#all this confusion xD
wombywoo · 2 years
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some baby arthur doodles~ 🤠
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owlyflufff · 5 months
one thing I love about bokuaka is that they bring out the best in each other as much as they bring out the one braincell they both have
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The Batman gets locked up in walkers prison! 😲
Walker left the zone to arrest him too why? Because clearly he is neglecting the child king! Smh. 😔 Walker greatly respects the rules but now that King Phantom is in place he respects something more. This child has brought order back to the zone (not really he kinda just wrote off some rules for Walker to enforce to get him out of his hair) and even after Walker imprisoned him too! So now hes back to his old ways of bending the rules to fit his whims. But this weird Bat Man person is deserving of a harsh punishment, that or a good thrashin’, for how hes done gone and treated their new King! Can’t the man tell the boy has a familial bond with ‘em? For cryin out loud the youngin already gave em core charm! No all the others can clearly see plain as day that hes apart of the boys family. (Danny made Batman an ice ward that helps protect from other ghosts… or so he thought oops it’s telling all the other ghosts that hes Danny fam)
Yet despite all this the man still is refusing to bring the kid into his fold. You don’t just go on and do that to a young one. Their King is only a baby and now this man has gone and ignored him like hes plans to go out to get some milk and never come back. Can’t he see how this is affecting his development? Walker wont have anyone doin that to his ghost King No Sir. Hes gonna education this man himself if he has to. Rehabilitation is something he can do. It’s within his jurisdiction after all.
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hualian · 3 months
tgcf donghua weibo uploading the MOST cryptic post about "new short film officially launched" what do you MEAN what short film launched where when huuuuh 😭😭😭 more info please I'll wait patiently!
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championofsanghelios · 3 months
the face of a man...
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whose life has just been altered by something one of his siblings just said... He's like:
"Bitch, you call your call yourself a Hero of Hyrule and you've NEVER even been in a dungeon!?" What's really funny is, it's Wars! The one man we know Sky would assume would have faced a few dungeons, given he's literally a soldier. hehe...I love these boys and their goofy ass faces ^-^
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darkmagenugget · 4 months
In case you're wondering how THIS goes:
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raygirlramblings · 11 months
for some reason when i read that i went “So Rayman is finnish now?”, because that Cartoon you compared him to was, if i remember correctly, made in Finland. XD
Local frog and eggplant struggle to form friendship due to language barrier which should not even exist.
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Shoutout to the legendary @claraknight for the French copypasta ;D
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I just became very explicitly aware that my life is ruled by neither the forces of sexuality nor of romance, and that most people apparently consider that unusual.
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melkyt · 5 months
Hahhahaha had a thought
Dragon, as soon as Sabo reveled, he and Luffy are brothers. "Okay, your job is now to never let him out of your sight, bodyguard duty"
Sabo with all the unhinged enthusiasm he's fostered over the years "Hell Yeah"
Now, just like Dragon using his wind or whatever he uses to keep an eye on Luffy, Sabo won't outright say that he is always there in the background. He is just pulling increasingly intricate heist and making the life of whoever Luffy is about to fight extremely inconvenient in the pettiest of ways. Like taking all the pens, or messing their favorite food. Anything that will stress them out
If they somehow knew Ace, oh, he will use his fire to haunt them with his ghost.
The area is just high stress and terrified, and if Sabo is only bugging the underlings, the one in charge doesnt even notice, they are just confused as fuck why their people look as though they have seen ghosts and annoyed at the excuses.
Sabo slips out as soon as the Straw Hats arrive to cause their chaos, laying the groundwork for it to get really unhinged. Then, he watches the chaos from afar, ready to step in if Luffy really needs help.
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EDWIN KISSES A GIRL?????????????
She did not consent to it either what are you doing Edwin
*tsk tsk tsk*
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Thank you, Linked Universe Community!
Figured I'd make a post since I just reached some personal milestones on Ao3! (Hope that's okay)
Anyways, at just over 100,000 words, a little under 24,000 hits (half of which are Blood Drops On Roses) and an even 1000 comments in my inbox (of which about half are replies to my own ramblings on others' works XD), I just wanted to say thank you to all of you for being such a lovely, supportive, interactive community.
I've been lurking in the Linked Universe fandom for about 5 years now, but I never felt confident enough (or had the means) to actually start posting my own works until last fall, and even less to interact with the community (thanks @unexpectedstormy for getting me onto Tumblr in the first place XD). So, I just wanted to say thank you to so many of you (especially @breannasfluff and @majorproblems77) for helping me come out of my shell and start interacting more with this fandom. You're all such kind people for entertaining my ramblings and questions and such.
