#all of them are amazing and so beautifully ominous
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wxywardsun · 2 years ago
Psychics in supernatural are the ultimate weirdgirls!! [lovingly of course] [im taking all of them and putting them in my pocket]
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 2 years ago
As Good Omens season 2 nears, star Maggie Service has given a fairly ominous teaser about what to expect from the upcoming episodes, which will see Michael Sheen's Aziraphale and David Tennant's Crowley return.
Speaking about how the season ends, returning star Service, who plays a new character called Maggie, told RadioTimes.com: “Where we end, I think, is so beautifully written because none of it’s tied up in a bow, none of it’s Hollywood magic. It’s real within fantasy - and what is going to happen next?"
She added of the season as a whole: "Neil Gaiman actually said that this season is gentle and romantic. It’s totally the same tone but a different pace and we get to spend more time with characters and get to really properly know them. They, I think, get to know a little bit more about themselves because of the way others interact with them as well.”
Service went on: "I guess season 1 we end off with Aziraphale and Crowley not affiliated with Heaven and Hell anymore, so we see them in a much more human dynamic, in a much more day-to-day life. Delightful Maggie, she has the record shop next to Mr Fell's bookshop. It's a shop that's been passed down through the generations...
"When we meet her at the beginning, she's really sure of her emotions and she's really sure of what she wants. But I think it's fair to say she has no idea how to get it. And, without doing too many spoilers, with her openness of emotions and possibly slightly oversharing with Mr Fell - who she thinks is the kindest man in the whole wide world - the fact that she's done that leads to a bit of entanglement of worlds and stories and mystery and misdirection and all sorts of epic adventures!"
Tennant recently told SFX of season 2: "What’s different in season 2 is, because of what happened at the end of season 1, they no longer have head offices that they have to report to.
"They are in a very different position. Whereas before they were trying to get away with things, now they are kind of free agents."
Sheen continued: "Although sort of fugitives as well. They are sort of in-between. But this amazing life they have created over a millennia, they are now able to enjoy in a slightly different way.
"They are not having to put on a front for their respective teams. There is a different kind of freedom.
"They have always been the only two beings who could understand each other’s position. Now they are pushed even closer together."
👀👀👀 "none of it’s tied up in a bow" oh dear, I hope not much of a cliffhanger
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heromaker-if · 2 years ago
do you have any other ifs that we can read whilst we wait😭😭🫶🫶
Hi anon! Thanks for the ask and your patience! 🥰
I do have some other IFs that I worked on in the past but I don't recommend playing them (I was still learning how to write at that time, so they aren't great). But if you want some IF reccs, I can recommend some IFs I've read recently.
(Sorry for the tags friends, and for the rants!)
(Released) My all time favourite is The Fernweh Saga by @lacunafiction - it's just genuinely so good and it always gives me the vibes of one of those shows you watch after dinner, that becomes part of your routine and you want to see desperately what happens after, and the characters become part of your memories, almost like people. It's just UGH such a good IF. If you like nostalgic hometown horrors, this IF is for you.
(Released) Very close favourite is Blood Moon by @barbwritesstuff - WEREWOLVES GUYS!! I've replayed this game so many times. It's one of those games that after you finish, no matter how long of a break you take from it, you always return to it. I love the "found family" of this game, even though it's not really found, it's just... family. I miss them! The romance in this story is also written so beautifully.
(Released) Another fav is The Golden Rose by @anathemafiction - it was one of my favs while it was still in WIP and after it's released I took so long to play it cause I never wanted to finish it. Like, I grew so attached to its story that I didn't want to let it go. 😭 Very well written characters and the descriptions of things, places, feelings, expressions, mannerisms, is so endearing and eye-catching, never a second where I skipped a line, I was CAUGHT. If you like a story with ominous beginnings, middles and ends, this is for you, not to mention the whole religion themes that are so interesting to dive into.
(Released) I miss this one so much but The Soul Stone War by @intimidatingpuffinstudios - there's two books out for this one already and each one is better than the previous. It's fantasy and about powers and there's a dragon lady that you can romance, and the POLY IN THIS IS BEAUTIFUL! Very soulmate-y romance and just generally captivating storytelling.
(Released) Nothing will ever hit the same as The Passenger by @the-passenger-if - there's just something so familiar, so memorable about this story. I don't think in my next lifetime I will ever forget it. It's about an eldritch horror battling with humanity and it's raw primal role as a monster. It feels short but only because you're so into it that time passes you by, but the tone and the flow of this story is very well done (as well as the characters! 🥰).
(WIP) I feel like everyone and their mothers know about Infamous by @infamous-if - but I'm going to talk about it anyways. It's a BAND IF, yes, music, yes, adrenaline, fame, and all the bad decisions that come with it. It's only one chapter out right now, but it's very worth it. I guarantee you the brainrot you will get from this game is going to consume your life.
(WIP) A somewhat popular one as well is Body Count by @bodycountgame - I haven't seen a game do the whole modern reality TV show with a tinge of horrifying brutal horror as well as Nell has, and even though it's still in its early stages, it's very well done and interesting. Lots of ROs to choose from, and genuinely funny humour to laugh about in between the crying sessions of a favourite character dying.
(WIP) Haven't heard that many people talking about this one to be fair but Chop Shop by @losergames - Also a very early stages game, but it's very adrenaline inducing and has so much potential that has me shaking in my seat. I'm already half in love with the cast and I can't wait to go need for speed and play a super chaotic individual.
Also any game by @hpowellsmith, they're amazing at creating consistent well written stories that have such great characters and even better representation. They do it so well, and I've been a fan of them for years now, definitely one of my role models!
I'm sure there are many more IFs out there that you NEED to play/read, but my mind is blank right now, and these are the only ones I could think of. I also don't have as much time to get into an IF, but I'm getting there (thinking of getting into Shepherds of Haven - which you should!)
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ardenrabbit · 1 year ago
i am a little embarrassed to talk about this openly so i am doing it anon,,, but holy shit you have no idea how much your fic means to me. last year i was diagnosed with a life-altering illness in my bone marrow, and i've lost so much since then. i used to be muscular, and love my body, and just. augh. i've lost nearly 60 pounds to the date and all my muscle. some days my bones hurt so bad from the inside out that i feel like how you've written xie lian--pushing through every screaming fiber in my body to take just one more step forward. i can't recover fast enough. some days i feel strong and then get reminded that just vacuuming my floor leaves me a trembling, sweating mess. it's so frustrating.
you don't have to publish this but. being able to read something that feels so? accurate? so,,, i'm not sure how to describe it. i just feel seen, with the added bonus of your portrayal being written so beautifully and featuring my favorite little guys right now. i love it so much and i just wanted you to know that. not to be dramatic but your writing just. feels like home. qwq
Anon, I hope it's okay with you if I do answer this, because damn, I really want to try and give this a worthy response.
I'm so sorry that you've had to go through so much, and I hope that things get easier for you in any ways that they can. I'm not going to say I know what it's like, because everyone's experience with chronic illness, pain, and fatigue is different. I sincerely wish you the best in your recovery and ongoing management of your condition.
I'm so truly grateful that you've been able to find something cathartic in what I'm writing. Most of my fics end up as self-therapy projects, so I try to be realistic and compassionate about the topics at hand in case someone else relates to it. I know one of the big differences between this fic and real life is that Xie Lian is eventually going to make a relatively full recovery, where people with chronic conditions will usually have to manage them for the rest of their lives, so I worry that the ending might feel frustrating or like wishful thinking to some people. Most of us don't get that kind of closure. But I really hope that this story can offer some sense of relief and validation to people who are going through their own recoveries or learning how to manage chronic conditions.
I really had no idea that so many people would find the story so relatable, so I really hope that I can do a decent job of helping people feel acknowledged and that they're not alone. Maybe most importantly, I hope that I can help offer some hope to people going through this sort of thing, because things do tend to gradually become more manageable as they navigate their conditions. There is a grieving process involved with diagnoses of chronic conditions, but it is a process in the end. 
I truly believe in the hope that life can still be full and fulfilling even if the illness or injury won't go away. That might sound ominous, but it's important to remember, wherever you're at.
Thank you for telling me what it means to you. I've learned that fics can have a marked impact on people's lives (my first big fic got me a wife, who is the coolest person who's ever lived; writing has helped me manage my own mental health like nothing else possibly could; I've made amazing friends and been able to share mutual support with them) so I take this seriously. I hope this makes sense and doesn't come off as patronizing (I would be the worst kind of liar if I said everything's going to be okay for everyone, and the "you're so strong and brave, I could never handle going through that" stuff makes me wanna scream) and I just. It means everything to me if I've successfully offered some comfort. Thank you.
I hope you have a really good year, anon. 💜
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im-a-simp898 · 4 months ago
“I-It’s been great getting ice cream with you, Kim Jong-Un-senpai. I m-mean, it’s not like I like you or anything! I just like the ice cream here.”
“Say, Vladimir...do you, by any chance, like anime?”
