#all this started from a random chat prompt
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phantomdoofer · 4 months ago
Tower Town, Chapter 28 - Amati
Peppino pushed open the doors to Noisette's Cafe. She'd finally settled on “Noisette's Sweeties” for the name. Appropriate, he thought.
He was a little surprised to see Noise there. He was in his yellow suit. Dressed for trouble, Peppino thought. The gremlin doesn't normally come in here when he's ‘on the clock.’ It was part of the agreement between Noise and Noisette - her cafe was “neutral ground,” just like Peppino's house and NTV.
Even so, Peppino expected him to cause trouble.
Noisette waved happily at him as he walked up to the counter. “Hiiii, Peppino! Congratulations on your new home!”
“Hey, Italian man,” Noise sneered. “Heard ya finally scraped enough together to get off yer couch.”
“Thank-a you, Noisette. And sì, I “finally scraped enough together,” Peppino said derisively, “thanks to Paolo.”
Noise crossed his arms and growled. He was the only one Paolo hadn't given some shares to.
“I think you're rich enough, Noise,” Paolo had said with a little smirk.
Peppino turned to Noisette. “Let me get-a a large coffee, extra sugar, and a dozen of those fruit-a-filled pastries.”
Noisette's eyes widened. “All right, Peppino. Are you buying for the whole pizzeria?”
Noise laughed and poked at Peppino's side. “Nah, hun, he's given up losin’ weight, can't ya tell? He's bigger alre-” he jabbed at the solid surface of the egg, and stopped. “What the hell?”
Peppino smirked and lifted his shirt up, revealing the egg. “This is why I closed the shop for a few days.” He explained what it was and how it worked.
Noisette's eyes were aglow. “Oh, Peppy, congratulations! I'm so happy for you!”
Peppino chuckled, scratching the back of his head. “Honestly, I've-a lost twenty pounds in three days! Gus has-a lost fifteen!” He patted the egg. “This little guy is quite-a the glutton!”
Noisette giggled. “Well, he's a growing boy, after all! Speaking of - do you know what it'll be?”
Peppino shrugged, grinning. “We'll-a know in about four days.”
She hopped up and down, clapping. “I'm so excited!”
Noise grumbled. “Yeah, fat boy's so special, cause he's got a kid on the way…”
Without missing a beat, Noisette swatted Noise so hard his hat spun around, blinding him. “Ah, shaddap, Noise! You know I said I wanted a kid years ago, but you were worried about your career…”
Peppino blinked, grinning at Noise's discomfort, but also genuinely concerned. “You know, Noise, you're well in-a pocket right now. It's-a not like you couldn't afford a child. Why don't you try for one?”
Noise snarled his fang-toothed grimace. “Don't start lecturin’ me, fat ass! When I want kids, we'll have ‘em!”
Noisette crossed her arms, frowning. “Aight, tough guy, put your money where yer mouth is. I want a kid. What's to say we get started?”
For a split second, Noise looked more terrified than Peppino had ever seen him. Then he scoffed. “Well, hun, if ya insist.”
Noisette held her hands beside her head, grinning happily. “It's a date!” One of her workers brought her Peppino's order, and he paid her for it. “Congrats again, Peppy! Let me know when the little paisano arrives!”
He smiled and waved. “Ovviamente, Noisette. Ciao!”
As he walked out through the door, chewing on a pastry, he thought about how hectic his life was about to be. He'd been reading testimonials online from new parents… and it was a little daunting. Lack of sleep is nothing new to me, but… the rest…
He was glad Giuseppe had agreed to take the bambino during the day. It was proving to be a group effort to raise the child and run two businesses at once.
Peppino muttered to himself. “It-a takes a village…”
Gustavo stopped and leaned on the counter, wiping sweat from his brow and trying not to pant. Though it hadn't changed in size, the egg seemed to weigh a hundred pounds. How do women do this for nine months?? Of course, being half-gnome, it might be different - humans took nine months, gnomes ten, Ogres eleven, and so on… John had warned them to temper their expectations. “Mingles can turn out very different than their parents,” he'd said.
Peppino gently touched his shoulder. “Hand it over, amico. You're worn out, you should-a eat.”
Panting, Gus lifted his shirt and gently lifted the egg out, handing it to Peppino, who placed it in his own rig. Instantly Peppino seemed to wilt. “Mio Dio, is he made of-a iron?”
Gus leaned back, his back cracking loudly. “Feels like it.” He'd lost thirty pounds in a week; Peppino had lost forty, despite both of them doubling or even tripling their food intake. It's a good thing these things only take a week, it'd kill us if it took much longer! They'd weighed the egg that morning - twelve pounds, heavy for a human newborn, light for a gnome. Where's it all going? The kid should be as big as me already, for all the weight we've lost…
Peppino sighed. “At-a least I finally lost that-a weight the doctor wanted me to lose,” he muttered. He patted the egg. “Should-a be today, sometime.”
Gustavo looked around - the pizzeria was empty. The roads were clear; the blazing summer sun had seen to that. “Maybe we could just close up for the rest of the day…”
Peppino shook his head. “No. I'm not-a gonna crumble at-a the finish line.” He squared his shoulders, and absent-mindedly downed a pastry in one gulp. “They'll be here when they're here.”
Gus nodded wearily. “I'll be in the back, Pep, if you need me. I need some coffee.”
As the double doors wobbled with the gnome's passage, the front door jingled, and Vigi oozed in.
Peppino smiled wanly. “Vigi, long-a time no see! What's the occasion?”
“Just passin’ through, Peppino,” Vigi said. Then he smirked. “Also heard about this kid o’ yours. Congratulations.” He held out a gloved hand, and Peppino shook it.
Vigi oozed up on a stool. “No disrespect, Peppino, but you look like hell.”
Peppino slouched on the counter, adjusting the harness to not dig into his shoulder. “Ay, sceriffo, these last couple of-a days have been rough. The child is like a vampire. And weighs about as-a much as a car.”
Vigi laughed. “Sounds like yer gettin’ as much of the full pregnancy treatment as a man can get. When are they due?”
“Today,” Peppino muttered. “We've-a got everything set up: crib in-a my bedroom, bottles, diapers, the works. We just-a need a bambino to go with-a them.”
“You got a name picked out?” Vigi said, grinning.
Peppino smiled and waggled a finger. “We do, but no one will know until we-a know what the little bambino turns out to be. And even then… there's-a nothing saying that might not-a change.”
Vigi nodded. “Fair enough.” He slid back down. “Well, I think I'm gonna skip over an’ get some coffee. No rest fer th’ wicked. Let me know, Peppino.”
“Ovviamente,” Peppino said, waving as the cheeseslime left. He leaned his chin on his hand. Never expected everyone to be so… interested.
He felt the egg stir against his chest, and his energy levels dropped tremendously.
Something had changed… and he was pretty sure he knew what.
“Gustavo! Gustavooo! I think it's starting!”
Almost instantly Gustavo burst through the doors, followed closely by Brick and Brando. Brick ran up and gently sniffed at the egg, then nodded. “She says you're right, Pep,” Gustavo said.
Peppino felt his energy drop even more. “T-take it, please, amico,” he said. “I'm about to fall over…”
Gustavo took it… and immediately almost dropped it. “Porca miseria! I can't handle it, either…”
Brick immediately took the egg… then squealed as she felt her own energy drop. Quickly, she handed it to Brando.
“Hold on, what do I do-” he gasped as he felt the same draining effect, falling to one knee. He held the egg over his head with both hands. “Guh!” He stood, slowly, holding the egg in front of him, then planted his elbows on the counter, gritting his teeth.
The rest of them watched in wonder as the egg seemed to unravel… revealing a small child, drifting in the air. They started crying…
Both Peppino and Gustavo felt a tug in their heads. They reached out to grab the child…
As soon as their hands made contact, the baby stopped crying, making grumbling sounds.
Peppino conceded and let Gustavo hold the child. “Blankets,” Peppino said quickly. Suddenly he was holding blankets, and the air spun, shrieking, at the speed of his passage. The double doors had slammed into the walls so hard they'd lodged.
As Gustavo wrapped the baby up, Peppino winced. “Cazzo, that's gonna cost to fix…”
Gus clicked his tongue. “Pino, watch your mouth.” He grinned.
Peppino laughed a little.
Fake appeared behind him - the clone had been sleeping downstairs, and it had all happened too fast to alert them. “What’s allll the-” Then they saw the child, and smiled wide. “Ah. So, the child has arrived, sì? Is it a boy? Girl?”
Peppino gently lifted the blankets. “Oh, sicuramente un maschio.”
Brando, Fake, and Brick all huddled around Peppino and Gustavo. Peppino looked at the gnome. “Amore Mio,” he whispered. “Look. He's here.”
Gustavo tickled the little nose, and the boy opened his eyes… to reveal brilliant, sky-blue irises.
Peppino blinked. “Well, he’s-a got my eyes,” he chuckled.
Gustavo fingered the thick mop of deep red hair on the child's head. “It's even darker than mine,” he said wonderingly. Then he looked up at Peppino, proferring the child. “We can't keep calling him ‘him’ forever. Would you like to do the honors, Pep?”
Peppino held the boy up, who looked at him curiously. He's so awake already, he thought in wonder. He locked eyes with his son. “I name-a you Antonio Fabiano Spaghetti, Mio figlio. Nice-a to meet you at last.”
The others applauded, and Gus pulled out his phone. “Time to contact the authorities,” he said. “Gotta get my son registered.” He paused, one finger held over the screen. He grinned from ear to ear. “My son. My son.” He laughed out loud, tears in his eyes. He turned and dialed, hiding his tears from the others.
Fake held out a droopy finger, and the baby took it without hesitation. “He is not afraid,” they said.
Brando looked at the enraptured Peppino. “‘Antonio Fabiano’?”
Peppino didn't look away. “Antonio is-a my middle name, and it was-a my Papa's, too. It's an old-a name in our famiglia, according to Mama. And Fabiano is a respelling of Gustavo's father's-a name, Fabian. So he's-a named for both his Nonni.” He pulled the baby towards his face, tickling his face with his nose and mustache, and the baby giggled.
Peppino laughed in tandem, trying not to cry.
Vigi and Noisette burst through the door at that moment. “I was still across the road, Pep,” Vigi said hurriedly. “Damn, you timed that right, didn't ya?”
Noisette was hoping from foot to foot, literal hearts in her eyes. “Oh pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease can I hold them, Peppino?” The woman looked beside herself.
Peppino grinned. “Va bene, Noisette. Just-a be gentle, he is a newborn.”
The rabbit woman gently took the baby in her arms, squealing quietly. “Oooh, they're such a cutie, Peppino, Gus! What's their name?”
“Antonio,” Gus said.
“Tony!” Noisette said at full voice. Tony looked up at her, a look of consternation on his little face.
Everyone froze. Noisette could be a lot to take in, even for people who knew her. Please don't start wailing… Peppino thought.
Then the little boy giggled and reached out, squeezing her nose.
She was so excited it activated her powers, and it made a comical HONK, which made the baby laugh even harder.
The entire crew breathed a sigh of relief.
Vigi hung up his phone. “All right, I've got the wheels turnin’, but someone's got to come down an’ fill out th’ necessary paperwork.”
Gustavo stepped forward. “I'll do it, Vigi.”
Peppino shook his head. “No-no, Gus, I should-a do it-”
Gustavo put a firm hand on his partner's leg. “Peppino, fermare. You should stay here. It's your place, after all.” He gently stroked the boy's hair. “We'll have plenty of time to bond later.”
Peppino rocked the fussy little baby to sleep, sighing with a mixture of happiness and exasperation. The baby had been born early that afternoon, and now, at 5 PM, he'd just finished his third bottle. Mio Dio bambino, you're bottomless! He sat in his old recliner, one of the few pieces he'd kept after the move, gently rocking back and forth.
Gus was puttering around the house, trying to do as much as he could before leaving. “Are you sure you'll be Ok, just you and the bambino, Pep? It's a lot of work…”
Peppino waved a hand. “You still have to take care of your own life, amico. One-a day soon, we'll be together forever. I'll-a be fine.”
The sound of a car door closing outside signaled the arrival of their guests. Peppino stood and grinned. “And besides, help has arrived.”
Gustavo opened the door, and slowly Margherita tottered in, followed by Giuseppe and Anita. Giuseppe looked about to jump out of his skin with excitement, but he let Margherita approach first.
Peppino bent so she could reach, and she gently caressed the boy’s tousled hair. “Ooohhh, figlio, he's perfetta. May I hold him?”
“Ovviamente, Mama,” Peppino said with a radiant smile. Carefully he transferred the baby to her arms; Tony never stirred. Margherita looked down with misty eyes. “Il mio primo nipote… I'm so proud of you, Peppino. And you too, Gustavo,” she said, turning to the gnome, who blushed. “Thank you again for helping my boy produce this piccolo miracolo.”
Giuseppe and Anita huddled around Margherita’s shoulders, eyeing the baby closely as he woke up. “He definitely inherited the family eyes,” Giuseppe said.
“And your nose,” Anita said lightly. “He's got quite the schnoz on him.”
Gustavo chuckled. “Well, he's half me, after all,” tweaking his own bulbous nose, “he was doomed on that front.”
As everyone laughed, Margherita leaned over, tears in her eyes. “Oh, he reminds me so much of you two. And your Papa. If only he could be here to see it,” she said wistfully.
Giuseppe and Peppino exchanged glances. They'd discussed their mutual encounter with their father's spirit during their respective brushes with death at length. “He is, Mama,” Giuseppe said quietly. “He knows.”
Peppino felt his heart clench at the thought.
Margherita nodded. “Infatti, I miei figli.”
Tony looked around, curious at all the new faces. Then he locked onto Giuseppe's face, then turned and looked at Peppino, obviously confused.
Everyone laughed. “Not even a day old and he's already that sharp!” Anita crowed. “You two have the poor boy confused!”
“Well, John did say Mingles can develop differently. Maybe he's farther along,” Giuseppe said. He playfully tickled the end of the baby's nose, while Peppino leaned over as well.
Tony looked back and forth between them, obviously trying to figure out why there were two of his Papa.
Gustavo looked up at Anita. “So, any prospects of another one on the way?” He said, waggling his eyebrows.
Anita laughed and slapped the gnome's shoulder. “Gus! We're not even married!” She looked over at Giuseppe, who was totally focused on playing with his nephew.
Margherita looked over at the younger woman, a devilish look in her eyes. “And why should that stop you, ragazza?”
Anita jerked back, blushing. “We'll see,” she said. She harrumphed and turned to her partner. “You said you're going to stay the night, Sepp?”
Giuseppe nodded. “Just for tonight. If I'm going to watch him so much, it'll be good for him to get used to me.”
Margherita nodded. “Pino, have you and Gus eaten yet?”
Peppino and Gustavo looked at each other - in all the fuss, they'd forgotten. “No, ma'am,” Gus said. “Kind of got lost in the hubbub there…”
The old lady smiled. “Let us see what we can cook up, then.” She turned to Gustavo. “Would you mind assisting me, genero?”
Gus nodded - while part of him resented, just a little, her preemption of their kitchen, he also appreciated what she was doing. “All right, ma'am. I'll follow your lead.”
Margherita waved peremptorily at the others. “Into the living room with you, giovani. Go, bond with the bambino. We'll take care of things here.”
Peppino, Giuseppe, and Anita looked at each other and laughed, then saluted. “As you command, Signora,” Peppino chuckled.
Peppino leaned back, patting his belly. “Ah, Mama, you haven't-a lot your touch.”
Giuseppe groaned across from him. “Keep feeding me like that and I'll be looking even more like Pino, Mama.”
Anita poked him in the arm. “Shush, you. It won't hurt you to have a good feed every so often.” She turned to Margherita and grinned. “Thank you, ma'am. Not often I get a nice home-cooked meal.”
Margherita scowled at Giuseppe. “Figlio, are you not feeding your fidanzata properly?”
Peppino, Gus, and Anita laughed as Giuseppe held up his hands defensively. “Mama! It's not like that!”
Anita waved a hand. “It's really not, Mrs. Spaghetti.” She laid a hand on Giuseppe's arm. “I'm not always home to be fed, in my line of work. He makes sure I'm taken care of… when I'm here.”
“In more ways than one, I bet,” Margherita quipped.
Giuseppe went beet-red with embarrassment. “MAMA!”
The others roared with laughter. “Oh, non preoccuparti, ragazzo mio. Your fidanzata and I have talked at length. She's quite content, from what I hear.” She grinned at Giuseppe's stare. “What, do you think you sprang into being fully formed, like Athena? Your Papa and I had many content nights together, after all.” She winked. “If he hadn't been taken so young, you probably wouldn't have been an only child.”
Peppino slapped his brother on the arm. “Ah, Mama, andateci piano con lui! He's been stuck in the service too-a long! He never got to experience that side of-a life before!”
Giuseppe scowled. “Rub it in, why don't you…”
Anita smirked. “He's making up for lost time, don't worry,” she said.
Gus bounced Tony in his arms; the boy was taking yet another bottle. “I don't think gnome babies eat this much, normally. Mama said I was pretty fastidious. Was Peppino this bad, Margherita?”
Margherita shrugged. “He was quite the eater, it's true, but…” she reached over and stroked the boy's hair, “but this one is exceptional. Must be his unusual upbringing.”
They chatted amiably for an unmeasured time, simply enjoying each other's company. Gus handed Tony off to Peppino, who looked at his brother. “Do you want to hold him, fratello?”
After a brief look of mild panic, Giuseppe nodded, and Peppino gently laid the newborn in his brother's arms. Tony yawned and immediately snuggled down, falling asleep.
Giuseppe looked almost entranced. “He just… fell asleep.”
Margherita chuckled. “Giuseppe, you may be a different person… but, remember, you and Peppino are still fundamentally the same. Even more than “natural” brothers, you're just like him.” She stroked the baby's hair again. “Babies are comforted by familiar scents and sounds. Your heartbeat, your scent, are more or less the same as Peppino's. As far as the bambino is concerned, his Papa is holding him, right now.”
Giuseppe sat perfectly still, and Peppino laughed. “Relax, fratello. He won't bite.”
Giuseppe looked panicked. “I don't want to startle him.”
Peppino sat down, smiling. “If you do, it's all right. He'll have lots of chances to be startled, and happy, and sad, and…” Peppino trailed off, considering the weight of what laid ahead of them. “It's-a daunting. Knowing were-a responsible for his entire life.”
Margherita nodded. “It's a huge responsibility, to be sure, i miei figli. But all you can do, is the best you can.” She nodded. “That's all we did. All people throughout history, have done: the best they can.”
The baby slept peacefully as his family watched.
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navybrat817 · 7 months ago
On the Rocks
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Pairing: Bartender!Ari Levinson x Female Reader
Summary: You're not sure why Ari doesn't seem to like you, but you two have to work together.
