agurex7 · 5 years
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Working on episode 2 of a fan made Animation of Ed Edd n Eddy with the help of the Ed, Edd n Eddy scamposting Facebook group. Done in Blender 2.81 #ededdneddy #fananimation #lionx #blendergreasepencil #handdrawn #2d #3dbackground #bearing #allthebetter #thankgod #fancy #fun #2.5D #blender #tonroosendaal #newgrounds #youtuber #youtube #indie #fanmade #krita https://www.instagram.com/p/B2FMpI6lmvN/?igshid=36ja0yp6g3at
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window135 · 8 years
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Hat #formwork #notpretty #allthebetter #yasminrizvi #lookingforwardtoit #twoofeightpieces (at Window135)
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jancisstuff · 6 years
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The Re-Kindle: Lady Constantine - Crystal Collector
Following Jacline’s suggestion, Jancis finds out about a collector of rare crystals within Ul’dah. Denz, Cinnabar, and Jacline join to make a visit to a Lady Constantine who gives them audience.
After some “polite” conversation, Cinnabar mentions some of her exploits in Azys Lla which perks Constantine’s interest. Her price for the promised information, a working piece of Allagan technology.
Leaving, the group makes some plans to find a means to the very dangerous place and getting Jacline to stick around Ul’dah to find out all they can about their crystal collector contact.
[7]<Jancis Milburga> ||Following up on Jacline and Cinnabar's suggestions the previous night, Jancis reports over the linkshell about finding a collector that might have some information into what lay in the Vigil. "Her name is Lady Constantine and she keeps a house within the Jewel. Her friend did say we could 'have an audience' with her."
You smile at Cinnabar Prentice.
Jancis Milburga stands out in the rain, looking more happy about it. "I have not seen the Lady's friend yet. But she did say it would be around this time." You bow courteously to Jacline Kerelle.
Jancis Milburga: "Appreciate you all coming to aid. Not much of an audience with one person. Not that I thought she wanted to perform. Not that kind of audience."
Jacline Kerelle glances around, fidgeting with her sleeve. "Yeah.. you say this person's real, right? This definitely isn't some kinda trap?" Denz De'bayle tilts his head, running his gauntlet through his hair as the two approached. Jancis Milburga looks up the stairs. "I have not met her myself." She was honest. "Perhaps?" Cinnabar Prentice greets the other couple of de'Baylians with a little bow on arrival! "Mh! It's, no trouble, truly... I'm, sure we all have an, interest in, getting to the bottom of... ah." She blinks then to Jac. Cinnabar Prentice: "... W-well, allthebetter we've, all come..." Jancis Milburga: "It is like Thaliak is by your side, Lady Cinnabar! I was trying to study the disk more myself. Outside of pressing my forehead to it, of course. Oh! And I have news."
You smile at Cinnabar Prentice. Denz De'bayle blinks, holding up a hand to say something about Jancis' forehead shenanigans, but let it go. Cinnabar Prentice gives a gentle squeeze of Jac's elbow, reassuring of suspicions as they approach Denz and Jancis. Her head canted briefly with inquiry. "Ah... What news?"
Jancis Milburga: "I told mine former holder about what we found up north. He was so interested about it, he hired a whole group to go up and retrieve what might be left behind. And they found four parts of the crystal we saw." Jacline Kerelle: "That one our boy Lucius smashed up? Think it's any good to us, now?"
Jancis Milburga starts to put her hands together in visual. "I am not sure, but it might be helpful to learn more from if not else. He said he has dabbled in learning about crystals before."
Jacline Kerelle: "Hmmhmm, guess it can't hurt, huh..." Denz De'bayle shrugs, holding up his arms. "We'll know if it's a trap 'ere long. Jancis and I have had our fair share of traps... sprung, I suppose." Denz De'bayle fails to understand you. Denz De'bayle: Not that I believe such maliciousness could be present it what amounts to a... cathedral of sorts, yes?" Cinnabar Prentice 's brow furrows, hands idly fidgeting at her lap as she ponders. "I... I had scarce thought those, retrievable, now... That is, good. I hope..." Jancis Milburga: "I do not mean to walk into a trap. This place is curious, but just. And I intend to keep my promise. Should I. Should I walk in last?" Jacline Kerelle: "Ul'dah makes me nervous. Everyone around here's got a grudge against somebody. And ain't too shy about bystanders." Jacline Kerelle: "...but, I guess that's what they make knives for!" She winks at Jancis and shoves the mop of wet hair out of her face. "Hope Lady Constantine don't got too many nice rugs in there." Jancis Milburga smiles, blinking as she fails to wink back. Cinnabar Prentice: "Mh... J-just so! A-at any rate, it is... best to keep this, between as... few people as, needed. Until we've, better understanding for... what we're, dealing with. Mhm." Denz De'bayle adjusts his greatsword. "None shall come to blows, and should it grow ill in there-" He looked specifically at Cinnabar. "- you take Jancis out before aught else, yes?" Jacline Kerelle smiles at Cinnabar Prentice. Cinnabar Prentice thus, scoots closer to Jac's side and gives a reassuring squeeze around the waist- blinking to Denz and giving a firm nod. "Ah... A-aye, I shall." Denz De'bayle tilts his head forward, gesturing for Jancis to take the lead. "Then let us press on." Jancis Milburga ||From up the stairs a voice calls out, "Oy! Up here. She'll see you now." A robed figure beckons from by the door. "And I told her you'd make it worth her while. Twas the on'y way to get her attention. Remember our deal, even if she doesn't agree you said so. Hurry up now." Again she beckoned. Jancis Milburga repeats 'press on' and nods, turning and heading up the stairs, even faster as they were beckoned. Jacline Kerelle murmurs, "Make it worth her while how, I wonder..." Denz De'bayle 's eyebrows seemed to further furrow at the sight of the woman at the top of the stairs, walking along and giving one last glance to the other two women. (Jancis Milburga) ||The square was one of the older houses in Ul'dah, still controlled by a rich family who clearly flaunted that they had an estate near where the common folk walked about and within a decent distance to the Ossuary. While it sported quite a few guards, the walls and area itself had no railing or fences to show how confident the family was. Jancis Milburga ||The woman as Denz inspected could only be noticed from the voice and from Jancis referring to the person as 'she'. It could have been an older boy for all that could be seen. A common sort that would tend to the books within the temple. Quickly they were guided around the columns to a small table. "All right, just. Just stay put. She'll be here any second. Damn yer all soaked." Shaking her head, she tried to will the water puddles to not grow and then vanished in a side door.