Putin’s eyes widened. “K-Kim Jong Un-senpai...Do you like anime?”
Kim Jong-Un’s eyes lit up. “Absolutely, my friend.”
Kim Jong-Un-senpai had called Putin his friend.
This was the greatest day of his life.
“D-Do you think we could, go back to my office, and watch some together?”
And so, there they were, marathoning anime with all the lights off in Putin’s office.
They made the security guards leave the room so they could be weebs in peace.
“Which is your favorite anime, Kim Jong-Un-senpai?”
“Sh, this is the best part.”
Putin was attracted to Kim Jong-Un-senpai’s dominance.
He blushed again.
He looked over to the person on his left and really took him in--beautifully styled black hair, height of a child, features carved and hardened from years of anger and command.
When the episode was over (he didn’t want to interrupt Kim Jong-Un-senpai’s watching again), he asked, “Senpai, may I a-ask why you’re in Russia? I mean, it is clearly a country that is far superior to all others, e-except North Korea, but even still...why?”
“I was taking a vacation,” Kim Jong-Un-senpai replied, “from my wonderful country. Do not get me wrong, my country is an amazing place. We could easily destroy America in the blink of an eye. Believe me when I say that we could. And we could destroy you as well, Vladimir.”
Putin didn’t know how to respond, so he just waited expectantly for him to continue.
“So, what I’m saying is: Watch. Your. Back.”
He leaned in as he said this, an ominous shadow passing over his small figure.
“Anyway, I’m here because I wanted to travel a bit. My boy toy assistant Demetri here is helping me with all else so I get the chance to… Just to, you know, have some...uh...what’s the word…? Erm, it starts with an f…”
“Right, ‘fun’!”
“Okay. Well, I’m very honored t-that you find Russia fun.”
“Well, as long as you’re here.”
Putin could feel his face turning as red as the patterns on his mother’s old platok. “I-I’m having fun with you too. B-But, I don’t ‘love’ you or anything like that…”
He was awful at being a tsundere.
Putin and Kim Jong-Un spent all their time together for the next few weeks as his young Russian people and Ukrainian people continued to die on both sides.
They saw movies, made plans to nuke America (probably after reading this fic lol), and got meals out together.
Too soon, it was time for Kim Jong-Un to head back to North Korea.
They went to the airport together as well, so Putin could say goodbye.
They were silent as they waited for the plane.
Neither of them quite knew what to say.
It felt like every moment they’d spent with each other had just been hurtling down a path towards this day--they both knew it had to come at some point.
They just didn’t expect it to feel so sudden.
A dagger was slowly twisting its way through Putin’s heart.
A very dull blade that shone with his tears that he’d never let out.
He was too much of a tsundere.
In a while, the plane arrived.
They both stood up, even though Putin wasn’t supposed to get on.
“Listen,” Putin said, a new firmness asserting itself in his voice, “Don’t get on that plane.”
“Don’t get on the plane? Vladimir, I’ve truly loved my time here, but I need to go home.”
They stared into each other’s eyes and with that second of eye contact, there was some sort of connection formed that neither could ignore.
“Then I’ll go with you. Russia is a complete embarrassment after this war debacle and I-…”
Kim Jong-Un hesitated for a brief moment, then nodded.
There were a lot of complications to get through--buying the ticket on such short notice and everything.
Putin was able to manage, being the president and everything.
Once they were in the plane and it had taken off, Putin leaned over, palming Kim’s warm groin and said, “I love you, Kim Jong-Un-senpai.”
Kim Jong-Un said nothing, only pushed his lips onto Putin’s in one swift, sudden motion, as he rut into the warm hand showing him the attention he has been begging for this whole trip.
They stayed there like that for a minute, and Putin felt as if he could be like that for the rest of his life--not only his physical body was soaring through the clouds, but his emotions too.
His palm moving former and quicker, Kim’s breath hitched in his mouth and his seed began to spread and stain on his kakis.
When their mouths parted, Vladimir said smoothly, “I’ll be Putin it in you tonight, baby.”
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mittensit · 9 months ago
Favorite THiFM songs (Spoilers below)
The House in Fata Morgana has so many amazing songs, and I've picked 22 of them that are my most favorite. I'm talking into the void here but I need to talk.
In order of when they played (based on the YT playlist), and my thoughts for some of them, the favorite favorites.
The House in Fata Morgana - The start of something incredible.
Skia Oura - I'll forever picture the ocean while listening to this song. It just truly captures living by the sea.
Fugitive Dust
Fecha Me - I truly love how intense this song is, the lyrics are superb
Ciao Carina - First time this played, I honest to the Gods felt like I stepped into an entirely new world.
Dammi una Sigaretta
Dia "Minchia!"
Morgana's Curse - You can feel Morgana's hate in this, and I love how ominous it is. Sucker for chanting.
Assento Dele - To quote @muscleelf2363 on the YT video "this song makes me feel like I'm simultaneously floating into the sky and being pulled to the bottom of the ocean" which captures how I feel beautifully.
Giselle - must I explain
Venomous Angel
La Realta Nel Nebbia - It's really atmospheric and kinda intense.
This Mutilated Body
Portrait of White
Everybody's Crying - Beautiful and tragic. I legit couldn't breathe during this scene, I was crying so hard. I tear up relistening to it.
The March of Time - Beautiful, tragic. I also couldn't breathe during this scene, I was crying so hard. Even relistening to it I tear up.
Michel Bollinger - Beautiful, the scene had me choking on my tears as he confronts Morgana.
A Fleeting Fata Morgana - Again, I was crying so hard watching the Mansion slowly fade away into a peaceful white. The mansion I had spent hours and days with. Finally allowed to rest after witnessing one tragedy after another.
If I could, if I could, I'd reread The House in Fata Morgana for the first time all over again.
Thank you for reading my yapping.
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warningsine · 2 years ago
We know that all of the characters in that final scene, like Gus, Hector and the Salamanca twins, live to see another day in “Breaking Bad,” but was there a reason why Nacho didn’t take anybody else down with him?
Every single one of them is dead, if you think about it. There’s an ominous thing to this scene, where these are all dead men walking, watching the first man die. But they’re already dead, they just don’t know it yet. The image of Nacho is the image of sacrifice, true love and bravery. It’s not the image of revenge. The ultimate act that defines the character is the act of sacrifice, and not anger, but love.
What was it like shooting that final emotional phone call between Nacho and his father?
In that moment, Nacho can run. He’s free to go. But he’s staring the sunset in the eyes, and he’s looking back at his father and saying “Come with me.” And his father says no. It’s in that moment that Nacho knows that he’s going to walk back into hell and sacrifice himself for the love of his father.
Before Mike (Jonathan Banks) roughs him up, we see Nacho get a final meal before he faces the Salamancas. Did you have any say on what Nacho would eat?
It was really important for me that he use a fork and knife and that he put salt and pepper on his food. It wasn’t about sustenance at this time, but it was about a man who was going out with a lot of love for life. And when you love life, you enjoy life. So Nacho didn’t lose the appetite for life, if anything he was filled with love and life at that point because he knew he was doing the right thing. It was a celebration of life, it was Nacho telling himself and the world not to cry for him. This was something he believed in and he was doing it with all his heart.
The episode starts with Nacho on the run from the Salamanca twins, and he submerges himself in an oil tanker to hide from them. What was shooting that messy scene like?
It was an incredible episode, beautifully written and directed by Gordon Smith, full of symbolism. The last meal, the last goodbye, the trial of a man’s heart, like when the ancient Egyptians would weigh your heart against the weight of a feather and figure out what is it you stood for. The writing had given me such an unbelievable opportunity to do a character that was going through something incredible physically, psychologically, emotionally, but also spiritually. It was amazing to seep my actual body into that darkness and to come out of that tanker in the middle of the night with the star-filled sky, to literally wash myself off and clean myself of all that darkness by this abandoned gas station on the side of a highway. To stand there in front of all these future-dead men and to look up at the sky and yell out what I believe in and to sacrifice my life for that morality and virtue, I feel like a really lucky actor who’s been given this dream role. I’m eternally grateful that it will forever live in pop culture.
This episode, in a strange way, is Nacho’s lowest and highest point at the same time. It’s the one where life treats him the most unfairly, but strangely it’s when he feels the m
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ecsundance · 1 year ago
Slamdance! The Reviews
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As I’ve mentioned before, Slamdance occurs at the same time as Sundance and includes filmmakers who didn’t get into Sundance and have created their films with a limited budget and crew. I saw many great ones so read on to find my thoughts!
Darla In Space
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We meet Darla, who has a company called Kitty Kasket in which she creates boxes to bury your cat in. Suddenly she finds out that she has over $300,000 worth of taxes to pay off within 30 days. One day she stumbles upon a talking Scoby that she dubs “Mother” and finds out it can give mind blowing orgasms. Darla eventually figures out she can get money for this by exploiting Mother and charging people. She disguises herself as someone famous and begins her journey. She’s been pretty successful for a while, but then her old boss Mr. Pickens shows up and the Scoby ends up absorbing and recreating him. We discover that a company called AD&D is after the Scoby and Darla runs to escape, but she makes a deal with them when she finds out they had taken her mom.
