#alpha jesse mccree
love-of-fandoms · 4 years
Cherry Blossoms (Hanzo Shimada + OC) Chapter 12
Chapter 12 of Cherry Blossoms (Master List)
Pairing: Alpha Hanzo + Omega OC
Word Count: 2489 words
The long awaited day had finally arrived. And Jack Morrison was surprisingly into Halloween. Not that he would ever openly admit to enjoying the holiday.
“Wow!” Danny gasped when she saw the alpha’s costume splayed out alongside the copious amounts of fake blood and costume makeup he had bought for the occasion. What looked like it had once been a t-shirt was now just a tattered cloth with sleeves and a hole to put his head through, and some cargo pants had been cut within an inch of their life. 
“Yeah, yeah,” Jack scoffed, waving his hand dismissively. “Just do my makeup, kid,” he commanded, and Danny sighed, motioning for him to sit in front of her. He did so, and Danny got to work. She first made his whole face pale with a powdery makeup he had gotten for the occasion, and then made the hollows around his eyes much darker. She added some purple on his cheekbones to make his face look more gaunt, and then stopped to study his face for a minute.
“Do you mind if I put the fake blood and gashes over your scars? They’d make good guides,” she asked, and Jack nodded, the corner of his lip quirking up.
“Go ahead,” Danny smiled at him and went to do just that. “You’re gonna be a badass zombie,” she muttered a couple minutes later, dripping some fake blood down his neck. He chuckled.
“I’m badass no matter what I am,” he countered, and Danny hummed in agreement, withholding her giggle so she didn’t shake and mess up his makeup. 
“Alright, you still want to be a tree?” Danny asked, and Bastion nodded. “Lovely!” Danny beamed, handing Bastion a paint bucket. “Can you open this? Be careful and try not to spill it!” she asked, and Bastion nodded again, grabbing the paint bucket and gently prying it open. “Thanks love!” she chirped, and Bastion responded with a series of happy beeps. Bastion handed her the bucket again, and Danny gently placed it down on a table, before dunking her hand in the bucket. She began spreading the paint over Bastion’s arms and chest piece, putting little lines to make it look a bit like tree bark.
A little less than an hour later, Bastion had been painted brown. The paint would be easy to take off, they just needed to wipe it off with a hot face cloth. Danny glued leaves around Bastion before having them heat up. Bastion could regulate their temperature, and so they could heat themselves up to dry the paint.
“You look great!” Danny beamed, and Bastion chirped, giving her a thumbs up. “I’m gonna go get ready, remember the party’s at six!” she called over her shoulder as she left down the hall. Bastion beeped an affirmative after her.
After Danny had finished helping Bastion with their costume, she retreated to her room to put together her own. She put some earrings on, she had made them out of the gears Hanzo had gotten her. Danny quickly did her makeup, which just consisted of some eyeliner and bright red lipstick on her face, but then she added some gold and silver shimmering lines along her chest so they looked like veins. Some of them went down her arms and stopped just at the crook of her elbow. After spraying some setting spray all over the lines, she slipped into her sleeveless black dress, which was fitted around the bust and flew out in a bunch of layers of fabric around her legs. There was a long slit going up to her upper thigh that she had initially been nervous about, but she was feeling herself. It was Halloween! Anything goes! She placed her witch’s hat on her head. She had glued tiny gears all around the brim and the base of the hat. She then hung some goggles around her neck, and slipped on her clunky brown boots she had chosen to go with the costume.
After doing a quick twirl in front of the mirror, grinning from ear to ear, Danny exitted her room, peeking around the hallway before crossing to Jesse’s door and banging on it.
“Jesse!” she shouted through the door. “Are you ready?” It opened a moment later, revealing Jesse in a wolf ear headband and a big black overcoat with rips along the arms where some fake fur had been shoved through. His face, which had brown makeup running down from his hairline to make it look like he was much more hairy than he actually was, sported a scowl as he itched at the fur peaking through the coat.
“Yeah, I’m ready,” he said, his face pinching as he adjusted the coat a bit, before it relaxed. “There we go,” he muttered, and Danny smiled, reaching through the doorway and grabbing his hand.
“Great!” she beamed, dragging him out and into the hallway. “Let’s go!” Jesse chuckled, allowing himself to be pulled down the hall towards the common area, where Danny and Lena had set up the Overwatch Halloween Party. They had kicked everyone out early that morning and denied anyone access until 6 pm, when the party started.
“Danny!” Lena called from in front of the large archway leading to the common area. It had been covered by two heavy red velvet curtains, they had Winston to thank for hanging them.
“You ready?” Danny asked excitedly, making her way over to the woman, who had been on guard duty. She was dressed in some white leggings and a waistcoat. A pocket watch was chained to one end of the waistcoat and rested in the pocket on the other side, and on her head was a headband with two bunny ears sticking out from the top.
“Ready, love!” Tracer nodded, bouncing on the balls of her feet. Danny nodded, and dove through the curtain with Tracer.
“Come on!” Danny called back, and the other members of Overwatch, who had gathered in the hallway, slowly made their way into the transformed common area.
Everyone’s jaws dropped as they saw what Danny and Lena had done to the space in less than 10 hours. The tables had been pushed to the edges of the room, with spider web table clothes covering them. Snacks were scattered around the tables as well as a punch bowl with what looked like eyeballs floating around in it. The couches had been moved more towards the center, set up in a relaxed semicircle. A coffee table with a crystal ball in the center lay between a couple of the couches, with eyeballs on a tray right next to the crystal ball.
(The eyeballs on the tray were really just buckeyes, chocolate covered peanut butter balls, that Lena and Danny had painted with some edible paint)
Jesse let out a low whistle.
“Quite a set up,” he said, going to tip his hat to Lena and Danny, only to remember it wasn’t there. Danny and Lena both beamed.
“Thanks!” Danny chirped, before spreading her arms wide and addressing the crowd. “Welcome to the Overwatch Halloween Party! We got snacks, drinks, and fun drinks, so go crazy!” There were some cheers and people dispersed throughout the room. Lucio, sporting a classic buccaneer outfit and a large golden hoop dangling from one ear, went straight over to a DJ table Lena and Danny had set up for him. He had begged them to let him DJ and they had agreed, though they had a list of required songs he had to play for them:
Monster Mash
Cha Cha Slide
He had agreed easily to their demands.
Jesse, who had stuck next to Danny, elbowed her in the ribs lightly.
“What?” she asked, looking up at him, but he said nothing and just jutted his chin towards the door. Danny followed his gaze and had to clench her jaw to keep it from dropping at the sight.
Hanzo and Genji had walked in. Genji was wearing a stereotypical ninja costume with a red sash around his head, and Hanzo… 
Hanzo was wearing a nice black suit that was fitted perfectly to his body. A blood red shirt was under the suit jacket as well as a black tie, and over the knot of the tie was a skull. He was wearing a top hat with a sash around the base. The sash was covered in skulls, and two tails for the sash fell behind his head. In his hand he gripped a cane with a skull on the top. 
He looked good.
Danny raced over to the Shimada brothers.
“You guys look great!” she gushed, looking between the two, however her stare lingered on Hanzo a little longer than it perhaps should have. Jesse made his way over a little slower than Danny, much calmer. She tilted her head back so she could look up and meet Hanzo’s eyes. “You’re a witch doctor?” she asked, and Hanzo nodded, a bit of pink dusting his cheeks.
“Yes,” he said, and Danny beamed.
“So we’re twinning!” she held up a peace sign, and Hanzo’s shoulders seemed to relax as he let out a chuckle.
