#all up in my maeve wiley feels i guess
catty-words · 1 year
i do love miss sands as one of maeve's biggest advocates, but this particular moment has never sat comfortably for me.
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i guess because maeve wanting a materially comfortable life already feels small to her - she was too embarrassed to read the essay out loud in front of her peers, after all - but it's not something of which to be ashamed. it doesn't discount her from a spot in aptitude scheme. you're a beautiful writer, maeve, and creatively expressing your loneliness is worthwhile. you're a beautiful writer, maeve, and you can write so much in front of that picture window of yours. you're a beautiful writer, maeve, and your dreams are worth having even if they look small and silly to other people.
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bumblesimagines · 1 year
“i dunno. sometimes i just... feel things when you’re around.”
“sometimes you’re not annoying.”
“maybe i don’t wanna be just friends with you.”
Ruby Matthews
“i dunno. sometimes i just... feel things when you’re around.”
“sometimes you’re not annoying.”
“maybe i don’t wanna be just friends with you.”
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There were many things Ruby would never admit. Like how she'd been bullied as a child or how she sometimes struggled with helping her dad while her mom worked or the fact she never invited anyone over to her house cause she feared being ridiculed. Or, worst of all, how much she enjoyed spending time with Maeve Wiley's twin brother, (Y/N) Wiley.
They should've hated each other, hell, at one point they despised each other. But then they were forced to partner for a school project and it was history from then on. (Y/N) Wiley was everything Ruby should've hated. He was reckless, careless, irritating, poor. Trailer trash at its core and it disgusted Ruby. Until she got to see the compassionate, caring, and nurturing side of him that destroyed the image she'd conjured of him through the years.
It was why, despite the rules she made for herself over the years as Queen Bee of Moordale, she allowed (Y/N) to follow her home. To her small, one-story house on Carlton Close. Her house was underwhelming, she knew it well. Her friend's all had nice big two-story houses that she often frequented and envied. But when she looked at (Y/N), she only saw his typical expression. Not a hint of disgust, smugness, or even malice in his eyes.
"I live in a trailer, Rubes." He reminded her when he noticed her softened expression. She nodded, silently, and unlocked the front door. All she had to do was pray her dad wouldn't-
"Rubes, is that you?" Roland called out from deeper in the house and Ruby winced when she stepped into the hallway in his robe, a plain shirt with a stain on it, and his equally stained sweatpants. He blinked at the sight of (Y/N) and then a teasing smile slowly spread across his face.
"Hey." (Y/N) greeted, lazy grin ever present.
"Let me guess... you must be (Y/N). Boy, I've heard so much about-"
"Okay!" Ruby nearly shouted and sent her snickering father a scathing glare before ushering (Y/N) into her pink-colored bedroom to avoid her father embarrassing her further. She closed the door behind her and groaned quietly, feeling the tips of her ears heat up.
"Is this Baby?" (Y/N) asked and when she turned, she spotted him crouched down by the bed. Baby's tail wagged furiously, her fluffy tiny body wiggling along with it. The chihuahua lapped at his fingers and with confirmation he wouldn't be getting bit, (Y/N) scooped her up into his arms and plopped down on the bed.
"You didn't come here to cuddle with my dog, (Y/N). You said you'd help me with homework." Ruby huffed softly, trying to ignore how her heartstrings tugged at the sight of her beloved pet accepting (Y/N) so easily.
"And cuddle with your dog." He grinned at her and Ruby rolled her eyes, setting her purse aside on her vanity and shedding her coat. She took a seat on the bed and kicked off her shoes before tucking her legs underneath her. Her eyes remained locked on the gentle way (Y/N) handled Baby and a small smile appeared on her glossy pink lips.
"(Y/N)..." She began quietly, manicured nails picking at one of her fluffy pillows. When she'd gone to Otis for advice, he told her- after getting over his stunned silence- to be honest. "Can I... tell you something?"
"Sure." (Y/N) eyed her curiously and shifted to face her, delicately setting Baby down on his lap and letting her curl up on his thighs. Ruby inhaled deeply and his brows knitted, a mixture of concern and suspicion seeping onto his face.
“Sometimes you’re not annoying.” She stated and his brows raised, a soft snort leaving him. His fingers raked through Baby's fur, head tilting ever so slightly as his lips curled into an amused smile.
“I-I don't know. Sometimes I just... feel things when you’re around.” Ruby pushed out, uncertainty laced in her voice. She wasn't an emotional person. She never allowed herself to be vulenrable, even around Olivia and Anwar. She'd experienced betrayal and humiliation at the hands of the first and last person she let herself be vulenrable with. But with (Y/N), it felt different. Safer.
"You mean... the Ruby Matthews... is feeling human emotions? I'm shocked, truly. I really am-" (Y/N) ducked his head, laughter falling from his lips as Ruby swatted at his arm and clicked her tongue.
"I'm being serious, (Y/N)!" She huffed again and (Y/N) giggled, cradling the sleepy chihuahua close to his chest. He gently set Baby aside on a pile of blankets, watching her melt into the fabric and doze off.
"Okay, well, obviously you're feeling things, Rubes. Don't you feel things with Olivia and Anwar? It's called enjoying someone's company."
"That's not- It's not the same feelings. You're like... the complete opposite of them. I-I like talking to you. I feel like I can talk to you. You're honest. You're not afraid of me." Ruby explained, internally wishing Otis had just told her exactly what to say instead of being so vague. Being honest? When had that ever done her any favors?
"As much as it pains me to say this, Rubes... it's because we're friends. You might even be my closest friend." (Y/N) reached out and let his fingers brush along her tan arm. Ruby's heart fluttered and she pressed her lips together, summoning the confidence she knew she had.
“Maybe I don’t wanna be just friends with you.” She revealed quietly and his fingers stilled, eyes snapping up to meet hers. "Maybe... maybe I want to go on dates with you and- and hold your hand when we walk into school. Maybe I don't want to keep this a secret from Maeve and my friends. Maybe I want to kiss you and hug you and sleep with you. Maybe I want to be... your girlfriend."
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gothicwidowsworld · 3 years
Maeve Wiley #1
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“It’s sweet you’re finally accepting your feelings Maeve.” Y/N L/N stated earnestly her y/e/c orbs distracted by a crack in the pavement. The two girls wouldn’t exactly class themselves as friends, at least not in the traditional sense. The pair had migrated towards each other over a shared love of Virginia Woolf. Shrugging the Wiley girl scowled, Maeve hated people knowing her true feelings; it was a weakness she avoided, the idea of somebody seeing her vulnerable was an action she couldn’t afford. “But it’s too late.” Y/N mumbled brushing her y/h/c locks away from her face. “I hate to say it but you lost.” Y/N continued finally having the courage to look the taller girl in the eyes.
Silence fell over the teens. It was awkward and borderline hostile. Nobody noticed the tension, all too busy scurrying to classes or occupied with finding a quiet place to makeout. “I care for you Wiley you know that but I’m not giving him up. Not for you… not for anybody.” Y/N hadn’t meant to sound cruel God the girl didn’t have a malicious bone in her body but it didn’t stop her from cringing at her statement. Suddenly the y/h/c girl felt a sense of relief wash over her and it's almost like the pair knew. Over at the bike racks there he stood the subject of the conflict. Otis Milburn. “I’ll see you around I guess?” Y/N questioned pathetically before walking away over to her boyfriend a faux smile making it’s home on her y/s/c face a drastic attempt to appear normal. An attempt that failed her once she was under Otis’ microscopic stare.
A/N 1000% not my best work but it is what it is i guess
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onthepageoftears · 5 years
Still Get Jealous (Maeve Wiley x Reader)//Sex Education
A/N: this one was a combination of two requests but it was still pretty short rip
Request: @maevesblush​ Can you do an imagine where Maeve secretly likes the female reader and y/n does too but she and otis are hanging out more and y/n feels like maeve has forgotten her and she becomes distant when really maeve was talking to otis and Eric about her and one night y/n confronts maeve with all angst and shit but with a happy ending and smut or fluff? You decide :) love your imagines with maeve :)
Hey please may you write another for maeve?your last was great! Maybe something like they’re both really into eachother and flirty until one day they just get sucked into the moment and kiss. If not totally fine !
Warnings: jealousy, slight angst, fluff, and minor language
Words: 833
Please Don’t Plagiarize My Work!
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Every time you thought you were getting closer to telling Maeve about your feelings, you just felt it get pushed further away.
