#allu: separation
theflyingfeeling · 1 year
I hope everyone's having a nice Sunday, and if not, I hope I can make it more less terrible with the third chapter for my fic let me down slowly, now on AO3 ✨
again, huge thanks to anyone who's been reading this 🥺 the final chapter will be up at some point next week
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hotcat37 · 11 months
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How to care for your mini Jukka, Allu and Jaakko:
-in the wild they are found in trios 90% of the time and it is recommended not to separate them
-those that have a mini Käärijä and are looking for a buddy for him, a mini Jaakko would be the best choice. They are known to keep Kä's in check even in the wild
-playtime with a mini Jukka and mini Käärijä should always be supervised....
-beware that mini Allu's need to have access to their laptop. While the spamming of sound effects might quickly become irritable, a mini Allu can only thrive in an environment where he can play his noises
-while this trio is not difficult to care for and are known to be obedient, they do stick together like glue and separating them for too long will cause panic and chaos
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aspenmissing · 1 year
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚁𝚒𝚜𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚅𝚘𝚕𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚗 (𝙿𝚝 𝟹)
Allura recalls her last memory of being awake. 
She stood in the Bridge of the Castle of Lions with Coran and her father. The Castleship was under attack by Zarkon's fleet. Zarkon appears on screen.
"Zarkon!" King Alfor says.
"Your fleet has been destroyed, Alfor. I will be there shortly to claim Voltron" Zarkon ended the transmission; a Galra warship blasts the Castleship with a powerful cannon.
"Father, we must form Voltron and fight before it's too late" Allura says.
"It's already too late. We must send the Lions away. We can't risk them falling into Zarkon's hands"
"We can't give up hope!"
"I'm sorry, daughter. If all goes well, I will see you again soon" King Alfor uses a mysterious light to put Allura asleep.
"I love you" Allura returns to present.
==Flashback End==
"Planet Altea and all of the planets in our solar system have been destroyed. Coran, Father is gone. Our entire civilization..." Allura becomes enraged "Zarkon" Shiro recalls Zarkon's face.
"He was the King of the Galra. A vile creature and enemy to all free people" Shiro looks down.
"I remember now... I was his prisoner" Y/N rubs his arm.
"He's still alive? Impossible!"
"I can't explain it, but it's true. He's searching for a super weapon called Voltron." Shiro said.
"He's searching for it because he knows it's the only thing that can defeat him, and that's exactly why we must find it before he does." Allura explains.
Later, Allura stands at the Sleep Chamber console with a plate of food goo floating nearby.
"Princess, you must eat. It's been 10,000 years!" Coran says.
"I'm not hungry"
"Man, 10,000 years? That's like one thousand plus ten." Lance says.
"That's times ten" Keith corrects.
"Whatever, dropout" Y/N, who's between the two, smacks Lance's arm.
"Don't be mean. If it wasn't for him, we wouldn't have gotten Shiro" She glares at him.
"I haven't eaten since breakfast and I'm starving." Hunk holds his stomach.
"Yeah, but you've thrown up, like, five times.",
"Hmm...Good point." Hunk begins eating the food goo, continuing to eat although disgusted.
"I can't believe your civilization created such advanced technology 10,000 years ago. It must have been an incredible place" Shiro says.
"Yes, it was... but now it is gone and we're the last Alteans alive." Allura mourns as Coran comforts her; she hears a squeak from her sleep pod and is happy to find four Altean Mice.
"Looks like we're not the last, after all" She says. The Castleship alarms blare, and a Galra warship appears on-screen.
"A Galra battleship has set its tracker to us!" Coran says.
"How did they find us?" Allura asks.
"I'm not sure" Lance looks at Keith from the corner of his eye "But I bet it's Keith's fault" Y/N sweatdrops.
"Say whatever you've got to say to make yourself feel better. After getting us stuck on the other side of a wormhole!" Lance leans forwards, getting in Keith's face. Y/N puts her hands on their chests, pushing them apart.
"Guys! Wrong time!" Y/N mutters, but is ignored.
"I'LL STICK YOU IN A WORMHOLE!!" Lance shouts. Lance and Keith appear ready to fight, but Shiro helps Y/N separate them.
"Stop it, cadets!" Lance puts his hands up in the air "This is no time to place blame. It's time to work as a team" Lance puts his hands down, glaring at Keith. Shiro looks at Coran"How long before they arrive?"
"At their speed? Oh, well, carry the two" Coran counts on his fingers "... I'd say probably a couple of days"
"Good. Let them come! By the time they get here, you six will have reformed Voltron , and together, we will destroy Zarkon's empire" Hunk burps.
"Sorry. Food Goo" He says. His stomach growls loudly, making Pidge jump.
"Princess, there are six of these lions. How are we going to find the rest?" Shiro asks. The mice squeaks in Allura's hand. In the Castleship's Bridge with a Crystal above, Allura stands in the centre. A beam of light down towards her.
"King Alfor connected the lions to Allura's life force. She alone is the key to the lions' whereabouts." Allura activates the computer, opening up a map of the entire universe.
"These are... coordinates. The Black Lion looks like it's in the same location as the Blue Lion." Y/N says.
"Look at your primitive synapses firing away in their little brain cage" Coran says, standing next to Y/N.
"Normally Pidge is the smart one" Allura smiles.
"Very observant. That's because the Black Lion is in the castle" She informs.
"To keep the Black Lion out of Zarkon's hands, King Alfor locked it in the castle. It can only be freed if the other five lions are present" Coran explains.
"As you have found, the Lions choose their pilots. It is a mystical bond and cannot be forced. The Quintessence of the pilot is mirrored in his Lion. Together, they form something greater than science can explain" Allura sends the Black Lion hologram towards Shiro "The Black Lion is the decisive head of Voltron . It will take a pilot who is a born leader and in control at all times, someone whose men will follow without hesitation. That is why, Shiro, you will pilot the Black Lion" Allura moves the Green Lion's hologram towards Pidge "The  Green Lion has an inquisitive personality and needs a pilot of intellect and daring. Pidge, you will pilot the Green Lion" Pidge smiles "The Blue Lion-"
"—Whope, hold up, let me guess: Takes the most handsome slash best pilot of the bunch?" Lance interrupts, smiling. Allura looks annoyed and continues.
"The... Yellow Lion is caring and kind" Allura sends the hologram Yellow Lion towards Hunk "Its pilot is one who puts the needs of others above his own. His heart must be mighty. As the leg of Voltron, you will lift the team up and hold them together" Hunk questionably points to himself "The Purple Lion is loyal and loving" Allura sends the hologram Purple Lion towards Y/N "It's Pilot is someone who always keep their word, and are never swayed with fear. As the chest of Voltron, they are the heart and soul of Voltron, always willing to sacrifice themselves for others, Y/N, you will pilot the Purple lion" Y/N watches at the Purple Lions comes to life and hops around the Green Lion, who also comes alive and the two hop around each other.
"Ah, the Purple and Green Lion have an unbreakable bond, a sibling like force that can't be broken" Coran says. Pidge and Y/N smile at each other.
"The Red Lion is temperamental and the most difficult to master. It's faster and more agile than the others, but also more unstable. Its pilot needs to be someone who relies more on instincts than skill alone" Allura sends the Red Lion towards Keith "Keith, you will fly the Red Lion"
What? This guy?" Lance says. Keith glares at Lance, arms crossed.
"Unfortunately, I cannot locate the Red Lion's coordinates yet. There must be something wrong with the castle. After 10,000 years, it... might need some work." Allura says.
"Don't worry, we'll find it soon. They don't call me "The Coranic" for nothing. It's because it sounds like "mechanic." So... Coranic, mechanic. It's not—It doesn't sound... exactly like it. It's similar" The hologram Lions roar and charge together, forming Voltron.
"Once all the lions are united, you will form Voltron, the most powerful warrior ever known, the Defender of the Universe." Allura says. They look up to see a big hologram of Voltron. The Blue and Yellow Lions as legs, the Green and Red as arms, the Purple as the chest, and the black as the head.
"Awesome!" Hunk shouts.
