jupiterparker · 6 years
my only sunshine (p.p)
chapter three
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summary: working in your dad’s flower shop, you meet a boy who turns your life upside down, for better or worse is yet to be seen
a/n: this is for @spideypeach‘s mini writing challenge! 
prompt: “can we just pretend I never said anything”
warnings: slight swearing
paring: peter parker x female!reader
word count: 1.4k
my masterlist
chapter two | series masterlist | chapter four
Okay, so maybe he didn’t remember where the store was, it wasn’t like you gave him the shop’s address or your phone number. But you were still disappointed at first when he didn’t show up, but couldn’t really blame him, the city was big after all, but you still held on and had hope.
After a week of waiting however, you were really bored. Your interaction with Peter had reminded you how nice it was to have friends, and you missed that. Another thing you noticed was that you would did find yourself singing in the shop again, continuously check the door. But unlike before, it wasn’t so you could stop if you saw someone come in, but now it was in hopes that Peter would come in.
And you did feel a little guilty about that, as you remembered what Peter had said about your voice, and you did say no. But on the other side,  if you didn’t sing, the shop was way more quiet to you than usual. And you got a reality check as you realized that for most of your day, you were truly alone, even in school.
It didn’t help that in the past week, you weren’t even in school, as you got sick with some strange cough, and couldn’t go to school, therefore leaving you with more time by yourself in the silence.
And while you had to spend a week in silence, you were lucky that it was only a week, as that when he finally found the shop.
“Well lookie here! You finally found the shop!” you said, walking towards the door to greet Peter. You were watering the plants for the millionth time that day, you should make sure they haven’t drowned yet, oops, and was delighted that finally it had been Peter who was entering the door.
“Yeah I realized half way home that I never got your number or the shop address” Peter laughed at your enthusiasm at the sight of him, surprised that someone was so happy to see him.
“Can I ask how you finally figured it out?” you asked, acting much more lively then you were 5 minutes ago. You were in the mood to tease him, even if it was partially your fault he couldn’t find it so quickly.
“I looked at the tag on the flowers, and the name of the shop was on there” Peter said, as if that explained to you how he got the address, because as far as you knew the address wasn’t on the flowers.
“Thee name doesn’t give you the address though” you said, voicing your confusion. It didn’t clear up the air, as much as it did spread the confusion, as Peter furrowed his eyebrows as you, giving you a weird look.
“Google?” Peter asked, unsure why that was so confusing. You made an ‘o’ shape as it got cleared up, and Peter laughed, teasing you and sticking out his tongue at you, “Idiot”
“I’m sorry!” you yelled defensively, making a mock offended expression on your face. You crossed your arms and pouted at Peter, causing him to laugh at you (again) and pull you in a tight hug.
You pushed him away from you as he asked “Anyway, how’s your week been?”
Once you were completely out of his grasp, you brushed down your hair and clothes with hands, to look back at Peter, only to find him confused about why you pushed him away. .“Meh, I’m kinda sick” you explained, “ it’s been going around my school, what about your school?”
Peter nodded understanding, putting his hands in his hoodie pocket before replying “I mean yeah its going around, but I have won’t sick”
“How can you be so sure?” you asked sassily, arms crossed, as you’ve never hear of someone who hasn’t gotten sick before.
“Because I’ve literally NEVER gotten sick before” Peter said smugly, causing you to pout. At this, Peter leaned forward at ruffled your hair. You swatted his hands away at this, resulting in a bigger mock pout on your face, making Peter smile.
“There is always a first time for everything you know!” you whined, coughing in between.
“Okay but it’s legit impossible for me!” Peter retorted back as your guy’s conversation was slowly becoming a fast paced argument.
“WHY” you yelled back, waving your hands as you didnt understand how he got to the conclusion that he was safe from all illness.
“BECAUSE I’M SPIDERMAN OKAY” Peter yelled, pulling at his head in frustration. You guys somehow got very passionate about the argument. But as soon as he said that, you both froze. Peter turned white, and you were processing what the fuck he just said.
“What” you whisper screamed, not believing what you just found out.
“Wai- wait” Peter stuttered, holding out his hand in your face. He was trying to figure out a way to repair this and hopefully move on for this discussion, as no one except Ned knew about him.
“WHAT” you screamed, completely ignoring the fact that Peter wasn’t saying anything, and was still frozen, “DID YOU JUST SAY YO-”
“CAN WE JUST PRETEND I NEVER SAID ANYTHING” Peter finally said, cutting you off before you could finish your sentence.
“NO”, you protested, “YOU LITERALLY JUST SAID YOU’RE-wait how do I know you’re spiderman for sure?” you asked once your brain started working again, all of a sudden doubting Peter.
At this, Peter let a huge sigh of relief, awkwardly laughing, “heh, heh, guess we will never know, guess i’m imposter”, before heading running, out the door. You panicked at this, as you really wanted to find out what was happening, so you did the only logical thing you could do.
You caught him by his hoodie and picked him up and threw him at the wall. And lo and behold, he stuck. Once Peter adjusted and processed the whirlwind of the past few seconds, you both just stared at each other in shock. You were in shock because this meant that Peter was fucking Spider Man, and Peter was in shock at the fact you could pick him up and fling him like that.
“So you are Spider Man then” you muttered to yourself as Peter climbed down and got himself together, “So what now?”
“First, I think we should discuss how the fuck you were able to throw me on the wall, and why?” Peter asked, still in shock and confusion.
“I means that’s two things but-” you started.
“Y/N” Peter warned, cutting you off.
You raised your hands in defeat, “Living and working in the flower shop means needing to carry a lot of heavy fertilizer, it not my fault you weigh nothing” you pointed out, causing Peter to protest in gibberish.