You and Maeve had been friends for a while. When you first met her, you knew she wasn’t going away from your life anytime soon. But the closer you got to her as a friend, the less confident you were to ask her out.
So, like any self-conscious teenager, you just didn’t. You bit your tongue whenever you wanted to tell her she looked beautiful, shoved down the urge to kiss her like it was just another hunk of saliva.
And then she started hanging out with Otis.
You had nothing against the boy. He was sweet — an idiot, but sweet. And he really cared about everything he did (maybe a little too much). Part of you wanted him to be a total, complete asshole, because then you could tell Maeve you thought he was bad news.
But he wasn’t. And that was a punch to your gut.
You had no reason to be jealous. Was he hanging out with your best friend more than you were? Sort of. Did he make her smile more than you did? God, you hoped not. So you watched from a distance as Maeve and Otis spent the time together that you wished you had with her. And that was fine.
Except, of course, it wasn’t.
It was just after one of Otis’ clinic meetings that you happened to stumble upon the two laughing about something that you had no business being mad about. They were just laughing, and even if it was more than laughing, you should have been supportive.
As soon as you and Maeve made eye contact, she knew something was up. She sent you a look, the kind you two could decipher without a second glance; you shrugged, hoping she would let it go.
“Oh, hey Y/N.” Otis waved slightly with a nervous smile. 
You nodded back. “How’d the meeting go?”
“Great.” He paused, feeling the slight tension in the air. “Well, I guess I’ll see you guys later.”
“Bye, dickhead.” Maeve turned away from the boy and began walking with a smile. Against your fluttering stomach’s intuitions, you followed after her.
Your mind told you to keep your mouth shut and stare at the concrete, to not make things more awkward than they already were. Though you liked to think your jealousy was hidden, it was almost completely transparent. Maeve could practically taste it in the air. She shoved you slightly, making you look up.
“What’s got your knickers in a twist?”
You forced a laugh and shook your head. “Your face.”
She stuck her tongue out at you, then nudged you again. “Seriously.”
“Nothing.” You licked your lips and mentally kicked yourself. You would seriously regret this. “You’ve been spending a lot of time with Otis, hm?” You tried to make it sound casual, you really did. Instead, the jealousy seeped through your lips and practically smacked Maeve in the face.
She stuttered a laugh and stopped in her tracks. “You’re jealous!”
“I’m not-“
“Am I not spending enough time with you?”
“I didn’t say that-“
“You don’t have to say it, dipshit.” Maeve laughed. “I know you better than anyone.”
But did she? She hadn’t caught onto your feelings for years, even after all the hints you may have dropped.
You frowned. “You don’t know everything.”
“I don’t?” Maeve stepped forward, filling some of the empty space between you.
“What don’t I know, then?”
You shifted your gaze up to Maeve. “You don’t know that…” Your smile helps me go to sleep at night. I wish every second of the say that I could be by your side. I am so proud of everything you’ve done, everything that you’re going to do. All I want to do is kiss you. All I want to do is kiss you.
You sighed dramatically. “I used to think the paper inside of Hershey kisses was edible until last year."
“Oh, shut up.” Maeve shoved your shoulder with a laugh; her hand slid down your arm and lingered just next to your hand. “You’re such an idiot.”
“You love it.”
“I do.” 
You felt your face heat up as her fingers gazed your own. Your eyes connected, and something around you sparked. She smiled, and then you smiled, and soon your faces were closer together and Maeve placed her hand on your neck — and then you finally, almost effortlessly, leaned forward enough to capture her lips in yours. 
It was so random, but so right, and everything you had ever imagined disappeared. Because this...this was your reality. Somehow, it had finally happened — and you weren’t complaining.
Maeve smirked as she pulled away from the kiss. You were still close enough to feel the breath that escaped her mouth as she poked you in the chest. “So that’s why you were jealous.”
You groaned. “Shut up and kiss me.”
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Maeve//It’s Always Been You
Being friends with Maeve Wiley has never been an easy job. She always had something going on in her life, whether it being family trouble, boy drama or school problems. Luckily for her though, you were usually around whenever something had gone wrong. 
But being in love with Maeve Wiley was a completely different issue, especially when it came to boy drama, and recently she seems to be surrounded by it. 
Earlier today Eric had invited the two of you to Otis’ ‘small gathering’ seeing as though you were friends with the both of them (thanks to maeve, you were kind of a package deal), and you’d of course agreed. Maeve had been a little more reluctant, telling Eric that she’d think about it before following the rest of the quiz heads, but you’d promised you’d try and talk to her, before running after her. 
Everyone was well aware of the Otis, Maeve and Ola love triangle, everybody apart from the people who needed to know about it. But what everyone didn’t know, was that it should actually be a love square. You’d been in love with Maeve since the day you moved in next door. She was this badass girl that didn’t take shit from anyone and wasn’t afraid of anything, and you were in awe of her from the moment you saw her. And after she found you sitting alone on one of the hills just outside the trailer park, the two of you became instant friends, and you’d fallen in love with her more and more everyday. 
“Jean is going to kill him.” You say as you look around the trashed living room.
“Definitely.”  Eric agrees while the two of you watch Otis dance drunkly, his drink spilling on the floor as he did. Rahim hands the two of you a drink and you gladly take it, not nearly as drunk as you’d want to be. And definitely not as drunk as Otis is. He’d been drinking since you arrived, partly because of Eric, partly because of his nerves about throwing a ‘gathering’ and trying to win Ola back, but mostly because he was sad.
Maeve had arrived about an hour ago with some boy you recognized from the trailer park, Issac you think. Him and his brother had moved in a few days ago and they seemed alright, if not a bit cynical, but thats what Maeve seemed to like about them.
The two of you had hung out before the party and you’d managed to persuade her into coming, the two of you needed some fun after a rough couple of weeks and a party was exactly what you needed, even if it was at Otis Milburn’s house. You’d helped her pick her outfit (not that you were much help because she looks amazing in literally anything) before you left to get dressed yourself. 
You came back over after you were dressed and greeted her mum politely before going to find her. She had tried backing out of the party when you found her sitting on the sofa, but you’d managed to persuade her again with the promise of a lot of alcohol and the chance to talk things over with Otis. They both needed to talk about what had happened between the two of them, and yeah it killed you to see your crush be in love with someone else but it killed you even more to see her so sad. You wanted everything to go back to normal before it got complicated with stupid feelings for stupid people.
You’ve seen Ola a few times, going into random rooms, but you hadn’t really paid that much attention to her, you were too busy trying to control Otis’ alcohol intake...not that he was listening to you as well as also keeping an eye on Maeve. She looks happy enough talking to Issac and so you decided to leave them to it for a bit, just while you babysat Otis until Eric came back from wherever he’d disappeared to. 
“Hey Otis.” Ola tries to catch his attention and your eyes widen. “Otis?”
“Oh god.” You mumble. You’d left the room to get yourself a drink and when you come back he’s talking to Maeve, with Ola not far behind the two of them. Both the girls don’t look very happy with him, however Issac looks very amused by his dancing, and at any other time, you would be too. But this is just a disaster waiting to happen. “Where’s Eric?” You ask Rahim as you look around the crowded room but can’t seem to find him anywhere.
“I’ve got my stuff, I’m leaving.” Ola tells him, an unimpressed look on her face as she holds her bag up.
“Okay. Bye Ola.” He waves her off but keeps looking at Maeve, a smug smile on his face and you curse.
“You invited her but not me?” She asks, looking at Maeve who rolls her eyes.  
“No.” He shakes his head. “I didn’t invite her. Eric invited her without my knowledge. He invited Y/n too.” He points behind him at you and you smile awkwardly. “I didn’t want her here at all.” He says and Maeve’s eyebrows raise.
“Ouch.” You mumble and move to stand in between Maeve and Ola. 
“I think I’m going to go too.” Maeve says annoyed and turns around to pick up her bag. You go to follow her but Otis stands in the way of the three of you, stopping you all from leaving. 
“Maeve, Ola. Stay, please. Please stay.” He says. “I have something to tell you. I have something to tell both of you.” He puts his drink down and spins around. “I’m going to tell everyone because...I can.” He stumbles onto the sofa and you cringe at the situation happening in front of you. “Sorry Connor.” He mumbles. “Excuse me, everyone! Everyone, come and look at me. I have an announcement to make. Can we turn the music down? Um, I wanna say something...to my party guests.”
“Otis. Get down!” You say but he waves his arm around, completely ignoring you.