"Soo cool" Y/N says.
"Wait. Okay, we're going to be in there and flying Lions. Got that part. How do Lions turn into legs? Also, is this going to be a long trip? Because I have to pee. Do you people pee?" Hunk rambles.
"We don't have much time. Pidge and I will go after the Green Lion. Lance, you take Hunk and get the Yellow one. Keith, you and Y/N go and get the purple" Shiro says.
"In the meantime, I'll get this castle's defences ready. They'll be sorely needed"
"I'll ready the pods a-and load the coordinates so that you can reach the Green and Purple lion" Coran said. The three teams take off, Lance with Hunk in the Blue Lion, Shiro and Pidge in a flight pod, and Keith and Y/N in another flight pod. Allura readies herself to open a Wormhole with the Castleship's power.
"We can only keep the wormholes that lead to the other lions open for two of your Earth hours, so you'll have to be quick about your work" Coran says "The good news is that according to my readings, the three planets are relatively peaceful. So, if you do get stuck, they could be relaxing places to live out the rest of your lives" Everyone in their vehicles share a look of panic "Well, enjoy the trip!"
"Hang on!"
"Wait! What? No! OK—!"
"I did not receive the memo on this" Hunk said. They each go through the wormholes.
Y/N and Keith land on a forest looking planet. The two walk through the mystic forest. Y/N holds a tracker, which shows a purple dot, about 2 miles away.
"So, after I left the Garrison, you refused to take my place" Y/N nods "Why?"
"As I said, I couldn't take your place. It was yours, and only yours"
"I think you would have made an amazing pilot in the garrison." Keith says, smiling to the girl. Y/N smiles, with a slight blush on her cheeks. They continue to walk in a comfortable silence
"Hey, remember that time when we snuck out of the Garrison, and jumped onto your hoverbike and drove around till the sun came up" Y/N says, looking to Keith, who laughs lightly, remembering the moment.
"I could never forget when I nearly fell off the cliff." Keith says.
"Yeah, well that wouldn't have happened if you weren't trying to show off." Y/N laughs.
"Yeah yeah, you would have tried it too had I not nearly fallen." Keith says, and Y/N just continues laughing lightly. "And that's where we took this photo" Keith stops, Y/N following. He puts his hand back into his coat pocket and takes out a photo, giving it to Y/N.
The photo is of Y/N and Keith, sat on his hoverbike with the sunrise behind them with the cliff behind them. Keith's arms are crosses, a small smile on his face. Y/N has a big smile on her face, arm around Keith's shoulder, her other arm held out, holding the camera.
"Y-You still have this?" Y/N asks, looking at the photo with a smile. Keith nods. Y/N turns it over, remembering that she put something on the back.
"No matter where life takes us" Y/N reads out loud.
"We'll always be side by side. Forever and always" Keith finishes. The two smile before the silence is interrupted by the tracker beeping. Y/N gives Keith back the photo, who puts it back in his pocket. She looks down and noticed the purple dot was moving.
"Look" Y/N shows Keith the tracker. The small purple dot is moving "How the hell is it moving?" The two make their way to the dot, reaching a big, open meadow. They see the Purple Lion on a wagon, that is being pulled by Galra, and multiple Galra surrounding it with guns and vehicles "What are we going to do?" Y/N asks.
"I-I don't know" Keith replies, he looks around trying to figure out a plan.
"Aw~ aren't you a cutie~" Y/N coos, causing Keith to blush.
"W-what" Keith turns around to see Y/N, holding a creature in her arms (Down Bottom), pushing her cheek into her head "Y/N, put it down! It could be harmful"
"You heard Coran, the planet's peaceful. Apart from the Galra. But look at her"
"Just, put it down before you get yourself hurt." Y/N holds the creature up to Keith
"Aww, but look how adorable she is." The creature sticks her tongue out like a dog, "I don't think she could hurt a soul. Can I keep her, please~" She drags out, hugging the creature close, looking at Keith with pleading eyes. Keith thinks for a bit before crossing his arms.
"YES!" Y/N shouts, which a Galra soldier hears and turns to their direction.
"What was that?" A Galra soldier says. Keith grabs Y/N and pulls her down behind the bush, the creature still in Y/N's arms. Two Galra soldiers walk over to the bush where they are, guns pointed high. Keith and Y/N looks up and sees a gun pointing over the top of the bush, right above their heads, which make them push back further, and curl tighter into a ball so that they are obscured by the bush. The creature just sits still in Y/N's arms, somewhat sensing the danger. "Should we check it out?"
"It was probably just some animal. I mean, it is a forest" The gun stays where it is for a few seconds before the Galra soldier pulls it back.
"Guess your right" They walk back to the others and Keith and Y/N sign in relief. The creature then jumps out of Y/N's arms, pointing into the forest.
"You want us to go that way?" She asks. The creature nods, tugging on Y/N's pants. Y/N looks to Keith, he looks down at the tracker.
"We've got a little over an hour before wormhole closes. Nothing else we can do" He says. The two follow the creature, till they reach a small village, full of the creatures of different variety colours, sizes and ages.
"Aw~" Y/N says, as some of the creatures gather around the three. An older looking version of the creature that led Keith and Y/N comes in front of them. The two share a quick hug before they start "talking". The younger creature occasionally pointing at Y/N and Keith "Maybe they can help get the Purple lion?"
"Look, No offense, but look at these. I don't think they're much of the fighting type" Keith says.
"Who says anything about fighting" Y/N says. She kneels down to the younger and older creature, who turn to look at her "Do you think you can help us get the Purple Lion" The younger goes over to Y/N and grabs the tracker, taking it back over to the older one, pointing at the V on the back of it. The elder looks at it, then back up to Y/N, passing the tracker back to Y/N and the younger and older creature walk to the others.
"What was that about?" Keith asks.
"Maybe they recognize the Voltron symbol?" Y/N suggests "They know that we're the good guys" The two creatures return, more of them following behind "Do they wanna help?" The younger one nods.
"We still need a plan" Keith says.
"Oh, don't worry. I've got one"
Later, Keith, Y/N and the creatures all hide in the forest, waiting for the wagon with the Purple Lion on, and the Galra to pass.
"Are you sure this will work?" Keith whispers.
"I'm, uh, 65% percent sure this will work"
"And the 35%?"
"Uh, probably death" Keith stares at Y/N, she turns to look at him "Or imprisonment, either one is a possibility"
"Great" Keith looks down at the tracker "We only have 30 minutes to get the Lion and back to the wormhole before it closes"
"I mean, this isn't a bad planet-" Y/N stops after seeing Keith's unamused look "Okay, 30 minutes, get lion, through wormhole, don't get stuck. Easy" They all quite down as the Wagon and the Galra walk past. Y/N looks to the younger creature and nods. She nods back and goes over to the others. Three of the creatures run out in front of the Galra soldiers, stopping them.
"Move out of the way you furry beasts!" The Galra points his gun at the three, who tremble in fear. The others, sensing their fear all jump out and start attacking the Galra. All the Galra soldiers go to help, leaving the sides and back open.
"Well look at that, I guess they can fight" Keith says, watching as the small creatures attack the Galra. "Come on, let's get to the lion" Keith and Y/N sneaks past the fight and to the Lion. Keith keeps watch while Y/N goes over to the Lion.
"Let's do this" Y/N puts her hand on the forcefield, expecting something to happen "Huh?" She takes her hand off "Do I have to knock?" She does so; no reaction. She puts both her hand on the forcefield "Hey, Lion. It's me, your Paladin" There's no reaction "Now, if you don't mind putting down your forcefield so that we can get you out of here" There's silence, the only sound is the fighting and blasts of the Galra weapons "Come on, girl" Y/N puts her head on the forcefield, focusing. Still no reaction. Keith turns around to face Y/N, seeing her eyes closed, concentrating. A Galra soldier sees the three.
"Return to positions! There's someone at the Lion!" He shouts.
"Y/N! We need to go!" Keith tugs at Y/N arm, but she shrugs him of.
