#allen theolia
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meshumo · 4 months ago
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day 14 - surprise!
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kiroonsmoon · 4 months ago
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I didn’t shade this to make the time but MELLY DAY!!!! With her siblings!!
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jazz-kitty · 21 days ago
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cresvalkyrie · 2 months ago
Spoilers for v13 below
Had a random thought but, I just realised that the Theolia siblings parallel Arceus and the Creation Trio in some way or another.
Erin is the most obvious: she is a parallel of Giratina. For starters, she is the one and only sibling to rebel against Vitus, in a reflection of Giratina rebelling against Arceus. They, subsequently, were banished to an alternate dimension as punishment for their failed rebellion; Giratina with the Distortion Realm, and Erin with the Unown Dimension. In that sense, they fell from grace and became "fallen angels"... or rather, demons, as they were portrayed in myths and stylised themselves as respectively. And in their "fallen" state, they both harbor intense grudges against the "God" who banished them and sought revenge.
The twins, Alice and Allen, are quite loosely paralleled, but either way they're reflections of Palkia and Dialga respectively. While Alice's actual power as manifested from her fragment of the Archetype is illusions, but one can argue that a powerful and convincing enough illusion is simply a different reality no? In that sense, Alice's illusory powers border on space manipulation and thus make her analogous to Palkia. Similarly, Allen's ability to travel at blinding speeds could be extrapolated to temporal powers (think of slowing down time around you to travel from one point to another), which would make him Dialga in an allegorical sense. However, the one thing shown in canon that made them a reflection of Palkia and Dialga, is their conflict. A conflict so intense that it warped reality. The conflict itself had hindered the player's progress to the point they would've lost the race against Bladestar to save their dying friends if it weren't for Alex and Damien's intervention until they (or at least, Alice) were brought back to their senses and realised the extent of their actions, similar to what happened in the movie Rise of Darkrai. Though, in a way, it's poetic that they are twins; space and time are but two sides of the same coin, impossible to exist as standalone concepts.
And finally... there's Maria/Melia and her variants. By process of elimination that would leave her as a parallel to Arceus, and doesn't that fit her to a tee aside from the obvious. Especially in M2's case, who could freely manipulate reality as she pleases and at the drop of a hat, ergo Melia in theory is capable of the same feats but is unwilling and/or unaware that she's capable of it. And hell, even Melia had created the Legendary Beasts (albeit with some assistance from Zeight). Which Legendary but Arceus could create Pokémon from thin air? Furthermore, out of the siblings she's the only one who manifested Arceus' golden arch in her powered up form, a trait which Maria shares.
Is it a coincidence or something that could be relevant to the lore? Only time could tell, but this is all I have for now for this theory.
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pokefangamebrainrot · 6 months ago
Erin moodboard + hcs if you like :3
OMG EVIIIIII HELLOOOOOOO we should do a convo with casper soon. anyways-
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Erin Theolia Headcanons below!
-her favourite author is jonny sims, closely followed by emily brontë
-she tried to learn how to play the harp but got frustrated and stopped an hour in
-she battles with depression, c-ptsd and anxiety
-she went through the most massive “not like other girls” phase, i’m sorry girlie but it is very true
-she carries emotional support plushies with her secretly. if anyone found out she would murder them
-she gets an involuntary reaction whenever anyone calls her “eriena”. she acted casual whenever alice and allen called her it, but in reality her skin was crawling
-she gets awful flashbacks whenever she hears older people yelling, as she usually got in the middle of her parents fights
-she also loves murder, horror, thriller and crime novels. she bonds with crescent over it
-she had the most massive lana del ray phase
-she’s aromantic. throughout all her teenage phase she thought she was broken, but then she read abt aromanticism in a book and it just clicked
-she’s the most politically conscious of all her friends. she watches the news regularly
hope you liked these! thanks for the ask!!
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tlozypaka-tina · 1 year ago
Rejuv v13.5 teaser observations and theories! (Before public release)
First of all, I want to put out there I was not a Beta tester so I don't know how right or wrong I am about any observation made here. I could be overthinking things! But that's half the fun in theorizing!
Second of all, I implore every single one of my followers who happen to see this post but haven't played Rejuvenation: This huge post will contain HEAVY SPOILERS for v13!! I don't want to ruin your experience of the game so please try it out once 13.5 releases!!
Anyway time to word vomit an essay:
Prelude: Abbreviations and concepts to be used later on.
OA: Original Aevium. Before the reset (Revealed as of v13)
(to be added)
Part 1: Trailer themes and iconography.
Archetype symbol: The center of it all.
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Core symbol/Interceptor: Appears at the end. The colors associated with the Core are Blue (Active) and Orange (Inactive)...which can be seen when the butterfly flies away at the midpoint. Something to keep in mind.