“Um, so, this is Ola. I don’t know if you know her. She’s well, quite little and...and funny, and interesting, and pretty, and she was my girlfriend, until she told me I can’t see Maeve anymore.” He says and your eyes widen, Maeve rolls her eyes again while Ola looks at the floor. “Now, we all know Maeve. Scary Maeve. You know, she’s not actually scary. She’s just pretending.” That is very true, he does have a point there and its one of the things you love most about her. “Anyway...Maeve told me that she liked me, okay? And I like Maeve. I like Maeve a lot, a lot more than I liked Ola.” He admits and everyone gasps.
“Otis. Otis, get off-” Eric tries but he continues anyway.
“But I was trying to be a good boyfriend, so I said to Maeve ‘sorry, i can’t see you anymore’. And then, Ola dumped me. Yeah, its confusing. I was confused. But I thought probably a good thing ‘cause I just really wanted to be with Maeve. And I didn’t really want to be with Ola, and then I realized, Maeve Wiley just likes playing with people’s feelings, and she doesn’t really care about anybody else. Like, she brought this...man with her-”
“Otis.” You warn, your fists clenched by your side. You’re not a violent person but right now Otis is making it very difficult to be nice. 
“Yeah, anyway. So she brought this man. I don’t know, probably to make me jealous. Definitely didn’t work.”
“It definitely did.” Issac whispers.
“All in all, I think she’s probably the most selfish person I’ve ever met. And I think its good that I’m not going out with either of them because I think I deserve a whole lot more. Thank you for coming. Good night.” He starts clapping to himself while everyone whispers around him. “Not good night. Stay, enjoy yourselves. Music on, please!”
“You’re welcome to him.” Ola spits before walking out.
“What is her problem?” Otis slurs to himself.
“You’re an arsehole.” Maeve shoves past him making him stumble.
“Hey!” He calls after her, but quickly forgets everything he’s just said, his face lighting up when he see’s you. “Y/n! Are you enjoying the par-” You cut him off by punching him...hard, and a few people around you, including Ola and Maeve laugh in disbelief.
“You’re a real dickhead Otis Milburn!” You shove past him and catch up with Maeve, grabbing her hand which she gratefully takes. She’s staring at you completely shocked as the two of you walk out. Her hands shake as the two of you walk back home in a comfortable silence and you give her hand a reassuring squeeze every so often. 
“Why are boys such...” Maeve trails off as the two of you lie next to each other. When you got back to the trailer park you insisted on her staying at your house for the night so she wouldn’t have to deal with her mum and she gladly accepted your offer. 
“Idiots?” You finish her sentence for her making her giggle and you blush softly.
“Well, that wasn’t the word I was going to use. But sure. Why are they such idiots?”
“I guess in this society, being male and an asshole makes them worthy of our time.” You reply making her laugh louder.
“You’ve really been spending too much time with me.”
“Like you could come up with something like that.” You scoff and she looks at you offended. “Its from 10 Things I Hate About You.” 
“I love that movie.” 
“I know you do.” You smile softly at her. “What Otis said, it wasn’t true, you know that right?” You ask and she sighs, turning to lie on her back. You do the same and the two of you stare at the ceiling, trying to make patterns out of the weird design on it. 
“The more I think of it, the more I feel like he was right though.” 
“What?” Your jaw drops. “How could you think that? Maeve, Otis was an arsehole back there, like you said. He’s just upset because nothing was going his way and he was being a child. You are the most selfless person I have ever met. I think you’re amazing and Otis should thank every god in existence that you’re in his life, because you’re really special. You’re amazing Maeve Wiley.” 
“You’re just saying that.” She rolls her eyes as she plays with her fingers, something she does when she’s nervous. 
“When do I ever just say something? Especially to you?” You raise a brow. “I don’t go around punching boys for just any reason. They have to really piss me off.” 
“True.” She laughs. “Thank you for that. How’s your hand?” 
“I think it’ll be fine.” You shrug and hold your hand up to try and see any bruises forming. After a few seconds of squinting you can make out a few dark bruises starting to appear making you smile to yourself. “If I were you I’d be more worried about Otis’ face.” You reply making her laugh loudly. 
“Yeah, like thats going to happen.” She giggles and turns to look at you, however her laughter is replaced with a frown when she see’s the sad expression on your face. “Whats wrong?” She turns on her side. 
“Do you still love him?” You ask and her breath hitches. 
No, I love you. I love you. I love you. I. Love. You! She wants to scream it. She wants to shout it from rooftops and tell the entire world. I love you and its the best feeling ever.
“No.” She shakes her head softly. 
“When did you stop?” 
“A few months ago.” 
“Why?” You ask. 
“I fell for someone else.” She says, her voice barely above a whisper and you look down, refusing to make eye contact. 
“They’re really the best.” She says dreamily. “They’re always there for me, no matter what and I really can’t imagine my life without them.” 
“I’m glad you’ve gotten over Otis.” You force a smile. “He didn’t deserve you.” You add and turn around quickly, facing the other side of the room. You don’t know its happening until its too late, and then you’re quietly crying because she seems to see everyone that isn’t you. 
“Y/n?” She asks, unsure of what to say. “Please turn around.” 
“Its getting late and we have school tomorrow.” You force out, your voice wobbling as you try to make it through and she sighs. 
“Please.” She adds making you sigh and quickly wipe the tears from your face before turning to face her. You’re glad your bedroom is dark so she can’t see the tears staining your cheeks, even though you know she already knows. “Y/n?” She brushes a piece of her from your face and your eyes flicker to look at her. “Its you.” She whispers and leans in slowly, her lips brushing against yours softly before you close the gap, pressing your lips against hers. The kiss is slow and gentle as your hands tangle in her hair while her hand travels down to your waist, pulling you closer. “Its always been you.” 
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imaginedisish · 6 years
Ask Me I Won’t Say No. How Could I? (Otis Milburn x Reader) (Sex Education)
A/N: YAYAY MY FIRST SEX EDUCATION IMAGINE!!!! IT’S PURE FLUFF! (the next one is gonna be smutty as hell don’t worry!) This is based on an anon request I got earlier today :) The title is based on a song by The Smith’s called “Ask”.  Thank you for all the love and requests as usual! You’re all amazing! XXXXXX <3 
Summary: You and Otis are best friends, but you’re head over heels in love with him. You decide that it’s time he knows the truth, even if he’s in love with Maeve. 
Warnings: Some language!! Mega fluff! 
Word Count: 1,520
(oh also I’d very much like to marry Will Poulter, Asa Butterfield and Fionn Whitehead...okay that’s all ENJOY)
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The birds chirp loudly as you walk down the wooded path, almost as if to warn you to turn around. They know what you’re about to do, and it’s as if they know that it’s going to go poorly. Rays of sunlight peep through the luscious, green, canopy like trees as the brook on the opposite side of the path babbles. The fall breeze greets you like an old friend. It pushes against you, begging you to turn around just like the birds had. 
Don’t tell him, the wind whispers in your ears. Obviously it wasn't really the wind, but your apprehensive self warning you of the mistake you were about to make. 
When you woke up this morning, you had made a life changing decision. You decided that today was going to be the day that you tell Otis Milburn exactly how you feel about him. 
And that was terrifying to you. 
You two had been best friends for quite some time. You told each other everything, sometimes to a fault. You knew all about his gigantic crush on Maeve Wiley, and that killed you. She was gorgeous, sure. She was complex person, you’d give her that. But she wouldn’t treat Otis the way you would, or so you believed. She would use him, she wouldn’t love him the way you do. No one could.
Regardless, from the very beginning of your friendship, you knew that you liked Otis. At this point, you knew weren’t just “in like” with him. 
You were in love with him, and it hurt far too much to keep hidden inside. You would do anything for that boy. All he had to do was ask, and you would never be able to say no. You loved him too much to do otherwise. He made you feel special, and beautiful. No one else could do that. No one. 
After a few more minutes of walking, you approach Otis’s huge, red colonial home. You’ve always admired the house. Large windows allowed natural light to pour into and flood each and every room. Golden brown wood floors stretched throughout the entire house. All of this was tucked away amongst rolling hills and forest. There was something romantic about the house’s location, something that made your heart beat rapidly every time you reached the front door.
You ring the door bell and wait. The sound of heels clacking against the wood floors inside the house echo in the air. Suddenly, the front door swings open. 
“Why hello, (Y/N!)” Mrs Milburn stands in the doorway, one hand on her hip and the other resting on the door knob.