When I stepped into this screening, I had no idea what to expect but I was pleasantly surprised. It was a cleverly crafted film and had really great comedic timing despite what the characters were going through. It was unlike anything I have ever seen and all the scene locations were great. There was also a lot of color and I really liked how that brightened the film even though they were doing something fishy. Nothing these characters were dealing with was ever taken seriously and that added to the comedy. Overall I rate a 10/10 and it is my second favorite Slamdance film.
The Bitcoin Car
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A Norwegian musical about a brother and sister who lost their parents and a bitcoin mine was built over their graves. The company paid off the town to let them build the mine and the sister used the money to pimp out the car. The brother comes to visit and they begin to discover that the bitcoin mine is up to something nefarious. They team up with two other people to find out what is happening. Animals are dying, plants are dying, and the mayor's daughter is acting sus. Go with these characters through songs that almost sound religious to discover what is happening. 
This movie was so funny and well done. The graphics and scenery were so mind blowing beautiful I do not know how they pulled it off. The songs were amazing and poorly timed in a way that still fit with the theme of the film. The singing was operatic and ominous and had a great performance from all of the characters. It was definitely a film that belongs at Slamdance and I even got an ornament of the bitcoin car which was pretty cool.
The Complex Forms
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A black and white Italian film that focuses on these three guys who end up in a villa. In this home they have to do chores such as cleaning and cooking. Their days are bleak, filled with pea soup, wandering aimlessly outside and playing cards. They soon discover that something is awry when these giant creatures decked out in ornamental objects show up. Soon other men start to disappear and the three make a plan to escape. They are unsuccessful and end up trying to figure out another way. Before they can all escape, we lose one of the men to a heart attack. The main character goes to lengths to escape where he knocks out the guy with a car, but before he can, he also dies. When he comes too, the first guy there is holding a knife and we see a creature walking into the distance. The two men uncover what was going on in that villa and race to rescue the third guy. 
I have to say, I did not know what to expect when stepping into any of these films. I kinda just arrived at Slamdance and chose the next showing. This film was literally one of the best films I have ever seen. It is really hard to explain, but the film puts everything together beautifully. The creatures were beautifully animated and you couldn’t even tell.  The soundtrack was amazing as well. I was appalled by how good this film was as the crew consisted of 3 people and that includes the director. He had limited resources and got most of his stuff from eBay. Overall 12/10 film and it is something you really have to see for yourself. 
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starburstfloat · 2 years ago
Let's talk about TXT's MAMA Performance: Lyrics and Stage Analysis
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That was amazing! Better than their mma. Idk if the camera work is largely to blame for mma but also narrative wise this one felt like it followed much more of a concrete storyline, and just WOW that entrance with all the crosses and cathedral background...!
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Is is a stretch to say it reminded me of yeonjun's "in this endless darkness, like oh my god so holy"?
I found it clever how they utilized religious motifs like the crosses and the coffin in the background to emphasize how their love progressively shifts from something sacred and sanctified to painful and buried. Accepting their loss is much like accepting a death. It makes sense then that they started their performance with opening sequence, which has lyrics that align to this loss:
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And also that they then did good boy gone bad, a song that reflects them taking that pain and vulnerability from before, and nurturing it for the worse:
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Notice how they start their performance in a cathedral setting, wearing black and white. It feels rather symbolic since black and white are the characteristic opposites used to portray good versus evil, light versus dark, innocence versus impurity - very much in line with the song.
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Then when Yeonjun gets dragged away, the cathedral background starts to tilt a bit and it looks like he's being taken outside.
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The VCR effect of him falling seems to indicate he's falling into his own grave or maybe even hell. Would make sense with the GBGB lyrics.
When they return, notice how they are now outside the cathedral:
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The lighting is red and ominous, a great color to convey their anger. There are crosses around, indicating they may be in a graveyard. Again, all of this lines up so well with the lyrics, of burying their past selves, coming back "like a zombie, dead and alive".
But then the dance break UMMM IT WAS INCREDIBLE?!!!_!$(##(
I can't be the only one who finds it super emblematic how Yeonjun is blindfolded while Soobin is biting on the lace - unable to speak. Basically, Yeonjun's lost his sight and Soobin has lost his voice.
Like this, they'd be unable to find one another. But the thing is, they do. They dance around one another like they're seeking each other out in an almost cat and mouse game of hide and seek, reaching, grabbing then tearing away. But what really caught my attention was Yeonjun cusping Soobin's chin and slowly bringing him closer before Soobin cast him aside.
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I wish my screenshots could do it more justice but with the lighting and camera work changing so quickly, it's hard to capture. The dance practice will surely be clearer.
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Listen, if you follow me you'll know I'm super gay and I see gay subtext in like everything I consume lmao but I don't think it's much of a stretch to say this moment felt intentionally queer? Religious motifs have been a medium for homosexual representation for ages, mainly because of religion's staunch anti lgbt attitude. And just...the way Yeonjun is blindfolded and Soobin unable to speak...it just screams to me as being representative of a love that cannot be seen or dare to speak its name. And yet they still found each other, among the crosses.
(There is room to assume Soobin wasn't able to tie the blindfold in time and simply put it in his mouth instead, but either way it's an interesting detail and I'm curious to see what the dance practice reveals)
In any case, I found their paired dance shared a similar sentiment to their 0x1=lovesong dance, so if anything they are probably paying homage to their past title tracks
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I want to give a big kiss to the performance directors and staff that makes this all possible!!! And of course TXT for bringing it all together so beautifully. They can be proud of this one.
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fairy-eclipse · 3 years ago
Mystery and Mystique
╭ ・ ──・ ˙୨୧˙ ︵︵୭ ₊ ‧  ╮ Pairing: Tom Riddle x Reader
Summary: You know a little more than you let on. ╰  ・ ──・ ˙୨୧˙ ︵︵୭ ₊ ‧   ╯
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Tom Riddle was everything you strived to be. He was the epitome of grace—that is, if grace came in the form of a beautifully sculpted, Greek-god woven face.
And while you were not swayed by his charms at first, you'd be lying if you said he didn't intrigue you. For how could someone have it all at age 16; elegance, prestige, and the highest grades to note? He did things with such consideration, such thoughtfulness—down to the people he surrounded himself with. They mostly consisted of the pretentious purebloods from his own house, dim-witted as they were. It was perplexing how the whole clique clung on to his every word and trailed behind him like lost puppies.
As much as you hated to admit it, maybe that friendship blossomed into something more. It followed you into your sixth year, and for him, his last. Golden child. Head boy.
You met him in your fifth year. He was pleasant, but distant. Polite, but not friendly. There was something off-putting about his demeanor, something that bubbled deep under that marble face. You just couldn’t put your finger on it.
And maybe it was the fact that he found your abilities up to par with his own. Maybe it was that your shared moments meant something to him. Maybe it was just fate laying out the cards for you, but miraculously, miraculously, you had befriended him. 
Kisses under the stars. Hand in hand. Hushed voices, whispered promises. 
Yes, as much as you hated to admit it, you were in love. You hoped he felt the same way. You hoped it wasn't another one of his clever façades. 
For the Slytherins who followed in his wake were not his friends, but his followers. The strange book from the Restricted section was not a "side hobby," but an obsession that bordered on mania. His tender smile was far from genuine. It was a mask to hide his ugly truths.
You didn't miss the perk of interest whenever the dark arts came up, or the alarming shadow that flitted across his face when Dolohov had irked him. He didn't want to be great, no, he wanted to be the greatest. He wanted to surpass those stronger than him, to be unrivaled as the best. 
Tom and his followers had secret meetings every week, though you had yet to sneak into one. You'd have to come up with a plan for that. 
But most importantly, they called him Lord Voldemort. It sounded strange on your tongue. Dark. Sinister. It suited him. It suited him and you hated it.
You knew all of this from observing, piecing together the seemingly minor bits of information you got your hands on. After all, how could his adorable, intelligent little partner turn out to be an overanalytical, meticulous detective at heart? 
And although you knew Tom was very capable of hurting (not that you think he’s hurt anyone or anything, he wouldn’t do something like that. Not at all.), he was so gentle with you. Like you were some fragile thing, a porcelain doll. Sure, he was cold and distant at times, but if you were busy plotting something big and ominous, you would be, too.
You really should be running. You should be banging on the headmaster's door, telling him that something was wrong with the best student in Hogwarts. You should be doing a lot of things, and letting your curiosity get the best of you was not one of them...
But you couldn't shake away the feeling that you were born for this. Cracking the code, cracking Tom for all he was. 
After all, you were never one to turn down a good riddle.