“Yes, we are,” he agreed after a moment.
All four of them jumped when the music suddenly started up, and the Monster Mash started playing in the background. Danny grinned, turning around and giving Lucio a thumbs up. He nodded at her and smiled back. Danny then looked around, and gasped when she saw Reinhardt.
“No way!” she muttered before bounding over to him. Jesse, Genji, and Hanzo all exchanged looks as they slowly followed after her. “Reinhardt!” Danny called, and the knight turned to look at her. He was covered in a brown furry suit, and a sash was over one shoulder while a crossbow was over the other. “You’re Chewbacca?” she beamed, and Reinhardt nodded with a laugh.
“Of course!” he said, before reaching behind him and tugging. Torbjörn begrudgingly allowed himself to be pulled into view by Reinhardt. Danny’s grin widened when she saw his Han Solo costume.
“Oh that’s awesome!” she cheered. “Is there a Luke and Leia?” she asked, and Reinhardt laughed, pointing to the side. Danny followed his finger to see Brigitte speaking to Lena in an all white dress, and her hair was in two gigantic buns on either side of her head. “Hell yeah,” she muttered to herself.
Before they could converse any further, Danny was gasping and racing over to Winston, who had just crouched down and through the doorway.
“No!” she shouted, running up to the scientist. “No way!” she laughed, and Winston gave her a sheepish smile. Jesse and Hanzo exchanged exasperated, but fond looks as they changed directions and headed towards Winston, giving Reinhardt and Torbjörn nods in greeting.
“Athena suggested it,” he shrugged, and Danny’s hand rose to her mouth, trying to contain her sniggers.
“Athena suggested-” she had to cut herself off with a burst of laughter. “Athena suggested you be a jar of peanut butter?” Winston nodded his head, the giant teal cap on top tilting down with it. 
“So, are you… chunky or smooth?” Genji asked, giggling, and Danny reached over to thwack him on the back of his head. “Ow!” his hand rose to rub at where she hit, and he shot Danny a dirty look. Winston just levelled them both with an unimpressed stare. He didn’t even grace Genji with an answer, instead turning and walking away to join Lena and Angela across the room. The blonde medic was wearing an elegant victorian dress, and her lips were painted blood red. Occasionally one could see two fangs peeking out from between said lips. Danny pouted at Genji.
“You jerk!” she groaned jokingly, heading towards one of the snack tables and pouring herself some punch,
“It was an honest question!” Genji shot back, and Danny rolled her eyes.
“Sure it was,” she giggled, shaking her head at him. She jumped when she felt a bit of heat at her back, looking over her shoulder to see Hanzo standing right behind her. He looked at her cup.
“What is that?” he asked, and Danny snorted.
“Blood,” she answered, only to be met with an unimpressed look by Hanzo. She pouted at his lack of response. “No fun,” the corner of Hanzo’s lips quirked up into a small .smirk.
“I’m fun!” he argued lightheartedly, and Danny narrowed her eyes at him.
“Whatever you say, sweetheart,” she said with a grin, pouring another cup of punch and turning to hand it to him. “Bet you’re more fun with some alcohol in you!” she chirped teasingly, shoving it into his hand. Hanzo sighed, raising the cup to his nose to give the red punch a sniff. Smelling nothing off, Hanzo took a sip of the punch, and let out a pleased hum.
“It’s good,” he said, and Danny grinned.
“Good!” she cheered. Hanzo smiled down at her, and Danny had the passive thought that he was quite handsome in a top hat…
“So this is something new, Casper slide part two…” Danny broke out into a grin, her free hand reaching out to grab Hanzo’s arm.
“Come on!” she cheered, dragging him over to the open space that they had allocated for dancing. Others were also lining up for the song, and Hanzo was staring at Danny, so lost. She giggled, and plucked his drink out of his hand, plopping it down on one of the coffee tables with her own. 
“Everybody clap your hands…” people began to clap to the rhythm, and Hanzo jumped, looking at Danny questioningly.
“It’s the cha cha slide! A group dance!” she cheered, and he just tilted his head.
“What?” he muttered, and Danny giggled.
“It’s self explanatory,” she said to him, and he continued to stare blankly at her. She rolled her eyes playfully, grabbing his hand in her own. “Just do what I do!” she urged him.
“To the left!” Danny stepped to the left, pulling on Hanzo’s hand so he did it with her. “Take it back now y’all!” she stepped back, again dragging Hanzo with her. She accidentally bumped into Lena, who grinned at her. “One hop this time!” they both jumped in the air, though Hanzo stayed firmly on the ground.
“What is this?” he asked Danny, who stomped with the command as it came.
“A classic party dance!” she said to him, beginning to do a silly dance as the actual cha cha part came on. Hanzo just stared quizzically at her, but she shook her head, reaching over and grabbing his other hand to try and get him to dance with her. “Come on Hanzo! Dance with me!” she pleaded, pouting and widening her eyes. Hanzo stared at her for a moment, unmoving, before he started to nod his head a little. Danny grinned, giving him a quick hug before pulling back “I’ll take it!”
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overdrugs-mayhem · 6 years
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Hanzo staged the whole thing, he didn't really trust the new arrival so he persuades to talk with some really... convincing methods. ( ͡°( ͡° ͜ʖ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ʖ ͡°) ͡°) Jesse ended up in the trap like a fool. Genji was in the room the whole time, as Hanzo requested, ready to act. After all the “Twin Dragons” didn’t become one of the most famous criminal groups for nothing... Of course that Jesse is undercover... but not for the Deadlock as they think ;) << Previously on the Criminalverse AU [soundtrack sexy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGklGkkK5zw]
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tacticalvisor76 · 6 years
I need omega!mchanzo (separate and poly if possible) with an alpha!reader nsfw hdcs pleeaassee?! -Sarah
a/n: here you go! i had fun coming up with these so i hope that you enjoy these! made the single one’s for each boy sfw till the last bullet where their nsfw-ish, but the poly is all nsfw. 
Omega McCree: 
Jesse is clingy af when his Heat’s get closer, so clingy that you’ve found it better to just move your work into his room, and this just makes his day. So expect to have McCree’s hands on your body or his pressed flush against yours. 
Loves spending that extra quality time with his Alpha when they are able to. Have some downtime between missions? Expect Jesse to drag you out on a date off base, or to hunker down for some popcorn and cuddling in your room. 
Loves being praised in bed and will do/say whatever he can to be rewarded with more praise. Know’s how to turn you on to get exactly what he wants at that moment. 
Omega Hanzo
Is a little bit needy for his Alpha’s touch, attention, and affection, Hanzo melts into you whenever you give him exactly what he wants from you at that moment. Is happy that he doesn’t have to ask for it, as to how needy he becomes when his Heat nears makes him upset. 
The cuddle bug inside of Hanzo really comes out when he wants to Scent his Alpha and keep other’s away from you, a silent reminder to those who tread to close to you that you are his and he is yours. 
Loves begging, found that it’s something he enjoys when the two of you are having sex. Especially loves it when he knows that you will fuck him all good, nice and hard into the bed so he doesn’t have to think. 
Poly Omega McHanzo: 
The boys have to wait their turn for your knot, and boy do they hate it. Both of them hate the fake knotting dildo’s that you bought them, preferring the real deal. So you really have to mix it up to keep both of them happy. 
Often letting one fuck themselves on your knot while you eat the other out, or use any number of toys on them. Letting one finger fuck themselves into a frenzy while fucking the other. Or just let them fuck each other while watching them before lapping up at their slick, sampling both of them before giving them what they want. 
