught you.
Without missing a beat, his arm firmly around your shoulders to steady you, Joel went straight for negotiations, trying to talk the men down, offering supplies, whatever they wanted. You weren’t far from Jackson, it was a smart move. You could get back and recoup your losses in no time. But people? You can’t replace them.
“Nah,” the head honcho said with a sarcastic sneer. “We’ve got somethin’ else’n mind.”
You didn’t like the sound of that.
The raider in charge gestured Joel over to a smaller group of his men, which he obeyed reluctantly. After looking down at you for a moment, offering the most subtle nod you’d ever seen a person give, he began to move toward the small group of raiders. 
The boss stopped him just short of the rest and asked him a question in a low voice, which Joel answered softly, shooting you a look which you couldn’t quite read. You couldn’t quite make out what he said, either, but then the head raider decided to make a scene, show who was in charge, and it all made sense. 
In a loud voice, full of bravado and misplaced charisma, the raider turned back to your group with arms spread wide, rifle held lazily in one hand, and called for Joel’s second in command - Will - to hop down and join his ‘fearless leader’. 
Surrounded by the smaller group of thugs, you could tell what the goal was…. They meant to make a spectacle for the rest of you. Take the leaders down, the rest will follow. But Joel didn’t let them get that far. He mumbled something to Will so subtly, you almost missed it, but you saw the younger man’s eyes dart to one of the raider’s guns, and you immediately knew where this was headed.
It all went by in a blur, and yet it was like you could see every detail in painful accuracy. And you couldn’t look away.
In an instant Joel had dropped three of the men in the smaller group surrounding them.
Will another two.
They both had commandeered their own rifles back off of those men, and they were now aimed at the remaining two raiders around their small group. 
The one in front of Joel began to move forward, only making Joel smirk as he jerked the bolt action on the rifle. “Try it.” The raider stopped, making Joel’s smirk only rise higher up his cheek. “Good choice.”
That’s when all hell broke loose. 
It was almost like someone kicked a pile of ants. The stillness of the valley you were in was broken and everyone swarmed at once. A cacophony of sounds clashing all around you. 
You went on autopilot for most of it, simply fighting for your life and that of those in your group. It could have been hours or only minutes later, but the next time you really started to pay attention, or frankly, were able to focus on any one thing in particular, you saw a raider sneaking up on Will a few paces in front of you, and you lifted the rifle you’d snagged off of one of the men you’d taken down.
“Hey, bucko!” The raider froze and turned to you with a sneer, the expression falling off his face when he came nose to nose with the muzzle of your rifle. You cocked the bolt action just for added effect, chambering a bullet as you somehow had found the one locked and loaded gun the raiders had. Hands lifted in surrender, he slowly took a resigned step backwards, grip tightening around the knife still clutched in his right hand. “Drop it,” you ordered, narrowing your eyes at his slight smirk. “Nice and easy, now.”
Will turned to see what the fuss was, his eyes going wide when he realized what had happened. He looked between you and the raider from over the bandit’s shoulder, raising a brow at you in question, but you motioned him on with a jerk of your head to the left, keeping the rifle braced on your right shoulder and aimed at the raider. “I got it. Go help the others.”
Nodding, Will took off toward the remaining chaos, leaving you with the scumbag at the end of your barrel. He started to move after Will but you tisked, taking a step closer. “Not a good idea.” The lowlife hissed through his teeth in aggravation, but you cut him off before he could even start in on an actual sentence. “Knife. Ground. Now.” With a half step forward for emphasis, you gestured toward the field underfoot with your rifle before centering your sights back on their target. 
The man arched his back away from you as you took the small step closer, his hands shooting up higher beside his head. He then began to slowly lower to his haunches to lay the blade on the grass, his other hand still held up in surrender. His eyes flitted from the weapon to something behind you, and before he could set it all the way down, or you could turn to look, an arm wrapped around your neck, cutting off your air supply.
Both the man behind you and the man in front of you laughed, cheering at your misfortune as you dropped your rifle, the weight of the weapon jerking its strap across your shoulders as it fell to your side. 
You clawed at the arm wrapped around your neck, gasping for air, and grunting as you tried to get a shot in with your elbow, but he pinned down your arms with his other arm wrapping around your torso.
A voice close to your ear leered, “Don’t worry, sweetheart. It’ll all be over soon.”
The raider in front of you suddenly started screaming, dropping the blade in his hand in order to clutch his knee, blood pouring violently from a wound made by a large pocket knife you’d know anywhere protruding from its side. 
“Don’t move!”
All three sets of eyes pulled over to find Joel standing just a few feet away, rifle raised and aimed at the raider now in a heap on the ground. His gun swung over to the man still holding you hostage, a dark chuckle rippling out through the chest pressed closely to your spine at the movement, and it made your skin crawl.
“Let ‘er go,” Joel said in a low voice, something dark and menacing thrown right back at the thief trying to steal your life away.
“Nah,” the man said after a minute, amusement heavy in his tone. “We’re just havin’ too much fun, aren’t we, sweetheart?” He tightened his grip around your neck as he pulled you closer, squishing his cheek to yours in mock affection.
You mumbled something as best you could, but it came out all garbled from the pressure on your windpipe.
“Aw, I’m sorry, I’m bein’ mean, aren’t I?” His tone was mocking. He loosened his grip slightly, the arm around your midsection disappearing altogether as he twisted slightly to get a better view of your face. “Now, try that again?”
“I said,” your voice was hoarse from the struggle, so you cleared your throat, shifting your weight slightly as you looked to Joel with wide eyes in mock fear. “I said-” In one smooth motion, you swung the butt of your rifle up and back, and slammed the man in the face, squinting when blood sprayed out of his mouth and onto your cheek.
Taking the opportunity, you elbowed him in the ribs, before stomping on his foot, spinning around once his arm around your neck released you and kneeing him in the crotch. 
Stepping closer to him once he fell to his knees cradling his damaged manhood, you looked down at him as you wiped his blood from your cheek with the back of your sleeve. “I said fuck you.”
With a quick jerk of your knee to his face, the raider fell backwards, out cold. You turned to face his friend who laid in a ball on the ground, hands gripped tightly around the knife still protruding from his knee.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” He began to try and scramble back, looking to Joel for some sort of help as you approached.
Joel only shrugged, looking at you with wide eyes for just a moment before turning back to the poor man. “Hell hath no fury ‘n all that….”
Kneeling in front of the man, you smiled disarmingly sweet. Reaching out to grip the knife, you looked up at Joel. “This yours?” Lifting a brow at your rhetorical question, you knew very well it was his, he nodded. With a yank, you pulled it out of the man’s leg, his screams cut short when you elbowed him in the face, knocking him out like his companion.
Lifting your rifle slightly, Joel began to make a fuss, “Darlin’, they’re down-” but he stopped when you over exaggeratedly clicked on the safety, lifting a sarcastic brow at him. Rising to your feet, you wiped the blade off on your jeans before closing it and handing it back to Joel.
He took it cautiously, watching as you rubbed at your throat with a wince. “Thanks.”
“No, thank you. If you hadn’t shown up and distracted them, I wouldn’t have been able to get the jump on ‘em.”
He looked at the two men before looking back at you, his eyes flitting down to the rifle for the briefest of moments. “Looks like you would’ve been just fine.”
You leaned in closer to him, adjusting the weapon’s strap across your chest. “Take the compliment, Joel.”
