#all plantonic
celestial-clownz · 2 months
I've noticed that majorwood fans are often also moonrot fans, because of limited life and divorce quartet and it's funny and stuff, so I'm curious what your thoughts on Cleo and pearl are :3c
OOH I do love myself some moonrot seriously when I get back from my vacation I need to go and see more of the two povs because I’ve only watched Joel’s and Pearls double life pov and seen clips from the divorce quartet (I love them) I was also in the middle of Bdubs limited life pov after watching Martyn
but ouagh thinking about in real life though when Cleo was like “you and scott are my favorites” like omg their girlfriend and their gay best friend
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1loer · 4 months
Komaeda loves Hinata but i think he loves his friends just as much. Sonia and Souda and Kuzuryu and Pekoyama and Nidai and Oowari and his little sister Saionji and Koizumi and his dear memories of Nanami are also so so important to him and weigh just as heavily in his heart as Hinata!!! He loves them all equally just in different ways <3 they all mean everything to him <3
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m0th-gh0st · 1 year
hi hi hi reminder that if your.my.mutal I love you dearly/p
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solar-halos · 10 months
december prompt #6: snowflakes
mr and mrs everdeen fluff under the cut! mr everdeens name is kolton and mrs everdeen’s name is grace in this btw
Mother Nature was out to get him.
She had to be. The first time Kolton even tried to kiss Grace, it got interrupted by an explosion in the mines and the upheaval of his entire day. And, when she had kissed him, he barely had time to kiss her back before the randomest fuckin’ rainstorm cut it short.
It’s one sided beef. Good thing Kolton is very good at hunting.
Grace never likes watching him hunt—she always wants to heal the animals he pierces with his arrows, which wasn’t very good for (his) business—so he waits until he’s made all his trades before he knocks on her door.
She’s wrapping a scarf around her neck, cheeks already flushed from the cold. He feels better just seeing her—kinda makes him forget that he has nothing but a flimsy jacket to protect him from the biting wind.
Who cares? Grace bites him harder.
If only he wasn’t wearing his hunting clothes. He misses all of her celebratory nibbles on the shoulders, even if he’d never admit it.
Or maybe he would. With Mother Nature conspiring against him, that might be all he’s ever gonna get.
“I’m so glad you’re here,” she’s saying, which is something he wholeheartedly agrees with. Mother Nature can’t hate him that much if they get to spend so much uninterrupted time together, so he squeezes her hand and basks in the warmth of her smile.
Snow crunches under his hunting boots. Perfect. It’s not soft enough that it immediately crumbles under their feet, but they can carve out a place to play tic-tac-toe and hopscotch. Drawing was a bit harder, but after Kolton retrieves them a stick to thwack the ground with, they manage to produce something vaguely picture-shaped.
Kolton tilts his head to the side. “A monkey?”
“Close enough,” he decides. “It’s a good drawing either way. It’s the stick that’s fuckin’ defective.”
She laughs as he tosses it to the side, as if it deeply offended him. (And it sorta has. Stupid fuckin’ splinters.) “Wanna play another game of tic-tac-toe?”
Kolton doesn’t usually like the snow—it’s so much harder to sneak up on prey when he’s shivering so hard his bones rattle outside his body—but he can see the appeal when Grace is around. Even if it’s hard as cement under their feet, and especially when Grace lays down a blanket that’s thick enough for them to sit on without getting their pants all wet.
She nestles her icy cold nose into his neck, the gesture oddly soothing against the contrast of her warm breath. He’s still hot from all the running around they did, but it’s not unpleasant. It’s kinda like drawing a bath after being knee-deep in snow, so he presses a kiss to the top of her head and leans into her some more.
“We should go to the lake someday,” he tells her, “when it warms up. I could teach you how to swim, or we could just wade out by the shallows.”
“Yeah,” she replies, even though they both know it’s an empty promise. She hasn’t had much practice with breaking rules—Capitol rules least of all. But the lake’s so pretty during the summertime that it feels more illegal that they can’t go swimming in it. “And maybe I’ll teach you how to use a syringe.”
