#alpha geminorum
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quiltofstars · 10 months ago
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The constellation of Gemini // Dawson Fehr
Read below the cut for info about what stars are in this image!
The two bright stars are Castor (blue) and Pollux (white). Pollux (β Geminorum) and Castor (α Geminorum) are named after the two twins from Greek mythology. Their mother was the mortal Leda, but they shared different fathers. Castor was the mortal son of Tyndareus, king of Sparta, while Pollux was the divine son of Zeus. Pollux asked Zeus to share his immortality with Castor and so they were transformed into the constellation of Gemini.
Other bright stars included in this image are (ordered from bright to dim):
Alhena (γ Geminorum), named after the Arabic phrase Al Han'ah, meaning "the brand [on the neck of the camel]". This is a binary system with the primary being a blue-white subgiant star.
Mebsuta (ε Geminorum), named after the Arabic word Mabsūṭah, referring to an outstretched lion's paw. This is a white supergiant star.
Alzirr (ξ Geminorum), named after the Arabic word al-zirr, meaning "the button." This is a potential binary system, with the primary being a white subgiant star.
Wasat (δ Geminorum), derived from an Arabic word meaning "middle." This is a triple star system, with the primary being a white subgiant star.
κ Geminorum, a white giant star in a binary system.
λ Geminorum, a blue-white giant star in a possible binary system.
θ Geminorum, a single blue-white subgiant star.
Mekbuda (ζ Geminorum), named after an Arabic phrase meaning "the lion's folded paw." It shares this derivation with ε Geminorum. This star is a white supergiant star.
υ Geminorum, a single red giant star.
τ Geminorum, a single red giant star with a Jupiter-mass exoplanet.
Here's an image to help you identify these stars!
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talonabraxas · 9 months ago
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Gemini Constellation: Stars, Myth, and Location (2024)
Gemini constellation The Gemini constellation is one of the twelve constellations of the Zodiac. It is also known as the Twins and has its roots in Greek mythology. It appears in the fascinating story of the Gemini twins mythology, Pollux and Castor.
Gemini is easy to spot in the sky. It lies northeast of Orion and between Taurus and Cancer. It has two bright stars, with the Gemini twin names, each indicating the position of their heads.
You can see Gemini in both hemispheres and it is a great constellation for home stargazers to view. It contains a number of interesting objects, including Messier 35.
It is also known for the incredibly beautiful Medusa Nebula, named after a dreadful Greek Gemini mythological character. Read on to find out all about the Gemini twins and Gemini constellation facts.
Major stars in Gemini
Here is a list of the most important stars in Gemini.
Castor – Geminorum (Alpha Geminorum) Castor gets its name from one of the Gemini twins. It is the 2nd brightest stars of Gemini and the 44th brightest star in the sky. The star is made up of 6 components. Together they have a combined apparent magnitude of 1.58. Castor marks the head of the twin. Castor is a bluish-white star and you can see it without a telescope. It lies 50.88 light-years away.
Pollux – Geminorum (Beta Geminorum) You may ask – what is the brightest star in Gemini? It is Pollux. Pollux gets its name from the second twin in the Greek myth. It is a red giant star about 33.78 light-years from Earth. Pollux is also the 17th brightest star in the night sky.
Its name in Arabic is Al-Ras al-Tau’am al-Mu’akhar, which means “The Head of the Second Twin.” Pollux, as one of the Gemini constellation stars, is interesting in that it has an exoplanet that orbits it. The planet is Pollux b, discovered in 2006.
Alhena (Almeisan) – Geminorum (Gamma Geminorum) Alhena (Gamma Geminorum) is another interesting Gemini star. It is the third brightest star in Gemini. It is a white subgiant and lies about 109 light-years away. The star has an apparent magnitude of 1.915. Size-wise, it is 4 times larger than the sun and 123 times brighter. The name comes from the Arabic, Almeisan, which means “the shining one.”
Mebsuta – Geminorum (Epsilon Geminorum) Mebsuta is a double star, consisting of a magnitude 3.4 brilliant white and a 9.5 magnitude cerulean blue. These stars in Gemini constellation sit at the right knee of the twin Castor. The name comes from the Arabic Mebsuta, which means “the Outstretched,” and originally marked the paw of the Arabic Lion constellation.
Tejat Posterior – Geminorum (Mu Geminorum) Mu Geminorum is a red giant and is the fourth brightest star in the Gemini star constellation. It has a visual magnitude of 2.857 and is about 230 light-years away. The traditional name is Tejat Posterior, which means “the back foot.” It lies at Castor’s foot. The star is also known by another Latin name, Calx, which means “the heel.”
Tejat Prior – Geminorum (Eta Geminorum) Eta Geminorum is another important star in Gemini. It is also known as Tejat Prior. It is a multiple star about 350 light-years away. It is made up of a binary star and a dwarf star that orbit the pair once in 700 years. With an apparent visual magnitude of 3.15, it is the seventh brightest of the Gemini stars in the constellation Gemini. Eta Geminorum is about 3.16 times more luminous than our Sun.
Alzirr – Geminorum (Xi Geminorum) The name Alzirr in Arabic means “button” and marks one of the four feet of the star twins. It has an apparent magnitude of 3.35 and you can see it without a telescope. The star lies about 58.7 light-years away. This yellow-white subgiant is about 11 times brighter than our Sun.
