#along with continuing to stay active in some way
ranger-kellyn · 1 year
it's too late in the night for me to start working on it, but i think i'm going to attempt to write that silly love story juliana/nemona fic i mentioned a few months ago this week. a little writing exercise of sorts i guess ovo
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beggars-opera · 2 months
On the road leading into the center of Concord, Massachusetts, there sits a house.
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It is a plain, colonial-style house, of which there are many along this road. It has sea green and buff paint, a historical plaque, and one of the most multi-layered stories I have ever encountered to showcase that history is continuous, complicated, and most importantly, fragmentary, unless you know where to look.
So, where to start? The plaque.
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There's some usual information here: Benjamin Barron built the house in 1716, and years later it was a "witness house" to the start of the American Revolution. And then, something unusual: a note about an enslaved man named John Jack whose epitaph is "world famous."
Where is this epitaph? Right around the corner in the town center.
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It reads:
God wills us free; man wills us slaves. I will as God wills; God’s will be done. Here lies the body of JOHN JACK a native of Africa who died March 1773 aged about 60 years Tho’ born in a land of slavery, He was born free. Tho’ he lived in a land of liberty, He lived a slave. Till by his honest, tho’ stolen labors, He acquired the source of slavery, Which gave him his freedom; Tho’ not long before Death, the grand tyrant Gave him his final emancipation, And set him on a footing with kings. Tho’ a slave to vice, He practised those virtues Without which kings are but slaves.
We don't know precisely when the man first known only as Jack was purchased by Benjamin Barron. We do know that he, along with an enslaved woman named Violet, were listed in Barron's estate upon his death in 1754. Assuming his gravestone is accurate, at that time Jack would have been about 40 and had apparently learned the shoemaking trade from his enslaver. With his "honest, though stolen labors" he was then able to earn enough money to eventually purchase his freedom from the remaining Barron family and change his name to John, keeping Jack as a last name rather than using his enslaver's.
John Jack died, poor but free, in 1773, just two years before the Revolutionary War started. Presumably as part of setting up his own estate, he became a client of local lawyer Daniel Bliss, brother-in-law to the minister, William Emerson. Bliss and Emerson were in a massive family feud that spilled into the rest of the town, as Bliss was notoriously loyal to the crown, eventually letting British soldiers stay in his home and giving them information about Patriot activities.
Daniel Bliss also had abolitionist leanings. And after hearing John's story, he was angry.
Here was a man who had been kidnapped from his home country, dragged across the ocean, and treated as an animal for decades. Countless others were being brutalized in the same way, in the same town that claimed to love liberty and freedom. Reverend Emerson railed against the British government from the pulpit, and he himself was an enslaver.
It wouldn't do. John Jack deserved so much more. So, when he died, Bliss personally paid for a large gravestone and wrote its epitaph to blast the town's hypocrisy from the top of Burial Hill. When the British soldiers trudged through the cemetery on April 19th, 1775, they were so struck that they wrote the words down and published them in the British newspapers, and that hypocrisy passed around Europe as well. And the stone is still there today.
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You know whose stone doesn't survive in the burial ground?
Benjamin Barron's.
Or any of his family that I know of. Which is absolutely astonishing, because this story is about to get even more complicated.
Benjamin Barron was a middle-class shoemaker in a suburb that wouldn't become famous until decades after his death. He lived a simple life only made possible by chattel slavery, and he will never show up in a U.S. history textbook.
But he had a wife, and a family. His widow, Betty Barron, from whom John purchased his freedom, whose name does not appear on her home's plaque or anywhere else in town, does appear either by name or in passing in every single one of those textbooks.
Terrible colonial spelling of all names in their marriage record aside, you may have heard her maiden name before:
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Betty Parris was born into a slaveholding family in 1683, in a time when it was fairly common for not only Black, but also Indigenous people to be enslaved. It was also a time of war, religious extremism, and severe paranoia in a pre-scientific frontier. And so it was that at the age of nine, Betty pointed a finger at the Arawak woman enslaved in her Salem home, named Titibe, and accused her of witchcraft.
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Yes, that Betty Parris.
Her accusations may have started the Salem Witch trials, but unlike her peers, she did not stay in the action for long. As a minor, she was not allowed to testify at court, and as the minister's daughter, she was too high-profile to be allowed near the courtroom circus. Betty's parents sent her to live with relatives during the proceedings, at which point her "bewitchment" was cured, though we're still unsure if she had psychosomatic problems solved by being away from stress, if she stopped because the public stopped listening, or if she stopped because she no longer had adults prompting her.
Following the witch hysteria, the Parrises moved several times as her infamous father struggled to hold down a job and deal with his family's reputation. Eventually they landed in Concord, where Betty met Benjamin and married him at the age of 26, presumably having had no more encounters with Satan in the preceding seventeen years. She lived an undocumented life and died, obscure and forgotten, in 1760, just five years before the Stamp Act crisis plunged America into a revolution, a living bridge between the old world and the new.
I often wonder how much Betty's story followed her throughout her life. People must have talked. Did they whisper in the town square, "Do you know what she did when she was a girl?" Did John Jack hear the stories of how she had previously treated the enslaved people in her life? Did that hasten his desperation to get out? And what of Daniel Bliss; did he know this history as well, seeing the double indignity of it all? Did he stop and think about how much in the world had changed in less than a century since his neighbor was born?
We'll never know.
All that's left is a gravestone, and a house with an insufficient plaque.
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katakaluptastrophy · 7 months
I think what's so interesting about Gideon as a narrator at the anniversary dinner is the fact that there's clearly tensions that she's just not picking up on because she's only there to eat a dessert.
But these people are all the immensely powerful leaders of the Houses and consider themselves to be in competition for literal godlike powers and the favour of the emperor.
There's so many little snippets that are potentially intriguing: why is Teacher trying to prime the Ninth to consider the Fifth a threat? Why are the Third and the Sixth "sizing each other up like prizefighters"? The Fifth absolutely knew what they were doing when they sat the teen heads of the opposing cults near each other.
Through Gideon's lens, Magnus' speech is a little awkward jokey thing. But...the seneschal of the House that is known to be actively trying to absorb another House is saying it's such a shame they're all so remote from each other and what do they all have in common (and it's so quiet you "could have heard a hair flutter to the floor") - that had to feel a bit different to people who aren't Gideon.
Palamedes' is dissecting the meaning of "Master Warden" and at one point compares it to a prison warden. 'Dulcinea' asking about whether Magnus and Abigail have children is perhaps less small talk and rather more pointedly political. Harrow's apparently stilted conversation with Protesilaus is clearly her actually probing his limitations like he's a bad Chat GPT-run chatbot.
And then 'Dulcinea' tells Gideon she liked the dinner because it was "useful". In her typical "I never lied to you" way, Cyth wasn't lying when she said Abigail had to die because of her hobby - Abigail Pent let loose on the Facility would have risked blowing Cyth's cover sky high. But what does a Canaan House look like where after the dinner party, the Fifth go down to the facility, get a key, and survive to continue their 'the Houses are going to get along or else' agenda? We've seen Fifth House soft power on a smaller scale in HTN: and it looks like inviting a teenager round for coffee, lulling her into a false sense of security with small talk, and then physically preventing her from leaving the room until she does what you want, while smiling the entire time. A series of little coffee chats could probably have led to a lot of cooperation in Canaan House, one way or another.
Gideon jokes about Silas marrying Ianthe because of their similar colour pallete, but it does raise the fact that there seems to be some tension around the Third, its succession, and the *point* of Ianthe. Why is Silas openly saying Ianthe should have died at birth? Combined with Judith's comments in the Cohort Intelligence Files about succession on the Third, it feels like there's something else being said here that Gideon isn't picking up on.
And of course, Harrow wasn't the only one desperate to become a Lyctor because her con was unsustainable. Presumably at some point Corona and Ianthe would be expected to marry, or at least take on more separate roles as Corona prepared to take over the throne and Ianthe was funneled off elsewhere. At some point, their package deal would have become unsustainable and Corona's cover would have been blown. But much as Harrow wants to become a Lyctor so she can reveal the state of the Ninth without repercussions, Ianthe is probably in part motivated to become a Lyctor for the same reason. Because otherwise, what would Ianthe's expected role have been? Amidst the suggestion of anxiety about the Idan succession, the dinner party also presents the fact that the reason Abigail and Magnus' infertility isn't a succession crisis for the ruling family of the Fifth is that Abigail's younger brother dutifully married in his early 20s and had kids. We know there are branch families in Ida - Babs is from one. He may be a prince, but he's not treated well, and you do get the sense that the stakes to stay in power in Ida are high.
We don't learn anything about the political situation in the Houses themselves during HTN or NTN, but in the wake of Canaan House, you have to suspect there are a number of tensions and concerns.
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ohimsummer · 3 months
✎ . . .❝ DO YOU MIND? ❞
— minors dni, suguru x gn! reader (established rs), ft. satoru, voyeurism, oral [ m. receiving ], pining?, some stsg if you squint at the end :3, barely proofread 🫣
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gojo tends to show up at the most inopportune moments.
…like now, when suguru is balls-deep in your mouth.
your boyfriend watches, utterly flabbergasted, as gojo settles into the other patio chair and then blinks at him with a casual, blue-eyed stare. it’s nonchalant, careless…as if this is all normal.
you begin to pull off of suguru’s length before he stops you with a steady hand on the crown of your head. your eyes widen, lashes fluttering for a quick second before a strange sense of normality washes over you, and your body relaxes. whatever gojo is up to, you’re confident suguru will handle him with ease, as per usual. after all, this wouldn’t be the first time his best friend has walked in on you two during activities like this, though he usually doesn’t take a seat with the apparent intent on staying throughout.
suguru takes a long, thoughtful drag of his cigarette, eyes narrowing. “…do you mind?”, he asks and quirks a brow.
gojo just smiles at him. “huh? oh, no, i don’t mind.”
a couple seconds pass and suguru has to wonder if he’s actually having this conversation. “are you actually insane—“
“god, what’s the big deal?” gojo groans, interrupting the once-hushed, midnight serenity in his typical, obtrusive fashion. shifts in his seat and suguru finally notices the bulge between his spread legs. his jaw just goes slack in utter disbelief.
suguru is not distracted for long. with a flick of your tongue, you bring forth a grunt from your boyfriend’s lips, back to bobbing along his length in a craving for his creamy release down your throat. suguru can’t and wouldn’t bring himself to stop you. the situation is far past strange but, if you’re determined to continue, and gojo being a fucking weirdo doesn’t bother you, then that’s fine by him.
he sighs. “whatever.”
not even a second passes before there’s a clink of metal, and suguru watches as gojo begins pulling his own cock from his pants.
“satoru, what in the f—“
“shhh.”, gojo hisses at him, and suguru raises two astonished brows. “i’m trying to enjoy the show.“
the dark-haired man is genuinely stunned into silence. it takes a moment before he catches his bearings, tossing gojo an unamused look and leaning back to rest in his own chair. “fine, whatever, just shut up while you do it.”
suguru rolls his eyes at gojo’s victorious grin, before pulling his dying cigarette back up to his lips and billowing out another cloud of smoke. whatever. with everything going on, it’s easy for him to block out any trace of gojo, anyway, and just focus on you.
a bold smell of tobacco wafts through the air, filling suguru’s nostrils as the nicotine finishes off any remnants of stress in his body. the sloppy, wet noises of spit and pre, of you eagerly sucking him down your throat. the curious feel of your hand massaging his balls while the other twists and jerks off whatever can’t fit in your mouth. yeah, it doesn’t take a single drop of effort for suguru to forget that his best friend is jerking off to the sight of you.
someone else is properly taking the time to admire every detail of the view before him. the moonlight rays gleaming off of you and his best friend, casting a gentle glow on the lewd scene. suguru’s head tossed back with locks of black framing his face, a red blush visible across his handsome features even with the limited lighting. and you, god, you. gojo eyes the hand on the back of your head, threading through your hair. suguru has a gentle grasp for the most part, sometimes shoving you down to his base, and gojo’s cock throbs longingly at the gags you let out before being released again. so cute, so pretty, doing your best to take his friend’s fat cock all the way in, only to come up a few inches short every time. it’s obviously a struggle, and yet you still try your best, so keen to swallow every inch. so eager to please.
globs of clear precum dribble out and over gojo’s tip, making for slippery strokes as he gives his bobbing cock a squeeze. though it’s hard, difficult, excruciating—especially with suguru’s own grunts and moans calling out into the night—gojo doesn’t want to risk interrupting this moment. it feels improper and rude, akin to shouting during a performance.
as he admires you both, gojo begins to feel this abrupt sense of jealousy. whether it comes from wanting to be in your place or suguru’s, he cannot decide.
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💜: @anthoosies @staryukis @teddybeartoji @lxnarphase @satoruxx @hellkaiserinphoenix @astral-hydromancy @bookswillfindyouaway @rosso-seta @sugurubabe @soraya-daydreams @bubblez-blop @arthurschneider @venzlenes @khaothick @haruchiy0 @sillysushi @risuola @hobarihope @crocodilethesir @starlightanyaaa @reodiaries @spicana @lovley212 @katharinasdiaryy @ninikrumbs @imaniitheoneee @luvr-exe @snackeyalleyjuice @apatauaia @trafalgarrattata @sataraxia @elleflying07 @toptierbunny @purplegemadventures @whokilledvivi @getouolgy @exinqiu @flvffybunny @leilalilox @babytoshiii @idkluvv @froggkat @princ3ss-juicy @starsharkz @zzzlevislothzzz @sugu-love @peachyaone @squishies0102 @ivy-vivii @mynahx3 @ratedrrrr @ha-zel-art @hongsxn @tryn-ity @rubyredish @higuchislut @mochi-islive @shhinigamii @insanebiitch @shinninglightning
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hgfictionwriter · 3 months
Late Night Desires
Jessie Fleming x Reader
Summary: Jessie and you wake up in the middle of the night and have a little fun together.
Warning: Smut. Strap sex, cockwarming.
A/N: I'm back! Happy to be posting again! Hope you enjoy the fic. Based on this request.
A frown crossed Jessie’s face as she was woken from her sleep by the gentle jostling of the bed. A lazy smiled formed on her lips as she felt you cuddle in and wrap an arm around her waist while tucking your head into her shoulder.
She opened her eyes. The bedroom was dark, still in the deep of night and leaving her momentarily disoriented while her mind caught up. Another frown crossed her face in realization. She didn't take off the strap after last night's activities. The last thing she recalled was both of you cuddling together - her still inside of you - after multiple rounds. She must've fallen asleep.
A shiver went through her as she felt your fingers slowly graze up and down her side. More goosebumps rose across her skin as you planted a soft, lingering kiss on her shoulder.
Jessie inhaled, shifting you both so you were on your sides and she was spooning you. She bit back a chuckle at how the strap poked you in the back. She reached down to remove the strap, but was stopped by you wordlessly halting her with your hand on hers.
A smile tugged at the corner of her mouth and she leaned down to lay a kiss on the back of your shoulder. She lifted your leg a bit and readjusted so the strap was settled between your legs, resting along the length of your core, but sure to not enter you. She wrapped an arm around your waist and smiled as you cuddled back into her. You lay peacefully in her arms, your hand resting on her forearm.
While Jessie was half asleep a minute ago, she was now wide awake.
She had training in the morning and you had work, so you should both really get some more sleep, but with you pressed up against her and her arms wrapped around you, the heat building between her legs wasn't going to allow that.
She couldn't help the way her hand began to graze along your stomach. She paused momentarily when your hand tightened on her, but when your thumb began to slowly caress her arm, she continued. She laid another soft kiss on your shoulder.
Eventually, Jessie's hand worked its way up your torso until she began cupping your breast. She noted the way you gently exhaled and pressed your body back into her subtly so. She tilted her head and kissed your back once more, leaving her lips there as she gently began to massage your breast, gauging your response.
Your head shifted slightly on the pillow and you began running your thumb along her forearm more firmly. Jessie gave your nipple a soft pinch, smiling at how your breath hitched, before she moved her hand to your other breast to repeat the actions.
In the silence of your room, Jessie was keenly aware of every reaction. She felt how your breathing deepened and every subtle movement.
You began to shift restlessly in her arms and she bit back a grin at how, most notably, your hips began to gently rock against her strap that was nestled between your legs.
Jessie pulled her hand away from your breasts - momentarily stalled by you gripping her and silently urging her to stay - to lay her hand flat on the front of your hips and hold you in place. A soft, but heavy exhale escaped you in place of a whine.
Jessie began to lay more slow, teasing kisses along your shoulder and along the nape of your neck. Any time you went to squirm, she held you firmly in place, eliciting another inaudible sigh of frustration from you.
Showing some mercy, Jessie began massaging your breasts again as she continued to tease you with more kisses. A smirk crossed her lips as your nails dug into her forearm.
As she kissed along the back of your neck, you brought a hand up, reaching behind to caress the back of her head. She paused a second, stiffening at your touch before pulling you tighter and kissing you deeper.
"Mm," you finally moaned, causing her to give your breast a particularly firm squeeze. In opposition to her earlier instructions, you rocked against her strap more fully than before. "Please, baby."
Her arm tightened around you, pulling you tight again and she gave you another kiss as she finally rolled her hips against you and giving you some of the relief you desperately wanted. Another short moan fell from your lips.
Jessie began to slowly roll her hips back and forth, drawing the strap through your wet folds and providing some much needed friction against your clit. You began to moan further and moved your hips in sync with hers, looking for more.
The teasing continued and you began to grow more desperate. She felt you try to angle yourself in a way so she would slip inside, but she didn't allow it, instead maintaining control and continuing to simply tease you with slow, measured movements.
You dug your fingers into her scalp and rocked yourself back against her as your needy moans filled the silence of the dark room. Your noises filled up Jessie's head and the ache between her legs was growing stronger by the moment.
She drew her hips back in such a way that when she pushed forward, she finally slipped inside of your tight core. A deep, heady moan escaped you as she finally filled you. She released a soft grunt in your ear.
While Jessie's earlier teasing strokes were slow and measured, she was now quickly picking up pace. You bent a leg up to give her more room to work, but soon she reached down and lifted your leg so she could thrust into your soaking tunnel with even greater ease.
Though the room had been more or less silent a few minutes prior, the sounds of your wanton moans and Jessie thrusting in and out of you now echoed off the walls.
As Jessie held your leg in place, she leaned back a bit to give herself more leverage and stability, rolling you both back a touch in the process. She wrapped her other arm around the front of your shoulders as you now lay back partially on top of her, legs spread as she fucked you firm and fast yet again that night.
Each thrust at this angle sent a pulse of pleasure radiating out through your body from your core. The way she was manhandling you right now as well sent your mind into an ecstasy-filled frenzy.
Jessie loved the way you were moaning and panting in her arms as she rut into you from behind. Knowing how confident and in charge you were in everyday life, most people probably assumed you called the shots in bed, but often it was really Jessie having her way with you and it drove her wild.
She heard your breathing quicken and the pitch of your moans rise. She tightened her grip on you and kissed along your ear.
She felt you tighten around her, almost affecting her strokes if she hadn't been anticipating it. A loud cry fell from your lips as you came while she plunged deep inside of you. You dug your nails into her arm and clung on tightly as she fucked you through your orgasm.
When your body grew slack, she rolled you both back fully onto your sides, lowering your leg and wrapping an arm around your waist once more. She held herself inside of you as you both panted, working to regain your breath.
She squeezed you tight and peppered your shoulder in light kisses. When you had enough strength you reached back once more and lazily ran your fingers through her hair.
You lay peacefully together, gently holding and caressing one another as you recovered. However, Jessie's hand began to wander once more.
Though she didn't move her hips, her fingers now traced along the hollow by your hip bones, moving downward until she was touch was feather light at juncture between your thigh and core.
You pushed your head back into her and she kissed your neck as she slipped her fingers through your lips and circled your clit. A renewed, soft moan bubbled up your throat.
Soon, her fingers began firmly rubbing your clit in a circular motion, pulling deeper moans out of you as she kissed and teased your neck.
Jessie's jaw fell slack as you subtly writhed in her arms. She pulled you closer with her other arm.
Though you rocked gently against her as she played with your clit, she held herself still inside of you. She wanted to keep you full and stretched out around her as she brought you towards another high under her fingers.
It wasn't long until you were faintly, but urgently, grinding yourself against her fingers, desperate to fall over the edge of another climax.