Word Count: Over 2.4k
Warnings: Tension, coworkers, bit of grumpy and sunshine, misunderstanding, future smut, Ari Levinson and he's slightly rude at first (he's a warning, okay?)
A/N: More Beach Fun Nonsense! Hope you lovelies enjoy this intro to my Gin and Bear It AU. @spectre-posts requested bartender!Ari to Go for a Swim (smut) with prompt #13 in bold. TECHNICALLY not smut, but there will be smut in future parts. Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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You weren't one to brag, but you were good at your job. You showed up on time and stayed late if necessary. Never dropped a tray or drink. Didn't skip out on cleaning or any other tasks. And not only were you attentive with your customers, you showed just enough skin to keep it professional and never went home with anyone at the end of the night. Your work ethic helped you earn the respect of just about everyone at the establishment.
Except for Ari Levinson.
You eyed the gorgeous bearded man behind the bar, your blood rushing faster through your veins. He didn't spare you a glance. He hardly ever did. Everyone else who worked there got a smile from him. Even a smirk. But you? An unimpressed look was what you got on a good day. You chalked it up to you being a new member of the staff, until the barback who started after you received kinder treatment from him.
To be fair, it wasn't like Ari hated you. He didn't seem to particularly like you either. For the life of you, you couldn't figure out why. Maybe there wasn't a specific reason. Some people just didn't mesh well. It didn't stop you from treating him like every other coworker. The two of you had to work together whether he liked it or not.
“Hey,” you smiled as you stopped at the bar and set your tray down. You waited a second for him to acknowledge you, but he kept drying glasses. “Three Jack and Cokes, please.”
That got Ari's attention. He didn't have to greet you, but you both had a job to do. You waited in silence while he made the drinks. He didn't look at you, but you looked at him.
He was in good shape. Great shape, in fact. With his large and somewhat intimidating size, you were surprised he wasn't a bouncer. He was a good bartender though. He wouldn't have a job there if he wasn't.
It wasn't right how attracted you were to him since he never seemed to give you the time of day.
“Thanks,” you said when he set the drinks on the tray for you.
He grunted and turned to put the bottle back.
“You know, we’ve been working together for almost three months. One of these days you may actually carry on a conversation with me instead of answering me with random sounds,” you teased.
“I'm here to work, not chat,” he said over his shoulder, his deep voice sending a wonderful shiver down your spine despite his statement. “You should do the same.”
You sighed when you picked up the tray. “I’m just trying to be friendly.”
Like always.
“Don't need friends.”
It was a bit of an odd statement. You said friendly, not friends specifically. “Aren't Steve and Bucky your friends?” You asked. They were two of the other bartenders. Best friends and good to the rest of the staff. Protective, too, always quick to jump in if a customer got mouthy or handsy.
Ari’s jaw clenched as he faced you, but you didn't cower. “Yeah, they are.”
You may not have cowered under his gaze, but you sure as hell felt small the longer he looked at you. “But you don't want to be my friend,” you said.
“I don't need more friends,” he said dismissively as your stomach dropped. You wished it didn't hurt to hear that and you had to blink rapidly when you felt a familiar telltale burning in your eyes. “Anything else?”
Plastering a smile back on your face that didn't quite reach your eyes, you straightened up. “Noted. We aren't and won't be friends,” you said before you added with more bite than you intended, “And don't worry, Ari. I don't need anything from you.”
He must've noticed the shift in your tone, too, since his jaw clenched harder than before. You walked off before he had a chance to say anything, cursing yourself inwardly at your tone. You shouldn't have let his dismissal get under your skin. Besides, he was right. You were there to work and your customers needed their drinks.
So, why did it bother you so much that Ari didn't want to be your friend? It shouldn't matter. There were lots of people who worked together who never talked or saw each other outside of their jobs. You wished he would've given you a chance, but you’d respect his decision.
For the rest of the night though, you planned to avoid him like the plague.
As your shift went on, you felt Ari’s eyes on you. Instead of looking back at him or giving him a smile like usual, you ignored him or acted like he wasn't there. You didn't stop at his end of the bar, going instead to Steve to get your drinks. For the first time since you started working there, you had Ari's full attention.
And for once, you didn't want it.
By the end of your shift once you wrapped up just about all of your tasks, you were ready to get out of there. “Any plans after closing?” You asked Steve, counting out tips for him.
“I might be seeing someone,” he smiled gently, his gaze flickering to a woman sitting alone at a table.
You raised an eyebrow. Patrons hit on the guys all the time, but it was rare for them to take anyone home. “Well, I hope you have a good time,” you said before nodding over to Bucky who was sitting at the bar, too. “Isn't it your night off?”
Bucky smiled softly. “It is, but my girl should be here in a few minutes. We won't stay long.” His girl had gone through some heartbreak before she rolled into town and the brunette quickly became her knight in shining armor.
“You have fun, too,” you said, sliding off the stool with a sigh.
Steve’s brows pinched. “You okay?”
“I will be,” you said, not wanting to lie to him and pretend you were fine. You also didn't want to get into what was going on. Feeling sorry for yourself didn't do you any good and everything would be okay tomorrow.
“You sure?” Steve swung his head toward Ari. “You think I didn't notice that you haven't been back to that end of the bar?”
You glanced in that direction, inhaling sharply as you met Ari’s gaze. He crossed his arms as he stared you down, tension as thick as fog. All you could see were the blue of his eyes and you had to look away so you didn't lose yourself.
“Just an off night. Nothing to worry about,” you said, pushing over Steve’s cut. “And I’m out for the night unless you need anything else.”
Bucky and Steve exchanged a look. “Need one of us to walk you out?” Bucky offered.
“No, I’m good,” you said, sighing again when you realized you’d have to pass by Ari to leave. You also had to give him his tips. “Enjoy the rest of the night.”
Ari stood in the same spot as you walked toward him, your heart beating erratically. One day he may not make your heart race like that. “Night,” you smiled sadly, setting his tips down on the bar and walking on.
You grabbed your bag from the backroom and headed out for the evening with your keys in hand, shivering at the slight chill in the air. It wasn't until you were about halfway to your car that you heard footsteps behind you, making you tense up. Maybe you should've had someone walk you out.
“Hey.” It was Ari. “Wait up.”
You stopped and turned to face him with a quizzical look. “Why? Do you need something?”
Ari looked up at the night sky and ran a hand through his long hair, but didn't reply. You were two seconds away from walking to your car when you heard above a whisper, “I’m sorry.”
“Sorry?” You asked when he met your eye. “Sorry for what exactly?”
“I was an asshole to you earlier,” he replied, surprising you as he took a step forward. “Been kind of an asshole to you since day one when you've been nothing but friendly.”
“Yeah, I know,” you said. Why did it matter now?
A stricken look crossed his features before he put up his mask again. “Why were you so nice to me then when I was an asshole to you?”
You shrugged, trying to convey that it wasn't a big deal. “Because I had no reason to be rude to you, Ari,” you replied. It was that simple. “I was upset earlier though and I did avoid your side of the bar, but it’ll be fine tomorrow.”
“You don't have to like me. You really don't,” you told him, the words bittersweet. “But we do have to work together. So as long as we’re civil to each other, it’s fine.”
You fought the urge to step back when Ari took another step forward. There was usually a bar between the two of you when you stood near him. Up close with nothing between you showed just how large he was. And he smelled good, too, because of course he did. “I never said I didn't like you.”
“Maybe not with words, but your actions kind of said it for you. Seriously, there’s an obvious difference in your demeanor with me versus everyone else,” you pointed out.
“Yeah, there is,” he agreed, his blue eyes full of regret. At least he acknowledged that.
“Not to mention, you just said tonight that you didn't need more friends. Between that and your attitude, the natural assumption is that you don't like me,” you said. What else were you meant to think?
He nodded. “I can see why you’d think that, but I'm sorry.”
Both of you stayed quiet for a moment. You weren't exactly sure what to say. “Okay, well. Apology accepted, I guess. Good night.”
“Wait,” he said when you began to turn away. “Do you really wanna know what I thought about you when you started working here?”
The skeptical look was back on your face. “I’ll admit I'm curious, but I won't just stand here if you’ll continue to be an asshole to me.”
He chuckled. Did you actually make him laugh? “I wouldn't expect you to,” he said, taking a breath. “This might get me fired if you complain.”
“Just say it, please,” you half begged. “Whatever it is, it can't be-”
“I wanted to bend you over the bar and fuck you ‘til you screamed my name.”
You sputtered, an embarrassing sort of sound. It wasn't what you expected to hear. Ari Levinson wanted to fuck you? Since the moment you met?
“You what?” You asked, wanting to hear him say it again.
“I want you and I’ve imagined fucking you all over the bar every day since you started working here. The tables, the booths, the office, against the wall, even in the bathroom stalls,” he spoke, his voice deep and confident as you tried not to whimper. How were you already wet? “But not just that.”
You bit your lip. “What else?”
His gaze softened. “I think about your smile. You have such a beautiful smile.” You did whimper this time. Since when was praise so important? “And how you giggle at bad jokes. And how you sway your hips to the songs you like. And how you're just so fucking kind, even to those who don't deserve it.”
“You like me?” You asked.
“Yeah,” he whispered.
You held up a hand, your head spinning from his confession. “Wait. Hold on,” you said, trying to get your bearings and not throw yourself into his arms. You needed to have some self respect. “You’ve been an asshole to me because you like me?”
Why do men do dumb things?
Ari winced. “Not my smartest plan, I’ll admit, but I thought pushing you away before anything happened was the best move.”
“Why though? Why push me away?” You asked.
He clenched and unclenched his fists. “I don't like to mix business with pleasure. Been there, done that.” It wasn't a secret that Ari was single, but there was a story there. “But that doesn't excuse being cold toward you. And if you’re willing, I’d like to start over.”
You searched his gaze for sincerity and found it. “So would I.”
His expression softened more, relieved. The fact that he wanted to try gave you hope for things moving forward. “And maybe we can grab a coffee at the diner? Just talk?”
Your eyes rounded. Was Ari asking you out? “When? Now?” You asked.
He smiled. “If you’re free.”
You smiled back and shook your head. “Nope. Sorry, Ari.”
Ari's smile fell immediately. “No?” He repeated the word in disbelief. You were in disbelief yourself. “No you aren't free or no you don't want to hang out with me?”
“Any other day, I’d love to have a coffee with you and talk or for you to make good on that promise of bending me over the bar and making me scream your name. But tonight?” You batted your eyes for good measure. “No, I don't.”
“Oh.” Ari blinked and cleared his throat. “I guess that makes sense after how I acted.”
“It makes perfect sense. A quick apology doesn't get you off scott free for how you treated me,” you told him, taking a step closer yourself this time. “So change my mind.”
“Change your mind?”
“Yeah. Let's start over like you suggested and you find a way to change my mind. I'm not saying you have to be overly friendly during our shifts, but treat me a little better. Show me why I should give you a chance and ask me again later,” you answered, gliding your fingers along his forearm once you were close enough. “And I'll still be nice to you. I promise.”
“So, you want me to woo you?” He smirked after a moment, one that nearly made your panties melt. “I can do that.”
You giggled. “I think I deserve it.”
“You do. And my first step in mending things,” he said, offering his arm as he stepped back. “How about I walk you to your car?”
“You may,” you smiled, linking your arm with his. You felt him flex a bit and you almost giggled again, a spring in your step as you walked. One day you’d feel him pin you down with that strength. You’d be patient though.
After all, he promised to woo you first.
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How do we think he'll make it up to you? Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
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midnight-mourning · 29 days ago
(Mostly) Happy Accidents
💘💘Midnight's DCA Valentine's Day 3💘💘
Silly little fluffy thing for you all, as someone allergic to red dye (to a point, it's a 50/50 chance whether i'll break out in hives or not so I usually just avoid it to be safe) it resonated when it came to valentine's candy/sweets, hope you enjoy!
Prompt: The boys know about the tradition of Valentine's candy and get some for Y/N, not knowing they were allergic to one of the ingredients in the candy. Apologies and appreciation for attempting to get Y/N a gift obviously follow
Word Count: 1425
Read here if you prefer ao3!
Sun seems almost too excited when the last child exits the Daycare for the day. Practically buzzing beside you as you wave goodbye and shut the door. 
Maybe it was just for clean up, considering you had so much to do today in particular. It was Valentine's after all. And as with every holiday, the attendant simply had to go all out for it. Which, while pretty, would be a laborious process to tidy up. 
So when you turn around to discuss it with him, and see his hands filled with a giant heart-shaped box, you were quite surprised. 
"Happy Valentine's day, Sunbeam! We got this just for you!" Sun tilts his head, rays spinning quickly. 
Your eyes widen, starting to smile. "Oh! You didn't guys didn't have to do that. But I appreciate it! Thank you, really." 
You take the box and open it up. Inside, they're all sorts of different sweets, all different shapes and with different patterns. You don't even know where to begin. You pick one at random and pop it into your mouth, chewing as you listen to Sun speak again. 
"Of course we did! How else are we supposed to show how much we care about you? On the most important day to do it, no less." He chuckles. 
Your face starts to warm up, and you swallow. "Y-yeah? You um, mean that?"
"Wouldn't say it if I didn't, Sweetheart." Sun boops your nose, giggling. 
It just serves to fluster you further, so to stop yourself from saying anything by downing another chocolate. 
Sun continues chatting, his excitement truly coming to light now. "We were really nervous about finding something you'd like, we spent ages trying to make sure we found something that had all your favorite flavors, to show you how much we care, because we do, a lot..."
As he talks, you realize the burning on your face isn't getting any better, but now notice that it's not from being embarrassed. The warmth is also traveling down your neck and chest, accompanied by an all too familiar itching sensation. You feel that same to desire to scratch at your currently covered arms.Your throat is tight, but not horrible, thankfully.
When you think to look at the half-bite you've taken out of the chocolate in your hand, and see the hot pink-colored filling, it basically confirms what you thought had happened. 
You keep your calm though, still trying to listen as the playtime attendant keeps going. "—And then came the matter of actually getting it! We couldn't ask for help because that would ruin the surprise, and we were also afraid someone would tell us we couldn't get you something, and that wouldn't do! So imagine our delight when Officer Ryan left his wallet in the break room. We just quickly borrowed the card and put it right back, don't worry! He didn't even notice—" He stops all of the sudden, tone falling. "Is everything okay, Starshine?"
You jump, realizing you're scratching at your neck now. "Um, sort of? Do you happen to know if any of these have red dye in them?"
"Red dye? Of course they don't, Sunbeam, it says right here in your file that you're allergic we would never—forget... something, like, that..." Sun freezes in that moment, staring out into space as realization seems to kick him straight in the gut. 
You put your hands up. "It's okay, it's okay. I just need a benadryl and I'll be fine-Woah!"
Sun scoops you up, hurriedly rushing over to the desk with you in his arms. With his free hand he starts frantically looking for something. 
"Not good, not good, not good! Oh, I'm so so so sorry Star! We should have paid more attention, we just got so caught up in finding you something perfect and now—" He shakes his head, growing more panicked. 
You try to diffuse the situation before he short circuits or something. "Sunny, it's fine, I promise. It's just a mild allergy. I'll be okay, really." You don't tell him how desperately you want him to set you down so you can scratch your arms off, as you think that'll only worsen the situation. 
Your words don't register, he can't seem to hear you as he searches through the medical bag, suddenly ripping his hand from inside to pull out an epi pen. And before you can protest, he's setting you on the desk and jabbing it into your thigh. 
You yelp, and he immediately relaxes. For the most part. As his posture sags, face downturned, he speaks again, dejected. "Please forgive us. We're so sorry. Had we been paying attention this never would have happened."
"Sunny, it's okay. It was a mistake." You set a hand on his shoulder, he flinches at your touch. 
Suddenly he looks up, anger in his tone, though not at you, you quickly realize. "But we hurt you! How can you be so calm about this!?"
"Because it's a minor allergy, silly bot." You cup his face with both hands as his rays flit about. "Do you have any idea how many things have red dye in them? Especially Valentine's candy? I've probably had to take an antihistamine like four times this week already."
You ignore his wide-eyed stare at your statement in favor of pressing your lips to his smile for a moment. "It's my fault for not checking beforehand, not yours. You were just trying to be nice and do something sweet for me. And I appreciate that more than anything. Really, I do. I'm… flattered, honestly." You mumble the last bit, looking away as you comprehend what you just did. 
A hand on your cheek makes you glance back to him, eyes now lidded and tone syrupy. "We're glad..." He shakes his head. "But, still. It won't happen again! Now come on, what you need is proper rest and relaxation!"
Again you're picked up, carried away to be sat in the attendant's lap in a bean bag, blanket suddenly covering you both and a couple of coloring books and crayons appearing out of nowhere. 
"Don't you worry, we'll think up an even better gift to give you before the day is over! I promise!" Sun says as he gets to work on coloring. 
You pause to register everything that just happened, then chuckle, shaking your head. "Okay, but really, it's alright. This is just as thoughtful, you know. But we'll have to clean at some point, don't forget."
Sun hums, and he's so focused you think he only half hears you. You laugh again, and snuggle back into him to get started yourself. As his free hand slings round your waist you feel yourself start to burn up all over again. 
The rest of the afternoon is filled with similar activities, neither attendant letting up at all about 'making it up to you' despite your insistence that you were okay. 
You didn't mind in the slightest though, now snuggled in Moon's arms as you both sit reading. 
"As horrible as it sounds I'm kinda glad you bought those chocolates." You glance up to him, small smile on your face. "I don't think things would've ended up this way if you hadn't."
Moon tsks, though his eyes hold a certain cheekiness. "Maybe not, but that doesn't mean we'll ever be letting it happen again. There are much better ways to end up with you in my arms." He flicks your forehead and you huff. Only to be silenced by a brief peck to your lips. 
He holds something up for you then, and taking a moment to focus you see it's a bundle of paper roses. Looking closer you see some are made from coloring pages, and others from Moon's book. 
"We have plenty of more books of all kinds before you worry. And it was the least we could do considering what happened earlier."
You take the bundle, admiring the detail in each folded piece of paper. "They're lovely. Truly. Thank you both." You twist again to kiss his cheek, then go back to fawning over your present, warm smile on your lips. 
"Once we get ahold of Officer Ryan's credit card again we'll be sure to get you something better, I promise." Moon presses a kiss to the top of your head, and picks up his book once more. 
You pause then. "I, let's not do that—you didn't think to save it?"
"We did. But just inputting it directly isn't nearly as thrilling." He snickers. 
Thank you for the request @dangerva! I enjoyed writing the sillies panicking (just a little bit) hehe
My writing masterlist
DCA Valentine's masterlist
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jeonscatalyst · 2 months ago
Sometimes I think about Jungkook’s NJ Vlive in 2019 and laugh about the fact that both Jikookers and taekookers think that Live was the ultimate prove of their ship. I mean why on earth do taekookers think that Live proved their ship in anyway when it was all Jikook lol.