He grinned softly. “Yes ma’am, Miss Fanny.”
You groaned at the nickname. “You know what? I don’t even really mind.”
It looked like Joel wanted to say more, but other members of your group came running up, looking around frantically only to find all the enemies already taken care of.
“We didn’t hear any shots,” Will said absently, staring at the two motionless forms on the ground after a wary glance. “Thought you might need some help.” After a long moment of silence, he looked from you, to Joel, then the raiders. “They still alive?” He pointed toward the men, one of them stirring with a pained moan.
“Only just,” Joel mumbled, watching the one man begin to roll to his side, the one who had held on to you, before his gaze flicked to the other, noticing his breaths becoming shallower and shallower. Gesturing to the latter with his rifle still held in his hands, he looked back up at Will. “That one’s not longed for this world if you don’t get something to stop the bleedin’. Need information from both, preferably.”
Will nodded, motioning to the others with a nod of his head, quickly moving toward the raiders.
You had turned toward Joel, your back to the men when a twisted voice rose up behind you, slurring around laughter as if it knew the funniest joke in all the world. 
“Well, sweetheart, I’m just so goddamn sorry things didn’t work out ‘tween us.” 
Joel glared at the raider over your shoulder. “Stop talking, asshole,” he grumbled, rolling his eyes as he took a step closer to the man, slightly in front of you. Turning to face the man yourself, you thought you’d steeled yourself for whatever you’d see, but the twisted smirk you were met with made your stomach drop. 
Laughter turned to wheezing, wet coughs before the man spit off to the side in front of him, blood painting the ground an ugly, violent color. He lifted his head just enough to look at you again, snickering as he peered through his lashes. “I had such plans for you….”
“I said be quiet,” Joel’s voice had grown more firm, and he opted to step to the side, obscuring your view of the creep instead of taking any steps closer.
“Oh, but they were nothin’ compared to what we were gonna do to that little friend of yours…. That blonde? Whoo! She was feisty!”
“Can somebody shut him the fuck up!” Joel bellowed, turning to the group simply standing by and watching the exchange.
Will shrugged off his outer layer flannel, balling it up as he stomped toward the man and began to shove it in his mouth.
The man weaseled back away from the cloth, shouting with wild eyes, “You’ll never find her!” His following laughter was muffled around the material, manic and unhinged.
“Will, I need you to….” Joel trailed off when you put a hand on his shoulder, pushing him to the side gently. He tried to stop you walking towards the lunatic, but you met his gaze with your own, unwavering, and he let you go, following close behind, one hand adjusting his grip on his rifle as he held it loosely just in case.
Kneeling down in front of the man, you got close to his face. “What did you do with Jane?” Your voice was so low and quiet, you barely recognized it.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” The man mumbled around the shirt, eyes wild and sure of himself. 
Looking down toward the ground, you huffed out an unamused laugh. “I’m going to ask you one more time,” you lifted your gaze to look at him straight on again, “and you’re going to tell me, or else my friends are going to be not so nice to you.” The man scoffed. “What did you do…. with Jane?”
The man leaned forward, his nose almost touching yours. “Go fuck yourself, bitch.”
Without hesitation, you slammed Joel’s pocket knife you’d swiped from his jacket a moment ago into the man’s hand where it rested on the ground with your left hand, yanking the shirt out of his mouth as he screamed with your right, and tackled him backwards onto the ground, pinning your right forearm against his throat. As he struggled against your hold, you twisted the knife still gripped tightly in your hand, making him settle into the dirt.
“Okay! Okay! Okay! Fuck! Just stop!” He looked at Joel with wide, wild eyes. “Get the bitch off me!” 
You noticed some of your party moving toward you, but they stopped with a hand motion from Joel.
He studied you with an unreadable expression before looking back at the man and jutting his chin toward you. “Tell her what she wants t’know.”
“Get her off me first!”
“Talk!” You growled, digging your arm in further, making him gasp. When he turned a defiant look up your way, your knee ‘slipped’ where you straddled him and landed dangerously close to his ego once again.
“Okay, okay, goddamn!” He wheezed, collapsing fully into the ground below him, eyes fluttering shut as his face twisted in pain. 
It was all you could do to repress the triumphant smirk wanting to crawl up your face, your brows arching in amusement instead.
“She’s back at our camp. ‘Least that’s where we left her. Don’t know how she’d move much after what boss did, though.” He looked back up at you again, everything about his expression amused, and nothing seemed to dull it, even as you pressed your arm harder into his throat, only causing his words to take on a sinister hiss. “He stuck her good. You think this little knife is somethin’, you should see the one he used on-” his words trailed off on a gurgled chuckle as you continued to lean into him.
“Hey,” Joel’s calm voice near your ear made you pause, staring down at the creep. “We need him alive, darlin’. Stop.” A warm strong hand gripping your upper arm firmly made you lift off the man just slightly, glaring down at him as he sucked in a breath and started coughing, grinning up at you triumphantly. He hissed with a wince when you yanked out the knife, bringing the hand close to his chest to hold it tight with his other, and wrapped it haphazardly with the flannel Will had shoved in his mouth to stop the bleeding. 
“You Jacksoner’s are all the same,” he shook his head in amusement. “Bleeding hearts, all of ya!” He grinned up at the group in the most sinister way you’d ever seen. “And that is why you’re all gonna burn.”
At that, Joel was yanking you off the raider and pulling him up to a seated position with both hands twisted into his jacket, getting right into his face with the most menacing voice you’d heard yet. “What did you just say?”
The man just smiled a tight lipped smile, eyebrows shooting up before he used his good hand to pantomime locking his mouth and tossing away the key.
“They had a bunch of dead guns. No ammunition. How in the hell were they planning to do something to Jackson?” You mused offhandedly, mostly talking to yourself.
“Guns ain’t the only way to make somebody bleed,” the freak singsonged, looking at you gleefully.
You glared at him. “I liked you better out cold.”
He guffawed. “I liked you better up close….”
Joel gave the man a forceful shake by the front of his shirt still in his grip. “What’d I say?” The man rolled his head back to Joel with a bored look, his lips twitching up just slightly. “Y’either start talkin’ ‘bout somethin’ important I want t’hear about, or I’ll reach my hand so far down your Goddamn-”
“This one’s not doing well, Joel,” one of the party mentioned, checking the pulse of the other raider. “We need to get them back to camp.”
The man in Joel’s grip slowly melted into a wide grin. “Looks like you need me now more than ever.”
Joel began to smirk, and it made the raider’s sure grin falter. “Yeah, but that can change real quick.” He shoved the man back, rising to his full height before turning back toward you and walking quickly. A hand closing around your arm once again, you followed where it led. 
“Get them to camp. Will, get a party of four together and come with us to go get Jane. The rest of these assholes are dead, there’s no one to keep her there anymore. She probably tried to run, and if she’s injured, we need to spread out and cover as much ground as possible.” 
He stopped, looking over his shoulder when no one was moving. “Let’s go!”
When he turned to look down at you, you saw something in his eyes close to fear. “We’ll find her, Joel.”
He held your gaze as he kept moving you further away from the scene. “I know, darlin’.” He looked forward again, walking a bit faster. “I know. Now let’s get goin’. Sun’s gonna be settin’ real soon.”
As the two of you made your way in the direction the thug had sent you in, your mind began to wander.
