#all the same! i'm looking forward to getting home and cracking on with some editing
notthestarwar · 1 year
you’d think i would have learnt by now not to only schedule things i really really don’t want to do on a friday, but then friday rolls round and its like ‘guess what you’ve got to go do today!’
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Doing house chores with Odasaku (and failing miserably)
A/N: Domestic headcanons with Odasaku. This turned out rather comedic?! It's my first time writing for BSD, and for Oda, and just writing in general since a long time, so please be kind to me! Someone said he is underappreciated and now that I have taken my time to take a closer look at his character (so I feel I can write him properly), I very much agree! This is a gift for the lovely @hanazou who has been very kind to me! (♥ω♥*)
Edit: Please don't judge my writing by this work; it was my very first one here and I don't deem it to be very good!
Pairings: Oda x gn! reader
Genre: domestic crack
Warnings: none
Summary: You and Oda decide it's time to do some deep-cleaning of your apartment. None of you admits you don't really know what you are doing.
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Odasaku is a grown-up, and even though the maturity of an average 23 year old can be doubted at occasions, he is a very mature individual indeed. It's not like the life he leads has left him a choice in that department. Which means that he is also a responsible human being that knows how to do all the basic house chores. You know - taking out the trash, vacuuming, cleaning the toilet and windows, doing the dishes, etc.
Now, what I am stressing is the knows how to part. Yes, he knows how to, but he doesn't like to do them. This doesn't mean he's a messy person of course. He's very much able of keeping an acceptable amount of tidiness around the apartment, but his job at the Port Mafia is anything but easy. Doing all the little things no one else has time for can add up to being a lot of work in one day and most of the times when he's done with it, he's so tired he either goes to the Lupin bar or just straight up home and to bed.
So when you move in with him, one would expect that keeping the apartment clean gets easier, two people working on it now and such, right?
Sadly, no. You are completely occupied with studying, working, or both (whatever you do) and are equally tired as him when you are finished with that.
So you just try to maintain an acceptable level of tidiness until one weekend, it borders on barely acceptable and you decide that the time has come to properly clean the house.
But! You also decide to make the best out of it and power through together. You'll take care of the kitchen and vacuuming and Oda will clean the bathrooms and the windows.
Oda's love language is quality time as well as acts of service, so he actually grows to appreciate the idea to spend the day like this with you, even though the tasks at hand are annoying. Cleaning together has the advantage that cleaning doesn't require much thought, so when you two are in a room, you just chat away about anything.
The antics from your fellow students/co-workers make him chuckle, and god knows that's not a sound anyone will hear from him often. You are probably even the one to cause it most of the time~
You'll also share deep thoughts on many topics, especially literature I do see him as having a interest in literature in general.
Soon, you begin to notice to that, uhm, cleaning does actually require more attention than expected? When you take a closer look at the windows Oda just presumably wiped clean, they do seem to be...more opaque than before his efforts. What kind of cleaning solution did he use again? But then again - what is he meant to use anyways??
Since you both are clueless, you decide to postpone the matter and move on to new rooms, this time separately.
Oda is a dutiful man, but, as mentioned before, not a particularly devoted cleaner. Now that you are not close anymore, his motivation to do his job is lowered to 'let's get this done as soon as possible'
will probably use the same detergent on all the superficies your poor ceramics
he's almost done when he hears a loud crash from outside the bathroom. You've been vacuuming for quite some time now but it's still loud enough to startle him. He jumps to his feet when suddenly, his gift activates and he sees himself open the bathroom door and rush out - just to stumble over you, entangled in the vacuum cleaner's cable, and fall to the ground.
he proceeds to slowly open the door and lays eyes on just the expected sight. 'How...did you manage to get there? 'is what his face is saying.
He'll detangle you and help you up. He'll absolutely keep a straight face, but will not restrain from teasing you for getting in such a position. Your poutiness will make him chuckle yet again, a deep chuckle that makes your skin tingle no matter the situation I'm getting off-topic
spoiler: it's not the last time his gift will activate that day
Later, you have almost admitted defeat. You poured the soap for the washing machine in the dishwasher how did you not notice the difference and may have cut yourself a few times while trying to clean your cutlery HOW
You're almost done when it happens again. Oda has just finished his cleaning duties with a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat of his forehead. The moment he walks into the kitchen though, to check on you, his gift activates again and he sees you falling from a quite unstable stool, a glass vase slipping your hands, hitting the floor and sending glass shard flying everywhere.
Naturally, he leaps forward to prevent both of you from being pierced by glass and also his beloved from breaking any bones. Such a hero~
A rather high-pitched scream leaves your lips when you feel your feet slip. You are not ready to die yet, not like this! But instead of hitting the floor, you feel a strong arm catch your upper body and wrap around your shoulder. Next thing you know, you are pressed against Oda's chest, your feet steady on the ground. A moment later, a hollow sound tells you he has also caught the vase. Beautiful blue eyes meet your as you look up into Oda's slightly tired, but relaxed face, a faint smile grazing his lips.
"I do not see any vacuum cleaner cable laying around here, just what exactly did you trip over?"
You may bury your face in his chest if you feel embarassed. He'll just chuckle and rest his chin on your head for a moment, enjoying the touch.
And that's the story of how you two settled on hiring someone to clean for you when you will buy, one day, that house at the seaside
A/N: I do not know if this is any good; I do hope you like it though!
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aestheticseungmean · 4 years
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Skater Boy-Kang Yeosang
The consequences of a dare led you to a new group of friends who hung out at a skatepark. You’ve always wanted to learn how to skateboard and now you’ve got a teacher.
7.1K words (I swear they keep getting longer each time)
Warnings: None, maybe like five cursewords
Requested by no one
Edited: once
It was a dare.
That was the only thing that was running through your small mind as you ran away from the guy chasing you, scared of what he might do. “Wait-“ He stopped for a breath but you kept running wanting to keep as far away from him as possible, “Come back you little brat.” The beating of your heart was fast, fast to match your breathing that was pumping what you thought was not enough oxygen in your body. What was the dare? You were dared to kiss a random student from your college, anyone you wanted, and in return, you’d get 150 bucks. 150 dollars that you could spend on anything, even that new guitar you saw in the music shop beside the small diner you practically lived at. The same guitar that reminded you of your grandfather who played the guitar every day on his front porch.
“I dare you-“ Somi paused for a dramatic effect, “to kiss anyone on this campus!” Murmurs interrupted in your friend group as they tried to figure out who you would kiss. Lisa stepped forward to add in her own words. “We will each chip in 25 dollars which adds up to 150.” “Kiss someone for money. Yeah sure.” The hint of alcohol buzz from the party last night made you feel light and daring. Whipping their phones out to record you, their mouths dropped as you tapped on the shoulder of a girl. “Excuse me.” Her cotton candy hair waves bounced as she turned her head towards you. “Oh hi, ______! Do you need something?” Heads turned your way, curious as to why you looked so nervous. “I’m sorry,” you whispered before grabbing her cheeks softly and kissing her. Cheers and whistles somehow seemed to echo outside if that was possible.