Anyways. You once said you were going to talk about that Live (and others) in detail. Could you please elaborate on it? I would love to read your thoughts about the Live😊
Hi anon,
Sorry it took me almost forever to get to your ask. I’ve had a crazy couple of weeks lol.
I promised to discuss a few V Lives, either featuring Jikook or all the members together, that I found significant. Let’s begin with the most intriguing one, Jungkook’s New Jersey V Live from May 2019.
Before diving into the specifics of this Live, I’d like to point out an issue that many shippers, particularly Taekookers in this case, tend to have: they rarely consider the full context of moments, both before and after, and instead focus on fragments that suit their narrative. A reasonable person watching this Live along with the preceding one would not categorize it as a Taekook Live. To me, this V Live is one of the most defining moments that highlights the nature of Jimin and Jungkook’s bond. Below, I’ll elaborate on why I believe this, using tangible evidence that connects the dots effortlessly, rather than baseless speculations like “voices in the background,” imaginary snores, or random household sounds with no supporting proof.
Understanding the full context is key, so let’s start with Jin’s Live, which took place earlier that day.
The Live begins with Jin sitting alone in his hotel room, eating and chatting with ARMY. Around the 10:00, Jimin rings the doorbell. Jin answers, and Jimin enters wearing a plain white t-shirt and black pants while carrying food. This detail will become relevant later.
Jimin sits down and starts eating with Jin while chatting. At approximately 13:35 minute mark, Jimin mentions that he planned to quietly sit on the side, watch Jin’s Live, and leave, a detail that will also matter later.
Around the 18:00 minute mark, they discuss their hotel room sizes. Jin mentioned that he heard Jimin’s room is bigger than his, to which Jimin replies that the rooms are similar in structure but adds that Jungkook’s room is the biggest. This, too, will be important later.
At 30:30, Jin wipes his sweat, jokingly asks if Jimin likes the shirt he’s wearing, and then wipes his hand on Jimin’s shirt. Jimin laughs and says, “This is why I don’t wear my own clothes when I visit Jin’s room.” This playful interaction will also tie into later events.
The Live continues with lighthearted eating and chatting until the doorbell rings. Both Jin and Jimin laugh mischievously before abruptly ending the broadcast, leaving fans wondering who was at the door.
Shortly after, Jungkook starts his own V Live. Before diving into it, it’s worth mentioning that Jimin posted a video on Twitter confirming that it was Jungkook who rang the doorbell. He was upset (though not seriously) that Jin and Jimin ended their Live before he could join, which prompted him to start his own.
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Jungkook starts his own Live.
In the opening seconds of Jungkook’s Live, around 17 seconds in, we can hear what sounds like a cough or sigh before Jungkook pans the camera, revealing Jimin seated on the bed. It’s important to note that Jungkook started the Live with Jimin out of view, and had Jimin not made a sound, we might never have known he was in the room.
This connects to Jimin’s earlier comment in Jin’s Live about quietly sitting in the background. The one mentioned above. It suggests that Jimin has likely done this on multiple occasions, sitting silently in members’ rooms during Lives without fans noticing. This isn’t mere speculation…it’s behavior Jimin himself has confirmed. Therefore, it’s not far-fetched to think that during past Jungkook Lives where fans speculated about sounds or movements, it could very well have been Jimin quietly present in the room.
During Jungkook’s Live, it’s evident that he’s lightly annoyed at Jimin and Jin for ending their Live before he arrived. Jimin tries to apologize, but there’s a noticeable tension in the room, especially when Jimin leans closer to Jungkook around the 53-second mark. Jungkook’s unease becomes apparent as he starts fidgeting—touching things, adjusting lights, licking his lips, scratching his nose (though clearly without an itch), and avoiding eye contact with Jimin.
This kind of nervous energy doesn’t align with the dynamic of simple friendship, in my opinion. Around 1:25, there’s an awkwardly charged moment where Jungkook appears to peek into Jimin’s shirt. Jimin notices and immediately begins rubbing his chest while saying something only the two of them seem to understand. The interaction feels intimate and loaded with subtext.
Jungkook’s uneasiness isn’t the kind you’d associate with discomfort or dislike; it’s the other kind…..you know, the kind that carries undertones of something more. Iykyk.
Side Note: One of the things that stands out to me about this Live is how Jungkook can’t seem to look Jimin in the eye throughout most of it.
Jungkook brings up his frustration again about Jimin and Jin turning off the Live before he could join, prompting Jimin to apologize and tell Jungkook he loves him while cupping his chin. Although Jungkook still appears annoyed (albeit playfully), Jimin says that since he has apologized, he’ll leave. Jungkook responds immediately with an “okay.” However, pay close attention to Jungkook’s body language as Jimin starts to leave. He doesn’t take his eyes off Jimin, stares intensely, and even begins making plans on when to see him the next day, almost forgetting he’s still Live lol.
At 12:14, Jimin reappears in the frame, heading toward the couch at the back to retrieve a piece of clothing. Let’s revisit a point I mentioned earlier…Jimin’s outfit when he visited Jin. He arrived wearing only a t-shirt and black pants, with no hoodie or sweater. We also know he didn’t have any extra clothing on him when he entered Jin’s room because his hands were full with food. So, where did this piece of clothing in Jungkook’s room come from? When exactly did he leave it there because it certainly wasn’t after he left Jin’s room and followed Jungkook to his.
Jungkook mentioned earlier in his Live that he’d been working out before heading to Jin and Jimin’s Live. This implies that Jimin must have left the clothing in Jungkook’s room before going to Jin’s room. It’s unlikely he brought it with him when he left Jin’s room because he didn’t have it then. Also, remember how Jimin joked in Jin’s Live that he doesn’t wear his own clothes when visiting Jin? This means that Jimin must have been in Jungkook’s room before going to do a Live with Jin and there is a good possibility that the T-shirt he had on wasn’t his but Jungkook’s. While this is speculative, what’s certain is that Jimin had been in Jungkook’s room earlier and stayed long enough to leave his clothing there, on a chair that also has someone’s underwear lying on it. Do with that information what you will.
Around 2:26, as Jimin picks up the clothing and starts to leave, if you listen closely, you can hear the sound of what sounds like a closet door opening and closing….a distinct creak, like those older wooden closets that open toward the front. You can even see the closet on the left near the TV.
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The timing is notable because before this sound, all we could hear were Jimin and Jungkook talking, along with the sound of Jimin’s footsteps so I can’t think of anything else that could make that sound at that particular moment. What’s intriguing is that Jimin pauses and doesn’t walk directly to the door to leave. You can clearly hear his footsteps stop as the creaking sound is heard and then starts again after and then stops again. Why would he seemingly stop to open and close Jungkook’s closet before leaving if he is just a guest in that room? Again, do with this information what you will.
Now, this next part is speculative, but it seems obvious to me that Jimin had no real intention of leaving the room. Here’s why: when Jimin announces he’s leaving and Jungkook tells him goodbye for what feels like the umpteenth time, there’s a brief silence after Jimin’s footsteps stop. We don’t hear the door opening or closing during that pause. To me, it feels like Jimin intentionally paused, trying to create the impression he had left the room while simply standing silently by the door. We’ve already established from earlier behavior that Jimin is fully capable of doing this.
Also, note the lack of resistance from either of them regarding Jimin leaving. Jimin announces he’s leaving, and Jungkook immediately agrees without hesitation. It feels like there’s an unspoken understanding between them…like they’re merely playing along for the camera. This part will become important later.
The doorbell rings, and we realize Jimin is still in the room when he answers it. He opens the door, and Jin walks in. While they laugh and chat, notice how Jimin immediately starts explaining himself to Jin, saying he was “just leaving” before Jin arrived. To me, this sounds like a guilty person trying to proactively explain their actions before being questioned. Jungkook even chimes in, repeating, “Jimin was just leaving.”
This could mean one of two things: Jungkook could also be guilty and trying to explain, or he could be subtly signaling to Jin that he wants him to leave soon too. Jin’s response, saying he was about to leave anyway suggests he understood the hint.
What stands out to me the most is Jimin’s behaviour. He seems hurried and anxious. He turned to Jin and told him to say something to Jungkook kinda like “say what you have to say quickly and let’s leave” lol. Jin then says he wants to apologize to Jungkook (for turning off the live) and Jungkook says “thank you” but again we have Jimin lol. Jimin once again says this to Jin “Jungkook wants to say something to ARMY so…..” to me he was indirectly saying Jungkook wants to say something to army so let’s leave. Jin then asks if Jungkook can’t say what he wants to say with him in the room. What is worth noting here is that Jimin seems hurried but the question is, why doesn’t he just leave by himself? Why does it seem like he is trying to get Jin to leave with him so bad? They continue with their little banter, jokes and then they try to leave again before they hear a doorbell.
The bell rings and Taehyung comes into the room. At 5:21 Tae mentions that he came because the alarm went off (the Vlive notification) . The other members start commenting on how good his body looks and he says he worked out with Jungkook which means Taekook were probably working out together when Jimin and Jin were Live. Around 5: 43 Jungkook says “ one tries to go out and one comes in” seemingly acknowledging the revolving door of visitors. Then pay attention to Jimin again. He puts his hand on Tae’s chest physically trying to turn him towards the door while explaining to him that he was just about to leave. Yet another attempt to subtly get someone else to leave the room. Tae then says he watched them on Live while having steak in his room. ( this will be relevant later).
Eventually Jimin stops being subtle about trying to get the others out. Now he says it directly ….. lmaoo.
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My question here is, why is he trying so hard to get the others out of that room? First he did it with Jin, and now he is doing the same thing with Tae. If he was tired and wanted to go to bed, why didn’t he just leave? It’s not like the others being there affects him in anyway…….except perhaps, he wanted them to leave the bedroom he planned to sleep in. That to me is the only reasonable explanation for his behaviour. Mind you he said he was leaving ages ago but minutes later and two doorbells rings later, he is still there. Why? At 6:21 you literally see Jimin let out an exasperated sigh and his body language tells that he is hurried and uneasy.
At 6:23, Taehyung asks “whose room is this.
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The way he asks, genuinely curious shows he didn’t know. This stands in contrast to Jimin, who not only knew whose room it was but had even visited earlier and left his clothing there. This single moment should be enough to debunk any claims of Taekook being real because why wouldn’t Tae know his boyfriend’s hotel room? Mind you this wasn’t the first time we got evidence of him not knowing Jungkook’s room while they were on tour but Jimin always knew. Do with this information what you will.
Tae then moves towards the chair where Jimin picked up his piece of clothing earlier and we find out from him that there was an underwear laying there. Now there is speculation that it might have been Jimin’s because his other item of clothing was laying there but we don’t have any definitive evidence to support this so we leave it at a maybe.
The guys go on to joke about the underwear and later Jungkook’s clothes while Jimin sits on the chair with the camera. He looks kinda fed up and later he gets up and says he is leaving. I think he leaves for real this time cuz you can hear the door open and close. Jin leaves shortly after and we are left with Taekook.
Tae asks Jungkook if he had something to eat and Jungkook says this “ I don’t eat anything at dinner time” not “ I didn’t eat anything for dinner” or “I haven’t eaten yet. The way the sentence is phrased shows that he is informing Tae that he usually doesn’t eat dinner and not just today which means that is information Tae didn’t know. This seems like a small detail but why wouldn’t Tae know that his boyfriend doesn’t eat at dinner time? It raises the question of how well Tae knows Jungkook’s habits. Tae then says he is on a diet these days too but Jungkook reminds him that he earlier spoke about eating steak….
At 9:18, the doorbell rings, and both Jungkook and Taehyung go to check. Jungkook says the person rang and left, but you can still hear the doorbell ringing as Jungkook opens the door. Unless the person ran away at superhuman speed, it’s unlikely Jungkook didn’t at least see who was there.
What is worth noting here is that immediately after that doorbell, Jk starts asking Tae when he would be leaving. Now, many taekookers say that it was probably a staff ringing to ask Jk to end the Live but if that was the case then why wouldn’t Taehyung understand and then immediately leave when Jk started asking him to? Later on we see that Jk keeps subtly asking Tae when he would be leaving but Tae is clearly stubborn about leaving. Remember how I asked to take note of the way Jimin and Jungkook had a quiet understanding about Jimin leaving? I don’t see any reason why Tae would have been stubborn about leaving on camera if he knew he wasn’t really going and was just putting up an act. If anything he would have wanted to quickly leave so jk could end the live and they spend private time together but instead he was stubborn about it.
Jk asks Tae again when he will be leaving and Tae says he will leave after Jk is done with the Live. Jk then says he is going to shower and that Tae can continue with the Live. Watching Jk, it is clear he wasn’t going to shower with Tae on Live. I think he wanted Tae to leave but didn’t want to be direct about it so it doesn’t come off rude on Live. He starts fidgeting around, picking and folding ziplock bags lol.
At 9:59 or 10:00, there’s an audible cough-like sound coming either from the bathroom or outside the hotel room door. The echo makes it more likely to have come from the bathroom. At first, I thought I might be hearing things but what convinced me is the fact that , before this sound, Tae had the camera panned towards Jungkook but after the sound, Jungkook audibly asks Tae to “stay put” and then he walks towards the bathroom and we can hear him say something from a distance. Remember that Jimin had a little cough while on Jin’s Live, and even when Jk’s Live started, we only knew Jimin was there because of his little cough and we also saw him cough a few times during the Jk’s Live.
At 10:05 Tae asks……
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Taekookers interpret this as evidence they were sharing a room. However, when Taehyung entered the room earlier, he didn’t even know it was Jungkook’s room and had to ask. If they were sharing a room, wouldn’t Taehyung have known? Taekookers argue that he was pretending not to know to avoid suspicion, but if he was trying to hide their relationship, why would he then ask this question that could supposedly expose it? The reasoning seems contradictory.
I’m not sure if there was a translation error or if there is some context we are missing but he clearly wasn’t sharing a room with Jk else he would have atleast known the room and also known that Jk doesn’t eat at dinner time, no? This might just be me but this question from him felt calculated and I could be wrong but I suspect it has something to do with that cough sound we just heard.
After this, Jungkook once again subtly suggests Taehyung leave, mentioning that he needs to shower and go to bed. Taehyung eventually decides to leave, and we hear the door open and close as he exits.
Note the contrast between Jungkook’s reaction to Taehyung leaving and his earlier reaction to Jimin leaving. This observation speaks volumes. Do with it what you will.
Once Taehyung leaves, Jungkook continues the Live, but it becomes obvious he’s distracted. He frequently glances to the side, seemingly at something or someone in the direction of the bathroom. Jungkook is not great at masking his expressions, and his unease is noticeable.
At 12:00, something white flies across the frame, which Taekookers claim is a candy wrapper thrown by Taehyung. However, it’s clearly just lint; it’s too small to be a wrapper thrown open and if it was folded before it was thrown, it wouldn’t have gone in that speed.
At 12:20, it is even clearer that someone or something is distracting Jungkook from the side because he looks to the side, laughs and then you can hear a faint whisper of “Saranghe”. Jungkook looks really uneasy too and if you know him even a little you’d easily recognize where else you just saw him look that kind of uneasy and with whom.
When Jungkook was alone with Taehyung in the room, he appeared calm and relaxed, even though he seemed slightly exasperated while asking Taehyung to leave. With Jimin, however, Jungkook was visibly uneasy…fidgety, scratching his nose, avoiding eye contact, and barely managing to look at Jimin. This unease, while subtle, speaks volumes about the dynamics between them. While some people interpret uneasiness as a bad thing…. in this case, it tells us whom he has something to hide with and who he doesn’t.
At 12:44, Jungkook looks to the side again and laughs, further indicating something or someone off-camera is drawing his attention. His behavior is strikingly similar to how he acted around 2:20 earlier in the Live, when Jimin said he was leaving. Jungkook’s distraction is impossible to miss; whoever is in the room is clearly holding his attention more than the Live itself. Someone he is desperately trying not to look at but failing woefully?
This Vlive for me stands out as an extremely significant moment for understanding Jikook. Just like you anon, I honestly don’t understand how anyone could watch this Live and genuinely believe it was anything other than a Jikook live. While Taekook had some lighthearted and cute moments, they didn’t suggest anything beyond friendship. On the other hand, Jimin and Jungkook’s interactions, body language, and subtle cues paint a much more complex picture.
I’m not one to jump to conclusions based on every sound or coincidence in a Live, but this particular VLive offers enough factual evidence to support the idea that something was going on between Jimin and Jungkook. The before-and-after context makes all the difference.
For me, it is never just about a particular moment but about the beginning and after of that moment. So many taekookers believe this Live to be a Taekook Live because many of them don’t know what happened before and after. The Live before was between Jin and Jimin so many Taekooker probably didn’t watch it but what they don’t realize is that, without starting from that beginning, you miss out on a lot of context or important information like Jimin’s jacket being in Jungkook’s room before he went for a Live with Jin or other little information we got from Jimin like the fact that he doesn’t wear his own clothes to visit Jin and that he is capable of hiding in the corner and watching members do Lives. These seemingly small details add up to tell a larger story.
This is one of my favourite Lives and as promised, I would try to elaborate more on other Lives I thought were significant to understanding Jikook more.
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castiwls · 6 months ago
bed chem .ᐟ
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Paring; dean x reader
Prompt; 'i bet we'd have really good bed chem'
Requested; anon
Notes; requests are open again!
Masterlist | Taylor Swift masterlist
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It wasn’t often you found yourself drawn to a stranger sitting in the bar on a random Tuesday night. Normally the patrons of your local bar were your father's age and tended to come simply to chat up the bartenders and start fights over who won at pool. 
Yet today it was different.
You’d noticed him almost immediately and it seemed he’d noticed you as well as in record time you’d found yourself tucked away in a back corner laughing at whatever joke fell from his mouth. One-night stands had never been a good idea - one too many awkward next mornings had all but made the whole idea lose its charm.
Yet sitting her now? You’d never been more ready for an awkward morning in your life.
You’d never understood what your friends had meant when they spoke about instant sexual attraction. How they could look at a guy and just know yet right in this moment you finally understood.
“You can’t be serious?” You laughed, taking a sip from your drink as the stranger - who you now knew as Dean - simply grinned and nodded his head. “As serious as I can be sweetheart.” He shot you a wink before finishing his own drink and placing the glass down with a quiet ‘click.’
He watched you for a moment, his green eyes shining under the dim lights of the bar. His eyes seemed to ravish you almost as his gaze slowly raked over your face, a slight flutter settling in his stomach.
“So, what brings you to this fine establishment on a tuesday night? I’m sure there is more… interesting places for a woman like you.” He raised an eyebrow, a smile which could only be described as charming growing on his lips as he watched you blush slightly.
Seeming satisfied with himself he slowly crept a hand across the small table, his fingers brushing yours where they were still wrapped around your glass. Your own heart was thundering in your chest as his touch seemed to light your skin on fire. 