“What if it’s the wrong direction, Joel?”
“He said go east-”
“No, I know.” You closed your eyes briefly as you took in a sharp breath through your nose before looking forward once again. “But what if he lied?”
Joel sighed, looking down at his feet as he continued to walk. “Darlin’,” he looked deep in thought but also at a loss for words at the same time. It was such an inextricably Joel thing to do, it almost pulled a smile up one side of your face.
Glancing over his shoulder toward the small group that was following along to help, the rest staying behind with the two assholes, he then took a step closer to you, speaking in a low voice.
“He very well may’ve.” When your eyes went wide, Joel was quick to continue on. “But,” he smiled at your now narrowed glare. “I’ve been patrolling these hills for a few years, now. Never out this far, mind you, but I know the general area. There’s a stream that runs not far from here. Anyone with any brains would camp near it. I know the worlds gone t’shit, but I refuse to believe we as a species have fallen that far that fast.”
His smile spread a little further at your soft chuckle.
“Touché, Miller. Touché.”
Grinning like a child, Joel turned back to the rest of the group, his expression turning stony in an instant. “The rest of you, fan out!” His voice was a low hiss. “Keep quiet and keep aware. These trees are dense from here on out to the creek. Keep a lookout. I’m not responsible for your own stupidity.”
Good-natured eye rolls went around as the few people spread into the trees starting to populate the clearing you’d been passing through.
Joel grabbed your arm when you went to take a step forward. “Not you.” He shook his head gently when you looked up at him. “You’re coming with me.”
“I’ll stay within sight,” you argued, pulling your arm from his grip. “I’m not a child, Joel.”
“No, you don’t-”
“I can take care of myself.” Taking a few steps forward into the tree line, you looked for any signs of life, but before you could get far, Joel’s voice was at your ear again. 
He yanked you back into him, making you stumble into his chest. Lifting your head up to glare at him, you came nearly nose to nose as he looked down at you and you looked up at him. Your breath stopped, catching in your chest as your eyes scanned his face.
“Tripwire,” he mumbled, his eyes firmly watching your lips as they moved soundlessly in shock.
“Thanks,” you finally managed, closing your mouth and clearing your throat.
Joel nodded.
You went to take a step back, looking over your shoulder towards the trap, but his grip on your upper arm wouldn’t let you move. 
Turning back to look at him in question, your curious expression melted when you found him even closer than before, his eyes cast down as his nose lightly bumped the side of yours.
The distance continued to close, only a breath left between you when a faint scuffle then a thud was heard, making you both pull apart like lightning.
Turning, the two of you saw Will suspended upside down by his ankle from a nearby tree.
“Careful. Tripwire,” you grinned.
Will smirked sardonically, arms coming to cross over his chest after batting away his flannel outer layer that hung in his face since he was inverted - he’d dug out a spare from his bag after using his original to shove into the mouth of the crazy raider. “We found a blood trail.”
The smile fell off your face as your gut sank. “That’s-”
“A good thing,” Will cut you off. “Means she was moving. She was alive.” After a loaded moment of shared looks, he cleared his throat. “Can someone cut me down, please? I’m getting woozy.”
You only encountered a few stragglers at the camp, Joel earning some bloody knuckles and you a black eye, but the remaining members of the bandit group lay in lifeless heaps at the feet of your group when it was all said and done. There was no chance for prisoners, they weren’t going to be taken alive. 
Which meant that one idiot back at the camp who’d tried to kill you had to stay alive if you wanted any answers.
The thought of that made you start to hyperventilate. 
Which wasn’t like you.
You took everything in stride, this new world required it, but suddenly you felt his arm around your neck again, and you began to claw at the phantom limb, gasping for air as tears began to stream silently down your face.
You couldn’t look anywhere without seeing a body, violence, bloodshed….
Can’t breathe….
Everything blurred by as you faintly registered your feet moving you forward, a warm hand around your forearm pulling you gently along before the firm press of tree bark met your back with a gentle thump.
The soft trace of rough, callused fingers making their way past your cheeks to rest behind your ears drew a shiver from your bones. “I’ve got you. You’re okay. You’re good. It’s over. I’m here.” Joel’s mumbled words vibrated somewhere in front of you, desperately grasping at you to give you something to hold onto. Cradling your face in his hands, Joel stood toe to toe with you. He took a small step closer and leaned down, pressing his forehead to your own as you fought for air. “Nothing’s gonna get you. I won’t let it.”
The phantom touch of that asshole’s arm around your throat still constricted your airway, threatening to make the world cave in.
Joel reached up to gently grab your hands still frantically clawing at your throat, placing them on either side of his ribcage, and you clutched onto his flannel under his jacket for dear life. The warmth from his body heat radiated into your palms and sent a wave of something down to your toes. Worrying the threadbare fabric between your fingers mindlessly, Joel seemed to notice and step even closer still, enough that a deep enough breath would close the distance. 
Though, as you thought about it, how he still had room to maneuver any further into you was a mystery, you didn’t even know it was possible. It seemed like every part of you was wrapped up in every part of him.
His voice drew your thoughts back to the present. “Hey, hey. Shhhh…. No more. He’s gone.” Did his voice just crack? “It’s over.” His voice grew a little firmer, if not quieter. “It’s over.”
If only he knew, you weren’t struggling to breathe because of the remnants of a panic attack anymore. No, now it was his proximity. His warm breath fanning across your face as he mumbled words of peace. The press of his skin against yours as he cradled your face so gingerly.
Time stopped, the world ceased its spinning, and suddenly all that was left was this right here between the two of you. This quiet moment, in the middle of a forest, painted in violence and hope, in fear and tenacity, in…. Vibrant shades of both of you.
Will walked up around the tree quietly, clearing his throat softly. “Some of these men were dead long before we got here.”
“Jane,” you smiled. 
“That girl sure is a spit fire,” Joel remarked with his own grin, pulling away from you just slightly, but still keeping you in his hold.
Turning to Will, you steeled your shoulders. “Take me to the blood trail.”
It took all of ten minutes of tracking to find Jane leaning against a tree with her back to you, heaving breaths as the right side of her shirt was stained crimson. The violent splotch was spreading, whatever wound obviously still angry and weeping under her white shirt, her outer layer long gone and forgotten in the chaos by now. 
“Jane?” You called out softly from several yards back. A twig snapped under foot, causing a flock of birds in the trees above to startle and take flight in a whir of wings and wind.
She whirled around, knife held out in front of her at the ready, eyes wide and wild from the adrenaline. When she realized who it was, relief washed over her features so strongly it brought tears to your eyes. She dropped the blade to the ground with a clatter and slumped the side of her shoulder against the tree with a huff.
“Took you long enough,” she breathed in amusement, turning so her back was to the tree with her head thrown back, her face toward the sky, wincing in pain.
Before you could even make a move towards her, Will was there helping her back to her feet, scooping her up bridal style and carrying her back towards camp, her head on his shoulder as she went limp, finally able to rest.
Will glanced back when no one else moved. “Come on!” He whisper shouted. “She needs help as soon as possible, or I’m going to-” He caught himself. “We’re going to lose her.”
As the group moved in unison behind a speedwalking Will, you glanced up at Joel in amusement. “Do you think he knows?”
Joel shook his head with a grin. “Everyone else does, so no, probably not.”
You chuckled, despite the situation. It was probably the relief that she was alive finally catching up with you. “That girl’s got his number.”