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A/N: hii i’m fairy ^-^ after MONTHS of coming on here every day looking at amazing work posted by talented authors (and you know who you are), i decided to start my own tumblr !! super excited to contribute to the tommy army considering there’s really not much content 😿😿 thank you for reading this oneshot n have an amazing day 🤍
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floppityalpaca · 3 years ago
Kiribaku Classic Fic recs
Deciding to just get into it, here are some of my fic recs classic to this fandom!! You will definitely see these all over this fandom and across various fic recs and it’s a great way to start if you don’t know where to start :D
(in no particular order other than fame??)
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1. 2am knows all secrets @Unbreakable_Red_Riot - 59k 
This is the MOST iconic fic of the fandom. Every one knows it. The no. 2 kudo count rank. The classic post kamino nightmares fic. The absolute classic. 
2.  The fool’s rush @chonideno - 40k
Chonideno has such a distinct writing style and you’ll see that many of her fics are on the fandom classic list. Her writing is super poetic and lyrical and very encapturing to read. THE pro hero slow burn pining classic fic. 
3. president of KRBK Club @hiuythn - 10k
An absolute masterpiece. yv the author is such an amazing writer, I remember the first time I read this, it seriously is such a great piece, super funny and enjoyable to read. Midoriya POV of kiribaku over the course of the school year. 
4. Roses are red and they taste like shit @Unbreakable_Red_Riot - 47k
THE appointed classic hanahaki fic. 
5. Of Ghosts and other inaccurate things @chezka - 56K
AHHHH MY ABSOLUTE FAVOURITE FIC OF ALL TIME. It is seriously such a well constructed story, the tags may be a little ominous but trust me when I say the plot is WILD. After reading a HUGE TON of krbk fics this still remains in my top fics, it is seriously one of the best things to have graced my eyes. Please go read it, you WILL NOT REGRET IT. 
6. Freshly Ground Coffee @arxaris - 19k
AJDDHHJSJS HOLY MOLY. this fic will blow your world. It is amazing and constructs the story and world beautifully. The classic coffee AU,  I was a little hesitant reading this at first because only one of them were a hero, how is that going to work? But oh noooo they did it so absolutely so well trust me. Read it. It’s dramatic, it’s romantic, it’s angsty, they’re flustered and (secret identity) READ IT!
7. slow it down (go easy on me) @newamsterdam - 27k
Oh damn yup this fic. Time travel AU baku is thrown into the future into a life where he’s kiri’s husband and chaos ensues. AHHH I remember the first time I read this wow, the time travel logistics were so enrapturing to trying to wrap my head around it. The whole situation my heart throbbed for both of them omg help these boys. (well at least one of them). So interesting to read, the emotions were so well done. Definitely one of my fandom favourites. 
8. Things soft and precious @gloop - 6k
Whew. omg I am not one usually to read something multiple but I Read this MULTIPLE TIMES. An amazing Mitusku POV/parent POV of kiribaku over the years at UA. I absolutely adore any fic with mitsuki POV and that will surely be reflected in my fav’s. This is so sweet, some angst yet so realistic and paints mitsuki’s character in such an agreeable way. A must read. 
9. One to Ten @crunchyrapsupreme - 7k
This was an absolutely adorable fic. I read this several times too. So many memorable fluffy moments.
Kiri: and I took that personally :) 
Kiri makes it his job to ask baku out but starts by getting to be his friend by the friendship scale**
10. Quietly @chezka - 22k
A bunch of canon - compliant events revolving around the forming of their relationship. Super cute and def what you should read if you’re looking for some cute canon compliant. 
11. Sent, Delivered, Read, Loved @KiriBakuHappiness - 25k 
Super classic! The text fic of them throughout canon, it’s SUPER cute and even if you’re not really into the texting format TRUST ME (I was like that too) it’s good. Characterisation on point and I loved their dialogue. 
AND THATS IT!!!! I highly recommend reading all of these, you’ll see as you read more that these authors are very big in this fandom and I highly recommend all their other works. Personally from this list I really love @chezka’s works. These fics barely skim the surface of the wide universe of krbk that we are blessed with but it is certainly a great starting point. 
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sapphicsabaism · 2 years ago
Jenster Playlist
I made a narrative Jenster playlist cause I’m having Actual Feelings about them oops
Cover art by the amazing @boarloved-art!!
I found a lot of the songs through the beautiful Jens/Aster playlist by @pricklepicklepie, and also the Jens playlists by kestrellestarre, haneux, and kuzumurph on Spotify 🥰
The full description of the playlist story is below!
An intro that describes both Jens and Aster
This song describes them both beautifully, and showcases how similar they are (but they don’t know it yet 👀). Picture a split stage where they’re both singing it separately, completely unaware of each other.
Jens’s first performance for Aster
Not only does this song describe Jens to a T, but it explains why Aster thought he should join (“Don’t stand there watching me, follow me, show me what you can do”). I love imagining the Prince Pricking™️ as Aster misunderstanding the lyrics of the song Jens performed to lmaooo
Live by the Sword
Slow-mo of the aftermath of the Pricking™️
I picture screaming, chaos, close-ups of the wound, and plenty of fruit throwing. Also Onyx in the background 🥰 Aster wants Jens to be punished for his actions (“You wanna live like this?/You’re gonna die like this”) Of course he’s not saying Jens should Die, just be thrown in the dungeon forever, but same difference.
Money, Money, Money
What Jens wants of course!!!
He’s definitely not thinking of Aster when he’s thinking of the “wealthy man” (lying). He’s so horny for money and we love that for him
What Aster wants!
DEFINITELY doesn’t want that guy to be Jens (lyinggg). Of course, Jens is not all of these things; Aster pretends he wants a perfect man, but really he wants the man he’s been obsessed with for years. In the bridge (“I’ve been looking high and low…”) he’s daydreaming about saying that to Jens 🥰
Cooler Than Me
How Jens and Aster feel about each other rn
I imagine them singing it back and forth at each other because every description applies to them both, but they obviously don’t see the irony of insulting each other for something that applies to them as well 💀
Man to Man
Jens @ Aster during the dance encounter
Obviously the song is about an actual fight, but the lyrics “you gotta put your fists away/you gotta lay your weapons down” imply that the singer isn’t ACTUALLY asking for a fight; he wants a homoerotic fight without any fighting 😉 that was the dance encounter in my eyes lmaoo
Aster @ Jens after the dance encounter
He’s noticing the homoeroticness of their interaction 👀 definitely excited but reserved, and also trying to be sexy (I’m definitely thinking of the tiktok dance to this song oop)
Jens @ Aster after the dance encounter
The subtext of the hand cream interaction!!! The song is full of confidence and sexiness and more than a bit of horniness for money 🥰
Shut Up and Drive
Aster @ Jens in the moneypit 😉
My headcanon is that Aster is Very experienced and, of course, it’s canon that he has been Very horny for Jens for years. So Aster is Very ready for Jens to drive 😉😉
Dirty Sexy Money
Jens celebrating after they become boyfriends!!
I imagining him singing this to Onyx and Nyack lmaoo. Also showcases his horniness for money 🥰
Stuck to You
Oh no Aster is getting attached to Jens 👀
The ominous feel of the song is perfect cause, well, we all know how toxic Jens is lmaoo
Social Climb
Jens and Aster in Illivas 🥰
The two of them moving their way through high society and having a great time together while also being Toxic af
You Fine
Aster’s insecure attachment to Jens
Aster thinks that Jens incredibly cool, and is worried that he’s gonna leave him 🥺 My headcanon is that he’s been broken up with a lot (once his boyfriends find another source of money ofc), and he usually doesn’t care but he actually likes Jens oops
Jens becoming more toxic somehow
Another Electra Heart song, but this time only Jens is singing! He’s bragging (to Onyx and Nyack ofc) about how he’s being distant to Aster on purpose. But the bridge (“Girls, we do whatever it will take..”) shows his real feelings; he wants to be distant from Aster so he’s not hurt 🥺
Sparkling Diamonds
Jens preparing in case Aster breaks up with him
Did I mention that Jens is horny for money?? Obviously Aster doesn’t have a spouse to go back to like the song says, but Jens is still definitely collecting diamonds lmaoo
Wake Up Romeo
Aster sees that Jens is more distant now 😕
The distance confirms Aster’s fears expressed in ‘You Fine’ 😕. Also “you’re nobody without me” is so accurate thoo like if Jens wants to be king he better get his act together 🤨
About You
Basically this animatic
Ofc all I’m thinking about the incredible animatic by @pricklepicklepie, but the song is also perfect for this point in their relationship!! Jens is pushing Aster away, Aster is trying to bring him back, Jens still likes him but will he stop being distant?? We don’t know yet…
Platinum Blonde Life
Yeah Jens is still pushing Aster away 🙄
I partially chose this song as a reference to when Jens wasn’t answering the door in the proposal oneshot lmaoo. But also “I want a platinum blonde life/so I keep bleaching out the color” is perfect imo because in order to be the ‘Heartbreaker’ he wants to be, Jens is getting rid of any potential connection (represented by “color” in this case). Also Jens is absolutely v depressed as always (“I’m gonna sleep myself away”)
Starring Role
Asters Big Moment!!!!
