#* repost.
simply-ivanka · 26 days
Hunter Biden’s scandalous laptop, which was originally dismissed as Russian disinformation by many media outlets, pundits and even liberal allies in the intelligence community, was formally entered into evidence and confirmed by the FBI this week in his ongoing federal gun crime trial. 
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Remember how these pieces of shit interfered with the 2020 election.
They should not be allow to escape without penalty.
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butch-bf · 13 days
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just laying around the house 🏠
minors, terfs and cis men DNI.
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usercatra · 9 months
clicking on the SOURCE LINK you will find 102 ( 268x151 ) gifs of EMILIO SAKRAYA in roter sand (album doku) teil 01 & 02. all gifs were made by me from scratch, so PLEASE do not claim as your own or redistribute. LIKE/REBLOG if you found this helpful.
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content warning: food.
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sunsetgifs · 6 months
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[ click the source link ] for 302 gifs ( 265x155 ) of alin szewczyk from their role as tosiek graczyk in the movie fanfik ( fanfic ). alin is a white polish actor born in 1999 & is nonbinary , using they / them pronouns , so please keep that in mind when casting them ! you may freely edit these , just please CREDIT me if you share them & please like / reblog if you find them useful in any way. go to /index to see my other rules if you haven't checked them out already. thank you ! trigger warnings : alcohol , blood , food/eating , lights.
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24hrsaturday · 2 months
🖤🫶🏿 .
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stagehunt · 3 months
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she's so funny for this
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carlsonyoungs · 1 year
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— [ #𝟑𝟏𝟎 𝐆𝐈𝐅𝐒 ] of 𝐑𝐄𝐁𝐄𝐂𝐂𝐀 𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐄 in Maggie: 1.05 - 1.06 can be found on my gif pack server. All gifs were made by yours truly for roleplaying purposes, only. You must follow my rules when using AND reblog this post.
content warning(s): drinking, kissing
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woodcries · 4 months
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marya and her vision edit
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brokeniisms · 4 months
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Tagging: anyone who wishes to do it <3
Your result:
pentheus. you are pentheus from the bacchae by euripides, and you hold yourself so tightly wound together and so perfectly in place that even the slightest push will make you shatter. you are determined, you are headstrong, and you are addicted to pushing yourself to your farthest limits just to see when you'll snap. you find comfort in tradition, order, and authority, because that's where you are allowed to be blind to the darkness inside you. once in a while, give into the temptation and the chaos you keep denying yourself. it's the only way to not be afraid anymore.
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simply-ivanka · 7 months
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Justice is corrupted in the Biden Administration
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corvicides · 1 year
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sunsetgifs · 6 months
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[ click the source link ] for 137 gifs ( 265x155 ) of danny ramirez from his role as mario martinez in the show on my block. danny is an american actor of mexican & colombian descent born in 1992 , so please keep that in mind when casting him ! you may freely edit these , just please CREDIT me if you share them & please like / reblog if you find them useful in any way. go to /index to see my other rules if you haven't checked them out already. thank you ! trigger warnings : alcohol , bruising.
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nonsupe · 1 year
first contact was made months ago.      how many he’s not exactly sure,      only that its been radio silence since then despite other attempts to reach him in the fog of what happens in the aftermath of realizing a truth everyone around him seems to deny.      captain vought is dead,      they were told.      something about a helicopter crash in the middle of a jungle,      details he never quite retained in wake of the grief that weighed heavy over him those first few weeks.     attended the funeral they arranged   (   and he knows now that it was only to save face to the public   ),      and he was the last to leave.      it was a mandatory appearance with the others that worked closely with him,     but it was voluntarily he attended and paid his respects.      that he stayed until every last mourner had visited the grave and left a token of their grief in way of flowers or pieces of merchandise specific to him that in a way made his stomach flop.      and it wasn’t the only thing that made him sick to his stomach,     that lit the fire that made his blood boil.     what nearly sent him over the edge was watching them,      not the public but them  --  each of payback that stood there,     idle,     collected,     clad in black but not an ounce of remorse or grief in their bodies.      the higher ups that stood alongside them in similar face.      they weren’t mourning him.      it was his first sign that there was more going on under the surface,     behind those locked doors since the return of payback from nicaragua.