Propus – Geminorum (Iota Geminorum) The name Propus comes from the Greek meaning “forward foot,” and the star indicates the foot of the twin, Castor. Propus has an apparent magnitude of 3.78 and is approximately 326 light-years away. It is a binary star system and is a red color.
Wasat – Geminorum (Delta Geminorum) Delta Geminorum is also known as Wasat. The name means “middle” in Arabic. It has a visual magnitude of 3.53 and you can see it with the naked eye. The star is a triple star system and lies about 60.5 light-years from our solar system. Wasat is about 1.6 billion years old. The star indicates the middle of Pollux’s body.
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magic-shop-girl · 7 months ago
Strange Case about Sorceress Giana
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Warning: Because i'm not an expert in astronomy, i may confuse some things.
So, a few days ago I read an interesting thread about our beloved Sorceress Giana. And somehow, that thread makes me question anything about Sorceress Giana we met in the game
1. The name Giana
So in KR ver, Sorceress Giana name is spelled as "Giena". If we add it up with what we known so far about Sorceress Giana, I think it can be concluded that Giana is supposed to represent Epsilon Cygni from Cygnus Constellation.
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Coincidentally, another star also shared the same name.
Now, Epsilon Cygni official name is "Aljanah". But they have another name, which is "Gienah".
Corvus (Crow) Constellation brightest star, Gamma Corvi, is also officially named "Gienah".
Ngl, when I first heard about Giana I thought she's going to represent Corvus Constellation, Considering the naming of other main characters and side character (who is named after their constellation brightest star). I was kind of surprised when I get to the part where it revealed that Sorceress Giana is from Cygnus.
But i kept thinking, why would Sorceress Giana use Epsilon Cygni another name rather than it's official name, which is Aljanah?
It almost like they wanted us to mistake Giana is from Corvus somehow.
I mean, wouldn't it be easier to use her official name?
2. Giana's Title
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So from Vega, we know that Sorceress Giana is currently The Fourth Sorcerer of Cygnus
Here's the interesting things. Epsilon is the fifth letter of the Greek alphabet ( Ε, ε ).
I'm going to use Pollux here for example. The star Pollux is Beta Geminorum or β Gem, from the second letter of Greek alphabet. And Artw Pollux, despite being the brightest star of his constellation, is introduced as The Second Sorcerer of Gemini.
By that, shouldn't Giana title be "The Fifth Sorcerer of Cygnus"?
Funny thing is, Gamma Corvi Giena is the third, while Epsilon Cygni Giena is the fifth.
Artw Giana, being the fourth, will somehow put her between Gamma (3) and Epsilon (5).
Bonus: Polaris and Pole Star
Maybe I'm overthinking it, but Cygnus Constellation brightest star, Deneb, will be the North Pole Star around 9800 AD, the title currently held by Polaris.
And Vega, Alpha Lyrae, will succeed Deneb and will become the North Star at 14,500 AD
Even without the speculation above, It's strange that there's no mention of mention Deneb even once in the game.....considering Deneb being part of Summer triangle (and Vega has mentioned Altair before)
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prismatranslates-cue · 1 year ago
Rie [Sabbath of Castor] Part 1
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Rie: Eloim, Essaim, Eloim, Essaim, frugativi et appelavi! [1] 
Rie: Heheheh….Hark! For this night is the eve of my nativity. At this very hour we must needs confirm the proceedings for the ceremony of my earthly nascence.
Rie: And so! I summon thee, blood of my blood. Heed my voice and appear before me at once!
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Mei: You called?
Rie: I sure did! That was quick.
Mei: I figured it was best to get it over with.
Mei: Otherwise you would have kept messaging me with those weird incantations.
Mei: So, what is it?
Rie: I was wondering if you were, er…doing anything tomorrow?
Mei: I am, as a matter of fact. I’ll be doing something very important.
Rie: O-oh…I see. That’s, um…that’s disappointing, but it happens…
Mei: Disappointing? I’ll be celebrating your ‘nativity’.
Rie: Huh?
Mei: After all this time, you hardly need to ask if I’m doing anything on your birthday.
Rie: Oh…oho! I see now! So that is what you meant!
Mei: Is that why you wanted to talk to me?
Rie: Yes, I wanted to confirm if we would be spending the day together…
Mei: I have it all planned out. I won’t tell you where we’re going, but all you need to do is follow me.
Rie: Huh? I don’t think you’ve done anything like that before. What’s brought this on, Mei?
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Mei: …Tomorrow.
Rie: Tomorrow?
Mei: We’ll talk about it tomorrow, if an opportunity arises.
Rie: Oh, sure… I’m not sure I understand, but! I leave tomorrow in your capable hands.
Mei: Good. We’re not going particularly far, so we’ll leave around noon.
Mei: …Will that be all? I have clan wars to get back to.
Rie: Y-yeah. Sorry for interrupting you.
Mei leaves.
Rie: I don’t have any idea what she’s planning, but it sounds like she’s put a lot of thought into it. I’m looking forward to it.
Rie: Hehe. I wonder where she’ll take me.
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Mei: Here we are.
Rie: It’s Ikebukuro! Gosh, it sure has been a while.
Mei: We used to come here all the time when we were younger.
Rie: Indeed. It was but a single train ride away, after all.
Mei: At first, your mother would take us.
Rie: Yeah.
Mei: And then, when we were old enough to go by ourselves, it was just the two of us.
Rie: I guess we kind of just stopped going after we moved to the dorm?
Mei: Indeed. That is why I chose it as the site for our celebration of your nativity.
Rie: Makes sense.
