scoobydoomistakes · 7 years
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1. Freddy swoops in at the monster with his hang glider.
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Freddy pulls out a massive net from behind his back, which was presumably held there via pixie magic and the wishes of unicorns.
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Monster, unsurprisingly, just engulfs it in flames.
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Freddy stares at this for several seconds, in silence, with absolutely no reaction.
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2. Monster spits fireball at Freddy.
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Monster hits hang glider, hang glider is now on fire mere feet from Freddy.
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Freddy stares at this for several seconds, in silence, with absolutely no reaction.
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3. Daphne sees hang glider on fire.
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Daphne puts out said fire by kicking up water.
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Freddy is no longer in extreme imminent danger.
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Freddy stares at this for several seconds, in silence, with absolutely no reaction.
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scoobydoomistakes · 7 years
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...wait, what?
...is that a muppet?
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scoobydoomistakes · 7 years
“Hey, Carl, I think I found something you’ll like.”
Carl the Animator: “Mmhmm?”
Ted the Animator: “Open up Photoshop, and load any random frame.”
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Carl the Animator: “Gotcha.”
Ted the Animator: “...nice choice. Now, use the ‘quick selection’ tool to automatically grab most of the purple background.”
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Carl the Animator: “Done.”
Ted the Animator: “Now, hit ‘delete’.”
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Carl the Animator: “...it wants to use ‘Content-Aware’ fill. What’s that?”
Ted the Animator: “The funniest thing ever. Hit ‘ok’.”
Carl the Animator: “Ok, I was just–”
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Carl the Animator: “...oh my gosh.”
Ted the Animator: “Told’ja.”
Carl the Animator: “That is... a masterpiece. The heck did it do?”
Ted the Animator: “Photoshop looked at the rest of the image, and tried to clone in a nice, natural background.”
Carl the Animator: “...which, I take it, doesn’t always work.”
Ted the Animator: “Yes indeedy. Try another.”
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Carl the Animator: “Let’s see how it handles all the shapes in this one.”
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Carl the Animator: “...freeeaaaky.’
Ted the Animator: “It looks like something you’d see in an ancient manuscript prophesying the end times.”
Carl the Animator: “What if we reverse it, and select a character instead?”
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Ted the Animator: “Hm, smart.”
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Carl the Animator: “...oh.”
Ted the Animator: “It’s like the creepiest invisibility cloak ever.”
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Carl the Animator: “The selection tool likes to grab things weirdly, too... it just got Velma’s glasses while I dragged around her head.”
Ted the Animator: “Well, let’s see what happens.”
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Carl the Animator: “...wow.”
Ted the Animator: “My favorite part is the elongated double face between Daphne and Fred.”
Carl the Animator: “Here, lemme grab one more from Aloha.”
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Ted the Animator: “Should be a–... wait, Carl, you missed selecting one of the background guys’ fa–”
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Ted the Animator: “Magnificent.”
Carl the Animator: “He looks so confused!”
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Ted the Animator: “ ‘Um... hello? Anyone? How did I get inside this hair?’ “
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Carl the Animator: “...can’t... breathe....”
Ted the Animator: “I’ll go put on another pot of coffee... it’s gonna be a looooong night of ‘shopping, I can feel it.”
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scoobydoomistakes · 8 years
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Freddy: “Hey, check out that bit of rock that definitely looks 100% the same as the rest of the cliff. I wonder what would happen if I stepped on it.”
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scoobydoomistakes · 8 years
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“Well, folks... here we go again.” –Velma Dinkley
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scoobydoomistakes · 7 years
“...what’s up with the bad guy’s surfboard, anyway?”
Carl the Animator: “I dunno. It’s prolly magical or something.”
Ted the Animator: “No, like, look at the scene where the gang finds it.”
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Ted the Animator: “The big reveal is supposed to be that, on the front and back, it has a huge brand sticker on it so it isn’t really ancient...”
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Carl the Animator: “Mmhmm?”
Ted the Animator: “...but when he uses the board in the real scenes, the stickers are nowhere to be seen?”
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Carl the Animator: “Huh. I guess it is magical!”
Ted the Animator: “And, when Velma leans it against the wall and takes off her backpack...”
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Ted the Animator: “...and it cuts to a closeup...”
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Ted the Animator: “...why does the surfboard completely disappear?!”
Carl the Animator: “Wow. Yeah, it’s definitely magical now.”
Ted the Animator: “Or, alternatively, you just forgot to add those things.”
Carl the Animator: “Maybe! Everything is magical when you don’t remember what you did... the eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, and all.”
Ted the Animator: “...wait, did you just justify sloppy continuity with 1700s poetry? And-slash-or cult classic indie drama?”
Carl the Animator: “Probably. I’m awesome like that sometimes.”
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scoobydoomistakes · 8 years
Whether in 1969 or 2005, Shaggy has always been the *master*...
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...of being inches away from someone in one shot...
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...teleporting away...
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...and reappearing again, seconds later.
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scoobydoomistakes · 8 years
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scoobydoomistakes · 8 years
I don’t get how automobiles in the Scooby-Doo universe work.
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In this one, the rear section is so small, Shaggy and Scooby need to cram their feet up against the edge.
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But just seconds before, when they freak out about a lizard, the back transforms and becomes utterly massive.
"Introducing the 2017 Toyota Scoobster, with all-new Lizard-Activated Truckbed Resizing™. Available now at your local cartoon car dealership.”
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scoobydoomistakes · 8 years
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“ima spider”
“leave me alone k”
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scoobydoomistakes · 8 years
*watching movie, finding material for SDM*
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*watches Daphne hold onto bridge*
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*watches Daphne grab something out of her purse before it falls into the waterfall*
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Me: “…um? Daphne? I really don’t think this is the time for a smoke, it’s– wait, why does  a children’s movie have ci–”
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Me: “OHHHHHHHHHHHHH, it’s floss! That’s a relief, it totally looked li–…”
*thinks for a second*
Me: “…wait, do women just carry an extra-large thing of floss with them everywhere they go?”
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scoobydoomistakes · 8 years
...oh my.
So, I found something a little... interesting... in a falling animation.
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It starts out simple enough...
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...they start to move downward, and then...
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...wait, what happens if I un-stretch the frame?
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I don’t sleep tonight, that’s what happens.
some things were not meant to be found
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scoobydoomistakes · 7 years
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“yyyyeeeeeeaaeaaaaaah maaaaaaaaannnnnnnnn”
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scoobydoomistakes · 8 years
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...well, that’s a useful reaction image.
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scoobydoomistakes · 7 years
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“I swear this guy’s the worst, or my name ain’t Officer Squarechin.”
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scoobydoomistakes · 8 years
The random pig that shows up for a chase scene...
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…is definitively the best part of the movie so far.
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*nods in affirmation* You go, pig. You do your thing.
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