A large hand grabbed your shoulder and turned you towards him. Shit. Shit. Shit. You repeated under your breath. It was the girl’s boyfriend, the captain of the fencing team, and the Chinese club. “Hi, Jackson?” It wasn’t anger in his eyes, it was worry. “You better run. Her dad is here and he saw it.” Right on cue, the girl’s dad, a very influential man, ran after you. You took off running in the first direction you could escape. “GET BACK HERE!” You hoped that doing track in middle school to get out of gym class would be of help so you called on the will to run faster. But alas, to no avail, you weren’t running any faster than you were now. The first thing you were going to do if you don’t die is make the girls double the money. “I WILL NOT HAVE YOU TAINT MY DAUGHTER YOU-“ You focused on something else knowing he wasn’t going to say nice things. “Wait-“
Carefully, you scrambled up the small wall and hopped over it, landing in some thorns but those would heal, you couldn’t necessarily rise from the dead. The man’s voice grew distant as he ran further, apparently not seeing you enter the fenced area. “Hey, are you hurt?” A male on the shorter side from all the males you knew approached you. “A little but I’ll survive,” you grumbled out as you picked a thorn out of your arm. “May I help you?” He looked harmless so you agreed allowing him to pick out the broken thorns in your hair. “Wow, Hyung. We leave you for one minute only to find you playing Tarzan with a girl.” It was another boy, this time a slight bit taller with a slender and handsome face. “Shut up, San.” “Aren’t you going to introduce us to your little playmate?” You couldn’t tell who was talking this time due to the searing pain in your shoulder where you landed first in the bush from hell distracting you. “No. I don’t even know who she is.” Suddenly, all eyes were on you. “I’m _____, nice to meet you and I am covered in thorns because of escaping a consequence of my dare.”
The group of boys were a bit taken aback by your abrupt introduction but introduced themselves. San, Hongjoong, Mingi, Seonghwa, Yunho, Jongho, and Wooyoung. You observed your surroundings when you had the chance. The vast area in front of you was all concrete save for the little plant areas by the walls. In the middle of the blocked in space, there were dips in the concrete. Ramps and stairs were scattered across the length of one side. To the other side, there were rails of all sizes and lengths. The concrete was immaculate with little cracks for optimum smoothness for the people in the park. Then it hit you, it was a skate park. You watched in wonder as people on scooters, skates, rollerblades, and skateboards did tricks and flips that you could only imagine doing. One boy caught your attention with his unique style of tricks, reaching heights on flat ground higher than you could jump regularly.
Hongjoong took you out of your trance when he accidentally pulled hair instead of a thorn. A yelp escaped your lips as your hand flew up to rub at the stinging pain hoping to soothe it. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you,” he apologised. “Joong is stronger than he looks,” Wooyoung teased, ruffling Hongjoong’s hair gaining a glare in return. When you were both sure that you got every thorn from hell off of you, you stood up and stretched your aching muscles. “I think I should get heading back to college-“ your words were cut short when you saw the father outside of the gate checking out the area, looking for you. “Or maybe not.” His brows furrowed as the man looked around. The minute his icy grey eyes landed on you, he marched through the gate and towards your way seething with anger. “YOU-“ Although you didn’t know the boys well, you silently looked to them for help hoping at least one of them would be able to protect you from the wrath of a conservative father.
Jongho stood in front of you acting as a shield should the guy try anything. One by one, the boys surrounded you, encasing you in a circle of safety with Hongjoong in the front where the guy was. “Move, my business is with that little brat who had the nerve to corrupt my daughter.” Some glances were made towards you, a few surprised, a few confused, and a few quietly cheering you on. “I’m sorry sir, we simply cannot do that.” Hongjoong’s voice was calm and clear yet strong and assertive like the ocean. “I SAID MOVE! I’m a very VERY powerful man and don’t think I can’t get this stupid park REMOVED.” You flinched and grabbed on the back of Jongho’s grey hoodie. Loud noises have always scared you, that’s how you grew up knowing you did something wrong. It was the only time people ever yelled at you, the only time they had a reason too but it still made you cower when someone raised their voice. You didn’t realize you were almost choking out Jongho’s hoodie until Wooyoung grabbed your hand and held it much to Jongho’s thanks.
“Shh, he can’t hurt you. We got you, _______,” Wooyoung whispered softly, effectively calming you down a bit. “It’s not your fault he’s yelling at you.” Confused as to if he already knew you, you looked up at him and you could tell in his eyes that he’s been in a situation similar before. His soft chocolate brown eyes held guilt and pain and sympathy. “You can’t have this park removed, sir. This is owned by a friend of ours who loves skateboarding, there is no way she’d sell.” “Yeah! Especially not to you,” Jongho taunted. The man threw his meaty hands in the air in defeat but his words were the opposite. “Give me the brat and I’ll leave you guys alone.” You winced at the emphasis on brat like it was a derogatory term and honestly, it was starting to feel like one. “No.” The guy, frustrated, lunged forward to grab you. His sausage fingers got so close to your face, you could smell the fake cigar residue residing on his unwashed hands. His fingernails were dirty and unkempt, bound to give you some kind of disease if he so much as scratches you.
But he couldn’t get close enough to scratch you. Jongho, whom you assumed was the strongest since he was alone in the fight, had punched him square on the jaw. The guy’s dirty hand left its position in front of your face to go and protect his own. “I don’t know who you are but you will be going to jail for assaulting me,” he seethed but Jongho paid no attention. “Next time you think about touching someone, make sure you don’t.” By now, a few of the resident skaters had started to form around the lot of you, watching and recording, ready to jump in if need be. A girl who looked a bit older than you strolled forward with some of the police off the street who saw the last bit of what happened. “Sir, this young man will not be going to jail, you will.” Cheers erupted as the man was cuffed, screaming the entire way out. “I'M RICH, YOU CAN'T DO THIS!”
“Sir, I do not care that you are rich. I care that you get a lesson of respect in our jailhouse with Big Dan.” A sinister smile crept upon the face of the police at the mention of Big Dan. “Don’t worry, Big Dan will keep you safe...in his yard,” another policeman threw in. Unfortunately, though you were safe, you had to stay until the police came back to get your side of the story and allow you to go home. “Let me drive you home. To make sure you are safe.” The female cop stood there patiently awaiting your answer. They had assigned her to interview you for mental reasons. To make sure you weren’t going to be scared if a big, burly policeman were to interview you which in hindsight is a good idea but stupid in your mind. “Casandra, we’ll take her home.” The group of boys stood behind you ushering you to join them. “Well, I suppose that would be better for you. Go ahead, go with the boys.”
You ran over, happy you didn’t have to go home in a cop car and be the college news of the week. You still were going to be the talk of the day but it will be because of the dare and coming home with seven attractive men. “Are you okay?” You turn towards the voice to see whom they called Seonghwa. “Yeah, I’ll be okay once I get home to my apartment and take a nice long shower.” “Do you live alone?” You nodded, yawning right after. “Do you think you’ll be okay?” “He’s not a mafia boss, I don’t think he will send any henchmen after me. Besides, I’m sure the girls will be hounding me about what happened.” The apartment complex loomed in front of you, even the doors made you feel small right now. The boys followed you up to your apartment, something that would be creepy if they hadn’t been so kind and helped you. “Shit!” You cried out realizing you don’t have the keys and you sure as hell didn’t leave a spare in the hallway.
“What?” Hongjoong inquired, worried that something was wrong. “I hope the girls are here because I don’t have my keys.” You knocked loudly on the door in the famous pattern that let the girls know it was you when you visited them. “Is that a magic way to open up the door?” San joked hoping to lighten the mood. You laughed a little which made him beam in accomplishment. “No, it’s so the girls know it’s me.” The door slammed open and you got smothered in hugs. “Oh my god, I thought you died. You look like you got ran over and-“ the moment they saw the boys, all attention was on them and not you. “Who are the cuties?” “Friends, now move into the apartment before Mrs.Kwon comes out here and yells at us.” You shivered at the thought of the old lady waddling out with her cane giving you the evil eye before screeching at you.
