#alpha yuuri
whateverithinkof · 5 months
Daily Fanfic Rec (Day 5)
Yuri On Ice
Title: Victor Nikiforov is the pregnant omega that all other pregnant omegas hate (because of just how much his pregnancy AGREES with him)
Author: phlintandsteel
Words: 18,109
Chapters: 1
Completed?: Yes
" 'Are you eating Biscoff with a spoon right out of the jar?…' Yurio asked in disgust. 'Yurio, you get to judge my eating habits when you are eight months pregnant, and not a day before,' Victor said in a dangerously sweet voice. 'You know I'm an alpha,' Yurio spat back, 'I can't get pregnant, thank fuck.' 'Well I guess that means you'll never get to judge me then, doesn't it?' Victor smiled, licking his spoon again. Otabek put his hand on Yurio's shoulder before he could reply, shaking his head. 'Remember what happened the last time you made him cry.' 'That wasn't my fault!' Yurio scowled, crossing his arms, 'He's hormonal!' 'It matters less whose fault it really is, and more whose fault Yuuri thinks it is…' Otabek countered. The quick glance Yurio gave toward the kitchen belied exactly who the real head alpha of their loosely forming pack was. Victor smiled and went back to his snack."
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Very cute fic where Viktor's pregnancy goes as smoothly as it possibly could, and Yuuri is the protective alpha Viktor needs. (Featuring Yuuri, Viktor, Yuri, and Otabek in a pack together)
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overzealousshipper · 2 years
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Chapter 6
If Yuuri could go back and trace the events that stemmed from their renewed acquaintance, perhaps he would have allowed for fewer liberties and less familiarity between himself and the earl.
For though he had resolved to call Viktor a friend once more, it remained that Lord Yarmouth was far and above his own station, and theirs was an unconventional rapport.
The alpha’s attentions were such that flattered and charmed him, lulling him into a comfort reminiscent of their childhood—of summer skies and warm winter hearths. It made him oblivious to the picture they presented to the public, unaware of the risks to his reputation.
If he had known, perhaps Yuuri would have put a stop to it all before it began.
But then again, perhaps he would not.
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gaia-bessie · 2 years
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«Procedura automatica di identificazione: avviata».
La voce, metallica, risuona nella cabina in cui si sta svolgendo il processo di schedatura, con Yuuri che suda e si agita nella camicia che sua madre gli ha fatto infilare a forza: è una foto che finirà sulla tua pagina, ha dichiarato perentoria, il primo contatto tra te e il tuo futuro Alpha, mica vorrai fare brutta figura?
«Candidato: Katsuki Yuuri» scandisce il robot addetto all’identificazione. «Numero di matricola assegnato: Y8002346L. Età anagrafica: ventitré anni. Altezza attuale: centosettantatré centimetri. Gruppo sanguigno: A positivo».
Yuuri sospira, torcendosi le mani con aria nervosa. Fa decisamente troppo caldo, per quella camicia azzurrina, divenuta blu sulla schiena e sotto le ascelle.
«Occupazione: Disoccupato. Stato civile: Omega non legato» rumore di metallo cigolante. «Fissare la spia azzurra in attesa dell’attivazione fotocamera».
Click. Flash.
«L’Agenzia Gamma è lieta di darle il benvenuto» trilla una voce insolitamente umana. «La sua scheda verrà inoltrata al sistema informatico centrale ed, entro una decina di giorni, le verrà inviato il nominativo dell’Alpha per lei selezionato. L’Agenzia Gamma le augura una buona giornata».