Kolton’s stomach lurches at the thought. He could handle rabbits and bunnies and arrow-shaped holes. People were a different story.
“Point taken.”
He feels her smile against his shoulder. Now his stomach’s lurching in a completely new way.
He’s not really sure how to handle this whole kissing thing, so he leaves it up to her. Haymitch always swoons over how gentlemanly he is for that (because he’s a fuckin’ asshole), but if Kolton ever thought he needed to worry about anything more than putting food on the table, he would have started practicing this whole kissing thing sooner.
Or maybe he wouldn’t. He can’t imagine kissing anyone else other than Grace.
And, holy shit, does he kiss Grace. Her fingers curl around his shirt and he’s tilting his head to the side and then everything goes all pleasant and fuzzy for a few seconds.
And then, like clockwork, everything goes haywire.
Something cold and jarring lands on his nose, but he ignores it because Grace is parting her lips for him and he can’t believe they’ve made it this far, and it worked for a while. But then his face is practically drenched from the sudden onslaught of snow raining down on them, and so is hers, and they have to pull away before the snowflakes could fuse their faces together or something.
Snowflakes. Add that to his list of enemies.
He lets out a harsh breath through his nose, tilting his face up for proof of Mother Nature’s scorn. A snowflake plops onto his forehead. Grace wipes it away with her index finger, but she’s not any better off, so they get a move on.
They bundle up the blanket and make a break for the Hob. He holds it up over their heads as a shield, both of them giggling the whole way there, because everything is so much funnier when you’re in a relationship with the most dazzling girl in Panem.
He pulls out a stool for her, shaking off his jacket. “After you, m’lady.”
She giggles, dotting a kiss to his cheek. He leans in to kiss her back, ignoring the feeling of his waterlogged boots and snow-coated jacket.
And that’s perfectly okay. Mother Nature can’t follow him to Greasy Sae’s—there’s nothing organic going on behind that kitchen.
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raystimeatportia · 5 months
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MY BESTIE <33333333
you can hug your friends in sandrock!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is literally the most exciting improvement from portia for me
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morsartis · 1 year
Somewhere you could hear distant music, the notes soft and faint to the point you could delude yourself into thinking it was only in your head. The music coupled with the open window and the gentle breeze that would sway through your curtains created a sort of softness to the atmosphere. Or maybe it was the lethargy caused by the summer heat. You could never be too sure on that one. Laying on your bed you continued to lazily card your fingers through soft white curls. He’d fallen asleep some time ago and you were pleased to know he was getting any decent sleep at all. His weight was a comfort, head pillowed slightly below your chest and one arm wrapped underneath you around your waist. Had someone told you he was cuddly you might have laughed, but in a way it made a strange sort of sense. He was a twin after all, once upon a time he’d been so close to another as to share the same womb. You wondered if that was a thing with twins, if they’d spend their whole lives craving that sort of closeness with somebody. 
It had to be lonely if so. 
Your eyes drifted to your ceiling, the stars you’d placed there sometime in your youth when things were simple and you had yearned for the vastness of space to swallow you whole. Even pain, even suffering, had seemed simple then. But that had been long ago and you would never know how to explain to that younger self of yours what had led to your current situation. You couldn’t really explain it to anyone at all. Nails lightly scratching along his scalp you tried to recall when this closeness the two of you had had started but that moment was a blur amongst soft niceness you’d shown him since you had known him. It was in your nature to be kind and you had long stopped trying to deny yourself the urge to tend to others. Just as it had been in your nature to be cruel so that you could not be hurt. 
In his sleep Pietro shifted, tightening his hold. A freed hand shimmied under your body, curling loosely around a shoulder blade, before he settled. Wrapping an arm over the lean expanse of his back you let him curl close and intimate. Despite the intimacy there was no desire there. No lust. Just a warmth from the unspoken trust between you. In all the time you had known him he had been a friend and an enemy and a companion. A myriad of complicated truths and history between the two of you. 
An old friend.