Jesse is very, very vocal not only in what he wants but when you’re fucking him senseless into the mattress. Expect for everyone to hear Jesse on the base if you were unable to move to the soundproof room before his Heat started. 
Smelling Jesse’s Heat, his own and your Scent often throw Hanzo into a frenzy, especially when both of you are working on him together. Hanzo dissolves into broken Japanese while trying to chase the release that both you and Jesse are helping him to work towards reaching. 
The only time either of them is satisfied with the fake knotting dildos is when both of them want to be knotted at the same time, so one of them wears the strap on one, while you fuck hard into the other one, every snap of your hips helping the other push into the other with just the right amount that gets’s both of them mewling in delight and exchanging sloppy kisses. 
Both boys are very sensitive after being Knotted, even the most gentle of movements and lightest of touches send a ripple of pleasure through them and another orgasm. Using this known fact every now and again make Hanzo and Jesse both very happy. 
Dirty talking is something Hanzo and Jesse will wholeheartedly use when they want you to take them as hard, and as fast as you can. ‘Come on Alpha, fill up these pretty little holes of your Omega’s real nice and good.’ is something that Jesse and Hanzo will both use variations of it. 
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"You're the worst, Jesse McCree!" You screamed, throwing a plate at him. "I'm not your little lady!" He shouted back at you: " That's not what I mean! I'm just sayin' that you could be less stubborn!"
Again two asks, that I can combine c: I'm gonna mix them a little so they're not gonna be exactly like that. Hope that's fine with you guys c:
And thank you sooo much anon! It's so nice to hear c:
"Oh ME?! So I'M the problem here, Mr. "I-flirt-with-every-Omega-on-the-street!" I saw how you looked at that Asian guy!" Jesse dragged his hand down his face, shaking his head. "I'm not gonna argue about this or I might do things I regret." He grabbed his hat and turned to leave.
"Sure! Just avoid conversations like you always do!", you screamed at him and walked after him. He turned around, standing right in front of you. He didn't touch you at all. "I expect you to be calmer when I'm come back." he hissed, smashing the door closed behind him. You didn't know where he went, you just knew that he was gone.
For how long? No clue. A day passed. Nothing. Another day. You called him. You were worried and everything had piled up on that day. You started to shiver. Was he ignoring you? Did he leave you alone? His mate?
Another day. Not even a text. Even after the times you texted him. He had shut you out. Or maybe.. He needed his time? Maybe... Maybe he'd be back tomorrow?
Your heat started the morning after. You started crying. You longed for him, you needed him. You needed your lovely cowboy back. Curdling into a ball in bed, you laid there, whimpering. This was the worst feeling for an Omega. Their alpha leaving them.
Every muscle in your body ached for Jesse, every thought revolved around him.. and you were certain that he wouldn't come back. You couldn't stop sobbing, feeling disgusting about yourself. You didn't get out of bed at all. Maybe another Alpha would find you... maybe they would take you and end your misery.
You learned that after being abandoned by your mate, you are useless as an Omega. There is no purpose in your life, you can't just "change your mate." If you break the bond, it is possible but this way? You'd either die or completely lose your mind, become apatic.
You probably deserved it, treating him like this. You probably deserved to be useless. Your body was in pain now, literally aching for Jesse. For his touch, his hugs, his kisses, his voice.
You didn't hear the door opening. You didn't notice the man standing in your doorframe, you only smelt his scent. The strong pheromones paired with the sweet smell of cigars and the harsh bite of whiskey. Your eyes were puffy so you didn't even look up at him. You couldn't move, it was like your body was cramped in this position.
"Hey baby.", he whispered, laying his arms around you, starting to kiss your neck. "I'm here. Don't cry, sweet pea. I'm here." He bit into your neck which like a spell loosened your muscles. You slowly turned around, wrapping your arms around him, crying into his chest. "I-m so- so sorry..." You sobbed and held him tight.
His scent helped you to calm down, you could finally rest. "I'm sorry too, sweetheart. Tomorrow I'm gonna take care of you, alright?" You nodded into his chest and started to fall asleep.
This never happened again. You never ever felt abandoned again. Jesse made sure. He couldn't bare to see you like this.
Yay! What do you guys think? C:
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sketchyelvenasss · 5 years
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Overwatch (Video Game) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Jesse McCree/Hanzo Shimada Characters: Hanzo Shimada, Jesse McCree, Genji Shimada, Angela "Mercy" Ziegler, Hana "D.Va" Song, Original Overwatch Agent(s), Reaper | Gabriel Reyes Additional Tags: Dubious Consent, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha/Beta, Alpha Hanzo Shimada, Okami Hanzo Shimada, Beta Jesse McCree, Omega Genji Shimada, Human Genji Shimada, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Rutting, Knotting, Anal Sex, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Mating Bites Summary:
Jesse has a burning crush on an older Alpha Hanzo, but he's just a Beta. It could never work. Growing up traditionally Hanzo most defiantly wanted an exemplary small and submissive Omega. But Jesse doesn't know everything about what led the Shimada brothers to flee their country and join Overwatch. He doesn't know about the shadows that stalk Hanzo waiting to strike.
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xdeath-blossomx · 6 years
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uniqueficrecs · 6 years
Overwatch - McHanzo - Bittersweet A/B/O
Oh my beloved Omegaverse. You’re filled with annoying cliches and trash, but at the same time have so many gems hidden away. Right off the bat, most A/B/O AUs are intended to have a happy ending, unless it’s a dark and twisted fic. So imagine my surprise to see a bittersweet, not-so-happy ending fic.
Cloudy Skies by HotDogandFries (Angst, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Rare Relationship, Realistic, Mpreg, Short)
(Shimada brothers-centric) They used to be the best of friends.
But now Hanzo's turning eighteen, and Genji's left feeling like he doesn't have much of a place in his older brother's life anymore.
When Hanzo returns from an overseas meeting heartbroken and pregnant with some Blackwatch alpha's child though, Genji finds himself the single person left on the planet that still has his brother's back. And who is Jesse McCree anyways?
Review: In stories of ‘forbidden love’ you expect a ton of drama that results in a happy ending. You’d expect Young McCree and Hanzo to meet and fall in love followed by many chapters of them struggling to stay together despite one being in Blackwatch and the other in the Yakuza. Nope. Not Here. This is painfully realistic on what would happen if those lovesick fools mated in a fit of rushed love and Omega!Hanzo gets knocked up. The entire story is in flashback form, McCree and Hanzo meeting again after being forcibly removed after mating decades ago. It’s a short story mostly from Genji’s point of view as he stands by his brother as he carries a child that will immediately be given away when born. The ending is bittersweet and, while it doesn’t leave you crying, it sure as hell doesn’t give you the warm and fuzzies. 
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abo-overwatchclosed · 7 years
Alpha!Hero HC & Reader's Heat
•The type to refer to his lover as "My Omega"
•Extremely doting when you are in heat. To the point you have to shoo him away so you can finish your nest
•Loves it when you steal his t-shirts and pillowcases to build your nest with
•Will cook fresh meals everyday of your heat to keep your strength up
•Because he knows for the days after you won't be moving much from bed
•Feigns concern and real remorse for being too rough
•Secretly likes to see you limp around, but would never admit it
•Will always redress you after so he can enjoy taking your clothes off again piece by piece
•Hates to do the laundry during because he can't spend a second away from you
•But likes giving you baths and washing your body
•Its not just for washing
•When the weather is cool, will take out a blanket so you can enjoy a night under the stars
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grimxark · 7 years
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Bday gift for my best friend!!