Jessie continued to rub your clit steadily and soon felt you stiffen and come undone in her arms. She hooked her chin over your shoulder, pulling you ever tighter against her as her name fell from your lips.
Both of you spent yet again, she held you in her arms as you recovered from another orgasm.
You both lay quietly together, bodies sweaty and hot, but neither of you wanting to be apart.
She felt your breathing even out and slow and she allowed her eyes to close as you rest in her embrace. She felt sleep starting to overtake her, but she managed to speak first.
"Is this going to be a thing? Me falling asleep inside of you?" She asked with a tired, but cheeky smirk on her face.
You pressed yourself back against her for good measure. "I love it."
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confusedraven1 · 1 year
my favorite thing so far about season 2 is how, no matter what, the crew of the revenge actively chooses their found family, over and over again
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• swede loves and is married to jackie, but double crosses her anyway because of his love and “life debt” for his family
• stede leaves ricky at jackie’z, despite ricky being inexperienced, because he’s fucking around and they all need to leave. stede’s not gonna risk his family just because ricky wants some sort of recognition for something he barely helped with
• oluwande leaves zheng yi sao because he’ll be damned if he leaves jim, who he’s reiterated that they’re family for him
• frenchie and jim disobeys ed’s orders and save izzy’s life because, as jim says, “he’s THEIR dick.” archie follows along cause she knows it’s fucked up and wants to stay by jim’s side
• izzy has chosen ed over and over again, and would’ve continued to if ed had accepted the help he desperately needed, but ed isolates himself and pushes izzy to the point where he HAS to choose the rest of the crew instead
• roach, wee john, and pete all get jobs on the red flag that play to their strengths and they enjoy IMMENSELY, but they go back to the revenge cause there’s no world where they wouldn’t. buttons had the opportunity to probably get more sea witch info and tools from auntie, but he also wouldn’t ever choose that over the crew
• lucius is PISSED at stede, and has a ton of ptsd to work through. i imagine he probably felt somewhat safe finally on the red flag. but after talking things through with stede and pete, i know that it was a no brainer for him as well. he’d never give pete up again after that kind of separation
• even though stede is loving the experience of seeing zheng yi sao doing what she does best and the (seemingly) warm and comforting environment on the red flag, he chooses to rescue the crew, even izzy, and take back their ship. because he knows they would choose him (and did during the act of grace, minus izzy). he’s bringing their family back together despite everything else
• i would say that the crew still with ed DID choose him, constantly. any other crew would’ve mutinied WAY before they did, but they love ed and hoped things would get better despite his behavior saying otherwise. the only times they didn’t choose him was out of self-preservation
• ed became a self-fulfilling prophecy and isolated himself. i would argue that he’s the one exception here. he actively chooses to disregard his family because of his self-loathing and deluded himself into thinking they wouldn’t choose him. BUT, in the end, he finally does because stede cast him that line. he chose to live for himself, of course, but i like to think that that decision was also to come back to the one person that truly felt like family for him
i am so fucking excited to see all of the other ways they’re going to choose each other, yet also keep each other accountable for the things they do. because they’re family
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syrupgirl · 2 years
Could u write a fic ab Sully family x y /n reader? Where she lives with the sully family after her parents died, she gets taken by the colonel in the forest and is set up for bate because he knows she important to the Sully family.
a/n: the way I interpreted this, reader is taken by herself rather than what happens in the film where all of the kids get taken. I did use the rough layout of the scene for inspo but it does diverge from cannon ie Neteyam is with the kids when they get discovered. I hope that’s similar enough to what you mean. also reader is na’vi and around Neteyam’s age :p
Sullys stick together -The Sully family
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“Catch me if you can!” Tuk yelled. Her little feet pattering along the branch of an enormous tree, while you and the rest of the Sully children chased her for sport.
She giggled delightedly, dodging out of the way of Lo’ak’s hand.
You really weren’t supposed to be out this far. Too close to the battlefield Jake had said. To close to where the sky people had already begun laying their claim on Pandora. Not if the Na’vi had anything to say about it.
But oh, it was such a beautiful day, almost no clouds in the sky, Kenten floated around you with the unfurled fan necks slowing their descent. Who wouldn’t want to get carried away with the day?
Suddenly, little Tuk ran into the trunk of a tree and startled back, falling on her butt. Kiri rushed forward and kneeled beside her, rubbing her back.
“Oh Tuk, are you ok? Are you hurt?” Kiri asked, ever the nurturer.
Tuk rubbed her nose and sniffed, tiny little tears blooming in her eyes. “Yeah, just got a fright, that’s all.”
Kiri helped the youngest sully stand up and continued to comfort her. Tuk reassured her sister that she was ok and Kiri relented. Tuk then wandered off to continue her little adventure.
“Wait, guys! Look!” Lo’ak whisper shouted.
Everyone looked to the direction he was pointing. Spider’s eyes widened and he even gasped a little.
“Wow, bro. That’s where my dad and your dad fought, right?” He asked Neteyam.
Neteyam didn’t answer right away, looking almost sheepish. “Yeah, bro.”
Lo’ak looked like he could barely keep still, a giddy grin upon his face.
“Well c’mon! Let’s have a look inside!” He was about to spring up when you put a firm hand on his shoulder.
“No way! We have no idea what’s in there, there could be some old tech still active, or…I don’t know, some angry beast!”
Despite not being a blood member of the Sulky family, after Jake and Neytiri took you under their wing and growing up with them for so long cemented your place among them as family. You were as much Neteyam’s sister as Tuktirey was.
Despite not being a blood member of the Sully family, they listened to you and cared about what you had to say, or that’s what you thought.
“That’s why we have our knives, skxawng.” And with that Lo’ak got you to sprint to the abandoned lab. Well, he would’ve had it not been for the tussling of the bushes opposite where you were all crouching.
“Sit down!” Neteyam gritted out, he grabbed his younger brother by the back of his neck and yanked him back down beside him. Lo’ak started to protest, talking about how it was probably some harmless animal. The sound of voices shut him down. Voices speaking in, english.
You were confused. Sky people should not have gotten this far out without drawing attention of the clan. Neteyam motioned for everyone to be still and you all watched on as the voices got closer.
Neteyam turned on his comms and started speaking to Jake. You could guess what he was saying; do not engage, retreat, stay low and out of sight. All very good suggestions in your opinion.
You kept your gaze intently to the direction of the voices, just waiting for them to pop out so you could get a good look at them and hopefully get some answers to your burning questions.
For better or for worse your questions were answered sooner than you thought.
Aside from the speaking english, the only thing that gave them away for being avatar and not Na’vi was the tactical gear. They were fully decked out. A few of them had arms decorated with tattoos and…sunglasses, Jake had called them.
They slowly approached the abandoned lab with guns raised and eyes everywhere. You all ducked down further once you realised you were way out of your league. Unarmed humans you might be able to handle. Armed humans, definitely more difficult but you had done it before, but avatar who were armed to the teeth along with the strength and speed of the na’vi made for a dangerous mix. You all watched as they searched through the building, overturning the insides of it.
“Come on, dad is on his way, he told us to fall back.” Neteyam’s urged all of you, gesturing into the forest behind him.
“What? No! This is our- my chance to prove to dad that I can help! I can be an asset to the people!”
Neteyam and Lo’ak continued to bicker when you noticed Kiri looking around, looking around desperately.
“Kiri?” you asked, “what’s wrong?”
The girl looked almost brought to tears when she looked up to you.
Her voice trembled, “Where is Tuk?”
Oh god.
She had disappeared before Lo’ak had picked up on the lab.
No one had seen her since.
Kiri clasped her hands around her mouth, she looked about as scared as you felt. God, little Tuktirey.
Abruptly, the group of avatars in front of you trained their guns on clump of trees of to your right. You had heard the sound too, a snap of a small branch or twig. Whatever had stepped on it was light.
Light enough to be Tuk.
The hostiles started to walk toward the noise. It’s like you were watching them in slow motion. Off to the side you could see Kiri’s eyes widen, horror flashed across her face. Spider had a similar expression, his eyebrows upturned in the centre. Lo’ak and Neteyam had stopped their fighting and just looked scared out of their own minds. Neteyam for once didn’t have a solution for everything.
So you did the only thing you could think of. A stupid, stupid thing looking back on it, a stupid thing parading itself as bravery. You scrunched your face, said a silent prayer to Eywa to deliver Tuk to safety and to give you strength for whatever was to happen.
You lept out from behind the log and dashed out of cover.
The avatars snapped their attention to you and raised their guns, but you kept charging towards them. Unsheathing the small knife you kept on you at all times, you cried out.
An avatar with short cropped hair on the top of his hair held out his hand and caught you around the neck. He didn’t hold you tight enough to strangle you, but tight enough that you couldn’t escape. He lifted you up into the air like you were fresh prey.
You struggled and snarled, trying to get your knife in any part of him that you could reach.
“Well, well, well, lookie here…” Quaritch chuckled darkly. He motioned for his squad to lowers their guns and the obeyed, observing their colonel with obvious amusement. It made you sick, you probably outwardly grimaced.
“I’ve seen you somewhere before.” He muttered. Quaritch made a show of ‘hmmm’ing and scratching his chin in fake thought. “Ah yes, i’ve seen your runnin’ around with the Sully spawn. You’ve been causin’ a lot of trouble, you and those other brats.”
You pretended not to understand him, opting to keep snapping and thrashing at him. It was not a complete lie; while Jake had taught you some basic english, you could probably only form the sentences of a small human child.
“The thing looks feral…” A teammate muttered from behind the colonel and the squad laughed.
“Don’t be fooled, soldier. These Na’vi can be quite clever when they put their heads together.” The colonel responded.
Thinking of your family behind you, you hoped and prayed that they had retreated back with Tuktirey.
Quaritch lowered you to the ground but before you tried to make a break for it, he wove his fingers through your hair and pulled hard.
You bit your teeth to stifle a scream and reached up to attempt to pry his hand off of your head.
“I know that there’s more of you back there, in the tree line, so you behave and my team will leave them be.” Fear flooded you at that, hearing that this man knew you weren’t alone. With a snap of his fingers he could have you all held hostages. So you stilled. You rested your hands back at your sides and begrudgingly set your gaze on him.
The avatar holding you smiled.
“Children o’ Sully! You listen here,” he spoke in english before switching into what seemed to be pretty broken na’vi, “you tell your father to come here, and this girl will be returned unharmed in exchange for his compliance.”
At least he didn’t know Neteyam had already been in contact with both Jake and Neytiri. If they just pretended to leave, Jake and Neytiri would think of a plan. Like they always do.
The bushes where everyone was hiding rustled. Quaritch tensed and the avatars behind you raised their guns once more, but the bushes stilled, no other came from it.
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. You hoped that they had gone back home or at least taken Tuk back.
“Alright everyone, I’m guessing we can expect Jake Sully and his mate getting here pretty soon.” He drawled, turning to face his team. “Get ready for an attack. Be on your guard and keep your new eyes and ears sharp.”
Jake and Neytiri quietly dismounted their Ikran and armed themselves. Neytiri looked as if she was shaking with rage, her mouth downturned and her eyes looking for a threat.
“Hey, I’m sure they’re all fine. They’re tough kids, they’re our kids which make them tougher.” Jake attempted a joke but it died out in the silence when Neytiri did not respond.
They hadn’t landed far from where Neteyam told them they were and they were almost silent as they crept forward into the thicket.
A flutter of motion from they’re left has Neytiri’s bow drawn and aimed at the spot.
“Mom! It’s just us! It’s me, Lo’ak!” Lo’ak revealed himself from his hiding spot, arms raised and Neytiri breathed a watery sigh.
She rushed forward, took her baby in her arms, and held him tightly. Lo’ak wrapped his arms around her neck and squeezed. From behind him, Neteyam and spider emerged too, looking a little more embarrassed. Jake looked at his eldest and frowned.
“Where are your sisters?” He asked. Neytiri finally set Lo’ak down and gasped a little, noticing the absence of three of the Sully children.
“Kiri took Tuktirey back home and..” Neteyam looked ashamed, “yn was taken.”
His mother squeezed her eyes closed. Even if you weren’t born of her, you were her daughter. The idea of you being taken, as bait no less, had her heart in her stomach and her chest alight with anger.
Jake sighed and his face turned stony. “You all stay here, stay hidden, while we clean up your mess.” He whispered. The boys wilted and sunk back.
Your legs were starting to ache with how long you had been standing and your scalp with how hard the grip he had on your hair.
The man who had been holding you earlier passed you off to another one of his teammates, who seemed to take liberties in yanking your hair every once and a while.
The once clear sky had filled with clouds and rain trickled down through the canopy above you. No one had spoken in a long time, like everyone was holding their breath.
Suddenly, your ear twitched and you flicked your eyes to where you had heard…something. It could just be the sounds of the forest, an animal eating a plant or a ripe piece of fruit hitting the earth, but this sound sounded out of place, made my something not of the forest.
You caught a glimpse of something blue ducking behind the trunk of a wide tree. They had been holding what looked like a bow. Neytiri!
You shut your eyes and thanked Eywa for delivering you a mother as magnificent and brave as her.
Everything was still for a while and you wondered why Neytiri hadn’t taken a shot. Had she left? In an attempt to look like you were getting drowsy, you slumped a back into the avatar holding you. Your head hit his chin as you did so. He shoved you forward again, tugging your hair as he did so.
That’s why she hadn’t taken a shot, there was too much of a risk of hitting you. You looked up to where you had seen her before and caught her eyes. She had been staring at you intently the whole time, waiting for an opening.
So you gave her one.
You hoped she understood what you tried to say in a single look.
Saying another silent prayer to Eywa, you grabbed the arm that wasn’t gripping your hair, brought it up to your mouth, and bit down as hard as you could.
The man screamed, “You little bitch!”
Thankfully, on instinct he let go of your head and you had just enough time to duck out of the way before an arrow hit him straight between the eyes.
Twigs and leaves crunched beneath your feet and you made a break into the forest. You didn’t dare look back behind you. Gunshots rang through the air, some even whizzed past you.
Just as you jumped over the fallen trunk of a tree, an arm caught you from the side. You fought against it, landing a blow against whoever’s face had snatched you.
They groaned and let you go.
“Be calm! It’s just me!” Spider said as he held his now bloody nose.
You gasped and reached out to touch his face. “Oh Spider, I’m so sorry. You scared me!”
He shook his head a little before standing up, offering you a hand. “It’s fine, let’s go. Lo’ak and Neteyam already left.”
You took his hand and the two of you ran through the forest together. Never daring to look back.
When Jake and Neytiri returned, you knew you were all in for it.
You and your siblings listened outside of their tent, listening to them argue. You held Tuk to you, you didn’t want her to hear what they were saying but she insisted, so all you could do was let her know she wasn’t alone.
Jake stormed out of the tent and you all pretended to be looking at anything else. Smooth.
“yn, get over here.” He ordered. Lo’ak patted you on the back and walked away with the others.
“That stunt you pulled!? That’s not on, okay? It was stupi-!”
You interrupted him, “What I did was stupid, but I don’t regret it. If I hadn’t, Tuk would have been in my position and I couldn’t stand by and watch that happen, sir.” Jake was silent at that. The same stern look painted across his face and his eye twitched.
You stood your ground.
He stood his. For a while.
Until he broke.
The hard look he had softened and he just looked like a tired dad. You realised how stressed he must be, knowing that an old enemy was back and would go through his family to get him. He though he had lost Neteyam earlier this week, and now his daughter? You could have sympathy for him.
You approached him and wrapped your arms around his broad chest. “I’m sorry, dad. I’m sorry for worrying you.”
It felt as if his chest buckled at that and he returned your hug.
“Don’t ever scare me like that again. Alright, soldier?”
You smiled up at him and gave him a. mock salute.
“Yes, sir.”
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monicahar · 2 years
fem! reader, scara and nahida would act like siblings change my mind, includes sumeru archon quest spoilers!
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“would you mind telling me more about [name]?”
scaramouche had to make sure he was hearing things correctly.
“excuse me?”
“[name]. i want to know more about her.”
the tiny god of wisdom gently rocks back and forth on her makeshift swing created by her control over dendro—watching over the city of sumeru with soft eyes whilst the former harbinger stares daggers onto the back of her head.
a sigh escapes the man's lips from behind her, a telltale sign of his incoming exasperation, “you read my mind without my permission again? i remember clearly telling you to cut it out, didn't i?” his annoyance doesn't come unnoticed by the observant child.
“it was quite improper of me to do so, but i'm the god of wisdom. i actively seek out knowledge, and such—i couldn't resist the temptation of peering onto a mind as eccentric as yours.” her tone remains understanding of his irritation, yet all the more wise in explaining her unwarranted prying.
the dark-haired male behind her hums, leaning back onto the tree as he shuts his eyes closed, seemingly given up on voicing his displeasure towards the archon.
“tell me what you know so i'll know where to start.”
his immediate compliance makes the curious child turn her head his way, staring at him with wide eyes.
“you...” nahida trails off as she smiles in relief, quickly reminding herself to not comment on his chosen act of opening up as he might get impatient and dismiss the subject altogether.
the distant chatter of her people down at the city successfully averts her attention from him, her eyes now gazing down at a certain blonde traveller stopping by to buy some supplies for their next adventure.
“you were dreaming of her during your slumber. she's...the fourth betrayal you encountered, correct?” nahida knows that you were anything but a betrayal, but she has to bend her words to his whims for now as to avoid a temper tantrum.
scaramouche hums in response.
“out of all the companions you've trusted, you seemed to cling onto your memories of her the most. why is that?”
“if you've read my mind, then i'm sure you already know why.”
“you're not gonna deny it?” the lesser lord cranes her neck to look at him over her shoulder, brows raised questioningly at his statement. “that you were in love, romantically?” she had carefully formed the question to give him the freedom of denying it just in case he wasn't ready to face his past just yet, but this situation was clearly something she didn't expect.
the male remains resting against the tree behind him, uncaring of the child's rather surprised gaze as his eyes stay shut. “if there's one thing you taught me while being under your care, it has to be acceptance.” he feels his anemo vision thrum to life by his chest, but he pays no mind to it as he continues, “i have nothing to lose now, so I might as well stop lying to myself to give my existence some type of meaning.”
nahida can't help the softening of her eyes towards the male, her smile widening by a fraction before she returns her gaze towards the city below her. if anything, that's probably his way of thanking her. it's a pretty roundabout way considering the better alternatives, but it managed to get the message across, didn't it?
she sighs in content, “that's essentially all I know about her. once again, would you mind telling me how she was like?”
you would probably pass out if you found out that the god of wisdom wishes to know more about you.
the ends of his lips twitch upwards for a moment as he thinks back on the memories he held dearly of you;
ranging from the embarrassing and funny moments you two shared like that one time you accidentally mistook him as a girl due to how graceful and fair his skin and face was, or up to the more intimate moments—like watching the narukami festival unfold along with its blooming fireworks from the mountain peaks of tatarasuna...
...and that one time he finally let your desires free and bared himself for you to touch—his first time.
he feels his cheeks burn at the thought, crossing his arms with a huff as if to breathe out the sinful thoughts.
now that he was free from the shackles of burdens and hatred, everything he experienced with you no longer seemed to be as bitter and disgusting to recall—unlike the times before where he'd have occasional dreams of you back in the fatui, the pettiness in his nerves as he calls it a nightmare that reminds him of how naïve and weak he was back then.
he returns to the matter at hand with a new sense of clarity—now what was he supposed to say again?
right. he was supposed to tell nahida about you.
he can't believe he's still blushing over you after all these centuries.
lifting his eyelids, the first thing he catches in his eyesight was nahida's knowing smile—directed right at him as she stays still on her swing.
why is she—?
making haste with his movements, he quickly lifts his hand to pull down his hat over his face, only to discover he wasn't wearing his hat at the moment—so pathetically enough, he opts to cover his face with a hand, shyly hiding his face from the grinning archon as he looks away with reddened cheeks and ears.
he got too carried away while reminiscing, it seems.
“i see...so you're still very much in love with her, hm?” nahida speaks up with a teasing tilt to her voice, relishing in this rare moment of the male's lowered guard, “not like i blame you. she was really pretty in your dreams, and probably even prettier in person.”
“shut up. do you want me to continue or not?”
with a quick apology amidst her fit of giggles, she nods, looking away once again from the eccentric wanderer to give him the privacy he deserves.