Watching him now in his vulnerable sleep your eyes found the scars that peeked from underneath his shirt. The faded burns of hateful fire, the jagged scratches of war, and the stinging straight slashes of betrayal. When you had first tried to know him he’d been wild-eyed with stolen youth. Expecting a knife in the back that you never gave. He was cruel then, cruel in his suffering for fear of much the same. You had your moments of cruelty too back then. Time and experience had curbed that cruelty and dulled it with compassion and melancholy. He carried with him a great never ending sadness behind quick wit and sharp barbs. Once, when he’d been vulnerable and you had simply been there he spoke of a community afraid to love him in fear he’d be snatched from them. Of a time and place where his differences didn’t just affect him but his entire family. How he strived to embrace his own culture with the hope it would be brave enough to embrace him back. The fear his mother had, his aunt you would learn but she had always been his mother in his eyes, that he would be taken from her simply because he looked different than what the world thought the Roma should look like. That one day someone would snatch her own child from her and claim he’d been stolen from them instead. You would have liked to claim that you’d had an intelligent reply to that confession but you’d been younger then and newer to the world- suffered in different ways to the man that would become your friend- all you had been able to do was listen and offer him a hand to hold. Miraculously that had seemed to be enough for a while. You had educated yourself after that, made a better effort to understand so that he wouldn’t have to explain at every turn. 
Perhaps that had been a turning point between the two of you, one of many. A genuine attempt at understanding him when he felt isolated. Or perhaps that had been a mere moment and the turning point had been something else. Either way you had gotten to know him and he in turn had gotten to know you. Despite the terrible things you were both capable of, despite the way you had both hurt each other at times, despite every hurtle and thorn and fight between the two of you somehow you had managed to hold onto each other. You would never be sure if the way you wordlessly let him in and out of your life was healthy, if the hurt between the two of you ran deeper than either of you were comfortable admitting, but you had your moments. Moments as soft as this where the two of you were simply people. Simply seeking comfort. You could live with that. With knowing that Pietro found comfort when he needed it not just from his sister but from a friend. 
Even at your most terrible you had never denied him that. Even at his. Maybe that made you foolish, but you couldn’t deny that it could be sweet. Rubbing a hand over his back you closed your eyes, letting the afternoon heat lull you. In your bones you knew something would call him away, that some disaster or world altering tragedy would ask for him, demand his help in blood. But for the moment it was you and him in the safety of your childhood bed, a moment suspended in time and softness. For now there was the surety of comfort, the steady weight on top of you and the warmth of skin. A togetherness you rarely shared with anyone else. 
For now that was enough.
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emile-hides · 2 years
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This took me literally all day but I feel very correct in my takes so at least that’s something.
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miscreantbread · 9 months
haven’t responded to my friend in months and they just sent me the nicest text back and told me they love so i’m gonna cry at work
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universestreasures · 9 months
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Let Me Assign You An Affection Language
An Undoing Influence
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Can someone tell you what to do? You have been carrying so much love within you for so long it is starting to turn into anger (why does it matter, all you see is red anyways) and you have been dragging this body through each day and every night you are split open on your bed and it is so so so lonely. If someone were to walk in while you were on your bed that way and they stitched you back in a new way, lining the seams with their love and kisses, you’d probably find this dreary world a little more bearable. You want someone to turn you over and over until you look in the mirror and see yourself looking back at yourself with a gentleness which has been lacking in you since forever.
Tagged By: @devildukem (TY Levi!)
Tagging: The Dash!
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Have some more Fruits Basket memes using the same template (because I'm unoriginal it's so versatile).
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(I'm only refering to the toxic ones but that wouldn't fit unfortunately)
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& what i wished happened -
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crayonverse · 2 years
i think my fav thing about my fic so far is the friendship i made up between solar-flare and blue tornado . these two have barely any character and yet. here they are. losers.
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kayspaceprince · 1 year
Having emotions rn bc I went to a panel on anime and asexuality at this con and the host pointed out there is a legit different social code at cons and it’s SO NICE
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sparkleplatypuswriter · 10 months
The weirdest fic I will probably ever write, at least in terms of pairing. But I just could not handle our dear Margo alone in Moscow without a friend.