"No! I need to bond with her" Y/N looks up at the Lion "Come on. Please"
"Uhh, Y/N?"
"What!" She snaps.
"We're surrounded" Y/N turns around to see Galra surrounding them, guns pointing at them. The younger creature runs past the Galra soldiers, guns following her as she runs into Y/N's arms. Keith stood next to her. The Galra readies their guns to shoot. Y/N looks at Keith, her eyes tearing up.
"I'm sorry"  Y/N says. Keith shakes his head, hugging Y/N, the creature in the middle of them.
"You have nothing to be sorry for" They turn their backs to the Galra, keeping the creature safe.
"I'm sorry to you too, I should have never asked you for help" Y/N whispers to the creature, tears dropping onto her head. The creature looks up to Y/N and nuzzles it's head on her chin, using it's tail to wipe her tears away. Y/N could do nothing but hug the creature tightly to her chest. "All I can do is make sure you have a higher chance at surviving."
The The Lion zooms its optics to the three, zooming more to see Y/N hugging the creature closer, to keep her from getting hurt. The Galra's ready their guns and Y/N squeezes her eyes close tightly, Keith hugging the girl tightly as they hear the guns fire, and they ready for the impact. However it doesn't come, instead they hear blasts hit metal and a lou-
Y/N eyes widen as the three look up to see the forcefield gone, and the Lion stood up on all fours. The lion blocked the gun fire with it's metal paw. The lion turns its head to the Galra's and roars, starling them. Giving the the Lion time to quickly opens it's mouth so that Keith, Y/N and the creature can run in before flying up into the air, dodging oncoming blasts.
They head to the cockpit; Y/N sitting down on the pilot seat and it moves forward - the cockpit activates. The creature sits on Y/N's lap, Keith besides her. Y/N hears a purr in her head, before gripping the handles, smirking.
"Let's do this" She says, controlling the Lion to heads back down to the Galra's, shooting their vehicles. They see on coming ships and shoot them down. They head over to another area and sees a bigger ship. Y/N uses the Purple's Lion's claw and attacks the Galra transport ship and it blows as the Purple Lion fly's away from the destruction.
"I wish Lance was here to see this" Keith jokes.
Keith and Y/N stand back in the meadow, the creatures in front of them cheering and the Purple Lion behind the two. Y/N kneels down, her hand to her chest.
"Thank you for helping us get the Purple Lion" She says to the elder one.
"5 minutes till wormhole closes" Keith says. Y/N nods, looking back to the younger creature who helped them the whole way.
"If it weren't for you, we wouldn't have found your village. Thank you" Y/N hugs the creature "Goodbye" She stands up and her and Keith walks back to the Purple Lion. The younger creature looks down, saddened. The elder creature places his hand on her shoulder, nodding his head to the two paladins. The younger one looks at him in surprised before hugging him. Y/N, close to tears, hears the patter of footsteps and she turns around to see the creature running towards her. The creature holds up her hands, signalling she wants picked up. Y/N does so "You wanna come with us?" The creature nods before the two hug. Keith clears his throat and the two look at him. He smiles and nods.
"Now hurry up, Wormhole closing in 3 minutes" They rush into the Lion, Keith laughing as they fly into the air, towards the wormhole.
"So what you gonna call her?" Keith asks.
"Hmm... How about, Soul!"
"Yup" She pops the 'P'. Keith shakes his head, smiling.
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dissimulxte · 4 months
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@dcviated sent:
quiet, sender gestures for receiver to be quiet. [i know, the idea of them hushing is sacrilege isnt it?]
Every performance has its own unique challenges to navigate. Perhaps the walking gait of the chosen role is unique, molded by an injury sustained in younger years which never quite healed right; just as a vocal cadence might be so precise, so unique, that failing to emulate it just right ruins the illusion. Today's challenge, though, is much more conventional. A simple question of grace in a small space: moving around a tight enclosure while crooning sultry tones—in precarious heels and a classic, suitably expensive cocktail dress—in such a way that it seems effortless, so her attention remains fixed on the clientelle who've shelled out obscene amounts of cash for this whole affair on rails.
Working out the logistics of having a live performance space on a luxury passenger train was certainly no mien feat, to begin with, but a necessity insofar as its designers were concerned; no matter how fancy a sound system they could afford to install, any sort of pre-recorded shlock simply wouldn't match the opulent, art-deco atmos they'd woven into every other feature.
So they carved just enough space for a three-piece jazz band to be tucked into the wall, and laid a richly colored, damascus printed carpet down the center aisle where their vocalist might prowl; weaving between narrow lounges and booths as the audience watched, entranced—close enough to touch, though they wouldn't dare, (and she wouldn't give them the satisfaction).
All in all, it's an easy gig. A thin disguise by way of little prosthetic touches, and makeup done just-so, with the brunt of the work going into the pseudonym, the background, and strategic placement to ensure that of all the entertainment options the luxury line entertained in their selection process she would be chosen for this particular voyage... all preamble for the real work to come later—when vague faces and names became details, invitations, opportunities. Getting their attention is the start, and she does that beautifully; always a creature to thrive under attention.
Each person she passes gets their halfway glance from dreamy eyes, a dulcet word or two, but only that: a taste, a sample, no more than a second spared, no pauses as she works her way down to the end of the beautifully appointed car and faces the glass façade separating this cabin from a little vestibule, and another door on the opposite side which lead into the first line of deluxe sleeping suites.
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This, too, happens in only a moment: where hooded brown eyes meet the glass expecting only to admire their own reflection a moment, to privately appreciate the show in media res, but meet another pair, instead. Maybe the movement caught his attention, the little sliver of song growing just that much closer despite the buffering walls between, or some combination of the two—or, perhaps, there really is some unseen string which tethers the two, and the fates gave it a little tug.
A hand scrawled note in neat script she'd left, somewhere he'd find it: 'Out of town on business for a few weeks. Try not to miss me too much.' A message from an unknown number: [sms] i was about to say the same thing. tell me all about it when we're both back in town—over bibimbap? my treat ;)
...she'd wonder, later, if he'd have recognized her even if she had been better concealed—if he'd know her, by then, from nothing more than the way she looked at him. At the time, though, she only savors that second's time, and does everything she can not to let the smile which tugs at her lips cause folly in her song when he raises a conspiratorial finger to his own lips, grinning behind the gesture.
What a laugh, that either of them would be shushing the other, considering... well, needless to say: the humor couldn't have been lost on him. More like that was the whole point—because in what world would she say anything? Make any sort of sound or allusion to how surprised she was? This wasn't amateur hour at the laugh-in.
Sure: an undeniable thrill moves up through her spine and sends a shiver down to her fingertips a the sight of him; her head rushes, abuzz with the new information, the new factor in the game being played—but that reaction is for her, and her alone; not a beat missed, no visible shift. She's too good for that, and he knows it.
...If she'd had a moment more maybe she could have lifted a hand and pretended to lock those lightly rouged lips he knew all too well, but alas, they remain shaped around the note she was sounding—all she can spare as her shoulder turns is a cheeky little wink, then it's back to face the audience.
The show must go on... and the script just got so much more exciting.