Jancis Milburga: "I am not sure what she means by worth her while." Jacline Kerelle takes off her jacket momentarily, just long enough to wring out the fur trim onto the floor, making a particular puddle grow larger still. "Guess shouldn't have had us wait out in the rain, huh?" she says quietly to herself, chuckling.
(Cinnabar Prentice) Cinnabar's lips purse; a wary eye and ear aimed around. Assessing the environs. Quality of furnishing and decor... Titles along spines of books... And surely, points of ingress and egress. She keeps calm otherwise... (Cinnabar Prentice) "A-aye... We've, been thrust into a, contract. That is... it, seldom bodes well, at face value." (Jancis Milburga) Would you guys prefer party since we're just using the space for aesthetics? (Denz De'bayle) *Denz walks into the room, unabashedly causing a long stream of rain water to trail behind him. Observing the uppity retainer, he silently crosses his arms, dripping all the while in silent broodiness.* (Jacline Kerelle) "Well it best not be money, cause I didin't bring none. Knowin' these types, might want something special. Rare book, priceless heirloom, or magic thinger. Y'know, nothin' you can't steal from the next manor over, long as you don't mind the guard dogs and magic traps." (Jancis Milburga) "They would want us to steal? That does not sound of a good while. Unless it was originally stolen from them." (Jancis Milburga) ||An eloquent woman comes out after being summoned, clearly judging the group from her vantage point up on the fine heeled shoes that seemed to barely touch the floor. Her attire and form was impecible. Nails polished without a nick, hair down without a frizz, embroidery and jewels decorating every part of the multi-layered dress. (Jacline Kerelle) "Course not, they ain't dumb! They just tell ya what they want, where it's at, and leave the rest up to your imagination--oop, heads up." (Jancis Milburga) ||The lalafell somehow looked down on all those she... looked up at. An eyebrow raised as she obviously caught the last part of Jacline's comments. (Jancis Milburga) I'm going to call her 'LC' to hopefully keep text clear.)) (Cinnabar Prentice) Cinnabar, by contrast, greets the woman readily with a polite bow; hands folded at her lap. (Denz De'bayle) *Denz's eyes cut to Jacline.* "Speaking fr-" *He stopped at the sound of a woman approaching, appraising her appearance and running his hair back once last time to attempt to compose himself.* "Lady Constantine. Baron De'bayle at your service." *He gestures down the line.* "My wife, Jancis. Squire to my house, Cinnabar Prentice and..." *He hesitated at Jacline.* (Jacline Kerelle) Jacline shoots a sneer at Denz, and introduces herself with a lazy wave. "Jac." (Denz De'bayle) *Denz looks back to the woman, tilting his head.* "One of our... retainers." (Jancis Milburga) Jancis bows as well, echoing Cinnabar and hitting the timing quite well with Denz's words. "We appreciate your time and assistance in this matter."
(Jancis Milburga) ||The Lady looks appreciative at the bows, eyes settling once again on Jacline when she lacks to do the same. "Baron. My my, not everyday you see one of those. And so tall. Though it appears you're melting just being in my humble abode." It was anything but humble. "And I think it is so quaint and interesting you bring your help along. I, too, am very interested in making the lowers less low." (Jacline Kerelle) (( Aside: what the hell are those two lalafell npcs on my left doing, exactly? XD (Jancis Milburga) Oh wow I didn't notice them before! XD)) (Cinnabar Prentice) (They're being spoopy thaumaturds)) (Jancis Milburga) They're doing the creep)) (Jancis Milburga) https://youtu.be/tLPZmPaHme0 (Jacline Kerelle) (( Haha (Denz De'bayle) *Denz sucked in a breath, getting a posture in his body that is rarely, if ever seen. His head is tilted up. He talks with a smile clearly not genuine to those who knew him, his voice a calm cascade as he spoke.* "The world could benefit from modelling your generosity, my lady." (Cinnabar Prentice) Her brow furrows at the lalafell's remark- but quickly fades... Manners. She's a guest... Nostrils broaden with a soft exhaled sigh. Hands kept folded at her lap... Good little helper! Her eyes turn sidelong- casually assessing Jac's bearing for the same.