“sorry, sorry. now you may start.”
her curiousity is piqued. just how much of an impact did you make to cause the male to make such interesting reactions?
she's about to find out now, it seems.
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might make part two idk
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traveler-at-heart · 21 days
Lessons of Love - Part 4
Nerd!Natasha x Rogers!F R
Summary: As your relationship with Natasha progresses, you find some bumps on the road.
That was no way to start the day. Natasha had looked everywhere for her notebook, and now she was walking to Advanced Calc without any idea where it went.
Truth is, she could remember most of the things she had written down from lessons. What she regretted the most was losing all the little notes or scribbles you’d leave at random places.
“Looking for this?” she heard you say.
There you were, standing outside her classroom. You had her schedule memorised to know what routes to take to your next class and see her as offen as possible.
“Yes, actually” she nodded, taking the notebook from you. You smiled, leaning forward. To anyone else, it seemed like you two were just talking, but you had your hand on her arm, drawing circles.
“It was under my bed…” you explained, blushing at the memory of the make out session that almost became somethig more. You could tell Natasha was thinking the same thing, as her eyes traveled to your lips. You were about to close the distance for a short kiss when someone called for you.
“Hey, mamacita” it was Jessica Jones, who stayed oblivious to the intimate moment you were sharing with Natasha.
“Hey, JJ” you greeted, turning around and standing closer to Nat, hoping she’d put her arm around your shoulders or something. Instead, she excused herself and went inside the room.
You sighed, disappointed.
“We have Spanish together. Wanna walk with me? Podemos practicar en el camino, muy caliente!”
“Oh, wow. Your Duolingo streak must be on fire”
“Au, K, C, Na” Natasha pulled out study cards, placing them in front of you.
“Gold, Potasium, Carbon, Sodium” you listed all the elements.
“Correct” she leaned back against the headboard, chewing on some M&Ms.
“Where’s my prize?” you said in a low voice, getting closer to her. Natasha blushed and watched as you leaned forward… stealing the candy from her.
“Not fair” she complained, although she was laughing along. You offered her a chocolate to appease her, aware that your eyes followed her movements as she let you feed her.
Obviously, the study session was abandoned for other activities. Her lips were on yours and you had kicked the notebooks out of the way to have more space.
Natasha’s tongue explored your mouth expertly -god, she had gotten so good at kissing- while the other circled your waist. You yelped as she lifted you up, placing you on her lap.
“That was incredibly hot” you commented, licking and biting her earlobe.
Natasha responded by squeezing your breasts over your shirt. You didn’t know what had gotten over her, she was usually shy and let you take the lead, but you were definitely not complainig. Before she had time to hesitate, you took your shirt off, nipples hardening at the cold air and the arousal.
Natasha moaned, burying her face in the valley of your breasts.
“Can I…?” she asked for permission, her hand hovering over the clasp of your bra.
“Yes. Please” you nodded, and a second later felt your bra lose around your shoulders. Natasha pulled at it impatiently, her tongue swirling around your nipple. You jolted forward, moaning and feeling her erection against your leg.
With a cloudy mind, you unzipped her pants and palmed her cock through her boxers. Natasha’s hips went up, as her lips stopped working on your breasts, caught off guard by your bold move.
“I’m sorry, I just got carried away”
“Do it again, please” she asked against your lips, kissing you while her hand took over your nipple. Nodding against her, you continued to stroke her over the fabric, feeling the hardness strain against the underwear. You wanted nothing more than to pull the boxers down and suck Natasha off.
The thought made you squeeze a bit harder, Natasha losing her focus for a second, knowing she’d come any minute.
Your brother’s voice boomed across the hallway.
“Captain Rogers is pulling up the driveway. However’s doing something nasty, wrap it up”
You groaned at that, layind down next to Natasha. Your hair was a mess and you were both out of breath.
“My eyes are up here” you joked when she kept staring at your boobs, your chest going up and down as your breathing evened out.
“I know” Natasha nodded, still looking at them. You laughed, pushing her away as you rolled on your back to put your clothes back on.
“Hey, I didn’t overstep, right?” Natasha asked, kissing your shoulder as you looked in the mirror to fix your hair,
“No, my love. It was perfect” you said, looking at her reflection. Once you were satisfied with your appearance, you turned around and put your arms around her neck. “I liked it way too much”
“I did too” she confessed, smiling as you pecked her lips.
“Maybe we can talk about…”
“Yeah. I know… I’ve been thinking about it too”
“Wait. Are we both talking about marriage?” you said, serious. Natasha’s eyes widened and you laughed. “I’m just teasing you”
“Yeah, that’s what you are. A big tease” she said, kissing you softly.
Still thinking about everything that happened the day before, you walked out of Spanish class. It took you a moment to caught up with Jessica, who was talking next to you.
“So, what do you think?”
“About what?”
“I asked you to dinner. Like, a date?”
“Oh” you nodded, and then it clicked. “Oh, JJ, I'm very flattered but the thing is… I have a girlfriend”
“You do? Huh” Jessica said with a smile. “Wait, don’t tell me. It’s Wanda, right? I mean, you guys are together all the time”
“Wanda?” you repeated, confused. It almost felt like you summoned her, because she came out of nowhere, pulling you by the arm.
“Hey, mind if I steal my girl?”
“Wait, that’s not what you think” you tried to correct, but Jessica gave you a thumbs up.
“Happy for you two”
Wanda kept walking down the hallway, her hand firmly grasping yours and you tried to keep up with her.
“Wanda, what’s wrong?”
“Jarvis is coming for the winter break!” she said excitedly.
“Oh, the English lad” you said with your bad accent. The girl rolled her eyes.
“Wait, why is Jessica happy for us?” she stopped suddenly, and you rolled your eyes.
“Don’t worry about it”
Later that day, Wanda came back home with you to tell you all about Jarvis’ upcoming visit.
“I’m happy for you” you said.
“What’s wrong?”
“What do you mean? Nothing, Wands”
“You didn’t even make the accent since I brought it up again”
You rolled your eyes and threw a cushion her way, making her laugh.
“Is it weird that Natasha and I are still keeping everything private? It’s been three months since we started dating, and we’re not exactly hiding but when someone comes to speak to me she just disappears”
“Have you spoken to her?” Wanda suggested, spinning in your work chair.
“I guess we’re due a talk for more than one reason” you admitted, playing with the hem of your shirt. Wanda caught on to your shift in mood and launched herself to lay next to you.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, yesterday, it felt like we almost… you know”
“Really? Oh my God, how was it?” Wanda squealed and you sushed her, fearing your parents would hear. “What? I wanna know everything. I mean, ew, not everything but… ya know”
“We didn’t do… it. It felt like we were going to, but then Dad was home. Plus, I haven’t even told her how I feel. It’s kind of cheap to do it without saying how much I love her”
“Well, just tell her exactly that. It’s not like she doesn’t love you back”
“I don’t know. Anything is possible” you shrugged your shoulders and Wanda kicked her feet in the air, sighing dramatically.
“You two are impossible lesbians. She’s out there looking at you as if you hung all the stars in the sky and you’re moping because Natasha might not love you back”
“Alright, jeez” you laughed. “Then help me tell her in a creative way”
“What are you thinking? Something she likes?”
“Morse code” you suggested and Wanda made a face. “Alright, non binary language”
“Like saying I love them instead of you”
“No, as in 0 and 1 like computers, genius”
“Ugh, you are a certified nerd” she gagged and you laughed. “What’s wrong with some old fashioned bouquet and chocolate?”
“Going back to the basics… you’re on to something, Maximoff”
Your mom was on board with your plan the minute you shared it. She’d been the one to arrange a bouquet of flowers from the family garden. It had baby’s breath, white carnations, pink camellias and a dash of red yarrow.
So, there you were, standing outside the Romanoff home first thing in the morning. You had plans later that day and you knew Natasha was going out for her run, but you were lucky enough to catch her before she left.
“Hey” she greeted you as she opened the door.
“Hi…” you began, and then she pulled you by the waist, devouring your mouth in that new found hunger that made your knees weak. “Uh… I…”
“It’s nice to see you first thing in the morning” she said, her nose against yours in a sweet gesture.
“Yeah, especially when you kiss me like that”
Natasha smiled, but let go of your waist and finally looked at the flowers.
“Going somewhere?”
“Huh? Oh, no. These are for you” you extended the bouquet and she took it. “I’ve grown all these flowers myself and wanted to give them to you because I…”
“Bless you”
“Thank… achoo!”
Natasha sneezed a few times before you caught up with what was happening.
“Damn it, you’re allergic”
“Nooo… maybe a little” she looked apologetic and you gently removed the bouquet from her hands, placing it behind your back.
“I’m sorry, baby. I had no idea”
“It’s fine. They’re really pretty. It’s the thought that counts” she sneezed one more time and you sighed. “Let me grab my medicine and I’ll be right back”
“No, it’s ok. I’ll come back later, I should take this back home” you held the flowers as if they were radioactive, as far away from her body as possible. “Catch you later for our date?”
“Looking forward to it” she leaned forward to kiss you, but broke apart to sneeze once more.
“Medicine, now” you sighed against her lips.
So, that was a bust. Your mother was ready to take personal offense when you came back with the flowers, until you explained what had happened.
“Well, what’s plan B?”
“A fortune cookie?”
You honestly thought the flowers would work so a backup plan was not even considered.
“We’ll bake cupcakes!” your mother suggested, always a step ahead of you. “Look for ideas while I get the ingredients”
You browsed until you stumbled upon a cute video. With an edible marker, you wrote “I love you” in a piece of sugar paper. Covering it with a food safe acetate and buttercream, you decorated the cupcake as if it was a letter, placing a small red heart on the center.
You prepared a tray with the rest of the cupcakes, making sure to place the one with the note in the middle.
“Good luck, sweetheart” your mother said as she dropped you off later that day on her way to the gallery.
This time, Natasha’s welcome was a bit more measured, since her parents were up and your mom was waving from the car.
“How’s the allergy?”
“It’s all fine now” she promised, leading you by the hand.
“Well, I got you some cupcakes. I’m pretty certain you’re not allergic to those”
“No, especially when you’re the one making them” she admired the work.
“You should eat this one first” you pointed at the one in the middle and she nodded, taking your face in her hands.
“I want something sweeter first” her lips moved against yours and you grabbed her neck to keep her there.
“Right in front of the cupcakes” Yelena complained and you broke apart, eyes still closed as you tried to bring your breathing back to normal.
“Those aren’t for you”
Of course, Yelena chose the one with the note. By the time you noticed, she was done with it.
“Uh… you didn’t taste anything weird in it?” you asked, worried about the acetate. Yelena shrugged her shoulders, and picked up another one until Natasha slapped her hand away.
“Get your own cupcake baking girlfriend”
“Is that all she is to you? A cupcake factory? Natalia, that is so rude. Y/N also has a cute butt, why not mention that”
“You know what I mean. And don’t look at her butt!”
“It’s fine, it’s fine!” you stopped the arguing, sounding a bit hysterical. “Come on, let’s get going, Nat”
You were silent for the entire ride, and Natasha allowed you to take the time you needed.
“We’re here” she announced after parking at the mini golf course.
“Hey, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing, I just wanted to do something special for you and I think I’ve been failing all day”
“You haven’t. Everything you do is special for me”
“Really?” you whispered, blushing at her kind words. Natasha nodded, taking your hand and kissing the back of it. You suddenly remembered a thing you wanted to mention. “Our four month anniversary is next Saturday… why don’t we go somewhere nice?”
“I love that” she agreed and you smiled, eager to shout back and I love you
But you wanted it to be special, and what’s another week? You could wait, and maybe, this time your plan would work.
The Science Club was only five people. Peter, Darcy, Shuri, Ned and Natasha, the founding member. It was an improvement from last year, when it was only her and Darcy.
“So, next week we’re getting the guidelines for the Science Bowl, and then we can plan our study sessions” Natasha said, writing down a couple of dates in the whiteboard.
“Are we doing that?” Peter asked, looking around.
“Why wouldn’t we?”
“Well, I thought you would be focused on the Westview Science Fair. Since they have some people from MIT coming each year” Peter explained.
“Well, I’m a sophomore… I’m sure next year I’ll do it”
“Scared I’ll beat you, Romanoff?” Shuri taunted.
Natasha felt like she was under the microscope. Everyone in the club knew how brilliant her mother was, and how ambitious Natasha’s own goals were for her future as a scientist.
“Are you ok? We’ve had the impression that you’ve been a bit distracted” Ned said in a soft tone, as if he was afraid to upset her.
“I’m fine” Natasha lied, turning to Darcy. “See? Lewis is texting someone while we meet. Bet she’s more distracted than me”
“Hey! I’m just talking to Y//N”
“Why are you talking to Y/N?” Natasha snapped. Everyone in the room shared a look.
“Because we’re partnering for a Biology project. And then I’ll ask her out”
“I heard she has a girlfriend” Shuri intervened, saving Natasha from throwing the marker to Darcy’s head. “No idea who she is, though”
“Well, that won’t stop me” Darcy smiled, going back to texting.
“We’ll do the Science Bowl and I’ll work on the Westview Fair, so that’s thqt” Natasha returned to writing on the board.
“Wow. You’re doing both? Isn’t that a lot?” Peter said. Natasha shrugged her shoulders.
For the rest of the afternoon, her thoughts spiraled, filling her with anxiety. She had gotten distracted and lost focus and now her entire future was jeopardized over it.
It wasn’t until later, when she heard a knock on the door that she snapped out of it.
“Go away”
“You sure about that?”
Another thing she had forgotten; you had plans. She felt guilty, and wished she had cancelled before making you come all the way here when she was in a sour mood.
As she opened the door, you leaned forward to kiss her but she turned her face.
“You ok?” you said, confused at her cold demeanor. Walking to her desk, you placed a gift box and sat on the bed, looking at Natasha. She was tense, and avoiding your eyes.
“Fine. Just busy”
“Oh, ok. Well, want me to just wait until you’re less busy? I can go bother Yel”
“It’s gonna take a while. You should go back home. I’ll text you later”
“Nat? What’s wrong?”
“Why were you texting Darcy?” she finally snapped, picking a fight over something she knew meant nothing.
“How did you know?”
“So you didn’t want me to find out”
“I’m texting her because we’re doing a presentation for class. She asked me to be on the same team”
“You could have said no” she said, turning her back to you.
“I don’t have any reason to be a total bitch and say no to a group project, Natasha. If it bothers you so much you could tell her we’re dating. I told my friends, unlike you”
“That’s not the point” Natasha said, looking at the card that came with the gift. It was a simple equation.
“Then what is?”
“I don’t have time for this. You want me to do your homework too?” she threw the card on her desk and looked at you. “I’m behind, I totally forgot about the Science Fair and now I have to come up with a really good project in less than three weeks”
“Why are you making it sound like it’s my fault?”
“Because” Natasha stopped herself from saying it is.
But you knew.
She saw the hurt in your eyes and regretted everything that had just happened.
“Don’t worry. I won’t get in the way of your stuff anymore, Natasha” you stood up, walking towards the door.
“Wait! No, I didn’t mean to…”
“Yes, you did” you went out of her room, Natasha staying rooted to the spot.
She was a coward.
You had avoided Natasha all day. That’s how she finally realised that all those moments where you met and spoke outside of her classroom or in the hallways were because of you, going out of your way to see her.
During English class, you sat at the front, as far away from her as you could, and spend the entire period taking notes. By the time it was over, you were the first person out the door. Natasha tried to catch up with you but wasn’t even sure how to begin to apologize.
Natasha’s texts, as well as her calls went unanswered. Today was a Saturday, and you’d usually spend time together in the evening… she could try going to your place, or to your mother’s gallery. She had to find you and tell you how sorry and wrong she was. You were the best thing that had happened to her, and it was none of your responsibility if Natasha had too much on her plate.
Yelena walked past her in the living room, wearing her cheerleader uniform.
“You don’t have practice today” Natasha turned to her.
“It’s the end of the football season so we’re meeting today and tomorrow. I’m late” Yelena answered without looking at her sister.
“Wait! I’ll drive you”
Yelena rolled her eyes, but waited in the car nonetheless. She spent most of the time looking out the window, until she couldn’t hold her tongue anymore.
“If anyone had spoken to me the way you spoke to Y/N, I would have broken up with them, on the spot”
“Jeez. Thanks?”
“She’s kind. And she’s in love with you. You’re always so caught up in your world of science like mom. It’s great that you’re so smart but you’re so damn stupid sometimes, Tasha” Yelena said and left the car as soon as she arrived.
Natasha sighed, looking for you in the field. You were speaking to Pepper, smiling as she showed you what the next move would be. Your eyes landed on Natasha and your smile faded. Still, the redhead waved at you and you walked towards the bleachers.
“What’s up?” you said in a casual tone that made Natasha’s heart drop.
“I tried calling you”
“I had nothing to say” you shrugged your shoulders. “And you have a lot going on so I figured you could use your time back”
In that moment, Natasha’s phone rang and she ignored the call, without checking who it was.
“I made a mistake. I’m sorry. I was unfair to you because I had a bad day”
“Honestly, Natasha? I’m not sure if it’s just that”
“What do you mean? Damn it” she complained as her phone rang again. The sound was begining to irritate you.
“What I mean is… you’re very smart and I’m just me. I have no idea what I want to do with my life and I’m ok with that, because I’m 16 and feel like I have time. But if you have everything figured out, and you feel like it should be your priority, I won’t hold you back”
“You’re not holding me back” she promised, taking a step forward. “I just don’t know how to balance everything. I lost focus…”
“Because of me?”
“Because I… I’ve never been in a relationship before”
“Well, that sounds like something you should figure out on your own” you cut her off, starting to walk away.
“That’s not fair. You can’t expect me to feel bad because I know what I want? I’m sorry. But being in a relationship won’t get me into MIT”
“I never said that!” you groaned, frustrated as her phone began to rang again. Natasha didn’t ignore the call, and this time the noise made you even more upset as you both kept arguing.  “Pick up the damn phone”
Taking the phone from her hands, you answered the call.
“Hey, Natty. I’m waiting at your house but your mom said you’re out”
You recognized the voice. Jane Foster.
“Don’t worry. We’re done here” you threw the phone at Natasha, turning to walk away.
“Wait, it’s not what you think. Jane was only going to help me with the Science Fair project”
“Today was our fourth month together, I made a reservation and everything. And I kept it with the hope that we could make things right. But go be with Jane, take her out. Forget about me, us. If this relationship is a burden, you’re not in one anymore”
“No, Y/N, wait, please”
“Goodbye, Natasha”
You left her standing alone, as you walked into school. Yelena followed you, glaring as she walked past her sister.
“Nice one, Natasha”
Natasha didn’t know how to fix this mess. You were never alone at school, and she was sure it wasn’t a coincidence.
Pietro or Wanda were consistently by your side, even when their classes were across the school. Bucky glared at Natasha the only time she dared come near you, but you elbowed him and walked away as fast as possible.
You didn’t hate Natasha, nor did you expect anyone else to be mean to her. You were just heartbroken, feeling like everything she had said was confirmation of how unlikely it was for someone as smart as her to love you.
Wednesday seemed like the only chance to actually talk to you, but to Natasha’s bad luck, you skipped Chemistry class.
“No Miss Rogers today?” Fury asked in the middle of practice. Natasha shrugged her shoulders. “This exercise was her idea”
“Borax crystals?” Natasha looked up. The professor shrugged his shoulders, copying Natasha.
“Said she wanted to use the pipe cleaners to do some fun shapes. I’m guessing hearts”
Natasha thought about it for a second, while Fury gave her a knowing look.
“Crystal hearts” Natasha repeated.
“She also showed me an equation to check if it was correct, then wrote in something that looked like a card. Very mysterious”
“Yeah” Natasha nodded, going back to her notes. Feeling someone was looking at her, she raised her eyes and met Wanda’s murderous glare.
“Stop it” Pietro told his sister, while Natasha turned pale. Wanda could be scary.
Fury chuckled and walked back to his desk, hoping whatever was going on could be solved outside of his classroom.
For her part, Natasha wanted to skip the rest of her classes and go home. She was sure the card Fury mentioned was the same you had given her the day she acted like a total ass.
By the time she got home, Natasha went straight to her room. The gift box had been hidden in her closet, because she couldn’t stand seeing it all the time.
