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intro ⭐
call me hallow
I use it/it's only
I experience chronic pain and eepyness so I don't come here too often, also don't dm for the same reason, my asks are open as the main way to talk to me
Kinlist + misceverse stuff below
Unreligious angel, giant anteater, african wild dog, raccoon, love
Unspecificed or fluid - tiger, birds (prey and predator), tarantula,
Unconfirmed - Crocodile, thylacine
Taken(x²) but not mated
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Friday's word for today is Dedication-noun 1. the quality of being dedicated or committed to a task or purpose. Team Transformers member Miss Elizabeth has only been in the Success System for 4 weeks (1 month) and she's going insane with her weight loss June 3rd Gala will be a breeze for her Set goals Meet goals Annihilate goals It's A Process #misselizabeth #teamtransformers #transformers #transformer #transformation #alpha2omegatransformation #alpha2omega #alpha2omegafitness
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Day 27 And the countdown is nearer down. Had to 1. Reschedule my appointment for my onboard specialist because she was sick 2. Did contracts, liability wavers, and cancellation policies to be submitted on membership site It's A Process #omegaonecommandcenter #teamtransformers #alpha2omega #alpha2omegafitness
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Day 28 Glad I have a great web developer on the job. She was going on to make some changes when she noticed a virus that she caught So grateful for her being a part of the team and project Better safe than sorry It's A Process #omegaonecommandcenter #alpha2omegafitness #alpha2omega q
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Day 29 Wasn't too exciting making a To Do Lift like Santa Clause because we are right around and going down the home stretch #omegaonecommandcenter #teamtransformers #alpha2omegafitness #alpha2omega
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The Legendary Animal was out of commission for a week with the flu however he came back like a crazed mad man Plié squat Mt climbers Lunge split jumps Crossbody mt climber Forward/side squat Front plank walk Star jumps In 24 minutes Monday (2 weeks ago) Grand total 888 Monday (today) Grand total 969 We do more in 30 minutes than most people do ALL day It's A Process #teamtransformers #transformers #legendaryanimal #transformation #alpha2omegafitness #alpha2omegatransformation #alpha2omega
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59 days Omega One Command Center #omegaonecommandcenter #teamtransformers #transformers #transformation #alpha2omegafitness #alpha2omega Watch http://bit.ly/omega1cc #omegaonecommandcenter #teamtransformers #teamalpha #teamtransformers
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Whatta session this morning Team Transformers welcome Miss Elizabeth and Annie part of the Money Fam #teamtransformers #teamalpha #transformers #transformation #alpha2omega #alpha2omegatransformation #alpha2omega #alpha2omegafitness #moneyfam #misselizabeth #annie #milliondollarman
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It's getting built Coming along wonderfully Omega One Command Center launching in less than 2 months Team Transformers membership website It's A Process #omegaonecommandcenter #teamtransformers #transformation #alpha2omegafitness #alpha2omega #alpha2omegatransformation
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Team Transformers member Commander Elfie did her thing this morning when she stepped up in the room😱 Sumo deadlift Tri side push-up (l) Elevated split squat (l) Tri side push-up (r) Elevated split squat (r) Tuesday Sumo Deadlifts- 83 Tricep push-ups 117 Elevated split squat-141 Grand total 341 Thursday 15/16/14/13/14/13-88 Triceps push-ups-147 Elevated split squat-176 Grand total 428 In one hour worth of work to work out 30 minute sessions she performed 769. The scary part is she still has one more workout session for the week😱 We do more in an hour than most people do ALL DAY It's A Process #teamtransformers #transformers #transformation #commanderelfie #alpha2omegatransformation #alpha2omegafitness #alpha2omega #fitnessmotivation
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The Lab Putting in work early Saturday morning before the start of the day. Even though they're squaring off against each other in the Thrilla in Manilla 2: St. Valentine's Day Massacre they still work together to make each other better. Now that's what teamwork is all about -Team Transformers We do more and 30 minutes than most people do ALL day Team Transformers is not army better yet a navy #teamalpha #alpha2omegafitness #alpha2omega #alpha2omegatransformation #teamtransformers #fitnessmotivation #transformation
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Revised update When I tell you Deception is on fiya , she's on fiya 🔥🔥🔥! In 24 hours has lost 2 pounds. she's lost 4 pounds in less than a month. she burns close to 3400 calories in a day or two. We do more in half a day they most people do ALL week We BREED champion Team Transformers is an army better yet a navy #teamtransformation #teamtransformers #transformers #transformation #teamalpha #alpha2omegatransformation #alpha2omega #alpha2omegafitness #teamalpha
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When I tell you Deception is on fiya , she's on fiya 🔥🔥🔥! In 24 hours has lost 2 pounds. she's lost 4 pounds in less than a month. she burns close to 3400 calories in a day or two. We do more in half a day they most people do ALL week We BREED champion Team Transformers is an army better yet a navy #teamtransformation #teamtransformers #transformers #transformation #teamalpha #alpha2omegatransformation #alpha2omega #alpha2omegafitness #teamalpha
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Welcome our newest member Ash Trae She is the newest teammate of Team Transformers and I look forward to great things in her horizons We BREED champions Team Transformers is an army better yet a navy #alpha2omegatransformation #alpha2omegafitness #teamtransformers #teamtransformer #transformation #alpha2omega
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Here we go yet again Deception of Team Transformers just heated up. In 2 sessions (One hour) has burned over 3000 calories. She's close to burning 2000 calories and we ain't even done with the day. This is what happens when you spend half an hour in the Success System! She's close to burning 2500 to 2600 before she retires for the night. We do more in 30 minutes than most people do ALL day We BREED champions Team Transformers is the army better yet a navy #teamtransformers #transformers #transformation #deception #fitnessmotivation #teamalpha #alpha2omegatransformation #alpha2omegafitness #alpha2omega
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Revision/ remix Transformation Spotlight Meet Transformer member Deception In 48 hours (2 days) she lost 2 lbs. in The Success System. She's only been in The Success System as a Transformer 2 weeks (6 30 minutes workout sessions "3 total hours") In her 1st day she burned over 2,400 calories by the time she went to sleep & another 813 the next day before noon on her rest day! 😱 We do more in 30 minutes than most people do ALL week We BREED champions It's A Process #transformers #transformation #transformer #teamtransformers #teamalpha #fitnessmotivation #fitnessjourney #alpha2omega #alpha2omegafitness #alpha2omegatransformation #deception
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