#alongside sonic x and sonic prime
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guplia · 30 days ago
So Ramadan has begun! I'm gonna have to resist the urge to watch Ninjago now... Kinda sad because I was so close to being able to watch season 3 by April 17 but to be honest, even if it wasn't Ramadan right now my exams are too close to the release date. I guess it's a good thing then; I need to study as much as possible.
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Since you answered an ask of how Movie!Tails could react to the Shatter Variants of Tails from Sonic Prime, I'm curious to say my first ask to you, what do you think Movie!Sonic would react and think? 👀
especially towards Nine (⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)
Oooooh how interesting...
I'll give it a shot!
My only disclaimer is that, like before, my answer will be a mixture of my interpretation of canon and headcanon. Here's the previous ask about movie!Tails's opinions as well in case anyone reading hasn't read it: X
First impression:
Almost certainly the sight of Tails would be a familiar one, even if prime!Tails doesn't look exactly like movie!Tails. So (kind of how Prime!Sonic tended to do with some of the variants), I think he'd assume pretty quickly that Prime!Tails and Movie!Tails are almost the same/extremely similar, especially if he had a chance to see a window into Prime!Tails' life
The only other thing I could say is that depending on what Movie!Sonic has a chance to see, he could perhaps clock Prime!Tails as being a bit more confident and Prime!Sonic and Prime!Tails having a closer relationship? But it's also Sonic so he'd see the surface level similarities and probably assume they're similar enough as a first impression😂
After getting to know them:
This is one of those cases where two people are so similar that the differences would stand out more when Sonic actually meets him.
Since he's a roll with the punches kinda hedgehog, I don't think it would be especially hard for him to get used to fighting alongside Prime!Tails, but I do think he would notice the differences in how the two fight and the difference in confidence levels. He seems like the kind of hedgehog who would kind of start commenting on a difference out of the blue too. Something like "So you're used to things like this?" (in reference to fighting badniks and Eggman quite a lot) or "You guys are close" (in reference to Prime!Sonic and Prime!Tails fighting together).
Final addition. I think he'd be able to get along with Prime!Tails fairly well (though how he reacts to stuff like physical intimacy from Prime!Tails would be dependent on how close he is to Movie!Tails at that time), and at least once I feel like he'd go "I wonder if me and my Tails will be like that one day" (in reference to Prime!Sonic's best friendship with Prime!Tails)
First impression:
*cue gasp* "Pirate Tails?!"
He doesn’t have the most active filter either, so if it was a first meeting specifically (as opposed to viewing a highlight real/recording of him existing), I feel like Prime Sonic would be asking if the pirate thing is a costume or legit. Also wouldn't put it past him to do some decent–ish to terrible pirate speak/impressions at least once
After getting to know them:
I'm gonna be honest, depending on how the first meeting goes and how well acquainted Sails is with Prime!Sonic, I feel like either movie Sails would either be annoyed with Sonic initially or they'd hit it off (personally I like to headcanon that Sails likes to use riddles/say weird stuff just to mess with people, and would enjoy getting into the occasional prank war (something I feel movie!Sonic would enjoy as well)) and be irritating together.
I think upon finding out most differences between Sails and Movie!Tails, the bulk of Movie!Sonic’s reactions would be like "well, he's a pirate and he lives on a ship so that figures". It could potentially throw him a bit off that Sails isn't as tech savvy, but I think the similarities (and some differences) are fine enough for Movie!Sonic to feel like Sails is someone he can have a fun time hanging with
First impression:
Like Tails in the previous post, Sonic in general can be a bit judgy. The first impression in this case depends upon what he sees of Mangey or how meeting him goes. If it's an out of context thing, like Movie!Tails, I feel like there's a pretty fair probability that he'll also wonder if Mangey is just feral/crazy. With that being said, I feel that that by the end of Prime Mangey warmed up to Prime!Sonic pretty well. So even though Movie!Sonic isn't the exact same guy, I think Mangey could potentially be excited/happy to see him in a first meeting scenario. In this kind of scenario, I can see Mangey doing stuff like hanging fairly close to movie!Sonic and potentially being playful with him. (Since I headcanon Mangey as selectively mute and largely nonverbal) I feel like Movie!Sonic in this case would see Mangey as sweet and kind of quiet, but ultimately not think too hard about why that is.
After getting to know them:
Like with Movie!Tails, I think Movie!Sonic would come to understand Mangey and his situation/who he is better over time. Also, no matter his first impression, by this point I know in my bones movie!Sonic would find Mangey to be kinda cute. I feel like he'd enjoy training with Mangey (for fighting), he'd absolutely end up playing games with him (maybe even playing some form of catch?), and, if he's fairly comfortable with his own Tails, I can see Movie!Sonic being able to lounge with Mangey curled up sleeping on him (purring a little even?).
While Mangey isn't especially tech savvy (but definitely surprisingly so, given the lack of technology where he lives), I can see him deciding that Mangey and movie!Tails are fairly similar to him. A natural with technology, cute, loyal, can fly...I mean he's basically just Tails but if the fox was less of an explicit prodigy and talked less, right? Right?
(That’s more of how I feel movie!Sonic would decide to feel about Mangey. Not sure if Movie!Tails would be a bit offended or not if Movie!Sonic said that last statement in his presence lol😂)
First impression:
This is Movie!Sonic so...
"Tails but...edgier?"
This is another one where his first impressions are context heavy. So like pre-s3 Nine I can see him taking note of Nine being kind of a loner, and even getting confirmation that this is a version of Tails who's good with tech and mechanics. During Prime S3? There's a pretty good chance he'll see that out of context, nod, and be like "Oh, so. Evil Tails. Explains the outfit." Post S3? I can see him taking note of Nine being good with tech (especially if he's working on some project or another), but, ultimately, I think he'd see how alone he Nine and think it to be sad. Movie!Sonic is...acquainted with the feeling of being alone and having no one.
After getting to know them:
If Movie!Sonic ended up learning pieces of Nine's backstory at some point, I can sort of see him holding onto some of those little similarities with Movie!Tails' backstory. Since there was no Sonic in Nine's universe, he didn't have any hero he could look up to. He didn't have anyone who could make him feel "normal". So I think some of the similarities there would make him feel sad that Nine has...never really had anyone on his side (much less growing up with any friends or family). And, as I mentioned earlier, I think Movie!Sonic would definitely be able to empathize with Nine's loneliness, in the way that he feels sad that he’s had to endure that (both back when Nine isolated himself out of fear, and post Prime when Nine is isolated from everyone, including the person he wants to be beside most).