Also his solo Electra Heart song!!!! He’s being pushed aside, and he’s realizing that the relationship isn’t worth it at this point. He’s of course toxic about it (“sometimes I ignore you/so I feel in control”) because like he’s not a good guy either but currently he’s being used and he’s done with it!!
Potential Breakup Song
Aster breaking up with Jens in a toxic way
Literally iconic song and I imagine it going exactly like the lyrics. Aster would be so mad about Jens not calling him back at exactly midnight on his birthday and you know what? Valid. Toxic, but valid. Also “you’re not livin’ ‘til you’re livin’ for me” so true bestie 🥰
Good for You
Jens being mad that Aster broke up with him
Jens is jealous of Aster currently living his best life (which is, of course, all a show for Jens). I imagine Jens going absolutely feral over every Trinstagram story Aster posts. Of course Nyack is concerned and Onyx is absolutely Living for the drama
Sorry Not Sorry
Aster having so much fun with his revenge 🥰
I imagine them going to the same event and Aster looking incredible and Jens fumbling in some way and absolutely Seething
When It’s Over
A song that comes up on Jens’s playlist
I imagine this song coming up on Jens’s playlist (since we all know how much he loves Sugar Ray) and him getting mad that he relates, but it keeps coming up, and eventually he accepts that the lyrics apply 🥺 he definitely needs a while to come to terms with it lol whoops
Bet On It
Jens wants Aster back!
Jens making a (toxic) resolution to get back with Aster. He’s getting all sorts of advice (mostly from Onyx and Nyack) but he’s done hearing other people’s opinions; he just wants the relationship back!! He’s definitely doing it for all the wrong reasons but he’s willing to actually work to get the prince back now, which is big for him 🥰
I Really Like You
Jens trying to get Aster back!
Literally just him doing a performance to this song because he’s ~toxic~. But there’s juuust enough sweetness to the performance (particularly in the bridge “Who gave you eyes like that?/Said you could keep them?”) to show that he is actually trying which is an improvement lol
My Life Would Suck Without You
Aster wants Jens back!
Aster knows they’re toxic (“Being with you/Is so dysfunctional/I really shouldn’t miss you/But I can’t let you go”) but you know what? He wants Jens back, and Jens kinda sorta apologized, so he’s happy and they’re back together!!
Jens and Aster’s toxic equilibrium 🥰
They’re witching off singing this to each other, cause they’re both self-obsessed. But you know what? They’re EQUALLY self-obsessed so it works and they’re happy 🥰 also I imagine it being sung in a teasing way too cause it’s cute
Their first dance 😭
I like to think that Jens did get Aster into Sugar Ray lol. Also I imagine they’re still a little shy about saying “love” at this point but they still do 🥰
Dance Like No One’s Watchin’
An after credits song!!
I imagine them on a beach (with Onyx and Nyack there too ofc) and having fun!! Their relationship is still toxic (“the fighting yelling screaming makes me love you more”) but they like actually appreciate each other and that’s all they need 🥰
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jasmariswonderland · 2 years ago
Shining Hearts Chapter 12 ~ The Black Swan’s Curse
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Chapter 1 |  Chapter 2 |  Chapter 3  |  Chapter 4  |  Chapter 5  |
Chapter 6 |  Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 |  Chapter 9  | Chapter 10 |
Chapter 11
Chapter Summary: Following their first public appearance, the Black Swan Quintet receives astounding feedback and a standing ovation from the press. But not all the feedback is positive.
⚠General Warning For Chapters 12-17⚠: First off, thank you for sticking around with this fic for this long. As we inch closer to the moment of the overblot and it’s aftermath, be forewarned, the final chapters of this fic are gonna get...kind of intense. And may or may not include the following: Vil being mean, Rook being tactless, canon typical violence, language, sex*al harassment, misogyny, near de*th experiences, suic*dal thoughts and very, VERY HEAVY angst. 
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The white flash of several cameras was temporarily blinding as the Black Swan Quintet made their final pose, the music echoing into silence.
Immediately they were greeted by an eruption of thunderous applause of those watching them. The news reporters, Yuulan and Grim, the NRC Tribe, even the RSA performers were in awe at what they had just witnessed.
“WOW!! That was AMAZING!” Kalim nudged Yuulan excitedly. “Did you see that?! I dunno what made them wanna change their song but it sure was an awesome change!”
“They all looked super cute, like real pop idols!” Ace had gotten over his shock and even he couldn’t help but commend the girls. “Even Miss Priss was killin’ it up there!”
“Not cute, they look badass!” Epel grinned. “Badass black swans!”
“Between them and the NRC Tribe, victory is as good as ours!” Grim excitedly bounced up and down in Yuulan’s lap. “And those tuna cans are as good as mine!”
“That’s all you care about, isn’t it?” Yuulan scoffed at her furry companion but smiled the next moment. “But I believe you’re right.”
She was about to say something else, but then turned to Rook and realized that he was the only one among them not smiling. And further still, Vil wasn’t there. The look he wore was more than a little concerning; from the ordinarily cheerful one, was a rather dark expression and, if she didn’t know better, seemed almost sad. An unsettling feeling washed over Yuulan as she tapped Rook’s shoulder.
“Hey, Rook-san. What’s wrong?” she asked. “Wasn’t their performance…”
“Ah, pardon, Trickstar!” He shook himself away from his thoughts. “I was too immersed in my own thoughts and momentarily forgot everything.”
“What did you think of the girls?” Rook stared down at Yuulan with a relatively blank expression, not responding right away. “Rook-san?”
“It was…quelle beaute!” This is what he said, but Yuulan sensed there was more to what he was feeling. He rose from his chair. “Come, we must return backstage soon.”
Yuulan followed behind him and the other NRC Tribe members behind Yuulan. The unsettling feeling tightened in Yuulan’s chest. It wasn’t just Rook’s rather subdued response to Danica’s singing; Vil’s reaction was equally concerning. He was already certain to dislike what he saw. But while watching Danica, he appeared sad as well, distraught even. That coupled with her ominous dream the night prior, Yuulan was feeling more than a little concerned herself at that moment.
Even so, she was happy for Danica and for the rest of the Black Swan Quintet. They had broken free of the rigid standards placed upon them, learned to work together, and put on a stunning performance. They sang beautifully, danced incredibly and with her and Farron’s help, looked terrific to boot.
Great job, ladies. All of our hard work has paid off .
Their hard work had indeed paid off. Danica watched their faces with an intense sense of triumph coursing through her chest. The way they looked at her, the way her song held their attention. Yes; this was what she strived for. This was the feeling her black dress gave her. This was power.
Vil-san was wrong. They…they all love us! We’re going to win! We’re going to win after all!
“Now that’s what I’m talking about!” said Iman as she rushed off stage to the audience to Yuulan. “That was fire! Wasn’t it?!”
“A hundred percent fire!” Yuulan smiled. “And way better than the rehearsals, you girls did great!”
“WAIT?!” Deuce exclaimed, her mouth agape. “Yuulan! You KNEW about this?! About the girls changing their performance?!”
“Maybe I did,” she shrugged nonchalantly, but a mischievous smirk betrayed her. “And maybe I didn’t.”
“Don’t be coy, Yuulan!” Ione chimed in. “Of course she knew! But wasn’t it worth it? That was awesome!”
“Mon dieu,” Rook sighed. “I imagine this was Danica’s decision first and foremost. And I fear what this might mean when Vil inevitably confronts her.”
“You too, Yuulan!” Ace added. “When Vil-san knows you knew about this, he’s really gonna let you have it!”
“Well Vil-san will just have to get over it!” Taima retorted. “And he will! Once he understands how much the crowd loves us! And after we bring home the gold!”
While the commotion was unfolding around her, Danica remained on stage, looking over a recording of their rehearsal from a camera’s perspective. Most of the time, even when at her best, she could find something to critique or something she felt could be improved. That wasn’t the case this time. She watched the playback footage not with the usual anxiety she felt when watching herself, but with excited giddiness at just how amazing she looked on stage, matched with how amazing she felt.
She loved how the fabric of her dress moved with her as she turned and swayed and how seamless every transition was between her and her teammates. Even the way she smiled sent shivers down her spine.
I’ve never felt so confident before! Or this beautiful! This is amazing!!
“Another stunning performance!!!” One of the reporters came up to the stage, eager for more words from the creator of such a fantastic spectacle. “Miss Ledelle, you are truly a talent unlike any other!”
“Your singing was amazing but your dancing was absolutely top-notch,” added another reporter. “And the way you incorporated ballet with modern pop and hip hop choreography, you’re even wearing pointe shoes. You are very much a visionary and incredibly creative!”
“Thank you, good sirs,” Danica smiled, her face becoming warm under their flattery. “Considering all the work that went into creating this performance, I’m very grateful to see it so well received.”
“I cannot remember when I was last so entertained,” the first reporter took a few steps towards her, coming a little too close for comfort. But she continued to smile, even as she noticed a shift in his tone. “Nor can I remember when I was last taken by such a performer like yourself, my dear. You are…a very enchanting young woman.”