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what-if-i-play · 3 years
Weak Kneed
Ao3 Link
Rating: Not Rated
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen, M/M
Fandom: Overwatch (Video Game)
Relationships: Jesse McCree/Hanzo Shimada, Genji Shimada & Hanzo Shimada, Jesse McCree & Genji Shimada
Characters: Genji Shimada, Hanzo Shimada, Jesse McCree, Original Child Character(s), Sojiro Shimada
Additional Tags: Whumptober 2021, day 24: one down two to go, Childbirth, Implied/Referenced Jesse McCree/Genji Shimada, No cheating, Hospitals, Possible Character Death, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Omega Verse, Omega Jesse McCree, Alpha Hanzo Shimada, Alpha Genji Shimada
Series: ← Previous Work Part 21 of the whumptober 2021 series, Part 1 of the Still Shinning series Next Work →
After Hanzo and Genji get into a bad argument that gets physical, Jesse goes into premature labor with his and Hanzo's triplets.
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love-of-fandoms · 4 years
Cherry Blossoms (Hanzo Shimada + OC) Chapter 10
Chapter 10 of Cherry Blossoms (Master List)
Pairing: Alpha Hanzo + Omega OC
Word Count: 2336 words
Mei didn’t get the knotting vibrator to Danny until 2 days after her heat started.
Her heat didn’t end for another 6 days.
It was pure hell.
“Danny?” Jesse stood at the sight of his adopted little sister stumbling into the common area 8 days after she had frantically called him to say she was out of suppressants. Her hair was wet as though she had just gotten out of the shower(she had, it was very difficult to shower during a heat) and she was wearing an oversized hoodie and some leggings. There were bags under her eyes, and her cheeks appeared to be permanently red.
“Hi Jesse,” she croaked, accepting the cup of hot water that Soldier 76 had poured for her as soon as he caught a whiff of her scent approaching. “Thank you,” she murmured to the taller man, placing two tea bags in and making her way over to where Jesse, Genji, and Hanzo sat. He grunted at her reassuringly, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder before allowing her to walk away. Her cheeks were a bright pink as she sat down, refusing to make eye contact with anyone, and Jesse sighed.
“How ya feeling, sweetpea?” he asked, tugging her closer to him so he could wrap her up in a hug. She sighed.
“Like shit,” she muttered against his poncho, relaxing her body against his before furrowing her brows and abruptly pulling away. “How long are heats even supposed to last?” she asked him in a whisper, though she wasn’t quiet enough, and Genji and Hanzo exchanged worried looks. Jesse coughed, a flush coming up his neck.
“Er… I’ve heard it’s usually 5 days?” he said, though his voice raised at the end as if it were a question. As an alpha, he probably had less knowledge than Danny did on the subject. Danny groaned.
“I fucking hate my body,” she muttered grouchily with a pout, taking a sip of her tea. The men sitting with her exchanged looks that were a mix of uncomfortable and empathetic. “Like why the fuck did it last 8 days? Goddamn,” she jumped when Angela cleared her throat behind her. She turned to face the alpha, who smiled gently down at her.
“I think I can explain that,” she said, holding out her hand to the newly revealed omega. “Come with me,” Danny looked back at Jesse, who nodded encouragingly, and reluctantly stood from her seat, placing her hand in Angela’s and allowing herself to be led out of the common area and towards Angela’s med lab.
When they reached the lab, Angela had Danny sit down. “I had Jesse tell me what suppressants you were on,” Angela began, and Danny nodded hesitantly. “Those suppressants are illegal for a reason, Danny,” she said, and Danny almost couldn’t bear the disapproving stare. Her cheeks flushed, though whether it was from embarrassment or some sort of defensive agitation it was hard to tell.
“It wasn’t my choice,” she muttered defensively, and Angela’s head tilted.
“What?” she asked, brows pinched together in confusion, and Danny turned her head away, refusing to meet the alpha’s gaze. She had blurted the revelation impulsively, and she was by no means ready or willing to unpack it with Angela.
“It doesn’t matter,” she whispered, and Angela sighed, but respectfully moved on, realizing that this was a subject Danny definitely didn’t want to talk about.
“The suppressants are designed for short term use, as in to stave off a heat for a week or two. They technically aren’t even classed as suppressants, instead they’re a higher level in the same class called heat blockers, which are really only supposed to be used in emergencies, say if an omega is going into heat and doesn’t have a safe space to have it in,” Angela explained. “The fact that you’ve been on them since you presented is incredibly dangerous,” she said, before pulling out a needle and a vial. “Do you mind if I take a blood sample? I want to make sure that it didn’t leave any leftover effects,” Danny nodded, holding out her arm for the doctor.
“Yeah, sure,” she murmured, and Angela was quick to find a vein and draw a vial of blood. If Danny hadn’t been preoccupied with her thoughts, she would’ve been passively impressed with how efficient Angela was. She put a drop of blood on a slide and placed it into a machine immediately, and her eyes widened at what popped up on the screen in front of her.
“Danny…” she began hesitantly. “How long exactly has it been since you presented?” she asked, and Danny sighed.
“I presented when I was 12 years old, so it’s been 10 years,” she explained, and Angela’s eyes widened further.
“So young…”
“I know,” Danny sighed  once more. Angela shook her head as if to clear it before focusing on the results on her screen once more.
“Danny, if you go back on those suppressants, they will kill you,” she said bluntly, and Danny’s eyes widened.
“What?” she gasped, and Angela nodded gravely.
“The absence of the drug flooded your body with the omega hormones that have been suppressed all this time, and taking the hormones away again will send your body into shock,” she explained. “That’s also why your heat was so long,”
“So-” Danny cut herself off with a heavy sigh. “I can’t go back on any suppressants really,” she surmised, and Angela nodded.
“Yes,” she confirmed. To her surprise, a tear found its way down Danny’s cheek. “Danny?” she called gently, grabbing the girl’s hand to hold in her own. With the scent blockers, Danny had been practically a beta in almost every sense, including that her scent was much fainter, and it didn’t act up with strong emotions. Now, however, the scent of distressed omega was flooding the room, and Angela wanted nothing more than to fix it somehow.
“I don’t know how to be an omega,” Danny muttered anxiously, and Angela scooted closer, giving her hand a squeeze.
“You’re not alone, Danny,” she reminded her. “And it won’t be much different really,” she tried to assure her. “You’ll just go through heats, and people will be able to smell your natural scent,” Danny cringed at that.
“Do I smell… bad?” she asked, eyes flitting around the room and avoiding Angela’s form, and the doctor’s brows furrowed.
“What?” Danny fidgeted in her seat, eyes glancing away.
“I mean… something must be… off? Right? After so long on suppressants? Do I smell bad?” she tried to explain herself, but she was clearly unsure if she was making sense. Angela shook her head quickly, her own cheeks a bit pink as she deliberately sniffed the air. Scents were an intimate thing between omegas and alphas, and as such they weren’t really… talked about. It was considered taboo to speak about one’s scent with anyone but their mate.
“You don’t smell bad, Danny,” she assured her. “I mean, at the moment you smell like distressed omega, which isn’t pleasant,” Danny cringed, and Angela flinched, quickly trying to remedy her wording. Her usually cool under pressure demeanor was faltering, unsure how to handle this situation. “But your natural scent is actually very pleasant, nothing about it is… wrong,” Angela was fidgeting now, the scent of distressed omega still crowding the whole room and filling the alpha with the urge to comfort Danny. It was so strong that Angela had the urge to wrap the smaller omega up in her arms and press her face to her scent gland until the calming scent of an alpha grounded her. But she quickly squashed that urge. Danny nodded hesitantly at Angela’s assurance.
