#all the news ab ppl making their own companies makes me happy but i also know that sm is so well connected and supported in terms of music
husbandhoshi · 7 months
carly rae jepsen was my most listened to artist in 2023 so I get it. She's well on her way to be my top listened to artist in 2024 tbh... 😂 also agree with ksoo having a pretty good balance between acting/idol life. But I think it's because he just genuinely loves doing both things (since you wanted an ask 🤭)
no i’m SOOOO with you like when ppl hear carly rae and they’re like. Oh the call me maybe girl! like Yes but also her new stuff is soooo good!! like i think sideways was one of my most listened to songs last year
and yes i totally agree!!!! the way he lights up when he talks ab acting & when he’s w his costars makes me so happy :’) like ofc i would love to have exo in studio more often but i think there are so many things Other than ksoo being employed that make that difficult 🙄
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mykpopconfession · 4 years
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It's long but hey, thank you so much for allowing me to share my thoughts as kpop is something I do enjoy but I like to look at it from other points of view, how it looks to me from various perspectives, not just as face value kpop fans have tantrums every time something isn't right or whenever idol does something so small and irrelevant it becomes a scandal… shocking but idols are humans and won't always perform to the fans standard.
Fans bitch and whine about how the standard of kpop industry is too harsh yet it's not the industry that is encouraging it, it's the fans themselves, they cant accept minor mistakes and everything gets taken out of context while fans claim they know the idols… ie: Jennie's “lazy” scandal.
Yet they don’t scrutinize the idols whenever they are sexist, colorist, ageist, misogynist, racist, because they can “do no wrong” or their fans, will come to save their asses… even the flipping companies encourage it because they want them to be younger. After all, it's more appealing??? but what 25+-year-old fans are going to be drawn to teens in a group? I don't even find itzy, txt appealing and their whole group’s image is directly for those of teenagers and below, the music/dances, the image, it’s all catered that specifically of a younger audience, shame, I would’ve liked them otherwise.
The younger the idols = the better publicity and the higher chances of gaining popularity by getting into “scandals” for the lack of maturity and social awareness nor are they likely to take accountability and just do whatever they please anyway because they’re idols and their fans will still claim that their age isn’t a problem or because they’re a child/teenager/minor then its okay kpop idols are so out of touch with reality that when they have some form of criticism they start banning and suing left right & center… because they live as though everyone is going to fall head over heels for them and blindly accept everything they do because most kpop fans are already blinded by their idols and cant accept when an idol says or does something disgustingly wrong nor can they accept mild criticism without getting their pitchforks out.. its a cult, no denying it. 
As lovely as the choreography might be I don't want to watch the idols if they are doing any of the above: dancing overly provocatively (especially when they may be on the minor age scale), twerking or grinding the stage or anything overly sexual at that. 
Kpop fans lap it up because its socially acceptable to objectify the idols and make them appealing because of their “dancing/performance” when it is turning them into some trend because they “danced” overly sexy/cute, that's all they amount to is the dancing side of it
TBH I found it intriguing at first but now every kpop group tries to have this “sexy” look and it just doesn't work. it’s like asking a foreigner to be interested in kpop when they act cute except its not normal to appear cute over here, it's only going to appeal to those who maybe find it intriguing or different from their own culture. 
Yet cute/sexy is all kpop idols can amount to even if it looks so uncomfortable and unpleasing to watch. alas they are idols, they’re not humans, they can twerk, dance provocatively and act cute all because the fans will enjoy it no matter what it is or who it is… age isn’t even considered but the younger the better they stand a greater chance. 
Which is like bighit canceling everyone of the older generations who maybe possess the same talent but with a maturer image and behavior… its both ageist and sexist, why is it some huge fetish that just boys in or around 1999 only for their new survival show thing i-land? I find it… odd more than exciting or interesting cause I know its just typical for the members to be more younger but less appealing to older generation cause I have nothing that I’d relate too I don't even relate to the TikTok trend because that's all it is, another trend or bandwagon. yet everyone treats it as being this incredible new thing that suddenly acceptable for young folk even though it brings so much disgusting behavior/drama along with it, its a recycled version of the vine but worse, in the same sense this is what kpop does, recycle groups once they’re less appealing to make way for the same groups but look slightly different. 2ne1/blackpink, BTS/txt yet the fans don't say nothing about how it is encouraging the sexual appeal and almost asking for fans to thirst over them because this is what “dance” supposedly should be. sexy/cute nothing in between, it's saying that idols should portray this image cause it’s more appealing than the music itself. if the male idols show their abs/skin even better, females? wear the most uncomfortable looking clothing and ur good to go. 