Mei: Follow me.
Mei: Oh, and…here.
Rie: What’s this? A parasol?
Mei: The sun’s UV rays are stronger than you’d think in the winter. The light of the sun is the bane of the children of darkness, is it not?
Rie: That’s true! I should have brought one too.
Mei: You tend to forget the finishing touches like that.
Rie: Ngh…
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Rie: Huh? What about you?
Mei: I only brought the one. Today’s all about you, so you should use it.
Rie: I can’t just leave you high and dry! Here, there’s plenty of room for both of us. Come on in.
Mei: …Okay.
To be continued...in Part 2
The card title alludes to Castor, a figure from Greek myth and one of the Dioscuri twins along with his brother Pollux. In their most popular stories, Castor was fully human and mortal while Pollux was immortal and a son of Zeus. They are also associated with the constellation Gemini, with the two brightest stars in the constellation (Alpha and Beta Geminorum) also being known as Castor and Pollux.
[1] Rie recites an invocation that appears to trace back to the "Grand Grimoire", a European book purporting to contain instructions relating to summoning demons. The chant is somewhat popular in anime and manga, seemingly first being used by Akuma-kun and perhaps most notably seen in Your Lie in April.
Here's an article by an actual historian tracing the path the phrase has taken (nothing here is important for the card story but I just think it's genuinely interesting): https://er.ceres.rub.de/index.php/ER/article/view/10440/9928
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millieefashion · 2 years ago
Gemini (May 21 - June 21)
playful ~ curious ~ ambitious
Gemini, (Latin: “Twins”) in astronomy, zodiacal constellation lying in the northern sky between Cancer and Taurus, at about 7 hours right ascension and 22° north declination. Its brightest stars are Castor and Pollux (Alpha and Beta Geminorum); Pollux is the brighter of the two, with a magnitude of 1.15, and is the 17th brightest star in the sky. The summer solstice, the northernmost point reached by the Sun in its annual apparent journey among the stars, lies in Gemini. This constellation also contains the isolated pulsar Geminga.
In astrology, Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac, considered as governing the period from about May 21 to about June 21. It is represented by a set of twins (or in Egyptian astrology by a pair of goats and in Arabian astrology by a pair of peacocks). In addition to their identification as Castor and Pollux, the twins have also been related to other celebrated pairs, such as the younger and older Horus or Romulus and Remus.
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“Geminis are flexible, extroverted, and clever and there’s never a boring moment while they’re around.”
Astrological sign and it’s spiritual links
Tarot card
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The Lovers card represents having two strong options, and the need to make a decision between them: two people, two choices, two sides, etc. The depiction of Adam and Eve in The Lovers card symbolizes duality -- they are two halves of a greater whole. The man is gazing forward, because he represents physical presence. The woman, however, is looking upward, representing an intuitive presence. With the combined forces of body and mind, they create one whole, just like the Gemini Twins. These Twins are not actually identical twins, but represent two sides of the same person, two halves.
Andromeda, S. (2019). Gemini. Hardie Grant.
The Gemini mind is quick, agile and full of dazzling brilliance. Gemini, have the ability to enlighten other people’s minds. When times are tough and people feel dark, sombre and overwhelmed by life’s changes, they have the wonderful ability to be able to humour them and make them feel as if it’s not all as bad as it appears to be.
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forcebook · 11 months ago
some mooooore
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zooming in on castor and pollux (alpha and beta geminorum)
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parts of the constellations of carina and vela (the star at the very top being canopus aka alpha carinae)
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achernar aka alpha eridani and brightest star in the eridanus constellation
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arcturus!!!!!!!! the brightest star in the boötes constellation and a wonder <3333
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and virgo <3
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normal people at 3 am: sleeping
me at 3 am: trying to take a photo of the scorpius constellation with my phone
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lumiistarpersonal · 3 years ago
some (poor quality haha) photos i took tonight, im pretty sure i identified the stars correctly
taken from around 59°55’N latitude with an iphone 13 between 23:45 and 00:30 :)
photos on their own under the cut!
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retroosquared · 2 years ago
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the Dioscuri
[1] Castor and Pollux (2022) Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation. [2] Svarlien, D.A. (1990) Pindar, Nemean 10, Pindar, Nemean, Nemean 10 For Theaeus of Argos Wrestling 444 B. C.
[ID: Two page comic of Lemon and Tangerine from Bullet Train, with text from the Wikipedia page on the brothers Castor and Pollux and Nemean Odes 10 throughout the two pages. The first page reads, “Castor and Pollux (or Polydeukes) are twin half-brothers” over two frames of Lemon and Tangerine fighting over whether they killed 16 or 17 people, then “Castor and Pollux are sometimes both mortal, sometimes both divine.” There is a drawing of Lemon saying, “I never bleed.” in stylized text, then the Wikipedia entry continues: “One consistent point is that if only one of them is immortal, it is Pollux.”
The second page is in two halves, the first half being Tangerine taking off his pendant to give to Lemon. Some parts of the drawing are in colour, some are in greyscale. Over it, the Wikipedia entry reads: “Returning to the dying Castor, Pollux was given the choice by Zeus of spending all his time on Mount Olympus or giving half his immortality to his mortal brother.” The excerpt from the Nemean 10 follows: “‘But nevertheless I grant you your choice in this. If you wish to escape death and hated old age, and to dwell in Olympus yourself with me and Athena and Ares of the dark spear, you can have this lot. But if you strive to save your brother, and intend to share everything equally with him, then you may breathe for half the time below the earth, and for half the time in the golden homes of heaven.’ When Zeus had spoken thus, Polydeuces did not have a second thought.” The second half of the page is a drawing of the scene where Lemon sits next to Tangerine’s dead body. Both are covered in blood and the sunrise is shining on them through the train’s window. The last bit of the Wikipedia entry reads: “The brothers became the two brightest stars in the constellation Gemini (”the twins”): Castor (Alpha Geminorum) and Pollux (Beta Geminorum).” End ID.]