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catboyolli · 2 years
oh my god the US tour really was something else!! I had completely forgotten the whole roommate drama thing 😳 and the fact that Olli and Allu were the last ones awake drinking mountain dew and talking about technology!! 🥺 I bet they shared secret kisses and maybe sometimes even fell asleep cuddling on the sofa?? 🥺
maybe some night Aleksi falls asleep before Olli and Olli barely awake confesses his love to sleeping Aleksi but in reality Aleksi just pretended to be asleep because he didn’t want to go to his own bunk to sleep alone??
i have very fond memories of the US tour because (for once) everything happened around my timezone! 🥳i am not from the US but it was exciting to get some content while i was awake 👉👈
and yes yes yes! we all know olli is a big sleepyhead and a cuddly boy so they definitely cuddled to sleep in the sofa sometimes (and yes, maybe they shared some kisses, yknow you gotta kiss your homies goodnight.......)
i love the idea of a late night love confession so much because omg it makes perfect sense!!! olli is too shy to confess his feelings, so he waits until late and spills everything out when he thinks aleksi is asleep, but now aleksi has to decide what to do with that information because maybe olli didn't mean it? or it was just a joke? 🥺💗💕💖💘
fun fact that does not leave my head: their US tour bus was smaller than their EU one and it didn't have a separate "lounge room" (sadly I only remember that the one from the electric callboy tour did, don't know about the one from their headline tour) so I am 99.9% sure that they did spent many many nights awake until late, having discussions about technology like the big nerds they are....... quite close to the bunk beds, actually
so picture this stupid scenario with me under the read more because i don't wanna be annoying with an extra long post 😊
olli and aleksi, alone and awake at 2 AM discussing tech stuff like whether or not a custom built desktop pc is better than a macbook, their bandmates and/or tour managers sleeping trying to sleep less than 2 meters away from them and wondering:
what the actual fuck are they talking about
why the fuck are they awake so late? (options: they are still high on adrenaline from the shows, aleksi is a night owl, oli spent the e n t i r e day napping in the couch, all of the above, none of the above)
will setting them up with each other make them finally shut the fuck up?
is the tech discussion some sort of courtship ritual that everyone else is not nerdy enough to understand, and will it stop once they are together?
so niko and joonas try adding a bit of jealousy and drama to make them finally ✨realize their feelings✨, but it kinda doesn't work because both aleksi and olli are way too deep in denial ("we're just friends", "we have mutual interests", "we stay up late just talking and working on songs and merch stuff", "our relationship is purely professional")
well, it works a little, because "what if he likes me too?" is now a recurrent though in those empty head of theirs, and the nights have been way more quiet since then. The weird silence that settles when they run out of things to talk about (because they are too busy overthinking about their interactions with each other and if what they said or did could be interpreted as someting else) is way worse than the tech talk, though
maybe the whole thing gets solved during that tour, they confess their feelings and spend the rest of the nights kissing and cuddling and whispering sweet nothings to each other (which on some nights makes the rest of the band want so desperately to get the tech talk back, but they are really happy for them); and when they both get sick it doesn't matter as long as they can take care of each other 💖
or maybe it doesn't get solved and they pine after each other for the rest of eternity, but somehow they still get sick at the same time and blame it on the mountain dew because of course it has to be that, what else could it be? (no one believes them)
the partial solution from mr CEO for their next tour? upgrade to a bus with a separate lounge room, but they better not start fucking in there or else he will straight up ban the room from being used (he just wants the quiet space for himself)
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truemoviereviewsss · 1 year
Cool Telugu New Movies to Watch Online
Many people like to watch Telugu movies for entertainment and to spend quality time. There are many actors in the Telugu film industry that can captivate the minds of audiences with their unique performances.
There are many cool Telugu new movies that you can watch online on an OTT platform. In this blog, you will learn about some new Telugu movies that you need to watch online today that can help enhance your mood.
New Telugu Movies to Watch Online
Some new Telugu movies that you can watch today on online platforms like aha are as follows:
Pakka Commercial
This is an action-comedy entertainer movie that Maruthi directs, and the movie stars Gopichand and Rashi Khanna in the main roles. In this movie, you will also find actors like Ajy Ghosh, Varalaxmi Sarathkumar and Rao Ramesh. This film is associated with the GA2 Pictures banner.
This movie is about an honest judge, Surya Narayana (Sathyaraj) and one day, a girl kills herself due to her judgment in a case. Due to this, the judge resigns from the post, thinking that the profession is not for him. After this, he begins to educate his son to be a lawyer though his son turns out to be a paaka commercial lawyer in the future. Watch this movie to know what happens later.
This is a sports backdrop boxing movie directed by Kiran Korrapati. You can stream this movie in aha, and the casts are Varun Tej, Upendra, Sunil Shetty, Saiee Manjrekar and Naveen Chandra in the lead roles. Allu Venkatesh and Sidhu Mudda produced the film under the famous Renaissance Pictures banner.
In this movie, Gani (Varun Tej) is the son of a national-level boxer Viramaditya and inspired by his father; he wished to become a national-level boxer from an early age. But due to an incident that occurred later with Vikramaditya, the Ghani family faces a lot of adversity. Stream the movie on aha to find out what happened later in the story.
This is an action entertainer movie directed by the famous Gopichand Malineni. The case in the movie includes Ravi Teja​ and Shruti Haasan in the main lead roles, along with Samuthirakani, Varalaxmi Sarathkumar, Ravishankar P and others in supporting roles. It is a film produced by Tagore Madhu.
In this film, Veera Shankar (Ravi Teja) is a Krack individual who hates the word ‘background’ and does not leave people who say it till their end. He is a guy who does not tolerate injustice. In this movie, he lives three separate lives as terrorist Saleem, Katari Krishna and Kadapa Reddy. Stream the movie to know more about what happens in this story.
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kaunisbaby · 2 years
Literally saw the gifs of Allu and said aloud "look at THE ASS on that" 😂
the ass is like something separate. look at the ass on aleksi. not aleksi's ass. it be so big it's an entity of its own
also i need him to bring that outfit back. i need to be able to see every detail of his bulge again. doctor's order
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percywinchester27 · 4 years
A lot like ‘Us’: Separation
Word count: 1.6K
Pairing: Sam X Reader AU
Warnings: Mentions of multiple deaths, feels, fluff
Series Summary: Y/N Y/L/N is eager and honestly, still in awe that she managed to get herself an acceptance from Stanford Law School. On the face of it, her life seems as put together, mysterious and independent as one might hope for. On the insides, she carries the burden of past that haunts her till date. Seemingly, she’d left it all behind; that is until she sets foot in the class of the Law School’s youngest, most promising professor.
A/N: This timestamp takes place before the first chapter of the series. I wrote it for myself, because it’s a snapshot of their lives that demanded to be fleshed out. 
The present timeline for the story takes place in 2014.
A lot like ‘Us’ masterlist
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29th August 2014
Sam simply had to look away. He couldn’t bear to see the pictures Stacey had put in front of him.
“Why’re we doing a homicide, again?” Chase asked, face screwed up. He didn’t want to see the horrifying images either.
Stacey pursed her lips. “Sam had told me he’d like to be informed if something similar to… you know... if something like this ever pops up.”
Sam had told her that. She was only doing what she’d been asked.
“So, what’s the deal?” Sam motioned with a tilt of his head towards the photos on his desk.
“Victor Parker, 37 and Alicia Parker, 32, were found murdered at their San Jose home yesterday. They are survived by a 5 year old boy John.”
“What happened?” Chase’s curiosity got the better of him.
“Burglary gone wrong, or so the cops are saying. The resemblance of the crime scene was all too uncanny. I had to tell you.”
Stacey wasn’t wrong. The way the bodies were splayed- just like Simmons.
“Where’s the boy?” Sam’s fingers scratched against the etching on his pen. A nervous tick he had developed over the years when he started feeling the panic.
“In the hospital, fighting for his life. The assholes shot everyone. Little John got it twice. The surgeons removed the bullets, but there’s been a lot of internal bleeding.”
Sam flinched, closing his eyes.
Chase got up from the chair. “What’re we going to do about this? We’re lawyers not law enforcement or miracle workers.” He turned to the girl before him. “Stace, darling, c’mon. There’s nothing we can do for the poor boy. We work private law jobs and this is the DA’s territory.”
Stacey pushed her hair behind her ear, distressed. “Sam, you okay?”
“Hmm?” He looked up, fingers sweaty against the obsidian in his hand.
She looked like something had just occurred to her. “Wait… Wasn’t your dad’s name John? Oh, Sam, I’m so sorry if I brought something up.”
He shook his head. “No, I’m okay. It’s not that.”
It wasn’t. His parent’s death had been a grave tragedy, but it affected Dean a hell lot more than it had ever affected Sam. He had always been sheltered, protected and loved by a brother who was his entire family. 
Sam let out a long breath. “Call the PD and check with them which hospital they’ve put John in, will you?”
“On it!” 
He watched Stacey hurry out of his office.