“Would you guys like to come in? I can order pizza as a thank you.” “We wouldn’t want to impose,” Hongjoong politely declined. “But I want to impose,” Mingi said before making his way over to you. The shortest chuckled and gave in. “Alright but I’m helping pay because these guys are expensive.” A smile graced your face as you let them in, the girls secretly thanking you for blessing their eyes. You shut the door behind you and turned towards the girls. “Do you guys know where my stuff is?” “I put it on your bed,” Lisa replied, not taking her eyes off of Wooyoung once. You rolled your eyes and made your way to the room to find your phone and wallet. On your bed laid your backpack and purse with their contents spilled on your bed like a mountain of odds and in stuff. You rummaged through it countless times trying to find your phone but ultimately you were unsuccessful. “Girls, where is my phone?” “Here I’ll call it!” Jongho offered, trying to get away from the girls who were flirting with them.
He rushed to where you just came from pulling you with him. His grip wasn’t tight but it was enough to know that he was desperate to get away. He shut the door and slid down the back of it, sighing. “If I had to hear one more pickup line followed by a wink I would’ve screamed.” “They are very stubborn when they are flirting, sorry.” You tried to offer sympathy but you didn’t know how to offer it. You’ve never really known when you were being flirted with. “What is your number?” Jongho had his phone out ready to call your phone. Once you gave him the number, he pressed the green call button and listened for the ringing. You could hear a faint male hello come from his phone. “Put it on speaker.” He complied and soon the male’s voice echoed through the room. “Hello?” “Jackson?” How could he have your phone? Did one of the girls give it to him? You didn’t have to think for long as he told you why. “You dropped your phone when you took off. I tried to give it to the girls but they were busy trying to figure out what to do.”
A few more words were exchanged later and you were on your way to meet Jackson on the campus lot to get your phone back. Jongho opted to go with you for “protection” as he had put it. It was chilly out but that was expected since fall was around the corner. Jackson was already waiting on the bench by the light post. “Hey, sorry about what I did to your girlfriend.” “Wait- girlfriend? You’re explaining when we leave.” You raised your hand to his mouth to shush him. Jackson shrugged. “It’s not that personal for me. I know you didn’t do it to hurt me.” “It was a dare,” you confessed. He nodded, shrinking into his coat feeling a bit of the breeze. “Let’s not do it again, please. She might start to go after you,” Jackson joked making you laugh. “I promise I won’t. Give her my condolences for my actions and her father.” “Oh, she’s thankful for that. Her dad has been annoying her for the past 23 years of her life.” Jongho tugged the sleeve of your sweatshirt to let you know it was getting late. “Well, I got to go. Bye, Jackson!” “Bye.”
The apartment was chaotic when you reached home. All of your games were out and being played in different areas of the apartment, most likely because of the girls. Drinks were strewn everywhere also courtesy of the girls who knew they were free to pretty much anything in the area. At least they kept the boys entertained so they didn’t feel awkward. A knock sounded on the door behind you making you turn around and open it. “Pizza!” “Thank you, here is your tip.” The delivery boy thanked you and left you with the 10 pizzas teetering in your hand. Thankfully, Jongho who was right beside you, took half of them and carefully stepped over the boys, girls, and games. You tried to follow suit but you weren’t necessarily the most graceful person. Somi grabbed four of the pizzas and left you with just one and you thanked her, feeling less burden carrying just one pizza. Everyone cleaned up their games and put them back before you allowed them to grab a pizza and sit on the couch to watch a new movie.
The time went by quickly and so did the pizza. Even though you had just met the boys, it felt like they have been your friends forever. They gave you that sense of comfort and you almost felt like you could tell them your deepest darkest secrets without being judged or laughed at and it made you feel good. Maybe this newfound friendship would be a long one. Seonghwa was the first to stand up, distracting you from thinking about them for much longer. He collected the trash and attempted to clean up a little bit, not wanting to leave the house that he was a guest in messy as it would eat him up alive. Little by little, the boys all stood up, said goodbye to you, and asked for your number to be able to meet up with you again under different circumstances. You complied and walked them out. Exhausted from the day's events, you laid down in your bed not bothering to wake up the girls. Almost immediately as your head hit the pillow, sleep consumed you and dreams filled your head. Thankfully, tomorrow was a weekend so you had nothing to do.
A few of the girls had left due to papers to write for their unbearable professors. Somi, Lisa, and Maria stayed over since they were in the same class as you and also had no homework. You grabbed a quick shower washing the bad vibes of yesterday off before starting today. Once you were satisfied, you threw on a random pair of jeans and a loose shirt. “Hey, Wooyoung asked if he and the boys could come over today so I said yes,” Somi nonchalantly stated as you made your way towards the diminishing stack of pancakes Maria had made. Grabbing one, you started to shove it in your mouth. “You gotta stop shoving things in your mouth, you look like a hamster right now.” You attempted to tell her to shut up but it came out muffled. “Someone’s at the door, go get it hamster,” Lisa teased, watching you grab another pancake and opening the door. “You have something in your mouth,” San pointed out while poking your cheeks, making you swallow the now chewed pancake.
“Ooh, pancakes!” Yunho eyed the last one in your hand and you sighed before handing it to him. “What!? Did the pancake loving _______ just give up the last pancake to Yunho?” Somi asked in disbelief that you actually gave up any food let alone a pancake. “Yes I did, I’m capable of being nice thank you very much.” You allowed the boys to enter into the apartment and sit wherever they want. “We want to know if you three want to go to the skatepark with us!” “I haven’t been in years, I want to go!” Maria exclaimed which took you by shock because she’s never mentioned she knew how to do any skateboarding or such. Nevertheless, you and the girls agreed but now you had to wait for them to get ready. You plopped down on the couch next to Mingi and sighed. “Everything alright?” He asked. “Yeah, just sore. Those thorns felt like talons digging into my skin.” Jongho perked up ready to say something he hoped to make you laugh instead of cringe. “If it makes you feel any better, I think that guy yesterday is having a worse day.” You giggled remembering the bloody nose and busted cheek on the man while he was being carted away to Big Dan.
A sharp ring filled the air with its cries signaling someone was getting a call. You assumed it was Seonghwa judging from the way he reached for it first putting it on speaker. A deep voice cut through the air startling you. “Hyung, are you coming today or what?” “Yeah, we’re bringing a few friends though so we are waiting on them.” An ‘oh’ came from the other side and you couldn’t tell if it was a good oh or bad oh. “Is it that person from yesterday that decided to go over the wall into the thorns instead of walk through the gates?” The voice inquired, just slightly curious because you were the first person that had the balls to climb the wall and fall into thorns. “Mmhm. Them and a few of their friends.” “Okay, I’ll see you soon.” With that, he hung up not caring if Seonghwa had said goodbye or not. It came across as rude at first but when you saw that none of the boys paid attention to it, you assumed that was just part of his personality. “We’re ready!” You turned to see the girls all dressed in different styles which makes you wonder again, how did you all become friends when you were so different?