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martyroshka · 2 years ago
somewhere,     in the regions fruition & embrace.    there were two   (   a masculine  & feminine version of the netherworlds standard.  )  pennants of  magnetism,  beauty,  the ugliness were only existing from their separate view.  & as perceived,   from hell at least,  the smudge & those flaws were particularly sewed in such delicate style.      as if every trauma,   encounter,    sensation had been foredoomed to a point of such a precision,   
it could have been meant.   (  so it was,    & it’s this derision which carves  &  casts their enigmas.    almost cosmically attracting,       almost fated. )      the romeo   & juliet of the underworld would be a pitted amusement,   yet  towed  within the depths of the realm in which they suit were no laughing matter.       (   they could wear their flesh,  emboss the living corpses,  drape & fill themselves to  cusp.  )         & yet still remain empty,   barren of earthly purposes where they would instead thrive in the silent valleys   & hot capes within the under earth,  which is hell.    
the alpha geminorum,   the natural process of what would be a consummation of a spiritual level,   shared in vision,   depravity,   endued of almost the same texture of cloth for a better sacrifice.   (     the throw of that beauty is not immediately recognized,    but her claret red,     &   flower embed body.. shaped solely of confidence refines the foresight  )     the man is a nightsade figure,  with an impulsory  perception.     who hovers relatively close for the slightest peak of this woman,   who haunts him like the dead at a grave site.             they live in the womb of the living,       & he’s not so sure he’s meant to stay.    so implore him this..    
someone he’d know would be generally attractive,    wealthy in appearance    &   probably  self absorbed.   he intuits her ability to  seem disinterested in just about everything within reach :    expensive liquor,      the occasional blown off male suitor   & the provided entertainment.      he’s hoping to provide with some.. 
  ❝ you look bored,    it looks sad and pathetic actually.    you must be drinking water,      how about something more potent than.. whatever this is.        ❞  he goes on to staunchly spout her drink,    & exchange with something alot more stout.  ​
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&   here i am,   nearly extinct.   she is incapable of sweetness that is not stolen,   a florisugent being  /  red earth to this matriarchal hymnal. she will be well-read,   the binding broken a thousand times for the same few chapters,  red inked in the margins  &  waterlogged as supine in ivory bathyals. in what image were you made?   blasphemous,  elysian or gorged on the concept of avarice.  we watch their cheeks bulge,  like wine skin  &  question their intoxication.   
it’s casual of history to forget the origin of sin,  as eve whence of adams rib,  yet man as deific,  esoteric,  kind.   it’s mythology.     a thousand lifetimes still could not fathom the concept of a figure in the sky,  a watchful creator of famine,  disease   &   the death we strive to outrun   (an eventuality decreed as evil,   irreconcilable of hourglass souls).    
“  do you hear yourself?   ”      his scent burns like a vineyard watered by lethe, intoxicating in its saccharin,  full - bodied hypnos.     still,   just like her;  deathless.   where is the peace promised?   a clepsydra of what dazes   &   washes over,   but does not soothe.   the fervour that descends her flesh is not with chagrin   (so vivid,  a cornucopia,  stunning as narcissi).  it plashed in her navel,  white-hot   &    irascible.
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“   i’ll go back to being pathetic in my own company,  ”   the tone is saturated by her vicious nature.  taking the drink now offered,   her expression is stilled  &   ire-scorched  (blackened in the definitions).   the fornication encircle her womb;  made of marble   &   sulphurous adulteries to grieve in a dream.  liquors seep into her,  in a glass capsule,   dulling   &   stilling.   you smile.  no,  it is not fatal.    where was hecate? i will be palatable,  she thought,   is no poultice of her psyche.   should she be made that way?   or retain her acrimony    as sloe fruits in season come   &   tower-crowned mother of the rotten grain   (demeter   &   the avenging dead),  the silent lemures,   in fear with dripping ambrosial fingers.  she salivates at the thought.      
“   you’re boring.   find someone else to bother.    ”
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maid-of-pixels · 7 years ago
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I made this grumpy man as well. This is Castor, and when he isn’t salty - he’s trying to get into fistfights with everyone and everything. He was also my first “serious” Starbound character
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protectspock · 3 years ago
I'll bite. How does Club Penguin exist within the Star Trek Universe?
They exist in the polar region of Iota Geminorum IV, aka the Tribble Homeworld. Tribbles are Puffles. Club penguin mostly takes place pre first contact but there are multiple instances of alien abduction, which is how tribbles/puffles first began to spread through the alpha and beta quadrants.
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quiltofstars · 1 year ago
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A few double stars in the northern skies // Dark Rangers
Rasalgethi (α Herculis) is a true multiple star system, a triple star system. The name comes from the Arabic phrase ra'is al-jāthī meaning "head of the kneeler," the "kneeler" being Hercules.
Polaris (α Ursae Minoris) is another true triple star system. The name comes from Neo-Latin stella polaris meaning, unsurprisingly, "polar star."