Your own eyes watched his hand for a moment before clearing your throat. “Small town. Not many options.” A small hum left him as his other hand tapped the table for a moment. “Tight nit.” Dean nodded looking over to the barman for a moment.
The man sent him a guarded look as he watched you both closely while cleaning a glass. “Not everyone's as welcoming as you.”
Nodding you shifted in your seat. “Small town you know. Everyone knows everyone…we’re all pretty close.” 
Dean looked back to you, his smile returning. “Your friend at the bar looks about ready to chop my head off.” His smile slowly slipped into a smirk as an idea lit up in his head. The bar tender had been giving him shit all night - all day actually but you didn’t know that. 
He was more then sure that he was the guy they were looking for but you seemed far more interesting. This could be a win win almost for him, he’d get the girl and also maybe provoke the guy into acting to prove that he actually was who they were looking for.
A quiet laugh left you. The sound was music to his ears almost as he watched your eyes crinkle. “Coles harmless he’s just…protective.”
“That’s one way to put it.”
You hummed quietly raising the glass back to your lips but Dean’s hand stopped you. His own hand wrapped around yours, bringing the glass back down to the table before leaning closer, his knees brushing yours.
Was this actually happening?
His hand reached out to push a strand of your hair behind your ear, his fingers lingering on your cheek. “Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?”
“Are you trying to sweet talk me?”
“Is it working?” He grinned, his eyes lingering on your lips.
Shifting you lent closer, your faces only inches apart. “You have a car?” 
The words seemed almost foreign on your tongue. The drink giving you a confidence you’d never had before. 
But something inside you was screaming that this was the right thing to do. 
Dean’s own eyes widened before he cast a look at the door. “I like your thinking.” 
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alotofpockets · 2 months ago
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Fun facts | Grace Clinton x Reader
5k celebration prompt: “Do you ever run out of fun facts?”
Woso masterlist | Words: 1.4k
A knock on your door interrupted your thoughts. For the past hour you had been debating your outfit, switching between a top every five minutes. But, the knock on your door meant that Grace was here to pick you up for your first date, so the top you were currently wearing had to be the one.
You quickly make your way to the door, not wanting to leave her waiting for too long. When you opened it, Grace’s face lit up. “You look amazing.” You feel your cheeks flushing, already by even such a small compliment. “Thank you, so do you.”
Grace moved into your apartment building a few weeks ago. The thick Liverpool accent had caught your attention instantly when you were making your way downstairs. None of the neighbours that you knew had that accent, so your curiosity was instantly triggered.
What you hadn’t expected to find around the corner was the contents of a moving box scattered over the hallway floor. “A single cardboard box can be reused 5 to 7 times before it starts to break down and lose its strength, yet here I am on my first use with my stuff scattered all across the hall.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at the unexpected commentary as you stepped around the corner. “I think you might’ve gotten the one box that has a vendetta against moving. Clearly it wasn’t cut out for this life.”
The girl looked up, startled but amused. “Ah, so it is the box’s fault, is it? Not my fault for not using proper packing rules, and putting more weight in it than you’re supposed to?”
Within ten seconds of meeting this stranger, you already loved her humour. You crouched down to help her pick up the scattered items. “I mean, who am I to argue with a moving box expert?”
She laughed at your joke, the sound of her laughter like music to your ears. Never had you imagined you’d be able to fall for a stranger so quickly. The way she so effortlessly joked around with you, made you want to get to know her better.
“Oh, I’m full of fascinating facts about boxes, and well just random facts in general. Stick around long enough, and you’ll learn loads!” She stood with her hands now filled with her items.
“Well, if this is how you introduce yourself to your new neighbours, I am definitely interested in sticking around for more. I’m y/n, by the way. Your neighbour who now knows more about moving boxes than she ever planned to.”
The girl chuckled. “Grace, the neighbour who might’ve just exposed her weirdest talent way too early.” With a smile and a shake of your head you say, “I think it’s cute.” You noticed the light flush of her cheeks before she quickly turned her face away from you. “What floor are you on? I’ll help carry your stuff up.”
Since that day the two of you have been chatting every day, whether it was face to face or over text, the two of you were connecting. It was instantly clear to the both of you that it wasn’t just a neighbourly or even just friendly connection, and you wanted to explore it more. 
So, Grace asked you out on a date and now here she is standing in front of your door. All your nerves faded away as you walked down together, and she started talking.
“Did you know that dates involving outdoor activities create stronger connections?” If you had learned one thing over the past few weeks is that Grace had a fun fact on just about every topic. “I didn’t, but it makes sense if you think about it.”
She agreed, “It’s why I wanted to grab some coffee to go and walk through the park on our way to what I have planned.”
“That sounds lovely, and also very adorable, telling me you want to have a stronger connection with me.” You smiled at her as you walked out of the apartment building.
Grace paid for your coffee, even if you told her that wasn’t fair because she was already paying for the rest of the date. “You can get them next time.”
“Oh, you already know that there will be a next time?” You said with an amused smile. “Around 66% of people say that they know within the first thirty minutes if they’re interested in a second date.”
You chuckled, of course she had a fun fact for that too. “Thirty minutes sounds doable for getting the vibe of a person, but Grace we’ve been out for like five minutes.” She smiles and shrugs, “I already knew before I knocked on your door.”
Gosh she was a smooth talker. “I think I may need the remaining twenty five minutes to decide.” You joked back, and the glint in her eyes was enough to make you cave in. “Fine, you got me. I was already thinking of what I could plan for our next date before you knocked on my door as well.”
You continued on your walk, sipping on your coffee, and talking with Grace. If you had only done this for the duration of the date, you would already have considered it a good date. Grace had more planned though, as she led you into town and you stopped in front of one of the buildings.
“Are we going to make pottery?” You asked as you took in the shop’s window. “Close, but no. We’re painting pottery.” Her smile grew when she saw the excitement on your face.
Once you were inside and you were all settled in at one of the tables, surrounded by a bunch of different pottery dishes, paints and brushes, Grace started speaking excitedly about pottery. “Did you know that pottery is one of the oldest human inventions, with the earliest known pieces dating back over 20,000 years?”
With a shake of your head you say, “Wow, that is so long. Isn’t it cool how some things stick around for so long?” She nodded, “Yeah, I love it.”
You decided on a mug for your first pottery piece, while Grace went for a bowl. You thought for a moment on what you wanted to paint on the mug, deciding on some tulips. After dipping your paint brush into the green paint, you fill the mug with the stems and leaves, leaving room to add the flowers in different colours.
“Did you know in the 17th century, tulips were so valuable in Holland that they were used as a currency?” At this point you weren’t even surprised by Grace’s random knowledge on all topics anymore. “That’s crazy, imagine getting coffee somewhere and just paying with tulips.”
“Yeah, it’s so weird to think about, right? They even named the period Tulip Mania.” With the new knowledge about tulips, you fill the already painted stems with red, orange, and pink tulip flowers. 
When you looked over to Grace’s bowl, she had filled the outside with small watermelon pieces, and she was now working on painting the inside of the bowl like the inside of a watermelon. 
“Yours looks so cool!” You say in awe. “Thank you! I love it, and yours too. Did you know that watermelons belong to the cucumber family? Technically they are classified as both a fruit and a vegetable!”
“Do you ever run out of fun facts?” You say with a soft chuckle. Amazed at her excitement over the classification of a watermelon.
“Oh, is it too much? I can stop.” She says taken back. You’re quick to reach out your hand and place it over hers. “Please never stop, I love it.” Her smile grew again. “Yeah?” You nod, “It’s so cool that you have all this random knowledge, and I love that you want to share it with me.”
The rest of the date was amazing, and like you had already said at the beginning of the date, a second date was definitely happening, and you couldn’t wait to plan something for her.
💗 If you enjoyed this fic, please consider liking, commenting, and reblogging! You can also supporting me by leaving a tip 💗
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postm0rt3m · 3 months ago
writing this so fast because if i dont ILL FORGET IT PLEASE
(insp by that super SEXY IMAGE posted by @simonz-angel !!)
your eyes jolt open at the sudden feeling of your phone buzzing, the vibration under your pillow prompting a soft, groggy groan from your lips.
you’re not sure what time it is, but when you open your eyes, it’s still dark outside. riley, your retired bomb-sniffing german shepherd, is still fast asleep at the foot of the bed. and your two little kitties are seemingly no where to be found.
you finally roll over, the time on your little bed stand alarm clock reading 2:28 AM. ‘who the hell is texting at 2 in the damn morning??’ you wonder with another groan, this time an annoyed one. although one person pops in your mind. specifically, a big beefy man, who is currently out on deployment. your annoyance washes away instantly.
you can’t help the giddy smile that spreads across your face just at the thought of him. simon riley. your big beefy man.
he’s been gone for a little under a week now, although its felt like years. the same as it always does. you miss your warm, brick wall of a man! you’re currently bundled under three different blankets, and its still not the same! you miss his big, plush pecks and biceps that feel like pillows under your head, the rough skin of the burn scar across the entire right half of his torso that you could just run your tongue over for the rest of your life, and just don’t get me started on that tattoo sleeve.
of course.. you also just miss him. the way he yells at riley then immediately feeds him a treat because he feels bad, the way he looks at you when he finally does arrive back from his harrowing work, the way he whispers sweet nothings into your ear when he thinks you’ve drifted off.
simply put, you miss your simon.
you’re brought out of your thoughts when riley stirs at the end of the bed, a soft giggle escaping your lips as the dog lies on his back with his tongue flopped out and each of his limbs in the air, like a possum playing dead.
you decide to finally open the message, although that small pit of worry is in your stomach, as it always is when you receive a message from him.
is he hurt?
did something happen?
please be okay.
the same thoughts always run through your mind when you get these random texts, but as soon as you open the chat, your mind instantly freezes. well.. maybe blanks is a better word.
there’s no caption, no words. just a single image attached. and holy shit, is it better than anything you could’ve asked for.
he looks to be lying in his bed, the familiar military-approved white sheets tucked in neatly behind him. the camera is angled high above himself, and it looks as if he still has his gloves on. you can also see the waistline of his pants, and of course that sexy mask (you could bust just from thinking about it), and the dogtags you were just wearing when you bounced up and down on his cock, but.. thats it. he’s completely shirtless.
his muscular, toned abs and pecks are fully on display. for you. only for you. his beefy biceps are on either side of the frame, and that tattoo sleeve you remember tasting just a week ago is sitting deliciously in view. the way his shoulders barely fit in frame, the way the muscle connecting his shoulders up to his neck sits so perfectly high, the way his collarbones. THE WAY HIS V-LINE.
god.. and his scars? you can remember leaving a rather large hickey over that old bullet hole. giggling over the stab wound stretching over his ribcage. licking a stripe all the way from his v-line to his shoulder over the jagged skin of his burn scar. although there is a new one, one you can only presume he got in the last week. no matter, it will be tasted as soon as he gets home.
you end up staring at the picture for a good ten minutes (12, but who’s counting?) before you actually respond. you.. really aren’t sure what to say. it’s not uncommon for him to send images while hes out on deployment, but at 2:30? on a random tuesday? he must be horned up.
but you can’t just leave your man hanging! so.. you decide with a simple text.
> oh
you can already imagine the deep chuckle as he reads the message, the way he’d palm over his painfully tight bulge just thinking about you before unbuttoning his pants, his hard and leaking cock springing up against his lower abdomen and his big, veiny hand wrapping around it-
obviously, you’re feeling the same as he is, considering just how quickly you rush riley out of the room (don’t worry, he’ll get a treat later to make up for it) and plop back down in bed, your phone in one hand as the other lazily circles over your clit.
like i said, you miss your simon.
and you’ll definitely be getting him back for that little tease.
tumblr STOP DELETING PARAGRAPSH WHEN I TRY TO SPSCE THEM. hi i wrote this within like thirty minutes at 3 in the morning and its not proofread so.. enjoy!
ft a lil msg 😜 (BCZ WTF WOULD YOU RESPOND TO THAT my hand would be PREOCCUPIED)
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flamingpudding · 2 years ago
Gaming Pal Prompt
A/N: Random Idea that was stuck in my head after reading about a Pen Pal Prompt
It all started with a simple accidentally created open lobby. Sam, Tucker and Danny were just playing Doom in a four person Lobby that was supposed to be passcode locked and private so that it was only the three of them playing. But one of them must have forgotten to lock it as suddenly a random player joined them as well as the in-game voice chat they were using.
"Sup. Mind if I join the game? My last lobby kicked me."
"Why? Too good or too bad?"
Tucker shot back, not minding the new player. The three would just have to watch what they talk about during game time.
"Don't know. I think they thought I cheated."
"Pff, sore losers. Maybe you can help these losers kick ass."
"Oh shut it Sam, we will wipe the floor with you now!"
"A challenge huh? That sounds interesting. I am Tim by the way."
The friend request was sent after the game in which Tim did help Tucker and Danny beat Sam. Only for Sam to demand a rematch to regain her victory streak. From then on the random player regularity started joining in on their games whenever he happened to be online at the same time.
Of course the trio filtered their talks over voice chat. Making sure they wouldn't let anything atrocious slip. Though they did have some fun telling a non Amity Parker about the shit that goes down in their town and Tim always appeared interested to hear more about the things going on. Always curious and full of follow up questions, that strangely focus on who the attackers were ( always ghosts really they don't have any other rogues aside from maybe the fruitloop) and other times very much focused on their local ghost hero Phantom. He was also strangely interested in the whole GIW situation and sounded rather confused when they mentioned the Anti-Ecto Acts.
Aside from that Tim practically became a part of their little group. Their online Gamer Pal who knew nearly as much about their rogues and local Hero (thanks to all the questions he asked) like they did. A full fledged Team Phantom member who just didn't know the main secret of Danny actually doing the Ghost fighting as Phantom and being the one getting hunted by his own Parents and the GIW.
So of course the day came where Sam, Tucker and Danny forget to filter their words. It was during one particularly exhausting day when Danny had only had like 4 hours of sleep because he had studied all night for an English Test and then Skulker appeared to hunt Phantom and Danny's parents showed up too, making souping the Hunter Ghost especially difficult.
"Ancients, Skulker just had to decide on hunting you today, didn't he Danny?"
"Don't remind me. He is still souped in the thermos, but dodging Mom was harder with so little sleep."
"Should you like take a nap then man?"
"Nah I am fine for gaming night."
"Hey Danny, you did escape the blasters unscratched right? Your mom is the better shot after all."
"Nearly. Mom landed a couple of hits but it's almost healed already, just some small burn marks left."
"I am sorry, WHAT?! Did you guys just say that Skulker, the one that's hunting Phantom for sports, was hunting Danny. Danny was the one to Soup him not Phantom and Danny's Mom shot and hurt her own son with one of these ecto-blasters?!"
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toxic3mmy · 5 months ago
Karl leaves some gummies that are aphrodisiacs, Quackity who passes by sees them and eats almost all of them, then the aphrodisiacs take effect and he goes home to solve his problem but you are right at his house 🤭🤭
prompt: alex eats special gummies
okayokayokay, this one was interesting to write… sorry if it’s too short!
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alex was visiting a few of his friends at karl’s house. afterwards, you were supposed to meet him at his house and discuss his plans for his next big stream, as he decided that he wanted you in it.
unbeknownst to you,
alex was feeling a little bit peckish. as his friends chatted and laughed about random stuff, he asked karl,
“hey man, is it okay if i get a glass of water?”
to which karl scolded him for even asking, as alexis was obviously welcome to do practically anything at karl’s house.
and so he went to the kitchen and got a glass of water but then went to the food pantry to find what he was actually there for.
as he scoured through the pantry, he found a small bag of sour gummies. he proceeded to open the bag and frowned when he saw there was only one inside. he decided to eat it and look for any other of the same candy.
he had to dig through a few shelves when he finally found a fancy looking box full of similar heart shaped sour gummies. the front had some words in a different language. alex shrugged and ate one. then two… then a few more.
when his tummy was satisfied, he put the gummies back and returned to his friends in the next room.
after about 30 minutes or so, alex started to feel a little funny and so he decided to say goodbye and make his way home.
“oh fuck oh fuck… what the fuck is going on?” he said to himself as he paced his bathroom, hoping that he was just nauseous and needed to vomit
nothing came out… but something definitely came up.
he was hard… like rock hard.
he was as hard as he was when he ate a sex drive enhancement pill on a dare a few years back.
he needed relief from the building tension down below. he decided to go to his room and open his phone to pornhub.
he found a really pretty girl who just so happened to look similar to you.
he laid back in bed and undid his jeans, slowly taking his hard cock out. he started to rub himself, whimpering at the friction.
he bit his lip as he tried to concentrate and get off, his movements quickened to the sounds of the girl on the video.
he stopped as he realized that he wanted, no, needed more. this wasn’t enough.
a knock at his front door steered his focus away from what he was doing
shit… y/n was here
he completely forgot that you were coming over. he got himself dressed again and opened the door a sliver to see you
“hey! i brought you some coffee!” you said, holding two cups of iced coffee
“um.. actually, im not feeling well… can we rain check this for another day?” alex said, faking a cough
your face furrowed in worry
“what’s wrong? here, let me in so i can take care of you” you said
“n-no! … i mean um, im really gross right now and throwing up everywhere. i dont want to get you sick too” he said quickly
you shook your head and laughed softly, pushing the door open and moving past alex
“nonsense! i’ll make you that soup you love. it’ll fix you right up” you replied
alex was silent. you turned to look at him and saw that he had his hands obviously hiding his crotch
“do you have to pee or something? come sit down so i can get a better look at you” you gently lead him to his couch and he didn’t dare look your way at all. now you were really starting to worry
“alex? what’s wrong?” you asked and he shook his head, tears welling up in his eyes
“alex, please talk to me” you practically pleaded
“it’s so s-stupid… please don’t make me say it, it’s embarrassing” he said through sniffles
“oh lexie, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. i’m your friend, okay? i promise i won’t judge you. i just want to make sure you’re okay.” you reassured him
“fine… i was at karl’s and i got hungry. so i ate these stupid fucking gummies and they’re… they’re for… they make you horny! and i don’t even know how many i ate and this stupid god damn raging boner won’t go away!” he put his head down and cried softly from being overwhelmed
after deep thought, you pulled him up from the couch and started leading him to his bedroom
“let’s lay you down, okay?” you said and alex nodded softly
as you laid him down, he sighed and closed his eyes. this was the perfect moment.
you started by pulling off his beanie and you ruffled his hair. you then began to take his sweatpants off and he suddenly opened his eyes
“y/n? w-what—“
“shh, just let me take care of you”
his bulge was visible now. his dick was tucked underneath the waistband of his boxers with his leaking head peaking out. you crawled on top of him and helped him take off his shirt. your mouth immediately went to his neck, leaving wet open mouth kisses. you trailed down lower and attached your lips to one of his nipples.
alex whimpered and bucked his hips up at the sensation of your tongue circling around his sensitive nubs. you sucked and bit his skin, trailing down lower and lower.
as you were right underneath his bellybutton, you looked up at him as if asking for permission
“please y/n… please do something… i can’t take it anymore” he whined, tangling his fingers in your hair
you licked up his prominent shaft through his boxers and he was crying again, this time not from embarrassment but from pleasure. you laughed softly and released his member from his boxers, sliding the article of clothing off his body and onto the floor somewhere.
you took his long dick in your small hand and began to pump him at a slow pace, making sure to lick up all the precum from his tip.