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akwolfgrl · 7 months
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reallyromealone · 3 months
I am very sad.... (◞‸◟) This because you do not have a masterlist for Yuri on Ice. I love your child fic's ٩(^ᗜ^ )و ´- , and I want to request can you make omega child reader with Victor and Yuri? (Sorry if I spelt the name wrong)
Title: fight
Fandom: Yuuri on ice
Characters: Viktor, Yuuri, Yuri (mentioned)
Fic type: omegaverse
Pairings: viktuuri
Warnings: male reader, reader insert, child reader, Omega reader, omegaverse, slight angst
Viktor and Yuuri ended practice early, walking into the school seriously and still in skating gear on Yuuri's end, his skates and bag over his shoulder "who attacked our son?" Yuuri seethed, the Omega scanning the area to spot their seven year old sitting with a bruised cheek and muddied uniform, across was a young alpha boy of the same age who looked worse for wear, uniform messy and muddied and a grimase on his face.
Viktor watched Yuuri go mama bear while he went to check on their pup, the young Omega upset as his papa checked him over "you're little hellion attacked my son!" The Alpha boys sire screamed angrily and Yuuri turned his attention to the other, an alpha woman and beta husband "I want to see the camera footage" Yuuri snapped before the Alpha could scream any further.
"N-now..." The principal tried to calm the Omega "no no, my son doesn't just hit other kids, he knows better now show me the footage" Yuuri snapped and Viktor lifted his tiny pup into his arms, the boy silent as he clung to him.
The parents watched the footage intently, little (name) was minding his business with a few of his friends, the boy and the others were really interested in pokemon cards these days as Viktor always got him a few packets when shopping.
Then came a group of boys, the ringleader being the little alpha, (name) seemed confused as the Alpha boy tried to rip off his collar only for (name) to push him back to keep him at a distance, the Alpha boy growing angry and punching him while screaming something the parents weren't privy to as there was no audio.
"We will be pressing charges" Viktor spoke up, staring at the principal and parents seriously who looked horrified "unless your son formally apologizes, you all get therapy and there will be class transfers on your son's end" Viktor was a reasonable man, the others nodding aggressively with panic as there wasn't a family in the area who didn't know about the skating couple.
(Name) Was quiet on the drive home, Yuuri worried as be held Viktors hand and the two glanced at each other.
"Sweety, do you want to talk about it" Yuuri asked as he sat with his pup, the boy fidgeting and refusing to make eye contact "he said... That I'm just a worthless Omega... That papa only married you because omegas were stupid..." Yuuri remembered seeing the rest of the video as Viktor threatened the parents, (name) lunged at the boy.
"You know that's not true, right?" Yuuri whispered softly and Viktor came in with some hot coco, marshmallows and all for the boy "I know... I was just mad"
"Well we aren't happy that it got violent but I'm glad you stuck up for yourself, my smart wonderful little omega" Viktor kissed the boys forehead and (name) huffed "whatever..."
"You're sounding like your uncle now!" Viktor teased as the family turned on a movie, Yuuri going to get the boy some ice from his swollen cheek, just wanting to care for their pup.
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wizardsandangels · 3 months
yuri on ice fic recs
Hii there
Just found a new hiperfixation, i was in the yuri on ice fandom when I was on middle school, but after seeing a video of Yuzuru Hainyu skating making history, I watched the whole anime again.
Am so sad that the movie isn’t happening, so I filled the void by reading like 20 one shots and a bunch of large fics.
so...here are some of my favorite fics.
desclamer: am really into Yuuri/yuri and yuuri/yuri/victor
Fading Daisies by Tomatette
Hanahaki Disease Yuri is 22 age gap Major Illness Viktor is 34 angst with happy ending Aged-Up Yuri Plisetsky Age Difference Vomiting Vomiting Flowers Past Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov
Love Comes When You Least Expect It by foxy-voxy (voxangelus
Tags Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov/Yuri Plisetsky Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics Omegaverse Soulmates Soul Bond soul marks M/M/M Pre-Slash Future Fic this takes place 5 years post-canon
Love's Requiem by Kashoku
Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov
Katsuki Yuuri/Yuri Plisetsky
AngstHurt/Comfort Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism Emotional/Psychological Abuse Major Character Injury Injury Recovery Relationship Issues Domestic Disputes Break Up Divorce Happy Ending
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satyrykal · 6 months
He Walks in Beauty Like the Night
By Satyrykal
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Act II
Chapter 8: In Secret Kept (In Silence Sealed)
In their youth, Yuuri and Viktor were nigh inseparable—forgoing the company of others their own age to mingle instead with each other. Young as they were, neither set of parents tried to discourage their amity.