Even knowing everything Nine has done, I still think Movie!Sonic would want him to be able to really be at home and to not be alone anymore one day. No matter how he has to contextualize Nine's past actions for himself (whether misguided, out of fear/trauma, or something bad he's trying to atone for now), Movie!Sonic is the kind of hedgehog who would be able to see Nine's loneliness and want to help him. After all, did he not still help Movie!Knuckles when he was in danger and invite him into his home? Did he not attempt to advise Knuckles when Knuckles couldn't feel at home on Earth, care about Earth, or fathom pursue a purpose outside protecting the Master Emerald?
So yeah, in short, I feel like Movie!Sonic would be able to empathize with Nine's loneliness. I think he would see those little similarities to his Tails and could even potentially wonder if this is how Movie!Tails could have turned out under different circumstances. And I think if he spent time with Nine, he would want to help him get to...a better place in his life, so to speak (whether that means trying to give advice, visting him often, or giving him the tools/means to move forward).
Honestly...I don't think if they got emotionally/personally involved with Nine in any way Movie!Tails or Movie!Sonic could ignore his situation.
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beevean · 3 months ago
I made the biggest inner groan at those panels in the preview, where Sonic basically goes, "Lanolin was right. Teamwork does make duh dream work." I'm really sick of everyone getting amnesia so they can keep beating us with this whole thing that Sonic needs to learn about friendship being magic and the power of teamwork. Despite that never being something Sonic had a problem with pre and post-Lost World. Heroes and Forces was all about the power of teamwork and shit and he fully embraced it.
Reduncy aside, this overused moral just falls flat on it's ass when Lanolin's shittyness to everyone is the reason Sonic and his friends had to go behind her back and "go solo". But, somehow, that's the take away we're getting from this contrived as hell conflict. Wasn't the Sonic the one who inspired Lanolin to be a team player or something in the first place, anyway? Why is it suddenly Sonic the one who has to learn this lesson, again? Not to mention it completely contradicts how Sonic was portrayed early on in the series, where he seemed to have absolutely no problem getting help from others. He seemed to enjoyed fighting alongside others, actually.
To be precise, that's not the preview of the next issue
It comes from #58, during the Eggperial City arc and before the whole mess with Clutch:
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We already tore those panels a new hole for how it made Sonic - SONIC, the King of the Superpower of Teamwork - thank Lanolin for making him realize that the Superpower of Teamwork indeed works. Like. Heroes, Advance 3, Rush and Forces are standing here like "are we a joke to you?"
Some versions of Sonic, either the most outdated or the most OOC, do struggle with teamwork. Boom is the most obvious one. Prime too has to learn to appreciate his friends (because he's as dumb as a melted box of crayons). OVA Sonic is a bit prickly, Fleetway Sonic even more so. Even X Sonic, while perfectly sociable, is frequently shown needing his alone time. But IDW Sonic is not even one of those! Since #1, he was more than happy to work with Tails, Amy, Knuckles, Silver and newcomer Tangle to get the job done! Where is this notion that Sonic prefers working solo coming from??
This is not even touching the fact that after this arc, after the whole "pwease fowgive me for being too bossy 🥺" scene, Lanolin makes a big deal out of being a team when Whisper targets Mimic, but she herself runs the DC 2.0 with an iron fist to the point that the others are legit scared of coming forth to her. So which is it? Does she honestly care about teamwork? Or does she see her own teammates as unreliable and to be put in line? (we know the answer)
Hell, even in issue #57, we got scenes of Lanolin having friction with Sonic because she wanted to do things her way!
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So why would Sonic even give credit to her? Where's the teamwork here? I ain't seen any teamwork yet. I only saw Lanolin blowing a gasket because Sonic and Tangle are too reckless for her liking.
anyway idw is a mess and i sincerely hope lanolin get shelved after this arc
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This is one of the preview pages for #75. And I don't even give a fuck that Mimic got outed in the dumbest way possible for a spy. I want that panel of Lanolin realizing she has been an utter piece of shit for nothing to be the last time I see her.
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lore-of-mobius · 7 months ago
Sonic's World Is Called Earth And There Is Not 2 Worlds
So due to what is called the SEGA mandates Sonic's world was made separate from the world of humans for awhile.
So because of that alongside media like Archie, Sonic X, Fleetway, and the Movies people believe that Sonic's World is separate from the world of humans.
Leading to head scratchers on the existence of South Island on this supposed human world alongside Angel Island.
But however, in recent times this bad attempt at a retcon was well retconned.
So in TailsTube #1 (feat. Sonic) it's established humans exist on Sonic's World on the mainland, while anthropomorphic creatures like Sonic and friends live on the Islands.
This also explains the issue of STH3&K's depictions of humans on it, the existence of Eggman, as well as the island issue.
A second thing people wonder is what is Sonic's World's name.
While in the West people are used to the name Mobius, it's not actually the name of Sonic's world.
His world is actually called Earth.
In Sonic Adventure 2 Eggman when making his threat says "citizens of Earth lend me your ears and listen to me very carefully."
In Sonic Battle Sonic uses the phrase "what on Earth?"
And in Sonic Unleashed Chip says "seven lights of Earth rekindled!"
Also, in Sonic Prime Amy says, "the forest is the most beautiful place on Earth."
Also, in the Sonic x Shadow Generations Dark Beginnings Animation Maria calls the planet Earth.
So on 4 separate occasions in 3 different games plus a show Sonic's World is called Earth and not Mobius.
So Sonic's world is basically a version of Earth with fantasy elements added to it.
It's probably a distant future Earth given the shape of the Continents.
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pico-digital-studios · 4 months ago
Into, Across and Beyond! Credits Post
Sonic the Hedgehog: Into, Across and Beyond!