Huffing a laugh, Joel looked at the back of Will’s head as he rapidly disappeared at the front of the group. “Wrapped around her little finger like those little things she uses to protect herself when she sews back at her shop. Oh, what’re they called?”
You stared at him for a long moment before quietly suggesting in hesitation, “Thimbles?”
Joel slapped his thigh before pointing at you with a renewed grin. “That’s the one!”
With a shake of your head, you turned back to face forward and head up toward the front with your friends. “Ellie was right. You’re losing it, old man.”
“Ain’t old,” he grumbled, his face instantly turning sour. “Jus‘ ‘xperienced.”
“Then you should know all the words, Joel.” You smirked. “No excuses.”
“I do know all the words,” he groused. “That’s the problem. I know too much, my brain can’t keep up.”
You turned to face him, walking backwards. “Sure. That’s the problem.”
“I know things,” he shot back, echoing your words from earlier, his head tilted back to look down his nose at you in a mirror image as he continued to mock your earlier statement. “Lots of stuff.”
“Oh, I see,” your tone was condescending, but playful as you mimicked him right back. “Stuff.”
“And things.” He was trying so hard not to smile.
You were not, letting the grin spread broadly across your face. “Oh, we mustn't forget the things….”
“Yeah, okay.” Joel looked to the side to try and hide his amused grin. “Fuck you, darlin’.”
“I mean, if you’re offerin’….”
His head snapped back to look at you in surprise as you threw his words right back at him yet again. Joel opened his mouth to refute, but you cut him off with a grin. 
“I’m going to go make sure he doesn’t promise her his house or something. Boy would give her half of Jackson if he could.”
“He can have your half, you jackass,” Joel grumbled playfully as you turned back to face the front of the group. “Mine ain’t for sale. Don’t care how pretty you are.”
You glanced over your shoulder, fluttering your lashes ridiculously. “You think I’m pretty?”
“I meant her,” Joel gestured to your friends with his rifle still loosely gripped in his hands, strap slung over his shoulders, at the ready just in case, like always. “Ain’t nothin’ pretty ‘bout what you just said.”
“I only spoke the truth.”
“You’re only makin’ it worse.”
The sun was setting by the time Joel was able to pry you away from Jane. You hadn’t wanted to leave her side as Will took it upon himself to treat and dress her wound. 
You held her hand as she grunted in pain while he disinfected the area with a bottle of alcohol someone had brought, then stitched it up. Luckily the blade had missed anything vital, and hadn’t been rusty, thank goodness.
So far this whole trip had been getting by by the skin of your teeth, and that didn’t bode well with you. 
Once she fell asleep, Joel coaxed you over to a clearing not too far away for a breath. A bucket full of water from the nearby stream had been brought to wash the blood off your hands.
Staring down at the water as it turned pink under your touch, tinged with the blood of your friend, you looked up when a shadow crossed over the little bit of sunlight left in the day.
Joel stood just in front of the dying light, backlit and a silhouette as he extended a…. rock? to you.
“That creek is fed from the mountains. Snow melt. Coldest thing around. Best alternative to ice we’ve got right now.” You narrowed your brows at him, making him sigh in frustration. “For your eye,” he said as if it were obvious. 
“Oh,” you said dumbly and took it, lightly resting it against your left eyebrow where you felt the worst of the black eye forming. The cool, smooth stone instantly offered some relief for an ache you hadn’t even realized you had, making you groan softly, and shut your eyes with a grateful sigh. “Thank you.”
He nodded. “Mmm-hmm.” The side of his mouth twitched up as he lowered himself to the ground beside you with a quiet groan. “T’ain’t nothin’.”
Pulling the stone away to examine it for a moment, you arched a brow when Joel slowly pressed it back to your head. “Don’t work if you don’t keep it there, darlin’.”
“Really?” You said as sarcastically as you could muster.
“Huh-uh,” he confirmed with a gentle shake of his head, keeping the stone pressed firmly to your skin. “It’s not a comfort by osmosis thing.”
“No healing by proxy?” You groused, despite the smile working its way up your face, your one good eye squinting from the held back laughter you were just managing to reign in as you looked up at him.
The corner of his mouth lifted so high a dimple creased his cheek. “Now wouldn’t that be somethin’,” he mused softly. 
The two of you sat in comfortable quiet for a long moment, his hand still holding the rock to your head gently until you finally decided it was time to break the silence.
“So what’s the plan from here, Mr. partially-in-charge-of-security?”
Joel’s hand fell from you with a sigh as he shook his head slightly in disbelief, his gaze turned forward as if he couldn’t even bear to look at you after an attempt at a joke that bad. “I’ve been goin’ over it in my head since we left their camp-”
“That must’ve been painful,” you muttered, grinning innocently when he cut his eyes over to you.
They shut briefly with another loaded sigh before they fluttered open and he turned to look at the forest on his right while he continued. “Best I can come up with-” he held a finger up in front of your face without a glance back your way. “I don’t wanna hear it.”
You stared at his finger inches from your nose. “I wasn’t-” You totally were. 
The finger began to wag as his head rolled back to level you with a look. “Now, we both know that’s a lie, darlin’.” You shrank under his continued stare and he went on. “Best I can think of is to send the majority back home since we’re still so close to Jackson. Have them protect Jane and those two raiders we got to interrogate.” His arms were propped up on his bent knees, and his fist clenched at the mention of the thugs.
After he stared off vacantly for a moment, he brought his gaze back onto you. “That means the cart is going to have to go back with them, though. Jane’s in no condition to walk, and you did a number on asshole number one.” He chuckled. 
“Don’t even worry about the cart,” you waved him off. “Jane is more important. What about asshole number two?” Rubbing your throat absently with the hand not holding the rock to your head, you stared into the trees straight ahead before you realized what you were doing and lowered your hand, turning your gaze back to Joel. “He can still walk just fine.” You tilted your head in thought for a moment. “May be a little bit more of a waddle, but….”
Joel chuckled darkly, hanging his head as his shoulders shook with the laughter. Finally he looked up at you through his lashes, a conniving expression twinkling in his eyes. “Let the little ugly duckling waddle back, then.”
“How will we be sure he doesn’t waddle off?”
“I’ve been known to tie a knot or two in my day.”
As the novelty of the whole situation wore off, you turned to face Joel a bit more fully, letting the hand that held the rock fall from its spot against your face to rest in your lap, ignoring Joel’s scowl in protest. 
“You said most of the group. Joel, we should all go back. Safety in numbers. Making sure everyone is safe is more important than my paint-” 
“Safety in numbers. Exactly. That’s why most’f’em are goin’ back. We only need a few t’do this run. It also made us a target bein’ such a big group. The council made a shit decision ‘bout that. There’s a reason patrols’re only two people.” He looked out at the woods again. “It was temptin’ to leave it just the two’f us as originally planned, but, after yesterday, even you could see the perks’f havin’ a few extra people should somethin’ happen.”
“Quality not quantity.”
Joel bobbed his head, his eyes shining proudly as you understood. “‘xactly.”
Something wasn’t sitting right. “But what about the threats, Joel? They said somethin’ about Jackson was gonna burn….”
“People say all kinds o’shit when you’ve got a pocket knife in one hand n’your knee pinnin’ their crotch to the dirt.”
You let out a snort, unable to contain your laughter at his blunt explanation. “Can’t say you’re wrong there.”