Chase gave him an apprehensive glance then walked out of the cabin, too. He wasn’t wrong about what he’d said earlier. There was nothing Sam could do. Max’s case was a one off. Ralph Simmons had been a client to Johnson’s before, so Max was by default on the firm’s radar. These murders were only a news report. Even though Sam couldn’t be legal help, he could always be monetary help. It’s why he’d asked Stacey to keep a look out. If there was anything Sam could do for little John, he would.
The glass door opened, and his secretary stepped in.
Her lower lip quivered before she put her face in her hands. “Just heard from the Hospital. He passed, Sam. That little boy didn’t make it.” 
“Mr. Winchester, can I offer you something? A glass of water, perhaps?” The principal asked him, casting a side eye at the other teacher.
“No, thank you,” Sam whispered. “I just want to see my son.”
“I have to tell you, this is very irregular. We usually don’t pull out kids from their classes. Is something wrong?”
He closed his eyes and said the words with deliberation. “Nothing is wrong. I’d just like to take my son home early. Will that be a problem?”
The principal gestured to the teacher, who Sam now realised was Max’s class in-charge. She shrugged. “Sure. There’s just an hour of school left for the year. You can take him home.”
When Max shuffled into view outside, through the office’s blinders, he looked small and confused, brown eyes flitting nervously. It was all Sam could do not to fall on his knees and hug him to his chest. 
Max’s eyes went round with worry as he read Sam’s. Kid just always knew.
With shaking legs, Sam made his way out and clutched Max’s shoulder. He would have picked his boy up, but the fear of collapsing kept him from doing that. 
“Come,” he said quietly, placing a hand against Max’s back.
Max followed without a question, climbing in the passenger’s seat.
Sam drove the rest of the way doing his best not to break down. His eyes kept tearing up and he rolled them up each time to stop the threatening tears from spilling.
Once home, he discarded his coat and sat Max down on the sofa. The packed suitcase, along with Max’s backpack stood right next to it. 
“Stay here, let me fix you something to eat, okay?” 
Sam’s kitchen was open, he could see Max from where he was standing in front of the stove. The eggs broke unevenly and the whisk shook in his hands. Next time that Sam’s eyes flitted to the sofa, it was empty.
“Max? Max!” He yelled.
“Right here!” Max was sitting on the kitchen island right behind, feet tucked under him.
“I told you to stay right there on the sofa!”
Max dropped his shoulders. “You’re spooking me out, you know?”
Sam was taken aback.
“Look,” Max sighed. “If you don’t want me to go, I won’t go, okay? It’s not that big a deal.”
Closing his eyes, Sam leaned back against the counter next to Max. “It’s not that. I… Well, I had a rough day at work.”
“What happened?”
He wasn’t sure how to put it to Max, but he sure as hell couldn’t lie to him.
“You don’t want to tell me,” Max huffed. 
“Something very sad happened today,” Sam breathed. “And I just… I couldn’t take it-” his voice broke. “I couldn’t breathe another minute without seeing you, knowing you were okay.”
Max was silent for a moment, then he spoke through pressed lips. “You look funny. Bad funny. You wanna sit down?”
Sam gulped once and pulled himself on top of the counter next to Max. 
His house wasn’t big, but it sure felt cavernous when Max went over to Jody’s for the night sometimes. One whole month. How was he supposed to live?
“Your hands are shaking,” Max said in his sweet, ringing voice. “Sam, you’re scaring me.”
First rule of parenting, don’t let your kid see you fall apart, Dean’s words came back to Sam.
He ran his hand over his face- it must’ve been white- not knowing what to say to Max.
“I’m not going to the camp,” Max announced.
“No. You should go. Your aunt Jo would butcher me with one of her fancy knives if you don’t show up now. I’ll be fine.”
The boy next to him didn’t look convinced. Max saw right through him with those sharp eyes. “You’re bluffing. And I thought you were the best lawyer in the world.”
“All kids think their parents are infallible.”
Max snorted. Sam turned to look at him.
“You’re infallible, alright, but you’re also stupid!”
Little brown fingers grabbed Sam’s hand, stealing eyes. “It’s just a camp.”
“But you want to go, right?”
Max didn’t say anything. Sam knew he’d been dying to go to that mechanics camp his uncle Dean had suggested. It would mean cars, tools and dinners with his aunt and uncle on the weekends. Dean and Jo were looking forward to this, too. They had their own kid on the way and Jo loved Max. Much like Sam, it was second nature to her to keep looking at the roads and door and be disappointed each time when the person she was hoping to see never showed. Sam couldn’t disappoint her.
“I’ve never been away from you for more than a day since you moved in with me. I wouldn’t know what to do with my days.” Or life for that matter.
Max smirked. “Uncle Chase keeps asking you to have fun. So have fun.”
Chase’s definition of fun was very different from Max’s. Sam wasn’t interested.
“You call me everyday, you hear me?” Sam said through a thick throat. “You miss a day and I’ll haul your ass back all the way from Kansas. I won’t care if the camp counsellor says no. I can throw hands.”
Max gave him a very slow once over then snickered. “No one’s dumb enough to fight you.”
Sam couldn’t stop himself. He threw his hands around the little boy, engulfing him completely. “I’m going to miss you so damn much, son.”
“Can’t. Breathe.” Came the muffled words. Sam eased the grip.
“I’ll miss you, too, Dadda.”
Thirty-one days. Sam could do it. Monday was the orientation lecture for the new class of Stanford Law. A fresh batch. Sam was supposed to teach Civil Procedure. That would keep him plenty busy. Submissions, hypos, presentations. He could take over extra cases at work, make more trips to LA to check on the boys home. The month would be in and out and before he knew it, his kid, the light of his days, would be back to bouncing on his couch and reading on the kitchen counter.
Max yawned against Sam’s stomach.
Yeah he could survive. After all, what could possibly happen in thirty-one days.
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paleangels13 · 2 years
How about "how have you survived this long by yourself?" with Olli/Allu?
Hey, anon! 🥰 Hope you like it it's a bit of fantasy mixed with some drama ^^
tw blood, minor depictions of violence
Prompt: “How have you survived this long by yourself”
1132 words
“Watch out!” 
Joonas spun around, eyes wide when he heard a loud bang followed by a panicked call from Olli. Or was it Joel? The noises around them were too loud to really figure it out. The rest of the group was too far away from him to really make out who the voices belonged to.
Joonas could feel the pain shooting through his arms before he actually realized what had happened. The ground where he had stood only a heartbeat earlier was now ripped open by the force of whatever weapon or spell had hit it. 
“You good?” Joonas looked over at Niko, who had apparently pulled him down and to the side  at the very last second. 
“Yeah… We need to find Aleksi.”
“We need to stay safe. That's what we need to do.”
Tommi was the first to arrive at their shelter. He flopped down in the grass behind the small cottage. Parts of his fur were wet and sticky, a distinct metallic smell clinging to them. 
Joonas didn't like the sound of that, but he knew Niko was right. He quickly got up after checking if it was safe. “I'll see you at the safe house in a bit!”
He started cleaning his paws, he didn't want to change back to his human form before he had cleaned off at least some of the blood. 
When Niko arrived he immediately joined Tommi, looking concerned. “That's not your blood, right?” 
Niko saw Tommi let his head swing from one side to another. No. 
“Good, let me help you.” Niko got up to grab a bucket and fill it with water, helping Tommi clean his fur. He wasn't hurt, only a couple of scratches scattered over his body. Nothing serious.
While cleaning Tommi he found a small wound or two, deep enough to bleed but nothing he had to actually worry about. They would clean them once Tommi changed back. 
“Are Olli and Allu here? I lost them. We were separated on our way back and I can't find them anymore,” Joel called out, running around the cottage to find Niko and Tommi. 
“No, I haven't seen either of them since the attack. Only heard Olli screaming… Are they alright?” 
“Fuck! I'll go back looking for them again. I doubt Olli will be able to get Aleksi here without help. If Joonas arrives keep him here!” 
Niko frowned concerned, watching Joel run off again. 
“How bad do you think it is?” 
