UP9322eALRAyCA8-90 by Joseph Blackwell Via Flickr: UP 9322 was climbing Cajon Pass eastbound coming out of the first of the two tunnels at Alray, CA.
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jarofalicesgrunge · 10 months
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Layne Staley
📸By Bertrand alray
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twinkpedia · 2 years
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A gender connected to hlvrai, aliens, labs, space ships, and sweet voice.
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groupfazza · 2 years
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حمدان بن محمد يصدر قراراً بتشكّيل مجلس إدارة مركز "إرادة" للعلاج والتأهيل في دبي :
أصدر سمو الشيخ حمدان بن محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم، ولي عهد دبي رئيس المجلس التنفيذي قرار المجلس رقم (66) لسنة 2022 بتشكيل مجلس إدارة مركز "إرادة" للعلاج والتأهيل في دبي برئاسة محمد عبدالله محمد فلكناز.
ونصّ القرار على أن يُشكَّل المجلس ، بعُضويّة كُلٌّ من: مدير الإدارة العامة لمكافحة المخدرات في شرطة دبي، نائباً للرئيس، والمدير التنفيذي لمستشفى راشد بمؤسسة دبي الصحية الأكاديمية، وعبدالله ظاعــن عبيـد، وسميرة محمد الريّس، وخولة محمد بالهول، ومُمثِّل عن كل من هيئة تنمية المجتمع في دبي، والنيابــة العامــة لإمارة دبي، إضافة إلى المدير التنفيذي لمركز "إرادة" للعلاج والتأهيل في دبي ‪، ‬ويُعمل بهذا القرار من تاريخ صُدوره، ويُنشر في الجريدة الرسميّة.
Hamdan bin Mohammed issues Resolution forming Board of Directors of Erada Center for Treatment and Rehab :
His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of The Executive Council of Dubai, has issued Executive Council Resolution No. (66) of 2022 forming the Board of Directors of the Erada Center for Treatment and Rehab in Dubai.
The new board is chaired by Abdulla Mohamed Falaknaz while the Director General of the Dubai Police Anti-Narcotics Department will serve as its deputy chairman. Members of the board include the CEO of Rashid Hospital at the Dubai Academic Health Corporation; Abdullah Obeid; Sameera Alrais; Khawla Belhoul; representatives from the Community Development Authority in Dubai and Public Prosecution Dubai; and the CEO of the Center.
The Resolution is effective from its date of issuance and will be published in the Official Gazette.
Thursday, 10 November 2022 الخميس
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goddesstrolls · 1 year
I have decided that Nirael had an ancestor as well, bringing the total Mikari count up to four.
The Mikaris are an ancient, but very sparse lineage, with only four hatching, ever. The eldest Mikari was one of the few Progenitors who harnessed magic, and another of the Progenitors- Like [REDACTED] and Wildking- Who ascended to godhood.
It was the embodiment of destruction- Not in a total sense, but rather in the sense of no longer being what you once were. The essence of decaying and becoming part of something new. In that way, it embodies the cycle and life and death as well; The essence of shattering, of falling apart. It was a minor god compared to Eltanin and Alrai, but a god nonetheless, and the Mikaris are its direct descendants- Which is rare indeed, because even in the case of Eltanin and Alrai, their respective lineages are muddled.
Ruin is still alive- It’s a god, after all- But currently slumbering. It was used as a core to power some massive device during the early Conquest era, and never saw fit to escape nor was it released. It is not malicious and more apathetic than anything, but does have some sympathy for individuals that interact with it.
The Mikari lineage magic, of course, comes from it. Nirael harnessed his by creating destruction; Kairos harnessed theirs via self-destruction; Mira is young, but currently harnesses the aspects of creation and nature.
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rebelsandtherest · 2 years
If it's okay with you, could you please give the artist names for the AI generator? All of the portraits are so pretty and I want to know the artists so I can find more :D! Thank you and hope you're having a great day!
Hey Anon,
Sure! I probably should've listed the artists, sorry I didn't. Do note, for many of the portraits, I ended up using two or three artists at the same time. As I believe I've said elsewhere, the artists were selected purely based on their nationality and how I thought their style would translate to portraiture. I found most of the via google, and had a lot of fun learning about some artists I'd not heard of before!