it took time,      admittedly a little longer than he would have liked but he had to be careful working against them under their nose,     careful not to draw any kind of suspicion or it would blow the whole fucking thing wide open and that was not a price he was willing to pay.      not with someone this valuable.      as it was made perfectly clear where they stood in regards to him:   willing to lie to each of the faces of payback and allow them to believe that he was dead,      leaving him to the jungle with no way home and not a single person in the world he could trust.      none except shiloh.      and thank god that @antisupe knew that.
contact was made through morse code,      something that had been ongoing for apparently weeks before shiloh was made aware of it through loud talkers in the tower,      a higher up that surely loved to hear himself talk.      it was a challenge word that had a specific response,      one only shiloh would know as it was one they agreed upon many years ago in similarly dark times.      and when he finally managed to get that key response to him,      the veil was pulled back and truth revealed in quick succession.      crash,      betrayal,      payback.      it was all he got from him and then there was nothing.      no response when he tried to reach him,     no response when it was his turn to extend the codeword.     and its been that way since.
its not the first time he was reliant on himself and the resources he could wrestle together last minute;   not the first he spent hours driving from point a to point b under the cover of night.      paid some autojunker for a piece of shit car over the border after he ditched the last rental he’d paid for in cash,     made way through crowded streets and jungle alike.     saw the crash site that still scarred the earth and trees,      the ground scorched from when it came down violently.      metal still poked out of the mud,      helicopter body still on the jungle floor but looks as though it was beginning to be scrapped for parts by any who’d come across it.      it was a start.      took him a few more weeks passing through small towns and various communities in the area,      showing his picture to locals and asking if they’d seen him.   (   lo has visto ?   have you seen him ?    has visto a este hombre ?    have you seen this man ?   )      which proved far more difficult than he realized.     like looking for a needle in a haystack,     and he was offered very little help by those he’d come across.     few people took the time to look at his picture,     to give him the time of day   -   some simply walked around him and wanted no part in dealing with him.     but it didn’t stop him for a moment from looking.      if it wouldn’t stop leon,      it won’t stop him.
wasn’t until he came closer to a river town that it seemed like he might actually catch a break,      a lead in his search.      shiloh showed his picture to a group of people,      all young men,      who pointed him in the direction of the river boat and told him to ask about going up river.      there was caution in it,     of course,     but it was shilohs first lead since coming this far,      since he abandoned the states and followed what little he knew.      the same question was posed to the captain of the boat,      same picture shiloh is certain he’s shown to a thousand different people,      but instead of a cold shoulder,      being ignored,      or a kind of unfortunate and sorrowful no,      the captain simply nodded and said,       “   i know him.   there’s a fishing village up river,   he’s there last i remember.   s’been a few months though,   amigo   ...   no telling where he’s ended up.   ”      but that wasn’t his concern,       and after he was nearly swindled out of almost all of his cash to hitch a ride to see it for himself,     after shiloh said to him:  cash isn’t a concern,      he was taken aboard the boat and up river.
months have led to this.      months of planning,     preparing to bring him home if or rather when he would find him,      safe house ready for when he would bring him back.      months knowing that at some point,      sooner or later,      he would have answers and he would find leon,      and still he doesn’t know the first thing he’s going to say when he reaches this fishing village,     when he finds him after the shit he’s put up with,      the impossible blocking that vought tried to enforce over him,      when he can finally embrace him after mourning and then hiding him.