The park wasn’t as crowded as usual which was a bit of relief. Somewhere along the trip, the group was forced to stop so Maria could buy a skateboard since she left hers at home hours away. Lisa decided to buy roller skates to see if she could skate around in them again like she did when she was a toddler. You bought nothing knowing you wouldn’t be able to stay up that well so it was a waste of money. Maria was the first to start refreshing her memory and soon enough, she was doing tricks on the half-pipe and in the pool-like area. Feeling envious, you watched as she aced everything almost as if she never stopped. Lisa on the other hand, struggled a bit. She fell many times before she remembered the little tricks and tips her father had taught her. “They’re so good.” Your voice was laced with jealousy but your face was stoic. “Careful there, someone might think you are jealous,” San teased. “Because I am. I’ve always wanted to learn how to ride a skateboard but I never had a teacher.”
Hongjoong had stated that his friend would be there soon. It wasn’t long before Maria rolled up with a big grin on her face. “That was so fun! You guys should try.” “______ will!” Someone volunteered you and you wanted to slap them but before you could protest, Jongho had pulled you up towards the skateboard. “Just stand on it and I’ll push you.” He helped you up onto the skateboard. Just standing there, you felt queasy and wobbly. “I don’t think I can do this,” you cried out as Jongho pushed you forward on the skateboard. “Of course you can. Your balance can’t be that ba-“ His words were cut short as the skateboard flew out from underneath you. You fell forward, your eyes shut bracing yourself for the impact onto the cold, hard concrete. It never came. Hands had grabbed your arm to save you from falling as your face came into contact with a firm chest. The hands pulled you up so you were in a standing position. “Yeosangie to the rescue!” Wooyoung cheered out as you caught a glimpse of the boy in front of you.
Your jaw dropped and you let out an inaudible gasp. It was the boy you watched the day you fell in the park. “Careful,” his words were brash and empty. Yeosang turned towards the boys and headed over to sit on the concrete garden ledge with the others completely ignoring you. “Sorry,” you mumbled, not caring if he heard or not. “Be nice, Sang,” Hongjoong warned watching the interaction between you two knowing that his friend wasn't the nicest to new people. He didn’t mean it to be rude, Yeosang just didn’t know how to give the best first impressions and Hongjoong didn’t want him to scare you away. Luckily, you brushed it off not being so good with first impressions yourself. “Hey, you’re the dude with the awesome frontside heelflip!” Maria exclaimed, gushing over Yeosang’s skills. “Thanks.” This time his voice wasn’t as formed, as if he was embarrassed or flustered that someone had complimented him. “Is Sangie blushing?” “No.” He stood up and walked back towards the rails ignoring everyone for the rest of the day.
It’s become a ritual for you to go with the boys to the skate park. You swore Yeosang hated you or had a vendetta against you at least but nothing was clear. Occasionally, the girls would go with you but more often than not, they were busy with school or work. Today was no different save for the fact that the boys were busy as well. For some reason, you found the grinding of wheels against concrete and the here and there cheers when someone did a trick soothing. So, to clear your mind you headed to the one place you could probably find blindfolded. The sun was beating down on everything around you, sharing its warmth which was a nice change of pace from the chilly days. Instead of sitting on the concrete garden wall that has become a staple to you, you sat on a little grass patch in the corner. You brought a book in case you wanted to read but all the action made you curious. Eventually, you did get around to reading and somehow you were lulled to sleep. It was sunset when you woke up. Your book which you had fallen asleep with open was now neatly closed with a bookmark in it sitting next to your bag.
You sat up to see if everything was still in there when a coat fell off of you. “Don’t worry, everything is still there,” a familiar voice responded. Quickly, you turned your head towards where the voice came from, and low and behold, it was Yeosang. He was walking towards you with his board in one hand and a helmet in the other. You stifled a laugh at his helmet hair flying everywhere but all in all it suited him. “Is this your jacket?” Yeosang nodded and you rushed to dust it off and give it back to him. “Keep it for now, it’s getting cold out. I was waiting for you to wake up to make sure you got home safe.” It made your heart leap with joy that he waited for you but you also felt guilty. Mingi had said that Yeosang did not like to be out late because he likes to sleep and you kept him from his sleep. “I’ll treat you to some chicken in return for me stealing your sleep time.” Yeosang chuckled lightly before holding his now free hand out to help you up. “Sounds like a deal but uh…. who told you you were stealing my sleep time?” “Mingi.”
Thankfully, the chicken place was still open by the time you got there. They allowed you and Yeosang to sit at the outside tables and eat while they cleaned the inside preparing to lock the doors. “Mingi is a liar,” Yeosang stated in between bites. You were taken aback a bit but questioned why he said such a thing. “He does it to be funny and his words are mainly true but if there is food involved, you can interrupt my sleep time anytime.” You giggled at his statement feeling honoured knowing that the best apology for Yeosang is food. “So why did you come to the skate park today?” “I find skateboarding fascinating and fun looking so I go to watch people mainly. I like to live vicariously through them.” Suddenly, you found your last piece of chicken depressing and returned it to its place on the plate. “Why live through people instead of learning it?” “I’ve never been able to have someone teach me anything. Like, I don’t even know what the foot positioning is or how to stop, I just know that you push off and somehow end up standing sideways on the board.”
“I’ll teach you.” You perked up and looked him in the eye. “You’re serious?” When he nodded you jumped up in joy. “This is going to be the best day of my life.” Yeosang laughed watching you dance into the empty streets and back towards him. “YEOSANG IS THE GREATEST PERSON EVER!” He was glad that you guys were in the shopping part of town otherwise, he would’ve killed you for embarrassing him. The whole way back to the skatepark you skipped happily beside Yeosang who eyed you from the corner of his eyes. At first, you were worried about the darkness of the park but Yeosang reassured you that there were lights for people who’d rather skate at night. “We won’t be doing the fancy stuff. Just trying to get you to go like two feet without falling off for today.” “You mean, this will happen more than once?” He gave you a ‘duh’ look and opened the gate for you. “And they say chivalry is dead.” “It is, I just don’t trust you to open this gate. You might attract some random person threatening to arrest you again.”
You scoffed but walked in anyways leaving him behind. “I’ve got the skateboard.” Sighing, you turned around and walked back towards him. “That’s what I thought.” “You’re mean.” He waved the skateboard in your face as if saying ‘I’m the teacher so be nice’. “Okay so starting off, positioning. Put your foot here, just beneath the front bolts. Once you get more comfortable, it might change.” You did as he said putting your foot beneath the top bolts. “Wait.” Before you could ask, Yeosang put the helmet on your head and snapped it. “Safety first, don’t want to destroy the last two brain cells of yours.” You grumbled, mocking his words. “Last two brain cells. Asshole.” “What was that.?” Mustering up the most innocent eyes you could, you turned towards him and replied. “Nothing, sir. I’m ready for further instruction.” The ‘sure’ look on his face let you know that he had heard what you said but nevertheless let it go. “Hold my hand for balance while you push off. To get used to the skateboard, you must first get used to the bumpy feeling of the wheels against the concrete.” You grabbed his hand in a vice-like grip making him wince. With your left foot, you pushed off and move it behind you on the board. “Now turn your feet.”
By the time you had started to turn your feet, you fell off the board. “Good first run. Let’s go again.” It was around midnight when Yeosang tried to coax you into going home. “One more time, please!” You were bound and determined to get this right by the end of the night. “Fine.” Once again, you grabbed his hand and pushed off. Successfully, you managed to turn your feet and ride for a good 5 feet before the skateboard stopped itself. “I DID IT, YEOSANG!” You jumped off and high-fived him jumping up and down at your success. “Meet you here tomorrow at the same time.” “No, I’ll see you tomorrow before then. The boys asked me here to hang out.” Yeosang nodded and began to walk you out. “Where do you live?” “At the apartment complex by the college.” He walked you the entire way home making you feel warm inside. You bid him a goodbye and watched him skate away before heading inside feeling as though you just solved the mysteries of the universe.