“O-okay,” she muttered, awkwardly glancing away again. “C-can I go now?” she asked quietly, and Angela nodded, opting not to say anything and instead releasing her hand after one final squeeze.
Almost as soon as Danny returned to the common area, she felt herself being picked up and flung over a poncho-clad shoulder.
“Wha- Jesse!” she whined, hitting his shoulder halfheartedly. He chuckled, beginning to walk out of the common area. She saw Genji and Hanzo following. “What the fuck?!”
“We decided it’s high time for a movie night, sweetpea!” Jesse exclaimed with a loud laugh. Danny sighed, pretending to be put out despite the fact that everyone could tell she was fighting a grin, and allowed herself to be carried all the way to Genji’s floor and into his room. She was deposited on the cyborg’s bed with an ‘oof’ and almost immediately found herself being enveloped by three worried dragons.
“Hi guys,” she murmured, accepting the affectionate nuzzles from the three. After they had all assured themselves that she was alright by zipping around her body and pressing their snouts in different places, the dragons settled in to snuggle with her. Senko settled herself on top of Danny’s hair while Sanda wound herself around Danny’s shoulders and Akarui curled up on top of Danny’s breasts. “It’s okay,” she murmured when Sanda made a distressed noise, and Hanzo cleared his throat awkwardly as he sat down beside her.
“We were-they were worried about you,” he said, and Danny blushed, unable to meet his eyes as she remembered the images her brain had conjured up during her heat of him.
“I-I’m fine,” she muttered, and Hanzo sighed, awkwardly sitting there for a moment before a certain softness overtook his eyes and he gently reached out for her, but he paused before he actually embraced her, looking at her since he was hesitant to be the one to initiate the contact. After Danny nodded her consent he lifted her top half and settled himself under her, pulling her against his chest and resting his head on top of hers, burying his face in her hair and displacing Senko, who let out a displeased growl and went to sit on the bed to glare up at her master’s brother. Though Danny didn’t notice, Hanzo breathed her scent in deeply as he nuzzled into the crown of her head, the tension visibly leaving his shoulders as he did so. 
Jesse threw himself onto the bed next to her, and Senko relocated to settle on Jesse’s shoulder, her tail swishing in irritation at Hanzo. The cowboy smiled at the dragon, giving her a small scritch to placate her, and Genji settled in his usual spot on the edge of the bed, his head resting in Danny’s lap. Senko purred, appeased by Jesse’s scritches, and Genji sighed contentedly as he settled into Danny’s lap and her hand instinctively went to run through his bright green hair, his dark roots being much more prominent than it had been at the last movie night.
“So…” he started, as casually as he could, and Danny hummed in question. “You’re an omega,” Danny blushed, tensing momentarily before nodding.
“Uh… yeah,” she mumbled, and Jesse reached over to squeeze her hand reassuringly.
“It’s okay, sweetpea,” he assured her. “Most people knew, anyway,” her eyes widened.
“WHAT?” she gasped, sitting straight up, causing Hanzo, his dragons, and Genji to all make disgruntled noises. Jesse flinched, and Danny looked between the three men around her. “What do you mean most people knew?” she demanded, and Hanzo awkwardly cleared his throat again.
“The alphas and omegas on base could smell through your... beta mask sometimes,” he explained, and Danny blushed.
“Oh,” she muttered, eyes suddenly darting everywhere but towards the men around her.
“Nobody is upset!” Hanzo was quick to assure her, pulling her back against his chest and wrapping his arms around her waist. Danny made a distressed noise, but Genji reached a hand up to pat her thigh.
“It’s okay, Danny, really!” he said, and Danny sighed.
“Really?” she asked, her voice small, and Genji nodded.
“Really,” he confirmed, and Danny sighed again, nodding.
“O-okay,” she stammered, shifting awkwardly. Hanzo made a noise of discomfort as she did, and she immediately froze. His hands rubbed at her hips gently.
“Relax,” he murmured to her, and Danny couldn’t fight the shiver that went through her entire body at his deep voice right in her ear. Slowly, she did as he said, allowing her body to melt into his and Jesse’s. One of her hands rose to continue stroking through Genji’s hair, and he let out a happy sigh.
“Wh-what are we wat-watching?” Danny asked, cursing herself as she stumbled over her words, and Genji chuckled, turning on the TV.
“The English title is Spirited Away,” he explained as the anime movie popped up on the screen. Danny grinned.
“I love this movie!” she exclaimed, and Genji grinned up at her. She wasn’t able to see it, but Hanzo was sporting a similar grin as he placed his chin back on Danny’s head to rest it there. Danny let out a soft, happy sigh as he did so, relaxing further against him, and she ignored the smirk Jesse gave her as she leaned more into Hanzo than himself.
“This was Hanzo and my favorite movie when we were much younger,” he told her, hitting play, and Danny noticed the way Hanzo’s arms squeezed her momentarily before relaxing again.
“What’s this even about?” Jesse asked, and Danny giggled.
“Honestly, you won’t understand til you watch it,” she said, and Jesse grumbled, settling down to watch the movie.
Halfway through the movie Danny already felt her eyes beginning to droop as she settled further against Hanzo’s chest. Akarui was purring from her place just above Danny’s breast, and the combination of that and being surrounded by the warmth of Jesse, Hanzo, and Genji were beginning to lull her to sleep. 
“Thanks, guys,” she murmured sleepily, eyes slipping shut. Each of them hummed quietly in response, Jesse paying absolutely no attention, instead staring at the screen intently. Sanda and Akarui snuggled further against Danny, and Hanzo’s arms pulled her even closer to him. “This’wa’niceee,” she slurred, a sleepy smile on her face as she drifted off.
Chapter 11
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cyberrat · 2 years
58th Batch Of Fics: 15th Fill
Reaper/Soldier/McCree – Farm AU – cont B57F15 – aftercare and soft-ish – Gabriel having some thoughts.
Gabriel has to make sure that Jack’s head doesn’t dip under the water of the bath. He is out cold and even him being lowered into the hot water has not managed to make him wake up.
He tends to forget that humans are not quite as robust as werewolves are. While he and Jesse feel fatigued because of the marathon fucking, Jack looks almost comatose.
What a way to go; fucked to death on werewolf cock.
He wonders for a moment whether Jack will notice how odd it will be, passing out on piss wet dirt and waking up in his warm, clean bed, but he decides that it is not worth it to ponder about it too much for now.
In the end he can just claim that they found him by accident and brought him back into the farmhouse. He doesn’t believe that he would question it further after that; he does not seem inclined to talk about his devious desires, after all.
Jack practically reeks of Jesse after the stunt the pup pulled, pissing on him like he did. He’ll grab him by the throat later and remind him who the Alpha is… but for now he is glad that Jesse has left them alone, either puttering around outside or passed out in his bed, expecting Gabriel to take care of mopping up their nightly escapades.
He’ll stomp the degenerate into the ground later. When he feels more like he’s not going to pass out because his muscles are wobbly.
It’s awkward as fuck to wash Jack’s hair, even as short as it is but eventually he stops reeking of acrid piss which is a nice bonus. It leaves Gabriel to sit down and just gather his strength for the moment.
He does have to admit, though… he has never met a human this resilient. It probably comes with having worked on this large farm alone for all this time (he… actually doesn’t know for how long Jack has been here. Maybe he should ask?) or he has always been special.
It does not matter… not really. What does matter is that he can take the both of them and still crave for more. Actively looking for the two of them. Offering himself up and enjoying himself.