The kpop sounds now have become about the group's image, level of popularity, as opposed to actual talent, creative freedom and ability to give off a genuine performance that doesn’t include anything generic or robotic image. its got to be loud, bright, vivid because its all for the dance/sexual appeal of both the male and female gender is almost aligned with the concept for it.
The lyrics can be as disgusting as they please because its okay, its only kpop. any lyrics are acceptable, bts got called out for their lyrics in one song yet not in any of the others? same for other groups, so few call out the lyrics because lyrics mean nothing. it's about the visual appeal of the groups and the kind of fame they gather from it alone so you can have the visuals but do the bare minimum and not have much stage presence but be classed as a main singer or dancer, its okay fans will lap it up no matter what it is. also, I’ve noticed the same sound being used across several groups depending on the concept of the song… repetitive much? why does kpop fear change or standing out? why get idols to become something they are not ie: whitening their naturally beautiful dark skin, have idols who don’t need to, lose weight. it's not the company its the idols encouraging it because it's acceptable and normalized to be anything other than thick, natural and healthy. 
Ppl act like trying to shove kpop into the western music genre will make it appeal any better, the fans act like they couldn’t see the racism coming, but that's what happened bts were forced into a culture that had nothing to do with them because in western we generally hop from one bandwagon to the next and just roll with it since it's popular it must be good.
ie: one direction, psy, 5 seconds of summer and now bts… how do so many don't see the pattern nor did they see bts coming? you expect Asian artists to become greatly admired over here too but when you shove it in ppl’s faces and try to get it to become the next big thing, not everyone is gonna see the appeal I honestly feel like it's been forced… not by the companies but by the international fans. now instead of trying to gain popularity in their home country kpop groups try too hard to appeal to the western market… you can’t even deny how vastly generic bts’ music has become SINCE they hit the American music awards or whatever it was. note: they didn’t even win awards for their music, but simply their popularity is what got them there
I loved boyz with fun, despised boy with Luv yet because they’ve been in the American industry’s eyes they put it out what has become popular just using their language… well sometimes, even idol, what could’ve been a great song with a nice meaning missed some marks, as in the overuse of auto-tune has become almost normal for them? vs using natural vocal abilities, I'm no coach but straining one's voice to hit a high note in a slow song doesn’t sound healthy. when all bts have done in the past is upbeat music is why they struggle to maintain high notes in slow songs because they’ve followed the same music style for so long then suddenly changed it so their voices don't match softer songs… which I’d appreciate more of instead of just dark lyrics and over-hyped upbeat poppy music.
ie: I loved the sound for serendipity, but the lyrics weren’t as good and Jimin kinda struggled to sing it well enough both in-studio and live, however its one of my more favorite songs. I’d also appreciate a slower gentle song that isn’t about a relationship too thanks looking @ you euphoria. 
You think it's about the music, lyrical side of it but I disagree, it's merely the concept of yet another boy group that's sadly taken over in the most overbearingly forced way possible and you all act like the racism wasn’t going to occur. nct had an incredibly shit time in America during their tour its because it's not meant for America, its trying force kpop to become something it's not just to fit in with western music taste. I miss when they did full songs in Korean now they do English full versions with hella cringe-worthy lyrics and expect them to blow up or become the next big thing. 
I’ve been walking with the cheese and the queso????? if ur happy and u know it clap ur hands???? theses ones make me laugh more than wanting to listen repeatedly, they throw them in there simply to appeal to western music, no matter if its a bad lyric, doesn't make sense or is cringe-worthy. 
Kpop is built for Korean consumption it's great to see it's expanded however, its in the wrong directions for the wrong appeal. bts did not pave the way when psy also existed the same year they debuted. bts tried to get a following in America but failed because naturally psy was almost made fun of for just being an Asian doing what he does best yet the hype quickly dyed down & everyone moved on until bts came into the scene… so far behind than when they should’ve gone viral years before. not the companies fault but merely the appeal of the image/music wasn’t suited to the western music genre so when they become familiar more with America they switched the songs to sound pop-like… nothing wrong but less appealing than their original image/music, which I prefer, I’d say it started to change with not today era. 
The only reason being bts have stuck around now is because of the boy group concept even if the lyrics aren’t that great when translated into English, they’ve already tried and IMO, failed to push their music into the western music industry and they’ve won awards solely based on the fandom/popularity alone kpop has become less and less about the music, energy of the performances, now it's about if they look right together as a group. how the group as a whole appeal to the fans and what makes the fans blinded by them… which is essentially their sex appeal, whether the idols are grown women or men or even teenagers, who might be uncomfortable with fans lusting after them. whether they’re dancing sexy or acting somewhat cute doesn’t matter because it's become acceptable and a must if you want to be an idol so fans can thirst over them. 