For the Katsukis, it was an honour to be so linked to a Great family. For the Ladies Hertford, they were beyond a care—beyond reproach and dismissive of petty rumours.
There was no discussion of propriety, for what harm could come from a boyhood friendship?
Alas, they were no longer children.
Alcester, Warwickshire – 25 th December 1815
As the moment settled and Yuuri realized what he had just agreed to, he found himself needing to sit down, massaging his temples. “I can hardly believe this, what has come over me?”
Viktor chuckled, seating himself beside his flustered new fiancé, keeping a respectful space between them.
“Likely my sparkling charm,” He answered smugly, undeterred by the unimpressed look the younger man sent him under his lashes.
“What will we do now? We cannot just announce it to the world, we have yet to ask for my father's blessing.” Yuuri paused then, dark eyes widening, “Vitya, do we have your mother’s blessing?”
The expression on the alpha’s face gave his answer and Yuuri leapt up, his footsteps muffled by the Persian carpet as he paced by the fireplace. “Do you mean to say no one knows you meant to propose? You made it sound like you had thought it through, that—that it was not a spur of the moment decision.”
Viktor rose at that, his hands raised placatingly. “I had thought it through, the idea came to me when we first met again in Brighton. I have not spoken to Mother because I wanted to be sure of your feelings first. I have no doubt they will respect my decision; they have always been fond of you.”
“My lord…” He trailed off, but the single word formed a complete sentence, both reproach and admonishment clear in his tone. The firelight threw his face into sharp relief.
The earl clucked his tongue, “None of that, you have just agreed to call me Vitya when we are alone.”
“Vitya,” This time his name was said with exasperation. “You are not nearly as concerned as you should be.”
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yoificfinder · 4 months
Hey! If you could please help me find a fic that would be amazing!!
I'm looking for a mainly Otayuri fic i saw on ao3 it also had some cute background parental/ older siblingy Vicyuuri. Its (I'm pretty sure) some form of A/B/O fic set in a fantacy/ royalty au where alpha Victor &Yuuri as kings has to marry off Yuri since hes and unmated omega and has someone in mind, but Yuris unhappy with just being married off, so calls for some old tradition where all the eligible candidates have to win a tournament to win his hand
In the first challenge of the tournament involving a chase, where Yuri has to run through a woods without getting caught and claimed, at first he does get caught by Leo (I think) but he tells yuri he wont claim him as he is already inlove with someone else, then let's him go. Eventually right near the end when yuri is almost at the finishing line he gets tackled by JJ but then Otabek tackles JJ off him? Then giving Yuri a look to run free
Eventually there are other Challenges and Otabek and Yuri get some very cute moments, I'm like 99% sure Otabek wins after a wrestling match????
Either way it ends with them getting married and its revealed that Otabek was the noble Victor and Yuuri were going to have him marry! Then theres a little prologue with Victyuuri announcing they are having a baby/ heir so Yuri dosnt have to worry about being heir anymore
If you could find this fic that would be amazing but no pressure of course, thankyou for your time!!
I hope someone else can help!
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itsfantasticac · 2 years
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Street Fighter Alpha 3 comics by Yuuri Fushimi, from a 1998 Comic Gamest compilation.
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whateverithinkof · 5 months
Daily Fanfic Rec (Day 9)
Yuri On Ice
Title: this is heaven in hiding
Author: persephoneggsy
Words: 5,117
Chapters: 1
Completed?: Yes
"Yuuri stares with a mix of horror, confusion, and oddly, delight at the small stick in his hands. Two blue lines stare back at him.