What a curious human indeed.
When the water starts to get cold, he starts to dry him down. It is then that Jesse sneaks back into the bathroom, his body language making it clear that he knows he’s going to get it at a later point for being a horny bastard. Gabriel doesn’t say anything, too tired to chew him out right now.
He grunts a vague thanks as the idiot helps him with Jack, at least, drying him off and offering up some clothes that he must have searched for while being away.
It is pretty difficult to get a limp body into pyjamas but eventually they manage, though Jack’s scent keeps distracting the both of them badly. While he does no longer smell of Jesse’s piss, he also doesn’t really smell like himself anymore.
Instead, he smells like theirs. Like property. It has Gabriel sucking on his teeth so he wouldn’t try to gnaw on him and nip until he wakes up after all.
Jesse, wisely, keeps his hands off of him once he realizes that it’ll be difficult not to rub their scent further into him. He does trail after Gabriel, though, watching intently as he carries Jack into his bedroom and puts him into his bed.
“Why not in our room?” Jesse grunts, standing in the doorway, his posture rigid with how much he is fighting against the need to continue their mating despite being exhausted.
Gabriel just shoots him a glare. He does not have to tell him why; not when he’s standing there nearly drooling, his useless big dick probably ready to get hard again at a moment’s notice.
Jesse takes note of the look he’s being given and sighs softly, turning to put himself away before he makes things worse for him.
Gabriel sits on the edge of Jack’s bed and breathes through for a few moments, just looking out of the window and back to the human sleeping. Or passed out.
He smells so fucking good… Their scents have intermingled with his so much that there is no way any other werwolves will ever approach the farm again. They’ll make a nice big circle around it just so they won’t tread on Jesse and his territory. That’s good. That keeps Jack safe since he seems so hellbent on spreading his legs for them…
Gabriel reaches out after a moment of uncertainty and lightly brushes his fingertips over Jack’s cheek. It is not soft; he can feel the wire-like stubble against the sharp edge of his jaw. But it feels good nonetheless.
He keeps slowly dragging his fingertips along the line from the hinge up to the point of his chin until he lightly grasps it and brushes his thumb over Jack’s mouth. He feels so good. He smells so good. Gabriel had intended on leaving the farm once they had their fun fucking the human a couple times more, but it occurs to him now that he might have doomed them the moment he decided to stay and see what the human would do after getting fucked by them in the fields.
It was all very poor judgement on his part, though Jesse had been involved so he should have known that from the start. Jesse had been hanging his nose in the air for three days straight, sniffing out pussy that he’s been able to scent on the air, and his nervous, horny energy had affected Gabriel despite himself.
He lightly keeps touching Jack’s mouth. As rough as his cheeks are, as soft are his lips, it feels. Gabriel is transfixed by petting him everywhere; stroking his hair and the soft, almost translucent skin of his eyelids. Humans really are so very fragile… He can’t believe that Jack can take them so well – and even actively craves it.
Gabriel spends a few more minutes perched on the edge of his bed, just breathing him in and enjoying the glow of the moon through the large window. Eventually he does have to get up, though.
He makes sure Jack is properly tucked in before he moves over to the next toom where Jesse is waiting, arms behind his head, staring at the ceiling. He’s a grown man, built like a truck, but Gabriel can’t stop thinking of him as a pup when he keeps being so goddamn stupid.
He moves over to him, watching how Jesse’s eyes almost glow in the dark of the room. He is struggling with his transformation since meeting Jack for some reason. The need to get his dick wet seems to have short circuited everything Gabriel had pounded into him over the years.
Gabriel leans over him and puts his hand over Jesse’s throat. He digs his fingers in around his windpipe, though not enough to completely choke him.
Jesse bares his teeth at him but tips his chin up and does not fight the treatment. He does not even take his arms out from behind his head.
“You,” Gabriel says with a low voice, “need to get a grip on yourself.”
He stares at him for a moment longer before finally letting go and moving over to his own bed. He is exhausted.
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dippedshame · 7 years
Just posted chapter 1 of our fanfiction...
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suzukiblu · 4 years
Chapters: 1/2 Fandom: Overwatch (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jesse McCree/Original Female Character(s), Jesse McCree & Angela "Mercy" Ziegler Characters: Jesse McCree, Angela "Mercy" Ziegler Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Mating Cycles/In Heat, No Sex, Young Jesse McCree, Omega Jesse McCree, Young Angela "Mercy" Ziegler, Alpha Angela "Mercy" Ziegler, Fantasy Gender Roles, Long Lost/Secret Relatives, Runaway, Major Character Injury, Travel, Homesickness Series: Part 14 of mad elephants Summary:
Jesse wants shit to be simple again. He wants it all easy like it used to be, everything clear and obvious and exactly what he knows how to handle. He wants to be planning the next heist with Ashe, he wants to be making an easy escape, he wants Deadeye burning inside him, he wants to not know how to throw a proper punch or anything about his parents, he wants . . . he wants . . .
He wants to not know.
But he knows.
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overdrugs-mayhem · 8 years
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Do you remember the Shapeshifter AU? Yes, we are still super into this hellhole ( ͡◉ ͜ʖ ͡◉) More character [ HERE ] ❤
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grimxark · 7 years
Of unknown magic and unpredictable beauty
A witch Mercy/ werewolf Mccree fanfic as suggested by @sisterhotpanties
It’s really long. And unfinished- do let me know if you would like me to write more!
It’s 4018 words long because I got carried away.
He had began chasing her after the village's priest had begged him to put an end to her audacity of compromising with people's faiths, turning them around and going "against God's will". The hunter had rolled his eyes at this, for he knew this witch was probably only dangerous for the priest's own reputation within the small community. But the priest has money, and money spoke louder than anything else. The priest was willing to pay a really high price to take her down.
He was not given any traits, and when he asked why, the priest simply said, "She does not show her features, but the people say she sounds fairly like a young woman, and once, while being careless, one of her so called patients was able to catch a glimpse of golden hair. She wears a mask over her face, hiding any traits that might characterize her."
All the hunter could do was nod, leave, and laugh it off after he left the church. Right. He had told himself, followed by a harsh but true thought. I ain't sure what this priest thinks, but golden hair isn't one of the rarest things to find, in the middle of fuckin' Europe.
Without any more complaints, the man set off to a nearby motel, to spend the night and prepare for the next day, when he would ask people for informations on the witch.
While the hunter rested, his prey roamed freely on the woods nearby. Her golden hair and young face free for any to see if they dared.
Her facial features were at ease, and this did not change even after she set eyes on the moon. It did not change even as she was greeted by the demon that owned these forests, for he was no harm as he welcomed her with open arms as any friend would. The reds and blacks and whites on his face gave him a beauty only demons had, his horns and enlarged canines only making him look ever the more frightening for his foes.
But she was no foe of his, so the witch had nothing to fear. He was a friend, and she was a savior.
Only after a silent greeting was spoken between the odd entities, did they both enter a small house, that was so old, nature had begun claiming it centuries ago.
As the demon said his goodbyes after dinner, instead of going to bed after a long day and as advised by her dear friend, the witch stayed up to look for cure.
Cure for an illness that would take away a woman from her children, leaving them to be orphans and soon be taken by the same sickness.
And she could not live with herself if that was to happen. For the woman was dying slowly and painfully, which seemed to be the worst faith set upon any innocent soul.
And so she did not sleep that night.
Our hunter woke up early in the morning. He might not believe the witch would ever harm anyone, but a witch is a witch and thus must die.