Sorry not sorry but kpop has become much less about the music itself and see what is trendy puts it to music and calls it the next big thing. which is a shame I love the language I love how it sounds in the songs & I also love that it encourages me to learn the language that's more appealing than the group image/songs itself but they’re letting looks matter to the point where groups are mistreated abroad by both media and fans alike all because of this group image concept. nct getting mixed up with bts was pure racist but how can they fail to tell how different they are? wait, no, any Asian boys in a group must be considered to be bts… see its just one hype train after the other, even Astro got mixed and when parasite become popular and rightly won the awards some were racist. Trump's comment was appalling but at least he got the country right, yes, everything that's become popularised in America is from South Korea, gold star for that. 
Its the concept of boy groups. not the music itself. if it were music then day6 would have a similar appeal, gain the same momentum as bts/nct have done, yet because they differ from the typical dance style boy group they won't gain the same effect as their counterparts, bts / nct & whoever else. 
Yet they’re still appealing to the wider international audience and did very well with their tours, same for the rose, they don’t trend in the same way boy groups do but have some form of appeal because it’s a different concept/image style altogether than the way bts / nct, etc are put together but still they don’t have the same effect as some of the more dance-based groups have because its a different genre but still from the same industry…
Different genre means less appealing or less popular but I’d say day6 are doing better, producing a greater amount of pleasing music, with reasonable lyrics but don't receive the same amount of popularity. compare to bts / nct who follow similar styles mixed up of what is trendy and call it a day. whereas kpop dance groups throw anything out there and its okay cause fans will lap it up too.
It's not the song that got blackpink to Coachella, its purely the appeal of yet another young women based group, again solely so they can push the feminism, girl power movement through their “songs” but it's their image of youthful cutely acting girls that gains the attention of western men/women… little mix tried it so why not blackpink, heck even fifth harmony failed to maintain the popularity because the appeal wasn’t there in the songs, but they were females in a group, therefore, they must have some form of appeal to the public / recent trends, bandwagons
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manishbhutada · 6 years
Where we Eat – How it affects our Spiritual growth (& why I’m uneasy @ someone’s home)
We know that ‘we are what we eat & that we become what we eat’.. but is it true that we reprogram our spiritual-self based on ‘Where we eat’? Our spiritual progress is in a directly-proportional relation with what, how & where we eat.
Ever since my childhood.. and more so as I grew older.. I have always found it uncomfortable eating at someone else’s home.. even If they were close family or friends.. I was comfortable with the idea of eating at a restaurant occasionally, but eating at other ppl’s home/s always made me nervous. I found myself very uncomfortable visiting ppl’s residences or personal spaces. At any Grahpravesh or functions (as is customary for the host to show the guests their new homes) I would not enter any vacant private rooms or move around the house even with the host in the company (what business do I have there I often wonder).. I would restrict myself to the common public area only. When invited to someone’s place I would feel so awkward.. I would restrict myself to sitting in a living area with my body tugged-in and feeling dysfunctionally awkward of my current situation.. even drinking offered water would be a struggle, let alone eating. Saying this, there would be people places & homes (sometimes completely unknown.. complete strangers) where I would find myself completely at ease.. I could be at a few such homes & locations for ages.. I could spend time with these people (acquaintances or strangers), eat & relish what was offered to me.. I would feel in my own comfort zone… STRANGE.
Then I would wonder why? Why I was so different from my parents, wife, sister or all those spiritual gurus who bless others homes so frequently.. they would be so at ease & I.. so difficult with myself? It was never the grandeur or the humbleness of the hosts home/place or their type of food which made this change in me.. I could be at a palace with the most scrumptious meal & still feel out of place.. or be super comfortable at a very simple home eating dal-chawal with my host.. & vice-versa (although I have never been a dal-chawal person all my life.. the way to my heart is through my stomach.. but what food/cuisine pleases my heart any given day has always been a mystery.. in simple words.. I’m difficult with my food).Was this a problem in me? Was it because I was an introvert & my parents, wife, others extroverts? But again, my grandparents were similar to me.. and I have come to know with time there are so many like me.. so.. nothing is wrong.. I am not strange.. thank god.. but why do I behave this way?