Based on Spider-Man: Spider-Verse by Marvel Studios and Sony Pictures Animation, alongside Spider-Man: No Way Home by Marvel, Columbia Pictures and Sony Pictures
Written and directed by Pico Digital Studios, NOT solely to be yet another EXE work, but as a loving tribute to all things Sonic
Based on the Sonic the Hedgehog IP by SEGA and Sonic Team
Sprite Work
Cylent Nite
Mod.Gen Project Team
deltaConduit & Pebble
Jack Gore and darck12exe
Miles The Duck
KostyaGame the Fox
Gardow and Overbound
Lone Devil
HyperTails12 and LillyDragon
Pics and Pixels
And everybody else I forgot to mention
Chosen Official Content
The games by SEGA and Sonic Team
Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog (SatAM) and Sonic Underground by SEGA of America and DiC
Sonic X by TMS Entertainment
The comics by Archie Comics, Fleetway Comics and IDW
Sonic Prime by Man of Action Studios and WildBrain
Sonic Boom by OuiDo! Productions/Technicolor Animation
The Sonic film trilogy by Paramount Studios and Original Film
Sonic OVA by Studio Pierrot and ADV Films
Chosen Unofficial Content
Sonic.EXE: One More Saga by Mr. Pixel Productions
Crossover Realm by @becdoesthings
Sonic EX: A Prophet's Tale / A Player's Requiem by AetherAsterisk; Xenophanes by ASTRANOMICON
Friday Night Funkin': D-Sides by DastardlyDeacon and the D-Sides team
Black Knight Amy AU designed by @emistations
ChaosIIUniverse / Sonic: Next Dimension by Toonsite Comics
Errorverse by myself
Mobiverse by SFG1235
Mobius' Freedom Fighters by @becdoesthings and JordanGaming101
Hog the Tenrec by Jack Gore
Myths of Yamaha by HarbingerBeats and danicorelove
What If Sonic Lost His Memory? by The Sega Scourge
Sonic CD: Alternative Ending by Lucsan 2015
Sunky.MPEG by LooneyDude
Needlem0use by ShutUpJojo
Sonic/Avalice Blitz by @bobtheguyyyyy
Sally.exe Discovery, SONIC Lost Drive and Sonic: Shifted Reality by NotSoDevy
Somari by Hummer Team
Sonic Limited Edition: The Lost Cartridge by JordanGaming101
Sonic.exe: Spirits of Hell by Danuha2526
Sonic.exe: Nightmare Beginning
Sonic.exe: The Glitch Chaos by NikoGlitchArts
Sonic 1: The Next Level by MarkeyJester
The .EXE Saga by Oldum77
Hues of Metal by kkirby999
Sonic: EXtraterrestrial Encounter by @mcgamejolter
Sonic Robo Blast 2 by Sonic Team Junior
Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers by Kart Krew
Sonic Legends by Ultra Ring Team
Angry Birds by Rovio and SEGA
GlassCD AU by HarbingerBeats
Sonic Chaos Adventure by Team Chaos
Sonic.exe by JoeDoughBoi and ASTRANOMICON
Sonic.exe - The Game by MY5TCrimson
Green Mountain by grenmoun_s o n i c
Naturagenso by @bluebun69
Friday Night Funkin' AUs featured
Funkinverse by @robovoidfrog
ErroRhythmic Beats by myself
Arrow Funk by Yoisabo
Friday Night Funkin' Soft by ShinyTrexx
Funkin' MIX by Namdam_096
Mega Man: Funkin' Heroes by Merchanto
The Return Funkin' by badre
Wii Funkin' by Sulayre
FNF - Childhood Memories by NotSoDevy, me and BEC
Friday Night Funkin' Neo by JellyFish
BluBuni by leideri
Salty's Sunday Night by Tsuraran and Maqua
VS OURPLE GUY by kiwiquest
Saturday Night Swappin' by Roaming_Pikachu
Wednesday's Infidelity by Box Funkin'
HoloFunk by Codexes
Vs. Sonic.exe by Saster and CommandoDev
Friday Night Funkin': D-Sides by DastardlyDeacon and the D-Sides team
Friday Night Funkin' Minus by LagoAnims
Twinsomnia by Sock.clip
Electro Funkin' by Hannimal
The Blueballs Incident and Alice: Mad & Hopeless by MaliciousBunny
Friday Night Funkin' DJX by valengarfy and Pyschocat
FNF Vs. Uzi by Redpanzee; Murder Drones by Liam Vickers and GLITCH Productions
Friday Night Funkin': B3 Remixed by Biddle3
Friday Night Fever by Helloitsmako and CesarFever
Friday Night Funkin' Logic by GameToons (god forbid)
Friday Night Monster of Monsters by CumiNashe
Friday Night Funkin' WITH LYRICS by RecD
Girlfriend Mode Boyfriend by NoLime
Friendly Night Funkin' by AjtheFunky
Other Featured Non-Sonic Content
Freedom Planet by GalaxyTrail
Spark the Electric Jester by LakeFeperd
Rollin' Rascal by Curiomatic
Penny's Big Breakaway by Evening Star Studios
Kinoko and the Cult of Galaxy by @cultofgalaxy
Mega Man by Capcom
Undertale by Toby Fox
The Smiling Critters by MOB Productions
Amanda the Adventurer by jpgamedesign
Other Featured Content only present in AUs
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic by Hasbro
Featured Original Characters (prominent and cameos)
Nitro, Amelia, Evo, Wade, Karilvatch and Lucia by me
Mr. Needlemouse and Kyuzi by @mcgamejolter
Antho the Hedgehog by SFG1235
Devy and Smol Devy by NotSoDevy
Emi Leafy by @bluebun69
SunFIRE and Creamy by the respective owners
Milly Prower by SallyAc63038470
Millie the Fox by CartoonAnimates22
The various characters, including Kaede/Detective Ghost, by ApocalypseTitan
Special Thanks
@trocyte: for helping get all the FNF/Funkinverse information correct.
SFG1235 and @bluebun69: for showing support for the project and being alright with both your AUs being featured here.
@btnfstudios: thanks for the sweet questions you provided for the Q&A so far!
Marvel and Sony Pictures Animation: for designing a wonderful tribute to all things Spider-Man!
NightAkio: for contributing your OC and Candy's as cameos, alongside the idea of Lord Mortis showing up.
All those I've seen crafting wonderful NU retakes behind the scenes, such as Stitches, PrimalKoopa and @chicaseptic!
SEGA and Sonic Team: for bringing the way past cool blue blur into our lives!
And, of course, you guys! Thanks for giving the webcomic/fanfic a read!
Sonic the Hedgehog is (C) of SEGA and Sonic Team as of 1990.
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glapplebloom · 16 days ago
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Not all of Sonic Boom, just Sticks.
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Sticks the Badger is one of the new characters created for the Sonic Boom spinoff Series. From what I can tell, it is a creation of the American Side of Sega, so should be in a similar boat to Sally, Bunnie and the other SatAM Characters, but she has one thing that no other spinoff character has: an actual reference in a mainline game. So by the virtue of being mentioned, she should be canon. Yet despite that name drop, has not yet made an appearance in a recent game or even in IDW. Heck, official winter artwork had her drawn out. So is she canon?
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Honestly, I think she is. And long before this name drop. For starters, she has an Official Sega Channel Artwork. That is usually reserved for any Modern Sonic character, including rarely used ones like Gamma and Tikal. Speaking of appearing in official artwork, she was featured in the 25th Anniversary Sonic Channel Comic Strips. She first appears in Act 12 alongside Modern Amy, got her own strip in Act 18, and appeared alongside everyone else in the Special Stage Strip.
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In terms of game appearances, outside the Sonic Boom ones, she surprisingly got plenty. Sonic Runners was created by Sonic Team for Mobile Devices. Sticks was one of the playable characters, the only representative of Sonic Boom, and they had a crossover with Puyo Puyo. The other game appearance: Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games. She appeared in a major crossover game alongside other Sonic characters as a playable character (sadly only in Archery). 