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nyukyusnz · 1 year
we're rlly good friends actually! i love him so much (platonically!)
and noo im not sleepy yet haha so no sleep for now
thats nice !! i hope all goes well however this goes </3
also pls dont sleep too late ‼️😭😭 you still need rest lol <3
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Can you do headcanons for a young child reader who constantly follows jax around, loves physical affection, and thinks jax is their 'dad'?
(Obviously this request is plantonic, not romantic!)
I think I might've went a little overboard with this one! Way longer than most of my posts but I guess that isn't really a bad thing ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
Jax unwillingly becomeing a parent
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★ His first and only question was how the hell did a four year old get in this situation. The headset should have been way out of reach for you. Questions that will never be answered, I guess.
★ After making you cry the first time he spoke to you he tried to steer clear of you. That worked out horribly because you seemed to want to always be near him. Much to everyone's confusion.
★ "oh my! Looks like the little one has taken an interest in you!" Was Cain's response to seeing you huddled up near Jax. At some point he gets a child harness to keep you in his line of sight. It's just easier this way.
★ By the way he didn't mean to make you cry, he just didn't know how young you were and said something he would've said to an adult. Kids cry easily, what are you gonna do?
★ Jax stole a few pillows from Kinger for you to sleep with. Yes, you don't technically need to sleep but he's not going to tell you that. Nap time is one of the only times he can get a moment to himself.
★ He gets beyond pissed when you get woken up during nap time. To the point where he's barely keeping it together and wants to beat whoever woke you up with a chair leg.
★ If you want to be picked up, then he's picking you up. It doesn't matter if he's talking to somebody or doing something. You'll get picked up while he's doing something and without missing a beat he'll continue like nothing happened.
★ Instead of giving you the usual Jax treatment, he just tells you the most outlandish lies while trying to convince you that they are true. Sometimes he tells you something that sounds so true you don't question his bullshit.
There's a list of things he's told you!
If you push down on Ragatha's nose it will make a honking noise.
There's a secret room hidden in a closet filled with veggies for people who are allergic to meat.
Birds aren't real.
When he was your age, he was a year older. (It took you a moment to figure that one out)
Caine is the tooth fairy.
★ Jax isn't known for his empathy, but he does feel conflicted when you talk about small details from your life before meeting him. What color your house was, the lullabies your mother sang and the books you used to be read. It all makes him think.
★ You're family might be looking for you, not knowing where you are and that you're trapped. Do you even realize this? They probably think you're dead, that something terrible happened to you. Those thoughts make his stomach sink.
★ If he cares about you this much he can only imagine the grief your family feels. You will forever be a blissfully ignorant child not knowing the truth of what's really going on.
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batsythoughts · 3 months
Can I request a plantonic yandere batfamily x innocent female reader.
Summary: Reader is a professional figure skater. The batfamily goes to the skating rink to see one of to see skaters practice skating,that's until they first meet you. Ever since then they started to go to the rink to watch you skate,soon you are getting stalked home every night and then kidnapped.
I am so sorry that it took so long to get to your request, it was a very emotional month. But I did not forget about it. I am trying a mix of the bullet point writing I do on here and the traditional style of writing for when it's dialog heavy.
So without further ado, Yandere! Batfam with Professional Figure Skating Reader!