(Jacline Kerelle) Unperturbed, Jacline sucks at her teeth, casually picking something from between them with her pinky nail. (Jancis Milburga) Jancis was ever helpful, "I would not describe Lady Jacline as low, Lady. She is the reason we are here, she made mention of great collectors that held unique knowledge." Her eyes then turned up to Denz, catching the change with a curious eye. "We heard you have a crystal collection that is vast." Cinnabar Prentice thus looks back; occasionally looking between Denz and LC, but continuing her assessment of the interior otherwise with ears on the conversation. (Cinnabar Prentice) (ree) (Jancis Milburga) ||LC: "Lady Jacline, is it?" She inspected Jacline a moment before breaking into a series of laughs. "Baron, you sneak. Clearly your wife is not good at trickery, a pity really. Hiding your cousin are you? I don't blame you. Courters really are a burden. But you didn't have to dress her up so drably. Trust me, they aim high here, you know." The woman preens a moment, "You heard right. My collection is second to none. And I don't want to make the others jealous of my fortunate circumstances." (Jancis Milburga) LC: "You understand, of course. I can't simply give a tour to just anyone. But my help said you had services that would compensate me. What would the Traders think if I didn't give them due offerings." (Jacline Kerelle) Jacline glances toward the others with a slightly raised eyebrow, but says nothing to tip her hand. (Denz De'bayle) *Denz's eyes narrow slightly. That's... slightly racist. By elezen standards, he and Jacline looked nothing alike. Clearing his throat, he let the subject go as she had moved on.* "A trade then. What would you ask of House De'bayle? I would see it done, within reason, of course." (Cinnabar Prentice) Eyes lidding over in a slow blink, head lulling to the side... she looks between LC and Denz a moment- ere over to Jac a moment... back to LC  and Denz.
Cinnabar Prentice is deep in thought. (Jancis Milburga) ||Lady Constantine looked bored a moment, lips pursing to give it more gravity than needed. "Baron I am surprised at you. You're from such a different place so allow me to make it easier on you. When you have to ask what something's worth, you can't afford it. A good buyer makes an offer." A bell came out of her sleeve, ringing gently. Anyone who lived around nobility would hear the distinct amount of rings before the bell was tucked away. (Jancis Milburga) LC:"I am a generous hostess, afterall." Swiftly another robed figure came out, "We require food and drink." (Denz De'bayle) *Denz merely crosses his arms.* "Forgive me, but you sounded like you required services over purchasing something of equal value. We of House De'bayle find value in action, and the subsequent profit it reaps. Our location in the Black Shroud grants us many options in that regard. -That- is my offer." (Jancis Milburga) ||The woman stayed quiet, not even addressing Denz until a fruit wine and sugared fruits were brought, a tray for everyone in turn. It didn't seem to have any choice on beverage or food. (Jancis Milburga) Jancis thanked the robed servant, admiring the glistening fruit before trying one and chewing it thoughtfully. "Yes. It is a fine house. It has baked goods every sun and the yard is very green. A few flowers grow around the outside of the hedge. We have aided in war. Recovery of people otherwise lost." (Cinnabar Prentice) Cinnabar, for one, politely declines the offering with a halting hand presented, and a gracious bow of head with smile. Cinnabar Prentice disagrees. (Jancis Milburga) LC:"I see. I do value action over some sort of monetary offer. I simply have plenty of that." There was a smile from the otherside of a wine glass. "Things and actions appeal to me. What does your squire do?" (Jacline Kerelle) Jacline accepts the tray, but doesn't partake. She's busy watching Lady Constantine's reaction to Jancis taking a bite. Is she perhaps a little too invested in her guests consuming this strange food and drink that could have anything in it? Anything at all? (Jancis Milburga) Is anyone good at observation or seeing through a poker face?)) (Denz De'bayle) *Denz takes a cup of the wine and a single piece of the sugared fruit, patiently waiting and watching the woman as he sips on the wine. At her request, he gestures to Cinnabar.* "She is a squire, fufilling the duties asked of her to obtain a knighthood under our House. As to her specialties, I shall let her regale you herself. Prentice?"