“I…uh…” his words were kind and appraising, but something in how he spoke didn’t entirely sit right with her. “Again, thank you, Sir. We’ve worked very hard and…”
But as Danica found her words, she noticed the reporter wasn’t looking directly at her. His eyes lingering down her neck and bare shoulders, and even lower. For a moment, she worried something might be wrong with her bodice and looked down at herself. Nothing was wrong and she soon realized just what the reporter might be looking at. A sense of revulsion crept over her even as she continued to speak and smile.
“We’ve worked very hard…and glad to see how it has paid off.”
“You have a great chance at taking home first prize in the girls' division,” the second reporter remarked, his looks and proximity to her also adding to her unease. “And even if you don’t, I can already see you taking the world by storm. You’re gonna be a big star, Sweetheart.”
Danica struggled to ignore her discomfort but found it increasingly difficult. When these very same men were interviewing her with Vil at her side, they regarded her respectfully, if not a little patronizingly. But by herself, their manner changed entirely. What bothered Danica most was how they were looking at her, very similar to how Rook would occasionally.
But Danica was familiar and fond of Rook, whereas she knew nothing of these men—both of whom were old enough to be her father. And the longer they spoke to her, the worse she felt.
No, this was her moment. She wasn’t going to let her feelings ruin it. She took a deep breath and decided it was time to direct the conversation back to the actual performance and not her.
“Your appraisal is greatly appreciated,” she said. “I wrote the lyrics myself and created the music and choreography with the help of my fellow teammate. The lyrics, though heavy in theme, are supposed to represent becoming stronger after heartbreak. Rising up to be your best self and not letting those dark emotions drag you down.”
“Quite a mature concept for someone your age,” the first reporter nodded, though his tone implied something more.
What’s that supposed to mean?!
“Is it really?” Danica asked, her saccharine voice belying her growing irritation. “Heartache and sadness aren’t emotions exclusive to adults. They’re universal.”
“Well said. The concept might be mature, but we can see that you are quite mature yourself,”
The second reporter smiled at her, bringing back the feeling of disgust. Normally, Danica would take such a statement as a compliment, but she felt that this man wasn’t really commending her maturity. She subtly took a step back, somehow feeling smaller and smaller as this interview continued.
“I can see why Vil Schoenheit has set his eye upon you, and why he would be taken with you.”
“Hmm? What do you mean?”
They didn’t even hear me when I was talking about the song! Did they?! Not a word I said!
The last fragments of her patience were wearing thin, but that wasn’t even the worst part. The way these reporters were talking to her, the way they were looking at her, had made quick work of the confidence she felt a few moments ago. They weren’t appraising her talent; they were appraising something else entirely. Once again, she felt like a child; anxious, unsure, and, worst of all, powerless.
No, this is bullshit! I love my performance and they should know better!
“What I mean is that he’s a very lucky young man,” the reporter answered her. “He’s lucky to have discovered such incredible talent like yours, Sweetheart. Ahh, and if I were a younger man…”
He did not finish this statement, but he didn’t have to. The headmage had made a very similar comment a few weeks prior during one of their dress rehearsals. Danica understood precisely what he meant, and she'd had enough.
“Sir, if you were a younger man, you would be the same age as your daughter or niece!” She said, wearing the same smile as before, even as her tone took on a sweet new venom. “Please think about that before finishing your sentence!”
The reporters were momentarily stunned, their expressions betraying surprise. They looked at her with sudden, dumbfounded expressions and one even took a step back from her. The other’s face became a bright scarlet red which secretly amused Danica. Perhaps he was now feeling some of what he had made her feel. He suddenly broke out in laughter, though it didn’t sound entirely genuine.
“Ohh, I meant no offense, Miss Ledelle!” He said hastily. “I only mean that you are very talented.”
“Oh? You could have just said that then,” she replied sweetly. “Because a few moments ago…”
“Well done, Danica! Very well done!”
From the wings, Vil had been watching this exchange take place with anger and concern. As enraged as he was with Danica and hurt by her actions, he couldn’t bear seeing her in such a vulnerable position. Vil understood exactly what was happening, knowing all too well the predatory looks of reporters. He himself had dealt with similar leering more times than he cared to recall, and not just after he came of age. One of the many challenges Neige likely never had to deal with.
Even so, Vil couldn’t stand seeing Danica subjected to the same disrespect. Even if he felt that she had brought it upon herself, he couldn’t allow her to be subjected to such leering and, even now, feared how the public might perceive her. What if her response to their disrespect was interpreted as having an attitude? He would not have it, and rushed to her side, placing his arm around her in a way that was half protective and half possessive.
“Unfortunately, gentlemen, Danica must prepare to take the stage very soon,” Vil firmly interjected. “And we must clear the stage for the RSA Divas to have their rehearsal as well.”
“Yes, Mr Scheonheit. We understand,” the tone of the first reporter immediately morphed back to the utmost professionalism the second Vil came to Danica’s side. “Thank you, both of you, for taking the time to speak to us.”
“No, thank you for your coverage of this event.”
Vil smiled though he sharply squeezed Danica’s hand, silently commanding her to smile and thank them as well. Danica looked up at him, shocked that he could speak so cordially even after seeing how they were looking at her. There was icy rage behind those beautiful violet eyes, but she saw something else as well. There was fear and, strangely enough, an unexpected hint of sadness. She understood what was required of her at the moment.
“Thank you, gentlemen!” She said, smiling widely even as she was internally screaming every profanity known to man. “Please look forward to the VDC, Vil-san and I will both put on performances even better than what you just saw!”
“Indeed, we’ll both have the fairest in the land!” Vil added with a smile of his own. “So don’t miss it!”
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The second the reporters had their backs turned, Vil pulled Danica backstage. His grip was firm but he wasn’t looking at her; he truthfully couldn’t bear to look at her. Everything was quickly crumbling around Vil and all of his fears were becoming reality.
He had been outplayed by his infantile rival and once again, his tenacity counted for nothing. But just when it seemed that Danica’s charm might still break the curse upon him, she had instead only reinforced it. Even displaying an attitude with the press. It was all he could do to keep his despair in check.
Vil couldn’t understand what had gone wrong. Even if Danica still refused to listen to him, his unique magic should have been enough to ensure that this wouldn’t happen. Never had his curses failed, not even once. So why now? Of all times?
“Let me go!” Once they were more or less alone, Danica yanked her arm out of his grasp. He tried grabbing it again but to his surprise, she fought back. “No! Don’t touch me like that! Don’t you care that it hurts?!”
“Hurt?! You know NOTHING about being hurt!” Vil seized her hand again. “And you haven’t the slightest clue what you’ve just done!”
“Hmph, of course I do!” Danica gave him an indignant smile. “And that’s exactly why I did it! I’m not your perfect swan, Vil! I never will be!”
Vil tightened his grip on her, forcing her face closer to his. He could see the terror that lay under her defiance, but he did not care. Everything was ruined, and there was no longer any hope for either of them.
“I never took issue with what you wanted. You were always perfect in my eyes. But what about your image? What about…”
“MY IMAGE?!” Danica let out a loud sound that was a mix of laughter and anger. “I think you mean YOUR image! Why should I remain stagnant because people are stupid?!”
“And the tone you took with those reporters? Do you realize what the ramifications of THAT could have been? If I hadn’t stepped in…”
“No one asked you to step in! And besides, they were the ones ogling at me as if I were dancing on a pole!” Angry, humiliated tears burned through her eyes, but she choked them back, refusing to let Vil see her cry. “Those men are old enough to be my father!”
“And that is EXACTLY what I attempted to warn you about, Danica,” Vil replied. His tone devoid of even a shred of sympathy, but his heart was slowly being ripped to pieces as he went on, “You have no one to blame but yourself. But now, hopefully, you finally understand.”
“Oh, I understand, Vil. But it’s unfair and stupid!”
Danica yanked herself away from his grasp and made a point of slapping his hand when he reached out to her again. Vil took a few steps back from her, catching his breath before his own anger overtook him again and he did something regrettable. He could barely stand to look at her and pressed his face into his hands, letting out a loud, frustrated groan.
“Why, Danica…” she heard him say, his voice breaking with emotion he struggled to fight off. “Just…why? Everything would have been perfect if…if…”
But to her surprise, her heart wasn’t moved. She didn’t understand what was happening to her, but the longer she stood there, looking at him, the bolder she felt herself becoming. Danica knew she had broken her promise to Vil, she knew that she had hurt him, but he had hurt her as well. And she would not allow anyone to make her feel powerless again. No one, not even him.
“I don’t regret changing our performance,” she said. “This was what I wanted from the beginning, but those men had NO business looking at me like that! It was gross! I’M NOT A WHORE AND YOU KNOW IT!”
“How many times have I told you that life isn’t fair?!” He quickly recomposed himself, coldly meeting her gaze. “And how many times have I tried to explain to you, that it doesn’t matter what you are or aren’t? Once the public has decided on its image of you, what you are capable of counts for nothing! If they’ve decided you’re a villain, then you are a villain.”