Mizar (ζ Ursae Majoris) is a quadruple star system, with each pair being seen as a "single" star. The name comes from the Arabic word mi'zar meaning "apron, wrapper, or covering."
Almach (γ Andromedae) is a quadruple star system. The name comes from the Arabic word al-'anāq meaning "the caracal," also known as a desert lynx.
Albireo (β Cygni) is probably a visual binary, meaning the two stars just happen to be close to each other on the sky. The name has an uncertain origin, tracing back to Ptolemy.
Castor (α Geminorum) is a sextuple star system, made up of three pairs of stars. The name has its origin in the Greek myth of the twins Castor and Pollux.
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picrews-for-rpgs · 3 years ago
portrait maker by Alpha Geminorum
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Only one face shape and one body type
Natural and unnatural skintones
Tusks, fangs and horns
Freckles and scars
Only one outfit (school uniform) in a few different colours
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of-dragons-and-fae · 5 years ago
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Stars in Magick
💫 Enlightenment and inspiration, inner purpose, astral magick and self reflection.
💫 Self care, safety during sleep, inner child magick, divination looking into past lives and encouragement of astral projection.
💫 Protection with exploration of the inner self, manifestation magick and clarity.
Star Water in Magick
🏺 Collect a transparent bottle or jar to gather your star water. Research what constellation it will be put under if it applies to you and refer to the constellation correspondence list.
💧 Fill it up with water either up to the brim or half way depending on preference (Not rain water as it collects pollution on it's way down).
💎 Feel free to charge the water beforehand with star connecting crystals if a starlit skys without pollution is not possible with the intention of charging it into star water, outside of the container not within for safety.
🌌 Set the container on a stable surface outdoors under a starlit sky with little to non-pollution with a closed lid. Leave for a minimum of thirty minutes, and the maximum of an hour and a half.
Star Colour Magick
Blue - Awareness, clarity, communication, emotions, fertility, fidelity, freedom, guidance, harmony, honor, hope, intuition, knowledge, peace, prosperity, protection, purification, relationships, spirituality, transformation, wisdom. Especially useful for astral travel and dream work.
Green - Abundance, balance, creativity, fertility, growth, kindness, love, luck, prosperity, renewal, success, wealth. Especially useful for healing and connecting with spirits.
Purple - Awareness, enlightenment, happiness, inspiration, manifestation, spirituality, wisdom. Especially useful for astral travel, clairvoyance, divination and psychic work.
Orange - Abundance, adaptability, beginnings, confidence, discipline, justice, luck, power, reconciliation, strength, transformation. Especially useful for dealing with change and healing.
Red - Action, courage, creativity, determination, fertility, leadership, love, loyalty, motivation, passion, power, protection, relationships, renewal, strength, willpower.
Especially useful for activating energy and breaking hexes.
White - Clarity, compassion, enlightenment, gratitude, happiness, harmony, hope, inspiration, peace, protection, purity, spirituality, willpower. Especially useful for astral travel, divination, healing, and psychic work.
Yellow- Awareness, clarity, communication, creativity, devotion, faith, friendship, happiness, inspiration, wisdom
Especially useful for astral travel, clairvoyance, dream work, and contacting spirits.
Constellation Magick
Andromedia.: Fixture of relationship issues, rekindlement of love, marriage, ignition of personal power, release spellwork, banishing magick, working through grief, shadow magick, helping move past the fear of death.
~ Alpha Andromedae (Blue): Independence and freedom
~ Gamma Andromedae (Gamma1 is orange, Gamma2 is blue, Gamma3 is white): Artistic abilities
Aquarius.: Power of Water magick, personal self development, regenerative energy, expanding creative abilities, spiritual endeavours, sea witchery and boost in manifesting luck spells.
~ Alpha Aquarii (Yellow): Luck
~ Beta Aquarii (Yellow): Fortune and attracting positive energies
~ Delta Aquarii (Yellow): Wishful magick
Aquila.: Preserving of traditions, messages, bestowment of clairvoyant abilities, Litha, Air Magick, success, reaching new heights, divination, psychic work, astral travel and realm travelling.
~ Alpha Aquilae (Yellow)
~ Beta Aquilae (Yellow-Red)
~ Gamma Aquilae (Orange): Balance
Ara.: Protection of the home and sacred spaces, binding magick, victory, aid in maintaining chastity, refuge, protective talismans, prediction of the weather, dedication of the altar.
~ Alpha Arae (Blue Star) - Less brightest.
~ Beta Arae (Orange Star) - Most brightest.
Aries.: Introspection into developing psychic abilities, fertility, abundance, strength, potent protective energies, aid in drawing down energy.
~ Alpha Arietis (Orange): Action and independence
~ Beta Arietis (White-Yellow Star): Spring magick
~ Gamma Arietis (White-Orange Star): Protection
Auriga.: Protection of children, storm magick, protection, wisdom, weather witchery, protection against evil, protection against storms, protection of innocent people/civilians, strengthening intentions and aid in divination skills.
~ Alpha Aurigae ( Alpha1 is yellow and Alpha2 is red)
~ Beta Aurigae (Blue-White Star)
~ Gamma Aurigae (Blue)
Boötes.: WIP
Cancer.: Fulfillment of tasks, working with liminality, astral travel, dream work, creativity, abundance, wealth and prosperity.