(Additionally, thanks to @wanderlustmagician and @somer-writes for being such lovely fellow writers and creators that allow me to bounce ideas off of them. Also thank you to all the regular commentors and readers that I don't think I have the space to tag here. And SPECIAL callout to @needfantasticstories for being such a lovely beta reader and person for tackling all of BDOR arc 1, please go give her love you guys and also check out her fics on ao3 under SkipBreaker)
Anyways that's the post, thanks for celebrating with me! You'll be seeing me for a while now (at least another year and a half given my backlog of chapters), so thanks for putting up with me! <3
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pixlokita · 10 months
Okay, I'm really vague on what GGY is. Would you be willing to give a quick summary/synopsis?
-spiderman voice- Alright let’s do this one last time-
-ahem- so ! Book 5 of tales from the pizzaplex, the first story is called GGY. We have the main character, Tony Becker and his two friends Greg and Ellis :’> they get assigned to do a group project and Tony decides to do all the work (not very nice that his friends didn’t help but like - okay) he loves investigating right? Turns out some of the pizzaplex arcade games have crazy high scores all under the name of GGY. Tony decides that this is what the school project is going to be about so while his besties are playing games he starts asking around and researching. skipping to nearly the end, he’s connected everything to the disappearance of school counselors who entered the pizzaplex the last time they were seen alive, decides that hey…. I better stop getting involved in this- sends the story to his friends so they can review it but surprise surprise they change it and he is SO mad about it because??? All that work and danger to ruin his perfect research??? He decides his friends are not the best and don’t deserve nicknames anymore but that’s ok because his buddy Gregory invites him over to the pizzaplex at the end of the story to meet new friends that’ll cheer him up :>
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fennthetalkingdog · 23 days
Tumblr spamming billford and billfiddlesford has singlehandedly gotten me to finally watch Gravity Falls and I can't even be mad lol
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ywpd-translations · 1 year
Ride 742: Sudden death match!!
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Pag 1
1: Woah, Danchiku, oh-
And Sugimoto-san too!?
2: They passed us so quickly!! Such high pace!!
They're doing some sort of serious race!?
3: I get it
4: I can feel it
5: This guy....!!
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Pag 2
1: He's not giving up at all!!
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Pag 3
3: Earlier, at the line, I thought I had won this race
I thought he was far behind me and would cross the line with his head hanging down
4: And yet....
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Pag 4
1: He caught up to me....!!
2: The preliminary of this race was already done on the “second day”!!
3: That time, the result
5: was a draw!!
6: So it would be better to have a more precise result, wouldn't it
We'll decide it with this lap!! The rules are simple: the starting point line is 4km from here, the one who crosses it first wins!!
7: And then the loser shouldn't “surpass” the winner anymore!! Sugimoto-san!!
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Pag 5
1: Imaizumi-san too!!
2: …. yeah
It's better to make it clear with a proper race like this
3: So you have no regrets....!!
4: Let's go!!
5: Crush him, Danchiku!!
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Pag 6
2: At the same time....!!
Ah.... “at the same time” again!?
3: Seriously!?
Are you being for real, Sadatoki!?
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Pag 7
1: You're just seeing things as you wish they were,since he's your brother!!
Oon!! No that's not it, on!!
It's true, Kaburagi, I saw it too
2: They arrived at the same time, Sugimoto stretched at the last moment
3: Kawada!!
It's “san”!!
4: Are you an accomplice too!!
What are you talkin abut
5: A- amazing, Sugimoto-kun
6: Amazing!!
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Pag 8
1: “Amazing”, huh, Onoda
2: Imaizumi-kun....
3: You thought Sugimoto would win? ….This race
4: You didn't think he would, that's why when we heard the results you could say “amazing”
5: I'm- I'm sorry Sugimoto-kun!! I didn't believe in you, even though you worked so hard....!!
Who are you yelling at
6: Me too
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Pag 9
2: During these past four days.... Sugimoto worked hard, but, after their race on the second day and after seeing how remarkably stronger Danchiku has gotten
3: When they decided to do another race, I thought Sugimoto would definitely lose
4: Then, when the time came
5: If you lose, you feel better if you gave it your all, so
6: “So you have no regrets”
7: I said that
8: He turned it around
Sugimoto really is amazing
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Pag 10
1: Even with no one believing in him, with only his own strength, he snatched a “draw” against Danchiku!!
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Pag 11
1: Keep going!! Let's keep going with the race, Danchiku!!
2: Even though he's having such an hard time, he's still following me!!
3: Since earlier I've increased the pace many times
4: Garuaaa
Even if I tear him off
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Pag 12
1: Every time
2: While saying
3: “Kuaa kuaa”
“Kuaa kuaa”
5: Kuaaa-
6: Kuaaaaaaa
He catches up to me
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Pag 13
2: You keep following me....
3: No....
4: You're the one who said “please follow me”, Danchiku
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Pag 14
1: Garuaaa!!
2: Ahhhh
Don't make fun of me, there's no way!!