It had only happened because Cass had won a bet after making the most busts in a week while on patrol, so she got to choose a family activity they would all have to do
She had picked that they go to the ice rink because there was a performance from a national group that was going to be in Gotham for a couple of months that she had seen online
Bruce had even paid to have the rink to the family so they could even try skating themselves before having to go on patrol
Bruce had gotten seats that were within the first few rows so they could get a terrific view without having the glare of the glass messing with the experience
They had gotten there an hour before the show so everyone, including Alfred, could get the seat that they prefered
Dick and Alfred seemed to be the most interested along with Cass while the others patiently wait for the whole ordeal to be over with
When the lights went down and the show finally began, everyone focused on the ice as the performers came to the ice
They all watched in awe as the music played overhead while the skaters meticulously moved across the ice
Bruce occasionally glanced over at Cass to see her grinning as her eyes followed every moment she could
At the part of the show when there was a ballad, two of the performers went to the center while the rest went to the edges
Bruce had felt Cass place a hand on his arm while leaning forward to the edge of her seat
He had fully expected her to be looking at the duo at the center as they did their act
Instead, he watched as she nudge Damian while pointing at the skater that was resting in front of their section
He noticed them both focus solely on her while she and the others did small circles around before stopping in their original spots
He glanced between his children and the performer as he took in the fact his kids were in two separate states of awe
Bruce himself even felt his brow furrow as he watched the girl shift expressions and blink while trying to hold back a smile
He looked over at the others in his group as he made eye contact with most of the boys who were seeing the same thing as him
When the ballad ended, Bruce noticed that Damian and Cass were focusing on the one skater instead of the main performance
Dick and Jason both shared a look before individually making eye contact with Bruce to silently ask what was going on
They only got a shake of the head before turning back to the show
They all applauded when it had finally come to an end and they watched the skaters leave the rink and audience filed out
Bruce and Alfred quickly guided everyone back out to the car to grab their jackets and skates that they had gotten earlier that day
They all made their way back into the empty building as the performers all were walking out after getting out of the costumes they had
Everyone notice Cass and Damian searching the faces to be disappointed when they didn't see the skater from earlier
When they got back into the arena, all eyes went to a lone figure on the ice doing a small routine
As they all got closer, they saw the girl with headphones on while doing a small spinning leap and landing before gliding backwards on one foot with a large smile
Cass let out a gasp as the skater went into a pirouette for a few moments before coming to a full stop while striking a pose
Each of them clapped as they saw her turn towards them
You pulled down the headphones while trying to catch your breath. Gliding over to them and opening the gate and carefully stepping out of the rink.
"I'm so sorry! I didn't think anyone would still be here after the show." A nervous laugh bubbles out of your throat while looking over at each of them.
Most of them were about cut in that nothing was wrong with what you were doing. Damian spoke up before any of the others could open their mouths. "That wasn't in the performance. What were you doing it for?"
Cass lightly pushed him while Jason gave a disappointed groan. But you simply gave a small chuckle while flashing the young boy a smile. "I do that after every performance. It helps me get out the leftover nervous energy."
Dick put a hand on Damian's shoulder while playfully shaking him. "Damian's just straightforward, but he did enjoy the show! Cass was absolutely enamored watching you skate across the ice. She was practically bouncing in her seat through the whole thing!"
You smiled at them all before taking notice of the skates in each of their hands. "Do you all normally skate? I don't remember seeing any of you at all from when I was younger."
Bruce gave small shake of his head while looking at you with a polite grin. "No, we were just doing this for some family time."
A small nod of understanding comes from you while looking at them all again. "I get that. Do you all want some help getting the skates on? I don't mind helping if you all want it."
Cass gave a nod before anyone could politely refuse for you to leave and go rest. They all just quietly watched as you kneeled down to begin tying Cass' skates before moving around to help the others. Damian didn't even complain as he watched you take off his shoes with a practiced grace before tying his skates.
After getting everyone in their skates, you helped get them onto the ice. The grin still on your face with a small clap of your hands. "Alrighty, now onto the fun part! Who wants to get on the ice first?"