“Hi, Mrs. Milburn,” you reply timidly, a forced smile spreading across your face. It wasn’t until that moment that the realness of the situation smacked you in the face. You’d have to tell Otis that you love him, that you want to be with him. 
And worst of all, you would most likely have to hear those retched words, the most terrible words ever iterated in the English language. 
“I’m sorry, I just don’t feel the same.”
Your mind was spinning. This was a mistake, you think to yourself. Maybe it isn’t too late to turn around. Maybe I can just say I forgot I had something to do and go home. Butterflies violently crash against the walls of your stomach, your heart beating so fast that you might as well have run a marathon.
“Call me Jean, love.” Mrs. Milburn’s voice brings you back to reality. “Come on in, I’ll get Otis.” Mrs. Milburn opens the door all the way, inviting you to come inside. You hesitate for a moment, almost wanting to sprint in the other direction. Still, you reluctantly step inside. Mrs. Milburn closes the door behind you.
“Otis darling! (Y/N) is here!” Mrs. Milburn says as she guides you into the kitchen. You then hear a set of feet hurriedly stumble down the stairs. A few seconds later, Otis appears in the kitchen, practically out of thin air. 
“H-hey, (Y/N),” Otis says, smiling, giving you a small wave. He walks closer to you, until he’s standing by your side. An awkward lull of silence falls upon the room. 
Mrs. Milburn quickly catches on. 
“Well I’ll give you two the room,” She says, rushing into her office, closing the door slightly. The awkward silence, however remains. You pull out a chair, and sit down at the kitchen table. Otis does the same. 
“I need to talk to you, Otis,” you say softly, your voice giving away your nervousness.
“Is-is everything alright?” Otis questions, reassuringly resting a hand on yours. Heat rises to your cheeks at the feeling of his touch. His turquoise blue eyes meet yours, a soft smile spreading across his face. 
“E-everything is j-just f-fine, but there’s something eating at m-me that I-I need to tell you,” you stutter. Otis’s smile turns into a look of concern.
“You can tell me anything, (Y/N), you know that,” Otis says. You nod, collecting your thoughts, unsure of how to begin. 
“From the first moment I saw you, Otis, I knew there was something so spectacular about you.” Your voice is low and shaky as you struggled to get your words out. You don’t know if you can bare to go on. 
After all, you think to yourself, I know how this is going to end. Maeve this, Maeve that. It isn’t me, and it never will be. 
Otis notices your nervousness. “It’s okay, take your time.” You smile at his kindness. God he’s so sweet, you think. You regain some of your confidence, and begin again. 
“You’re not just some guy in the corner to me, Otis…” You trail off. This was it. Here it comes, you think to yourself. You breath deeply, preparing for the worst. 
“I’m in love with you, Otis, and I have been for a while.” You did it. You said the words you always wanted to. You search Otis’s eyes for some sort of an answer. 
A heavy silence weighs down the room. You feel like you’ve made a grave mistake. 
Fuck. I can’t believe I just did that. Years of friendship ruined, all over one stupid fucking crush, you think. It feels like your world is falling apart. Tears begin to fill your eyes. You push the chair out slightly, standing up. 
“I-I’m sorry,” you mumble, making your way back towards the front door. “I should be going.” Tears fall down your cheeks at free will. You hear feet shuffle across the hardwood floors behind you as you head outside. You open the door, and practically run out.
“No, wait!” You hear Otis call out from behind you. He breaks into a sprint, trying to catch up to you. Suddenly, a set of arms find their way to your waist, spinning you around. 
You’re taken back as Otis’s lips come crashing down against yours, his hands cupping your cheeks. There’s a hunger about the kiss, something you’ve never felt before. 
But god does it feel so good. You kiss him back, smiling against Otis’s lips. He pulls away from you slowly. 
“I’m s-so s-sorry. I’m sorry for not saying anything back right away. I’m sorry I talked about Maeve so often with you,” Otis says, his words rushed. “I’m in love with you, (Y/N), I’ve just always assumed you would never feel the same. How could a girl like you ever love a guy like me?” You shake your head, almost upset with Otis’s low self esteem.  
“How could a girl like me not love a guy like you?” You say, wiping the tears from your eyes. Otis wraps his arms around you again, pulling you into a tight embrace. You hear his heart beating rapidly against his chest. The sound makes the pit of your stomach fill up with excitement. 
You two stay there for some time, until Otis pulls away. 
“I guess there’s only one thing left for me to do,” Otis chuckles, anxiously scratching the back of his neck. His ocean eyes glow in the sunlight, his fluffy brown hair an absolute mess.  “Would you be my girlfriend?”
“Yes!” You hear Mrs. Milburn scream from the front door. Otis rolls his eyes and turns around. 
“Mom! Really?” Otis shouts back to her. 
“Sorry darling!” Mrs. Milburn rushes back inside, only to open a window and continue eavesdropping on your conversation. Mrs. Milburn’s heart was always in the right place, no matter how overbearing her actions were. 
“I’d never say no to you, how could I?” You say finally, giggling with joy. Otis beams, wrapping his arms around you, picking you up and spinning you around. 
“God I love you. It feels so good to finally be able to say that,” Otis says into your neck, refusing to let you go. Your heart flutters in your chest. 
“I love you two,” You say back, smiling wider than you ever have. Everything felt so new, so vibrant, so beautiful.
You could definitely get used to this.
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charmedslayer · 4 years
✨ + /tagged/mine
okay this got really long.... i think i’m gonna do a read more.... fucked up when i did that the first time so not doing that again
okay so... i hadn't actually planned to do this ask game... which is why i hadn't reblogged the original post going around tumblr. i was thinking about it though and now you've asked me so i guess i'm doing this lol. (though if anyone else asks i got this like 2 days ago idk if other people are answering faster but yeah i might take 1-3 days depending on how many people ask me and if i make them all as long as this one which i doubt will be a lot).
omg so i decided to go to your archive to try to see like all your gifs and saw this:
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... so like i did not look at all 638 gifsets you've made but i did look at a hell of a lot of your gifs and did scroll till i reached the first gifs you’ve made. i decided to not look at any shows i'm not watching/plan to watch/am behind on so as to avoid spoilers. so i still probably looked at hundreds of your gifs and here are my top 7 (yes i'm cheating but like 4 of them have similar styles of coloring so i'm gonna group those together cause i really didn't wanna cut any of them out cause they're so nice) and also 2 honorable mentions at the end cause i wanted to lol.
and i know no one else has done it like this but i'm gonna cause i feel it'll be nice to see one of the gifs from the gifset alongside my comment. so without further ado here they are (in no particular order):
Top 5 7:
1. Day 12 ❣ Liz Ortecho (Roswell New Mexico)
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Damn that gif looks smoooooth and so vibrantly red! I really love your coloring here and especially how it makes the red pop, especially in this particular gif.
2.  Day 20 ❣ Maeve Wiley (Sex Education)
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So much pink! I love all the pink you’ve got in this gifset, the paler pinks to the hotter pinks! It all works together really well. (I remember when watching Sex Education I thought omg with all that pink that keeps popping up i could (should) totally make a gifset but i never did and i have a thousand gif ideas before I run out so idk if i ever will make one).
3.  Day 6 ❣ Love Quinn (You)
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Who doesn’t love a pale set? Lovely gifset you’ve made there. (First pun actually not intended and completely accidental.) Seriously it’s really nice, I’m not sure I can really do pale gifsets i think they’re kinda hard so really good job there. (also omg i only just realised now after putting the name of your gifsets that all but 1 of the gifsets i chose are from your 366 characters in 2020 series, totally by coincidence though cause seriously i looked at nearly all of your edits.)
4/5/6/7: I really like the contrast of drained color for face or background + like 1 or 2 colors for the rest of the gifs.
4. #31 ❣ Clary Fray (Shadowhunters)
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I really love the emphasis on her hair due to the lack of background color but that you also still get to see some color in her clothes and the lighting. Love the orangey/yellowy coloring paired with drained colors in this set. Also really love this gif below having full color but still matching with the rest of the gifset, the yellow lighting/coloring looks very nice:
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5. characters i adore 👑 in 2019 ✔ Cheryl Blossom
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Black & white with only red in color is a classic for a reason. Seriously just loving these drained color with a splash of color sets. Keep making more of these!
6. Day 1 ❣ Macy Vaughn (charmed)
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Pretty in Pink! Again love all the pink like the Maeve set, ranging from paler pinks to hotter pinks plus combining the drained coloring in this gif. Very nice!