(Jacline Kerelle) (( Jacline would be, it's kinda her milieu. Her backstory is rife with dealing with Ul'dah's sketchier types, upper and lower class (Jancis Milburga) ||Jacline and Denz would notice the quick judging eyes that would dart from person to person, taking note of Jancis eating with some interest and the others with more narrow-ed eye frown that would quickly vanish from her face, blurred by the wine glass coming up for a drink. (Cinnabar Prentice) (Back! Also Cinna would be wary of her- but not so intuitive as that. Go Jac go!)) (Jacline Kerelle) Jacline pops a piece of fruit into her mouth, but before she can even begin chewing, grows redfaced and starts coughing horribly. It grows worse and worse. She's choking! Her platter of treats hits the floor with a crash, and in her stumbling past Cinnabar, she manages to knock the tray out of Jancis's hands, too. And just like that, she's over it. The piece of fruit goes flying out of her mouth with a mighty cough, and she stands up straight, patting her chest. "Whew! That was a close one! > (Jacline Kerelle) > Sorry about the mess." With a pointed look at Denz out of the corner of her eye, she emphasizes, "Accident. -Trust- me." (Cinnabar Prentice) Cinnabar blinks, finding herself on presentation. Clearing her throat a touch, she takes a breath. "... A-aye. It is as, Ser Denz has said... I am, learned in the way of the lance, courtesy of.. My time with the, Lancers' Guild of, Gridania... Ere my, acceptance as. As squire, I was--" With wide eyes, she halts her speech to take hold of Jacline after the mess; looking to her with a worried expression; sighing when she returns to breathing normally! (Denz De'bayle) *Denz stumbled for a moment, taking a step back from the elezen and she moved forward.* "Jac?! What's-" *His eyes hardened as she stood straight back up, looking sidelong with his eyes to LC before looking back to her. In a almost parental tone, he said slowly.* "... -Chew- next time mine cousin." (Jancis Milburga) Jancis loses the plate easily, not expected it at all. Her arms go out to help Jacline as if she'd fall over. "Thaliak's Grace, are you all right?" She dips her head to look over Jacline's hands for any cuts and then at the floor with the broken china. (Jancis Milburga) Jacline and Denz please roll for me? (Jacline Kerelle) Jacline looks over her shoulder at the lalafell with a neutral stare. For just long enough for Constantine to notice. Then she's all smiles. "Ah! Clumsy me. Never was good with fruit." (Jancis Milburga) ||The Lady Constantine watched the whole spectacle with persed lips, her initial shock fading after a moment. Her eyes narrowed, seeing through much of ruse on Jacline's side, but her face turned up and smiled. "I do love demonstrations. Do be more careful next time, fruit is such a hurdle to master. Baron really you should stay awhile to get the name of my etiquette tutor for your cousin. Hers is lacking." (Jancis Milburga) LC:"Do go on squire. What is it that you do. Besides this lancing business." (Jancis Milburga) Well performed you two!)) (Jacline Kerelle) Jacline tips her head to the side and raps knuckles against her scalp. "You know me, can't even spell etiquette!" As she steps back, she turns her head to the side and spits out a few errant grains of sugar left behind by the fruit. (Jancis Milburga) Jancis sits down on her feet, gathering up shards of fine china and fruit before pulling a handkerchief out of her tunic to start wiping away what she couldn't pick up. (Cinnabar Prentice) Cinnabar herself wasn't divorced frm Jac's wellbeing until all was said and done, and LC beckoned her back to the topic. "... Ah... Aye. I was an, adventurer, by trade... Though, as a squire of late, I can... claim to have visited, Azys Lla. Confronted the, machniations of, the Garleans... And, the Allagans... And, just this sennight past, partook in the, Grand Melee." Jancis Milburga ||Jancis' display on the floor was getting quite the look from the noble woman, a frown puckering on her lips in disapproval. (Jancis Milburga) ||Jancis' display on the floor was getting quite the look from the noble woman, a frown puckering on her lips in disapproval. (Jacline Kerelle) Jacline smiles up at Cinnabar and nods emphatically. "Damn good show, too! Like when you sent that lalafell flying! Couldn't have got more distance if I'd punted it, myself!" She moves toward Jancis, squatting down to help her with the mess, and watching her intently. "Alright?" she asks the girl under her breath.
(Jancis Milburga) LC:"I did hear about the Melee! Of course Ul'dah's best reigned supreme." She makes quite a show of her gossip knowledge by naming a few of the more notable matches. "Why even Flamesworn Aideron held off five men alone! Didn't take a single hit." (Jancis Milburga) Jancis looked up, a bit confused at the question. "Yes. Yes the plate hit only my boot." (Denz De'bayle) *Denz set his lips at LC's words. If he -was- Jacline's cousin, Seven Hells would he have his work cut out for him. Composing himself, he watched Cinnabar mention the Grand Melee, eager to mention himself until LC spoke of Kale's exploits. Biting his tongue, he nodded in agreement.* (Jancis Milburga) ||Denz would catch a cold eye from Constantine to Jacline more than once. (Cinnabar Prentice) Cinnabar blinks slowly... ere smiling softly with a deep flush on her face. "Ah... Aye... Flame corporal, Kegashiyo..." Clearing her throat again, she looks from Jac to LC. "H-he is, rather formidable... That is so... I'd felled, two of the Flames, ere having the honor of, facing him, myself... I can, at the least boast to have... laid blows to him, personally." She smiles a bit wider at the claim. Eat shit, sand-rat. (Jacline Kerelle) Jacline simply gives her a smile and continues assisting with the cleanup. Though she seems more intent on observing the room around them than getting anything done. (Jacline Kerelle) (( sand-rat XD (Jancis Milburga) ||A couple of the robed servants stay mostly out of view, but are clearly ready to be called in, hovering outside of the room once they heard the smash of dishware. (Jancis Milburga) LC: "Two you say? How bold." The lalafel grinned, sizing up Cinnabar. "I like that. Baron you've got a good eye for people. Though you have an appalling grasp of how to trade. Your cousin has quite a deft hand, too. Only a fool would give trust so easily. Really, though, where did you meet this woman? I do hope you didn't -have- to marry her to save your family from some kind of disgrace." (Jancis Milburga) Jancis continues to tidy up, missing much of Jacline's observations. "Worry not, it is only a few plates I can surely find replacements." (Denz De'bayle) "Of my three siblings, I am no doubt the worse in terms of trading. I excel where I am needed." *He says plainly, tilting his head at her mention of Jancis. He simply downs the rest of his wine. How uncouth.