#allywritesforfun 1k event!
wrenqueenisboss · 2 years
it would sort of be a dtiys (draw this in your style) but with WRITING
you guys would select some of my oc's and choose an au to write them into!
sort of a follower event kinda thing bc I never did a good one for 1k
(tagging moots bc I want to know what y'all think of this)
@dreamwvrld @ze-maki-nin @icaruii @im-so-deep-in-lore-help @foxannethemuffin @boiled-onionrings @allywritesforfun
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allywritesforfun · 3 years
(Forgive me if this is horrible or wrong this is the first time I’ve ever done this but I couldn’t resist!) Hey! First off congrats on 1k!! That’s a crazy number and you deserve every single one of us! Ill admit I am newer here but I love your writing and I’m glad I can watch your platform grow. ANYWAYS now that thats out of the way, could I please get cc!Wilbur and y/n at a themed escape room(can be multiple connected rooms) alphabet and can “s” be the room’s theme? No pressure at all though, I understand if you can’t! Have an amazing day :))
welcome welcome! thank you for requesting im honored to be your first! <3
cc!Wilbur Soot x Reader Escape Room Alphabet
rules/information to request: here
1k followers masterlist
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regular masterlist
wilbur masterlist
anon list
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A- Adrenline
Between you and Wilbur, you had more adrenaline. This was your first 'scarier' escape room and your heart was pumping. But in the long run, it helped you
B- Betting
Before you started the room, you two made a bet at who would unlock more locks. You knew it was gonna be you, you're just more tactical. But Wilbur ended up winning the bet because of his experience with past escape rooms
C- Communication
You thought your communication was going to be spot on, but oh baby it was far from that. Communicating in a relationship was very different that tactical communication. There were a lot of details that were missed.
D- Dress
You and Wilbur all out and made sure to dress to match the theme. Just dirty-looking, yet comfortable and easy to move around in, clothes to get into character.
E- Excitement
This was a great date night for you and Wilbur. You could barely stay still in the car. When you were getting directions from the game master, you couldn't focus, which didn't help you much.
F- Funny Level
Being locked in a room together for an hour really brought out the inner dark humor that you had. Every time that Wilbur made a remark, you always had a comeback.
G- Guess
Okay, so and wilbur may have cheated, just a little bit. You had 3/4 numbers for the code and started doing guess and check. It did work.
H- Hand Holding
You didn't know that there were gonna be tunnels that you had to escape through. You did not want to go first but that meant that you took the risk of getting spooked from behind. Any time a new door or tunnel opened up, you made Wilbur hold your hand, which he had no objection to.
I- Ideas
Wilbur, the writer he is, had so many weird and creative ways to open up locks. They never worked because they were so advanced, but it was so cute to see him try to figure it out.
J- Jump Scares
You got scared so easily. The little noises of doors opening scared you into the corner. Wilbur thought that this was hilarious and was of course, in classic Wilbur style, on the floor laughing.
K- Key
Wilbur would not stop making the joke “the answer must be you, because you’re the key to my heart”. It was cute at first, but it got annoying fast.
L- Light Level
It was so dark in the room. You could barely see a foot in front of you for most parts of the room. This meant that you and Wilbur bumped into each other a lot. What a clumsy couple.
M- Manipulatation
if one of two were doing way better than the other, you would withhold clues. You can’t tell me otherwise. This is war.
N- Newsper
Oh the newspaper. The hardest puzzle in the room. This whole newspaper had one of the codes you needed through a word search, but you had to find the one word that didn’t match the rest without a word bank. Good thing Wilbur wrote a lot.
O- Open Space
Well, lack of. The first room, was very small and you and Wilbur were always in arms distance length of each other, which you weren't complaining about.
P- Pointers
Surprisingly, you and Wilbur didn't need that many pointers or hints. You two had it down from the start.
Q- Quarantine
Apart of the room theme was having to be separated and find each other using a window to unlock the door that connected you two. For you, it was a little scary because Wilbur was your number one motivator and supporter. He was determined to get in the same room as you, so you weren’t quarantined for long.
R- Repetition
You and Wilbur were very on top of trying code that you found on every lock that you saw. It actually ended up helping you by making you notice that you didn't have the full code
S- Serial Killer
You and Wilbur both share a love for all things murder. This "escaping your serial killer" escape room was perfect for you two.
