#all the more reason for me to finish je i need so badly to replay 0
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kenzan-kiwami · 1 year ago
NO i love it too!! livejournal itself was a bit before my time but i've done wordpress comment sections before lol
always made me so sad that kiryu doesn't find out about the HLA until after kashiwagi dies, and also that i never finished that part of the game when i played 3 because i had INTENSE gun boss memories from kiwami and i was convinced it would be the same in 3 for some reason??
full disclosure, i never played y4, but that's really interesting to know about. also really funny to me because i swear half of the things we know about kashiwagi come from things other people say about him (bad back anyone)
thinking about it now though i imagine kazama and dojima's families merging in the 90s and then eventually taking over the family himself would have brought a lot of capital into kashiwagi's hands that he could have put towards starting the HLA up - i seem to remember them saying kamuro castle was like a theme bar at some point before they repurposed it, which was why it was outfitted like a dungeon? but yakuza 3 is on my replay list for good reason lol
0 too, for kazama reasons... it would make sense he's not as popular as kashiwagi for those reasons especially, and in general i think the games seem to present him as kind of an asshole despite kiryu as the main protagonist being informed by things kazama said or did through every step of his life. i know a lot of people in this fandom love to meme on him being a shit dad, and i do find it really funny too until it starts to broach "i hate kazama unironically and i think he's completely terrible and irredeemable" fanonisation territory cause it's so disingenuous to his character. but i do think that mentality and the lack of in-depth kazama analysis propagate each other in a sort of feedback loop
hah, might have to open up my docs while it's quiet at work next week... he deserves a treat. and nishiki deserves to have a moment of being portrayed as competent for once by organising informal dinner for his bros. :) but i think i would need to go back and play some pokecir and real estate minigame before i feel comfy writing about it hehe
I HAVE thought about the pre-fight ficlet though. i'm not super confident in my ideas, but i love the thought of them coming out of an alley next to cafe alps and kashiwagi offering to buy majima a coffee before they beat the shit out of each other, cause he walks into the office looking like he got dragged backwards through a bush and i think (especially by that point in the game) kashiwagi can absolutely relate and sympathise. i think for me at the moment my biggest singular issue is stringing things together in a way that flows well & generally what i've written since i was a preteen has been very short scenes or moments that don't require a lot of thought towards pacing or intensive dialogue lol
but yeah, reuse ga gotoku is real lol. i dug up kashiwagi AND that giant-ass dragon from 7 in gaiden's files when i was looking for shishido, and idk maybe they use the dragon somewhere but DEFINITELY NOT WAGI <\3 them not re-rendering the orphanage pic is why i'm so crazy about what's going down with haruka in 8 because they redid her princess league scene in dragon engine and i'mmmmm very interested in what this might entail
the cap's actually from nanba's drink link! i think that scene from 7 is the only one i haven't managed to dig up yet in those big cutscene videos (because that's basically my only option if i want to watch 7 with jpn audio) but mobile makes it so hard to navigate sixteen hour uploads : ( Some Day when i'm at my own PC
i still just can't believe everyone who finished the game saw that scene and then only like three or four people started writing about them together LOL
(screenshotting the replies and posting because i feel weird replying from my main <\3 hope you don't mind the ping @startledpixel )
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i never even thought about it happening that way... haha... excuse me while i go scream in a corner for a couple of minutes
it ties in really well to the sort of recurring motif i see through his life that the only time he's allowed to be truly happy with himself and his place in the world is after his "death" and recovery. kazama is a very complicated character to think about when it comes to his motivations and his relationships with the people he's close with - i don't think he's very good at prioritising his emotional investments (nishiki being the obvious example, but also the way he doesn't send any letters to kiryu in jail until the last day before his parole), so to add an extra layer of tragedy to the whole thing i like to think that he hadn't been making as much time for kashiwagi towards the end than he maybe could have been. not in a premeditated disloyalty sense, of course, but he's got his hands more than full with the whole embezzling 10 billion yen from the tojo coffers gambit... kashiwagi being the way he is though would be all the more desperate for reconciliation, and to then not get it before kazama kicks it would be the icing on the shit cake
but yeah KNOWING adachi was in the building with everyone else must have been like reliving his second-worst nightmare... meeting this man he thought he'd be able to settle down with for the first time in sixty odd years but still constantly having to worry after him. i still adore no idling as an exploration of those feelings after the fact & i find myself coming back to it an awful lot as someone who doesn't generally read fiction more than once or twice unless i'm trying to find something specific (if you may allow me my nerd moment)
it's something i would love to explore more myself, but i don't really feel i have the means to do it in a way in which i'd enjoy the end product... but i suppose that's what commissions are for!
ANYWAY, apparently, everyone kiryu meets in his side story gives him some kind of reward, and i'm having A Time thinking about what he might get from kashiwagi. i'm trying not to set myself up to be disappointed by what happens, but there's a big part of me that hopes kashiwagi pulls "suzuki" to the side and leaves whoever else on the bar for a while so they get a chance to actually catch up. i think at this point both of them really need something like that, because i doubt there's any way kashiwagi didn't get the news that kiryu "died" in 2016
the other big thing that's got me physically shaking is the idea they might finally namedrop him. and uuhhh if they still let us karaoke at survive then i hope judgement gets its own cinematic. : )
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