* "Ours is a house that has grown from it's people." (Cinnabar Prentice) Cinnabar bows her head in appreciation of what she could assume was flattery, though withholds remark for the woman's words on Jac or Jancis; eyes locked instead on the lalafell still, save the occasional glance around to note her surroundings. (Jancis Milburga) ||The lalafell's grin grows, seeing she's hit a nerve. "With actions, I'm sure. My people have told me what you seek already and I might be able to help you. My collection of elusive arcane, especially about these crystals, includes some of the description provided. But I am severly lacking in Allagan artifacts. As your squire is familiar with such ventures..." (Jancis Milburga) LC: "...then my price is to bring back a functioning piece of their technology." (Jacline Kerelle) Jacline scrapes the rest of the wasted food onto one of the platters, and relieves Jancis of her own collection of scraps. Out of the side of her mouth, she mutters, "Tooold ya," before delivering the platter full of waste to one of the waiting servants across the room, taking an opportunity to look around a little more on the way. (Cinnabar Prentice) Cinnabar keeps a pokerface, despite the feel of her stomach hitting her groin. She was afraid of that. (Jancis Milburga) ||The servant quickly goes to retrieve the platter Jacline so boldly brings over, ducking quickly out of sight and vanishing down one of the hallways. The welcoming hall here has an impressive collection of art and books. Looking over the binds of the books it's clear they're more to show off the fine material they're made out of than any actual content. Stories of Ul'dah's history, popular culture books, and biographies line the wooden shelves. (Denz De'bayle) *Denz nods, composing himself enough to smooth out the furrow in his brow.* "Very well, Lady Constantine. Your eye for value is impeccable, and I assure you we will find naught but the best of what Azys Lla as to offer. Mine sister's magitek expertise will guide us to procuring an item of suitable quality for you." (Jancis Milburga) LC:"Spendid," A bit of her composure faded away to note surprise as her price being accepted at face value. Again the bell appeared from the beautiful layers of cloth that adorned the lalafell. "I believe our business is settled for now. I eagerly await your return. Surely you'll be fine showing yourself out, Baron. Tata." (Jancis Milburga) ||Lady Constantine gives one more look at everyone, the worst at Jancis and the best at Cinnabar, before 'floating' out of the room. Robed figures came out to help Jancis to her feet, take the rest of the trays away, and escort the group back onto the streets of Ul'dah.
(Cinnabar Prentice) A polite bow and smile are given to their hostess, likewise lending a hand to aid Jancis to her feet with the lalalady gone. Blowing a light sigh, she looks to Denz- around to Jac with a more earnest smile. (Jancis Milburga) Jancis squeezes Cinnabar's hand, clearly using it to get back on her feet, "Thank you (Cinnabar Prentice) "O-of course, Lady Milburga..." She bows her head softly to the woman- likewise with a smile more genuine. Looking to Denz, her lips purse. "It, sounds we've our price,  then?" Glancing a moment to the path which they came in a suggestive silence. (Jacline Kerelle) Once Constantine is out of ear shot, Jacline mutters, "Got us a live one," with a rueful tone. "What do you think was in that food?" (Jancis Milburga) "Sugar? Though I do not know why. Fruit is already so sweet." (Cinnabar Prentice) "N-naught save the cost, thereof... and her hospitality..." (Cinnabar Prentice) "M-mayhap we should, take our leave? To, that note?" (Jacline Kerelle) "Hn! Possible. Maybe she just wanted to size us up, see if we'd eat it. Might've had some kinda drug, make us more suggestible for negotiations. Or just knock us out so she could hold Denz ransom. Tch. Rich people." (Cinnabar Prentice) (BRB!) (Jancis Milburga) "Hold Denz ransom?" Her voice echoed in the hall. If the robed servants could be anymore pushy, they would. "It is good to eat. Though I recall Master Vann saying to always take someone out for a drink before making a deal." (Jancis Milburga) "Though she was drinking, too." (Jacline Kerelle) "Sure. He's a noble, ain't he? That's what they do. Usually in war, I guess, but that don't stop 'em the rest of the time. These Ul'dah merchants wouldn't blink twice at the thought of snatchin' somebody's family to give 'em an edge in a trade." (Cinnabar Prentice) (bak) (Jacline Kerelle) "And for all we know, she was drinkin' fruit juice. We didn't fill the cups." (Jancis Milburga) Jancis clearly thought of none of that. (Cinnabar Prentice) "A-at the least... A full belly, does make one more... amicable, to compromise..." (Denz De'bayle) *Denz was more than happy to turn on his heel and begin leaving, letting none of the servants touch him as he led the way to the door, scurries of feet and whispers behind him as he sidelong held out his arm for his cup to be taken, or dropped if no one took it 'ere he reached the door. A true noble erred, he was.* (Jancis Milburga) "You do feel all right, Denz?" Jancis followed quickly behind him, not completely catching his haste for the reason he meant. (Jancis Milburga) ||A robed figured made noise on the tile as they scurried to relieve Denz of the glass, another getting the door. (Denz De'bayle) *Denz plodded out of the house's courtyard, turning about only when the servants did not seem to be nearby enough to hear.