“Screw it” she muttered, opening the closet and taking it out. Natasha ripped the paper, trying to figure out what the box had.
Lego flowers.
So you can always have flowers without the allergies, a note inside said.
She didn’t deserve you. Natasha dropped the box in her bed and sat on the floor. How could she know so much about science but not be able to figure out how to fix this?
There was a knock on her door but she didn’t care to answer.
“Sweetheart?” Melina said, opening the door. Her eyes widened when she saw her daughter so defeated. “Tasha, what’s wrong?”
“I’m an idiot” Natasha shook her head, the tears finally rolling down her cheeks. She had tried to avoid it, because Natasha hated crying, hated feeling helpless more than anything.
But right now, she hated the way she had made you feel even more.
“Oh, you’re definitely not an idiot, sweetie. Come here” Melina sat next to her daughter, hugging her. Natasha felt like she was five again, but held on to her mother’s arms. “Is this about Y/N?”
“Yelena told you, huh?”
“No. I just noticed she hasn’t been around and you’ve been hiding in your room. Wanna tell me what happened?”
“I was a jerk. All of the sudden I realised I was gonna have all this extra work from the Science Club and the Westview Fair and blamed it on her, as if she was distracting me on purpose”
“Oh, I see. You’ve never been good with stress, after all”
“I’m not good with people” Natasha shook her head. “She’s better off without me”
“Natasha, darling. You’re so smart. But you put so much pressure on yourself. I sometimes blame myself for it”
“What do you mean?”
“I worked so hard when I first came here because I had to prove myself. Had to be ten times better than anyone else to be seen as more than just the strange girl from Russia. I don’t want that to be your life. Choose a path that makes you happy”
Natasha nodded, wiping away the last tears.
“I don’t know how to fix it” she confessed.
“Say how you feel. Speak from the heart. And be better next time. That’s all you can do” Melina said, squeezing Natasha’s shoulders. “We’ll leave in an hour, the last game of the season is today”
As Melina left her daughter’s room, Natasha gathered the courage to open the card, curious to see if it had the equation that Fury mentioned.
She went over it a couple of times, and then sat, writing it down on her own notebook to solve it.
9x - 7i > 3 (3x - 7u)
9x - 7i > 9x - 21u
- 7i > - 21u
7i < 21u
i <3 u
“I love you” she read, her heart beating out of her chest.
Natasha stood up and tried calling you, but it went to voicemail. You’d probably be at the field, practicing with the rest of the team. It would be nearly impossible to get close to you, and Natasha didn’t want to wait until the end of the game.
She had to speak to you now. Natasha called someone else.
“Peter. I need a favor”
As it was to be expected, the school parking lot was packed. Melina walked with an arm around her daughter’s shoulders.
“Feeling better?”
“Yes” Natasha nodded. “I’ll catch up with you. I have to meet with Peter real quick”
“Alright” the woman said, going to the bleachers to find a spot for them.
Natasha walked to the school library, looking anxiously around the building.
“Hey! I’m here, sorry” Peter said, carrying the mascot suit. “This is a very weird favor to ask, Nat”
“I know, trust me. But I need to get to the field now” Natasha examined the suit, accepting Peter’s help to put it on. Once the body was zipped, Peter placed the lion’s head, making sure Natasha was adjusting it.
“How does it feel?”
“How can you even see in this thing?” Natasha’s voice came out muffled.
“Yeah, I can’t. You’ll get used to it, though. Come on, I’ll walk you to the field”
He took Natasha by the hand (well, paw) and she almost backed out of the plan. It was hot and dark in there and she might pass out.
But then she thought of you and the three words she wanted to tell you, and her resolve strenghtented.
By the time they reached the field, Pepper dragged Natasha out, not even noticing that Peter was by her side, instead of inside the suit.
“We change the routine’s speed so you better catch up”
“Wait, I don’t even know it”
“Stay there” the girl ignored her. Natasha looked around and walked with her arms reached forward.
“So, how are you feeling?” that was Yelena’s voice. Natasha walked towards it, hopeful.
“I’ve had better days” you admitted with a sad smile. “I miss Nat like crazy”
“If it helps she’s been very miserable” Yelena said and you laughed.
“She’ll be fine without me. Though I’ve been trying to avoid her, because I know she wants to break up and I cannot take it, not right now”
What? She never wanted to break up with you. Natasha struggled with the head of the suit, but stumbled against her sister.
“Hey, watch it” Yelena said, but turned as Pepper asked everyone to take their places. “Come on Parker, you know what to do”
“I’m not Parker. Y/N, wait!” Natasha screamed, but between the music and the cheers from the crowd, you didn’t hear her. Natasha stumbled around as the cheerleading squad began their routine. She crashed against some of the girls, and by the time she found a quiet corner to go unnoticed, they were pulling her back to the field, almost carrying her to the center of their circle.
Pepper pushed Natasha towards a trampoline, and the girl jumped a few times on it.
“Go, Lions!” the girls cheered as someone threw a ball to Natasha’s head. She flew in the air, losing her footing and the head of the suit at the same time. The redhead landed on her back, the padding helping a bit with the fall.
“Natasha?” you said, rushing to her side. “What the hell do you think you’re doing? Are you ok?”
“I’m fine” Natasha said, breathing heavily and finding comfort in your closeness. She had missed you so much.
“Are you sure? Does anything hurt?” you insisted, checking her head with a gentleness that made Natasha swoon. Without thinking about it, she closed the distance, kissing you softly. You tried to protest, but gave in a moment later, shutting your eyes and pulling her closer.
You missed her so damn much.
People cheered and then it dawned on you that you were putting on a show for the entire school. You looked at the crowd, your cheeks turning pink.
“Maybe we should…”
“I love you” Natasha said, unable to wait any longer.
“You… do?”
“I finally opened the card and the equation… it was a perfect gift and I’m sorry, I was an idiot. I love you so much and I never meant to hurt you. Please, believe me, Y/N. You’re everything to me”
“Well, how can a girl resist a love confession like that?” you laughed, pulling her up. When Natasha stood up, she lifted you in her arms, spinning you around.
“I love you” she said one more time, kissing you softly.
“I love you too” you smiled against her mouth, not caring about the crowd anymore.
Now that you had made up (and made out) in front of most of the school, you and Natasha were inseparable. You walked to classes together, holding hands in the hallway and talking about your day. During break you’d eat together and at the end of the day hung out for a while with Wanda and Pietro, or only the two of you, sharing a few laughs and kisses.
Oh, the kissing.
First thing on Monday, when the school was still buzzing with the gossip of your relationship, Natasha came up the stairs as you entered the school. Her lips met yours, in that hungry way she usually saved for the privacy of your room, and you broke apart, blushing and smiling.
“Good morning”
“Uh-huh. I’ll say” you laughed, taking her hand, aware that some people were staring.
It became a habit. Most times it was innocent, like a kiss on the cheek while saying goodbye before your classes. You’d be talking by your locker and she’d end up leaning you against it, your hands on her waist as you enjoyed being trapped by her body, looking at her lips until the conversation died down and you kissed her, a bit possesively.
It made Professor Harkness warn you about “no funny business during class” and Fury talking about wanting no distractions if you kept working together.
Both of your friends were the most crossed by this, because more often than not, they’d interrupt in the middle of some make out session.
Like today. The Science Club was preparing for the competition, and they met to study at the end of each day. Since it was Friday and you had no classes left, you decided to tease Natasha as she waited for her teammates.
“I’m having trouble with something” you said, sitting in one of the tables.
“With what?” Natasha said, organizing the flash cards and not picking up on your mood.
“I’ll show you”, you asked, pulling her flush against you as she stood between your legs. “I can’t stop thinking about my girlfriend”
Natasha smiled, allowing you to take the lead with the kiss, her hands going to your legs to make them wrap around her waist. She groaned when your tongue darted out.
“If this is how we’re studying today, I’ll pass” Darcy said as soon as she walked in on the room. You broke apart, noticing how Natasha didn’t let go.
Knowing she was jealous of the time you and Darcy were speaking, you placed a small kiss on the corner of her mouth and spoke loud enough for her friend to hear.
“Gotta go. You need to study. I love you, baby”
“I love you too” she smiled, kissing you one last time. You ran into Peter and Ned at the door and Natasha called out for you. “Don’t forget our date tonight. I gotta make it up to you for that dinner we missed”
You blushed as Ned and Peter whistled, nodding and waving goodbye.
All in all, life was good.
Comfortable and cozy. That’s what Natasha said you should wear. You had no idea where you were going, but felt excited.
“You look beautiful” your mom said as you went down the stairs. Your father turned as well.
“Where are you going?”
“I don’t know”
“What do you mean you don’t know” he snapped, removing his glasses. “That is not safe. You’re staying here”
“Dad, it’s a surprise” you tried to ease his nerves, hugging him. “Plus, it’s not like you don’t track my phone”
“I…” he turned to glance at your mother, who looked ready to murder him.
“Joseph Rogers, that is an incredible invasion of privacy! Do you track my phone too?”
They were so busy arguing, they never noticed the doorbell. You ran to greet Natasha.
“Hi” she said, kissing your cheek. She pulled something behind her back, handing it to you.
“I’m allergic to flowers so I thought I’d compromise here” she smiled, giving you a cactus.
“Thank you, darling” you smiled.
“I’ll take that. You two have fun” your mother said, inspecting the plant. She was probably planning where to place it.
“Alright, don’t wait up” you winked at your parents, making Natasha blush.
“Young lady, that is not funny!” your father said. You laughed, walking with Natasha to the car, while your mother shushed him, still upset.
“Relax. He knows it’s a joke. Now, take me to this super secret date, huh?”
“We have a different ride today” she pointed at a pick up truck that you had seen on her dad’s garage.
Natasha opened the door for you, and extended her hand, as the climb to the seat was steep.
“It feels like we’re in a carriage” you joked as she turned it on and drove you. Reaching a gated park, a security guard opened the door for you two and you were pretty sure Natasha handed him a twenty dollar bill as you drove past him.
“This looks like the country club”
“That’s because it is. We’re just sneaking around the back” she winked at you.
“Well, we can go through the front, you know we have the membership…”
“Detka, trust me, I know the perfect view is this way” she squeezed your leg, leaving her hand there for the rest of the short ride.
“What does it mean?” you asked and she looked confused. “Come on, I don’t know how to say it. That Russian word”
“Detka? It means baby. Sort of”
You blushed and squeezed the hand that was resting in your lap, hoping Natasha would use it again very soon.
Natasha encouraged you to jump, holding you by the waist until you landed against her. She moved aside to show you what she meant, and you gasped as you saw the lake that was away from the courts and the restaurant.
The ground was usually reserved for parties, but it was luckily empty. As you kept staring at the lights reflecting in the water, Natasha uncovered the back of the truck to reveal it was full of pillows, blakets, food and her laptop.
“Hope you’re hungry” she helped you up, holding your hand while you steadied yourself in the back.
“Starving” you said, finally picking a corner to sit in and making room for her. Natasha sat next to you, her arm around your shoulders. “Nat, this is lovely”
“You deserve it, and more”
“I love you” you kissed her, leaning against her side until you needed to catch your breath.
“Love you too. Now, here” Natasha opened up the picnic basket. “We have lasagna and soda, chocolate cake for dessert, popcorn and gummies in case you want more snacks”
“What movie are we watching?”
“About Time”
“Yes!” you cheered, appreciating her choice. You knew Natasha complained about the time travel inaccuracies, but it was one of your favorites.
As the movie progressed, you came closer to Natasha, seeking her warmth when the air became colder.
“Here” she covered you with a blanket and you came closer, sinking in her arms.
“You make me really happy, Natasha” you looked at her, appreciating how soft she looked under the fading light.
“And you’re the best thing that ever happened to me” she leaned forward, pressing her lips against yours. As your hands went down her arms, you sank further into the pillows, until you landed on your back with a squeal. “Are you ok?”
“Yes” you laughed, pulling Natasha down. Her body was on top of yours, and you appreciated feeling her weight. The kissing became more frantic, with your hands exploring the skin of her back while she bit your lip and then kissed your neck.
“Oh, my” you gasped, as literal fireworks lit up the sky. “Did you do this?”
“I could lie and tell you I did, but I’m guessing there’s a party down at the restaurant”
Enjoying the free show, Natasha hugged you as you looked up.
“Hey” you called, squeezing her hand.
“Hi” Natasha smiled, kissing your temple.
“I know there’s a lot going on right now and it may be too soon… but. You know that thing that almost happened two weeks ago in my room”
“Mhm” Natasha nodded against you.
“Well… I’d love it if you… if my first time could be with you. And like I said, now’s not the time and all, but it’s just a step that I’d take only with you because I trust you and I love you”
Natasha smiled, surprised that you of all people were rambling.
“I would love that too, detka. We’ll know when the time is right, don’t you think?”
“Yes. And please keep calling me that. It’s the best thing in the world” you nudged her side and she laughed against you.
“Anything for you, moya lyubov”
“Oh, come on! That’s not fair” you complained, your heart skipping a beat at those new words. “Keep doing that and I’m losing my virginity right here in the back of this truck”
“Oh” Natasha let out a surprised squeal, turning red. Yeah, that was the Nat you knew.
“I love you, baby” you laughed at her sudden shyness. “And I’m kidding, of course”
“The back seat is probably more comfortable”
“Incorrigible” she mumbled, kissing you softly and laughing with you.
“But you love me”
“Yeah. I really do”
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wosoamazing · 5 months
Newest Signing
Part 1 - Fire on Fire Series A/N: This is the first part of my new Leah Series, I have already started writing and planing parts of it but if you have any ideas let me know and I will try and include them.
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Leah sat on her phone scrolling through various social media platforms, it hurt to see so many other people happy, with their partners when she wasn't, she had never had a successful relationship, to her no one was right, no one was the right match, she didn't feel like they clicked. So many of her exes told her that she had 'too high standards' or that 'soulmates don't exist' or something along the lines of 'you aren't perfect so why do you expect someone else to be perfect'. However she wasn't looking for a soulmate, she wasn't looking for someone perfect, she was just looking for the someone who was perfect for her.
She had started to think that maybe she was just asking for too much, and that her standards were too high, but that was until the day Jonas introduced the team to Arsenal's newest signing.
"Girls this is Y/N Y/L/N, she is our newest signing, and yes she did sign outside of the transfer window as approved by the FA due to issues at her old club, but no further questions on that please. She isn't going to be fully joining training until our Portugal training camp, just so she has some time to settle in but also a well deserved break, but you will see her in the gym and around the place, so please make her feel welcome. I think she is going to be really great for the team."
Her eye's immediately connected with the brunettes, she was tall and muscular, her face held the dreamiest blue eyes, and her smile was perfect, she continued watching the girl as she hugged Stina, the way her hair flowed, her body flowed, it was safe to say Leah was mesmerised.
"Stop staring, you creep" McCabe whispered in Leah's ear, causing her to break from her trance, giving the Irish women a playful smack on the shoulder. "I'm going to the gym," she said as she stood up and headed out, everyone around her making eyes at each other.
You walked into the locker room behind Jonas and as he introduced you to the team, a certain blonde's eyes connected with yours, you couldn't help but notice the small smile her lips created when she saw you, but you quickly diverted your gaze to your best friend. Walking up to her and hugging her.
"I'm glad they let you sign out of the transfer window," Stina said, sounding relieved as she released the hug, "yeah I was worried they wouldn't but once I explained to the FA what was happening they were horrified and told me they would reach out to whatever club I wanted to, within reason, and see if they would sign me. Apparently there are going to be investigations."
"Good, they shouldn't be doing that. But where are you staying? You can crash at mine until you find a place if you need."
"Thank you, but I'm all good, Moster and Tante said I could stay with them, as they are in Paris for the next however long, however it was more a non-negotiable, I think they also meant I was going to be staying when they came back, again non-negotiable, but I'll see."
You and Stina continued talking until it was time for the girls to go to their meeting. You had an appointment with one of the physios just so they could check your range of motion and get some base lines in case you were to injure yourself before your first fitness testing session. As you walked into the gym, you saw a certain blonde in the corner, working away at some exercises which must've been set for her. As you worked with the physio completing the activities and exercises he wanted you to do you couldn't help but notice the way the blonde kept glancing over to you, almost as if she wanted to talk to you.
You sat down at a table with Stina and Frida, Caitlin joined you and wanted to catch up with you and also trying to help you integrate with the team more easily, Caitlin's presence meant that Katie and then consequently Beth sat with you too. You knew the Aussies already due to having spent most of your childhood and your very early twenties in Australia, due to your Tante's work.
"Steph," you called out as you saw the very flustered Aussie walk into the dinning hall, she turned her head around to you, just about every emotion passing through her face.
"Y/N?" she questioned as she walked towards you, "what are you doing here?"
"Well if you weren't late you would've been here when Jonas said I was transferring here," you weren't normally one to say anything about your teammates being late, especially new teammates, however you are Steph had been teammates a long time ago, making your senior team debut for Melbourne Victory exactly a year after she made hers, and she also had a mark on her neck, so you were waiting to see how bad her excuse was.
"Sorry yeah I slept in, Calvin was up barking most of the night. It's so nice to see you again though," she explained as she pulled you in for a hug.
"That mark of your neck would indicate otherwise," you whispered in her ear, she just groaned knowing everyone would've already seen it.
You spend the rest of the lunch talking to mainly Steph or Stina and Frida but occasionally others would make some small talk with you.
After lunch you said your goodbyes to the team, and started to make your way out, when you heard someone call out your name, you turned around to see Leah moving towards you. "Would you like to join me and some of the team for dinner tonight? We are just going to a local pub," she questioned.
"Umm," you filled the air as you hesitated not sure what the goal of her invitation was, "if you don't want to, that's totally okay, I mean you're probably busy anyway," she quickly spat out trying to backtrack.
"Oh no, I would love to, it's just that I don't currently have a car," you told her as you fiddled with the ring on your finger.
"Oh, I can drive you if you want, you can just message me your address later," you nodded and mumbled a quiet thanks before you both went your separate ways.
You were just about to put your shoes one when you received a message.
From Leah: I'm just out the front in the car, no rush though. I know I'm early.
To Leah: Hey, all good, I'm actually just putting my shoes on now, I'll be out in a second.
You're pretty sure Leah's eyes widened as you walked out of the house and to her car. You opened the door of her car and saw her eyes run over your body before she said "You look nice," "Oh, thank you, it's nothing," you blushed slightly climbing into the passenger seat, but in truth it was nothing. You had a pair of light blue skinny jeans on, with a cropped country road rugby jumper on. You also have a black puffer vest in case you needed it but you placed that on the floor as you got in.
"You look nice too," you said as an afterthought, almost regretting it instantly, it probably wouldn't been better to say nothing at all than say that.
"Thanks," she smiled at you softly before she began to drive.
It was safe to say by the end of the night you hadn't once regretted your decision to come, all the girls there were super nice and it was a really great way to get to know them all, outside of soccer.
"Um, we're about to head home and we just thought to offer to take you home, since, um," Beth gestured over to where Leah was a the bar, you couldn't help but feel a small wave of warmth travel through your body at the fact that the team already seemed to care about you.
"Oh um, yes please that would be great," you followed Beth and Viv to their car, making small talk with them on the way home, when the car pulled up outside your home you didn't miss the look the couple sent each other, you quickly hopped out and thanked the two women profusely, before walking up the stairs of your home and collapsing onto your couch, noticing a message from Stina.
From Stina: Hey, I hope the night out with the girls went well. What would you say to a movie night at yours tomorrow night? In the theatre?
To Stina: Hey yeah it went well, Beth and Viv took me home, will explain why tomorrow night at movie night in the lounge room, you can invite Frida if you want too.
From Stina: Okay. I'll be over around 5. From Stina: Wait, why the lounge room?
To Stina: See you then, I'll make pasta.