T- Time Left
You two barely got out. I mean it was very close, less than a minute. You two were practically jumping out the door to make time.
U- Underdog
Let’s not lie here, the two of you from the outside didn’t seem the most in sync or like you had the best of chances. You could tell the game master thought that you needed more people to help out. But god damn it you did it
V- Vigilant
You and Wilbur did a really good look around of the room. Every thing that had space, was getting looked at. Tables and chairs were getting flipped over. Codes were found.
W- Walls
If there was a wall, it was getting pushed. No doubt in your mind that there was gonna be a hidden door or something in the wall.
damn that's a nice letter
Y- Yelling
You two were very loud together. The stress of trying to escape and working together led to a lot of misconceptions and arguing. The more important a clue was, the louder you yelled.
Z- Zap
The electricity between you two was strong...and I don’t mean metaphorically. All of that moving around on carpet and just the electrical tension in the room made it for that you zapped each other every time you touched, which was embarrassingly a lot.
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taglist: @boiled-onionrings @neptunebabes @anarchyanon @wistahood @just-that-bi-girl 
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127 notes · View notes
allywritesforfun · 3 years
omggg ally youre growing so fast its like literally only a few minutes ago you were celebrating 800. im so happy for you ❤️
for the 1k event, can i request a cc!wilbur on a stream dueting with y/n (who he practically begged to be there) behind the camera? maybe you can do some of the letters as songs they can sing or something like that? just a suggestion. sorry if it's too hard ty ilysm keep popping off ally.
oh i’m sorry i just love this idea. thank you for requesting! ily <3
cc!Wilbur Soot x Reader Duetting on Stream Alphabet
rules/information to request: here
1k followers masterlist
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regular masterlist
wilbur masterlist
anon list
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A- Acapella
It all started with you going acapella on accident. You had this song stuck in your head and you started singing without thinking about it. Of course Wilbur’s mic picked it up.
B- Begging
Chat loved hearing you sing, but not as much as Wilbur. “Just please come on stream with me! I wanna have a little concert with you!” You tried to say no, but Wilbur just kept begging for you to sing with him, and how were you supposed to say no?
C- “Change My Clothes”
You took Alec’s part, just saying. It was a good confidence booster song for you because you could go any range that you wanted. 
D- “Death of a Bachelor”
You and Wilbur went wild at this song. No one can tell me I'm wrong. Sometimes you lost your spot because Wilbur’s low voice in this song was just so attractive. He really was a distraction. 
Durning your water break, chat asked you two about making an EP together. It was a good talk. As much as you wanted to, it just wasn't possible with the time that you would have to dedicate, besides, music was Wilbur’s thing. 
F- Frozen
Chat wanted a Disney challenge, like the old Thomas Sanders vibe, but you really loved Frozen. Must admit, it was hard for both of you to hit the higher notes, but your harmony made up for it.
G- Guitar
You and Wilbur had the cutest system. He would do all the hard parts of guitar like strumming and picking, but you had your taps going. It was like your mini drum. 
H- “Hey There Delilah”
This one wasn’t a duet, sorry. But you mentioned that you loved this song and Wilbur just had to sing it to you. He eventually stopped playing his guitar to hold your hand. You honestly think he broke away from reality for a second. 
I- Inside 
What a simp you and Wilbur were for Bo. You never made it through a full song, but that allowed you to do all your favorites. 
J- Joking Around
Not everything can be taken seriously. Not even this super serious stream. You and Wilbur would make fun of each other whenever you had the chance. 
K- Keyboard 
You are no where near as talented as Wilbur at any music thing. Well, today was the day that you were gonna learn. Wilbur would teach you quick notes on the keyboard that way you could help him play it. 
L- Love Songs
All love songs were chosen purposely to reflect your relationship. Some songs hit hard and it was hard to control your emotions, but you and Wilbur made it through. And ofc chat was loving it.
M- Music Video
This one song, I can't even remember what it was, but you two decided to pretend like it was a music video. One of your best bits yet. 
N- Never Gonna Give You Up
Get rick rolled chat.
O- On Top of the Word
Singing together made both of you melt. This was one of your moments together that made you feel like you two were on top of the world together and nothing else mattered. 