I have solved this puzzle in the past few years but it still very difficult to explain to my hosts why I find it difficult to be at their homes or eat with many observing at a party (even if it’s at my own home).. I don’t even try with 95%.. I don’t have to. Leading an extremely timed lifestyle makes it easy for me – I simply have 10’s of other commitments always,, so that still continues to be my saving grace.. and most hosts know this.
Let me quickly summarize the superficial excuses why many like me don’t eat at random homes & parties: - Veg/Non-veg, egg/egg-less, allergy headaches; - Hygiene & cleanliness; - Mood attitude & behavior of the cook while preparing & serving.. which later alters the mood & behavior of the eating guest; - The devouring of the nourishment from the food with so many hungry eyes gazing (grazing might be the accurate word :)) the food being served.. their thoughts feelings energies all getting attached to the common displayed food which makes a ‘khichdi of the spiritual energy’ of the displayed food once consumed;
Now let me tell you the actual reason why ppl like me find it difficult eating at random hosts & parties… coz of the ‘Puristic nature of our spirituality’.. (not literally, but saying so as I’m lacking a word which can better explain it here).. meaning? Let me explain using the spiritual philosophy of Yoga: Our Sthool Sharir (physical body) connects to our Atma via our Mann Buddhi Chitta ego (Sukshma Sharir – spiritual body). The physical body’s energy requirements are fulfilled by eating food which in turn fulfills the energy requirements of our spiritual self. The food we eat not only provides calorific energy for our physical body but it also keeps spiritual energy markers.. i.e. the process of cooking food preserves or destroys physical energy sources of the cooked food.. whereas the mood of the cook while cooking, the source of food, the thoughts of ppl watching the served cooked food, etc changes the spiritual markers of the food.. in turn changing the way the food energy modulates spiritual patterns of the consumer.
If we introduce too many new things in our daily routine our brain gets confused and eventually gets exhausted & shuts down. Similarly.. spiritual energy derived from the consumed food nourishes the sukshma sharir.. if there is a khichndi of spiritual energies in the consumed food.. the sukshma sharir gets confused.. so a puristic sukshma sharir would waste resources weeding out random unwanted spiritual inputs from the consumed food energy.. its simpler for such puristic spiritual sukshma sharirs to keep the source of their food energy aligned to their own spiritual sukshma sharir energy needs.Why fill the brain with unrequired information? It is very difficult to unlearn what is learnt.. memories & experiences stay long in the brains. Similarly, why take unnecessary baggage of unrequired spiritual experiences of others which may not directly contribute in our own spiritual journey..  it is difficult to clear out unrequired spiritual influences from the sukshma sharir. Why create a mess unnecessary when it can be avoided in the first place.. hai na. Travelling in a lighter vehicle (our sukshma sharir) helps us reach the destination faster and with less fuel burnt.. adding too many ppl & luggage (unrequired spiritual inputs) in the car would slow us down & burn more fuel. Unless of course, you’re a bus (a Guru) with abundant fuel energy and plenty of place for many fellow travelers (lok kalyan). A bus is not always better or worse.. a lighter car can also do the job & vice versa.. it depends on what every vehicles purpose & chosen path is.
Let me give you another analogy: a person with ‘O+ve blood group’ can easily receive blood from anyone.. but someone with a rare ‘AB –ve blood group’ would have problems receiving blood from other blood groups. So certain awakened spiritual beings like Gurus can take the spiritual profile of everyone in their personal stride while in their own spiritual journeys.. and there are others like me who are very ‘Puristic’ in their approach of spiritual growth. Not that one is better than the other.. they are just different. Just like having an ‘O blood group’ would not make someone a better or worse person compared to someone with an ‘AB blood group’..  they both are the same but their needs different.. similarly here as ‘purists’ our spiritual paths & needs a little different..  that’s it. So what makes ppl like me comfortable to eat at our own homes? Family members are bound together by their prarabdhs.. they share similar spiritual traits.. grandparents, parents, siblings, spouse, kids have similar patterns of spiritual consciousness.. they may be on separate individual spiritual journeys but have certain commonalities. Even if not similar, with time our spiritual personalities and needs automatically get adjusted to these differences, our sukshma sharir learns to differentiate as it adjusts to the shared living. Regardless, we may still like eating XYZ cooked by our mothers & ABC cooked by some1 else in the family.. we may prefer sitting with some specific person in our family while having meals.. similar spiritual personality types at that moment in your life journeys you see.