Joel leaned back with a contented sigh, propping his arm up on his bent leg. “I’m never wrong.”
You let out another snort of laughter, more bubbling up and out when he shot you a glare. 
That night, just as the sun began to set, Joel slammed the back tailgate of the cart shut after helping Jane up into it.
“You good?” He asked quietly, his voice soft and kind.
“I’ll be fine. Thank you, Joel.” Jane reached out a hand to rest on his shoulder. 
“Not worried ‘bout you, sweetheart,” he mumbled, his eyes darting over to the wounded raider sitting as far from him as he could get in the front corner of the cart. The bandit cowered under his stare but stayed silent. “Was more worried ‘bout him.” Joel looked at Jane pointedly as he explained, his head tilted forward while he looked at her through his lashes and arched brows.
“Like I said,” Jane spoke firmly, her voice low and even as she turned to look at the asshole, making him cower even further. “I’ll be fine.”
“Whaddabout me?” The second bandit who had tried to choke you said loudly and amusedly from where he stood behind the cart a few feet away from Joel, his hands bound by one end of rope and the other end tied to the back of the cart. “Do I get a send off from tall, dark and brooding?”
Joel turned to him without even fully looking at the man, cocking his rifle as he spoke on a tired sigh. “That can be arranged.”
The raider guffawed as he stumbled back a few steps, Joel striding forward the ground he lost, while you stepped in between, hands extended.
“Stop. There’s no time for this.” Turning to face Joel, you lowered your arms. “Joel, let the little shit leave.”
The raider’s voice rose behind you like a forgotten tendril of smoke, thin and pungent, just enough to remind you it was there. “Ain’t nothin’ little ‘bout me, darlin’.”
Without a second thought, you whirled around and clocked the thug in the eye, making him stumble back further, the rope stretching to its limit and yanking him forward to his knees.
“Except your brain, apparently.” You shook out your hand to your side, the impact from the punch leaving a searing sting across your knuckles. “You don’t get to call me that.”
“What do I get to call you then?” The man sneered, bringing his bound hands up to swipe at his face.
You took a step closer, smirking, and enjoyed how the amused sparkle in his eyes faltered slightly at the sight. “Whatever you say when you’re begging for your life, tough guy.”
The man swallowed nervously, despite his narrowed eyes of contempt. “I don’t beg for anything. From anyone. ‘specially not you.”
You let your eyes travel up and down the length of him slowly in an unnerving appraisal. “We’ll just see about that. Won’t we, Joel?”
“Lookin’ forward t’hearin’ just how loudly he won’t beg….” Joel mused behind you.
“Fuck. You,” the man hissed.
“No. Thanks,” you sneered back.
Will pulled your attention away as he stepped up on the wheel of the cart to lean in beside Jane, his weight making the whole thing squeak under the pressure. “Are you sure you don’t need me to come with you to keep this asshole in line?” He jerked his head toward the guy tethered at the back.
Jane smiled and patted Will’s cheek lightly. “I think I’ll be just fine. Like I told Joel.” Her eyes flicked between the two of them. Her voice sickly sweet. “Now if you two don’t stop coddling me, one of you is going to be injured and sitting beside me on this trip back to Jackson. So shut,” she looked at Will, “your,” Joel, “piehole.” She looked at you.
You raised your hands in surrender. “Me? “ They turned out in question. “What did I do?!”
She shrugged, her head tilting just slightly. “It was preemptive.” Leaning towards Will again, she kissed him on the cheek, smiling when he began to sputter and turn six shades of red. “Stay with Joel. He needs you here more than he’ll admit.”
“I heard that,” Joel grumbled, walking past the end of the cart as he began to check in with the rest of the group.
“Good. You were meant to,” Jane grinned, lurching slightly as the cart began to move forward, Will jumping from the wheel before it could turn fully.
As the bandit walked past Will, he turned to him with a sadistic grin. “Don’t I get a goodbye kiss, handsome?”
“Sure,” Will said with a disarming smile, making the other man stumble for a moment. The next he was stumbling further after Will sucker punched him in the mouth. “How was that? Was it good for you, too?”
The raider in the cart was looking on wide eyed, but you caught him grinning slightly at the exchange, looking away quickly to try and hide it when Will glanced his way.
Jane was laughing as the cart began to disappear into the sunset. Her head thrown back, eyes closed, hand over her stomach type laughter. “Don’t make me laugh! It hurts!”
Will gave a dopey grin as he watched them disappear into the dying light, Jane and the bandit tied to the back of the cart bickering back and forth about nonsense that you couldn’t quite make out at this distance, but you could tell she wasn’t taking any shit.
“She’ll be okay.” You walked up to Will, putting a hand on his shoulder.
“Yeah, I know.” He was distant, his mind a million miles off. “I know.”
Tags: @dilf-din @lupinpetersclearwaterodairparker @what-the-heckin-heck @telarnidaniela @kalea-bane @morgaussy @enjoythelittlethings @paleidiot @telepathay @carlyreneeinthemoon @competitivedust @ruthyalva96 @brittmb115 @azure-waves @hiddenbabynyc @regalwhovianbrowncoat774 @heather1482 @stevie75 @hotzaddypedro
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queenxxxsupreme · 3 years
One Hit Wonder
A/N: I honestly have no idea where this came from nor do I really know what to say about it except that I love Sean and he deserved better that what he go :( I don’t know that this is really an Arthur x reader, but Arthur is flirty with reader! My masterlist is here and here is the link to go to if you’d like to be on my taglist!
Word Count: 1.1k
Warning: none really, just some good old fashion knock outs, 
Summary: Sean learns that running his mouth could get him into trouble. 
“Miss Y/L/N!” Sean called your name. 
You turned your head to look at him. He stood near one of the campfires with Javier, John, and Lenny. 
“Miss Y/L/N! Come here for a moment, would ya?”
“What can I do for you, Mr. MacGuire?” You asked as you approached the group of men. 
“You’ve been on a heist or two with us, haven’t ya? Sean moved to stand next to you, throwing his arm around your shoulders. 
“I’ve been on a couple, sure.” You nodded.
“You’ve seen us all rustle and tussle, haven’t ya? Seen us throw around our fair share of punches?”
“If that’s what you’d like to call it, Mr. MacGuire.”
“And out of all of us lads here before you, darlin’, which would win a fight?”
“Oh, that’s easy. Javier without a doubt.”
Sean pulled his arm out from around you as if you had stung him. Javier grinned proudly, holding a cigarette between his lips. 
“Oh, Miss Y/L/N.” Sean put his hands on his hips. “Why would you go and say that so confidently?”
“Mr. Escuella is a brilliant fighter. I’ve seen it first hand.”
“I’d pick Javier too.” Lenny agreed.
“Absolute bullshit!” Sean raised his voice in disbelief.
“What’s all this commotion over here?”
All eyes shifted to Arthur as he and Charles approached the group. 
“Y/N just broke Sean’s heart.” John answered, gesturing to you and then to Sean.
“She believes Javier is the best fighter here!” Sean exclaimed. 
“I believe it.” Arthur nodded his head. “Don’t that sound right, Charles?”
“Javier’s a talented fighter.”
Sean scoffed and swatted his hands in the air dismissively. 
“You think differently, Sean?” Javier asked, flicking the ash from his cigarette. 
“As a matter of fact, I do.”