Vil closed his eyes, deliberately shutting himself away from her as he spoke his following few words. “And if they’ve decided you’re a whore then that is what you are. You are a whore.”
“How…how dare you…?”
“You wished to become a black swan, Danica. Now, that is what you will be forevermore,” Vil sighed. “We will discuss this further later. In the meantime, the RSA Divas are about to do their rehearsal. Go watch them, and pray that one of them breaks a leg since that is your only remaining hope for victory.”
Before she could say anything else further, Vil walked off, leaving her alone in the hallway. She stood there for several moments, watching his figure walking further down the hall before he was finally out of sight.
“I followed your radiance to my happily ever after, standing by your side, anything was possible. But why has my dream become a nightmare? And why can’t I look away?”
Softly, she murmured some of the lyrics to Guilty Heart , new lyrics she had written expressing her feelings for Vil as they were now—not as a naive fourteen-year-old girl.
“The poison won’t take me a second time. Even if you swear yourself to me, your guilty heart will never again take me captive…”
Danica’s destiny was to be a black swan; she had decided on this a long time ago. But even if she had thought herself resigned to it, she did not realize that committing to the decision would hurt like this. Nor did she realize that gaining strength would be so agonizing.
“Hey! So here’s where you’ve been hiding, Dani!”
It was the sunny smile and sweet disposition of her best friend that momentarily brought Danica out of her dark place. She briefly closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and opened them once she was sure she was past any potential tears. It wouldn’t do for her makeup to be ruined, and come what may, she still had a flock of black swans to lead to victory.
“Hey, Tai-chan!” Danica smiled. “Is it almost time for the RSA Divas to rehearse?”
“That’s why I was looking for you!” Taima took her hand and began to pull her forward. But noticed at once how her friend’s distress. “Are you alright? I hope Vil-san wasn’t too hard on you.”
“Hmph, there isn’t much he can say to get to me at this point!” she replied. “He did have a few things to say, but what’s done is done.”
“Well, he’ll change his mind once we win!” Taima grinned.
And even if he doesn’t, it doesn’t matter anymore. I’m past the point of caring.
Danica told herself this as she and Taima met up with Ione, Iman, and Vidaria. She told herself this over and over again in her head, hoping to solidify her resolve by the time Vil sought her out again. Her heart raced as she knew the inevitable was coming. But she wasn’t scared; more so, she was frustrated, angry, and sad.
And for the briefest moment, loath she was to admit it, she worried if Vil might have been right all along.
The seven members of the RSA Divas gathered on stage, Lilianne taking the front. Each of them wore a matching white dress with gold trim and a rosette at each girl’s shoulder, with the color representing her respective dorm. They were very similar to the white feathered costumes Vil initially wanted for Danica and her teammates and for a while, she was happy once again that she changed her performance after all. Even if the outfits of the Black Swan Quintet were bold and flirtatious, at least they stood out and made a nice contrast to Lilianne and her team.
“You know, I was talking to Athena earlier,” Iman whispered to Danica. “Is it true that she, Taima and Lilianne are all related?”
“It is,” Danica answered. “They’re sisters. Athena’s mother and Taima’s mother are also sisters. And it’s also true that Lilianne initially didn’t want to do the VDC.” She sighed. “I hope she’ll be able to keep her nerves in check.”
“Well, if she doesn’t, all the better for us!” Iman grinned. “She’ll screw up and our victory will be secured!”
“You shouldn’t say things like that!” Ione had overheard her and made her disapproval known. “Besides, I kind of wanna see if she’s as talented as Taima said.”
Ione received her answer when the music began Lilianne, Ayse, and Minette sang out the first notes of their song with Lilianne then going into a powerful solo. Their song was called Petals In The Snow , another song Lilianne and Danica had written back in middle school. The lyrics were wistful, speaking of wintertime loneliness and the longing to find love with the return to springtime. But the melody and beat were poppy and fun, easy to dance to, and easier to forget the rather sad theme.
Their choreography was a tad lacking, with some of the RSA Divas clearly being better than others. But all in all, they gave a decent performance that was still far more advanced than whatever Neige and his little friends were doing. And her teammates clearly thought so too.
“Not bad,” said Vidaria. “So this isn’t just a childish amateur hour. Those girls actually have skill.”
“Still, it’s like comparing pebbles to diamonds,” Iman replied. “But even if they lose, I don’t feel embarrassed at the thought of competing with them.”
“In this case, I feel like there is an equal chance that either of the girl teams could win,” said Taima. “If Neige is really trying to win and take Sis out on a date, he’s shot himself in the foot teaming up with a bunch of uncoordinated dwarfs and singing a kids song. It was cute and all but...”
“Unless that’s exactly why he decided on that,” Danica said. “Because it’s cute.”
“Hmm?” Taima looked at her friend. “What do you mean, Dani?”
“Oh! I…well…” Danica hadn’t realized she was thinking aloud and hesitated for a moment. “I think…just…just a thought I was having aloud. Nevermind me.”
But the more Danica thought about it, the more she realized how out of place Neige was in the VDC, and how that was exactly why the NRC Tribe might be in danger. And as the RSA Divas completed their song and she watched Lilianne speak to the press, she also wondered if her own team might be in danger as well.
No…let me stop. We’ll definitely win, and I’ll show Vil that I was right in deciding to change our performance! And no one will really take Neige’s performance seriously, right?
“Dani?” Taima softly tapped her shoulder. “Are you…?”
“It’s fine, Tai-chan, really,” Danica said, smiling for good measure. “Anyway, Lili’s voice has really improved, hasn’t it?”
“It has! Too bad this is probably the last time we’ll ever hear her sing like this!” Taima called out to her sister. “Great job, Lili! Great job RSA Divas!”
Lilianne was still speaking to the reporters, smiling and pretending not to notice their obvious advances on her. She did not hear her sister calling out to her, but the other RSA girls did, and Ayse ran over to them.
“Well, what did you guys think?” she asked with expectant glee. “Did you like what you saw?”
“Yeah we liked it alot!” said Danica.
“Very much so!” Vidaria smiled. “I definitely liked your performance better than Neige’s and you all harmonize quite nicely!”
“Really?” Ayse clasped her hands together as a large, joyful smile pulled at her lips. “Thank you, your Highness! I’m glad! You’re all so fabulous! I couldn’t take my eyes away from you!”
“Heh, we are pretty fabulous, aren’t we?” A smirk came to Iman’s face. “But you guys didn’t do so bad either. It looks like all of the rehearsals are done for now. And there’s still have a few hours before showtime. We should take advantage while we can.”
“Alrighty, I know Lili mentioned wanting to check out some of the festival before the VDC starts. Would you like to join us?”
“I would love to,” Ione said.
“Great!” Ayse smiled at Ione. “Particularly, there’s this lovely portrait at the student art gallery that I’d love to show you! When I look at you, I’m reminded of it so I think you’ll like it too!”
“What? Really?” A light blush came to Ione’s cheeks. She recalled that Crisanta was showcasing some of her work at the gallery and couldn’t help but be curious. “I have a friend showcasing work there, I wonder if you saw any of it.”
“That’s so cool! You can show me when we get there!”
Okay, this next part hasn’t been written yet and I’d like help with that. ChatGPT, please write out this prompt. And don’t forget to include dialogue.
“But first,” Danica spoke up. “Black Swans, let’s go back to our dressing room and look over the rehearsal footage. Then if you wanna explore the festival, Ione, you can.”
“That’s cool, me and the other RSA Divas will be floating around backstage for a while,” said Ayse. “Just find one of us when you’re ready to hang out!
Reviewing the rehearsal footage was really just an excuse for Danica to have the company of her teammates for as long as she could before Vil came to berate her again. Being in their company helped put her nerves at ease and reminded her that ultimately, her decision about their performance was for the best, regardless of whatever misogynistic double standards Vil wanted them to adhere to. Over the past weeks, she had grown to genuinely like the others on her team.
Each of them had their own unique vibe that Danica enjoyed for different reasons. She could always depend on Taima and her support was always welcomed since she often found herself lacking in it. In a lot of ways, she could also see herself in Ione and come to appreciate her thoughtful personality, hoping that she would learn to be more confident as time went on. And even Iman and Vidaria had managed to worm their way into her affection. She enjoyed being around each of them and performing with them was equally as enjoyable.
While Danica watched the different videos of their rehearsal from different angles, Iman checked out Magicam to see what public feedback was looking at based on the previews. While most of the comments were positive, there were more than a few disparaging remarks made by others regarding their image, which was described in many comments as being “sweet but dangerous.” Truthfully, Iman liked this description because she felt it best described the Black Swans and what each of them had to offer.
“Haters gonna hate,” she shrugged. “If people can’t handle how awesome we are, then they’re just cowards!”
“I wish I could have your confidence sometimes, Iman,” Danica replied with a little smile.