Argentina: Norma Bessouet and Raquel Forner
Australia: Frederick McCubbin and Kim Leutwyler
Brazil: Manuel Lopes Rodrigues, Manuel de Araújo Porto Alegre, and Almeida Junior
Canada: Frederick Varley Bertha M. Ingle and Robert Harris
Colombia: Ricardo Acevedo Bernal and Andrés de Santa Maria
China: Shen Zhou and Tang Yin and Gu Hongzhong
Croatia: Vlaho Bukovac, Federiko Benkovic, and Robert Auer
Czechia: Alphonse Mucha
Egypt: Helena of Egypt, Mahmoud Sa'id, and Abdel Aal Hassan
England: John William Waterhouse and Joseph Wright of Derby
Ethiopia: Adis Gebru and Afewerk ekle
Finland: Elin Danielson-Gambogi, Pekka Halonen, and Helene Schjerfbeck
France: Charles-Amable Lenoir and Claude Monet
Germany: Albrecht Dürer, Franz Xaver Winterhalter, and Otto Dix
India: Raja Ravi Varma and Amrita Sher-Gil
Ireland: Frederic William Burton
Japan: Yokoyama Taikan and Utamaro Kitagawa
Jordan: Muhanna Al-Dura and Zaina El-Said
Mexico: Frida Kahlo and José Salomé Pina
Morocco: Zakaria Ramhani, Abbès Saladi, and Hassan El Glaoui
New Zealand: Gottfried Lindauer and Kura Te Waru Rewiri
Portugal: Antonio Duarte and Columbano
Philippines: Fernando Amorsolo and Juan Luna
Scotland: Arthur Melville
South Korea: Joongwon Jeong, Chae Yongshin, and Lee Quede
Sweden: Carl Larsson and Anders Zorn
Switzerland: Cuno Amiet, Arnold Böcklin, and Jean-Étienne Liotard
United Arab Emirates: Abdulqader Alrais and Fatma Abdullah Lootah
United States: John Singer Sargent and Mary Cassatt
Wales: Gwen John and Brenda Chamberlain
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angriestboy · 1 month
backstreets back alrait pum tun tun tun yeah yeah alrai
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444namesplus · 4 months
Abey Abol Adelde Afeha Afey Aheter Ahoyro Alaparora Alde Aldonvar Aller Alnel Alray Alto Ana Anertoyromo Anotaw Anta Apato Ape Ara Are Aredo Arelpal Arnede Arneretetor Arnorbol Arsol Arta Artalroyle Ate Atewtervo Avor Awtade Awtey Ayge Ayno Aysorewpal Baga Balmose Bata Beha Behelaylelal Bemamelvan Besonterfevo Bodo Bono Boyzehe Bwfe Danenta Dayto Defa Demerto Derhe Detelema Dewdalnen Deymanteymen Dona Dono Dormor Dosaw Dota Dovel Efay Efe Ege Eha Ehe Ehopo Ehote Elalehe Eleme Elfeso Elhol Ellora Elna Elra Elre Elreneke Elseregagal Eltow Ema Ener Enertese Ennoge Enre Enrehey Enrone Ense Era Erde Erdo Erelvome Erneretono Erolagarre Erra Errere Erreypey Erverra Esa Esasadayzoy Eseltor Esorpe Eta Etahe Etanse Etar Ete Eto Evor Ewhopa Ewpaw Eyda Eylonfe Eynerran Eyra Eyramar Eyraw Eyray Eyre Eysasa Eysoma Eza Ezohe Fabetarsa Falro Fardeydornel Farhetawza Fartew Ferdabe Fergon Fetal Fonara Fonetemo Fowhomane Fyredera Gale Galoy Ganol Gararalser Gehe Gehegetere Gera Gete Getoltoze Gokantaho Gona Gonnonoteme Hade Haherrese Halro Hame Harnorteme Hate Hatelbel Hayhe Hefa Hegoy Hekelpa Helase Helga Helgohe Henmerhoneyma Herenzenre Herto Heynolpow Hirahey Hodon Hora Hore Hortomer Hotare Huhertara Hwroho Ifepe Ihal Ilehe Ilohago Inamo Inasew Inedone Iseroze Kegan Kelara Keselan Kolelrer Kono Korne Kotay Kylesensan Laga Lahada Lasorebar Lawgosa Laype Lerhelveson Lersarda Lesoselal Lofey Lomo Loragerode Lotosewleto Lowmernoma Mafol Marrasoyson Mato Mawha Mawhaldo Maytararonro Melnon Mena Mende Menneta Merrol Meton Mibo Mofo Moha Molle Musal Nadahal Nalhe Naltal Nargewtenretel Narlo Nataso Nawdonreyratay Nawnor Nayfero Nebotan Neboylo Nedolpen Nedomo Nega Nelto Nemay Nene Nenlal Nensan Nernewnefe Neromar Nersenre Newsodar Nisobor Noga Nomo Norohar Norzameler Noyra Noysanatarhel Nupe Odortonre Ofavate Ogegaygale Ohamama Ohe Ola Oldo Olentordo Olero Omela Ona One Onge Onreronhey Onron Onsansazeha Onsolrartoha Onto Onvolre Orerar Orhew Orladerse Ornar Osa Osaldaserer Otan Otelpaype Otey Oyfeyso Oynato Pahedada Paltener Parteseno Pehe Penatoroma Perelno Pero Petal Piba Podapabeba Pomo Popa Porefe Potonelhe Rador Rafe Ralose Raltolta Rannel Ranoyretasan Rareker Rarle Rarlen Rarnorolre Rasoto Ratanno Ratew Raverterka Raybow Redaw Relenfono Relhoser Relse Reltan Remberna Remo Rena Renatenar Rene Resalmargo Resevase Resona Reta Rete Revorra Reyneka Reytalmar