7.  Day 4 ❣ Nancy Drew (Nancy Drew)
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What more can I say about my love for these b&w/color gifset? Oh I know, why don’t they have more notes??? And keep making them!!
Honorable mentions: Nice vibrant Riverdale gifsets (thedaysoffuturepast . nl /tagged/riverdaleedit)
Nancy Wheeler in every episode (thedaysoffuturepast . nl /tagged/nweps)
PS: what is up with your username being stargirl-courtney but your url being thedaysoffuturepast . nl ??? was very confused thinking either you’d changed your username since sending your ask or that I had the wrong blog and was looking at the wrong gifs.
edit: wouldn’t show up in tag cause i linked to your edit tags for the honorable mentions nope still won’t show up... i hate tumblr not letting us put links to like anything in our posts...
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natureivy · 4 years
20 Questions!
Tagged by @maeve-wiley! Thanks, Megara 💜 Tagging: @thomasbradys @fivehole @pucksandpoutines @masturfaded @nurse-strangelove @kotkaniemi and anyone else that wants to do it!
Do you make your bed: Yes I suppose I do. I didn’t use to, but Julia got me into it Favorite number: 9
Your job: Well usually I’m an aftercare teacher, but right now nothing and idk what’s gonna happen going forward :/
If you could go back to school: No
Can you parallel park: I mean I did it when I took my test, but irl I’ll just park somewhere else
A job you had that would surprise people: I’ve literally had two jobs, I stocked shelves, and now I take care of kids.
Are aliens real: It’s naive to think they don’t
Can you drive a manual car: No way
Guilty pleasures: I don’t usually feel guilty about any of my pleasures
Tattoos: 4. Watercolour outline of a heart in the pan colors on my left forearm; black outline of a rose on my right wrist; outline of the dark knight batman symbol on my left ankle; and then my biggest piece is on my right hip, it’s the mika lyrics “blame it on the girls...” with like a minimalist triangle design behind it, like the outline of triangles in blue orange and pink, idk it’s hard to describe but i took inspo from the music vid and it looks really cool
Favorite color: Black but that’s a shade so blue
Things people do that drive you crazy: Lots of things
Phobias: Death and heights
Favorite childhood sport: What does this mean? Like that I played? Idk soccer I guess
Do you talk to yourself: Maybe I guess
What movies do you adore: Rocketman and that’s it
Do you like doing puzzles: I can yeah. Thinking about doing my Gillette Stadium puzzle this quarantine
Favorite kind of music: The music I listen to. Like I listen to all sorts of stuff
Tea or coffee: Coffee or bust
The first thing you wanted to be when you grew up: Singer
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onthepageoftears · 6 years
I Don’t Want To Let You Go (Maeve Wiley x Reader) // Sex Education
A/N: Ahhhhhh this is my first time writing more angsty fluff soooo hopefully it went well! This came out a little bit differently than the request, so send me a message if I should take another whack at it/do a part two. By the way, the title is after the Weezer song of the same name! 
Request: a maeve x reader where y/n is maeve’s bestfriend for years and he/she won’t admit his/her feelings for maeve but gets jealous when jackson is around
Summary: You’ve been friends with Maeve for years, but only on the night of the dance do you realize your true feelings for her.
Warnings: Angst, flufff, panic attack, and suicide attempt
Words: 1,445
Please Don’t Plagiarize My Work!
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Your jaw nearly dropped when you saw Maeve’s dress. “You look…”
“Gorgeous.” Jackson leaned to his girlfriend with a kiss on the cheek and you averted you gaze with a nervous chuckle. You didn’t know why his affection for Maeve made you uncomfortable; you blamed it on your lack of a date, but really, it had been this way whenever Maeve was with him.
“Yeah,” you looked back up and saw Maeve watching you, ignoring Jacksons’ arm on her waist.
“You look great yourself.” She gestured to your outfit, making you blush.
“Eh, it’s whatever.”
To say things have been awkward between you two was an understatement. Ever since she started dating Jackson - like, officially dating - you felt strange around her. Not to mention the fact that she didn’t hang out with you as much, and only saw you at the occasional lunch or after school hang out. Luckily you had Otis and Eric to keep you company, two friends you had made once Maeve started the clinic. But tonight, Otis had his date and Eric was MIA after the birthday incident, so you were mostly on your own for the night.
You were sitting at a table, watching Eric and Otis dance together with a smile. You were so glad they were friends again, and your eyes began to wander the crowd for Maeve and Jackson, who were undoubtably together. But, your search was cut short by a scream.
A boy was standing on the prop piece made for the dance; he reached out and held onto the fake moon as he let himself fall forward, swinging his legs aimlessly in the air. You found yourself walking into the crowd to get closer to the scene, ending up next to Otis, who had begun speaking to the boy.
You guessed he was a client to the clinic, but you couldn’t imagine why he would be threatening to jump from all the way up there. There was a crazy look in his eyes, and his pupils were far from average size, seemingly growing by the second. You looked at the crowd, watching the scared students wait to see the boys’ fate as he dangled from the moon; your eyes landed on Maeve, who turned her head towards you just at that moment. With a quick movement, you turned back to Otis and tuned into his words.
“You can’t make people like you.” You swallowed a lump in your throat, trying to ignore the pinch in your heart at Otis’ words. “But love isn’t about grand gestures, or the moon and the stars. It’s just dumb luck.” Your eyes locked with Maeve’s. You didn’t know what you expected, but it definitely was not the tender and soft way her eyes bored into your own; it made your heart flutter, and in an effort to stop yourself from thinking too much into it, you looked away.
“And sometimes, you meet someone who feels the same way. And, sometimes, you’re unlucky. But one day, you’re gonna meet someone who appreciates you for who you are.” You watch the boy above intently, trying to ignore the eyes burning into your side. You didn’t want to look at her; it would just hurt, and you didn’t want to feel anymore pain than you already did.
Finally, the boy pushed himself away from the moon, slowly bringing his body to the center of the castle. You knew what the boy did was wrong, but a part of you couldn’t help but feel sympathy for him. Sure, you didn’t stalk Maeve or force her to talk to you. You didn’t even bake her cakes or send her strange letters. But, you were undoubtably in love with her for the duration of your friendship.
In love, you thought, bringing your eyes back to hers with a gasp. You were in love. It all made sense now: the awkward interactions, your distaste of Jackson. You were in love with Maeve, and you couldn’t deny it.
Suddenly, the crash ripped your eyes from hers, and you watched as the boy stumbled onto the ground with a groan. You let out a sigh of relief, glad that he was okay. Leaving a small pat on Otis’ shoulder, you shimmied your way through the crowd so that no one would see the tears forming in your eyes.
As soon as you got out of the gym, you felt a rush of air fill your lungs, but it was still hard to breathe. It’s okay, it’s okay, you told yourself, trying to focus on the shallow breaths that escaped your mouth. But your brain wasn’t working right, and all you could think of was Maeve, so beautiful and smart, so…with Jackson.
Jackson. He was a sweet guy, and from what Maeve told you, you could tell she cared about him. But you remember the day that he serenaded her, walked up to her and asked her to be his girlfriend. It hurt, and at the time you didn’t know why, but now it had hit you. Like a huge wave of emotions and pain, filling your heart with agony and your eyes with tears. She would never be with you. She was with Jackson. She is with Jackson.
“Y/N?” You heard, faint, distant. A hand was tugging at your face, pulling you from the deep hole you found yourself in. Slowly, your surroundings came into focus: streamers, dark purple lighting, and Maeve.
“Maeve?” You let out a sob, pushing yourself further against the wall in an attempt to escape from her grasp.
“Hey, it’s alright. It’s alright.” She pushed some hair out of your face, flicking her eyes all over you in concern. It made your heart ache even more, and your breathing became harsh once again.
“I can’t breathe.” You said simply, sliding down the wall and letting your knees hit your chest. Maeve followed, staying right in front of you, not letting her eyes leave you for one second.
Your heart was pounding in your ears as you moved your eyes up to hers; they were large with worry, cascading all around your face at the tears, the panic in your eyes, the gasps that escaped your lips. She was there, holding your hand and just looking at you, not trying to ask why you were having a panic attack; a part of you thought she already knew.
“Maeve?” Jackson tumbled into the hallway and looked down at you two with a frown.
Maeve didn’t take her eyes from yours, a flash of annoyance glazing over her face. “Not now Jackson.” She shifted a bit to sit next of you, not letting go of your hand. With a shaky breath you closed your eyes, trying to drown out all the noise from the other room and just think of right now: holding Maeve’s hand, taking deep breaths, feeling her eyes on yours, letting all your pain subside, at least for a moment.