P- Pebble Brain
Is it really a Wilbur music stream if he doesn’t promote his band?
Q- Queen
This is clearly based off of MCC All Stars Ace Race. Wilbur was just so hot durning it and I had to include it in here. You know damn well that Wilbur changed the lyrics to compliment you too. 
R- Rap Battle
Think of like a Jackbox stream, but just Rap city. But it was all good things, not actually trashing
S- Soprano
The high harmony, your least favorite part and Wilbur’s favorite part. He loved it when you tried to go higher to harmonize with him. But of course, he had to put you in your place and go even higher than you to prove his supremacy. 
T- Taylor Swift
Every song was Taylor’s version of course. And it was more of an analysis than actually singing.
U- Ukulele 
Wait, you can actually play this one. And it made the stream so much more fun. It was something that you were actually better at doing than Wilbur. You finally got your little moment. 
V- Voice Cracks
You tried not to talk about them, but Wilbur couldn't help but laugh. It became a running joke throughout the stream.
W- Warm-Ups
Wilbur cared for you so much. He knew that you didn't sing much, and definitely not for this long at a time. He made you two do stupid little middle school warm-ups to “protect your voice”. It was probably for the best too. 
X- X Factor 
Your favorite part of the stream was when Wilbur set up his desk to make it seem like you were on X-Factor. You had to audition for him and everything. Somehow the Cat Keyboard beat you... dont ask me how.
Y- “Your Sister Was Right”
For some reason people thought that this song was about you, but it wasn’t. But even when Wilbur played it, he still got emotional. He feared that he would mess up again with you and he was so scared of that. You two took a “bathroom break” but it was really just for that you could comfort him and reassure him that he was perfect.
Z- ZZZ... 
You started to get tired so you leaned on Wilbur’s shoulder. Singing turned to humming and humming turned to dozing off. The final blow was Wilbur stroking your hair and literally singing you to sleep. The stream ended without a good bye message because he didn't want to wake you up.
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taglist: @boiled-onionrings @anarchyanon @wistahood @neptunebabes @rainduosupremacy @just-that-bi-girl
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allywritesforfun · 3 years
elluu Allyy, i love the idea for your event! Guess who i am requesting? Yeah.. cc!Eret :)
How about a smol roadtrip to an aquarium? <3
god i love eret. he’s just so pwetty. but i love this request and i haven’t gone to an aquarium in such a long time
cc!Eret x Reader Aquarium Alphabet Drabble
rules/information to request: here
1k followers masterlist
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regular masterlist
headcanon masterlist
anon list
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A- Antisocial
you two picked the worst day to go. it happened to family day and there were a lot of people. eret made sure that he stayed close to you so that you wouldn’t get nervous
B- Baffled
neither of you have to an aquarium since you were little kids. you forgot about how big the animals can get. eret loved staring at you staring at the tanks. the water reflected in your eyes and it made him swoon.
the crabs were like you and erets little marionettes. you two have them all voices and made a love story for them.
D- Dolphins
because it was family night, they let you swim with the dolphins. you had to beg eret to get his hair wet, but he always gives in to you. made for a great picture.
E- Energetic
once you started to get more comfortable, you were more willing to go where you wanted. anything that caught your eye, you just ran to. eret didn’t mind, they thought it was cute and had fun trying to keep up.
F- Food Court
no surprise, the food court was all seafood. you and eret took a bunch of samples and made a meal out of it and gave it its own review. it was a great instagram story.
G- Gift Shop
“you can pick out one thing” was eret’s mistake. they knew you wouldn’t just pick one, but you tried. some things just went really well together and you couldn’t resist. however, he did talk you out of the glass figurines. it just wouldn’t work with goose.
H- Hand Holding
its not just hand holding, its the way she kisses your hand. its so funny too. your arm is almost fully extended if she wants to kiss your hand without folding over. and he’s so gentleman about it too. like it he doesn’t force you one way or another or try to guide/control where you walk. he has like the perfect amount of pressure to balance love and freedom. 
I- Instagram
something about eret and aquariums just goes hand in hand. I can't really explain it, but all the pretty colors and patterns and the reflection in his glasses I just-god it makes for such good instagram pictures. 