Rofemar Rofenofa Rohahotebaw Role Rolhanoymade Rolte Rone Rormetegal Rose Rototoze Rurer Rwlo Rykelo Sanega Sanso Sara Sardato Sate Satono Sawgador Sayre Saytato Se Sedasoneto Sedohongerey Sedone Sefa Sekerrar Selesayray Selledanda Senon Serawto Serda Serelsol Serlarza Seterro Setopabe Sewrarna Seyde Seyley Shineso Shire Solto Songen Sono Sopontahe Soyhaso Tade Tafede Taferne Talede Talte Taltore Talva Tamerla Tanen Tanme Tanotayda Tantarbardor Tarna Tarrolpon Tatogamoy Tefaleso Tefoher Telalorha Teldalfoyme Teldo Telona Telsoysa Teme Tennotey Tenseymo Tenzay Tepa Teraw Terbol Tesar Tesewha Teva Teyne Teysafa Tohahal Tohewlol Tolabay Tolpeha Tolsekayhal Tondotama Tontonda Tosayba Toso Totey Towno Tsutenawher Twdo Unareyso Vamol Veher Velrendo Vemo Vendan Vera Verayho Verer Verrasa Volor Vonsalsersar Voterey Wfe Ylahe Zewney Zeyvana Zonorobo Zoron Zowzenoranhe
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theconnollygroup · 1 year
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raynydaystorytime · 1 year
Virtual Reality Ensues (35002 words) by ReaperZX7 Chapters: 4/?
Fandom: Original Work
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Original Characters
Additional Tags: Virtual Reality, Gaming, MMORPGs, Sexual Humor, tagging as we go, Chatting & Messaging, mostly pulling from my experiences in FFXIV, Science Fiction, i guess it counts as science fiction now that i think about it
When he first signed up for Valadia Reborn AKA ValVR, the latest VRMMORPG to hit the shelves, “Alrai” never expected much to come of his time in game. But here he is five years later, leading the Argonauts, one of the top guilds in the game as they prepare to make a bid for the world first clear of the new Forsaken Continent expansion coming out next week. Join Alrai and the Argonauts as they venture from the shores of the Kingdom of Valadia to the depths of the Forsaken Continent, confronting the game’s hardest challenges, old rivalries, and the chaotic antics of their own guild members. All in the pursuit of fortune, fame, revelry, and perhaps even the chance to unravel the game’s deepest secrets. All while being a crafter.
Ch4 is up
Welcome to the Forsaken Continent!
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gbreferences · 1 year
Emii Alrai
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izraelinfo · 1 year
Rálőttek egy izraeli telepesre, súlyosan megsebesült
Rálőttek egy izraeli telepesre a palesztin többségű Ciszjordánia déli részén vasárnap, az áldozat súlyosan megsebesült – jelentette a helyi média a hadsereg és a mentőszolgálat közléseit idézve. A palesztin merénylő a Nokdim telepesfaluban lakó, 35 éves Alrai Kepahra lőtt rá az úgynevezett Takua kereszteződésben. Az áldozattal utazott kilenc- és tizennégy éves lánya is, akik könnyebb sérüléseket…
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erinaceina · 1 year
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Coude by Emii Alrai.
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nicoleboothuni · 2 years
Artist Talk - Emii Alrai
overview of thoughts influence
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snitchesusa · 2 years
Al Ray Snitched on Cugini Florist in Renton
Al Ray Snitched on Cugini Florist in Renton
"Non essential, still delivering flowers." – Al Ray The aforementioned complaint was filed by Al Ray in Renton, Washington on Wednesday April 15, 2020 with No Agency against Cugini Florist saying Non-essential business is open. Email address given was [email protected] and phone number given was 2534548884. #alray #cuginiflorist #floral Source: Al Ray Snitched on Cugini Florist in Renton
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monedameow · 5 years
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Mi botarga adorada. #Alrai #Lémures #ConvicenciaFamiliarLémures2019 #UnaDeLai #FamiliaBolita #MomAndDaughter #AventurasDeLaFamiliaBolita mi hermosa Princesa Guerrera Laitalëi. ❤️ (en Quinta Los Ayala El Barrial) https://www.instagram.com/p/B33FlCxpZGV/?igshid=a24576l5j810
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