Yeosang didn’t interact with you much during the day except for a small wave but when night came, he was all business. You two had a deal. He taught you how to ride a skateboard and you bought him chicken. It was a fair deal to both of you and it worked out for the following month. At this point, you were able to skate so Yeosang decided to teach you a few basic tricks. It was an everyday ritual. From sundown to midnight you practiced and honed your skills with Yeosang who was surprisingly really fun to hang out with and is very encouraging. The boys were starting to notice you and their friend hanging out more and talking even to the point he’d come up to you with your favourite pop he had just bought. Two of them (WOOYOUNG AND SAN) decided to tease you and him about your growing friendship calling it a crush which led to you blushing and Yeosang smacking them upside the head.
Your phone buzzed signaling you got a text.
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You laughed at the little banter you just had and decided that you could finish your show before heading out. Being at the park in the middle of the night without Yeosang felt weird and it wasn’t like you could practice skateboarding as you had always used his. You sat on the ledge humming to yourself, waiting on Yeosang and shivering slightly. “Why did I forget to bring a jacket?” As if the world heard you, the breeze stopped for a few minutes allowing you to warm up. “You didn’t bring a jacket. Pitiful.” “Yeosang!” Your body jumped up before you could realize it and was already moving towards the boy. “I got you something. A present I guess.” “Eh? You got me a present? Are you sick?” You reached out for his forehead making him step backwards. “I’m not sick. Now take this present and open it before I return it.” He handed you a wrapped box with a cute little bow on top of it making you smile. “I uh, customised it,” his voice quavered as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously awaiting your reaction. The wrapping tore easily giving you a quick entrance to a long blank packing box.
Your hands fumbled with the tape a bit before Yeosang had to stepped in and helped you. Inside was a skateboard that was brand new with multicoloured wheels. Gingerly, you pulled it out and flipped it over, running your fingers along the cherry blossom design on the bottom of the deck. In the bottom corner stood his painted signature. “Yeosang, you did this for me?” Tears welled up in your eyes as you set down the skateboard and grabbed the helmet and pads which sported a similar look. “Oh, Yeosang.” You tackled him in a tight hug thankful that he had worn a black shirt so your tears couldn’t be seen. His arms wrapped around you in response hugging you back. The two of you stood like that until Yeosang pulled away and put the helmet on you, snapping it like he had the very first night. “Give it a try.” You grabbed the skateboard from him and set it down carefully, almost trying to preserve the prettiness of it.
The skateboard itself was smooth to ride on. The tricks you had mastered were carefully done and perfectly executed making Yeosang cheer. “I want a picture of us together with our skateboards,” you huffed, a little chilly. “Okay.” The way he said it with such ease made you realize how far you have come in the friendship. A month ago, he wouldn’t even have looked at you for more than 3 seconds let alone be in the same 5-foot area as you and now here he is, willing to take a picture with you. Your phone sat atop the bench a few feet away with the 10-second self-timer on. Yeosang pulled you closer to him and held his skateboard so the design showed. You decided to do the same, sporting a big smile as you heard the shutter go off. “I can’t wait to skate around tomorrow on my brand new skateboard! This means so much to me. Thank you.” “Stop before you cry again. People will start thinking you are getting hurt,” he teased making you laugh and the tears that tried to creep out, dry up.
“Let’s see if you can land the frontside 180.” Your face fell at the name of the truck that has been getting your hopes down for days now. “Hey, don’t give me the long face now. I believe in you,” Yeosang cheered you on watching as you attempted to push off the ground. As soon as you landed it perfectly, you yelled in joy quickly kicking up your skateboard and running towards Yeosang. “You did it.” “I’m so happy I could kiss you right now!” He stopped for a minute blushing at the thought of your lips meeting his. “Wait- Are you actually blushing right now? The Kang Yeosang is blushing because I said I could kiss you right now?” “Shut up!” His voice was a few octaves higher now that you called him out. “Yeosangie, what am I going to do with you?” “Stop embarrassing me. I know that you probably don’t like me like that so just let it go.” Now it was your turn to stop. Just those words made you feel hurt that he wouldn’t think you’d like him but au contraire.
You’ve been harvesting a crush on him since the day you fell off the skateboard and busted your knee. He had brought you to the nearest pharmacy and tended to your wound telling you it would be alright while you cried. Now, every little thing he did with you made you flustered and it’s even worse when San and Wooyoung tease you about your crush. You tilted Yeosang’s face up to look at you and you could see the fear of rejection in his eyes. “Yeosang. Why would you say such a thing?” “Because it’s true.” A soft sigh left your lips as you furrowed your eyebrows. “I think I know me better than you do and I’m pretty sure I’m telling myself to kiss you.” He started to open his mouth to question you but you cut him off with a soft kiss to which he reciprocated. His soft hands made their way up to the back of his neck and pulled you closer not wanting the kiss to end, not wanting to wake up from this dream. Your lips to him, felt like clouds with a hint of cotton candy flavouring. Odd to some but it made him feel high on cloud 9. His lips to you were soft and warm with a taste of the vanilla cola he drank earlier. A euphoric feeling that you’d never be able to get enough of.
You were the first to pull away for air leaving Yeosang chasing for more. “Will you go on a date with me?” Yeosang was surprised that you asked him out first, not expecting you to be so bold even though you were the one who just initiated the kiss. “We’ve been on like 37 dates already if you want to count our skate practices,” he said as-matter-of-factly. “Yeah but we didn’t do couple things though.” “We can do them from now on. I mean if you want to…” you nodded and hugged him, confirming your relationship. “I just realized your hands are ice cold.” “I’ve been cold for the entire night, I forgot my jacket, remember.” Without saying anything else, he took off his jacket and handed it to you. “Wear this from now on, so the boys get the memo.” “You’re the jealous type aren’t you?” He almost got offended that you’d say such a thing but he knew it was true. “I’m not that jealous. I just don’t like guys who are good looking. For example, the boys.” “Whatever, Romeo.”
The first thing the boys did when you met up with them was question your skateboard and gear. “Let’s see if you can do better than last time.” You glared at Jongho, dropped down your board and skated away from him towards Yeosang who was behind the mini-vert fixing his wheel. “Hey, babe. Looking fine today.” “Thanks, you don’t look so bad yourself,” he teased making you gasp and smack him lightly. The boys watched in the distance gobsmacked that you were actually touching Yeosang. “Is your wheel good?” “Just a second. Yeah, just had a rock making the wheel not move but I got it.” To make sure, Yeosang rolled the skateboard back and forth to check. “I think the boys are confused,” he said, glancing up at the boys. “Want to make them even more confused?” “How do we do that?” You shrugged hoping he had an idea instead. “Do tricks? Kiss? Hold hands skating back? All of the above?” Why did he give the fourth option you wondered. “Which do you want to do?” “All of the above?”
Needless to say, Jongho’s jaw dropped when you did an Ollie, Hongjoong almost fainted when he saw you guys holding hands, and Wooyoung and San screamed when Yeosang caught you off guard by kissing you. “Who? What? When? Where? How?” San fired question after question not giving you or your boyfriend time to answer. “Me and Yeosang. Dating. Yesterday. Here. We both got crushes on each other.” “But you guys never talked though.” A plethora of yeahs came from the others. “Good point, Yunho but, long story short, I fell asleep here one day, Yeosang waited, I took him out for chicken, I told him I wanted to learn how to skateboard, and he taught me. He also got me this skateboard yesterday which led to some words which led to a kiss which led to dating. Kind of backwards but it works.” Seonghwa sported a disgusted face when you mentioned the kiss, grossed out trying to imagine the guy he’s been friends with for many years and has never dated in that time, kissing his new friend. But ultimately, the boys were happy that you two were together and happy. Now came the hard part, telling the girls who’d never let you hear the end of it.