J- Jellyfish
you tried hard not to laugh, but you couldn't hold it in. eret subconsciously moved with the jellyfish up and down. when you pointed it out, he started doing that Goofy dance and pretending like he was one. 
K- Kids
god of course it was family day. you and eret were in your early twenties and not at all ready for kids, but it was hard not to imagine having them with him. a little kid stood in front of you two, face pushed up the glass, but the tank was open a foot above them and they wanted to see over. eret wasn’t sure where their parents were, and it was a risky move, but he lifted the kid up so that he can get a better view. thankfully, the parents understood and they were right behind you, and they actually thanked eret. it was just- wow. 
“hey eret, you know, you look pretty good with a kid.”
“yeah? I think you would look pretty good with a kid too.”
L- Lines
this was a bigger aquarium so there were some special attractions like the feedings and stuff. again, it was very busy but you two were okay with waiting in line. and as much as you wanted to be that annoying couple, you just weren't. you were ready for eret to hug you for the full twenty minute wait and be that annoying couple, but instead, they just kept close behind you, their arm pressing against your back while holding onto the rail. he did however, make it obvious that you were dating by getting really close to you whenever he spoke to you.
M- Mermaids
this was a little childish of the two of you, but neither of you cared. they had mermaids and you were gonna see some mermaids. you stayed in the back though, which was normal for you two because of how tall eret is. but you also wanted the children to have a chance to interact. you did get a picture though when most of of the kids cleared out.
N- Nemo
the clownfish were so cute. it also made for a good tweet.
O- Octopus
I mean, there isn't much to say about this one. there was an octopus indeed, and it did lead to some very interesting conversations about their abilities.
“y/n, if you were an octopus, where would you hide?”
P- Pictures
besides the pictures with the animals and just cute couple ones in general, eret was very admit about getting pictures in all the cutouts. you, weren't that big of a fan, but she just made you so happy and she wanted to do it so bad that you just had to.
Q- Queer
your favorite part of the trip, was the “rainbow tank”. the tank was basically just a bunch of different colored fishes but it was so pretty. and, you know eret. she couldn't resist herself and had to take a picture with the description “this is how im coming out”, even though they are already out.
R- Road Trip
the aquarium was actually quite a longer drive. you stopped half way on your way back to get some food. otherwise, the ride is very relaxing. eret drove, and in classic eret fashion, kept their hand your thigh. you two weren't singers, so the ride was just talking about normal life stuff. 
S- Stingrays
omg you two couldn't get enough of it. the stingrays were in this huge, low rise tank because you could buy food for them and eat them. eret found out that your hand was ticklish, which you can bet he took note of. 
T- Turtles
the turtles just seemed to know what you were thinking. it didn't make sense, but they knew that you wanted a selfie with them, and they showed up. they were almost prettier than eret, almost. 
U- Under the Sea
it started with eret humming it. which it got stuck in your brain, but not too bad. but then it played over the speakers. then there was no escaping it.
V- Videography
you took this as your chance to practice your videography skills and make a cute little home vlog. you weren't sure how it was going to work, but you did set up some cute transitions. 
W- Walking
it was like a mini Disney, there was so much walking. more than you thought there was going to be. you got so tired and you wore converse, not walking shoes. eret hated seeing you lose energy, so he gave you a piggy back ride :)
X- i didn’t know this was a letter
Y- Yearly
you and eret enjoyed spending the day there so much, that you two decided to come back at least once a year. it was good to see how much has happened in a year and there was always new things for you to do
Z- Zebra Fish
now, this isnt the boring zebrafish, no. they had the big fancy ones. you made a joke about how eret had hair like the fish’s tail. he did not appreciate it. 
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taglist: @anarchyanon @rainduosupremacy 
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allywritesforfun · 3 years
that’s a fucking lot of you. like holy shit. that’s like 1000 mcchickens. that’s a lot. sorry i’m gonna say “a lot” a lot because holy fuck.
and you can bet your ass that my narcissistic ass is thriving right now.
okay okay all jokes aside and me messing around, that seriously is a lot and number i didn’t even knew i could count to. thank you guys so much! thank you to especially @boiled-onionrings, my wife, because she give me so much support and reassurance and she’s literally the best <3 and @simpoot because you give me so much amazing advice, like without you, idk i would’ve probably gotten canceled /j and last but certainly not least @sunniewrites for keeping me motivated and in the loop with everything.
thank you to my amazing mutuals, anons, and my tumblr family. i love you all and interacting literally makes my day. (check masterlist for everyone’s @‘s)
i love you all. here is my event…
Allywritesforfun 1k Followers Event!!!!