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Now the problem is despite believing so, you could argue she isn’t. As mentioned before, she was taken off official art made by Min Ho Kim in 2023. To be fair, she was replaced by Blaze who was absent in the original. She has yet to appear in the IDW comics, even stated as rejected by Sega during the first story arc. And despite the other mobile games including IDW, Movie and Sonic Prime Characters into their games, Sticks the Badger has yet to appear in a game after 2016. It seems for Sticks to have an actual presence in the Sonic Franchise again, she’ll be needing a new entry point...
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That’s where Sonic Racing: CrossWorlds could come in. Rumor has it that it will be a multiverse affair, similar to how the Sonic X Shadow Generations DLC handled the Shadow Movie Version being a playable character. So there is a possibility that we will see a multiverse of characters in this game. Could be the Movie Characters, could be Sonic Prime, and maybe Sonic Boom will be included and give them an excuse to keep Sticks in the main Sonic Universe. 
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skull001 · 1 year ago
Amy hot takes.
Amy's Sonic Advance gameplay is still THE superior 2-D gameplay for Amy, and the only reason it hasn't been revisited in newer games is because Sega are cowards still stuck with the "one-button" approach that only works for Sonic and Tails.
Even when games like Origins Plus and Sonic Superstars nerfed down Amy to just two moves, she is still more fun to play as than Sonic.
Amy's gameplay in Sonic Advance >> E-122 Psi Amy hacks >> Amy Mania by Troop Sushi/Codename Gamma >> Sonic Supertars >> Origins Plus.
Sonic X's Amy is the full package of how Amy should be like. Even with her flaws, she was one of the most fun characters to watch, and surprisingly got plenty of moments that humanized her and even explore a bit of how she saw her relation with Sonic, proving she isn't deluded about it like her detractors claim.
Giving Amy a toy hammer is one of the best things Sega did, and wish the full potential of what she can do with it was more explored in gameplay terms.
The tarot cards should be only a back-up weapon, never the main one. Story-wise, the can guide her in her quests, providing the player with hints that they have to interpretate.
IDW's characterization of Amy is alright. The issue if anything, is that she, like the game characters, are hardly the focus of the stories, nor are they allowed to be shown in a more personal manner. Don't care if it's because Sega is too strict, or if the writers only use them to get to the characters that THEY really want to write for. Either way, the situation sucks for the game cast.
I think Amy is better suited to be the franchise's co-protagonist alongside Sonic. She is very versatile as she isn't restricted to be by his side 24/7, and as long as she sees Sonic as her prince in shining armor, there really isn't any reason to keep her from growing into a stronger and more beautiful heroine.
I'd like to see a story where Amy tries to help a character find redemption, but is ultimately unable to, betrayed by them even. I think this would be an interesting change of pace because, even if let down by those Amy tries to help, that she still remain kind of heart would be proof of just how strong her heart is.
Superform. Of all characters not named Sonic, Amy's noble and compassionate heart should be more than worthy of awakening that miracle.
Morio Kishimoto really should go all out with exploring more of Sonic and Amy's relation. I think he is one of the few people capable of doing so and pushing the status quo to ot' limit whole keeping things fresh. After the let down of that last Tailstube where Amy's feelings were again the object of mockery from american writers ( especially HIM), I'd more than welcome the more respectful approach from Japanese writers towards the dynamic of these two characters.
Amy IS part of the main cast, and should be treated accordingly to her status as lead female character. That means, not giving away Amy's roles to less important ones. Wether it's things like her compassion (which Tyson Hesse mentions to be unique) or being the most adventure loving of the girls.
Don't make Amy be "mature" by becoming a party pooper who dislikes fun. This is a very outdated stereotype of women that honestly, doesn't apply to the real Amy. She would join the boys in doing dumb things, while still doing girly things with other girls too.
Enough of sad face Amy. Why the hell is Sega afraid to show an Amy that, no matter what, can be a beacon of hope for those who have lost their faith. Further more, why is she not expressing faith anymore on Sonic? I swear ever since Sonic Boom, only Tails is allowed to do this as an artificial means to push the bff thing, in contrast to previous games and even shows, where Amy did this. It saddens me how in Prime, she complains about Sonic not sticking to the plan, while Tails is the one who reminds that he has never let them down. Like, helloooooo? Amy also knows this, so why treat her like she doesn't?
Sonic, Tails, Amy & Knuckles >> Sonic, Tails and Amy >>>>>> Sonic, Tails & Knuckles.
Writers shouldn't be afraid to show/play out Amy's flaws. I like seeing characters make fools of themselves once in a while, as long as they are also allowed to get out of their mess by also playing out their strengths and positive traits.
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inkedkoi · 10 months ago
References: Part Three
Continuation of "Hold On To “What If”: Overanalyzing and Rewriting Sonic Prime" essay
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[Once Again, spoilers for Sonic Prime, all media here belong to their respective creators.]
[S2 EP8]
Shadow’s pose, standing alongside Sonic — A reference to his idle Animation in Sonic Battle
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Sonic surfing on a piece of metal from one of the defeated badniks — a nod to the iconic City Escape scene from Sonic Adventure 2.
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[Penny voice] “Talk about a low budget flights, no food or movies… I’m— Big?! What are YOU doing here?”
Sonic getting blasted by Prism Energy from four Shards — a nod to his Werehog transformation in Sonic Unleashed Opening
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This exact frame — I wouldn’t necessarily call it a reference but we love to see it
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[S3 EP1]
Shadow dragging Sonic out to safety — not exactly a reference but I think it’s a nice parallel to Shadow trying to save Maria (who he sees as family), now trying to save Sonic (the last thing Shadow has of their OG home). Only this time, Shadow’s not making the same mistake again (we’ll come back to this soon).
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Shadow's first move in Sonic & Shadow vs. Grim Chaos Sonic — One of Shadow's iconic fighting moves: the roundhouse kicks, similar to the slow-mo addition in Shadow vs. Infinite (Sonic Forces)
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[S3 EP3]
Implied flashback of Sonic and Tails battling Eggman — a reference to Sunset Hill Boss Battle from Sonic Advance 3, also you can see Gemerl on the front of Eggman’s machine
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(sobbing) they massacred pixels
[S3 EP5]
Shadow after saving Sonic from a Grim Sonic bot — Another one of iconic Shadow's poses
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[S3 EP7]
Shadow reacting to Sonic’s sacrifice of the Prism Energy — Told you we would come back to it. Sonic and Maria, the ones Shadow vowed to protect, sacrificed themselves to save the people they cared for the most. The only difference was, that Shadow had a chance to stop Sonic, they both knew the risk. And yet, Shadow knew Sonic had to do the right thing and let it happened. If Sonic truly died here, there was nothing Shadow could do. He failed them both.