months for this moment when the boat stops and is tied to a dock,      when the locals approach the boat that had come with various goods and shiloh warren alongside it,      and dark eyes under the shade of sunglasses find the man he’s been searching for.      leon marshall,      safe and alive as ever,      approaching with the others.      quick movements bring him out of the boat,      heavy booted steps across the dock to meet the other man half way,      arms around him in an embrace.      “   god,     it’s so good to see you again.   ”          a soft laugh falling between them as he speaks,          “   you look good for a man thats supposed to be dead.   ”
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terrifyingstories3 · 1 year
i sob a lot about octavia in i am become death. more specifically about how octavia spends the whole ep taking care of the delinquents and how gentle she is with clarke – comfortingly touching her leg and back and getting her water and taking over for her when she’s too sick to help the other kids, telling her she’ll do it so she can rest and staying up all night to make good on her promise. it’s so much to me how octavia responds to people respecting and believing in her; it has such a positive effect on her and often leads to her stepping up in response, wanting so badly to do them proud. she clearly respects and cares about clarke so much in this ep, listening to her so intently and telling murphy what clarke does to take care of the sick kids because clarke gave her instructions and she not only really listened to those directions but also saw her in action and paid close attention. it’s very telling of octavia’s ability to pay attention to detail and her desire to do so, to be able to offer what she can offer to this group she’s come to care for.
at the beginning of the episode she’s committed to leaving with lincoln, but at the end of it she’s telling lincoln she can’t because the delinquents are her people. she realizes that she has to stay and this is where she has to be and i believe so much of that is due to having helped that day – having been trusted and relied on to help. she even managed to help bellamy (someone who has been taking care of her her entire life and who often seems larger than life to her), taking care of him when he was ill and comforting him, and that felt so good. it felt so good to have bellamy look to her for comfort and be able to provide that, even if the circumstances were terrible and it was really scary for her to see him like that. she felt more bonded with the hundred after this experience and felt more of a responsibility where they were concerned. they depended on her, and so she became more protective of them, more desperate to defend them.
this is very true of modern!octavia as well, perhaps even more so. she really thrives when people put their faith in her. people often doubt octavia, underestimating her capacity for learning and growth and potential to do well because of her outgoing and often childish personality, and this makes her deeply unhappy. while her anxiety can make it difficult to cope with people having expectations for her and make her want to run from them, if they’re patient and express faith in her the results can be really rewarding. it brings out an octavia that’s been there all along hidden under the surface – someone determined and creative and passionate and resilient, who… while often times impatient and easily frustrated if progress isn’t immediate… will commit to doing well with everything that she has. it makes her a happier, more caring individual capable of handling more than people – including herself – will often realize. she needs people to believe in her and trust her and her well-being will suffer if she isn’t around people that do. she’s someone who really wants and needs to grow and isn’t happy in stagnancy.
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carlsonyoungs · 1 year
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— [ #𝟑𝟕𝟑 𝐆𝐈𝐅𝐒 ] of 𝐑𝐄𝐁𝐄𝐂𝐂𝐀 𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐄 in a Maggie: 1.01 can be found on my gif pack server. All gifs were made by yours truly for roleplaying purposes, only. You must follow my rules when using AND reblog this post.
content warning(s): food, flashing lights
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skydragn · 1 year
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name: wendy marvel age: 15-16 occupation: student class: 1-c quirk: oxi heal quirk description: oxi heal is the quirk where wendy can control the oxygen in the blood in order to make a wound heal. for cuts the additional oxygenated blood allows for cuts to scab up and to heal easier and for sickness, it allows more white blood cells to fight infections. instead of taking time to heal, her quirk speeds up to process of it so it only takes a couple of minutes to get better. the only draw is that if overused she can become light headed and sometimes faint in extreme cases. brief background: wendy was born to two doctors, a quirkless mother and a father who be can his own wounds (within limits) activating her quirk made her parents believe she was going to follow in their foots steps. but after a villain attack to the hospital they worked at, they both passed away when wendy was 6. she was then adopted by grandine, who loved her and took care of her as if she was her own child. ever since she was a child she wanted to a hero, but without a frashly quirk, it was impossible. so grandine helped get wendy into ua as a gen ed student with the hopes that she can one day join the hero course. where she is now. even though she doesn't have a flashy quirk, she wants to be a hero who can save civilians and heroes alike with her quirk.
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