#alpha ejderhalar
soulflamesketches · 5 years
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We made badges in Art Class today~
And, of course, what else would I do if I was making stuff for the ejderhalar book: The Horned Crown: Unite them all. Mostly phrases from it's blurb/summary.
Unite them all
The ones that Fly
The ones that Glide
The ones that Climb
The ones that Dive
It's time for you to Rise
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soulflamesketches · 4 years
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I finally got around to doing my boy’s concept work! 
Just him on his own: https://sta.sh/0sh31sqt7q4
This is Ozsut. He’s one of the main protagonists in my personal story. He’s more the main character as he is the one sent on the journey to unite the other subspecies of Kakorean. He’s a librarian from the desert, he didn’t think he was meant for anything like this. 
He’s a part of a species of aliens I haved called the Kakoreans, or the ejderhalar. I made them on a whim for a fandom OC a few years back. But then a friend of ine starting asking question after question, to the point that they were developed enough for me to care about them XD
But it’s taken me a long time before actually concepting the main gang of the story. I hope to get to get them as well :) 
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soulflamesketches · 5 years
Quick update
Alright alright. I know that I have barely been making prompts or really writing much lately.
Mostly just because I wanted to enjoy my holidays for Christmas and the new year. Cause this is my last year of school starting soon, I'm turning 18 and I will need to pull my head out of my ass.
I am still writing different things, but it’s just very slowly cause I have the bad habit of procrastinating with both my writing and homework! XD
Yeah, I need to break the habit
Anyway, I am still going to try and finish other x readers  I said  I would, but I am working on some of my own personal projects, which do include ocs, my oc blogs, oc x canon oneshots/stories and even planning to write a possibly long story about the Kakoreans’ (Ejderhalar) first Alpha and his journey to unite the subspecies of Kakoro under the Horned Crown.
Feel free to call me a mad woman for all I want to do while in school, I already know I am XD but I will do my best to make 2019 fun.
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soulflamesketches · 5 years
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World Building.... So much fun....urg!
The Planet of KaKoro is the home of the Kakoreans, or for those who see what personal stuff I post, The Ejderhalar. That name serves to be the actually species name they've given themselves, like how we are Homo Sapiens.
Warning: If you do not want to read any sort of dragon puns, I suggest avoiding this post 😂 But I'm not gonna point them out, you tell me~
The Four Regions or Contiments are:
The Hydran Peaks. These mountains and valleys are the home of the Wyrmtain Ejderhalar or the Standards as I've called them before. They are now the Wyrmtain.
Saharamph. This is the homeland of the Desert Ejderhalar or they refer to themselves as 'Saharamphia'. This land is a desert terrain full of dunes. The natives had to dig into the earth in order to create cool homes during the heat.
Draykle is the icey homeland of the Arctic Ejderhalar. Covered in snow and ice, the natives are covered in fur in order to survive, they seek rock caves in order to make fires and hide from storms
The Seraphant Isles are the remains of the continent that sunk after the great drift. The islands were so small that nothing could grow on them, so the natives had to take refuge in the water, now Aquatic Ejderhalar use the sunken lands as estate for homes. You could find a drop off and find a nighbour hood in the 'cliff side'
The land bridge inbetween Saharamph and the Hydran Peaks were the key to starting to unite the entire species, so now that area is used as a captital city and the land in where the Alpha resides. It's the best mid point for all the sub-species to congregate without any extreme evironment changes being too much for someone.
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soulflamesketches · 6 years
Hecate, The Noble Titan, and Venom, her precious Klyntar.
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I just realised that I never posted this! I'm stupid! This is actually meant to be for a style challenge, this one being the representation of my style.
So what better way to do it than showing Hecate with her precious boy!
For everyone who isn't Beansie. Hecate is a marvel oc I created to be a folly to Thanos, by being his sister I made the conflict of Hecate not wanting to kill her little brother. But it has to happen and she knows it.
She left Titan not long before it's end because she felt that something was off, especially after Thanos proposed his 'solution'. Then after she hears of his plan, she sets out to stop it. On her journeys through the universe, she would stop and help some people that didn't have a home, she would teach them to live like nomads and then when they were ready, she would move on.
The years of this has created Hecate an army. The Nomads of Hecate, but she was oblivious to it, she just thought of helping people, not building an army. She only started to seek allies after she commissioned her weapon. A spear with one socket, for one infinity stone if she needs to use one.
First, Hecate sought out the Ejderhalar and they were the easiest to recruit. They had already heard of her story and were ready to fight with her. The Alpha even bowed to her. That left Hecate embarressed.
After that, Hecate needed to convince the Alpha of this second ally. The Klyntar. This was when she found Venom and she grew to care for him like a son. All the klyntar had a natural affinity towards her because she is the Noble Titan, you can feel that you're safe with her.
But she saw something different in Venom, she wanted to take him with her, but she was unsure if he could survive certain environments without needing to bond with something. So with much regret she had to leave him on his planet, but in the care of the ejderhalar.
She does not know where he is right now, but she deeply misses him. Her little klyntar.
These are simply headcanons for fun. Got complaints? I don't care. This is my blog.
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