“Are you okay?” Maeve whispered, squeezing your hand a bit. All you did was nod, licking your lips and slowly opening your eyes. She was watching you again, but this time released her hand from yours to swipe the tears off your cheeks. You found yourself lost in her eyes, the same eyes that were there for you when your parents split, the same eyes that you watched sob after her brother left, the same eyes that glared at Ruby when she called you a slimy bitch. She was always there for you, and you were always there for her, and even though she couldn’t be with you now, you knew that someday it would work out. Someday.
“Oh, I think I’m gonna be sick,” Jackson groaned, making you two nearly jump in your spots.
“I should get him home,” Maeve says lightly, tapping you on the knee with one finger. “Will you be alright?”
You nod, this time actually meaning it. But something inside you stirred, causing another tear to escape down your cheek. I don’t want to let you go, you thought as you watched her walk Jackson towards the exit. But I have to.
You recalled Otis’ speech from earlier: “You can’t make people like you”. If that meant moving on from Maeve, that’s what you would have to do. And you would get through it, one way or another.
I know this ended kind of sadly but it felt wrong to make them together at the end, like it was too quick or something. Let me know if I should do a part two or just leave it at that, or if you have any other suggestions! <3
Edit: Part 2 Here :)
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onthepageoftears · 6 years
The Only Exception (Maeve Wiley x Reader) //Sex Education
A/N: Not gonna lie this was so fun to write and now i wish i worked at a bookstore so i could meet the love of my life bye
Request: @crookshanks1999 I need more Maeve x reader!! One with a lot of cute moments. Like, if you can, do one where Maeve realizes that she likes y/n and goes to her house And she says so but y/n doesn't know how to react (although she also has the same feelings) and she just keeps quiet, so Maeve tells her to forget it and runs away, y/n feels bad and decides to compensate what she did with a very sweet gesture (sorry for the bad English)
Summary: Maeve didn’t want to care about anything or anyone - that was before she met you. (why do i even write these summaries honestly)
Warnings: ANGSTTT, FLUFFFF like actually you might suffocate from the fluff just so you know
Words: omg 2,000+
Please Don’t Plagiarize My Work!
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Maeve was flipping through the book she had been eyeing all week; she was coming into the small bookstore nearly everyday, taking the same book off the shelves and reading as much as she could in a viable amount of time. She couldn’t afford it, not right now, so doing this was the only way to read outside of the school library (which had a very, very limited selection). She was halfway through a really great chapter when a small voice made her jump.
“We’re closing in five minutes,” you said, already wearing your coat. Maeve slammed the book shut and avoided your gaze; she felt like she had been caught doing something wrong, when really, she was just reading. But something about your warm smile took her off-guard, and she fumbled to put the book back in its place.
“You like that one?” You said, watching her throw her bag over her shoulder.
“The book.” You pointed to the copy she just placed back on the shelf, making your way over to the girl. Maeve shrugged, suddenly nervous by how close you were. You pulled the book off the shelf, flipping through the pages that Maeve had become familiar with. “Here.” You pushed the book towards her with a smile. “You should keep it.”
“I can’t.” Maeve uttered in disbelief of your offer. She tried to push it away, but you were stronger.
“Consider it a gift,” you said, sending her a wink as she hugged the book to her chest. Maeve tried to think of something to say, but instead walked out of the bookstore, with her new book and a freshly flushed face.
But that wasn’t the end of her bookstore visits. She went there just as often; sometimes she would go to sit in the reading area and do her homework, others to see if you were there. When you were, she would watch you placing books on the shelves, or talking to customers. She never approached you, because that would make her infatuation real. So, she stayed at a distance, and hoped you didn’t catch her watching.
And you didn’t. Not at first. Instead, you felt like the creep, always peaking glances at Maeve as she read her books or studied. You would send her a smile every now and then, but you blamed that on being in ‘customer service mode’. Even when the store got busy, you would find yourself wondering what Maeve was reading, what her next book would be, and if she would come back tomorrow. She always did.
One particularly cold day, Maeve arrived at the bookstore way earlier than planned; she was excited to get to the newest book on her reading list, and left the house after downing her bowl of cereal. But when she arrived, the door was locked.
“Is it not open?” You were there, cheeks red from the cold, reaching into your pocket for what Maeve guessed was a set of keys.
“No, I guess not.”
“Hm.” You soon opened the door, holding it open for her to walk in behind you. She hesitated, but entered nonetheless, immediately feeling the warmth of the bookstore settle in her skin.
When she opened her eyes, you were closing the door behind her, not bothering to change the ‘open’ sign. You shrugged off your coat, revealing a cute green sweater that was undoubtably borrowed because of the way it hung off your figure. Maeve watched as you wordlessly set up the store: you turned on the lights, dusted some of the shelves, checked that the register was working. Eventually, you headed into the back room, where Maeve heard slight rustling. She just stood there, as if in a trance of your routined movements. But then she heard a call.
“You can come back here, if you like!”
Again, Maeve hesitated. She already felt like she was disrupting something in the bookstore, but she also felt her stomach flip at the idea of spending time with you. So, she made her way behind the register and into the small room that you disappeared into: inside was a cart full of books, a small couch (similar to the one in the reading area) and little kitchenette where you stood, making yourself a cup of tea.
Maeve stood awkwardly in the doorway, unsure of what to do.
“Sit, sit.” You instructed, noticing her unsure expression. She listened, sitting on the welcoming couch with a stiff back. Soon, you were sitting down as well, holding two cups in your hand. “Tea?”
“Sure.” Maeve took the cup with eagerness, as she was still cold from the walk here. The two of you sat in silence for a few moments, and Maeve would be lying if she said it wasn’t a bit awkward. But then you began talking.
You told her that the bookstore was your Uncle’s, and you had practically grown up roaming the shelves. How you were working here but it hardly felt like a job. Then you told her how you spent most of your time there, even if you weren’t working.
“Like you.” You sipped your tea with kind eyes, and Maeve couldn’t help but blush.
She didn’t think you had noticed all the time she spent there, and her stomach flipped at the thought. She apologized, partly for spending so much time there and partly because she never bought books; you quickly frowned, telling her it was nice to see people with such a devotion to books like yourself. At that, Maeve smiled, unsure of what to say. But, nothing needed to be said, because there was a certain knowing in the air that you two were meant to meet, and it was only a matter of time that you would get along.
Sadly, you had to open the store officially, and you two went about your business. But now, things were different. Maeve would catch your eye randomly throughout the day, sending you a smirk or holding up her new book to show you what she was up to. You would send her a thumbs up, or a simple nod of approval.
After more time went by, you would spend your break with her, discussing the book she was reading and gushing about your favorite characters. You would leave her some book recommendations, and she would do the same for you. Often times, you would pretend you hadn’t read the book she recommended just to see the smile on her face when you told her you finished it.
It was safe to say that you two had taken a liking to each other. If you spent a lot of time at the bookstore before, now you practically lived there. And the days that Maeve couldn’t make it, you felt the slightest pang in your heart, the smallest distaste in your mouth that you couldn’t quite explain.
But Maeve felt the same way. Sometimes she would enter the bookstore with an eager smile, just for it to falter at the man who stood behind the counter. She would drag her feet over to the reading area and bite her nails as she looked out the window, half expecting you to never come back. But then, you would rush up to the door with your familiar frazzled expression, a smile plastered on your face as you saw Maeve through the window.
Those feelings of fear rose faster and faster within Maeve; she wondered why, of all people, you made her scared. She couldn’t care about you, could she? The answer was yes. She could. And she did.
Maeve used to be great at pretending. She would pretend nothing bothered her, that everyone was just another body in her presence. She tried to pretend she didn’t care about you; sometimes she would ignore the smile you sent her, or purposefully not go to the bookstore just to see if you would forget about her. But when it came to you, that ability to pretend was gone. You were her only exception; she couldn’t pretend she didn’t care for you, because the feeling was too strong. And that growing sensation in her heart would not go away, no matter what she did. She knew she needed to do something about it, or she would explode.
She went to the bookstore early that day, similar to the first time you two had officially met. She was leaning against the wall next to the door, biting her nails, when you turned the corner in your frivolous state.
“Maeve!” You said, and your smile nearly killed her right then. If this goes wrong, I can’t talk to her ever again, she thought as she watched you unlock the door. “Come on in.”