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xxisxxisxxis · 5 years
Gateway Drug | Part Fifty-Eight
A/N: Just saying the story is picking up pace after this part so get ready.
Words: 3.4K
Warning(s): Explicit language, mentions of drug abuse
Tag List: @unknownoblivion  @sinningsixx  @edwardtriggerhandzz  @lemmyjelly  @haileynicoleseavey17  @cierrasixx19  @oskea93  @mgkobsessed  @vamprlestat  @sharon6713  @itsametaphorbriansblog  @miriampraez  @allie-mcginn @xpoisonousrosesx  @rebeccaphillips14  @nicholeh7  @fandomshit6000  @lilmou5ie  @tamedhearts  @divaanya  @kingbouji3 @evrsncnewyork @6ixx6ixx  @ratedrkohardychick91  @floregrohlssard  @oldschoolimagineblog  @thanks2pete  @abaldboi  @swoopygorl @justjodeye @liith-ium  @caos18blog  @ytwahsog  @shamlessobsession  @scarecrowmax  @toadspleen @random-internet-user-4471  @solohqrry  @loveofmyloif  @sparxx27  @kaitieskidmore1  @cruecifymesixx  @ijustwanttokiss70srogertaylor  @emmaelizabeth2014 @meetthesixxter  @sixxsixxsexx @sublimeprincesswasteland @arianareirg  @girlnight-terror  @mcnibberachi
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I watch as Tommy and Nikki finish up their MTV interview to promote the new album, Nikki glancing at me every now and then.
"And, before we go, can you repeat those dates again for the release of the video of first single and the debut of the album?"
"Uh, the 'Girls, Girls, Girls' video--we're filming for that around the end of the month, the album's coming out between May fifth and May tenth, probably." Nikki states.
"Alright, you heard it here. May is gonna be the month of Mötley Crüe, obviously when those release details become more specific we will let you all at home know but for now just keep your eyes on May. Nikki, Tommy, it's always a great talk anytime you're in the studio with us, we appreciate you dropping by."
"No problem." Nikki says.
"Anytime, Dude." Tommy adds.
"Good luck with the album, it's gonna be at the top of the charts when it's out, I guarantee."
"Thanks, we really appreciate that." Tommy nods.
"And good luck also with shooting the video, I'm sure plenty of our audience will be looking forward to all the women, and of course we'll be looking forward to all the censoring we're gonna have to edit in." The interviewer's last line is sarcastic as he shakes their hands, and they laugh. "Nikki Sixx and Tommy Lee of Mötley Crüe, folks. Don't go anywhere." He finishes as they cut, and Nikki waves me over, sitting his coffee cup down to reach for my water bottle in my hand.
I give it to him and he nearly drinks the entire thing before handing it back to me.
"Thank you, babe." He says to me, letting out a breath as the interviewer bids them one last "goodbye" as they stand up and stretch.
We have to meet Mick, Vince and Doc at their rehearsal space so they can continue their auditions for background singers.
So far, the girls that have tried out are either gorgeous but can't sing, and the ones who can sing like Whitney Houston aren't "hot enough to be on the same stage as Mötley Crüe", even though I've seen them hook up with far worse.
I haven't said a word about 'You're All I Need' because the giant, heavy scratch my key left on the entire passenger side of Nikki's brand new car will say plenty when he finally notices it.
So far he hasn't even driven the thing since he's been back. It's just been in the garage.
"...Okay, thank you for your time." Nikki pipes to the pretty dark-haired girl with almost honey colored eyes.
I think she's on the "hot but talentless" list.
"Dude, we're never gonna find fucking singers." Tommy groans, rubbing his face.
"Viv, can you sing?" Vince whines.
"Like chalk against a chalk board." I reply blankly and he sighs.
"All this has been is just hours and hours of disappointment with a few good blowjobs in between." Vince states.
"Just shut up and be patient." Mick tells them.
Doc sends the next girl in, and I see everyone's faces light up because she's pretty.
Blonde hair, a nice figure, and she dresses the part.
"Hi." She greets us with a smile.
"Hi." Vince grins back.
"I-I'm Donna McDaniel." She says next.
"Okay, here's some lyrics." Nikki hands her a sheet of paper with the main lines of a few of their songs she'd have to sing backup for and she takes it. "Start when you're ready."
The relief on their faces when she starts, makes me want to laugh.
She's attractive and she can sing.
"When you leave, tell Doc that we're interested, and he'll lead you to where you can stay until we finish up." Nikki informs her and she nods, handing the music back to him.
"Thank you." She tells them as she steps out.
"No, thank you." Vince says out of earshot, looking a little more hopeful that they'll find their second singer.
And sure enough, they do.
Within forty more minutes, they're sending everyone else home after another blonde, named "Emi" but she pronounces it "Amy", comes in.
I can see Vince's mind churning up how to get her and Donna to fuck around with him, and Nikki can see it, too.
Once Emi is sent to wait with Donna, Nikki's going into military sergeant mode.
"If we hire them," he starts, pointing at Tommy and Vince, "nobody fucks them. Got it?"
"What? Why?" Vince looks heartbroken.
"You don't shit in your own backyard, man, that's why. They're employees, we're the bosses."
"Yeah, Vinnie, we can't have employees having us wrapped around their finger." Tommy adds with a nod.
"It's the easiest pussy there possibly will ever be, are you serious?" Vince complains.
"If it's so easy, why did they both turn you down already?" I point out and he glares at me.
"Just. Don't. Fuck. Them. Got it?" Nikki sternly asks.
I guess now is a good time to mention that Nikki fucked Donna on the "Girls" tour.
The closer we got to tour, the more adamant Nikki was about cutting his addiction.
But, despite him constantly saying "I'm done with it" and throwing away everything to get high on, I'd always find him crawling around in our yard, naked, with his shot gun...carrying on about midgets and Mexicans.
It wouldn't take the neighbors five minutes to call and let me know he was out there.
Trying to tell them a believable excuse was the hard part.
I let out a soft breath, pulling the covers tighter over me, drifting further and further into sleep as the sound of our ceiling fan and Nikki flickering his lighter from the closed closet every now and again moves through the room, and lulls me to sleep.
I don't know what time it is when I wake up to the sound of Nikki screaming, running out of our room, but I force myself to sit up as quickly as I can and go after him.
I turn on the light in the hallway just in time to see him pressing the "panic" button on our security system contact box, which alerts West Tech, our security company, and they send out one of their people to come check on the situation.
"Nikki, what the hell?!" I ask him and he turns to look at me, pissed off and paranoid.
"I'm tired of these bastards not giving us any peace."
"W-What? Who?"
"You know who!"
"Nikki, what are you talking about?!"
He had smoked his crack and convinced himself our security had bugged the house and were watching him, constantly.
Then, he had decided "no, it's the FBI that's watching me" and gained the courage to set off the alarm to our security that something wasn't right.
And then, by the time West Tech arrived, Nikki was turning on them, again.
"Nikki, let me get to the door." I tell him calmly as the knocking continues.