Oh, fuck."
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Yuuri finds himself pregnant- but something in his past makes him hesitant. Set in Bratva Viktor AU.
This story does talk about a past miscarriage, not the event in detail but it does talk about the character who had the miscarriage's feelings about the event.
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ao3feedvictuuri · 21 days
and then you learn to love yourself
by rosecosmos Yuuri Katsuki witnessed his long-time partner (not mate, because Ryu did not want to commit) balls deep in an omega woman and all his insecurities as a male omega emerged. Even when his family and friends were relieved the trash finally threw himself out of Yuuri's life, the omega struggled to move on and lost all the love for himself after he gave it to someone who did not deserve it. As Yuuri deconstructed his insecurities and try to get over the insecurity-rooted mindset that his ex-alpha would get back to him if he had breast implant surgery, he navigates life as a single omega and the process for self-love and healing. It was a bonus he met a hot alpha named Viktor by the end of it. (Inspired by the music video of сиськи by Leningrad.) Words: 18229, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Victor Nikiforov, Katsuki Yuuri, Phichit Chulanont, Yuri Plisetsky, Katsuki Yuuri's Family, Original Female Character(s) - Chihoko, Okukawa Minako, Original Male Character(s) Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Attempted Murder, Heartbreak, Moving On, Past Katsuki Yuuri/Original Male Character(s) - Freeform, Cheating, Involves Yuuri/OC, Body insecurity, Inspired by Music, Drunk Katsuki Yuuri, Omega Katsuki Yuuri, Alpha Victor Nikiforov, Beta Phichit Chulanont, Omega Yuri Plisetsky, Pregnant Yuri Plisetsky, background Otabek Altin/Yuri Plisetsky - Freeform, Fluff and Smut, Drunk Sex, Mildly Dubious Consent, because Yuuri and Viktor were tipsy, but they're sober after they woke up in the next scene, Knotting, Rough Sex, Developing Relationship, Weddings, brief mention of MPreg, Brief mention of male lactation, All characters are 20+, Background Mila Babicheva/Sara Crispino - Freeform, Implied Background Phichit Chulanont/Christophe Giacometti, Breeding Kink, love at first fuck for Viktor lmao, Possessive Language during sex, non-descriptive anxiety attack, no beta we die like ice adolescence via https://ift.tt/RyeBbrn
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Writing update
While there won't be any new meta for the time being, here's another update on the current state of my works because, first and foremost, I'm a writer.
Did My Heart Love 'Til Now
I have 45 out 186 scenes of the sequel to CYHMH left to revise. After my illness, I ramped up the pace a little. I'm still cutting unnecessary dialogue and descriptions but add some other stuff when it feels important, which is increasing the wordcount. I'm talking about adding <2k more words to a 330k work, so we're still below the 1% threshold.
When I decided to revise this story, I thought that it was utterly boring and with too much cute domestic Viktuuri and smut--nothing wrong with either, but I felt as if the plot was wanting. I'm quite content with the current work, although it still has a great portion of slice-of-life that dilutes the plot. While in my YOI novelisation slice-of-life made sense to fill the gaps between the episodes and to explore Yuuri and Viktor as well as their relationship, I still think that should be cut down in the sequel. I know I can do better.
Once this revision is done, I will hand it over to my beta of Thousands Spotlights for a first impression (you might call it an alpha-reading if such a thing exists). I don't want to put too much effort into something to find out that I must start from scratch again because it lacks wit and tension. But before I'm ready to have anyone else read this story, I want to have one last look at the smutty scenes as something has turned up I need to handle with utmost care (just as Viktor handles his precious Katsudon).
Speaking of handling with utmost care...
Can You Hear My Heartbeat
As this story is rapidly approaching the Cup of China aka the event at which Yuuri's true Eros shows for the first time, there are some small details in the upcoming chapters, which I must take care of when I will give these chapters their final edit. This won't delay the posting cycle, it's just another thing I will watch out for when I update those chapters for the last time. In addition to my beta of that story, the beta of Vitya's story will assist me with her expertise on the subject.