“oh fuck! yes! m-more!”
“i barely did anything” you laughed, going back to running your tongue on his tip
“it’s just so good” he grunted as he bucked into your face
“get on your knees” he said suddenly and you quickly got down from the bed and onto your knees
you looked up at him as you fully engulfed him into your mouth. alex threw his head back and started to slowly find a pace in which he thrusted himself deeper into your throat
what you couldn’t fit into your mouth, your hands took care of expertly
“god—yes! y/n, you have such a pretty little dirty fucking mouth—ah!” he held your head with both hands now, forcing himself down your throat until you couldn’t breathe
your eyes were watery, causing your makeup to run, and you were gagging like crazy around his cock but you couldn’t care less, he sounded too good to stop
“stand up and bend over the bed” he growled and you did exactly that
he was behind you now, rubbing his tip between your slippery wet lips. you mewled as he rubbed against your clit with his cock, loving the feeling
“please just put it in! g-give it to me lexie, please!” now you were the one whining
as he entered your warm slick cunt, he gathered your hair in one hand and pulled your head back to reveal your neck. he kissed and sucked the skin right underneath your ear and left little dark colored bruised from sucking so hard
“bet you’ve imagined this huh? me burying my cock deep inside of you?” he asked and all you could do was moan out his name
“i’ve fantasized about exactly this. bending you over my bed, taking all of you. fuck.. you’re so fucking tight! joder, mami, you really know how to take it, don’t you?” he said as he sped his pace up, his balls smacking against your plump ass
“you feel s-so good… nghh!” you whimpered out
you were pushing yourself backwards onto his cock, meeting his thrusts
“i don’t think i— im close alex! ‘m so c-close!” you cried out, throwing your head down into the mattress to muffle your screams
“yeah baby? so soon? aw, c’mon, i know you can last longer hm, chiquita?” he purred and still sped up, giving your ass a loud smack
a few more thrusts and you came with a shout of his name. as you came down from your high, your body shuddered with complete pleasure. after catching your breath, you sunk down to your knees in front of him once again
he grabbed your chin forcefully and said in a gruff voice, “open up, sweetheart”
you did as he ordered and he laid his swollen tip on your tongue as his hand pumped himself quickly
your mouth was wide open and you were whimpering with anticipation for his cum
alex was moaning louder than before and finally, he came in short spurts on your tongue and down your chin
he caught his breath and took you to his bed. the two of you laid down, you on his chest comfortably and completely fucked out.
“are you… are you still hard, alexis?” you asked with genuine surprise
“yeah” he laughed
“round two?” you offered in an innocent voice and he laughed even more
“si mi amor, just give me a sec” and he held you tightly to his body
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swanlakebaby · 11 months ago
— missing you | pjm
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prompt: seeing jimin after long distancing.
⸝⸝ pairing: bf!jimin x fem!reader
⸝⸝ warnings: smut, kissing, teasing, whispering, masturbation, sexting, dom jimin, creampie, multiple rounds, semi fluff jimin, eating out, swallowing, etc.
⸝⸝ word count: 2.3k
⸝⸝ note: this is one of my favorites that ive written so far! it was fun to write out and i tried to do something new if you couldn’t tell. i eventually want to start a series soon but im still trying to figure out the storyline for that. i hope u enjoy!
• ps: my requests are still open. (please make sure to state whether you want your request to include smut or not!)
nsfw, 18+, minors dni
your phone dings , your screen lighting up. you roll over and lazily grab your phone , perking up once you realize it's another notification from jimin. you sit up in the bed and look at the chat.
★ jimin - i miss you so much...
★ jimin - i keep thinking of all things i'll do to you when i get back.
you smile at the message , laying back down on the bed. you stare at the screen for a while as you think of a response. but before you could answer , another message comes through.
★ jimin - i hate this time of year. we're always working on music , which i love , but it means i have to spend time away from you for a few weeks. don't you hate it too?
☆ you - i miss you too ! i hate how cold the other side of the bed is. when are you coming home? :(
★ jimin - soon , i promise.
you grin , suddenly excited about the idea of seeing jimin. hou sit up on your knees and slowly lift your tank top. you go to the camera app and flip the camera toward you , snapping photos of your breasts. you go back to the chat and send the picture. you watch as jimin types , then stops some time after the picture is sent.
★ jimin - you look amazing. i can't wait to touch you again.
a message comes through shortly after. a picture of jimin slouched back onto his bed , his shirt and pants off. the visual of his abs and boxers made your mouth water.
for the rest of the night , you spent the entire time messaging jimin back and forth about random things. plans you had coming up , small date ideas , etc. the conversation then takes a turn as jimin goes inactive for a while. you continuously message him until coming to the conclusion that he had fallen asleep on accident. after a while , you receive a video clip from jimin. you click to watch it , unsure do what to expect.
in the same slouched position , jimin rubs his hand over his boxers , his bulge now visible. he slowly slides his hands in his boxers and takes out his cock. he was hard , firmly wrapping his hand around himself as he pans the camera up. he smirks , before lowering the angle once again. he begins to pump his cock , whimpering and moaning into the camera as he speeds up and slows down. he mumbles your name into the camera as his body stiffens , white fluids spilling out over his chest. he grunts , aggressively pumping out all of his cum until he’s empty. he let's go of his cock tiredly and shows the cum on his hand and abs.
after watching the video , you only wished he could come home sooner. in response , you lay on your back fully. panning the camera up and down your body. at this point , you only had on panties and a thin tank top. you play with your breasts in the camera for a few moments before flipping it and propping your legs up. you take two fingers and slide them down your panties. you begin recording yourself as you intensely finger yourself , the wet sounds from your vagina getting stickier.
your panties have a dark patch on them as you begin to throb and soak through them. you play with yourself for a while until eventually , your legs begin to get shaky as you throw your head back and moan into an orgasm. your body shakes as you slide your fingers deeper into you. panting , you take your fingers out and show the camera. your fingers were sticky and glossy now. you flipped the camera onto yourself and recorded yourself cleaning them up with your tongue , one of jimin's favorite things he loved seeing you do.
jimin immediately calls you after receiving the video. ''i miss you.'' was all he said. ''then come home. please.'' you whisper into the phone. without saying a word , he hangs up. you giggle , knowing that he hated being teased and now he probably had an attitude. you quickly clean yourself up and decide to finally head to sleep. the orgasm gave you a wave of uncontrollable sleepiness and you wanted nothing more than to go to bed and decided that you’d continue the conversation with jimin tomorrow.
you feel the other side of the bed shift as someone slides in next to you. you immediately open your eyes , making sure that it wasn’t some perverted intruder. upon seeing him , you jump into his arms as you yell out his name. “jimin!” he chuckles , pulling you into a warm embrace. he sways you as he buries his face into your neck , giving it small pecks. “i missed you so much! why are you here? how did you even get here? it feels like i just talked to you!” your heart was fluttering as the person you loved and cared about so much was literally right in front of you. he looked into your eyes deeply before speaking. “as soon as i heard the whispering , i booked my ticket and began packing. i decided to leave early.”
you couldn’t believe what you were hearing. he left his job early to come surprise you and see you. you didn’t know how to feel. “i love you so much!” you beamed. “show me.” he says , leaning back onto the bed. “you just got here.” you say , pushing at his chest. “i don’t like being teased , you know this. so show me how much you love and missed me.” he bites his lip , looking you up and down. you roll your eyes , not taking him seriously. as you attempt to get off of him , he grabs onto your waist and pulls you onto his lap. “jimin let me go.” you whine , looking out at the morning sky. he chuckles , gripping onto your waist tightly , not budging at all.
you wrap your arms around him , smiling at him. “you’re so annoying.” you mumble. “what was that?” jimin says , smirking. you hide a smile and look down. “why are you being shy?” he whispers. lifting your chin up with his index finger. you giggle nervously , unsure of what to say. “it’s been a while that’s all.”
“then let me take the lead , okay?” he gently pushes you onto your back and pushes his bulge against your thin previously soaked panties from the video. he hums as he recognizes them , pushing himself deeper against you. “i know exactly what i want to do to you.” he says in a whisper. suddenly , he grabs you and lifts you off of the bed , walking you over to the windows of your shared apartment. he stands behind you , kissing your shoulders and rubbing the sides of your body. jimin pauses for a moment , standing extremely close to the right side of your face. “will you let me show you how much i missed you?” he whispers into your ear. chills run through your body as you get excited. you don’t say anything , but you nod , giving him the go ahead. “i need words.” he says in a low voice , playing with the sides of your panties. “show me jimin.” you say.
with that that he slides down your panties , getting on his knees as he brings them all the way down to your ankles. he holds onto your butt cheeks , slowly spreading them apart as he shoves his face into them , licking your vagina in a slow pace. you place your hands onto the windows , arching your back slightly as jimin repeatedly eats at your vagina , leaving small pecks on your folds. you lift your leg a bit and jimin holds it steady. he devours you in a way you’ve never see him before. you wonder how long he’s been waiting to do this. you slowly grind against his face , small moans escaping your lips everytime his tongue grazes your clit. he then stands up and begins taking off his shirt and pants , wasting no time at all. he takes out his cock immediately and rubs himself hard.
he pushes you up against the windows , holding onto your head. he slides inside of you , not allowing you to fully adjust to the length of him. he thrusts in and out of you hungrily , grunting as your butt smacks against his lower waist. “i missed you so much.” he says out of breath , not slowing down the pace. you turns your face to face his , holding onto your neck as you stare deeply into each others eyes. you bite your lips and manage to spit out a “i missed you too.” in between breathless moans. you leave your left hand on the window , taking your right one and holding the side of his face as he pounds you aggressively , not considering the fact that neighbors could probably hear.
after a few moments , jimin stops , pulling out and cumming all over your ass. you turn your head to look as you attempt to catch your breath. he smacks your butt , making it jiggle slightly. he then grabs you and walks you over to the end of the bed. he bends you over the small bed bench. you hold onto the bench , half of your body keeping you steady on the floor , the other half of the bench. jimin holds onto your sides , fucking you. he looks over to the bedroom mirror , running his hands through his hair as he admires the view. the cum on your ass begins dripping down slowly , some of it getting messy and sticking onto jimin.
he looks down and watches his cock slide in and out of you in a fast pace as he fucks you. he grabs onto your shirt and pulls it , using it to keep his pace consistent. “i’m gonna cum again..” jimin mumbles , gripping onto you tightly. the phrase alone makes you throb , your knees buckle as the sensation of orgasming overcomes you. your body twitches as you cum all over jimin’s dick , making a sticky white mess.
small beads of sweat slide down jimin’s chest and abs. he slams into you with one final trust , not pulling out as he fills you up with his cum. you curse under his breath , feeling his cum drip out of you and into the bench. your body felt weak and tired.
jimin slides out of you and steps back. he walks over to the dresser and grabs a few napkins. he begins slowly wiping you clean , making sure to also clean up his cock. you lay there out of breath , your vagina feeling exhausted and sore. jimin teases you , rubbing his fingers along your vagina. you jolt forward , the nerves in your clit extra sensitive now. he chuckles at his , smacking your butt and helping you up off of the bench. he sits down , pulling you on top of him. his cock is still hard. you reach behind you and grab onto it , slowly stroking it. he closes his eyes and throws his head back slightly as his tip feels sensitive. without warning , you lift yourself up and slide his cock into you. he groans , opening his eyes and placing his hands around your waist. “break please.” jimin mumbles , feeling tired.
“it’s my turn.” you say. he hides a smile , leaning back and resting his back against the bed. you put your hands on his shoulders and slowly grind on him. you continue this motion for a while , looking down at jimin as he looks up at you , his eyes half lidded. he can barely muster out a moan as he just lays back and enjoys the feeling of your vagina once again. you prop yourself up on your feet and grip onto jimin’s shoulders , bouncing on his cock like never before. jimin perks up , load moans escaping his mouth. he dirty talks you , teasing you to go faster and harder on his cock.
he suddenly pushes you off , grabbing you and putting you to your knees. you open your mouth , staring up at jimin and begging him to cum for you. he grabs his cock and slaps his tip against your tongue a few times before cum starts to spill out into your mouth. once he finishes , his cock goes limp as he tries to catch his breath. he looks down at you and closes your mouth with your jaw. “swallow it.” he demands. his cum is silky and sweet as it slides down your throat. you do as he says , grabbing onto his cock and cleaning up a bit more. you teasingly begin pumping him again. he swats your hands and laughs , plopping down onto the bed bench.
“if we go again i’ll pass out.” jimin says. “but i missed you.” you kiss his jawline , wanting more. he chuckles and smiles , not taking you serious. “i need to rest before we do anything else.” you give him one final peck on the lips before standing up and grabbing a new pair of panties to wear. when you walk back into the room , jimin lays naked in the bed , drifting off to sleep. “did i put you to sleep?” you tease. he smirks. “i did most of the work. i deserve a break” he extends his arm and reaches out for you. you slide into the bed beside him and rest your head on his chest , listening to his breathing as he slowly falls asleep.
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written by swanlakebaby™
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chiyuuchu · 7 months ago
Shoto’s for you page <3 (30th July 2024)
Shoto Todoroki x Reader
Prompt! The class tried to figure what a nonchalant boy like Shoto Todoroki would have on his tiktok for you page.
Class 1-A was abuzz with energy during a rare free period. As usual, the students found themselves immersed in various activities—some studying, others chatting, and a few engrossed in their phones. The topic of the day happened to be TikTok, as Mina proudly showed off the latest dance trend she had mastered.
"Deku, what's your FYP like?" Kaminari asked, lounging on his desk.
Midoriya blushed, rubbing the back of his head. "Oh, you know, mostly hero analysis videos, training tips, and a few cat videos."
Kirishima laughed. "Sounds about right. What about you, Bakugou?"
Bakugou scoffed, crossing his arms. "Explosions, fight scenes, and cooking hacks. Why does it matter?"
The class erupted in laughter, each person sharing snippets of their For You Pages, until the conversation naturally drifted towards the enigmatic Todoroki Shoto.
"Hey, Todoroki," Mina called out, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Do you have TikTok?"
Todoroki, who had been quietly reading a book, looked up with his usual calm demeanor. "Yes, I do."
The class fell silent for a moment, collectively stunned. Todoroki having TikTok seemed almost out of character for the stoic boy.
"Wait, really?" Jiro asked, incredulous. "What do you even watch on there?"
Todoroki shrugged. "Midoriya kept asking me to download it so he could send me videos. I thought it would be easier to just have the app."
This piqued everyone's curiosity. "So, what's your FYP like?" Kaminari asked, leaning forward eagerly.
Todoroki hesitated, an unusual expression crossing his face. "I'd rather not show."
The class exchanged puzzled looks. What could Todoroki, of all people, possibly have on his TikTok that he wouldn't want to share?
"Come on, Todoroki!" Mina pleaded. "We're all friends here. What are you hiding?"
But Todoroki remained firm. "No."
Suspicion and curiosity reached an all-time high. The students whispered among themselves, brainstorming ways to uncover Todoroki's mysterious FYP. Finally, Mina came up with a plan.
The next day, during another free period, Mina put her plan into action. She sent Todoroki a TikTok and approached him with a smile. "Hey, Todoroki, can you open your phone and check the TikTok I just sent you? I think you'll find it interesting."
Todoroki, unsuspecting, nodded and pulled out his phone. As soon as he opened the app, Mina lunged, snatching the phone from his hands.
"Mina, what are you—" Todoroki started, but it was too late. The entire class gathered around as Mina began scrolling through his For You Page.
The room fell into a stunned silence as the truth was revealed. Todoroki's FYP was filled with TikTok edits of Y/N. Clips of her during training, random shots of her around campus, and even some candid moments where she was just being herself—all meticulously edited with effects, music, and transitions.
“No way!” Kaminari wheezed as he took the phone from Mina. “Let’s check his favorites!” he said with a smirk.
And behold.. an edit of Y/n way back from the sports festival with an incredibly great velocity transition to the song ‘One Of The Girls’. And it was in fact very interesting.
“It’s not what it looks like—!” Todoroki pleaded in embarrassment.
The class, however, erupted into a mix of laughter and teasing.
"Well, well, well," Kaminari smirked. "Looks like someone has a crush!" he sing-songs as he swipes on the next favorite which happened to be an edit of Y/n playing the electric guitar during the school festival performance with the background music being ‘Heartbeat’ by Childish Gambino. The edit was indeed also very alluring with its flashing velocity and dim filter.
Kirishima clapped Todoroki on the back. "Didn't know you had it in you, man."
Even Bakugou couldn't help but chuckle. "You're more of a sap than I thought, Icy Hot."
“Don’t worry! We won’t tell Y/n.” Mina teases.
The class continued to tease Todoroki, but just then, the door opened and Y/N walked in, her eyes narrowing as she noticed the commotion.
“Tell me what?” she asked, crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow.
The room fell silent, everyone exchanging nervous glances.
“Uh, nothing!” Mina said, trying to deflect. “Just… hero stuff.”
Y/N wasn’t convinced. “Hero stuff? Really?”
Midoriya, ever the peacemaker, tried to step in. “It’s just that, um, Todoroki’s TikTok FYP is… interesting.”
Y/N’s curiosity piqued, and she looked directly at Todoroki. “Interesting how?”
Todoroki took a deep breath, deciding it was time to come clean. "My FYP is full of edits of you, Y/N. I hope this isn’t weird and… I do very much admire you."
The class held their breath, waiting for Y/N’s reaction. She blinked, processing the information, before a small smile spread across her face.
“You… admire me?” she repeated softly.
Todoroki nodded, feeling a mix of vulnerability and relief. “Yes. I didn’t know how to tell you, but I guess now you know.”
Y/N’s smile widened, and she took a step closer to him. “You could have just told me, you know. I’ve been trying to get your attention for ages.”
The class collectively sighed with relief and joy, realizing that this was the moment they had been waiting for.
“So,” Kaminari said, breaking the tension, “are you two finally going to go out or what?”
Todoroki looked at Y/N, his eyes filled with newfound confidence.
Y/N laughed, nodding enthusiastically. “I’d love to, Shoto.”
The class cheered, clapping and whistling as the new couple shared a shy, but happy moment. And as the buzz of excitement filled the room, Todoroki couldn’t help but feel relieved. What had started as a mortifying ordeal had ended in the best way possible.