Niko knew what Tommi meant. They didn't need to fool themselves. Something had happened to their youngest family member and quite frankly Niko didn't want to think about it too much. Worst-case scenarios were playing behind his eyelids. “I don't know.”
Joonas needed a while to get back to their shelter, leg and hands bleeding, his ankle possibly sprained. He urged himself to move faster. He needed to know that the others were safe, especially Allu after what he had heard at the scene of the fight. 
“Hey– shit. Sit down!” Niko urged Joonas to sit down on the small bench the very moment he saw him limping around the corner. 
“Tommi, get something to support his ankle and some sort of cord!” 
Tommi, now back in his human form, hurried inside the cabin, coming back with a cord and a small, sturdy piece of tree bark. 
“Where are the others?” Joonas asked, worry obvious in his voice. Niko secured the wood on Joonas' ankle, trying to keep him from moving it too much. 
“Joel was here a while ago…” 
“And Aleksi? And Olli?” 
Niko stayed quiet, rather focusing on the task at hand. 
“Niko! Tell me what you know,” Joonas demanded, fear and worry spreading through his body. 
“I don't know, okay? I have no idea where they are. We need to wait for Joel to come back, probably with them…” 
Tommi looked up, alarmed. He smelled blood, too much blood.
“They're back…” he mumbled, seeing a hint of relief on Joonas' face. 
Relief turned into terror, Niko hurrying to help Joel and Olli half support, half carry Aleksi.
Tommi was busy holding Joonas back, trying to keep him from jumping up and running over to the rest of the group. 
“We need to get him inside immediately. His side and upper leg need to be bandaged as soon as possible!” Olli stated, his face pale but sweaty from the effort of basically carrying Aleksi all the way. 
That's exactly what they did. Tommi helped Olli bandage the wounds, Niko and Joel stayed outside, trying to calm down Joonas. 
While Tommi prepared a bowl of water, some cloths, and especially everything he could find to use as somewhat sterile bandages, Olli stayed next to Aleksi. 
“You're going to be alright, you hear me? We'll get you stitched up and bandaged and you'll already feel better tomorrow. I promise.”
Aleksi smiled weakly, leaning into the gentle touch of Olli's hand on his cheek. 
“It's okay…” 
Olli felt his heart burst in panic when Aleksi closed his eyes, his breath consistently getting weaker. 
“Tommi hurry! We need to stitch that or get a healer or I don't know, but we need to act fast! I'm not going to lose him! Not now! Not after everything that happened… please…” 
Tears were stinging in his eyes. Olli sprung up, looking for anything he could use as a needle, yarn wasn't a problem. 
He didn't allow himself to panic, he wouldn't be able to help Aleksi if he did. 
When Joonas was allowed to enter their home again, he found Aleksi lying on a pile of pillows. A thin blanket was covering him but his side wasn't hidden by the fabric. An even line of stitches could be found on a large part of Aleksi's side. Joonas imagined his thigh looked about the same. His cheekbone was colored in a blue-purplish tone and yet he looked entirely peaceful. 
Black hair sprawled over the pillow, eyes closed his pale skin making the bruises look even more violent. 
Joonas walked over to Olli who was sitting next to Aleksi on the floor. 
“Hey, is there anything I can do for you?” Joonas asked, gently touching Olli's shoulder. 
Olli didn't react, only continued looking down on Aleksi's relaxed face. 
“How have you survived this long by yourself?”
Joonas didn't know if Olli was talking to himself or Aleksi, even if the latter was asleep, but it hurt to hear the pain in his friend's voice. 
“Years alone out there with barely any scars… But as soon as you're with us you almost die… you almost get killed.”
Joonas could hear Olli sobbing. He crouched down next to him and pulled him into a hug. 
“This is not your fault, Olli. He'll be alright. I promise.”
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sargoshiyan · 7 years
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theflyingfeeling · 9 months
hi yes it's me writing another Olli/Allu shortie, inspired by the tags in @xgiuliawrites' latest fic (which y'all should go read immediately if you haven't), particularly I was intrigued by the tags sauna, masturbation, and accidental voyeurism 😳
Aleksi had not meant for it to happen, because of course he hadn't. He hadn't planned to let his imagination run quite so wild, too wild, while sitting next to Olli in the sauna just moments ago, trying to look everywhere else but Olli's happy trail, trying hard not to imagine the salty taste if he was to place a hungry kiss there (he blamed Porko's stupid playlist which had Olli humming a song about pouring tequila in one's belly button in between throwing more water on the stones, pushing Aleksi's agony to the brink of his sanity).
Likewise, he had not intented to grow a semi while washing himself, the knowledge that Olli might have been staring at his bare backside the entire time exciting Aleksi as much as intimidating him (he blamed the wonky reflection on the shower tap the revealed Olli's eyes travelling up and down his body as he showered).
Even less so, his intention being to get out of the changing room and in the cold winter air as fast as he could to kill his budding boner before it would become a problem, he most certainly had not forgotten his toiletry bag on the changing room bench on purpose. Yet, there he was now, mouth hanging open at the sight he was witnessing through the tinted glass door of the sauna, the toiletry bag and his plans of cooling down long forgotten (for which he only had himself to blame, let's face it).
With his long lashes resting against his cheekbones, it was clear Olli had not noticed Aleksi's return, otherwise he obviously wouldn't have ended up in this situation. That was why he should've turned back the second he had realised what was happening on the other side of the glass door separating the sauna and the changing room, as that's what a good friend and a decent person would've done, immediately and with no hesitation. However, as the past week had proved, Aleksi was not a good friend; verily, he was a horrible, useless, and immoral friend who had gone and started having sexual fantasies about his hot, funny and super cute bandmate late at night while sleeping next to that very bandmate on their song-writing camp combined with a winter holiday (even if no one could hardly blame Aleksi for it, because who wouldn't start lusting over the divine being that was Olli Matela, especially when one got to lay beside his gorgeous naked body at night).
Indeed, there was no denying Aleksi was no decent person either, not with his eyes nailed to Olli as he pleasured himself in the heat of the sauna.
The soles of Olli's feet were pressed against the foot rail, which was exactly how Aleksi had left him, but while Olli's knees had then been close together with his arms relaxed on them, they were now wide apart to fully expose Olli's cock, pointing towards the ceiling with his hand stroking it at a leisurely pace. The hardness of his erection, standing proudly while Olli's fingers slid up and down the length, was a dead giveaway that Olli had wasted no time since Aleksi had left – either that, or he, too, had felt the strange, steamy tension during their shared sauna moment.
While Olli's right hand was devoted to rubbing his erection, his left one was free to roam all over his sweaty torso, which did nothing to ease the building pressure in Aleksi's pants. Aleksi let out a lustful sigh as he watched Olli's hand caress his own abdomen, fondling the happy trail Aleksi himself had lusted over just a few moments ago. When the hand moved up again to massage Olli's chest and to tease a red, harneded nipple, Aleksi had to sunk his teeth into his bottom lip to stop himself from whining out loud. He craved to replace Olli's hand with his own, to be the one giving Olli such bliss that had his head thump against the sauna panelling and his stomach sinking in a deep, euphoric sigh.
Only then – hearing the thud of Olli's head resting against the wall behind him – Aleksi could bear to leave the sight of Olli's body and look up at his face instead. There, Aleksi found a small smile, only barely visible through the coloured glass door, but it spoke volumes of how much Olli was enjoying himself. Aleksi wished he could've joined Olli in his pleasure, perhaps even be the reason for it, but for now he had to settle for palming himself through his trousers to give his own aching cock some much-needed relief. Shortly after, guilt forced him to remove his hand and dig his nails into his thighs when he felt himself getting close to coming embarrassingly quickly.
He should leave. He should throw himself in the snow and let the blizzard bury him, or whatever it would take to reboot his brain and erase all the images of Olli sitting on the sauna bench with his legs spread and his hand pumping up and down on his long, rock-hard cock, because there was no way he would be able to look his friend in the eye after this, let alone sleep next to him under any circumstances.