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And... I think that all the ones I found. I likely missed a few but that's okay. If you do have one would like to share, let me know so I (and others) can go check it out!!
To be continued...
Previous Part || Next Part || Masterpost
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thewatcher727 · 4 months ago
Sonic X: Gotta Go Fast Again - Chapter 29: Memory Fragments! Shadow's True Identity
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Sonic X: Gotta Go Fast again is a thrilling continuation of the beloved anime, promising action-packed escapades and heartwarming moments as our heroes embark on their next chapter! Available for Reading on AO3 & FF!
Archive of Our Own:
The stillness of the night was shattered by a piercing alarm, jolting Eggman from his slumber. With a startled gasp, he tumbled unceremoniously from his chair, hitting the floor with a heavy thud. Scrambling to his feet, he hastily adjusted the tinted glasses perched on his nose – a peculiar accessory he insisted on wearing even while asleep. His heart racing, Eggman dashed into the control room, his eyes darting frantically as he searched for the source of the disturbance.
"Why can't I seem to get a good night's rest lately?!" he bellowed. Marching over to the Egg Pawns diligently manning the computers, he demanded, "Report!"
One of the robotic minions responded, "Intruders detected on the premier, Doctor Eggman. Orders?"
Without hesitation, Eggman barked out his commands, "Lock down the facility! Activate all defense systems!"
As if on cue, Decoe, Bocoe, and Bokkun shuffled into the room, their mechanical bodies somehow conveying an air of exhaustion despite their robotic nature.
Decoe's voice carried a hint of resignation as he inquired, "Is it time to fight Sonic already?"
Bocoe chimed in, his tone equally unenthusiastic, "I thought 10 PM was the cut-off point."
Eggman's patience wore thin as he snapped at his robotic assistants, "Quit whining and man your stations! It's bad enough Sonic destroyed my Shadow army. Now he's just being cocky!"
With a dramatic flourish, Eggman leaped into his chair, spinning around with surprising agility. In a feat that defied logic, he emerged from the rotation fully dressed in his usual attire, ready to face the impending threat.
The base's exterior bristled with activity as defense turrets swiveled into position and robots primed their weapons, ready to repel the approaching threat. Inside the control room, Eggman's gaze was fixed on the oversized monitor before him, its screen divided into multiple camera feeds that surveyed every angle of the facility. Decoe and Bocoe, more experienced and sentient than their Egg Pawn counterparts, swiftly took their positions at the computer terminals.
Eggman's eyes narrowed as he spotted a blurring figure racing towards the base. In the darkness of night, it was difficult to make out details, but the speed was unmistakable. Only one being could move that fast – or so Eggman thought.
Leaning forward in his chair, confusion etched across his face, Eggman watched as the figure hurled what appeared to be Chaos energy projectiles at the turrets. This was odd; since when had Sonic learned to do that? Intrigued, Eggman zoomed in the camera feed just as the intruder landed a vicious roundhouse kick on an unsuspecting Egg Pawn. The aggressive fighting style was uncharacteristic of Sonic, and as the pieces fell into place in Eggman's mind, his eyes widened in recognition.
"Sh-Shadow?!" Eggman gasped.
"Shadow?!" Decoe and Bocoe echoed in unison, suddenly sliding into frame and pressing themselves against either side of Eggman's face, their curiosity overriding their sense of personal space.
Eggman had long harbored suspicions that Shadow had survived his disappearance alongside Final Nova in space, but seeing him now, in the flesh, was still a shock. As he continued to watch the feed, Eggman noticed Shadow was not alone. Rouge gracefully entered the frame, grabbing an Egg Pawn from behind and hurling it through the air. The robot sailed directly into Omega's waiting grasp, where it was promptly torn in two by the powerful machine.
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wolfsonic · 1 year ago
So I finished watching season 3 of Sonic Prime and I just have to say.
This entier show...
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Sonic's quips! Sonic and Shadow's interactions! SEASON THREE AS A WHOLE!
This show, no doubt, will most likely become a comfort show for me alongside Lego Monkie Kid.
Watching Prime brought me so much nostalgia from when I watched Sonic X and Sonic Underground as a wee little Wolfie. I know it ended, and I'm a little sad it did, but I can not wait to re-experience the show again!
The only thing I wanted to happen, and unfortunately, it didn't. Was for Sonic and Shadow to talk when it was all over and see if Shadow remembered what happened. We didn't get that talk, sadly, but everything else about the show was 10/10 for me!
I know people will likely disagree, but I'm a simple sonic fan girly, and it takes a lot for me to dislike *looks at Sonic Boom* or HATE something of sonic *STARES DAGGERS AT SONIC 06*.
Sonic Prime left me absolutely loving the show. I don't usually review stuff, but this is Wolfie, and thank you for coming to my Ted talk!
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sonicjustbecause · 1 year ago
Finally I hear Shadow with Raffaeli's voice (Sonic Boom)
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About Italian voices)
Daniele Raffaeli is one of my favorite Italian VA for Sonic, alongside Renato Novara. His Sonic is not as soft spoken as Novara's, but he got a really cute voice, Sonic truly sounds like a teen when dubbed by him. He also dubs Shadow.
What to say? The stile is different (more aggressive) but the voice still sounds youthful. I think it suits Shadow very well. Despite being ageless and immortal, Shadow is biologically a little more than a cub. If I give him a cat age, he should be like a one year old cat (I don't know how hedgehogs age). The voice is approved.
Originally Sonic and Shadow had very similar sounding voice, although the two VA were two different people. When Sonic talked softly with Ryan's voice, sometimes he just sounded like Shadow. The advantage in having two different VA is that each of them can focus on his character alone. For Sonic and Shadow who are virtually identical there is this exceptaction that they should also sound the same, so although you remember they have different speech pattern, you still hear a bit of Sonic in Shadow and a bit of Shadow in Sonic. This work better with two different VA with a similar voice since one can be fully Sonic and the other can be fully Shadow.
In Italy Vidale (Sonic X) made them talk the same. Raffaele (unconscious I think) , made Shadow sound a little bit like Sonic, just with slight more growl.
In Sonic Prime Sonic and Shadow got two different VA (the very same from videogames and movie), with vastly different voices.
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Now about the character himself: Boom Shadow is the worst Shadow around. Is incredible that, depending from the media, the story or the single game, Shadow can be either one of the best (example: SA2) or absolutely the worst of all (example: Boom). But he is also ridiculed by those around him: 'He is so uncool, i was like him in the past and i was uncool!' things like that. He bears some resemblance with IDW Shadow also in term of intelligence, I wonder if he does not care or he just doesn't realize people around him sees him as a joke. That are the damages mandates do.