~ Alpha Cancri (White)
~ Beta Cancri (Orange)
~ 44M Cancri (Red, Orange, Yellow, White and Blue)
Canes Venatici.: Life force energy (wip)
Canis Major.: Protection of dogs and guardianship of new life.
~ Alpha Canis Majoris (White): Healing magick and death witchery.
~ Epsilon Canis Majoris (Blue and White)
Canis Minor.: Liminal sight, the ability to see spirits, protection of the home.
~ Alpha Canis Minoris (White)
Capricornus.: Gratitude, the Horned God, nature, fertility, abundance and playfulness.
~ Alpha Capricorni (Yellow)
~ Beta Capricorni (Beta 1a is orange, Beta 1b is blue white, Dabih Minor is blue white, Beta 2b is white)
~ Delta Capricorni (Delta 1 is white, Delta 2 is yellow white): Wisdom
Cassiopeia.: Use this constellations' energy together with the Cepheus constellation, strength, balance, respect and restoration of health.
~ Alpha Cassiopeiae (Orange Star): Maternity magick
~ Beta Cassiopeiae (Yellow-White Star)
~ Delts Cassiopeiae (Blue-White Star)
Cepheus.: Use with the constellation Cassiopeia, male sovereignty, strength and authority, home, family and security.
~ Alpha Cephei (White)
~ Beta Cephei (Blue-White)
~ Gamma Cephei (Orange)
~ Mu Cephei (Red)
Together, Cepheus and Cassiopeia brings balance to male and feminine energies, life and death, represents relationships of lovers and can be called upon to find true love and sparking everlasting union.
Cetus.: Unconscious forces, harmony, self esteem boost, travel protection, intelligence, protection when casting circles, transformation and growth.
~ Alpha Ceti (Red)
~ Beta Ceti (Orange)
~ Omicron Ceti (Omicron1 is red and Omicron2 is white): Liminality
~ Zeta Ceti (Orange)
Corona Australis.:
Corona Borealis.:
Crater.: Mysticism, spirituality, the Water Element, femininity, blessings, the season of Spring, sensuality and fertility.
Cygnus.: Sacrifice, friendship, unity, the Fae, enchantment, the power of prophecy, astral journeys, mysticism, restful sleep, boosting self esteem, healing, strength and beauty.
~ Alpha Cygni (Blue and White Star): Fae, looking out for one another.
~ Beta Cygni (Beta1 is yellow and Beta2 is blue)
~ Epsilon Cygni (Orange): Air Magick, flight, freedom
Delphinus.: Sea witchcraft, protection of sea creatures especially dolphins, protection when travelling at sea, friendship, musical talent, cheerfulness, transformation, beauty, fun, working with elemental energies mainly water, discovering truth, releasing negativity, liberation, wisdom, otherwordly nature, aid in helping the passing over of loved ones, maternity magick, protection with pregnancy, fertility magick and travel spells.
~ Alpha Delphini (Blue-White)
~ Beta Delphini (Yellow-White) Talent
~ Epsilon Delphini (White)
Draco.: Draconic magick, wisdom, spiritual guardians, Earth Dragon Guardian, artisitic ability, skill, prosperity, good luck, power, protection of important spaces and items.
~ Alpha Draconis (White): Leadership qualities
~ Beta Draconis (Yellow)
~ Gamma Draconis (Orange)
Eridanus.: Wisdom, blessing of water, health, abundance, power, transformation, aid in meditation, wisdom, inspiration, boost in spiritual performance and musical ability.
~ Alpha Eridani (Blue-White)
~ Gamma Eridani (Yellow)
Gemini.: Balance of light and dark, transition, transformation, embracing dynamic of life, strength of unity.
~ Alpha Geminorum (Alpha 1+2 are white and Alpha3 is red): Success in legal matters
~ Beta Geminorum (Orange): Bravery and craftiness.
Grus.: Ancient wisdom, death, rebirth, energetically charging, boosting divination, understanding deep mysteries, and truth.
~ Alpha Gruis (Blue-White)
~ Beta Gruis (Red)
Hercules.: Strength, determination, purpose, potent creative energy, help in contacting the Fae, energising power, overcoming challenges, logic, boosting potency of spells.
~ Alpha Herculis (Alpha 1a is orange, Alpha 1b is blue green, Alpha 2a is yellow, Alpha 2b is yellow white)
~ Beta Herculis (Yellow Star): Offensive magick
Hydrus.: Prosperity, abundance, wisdom, reproduction, power, manifestation, emotional magick, cycles, healing magick, change, transformation, aid in raising energy.
~ Alpha Hydrae: Darker passions and untamed emotions.
Leo.: Protection, fertility, abundance, courage, balance between femininity and masculinity.
~ Beta Leonis (Blue Star): Stimulation of creativity.
~ Gamma Leonis (Gamma 1 = orange, Gamma 2 = yellow): Promotion of love and protection against enemies.
~ Delta Leonis (Blue-white Star): Liminality and strength.
Lepus.: Moon Magick, ment health support, self esteem, hope, wishing magick, abundance, fertility, quick thinking, aid in divination, boosts the energy of divination tools, transformation, hidden knowledge and discovery.
~ Alpha Leporis (Yellow-White)
~ Beta Leporis (Yellow)
Libra.: Justice, balance, introspectivity, reflection, good health, balancing of energies and support of legal matters.
~ Alpha Librae (Alpha 1 = yellow, Alpha 2 = blue): Negative influences
~ Beta Librae (Blue-Green star): Honor and ambition, together representing the balance of light and dark.