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cloveroctobers · 8 months ago
95 DEGREES — ARMANDO ARETAS x BLACK! Reader [Summer Randoms]
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A/N: because y’all have been showing love on my first drop and I’ve been thinking about little moments with him since!!! *sings* I’m sprungggg! This was also Inspired by Rihanna acting accordingly on insta to this song towards A$AP 🤭
SYNOPSIS: you’re a content creator who’s on livestream during your vacation with your man. it’s summer time, you’re fine and think it’s cool to act up so Armando reminds you just exactly who he is.
WARNINGS: language, mentions of a character from: power ghost ;) just for a side of messiness, mentions of being in the itty bitty titty community, a little steamy moment somewhere, & me possibly or most likely butchering some Spanish!
<- read my previous anthology piece here.
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This Cuban heat made you feel like you were in hell to be honest. That’s why you alternated between jumping in the pool and lounging on the pool chairs but you can only do that for so long. Not according to Armando though, he had no issue catching a nap or three right underneath the sun but not without you spraying him down. You didn’t play with the sun and neither did that little sun spot that always appeared like the shape of an orange on your right shoulder every summer.
He started to doze off just by you rubbing the sunscreen into his glowing skin and the longer you stared at him, looking like that, you decided to leave him be before diving into your monthly read. After forty-five minutes of doing that you checked on Armando and got to snacking on the spread of fruit while enjoying some peach Bellini’s on the side.
This vacation was deeply needed so you understood how exhausted Armando tended to be, considering that he barely slept. When you weren’t around it took hearing your voice across the phone to help him find slumber. Now? Far away from Miami (by boat at least) and Mexico City, he had no problem catching a few Z’s knowing that you were not far from him.
So you being you, you had to entertain yourself by going to the side of the pool setting up your tripod and phone. You thought about sitting along the trimming but knew it would be too damn hot, so you moved up ahead to the patio to grab one of the bistro chairs from the checkered outdoor table.
Logging onto Instagram live, you patiently waited for some viewers to show up, greeting a few users that you interacted with before, a few internet friends, and others that also sent their greetings in. It’s easy work for you, chatting and seeing what everyone is up to. You answered a few questions about your channel, with the main one being: if there’s been any vlogging going on after revealing you’re on vacation but not where.
~ ctej01: i see armando don’t know what to do wit all that. No way you’re on vacation looking good af n bored. ijs ~
Which set the comments off after that messaged appeared. Of course your ex, Cane Tejada had to be in your live and in your business.
“Don’t you have some other hoes to fuck around with instead of worrying about how much I’m thriving with my man? You must miss me so bad. You’re so used to screwing things up that you don’t even know what the good life looks like, boy bye.” You clapped back, being aware that you should never give this cheater this much attention but you had a little time.
However you knew better than to go back and forth with Cane. He was good at getting a rise out of you and always wanted the last say.
And he could have that because once you said your peace, you started to pay him dust ignoring his laughing emojis and whatever else he decided to throw into the comments. You ended up only talking to the people that mattered and supported you, not some dude who only cared about getting off with other women who can never give him love past the physical. He didn’t respect you so you didn’t have to respect him. That relationship’s been dead for a solid year, maybe even close to two—if you kept track—and here comes this man always lurking. It only amplified once it was revealed that you were no longer in the streets.
Deciding that it was too quiet at the villa you minimized your live to head over to your fav music app, shuffling a random hot girl summer playlist and went back to your live. Scrapping the chair back after you heard that heavy Memphis accent, you already knew you were about to get in your zone regardless of who tried to ruin it.
“It’s 7pm, Friday. Happy Friday y’all!” You grinned after holding up your pointer and thumb.
You fanned yourself with a sway of your hips, “it’s 95 degrees, hoo!”
Unbeknownst to you, Armando had woken up from his third or fifth nap and had sat up looking for you after spotting your sarong abandoned on the chair next to him. It didn’t take him long to find you on your phone, telling no other than your obsessive ex off. There was no doubt in Armando’s mind that you could handle yourself but he was growing tired of that New York native’s game. Armando can only imagine how you felt, it was petty stuff at first—Cane was three years younger anyway so no shock there, leaving comments online like a punk before he even took it further to start leaving voicemails almost threatening that he would come out to Miami.
Armando of course didn’t take that lightly since a lot of his time was now dedicated to AMMO and he always prioritized your safety, doing his own research to find out exactly the kind of guy Cane Tejada is. The dark web provided everything Armando needed (he still had his own style whether the team liked it or not) and it’s not like Cane scared him or anything, it’s the fact that he thought he could continue to be disrespectful even with the relationship being tossed in the dumpster where it belonged.
Armando had plans for him but he just wanted to enjoy his vacation with you first.
“I ain’t got no ni—and no ni—ain’t got me!” You pounded on your chest, fixing the strap to your bikini afterwards just in case of spillage—although you were part of the itty bitty but still they were reserved goods.
You swiftly turned to the side for the next line, which Armando admired just how nice it sat even from a profile view, arms folded as you ran a hand along the side of the shape of your ass, “I’m bout to show my ass—
And with that, you watched in horror as your phone was smacked right across the trimming of the stone pool. The device skidded from your tripod before plunking right into the pool water. Your mouth dropped in shock as you slowly glanced over your shoulder just to feel Armando right behind you.
His husky and straight forward voice hit your ears as he said, “Hope that’s waterproof.”
Sucking your teeth, you turn to the man who meets your eyes, “excuse you?!”
He shrugs his shoulders, biting into a plum as he slowly scans his eyes over your melanin that contrasts over the yellow and green floral set you had on, “what?” He chewed, “Something wrong?”
“Not you trying to rain on my parade to be turnt up with my n-ggas and my bitches.” You placed your hands on your hips in annoyance.
Armando blinks, “you could do that without showing your ass to Cane.”
You tilted your head to the side at this.
Armando was hardly the jealous type, he didn’t care much for anyone having their eyes on you because they should admire you but it was once they started being vocal or even trying to touch you that he had a problem with. Your ex was sitting behind a screen and Armando knew that if Cane really wanted to—if he wasn’t too caught up in his mommy’s business, he could pull up.
And Armando had something for his ass.
“I don’t give a shit about him.”
You’ve done everything by kicking him out of the life and blocking him along with future accounts but with a guy like him? He always found ways around any blockage.
“I know.” Armando kept his usual leveled tone as he held your stare while you molded your lips into your mouth, scratching at your second protective style for the season in confusion.
Clasping your hands together you exhaled, “then what the hell was that?”
Armando finished his plum, licking at his fingers and then his lips before he sat the remains on a table near by. When he turns back to you, he makes a show of getting up close and personal. Lightly gripping your forearms, the pad of his fingertips gently running over your famous sunspot, he flicks his eyes to yours.
“A what don’t got you?” He questioned.
Oh here we go.
You try not to roll your eyes but you’re oh so tempted, “it’s a song and it’s summer! Let me live.”
“And you can do that but not screaming that with your whole chest to viewers.” Armando debates.
Scoffing your reply, “I didn’t see you complaining so much when we were crip walking to ‘not like us,’ the first day we got here.”
Armando pauses, “…that was different.”
He doesn’t want to argue, so his hands just slide down to the sides of your ass. With his right hand his pats one side demanding, “jump.”
Armando raises his brows and huffs, “okay.” And takes it upon himself to bend and lift you right over his shoulder.
Yelping you quickly find something on his frame to hold onto as he starts walking, “Arman!” You scream just as he jumps into the pool with you in his arms.
When you both resurface, you flick water right at Arman who is smirking while floating towards you. “I told you to jump but since you want to be difficult, i did the honors.”
“Of what? Getting on my nerves?” You start swimming towards one of the edges where’s there’s seating and Armando doesn’t hesitate to follow you.
He snakes a hand across your waist, turning you to face him. His eyes scan all over your face, a faint dimple still playing on one side of his cheek as he soaks in your annoyance. Gently he’s pushing you elsewhere from the seating of the pool and to the wall.
Armando pressed his forehead against yours, “i thought you wanted to play since you were just doing that on Instagram. So how about i give you something to play with?”
His lips are smashed right to yours, his facial hair tickling against your chin. His kisses burn against your lips as he moves with speed, hands on your hips and your body doesn’t need to fight against your brain to understand what’s happening. Your legs wrap against his hips and your chest to chest with the possibility of your necklaces getting tangled but there’s no one else the both of you wanted to be close to in this moment.
Your nails are scratching along the shortened hair at the back but he knows you’ll be gripping the top once he’s inside. Normally his kisses are soft yet tender while his hands are rough and calculated but right now? Everything is scorching from the weather to simply Armando’s body heat. His ego doesn’t want to give you time to breathe but out of the decency of his heart he does yet that’s no relief because his fingers are at work now.
“Damn mami, I don’t even have to warm you up do I?” He quizzes with a glance downwards.
The pool wall is scratching against your back, the curling of his pointer and the pressing of his thumb that’s just a little higher is dirty work and he knows it. You don’t have time for his shit talking because you’re yanking him by the neck to shut him right up. He matches your speed with no hesitation tasting sweet like plums and mint, your tongues doing just the perfect dance against the Cuban heat. He grunts when you catch him off guard, getting your own feel in his swim trunks.
He pulls back with a pop of your lips, his own movements faltering for a second as you only caress but even that is just right. He pulls his fingers away and place them right at your lips, silently commanding what to do. And so you do, tongue running along the length before sucking, holding Armando’s dilated stare while gripping harder.
“Sweeter than plums, huh?” He asks, his other hand cupping the side of your face.
You hum, ready to slip a hand inside but his smacks your hand away from his waistband. He does the honors of pulling his trunks down just enough and once he gets his other hand back from your lips, his hands are hot on your hips as he lifts you up higher before pushing your own suit to the side to settle right where he belongs.
The moans that echoes through the both of your lips is music to your ears. Armando always gives it time, still in amazement of how you were made to feel around him. He’s panting as he brings his attention back to you but your eyes are closed, also trying to savor him.
“Eyes on me, mami.” He tells you lightly tapping the side of your jaw, “you good?”
You nod before your eyes open to meet his and you match his smirk or freak or whatever. And when he begins to move against you, stretching you so nicely, you have no choice but to bite down on his shoulder (to not scare the birds of course!) so you can recreate a similar spot on your own.
Half lidded you’re lounging on the bed in a robe, your eyes widen as knees knock against the side of the mattress. You lean back against your hand, peering up at Armando that’s softly grinning down at you. He holds out your chipped phone to you and says, “I got you and apparently…you got me too.”
He moves the material to peek at the teeth marks at the top of his own shoulder.
“Shut up,” you croak while Armando laughs bending down to place a chaste kiss to your brow before he crawls over to the back of you.
He loops a hand around you, pulling you right to his chest in a matching robe, letting you get your rest this time.
After at least two minutes passed you awake with a snore, making Armando crane his neck to look at down at you. You snuggle against his chest and whisper, “can you order some garlic parm nugs for later?”
Armando chest jumps with light laughter as he squeezes your shoulder, “yeah baby, whatever you want. It’ll be here when you wake up.”
“Kay,” you sigh, “l love you.”
Armando quirks up a small smile as he gently rubs your back soothingly, “Te quiero con todo mi corazón.”
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Continue with my anthology summer writings & prompts here.
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midnight-mourning · 3 months ago
Mistletoe Mishaps
❄️❄️Midnight's DCA December Day 1❄️❄️
Sorry to post our starting point so late today, had some family things come up that needed taken care of, but all good now! Hope you all enjoy, had a good bit of fun with this ^_^
Prompt: OFF DCA AU Moon finds holiday related items (cough cough mistletoe) and is trying to get the player alone for smooches but UH OH! Sun is not happy. Hijinks ensue
Word Count: 2200 (i know i said 1000-2000 but it be like that sometimes chat what can i say >_<
You watch as Sun falls the last spectre, turning to you for what to do next.
"Good work, that should be the last few in this area." You check your inventory, and toss him a few luck tickets. 
He nods. "Thank you, Friend. Shall we move on to the next then?"
Sun's words have an edge of excitement to them, and while you hate to put a damper on his good mood, you feel exhaustion setting in.
"Let's take a break, all this walking has tired me out,"—you pull out the zone map you'd scribbled out, since even that was beyond your abilities as the Player to see—"Is there anywhere to rest nearby? Like, a hotel or something?"
You know your Batter didn't need sleep. Whatever he was, it was beyond the needs for the task. You however, despite being pulled into this world, were still limited to your basic human needs. That included sleep, and food. Though, you weren't particularly fond of your options regarding that second one so far, but you've made do. 
You realize Sun's just staring at you. "A... hotel?"
Right. You forgot that he would have no idea what such a thing was. Your usual method of getting rest was finding a comfortable looking section on the metal ground and laying down. Though, you'd usually wake up and be laying on Sun in some way. He never said anything, and would ignore your thanks when you gave it, but you still said it regardless.
"You know what? We'll just figure it out along the way, come on," you start walking in a random direction, knowing he won't be far behind.
He nods, falling in step with you quickly. "Of course, I'll always follow your lead, Sunshine."
As you're walking, a rare breeze passes by, causing you to shiver and clutch your arms. You'd noticed that the weather here was relatively unclimactic. Neither warm nor cool, save for this very moment.
"Are you alright?"
Glancing up, you see Sun is watching you intently. 
You smile, but another breeze passes by and cringe. "I'm alright, just, surprisingly cold,"—you laugh—"It's funny, if I still understand time correctly, this would be around when the weather gets colder and snowy where I'm from."
Your Batter tilts his head, but says nothing. 
"Like, you know, snow. White, cold, falls from the sky—okay I can see that I'm losing you here, never mind." You sigh. Sometimes, Sun's lack of knowledge about things was endearing, cute even. A being as powerful and—admittedly—terrifying as him being absolutely clueless to what swan rides were and why you loved the Pedalos so much was a bit hilarious. 
As you feel his confused stare stay with you as you continue your journey through Zone 2 however, you could argue that sometimes, sometimes it was not.
You turn the corner and are surprised to see a crudely painted stand set up. It's usual masked owner is standing behind it, head propped up in one hand, unchanging lazy grin ever present. 
You smile, "Hi Moon, fancy seeing you here."
"Hello dear, Player. Might I interest you in my wares today? I think they might pique your interest greatly." He chuckles. 
Before you can speak up, Sun interrupts, "We don't have time for you. My Player is tired and needs to rest in a,"—he pauses—"Hotle?"
"Good try, bud, but not quite." You turn back to Moon, nodding, "Let's take a quick look."
Moon claps, "Excellent!"
Sun makes a noise beside you but you ignore it, instead stepping closer to take a look. 
You're surprised to find Moon's usual supplies missing. Instead replaced by a hat, a scarf, and—
"Mistletoe?" You ask. 
Moon tilts his head, "Hm? Oh, it that what it is? I wasn't too sure myself."
Sun scoffs, but you're focused on the fact that Moon just has, copious amounts of mistletoe. No new upgrades, no luck tickets or silver flesh, not even a speck of meat. Which, that last one you're fine with.
"Where did you find all this?" You ask, picking up a bundle and holding it high to examine it further.
"Oh... around."
At this you look up, but Moon's expression obviously gives nothing away. Still, you chuckle lightly at the idea of the shopkeeper stumbling upon a mistletoe bush here of all places. 
You twist the small plant in your hands, still very fresh. "Really? That's interesting. I take it you have no clue what it stands for?" 
You'd assume that much like Sun, Moon had no knowledge of the world beyond his. Though, he and The Judge had hinted at knowing more in the past, but nothing past that. 
"Of course I do, who wouldn't know such a piece of treasured, holiday symbolism?"
Had you been paying attention, you would have noticed the shared glare between your item vendor and your Batter. 
"Treasured is a bit of a stretch." You laugh, looking back to him now.
Moon leans in closer, only a few mere inches apart "So, anything catch your eye, my friend? Anything in particular?"
"Well—" Before you can give a proper response, Sun is in front of you, arm up protectively. 
His eyes are narrowed, smile strained as he speaks, "We really must be going now, right, Starshine?"
If he's trying to tell you something, you're not sure what it is. This was just Moon after all. Furthermore, your previous talk about the holidays, and the random cold front, were making you eager to remedy your discomfort. 
"We'll take the hat and scarf, Moon." You reach into your pocket for your credits, "The mistletoe is pretty, but don't really have a use for it that I can think of. Hopefully you'll find someone that does though!"
Moon eagerly accepts your credits, providing you the scarf and hat moments later. "Yes, perhaps."
The conversation ends there, Sun ushering you away without even a goodbye to the vendor. 
You only realize what's happened after the fact, and shoot a look up to your Batter, slightly annoyed, "It's rude to not say anything before leaving, you know." 
Sun doesn't respond, gaze forward and face stern. He mutters something you don't quite catch. 
After a short rest in a hotel you manage to find, you're back to work. Or well, Sun is. You're just along for the ride really. But still, after every battle, he's always looking to you for your approval. 
Usually, you were very good about providing it. However, you've lately been finding yourself to be rather distracted. 
Someone, and you could take a guess as to who, had been putting mistletoe up everywhere you went. 
Usually in the typical spots you'd find the herb, hung up in doorways or archways all throughout the zone. Other times it was just, around. 
Hanging on the sides of buildings, lampposts, littering benches, tables, and so on. It seemed there was no escaping the sea of green and white you'd found yourself in. Which, you were fine with. You found the whole ordeal incredibly amusing to be honest. It also made Zone 2 feel just a little more like home, more alive, for that matter. 
One of the other members or your party however, was very, very displeased. You'd find him glaring at the plant, and occasionally snatching it up and tossing it away in some cases. 
Your Batter was also not happy about the lack of attention you'd been giving him, sometimes too busy trying to find all the hidden locations of the herb. 
What didn't help the matter was the bearer of the decorations was usually close by when you discovered more.
Typically, you would be mid-battle, and since Sun was more than capable on his own without you, your focus would wander. And sure enough, either scouring a doorway or peeking down alleys, there would be Moon. 
He would never outright say it was his doing, that would be too easy. Though he certainly enjoyed teasing you about it. Bending down low to your height, voice sly as he declared you "Something of a detective now, aren't you, Dear?"
You would do your best to tease him back, booping his mask when in range, calling this little game of his, "Silly, but fun."
"Game?" He would ask, hand on where you'd touch his face, "I've not a clue what you mean, Friend."
You laugh, "Sure. Whatever you say."
"Though, if this were a game, I'm sure there would be an easy way for you to win."
You still haven't figured out what he meant by that, try as you might. Sun usually would appear in your peripheral, battle over and gaze stern, before you could ask any further questions.
It all came to a head one time when Moon took it a step further. 
You'd once again, guilty as charged, been on the hunt for any new secret spots, and came across Moon in a side alley, leaned back against the wall, arms crossed. Expecting you, likely. 