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prettiestlovergirl · 7 months
tw: MDNI; fem!reader; semi-public; teasing; oral (f. receiving); light dacryphilia; established relationship; mean! mattheo; hickeys; pushing the french-speaking-mattheo agenda, but be warned my french is shit, they don't exactly teach you pet names in high school french class lol.
concept: you n mattheo are studying in the common room when he gets bored and comes up with a more interesting way to study.
a/n: this idea came to me when i was studying for my lab exam and thinking 'wow, this would be so much more fun with a mean curly haired man absolutely wrecking me' n so, here you go! enjoy, my lovelies! 𓆩♡𓆪
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you had been studying in the common room for what felt like hours now, really cramming for this godawful history of magic test. you were stressed out of your mind, but you couldn't risk missing a thing.
you were sitting up on the couch well into the night, your legs curled up underneath you as you continued to take notes in the silence, occasionally making a comment to yourself out loud while you worked.
you'd been so in the zone; you hadn't even noticed the second body entering into the room until you heard that familiar, deep voice in your ear.
"princesse, mon amour, (princess, my love,) what are you still doing up?" he asked, his voice a bit husky from sleep. you'd have been a bit turned on if you hadn't been so startled.
"bloody hell! you can't just sneak up on a girl like that." you hissed, setting your textbook down onto your lap while he chuckled at your startled reaction, waiting for you to go on.
"i'm still up because i have to study for this bloody test." you huffed, following him with your eyes as he walked around the couch, giving you the wonderful and incredibly distracting view of your boyfriend in those damned gray sweatpants.
"let me help." mattheo hummed, a wicked smirk growing on his face as he got himself situated on his knees in front of you. "need to get some studying in anyways." he stated, his hand gripping your ankle and tugging your forward.
"no, mattheo, stop. really, i need to study!" you whined, biting your lip as he tugged your legs out from under you. "we are gonna study, i'm just an active learner." he smirked, pressing a kiss to your ankle. "read the textbook out loud."
"mattheo..." you complained, huffing a bit as his started to kiss his way slowly up your leg. you shivered lightly, the view of him on his knees in front of you never failed to make your brain go a little fuzzy.
"c'mon princesse, (princess) need you to help me study. you don't want me to fail, do you?" he asked, giving you a fake pout as his thumbs hooked into the waistband of your shorts.
finally, you relented, just like he knew you would, and lifted your hips up for him. "bien, mon âme." (good, my soul) he smirked, sliding the fabric down your thighs and tossing it off to the armchair behind him.
if there was one thing mattheo loved, it was getting you to break so he could bury himself between your thighs. if you'd let him, he'd probably stay there forever, living in permanent pussy drunk bliss.
"start reading, princesse. (princess) thought you said you really had to study." he hummed, teasing you with his words and his fingers as he started to rub soft circles on your increasingly dampening panties.
it was sososo hard to focus with his hand on your clothed pussy, but still, you did as told and picked the textbook back up, starting to read aloud from where you left off.
you did your best to speak as clearly as possible, but it was almost impossible when his fingers pressed harshly against your covered clit.
he started rubbing the fabric into your skin, getting your panties soaked in your own arousal as your grip on the book tightened. "f-fuck!" you gasped.
"mm, don't recall fuck being in this history book, weird." he murmured, his lips pressing warm kisses along your thighs, lazily marking you all over as you let out an indignant little whine.
you glared down at him, but went back to reading aloud, doing your best to keep going through your uneven breaths. once he was perfectly satisfied with the number of marks on your thighs, he used his thumb to pull your panties to the side.
he groaned softly to himself, his tongue running along his lower lip as he admired your glistening pussy. you squirmed a bit, the cool air hitting your warm core making you stutter a bit as you went on.
"i-in the en-end, he was, uhm, unable to come out v-victorious" you stated, your voice breathy before your pretty lashes fluttered shut when his free thumb made contact with your bare clit.
"ah, ah, ah." he chided, pausing his actions but keeping his thumb pressed against the swollen nub. "can't touch you if you aren't reading, princesse. (princess) how are you gonna learn if your eyes are closed?"
"so mean..." you grumbled before letting out a gasp as he shoved two of his fingers into your pussy quickly, your eyes immediately opening again. "'m sorry, what was that?" he asked, curling his fingers up inside of you
"n-nothing! nothing, 'm sorry, nothing!" you moaned, his fingers immediately getting drenched in your arousal. "that's what i thought." he smirked, waiting for you to start reading again before thrusting them in and out.
"he had to... to f-flee━ oh fuck ━ civilization." you stuttered, your brain getting hazy again as he attached his lips to your puffy clit, happily gliding his tongue over it again and again. "from th- there, he h-had to be-become a stowaway."
he fucking loved how hard you were working, seeing how much effort it took you to get each word out only seemed to spur him on, making him speed up his fingers n suck a bit harder. "need you to speak up, princesse. (princess) really want to make sure i understand everything."
you let out a louder whine, sticking your lips out in a pout as you shook your head, your eyelids getting heavy n your breath getting all shallow. "fuck, fuck, fuck, i can't, please, i can't!" you whimpered, batting your lashes rapidly to blink away the budding tears.
mattheo let go of your clit with a wet pop, looking up at you intently while he curled his fingers up a second time. "aw look at you 'bout to cry." he mocked in faux sympathy as you looked down at him "you can and you will." he stated.
a sob finally broke past your lips as his tongue found its way back to your clit, your hips bucking and your hands tightening around the textbook.
your vision blurred, but you did your best to keep reading, your body slumped against the cushions as his tongue and fingers worked in sync to bring you closer and closer to the edge.
mattheo honestly could have stayed here forever, just devouring your messy cunt as you soaked his chin and fingers in your arousal. he lived for the way you whined and sobbed above him, loving your broken sentences.
this went on and on until finally you finished the chapter, another sob of relief escaping you as your back arched. "fuck, please, please mattheo i need to cum so fucking bad, please!" you begged, eyes squeezing shut.
"did so good f'me, princesse. (princess) so good, cum f'me." he hummed, sending vibrations onto your clit that finally pushed you over the edge, your cunt fluttering around his fingers while your mouth fell open in a silent moan.
your juices soaked him completely as he continued to suck your clit, going until you started to whine and beg him to stop, trying to squirm away from his eager lips.
"jesus..." you panted, placing a hand over your chest to feel your racing heart as you came down from your high.
"mon amour, (my love) jesus had nothing to do with your cum on my lips. credit's all mine." mattheo chuckled, that same devilish smirk on his lips.
"now, i think we should go over it one more time. just to make sure you've really got it memorized..."
ᵈⁱᵛⁱᵈᵉʳ ᵐᵃᵈᵉ ᵇʸ @ᵐᵘʳᵘᶠᶠⁱⁿ
tags: @bratetteprincess , (gasp, dove reveal??? so soon??)
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slutt4ellie · 3 months
Summer Blossom
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PART 2 //
Falling in love is hard. Worse when you know it can’t happen.
Summary -> It’s the summer of ‘73, the absolute last thing you wanted to do is spend summer with your dad all the way in his farm house, which just so happened to be located in the country, far from all your friends. That was until you met her..
Warnings -> Homophobia / Reader denies feelings / Tiny bits of angst (for now) / Avoidant / Reader is 18, Ellie is 19 / Guy hits on reader / Slight bits Jealous!Ellie / Blood! / Description of injuries / Getting outed / (Eventual smut!)
WC: 6.9k
(Not proofread!)
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Summer in your dad's farmhouse.
That was easily the last place you wanted to be. 
It’s the summer of ‘73, and your mom had the bright idea of getting some quality time in with your dad.
The reason why is because soon enough you’ll be packing up far away from your hometown and going to collage.
Your parents split up young, 10 to be exact, there were no hard feelings that came along with it, it just happened.
Almost naturally, they simply just grew apart, as some people do. 
You decided to stay with your mom, with all your friends being in that area. Another split you weren’t really willing to lose.
Your dad was always close, 30-45 minutes out to the straight country. 
Nothing but grass and farmland, meaning you didn’t visit a lot. 
On special times like your birthday and holidays, your dad or mom would travel to see each other. 
They named it important to you, but you’ve always convinced yourself it didn’t bother you.
So when your mom suggested you should go up to your dad's for the summer (and wasn’t taking a no) you ended up here.
You didn’t like it to say the least.
It was hot, none of your friends were here, and the last time you’ll ever be freshly graduated at 18 years old you were spending it alone. 
It didn’t help you were also an only child. 
You had no one but your dad. 
So now your in your current predicament. 
You were lying down on your bed. 
Knees pointed up towards the ceiling as you’re slowly drowning in the heat. Which feels like it’s covering each square inch of your room. 
You were reading a book yet weren’t paying attention, the creeks of the floorboards and the birds chirping outside your window had your focus dwell in many different ways. 
A shitty thing that was always on your mind was the fact that you didn’t know if there were people your age, your dad only has one car and it’s strictly named for business purposes. 
It wasn’t until the floorboard creeks were slowly coming up the stairs and the sound of a car pulling in which finally made you drop the book putting it closely beside you. 
There were a few short knocks and your dad's voice came through. 
“Hey, kid?” Your dad mumbles outside your bedroom. 
It was always awkward with him. 
Not because he was a shit dad or anything. On the contrary, he was nice, he always tried his best and was there for you. You guys just didn’t relate much.
He liked hands-on activities, like working on cars, taking care of the many farm animals, and stuff that involved getting dirty.
You enjoyed, staying inside, not getting dirty, sitting in an area with air conditioning, which is the main thing your dad's place fucking lacked.
“Yup?” You sit up rubbing your hand across your sweaty forehead. “Come in” You awkwardly continue. 
Your door opens and your met with your dad. The first thing he says is “You okay?” He asks noticing your tired expression and sweaty face. 
“Yeah.” You sigh slightly exasperated. “Just..” You pause. “Hot.” 
You’re almost confident you’ve never been in a more awkward situation and the fact he’s your own blood, your father for crying out loud? It made it worse. 
He follows by just nodding mumbling a quick agreement. 
He doesn’t talk for what feels like forever. But once his mouth finally opens you know he’ll continue. 
“My buddy is comin’ over?-“ He paused then smiled “He’s here actually!” The smile continues, he’s just hoping you’ll finally get out of your bedroom, at least for a little.
He hated seeing you bored by his mere presence. 
“Daughter around your age is downstairs.” He perks. 
It caught your attention too. Because maybe having someone who might relate to you will ease the straight boredom which is being caused from this house. 
“Oh yeah?” You ask slowly, swinging your legs over your bed before standing up.
“Yup!” He smiles and continues. 
“Been tellin’ them about how you’re coming down for the summer- she seems to be bored out of her mind too.” He chuckles. 
You then sigh, because you kinda feel bad for making it so obvious you were bored. Made you feel like a mean daughter. 
You know not being able to deal with the simple presence of him.
“Dad-“ You try, obviously trying to apologize.
He waved his hand dismissively. “No-! Trust me I get bored round these parts too.” He smiles not trying to cause you guilt. “So hot movin’ around seems like a liability.” He dryly chuckles.
You chuckle too. “You’re telling me..!” 
Once you finish your sentence it’s ended with a nod.
He tilts his head in the bedroom’s door direction suggesting through mannerisms you two should go downstairs.
To which you follow. 
You hear talking. The girl downstairs seems to be hesitant, you can’t really hear what she’s saying, having reminiscences of a mumble. Even so, sounds like a short “I really don’t have to meet her-“. 
But she was quickly cut off when she saw you.
You guys both lock eyes as you're walking down the stairs. 
Just another awkward moment you didn’t need! 
She has green eyes, they seem vibrant while contrasted with the sun that gleams through the window.
Her hair represents a faded red falling more along the lines of brunette, it’s in a shaggy mullet, a bold choice compared to what other people have.
Something you instantly noticed.
Despite the blazing hot sun, which is creating what feels like deathly temperatures, she’s accompanied by a skinny pair of jeans and a t-shirt. 
And in this moment you’ve came to the realization you’ve probably never seen a girl dressed like that before.
It looks like an outfit a male would wear, which throws you for a loop. 
Even though she was mumbling about how she “really didn’t need to meet you” her posture turns straight and a smile presents. 
The man who you can only assume is her father talks. 
“Your old man tells me a lot about you- shame we haven’t properly met yet.” He smiles holding out his hand to shake. 
You awkwardly smile stepping forward to hold out your hand to simply shake back. “I’m Joel- this is my daughter, Ellie.”
His grip peels from yours and he grabs Ellie’s shoulder lightly, making her take a step forward in front of him, she’s now facing directly towards you. 
He feels like it’s to give her a light push to properly introduce herself. Knowing that Ellie wouldn’t take that step on her own.
“Nice to meet you.” Ellie smiles nodding her head awkwardly. 
“Yeah, you too.” You smile back at her. 
It’s awkward, everyone in that room senses it. 
So Joel speaks. 
“Ellie’s got a truck!” Joel perks up, an almost suggestive tone leaking. 
“Was thinkin’ the two of you could head down to town...Your dad was talking about a barbecue” He smiles the last sentence directed towards you.
Ellie’s head turns and she shoots him literal death glares.
Because why in his right mind would he suggest the two of you should go into town. A 10-minute drive after not even knowing each other for 5 minutes. 
What would you even talk about?!
Your dad instantly hops on the idea. Thinking it’s about time for you to step out and find a friend down here.
“Great idea!” He smiles. 
You and Ellie both look at each other, neither of you trying to hide the tired sighs which leaked through your lips..
You both don’t want to really go. 
“Okay..” Ellie nods before turning to the front door. 
“We’ll be back in like 30?” Ellie says.
All you do is follow behind her, she opens the door for you first, before you both are hit with the sun. 
Ellie unlocks her truck hoping in the driver's seat. 
She stretches over the centre console opening the door before you reach it.
All you feel like you can do is mumble a quick thank you. 
And that was the start of the painful car ride. 
It took 4 minutes at least of straight silence for one of you to talk. 
Even though Ellie didn’t want to. She spoke first. 
“So- you like it here so far.” She asks clearing her throat.
“None of my friends are here- so like it’s a bit..boring…” Once you finish your sentence, it’s followed by Ellie nodding to show understanding. 
“Yeah- it’s not bad though. Like once you get used to it.” Ellie smiles tilting her head towards you before turning back.
“You live here?” You ask. You’re somewhat interested..hardly... 
“Yeah- my dad always wanted land..! When I was like 2 we moved, I really don’t remember much before this.” Ellie says looking at the road. 
You just slowly nod. 
“What do you do…? Like all the time.” You ask. 
Ellie’s face does form into a frown. Ellie’s not popular, she’s never been popular. There was a point where she had a good amount of friends.
And that came down in a big crash.
Yet still never popular, not through middle school nor high school, nothing. 
Even though she knows why, she doesn’t plan on telling you. 
“Friends are a big thing!” She lies with a chuckle, hoping it comes across as sounding truthful. 
You buy it, you didn’t even assume it was lying. And plus, say you knew she was lying, you didn’t really care. 
You simply didn’t know Ellie. 
“We close?” You ask Ellie, your tone is dry, and she can easily read you don’t care about what she has to say. 
Ellie nods “Few minutes.” 
And that went in a blur because it wasn’t long till you and Ellie were walking into the grocery store. She leads you to the section that displays all the items you could possibly need for a barbecue. 
Ellie crouches down about to speak before a voice draws both of your attention. 
“Oh, Williams! Didn’t realize you were here?”
Ellie recognizes it immediately. And her face was already red out of pure embarrassment. 
It was ironic, the same guy who made her life shit throughout high school was still sulking in the same area she was. 
Ellie often saw him as the prime example of peaking in high school.
He was horrible to her, constantly. 
Jack McNeill. 
He was a “perfect jock”. 
He caught every girl’s attention, with his blonde hair and blue eyes. Something that drew everyone’s physical attraction. 
She remembers it firsthand when her best friend fell for him. A story she doesn’t feel like even thinking of right now. 
And in all fairness, he needed the looks, his personality was shit, and she knew that more than anyone. 
But still, everyone who knew him loved him, unless you were one of the ‘lucky’ ones who gained his unwanted attention. The one where he’d practically torment you.
“Who’s this?” He smiles with a cocky expression, it’s directed towards you.
Ellie frowns and looks at you.
You guys lock eyes, Ellie’s eyes are silently expressing that she’s sorry. But you can’t tell why.
Nothing that’s been said needed any sort of apology.
“Or…is she for you?” He chuckles. Just by his tone you know it’s lurking with an accusatory tone. Having slight reminiscence of disgust.
You didn’t get what he meant by that comment “Is she for you?”.
It felt like you were being bided on. 
And it hardly made sense! Why would he direct that comment to Ellie, someone who you hardly knew?? 
And who’s a fucking girl? 
“She’s my dad's like- it’s his friend's daughter..” Ellie quickly stands up trying to get out of this conversation as fast as she can, even though it’s hardly working. 
Ellie knows she doesn’t owe Jack an explanation, but he doesn’t ever stop pushing once he starts, something you’d expect from a toddler, not someone who turns 20 in a month.
“Ahh…What’s your name?” He smiles at you, it physically makes you cringe at how his tongue pokes out of his mouth out of pure concentration. 
You look at Ellie and then back at him. 
You know 100% this look and this sentence worked on other people, you see how confident he looks, it’s almost gross.
“We’re in a grocery store?” You chuckle tilting your head.
“Mhm?” He questions. 
Ellie’s looking back and forth between the both of you. Starting to think the charm that Jack seems to have on every fucking girl on the planet will end up working on you.
So she can’t even help but roll her eyes. 
“Thank you, but no thank you.” You nod politely. 
“Wanna go?” You question turning to Ellie. Now realizing she has everything that she actually needs in hand. 
Ellie just nods looking at you then back at Jack, she has a smirk plastered all over her face. She didn’t care if you and Jack went out or something, it just helped to see his face drop.
It’s like it’s the first time he’s ever faced rejection.
Granted it probably is.
It only took till you guys got outside for you to talk. 
“That guy is a dick?” You smile looking at Ellie.
Ellie also smiles, nods lightly, and talks. “Little bit huh?” 
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And even though that moment seemed so insignificant from any other viewpoint, it genuinely felt like that’s what sprouted yours and Ellie’s friendship.
And at this point picturing a summer day without her seemed simply impossible.
Because after spending almost a month together, being apart seemed odd.
It had you basically dreading on the fact that summer will eventually end, and you’ll be far from not only your family or friends.
But you’ll be far from Ellie.
She easily fit in the category of a friend. Just you felt like you’ve never connected to someone so fast, meaning calling her one, was something you’ve never fully thought about.
Because Ellie didn’t seem like just a friend?
She seemed different.
Either way it didn’t matter. You always tried to shrug off any thoughts before they could even form.
All she realistically is, is a friend.
I guess you just hated finding yourself constantly overthinking when it comes to Ellie.
The lines of friendship were blurring, and you didn’t like that...
Like when you guys wouldn’t act like just friends, situations where you would share the same bed during sleepover, when you and her would lay on your wood floor (since it was cooler than the air) and her head would be on your shoulder peeking over at the book you were reading.
It was the little things.
You’ve come to the consensus forgetting about it would somehow ease the awkward and unwanted feelings.
I guess it also didn’t help Ellie and Joel practically come over everyday. Which allowed your friendship to grow all that more.
Even though you guys were different, extremely fucking different you felt like you got each other in the more important ways.
Because you told Ellie certain things, and she told you some back.
She was a secretive person, it didn’t bother you much, because you’ve always labeled her as shy, since your first interaction that is.
Even though she was already socially awkward her being shy really just seemed like an add on.
She’s never would expand on how high school was for her, if she had friends, a boyfriend even. She never fucking talked about it.
You’ve never met one of Ellie’s friends, you’ve asked, but she comes up with the same reason. Or in Ellie’s mind an easy excuse to stop the questions from coming any further.
“There out for the summer.” Ellie mumbles following you up the stairs to your bedroom.
Ellie and Joel arrived around 5pm, your dad quickly suggested the idea to have dinner with them.
Of course that went with a shit ton of talking, with a hint of alcohol. Your dad always got chatty when liquor was involved.
Joel also got a few drinks cracked in him, nothing heavy but enough to tell Ellie that they should just crash at your dads place for the night.
In order for them to do some “manly bonding.” Or whatever the fuck they called it?
it ended up making it easier for Ellie, because now that the both of them were staying the night, Ellie didn’t have to carry a stumbling Joel back into their place.
So here you are.
Walking up the stairs with Ellie going on about how you really wanted to meet her friends you read the clock.
It’s only 8pm. The sun is still out due to the earth's tilt..
Which worked in your favour.
Because you had an idea.
After Ellie grumbled her little “There out for the summer.”
All you can reply with is a short sigh.
“Okay what about parties?” You ask looking at her.