Lupus.: Eternity, afterlife, banishing, renewal, power, healing, rebirth, reawakening, elemental forces, protection of young animals, protection against unpredictable weather, ancestral magick and Earth magick.
~ Alpha Ursae Majoris (Orange Star)
~ Beta Ursae Majoris (Blue-White Star)
~ Alpha Ursae Minoris (Yellow-White Star): Navigation and protection against spells.
Lyra.: Musical talent, poetry within magick, spellwork.
~ Alpha Lyrae (Blue-White Star): Social awareness and magick,artistic talent.
~ Beta Lyrae (Blue-White): Otherworldy and enchantment.
~ Gamma Lyrae (Blue-White): Faery Realm and introspection.
Monoceros.: Enchantment, Faery Realm, working with Unicorns, freedom, power, empowerment, blessings of love and luck and spiritual revelation.
~ Alpha (Orange), Gamma (Orange) and Delta Monocerotis (White): Beauty, astral travel, illusion in magick and glamour magick.
Ophiuchus.: Powerful healing magick, the Realm of Death, talents
~ Alpha Ophiuchi (Alpha1 is white, Alpha2 Orange); astronomy magick
~ Beta Ophiuchi (Orange); Empowerment of ones own magick
~ Alpha Serpentis (Orange); Balancing energy points
~ Theta Serpentis (White); Grounding magick and peacefulness
Orion.: Storm magick, overcoming challenges, success, victory, achievement, self confidence, death, afterlife, rebirth, feminity, empowerment and protection.
~ Alpha Orionis (Red)
~ Beta Orionis (Red)
~ Gamma Orionis (Blue)
Pegasus.: Nephelomancy magick, poetry magick, protection of horses, freeing someone under the influence of witchcraft, prophecy, liminal spaces, aid in transversing realms, divination, aid in seeing ghosts and connection with children.
~ Alpha Pegasi (Blue-White): Stability
~ Beta Pegasi (Red Star): Creativity
~ Gamma Pegasi (Blue-White)
~ Epsilon Pegasi (Yellow)
Perseus.: Enhancement of wishes, sun magick, freedom, uncrossing magick and breaking hexes.
~ Alpha Persei (Yellow-White)
~ Beta Persei (Beta 1 is blue-white, Beta 2 is orange and Beta 3 is white)
Phoenix.: Rebirth, regeneration, reincarnation, change, transformation, dynamic cycles, fire magick and support through challenges.
Pisces.: Creativity, procreation, unity, divination, mysticism and knot magick.
~ Alpha Piscium (White): Knowledge and integrating ideas.
~ Eta Piscium (Yellow)
~ Gamma Piscium (Yellow)
Piscis Austrinus.: WIP
Pleiades.: Peace, wisdom, unity, mysticism, power, channeling knowledge, higher self, procreation and increasement of intuition.
~ Ela Tauri (Alycone1 is blue-white, Alycone2+3 is white and Alycone4 is Yellow-White): Protection of birds and winged creatures and calming the weather.
~ 16 Tauri (Blue-White): Creation
~ 17 Tauri (Blue-White): Aid in moving past grief.
~ 19 Tauri (1+2 are blue white and 3 is white): Protection of cities
~ 20 Tauri (Blue-White): Springtime magick
~ 21 + 22 Tauri (Blue-White): Parenthood
~ 23 Tauri (Blue-White): Love
Sagittarius.: Achieving goals, male fertility, sensuality, vitality, awareness, freedom.
~ Alpha Sagittarii (Blue star); steadiness
~ Beta Sagittarii (Beta1 is Blue, Beta2 is yellow white); Athleticism,
~ Epsilon Sagittarii (Epsilon 1 is blue and Epsilon2 is orange): mental stimulation
~ Gamma Sagittarii (Orange)
Scorpius.: Protection, death witchery, potent powerful magick, repellent of negativity, psychic abilities, working on the Shadow self, spirituality, transformation and creativity.
~ Alpha Scorpii (Red star): Water magick
~ Beta Scorpii (Blue-White Star): Defensive magick
~ Lambda Scorpii (Blue-White Star): Offensive magick
Taurus.: Life, nature's cycles, fertility, abundance, wealth, beauty, glamour magick, regeneration, wealth and aid in consecration of tools and grounding.
~ Alpha Tauri (Orange)
~ Beta Tauri (Blue): Fire magick
Triangulum.: WIP
Ursa Major.: WIP
Ursa Minor.: WIP
Virgo.: Bounty of the Earth, cycles of the seasons, Ostara, divinity, aid in Earth Magick, blessing of spaces, regeneration and strengthening of love.
~ Alpha Virginis (Blue-White): Protection against danger, navigation, fortune and abundance.
~ Gamma Virginis (Yellow-White): Prophecy.
~ Epsilon Virginis (Yellow): Harvest, reaping and sowing.
Crystals to Connect to Stars
~ Blue tourmaline and onyx
~ Celestite and amethyst
~ Blue goldstone + blue apatite
My personal correspondences.
Mainly from Star Magick by Sandra Kynes
Post by Of-Dragons-And-Fae
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neutronstcr · 3 years ago
🙌 + lucie
Send me 🙌 and a muse you’re curious about, and I’ll tell you more about them.
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GERAL: Lucie é a gêmea que nasceu primeiro do casal Ryu, com um pouco mais de três minutos de diferença entre ela e Charity. Seu nome faz referência à Lucie Manette de A Tale Of Two Cities por Charles Dickens, e diz que tem apego às obras do autor para agradar os seus pais. Sua cor favorita é lilás e ama itens de papelaria, já que precisa ter uma agenda bonita e organizada para viver bem.