Just when Aleksi had convinced himself to make his silent escape and perhaps drown himself in the hole Tommi and Niko had sawed in the ice for some post-sauna ice swimming, as that was the least he deserved for being such a pervert, a low moan from the sauna nailed Aleksi's feet to the floor.
His eyes found Olli's erection again to immediately notice that the earlier calm, almost lazy pace of Olli's hand had now been replaced with a much quicker one, one that was determined to take Olli closer to his release with each long stroke. His left hand had abandoned his nipple and was instead fondling his balls, which seemed to bring Olli a great deal of additional pleasure, if the ecstatic expression on his face was anything to go by.
"Aaahhhh... aaaahhhhhh..." Olli's grunts went straight to Aleksi's cock that was twitching inside his boxers as if to poke at Aleksi for his attention. He didn't dare touch himself again, though, having decided he'd rather freeze his own penis by sticking his hard-on in a bank of snow than walk through the living room with jizz in his pants.
As Olli's moans grew louder and more frequent, Aleksi realised he wouldn't probably even need to grab his cock to come undone in his pants from just looking at Olli, at his hardened bicep, at his hair-covered chest expanding and sinking rapidly, at his glistening cock inside his fist that hastened its movements by the second until streaks of white fell on Olli's stomach with one last moan (more like a whine (more like the sweetest single sound that had ever blessed Aleksi's ears)).
Aleksi ignored the throbbing in his pants as he devoured Olli, who was now relaxing against the wall completely, his fingers but resting on his still hard member instead of gripping it in search for an orgasm.
A satisfied, laid-back smile spread on Olli's lips, and all too late Aleksi understood what for. All too late, Aleksi realised he had missed his cue to cut and run in shame, when Olli opened his eyes to look straight into his.
Olli's smile didn't falter, and there was no sign of shock or embarassement in his dark gaze. If anything, the smile widened, and the already horny look in his eyes grew ever more lewd as it flickered between Aleksi's face and his crotch, Aleksi's hand doing a poor job hiding the tent on the front of this sweatpants.
Olli raised an eyebrow and nodded towards it.
"Need a hand with that?"
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hotcat37 · 7 months
25 for käkka and/or 46 for stalker!tommy käsh? 💚💚💚
Jere x Jukka real (I'll do the stalker! Tommy one separately and tag u in it!)
25: as a yes
Jukka has been acting a little off all day. Jere wonders if he should maybe ask him about it but he also knows that the younger man has the tendency to put up walls around himself if he's prodded too much. So he tries not to pry, continuing to ramble about everything and nothing, sitting on the floor by Jukka's feet while the other man strums his guitar. It's become a little ritual between them to hang out backstage an hour before a gig. Before Jesse starts getting stressy about the fact that nothing has been set up yet and commands everyone to get off their asses and work.
Allu and Jaakko are nowhere to be seen, leaving just him and Jukka to laze around together. Jere tolerates his own yapping and Jukka's silence for about two more minutes before he gets agitated with the knowledge that something is definitely bothering his friend.
"You okay?" He asks plainly, blunt as ever. Jukka flinches at the question, halting his fiddling, obviously getting flustered. Jere can tell even with the sunglasses covering those warm brown eyes.
"Yeah, fine." Jukka responds immediately. Only to offer a sheepish smile when Jere raises an eyebrow at him. "Or...well....I dunno."
"Tell uncle Jere what's bothering you." Jere turns around until he's leaning his arms on Jukka's legs, staring up at him, trying to decipher the guitarist's expression from underneath his shades.
But alas. Jukka is excellent at keeping a pokerface. He doesn't budge under Jere's intense staring. His body language implies that he's nervous, though, and even without that Jere knows Jukka well enough by now to be able to tell that something is up. They silently gaze at each other for what feels like an eternity before the bald one between them sighs in defeat.
"Uh....if you wanted to ask someone out, how would you do it?" Oh. Jere tries to ignore the instinctive pang of disappointment in his gut at the question.
He takes the time to think about it for a moment, remembering to push his own feelings for the guitarist aside, to be able to answer the question in a helpful way. The last thing Jere wants is to sabotage whatever plans Jukka has to make this certain someone his. As much as it pains him to know that Jukka's got the hots for someone apparently.
Nonetheless, he smiles reassuringly at his friend. "I think....I'd wait until we're alone together. Make it a private moment, y'know?"
Jukka nods slowly in response, hanging off of his every word, Jere feeling himself get a little flustered under the undivided attention. Alright, stay focused.
"Then....I'd take their hand. Like-like this." Jere demonstrates by gently prying Jukka's hands off his guitar and cupping them with his own. "And....well. No point in stalling, right? If you've got enough guts to take their hands like that I'm sure you'll work up the nerve to ask them out. Worst they can say is no, I guess. Or fuck no! Haha."
Another beat of silence. Jukka's face doesn't seem to change at all. Jere starts to wonder if maybe this is garbage advice. Jukka isn't really the type to be so blunt anyways. But Jere isn't sure how to adjust his tips to make them more shy person friendly. Just as the rapper releases his crew member's hands, the previously statue like man abruptly reaches out to firmly take Jere's hands in his.
"Would you...." Jukka trails off, voice barely above a whisper and strained with effort. His face has gone beet red all of a sudden. "....wanna go out with me? S-sometime?"
Oh. What the fuck. For a few seconds Jere is so stunned that he doesn't even realize how his silence might come across until Jukka's clammy hands detach themselves from his and the guitarist starts to shrink in on himself.
"Sorry, I-"
Jere braces his hands on Jukka's knees and pushes himself forward, interrupting the upcoming apology with a sloppy but enthusiastic kiss. Jukka's lips are as soft as ever. The one thing Jere always really looks forward to once he's on the stage is for Huhhahhei to be on the set list. To think that he now has the opportunity to kiss this man without needing an excuse is something that makes him delirious with happiness.
Jukka stammers and repeatedly opens and closes his mouth like a fish out of the water, so Jere deems it necessary to clarify.
"Yeah, sure, sounds like fun."
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starry-nightengale · 2 years
How did Yonas run in with Bandit go? Does she still see them around?
Ah, the Bandit! Okay so here’s the thing.
I distinctly remember meeting the Bandit (and by extension Wug and Lady/Allu), like, properly, in my first go-round?
But as you might recall, I’ve also kindof established that Yona experienced the Noir universe, which gives you a totally different flavor of encounter with those characters. So I fear some timey-wimey bullshit might be afoot.
It’s been a while, obviously, but I THINK what I must’ve done when I first played is, I clicked Pop ‘Er In Reverse because I was curious what would happen, but I opened it in a separate tab. Then the first video of the Noir universe happened, but when it came to the choice of either Send A Distress Signal or Fire All Weapons At The Wormhole, I thought to myself “Oh boy, is this a whole route of its own? Is this about to go hella off-the-rails? I’m gonna come back to this, I want to get through the ‘main’ story first.” So I went back to the previous video and chose to take Celci’s advice instead, and things proceeded from there.
So that’s what I did. I have no idea how to, like, reconcile what happened in-universe xP Maybe during the time when reality was rebooting, or while she was free-floating helplessly through the wormholes, Yona got to see into some of the paths not taken, so to speak?
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Yona’s first encounter with the Bandit, if you can really call it that, was this moment right here. Yona kinda had a lot on her mind at the time, for obvious reasons, and she was kinda dissociating, so she didn’t even fully register what Bandit was yelling about at first, it just kinda sounded like “NO I DIDN’T DO IT, PLEASE! [UNINTELLIGIBLE GIBBERISH]-- I CAN’T GO BACK THERE! I CAN’T SING--!”
Yona, distantly: “(Oh dear, that person’s clearly in a lot of distress. Mood. Hope things work out for her).”
Mark: “...Must’ve been talking about some other wormhole.”
Yona: [blinks] “Oh... she was talking about a wormhole?”
(She also definitely realized that Bandit was checking her out there for a second, but it was just kindof a blip on her mental radar. Part of it was the dissociation, but part of it was also just. Being kinda used to that reaction by now, y’know?)