"Fuck off!" Nikki shouts.
"Mr. Sixx, it's Chris with West Tech--"
"--Get off of my fucking property or I'll fucking shoot you!" He screams as we stand on the other side of the door, his shotgun ready. "You motherfuckers have bugged my house and I'm not fucking taking it anymore!"
"Mr. Sixx--"
They stop trying the second Nikki cracks the door open, and points his gun at all of them.
I hear them scatter to their van, the tires screeching as they quickly make a break for it.
He slams the door shut and locks it, the both of us waiting in silence until we decide they're gone.
"You called our security...then shot at them because they answered the call..." I point out to him, exhausted, and he looks down at me. "I'm sleeping in the guest bedroom." I state.
I lock the door behind me and climb into the bed, hearing Nikki go back to our bedroom, and I envy Karen for staying over at a friend's house because Nikki is starting to really wear me down with his shit.
The next few nights consists of Nikki, Tommy, me and the director working on the music video, Wayne Isham, trying to decide what strip club would be best to film the video for "Girls, Girls, Girls" at.
And me and Nikki arguing over another matter that is too be determined:
"I said I'm not gonna be in the video." I repeat to Nikki, crossing my arms and he raises a brow.
"Babe, it's not that serious." Nikki states.
"I already told you I'm not comfortable with it."
"You wear bikinis all the time, you wear thongs and bras all the time...It's not like I'm gonna have you up there topless or anything." He motions to the stage of the Seventh Veil.
"Nikki, I'm not comfortable with it. Why can't you just let that go?"
"Why can't you be more fun?"
"Nikki, it's fine if she doesn't want to." Tommy lightly tells him with a chuckle.
Nikki doesn't even hear him, too busy focusing on me to see if he cracked me or not.
"Are you fellas good on drinks?" A scantily clad cocktail waitress asks us.
"We're fine, thanks." Wayne tells her with a decent amount of class...but that doesn't sit well with Tommy and Nikki.
"Okay, my name's Tabby if you guys need anything, let me know."
Before she can smile and walk away, Tommy's stopping her.
"Actually, there is something else, Tabby." He states, smiling, and she grins politely.
"What can I get for you?"
He motions for her to come closer and he gets in her ear, with Nikki smirking, knowing exactly what he was proposing to the pretty brunette.
Her face pales, and she glances at me before awkwardly giving Tommy nudge with her elbow as if he were joking.
His face shifts to one of seriousness.
"What, you think I'm joking?" He asks her and she tries to keep from looking too uncomfortable, giving all of us a small smile before saying:
"I've gotta get back to work. Let me know when you guys need a refill, you know it's on the house."
She walks away and Nikki and Tommy chuckle.
That was the first time I had seen a woman get uncomfortable around the guys.
Usually they were all for whatever it is Tommy or Vince suggest doing with them...I later found out Tommy had suggested to Tabby that he and Nikki meet her in the bathroom to tag team her.
That's why she had looked almost sick looking at me, when he was whispering in her ear.
She was probably thinking:
"Bless her naive heart."
Me nor Wayne bother to ask any questions about the incident before we're getting ready to go.
The guys and Wayne talk to the owner about possibly shooting the video and he's all for it, giving them the day after tomorrow to get it done.
I'm too busy thinking about what Nikki said earlier to really listen all that much.
"Why can't you be more fun?" who the hell does he think he is? Oh, right, he's "NiKkI fUcKiNg SiXx."
Once we're stepping outside and telling Wayne "bye", Nikki and Tommy are putting in to going to the Cathouse.
I just want to go home.
"I don't feel like going all the way back home, then coming all the way back." Nikki complains and I furrow my brows a little.
"Nikki, it's..." I grab his wrist to pull his jacket sleeve up and look at his watch. It's nearly 3:00am. "...2:53."
"Then just call a cab." He suggests.
"Are you on smack right now?" I don't sugarcoat the question. "You're being a bigger asshole than you are when you're sober." I add.
"Fuck off!" He snaps at me.
I can tell Tommy wants to say something, but keeps quiet.
"Fine." I say, turning on my heel to the payphone down the way.
I realize I don't have any money to pay for it, but before I can go back and ask Nikki for some change, he and Tommy are off.
So I find my next option.
I walk nearly an hour to the Franklin and get to where Duff's staying, only to find him, and none of the guys are home.
I feel like crying, but decide this isn't the end of the world before I calm down and sit by his door like a lost puppy.
I wake up to the feeling of someone nudging me awake with their shoe, and I'm met with Izzy looking down at me.
"Izzy." I greet him.
"Viv." He replies blankly. "Did you leave or were you thrown out?" He asks me and I roll my eyes before he gives me the slightest hint of a smile before it fades and he's nodding across the hall. "C'mon."
I stand up as he unlocks his apartment and motions me inside.
"You can stay here until Duff gets in." He says.
"Thank you." I reply, sitting on the couch as he hands me a shitty blanket.
"I'm gonna go scrub the lipstick and regret from my balls." He informs me, heading to the bathroom.
"At least you regret it." I say back.
"Nah, I don't regret getting a blowjob from a random girl, I regret not nailing her." He corrects me and I don't even hide my laughter.
Once he's done, he's stepping across the hall to see if Duff's back. Apparently he is because Izzy's coming to get me.
"Fuck off, Sixxette." He takes the blanket from me and I gladly head towards Duff's place.
When I get inside, Duff's passed out on the couch, snoring, and smelling like a bar.
I walk over to him, gently shaking him awake, and he let's out another groan.
"Go away." He waves his hand, his eyes closed, and I raise a brow.
"Duff, it's Viv. C'mon, at least go get in your bed so you won't feel worse tomorrow."
He perks up at the sound of my voice, lifting his head, rubbing his eyes.
"I've...is this a dream? 'Cause usually you're naked and 'Purple Rain' is playing." He slurs and I feel my face heat up in embarrassment.
"No, it isn't a dream...and I didn't need to know that but thank you, I guess." I reply, pulling his boots off.
I help him stand, his tall, lanky figure towering over me.
"You look pretty, were you on a date?" He asks when I get him to sit on his bed, helping him not fall over as he tries to take off his shirt and gets caught in it.
"Er...kinda?" I shrug and he nods. "Were you on a date?" I ask when a condom wrapper falls from his jacket and he scrunches his face up.
"Er...kinda." He replies in the same tone, rubbing his face and I laugh. "Hey, I'm a bachelor now, Viv. I'm gullible. I mean elgib--no, estrang...or amb...what the fuck is that word?"
"Yeah, that one." He coughs, taking his belt off as I pick up his scattered dirty clothes and put them against his wall in a pile.
When I turn back around, I get a split-second's worth of an eyeful of him completely naked and snap back around, covering my eyes.
"Ohh...I should've told you I'm freeballing." He says.
"Just..." I turn around, keeping my eyes closed, holding my hand out for his pants so I can put them in the pile with his other clothes.
"Are you reaching for it or something?" He laughs and, again, my face is bright red.
"No, Duff, I'm not reaching for it. I need your pants." I inform him.
He laughs some more, throwing the pants my way and I take them and put them in the pile as he crawls into bed and under the covers.
"By the way, it's bigger than that." He informs me and I furrow my brows and look at him.
"It's cold in here so..."
I realize he's referring to his dick and I scream internally.
"...Okay, Duff, too much informa--"
"--I'm packing. That's all I'm saying. I'm like a can of Spam. Lotta meat in--"
"--Shh!" I blush even more, squeezing my eyes shut.