ESTRELA: A estrela de Lucie é Castor (Alpha Geminorum), a segunda estrela mais brilhante da constelação de Gemini. Como resultado, a estrela de Cherry é Pollux e juntas compõem o mito dos gêmeos celestiais.
FAMÍLIA: A pessoa de quem é mais próxima é, sem dúvidas, sua gêmea. Faria qualquer coisa por ela, tal como assumir todas as responsabilidades para que Cherry possa seguir a carreira que desejar. Lucie costuma ser ambiciosa e ter seus objetivos bem definidos, mas se algo for de desejo da gêmea abre mão na mesma hora. Não pode falar que seus pais são um poço de amor e compreensão, no entanto, não deixaram que nada faltasse para ela. É a quem tem mais noção sobre como o casamento dos dois é puramente de fachada para manter a empresa de eventos sem maiores escândalos, e o peso desse segredo fez com que ela não acreditasse em amor romântico por um longo tempo. Está mais para uma boa funcionária do que filha, já que seus elogios são sobre seu desempenho no trabalho e poucas demonstrações de afeto são vistas entre eles.
RELACIONAMENTOS: Por conta da relação dos pais, Lucie é distante emocionalmente com pessoas que não são a sua gêmea. Ainda assim, tentou manter alguns namoros, mas eles nunca iam para frente — bem, pelo menos ela terminou com dois amigos próximos. Ela é difícil de se lidar quando tentam se aproximar demais: de início, Lucie é super simpática e fofa, algo que aprendeu desde cedo por conta da profissão dos pais. Uma cerimonialista tem que ser solícita, organizada, direta e com pulso firme, algo que ela tenta seguir todos os dias. Entretanto, esse “pulso firme” acaba virando raiva muito fácil, algo que ela tenta manter escondido à todo o custo (o que não acaba acontecendo). Por isso consegue contar nos dedos as pessoas que a conhecem de verdade e não se afugentaram por ser esquentada.
TALENTOS: Está envolvida com os eventos dos pais desde que se entende por gente, e acabou criando uma certa sensibilidade para lidar com as noivas em seu dia especial. Querendo ou não sempre se emociona durante cerimônias,  genuinamente tentando o seu melhor para que tudo saia corretamente. Além de entender muito bem as noivas e seus pedidos, tem um bom senso estético e consegue planejar qualquer coisa de mãos atadas. Seus hobbies são caligrafia (para decorar seu bullet journal), fazer sabonetes e velas para dar de presente, além de ter criado gosto por arranjos florais com o passar do tempo. Gosta de praticar atividades físicas para liberar tensão, sendo mais violenta do que gostaria durante as aulas de boxe.
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foxgirlchorix · 5 years ago
general terms for groups of multiple genders by proportion
A discussion with @libragender led to the realization that there are several terms for multiple genders and for partial genders, but not many more granular terms for multiple genders or the combination of these.
My apologies for the extreme nerdiness inherent in this. I hope you will find the terms useful!
These can be used on their own or as adjectives for another term or system- it may also be useful to use shorthand terms from something like the alloy system, but I’m unsure if the creator of that system is okay with using them like that.
the list is organized like:
- identity (star namesake): explanation
- spicic (alpha virginis): when one has two genders of fairly similar proportions
- almazic (epsilon aurigae): when one has two genders but one is confusing or obscured
- siric (alpha canis majoris): when one has two genders of varying proportions
- procyonic (alpha canis minoris): see siric, but the proportions are counter to the standard assumption (perhaps use in conjunction with “libragender”, unless there’s a counter term?)
- miric (omicron ceti): when one has two genders that fluctuate in proportion
- cygnic (cygnus x-1): when one has either one or two genders, but a strong component of one’s gender identity is agender or demigender 
- gliesic (gliese 667): when one has three genders of fairly similar proportion
- rigikenic (alpha centuari): when one has three genders, two of which are much more prominent than the third
- polaric (alpha ursae minoris): when one has three genders, one of which is more prominent than the other two
- fomalhic (alpha piscis austrini): when one has three genders of varying proportion
- algolic (beta persei): when one has three to four genders that fluctuate in proportion
- quvidelic (qv telescopii): when one has three to five genders with some components being agender or demigenders
- xitauric (xi tauri): when one has four genders of fairly similar proportion
- capellic (alpha aurigae): when one has four genders, two of which are major and two of which are minor
- mizaric (zeta ursae majoris): when one has four genders of varying proportion
- dabihic (beta capricorni): when one has five genders of fairly similar proportion
- mintakic (delta orionis): when one has five genders of varying proportion
- almachic (gamma andromedae): when one has five to six genders that fluctuate in proportion
- betucic (beta tucanae): when one has six genders of fairly similar proportion
- castoric (alpha geminorum): when one has six genders of varying proportion
- sagatic (sagittarius a*): when one has six or more genders with some components being agender or demigenders
- djabbanic (nu scorpii): when one has seven or more genders of fairly similar proportion
- arcassic (AR cassiopeiae): when one has seven or more genders of varying proportion
- trapezic (trapezium cluster): when one has more than seven genders that fluctuate in proportion to each other, or if one has many genders of chaotic proportions
I’d love to hear your feedback, especially if you have suggestions for things I missed or if I misuse anything! @lgbtqiarchive @variant-archive
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