#alot of bl fans are sapphic so yeah
Genuine question for gl fans. Why is it that when some of you find a gl series you like your first thought is to insult other gls. Its always "this is the first gl I've watched with decent production" or "this is the only gl I've watched with decent acting" and never "Wow this show is really good and the acting is phenomenal I can't wait to see where the story line goes".
I'm not saying that the gls we've had haven't had varying levels of quality because they have and critiquing that is valid. However, some of you don't know how appreciate something good without being a hater and it shows. Which is extremely disheartening because gl is a growing genre and we already have to fight with the toxic (oftentimes lesbophobic) bl fans that maintain that all gl is terrible and will never be successful and now we have to fight each other too like really? And it's not one shows fandom either I keep up with all the new gls and the haters are everywhere. So let me say this. Your favorite gl isn't god's gift to mankind just because you like it. Learn to to give a proper compliment.
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