He did not wake up in a bad mood, for he enjoyed his work more than anything. It felt good to help, it made him happy to investigate. He set off to question the villagers after a good cup of coffee at a nearby cafe.
‘She has saved my child from certain death. The priest himself had come and told me she had no salvation, and yet she came to bless our lives.’
‘I have seen her go deep into the woods, where no one dares to follow, for a demon lives there.’
‘A witch is a witch, and from the sound of her juvenile voice, we know for sure she is either young, or one that takes the years from her victims.’ This person had not been any the less helpful, for the hunter had heard these stories more than once and more than once they had been a batlant lie. ‘My sister, you see, had gone sick. The witch appeared soon after, but with a voice that seemed broken, she stated that she could do nothing to help, gave me a dream catcher, and left. My sister died a few hours after, and I shall not forgive this witch for not attempting to save her.’
Jesse, which is our hunter's name, took notes on all the things the locals told him and made his own observations. This village seemed to deal with paranormal shit a lot of the time, and he was incredibly surprised to hear that they lived with that on a daily basis and never truly questioned anything.
He found out about The Reaper, who seemed to be a colleague of the Witch. Though not always together, he was only ever seen with her. The villagers say he is one of the souls that were nearly lost under the doctor's earlier years, and filled with guilt, she took him in and gave him a new life.
He found too about the demon that lives in the woods. A god of the winds and of chaos, a protector of the animals and of the forest and for some reason, of the witch. They say he has four red horns, two on his head and two near his mouth. Two big canines, and eyes that reflect nothing but death and darkness. He lures people to their death if they wander through the woods with harmful wishes. The villagers say he is quite the judge, for they send prisoners to these woods to be judged wether they are guilty or not. Guilty people do not come back, and that's how they know. Mccree decided that since the witch came for those who are sick, he would accompany a woman who seemed to have become priority to her. He thanked the villager that gave him this information before leaving. "It's an interestin' village," Jesse tells himself after the long day, "it might be worth it to stay for a while." With this final thought, he set off to a nearby restaurant to have dinner.
The last thing Angela, our beloved witch, would expect to find on her way home was a wolf. Standing on his hind legs. Walking towards her like a human would.
To be honest, he looked like a hybrid. He looked both human and animal, with fur over his body, strange hind legs, but clawed hands that looked fairly human.
She froze in place as the creature came closer, scenting something from her, or at least that came her way, and all she could do was be petrified as she tried analyzing one million ways as to how a werewolf came here.
Because she had seen werewolves before, of course, but the last she ever met had died millennia ago, and the confusion was clear on her face and it did not phase the beast as he approached, unfriendly and ready to attack if needed. Gathering her thoughts, she quickly guessed what he wanted: the recently killed chicken on her purse, which she had so carefully chosen. But at this moment, life was more important than pride. So she threw the chicken his way, and he was quick to address his attention to eating it entirely.
With the opportunity, Angela sat down and looked at the beast while it ate. She plucked the leaves of a small tree and whispered "Genji, come here," onto them, and waited for the demon to materialize near her.
He nearly made the werewolf attack them as he decided being loud about being waken up was the best option, and after being scolded he sat down with Angela and looked the same direction as her.
"Who do you think it is? We haven't seen a werewolf in quite some years. Do you think it's a tourist?" Genji had said as softly as he possibly could, his expression unfazed by the werewolf's actions.
"Very unlikely. I haven't really visited the village the past days, so I am not quite aware of any new comers. Tourists are rare and few between."
So they sat there for a few seconds more, as the werewolf finished his meal and set off, away from them. Getting up was easy, and while Angela made her way home, Genji followed.
He sounded worried when he asked her if that chicken would of have been their dinner. "Yes. But as far as I am concerned, you can always hunt a rabbit or two for us to eat." Genji huffed at her snarky reply, and slapped her on the shoulder as she giggled.
The next morning, Angela woke up ready to find out who the werewolf was so she could help them. She would ask around the village if anyone had seen any strange looking folk, or if anyone new had come by.
She walked out of the forest with a mask over her face: it did not have any major decoration, all it had was two vertical lines, imitating the drawing of an eye , making it harder to distinguish her facial features. It was better to be safe than sorry. The orphanage children that played near the forest greeted her with smiles on their faces, and she in return gave them a meal. For she was no evil witch, and these children were no bad people. They needed food as much as she did, and being a orphan herself, she knew their struggles. She asked them if they had seen any new faces around the place, and they had said that a man called Jesse Mccree had come into town by the Priest's order, and that another man, called Lucio, had come by the other night, for inspiration, the children phrased him. Angela was quick to guess that Jesse was a hunter, for being called by the priest, and therefore probably not the werewolf. But if he was she was not one to judge, unless she had a clear look of him. So making her way to her patient, the thought of the werewolf not being a problem made its way to her mind. Upon arriving at the house, she was greeted by two children, who led her inside and onto their mother's bed.
"Hello, dear. Do you feel any better?" Angela asked softly, a softness she had only for those she took care of. The reply came hoarse, but it came better than she remembered. This made her visibly relax. "Yes." And then she looked at a dark corner on her room, where a bearded man sat, his arms crossed over his chest as he watched Angela with dark brown eyes, the hat over his head casting a light shadow over his face.
"This is Jesse," the woman began, "he has come to watch you. Priest's orders."
Angela looked over at him once, twice, then made her decision. This man was most definitely the werewolf from last night. Moving towards the suitcase she had brought with herself, she took a few glasses with liquids of every color and every taste you could imagine from it before making her decision and picking a blueish one. "I do hope he does not interfere with your well being," Angela finally said after a long, threatening silence. She then got on both her knees, and gently touched the children's shoulders. "Could you please get a cup of water and a spoon of honey for your mother? The taste of the medicine I have brought for her is not the most pleasing, you see." The children nodded and without a word, ran off to the kitchen to get what was needed. Turning towards the mother, Angela checked her temperature before smiling in relief. "So, yer work wonders, I've heard?" The Hunter suddenly spoke, and she froze for a moment as she took in his accent and what he had said. When she didn't reply, he kept going. "Said you're a miracle worker. Others said you bring more suffering by offering fake hope." "I am not a miracle worker." Then, looking at the woman lying on the bed, she smiled. "Well, not always." "Yer full of yourself, ain't ya?" "Watch your mouth, foreigner. For I know you are here for my head, and I am willing to do atrocities to keep it." The children arrived before he could reply, and while she cared for the mother and played with the children, teaching them how to help while she was out, he stayed quiet and watched.
When she left the house, he was quick to follow her. And she ignored him all the way through the house of another patient, a soldier whom nearly lost his arm to an infection. His condition wasn't critique anymore, but she needed to make sure he was doing everything she had told him to do or else everything she made him go through would have been for nothing. The soldier's husband answered the door, smiling lightly at the sight of the familiar vest and suitcase. Yet, he frowned at the sight of Jesse. "Witch, who is he? Is he a helper?" "I fear that he is only a nuisance. But do let him in, for the priest has ordered him to watch me so I behave." The man only looked suspiciously at Jesse before opening the door and letting them in. He told her about how stubborn his husband was being, and how the medicine she had given was working wonders on him. It improved his mood, and soon enough he would be out of home again. Even after hearing these words, she still checked on his arm to know for sure he was healing properly. The wound seemed clean, and the open wound already looked like a scar. She smiled at the men, and retrieved surgical scissors from her suitcase, to remove the stitches. With a deep breath and a reassuring kiss, the soldier moved towards her so she could work. All the while, Jesse watched, trying desperately to see who was the woman behind the vest. She sounded young, looked young. Yet there was no real way of making sure since many witches used magic to maintain a juvenile appearance. But she was different from other witches, he was quick to realize that the day he asked the villagers about her. She is good, and does no harm. Yet it is the fear of the unknown that make people have harsh decisions and opinions. And when this too was done, she bowed to both of them and left, without a single word to Jesse. And he let her go back home.