He waves to you as you approach, pointing out the mistletoe hanging on a clothesline above his head, "You didn't even try with that one."
He shrugs, then leans down to your height. 
"Trying would imply this is my doing, and you know me, dear Player. Trying is above my paygrade." You're now eye to eye, inches apart. "And here, I thought we were friends."
Your face heats up then, for reasons you can't explain, "W-we're friends,"—you cough—"We're friends. But I'm also not a fool, do you take me for one, Moon?"
He holds your gaze, eyes flicking down momentarily at something, then back to you. Then, he shakes his head slightly, chuckling quietly. 
He stands upright again, "You should stop by my shop again soon. I have fresh wares I think you'd be keenly interested in."
You scoff, along with the mistletoe, there had been mysteriously placed signs, all advertising 'Holiday Wares' in almost as many locations.
"I just might."
And after the battle, you did. Only to find that, his stand, completely and entirely, was just mistletoe. And you don't mean he was just selling it, you mean the stand itself was decorated top to bottom in the stuff. 
The ridiculousness of it made you laugh, hand to your mouth as you tried to contain your giggles. 
However, before you can even open your mouth, Sun is leading you away, over to a secluded spot. 
Cornered in a doorway, you have no choice but to meet his gaze as he stares down at you, smile twitching. 
"Now friend, I think this has gotten a bit out of hand, don't you think?" He tilts his head. 
You shrink a little further into the doorway, "What um, what do you mean?"
His eyes narrow, "I think you know exactly what I mean."
"The mistletoe?" You ask, shrinking a little further down with an awkward laugh. "It's just a silly game Moon's playing, that's all. No harm in it."
"No harm?" Sun bends down, fully encapsulating your field of view, "He is actively trying to pursue you and distract from our mission! how is that not doing harm?"
It clicks for you then, all at once. All the closeness, the brief touches, the murmured jests and soft laughs. Moon wasn't just trying to mess with you, he'd been trying to—
"Oh." Your face grows warm then. "I see."
Something else occurs to you then. Specifically, why Sun is so vehemently protesting such a notion. Peeking up, you see there is indeed a piece of mistletoe above the two of you. You know what to do. 
"Sun, all you had to do was ask,"—you stand a little on your tiptoes, then press a quick kiss to his cheek—"I'm always happy to show my affection for you, my Batter."
He's frozen, eyes wide under the shadow of his cap. 
You laugh, "After all, what's a quick kiss among friends, right?"
He's still in a daze as you duck under him, marching over to Moon and his stand with newfound purpose. 
His head rests in both hands as he watches you approach. 
"Your little game is over, I'm afraid," You say when you arrive. 
The masked vendor tsks, "What a shame, and I was doing so well, too."
You roll your eyes, and lean in, "Uh huh, now hold still."
Moon snickers, but obeys. Just as you're about to kiss his cheek, however, he shifts, and you find yourself kissing the mouth of his mask instead. 
Unlike the kiss you gave Sun, you find that it's warm. Like, static from a tv, or something. 
He pulls away first, chucking at your gaping look. 
Before you can react, Sun's hand is on your shoulder, moving you out of the way. You expect him to start leading you somewhere else, color you surprised when he takes a swing at Moon, who quickly dodges the attack. 
You can only watch, still shocked, as your Batter chases your vendor around the area, sharing all sorts of threats about what will happen once he catches the other, who merely laughs at his attempts.
Honestly, not the worst possible outcome for this ordeal.
Thank you to @monsteractialuna for the request! I've been going feral about your OFF au for days and this only fed further into my obession lol
If you'd like to request, you have until 12/13 OR until all slots are filled, currently 7 of 31 are taken! See here for more details, thanks for reading!
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solaris-amethyst · 22 days ago
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💫Eterna Forest💫
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✨Pairing: pokemontrainer!Hongjoong x pokemontrainer!gn!reader ✨Prompt: Hongjoong and his partner pokemon Pachirisu has gotten lost while wandering around Eterna Forest and the two of them bump into you and your partner Piplup, who also, coincidentally, happens to be lost. The two of you decide to team up to try and find your way out of the big forest. ✨Genre: Pokémon au aka set in the Sinnoh region, non idol au, fluff, comedy ✨Word count: 5.6k ☀️Authors note: As promised Mina! Here it is🥰 @hongjoongspoetry hope you enjoy it! It turned out longer than I had anticipated but it was so much fun to write this💕 I'm contemplating making stories for the rest of the members now as well😅
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Hongjoong looked around the vast forest. All he could see were trees and greenery, no matter where he turned he could not for the life of him find the way out. It was as if the forest itself had a personal vendetta against him solely to make sure he couldn't get out. His partner, Pachirisu, was perched onto his shoulder also looking around with his big round eyes.
"Let's face it Pachirisu... We're lost... I got no clue where we are and my map isn't helping me at all." He sighs before wrapping up his map and putting it into his backpack.
His pocketch light up with a notification and it informed him of the time. It was 14:30. It was the time he had promised his friend Seonghwa that he would call him from the tvphones at the pokémon center so they could chat and catch up on how things were going.
Seonghwa would unfortunately have to wait until he found his way out.
"Pachiii." His partner said puffing out his cheeks when he was unhappy with the situation before Hongjoong felt the squirrel lean forward and nibble his ear harshly.
"Ow ow ow! Stop that! I'm not happy either that we are lost but that's just the way it is." He gently pries Pachirisu away from his ear and said pokemon huffs before snuggling up to him as if to apologize for what he just did.
"It's in moments like this I wish I had caught a flying pokemon then we would have someone who could guide us from the sky." He says looking around, hoping to perhaps find a starly or maybe even a hoothoot but to his luck there were no flying pokémon around. And if they were Hongjoong were certainly not spotting them.
All he could see was just a wurmple climbing up a tree and a kricketot running away once it realized he had spotted said pokemon. The two of them sighs before Hongjoong continues to walk hoping that he will somehow find his way out before the day is over at least.
Not too far away from where Hongjoong were wandering around were you and your partner Piplup walking around trying to figure out how to get out of this darn forest as well.
"Piplup I really don't think we will find our way out today..." You sigh and your partner looks up at you from your hold with concern in his eyes.
"We're probably gonna miss the contest in Eterna City... I had really hoped for us to get there in time to register and compete." You say feeling down about potentially missing the contest being held there, especially since you and your team had worked so hard practicing the introduction and combinations of attacks to make them stylish and powerful.
"piplup, pip!" Your best friend and partner raises one of his little flippers towards you as if telling you that the two of you will find your way out of here and will get to the contest before it's too late.
"Yeah... you're right! There's no need for me to be so down just yet! We'll find our way out of here!" You say with raised spirits before hugging him. Piplup made happy noises as you hugged him tightly, glad to see your spirits up again.
"Hmm let's see.. I'm sure this is the way! Let's hurry!" You say as you blindly starts running in a random direction, running through the thickness of the leaves and such you did not expect to crash into someone causing you and said person to fall down.
Him on his butt and you on your stomach.
"Ow ow ow." The two of you mutter at the same time and you quickly look up, feeling mortified that you practically tackled someone.
"I'm so sorry!! I didn't mean to run into you!" You quickly bow trying to apologize to the man who was gently caressing the part on his butt where he had landed.
"No it's okay I wasn't looking where I was going either." He admits before looking at you with a chuckle.
"Sorry but you got something in your hair." He motions towards you and your hand quickly shoots up to where he was pointing to find a twig and some leafs stuck.
"Oh thank you!" You thank him as you carefully pick it out of your hair.
"Ummm... you don't happen to know the way out of here and to Eterna City do you?" He asks curiously and you look at him in surprise before shaking your head.
"No sorry... I got no clue where I am currently, I lost my map when a shellos attacked us two with a water gun farther down the river." You tell him with a sigh while pointing to where you had come from.
"So you are as lost as I am then?"
"Seems so."
"Pachi!!!" Suddenly a ball of white fur was in front of you causing you to lean back in surprise causing the man to make a face and quickly reach for his friend.
"Sorry! Hey Pachirisu! Don't do that it's not polite to barge up in strangers faces like that! I'm so sorry for my partner, he just loves to do everything I tell him not to do."
That causes you to chuckle.
"Don't worry, there's no harm done at all. He's a charming little guy, aren't you?" You say going to scratch its chin when your own partner practically shoves the new pokemon off your lap before climbing up with a jealous look.
"Piplup pip lup lup!"
"Piplup! It is not nice shoving people or Pokémon like that! I'm so sorry uhhh... I never got your name?"
"Oh! My name is Hongjoong and this is my partner Pachirisu!" He tells you with a smile and you quickly bring out your Pokédex wanting to know more about his pokémon.
The device speaks up in a robot voice as you scan the pachirisu: "Pachirisu the elesquirrel pokémon. It makes furr balls that crackle with static electricity. It store them with berries in tree holes. It makes electricity with pouches in its cheeks and shoots charges from its tail. It lives atop trees. A pair may be seen rubbing their cheek pouches together in effort to share stored electricity."
"Nice to meet you Hongjoong, Pachirisu! My name is Y/n and this is my partner Piplup!" You say motioning towards the little penguin pokemon who is still glaring daggers at the pachirisu, who uses it's little paw to drag down it's eye lid and stick out its tongue to infuriate your friend, which absolutely works as you can hear piplup getting even more worked up.
"It's nice to meet you two!" Hongjoong says as he brings out his own Pokédex. He had only ever seen a piplup on a poster but never seen one in real life.
"Piplup the penguin Pokémon. Because it’s very proud, it hates accepting food from people. Its thick down guards it from cold. It lives along shores in northern countries. A skilled swimmer, it dives for over 10 minutes to hunt. It’s a poor walker, it often falls down. However, its strong pride makes it puff up its chest without a care."
Piplup puffs up his chest hearing all the positive and impressive things Hongjoongs Pokédex says about its species and you can't help but chuckle finding him very cute every time he does it.
"Well it seems like you got a very reliable pokémon on your side." Hongjoong muses with a smile and you nod.
"Yeah, I can always count on piplup you know!" You pat your partners head gently.
"This might seem weird but were you perhaps heading to Eterna City as well?" He asks a bit slowly, hoping you will say yes and your eyes lit up at the mention of said city.
"We were until I lost my map. You were heading there as well weren't you? Perhaps we can try and find our way there together?" You ask hoping he will say yes because it had been some time since you traveled with another person and it was nice from time to time to spend time with other trainers and see what they've learnt so far on their own journey versus what you had learnt.
"I was just about to ask if you wanted to see if we could find our way together! I still got my map you know." He tells you looking relieved you said yes.
Perhaps it will be easier together he hopes.
The two of you get up off the ground, dusting yourselves off. Pachirisu makes sure to get up on Hongjoongs shoulder as Piplup awaits you to pick him up, making a pleased noise when you do.
"Do you think you could show me your map?" You ask and he nods quickly bringing it out of his backpack and holding it out for you to look over.
"Hmmm it seems we are somewhere around here." You motion to a spot on the map. "I think we should head in this direction." You point and your new friend nods since he has no clue where to go and your confidence makes him think you know where to go.
As you two walk you chat together talking about yourselves to become more acquainted.
"So what do you do? Are you a pokemon gym trainer or a pokemon coordinator?" Hongjoong asks you curiously and you beam at him.
"I'm a pokemon coordinator! I haven't been in many contests yet, I've mostly focused on journeying, finding new friends and practicing so when I do go to contests I do well." You tell him fondly and he nods, his eyes crinkling as he smiles a soft smile.
"Have you earned any ribbons yet?"
"I have!" You fetch out your ribbon case from your backpack and opens it to show him. Inside are two ribbons so far, one is purple while the other is green.
"I only got two so far but we worked hard for these two, they will always be super precious to me." You tell him and he marvels at the ribbons.
"They're so pretty! Much prettier than the gym badges if I'm honest!"
"Do you compete at gyms to later try your hand at the Sinnoh league?" You ask curiously, he didn't really strike you as the gym person type but you could be wrong.
"I started off at the gyms but I only got three badges so far. Then I realized my true passion is exploring Sinnoh and discovering beauty I've never seen before." He admits before continuing "So now I only do gyms if I happens to pass one by and feel like competing."
"That's so cool! I also understand you, it's not easy knowing what you want to do at the start of your journey. Like gyms, contests, performing, just traveling. There is so much growing and learning as you go and I think that's wonderful." You tell him with a smile and Hongjoong can't help but grow a little red in the face.
"You're like one of the first ones to think that way. Many think it's weird I'm not charging ahead with all the gyms. But I don't know. I'd rather travel with Pachirisu and find new friends and see where life takes me." He says as his partner snuggles its face to Hongjoongs cheek.
"How did you two meet?" You wonder out loud.
"Ah." He chuckles "We've known each other since I was four. He obviously didn't become my Pokémon until I was ten but I met him whilst playing outside. We'd play with a ball I had passing it back and forth and then when we got tired I'd share my snacks with him. We became inseparable very quickly and when I turned ten all I asked for was a pokeball so I could go out and ask if he wanted to join me on my journey and I am so incredibly lucky Pachirisu wanted to join me."
"I see he agrees." You say as the squirrel cutely asks Hongjoong for a snack.
" Mhmmm I'm very glad he does otherwise I'd be very sad." He gives his partner a poffin that he got out from his pocket.
"What about you? How did you and Piplup meet?"
"Oh we met at Professor Rowans lab when I went there to get my first pokémon! I just saw Piplup and knew, knew that that was my partner. It just felt right and I can tell you he felt the same way." "Pip! Lup!" Piplup agrees with that.
The two of you continues to wander around in the dense forest. The deeper you go in the forest you notice that fewer and fewer pokémon seems to appear the further down your path you get. Which is weird because earlier you saw bidoofs, buizels, starlys and burmys.
But now it was as if every single pokemon had disappeared.
"That's weird... Where did all the pokemon go?" You mumble looking around worriedly.
"I'm sure they're all just... sleeping?" Hongjoong says putting a hand on your shoulder to try and calm you down.
In reality he was a bit freaked out as well at the fact that everyone had just suddenly disappeared.
"You don't think we should turn back?" You ask stepping closer to him for safety.
"I think we should be good right? It can't be that bad." He says urging you two to continue to walk.
Oh how wrong he had been.
It only took you three minutes to reach a part of the forest where you could suddenly see more and more weedles. Even your pokémons started to become unnerved at the sight of so many weedles as the two of you come to a stop.
"I'm starting to think we should have turned around when you suggested it." Hongjoong whispers holding your arm to try and stop his trembling at the thought of potentially having wandered into a nest.
As you go to respond a bunch of kakunas starts to hang down in thin threads from the trees surrounding you causing you both to tense.
"This is really bad Hongjoong." You whisper hoping that what you think might happen won't actually happen but of course it's not your lucky day and what you wished not to happen happens.
A beedrill flies up from the bushes in front of you.
The giant bee is flying above it looking at the two of you intensely and the four of you freezes, all breathing stopped as if that would help.
It's just at the moment you think it might buzz away and not bother you that Hongjoongs pokédex decides to pipe up, having scanned the beedrill.
"Beedrill the poison bee pokemon. Its best attack involves flying around at high speed, striking with poison needles, then flying off. It can take down any opponent with its powerful poison stingers. It sometimes attack in swarms."
The noise from the device seems to agitate the beedrill and suddenly more and more pops up buzzing angrily.
"I think we should run Y/n." Hongjoong whispers and when he turns to look at you slowly he realizes you are no longer beside him but running away from the place causing him to start sprinting after you.
"I'M SORRY BEEDRILLS SCARES THE SHIT OUT OF ME!!" You scream back at him as the beedrills buzzes after the four of you hot on your tails.
"AHHHH I REALLY WISH I HAD A FIRE TYPE NOW." Hongjoong yells and you can hear Pachirisu laughing loudly, finding his friends scared face hilarious.
"CAN YOU NOT LAUGH AT ME RIGHT NOW PACHIRISU?!?!?!" That causes his partner to laugh even louder in glee as you continue to run.
"P-PERHAPS AN ELECTRIC ATTACK MIGHT STUN THEM ENOUGH FOR US TO GET AWAY HONGJOONG!!" You yell before looking over your shoulder and screeching loudly when you realize how close the massive bees and their giant stingers are.
"YOU'RE RIGHT! PACHIRISU PLEASE USE DISCHARGE! Hongjoong tells his partner who lights up as he starts to charge up, lighting sparkling from its cheek pouches and Hongjoong hastily adds "NOT ON ME ON THE BEEDRILLS!"
Pachirisu jumps up from Hongjoongs shoulder and lets out its attack, discharging electricity towards the beedrills hitting them all with its powerful move. It momentarily stuns the beedrills who twitches and convulses from the electric shocks they took and you and Hongjoong takes this as the time to get out of there safely without worrying about being followed. Pachirisu runs after the two of you and climb up on Hongjoongs shoulder again once the two of you have stopped finally feeling safe enough.
“That was terrifying… and I was the one who said we should go that way after looking at the map.” You say defeated, your chest heaving from all the running, as you realize this could have been avoided had you looked a bit longer at the map.
“It’s also my fault because I said we should continue when you said we should turn around.” Hongjoong pants trying to catch his breath as his partner nuzzles him, making sure that the leftover electricity makes his hair go static, standing up in all directions.
“Well, we should look at the map once more and make sure we go the right direc-oh ummm Hongjoong.” You stifle your laughter “nice hairdo.” You point at his hair snickering and he glances up to see what you mean and let out the loudest groan which tells you this isn’t the first time this has happened.
His partner is once again laughing at him and you and Piplup can’t help but giggle but at least the two of you have the decency to try and hide it as he fixes his hair back to normal whilst scolding his friend.
“He does this every time if he got leftover electricity after an attack. I’ve even made a habit of always having a hat with me just in case I can’t get it down again.” He admits shaking his head.
“Oh wow I can’t imagine how annoying that could get sometimes but I do think it’s kinda cute, like you look cute with your hair all over the place.”
“You think I look cute?”
You smile liking the fact that you can see how the blush creeps up on his face once more. You hadn’t spent that much time with him yet you felt like this was someone you wanted to spend more time with, it was fun traveling together and you two seemed to be on the same wavelength when it came to Pokémon’s and traveling in general.
“T-thank you.” He clears his throat before clumsily bringing out his map again. “Shall we take a look once more?” He says and you nod but this time you bring out a pokéball as well.
“Yes and this time I got an idea to ensure we will be on the right path and not get too lost.” You tell him before throwing the pokéball up in the air.
“Mismagius please come out and help me!”
Your beautifully haunting Mismagius comes out from her pokeball and she floats above the ground looking at you curiously before floating up to you to greet you warmly.
“Oh wow! A Mismagius!” Hongjoong says in awe stepping closer to you, that’s when your Pokémon notices the new person. She immediately hides behind you, still shy when it comes to new people and hiding behind you was a habit she had had since she was a Misdreavus before she had evolved.