"Oh, oops."
"Jeez. Goodnight, Duff." I'm about to go sleep on the couch.
"Where ya going?" He asks me when I turn the light off.
"Sleeping on the couch."
"You can sleep in here, I can take the couch." He sits up.
"No, no. You're not gonna feel good tomorrow just sleep in here, really, it's fine."
"Well, are you gonna be okay? You don't sleeping by yourself."
I sigh, wishing it were that simple.
"Duff, we can't do that. Nikki wrote an entire song about wanting to kill me, and it was because he thinks something's happening between you and I." I explain.
"Nikki accusing you of cheating?" There's an uncomfortable wait before he says, "that's fucking rich."
"Yeah, well, he doesn't like it so out of respect for him--"
"--I don't fucking respect him." He mumbles.
"Duff, you're drunk. Just sleep it off."
"You're right. I should shut the fuck up let the universe deal him his fucking cards."
I ignore him saying so, turning to leave, but I stop myself.
I'm only here to begin with because Nikki couldn't just take me back home.
I step back to the bed, taking my heels and jacket off.
I take the extra pillow under mine and put it between us as I get into bed.
"Goodnight, Duff." I say quietly, turning my back to him.
"G'night, Viv."
Nikki would have had an absolute fit had he known, then again, I wasn't fucking Duff, I had no intention of doing so, and I told Nikki exactly where I ended up staying the next day.
The sun glitters through the window of Duff's room, hitting my face, and I blink my eyes open, feeling Duff breathing in and out.
Sometime during the night I must've broken past the pillow partition because, although I'm facing away from him, my back is pulled to his side, the side of my face is resting against his bicep, my shoulder tucked under the pit of his arm, and the arm that my face is against, is wrapped around me, his hand resting against my stomach.
I turn to look at him, seeing his peaceful expression as he sleeps contently.
My mind drifts back to that dream I once had about him.
I hate that Nikki thinks anything is going on between Duff and I, but it's my fault.
I lied about seeing him, I lied by omittion at the beginning by not even telling Nikki about him...a part of me wants to think if I were to tell Nikki about me dreaming I had sex with Duff, it'd be a wake up call that our issues are more serious than he believed.
I mean, when you're in a committed relationship and you can picture yourself having sex with someone you're close to, to the point your subconscious creates this entire fantasized scenario, there's something wrong that needs to be talked about.
But another part of me knows he'll flip his shit, call me a "whore" and probably file for divorce.
So, keeping it to myself it is.
My eyes go to my crucifix lying on the bedside table, and I reach out for it.
I taken it off last night when I felt too guilty for sweeping in the same bed as Duff, knowing Nikki wouldn't like it.
I thought if I took it off, I wouldn't feel bad anymore.
And I didn't.
When I was a teenager I would take that necklace off anytime I did something I thought my mother would disapprove of. Whether it was cheating on homework assignments, or, eventually, fucking Nikki Sixx.
I ended up picking that habit back up once Duff and I started getting closer, except instead of avoiding the disapproval of my mother, I was fleeing the disapproval of Nikki.
One thing I didn't take in to consideration, however, taking it off left me at risk for leaving a track.
Just like Mick had put together I had slept with Nikki because my crucifix was on his bedroom floor back in '81, halfway through the "Girls" tour with Guns N' Roses, I accidentally left my track on the bathroom counter in Duff's room, where Nikki went to throw up while he was hanging out with him, Slash, and Steven.
What they should teach in children's church: if you're going to sin, keep any religious jewelry or articles of clothing on.
Whomever the hell you worship already knows you're up to no good.
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greydoesthearts · 6 years
A Theorists Best Dream (fanfiction)
You just came home from work/school and decided to check on YouTube before anything else.
You know Jack's videos go up while you're away from home and usually you'd have two notifications from his channel but today there was only one notification. It was a livestream and, by the looks of it, it just started.
You decide to check it out.
The stream was titled "A Theorists Best Dream" and that peaked your interest some. You were part of the Tumblr community that theorized about Jack's egos all the time, but most importantly Anti.
You awaited the day he would reappear.
You click on the video and are immediately met by a black screen. The only sign that this wasn't an error on your device's part was the shuffling and whispering you heard come from your speaker, along with random flashes of light.
Plus the comments were full of people asking what was going on.
Then, all of a sudden, a light flashes at the camera and your screen is filled with Jack's usual room set-up.
His chair was in front of the desk and he was sitting in it, staring straight at the camera.
"Sorry about that, guys. Signe was just asking me something."
You raise an eyebrow. Why would the camera be covered?
Jack smiles innocently before continuing. "So, I started this stream because I need to talk to you guys ... live. I need immediate feedback if I'm going to show you this."
A couple small, but visible, glitches roll up the screen. He smiles again as he looks through the comments which are mostly saying stuff about Anti.
"Looks like you've already seen it, huh?" His eyes bore straight into the camera. "Welp, there's no going back now."
He keeps staring at the camera but as he does, his eyes gradually turn black and his smile more sinister. Glitches take up the entire screen before it turns black and then Anti's sitting there, in the dark, cut neck and all.
"I'm who you've been looking forward to this entire time." His voice cracks. "I am Seán. Seán is me, and you've seen it happen live."
No. It can't be!
You come out of your trance, mind racing.
You grab your phone and head onto Tumblr where everyone is going crazy about this sudden show.
One post in particular sticks out to you:
"Guys. It might be live but remember what happened at the beginning of day 2 of the Save the Children livestream? Anti showed up in the window so this could be edited the same way."
You nod your head but there's doubt in the back of your mind. It's so sudden and there was no build-up.
You're not paying attention to what's happening on the stream but it's so quiet. You look up. Jack is just looking through comments, still as Anti.
Static takes up the screen as he looks up and starts to talk again.
"I've been Anti the whole time. It's always been a part of me that I've had to hide, until you guys came up with my so-called 'dark persona'."
You sit there, stunned.
"You guys gave me freedom to be who I am. It's hard to hold this side of me away. That's why I don't like to get angry at games."
You start to realize how much truth there is to this. Your phone falls out of your hand and lands on the carpet.
It's all coming around, full circle. Jack looks at the comments then furrows his eyebrows as he sees a comment that seems to confuse him at first. He decides to address it as best he can.
"Someone's asking about Halloween. You mean the Antipolcalypse of 2016; when I first started to really show my Anti side? Heh ... that ... um ..."
He seems at a loss for an explanation.
"Anti's a part of me but he can be his own being, hence why I call him as such. It's like a split personality type of thing. The battle between good and evil I suppose. I really want you guys to accept me - and this - but I'm not sure how this'll sit with you all since I've hidden it for over five years ..."
Jack trails off but you swear you can hear him mumbling to himself. More glitches. The screen goes dark then pops back up with a burst of static. Jack's back to his normal self.
"I hope this does it for you all. Like, I really hope this suffices as an explanation. I don't want anyone to get mad but there'll always be those people out there. I'm really sorry guys. Really, really sorry. I guess I'll answer a few questions to make this a little longer and to explain things I may have forgotten."
The stream goes quiet again until a knock is heard. Jack jumps then gets up to open the recording room door. Signe walks in and Jack sits back down, rubbing his neck.
"I was watching the stream and figured you may want a little back-up." She leans on the back of Jack's chair.
"That'd be great, actually."
He answers questions for the next half hour then ends the stream saying he'd post his regular videos tomorrow.
Y'all don't even know how nervous I am posting this. It's my favourite one-shot I've done so I hope you like it :)
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