“I can’t.” Maeve licked her lips, watching the way you frowned and faltered your smile in the cutest way. “I mean…I care about you. Like…really care about you. And I don’t think I can pretend that I don’t.” Maeve bit her lip as you widened your eyes, mouth opening and closing with nothing coming out. It was exactly what she was afraid of, and your hesitance was the only answer she needed.
“Forget it.” She said, turning on her heal and rushing away, ignoring your call and wiping the tears angrily from her face. At least I don’t have to worry about it, she thought, not really meaning it. 
When she got home, she tried to distract herself with a book, but her mind only went to you: to your smile, to the way your face flushed after being in the cold, and to the way you hummed to yourself as you placed books on those dusty old shelves. She groaned, banging her head lightly with the book, trying to forget what happened, and how embarrassed she was.
I need to take a walk, she thought, and grabbed her bag as she rushed out the door.
She was walking aimlessly, and the cool air surrounded her in the near lifeless streets. Soon, she found herself in the very place she was trying to forget: the bookstore. She looked longingly in the dark windows to the shelves that were shined on by loose moonlight. She was about to leave when she heard your voice.
“I was hoping you would come back,” you said, holding the door open with your foot. “Come on.” You walked inside, holding the door open further. Maeve couldn’t help but walk over. The door was literally waiting for her - you were waiting for her - and even though her heart still hurt, she passed you silently, taking a deep breath as the smell of books filled her senses.
“Here.” You were now holding a book in front of her, a shy smile on your face. Maeve almost didn’t take it, but your slight jab in the air made her hold her hand out. You placed the book in her hands, and she realized it wasn’t any book - it was her favorite, the one she had been forced to borrow from the school library, the one that was covered in numerous booger stains and only her name in the take-out list. But now, it was hers.
“You remembered?” Was all she could say as her fingers traced the cover, and she looked back at the blush that was on your cheeks.
“Open it. To the cover page.”
She did. And in scribbled out handwriting, you wrote: “you don’t have to pretend.” When she looked up, you were right in front of her, watching her with your bottom lip between your teeth.
“I care about you too,” you said, hiding your eyes. But Maeve could see that you meant it, and she raised a hand to your cheek.
“I don’t want you to leave.” She whispered, admitting it for the first time out loud. Her heart hammered in her chest as you placed your hand over hers. You smiled and flicked your eyes all around her face, wondering if she could hear how loud your heart was beating.
“Why would I?” And then, you kissed her.
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onthepageoftears · 6 years
Just Teasing (Maeve Wiley x Reader)// Sex Education
A/N: And here is the second post of the 200 follower celebration!! Legit had to look up how to flirt for this one because ya girls got no experience and I am DEFINITELY not confident lolll but anyway i have a lot of maeve requests that I’m excited to get to but this was the one that spoke to meee also i mixed the two together because that’s just how it worked out so i hope thats okayyy anyway go read it lol
(yes that was one big run-on i promise the writing is better down below)
Request: @becomingpeterw​ could you please write a maeve wiley x reader where they flirt with each other as a joke over the span of a few months but one of them decides to "do something about it"? like, ask the other person out or just kiss them out of the blue? could be a follow up to the "can I kiss you?" fic..? I LOVE your writing 💖
Heeeeeyyy. Love ur fics! Could u do a maeve x reader where r is flirting with maeve everyday and maeve keeps rejecting r but one day r stopped because r is hanging out with someone else but maeve is VERY jealous because she secretly likes r but too scared to admit it
Warnings: language, flirting(?), fluffffffff
Words: 1,862
Please Don’t Plagiarize My Work!
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You were never much for flirting. That was, of course, before you knew Maeve.
You had been playing this game with Maeve since the day you meant her; something about her sparked something in you. You were not necessarily confident, but something about her made you feel like your best self. And even though Maeve hardly thought of you in the way you thought of her, being in her presence was enough. Even if it was only for a few moments each day.
You were mostly teasing her: sending her a wink in the hallway, blowing a kiss to her at her locker. She would only laugh, roll her eyes, sometimes flip you the bird with a smirk. She never told you to stop, never cursed you out angrily or seriously; if she did, you would’ve stopped immediately.
“I think she likes it a little too much,” Eric told you once. Even though you shook him off, told him there’s no way, it was just teasing…a spark of hope erupted in you, and you almost believed him. You spent more time with her, just joking around during class or during break, trying to get her to blush. You succeeded sometimes, and when you did, you tried even harder to keep the pink in her cheeks; somehow, she would pull the strings on you and you would cover your face in embarrassment. But you liked it, the thing you two had, the little quips and inside jokes and playful banter.
And then, she started dating Jackson, and you pushed yourself away. You didn’t tease her after that; in fact, you almost ignored her. It hurt you a bit too much to admit how involved you had gotten in the silly games you played, but you knew it was true. You really liked Maeve, and seeing her with someone else was close to torture. She didn’t seem to mind your absence - at least, that’s how it looked to you. Later she would tell you how she would look for you over Jackson’s shoulder, waiting for you to flirt with her in the shameless way you did.
But today, you hadn’t talked to her for a while. You were walking up to school when you saw her leaning against one of the brick walls that overlooked the main schoolyard. She looked upset, but like she was trying to hide it. Before you could change your mind, you walked over to her, taking the spot next to her with a sigh.
“How nice to see you, Wiley.” You peaked at her from the corner of your eyes. “I can’t even remember the last time we spoke. We need to change that.”
Maeve let out a light snort and you could tell that she rolled her eyes at you. You didn’t mind. “You haven’t talked to me in so long. Is that all you got?”
You felt a pang in your chest at her words, but smirked nonetheless. “You know it isn’t.” Tilting your head, you kept your eyes in front of you, trying to focus on your peers as they walked to the school.
As you took a deep breath, you tried to shake the strange feeling that lingered in your heart. You guessed it was awkwardness, being that you haven’t talked to Maeve for a while and she had called you out on it. Could she have missed me? No, you shook out the thought. She was with Jackson. Even if she did miss you, it didn’t matter in the way you wanted it to.
But you could also feel that there was something wrong, something that she had been thinking about for a while. You didn’t ask her about it, and instead decided she might just want some company. You didn’t expect her to tell you what was wrong, but she did it anyway.
“I broke up with Jackson.” Maeve spoke suddenly, and you turned to her in disbelief. “I don’t know why I’m telling you that.”
You cleared your throat, trying to ignore the bit of hope that rose in your chest. “Was there a reason?”
Maeve bit her nail, like she always did, and shrugged. “I don’t know.”
The silence between you two was a bit awkward, and you knew it. You cleared your throat, trying to think of something to say. “Love is weird. It’s like…softball, in gym. One minute you’re standing in the outfield, watching the pitcher and wondering when you’ll get to go inside. The next minute there’s a ball coming towards you, and you get smacked straight in the forehead because you didn’t raise your mitt in time.”
She looked at you with a strange smile. “Was that a personal experience?”
You shrugged. “Doesn’t matter. The point is, love is unpredictable. You could be ready for it, and nothing could happen. You could be ready for it, and catch it before it hits you. You could be totally unprepared and dodge it. Or…vice versa.” You smacked your head with your hand, trying to illustrate your point.
“That was a very strange analogy. But…it was a good one.” She laughed, her eyes sparkling; she turned to you slightly, a look of false amazement taking over. “Who would’ve thought you would give good advice?”
You snorted, deciding to play along with her.“Are you kidding? I give great advice.”
“Sure, sure.” She let her smile die down, turning back to her nails with a frown. “I guess I never really thought of…talking to you. You know, like normal.”
“Yeah, well, that’s your loss. I’m a delight.” Maeve shook her head, looking down at her feet. You watched her with a growing smile, just realizing the small patches of pink on her cheeks.
“Was that a…” you smiled wider, turning your body fully towards her. “blush?”
“Shut up.” She leaned forward, pushing your shoulder slightly with her hand. But instead of pulling away, she stayed close; her hand moved down slowly, ghosting along your arm and lightly grazing your hand as she pulled her own to her side. You took a sharp intake of breath, trying not to breathe as she was so close to you.
You blinked, half expecting this to be a dream. Like you would wake up and come to school, and Jackson and Maeve would be together and you would be forever alone. But when you opened your eyes again, she was looking at your lips, slightly pouting her own. You felt her breath on your face, and your heart was racing, and you couldn’t believe this was happening. Was this really happening? But before your lips could meet, the bell rang.
