#all swvn ocs
ghooostzone · 2 months
old art pile (sweven) (ft others)
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its old their old designs/stories plus 3 scrapped characters (+cadenza who's a misc oc + those charas from traffic jam (the song))
funnily all the scrapped ocs here were involved with wayne except for that mysterious x eye person... maybe they were an early monster hunter
i'm assuming that one comic is wayne seeing his old music rival again n her recognizing him
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ghooostzone · 2 years
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i made a habit of drawing very tiny heads for (most of) my ocs n updated them whenever i made a new one or changed a character’s design
here’s all of them this year + the emojis i made for discord
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ghooostzone · 1 year
i wrote at 2 am again
MAJOR RELATIONSHIPS (story relevant)
Alec + Wayne: They’ve been together for almost a decade by now; they’re a really lovey-dovey type of married couple. Often not really in public though – Alec gets shy about physical PDA. As mentioned in their bios, Wayne is very flirty with Alec. He’s also really clingy and a bit too loud about his love sometimes. Alec sees his husband as one of the people who saved him and likewise Wayne sees Alec as the one who saved him, too.
When they first met, both of them were emotional wrecks – Alec even offered to kill Wayne. They ended up supporting each other well and came out of it with a healthier relationship. Though, Alec was super awkward when they started being an actual couple because he wasn’t used to the affection and couldn’t wrap his brain around someone being in love with him. Wayne has much more relationship experience than him.
They have a shared interest in different forms of art. They often cook together but Wayne’s sense of taste is off, especially with sugar (he can’t taste it well), so he’s prone to messing up. Alec helped Wayne learn how to fight.
To go more into detail about their meeting mentioned earlier: This happened while Alec was on his “death mission”. He ran into Wayne in a ghost town right as the other man had awoken as a vampire. Noticing how distressed and afraid he was, Alec said this: “If you want me to kill you I will. If you don’t want to die, then live. If you need time then you can travel with me and we’ll die together.” This strange way of reaching out was normal for Alec at the time. It’s his chosen method of pretending to be cold. Wayne took the offer to travel.
Deeper thoughts on them/ Author’s note: My main thing I want to show with them is just, a very very very powerful love. It was a love that shouldn’t’ve lasted long at all – the type that normally wouldn’t end healthily due to the circumstances it was born in. There are signs of that in how they can’t be apart; how Wayne’s vampiric urges are aimed towards Alec. But ultimately they’re helping each other and the people around them in more ways than even they realize with the push of this love.
Alec + Sam (warning for animal death) Most people never met Prince Samuel in person as he was confined to the castle. He had moments where he snuck out, though, which is how he had his first conversation with Alec. Samuel was in the middle of killing a rat, not understanding exactly why himself. The knight treated him not as royalty, not as unsettingling, but as a child. Gave him a simple lecture and washed the boy’s hands the same way he would've done with his niece. Alec’s understanding attitude made Samuel imprint on him immediately. Sneak-outs started happening more often. Alec would give him drawings, kickstarting Samuel’s interest in art as well as nature. They’d have casual conversations about “nothing” almost daily. And he’d call the boy “Sam”. So now Samuel was Sam. Sam knew about the rebellion plan, and when it partially failed, brought Alec to a secluded place to let the knight kill him in secret. The fact that a kid could even think of this idea devastated Alec, but Sam couldn’t understand why at the time. Of course, Alec would not do it. Sam would go on to save him from execution. Now, Sam has a room of his own in Alec’s house. “Samuel” has died and “Sam” can freely interact with people who care about him.
They mirror each other and can see that mirror clearly. Growing up mistreated, becoming standoffish and lacking affection as a result. Two people who saw themselves as tools. Two tools who believed they needed to die. They wouldn’t let each other die. Sam loves Alec to the point of risking his own life – you could call him a “doting son”. Alec doesn’t call him his son for various reasons, namely that he doesn’t think he deserves to be a dad. But Sam calls Alec his dad. He also likes copying his dad much to the man’s dismay. “Do as I say not as I do” doesn’t always work well with kids…
Alec + Miriam + Remmy All three were drafted as knights. Alec rebelled but Miriam and Remiel felt that they couldn’t. Unfortunately, this led to them being forced to fight each other almost to the death. Fortunately, none of them died. Each one has a lingering air of guilt among them regarding this for their own reasonings. Miriam’s guilt is particularly strong. Even though Alec makes it clear he forgives her, she can’t help feeling uneasy and cautious. She has no problem with continuing to work alongside Remmy, however.
Alec + Ezekiel Prior to the Queen’s death, they had only met in passing. Ezekiel was still with the church at the time. Many of it’s members regularly interacted with the knights to give prayers and medical attention.