Shadow usually is quite melancholic. In some media more than others. Boom Shadow basically appears to be happy overall (he is always smiling if nobody is around), probably victim of his own ego, but he is also unlikeable. He thinks to be almighty and treat the others as lesser being.
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badnikbreaker · 2 years ago
sonic and guilt is an interesting topic for me — partially because in making lots of stuff canon to my sonic i'm combining characterization that is at times pretty at odds. i was thinking about IDW sonic compared to sonic x sonic, specifically in regards to how x sonic handles being the one ( alongside shadow ) to be the one to kill cosmo. sure, tails pulled the trigger, and i'm not trying to deny tails's responsibility here ( and i say 'responsibility' not to blame him, but because it was a difficult choice he made, but it was the right one, and he deserves to have the strength that took acknowledged ) — but sonic was the bullet that ended her life.
and he knows the weight of that. he's noticeably withdrawn following her death, a little like he was after shadow's in sa2. he stands there, stone - faced but somehow without being hard, and lets tails yell and hit him. he knows the weight of what he's done — and he loved cosmo, she's as close as he's ever come to really losing part of the family he's built, and he killed her he knows how much that means. he's grieving her. but at the same time, i don't think he's guilty. and i don't think it's just because he wasn't the one who pulled the trigger, or because it 'had to be done.' i couldn't even really articulate the particularities. he's grieving her, but he doesn't blame himself, and he doesn't blame tails. he doesn't really blame anyone. the metarex, sure. but sometimes bad shit just happens, just has to be done.
but then i imagine sticking IDW sonic in this scenario and he would just crack like glass. like, can you imagine? he kills someone he loves, somebody his baby brother is in love with ( or, at least, the eight year old version of 'in love with' ). bro would turn into a fine mist, and prime sonic would not fair better.
and my sonic was younger when cosmo died, and he's older now, so some of it can be put aside to time and character development; he's more traumatized and fucked up now! my sonic genuinely has...he's not a control freak in any meaningful sense, but he ( subconsciously ) is seeking control in more ways now, especially post the war, than he was before — and one common show of a desperation for control is guilt that isn't earned. 'it had to have been my fault, because that at least means i had control over it. if it just happened and i had no hand in it, that's scarier because it means it's totally out of my control.' he's not nearly to the level of, say, amy — but it's there, and i think that accounts for some of the difference. bad coping mechanisms, y'know. and the metal virus obviously exacerbates that sort of thing, because he doesn't feel guilty at the start of it — not until people around him start saying he should. ( granted, even without shadow and espio and the others, he would have been pretty guilty by the end. but it would have taken longer to get there. )
but i don't think time is all of it? obviously from a meta perspective it's sonic being written by different people with different characters in mind for the hog, but. i dunno. i wanna reconcile it all! i don't think he's someone who's innately prone to guilt. he wants everyone to be okay and he wants to save everyone and usually does, but innately he's not haunted when it doesn't work out that way as long as he did his best. and he always does! it took a lot of trauma to get him to the point where he's fucked up about surge and kit the way he is.
it's neat! i don't have a real point to this post im just thinkin. love this dude
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major---tom · 1 month ago
I have GOT to add on to this cause I am sick of people dunking on disabled/chronic pain headcanons for shadow.
1. The title of "Ultimate Lifeform" doesn't mean anything, it was a label that was put on him by an overzealous creator who had a lot of bias over his own creation. Its a title that often brings Shadow stress and pressure and he's quicker to perceive Sonic as the true ultimate lifeform rather than himself when he's being honest. Saying he can't be disabled or have chronic pain because he's "the ultimate lifeform" doesn't really mean anything.
2. In Gerald's diary, which was given as a booklet alongside sonic x shadow generation pre-orders (which I own), it's mentioned that Maria designed Shadow's jet boots to help him get around. To me, this implied that he had to have been struggling in getting around for Maria to feel the need to give him some form of aid, perhaps even a mobility aid. She would be the only person on the ARK who would notice and understand someone else's struggle with their own body.
3. Even if he doesn't need the jet boots, HE NEEDS his inhibitor rings. It's not stated very clearly but it's implied that he would suffer in some form or fashion if he lost them- that his own power would overwhelm his body and damage it. As someone with an autoimmune disorder where my own body overproduces white blood cells and overworks itself and ends up damaging my own body by overwhelming it, that makes me feel like Shadow's inhibitor rings are a lot like immuno suppressants, a medicine that people with immune system related diseases use to suppress or inhibit their own immune system and prevent it from damaging themselves. If shadow needs his inhibitor rings to stop his body from damaging itself, then that's a disability where he's utilizing an aid to live, or live on the same level as his peers.
4. In sonic x shadow generations, shadow says that his doom powers are from his alien DNA and are a part of his body. However, when he uses them, he appears to be in visceral pain. He screams out and grips at his face and body and keels over in pain. If those powers are from his own DNA and body, and are hurting him, and is something that can reoccur, then it counts as chronic pain or a chronic condition!! It shouldn't hurt to use your own body, but it does for him.
5. Shadow is a PROTOTYPE. He is only the second prototype, and the new manga confirms that he was a FAILED prototype. He was made to cure maria but in the manga it was confirmed that it failed and he never could have cured NIDs. The first prototype, the biolizard, literally needed massive, invasive life support machinery to live at all. Think about how imperfect the prototype right after that one might be. The Robotnik family seems quick to claim that rushed or unfinished projects are "perfect and ready to go," that's kind of how all of eggman's plans fail (as we've learned from Starline in the IDW comics) so I feel like Gerald may also be claiming that his creation, Shadow, is perfect, even when he isn't even able to solve the problem he was made for.
6. Shadow seems to fall out of his super form faster than Sonic and faint when pushing himself to remain in the form (he faints a lot in general, compared to other characters (some examples being Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Prime, and Sonic Battle which turned into a multi-day coma under Rouge's care). He also seems to generally avoid going super compared to Sonic. I'm not sure how natural going super is but it seems almost easy for Sonic and Silver. Even when Sonic runs out of time in his super form, he never faints from it (which is made evident from the sonic advance games where his super form runs out while rescuing Vanilla from falling, but he's still fine and smiling & continues to carry someone larger than him with no struggle right after losing his super form).
7. I would honestly also count memory loss as a potential disability or chronic condition for him. He usually recovers his memory but it is genuinely a reoccurring problem in canon for him to lose memories or have his mind temporarily wiped/controlled/brainwashed.
8. PTSD can be considered a disability if it is detrimental enough to someone's day to day life. In America it can be legally considered as a disability and people suffering can be given aid under certain terms. In the comics, games, and official animations, Shadow's flashbacks of Maria's scenes are extremely consistent, invasive, uncontrollable, and sometimes detrimental to him. Uncontrollable and repetitive flashbacks of the traumatic scene accompanied by panic attacks are symptoms of PTSD, and I don't think it's subtle that the writers are really trying to convey this trait for Shadow.