“Yes Mismagius these are my new friends Hongjoong and Pachirisu!”
“Piplup, pip, lup pip.” Your Piplup seems to be encouraging her to come forward to say hi and it works because she floats out from behind you and up to Hongjoong. She circles him a few times before she seems to introduce herself to him by holding out one of her ‘arms’ and he takes it shaking it and giving her a kind smile.
“It’s lovely meeting you Mismagius.” Your friend turns shy again quickly hiding behind you as she giggles and you can’t help but laugh.
“Yeah it’s easy falling for that charming smile isn’t it?” You say looking back at her and she nods before giggling again.
“Okay! Now let’s check the map again all five of us and when we figure out where we should go I was wondering if you could use your psychic powers to help lead us as far as possible to Eterna City Mismagius?” You can hear her agree as she floats closer to the two of you who are now huddled around the map. The two of you discuss for a while where you could have possibly ended up after the mad dash to get away from the angry squadron of beedrills.
You both eventually agrees that you’re probably very far from Eterna City and where you originally started when you bumped into each other.
"Mismagius think you can create something that would guide us?" Hongjoong asks your friend and she looks intently at the map before her eyes start glowing blue, a telltale sign that she is using her psychic powers and after a while an arrow pops up in front of you.
"Oh that's amazing!" You hug her happily and she turns shy and bashful at your praise.
"This will make our journey much easier, thank you." Hongjoong also thanks her and she hides behind you once more. It's very clear she likes Hongjoong and it does surprise you a little bit.
She had always been shy and hesitant and mistrusting of people so seeing her actually like someone that wasn't you was a big feat. Perhaps it was Hongjoongs kindness that had won her over or his very kind eyes and that pretty smile?
He ends up laughing a little at her reactions.
"Shall we continue our journey? See how far we get today? I'm not so sure we will reach Eterna City before the day is over." He admits looking up to the sky where the sun sits lower than it had done earlier in the day.
"Don't worry about that, I got a sleeping bag and some food in my bag for situations like this." You tell him motioning towards your backpack trying not to feel disappointed about how you will miss the registration for the contest.
"Great, I got a sleeping bag as well!" He tells you as the two of you start following the arrow with Mismagius floating around you two making sure the arrow will not lead your group astray.
"So where are you from Hongjoong?" You question curiously.
"I'm from Twinleaftown!" He tells you. "It's a really small town near Sandgem town where Professor Rowans lab is."
"Oh! I think I know where it is then! You'd continue down the path through a small forest right? It's close to Lake Verity right?" You ask wanting to know if your memory served you correctly.
"Yes! I can't count all the times us kids would head to Lake Verity in hopes of seeing the mythical being said to live there! None of us had any luck when we were younger. Perhaps it's just a fairytale but it was fun going there with the hopes that you would be lucky enough." He chuckles at the memories and you nod.
"That sounds like something fun! I'm from Floaroma Town and the most exciting that happened there is I guess all the flowers planted there? Or perhaps the Valley Windworks... We didn't have any mythical beings to look for." You pout thinking how it would have been fun to chase that dream of seeing a rare pokemon as a child.
"I've heard Floaroma is beautiful during summer with all the flowers coming to life and blooming at the same time. I hope I get to see it one day."
"I can take you there if you'd like? I know exactly which time of the year is the best one for the flowers to bloom! And if we're lucky we get to see the roselias dance around the flower beds happily!" You tell him, already planning on when the best time to travel back home would be.
"I'd love that! Honestly I think we would make a good team traveling throughout the region together!" He admits shyly and you nod agreeing.
"We could see the world and perhaps you could help me when I practice for my contests as well! I always find it hard to figure things out when it's just me and my Pokémons working on it together." You tell him with a sigh.
The two of you continues to chat learning more and more about each other. You learn that Hongjoong has a friend who happens to also be a coordinator named Seonghwa and that they grew up together in Twinleaftown and left on their respective journeys around the same time. At first they had traveled together until they had decided they wanted to try traveling solo for a while to see how that would work out for them.
He tells you how he was actually scheduled to have a call with Seonghwa at the pokémoncenter but that he will probably have to call tomorrow instead.
"I just hope he won't be too worried that I didn't call him you know." He tells you as his shoulders sag lightly.
"I'm sure he will understand why you couldn't call him today. Things can come up when you're traveling the world alone and as long as we get there tomorrow and you can call him, then he won't be too worried." You assure him, patting his shoulder lightly.
"Yeah you're right about that. Thank you." He says earnestly, happy he could actually tell someone other than his pokémons about his worries.
To distract him a bit from what had him worried you proceed to tell him about the time you had by accident entered a cooking competition where you and your pokémons had to work together to create a dish which would be judged by the chefs in the village. Hongjoong had laughed loudly at that and asked how it went and you told him it was a disaster, your team which consisted of Piplup, who was too proud to realize he could not do everything he wanted and refused to back down, your then Misdreavus who kept on hiding behind you because she was so painfully shy around all these people watching you with curious eyes.
Mismagius had made an embarrassed noise at that, she was probably not overly fond having to remember that day and then of course your third and currently final pokemon on your team, Leafeon.
Leafeon was probably your biggest help as she cut up the veggies using her tail somehow but she was also at first not careful enough and had burned herself when she got too close to the fire. The contest had ended with you finishing last with a burnt meal and two pokemons you needed to nurse back to health after they had hurt themselves.
"Even if it was a disaster I had lots of fun actually. It was a good team bonding experience." You admit snickering at the memory of everyones shocked faces at the burnt dish you had so proudly presented them with.
"So your final Pokémon currently is a Leafeon?" He asks curiously and you nod.
"Yeah, I will let her out once we set camp and get ready for dinner." You mused.
"So is this story your way of telling me to do the cooking?" He jokes and you laugh loudly.
"I've become much better I promise but if it makes you feel better you can totally do the cooking." You say and the two of you joke back and forth for a while.
It is when you realize that the sun has almost set beyond the horizon that you two decide to stop and set up camp. The arrow Mismagius had conjured disappears as she allows herself to float around happily as you work on setting up your portable stove to cook some dinner. Piplup runs around checking the area curiously as Pachirisu follows him, probably to see if he can annoy Piplup some more.
"Is it okay if I let my other Pokémon's out as well?" Hongjoong asks and you let him know that he absolutely should as you let Leafeon out.
As Hongjoong throws up his pokéballs three new Pokémon's appear. A Riolu, a Snorunt and a Cranidos comes out and you marvel at his pokémons all of them looking so well cared for and happy to see their trainer.
All running up to greet him warmly.
"Oh wow you got such a variety! That's so cool and I've never seen a Cranidos before! Isn't that actually a fossil pokémon?" You ask as you stir the pot containing your food.
"Yeah it is, I found a skull fossil when I went to visit the Orburgh Mines and did some digging around there for fun and then at I think it was the museum they offered to revive it for me which I thought why not?" He told you as he petted said pokémons head.
"Oh wow that's amazing!" You marvel.
"Thank you."
"Ri-olu?" You hear next to you and that's when you notice his Riolu checking out the food you were cooking.
"It's almost done so if everyone get their bowls I will be able to serve food soon." You announce and suddenly you have all seven pokémon surrounding you holding their bowls eager to get some of the delicious smelling food.
Hongjoong laughs loudly at everyone's eager displays to get some food and jokingly runs to get his own bowl and get in line. You make sure to serve everyone including Hongjoong before filling up your own bowl and getting up to sit next to Hongjoong who is sitting near the crackling fire he had made earlier when you were setting up your camp.
"This is really cozy, I'm glad I ran into you earlier today." You mumble whilst blowing on your food to make sure it's not too hot before eating it.
"Me too, it's been a wild day today but I've enjoyed it so much and traveling together will be perhaps a little chaotic but fun." He admits before eating some of his food and making a pleased noise at the taste of it.
"This is great! I was a little worried after your story about the burnt food earlier but this is amazing." He tells you and you can feel your cheeks heating up.
"Oh it's nothing." You bashfully say trying to deny his praise but he shakes his head.
"No I'm serious it is great! You did such a good job!" He wouldn’t stop until you've agreed that yes you did a good job with the food.
“Thank you, it’s very sweet of you.”
The night sky is twinkling beautifully with stars and the moon is shining brightly above the two of you. Your Mismagius is floating around happily enjoying the night a lot as your other Pokémon’s start getting drowsy, most of them finding a place to lay down to sleep. You and Hongjoong makes sure to cover them all with blankets so they won’t get cold during the night before you both climb into your sleeping bags. You’ve placed them next to each other so you can easily communicate if needed.
Your friend Piplup wiggles into the sleeping bag so he can snuggle with you during the night, preferring the heat and the coziness of it all. Pachirisu does the same making sure he's on Hongjoongs stomach curled up nicely before promptly falling asleep.
“Goodnight Hongjoong, sweet dreams.” You mumble closing your eyes.
“Goodnight Y/n, sweet dreams.” Hongjoong mumbles back before falling asleep.
-the very next day at the Pokémon center-
“Finally you call! Do you know how worried I was when I called the Eterna city pokémon center five times at different times and you still hadn’t turned up there?!” Seonghwa berated Hongjoong through the screen of the tv and Hongjoong looked everywhere but at his friend who was scolding him harshly.
“Bun! Bun-neary!” Seonghwas partner Buneary was also on screen scolding him and Pachirisu and he let out a sigh before trying to explain.
“I’m sorry Seonghwa but we got lost, I couldn’t find my way out and then I bumped into my new friend here, Y/n!” He drags you into frame so Seonghwa can see you. “And they helped me out of the forest today! We got lost at first but then their Mismagius came and rescued the day.” He says and he can see Seonghwa relaxing a little bit.
“Okay fine but don’t do that again!”
“I won’t I promise I promise!” Hongjoong holds up his hands to show how serious he is and you decide to glance towards the tv to catch a glimpse of Hongjoongs friend and when you see him you gasp dramatically.
“Hongjoong you never told me you were friends with THEE Seonghwa!! He’s super famous in the contest world!!” You say before you turn to shake Hongjoong demanding answers how he could hide this from you.
You hadn’t understood that his Seonghwa was thee Pokémon coordinator Seonghwa that you were looking up to and Hongjoong tried to get in a word but he couldn’t due to how violently you were shaking him.
Seonghwa couldn’t help but laugh at the display he was seeing.
It served Hongjoong right for scaring him so much yesterday.
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all-about-kyu · 9 months ago
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Summary: You were enjoying a peaceful moment in the cafe when a man came to sit across from you at the table. Something in you changed. Pairing: Yunho x fem!reader Tropes: meet cute, nonidol au, strangers to something more Genre: fluff Rating: PG Warnings: language Word Count: 794 Note: for @cultofdionysus language of flowers event! Thank you to @anyamaris for proof/beta reading! Prompt: Magnolia - Natural
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This is one of your favorite places. Being in this small little hole-in-the-wall cafe, peacefully crocheting while enjoying the low, peaceful music. Not many people know about this place. The Magnolia isn’t a known place, even by locals, even if it is on a rather busy street. That being the case, there isn’t much seating. You’re sat in the back corner of the establishment, and the lull of the employees talking and the music easily puts you into the zone with your current project. 
“Excuse me?” Someone calls.
Looking up, you see a young man, probably about your age, with a soft smile on his lips. You lower your project into your lap and give him your full attention.
“Hmm?” You hum in response.
“Is this seat taken?” He questions, gesturing to the chair across from you.
You shake your head, “No, it’s all yours.”
The chair scrapes against the hardwood flooring as he pulls it out. You go back to your project, fully ready to get lost in your work again. Then, in your peripheral vision, you see him pull out a book along with a pencil. The book isn’t academic, though; it’s a copy of the first Harry Potter book.
“First reading?” You question, not looking up from the yarn in your hands.
“Hmm?” He hums back, “Oh, no, it’s not I just wanted to reread it and annotate this time. What are you making?”
“Just a scarf. Nice and straightforward. I know it’s almost summer but I might as well get ahead of schedule with making things my family are bound to ask me for in a few months.”
“I like the yarn color. Baby blue is a good color, especially for winter.” He comments, “I’m Yunho.”
You look up from the yarn and smile at him, telling him your name in return. You start humming to the song as you crochet again. Yunho mumbles lightly when he places the book down and starts underlining a large section of the page. Giggling, you look up from the yarn again.
“Something you didn’t notice before?”
“No, I just fucking hate the Dursleys.” He grumbles, jotting down a little comment in the margins of the book.
“They had their reasons, though.” You comment.
He sighs, “I suppose so, but they did abuse the poor kid.”
“Yeah,” you nod, “but when you realize they did the things they did overcompensate the wish to protect Harry, it makes more sense. It doesn’t excuse their behavior in any way, but it does make sense.”
Yunho sits back in his chair and sighs, “You read the whole series?”
“Of course,” you chuckle, starting to work on your scarf more, “I read it when I was little, and I read it as an adult, too.”
“Any commentary on how useless Dumbledore was?”
“At first, he was useful…” you start, still crocheting as you speak, “By the end of the series… I’m still trying to figure out why he was letting kids and teenagers do his bidding. That doesn’t make any sense at all. There are plenty of adults who are more trained in magic, and he was literally the wielder of the elder wand… he could’ve done so much to prevent things.”
You and Yunho continue to chat about the book series and the gripes you each have with it. From there, your conversations branch off into other books and further into topics outside of literature. Speaking with this man you just met seems so natural, as if you were in your own novel and were destined to meet this man on a random day in a small little cafe. By the time you finish your scarf, you realize that it’s drawing close to evening. Looking at the time, you let out a puff of air. Yunho seems to have noticed your slightly upset state.
“You okay?”
“They’ll be closing soon… Probably means we should both be heading out.”
Yunho sighed, pursing his lips, “You know about the little restaurant downtown?”
“Which one?”
“It’s small. Not many people know about it. Kinda like this place. It’s called Lavender Forget-Me-Not…” He chuckles, “This town really loves flower-named establishments, huh?”
“I suppose they do.” you match his sentiment, “Is that an offer to go together?” You tease slightly.
Yunho chuckles, scratching the back of his neck, “Is it too presumptuous to offer that?”
You shake your head, “Absolutely not. It’s a date.”
You put your yarn and finished project in your tote bag before standing up. Yunho follows suit, tucking his book under his arm. Even if you met this man a few hours ago, it all feels so natural to be around him and spend time with him. This could go somewhere, and you can’t wait to find out.
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COPYRIGHT STARLITMARK 2024© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED — reposting/modifying any fic or piece of original writing posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations are not permitted. 
Networks: @cultofdionysusnet @kwritersworld @k-vanity
Tag List: @sanjoongie @jaehunnyy @ericssmile @anyamaris @almondmilkeu @shinestarhwaa @northerngalaxy @jwnghyuns
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episims · 7 months ago
Foxfire ROS
After playing Foxfire for 9 rounds I've started to feel like I could use something to nudge me out of my routines a bit! For the next round, I'm going to try how adding random scenarios to the mix feels like 😁
I didn't find any existing scenario lists to be exactly what I wanted: more gameplay prompts that leave room for interpretation, and not so many strict rules or tasks or forced drama (my sims create enough of that as it is lol).
So I cherry-picked some scenarios that I liked, edited others, and created many new ones. A shout-out to @kayleigh-83 for this list that was a great starting point!
Night out: Visit a community lot after dark.
Bring your own basket: Visit a park with family or friends.
Movie marathon: Invite friends over for movies and snacks, or go on a movie binge by yourself.
Family matters: Invite over a relative or someone you share a similar bond with.
Fits like a glove: Wear a new accessory.
Games night: Set up a board game or fire up a console for an evening. PC owners can throw a lan party.
Burn off steam: Devote a day to exercising in any form.
Playing hooky: A child or teen skips one school day.
Online friends: Spend an evening chatting over the internet.
Fence-mending: Talk to a walkby you don't know or have a low relationship with.
Fertile ground: Get a new plant to your garden or other outdoor area.
Pulling strings: Use influence to your advantage.
Tired of cooking: Order delivery for a meal.
Peculiar flavor: The sim with the least cooking points takes the cooking turn.
Sprucing up: Choose a room or space and give it a facelift.
Touch base: Call the friend you currently have the lowest relationship score with.
Dine out: Eat at a restaurant.
New hobby: Try out a hobby you haven't explored before.
Broken record: Talk about your favorite hobby to every sim you encounter during one day.
Slumber party: Invite friends for a sleepover.
Power outage: Turn off all the lights except for candles and only make uncooked meals for a day.
Cloud over a head: Argue with every sim you encounter during one day.
Old gang: Meet up with the friends you have known for the longest.
Turn up the heat: Woohoo in public.
New ink: Get a tattoo.
Fresh air: Spend a day outdoors.
Homebody: Spend a day indoors.
Got the moves: Visit a community lot to hit the dance floor or turn on a stereo at home and dance until you run out of energy.
Make the bed: Change sheets for all beds on the lot.
Health concerns: Visit or call over a doctor.
All things are transient: Sell three objects.
Odd bottle: Consume a potion from your inventory.
Dig it: Spend a day treasure hunting.
Capture it: Take a picture and hang it on the wall.
Running on fumes: Have a cup of coffee once every few hours.
Reaching enlightenment: Meditate for a day.
Sugar rush: Prepare only desserts for a day.
Clocking extra time: Spend an evening on a computer either blogging, writing, or giving financial advice.
Dressed to the nines: Go on a date in formalwear.
Pretty lights: The outdoor areas of the lot are filled with fireflies for the round.
School assignment: A child or teen collects bugs for the round.
Stealing the show: Perform with an instrument or a microphone, freestyle for tips, or breakdance in public.
Devil on a shoulder: Prank every sim you encounter during one day.
Turning the page: Negative relationship effects are reduced for 48 hours and any existing fury states are cleared (get the 'forgiving' vacation benefit).
Meeting deadlines: Job performance is increased for 48 hours (get the 'industrious' vacation benefit).
Hot stuff: The attractiveness is increased for 48 hours (get the 'je ne sais quoi' vacation benefit).
On the ball: Skill, talent badge, and homework rates are increased for 48 hours (get the 'refreshed' vacation benefit).
Scatterbrained: Skill, talent badge, and homework rates are decreased for 48 hours (get the 'jetlagged' vacation penalty).
Bonfire night: Light up a bonfire with family or with friends.
Explosive entertainment: Throw a party with fireworks.
By example: Share hobby tips or instruct someone in a hobby, or find a sim who can share tips or instruct you in one.
Score points: Visit a community lot to play arcade games, poker, don't wake the llama, mahjong, or myshuno.
Self-care: Skilling is forbidden for a day. Instead, practice recovering activities like taking bubble baths, enjoying hot tubs or hot springs, getting massages, relaxing in saunas, or sunbathing.
Feeling chipper: Compliment every sim you encounter during one day.
I'll probably add these whenever I come up with new ones. Scenario ideas are welcome!
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