* "I am fine, save my wounded pride." (Jacline Kerelle) "Allagan artifacts, huh.. ? Too bad didn't have Astrelle here. Coulda poked at her, see if she knew enough about 'em to spot a fake. Heheh." She seems to be talking to herself, really. (Denz De'bayle) *Denz looked past Jancis to Jacline.* "What did you steal?" (Jancis Milburga) "Did I cause the wound?" Jancis pursed herself and reflected back on what Constantine said about herself. "I would not give too much value to her complicated words..." (Cinnabar Prentice) "A-aye... Mayhap, something worth... any information, she might, otherwise provide us..." Once beyond the property, Cinna gives a gentle squeeze of Jac's elbow. "Y-you, were feigning... aye? Had you, noticed something? The food, or..?" She blinks to Denz a moment... ere back to Jac qwith a curious cant of the head. (Jacline Kerelle) Sucks her teeth at Denz and sneers. "Today?" (Denz De'bayle) *Denz simply continues to stare, unamused.* (Jacline Kerelle) "I didn't steal nothin' but whatever trick that little sand-rat was tryin' to pull with that food. No need to thank me or nothin'." (Denz De'bayle) *Denz crosses his arms.* "Trick?" *He looked sidelong to Jancis.* "I need not another's words, complicated or direct, slighting your honor, Jancis. While I would've liked nothing more than to plant my boot to her face, I fear her head is too large for such." *He exhales, clearly annoyed.*
(Cinnabar Prentice) Cinnabar nods softly, smiling to Jac. "I-in the least, she would... have us feel, endebted, for generosity... though her... i-indignant words did, little more than, negate so much... Ser Denz? Do, we truly mean to... to bartar with, Allagan relics? *Functioning* as, she demands..?" (Jacline Kerelle) "Yeah, trick. You didn't see the way she was eyeballin' us? Either that food had somethin' extra in it, or she gets off on watchin' people eat." With a sidelong glance, she furrows her brow and mutters, "Guess it wouldn't be the first time." Jacline Kerelle is deep in thought. (Cinnabar Prentice) Cinnabar looks to Jac, nodding softly; it did seem curious for that much. Though doubletakes. Wait, what? (Jancis Milburga) Jancis looks back up at Denz, failing to find words for some time. “You should not honor men more than truth.” She smiled, her voice quoting softly. "Have us feel debted to her. But we not beholden to her request." (Jancis Milburga) "Cinnabar is right. What should we do?" (Denz De'bayle) *Denz gestures to Cinnabar.* "Little of the Allagan technology is useless, inandof itself. While I would love nothing more than to give her a haywire information node, we must balance the line between placing something dangerous in her hands, and not meeting her expectations." *He flatlines his eyes. Expectations his loud mouth set. He looks back to Jacline.* "I will have Jancis ensure I am not touched by poison, and I would do well to have Astrelle ensure I was not... fooled by something else.- (Denz De'bayle) - I may yet have swallowed a linkpearl or... something." (Jacline Kerelle) "Heh! I think you'd notice, unless they were making 'em extra small these days. Does it gotta work, though? The allagan thingy?" (Jancis Milburga) "Linkpearl" Jancis shakes her head, "Cities are so complicated. It is what the lady requested." (Jancis Milburga) The conjurer already hovered closer to Denz, inspecting his face unabashed for any signs of obivous poisoning. (Denz De'bayle) "She specified functional, aye." *He nodded.* "And the last piece of equipment I know involving Azys Lla was a rod keeping an island up there from crashing into Eorzea." *He sets his mouth.* "I've taken two trips previously to there. Once to explore it, and a second time to procure a key hidden there by another. The guardian that maintained that key was significant, but I destroyed it." (Cinnabar Prentice) Cinnabar nods softly in understanding, brow furrowed. "E-even so... she, only claims to know of, what we need... I... I suppose if, we possess a... relic to, commune with divinity..." Her brow furrows, glancing back- casually- to look around... but moreso toward the property they'd left... Her attention then turning to Jacline a moment in thought. Her hand reaching down to feel for, and take hold of Jac's hand. Attention thus turned to Denz with a bit of a clearing of the throat. (Cinnabar Prentice) "D-do you suppose we will... return, to Azys Lla, then?" For a... souvenier of, some sort?" (Jancis Milburga) "That mammet was nowhere as nice as Lord Agna. You took a bad hit in the process. If we do plan to go there, it cannot be unprepared or unarmed." (Jacline Kerelle) "Hells, she even know the difference? She's a rich showoff, probably just wants something to put in a room. Could rig up a piece of junk to.. eheheh." She trails off, smiling up at Cinnabar and taking hold of her hand before continuing. "Uh. Piece of junk with something glowy inside it. Make it look like it does something. She can figure it out later. By then, we got what we need. How was we supposed to know? We ain't allagan experts." (Denz De'bayle) "What we can find. What Astrelle can approve of delivering to such a woman." *He gestures to the property as Cinnabar looks back to it, eyes turning back and eyeing the hands clutched for looking to Jancis.* "Indeed. If aught else, we could salvage something broken and pray Astrelle could make it functional." *He looked back to the other two.* "And perhaps less dangerous." (Denz De'bayle) *Denz looks to Jacline.* "This is not some.. ploy to acquire a resource from a forgettable encounter, servant. Our names have been given, our spot on the map marked. If we wrong here, there are far reaching consequences beyond laughing at the misfortune of a fooled lalafell." (Jacline Kerelle) Jacline holds out her free hand in a non-chalant shrug. "Suit yourself. Just makin' suggestions." (Cinnabar Prentice) Cinnabar's face depeend a hue or two, though she conversed on. "A-aye... We, must needs be, diplomatic, for that. Sh-she, had not specified what... I am, familiar only with... tomestones? S-sorts of... storage, items... Mayhap if, one is relayed which.. functions... it would suit?" (Jancis Milburga) "I agree. We should be honest with whatever we offer. For our own volition. She did speak of collecting knowledge. It might. She left her request so vague."