This whole thing is a little tricky as while I was writing the CYHMH, I unknowingly did something right I had no concept of at that time (we're talking about the period from 2021-2022 and a lot has happened since). Back then, I wrote what made the most sense regarding canon and added a little of my own experience where I could relate to the character's situation. And there was absolutely nothing wrong with that. But when you write about something you have no concept of, you are prone to adding common misconceptions or just produce utter bullshit, and thus I must put all the respective scenes under scrutiny. I'm really anxious to mess it up this time.
I'm sorry that this sounds very cryptic, but at this point it's all very half-baked and not yet at a stage where I can talk about it (I'm not even sure I want to). It's like accidentally writing an autistic-coded character before you know that you're autistic, but because you have no concept of autism, you add harmful stereotypes. (No, that didn't happen here, but you get the idea.)
Anyway, I hope that you will like the result!
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nsolsblog · 2 months
"Before you wake up!"
And this fanfic has come to an end! If you haven't read it yet, I hope you give it a chance. It is an old fanfic of mine that it was in spanish and I've rewritten in english.
Yuuri Katsuki is an Omega who just saved the Alpha of his dreams. While he is in a coma he will pretend to be his fiancé.
But what will happen when he wakes up and Yuuri realizes that he is now in love with his fiance´s brother?
AKA: A fic inspired from the film "While you were sleeping" with Sandra Bullock and Bill Pullman. Because...why not? This is one of my favorite movies and I am really into film-inspired fics.
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rueririn · 3 months
Hi I read the khr crossovers - but I just don't understand what nana is. in the skull story she is a kannagi but is she a shopkeeper like yuko from xxxholic? then what about watanuki? Also what is gamma?
The Florists of the Never Forget series
Hi! I guess I'll put a proper chronological order of events about what Nana is here. So first yes, Nana is a shopkeeper like Yuko from xxxHolic-- but in a different dimension.
for the AU, The CLAMP universe is the world of Hitsuzen. KHR is in the world of Dying Will. (Similarly, FMAB is the world of Truth. All different universes, so different shopkeepers. Technically the 'shopkeeper' of the FMAB universe is the door of truth itself.)
In the world of Dying Will, there are a hundred parallel timelines. Each timeline has a different shopkeeper (which is called a Kannagi). They are all the same person in a different incarnation. Less vital detail, but they are usually the holder of the Sky Mare Ring due to this dimension-supervising role they have.
Then there's the Inari. Basically the twin guards that protect her-- 'the mysterious bridge' connects to both the YuYuYu and KProject worlds to KHR. The shopkeeper can appear anywhere (but there's only one of her.) The Inari is one person with two bodies, one on each side of the bridge.
The shopkeeper can't leave the shop, so the Inari are basically her footsoldier/errand boys. They have much shorter lives than the Kannagi, but can exist across multiple timelines.
The first timeline's shopkeeper is Sakurai, and her timeline is the timeline of my Assassination Classroom OC fic, Outsider. There's no real relevance here except that she adopts the Second Reaper, Ran, at the end of their story, making Byakuran her first 'child'.
In the fourth timeline (Dahlia Dahlet), she marries into the Vongola and becomes Vongola 8th, Daniela's, mother. Daniela is actually also the second Inari, Beta, but that's only vaguely relevant. Beta is replaced by Gamma in the sixth timeline, and continues to serve her all the way through to the seventh timeline so far.
The sixth shopkeeper (Sia Campanula) is the timeline where As the Gods Will's god selection happens -- this timeline is abandoned at the end of their story, where Luce travels back in time, Daisy becomes god, Oregano and Lanchia move on to the seventh timeline, and Killian Campbell joins Byakuran as his Cloud Funeral Wreath.