“Who do you think is the best fighter here, Sean?” Arthur crossed his arms over his chest. 
“Definitely not you, ya old bastard. Me of course!”
Arthur barked out a laugh. You, Lenny, Javier, and John laughed too while Charles smirked. 
“You? Sean, you can’t even last an entire job without getting knocked out.”
You brought your hand up to cover your mouth as you laughed. 
“That is not true, Arthur Morgan!”
“Yes it is, Sean.” Lenny chuckled. 
“I can take any of you fuckers right now.” Sean shook out his fists and shifted his weight from one foot to the other. 
“Any of us?” Arthur raised his brows. His eyes fell on you. “How about Miss Y/L/N?”
“Me?” You pointed at yourself.
“I knew you were dull, Arthur, but I had no idea you were that dull.” Sean shook his head. “She’s a lady, Morgan!”
“I know that, dumbass. Let her give ya one good hit. Just to prove you can take a punch since I ain’t ever seen you take one without fallin’ asleep. Besides, I’d be afraid of one of us hittin’ ya.” He gestured to the rest of the group. 
Sean looked you over as if to size you up. 
“You aren’t afraid of a young lady, are you Sean?” Javier taunted.
“Especially not our Miss Y/L/N. She would never hurt a fly.” Arthur added, grinning as he looked at you. 
You had to bite back a smirk. He knew just how well you could throw a punch. He’d taught you himself and he was proud of how well you’d done. 
“I ain’t scared of nothin’! But…. But the ladies here, they’re frightening.”
“I promise she’s only a little meaner than she looks.” 
Arthur’s words made you blush. 
“Fine. But you can’t help her, Arthur!”
“Course not.” 
The group began to move away from the fire. Arthur came to walk alongside you, putting his hand on the small of your back to guide you. 
“You remember just how I taught you, don’t ya?”
“Keep my thumb on the outside. Turn my hips to drive the power with the hit.”
“Good, good.” He patted your back. When he touched you, you felt goosebumps break out across your skin. The dress you wore was thin. The southern sun was far too hot for one of your heavy dresses. You could almost feel how warm his touch was through your dress. “How’re ya feelin?”
“I’m okay. A little excited.”
“Make me proud.” He moved away from you to stand next to Charles. 
You stood at the center of the makeshift circle facing Sean. 
“Don’t you worry about hurtin’ me, Miss Y/L/N. Sean MacGuire can take a hit better than anyone this side of the Atlantic! When I was a wee lad, they used to call me–,”
You punched Sean in the cheek, knocking him off balance. He stumbled back into Lenny. 
“What was that about taking a hit, Sean?” Lenny chuckled.
“Son of a bitch!” Sean rubbed his cheek.
“You alright, kid?” Arthur asked him. 
“Just fine. Told you I could take a hit. She swings like a girl anyways.”
“A girl that can knock you on your ass.” John said. 
Your eyes flickered back to Arthur. He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. 
“Hits like a girl, huh?” He put his hands on his belt.  
Sean turned to face him. 
“You goin’ deaf or somethin’, Morgan?”
“Bet you can’t take another hit from her.”
“You bet?” Sean raised his brows, looking from you to Arthur then back to you. “How much?”
“Five dollars.” Arthur answered. 
You gave Sean an innocent smile. 
“What the hell. Five dollars is five–,”
You didn’t give him enough time to finish his sentence before you hit him again. This one sent Sean to the ground.
“Out like a light.” Javier chuckled. 
“Maybe one of these days he’ll stop yappin’ so much.” Lenny sighed. 
“I doubt it.” Charles shook his head. He helped Lenny move Sean to his tent. 
You looked down at your hand, flexing your fingers and examining your knuckles. 
“That’s my girl!” Arthur closed the space between you. Hearing his praise made you forget how to breathe properly. You became a little faint, adjusting how you stood so you didn’t feel so woozy. “How do you feel?”
“Not, er, not as accomplished as I had hoped. And sorta bad for knockin’ him out.” You looked to where Sean was now laying in his tent. “Is this what you boys do for fun?”
“Knock each other around? Course. It’s the best kind of fun. Aside from robbin’ folk and runnin’ from the law.”
“I guess you gotta point.” You smiled. 
“Lemme see your hand.” Arthur held his hand out for yours. You put your hand in his. “Crazy to think this little hand knocked out that feller.”
“My hand’s only small to yours.”
“That’s fair, I guess.” He chuckled. “They hurt any?”
“Sean’s got a hard head, so I imagine I’ll be sore for a while.”
“Sorry for makin’ ya do that.” He rubbed your knuckles with his thumb. 
“You didn’t make me do anything, Arthur.” You reminded him, doing your best to keep your voice even. Those damned butterflies in your stomach were moving up to your chest and making it difficult to breathe. 
“I know.” 
Much to your dismay, he let your hand go. 
“I’ll make sure Sean gets you you’re five bucks when he wakes up.”
You were left standing in the middle of camp, staring at the outlaw as he sauntered off.
Taglist:  @doggone-cowgirl @winterwolf @lauramb7 @caraqas @bluscryn @krenee1drful @zodiacaldust @nonodino @gabstaroc @cal-lifornication @thefirelordm @sargeantsea @sokkasdarling @thecollection @mayday1284
If your name is in italics, it wouldn’t let me tag you :(
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harry-saopaolo · 6 years
Red Ribbon
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Harry surprises Y/N by telling her how he feels but Y/N has a surprise of her own.
“My mum said if someone is sad just give ‘em a cupcake and all will be better”
That day was Harry’s first day in school and he was alone. It’s not that he didn’t want to have friends but he just didn’t know how make friends. Every third grader was at the playground having someone to chat with, play tag with while he sat on the swing having no one to push him.
But that’s when she came. The first thing he saw was her red ribbon shoes. It had a cute little bow on it. Then he saw the yellow dress, suddenly his day was a little brighter and things weren’t as dull as before he saw her. He looked higher to look at the owner of the shoes and there she was, hair adorned with yet another red ribbon. She smiled sweetly and handed him what seemed to be a Vanilla cupcake. Her mom sure was right, cause whether it was because of the cupcake or her, his day surely was better.
That was also the day he was sure he wanted to be friends with her forever.
“Wait, so you tell me, you’d rather finish a jar of mayo every month for the rest of your life than drink soda from your shoe once? What the fuck is wrong with you?”
They were taking a study break cause their heads were already hurting from trying to understand trigonometry so Y/N proposed a little game of ‘Would you rather...’ and she was getting frustrated by his answers by the minute.
“You’ve seen my running shoes, love. It ain’t pretty” He says before popping a handful of Skittles into his mouth.
“Oi, you’re eating all m’orange ones you knob!”
“Why don’t you get ‘em from me?” He mocks as he opens mouth.
“Eww, so I’d get slutty germs from when you kissed Jen last night? No thanks. I’d love to be as HIV free as much as possible, If you mind” 
“Love, you’re just saying that cause you hate her guts”
She hates Jen with every fiber of her being. Ever since high school came around, she suddenly became interested in Harry. She would do things to get on Y/N’s nerves like act sick in front of Harry so he could take her to the infirmary, leaving Y/N all alone and act so sweet and innocent when he’s around. Jen would even give Y/N backhanded compliments like ‘’Ooh I love how old your skirt looks!” or “When other people wear too much makeup, it doesn’t look right but you pull it off just right!”. Her blood boils just by thinking about her.