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EDIT: The butterfly in question! Could be attributed to "Butterfly effect".
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Karma (?): 1st image is the Karma indicator in game, 2nd and 3rd are trailer images with different details added and removed. 3rd one is speculation and could have different meaning.
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Alright, now that I've established the most prevalent images that constantly come up in the trailer, I can start discussing the contents themselves and what the overall theme seems to be.
A big point in the trailer is the diagram depicting a pathway and connections, which all seem to be connected to an entity. The first 4 characters we saw are our core friend group: Ren, Aelita, Venam and Melia. There are 2 types of dots present in this first instance alone: A simple black dot, and a dot with extra layers. The simple ones are assigned to Aelita and Melia, while the other ones to Venam and Ren. Is this coincidental or is foreshadowing something??
I can only conclude, aided with the name of the update being .karma files, that the Main theme of this trailer is Karma and Connections. Are the consequences of our choices and actions going to finally unravel?
Part 2: Characters present, points in common.
The Theolia family (except Maria/Marianette)
Amber, Kenneth, Kreiss, Talon, Venam, Alice* and Allen* (Gym leaders)
Tesla (Elite 8)
Spacea and Tiempa + Kanon, Melia and Jenner (Stormchasers)
Hazuki is the only Protector of Aevium present of Nymieras' time.
Ren (Outlier 1 in these subgroups)
??? (Outlier 2)
Mr. Luck (Outlier 3)
Part 3: Missing faces and inconsistencies.
Ren's positioning in the trailer makes it so he is the only character in the trailer without a title on the upper right corner.
Mr. Luck. What does he have to do with all of this? All of them?
No team Xen admins...at all. Not even Madame X.
Gym leaders missing: Martin, Crawli, Valarie, Adam, Saki, Lavander, Texen, Flora/Florin, Spector, Narcissa, Souta, Ryland, Erick.
Damian and Alexandra.
Elite 8 + champion missing (except Tesla).
No interceptor hosts or Ana.
Nim absent.
No signs of Nancy.
Garufa inc. is supposed to be defunct at this point in time, yet the interface we access to see all these files is from garufa inc...
Of course, the characters omitted could be simply because of space and the briefness of the teaser, but then the question would turn into: what do the characters that were included have all in common?
Part 4: Elephants in the room - Jenner, Melia and Corrupted File.
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We got 3 hidden details as sneak peaks for 13.5! Seems to be 1 new character and 2 new looks for existing ones: those being Melia and Jenner who look....quite different.
Looking at all official art of Melia as of v13 (redesign of second iteration omitted but the hair is the same), it seems her new look could fit in after her 3rd iteration (going to the past arc, or the stormchasers arc, whatever we wish to call it) but before her awakening and current attire (4th pic) although the way the sidebang is positioned and her clothes are....off.
It doesn't quite feel like the Melia we know- the only time she has shown her shoulders has been in her 1st iteration, when we met her, afterwards her outfits are more conservative and white is the dominant color. This time, it's black.
Of course, this is a sneak peak of the outfit so we don't know anything else, but it's curious to see such a drastic change...also, it seems to be longer than her stormchasers fit, but shorter than her current version.
EDIT: This doesn't take in account the fact that Zumi's artstyle and way of drawing Melia's bangs may have evolved, but as an artist myself, I do find the choice veeeeeeeeery curious.
My friend Vance pointed out that she both looks a bit like Amber and that her expression resembles Melanie's VS battle sprite. Hm...
EDIT: The comparison!
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Also! @spar-kie has pointed out that Melia is wearing eye-shadow in this image! That's definitely out of character for her!
As for Jenner, a recent ask answered by Zumi threw into question the possibility of this being a Past!Jenner...so is this an alternate version of him, or a change in appearance after he was trapped in Nim's pocket dimension??
As for the mystery character...I can't say anything about them because the name tag is glitchy, has an error and there is no picture to give us and inkling of who they are. Regardless, they seem to be very important this version for it to be teased this early.
Part 5: Crack theories and conclusions
The trailer is from the perspective of the Interceptor accessing the information from Zeight as it was teased at the end of V13. Would fall in line with the way the characters are shown as Data and Files. They are also the center piece that connects all these characters together and fits the theme of Karma and Connections.
Related to above...but different. The information shown is from OA, not current Aevium, which is why the trailer is Glitchy and has a corrupted file...maybe a character that shouldn't exist persists in Zeight's data despite the reset? Would also explain why Melia and Jenner look different as they may have had different fates in the OA. (Observation made by my friend Vance!!)
These are all my current observations after analyzing the trailer like a normal person!! After one day!! There are things I haven't quite touched but I'll edit this post after I get home because there is a lot of things I want to improve and I need to let this thoughts into the world before I forget and this week passes by-
Feel free to discuss in the tags, by rebloging and adding into the post or replies!!!