(Like oh wow, someone thinks Yona is hot, stop the presses xP)
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Then the whole conversation in Lady/Allu’s office happens and the Bandit shows back up. By now Yona’s more focused and on the ball again (those two pieces of candy helped a little, I imagine ;P).
The Bandit identifies herself as a wormhole expert and offers her assistance. Yona thinks long and hard about whether to accept, tbh. Mark clearly doesn’t trust this mysterious cyborg, and it’s true they don’t know anything about her or what her motives might be. But what other options do they really have? They already know they don’t know how to fix this themselves, and the USA representative who they were hoping would help them just threatened them with a blaster and is now unconscious on the floor.
Yona chooses to tell the Bandit “We Need Your Help.”
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And while Bandit is messing with her glove, Yona glances over the cyborg’s shoulder, rolls her eyes, and lightly kicks at Mark’s ankle with her left foot. Quit being a baby.
Temporal Displacement Device affixed, the Bandit teleports with them back onto the ship, and yadda yadda.
The last time Yona saw Bandit was in Part 2, when she landed in the universe where Bandit and Wug were bunking together as, I guess, time refugees of some kind? She hopes they got to keep that little setup after the timeline finally resolved. Or at least that circumstances would allow Bandit and Wug to come back together and build a similar situation, since they seemed happy.
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lnights · 2 years
Love how this one ask has snowballed in to a ton of rather adorable mini fics!
If you’re still taking asks can we please have a fluffy/funny first scan where they all find out Allu is having twins? 💕💕
For real 😳 I had no clue it would turn into this!
I will try to one day put it on AO3, but right now it feels like so much work😅
"Nervous?" Joonas asked, stroking Aleksi hand as they waited for the doctor to come into the imaging room.
"A bit." He admitted, "we're supposed to get a picture today, hear the heartbeat..."
Joonas kissed his mate's forehead. "It'll be fine."
The whole pack was gathered in the room, pressed as close together as possible around Aleksi, looking at the equipment and the large monitor on the wall.
When the doctor came in she greeted them kindly before talking to Aleksi through the ultrasound, directing the other to either sit in the seats or stand to one side.
Joonas and Niko stayed next to him, the rest sitting in the chairs but huddled together and watching the monitor as it started.
As the doctor pressed here and there on Aleksi's stomach he squeezed Joonas's hand and the alpha did his best to soothe him.
"there's the heartbeat." The doctor told them, as a noise came through a speak, making them all shift around, excited.
She moved the wand a bit more and paused, pressing a little harder.
"and that would be a second heartbeat. Congratulations you're having twins!"
All six of them blinked at her.
"Twins?" Olli asked, voice strangled, "we're having twins?"
The doctor showed the two separate forms of their pups, printing out pictures for them and giving some wipes for Aleksi to clean of the gel.
After she left the room the others hoped up and rained affection on Aleksi, nuzzling against him, kisses, and helping to get the gel off.
"Two pups." Tommi whispered, "we're having two pups."
Joonas helped him stand and they quickly returned home, intending to make sure the two- no, Joonas thought happily, three of them were comfortable and well taken care of.
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freyfall · 3 years
6 and 10,please! (I'm not very good at writing fiction and would like to refer to it if I can...)
6: What character do you have the most fun writing?
From Lifeline, I'd say my favorites are Ink and Dance, simply because they cause a lot of chaos and conflict and I'm just. I love making things worse. I put them in the story and I'm like "you are just a little asshole and I love you."
From Travel Guide, I really can't pick. Funnily enough, it's between the entire supporting cast and not really Wilbur, despite him being the POV character, not because I dislike him, but because I find him more difficult to write - probably because of how meticulous his characterization has to be. He has to read distinctly as Wilbur while also being accurate to the events we've put him through. Of the supporting case, I really like writing the rest of SBI (because I'm an SBI main, sue me) and also Ranboo and Dream. Ranboo is chaotic as fuck, and Dream is just menacing and suspicious as hell. They're so fun.
10: How would you describe your writing process?
Solo writing is a lot different, because it's much slower and I usually chip away at it piece by piece at a time. Like, sentences or a paragraph per hour/day. It's a lot more spontaneous, and I don't have too much of an outline, but here's an example, from Lifeline chapter 5 (chapter 2 daily life)
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It's basically just a list of all the things I needed to hit that chapter, and everything else was just padding/things I came up with on the fly (or things I knew needed to happen and how they were going to happen but didn't write down, like the body discovery).
Collab writing is a lot more time-intensive - Allu and I will sit in a call for hours on end working back and forth on Travel Guide, and it's a lot more meticulously planned in terms of how characters will act and why, and for that reason I think I perform a LOT better in collab writing lmao. (It's also less stressful because you have a real-time proofreader/beta reader splitting the work with you.) Our notes are also a lot more detailed and organized, and since starting Travel Guide, I've begun formatting my notes like this instead of the screencap above.
These are our initial notes from Chapter Nine (Pogtopia: Month Four.) They're actually deleted now, but I went back in the edit history of our google doc to retrieve them. We also change/edit our notes as we write so these may not be entirely accurate to the final product either, but they're what we started the chapter with.
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we ALSO have an entirely separate google doc with notes for the whole fic (it's like 12 pages long) and we cut + paste the notes for each chapter onto our chapter doc when we start writing. It's been 12 pages for months because we keep adding details LMAO
Oh also Allu usually writes the chapter summaries, and then we both come up with the chapter titles (usually after we write the chapter, but we have the next 5 or so chapter titles lined up already LMAO)
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truemoviereviewsss · 2 years
Cool Telugu New Movies to Watch Online
Many people like to watch Telugu movies for entertainment and to spend quality time. There are many actors in the Telugu film industry that can captivate the minds of audiences with their unique performances.
There are many cool Telugu movies that you can watch online on an OTT platform. In this blog, you will learn about some new Telugu movies that you need to watch online today that can help enhance your mood.
 New Telugu Movies to Watch Online
Some new Telugu movies that you can watch today on online platforms like AHA are as follows:
●       Pakka Commercial
This is an action-comedy entertainer movie that Maruthi directs, and the movie stars Gopichand and Rashi Khanna in the main roles. In this movie, you will also find actors like Ajy Ghosh, Varalaxmi Sarathkumar and Rao Ramesh. This film is associated with the GA2 Pictures banner.
This movie is about an honest judge, Surya Narayana (Sathyaraj) and one day, a girl kills herself due to her judgment in a case. Due to this, the judge resigns from the post, thinking that the profession is not for him. After this, he begins to educate his son to be a lawyer though his son turns out to be a paaka commercial lawyer in the future. Watch this movie to know what happens later.
●       Ghani
This is a sports backdrop boxing movie directed by Kiran Korrapati. You can stream this movie in aha, and the casts are Varun Tej, Upendra, Sunil Shetty, Saiee Manjrekar and Naveen Chandra in the lead roles. Allu Venkatesh and Sidhu Mudda produced the film under the famous Renaissance Pictures banner.
In this movie, Gani (Varun Tej) is the son of a national-level boxer Viramaditya and inspired by his father; he wished to become a national-level boxer from an early age. But due to an incident that occurred later with Vikramaditya, the Ghani family faces a lot of adversity. Stream the movie on AHA to find out what happened later in the story.
●       Krack
This is an action entertainer movie directed by the famous Gopichand Malineni. The case in the movie includes Ravi Teja​ and Shruti Haasan in the main lead roles, along with Samuthirakani, Varalaxmi Sarathkumar, Ravishankar P and others in supporting roles. It is a film produced by Tagore Madhu.
In this film, Veera Shankar (Ravi Teja) is a Krack individual who hates the word ‘background’ and does not leave people who say it till their end. He is a guy who does not tolerate injustice. In this movie, he lives three separate lives as terrorist Saleem, Katari Krishna and Kadapa Reddy. Stream the movie to know more about what happens in this story.
 Stream Movies on Aha
You must visit an OTT channel like aha to watch the above-mentioned cool Telugu new movies. In aha, you can watch all these movies and spend your time thrillingly and comfortably.
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