Being disabled doesn't necessarily mean being super weak. He uses aids and tools to do what he does but he still does it well. It's not "inaccurate to canon" for disabled & chronically ill people to relate to him and it shouldn't be insulting to say his chaos energy & black arms DNA is similar to disabilities and chronic illnesses.
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beevean · 2 years ago
What's your opinion on clip from bumblekast from Flynn the "lord and savior of sonic shit"
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I don't think the tweets embedded well, so here's the script:
What is up with Shadow's bio on the Fast Friends Forever website? According to the bio, Shadow is fighting to protect the planet, but only for the sake of Maria's memory while having no personal investment on the planet itself. I don't know how important these are to the series or characterization, but wouldn't making this aspect of his character the main reason for his protection of the planet be a regression and a contradiction to his development during Shadow the Hedgehog's final story? I know he still thinks about Maria due to the Sonic Channel stories, but we also know he decided to stand up for humanity himself while Black Doom was manipulating and pelting him with only bad memories. Assuming these bios aren't just oversimplified for marketing reasons, how come he's going back to doing everything for Maria's wish, if he already did all that without those memories, learned to move on from his past and her promise, and was written in 06 to show himself as a hero on his own terms?
F: That is a very good question, it is very valid... and I cannot talk about it right now. That is not a hand wave: there is other stuff that plays into this that I cannot get into just yet. So... hold your horses.
K Is this a... Is this a "#KnowingLook moment", like, maybe not a smile...
F: This is a "#KnowingSmile" combo :)
The implication here is that Shadow will have a major role in a future game? I... I honestly don't even care about keeping up with the FFF bios because the whole thing looks like a very simple show for kids lol. It is a little tiring to chain Shadow to Maria, but him having no investment on the planet itself kinda reminds me of the Sonic Channel story that this person is referencing.
As someone who just likes the games, barely read the first IDW issues and isn't interested in going further, what kind of potential impact on the games can I expect from the inclusion of IDW/Prime as official canon? I dread having elements from the comics/Prime directly coming into the games, thus alienating game-only fans who don't/can't read the comics. Given that comics seem to have much more going on than the games in terms of events, dialogue, character moments due to their structure, including IDW comics as canon make it seem like the canon medium where most stuff happens since Forces, thus a bit alienating to game-only fans. Especially when games nowadays don't release as often as they used to and aren't as "narratively intense" as a comic series, while the IDW comics have been releasing for 5 years and counting.
F: A fair concern, and I think to a degree it's new territory for everybody that's largely untested, because since IDW started we've had one Mainline game - that's really hard to gauge by...
K: And we still don't know when the game takes place in relation to the comics! You might, Ian but we don't, largely as an audience...
F: But I think everyone involved is aware of just that concern. So if Tangle were to show up in Frontiers 2 or whatever (that is not a #KnowingSmile, that's not me dropping a hint, that's just me giving an example), she would still need to be introduced as a new character.
Using Sonic Frontiers as the example by itself, if this was your first game with Sonic, there is a lot of deep character interaction between Sonic, Amy, Knuckles and Tails that, if you haven't played the Sonic series or kept track with 30 years of miscellaneous lore bits, you could potentially be a bit lost. But, so long as you understand the core relationships between them, the greater details aren't necessarily necessary for understanding the game. Like, you understand that Sonic and Knuckles are kind of friendly rivals, you don't necessarily need to know that they first met on Angel Island resolving the Death Egg crisis, you don't have to know that Knuckles discovered his history through a flying pink talking orb, that's irrelevant! It's that they are kinda at odds and, you know, despite that they still look out for each other.
K: And you can cut the tension between them with a butter knife!
F: You know Sonic and Amy have a very, uh, deep relationship, you don't need to understand the roller coaster of Amy's characterization from Adventure onward: you just need to know that they mutually trust and respect each other a great deal.
So, same thing if there's any crossover with the IDW material, then it needs to be presented in a context that is accessible, and that would come from in the Sonic and Tangle example, you know, they would encounter each other, and they would greet each other, there'd be like a little bit of expository dialogue to make you understand that, okay, they're friends, and she's kind of, uh, bouncing off the walls fun, and go from there. We don't necessarily have to reference that, you know, she sacrificed herself to help Sonic in the Metal Virus Plague. Is that relevant to the story that's going on? Probably not. Is it something neat for you to read later on if you want to? Sure! But I honestly do not foresee us directly referencing IDW events in the games, because I don't see that being a continuation.
Like, case in point, as of this recording... the Japanese Market is just now getting the end of Metal Virus. They haven't even been introduced to Belle, or any of Starline's personal arc. If we released a game within the next couple of years that relied on those, they'd be in the dark, never mind the rest of the global community! So, the events of the games do matter to the comics, and the comics will introduce elements that I imagine can cross-pollinate, but they will hopefully be handled in a way that is accessible to the largest audience of Sonic fans.
K: And would you say the same pretty much applies to Prime as well? There's some concern about that. I know you can't talk...
F: Prime is kind of a special case and I can't get into it without spoiling the end of Season 1 so... *disgusted tone* and none of this Season 1, 2, 3 nonsense, it's Season 1, Netflix is just chopping up into pieces.
K: Thanks Netflix for nothing.
I agree with the asker's point but not their reasoning lol
God there is so much going on here. This is why I hate the Bumblekasts lol, Flynn jumps from topic to topic and I have even less attention span than apparently he does.
So Flynn knows where the comics take place in canon, but we don't? Uh. That's a little concerning. Kyle makes it sound like they're going to drop a lore bomb soon...
"deep character interaction" just call them callbacks. That's the only thing that would confuse a newcomer, the sheer amount of pointless callbacks. Without them, you can more or less get their personalities just fine... Tails is the only one whose arc hinges on you knowing that Forces made the fandom explode lol
When he said "she would still need to be introduced as a new character", I thought he meant that Tangle will be a different version of herself in the games. I'm sorry, no, it would be so weird if I played a new Sonic game and Tangle showed up and Sonic was like "hey my good bud Tangle! Long time no see! Still chilling with Whisper?", like ??? whomst the fuck are you?
Nice dig at Amy, by the way :) thank you :) that was totally relevant to the point :)
... I completely forgot that Tangle sacrificed herself for Sonic. lol. lmao. You know she's a great character when you forget about her most heroic moment because IDW reduced her to a cute quirky ADHD babygirl.
Good point about the global marketing. Kudos to Flynn for remembering that the world doesn't begin and end with the US.