“Okay, but-” Peter started, before a thought crossed his head and he started to freak out. All of a sudden you were watching him walk in circles and mutter to himself.
“Hey hey” you said, soothing him as you ran over to console him, “What’s wrong?” you asked as you lead him over to the counter as you got him a glass of water.
“It’s just that, you know that I’m Spider Man, and I put you in trouble, and I’m such a bad superhero. Now two people know” Peter explained, worrying even more.
Biting your lip, you thought about how to calm him down, maybe with logic. “So I am assuming that the other person is a friend of yours?” you waited for Peter to nod before continuing, “Okay, well the only way we know each other is pure confidence, so it’s not like anyone is going to find out about me okay? So don’t worry about it.”
“Yeah I guess you’re right” Peter said, finally much calmer, “but you can’t tell anyone okay?”
“Of course” you said, nodding to him, “It’s not like I have anyone to tell.”
Peter looked at you with pity in his eyes, as he started heading out, but quickly stopped when he realized something, “This time I do need to get your number, I won’t leave without it”. You laughed at that, putting in your number in Peter’s phone.
As soon as he left and closed the door, you whispered to yourself, “But you will leave in the end.”
Taglist: @djjffkd, @pallored, @your-daily-dose-of-fangirl, @penisprkr, @tuttigunner, @doihavetobesocialrightnow,  @supernatural-strangerthings-1980, @lovelyh0lland, @sprinklemetommy, @marvelsmagics, @yoinksholland, @21-chemicalpanicboys, @tomsfireheart, @hello-love06, @embrace-themagic, @fireboltrose7559, @ourdeliciousfoxcollector, @avenged-nightmare, @treegelbman, @rainbow-marvel, @tom-hollands-eyelash, @fallinallintom, @pumpkinsandparker, @tomhiddleston-is-myboo, @holland-haven, @oh-dear-tommy, @elentiya02, @futzingclint, @tony-starks-ego, @what-is-yeet, @lubrielx, @ticklishrainbow, @ukulele-tea-and-ocean, @adorablyparker, @onlyfangirlsunderstand, @tommy-braccoli, @tinkeringtony, @bluelalal, @valerie-weasley,@captaincorbyn, @nexitye*, @hotdamnitsjaz*, @peter-parkers-pumpkins
*unable to tag
be added to the taglist for my only sunshine here
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elven-oracle · 6 years
allie’s mini writing challenge masterlist
original post here
My Favorite Part by Mac Miller
Through The Dark by One Direction
You Can’t Hurry Love by Phil Collins
Pulaski by Andrew Bird
Bees by The Ballroom Thieves
“Can we just pretend I never said anything”
My Only Sunshine by @candycornparker
“Are you drunk? God, please tell me you’re not drunk.”
“Calm down, people jump fences all the time!”
“You really need to get some sleep.” 
“How do you know that? Only like, seven people know that.”
Dreams by @shamelessbookaddict
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elven-oracle · 6 years
hi allie! can i do a college au with peter parker?
hi myra!!! of course!!!
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elven-oracle · 6 years
Can i get number 10, “How do you know that? Only like, seven people know that.” with Peter? Also Congrats on the 100 ya queen
hi wonderful human of course!!!!
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elven-oracle · 6 years
:) :) :) :) i didn't know i did not follow u and now im ashamed of myself :) :) im taking prompt 10 as redemption. 10 w/ Bucky Barnes?
eeeeeee!!! yes of course!!!
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elven-oracle · 6 years
allie reached another +100
i don’t feel fully comfortable sharing my follower count (so if you know what it is i would prefer you not to mention it) BUT I HIT ANOTHER MILESTONE LETS GO GO GO
This Time To Celebrate I’m going to do A MINI WRITING CHALLENGE because those seem fun but i’m not gonna do a full one until i hit a SPECIFIC milestone.
-must be following my sorry ass! 
-must reblog this post!
-one per person, two per prompt!
-submit your request to my ask box
-specify which character! i will delete your request if you don’t!
-tag your posts with #alliecatsminichallenge, i will be adding them to a masterlist of all the entries!
-SUBMISSIONS DUE OCTOBER 31 (feel free to make them spooooky themed!))
PROMPTS (in the order of songs, quotes, AUs)
1. My Favorite Part by Mac Miller
2. Through the Dark by One Direction ( @emilyshurley with Tony Stark)
3. You Can’t Hurry Love by Phil Collins
4. Pulaski by Andrew Bird
5. Bees by The Ballroom Thieves
6. “Can we just pretend I never said anything?” ( @candycornparker with Peter Parker)
7. “Are you drunk? God, please tell me you’re not drunk.” ( @spxcxrrxid with Peter Parker)
8. “Calm down, people jump fences all the time.” ( @butwhyduh with Peter Parker)
9. “You really need to get some sleep.” ( @holland-peters with Peter Parker)
10. “How do you know that? Only like, seven people know that.”   (@sectumsempra-beaches with Bucky Barnes) + ( @shamelessbookaddict with Peter Parker)
11. College!AU ( @tomsfireheart with Peter Parker) + ( @youtheheckisbucky with Bucky Barnes)
12. Frat!AU
13. Mythology!AU
14. Mob!AU ( @rainbow-marvel with Tom Holland) + ( @walkingcontrafiction with Thor & Loki)
15. Space!AU ( @spideycentral-1 with Peter Parker)
@tinkeringtony @pumpkinsandparker @candycornparker @tomsfireheart @starksmile @plushparker  @spideymood @nasa-parker @rainbow-marvel @pbnjparker @starkravingparker @tomhiddleston-is-myboo @lovelyh0lland @spideykiddo @peachyhollands @ohhparker @spidcyson @blushypeter
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