“Parties?” Ellie laughs thinking you’re joking.
Both of your legs moving into your bedroom.
“What?” You question turning around to get a good look at her.
Awkwardly it created a close environment for the both of you, practically nose to nose to be exact. To which you backed up as Ellie stayed frozen. Cheeks tinted pink.
You stepped back probably as soon as it happened. You didn’t talk, just looked at her.
Ellie then snaps out of it, trying to forgot that fact she definitely felt your breath on her lips. Ellie was starting to hate herself for even thinking about it.
She knows the both of your are friends. And more importantly you don’t even know about it.
Ellie clears her throat watching as you backed up, quick reminder you definitely didn’t see Ellie like that. Not that it mattered.
“Okay since when do you party?” She ask tilting her head, a quick smile painting right on.
“Whatever?? Tonight- let’s go!” You smile looking at her.
Ellie shakes her head and laughs. “No?? Your dad would kill me? It’s going to get late and- what fucking party.”
“My dad and Joel wouldn’t even notice El? Their drunk. And plus It’s summer! There’s 100% a party happening.”
Ellie sighs.
“Actually?” Ellie questions, she’s praying you’re joking. Because again, she’s not the most popular person around town.
You tilt your head and smile. “Please..!” You sigh out.
“I don’t know..?” She shrugs, and looks at you before continuing. “I just- like what if it’s not fun?” Ellie’s trying to think of any lie that’s realistic. You know other than ‘I don’t feel good’
You look at her shining one last smile hoping it will work.
“Okay- okay fine.” Ellie sighs dramatically, you quickly hug her and pull back.
“Okay let’s get ready!” You suggested.
“No?” Ellie laughs.
“What do you mean ‘no’!” You chuckle grabbing her hand to make her sit down on your bed.
“What if there’s a cute guy you see?” You say suggestively which gets Ellie to cringe back and shake her head. That wasn’t happening..
“I doubt it?” She chuckles looking at you.
A frown is now present on your face. Ellie was so avoidant when it came to the subject of boyfriends. She seemed physically repulsed by them, almost men in general.
And it was getting hard to ignore it now.
You’ve figure she might of had a secret boyfriend, but that was shut down real quick after Ellie denied for a solid 10 minutes after you asked her.
You just didn’t get why she was acting like this.
“No?” You question.
“‘No.” Ellie confirms looking at you. “Trust me I won’t see any guy there that I actually, you know, like.” She shrugs.
“Why?” You ask.
Ellie quickly stands up. Putting on a fake smile. “Let’s go!”
It almost gave you whiplash, I mean it wasn’t new. There’s been countless moments where Ellie just disregarded whatever you said. The first time it happened it ended with you laughing, thinking it was a simple joke.
But she does it a lot. If she doesn’t want to answer, she try’s to act like you didn’t even say it.
Now creating an endless cycle you were genuinely getting tired of.
“Okay.” You follow after Ellie.
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You were driving with Ellie. She knew a party nearby. Not that she was invited, she just heard around.
Ellie and you haven’t really spoken since the moment in your room. It’s not like your mad at her, just the secretive act has been getting..annoying.
You told Ellie a lot about you- and it’s like she’s scared to give you anything fucking personal information.
“What..?” Ellie sighs turning over to you before her eyes gaze back on the road ahead.
One hand is on the steering wheel while the others on the centre console.
“I didn’t say anything..?” You shrug looking at Ellie.
Ellie nods awkwardly with a twinge of nervousness. She knows herself she’s being avoidant, and she doesn’t want to lose you because of that.
After Ellie finishes her little nod she talked.
“Are you mad at me?” Ellie ask looking back to you, your gaze is glued to the window purposefully avoiding her.
Ellie hated that.
“No” You just sigh and finally lock with Ellie’s side profile. “You just don’t tell me shit.” You tilt your head.
“I tell you shit.?” Ellie shrugs and smiles trying to ease the tension in the car.
She’s eyeing you once again.
“Get your eyes back on the road.” You groan rolling your eyes, Ellie’s mannerisms were hard not to fold over, which is annoying..
Ellie shifts her eyes to the road.
“What do you wanna know?” She now ask, her teeth are slotted in the bottom of her lip out of nervousness.
Yet her poker face is good enough for you not to get the memo.
“I don’t know- about you?” You say shrugging.
“There’s not much to tell?” Ellie says with a chuckle.
The car stops and she gets out first before opening the door for you. “You’re such a fucking liar?” You chuckle hopping out.
“Im-“ Ellie try’s to defend it, but you shake your head.
“No i’m getting your drunk and i’m hearing all about your little secrets” You joke with a smile.
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Yet Ellie definitely wasn’t the one who got drunk.
Because just an hour later you were a slurring, stumbling over your feet trailing back to no other then the kitchen.
There sat the blonde hair blue eyed guy who you turned down a little over 2 weeks ago.
His poster straightens up when he sees you.
“Hey..” He smiles and grabs a red solo cup before handing it to you.
“Hi!” You say excitedly.
He tilts his head and looks around, looking for the other girl who can realistically turn down what’s happening. “Where’s Ellie?”
“Sheees..” You slur looking around, you don’t notice her figure. Which is strange because she definitely stands out.
You quickly turn your attention back to him. “Not sure!” You chuckle.
So does he.
With that he steps forward.
“You’re Jack, yeah?” You ask remembering how Ellie told you on the way back to your dad's place. Leaving the grocery store you two were previously in.
“Mhm?” He smiles moving his hand to your shoulder.
“Do you know my name?” You ask, you notice the way his eyes light up, clearing thinking of something, your eyes on the other hand are glossy from the liquor coursing through your veins..
You’re definitely not thinking straight.
“Why don’t you tell me upstairs?” He suggest. The cocky tone from the grocery store coming right back.
You’re not a hook up type person, you’ve genuinely never been. You can tell by Jacks suggestive tone he’s doesn’t just want to ‘learn your name’. Fuck you’re not stupid.
But..there’s thoughts in your mind about Ellie. Shit you don’t like, stuff you’d never admit. Not even if you were in a life or death situation.
When you’re talking to Jack. They start to falter, go quiet no longer disrupting you.
So you nod. Hesitantly, while a flash of Ellie’s face becomes apparent.
When his uncomfortably big hands loop to your wrist, it’s more forceful than you’d like, yet you agree. You guys are both walking to the stairs, you’re almost falling over due to still being drunk.
“What the fuck?” He groans feeling a sudden grip on his shoulder. His eyes are turning around as yours are too. Once you see green eyes you just sigh. Those previous thoughts coming back.
“What do you want Williams?” He smiles looping his arm around your waist. It ended up closing the little distance you too just previously had.
Ellie doesn’t answer her eyes just go to his arm, the one that is looped around your waist to be exact.
“We're going back.” Ellie says sternly looking back at the two of you.
“Jealous?” He taunts stepping forward.
“Oh fuck off.” Ellie says trying to step closer towards you, something you wouldn’t mind right now. It’s awkward watching this whole interaction on the sidelines. It feels like you’re just spectating.
He steps forward again his arms pushing Ellie back from her chest forcefully?
“Your little friend knows then?” He questions turning back to you. Just by the way he’s speaking down to Ellie. You know it’s not good.
“What?” You say looking back at Ellie. Her face is pale mixed with a bit of red. It’s out of embarrassment, yet you can also tell she’s scared of what he might say.
Jacks laugh fully echos in the house, it’s  obnoxious and loud.
Currently being the only thing you can hear right now.
He then shrugs looking at Ellie.
“Wanna tell her, or should I Williams?” Jack questions licking his lips, it’s taunting.
Ellie doesn’t answer, she can’t answer. Her whole body went numb, because she really can’t experience this feeling once again.
From the silence Jack then shrugs mumbling a “So be it?”
“You know, the fact she’s a little dyk-“
It went in a flash. That whole moment.
The last thing you saw was Ellie’s fist flying straight at Jacks face, Ellie got a good hit in. But his arm was swinging back, quicker and way harder.
And soon enough, despite being the drunk one. You had Ellie’s arm slinging around you while you both walked out.
There was other party attendees rushing out of the door. Some laughing, some even yelling at Ellie. Calling her shit you wouldn’t ever repeat.
Then there was Jack, fuck was he the worst of it. Sure people were saying horrible things to Ellie as she walked out.
But each one of his words made you wince.
You ran an unlocked Ellie’s car before opening the back seat so she has a place to sit down comfortably..
Her nose had to be broken. It was practically spraying with blood and you didn’t know what to do.
Ellie’s hands were shaking and her eyes had a few tears leaving it. Which she attempted to hide from you.
Didn’t work though.
You lightly rub her cheek with your hand trying to wipe them just as fast as they come out.
Soon pulling back wondering if it’s to weird.
“You have something I can stop the bleeding with??” You asked probably just as panicked as her. All she could respond with is a quick nod of her head and a few words.
“T-trunk” Ellie says.
You run to the back of the trunk and look. She has a spare white tank top.
Once you run back you apply light pressure to her nose.
Ellie holds your wrist trying to calm her nerves the fuck down.
“Breath El..” You say trying to get her to calm down.
Ellie’s chest rose slowly and you felt her breath come through the balled up tank top.
Your other hand went to her jaw then neck.
“What was that Ellie?” You say looking at her.
You heard the stuff they were calling her, it would be a ironic and nearly impossible for everyone in that party to randomly come up with the same insult.
Not to mention the shit Jack was saying.
Some talk of an ex best friend was mentioned..You heard all of it..
Ellie fucking knew that too. So all she can reply with is a simple shake of her head.
And this time you understood why she was being so fucking secretive.
Because say you were like her, and in that position. You’d probably avoid it too.
So you’re finally accepting that fact she doesn’t want to talk about it..
Ellie stands up abruptly causing you to flinch back.
She seems colder now. Like she’s masking clear embarrassment with the face of no feelings.
“We can go.” It’s a statement not a question. Ellies whole personality shifted. You watch as she trails back to the trunk throwing the bloody shirt somewhere.
Ellie clears her throat and gets in the car she’s facing only forward, she physically can’t look at you.
What if you knew now.
The one thing she’s been trying her absolute hardest to hide.
And why?
Because Ellie’s a coward.
Probably the biggest fucking one, she can’t go through the feeling of losing another friend simply because she’s..
“You’re lesbian..?” Emma says. It sounds like she scared to ask. Worrying about any confirmation that Ellie might ensue.
Emma and Ellie have been friends for longer then both of them could even remember. There was a point where they weren’t friends though. About 4 months. That was until Ellie was born.
So they’ve been together in the little moments like preschool, and middle, finally reaching where they are now, high school. They’ve always been together.
They met through each others parents. Ellie’s dad Joel, and Emma’s father Adam were practically the same men. They liked outdoors, fishing, shit like that.
Ellie swears if she hadn’t known better you could even call them twins.
There was only one difference.
Emma’s family was an extreme stereotypical “Perfect family”.
They had a nice house, christian, perfect looking animals and kids, plus Ellie’s almost confident she hasn’t even heard Emma’s mom swear. Not once.
Yet she just sorta assumed it never passed to Emma?
Ellie’s whole face is red. All she can reply with is a nod. She’s embarrassed, yet not scared.
Because fuck. Emma’s her best friend.
She’s never once considered the fact maybe Emma wouldn’t accept her? Because she simply could not see why.
It’s still Ellie. It just felt like a tiny part of her was hidden.
“D-do you like me?” Emma stands off her bed. Now concerned with the fact Ellie’s in love with her or something. Which just wasn’t true.
Ellie loved Emma, of course. But fucking platonically. She wasn’t alluded with her or something, it almost felt like Emma was joking.
Either way Ellie’s face dropped, because out of all the possibilities she wasn’t fucking excepting this one. A one where maybe Emma didn’t accept her.
“Wh-what n-no!” Ellie’s a stuttering mess now standing up off Emma’s bed. She feels all her nerves turn to jelly. What does she say?
“The fuck Ellie- we’ve- we’ve slept in the same bed before.“ Emma’s tone is loud. It’s like she’s yelling at Ellie now. Like she’s mad.
And Ellie’s never been able to read a face more clear then Emma’s that day.
Pure disgust.
“E-Em?” Ellie try’s stepping forward trying to reach her hand over.
Emma shakes her head and backs up again, she’s acting like Ellie’s infected. Ellie’s searching for any signs of hope. Like it’s some sick joke. Her eyes are just trailing up and down..
“You know I like Jack?” Emma says.
“I kn-“ Ellie starts again, quickly stopped by brown eyed girl.
“Ellie get the fuck out!” Emma yells..
The sound made her wince. Emma never yelled like that, none the less directed towards Ellie.
That night Ellie stumbled out of Emma’s house tears streaming down her face, because she didn’t really have anyone after that. Sure she had some other friends, Joel would be there for her. But fuck..it was Emma.
Someone she simply couldn’t replace, not if she wanted to.
The next day was probably worse.
Ellie woke up to Joel sitting pulled into their kitchen table a little mug rested in the middle of his hands, which was of course full of coffee.
Joel’s never up early, so she already knew she was fucked.
It started off with a short.
“Kid you know I love you. No matter what.” He sighs out.
“Adam called me. He was tellin’ me about some crush on Emma?” He shrugs standing up.
“Is that true?” He questions.
Ellie’s eyes are already glossy, she really didn’t need to be immediately reminded about the disaster which was last night..
“N-no I-I don’t like her?” Ellie puts her head in her hands wiping the tears just as fast as they come.
Joel stands up wrapping her in a bear hug.
“I’m not being buddies with someone who will talk badly about my family.” Joel crouches down reassuring Ellie.
So yes Joel did end up taking it well. Ellie explained everything. What Emma said. Everything.
She just wasn’t prepared for the shit show at school.
Because apparently Emma called Jack McNeill whining about some shitty betrayal. Like she was the one who was hurt.
So not only did Ellie lose Emma, she lost all her remaining friends, her whole school would talk about her like she’s not there, the girls locker rooms would be cleared if she were to ever step foot in them, and she was sorta just alone.
Ellie made a decision right then, she’s not telling people anymore.
“El?” You question looking at her. Repeating yourself for the second time.
It looks like she just glitched in real life.
She doesn’t respond but by the fact her eyes didn’t seem so deep in thought you decided to assume she heard you.
“Are we going to talk about it?” You ask once more, silently begging for a response.
The car stops abruptly.
Your eyes are met with the quiet home which belongs to your father.
The lights are off so you know Joel and your dad are sure to be sleeping.
“I’ll see you later.” Ellie says coldly, she’s only looking forward, purposefully avoiding how your eyes won’t peel away from her side profile.
You were scared of how you felt for Ellie, but you were drunk. And right now she seems like she’s going to cry once again. So you pushed that down and talked.
“Ellie it’s late.” You sigh.
She doesn’t respond, she just clears her throat..
Once you shut the passenger door she assumes you’re leaving. But nope..
Ellie watched as you walked over to the driver seat opening the door.
“Come on” You hold out your hand.
Ellie looks at your hand and sighs. “No-“
“Come on…” You pause for a few seconds. “Please.”
Ellie steps out of her truck ignoring how your hand laid open for hers. Ellie decides to stuff both of hers inside her pockets. Creating an easy way of ignoring it.
“You’re the one who punched him Ellie. Don’t know why you’re being bitchy with me.” You say sheepishly.
Because frankly you’re annoyed, she’s acting like it’s your fault.
“Wouldn’t have to..you’re the one decide to practically stumble with him upstairs.” Ellie says harshly. She didn’t mean for it to come out that way. It just..did?
And for that reason you frowned.
You only opened the door for her.
“Go to the washroom.” You say looking at the body which trailed beside you.
“What?” Ellie questions face turning red.
“Your shirt” You confirm. “It’s covered in blood.” You say dryly. You’re clearly mad at her.
Ellie just nods, she’s embarrassed at her own actions, her choice of words also weren’t the brightest..?
Once she gets into your bathroom which is right beside your bedroom she just sits on the sink for a few seconds.
It doesn’t take long before she heard your light knock. A signal you’re outside waiting.
“Yeah come in.” Ellie sighs. Rubbing one hand down her face avoiding the throbbing nose.
You hand her a t-shirt and a pair of pyjama shorts.
Ellie looks down at them then back at you. “I’m sorry..” She says shortly continuing. “For the fight- ignoring you. Then what I said after.” She says.
“Thank you.” You say awkwardly.
It hasn’t been this awkward since the day the both of you first met each other.
This is because Ellie knows a certain questions on your mind.
You know it too. It’s looming. And even though you wanna ask it, you don’t.
Your voice comes out quiet. “I’ll wait in my bedroom.” You clear your throat. “For you” You nod.
Ellie nods too and smiles. “Okay” She mumbles out.
You laid flat on your bed until you heard the door opening. Ellie walked in your bedroom, throwing her previous clothes somewhere on the floor.
She didn’t say much. She just got beside you in bed, something which was overall normal when she’d stay the night.
Just this time it was quiet and cold, despite the hot weather.
You guys both tumbled during that night, you still felt tipsy, and your head felt like it was spinning. Something which wasn’t going away.
The fact Ellie was moving around meant she was definitely fading between consciousness and a deep sleep.
So since you both were in that tired state, it hardly registered when she turned sideways having her arm draped over you, falling right on your waist.
And that was the first issue.
Because did you pull back.
You fucking pushed yourself back into Ellie, finally feeling her lips shadow your neck.
Her breath was warm, extremely steady and she was fading into that deep sleep she lacked a few minutes ago.
Because now once she was holding onto you, it felt like she was on cloud nine.
And for her it didn’t even feel like it went to her brain, if you told Ellie that moment was all a dream she 100% would have believed it.
You moved your body around now so your faces where positioned in front of each other. You looped one arm around her waist and the other behind her neck, head positioned right on her chest.
Your lips hit her collar bone, and it wasn’t like you kissed that area or anything.
You just let them sit there.
“You okay..?” Ellie sleepily mumbles.
“Mhm..” You say.
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Waking up in the country was odd.
Because it wasn’t peaceful, nope. There was a rooster which worked as a free alarm clock. Always starting around 8am, so really extremely bright and early.
You woke up with the feeling of a hand on your back, and your head is sat on another body. The hand on you was poking between the sliver of skin between your shirt and shorts.
There was a thumb dragging back and forth and your hips.
Yet you soon realized that hand that belonged to Ellie.
Your whole face turned red.
And you’re now in auto pilot, because you’re jumping out of your bed like there was a million ants that laid there.
But no, only Ellie..
Her eyes opened slowly, the pain in her nose now becoming more prominent then ever..
But she didn’t care, not right now at least.
Because last night wasn’t a dream? Nope.
You guys slept in the same bed. Hugged, cuddled, and at one point your lips were on her skin..
And both of you are now dealing with the consequences the next morning.
Ellies eyes can’t scan your face, she doesn’t know what the fuck you’re trying to relay but it’s not processing for her. And maybe because you yourself don’t even know what to feel.
You were in a moment of shock. Not knowing what to say. Or even what to fucking do.
So you do the only think you can think of.
“Ellie you should leave!” You spit out. It was a panicked statement. Yet it just came out harsh and rude. Now leaving Ellie to feel like the idiot.
“What..?” Ellie questions, she’s fucking shell shocked herself.
She didn’t know what to except, just wasn’t this.
“You need to leave!” You spit again. “Now!”
Ellie stands up collecting her clothes off the floor. Even though the scene which is playing out almost seems like a hookup. It was so fucking far from that.
Because instead of it being a hookup you’re going insane over one stupid night, which on the contrary could mean absolutely nothing.
But you know that you felt something, that makes everything worse.
Ellie’s puts on her shoes before looking at you.
“You’re ridiculous you know?” She says looking straight at you before turning to leave your room.
You only follow her out though, convincing yourself it’s only because you need to make sure she’s really leaving. Which doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.
“What.?” You say following her down the stairs.
“Don’t fucking act all innocent.” She says looking at you.
“I asked you last night- I asked if you we’re okay!” She yells, she sorta wants it to come out as harsh. Yet it just comes out tired, weak like.
“I was drunk?! For fuck sake Ellie!” You yell back at her. It was a pity accuse for sure. It was just easier that way. You wanted to make her feel stupid.
Yet you felt stupid, because you we’re currently denying what you felt for Ellie, and you were doing that by hurting her.
“The people at the party were right. Jack- all of them.” You couldn’t even process what you were saying, it just came out. In another moment of panic? So your face frowns, really fucking fast.