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The Alphabet Drabble Event!
information: everyone is familiar with the alphabet drabbles right? usually it’s like “gnf dating alphabet” and it’s like A is for… well that’s basically what i’m doing but we’re adding a little spice. for this event, it’s gonna follow that exact same format, but you have to give me specific topic. like ‘dating’ is too broad and i want some weird and unusual requests. we’re gonna have so much fun.
1k followers masterlist
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no nsfw requests
no different ethnicities or any diseases for i am not an expert and there are other writers who can do so much better than i can
only request MCYT’s that i write for. list is here
all requests are automatically gonna be gender neutral/genderless
be creative with this!
no angst or break-ups
(any requests that break the rules will be deleted)
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How to Request:
send me an ask in my inbox (top right corner of my page)
list the cc!/c! that you would like (if not listed i will choose)
list if platonic or romantic (if not listed i will choose)
name what category/situation and be creative, out of the ordinary, and specific with it
if you want, you can give me what some letters want to be or the full thing (example of what i mean below)
a good example: can i please get cc!gnf water skiing alphabet and can “L” be location?
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Extra Information:
if you wanna be added to the 1k taglist follow these rules
anon list
regular masterlist
just another huge thank you to everyone who has gotten me to this point. it is the absolute best feeling in the world seeing any tumblr notifications and just wow. i feel so special right now and on top of the world. like i’m just some random depressed bisexual from wisconsin with an unhealthy obsession with writing like idk what i did to make everyone follow me. i started this account to just mess around and get ideas out of my head, i never thought i would get this far but holy shit thank you so much!!
i love you, you are valued, you mean so so so much to me <33
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allywritesforfun · 3 years
Allywritesforfun 1k Followers Event Alphabet Drabble Masterlist!
rules/information to request: here
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regular masterlist
anon list
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cc!/c! wilbur soot
cc!Wilbur Soot x Reader Escape Room Alphabet
cc!Wilbur Soot x Reader Duetting on Stream Alphabet
none yet :)
cc!/c! eret
cc!Eret x Reader Aquarium Alphabet Drabble
none yet :)
cc! karl jacobs
none yet :)
cc!/c! dreamwastaken
none yet :)
cc! georgenotfound
none yet :)
cc! sapnap
none yet :)
cc! quackity
none yet :)
cc!/c! awesamdude
none yet :)
c! technoblade
none yet :)
cc! punz
none yet :)
cc! boomerna
none yet :)
cc! Charlie slimecicle
none yet :)
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allywritesforfun · 3 years
everything story that I write, all in one spot! check it out! 
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Taglist/Who I Write For
Anon List
Discord Server
Secret Platonic Lover (through my Discord Server)
My Anime Blog: @allywritesanimeforfun​
Make sure to check out the best writer on Tumblr: @graymoon2​
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tags i use:
—> allywritesforfun recs or allywritesforfun rec
two diff tags because phone vs laptop
—> allywritesforfun anons
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—Headcanon Masterlist—
—Wilbur Soot x Reader Masterlist—
—600 Followers Masterlist—
—AJR x Wilbur Soot Masterlist—
—800 Followers Masterlist—
—1k Followers Masterlist—
—1.1K Followers Event Masterlist—
—Manhunted (Manhunt!Dream x Reader) Masterlist—
—1.35k Fantasy Event Masterlist—
—Secret Cupid/Secret Platonic Lover Masterlist—
Eret x Reader:
{You Are Beautiful} Eret x Reader
{Morning Hair} Eret x Reader
{Behind the Glasses} c!Eret x Fem!Reader
{My Knight} c!Eret x Male!Reader
Karl Jacobs x Reader:
{Confessions} Karl Jacobs x Reader
{Pretty Sick} Karl Jacobs x Reader
{The Best Partners Share a Bed} Karl Jacobs x Reader
Dream x Reader:
—Manhunted (Manhunt!Dream x Reader) Masterlist—
{Sick Days} Dream x Reader
{A Little Help Here?} Dream x fem!reader
{Good Boy} Dream x Fem!reader