3: Aaaaaaaa
4: Hiigaruaaaa!!
There's no way I'll lose!!
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Pag 15
1: To Sugimoto-san!!
4: I was careless – I was careless and that's why he caught up to me!! The second time too!!
I won't be careless this time!!
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Pag 16
1: Ill take a plunge firmly, throw my handles, and cross the line
2: At full throttle!!
The last curve!!
3: He's not following me anymore!! He's....
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Pag 17
1: He's here!!
Cough cough
2: Kuaaaa
We're entering the final sprint!!
3: Dammit, this guy is gonna stretch from here!!
4: Hiigaruaaaaa!!
Take a plunge!!
5: Take a plunge!!
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Pag 18
1: Throw your handles!!
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Pag 19
1: Wooooah!!
No... wait, even now....
2: It's a draw!!
3: Dammit, what happened, Danchiku what are you doin!!
You should be much stronger..... should....
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Pag 20
1: Don't tell me.... that Sugimoto-san.... is strong too!?
2: You.... you mean it's a draw for the third time!!
How long will they keep going, at this pace it won't ever end!!
3: …. no
5: It's a shame, but there's no time left...
6: This lap is the last
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candycryptids · 2 months
Smash or Pass (OC) Tangy Tangeroos
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Rules: pretty self explanatory. include physical descriptions or pics, and propaganda. the “other” label can be used for “sexuality misalignment” (ie: oc is femme and you’re gay, vice versa or you aren’t into smashing but a specific thing you wanna do with them like perhaps hug or study them under a microscope idc). Tagged by @selnyam and @cindernet-explorer I tag @archaiclumina @becquerelnoir @hazelkjt and uh! @sjofn-lofnsdottr [But only if you want to! There's no pressure ^v^ also if you see this and wanna do it and I didn't tag you... take it as an excuse to do it and tag me anyways ;P]
Quick Facts: height: 199cm/6'5 age: 20 Gender: Woman+ (identifies as Cis, but through external shenanigans has technically physically transitioned. Twice. OOC, What’s in her pants NOW is a Schrödinger situation.) Sexuality: for simplicities sake, Queer, Pansexual Pronouns: She/Her/Dude/Sir
Won’t judge you for your clutter or mess, she’s the same way!
Easy to please with the little things! You picked her dandelions on the way to see her? She’s delighted!
Not a picky eater! She’ll eat anywhere and anything.
Willing to try anything at least twice!
Not afraid to stand up for you/your friend if someone is outwardly rude. She’s very protective!
Will bring you gifts “just because” (she saw it and thought of you)
Knows Revenant’s Toll like the back of her paw and will show you the coolest views
Stubborn; if she decides she can’t do/learn something, it’s very difficult to change her mind on it.
Won’t dress up for fancy dates unless someone else dresses her
Really bad at ‘monogamy’ and closed relationships in general; sees sex as something to feel good and bond with friends/loved ones, not necessarily an exclusive action.
Constantly nearly-broke, so she can’t pay for your dates, even if she WANTS to.
Isn’t always self-aware of her size/weight and will squish you by laying against/on you
Her protective nature makes her reckless and she will act without considering your own abilities to protect yourself. See Also; Separation anxiety
Sheds orange fur on your furniture/clothes
Has both Dyscalculia+Dyslexia, and reads out loud. Struggles heavily with math more advanced than basic addition and subtraction. Small print is the devil.
Loves the Moonfire Faire, when they set up the parkour course!
Doesn’t seem to get sick, and doesn’t scar at all. Strangely durable. Can’t get drunk, but all doesn’t drink alcohol (or enjoy it).
Purrs audibly, and often. Loves being around people uwu
Is a total cuddler/generally physically affectionate cat with anyone deemed even just a friend.
Doesn’t like food waste, and will either eat what’s left on your plate if it can’t be saved for later in some way. (Or feed it to Meatball, if it’s salad! He’s a growing Buffalo!)
A bit clumsy, but prioritizes the integrity/safety of whatever she’s holding over her own self (I.e; if holding phone and fell into a river, will fall worse to make sure the phone is held upwards and out of the water entirely. Or; if holding boxes of pizza, will fall with more damage to self to hold them steady and not drop them/spill them)
Romantically; The line between “friendship” and “romantic” is an extremely blurry line that might as well not be there for her. She’s also not looking for a romantic relationship, and is rather happy continuing like that. Affection/Love is freely given and communicated without expectation of reciprocation, and certainly not commitment.
Sexually; Wants a partner to feel good in the way they like. Eager to please, does well as a Service Top, doesn’t participate much in BDSM. The exception to willing to try anything twice; does not want to hurt her partner in bed, even if they’d like it.
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pokimoko · 1 year
Simon Petrikov
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Anon-Orbo wants that Canon-Blorbo obliterated.
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