You immediately remember thinking last night how you would ‘never repeat the shit they said to her.’
And you didn’t, but you almost said worse.
Causing you to switch up fast shaking your head.
You start fast. “Ellie I didn’t mea-“
Ellie shakes her head opening the front door. “Fuck you.”
You knew you fucked up.
Joel’s still here and you’d have to think of some lie as to why Ellie went home early.
And to be fair that’s the last thing you cared about, because you single handily said the worst possible thing in that moment.
And because of it.
You’ve lost Ellie.
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A/N -> new series 😋😋
I’m switching up my style a bit and going back to the past, I wasn’t fucking born in the 70s so don’t come for me if something is not historically accurate?
I genuinely remember searching up “skinny jeans 70s” tryna see if it was accurate, and spoiler alert (mfs where not wearing that! 🗣️) Like they sorta were but not rlly.
But idc!
As i’m writing this I haven’t even started fated hearts start with fire soo yeah! But maybe if ur lucky it’ll be posted by the time this comes out.
That’s all, hope you enjoyed reading and lmk if you wanna be on the taglist!
(Likes and reblogs are always appreciated)
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crazyyluvr · 6 months
Hello! I have a request if that's okay? Could you maybe do a James Potter x male!reader (with the reader being Ravenclaw) where they end up being partnered together in potions and afterwards James is like 'shit. I think I might be gay.'
Basically where the reader is his gay awakening haha
A Revelation in Potions (Not Through Amortentia, That's too Generic)
pairing: james potter x male!ravenclaw!reader
summary: in which James never knew men could be so attractive until he gets paired up with you in a Potions activity.
genre: fluff, gay awakening, crushing
wc: 2.1k
warning/s: cursing, reader is a little taller than james, he/him pronouns, gay panic, james is a lil shy here, potion nonsense that i made up on the spot, reader is good in potions, mention of boobs lmao
note: oooh, interesting request anon. i like it. i hope you enjoy!!
oneshot under the cut :: not edited :: part 1 | part 2
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James Potter was dying.
No, not literally. But he did feel like he was literally dying.
This is what a painful death felt like, didn't it? The inability to properly take in air, the painful pounding of his racing heart, the stumble of his tongue as he tried and failed to properly speak.
On the contrary, James Potter was not just dying. He was dying of embarrassment.
Let's rewind a little bit for some context.
Gryffindor and Ravenclaw were stuck in the dungeons of a double Potions class together. As usual, James sat beside his friend Sirius Black, and as usual, they were noisy with sniggers and poorly muted whispers.
"Black, Potter, do you have something that you'd like to share?" Professor Slughorn called to the two boys sitting in the back after a wheeze from Sirius was too loud for the professor to ignore.
"No sir, we're — we're fine," James said, sounding slightly out if breath from containing his laughter at a joke Sirius had made. "Just a little hot in here, isn't it?"
Slughorn sighed. "It's less hot here in the front, Potter, so why don't you switch with Shelby here?"
The girl sitting beside you perked up at the mention of her name, looking back and blushing when she realized that she was going to be sitting beside Sirius Black.
"On the contrary sir, I think I feel slightly colder already," James grinned. "I'm fine with staying at the back."
"I insist, Potter," Slughorn held a strained smile, displaying the fact that James had no choice but to follow.
The boy sighed, giving Sirius an exaggerated mournful look before picking up his things and walking over to the now vacant seat in the front, messing up his hair along the way out of habit.
He set his things down beside his chair and slumped into it, sparing a glance at his new seatmate. "Hello. I guess you're stuck with me for today," James said quietly, not wanting to disrupt Slughorn's lesson again.
You turned to face him, giving him a small smile. "I guess so. Nice to meet you."
James nodded, and you looked away to jot down some notes as Slughorn wrote on the board.
James did a double take, his brain just processing the face he saw.
Woah, he's handsome.
He couldn't stop himself from looking at you again, taking in your features from the side; your focused eyes, your cheeks, your jawline, your lips.
James had to make himself blink twice to snap himself out of his trance. I'm straight. So what if he's handsome? I'm handsome too.
"Now that we're done with our lesson, you will use the rest of the period to brew a simple Sleeping Draught with your seatmate," Slughorn announced. "Go through your books for the procedure, and don't hesitate to ask me any questions you may have."
With a wave of his wand, a cauldron appeared on the side of each pair's table. "The ingredients are in the cupboard behind me," he continued, waving his wand once more to open the cupboard doors. "You may begin."
James went to stand up, but you put a hand on his shoulder to stop him. He looked at you and saw that you got to your feet. "I'll go get the ingredients. Can you partially fill the cauldron with water and heat it up please?" You asked.
"Uh — sure," James responded, making you smile and pat his shoulder twice before leaving with you Potions book in hand.
James stared after you, shook his head to focus. You gave him a task, and he had the weird goal to not let you down. He muttered “aguamenti” under his breath and water spilled out of the tip of his wand, filling the the cauldron. He flicked his wand upward to stop the flow once the water was halfway.
He ignited a fire under the cauldron and stayed standing over it, watching bubbles appear in the water.
“I’m back,” you greeted, gently putting down the ingredients on the empty part of their table.
James turned his head to look at you, his breath hitching when he noticed that you had a few inches over him, the top of his head reaching a little bit above your eyebrows.
He watched you pull the sleeves of your uniform upwards to your elbows, revealing your forearms. He swallowed with difficulty.
Get your head in the game, Potter, James thought, mentally slapping himself. He’s just a random boy from Ravenclaw whose taller than you and has really nice arms. Big deal.
“I’ll cut the ingredients up, you put them in the cauldron and follow the stirring. Is that okay?” You asked, giving him a glance before you put the ingredients on the cutting board in front of you.
“You’re doing an awful lot of work, huh?” James said, chuckling breathily, making you laugh slightly in response.
“Stirring properly and putting the ingredients in is also important, is it not?” You smiled teasingly, cutting the plant root with as much accuracy as possible.
He watched your fingers glide over the root and how the veins on the back of your palm popped to life when you gripped the knife.
Holy shit, James, control yourself, the messy-haired boy scolded himself. Think boobs. Boobs!
“Are you ready for the Quidditch match tomorrow?” You asked, attempting to break the semi-awkward silence between you two.
“Ah,” James remembered that Gryffindor had a match against Hufflepuff. In truth, he wasn't all that worried about it, since he's seen their Seeker and he isn't much (NO HATE ON HUFFLEPUFF, I LOVE HUFFLEPUFF <33).
"I think I'm ready," James said after a moment of silence. "I don't feel all that worried about it," he grinned, sending the boy a wink. Why he did that when he normally only did it to girls (with the exception of his own friend group) he had no idea why. I guess being with you made him full of even more surprises.
You rolled your eyes playfully at him. "Sure." You handed him the chopping board with your evenly cut plant roots on it. "Time for you to shine, Mister Potter. Pour it and stir it properly."
James took the board with an exaggerated bow. "It's my pleasure, good sir." He tossed the roots in the boiling cauldron almost carelessly, some of the water splashing onto the back of his hand.
You, who was supposed to be grinding some mineral to powder, immediately set down your mortar and pestle to check on the boy who winced in pain as the hot water made contact with his skin.
"Be careful!" You scolded, gently grabbing his hand and examining it. "It's not that bad of a burn, but we're gonna have to rinse it with warm water."
James nodded dumbly, the pain numbing slightly as soon as his hand made contact with yours.
Soft hands, he noted.
You dragged him over to the sink on the other side of the room and let the faucet run for a little while before guiding his hand under the running water, your focus blinding you from James's stare.
I'm straight. I'm straight. Straight as a wand.
"Does it hurt, Potter?"
"James," He answered absentmindedly.
"Call me James. Not Potter."
You looked up, his big brown eyes staring at you behind round, silver-rimmed glasses. "Okay, James," he totally did not shiver at the sound of his first name rolling off your tongue, "does it hurt?"
James shook his head. "It feels way better now."
"Are you sure?" You questioned, brows creasing in concern.
"Yeah — yep, I'm fine," he answered, his eyes unblinking as he maintained eye contact with you despite his small stumble over his own words. "We can just continue brewing the potion, yeah?"
Which brings us to the present moment, where he felt like he was dying.
"Okay, as long as you're sure..." You said, not entirely convinced but letting it slide for now.
You pulled down your sleeve on one arm to use it to wipe the extra water that lingered on his hand before letting it go entirely. James was already missing the warmth.
"Let's head back," you said, checking your watch as you turned around to return to your table and to resume your tasks of preparing the ingredients.
Your work commenced in silence. Your potion was a little messed up from the lack of stirring and addition of the other ingredients, but it wasn't unsalvageable. You just added some bark and leaves to balance it out a little.
You hesitantly handed the ingredients to James, worried that he was going to hurt himself again, but this time he was gentle, smiling at you victoriously as if not getting burned again was an accomplishment — which it was, you guess.
"You're stirring too quickly, James," you said, laughing slightly at his somewhat aggressive stirring.
"It didn't say that speed mattered," he replied cheekily, continuing his ministrations.
You sighed, shaking your head slightly with a smile on your face as you took a step towards him and grabbed his stirring hand, the one that wasn't burned. James eyes widened a fraction at the contact, but said nothing.
"Slow down," you murmured, guiding his hand to a much slower pace compared to the one he had set moments before. "No need to rush."
James didn't reply, too busy trying to tame the redness of his cheeks. In order to guide him, you had to stand close behind him, your chest grazing his back and your breath fanning his ear and part of his neck. Goosebumps trailed over the skin that your hot breath caressed.
"'Stir clockwise until potion turns a light shade of blue,'" you read from the instructions in your book. "What do you think, James? Is our potion ready yet?" You hummed the question almost directly in his ear.
This damn man. No way is he not doing this on purpose.
"It — No, not yet," He said, mentally whacking himself in the back of his head for his stammering.
"Alright, we keep stirring then."
You could have let go of his hand already and let him stir on his own, but you didn't. You kept your hand over his, clutching it in a gentle grip, until your potion turned from purple into a light blue.
You smiled. James, for some reason, could feel that smile despite not seeing it. It tingled in the back of his brain.
"Okay, we're done."
You let go of his hand, moving to the side to grab a dropper and a vial. James pulled the stirrer out of the cauldron and set it aside, watching you collect some of your potion and putting it in the vial.
"The Sleeping Draught can be deadly in large amounts," you said, collecting more of the potion as a bit of your Ravenclaw brain slipped out. "If you take too much of it, your calming sleep will also turn into an endless one."
You put down the dropped and took a stopper to seal the vial. You looked up at James with a smile that James could only interpret as mischievous. "Everything can kill you if you have too much of it, don't you agree?"
You don't wait for him to reply before going to the front and placing your vial in the empty rack on Slughorn's table, holding a small conversation with Slughorn before returning to get your things.
"We can leave early," you informed James, grinning. You shouldered your bag and adjusted your blue tie to not choke you as much, the hot atmosphere of the Potions room getting to you a little. "See you around, James."
You left him staring at your back, mouth slightly open and eyes wide.
Sirius passed him to get some ingredients his partner forgot to retrieve earlier and noticed his dumbfounded expression. "You good, Prongs? What happened to your hand?" He asked, looking at James's hand as he raised it to ruffle his own hair.
"Pads," he said, his voice cracking slightly. "Pads, I think I'm in love."
"Huh?" He followed his best mate's gaze, catching a glimpse of your uniform before you disappeared completely. Sirius looked back at the bespectacled boy with a cheeky grin on his face.
"Nah mate, I think you just got your gay awakening. Welcome to the club, Prongs."
"Yeah..." James's eyes were still fixed on the doorway where you once were, before his eyes snapped to Sirius's when his words fully processed in his brain. "Wait, you're gay??"
Sirius shrugged. "I'd be disappointed in myself if I wasn't," he joked, clapping James on the back. "You got good taste for your first boy crush," Sirius said before leaving James to his unpacked things and his own thoughts.
Can't argue with Padfoot about that: I definitely got good taste in men for my first guy crush...
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doremimosasol · 6 months
𝐃𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐤 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐬 - 𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐨 𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭 ☆
warnings: suggestive, home situation
word count: 2 k
summary: looking for some peace and quiet but interrupted by a thief
@thatdammchickennugget ‘s Hogmarch challenge prompt 2
a/n: thank you thank you so so much @slytherinslut0 and @pizzaapeteer for proofreading this and taking the time to make suggestions!
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The Black Lake was a place you often visited after school hours. Most days it was a quiet place, which always confused you — not enough people took advantage of the peace it brought. The majority of them just stayed in the castle. Not you though. It was the great opportunity for some change in scenery, the never ending hallways tiring your brain at certain times.
You loved the lake, all year round. During winter it was a magical place where you could use your skates to dance on the ice, when it transformed into a tapestry of thick glass. It calmed your mind, the scratching sounds of your blades gliding along, making you feel as if you were floating...
The clanking of firewhisky bottles rang out into the night, as they continued to clash together from within the bag you were carrying. Admittedly, this was something that you did often: using an invisibility potion and sneaking into the Three Broomsticks. It wasn't stealing, you always left some money behind for the things you took. It was just a smart way of getting your hands on some alcohol around here.
It was a hot summer day, leaving the evening a light, breezy temperature, the sky painted in beautiful shades of blues, oranges, and purples. You decided to seat yourself on a rock close to where the waters hit the edge, and took off your shoes and socks, dipping your feet into the water. The sensation of the slightly cold water cooling your mind and body.
You emptied the contents of your bag: some cake, 6 bottles of firewhisky, and 2 muffins. like you could possibly devour everything but there was no harm in bringing spare. Who knew... You always hoped some prince charming would appear out of nowhere and decided to join you in your drunken activities. Your hopeless romantic state of mind couldn't help but wander through the possibilities.
"Thank you for that." The sudden voice startled you as someone sat down beside you and opened a bottle of your firewhisky. Of course, it was Mattheo Riddle, that boy had no shame. You couldn't even say something, you just sat there sort of flabbergasted that he even dared to pick up one of the things you 'bought' with your own money.
His eyes never left yours as he chugged down almost half the bottle, trying to hide the clear stinging in his throat. You rolled your eyes at his tough boy facade.
However, it wasn't working on you as you snatched the bottle from his grasp immediately. "Excuse me? What the actual fuck do you think you're doing?" You sent him a glare while chugging down almost all of the remaining liquor.
"Mhmm, you know we just indirectly kissed, right?" He had a smug look on his face, of course, he had to act this way. "Ah come on, y/n, don't be such a party-pooper. Isn't this better than drinking alone? It almost looked pathetic."
Pathetic? He was the one who called you pathetic? The guy who had a bloodied face almost every single day of the week? "Who exactly are you calling pathetic here? Because all I see is a dirty thief."
He raised his brow and just laughed. Pardon? The fucking audacity. "You should drink all of these bottles, maybe that'll get rid of that stick up your ass." He snatched the bottle back and downed everything left in one go. "What else have you brought? Cake?" He took a look at it, it was just a plain vanilla cake with some icing on top. "I'll ask it nicely this time since you seem to care so much about that. So, please dear y/n, can I have a piece of that cake? ...and another bottle?"
You couldn't believe this guy, he suddenly came here to join you and acted like all this was his to eat and drink? But who else were you even going to share it with... Maybe you should just give it to him, maybe he'd surprise you for once. "Fine. But 3 bottles each, okay?"
"3 bottles each, deal."
As it seems, Mattheo turned out to not be that bad after all. As more drinks were consumed you watched his demeanor loosen up and his guard drop. To the point he got looser and started to tell you about himself: his friends, his studies, and even his father. You don't know if it was the alcohol or if he just felt comfortable enough to share those things with you.
You found yourself telling him about your own family too, the situation at home, and that most of the time you just stayed at school during the holidays. It sort of felt good, letting it out. Though your situation would never compare to his, it was nice for someone to understand you. Someone who went through the same shit as you.
Even though, you just now kind of started to get to know each other, you promised each other something. A promise to stay at school every holiday, to make it epic as if it were at home. To be each other's home while that home didn't exist for either of you. It would be nice to do something other than reading during those days, but to actually have someone to talk to maybe.
"Did you know it's possible to lead a cow upstairs... but not downstairs?" It just came up to you and you started even laughing before you finished your sentence.
It was obvious that you confused the guy because he just straight-up looked at you with a judgy and confused face. "What?"
"I mean I'm just stating facts here. You can't lead a cow downstairs, you know, like a cow. Moo." It all sounded really slurred, it'd be a wonder if Mattheo even understood one word you were saying.
"Are you speaking parseltongue or am I really that drunk?" He squinted his eyes slightly to even make out your whole form, he was obviously struggling. Both of you were extremely intoxicated.
"What?" You looked at him, maybe you were speaking parseltongue. Could it be? Wait, did he speak parseltongue? "Do you speak it yourself?"
"Ah yes, of course, heir of Slytherin kind of things, you know." He suddenly started sissing and hissing and you weren't even sure if he was being for real or just making some shit up. You just nodded, agreeing with whatever he was saying, hoping he wouldn't wake up any snakes in the bushes behind the two of you.
You averted your gaze to the lake in front of you and got the most ridiculous idea all of a sudden. You didn't even announce your stupid idea but just started undressing until you were left standing in only your underwear.
"Are you stripping for me now? Alright, continue." He leaned his body back on his arms to get a better look, a disgustingly attractive smirk covering his face. Sucks to be him because before he knew it, he got a large splash of water thrown all over him when you hit the surface of the water.
"Are you crazy?!" It was quite the sight, his face was fuming. It almost looked murderous, didn't he like water or something? He couldn't be that much of a pussy, right?
"Come on get in! It's actually still quite warm!" The past warm days warmed up the lake quite a bit and it was a surprisingly comfortable temperature. You were even surprised yourself.
"Absolutely not! You're insane, y/n. I won't save you when you start drowning, you'll just have to die right in front of my eyes then." He looked extremely agitated. He was wet already so what would be the difference in getting in?
"Oh, come on... Please? It's not even that deep, I can still touch the ground with my feet. Don't be a wuss!" His eyes squinted and he got to his feet after all. He took off his clothes and you couldn't deny that you quite liked the sight. The hours of quidditch practice were visible hidden underneath that shirt.
"You're staring, princess." He jumped in after and you almost drowned by the water that splashed right into your face when he hit the surface. The water didn't taste all too pleasant, it could just be the alcohol but it wasn't nice.
"Well if you like staring so much, maybe you should touch it? Touch is better than seeing after all." Before you knew it he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer. He took your hand and guided it to his chest, running it downwards. Good thing you were drunk because there's no way you would've ever done this sober.
"Don't be so shy, you weren't shy when you were almost fucking me with your eyes." He pulled you deeper into the water which made you unable to still touch the ground. He was doing this on purpose, he could easily still stand on the ground in the deeper waters. He almost forced you to wrap your legs around him. Silly you, it was his plan all along.
"Kiss me." Excuse me? He did not just ask you that? "Come on, y/n, give me a little kiss." Only one small move and your lips would be touching, he was extremely close to your mouth. He blew on them on purpose just to lure you into his trap. "Kiss me..."
And that's what you did, he wanted a little kiss but he most definitely got more. The whole night had been tense and this was your way of showing him your true desires. It was obvious you weren't alone in those feelings tonight. Because of the way he kissed you back, it was almost magical, like he sent you to another dimension.
He moved his hands lower and squeezed your bottom slightly which made you gasp into the kiss. He took this opportunity to push his tongue into your mouth, exploring it like it was his last meal. It was like both of you were completely in sync, your bodies moving in a rhythm that made your heart almost jump out of your chest.
Just when you were about to lose it, he pulled back to take a deep breath. The both of you were exchanging breaths like it was the oxygen you needed. "Damn, y/n, I didn't know you could kiss like that. Let's try again, shall we?" Those stupid eyes of his, just made you melt into his touch. You shouldn't have folded this fast for him, but you couldn't help it. Everyone would do the same when the Mattheo Riddle would look at them with those chocolate-brown eyes.
Only the moon and the stars could retell the events that went down that night, both your bodies intertwined with the moonlight reflecting on your wet skin. The skin that was meant to be each other canvas, painted by the passion but faded over time.
Mattheo thought about it every night in bed, getting chills when he thought about the kisses and imagining it happening again. His fingers traced the places on his skin that were touched by you, trying to replicate the feeling your fingers gave him.