“Shit,” you cursed, both of you jumping at the shrill and unwelcoming sound. You turned to see Maeve grabbing her books and fast walking away.
“See you later!” She called, but she was clearly avoiding your eyes.
“Shit.” Grabbing your own bag, you went towards your class, replaying the events in your head like they didn’t really happen, like you were finally at the peak of your imagination. But what happened was real, and that might’ve been even worse.
All day you were thinking about what happened: did Maeve really want to kiss you? Or was it because she was confused about her feelings, and about Jackson? You were freaking out in nearly every class. You didn’t tell anybody, partly because you didn’t know if it was just your imagination, and partly because you didn’t want to be let down again.
After being that close to Maeve, all of your feelings resurfaced. You really liked her, a lot, and if she didn’t feel the same way, it might crush you again.
The final bell rang, and you left your class with a million thoughts. Should I talk to Maeve? Tell her how I feel? What if she thinks I’m joking? What if she gets mad at me? What if she’s already back with Jackson? What if today really was a dream, and I’m going to wake up in an alternate reality where I’m 30 and alone-
As you turned the corner, you bumped into something hard. Rubbing your forehead, you cursed. “Jesus Christ.”
You frowned, feeling a bump already form on your head. You looked up to the culprit, ready to push past them and call it a day. But your eyes widened at the person in front of you.
She was holding her hand to her forehead, same as you, but her chest was heaving like she had been running. To find you? No, it couldn’t be.
“Bloody hell, are you running a marathon? I think you’d be in first place at that rate, for sure.” You gestured to the mark on your forehead, rubbing it lightly with a wince. You were avoiding her eyes, mostly because you were afraid that your feelings would spill out in one glance. But you couldn’t help it: she was looking at you like you were the only thing in the hallway, even though there were many other kids.
You cleared your throat, suddenly nervous. “Did that bang give you head trauma or something?”
“I didn’t just break up with Jackson out of nowhere.” She said abruptly, watching your face intensely. You shifted on your feet, unsure of what to say.
Blinking dumbly, you frowned. “Okay-“
“I did it because I have feelings for someone else.”
Your heart stopped. Could she be saying what you thought she was saying? No way. You frowned harder with a shake of your head, trying to gather your thoughts.
“Come on.” She gestured to you with a smirk. “You’re always flapping that mouth of yours. Say something.”
All you could do was open and close your mouth, trying to find something, anything, to say.
“I don’t know what you’re trying to tell me.” You uttered, hiding your eyes from the gaze that made your stomach drop.
She let out a frustrated groan and took a step towards you. “This is what I’m trying to tell you.” You nearly stepped back as she placed her hands on your face, leaning in slowly to capture your lips. But before you knew it, you were meeting her halfway, causing an explosion of sparks in your stomach. You placed a hand on her waist, your lips moving in a rhythm you didn’t think was possible. This wasn’t possible. All this time of wanting to be with Maeve, and finally, it was happening.
She pulled away, leaning her (injured) forehead against yours. 
“You were my softball,” she whispered, a laugh escaping her lips. 
You recalled your horrible analogy that day, not believing what she inferred. “Are you serious?” You said, looking into her eyes with confusion clouding your brain. 
She rolled her eyes with a smirk and whispered, “No.” The sarcasm laced in her voice disappeared when she caught your lips again, this time slower, more meaningful. You smiled into the kiss, half because you were finally with the girl you hadn’t stopped thinking about since you met her - but also because you knew that teasing her would be a lot more fun when you could do it behind closed doors.
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onthepageoftears · 6 years
Grand Plea (Sean Wiley x Reader) // Sex Education
A/N: Not sure how I feel about this one (since Sean wasn’t my fave character from sex education...) but I hope whoever suggested it is okay with it!
Request: would you be willing to writing about sean wiley (maeve's brother) maybe something along the lines of meeting him when he makes that g r a n d plea at the store when they're shopping for maeve's dress? love yaaaa <3
Warnings: mentions of army/death, veterans, orphans, and smoking; language
Words: 993 (so short i knowwww)
Please Don’t Plagiarize My Work!
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(lol this is the closest gif i could finddddd)
You had been helping your sister shop for a dress when the boy made his announcement. At first you just spaced out, thinking it was another warning about shoplifting. But then you realized the boy in the front, who was great at putting on a show, was telling a sob story of a painfully obvious fake past. Orphans, father died in the army, the whole shebang.
You rolled your eyes at the scene. You had done your share of dramatization in the past; having a single mother, it was hard for your family to get by. Still, when you made up lies to get some extra food on the table, or some Christmas presents for your younger siblings, you did it right. Simple and quick was best, and always was.
And after the boy finished talking, you almost felt bad for him. No way anybody would believe this crap; but then you looked around you. Everyone was either dabbing their eyes or holding a hand to their heart in understanding. Even your sister, who was mid sentence, stopped her rant about the sequins on the dress in front of her, just to listen to the bull spewing out of this kids’ mouth.
When he was finally done, you decided to approach him. What was the worst that could happen? One part of you thought he would deck you right in the face, with no hesitation; but the other part imagined him begging for forgiveness at your feet. Either way, it was bound to be interesting.
So, you headed over to him, where he was now leaning against the wall outside the dressing room, watching the other customers leave some money at the counter and point in his direction. He was smirking shamelessly at the way people nearly tripped over their feet to help his ‘sister’ in their ‘tragic situation’. You didn’t know what you were going over there for; you weren’t going to yell at him or scold him, you were just going over there. Just to do it.
“Next time, maybe cool it on the orphan shit.”
The boy turned suddenly, just noticing you as you stood next to him, looking straight ahead. He let his eyes drift down your figure as if didn’t care in the slightest that you could still see him. “And what is that supposed to mean?”
You scoffed, settling yourself onto the wall next to him. You crossed your arms over your chest and watched the hopeless customers. “It means you’re lucky it worked this time. The veteran father really made it work.”
He let out a laugh and relaxed a bit, moving himself a little closer to you. Leaning over, he spoke lowly. “Well what would you suggest next time?”
“Maybe a tear or two. Still say your dad was in the army, that’s good.” You blew a breath from your lips, ignoring the amused look he sent you. “Pile too much shit onto it and that’s all you’ve got.” You looked at him. “Shit.”
“I’ll be sure to hire you next time.” He put his hand in front of you with a smile. “Name’s Sean.”
“Y/N.” You said without taking his hand.
“Well, Y/N.” He leaned back in his spot and smirked. “Thanks for the input.”
Just then, a girl came out of the dressing room with a scowl. You recognized her as Sean’s sibling, or so he said; for all you knew, they could just be working together. Still, you sent her a wave with a sickly sweet smile. “Sorry for your loss.”
You winked at Sean and pushed yourself off the wall, not daring to look behind you. Instead, you made your way out of the store and to a small hallway to light a cigarette; your sister could find you later. You were wondering how long she would take when a shadow casted over you.
“Excuse me, I don’t think you’re supposed to smoke in here.”
“Shit, sorry,” you fumbled with the cigarette, stomping it on the ground with a sheepish smile. But when you looked up, the smile turned into a frown. “Ass.”
“That’s only what my sister calls me,” Sean said with a laugh, leaning against the wall next to you. “But that’s on the good days.”
“Hmph.” You crossed your arms over your chest, still pouting over the lost cigarette. “Where is she, anyway? Going to get some more pity dresses?”
Sean sent a surprised look at you; your tone was harsh, but you couldn’t help it. You were still salty that his dumb story worked, when it had taken you years to perfect your scavenging.
“Actually,” he played with the flip phone in his hands. “She thought the orphan thing was a bit much too. Guess I need to rethink my tactic, huh?” You stared at him for a second, but then shook your head with a smile.
“More like throw it out entirely.”
He placed a hand on his chest, fake hurt crossing his face. “Ouch.”
You smiled again, deciding not to fight it this time.
“Here.” He said suddenly, passing the flip phone to you. “I don’t use it much, but I want your number just in case I need help. With my tactics.” He winked at you, and you couldn’t help but take the phone from his hands. You tapped the buttons familiarly - it had only been recently that you upgraded you phone - and added your number.
Handing it back to him, you pushed yourself off the wall. “Text me when you have a better story.”
You walked back into the crowds of the mall, heading to the dress store where you left your sister. You tried not to imagine the smirk on Sean’s face as you left, or the way he might’ve checked you out again. You also didn’t watch your phone the next few days in hope of a text from him, and you definitely didn’t grin wide when it came.
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