“Don’t get all worked up now, love. Broke it off with her last night. Nothin’ to get your panties in a twist.” She can’t help but be surprised. Sure she hated her guts but if she made her best friend then she’d just keep her feelings at bay.
“What?! And you didn’t think it was worth telling me?”
“I’m telling you now aren’t I!”
“You know what I mean!” She had to stop to calm herself. “ Why? What did that bitch do? Tell me bub” He loved her pet name for him. It was the right amount of playful and sweet. She lets it slip every once in a while, knowing how much Harry loves and finds comfort in it.
“Nothin! jus’ wouldn’t stop yappin’ her mouth. Would’ve been better if she used it for something else better than talking, right love?” 
“Alright, I’m out that’s fucking gross” 
“Yeah yeah, act all concerned and whatnot but deep inside you’re happy I finally got rid of her” He always saw right through her.
“No, I’m not” Although saying that, She can’t help but smile.
That’s when he knew he’d do anything to make her smile.
“ Can’t believe I gave myself to him only to find out what a fuckin’ dickhead he is”
Harry came as soon as he heard her voicemail which was basically Y/N sniffling and mumbling incoherent words. He was lucky enough to make out the words “Come ‘ere. I need you, bub.” with that he bolted out of his apartment to hers. Now they were cuddled up on her bed, sharing a bowl of ice cream. A variety of things were laid on her bed, there were torn up pictures of her now ex-boyfriend, balled-up tissues and the necklace that was given to her by Brad. To her defense, she did try to break it but after the red marks it left on her palm and it still being unscathed, she gave up and just tossed it on the bed. Friends was softly playing in the background, the episode where Chandler lost the gold bracelet Joey got him was now forgotten.
“He wasn’t even good! Fucking sloppy as ever. Brad. What kind of name is that anyway? Straight out of a fuckin’ porno” 
Harry didn’t say anything. Letting her vent out all of her anger and pain, Knowing she always loved to hear his words of advice after letting everything out first.
“You know what? This is what I get for rushing into this! Don’t even know if I love him but I couldn’t even keep my legs closed. Maybe I was the bad one eh? That’s why he ran off to the blondie from Chem! Yeah, that is definitely it” By now her tears has dried up on her cheeks and there weren’t any new ones threatening to fall. She was past getting mad, she’s just sad.”Things always end up like this you know? M’never good enough, bub.”
“That’s bull Y/N, and you know it. They don’t know the fuck they lost, givin’ up a gem like you. M’not saying this just because I’m your best friend but never have I met anyone as perfect as you, you know?” She couldn’t help but let a few tears escape “ One day, you’re gonna meet ‘em and he’s gonna be great, just like what you deserve and you’ll forget about someone as petty as Brad. Never doubt yourself, love. Who else is gonna cheer me up and keep me at my toes if you keep on bringing yourself down?”
She hugs him tighter, finding serenity between his arms. She can’t help but place a quick kiss on his cheek. “ You’ll always be my guy, right bub?”
For some reason, his heart skipped a beat.
“You know it, love”
That’s the day he realized he never wanted to see her crying again.
“We’re gonna rule the world, You and I.”
“Yeah is that right? How so?” They went out for a picnic in the nearby park. Harry was going over his manuscripts as Y/N’s head rested on his thighs while she was trying to understand the medical terms that are starting to look gibberish.
“We might be pullin’ our hairs out now but soon you’re gonna be the best and most handsome author of our generation, selling millions of copies and all that. Whereas I will be the most daring surgeon of our time! I’ll be able to save lives and check out cute interns too” She says as if she made the greatest discovery of their lives.
“You do know Grey’s Anatomy is just a show right? like you don’t actually always have sex with other doctors and have screaming matches in halls”
“Bugger off, will you? But I’m serious though. We haven’t done much but I’m already proud of us, proud of you. My little writer. Be sure to dedicate a book or two to me will you?” 
“I’d dedicate all of ‘em to you if you like, that’s the least I could do for my great little surgeon.” She can’t help but laugh at his offer before it was replaced with a serious expression.
“You know I love you right? Harry, you may as well be the person I want to be the most proud of me”
“And I you”
That’s the moment he realized he loves her.
He wanted to tell her he loved her. She was the light of his life in his moments of darkness. How can someone feel so right, feel as perfect as a puzzle piece, be in the arms of a man that is not him?
Then he’s stuck. Harry’s currently working on his third novel and for the nth time, he’s been spewing out great ideas but can’t seem to fit them together. Now 28, he can’t help but feel unaccomplished despite his success in his career. What was missing? 
He was a risk-taker when it comes to developing his fictional characters and was daring enough to tackle multiple controversial issues in his novels but never seem to get the courage to tell her how he really felt.
His Y/N.
His Y/N with Dexter.
They’ve been together for a little more than a year now as Harry still remained a bachelor. By now he’s not quite sure if he was waiting for the right girl or waiting for her. and her only.
Something about today lit a fire inside of him. Maybe it’s because of the pent up frustration of having yet another writer’s block or the fact that he’s so sick of waiting for destiny to do its thing than actually making something happen. Next thing he knows, he was already dialing her number.
“Hey, bub! you caught me at a great time! What’s up?” I love you.
“Can we meet somewhere or something? Really need to talk to you ‘bout something”
“Really? I have something to tell you too! Why don’t we meet at the ol’ cafe down the street in twenty?” I love you.
“Sure sure, see you love.”
“Can’t wait!” I love you and I can’t wait to tell you I do.
He was already there by ten and it’s safe to say he was nervous. This is gonna be years and years of friendship at risk but he knows he won’t be able to sleep at night knowing he should’ve at least tried.
“You certainly got ‘ere early” There she was, wearing the dotted pink sundress he adored. She had her hair up and looked radiant as ever. He’s in it deep.
“Have some news for you, couldn’t wait” Cause if he did he might shit his pants, he thought.
“Good or bad? I have news too!”
“ Depends on how you’ll take it. If it’s okay can I go first?” 
“Sure, go on bub.” Just the comfort he needed.
He took a deep breath, knowing what he was about to say could make or break him.
“We’ve been the best of friends all these years and I think I know why. It’s because we just get each other you know? and we always got each other’s back no matter what. Like the very first day we met, up to now, you never left my side and I never left yours. Everything did start because of a damn cupcake but that’s not the point.” She can’t help but laugh at his flustered state.
“But as we grew older, the more and more was I enthralled by you. By how you never forget to take care of me and how you never let anyone step on you. and as deep as my admiration goes, Y/N I fell for you” She stopped smiling. The shock was evident on her face. But he had to continue.
“ It took me a while to realize and even longer to tell you but I love you, I really do. I know it’s a shitty thing to do knowing that Dexter’s in the picture and all but I was there for everything. For your first heartbreak to your first ever patient. I was there at your best and worst. He’s a great guy, I know. It may even be too late but I can’t help but feel like we were meant to be, that you were meant for me.”
“So if you can find it in your heart, feel every beat of it and know that somehow for some unexplainable reason, what I am saying is making sense. Y/N choose me, love me. Be with me cause for as long as I remember, that’s all I really wanted” He could finally breathe. He said everything his coward of a heart couldn’t before.
“Harry I-” He didn’t like the sound of her voice, if this was rejection, he never wants to hear it. So he interrupted.