Cass and Dick were the first one to get on the ice with you before the other boys followed a couple minutes after with Bruce and Alfred joining in last
Everyone paid attention to each move you made with them, each small trick you helped Cass learn, always grinning at them all the way through
When it was finally time for the family to leave to get ready for their nightly routine, Bruce made sure that you safely made it to your car while everyone waved goodbye
The car ride back was mostly quiet with the occasional comment from Cass and Damian on things that they enjoyed with the show
The night was went by without any major incidents as the family went through the motions until they got back to the manor
The morning was uneventful until Dick went through a few random boxes and found a few old year books
He brought them out for the others to look at in hopes of a couple laughs
It was all going well until Tim flipped to a random page in Dick's senior yearbook
He stared for a second before recognizing the skater from the night before on the page with all the sophomore photos
All the kids took turns looking over the photo before beginning to look for other photos of you
Tim even went searching on social media sites to find out more personal information with Cass and Damian both looking at his phone
Bruce and Alfred watched from the door way as they all searched for information without argument
Bruce took a deep breath as his eyebrows furrowed while he began having a few thoughts that started to concern him
Alfred glanced at Bruce before placing a hand on his shoulder and saying he would get started on any preparations that needed to be made
Bruce was about to tell Alfred not to do anything, but stopped when he realized that this was one of the first times all the kids were fully getting along with one another with a shared interest
From that day forward, everyone had begun getting as much information they could on you to prepare a space specifically to your liking
Every night, two of them made sure that you got home after the nights performance before going on with their regular patrol routes
As the months went by and the living space for you got the finishing touches, Bruce was trying to mentally prepare everyone for what reactions you might have when you got brought there
Dick and Jason had even thought of bringing up the idea of setting up a small ice rink in the cave for you as a way to help with coping due to the sudden change
It was finally the last day of the show and Bruce had gotten tickets for the family to see you preform on the ice again
They sat in the same seats as before as they made sure to watch every part of your routine with smiles on their faces
At the end of the show, they all waited for you to come out to the ice to do your after performance
When you finally got out, they all applauded with a few cheers as well as they took in your surprised expression
A startled laugh escaped your throat as you looked over at all of them. "Wow! I wasn't expecting anyone to look for me here! Everyone was out in the lobby to do the whole curtain call."
Dick placed a comforting hand on Cass's shoulder before flashing a charming smile. "Well, we wanted to give a personal congratulations here for you. And Cass here wanted to give you this bouquet."
Cass took a hesitant step forward before holding out the flowers for you. You took the flowers with a soft coo before look back at her, "These are beautiful! Thank you so much sweetheart." Reaching out, you pull Cass into a small hug.
She eagerly returned the hug before pulling away to look back at her family. "We wanted to get you something to show that you did amazing. Damian helped pick them out with colors that we thought you would like."
You looked over at Damian with a large smile as you adjusted the bouquet. "Well, I absolutely love them! Thank you all so much for coming to watch the show again."
Bruce gave a curt nod as he placed a hand on Jason and Tim to appear show you the care he could show if needed. "We enjoyed it immensely. And we also wanted you to know that if you need it, you have a place to stay with us anytime no matter what."
"Thank you for the offer. I appreciate it, but I have my own apartment," you polite explained while adjusting the light jacket you were wearing. "I am going to be in Gotham for a couple months until I audition for the next show. So we can hang out every now and then if you all want. Sound good?"
Bruce smirked as he gently patted both boys shoulders. "Sounds wonderful. We have to get going now, but we will be seeing you again very soon."
They all said a small goodbye before leaving for the manor to begin the last preparations
Bruce went over the plan again with everyone to insure that everything would go as smoothly as possible
Dick and Tim were in charge of leading you to the agreed upon location due to them being the most personable
Jason was supposed to wait for them all at the waiting point before injecting you with a sleeping agent
Cass and Damian would be helping Bruce to make sure there were no witnesses for the ordeal and made a quick get away
Everyone watched as Jason grabbed the vial with the drug before inserting the syringe
Tim was the closest to him to double check that Jason didn't use too little so you didn't wake up too soon or too much to avoid complications
When the time came, Dick and Tim were waiting for you to come out of the building to get the main plan into motion
Dick had put a nail in one of the cars' tires to make the impression that it was naturally run over and caused a flat and take care of a few things in the trunk
The moment you walked out of the building, both men stood at attention as you went over to the lone car in the parking lot with the bouquet tucked in your arms
You had fumbled to get your keys out of the pocket of your jacket until you stopped and looked at your tire
Dick and Tim shared a nod before walking over as you kneeled down to inspect the damage
"Dang it. This doesn't look good," you mumbled while feeling around the tire. Groaning when your finger grazed the head of the nail that was sticking out. Completely unaware of the presence of the people coming up behind you. "This isn't a great way to end the day."