I'm so excited for v13.5!!!
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verraformer · 2 years ago
a strange young man
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eclysia · 2 years ago
Any Erin headcanons?
oh i enjoy erin very much, especially with v13! lets see what i can think of for her
Sexuality Headcanon:
so i believe erin falls under the general 'pan unless stated otherwise' umbrella that has been assigned to the rejuv cast, but if i had to guess? she may be somewhere on the ace spectrum but lean romantically towards women
Gender Headcanon:
i enjoy nonbinary erin a lot, too! i like correlating trans identities to characters who forge their own paths, and erin does so in many satisfying ways
A ship I have with said character:
so i will be real, i dont ship things too often. :/c instead, i will raise you a hc of her viewing aelita as a sibling figure? blood relations are overrated especially in this game, and the time they spent together in the rose theater and the code: bella segment made me enjoy their dynamic a lot :]
A BROTP I have with said character:
oh, kanon! always and every day! diamond route solidified a bond that i genuinely thought would never happen beforehand, it was so so so good
A NOTP I have with said character:
ehh general notp stuff? while i dont ship things, i generally dont care about what i see unless its particularly gross. i guess i cant see her and kanon being romantically involved?!
A random headcanon:
destroyed things during her brief (?) time in the glitched realm and shattered the illusion for alice and allen a fair deal. they werent keen on her being a spoilsport, but its water under the bridge nowadays
also i do NOT think she is madame x!!! ive seen that theory pop up a lot lately wtf!
General Opinion over said character:
certified awesome. my favorite theolia at the moment. i am a huge fan of demonic motifs, and erin kills it. so excited to see more of her, she gets better and better with each version
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lupstarnyx · 3 years ago
What pokemon would you *most* like to get a rift form?
There are a quite a few for me.
I think a few more human rifts would be interesting, especially if the mind-scape exploration happens for all of them.
Within the lore of the game, I think the Theolia siblings are the most likely to get Rift-ed, considering the only other human Rift we've seen is the Nymeria-blessed Aelita. Rift Nim is also pretty likely, considering the opening fight of Chapter 15 and how we would get a view into her mind.
(Honestly, the designs could be kickass. Rift Mega Absol Erin as a one-winged avenger to match Melia's angelic design. Rift Togekiss Melia as a biblical angel with such blinding light that it causes flinching. Rift Mega Sableye Alice as a living shadow, playing puppetmaster like she did in the Unown Dimension. Rift A-NInetales Allen as a walking storm, or even Rift Mega Mawile if we're planning on matching him with Alice. Rift Darmanitan Nim straight up ripping people's souls out a la Insurgence's Delta Darmanitan, or Rift Fused Solrock Nim simply tearing apart the world with her gravitational field)
I'd also like to see Rift Registeel and Rift Regice as designs, but I feel like Saki's arc ended really nicely and I'm not sure how Kreiss is going to turn out. Maybe as post-game?
Player Rifts would also be a fun idea, but hard to execute. Maybe it's one of those fights you have to lose, like on Eclysia? But your Rift Form only has attacking moves or something. Also, what mon would the MC's rift be? Maybe the mythical used in the Intense Nightmare mirror fights?
Also would have liked to see Rift Reuniclus Zetta, but I guess the ship has sailed on that. Still, going to keep that concept in mind for later ;)
As for non-human Rifts, most of the recent ones have been plot-relevant mons, such as Gloria the Hippopotas, Melia's Garbodor, and Angie's Carnivine. The sidequest ones have also been plot-relevant, being Flora's Ferrothorn and Narcissa's first Chandelure. A few others are of interest:
- Nastasia's Deoxys, might push her away from Team Xen if they forcefully rift-ify it.
- Kieran's Xurkitree or Clear's Naganadel. Since we're going to see Rift Stakataka, it could be interesting to see what other Rift UBs are like before we get absolutely crushed by the Xenpurgis.
- Tesla's Talonflame, as it's the first pokemon we actually met, and I'd like to see more of best mom Tesla.
- Celebi, just to see what Zumi would make. Honestly, I feel like we need less overtly monstrous Rifts and more creepy and ethereal ones.
- Goomink (to incorporate him into the plot). If you've done the sidequest, he shrugs it off after a few turns. If not, you have to fight (and destroy) a sword-wielding Rift Goodra.
- Kawopudunga, because oh lord that would be difficult as all hell.
- On the topic of difficult as all hell, Delpha as a Rift would be terrifying. She has a higher BST than Dark Gardevoir, so you know that Rift would shred through everything.
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verraformer · 3 years ago
promo post
hi im allen theolia im lookin for pokemon mutuals so i can yell about dexio without looking like a goober 💥 follow me for sillies
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