Since the sixth timeline's been abandoned and the shopkeeper is gone, Gamma has been basically maintaining the balance on his own. Alpha and Delta's stories haven't been written yet, but they will also be canon characters.
Ran (Byakuran) was entrusted with the 100th timeline. But because that's the timeline Irie messed up with his time-travelling experiments, it was destroyed.
Now we have the seventh shopkeeper, Yuuri Nana. This is the canon timeline. It is the timeline with the most amount of dimensional whiplash due to the events of the FMAB installment. to maintain the order, Nana gives up her role as the shopkeeper and marries Iemitsu, settling down and giving birth to the first of her children that's fully human and of this world-- Tsuna.
Since then, Nana's Sky Mare Ring has been entrusted to Byakuran, who now governs the seventh timeline's future. This is because Byakuran made a deal with Ms Sakurai, and now he's ordained by destiny to become the villain of Tsuna's story.
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neutronice · 1 year
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Yuuri and the Three Fae Ch6/6: A Name, Freely Given is online!
Summary: It has happened. Yuuri has experienced his heat in the hands of an alpha for the first time. And in that moment, everything changes. Yuuri finds his fate, and for the first time, shares his dreams with another.
I've done it! Yuuri and the Three Fae is now complete! It was an ABO fairy tale adventure written for my dear friend @katsukiyuuri's bday, and now after many months and many mis-estimations of how many chapters were left, it's finished!
There is some absolutely gorgeous art by @bullsfish interlaced, if you would like to see!
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puuvillaa · 1 year
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you for tagging me @squintclover! This was fun
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently hp and occasionally haikyuu
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Neither Hide Nor Hair (wolfstar, 28.1k, E, unregistered werewolf Remus unwittingly sleeps with Auror Sirius)
Smells Like a Promise (iwaoi, 4.1k, E, omegaverse, secret omega Iwaizumi)
Possessive (iwaoi, 1.9k, E, omegaverse, o!iwa and a!oikawa, I don’t remember what happens in this one)
Facing the Truth (iwaoi, 1.7k, E, omegaverse, Oikawa didn’t know Iwaizumi is an omega for some reason)
On the Run/True Freedom (vikyuu, 84.8k, E, omegaverse, omega Viktor on the run is kidnapped by alpha Yuuri's staff)
I find it extremely funny that only one of these isn't omegaverse
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! I've always liked that little interaction that I can have with people. Sometimes I'm slow, though, because I only answer comments on the computer, and I need to have enough social energy to do it.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending
I don’t properly remember my fics other than the hp ones, so out of all my hp fics, the one with the saddest ending is probably Missing
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Once again, I'm only looking at my hp fics, and discovering that I don’t always tag the happy endings because there's no way I've written so few happy endings. I think I'm going to say Finding Home
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Very rarely. Which is a bit surprising considering some of the stuff I've written
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes. All kinds. I used to exclusively write smut
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
No. I just never really understood the appeal
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes, one of my kinktober fics. They just changed the characters
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Once. I've also translated a few of my fics myself
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. I'm not sure if I could
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Well, I guess the pairing I've liked for the longest time is bokukuro. Or iwaoi. But they don’t really feel like all-time favourites because I'm currently not as into haikyuu as I used to be
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I haven’t really given up hope on any of the wips I want to finish. I give up hope when I stop wanting to finish them. But I have a few wips that are over 2 years old at this point, and the likelihood of me continuing them is a bit low. There's one in which Remus rescues Sirius from beyond the veil, one with Healer Sirius, a texting fic, and one that I call "werewolf Remus" which tells you absolutely nothing about the fic
16. What are your writing strengths?
Emotions. Dialogue
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptions 100%
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I'm not a big fan
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Teenaged Emel was writing hp fics with het pairings 20 years ago. The first fandom I actually posted fics for was Death Note
20. Favorite fic you've written?
It's currently The Werewolf Hunt
Tagging @plecotusauritus @wildkitte @theresthesnitch @impishtubist
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