Dick smiled as he watched you quietly worry over the tire. Waiting a moment to take it in until he gently knocked on the side of the car. "Everything alright over here?"
You startled off balance at the sudden voice behind you. Taking a moment to catch your breath while looking at the two vigilantes standing beside your car. "Oh, uh... yeah. I just have a flat. Just need to put my spare on and then get going."
Tim tilted his head while offering his hand to help you up. "That's a shame indeed. We can help change it for you." Tim lifted you up before wiping off your jacket and resettling the flowers. "It would be dishonorable of us if we left you to do it yourself."
Dick nodded in agreement while kneeling down and pretending to inspect the damage. You looked between the two, completely oblivious of what they were doing. "I couldn't have you do that for me. I have the stuff in my trunk and can do it myself. You both have more important things to do than replacing a tire."
Dick stood up while shaking his head and walking around to the trunk. Opening it up with a wide grin as he spoke reassuringly, "It is not a bit of trouble. We want to help you out as a fellow citizen. Now, where is your jack and tire iron?"
A confused look crossed your face at the question. You quickly went over to look in the trunk before giving a small whine. "Dang it. I know I put them back the last time I used them. Something must have happened since then."
Dick placed a comforting hand on your shoulder as he pulled you closer. "Hey, it's alright. You can call to get a tow truck here in the morning to take it to get the tire fixed. But right now, we can walk you home to make sure you get there."
"I couldn't ask you to do that. My apartment is only 20ish minutes away. I can walk there myself," you tell them with a shrug. Double checking that the car is locked and taking anything that couldn't be left in there overnight.
Dick shook his head while putting a hand on your shoulder as he walked beside you. Tim coming to stand on the other side as he offered taking all the things you took out of the car.
"That is not happening. This city is too dangerous for a lady like you to walk at night alone," Tim cut in before you could say anything else in the matter.
Dick gestured at Tim in agreement as he gave a gentle pat to your shoulder. "He is absolutely right. We would never live with ourselves if we found out that something happened to you while we did nothing. You just tell us were the building is and we will get you there."
The next few minutes were filled with light banter between the three of you. After getting past a corner, a flash of lightning appeared overhead as thunder sounded in the distance.
Dick tightened his grip while looking up at the sky with a small grin. Nodding at the alleyway as he spoke in a calming tone, "We should take a short cut. Don't want you getting a cold from getting rained on."
He began walking down the alley without waiting for a response. Tim walked a few paces ahead and looked around for any signs of life. Nodding when he saw no unwanted onlookers. "You have nothing to worry about anything bad happening to you. We all promise to keep you safe."
A soft laugh sounded from you as you nodded until you slowly stopped. A confused expression coming over you as you looked at the two of them. "What do you mean 'all'?"
Jason moved from the corner he was hidden in and covered your mouth with his hand. Efficiently inserting the needle tip into you neck and injecting the drug into your system. "It's okay. Just relax and everything will be over."
You struggled as the two held you in place to avoid you harming yourself. Their grip was firm even after you began going limp until they were certain you were knocked out. Jason removed his hand and carefully pulled the needle out. "There we go. It's going to be alright. We're going to get you home."
Tim contacted the others immediately after Jason had injected the drug into your system
Bruce pulled the Batmoblie into the alley and got out to open the trunk
Dick and Jason gently maneuvered you into the trunk on the blankets they put into to cushion you while adjusting your head to rest on a pillow
After securing the trunk, Bruce gave a small nod to the boys while getting back into the vehicle and driving back to the manor
He sent a message to Alfred to be ready for them so Bruce could get back to patrol and not raise suspicious if any of the public noticed
Alfred was there waiting when Bruce pulled in and stopped the car
He opened the trunk and lifted you out to begin taking you to your room and placing you on the bed
He removed your jacket and shoes, placed them in their right spots, pulled the covers over you, and placed a kiss to your forehead before leaving the room
This posted by accident so it wasn't as done as I wanted it to be. But I don't want to take it away from you all since I haven't posted in a minute. So I can make a part two if you all want. And I'm fully back now so I should be posting more often than I have.
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