(Denz De'bayle) "I'm not familiar with the functionalities of tomestones, thusly I cannot be asked such a question. As the Lady put it, asking what this book is worth is poor trading etiquette. We must assume it is comparable to yet another well of rare knowledge, or what the possession of such an item could mean for this individual." *He looked to Jacline.* "She's a collector, but do we know what business she partakes in? Weapons, alchemy, anything that could link back to the detriment of others?" (Jacline Kerelle) "Dunno, never heard of her before. I can poke around a few days and find out, though. Promise I won't steal nothin'." (Jancis Milburga) Jancis purses her lips in deeper thought, "I can try to barter passage there, if you think it best. I know of someone who is willing to travel the clouds." (Denz De'bayle) *Denz's eyes went skyward for a moment, before looking back to Jacline.* "This is a sensitive matter. I cannot ask that of a mere servant, but I have faith in you disregarding that. Find out what you may, that we can find out what should and should not be brought back to this woman." (Denz De'bayle) "I pray you do not intend to transport us all out on an airship dingy." (Jancis Milburga) "He got us there swiftly and you did so well on the flight." Jancis said matter-of-factly. (Denz De'bayle) *Denz grimaces, but attempts to play a trump.* "Was there even enough space for more than two people?" Zahkis Theboxlord motions joyfully to Mika Namoi. Zahkis Theboxlord dotes upon Mika Namoi. (Jancis Milburga) "I-" Jancis paused in reflection, then looked at Cinnabar and Jacline. Then at Cinnabar again. "I am not sure, but Lady Cinnabar would need a seat to herself. She is quite tall and ample. Perhaps not that, then. He might know someone else willing. Or have another ship." (Jancis Milburga) "How did you reach those floating islands, Lady?" (Cinnabar Prentice) "Ah... A-airships. Provided 'tween, the Grand Companies of the... Eorzean Alliance." She loos to Denz, nodding firmly. "It, was not a... standard affair by, any means..." (Jacline Kerelle) Jacline lets out a long breath through her nose at the words 'mere servant', but offers a smile. "Sure thing, chief. Think I know just the place to start, too. I won't be able to get back to the manor for my job for a few days, though. Do me a favor and let 'em know I'm runnin' errands for ya so they don't send goons out to find me, eh?" (Denz De'bayle) "We have no goons. But if there is an order to collect you due to absence, I will override it." *He crosses his arms.* "You have five days. Is that enough time?" (Jacline Kerelle) "Five, it is. Should be able to scrape up somethin'!" She smiles up at Cinnabar, says, "Keep an eye on 'em for me," and gives the roegadyn a little swat on the butt before taking her leave, trotting away with hands in her pockets. (Jacline Kerelle) (( I gotta call it a night! Thanks for the RPs, this is good stuff Jancis! (Jancis Milburga) "I do have some people I can ask in the Maelstrom, then, if I cannot find something else." Jancis took a deep breath, squaring her shoulders up. "I will do what I can and find us passage one way or another." (Jancis Milburga) Thank you so much!! :D)) (Jancis Milburga) Goodnight!)) (Cinnabar Prentice) (Sleep tight Earlycabra! :D )) Zahkis Theboxlord motions joyfully to Mika Namoi. (Jacline Kerelle) (( oop, better set squadron (Cinnabar Prentice) Cinnabar smiles to Jac with a soft nod- segueing sharply into a yelp at the swat and rub of her backside. Face red as a raddish with eyes wide. "... *Ahem*..." (Denz De'bayle) *Denz nods to Jacline, before narrowing his eyebrows at the crude gesture to Cinna's bottom. He glared back up at her.* (Jacline Kerelle) (( XD (Jancis Milburga) Jancis watches Jacline leave. "Is she a shadow knight?" (Jancis Milburga) "There are drunk men who try to do that in the Wench and get slapped. You look like a rolanberry, Lady Cinnabar."