“Before you make a decision or anything, tell me your news first, love.” Sure, that will buy him some time.
Y/N does this thing when she’s nervous. Either she’d play with the ends of her braid or grips then releases her hold on the cup of her chosen beverage. That’s exactly what she’s doing to her cup of steaming hot tea.
And that’s when he saw it and his world stopped. He was suddenly holding his breath as the light caught on to something on her hand.
“Harry, I’m engaged.” 
Author’s Note: This was an idea I’ve been playing around with. Tell me what you think! All the love xx.
p.s. that choose me love me scene may have been inspired by grey’s anatomy, don’t hate. xx
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autumn-pines · 7 years
Eh, Who Needs Love?
Time and time again romance has failed for both Stan and Wendy. But hey, who needs love when you can just have fun stealing a diamond and picking some locks?
EDIT-This fic now has a sequal-When You Can Steal Diamonds?
  Today was turning out to be rather strange.
It started out alright, it was only when Wendy was just hanging out with her friends before heading out to work and be fashionably late did things start to become a little weird.
Wendy had been listening to Robbie chatter on about his new album until suddenly Robbie paused. Wendy glanced over only to see that he was staring at Tambry, who was standing next to Nate and Lee as they tried out a new handshake.
After a few seconds, Tambry looked up and smiled at Robbie, who instantly smiled back, his cheeks reddening.
Wendy blinked in confusion, wondering how a simple glance could make Robbie blush. She tilted her head, trying to think if there was a time when she blushed and smiled from Robbie looking at her.
Nothing came to mind.
On her way to the Shack, she couldn't help but ponder how Robbie and Tambry were actually in a good relationship and happy.
She had dated like what, at least six guys and none of their relationships lasted beyond three weeks, tops. They just never felt right, plus awkwardness always hagged at Wendy whenever the guys tried to have an intimate moment or kiss her.
She just...didn't want it.
But wasn't she supposed to?
"Something on your mind, kiddo? Or do you like staring at the wall for ten minutes straight?"
Wendy flinched as the voice intruded her thoughts, bringing her back to reality. She turned her head and saw Stan leaning against his 8-ball cane, his eyebrows pointedly raised at her.
Quickly, Wendy allowed a casual look to slide in and for her body to relax. "Oh, hey, Stan."
"That's Mr. Pines for-" Stan began, his voice firm until he stopped, his expression considerate, and then shrugged. "Eh, you know what? I don't care. I've been called worse things."
Wendy rolled her eyes loosely, but then squinted at her boss as a thought struck her. Has Stan ever been in a relationship that has lasted longer than any of hers? She couldn't recall a time where he had not been slapped or getting a blank stare after trying to flirt, but still...
"Heya, so, Stan." Wendy started, trying to phrase the question in a non-weird manner. "Have you ever been in a relationship that lasted longer than a few weeks?"
"Um," Stan leaned back a bit, looking confused at the sudden turn in topic. "Whaddya' mean? Like, a romantic relationship?"
At Wendy's nod, Stan's eyes traveled to the ceiling. "Uhhhh. Yes. I had girlfriend about forty years ago. That lasted for about a month, though. But hey, I did get married!"
Wendy gave him a skeptic look. "I don't think that creepy statue counts, Stan."
Stan slapped a hand to his chest, giving her an offended look. "I'll have you know that Goldie is a fantastic money-maker! But nah, I wasn't talking about that. I got married to a gal once, until she tried to steal my car less than an hour later. Why are you asking sudden personal questions anyways?"
Wendy bit her tongue, unsure on how to answer, or even if she should answer. Eh, this probably wouldn't cost her job. "Uh, so you know my ex-boyfriend, Robbie?"
"Ya' mean that creepy teen with black hair and skinny jeans?"
"Um, yes."
"Then sure, what about him? Do I have another reason to punch a teenager?" Stan cracked his knuckles, his face eerily eager.
"And that would be a no. Sorry." Wendy denied, a large part of her amused. "But um, anyways, Robbie and Tambry have started dating like a few days ago, and they're so happy? Like, they smile and touch each other a lot and I just don't get why?"
She sighed, frustrated with her lack of understanding. "And just-I don't know. None of my relationships were like that and I've dated a lot of guys. It seems so weird to me for someone to just blush if another person looks at them. And it never felt right when someone tried to kiss me or something."
"Plus, everyone at the high school keep talking about who they like and whenever I say I don't like someone I get these looks. I don't see why I have to be with someone when I could just have some fun with my friends."
Unable to think of anything else to say, Wendy fell silent, and then started when she realized she just ranted to her boss about her confusion with relationships. Welp. At least it wasn't Mabel.
"Hm. Yeah, I see where you're comin' from." Stan spoke up nonchalantly.
"Wai-really?"  Wendy asked, surprised. That...was not quite the answer she'd been expecting.
"Okay, nooo offense, Stan, but you like-flirt with a lot of ladies. And didn't you try to hook up with Lazy Susan once?" Wendy questioned, confused on how Stan out of all people could understand her.
"Uh, yeah. But um, I'll admit, kid. I kinda always found it strange, too." Stan admitted rather haltingly, his eyes looking at everywhere but her. "Back in my day, uh, a lot of kids were talkin' about their girlfriends or boyfriends too, and I just was never interested in it. I did try it, to try and see what everyone was yappin' about, but it just didn't work out."
He shrugged, "And well, I guess I still do try every once and awhile. Habits die hard, y'know? But honestly, I don't care for that mushy romantic stuff..." He trailed off, his expression steadily growing more and more awkward.
"So you've, never enjoyed being in a relationship?" Wendy cocked her head, interested.
"Well, it was nice and all being around someone I liked. But that someone always just expected something else from me that I guess I don't have." Stan reflected, shifting his hands on the cane.
“But, arn't we supposed to like someone?” Wendy scratched at the wood with her nails, frowning.
“Meh. People are supposed to like a lot of things, but some people don't. I’m supposed to like obeying the law, but I don't. I can’t see why just wanting some friends would be wrong. You do you.” Stan rubbed the back of his neck.
"Huh. Wow-that's, that's pretty cool." Wendy grinned, feeling relief that she apparently wasn't the only one that felt uninterested in being in a relationship. And to think that it was her boss she was relating to.
"If you say so, kid.” Stan coughed. "But enough of this weird talk. I've already taught you how to pick high-quality locks right? 'Cause I've heard that there's a diamond in the bank downtown, and I think it's about time for you to move past shoplifting and onto committing a real crime."
Wendy's grin only stretched wider. "Sounds great to me. But I am not going to be the one to pay our bail."
"Bail?" Stan's eyebrows scrunched together. "Who said we were going to get caught?"
Later, while definitely driving more than sixty miles per hour away from the bank and wailing police cars, Wendy glanced over at Stan, who was laughing about how they managed to escape, and cleared her throat. "Hey, Stan?"
Stan stopped and looked over at her with a mischievous grin. "What's up, kid?"
"Thank you."
"Yeah, whatever, kiddo. Anytime."
And I’m going to tag @mistrel-fox and @knights-in-two-dreams since they wanted a fic like this. Hope you guys enjoy!
Anyways, this was fun to write! The diamond theft is based off a cut storyline involving Stan and Wendy, and I thought why not. I decided not to include the diamond-stealing scene, so that this was kept at a reasonable length, but I'm considering writing that part out in a different fic if anybody's interested! 
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