{Manhunt} Dream x Fem!Reader
{Stay} Dreamwastaken x BPD!Reader
c!Technoblade x Reader:
{Just Have Some Soup With Me} c!Technoblade x Reader
{Calmness in the Rough} c!Technoblade x Reader
Awesamdude x Reader:
{Locked Up Heart} irl!warden!awesamdude x Reader
{Locked Up Heart pt 2} irl!warden!awesamdude x Reader
Georgenotfound x Reader:
{Sunflowers} Georgenotfound x Reader
{And They Were Roommates} Georgenotfound x Roommate!Reader
Sapnap x Reader:
{Coldest Nights} Sapnap x Reader
{Paddle Boarding} Sapnap x Reader
{Who is y/n Dating?} Sapnap x Reader
Punz x Reader:
{Just Friends?} Punz x Reader
{Nom Nom} Punz x Reader
{Punzie} Punz x Fem!Reader With Long Hair
Sapnap x Karl Jacobs:
{You’re Doing Great!} Karl Jacobs x Sapnap
Quackity x Reader:
{J'taime} Quackity x Reader
{Commotion} Quackity x Reader
{Tripwire} c!Quackity x Reader
Corpse Husband x Reader
{Shoulders and Hands} Corpse Husband x Reader
{Jealousy} Corpse Husband x Reader
{The Letterman Jacket} Dreamnotfound
mcyt series:
MCYT Vacation Series Masterlist
mcyt included: dream, georgenotfound, wilbur soot, sapnap, karl jacobs, philza, badboyhalo, charlie slimecicle, quackity
ships: dnf, karlnap
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Loki x Reader:
{Trusting You; Chapter 1} Loki x Reader
{Trusting You; Chapter 2} Loki x Reader
{Trusting You; Chapter 3} Loki x Reader
{Trusting You; Chapter 4} Loki x Reader
{Trusting You; Chapter 5} Loki x Reader
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Spencer Reid x Reader:
{Letters} Spencer Reid x Reader
{Promise Me} Spencer Reid x Reader (spoilers for S4E3)
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FNAF~ (the only one youre getting)
{Human Enough For You} Monty Gator x Reader
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my somethings idek~
arson duo: @boiled-onionrings
l’arson trio: @boiled-onionrings @canon-arc​
stalker duo: @clairboo
sootsimpduo: @sunniewrites
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apparently my family?
wife- @boiled-onionrings​
daughter- @friendwasfound​
son- @wilburrrsworld​
middle child- @canon-arc​
cousins- @nightmarefox15 @anarchyanon
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@beepbopalt / @beepbopbee 
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allywritesforfun · 3 years
Secret Platonic Lover (through my Discord Server)
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what is this? details below
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we all know secret santa right? like you get a random person to give a gift to and random person gives you one? well it's literally that except its on valentines day and with dsmp/mcyt sfw reader insert fanfictions. im starting this now because it gives a lot of time for writers to fit it into their schedule. anyone is welcomed to join!
how it works:
get into my writers discord (you can join just for this event but there is a lot of benefits to staying!): link here
there is a chat channel just for this event, pop in and say hello!
if you are going to participate, fill out the two google forms (I will need your Tumblr user) in the chat room. one is for a description of the type of reader insert fics you are into-if you wish for your request to be anon, I will keep it anon (only I will know) you do not need to give your name or any descriptions of yourself-everything is regular x reader. The other form will be the type of fics you write and who you write for and your boundaries, stuff like that
I will be doing the "people dealing"- "matching” writers with descriptions of fics- on January 20th (a little less than month) to give the writer plenty of time
all fics will be posted on February 14th and added to my masterlist
restrictions/requirements for the fic:
once you agreed to do the event, your fic should follow these guidelines:
has to be between 1k-1.5k words (can go a little under or over)
everything is sfw
2nd pov/x reader/reader insert form (these fics will also be read by readers, not just the person you got)
before the cut, mention that it is for this event. something like: "I was ___ platonic secret lover (or I got this for platonic secret lover if anon) from @allywritesforfun event!"
yes, this will be going on your blog for everyone to enjoy!
this event is gonna be super fun and I really hope you join!! <33 dm me if you have any questions!
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