During normal school weeks, both of you wouldn’t even talk to each other, just the occasional glance. But those looks spoke more than words.
Both of you waiting for the holidays to come to share the same passion like that night once again. Hoping that the other kept their end of the promise to spend them together.
And yes… after the fair sharing of gifts for Christmas, the best gift you could’ve got that night was to be touched by him like that again.
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xan-izme · 1 year
Double Life (ATSV x Reader x Batfam)
Part 2
Summary: Reader has been spider woman for two years. Also working in the Spider Society for five months now. After reader suffers a canon event and losses trust in Miguel, reader has to leave New York and live in Gotham where her biological father resides.
You were in pain, holding a bus with over 26 passengers in it with one web and your mother hanging from a fall that could end terribly.
Spider woman was trying to save both the passengers and preventing the woman from falling. But that woman was your mother, she knew of your true identity, she helped you become spider woman. And like any mother, she can see right through you.
Your mother sees that you can't do this. So, she made the hard choice for you.
And cut herself off from your web so you could save the multiple lives on that bus.
You watched the cars pass by, fiddling with the jewelry on your wrist. After finding out that Miguel had knew all along of your canon events. He knew and never told you.
You quit the Spider society and had to leave New York to live with your biological father, a man who didn't know of your existence till recently. And it was none other than Bruce Wayne himself.
You wish you were able to stay with your uncle or your aunt. But it was against the law, it couldn't be helped. Your uncle promised he would take care of New York for you.
Spider-Woman was now out of the picture.
"Miss Y/n, we are here." A man named Alfred, was the one who spoke. He was the butler of the family. You gave him a nod and got out of the limo and went to the back of the truck.
"it's alright, I can carry them." You were able to grab your bags before Alfred could. It was just your backpack.
The mansion was big. It looked like a damn museum to you. You were hesitant to walk up the stairs to the door. Feeling a little nervous, your meeting people you aren't familiar with yet. On top of that, you're still trying to get used to the weather.
You adjusted your bag and walked up the stairs.
You were planning in your head how to playthings out. You did some background checks on the Waynes. Bruce Wayne adopted multiple boys; none took his last name. One boy who was of 12-13 years of age was blood related the Bruce, taken in by Bruce not too long ago.
You doubt you'll meet Bruce soon, due to his image as a busy playboy. So, you assume he isn't home at the moment, it's the weekend so the youngest by, Damian should be home, unless he is doing some extra activities.
Once you got into the manor, Alfred led you upstairs to a room that was now yours. All of your boxes were already in. You walked around the room, observing the place to try and get familiar with it.
"Master Bruce would like to see you down in his office in an hour." Alfred explained. You paused and looked to the elderly man.
"Oh, he's here?" That was a shock to you. You thought he would be out of town, guess not. "Yes." Alfred bluntly replied and continued to explain the some of the family members would arrive for dinner to meet you.
You gave him a forced smile and turned away so you could frown. Because you were so ready to be alone for the day, just for you to have to meet the whole damn family. Alfred left you to unpack.
You started to the boxes from the floor. Nothing was loose, you checked under the bed, the same thing. Causing you to move to the bathroom. You were actually stoked you had your own bathroom, more privacy.
You searched for any lose tiles, you opened the mirror cabinet. You could make a stash from the behind of the inside.
After an hour had passed, you left the room and slowly made your way downstairs. Taking in the paintings on the wall, the smells. You could feel your Spidey senses going off just a little bit. It wasn't too alarming; the feeling was just a bit faint.
You convinced yourself that you have gotten a little too paranoid. After everything that happened, you needed to get used to this new life.
"Hello? Mr. Wayne?" You spoke as you entered the room, knocking on the door frame, just in case he couldn't hear you loud enough.
Bruce was quick to stand from his couch and approached you with a smile. "Y/n, it's great to finally meet you." You held your hand out, he stared down at it for a quick second and shook your hand firmly.
"Same here sir." You smiled back at him. Bruce chuckled "You don't have to be so formal with me, Bruce is perfectly fine." You gave out a low, nervous laugh and nodded. Bruce led you to the couches, Alfred left the room to get you and Bruce some refreshments.
"I saw your academic scores from your last school. You went to a privet school in Brooklyn, yes? Top in all classes. Very impressive." Bruce was striking up some small conversation. You nod and wait till it was time for you to talk.
Alfred came in and gave you and Bruce your drinks. You took in the smell of the coffee you were given. You took a sip and continued to listen to Bruce. "There is a privet school where my youngest son attends, Damian. Once everything is sorted out, that is where you will be attending school."
"You mean West-Reeve? I-I assumed that school was for middle schoolers?" You questioned. "West-Reeve contains grades 6-12. Was there another school you had in mind?"
Bruce was hopping you would say no. He needs to keep a close eye on you. You're just a normal citizen who needs to be protected if anything to his vigilante life gets entangled with you in any way. So, putting you in the same school as Damian who would have eyes on you inside the school.
You had taken a moment to think about it. You didn't want to be in the same school as Damian. No hate to the kid, you just didn't want to see any of the other Wayne members elsewhere then in the manor. But you didn't want to push it, you are grateful enough Bruce as come to see you and talk to you in person to try and get you conferrable with your new living conditions.
"No sir, thank you."
Bruce sweat dropped at you still addressing him as 'sir'.
The two of you spoke a little longer before you left to head back to your room. Once you got there, the door was open. You frown, not remembering it being left open.
You then see a boy standing in the middle of your room. You realized who it was. "Damian, right?" The boy snaped out of his train of thought once he heard your voice.
You tilt your head when he gave you no response and just stared at you. You walked up to him and held out your hand. He shook your hand, squeezing it a little too tight for comfort.
"I'm Y/n."
"I know that." The boys' blunt words made you feel awkward. You cleared your throat and removed your hand from his.
"How come I couldn't hear your footsteps?"
'Okay, wired question.' you thought to yourself.
"I've been told I'm light on my feet. I-is there something you needed?" You just wanted to be left alone. You can already tell by this boy's snarky attitude, that he will be a pain.
Damian huffed and turned away. Telling you to enjoy your stay. Which made it sound like you were just a temporary guest. You wished that were the case. But reality is cruel, and you will be staying in this manor for a few years.
Dinner time was okay. You had to put on a facade that didn't look too sad. But didn't look so happy, you had to keep emotions in cheek. you only met Tim Drake and Dick Grayson. Dick was nice, he asked you a lot of questions, what genre of music you liked, what school subject you were more interested and your life in New York.
"Me and my cousin are really into science. He's more into Physics while I was more into Geology. We used to do debates on which Major would be more fun."
Bruce and Dick chuckle at that. You were smart, you had to address that. You needed them to know you wouldn't be a problem when it comes to academics. The manners you have been showing are to let them know you'll behave and not be a problem in home life.
You were able to speak to Damian a little more. He didn't seem that stuck up anymore. Dinner went smoothly. You bid everyone goodnight and head to bed.
Dick, Tim and Damian were in the bat cave. Bruce and Damian were ready to head out to patrol, but Bruce wanted to discuss more about you.
"She's a smart one. Can give her that." Tim was on the computers, pulling up everything he can find on you. Social media, school records, anything he could find.
"She and that cousin she brought up, were on the newspapers in Brooklyne a few years back for inventing a machine that could enter over 60 meters underwater and give out a wi-fi signal from 20 miles away- okay. Now that's impressive!"
Damian rolled his eyes, unimpressed. "Does she have any criminal records? Misbehaver in school maybe?"
Tim deadpans at those words. "Come on Damian, she seems harmless. A normal citizen." Dick spoke, letting out a chuckle.
"Well, she's a clean slate. And only had detention for being late to a few classes." Tim sighed and leaned back in his chair. Damian didn't know why, but he felt off about this new sister of his.
Bruce entered the bat cave and started to talk. He wanted the boys to make sure to make you feel welcomed. Damian has to keep an eye on her here and there at school. If she decides to join a club, then Damian will stay behind to be with her.
Of course, the young boy disliked this a lot. But he had no choice. Not like you had much of a choice either.
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captain-hawks · 2 months
Spicy sleepover with Shoto Todoroki in the back of a car 👀
coming undone
shouto todoroki x f!reader
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Your job as pro hero Shouto Todoroki's personal assistant becomes marginally more difficult when he's hit with a Quirk that disrupts his body's temperature regulation abilities—particularly when you have few other options at your disposal in the back seat of his car.
wc: 2.5k
c: 18+only, pro hero!shouto, semi-public sexual activities, dry humping, lap grinding, fingering, coming in pants
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“Right there,” Todoroki exhales roughly, the leather seat groaning beneath him as he shifts. “Keep it there.”
Despite the borderline pornographic noise crawling its way up his throat as his head tips backward, white and red strands of hair falling across his forehead, it’s most certainly platonic—the steady pressure of your hands on his exposed chest, his black button-down shirt wholly undone. 
There are ice packs between your palms and his bare skin, angry swirls of stream hissing from the place where they meet.
Your job has been fairly simple for the past year, being pro hero Shouto Todoroki’s personal assistant. He’s a kind, fair employer that doesn’t want for much, if anything at all—to the point where oftentimes, you have to force him to pass along tasks you should be the one doing. You’re fairly certain that the only reason he even put up a job posting for an assistant in the first place was at the insistence of some of the shareholders at his agency. 
The easy, amicable friendship that you’ve found along the way—a byproduct of the large amount of time you spend together—has likely been the one thing that’s kept him from phasing out the position entirely.
But this past week has been difficult, to say the least.
Regardless of his constant tenure amongst the top hero ranks, even he has met his match on occasion. Unfortunately, the match in question this time around was an unstable, overpowered ice-wielding villain whose Quirk had a rare, unfortunate side effect. Finding a weak spot in Todoroki’s defenses when his body began to tip over the edge of overheating from the massive amount of flames flowing out of him, the villain managed to dig its claws into Todoroki’s internal temperature regulation, throwing his body’s equilibrium entirely off kilter.
The effects are expected to fade within the month, but for the time being, Todoroki’s been mostly out of commission as his body temperature rapidly rises and drops without warning. As his assistant, you’ve been by his side nearly round the clock since the incident.
By and large, you like to consider yourself an utmost professional. Because despite the fact that Todoroki continues to dominate social media’s unofficial “Most Eligible Pro Hero Bachelor” poll (something which he wasn’t even aware of until you told him one night over take out food in his kitchen), you’ve managed to avoid your body and mind’s subjective opinion on the matter.
Despite the way it seems as if he shares more with you than anyone else in his life as of late.
Despite his complete and utter avoidance of matchups and dates with no explanation other than, “I’m not interested.”
(Despite the frown that flitted across his face when you laughed as you told him someone at the agency asked you out several weeks ago.)
Despite the fact that sometimes, it feels like the soft, relaxed smile you’ve come to know so well is one reserved just for you.
But your patience and self-preservation have been put to the test like never before as of late—particularly during the moments when Todoroki begins to overheat. Twice already, you’ve had to help him out of his clothes and into an ice cold shower, half of your body getting soaked in the process while you helped him stay upright. 
Which is an issue you find yourself faced with now after he insisted he’d be able to make it through a brief appearance at tonight’s hero gala. 
At the very least, he managed to make it up onstage for the few remarks at the podium that he was slated for, but once he returned to the empty seat beside you at your table, that’s when things went south. Quickly picking up on the telltale signs of his body temperature rising as you took one glance at his flushed skin, you hardly made it out to the parking lot with a handful of ice packs you’d begged the kitchen staff to give you before he was collapsing in the back seat of his car. 
Pointedly ignoring the bead of sweat that seems to be teasing you as it drips precariously down the side of his taut neck, you ask, “You okay?”
Exhaling slowly, he reaches out, his hand brushing against yours as he goes to take one of the ice packs from your grip, moving it to his forehead instead, where sweat-damp strands of hair now lie in a messy heap.
You firmly remind yourself how wrong it would be to mull over how ungodly attractive he looks in this moment as he sits there beside you with his thighs spread wide, chest heaving. 
“I think—shit,” he grunts, dropping the ice pack to the floor as a full-body shiver begins to wrack through him.
While most waves are either one extreme or the other, sometimes, his body instantly bounces from cold to hot—or vice versa. 
Quickly removing the ice pack you’re holding as well, you shove it to the other side of the back seat and quickly lean forward to the front of the car to swap the air conditioning setting to heat. When you look back at him, you frown. “I didn’t bring any blankets, but maybe this will…”
You start to shrug off your cardigan, but Todoroki reaches a hand out, placing it gently on your forearm.
“It won’t…can you just…” he trails off, his blue and gray eyes staring into yours as he tries (and fails, miserably) to suppress the way his limbs have begun to shake from the chill. Glancing down at where his fingers are still resting against your skin, cold as ice, he shakes his head, letting you go. “Nevermind.”
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know what he’s suggesting. And while you’re appreciative that he’s respectful enough of your professional working relationship to backtrack the thought, the scope of your job has already exaggerated such fluid boundaries over the past few days—what’s another line crossed?
You begin to shift, and Todoroki’s eyes go wide as he exclaims, “You really don’t have to—oof.”
Before you can lose your nerve, you slide into his lap.
With his chest to your back, Todoroki doesn’t seem to know what to do at first, his hands hovering awkwardly at his sides. 
“It’s fine,” you huff out, voice coming out a bit higher than you mean for it to as you grasp his wrists and wrap his cold arms around you.
Both of you sit in silence for a moment, save for the occasional chattering of his teeth, and you hope he’s not looking in the rearview mirror to see the way your eyes are scrunched shut as you try to resist the urge to mentally catalog the way your body fits against his. 
“Thank you,” he finally says, voice a little rough. 
Though his limbs are still ice against yours, you can feel him begin to relax just a fraction as the combination of your body heat and the warm air blasting through the vents up front begins to defrost his chilled extremities. 
“I feel like the shower was worse than this,” you joke, if only to lighten the moment as you remember the sight of the endless rivulets of cold water cascading down his broad, bare chest.
The warm scent of his cologne that clung to the t-shirt he insisted you change into after you ended up halfway drenched yourself.
But as he exhales, a lukewarm huff of air tickling the back of your neck and your body unintentionally sliding deeper into the cradle of his hips as he shifts slightly, you know you’re lying.
This is far fucking worse.
His hand twitches against your chest as he shivers, and you inhale sharply when his thumb unknowingly skates along the skin just beneath one of your breasts, the thin fabric of your dress doing little to dampen the sensation. 
“I’m sorry you’ve had to deal with all of this,” he sighs, voice taking on a remorseful tone. “I could put you in an easier position somewhere else at the agency, if you want.”
Turning your head sideways, the corners of your mouth tilt downward, brows furrowing. “You think this is going to make me want to quit?”
He shrugs, and you bite the inside of your lower lip to stifle the indecent noise that threatens to burst up your throat as his forearms press into your sides. “I would completely understand.”
“You’re going to have to fire me if you want me gone that bad.”
“Never,” he quickly replies.
You smile. “Dumping ice cold water over your head and wrapping you up in five layers of blankets could hardly be considered a difficult job. And this—this is perfectly fine. You’re kind of comfortable, you know.”
He rolls his eyes. “I can feel you starting to shiver, too.”
Shrugging, you flippantly wave your head. “This is still way more fun than that date I was supposed to go on tonight.”
Todoroki stiffens a bit beneath you, swallowing audibly. “I still don’t understand why you didn’t go.”
Given that you’ve yet to even admit to yourself yet that you’d rather spend time with Todoroki than anyone else, you simply reply, “I knew you were going to need me here tonight.”
Head falling back against the seat once more, he sighs. “I feel like I always need you.”
Your heart stutters in your chest, and you let your gaze fall toward the windshield as you weakly respond, “I’m the one that has to force you to stop doing everything yourself and give me work to do half of the time.”
Todoroki’s quiet for a beat, and you can see him flick his gaze up to the roof of the car from the reflection in the rearview. “Because I don’t want to let myself—”
You blink several times. “It’s okay to depend on me, that’s my job.”
His voice sounds strained when he answers. “It’s more than that.”
It’s a battle in and of itself to resist the urge to fidget in his lap beneath the ministrations of your rapidly galloping heartbeat. 
“I want things that I shouldn’t want,” he exhales, voice low and careful.
Briefly, you begin to wonder if perhaps you’ve succumbed to hypothermia.
Carefully, you place one of your hands over his. Todoroki stills, his shivering limbs falling quiet beneath your touch. 
“Do I get a say in this?” you ask, lacing your fingers together.
He inhales sharply. “I didn’t think you—”
“I’m good at my job,” you shrug, finding the courage to turn your head sideways to look at him again, your body moving in his lap in the process.
And it’s then that you feel something hard pressing up against your ass.
“You’re very good at your job,” he confirms, the last few words dissolving into a groan that he can no longer stifle.
Letting yourself relax further into him, you angle your face so that your noses are nearly touching. “I feel like there are easier ways to get warm.”
He leans a little closer, the scent of mint gum lingering on his lips as they skirt near the periphery of your own. “Are there?”
You nod, subtly pressing your backside down into his front. “Science would shame us for not trying.”
He groans again, his mouth brushing against yours. “I think you’re right.”
This time, it’s Todoroki who rocks his hips upward, slowly dragging his cock against the divot between your ass cheeks. And when you finally let out the breathy, keening moan that you’ve been holding back, his lips crash into yours in a messy, hungry, sideways kiss. 
Your hypothesis very quickly proves itself correct as Todoroki grinds against your ass, blazing heat flooding your body and flaring white-hot in the pit of your stomach as he groans into your mouth, your spit-soaked lips slotted together in the best messy approximation you can make of kissing at this awkward angle. 
“Fuck,” he rasps, hands roaming across your front to grasp your breasts. 
Shrugging down the straps of your dress and bra, you let your tits spill out, and Todoroki’s hips stutter as his fingers begin to knead your bare, supple skin. 
“Want you to feel good, too,” he breathes out, and the gravelly state of his voice alone leaves you whimpering as he begins to pinch and tease your pert, sensitive nipples.
It’s becoming increasingly difficult to resist the urge to touch yourself, particularly when your aching, dripping cunt is right within your own reach beneath the skirt of your dress. Sliding a hand down between your legs, you writhe under Todoroki’s attentive touch as you feel how soaked your underwear are.
“Can I—”
His chin is on your shoulder, his eyes focused on where you’re currently stuffing two fingers into your panties and moaning softly as you slide them through your creamy slit. You can practically feel the fresh wave of arousal that leaks from your quivering hole at what he’s asking.
Todoroki lets out a satisfied, relieved sound as his hand makes its way down your chest, quickly replacing your own inside of your underwear. His hips grind up against your ass harder as a near-feral groan rumbles in his chest while he drags three fingers through the sloppy mess your folds have become.
“You’re so wet,” he pants, struggling to get the words out fully as they die on a groan when he slips two fingers inside of you.
“Oh my god,” you whimper, your body drenched in a burning wave of pleasure as he presses an open-mouthed kiss to the side of your neck, thrusting a finger in and out of your cunt while he drags his thumb over your swollen clit.
“So fucking warm,” he breathes out, teeth caressing the soft juncture between your shoulder and neck. 
“Are you?”
He plunges a second finger inside of you, and you spread your even legs wider in his lap, choking out a moan as he makes a point of fitting his fingers inside of the hot, tight, soaking wet warmth of your pussy, still rutting his hard cock against your ass all the while. 
“You are.”
A scorching whip of pleasure snaps sharply inside of you and bursts open wide, flooding your veins with a euphoric, intoxicating feeling that leaves you trembling and gasping and moaning as he finger fucks you through each cresting wave of your sudden climax.
“Shouto,” you whimper.
His hands slide to your hips, gripping you hard as he brokenly moans, dragging his cock up and down your ass in firm, hurried strokes. You can feel it when he tips over the edge of his orgasm, his thick cock pulsing as he comes in his pants, breathing hard.
With one hand grasping the back of the driver’s seat, you turn to look at him, a fond, excited, and dizzying wave of warmth blooming in your chest at how entirely undone Shouto Todoroki looks—lips slightly parted as his chest heaves, eyes alight in post-orgasmic bliss, a dark stain of cum seeping through the front of his pants.
“Warm enough yet?” you ask coyly.
He tilts his head to the side, eyes narrowing slightly as his mouth curves upward in a smile that makes your heart leap. “I think you should stay at my place tonight, just in case.”
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