(Cinnabar Prentice) "Uhm... *Ahem*" The stares weren't helping. Nor was the commentary. She returns to composure as best as she can. "Ah... S-so I have been, told... Aye..." (Cinnabar Prentice) "A-as for Shadow Knights I can, scarce speculate... u-upon such... She is, talented. F-for her, experiences... S-similar to, myself. Role within the, House, aside." (Denz De'bayle) *Denz just continues to stand there, the pentultimate of disapproving stares boring into Cinnabar before he finally spoke.* "You have questions to answer." *He sucked in a breath, eyes going upwards once more before running his hands down his face.* "Another time." (Jancis Milburga) Jancis smiles up at Cinnabar, something honestly sweet to witness the roegadyn in that rare moment, before turning a curious look to Denz's words. "Yes, another time. I should check you over more than a cursory glance." (Cinnabar Prentice) Cinnabar's brow furrows with the drilling words then, blinking. Hands coming to clasp and fidget in her lap for the stern tone. "Ah... I.. do...?" She simply nods to confirm that much of it, lips quirking with a returned smile of sorts to Jancis. (Denz De'bayle) *Denz's hands come off his face, nodding.* "Aye, we should do that, lest I am infected with that woman's... touch." *He shudders, glancing back to Cinnabar.* "... Rest well." *He would gently take up Jancis' hand, tugging her along out of the noble streets of Ul'dah.* (Jancis Milburga) Jancis looks back, waving with her free hand. "Good night, Lady Cinnabar!" (Denz De'bayle) ((And with that...)) (Jancis Milburga) You transform into Halone again)) (Cinnabar Prentice) Jancis catches the bow Cinnabar was giving the pair! "Ah... F-fare well, L-Lady, Milburga- Ser... S-Ser Denz..!" (Jancis Milburga) Thanks for RPing with me again, you two. Now I get to build a fun Allagan adventure.)) (Denz De'bayle) Woooooo))
Denz De'bayle Cinnabar Prentice Jacline Kerelle Jancis Milburga
May 30 2018
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agurex7 · 5 years
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Working on episode 2 of a fan made Animation of Ed Edd n Eddy with the help of the Ed, Edd n Eddy scamposting Facebook group. Done in Blender 2.81 #ededdneddy #fananimation #lionx #blendergreasepencil #handdrawn #2d #3dbackground #bearing #allthebetter #thankgod #fancy #fun #2.5D #blender #tonroosendaal #newgrounds #youtuber #youtube #indie #fanmade #krita https://www.instagram.com/p/B2FMpI6lmvN/?igshid=1r7jykvijqbsq
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agurex7 · 5 years
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Working on episode 2 of a fan made Animation of Ed Edd n Eddy with the help of the Ed, Edd n Eddy scamposting Facebook group. Done in Blender 2.81 #ededdneddy #fananimation #lionx #blendergreasepencil #handdrawn #2d #3dbackground #bearing #allthebetter #thankgod #fancy #fun #2.5D #blender #tonroosendaal #newgrounds #youtuber #youtube #indie #fanmade #krita https://www.instagram.com/p/B2FMd-zFC79/?igshid=uwqyk3uiilso
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agurex7 · 5 years
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Working on episode 2 of a fan made Animation of Ed Edd n Eddy with the help of the Ed, Edd n Eddy scamposting Facebook group. Done in Blender 2.81 #ededdneddy #fananimation #lionx #blendergreasepencil #handdrawn #2d #3dbackground #bearing #allthebetter #thankgod #fancy #fun #2.5D #blender #tonroosendaal #newgrounds #youtuber #youtube #indie #fanmade #krita https://www.instagram.com/p/B2FMUAXl9lf/?igshid=nzt1hfmlomao
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agurex7 · 5 years
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Working on episode 2 of a fan made Animation of Ed Edd n Eddy with the help of the Ed, Edd n Eddy scamposting Facebook group. Done in Krita #ededdneddy #fananimation #lionx #blendergreasepencil #handdrawn #2d #3dbackground #bearing #allthebetter #thankgod #fancy #fun #2.5D #blender #tonroosendaal #newgrounds #youtuber #youtube #indie #fanmade #krita https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzx4heRFnUO/?igshid=10o6mabeptjow
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agurex7 · 5 years
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Working on a fan made Animation of Ed Edd n Eddy with the help of the Ed, Edd n Eddy scamposting Facebook group. Animated in Blender 2.8 Grease Pencil Background done in Blender 2.8 #ededdneddy #fananimation #lionx #blendergreasepencil #handdrawn #2d #3dbackground #bearing #allthebetter #thankgod #fancy #fun #2.5D #blender #tonroosendaal #newgrounds #youtuber #youtube #indie #fanmade https://www.instagram.com/p/ByNZkQ2FzVa/?igshid=11xnw29hhzwx3
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agurex7 · 5 years
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Working on a fan made Animation of Ed Edd n Eddy with the help of the Ed, Edd n Eddy scamposting Facebook group. Animated in Blender 2.8 Grease Pencil Background done in Blender 2.8 #ededdneddy #fananimation #lionx #blendergreasepencil #handdrawn #2d #3dbackground #bearing #allthebetter #thankgod #fancy #fun #2.5D #blender #tonroosendaal #newgrounds #youtuber #youtube #indie #fanmade https://www.instagram.com/p/BxSBz7bAEdA/?igshid=117stncvrj0pz
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agurex7 · 5 years
Episode 2 of a fan made Animation of Ed Edd n Eddy. Done in Blender Grease Pencil. www.fiverr.com/lionx7 #ededdneddy #fananimation #lionx #blendergreasepencil #handdrawn #2d #3dbackground #bearing #allthebetter #thankgod #fancy #fun #2.5D #blender #tonroosendaal #newgrounds #youtuber #youtube #indie #fanmade #krita #freelance #animations #indie #youtubeseries #fiverr #fiverrgigs https://www.instagram.com/p/B3vcUNUlULN/?igshid=1vcivj3iksirc
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agurex7 · 5 years
https://youtu.be/s205Dj_KDjw A year after a scam went horribly wrong, Double D and Ed aparted ways with Eddy. Double D got a teaching job and Ed works at a grocery store. Double D picks Ed up and heads home but as he gets home he is greeted by a familiar face. #ededdneddy #fananimation #lionx #blendergreasepencil #handdrawn #2d #3dbackground #bearing #allthebetter #thankgod #fancy #fun #2.5D #blender #tonroosendaal #newgrounds #youtuber #youtube #indie #fanmade https://www.instagram.com/p/BymzQEyF7qV/?igshid=6feuk9o6vwms
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harahmed-blog · 12 years
allthebetter replied to your quote: i thought our 5th grade teach was the hottest...
oh god mrs voza was a nice lady that’s just an awful image dear lord
she was really hot tho lol
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