‘Namak ka Rinn utarna’? Why do we take gifts to invited parties.. why do we invite others for lunch/dinner when we were invited by them.. marriages B’D parties functions - why counter invites or gifts? Namak ka Rinn utarna. We want to reciprocate energy exchange for what we consume. Gurus repay this Rinn (debt) by sharing wisdom.. elders by their blessings.. close family & friends with their good wishes.. Mandir Prasad consumption by Dakshina.. restaurant food by paying the charges which the restaurant feels is appropriate for their food services. Eating at appropriate restaurants is OK with me.. and I’m not a hypocrite coz of this.. how? Mom often asks why I’m so fussy with home invitations when I enjoy eating at select restaurants? When eating at a restaurant it is just the physical body energy needs which get taken care off (& the taste buds ).. the complete fee for the food & service charges as decided by the restaurant negates most other energy markers. Regardless, I would be wary eating the same food if other eyes are grazing over my ordered food.. or if the waiter doesn’t seem happy (I try not to argue with the cook or waiter).. it’s not full proof (& I do have my share of misadventures with energy crossfires) but it mostly negates other effects.. regardless.. lesser the better. There’s a reason why restaurant food is not called Prasad and why we don’t pay fees for Mandir Prasad.
Why is it that refusing to accept offered Prasad (which is made with pure bhakti for the divine) is considered ‘paap’? How does eating or not eating Puja Prasad adds or alters our spiritual journeys? So how is eating Prasad different? Why we should accept puja Prasad? Prasad is supposed to be cooked with pure bhakti towards the supreme while cooking.. i.e. the spiritual energy of the cook, the prepared Prasad food & the consumer all are in alignment with the supreme.. all focused to the Ishta Devta.. there is no mix-up of spiritual frequencies.. all 3 energies.. the cook, prepared Prasad food energy & the consumers energies are all in alignment with the ishta devta for whom the Prasad was prepared & offered. Our Sthool sharir (outer body) is doing puja with our Mann Budhi & chitta (sukshma sharir) concentrated on our Ishta Devta. So consuming offered Prasad & digesting to harvest the energy from the Prasad completes the circle of worship to fully benefit in terms of energy quotients. Not accepting the Prasad would make the spiritual benefit of the Puja incomplete for the devotee {As always conditions apply you see.. all this true if Puja & Prasad all done with pure bhakti in the hearts of the hosts & the guests.. if not this is just superficial talk needing no explanation}.
This blog’s getting long.. so let me just add a few random pointers for you to ponder upon (I might cover each of them at length in separate future blogs): - Languages, religion & spirituality get processed in similar ways in our brains. Certain languages derived from certain source codes are more aligned with certain religions & their associated spiritual (or not) patterns. I don’t know much about foreign languages.. but I can tell you that languages from the Indian subcontinent have a similar source code.. they come from the same source.. some still very close in their resemblance to the source & others little away. So, (thinking talking & brain processing with) the Indian sub-continent languages are more suited to the spiritual paths (which we loosely call religions) derived from the womb of the Indian subcontinent. Putting simply.. brain processing in Latin or English would make it difficult to achieve spiritual growth through the ways and processes researched developed & fine-tuned over the centuries in the Indian subcontinent.. it would make it a KHICHDI of sorts for a beginner.
- Our educational backgrounds contribute to our spiritual personalities & vice-versa. Let me give you my own example.. a doctor degree in health matters makes me want to look deep within and explore; my puristic behavior comes from my PhD (mastery & focus on a single area of interest); pursuit of an MBA is reflected in my lateral thinking across spirituality.. multi-cuisine food habits; my interest in learning anything new & different.. a sign of exploring solutions to my spiritual needs by different means.
I take a top-down approach to my spirituality.. I connect to the supreme.. & through the supreme, I get connected to all. My parents& others in my family, spiritual Guru’s.. they take a collective bottom-up approach to spirituality.. i.e. they connect the life-force energy with others.. and in so connect spiritually with the supreme. Next time if you find someone like me behaving interesting at your home or party.. it is not necessary they are acting pricey or high-headed.. it could simply be that their spiritual profile is needing them to be so. Jai Maa Annapurna Devi.
PS: I am glad I have a successor to this puristic lifestyle of mine.. my younger daughter is already showing many similar signs. Just like my mother has had a hard time thanks to my special innate ‘nakhrae’ (as she would often call them).. I’m looking fwd to how my wife deals with these ‘nakhraes’ of our little darling. Perhaps she would read this & it would help.. perhaps all my hosts read this so I don’t have to explain or feel awkward to make them feel awkward coz of my awkwardness at their place. I love all of them.. it’s just that some of us have different spiritual needs.. some of us are highly spiritually attuned.. please understand.. won't you 
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