One of Ezekiel’s only close colleagues is Phoebe, who directed him to Alec (or more like tossed the responsibility of dealing with Alec over to him) while the former knight recovered from injuries. He noticed Wayne wasn’t human and confronted Alec about it. Thinking he was the one dropping big news, Ezekiel was instead parried with: 1. Alec’s non-reaction 2. The reveal that Samuel was also living there. From then on they would work with each other.
Alec knew more about Ezekiel than the other way around due to how members of the church would gossip. Knowing the believer was trans gave Alec a sense of trust he normally wouldn’t have with any other stranger. Mutual understanding about their identities formed into a partnership too casual for the workplace.
Alec + Ty Alec’s empathy strikes again by accident, dude can’t stop making friends…! He’s patient with Ty which she appreciates greatly. Even though he jokes around, he doesn’t make her feel inadequate. Ty listens very intently to Alec but worries about coming off as annoying, or like she's putting him on a pedestal, since she knows he doesn't like that. Their relationship is sort of mentor-student, sort of friends. Ty reminds Alec of his sister. Alec seems to remind Ty of someone, but who was that again?
Ty + Orval Orval is meant to be watching over Ty as her actual mentor. That isn’t going well. Orval sees Ty as a weak, immature hunter and Ty sees Orval as an old fogey.
*Orval + Wayne Wayne has nothing against Orval but the old hunter certainly seems to have something against Wayne. The atmosphere gets very uncomfortable when it’s just the two of them.
Wayne + Sam At first, Sam didn’t actually like Wayne. He saw him as a threat to Alec’s safety. That threat level quickly diminished with the growth of their shared love of music. They now have a very deep understanding of each other. It would be easier to convey their relationship with a song, so here’s a song: Zelle OST - Zelle (ADV game Zelle ED theme)
*Wayne + Mellow, Velvet, Novalis, Celeste Mellow feels a connection to the main duo and finds themself confessing things to Wayne without understanding why. That’s the case with multiple of the non-human cast, though the rest know why they confide in Wayne. Velvet hopes he can manage to stay the way he is. Celeste’s loneliness disappears when he’s around. Novalis feels solace in meeting a demon he can reason with. And Wayne wants to help them all in whatever ways he can.
Spoiler Relationships Wayne + Velvet, Raw Siren Velvet does not want Wayne to become like her. Even though she’s lived this long avoiding killing humans, she doesn’t believe what she’s doing is truly sustainable. She has gone too far past what a normal vampire does and can no longer be satisfied with a small amount of blood. This causes her to worry she may have to kill Wayne when Dracula takes over. Siren also doesn’t want Wayne to become like him, in a different way. He was alive for so long that he lost himself. He couldn’t remember who he really was or why he was still wandering until Wayne made him remember. Siren asks Wayne to eat him, as he could no longer move on naturally.
Orval + Wayne Orval keeps drawing comparisons between his past partner Sycamore and Wayne. Due to what happened with Sycamore, he’s assumptious and resentful. The way Wayne clings to Alec, his wide smile, the look in his eyes – it all reminds Orval of Sycamore.
Orval + Sycamore They weren’t just work partners, they were inseparable. They relied on each other heavily for support to the point of being over dependent at times, not too unlike how Alec and Wayne were. Sycamore trained Orval on how to use a weapon. Orval became a hunter because Sycamore was a hunter. The latter’s death absolutely devastated the former.
Young Orval actively wanted to ignore the fact that his partner was no longer human – even dismissing the other man’s attempts to talk about it. Sycamore was so focused on doing what he saw as necessary for his studies and Orval's improvement that he stopped holding himself back. His protectiveness became warped. It all snowballed into the worst possible outcome. Now much older, the sole surviving hunter feels constantly haunted.
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ghooostzone · 2 years
(asks are on!)
🥩 ghooost - they/he/she - haitian
this is my oc-only blog! i recommend viewing the desktop version of this blog so you can see all my links
this is basically like a 2nd art-blog except i also post writings/ideas/inspirations + art of my ocs that i commission from other ppl too
main: @ghoooooooooooooooost
oc worlds: sweven, sweven: wyrd, mikko in hell, alien food, yokai (<kindof a placeholder name ig)
'misc' is used for ocs with no specific story. exceptions rn are for rene franz and victor saint-fleur; they are only tagged with their names
other non-character tags since i keep losing track of them:
thoughts, inspo talk, swvn lore, mih lore, af lore, misc lore, all swvn ocs, all mih ocs, all af ocs, swvn au, relationships, unnamed oc, creatures
site, mmd, vroid, vid, other's ocs, by others, commissioned art, comic, process, music, music doodles, scrap, stuff, fav, games, tomodachi
(btw when i put "on crepe" or "(crepe)" on a post; that's the commission site i used where you'll find the artist!)
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