He did not bother with the witch the next day, for he heard a fair was going to take place. There he met a woman, with blonde hair and blue eyes, who seemed to bring happiness to the sellers at the fair. She had flinched when Jesse approached her, a fear in her eyes he didn’t recognize. A new face he hadnt seen he in the small village, so he had only walked up to her out of curiosity. "Are you new here? a tourist?" he questioned her, a certain wonder in his eyes.
Her reply came with a soft smile that stole his breath away as she said, "No. I live by the mountains, where I grow vegetables for the folk here. A business carried out from my dear parents. And you? I do not believe we have crossed paths before."
He smiled out of politeness, replying with a soft voice that could have been mistaken for embarassment. "I am but a tourist. Tell me, what's yer name?"
Her eyes seemed to shine with a glimmer of its own as she smiled and said, "Angela," her distinct accent making it seem as if her tongue wrapped around each word, each syllable. "You do seem like quite the foreigner, what is your name?"
He took her words in before replying that yes, he had come from very far away from Europe, and that his name was Jesse Mccree, which was most definitely less appealing than hers. This brought a chuckle from her lips, so true and so relaxed that it made Jesse wonder if she was even real.
He treated her to dinner that night, and made her laugh even more during it. She had told him about her life in the moutains, and how lonely it could get if it weren't for the company of her friend, Genji, a man who too came from a far away land in seek of shelter and a welcoming home.
"Do not be fooled, though. He isn't the most social anymore. But I do believe you two would make quite the duo. You think alike."
"I would love to meet him one day."
They spoke through the whole night, until he saw she seemed far too tired to keep her eyes open. He went back to his motel room with her in mind.
He soon learned that she worked on the bar near his motel. When he learned that, he went there whenever he was sure she would be working, and they would speak as long as her work allowed them to. They shared many stories together, and soon enough, they became friends.
After about two months in the village, he barely saw the witch. He told the priest that he could not capture her if she didn't show any threats for the time being. It all seemed like a mere excuse from the hunter, but the priest accepted it with no more words.
Angela was usually the one to serve him, when she was working. She'd greet him with a warming and reassuring smile. It was good, after a long day. It made him feel more at home. Today, she greeted him with a bad mood: her eyes were dim, and she looked at the men around the bar with anger in her eyes. She takes his order with no more then a "understood" and "anything else?" And he can't help but fall for her accent all over again. It sounded so charming— luring.
If he was a fool, he would say she was a witch more than the witch herself. And when he looked around, he guessed those that hadn't surrendered to the effects of liquor thought the same as him. And the reason for her bad mood seemed more obvious than ever. Because as she left to the kitchen, the men's eyes followed, and they began whispering, gossiping. And it did not seem like the nice sort. So Jesse decided to sit down with the one that seemed more vocal about it. They didn't mind him,for they shared their stories and theories with the hunter. "She says she lives by the mountains— but refuses to give us any information on how to get there. Have you ever seen any smoke coming from there? How does she survive the cold? What is there to think of that? She doesn't live there!" One of them said, whispering between them. The cup on his hand was nearly empty, and he fidgeted nervously as he spoke.
"Ay, mate, that ain't the weirdest. The weirdest is that she says she's 37. My sister's 34 and she looks like a dead hog! This woman hasn't changed a single bit since her 20s." Jesse visibly cringed at this man's tone and logic, but he didn't say anything, because he didn't want to pick a fight. The table went dead silent as Angela gave Jesse his drink, and he thanked her. Once she left, the gossip began again.
"They say she'd a husband, but she killed him. For her own profit, I'm sure."
"What profit? She probably only likes killin', I bet. Either that, or she really is a witch and only used him."
"Hello, gentlemen. Am I interrupting something? I would hate to burst your gossip, but how about thinking twice before talking about the woman that does your drinks?"
The three men around Jesse froze as she placed a fresh cup of beer to one of them.
"I mean, I don't want to sound threatening or anything but," she smiled softly, "You could be drinking poisoned beer, who's to know? I mean, according to you," she made her way to Jesse, looking him over before practically stabbing the table with a knife he hadn't seen was on the table. "I love to kill." The men were pale at this point, while Jesse was just impressed. He looked her over, her eyes seeming to clear as she let some of her anger go. The men seemed hesitant about talking again, or drinking their beer. So one by one, they stood up, slowly going to the cashier to pay, and leaving to their homes to reflect on their actions. Mccree stayed there until he was nearly the only costumer left. It took him a few moments to process, but when he set the cup down, the waitress was sitting across from him, her expression unhappy but calm. "I'm guessing you're staying for longer to speak to me?" She began, "because if you are, you could always wait outside. I'm not the only employee— geez, Lena was dead tired, and incredibly unhappy that you simply wouldn't leave so she could close the bar." He opened his mouth to apologize, but before he could, she raised a hand, motioning for him to stop where he was. "Don't you worry, though. I told her to leave the keys so I would close the bar— but do apologize to her when you come by again." "Ah— yes, most definitely, of course." He stuttered, before continuing, "I am sorry for such an inconvenience. But I couldn't help but wonder why those men seem to hate you — and why you would threaten them the way you did." "First of all, you seemed just as ready to punch them as I was. Second, they are people, and third, they'll blame anyone that might resemble the healer." "Healer?" "Witch." "Ah." He said, raising an eyebrow, "you sympathize with the witch so much you call her a healer? Even her own patients call her witch." That made her eyebrows raise, and her mouth drop. She knew where he was going with this.
"What's yer real name, sugar?" His voice carried a certain weight, he didn't want to be made for a fool.
"Angela. I would never lie about such thing." She said without blinking as she looked him over, perhaps looking for the different places he might have weapons on him. "Well, Angela, I have made my own conclusion. Please, allow us to bargain." "Over my dead body, Jesse." Her voice crackled, but there was still confidence in it. "These people need me." "I don't want to kill you, I like you. I dont want them to kill you either." She chuckled at that, and he continued. "Let's avoid bad circumstances, will we?" Her smile didn't leave her mouth, not even as she slowly said, "no". "Oh what a shame, then," he shrugged, disappointment obvious in his voice, finally drinking what was left of his beer before continuing, "what a shame would it be for the people of this village to find that the sweet girl from the mountains is actually the Witch." He didn't expect her reaction. He was expecting fear, anger. But although her eyes seemed to scream with a billion negative emotions, she still smiled. And it was his smile that dropped when she finally gave him her answer. "What a shame would it be, for the people to find that we have a werewolf on the run." She leaned in closer to him as she spoke, her tone never threatening, but soft and so, so luring. "Don't play with fire, cowboy. Or you might as well get burnt." He smiled softly once she leaned away, because now that was a challenge, and he was more excited about this hunt than before. For a witch is a witch, and thus must die.
He left the bar after she gave him a drink. 'On the house', she said, handing him a cup of a strange pink liquid. 'But only drink it when you wake up.' It had been a warning, he knew that. It was foolish, but the next morning when he woke up with a terrible hangover, he drank it. He expected to choke and die, or simply suffer from a heart attack. Instead, a few minutes later, his migraine was gone and he realized she wouldn't kill him, she was playing a game. She wanted him to have a debt with her.
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