Basically his point is that it's possible that the games will reference the comics, but not in a way that will require your average fan to pick up the whole IDW series. Obviously this is just hypothetical at this point, but... I mean, I said it above. Introducing new characters as if they already belong to Sonic's friend circle feels weird to me, I would feel as if I missed something important. And if I want to understand who Tangle is, I'd still have to read IDW to get the idea, and get lost in all that mess.
Sidenote, it irks me that he says stuff like "if we released games". You're not a dev.
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lore-of-mobius · 4 months ago
Everything Is Canon?
Many people have struggled and contended with the Twitter post that everything is canon. Many people believe it's just a joke pointing referencing Puyo Puyo saying it can't be canon. Others claim it means everything including Sonic Underground is canon. So how about we clear things up on what is being meant here.
The phrase everything is canon hasn't only been used on the Twitter post but can be found all throughout the Sonic The Hedgehog Encyclo-Speed-Ia, often referencing the canonicity of things and clearing things up.
On Dr Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine it mention uses everything is canon and while it doesn't say Mean Bean is canon, it does mention the Puyos in Sonic Mania. This lines up with said Puyo Puyo reference meaning this isn't supposed to be a joke. What is going on here is crossovers had Sonic and the Puyos visit each others dimensions. We know this kind of stuff can happen since the Olympic games are canon, and in Sonic X Shadow Takeover - All Answers (+ Bonus!) Shadow and Sonic show they are aware of the Monkeys from Monkey Ball.
Now Mean Bean itself can be contend if it's canon since the Encyclo-Speed-Ia never clarifies if it is. The same can be said for Sonic Spinball, while it is included in Sonic Origins, as far as I am aware nothing says it's canon nor is there an everything is canon claim alongside it. In addition is includes the Greg Martin Sonic designs, references to the Satam cast, and Cluck. And the only game that referenced it is no longer canon, speaking of which.
Some material Sonic Team can come out and just straight say is not canon thus the everything is canon doesn't apply to it. Case in point Sonic Chronicles.
Some material that existed before this claim aren't canon because they either contradict the canon of the games, can create legal trouble, contain vastly different character designs, or were never intend to be canon. These include Archie Sonic, Fleetway Sonic, Sonic Boom, Adventures Of Sonic The Hedgehog, Shogakukan Sonic, Sonic Satam, Sonic Underground, etc.
Materials that are canon would include things like the Olympic games, the newer mangas, animations posted to the the official channel, the twitter takeovers, and the comics for various reasons. While some games are either fully canon or soft canon like The Murder Of Sonic The Hedgehog. Some stuff like Sonic Prime in spite of it's problems is canon. And even Sonic Speed Sim is canon, speaking of which.
While not part of the game canon and they are their own continuity the Movies are sorta canon via crossovers through Sonic Speed Sim, and maybe some weirdness happening in Sonic x Shadow Generations.
Finally the Lego stuff is probably not canon at all given it includes dead characters, alongside other advertisements.
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spacenutspod · 1 year ago
NASA’s X-59 quiet supersonic research aircraft sits on the apron outside Lockheed Martin’s Skunk Works facility at dawn in Palmdale, California. The X-59 is the centerpiece of NASA’s Quesst mission, which seeks to address one of the primary challenges to supersonic flight over land by making sonic booms quieter.Lockheed Martin Skunk Works NASA and Lockheed Martin formally debuted the agency’s X-59 quiet supersonic aircraft Friday. Using this one-of-a-kind experimental airplane, NASA aims to gather data that could revolutionize air travel, paving the way for a new generation of commercial aircraft that can travel faster than the speed of sound. “This is a major accomplishment made possible only through the hard work and ingenuity from NASA and the entire X-59 team,” said NASA Deputy Administrator Pam Melroy. “In just a few short years we’ve gone from an ambitious concept to reality. NASA’s X-59 will help change the way we travel, bringing us closer together in much less time.” Melroy and other senior officials revealed the aircraft during a ceremony hosted by prime contractor Lockheed Martin Skunk Works at its Palmdale, California facility. The X-59 is at the center of NASA’s Quesst mission, which focuses on providing data to help regulators reconsider rules that prohibit commercial supersonic flight over land. For 50 years, the U.S. and other nations have prohibited such flights because of the disturbance caused by loud, startling sonic booms on the communities below. The X-59 is expected to fly at 1.4 times the speed of sound, or 925 mph. Its design, shaping and technologies will allow the aircraft to achieve these speeds while generating a quieter sonic thump. “It’s thrilling to consider the level of ambition behind Quesst and its potential benefits,” said Bob Pearce, associate administrator for aeronautics research at NASA Headquarters in Washington. “NASA will share the data and technology we generate from this one-of-a-kind mission with regulators and with industry. By demonstrating the possibility of quiet commercial supersonic travel over land, we seek to open new commercial markets for U.S. companies and benefit travelers around the world.” With rollout complete, the Quesst team will shift to its next steps in preparation for first flight: integrated systems testing, engine runs, and taxi testing for the X-59. The aircraft is set to take off for the first time later this year, followed by its first quiet supersonic flight. The Quesst team will conduct several of the aircraft’s flight tests at Skunk Works before transferring it to NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center in Edwards, California, which will serve as its base of operations. “Across both teams, talented, dedicated, and passionate scientists, engineers, and production artisans have collaborated to develop and produce this aircraft,” said John Clark, vice president and general manager at Lockheed Martin Skunk Works. “We’re honored to be a part of this journey to shape the future of supersonic travel over land alongside NASA and our suppliers.” Once NASA completes flight tests, the agency will fly the aircraft over several to-be-selected cities across the U.S., collecting input about the sound the X-59 generates and how people perceive it. NASA will provide that data to the Federal Aviation Administration and international regulators. The X-59 is a unique experimental airplane, not a prototype – its technologies are meant to inform future generations of quiet supersonic aircraft. At 99.7 feet long and 29.5 feet wide, the aircraft’s shape and the technological advancements it houses will make quiet supersonic flight possible. The X-59’s thin, tapered nose accounts for almost a third of its length and will break up the shock waves that would ordinarily result in a supersonic aircraft causing a sonic boom. Due to this configuration, the cockpit is located almost halfway down the length of the aircraft – and does not have a forward-facing window. Instead, the Quesst team developed the eXternal Vision System, a series of high-resolution cameras feeding a 4K monitor in the cockpit. The Quesst team also designed the aircraft with its engine mounted on top and gave it a smooth underside to help keep shockwaves from merging behind the aircraft and causing a sonic boom. For more information about Quesst, visit: www.nasa.gov/Quesst -end- Rob MargettaHeadquarters, [email protected] Sasha EllisLangley Research Center, Hampton, [email protected] Share Details Last Updated Jan 12, 2024 LocationNASA Headquarters Related TermsAeronauticsQuesst (X-59)Supersonic Flight
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