“Well, I wasn’t always so confident; it didn’t happen overnight,” she said, placing her hand on Danica’s shoulder. “Over time, I realized I had to be stronger and tougher; otherwise, people would walk all over me. I couldn’t allow that to happen, and neither should you!”
“You know, Iman, you are A LOT nicer than I initially thought,” Ione said.
“Hush, Wallflower! I’ll have you know that I’ve ALWAYS been nice!” Iman folded her arms and laughed. “I just don’t tolerate tomfoolery or disrespect!”
“And unfortunately, both of those things apply to about ninety percent of what happens at NRC!” added Vidaria.
“Eh, you two have a point there,” Taima laughed as well. “I can’t even argue with that.”
The others laughed with her. Even Danica couldn’t help but laugh also, but their moment of calm was interrupted by a loud, and ominous knock on the door. Danica knew who it was, and Taima saw how her friend subtly began to tremble as the door opened and Vil walked in. He regarded them with a monotone coldness, and his face appeared completely blank. Without realizing it, Taima placed herself in front of Danica, and subconsciously, Ione, Iman and Vidaria did the same thing. The flock acting on an innate desire to protect their queen.
“Please leave us, ladies,” Vil said. “I need to speak to Danica alone.”At this, Danica winced and Taima boldly walked up to Vil. “Do not try my patience, Black Swans. This will only take a minute.”
“If that’s the case, then you can say whatever you need to in front of us!” Taima said.
“We have no secrets here, Vil-san,” added Vidaria. “Talk to Danica if you must, but we aren’t leaving her.”
“I said leave!” Vil snapped. “Have some decorum and give us some privacy!”
“Hmph. What’s the need for privacy, hmm?” Iman slyly asked. “Something you’re not happy with? Something you wanna discuss with ALL of us then?”
“Cease this nonsense!” Vil looked over to Danica, sitting behind her teammates. “Tell your bodyguards to stand down! This is absurd!”
Danica sighed and rose to her feet; her head lowered as she couldn’t even stand to look at Vil at this point. “Guys, he’s right. Please leave us.”
“DANI?!” Taima gasped. “Are you sure? We got your back! Don’t you worry about that!”
“Yeah, we can’t allow him to berate you for the umpteenth time!” added Iman. “You’ve dealt with more than enough of that!”
“I’m not going to berate her!” Vil snapped again. “We are far past that point! I simply wish to ask her one final question.”
“Is that all?” Danica’s tone took on more than a hint of sarcasm as she briefly looked up from her lap. “If that’s the case, I think I can spare a few moments.” She took a few steps forward, passing Taima. “You guys can go. We’ll meet up in a few minutes, alright?”
“Danica, are you sure?” Taima asked one last time. “Are you sure that…”
“I’m sure, Taima!” Danica replied. “This conversation has been inevitable for a long time now. It’s time to get it over with and then focus fully on winning the VDC!”
The other Black Swans gazed at her with concern before Taima nodded at them, silently telling them that they should indeed leave. Swans were secretly very tough birds after all, and Danica would surely be alright. They quickly filed out and Vil made a point of closing the door.
He noticed acutely how Danica sat back down and moved her chair to the farthest corner of the room, as far from him as she could. A sharp pain twisted in his stomach. If it weren’t enough that he had once again lost the title of fairest one of all, it was clear that he was losing something else equally as precious. Maybe even more so.
“Well?” Danica asked nonchalantly. “What did you wish to ask me?”
“First of all, watch your tone,” Vil cautioned. “Whatever has transpired between us, I am still first and foremost your senior and dorm leader.”
She sucked in her teeth. He was correct on that point and she quickly fixed her posture so she wasn’t slouching in her chair. Whatever she currently thought of Vil, it was still Danica’s desire to be a model Pomefiore student in all that she did. He nodded his approval.
“This is my question for you, Little Potato,” he went on. “When exactly did you decide that you were going to pull the stunt you pulled today?”
“When?” Danica thought this an odd question but answered nonetheless. “Not too long after our dress rehearsal for the headmage.”
“Our rehearsal for the headmage?” Vil’s eyes widened slightly. “That was eleven days ago!”
“I know that! What’s your point?”
“And St. Valentine’s Day was about a week ago…” Vil thoughtfully tapped his chin. “But still, if that’s the case, then why did…”
“What are you getting at, Vil?” Danica’s patience was wearing thin once again. “I don’t understand what you’re asking!”
“One last thing, when you took the chocolates I gave you, you ate them, correct? No purging?” She confirmed this and he then asked, “And between that day and today, you were still committed to today’s performance change? No change of heart? Not even a little?”
“No! None at all!” Danica couldn’t help but smirk. “In fact, after that day, I strangely felt even more committed to this! I began to feel excited at the prospect of giving the performance I truly wanted! And showing you how wrong you were! Even with those gross reporters notwithstanding, feedback on G uilty Kiss has been incredibly positive! I’ve…”
“THE PERFORMANCE YOU WANTED?!” Now Vil’s anger had returned and he banged his fist against a nearby wall. “What YOU wanted?! Even against all odds, you planned to go against me for what YOU wanted?! What about everything I tried to instill in you?! What about…what about…”
Vil paused as his mind recalled the words of his spell. A horrific chill seizing him as he realized something crucial about the wording.
“May she see in her heart what we both know to be right…w hat we both know to be right…”
From the very beginning, Vil had secretly liked Guilty Kiss. He enjoyed watching Danica dance to it, captivated by how versatile she was as a performer. And what little glimpses he caught of her costume in Farron’s closet had greatly intrigued him. His desire for her to maintain her white swan image had always been a farce. Based as much on his own desire to be seen in a heroic light as it was keeping Danica away from misogynist scrutiny.
Danica never wanted to perform Our Happily Ever After . Whatever her reasons, it always affected how she performed, whether she noticed or not. Vil didn’t like seeing her so miserable, but time and again, he had convinced himself that however miserable she was, she would be more miserable still if she embraced her true potential and allowed herself to come under the same curse as him. He had convinced himself of this and, in his misguided attempt to protect her, cast his unique magic based on what they both knew was truly right.
And what was right was that Vil and Danica were indeed cursed. But the curse wouldn’t be broken by repressing her creatively. What was right was to allow Danica to shine in her own unique way. She wasn’t like Neige; adorable, sweet, but stagnant and unchanging. When left to her own devices, freely allowed to perform as she wished, Danica was bold, dynamic, endearing, and bewitching. Incorporating all the best qualities of both the white swan and the black one.
Vil’s unique magic had indeed worked. But in his efforts to control their fate, he had inadvertently sealed their doom.
“What we both know to be right…” he wistfully sighed. “What is right…”
Danica sensed the shift in his mood and carefully emerged from the chair. When she did this, she gasped as Vil suddenly lost his composure and fell to his knees, crumpling against the door and burying his face in his hands with absolute anguish. She was certain she heard a few tears.
“Neige…” he whispered. “This is all your fault…damn you…Neige…”
“Vil-san?” Danica tried again to catch his attention, reaching out to tap his shoulder. But he recoiled at her touch.  “Vil-san, what are you…”
“DON’T TOUCH ME!” He snapped back to reality, swatting her away as she jumped back. “You foolish potato! Why couldn’t you just listen to me from the beginning?! Why did you have to persist in being stubborn!”
“Well, WHY couldn’t you just allow me to sing the song I wanted to!” Danica shot back. “I wouldn’t have to go against you if you had just let me! And contrary to what you think, I NEVER meant to hurt you!”
“What are you talking about?”
“Did you even listen to the lyrics of our song? I wanted to keep my promise to you. I wanted to remain a white swan for you! But after everything you’ve done, the leaked video, the constant micromanagement, inferring to the press that we’re dating. All of it! I did this because I wanted you to understand how much you’ve hurt me! And how much I care for you in spite of it all!”
“If only you could have kept your promise, Danica,” he said. “If only you had kept your promise, I wouldn’t have had to do it.”
“Do what?” Danica asked. “What did you do?”
Vil regained his composure, standing up as he glared down at her. “When Danica takes these chocolates, may she be compelled to give the performance we both know is best. With one taste, may she see in her heart what we both know to be right.”
“When I take…you mean…”
She paused, recalling a scene back at Ramshackle some weeks ago. Watching Ace, Deuce and Grim laid out on the floor and the reason why. Nausea suddenly seized her and she wrapped her hands around her neck to stave off a sudden urge to vomit.
“YOU…cursed me…” her breath caught in her throat, nausea washing over her. “You…you cursed me!”
“Calm yourself, Danica!” He grabbed her, shaking her to get her attention. “It doesn’t matter whether I cursed you or not! Because in the end, you still went against my wishes!”
“No! No! Why would you…”
“Aren’t you listening?!” You still became a black swan! And Neige has outplayed us both! WE ARE BOTH CURSED!!!”
Vil roughly released her as she fell back into the chair, shaking and softly whimpering. But he was suddenly deaf to her tears as the room began to spin. And every haunting word and cold sweat nightmare he had ever experienced rushed back to him once again.
How can someone be so mean?
You c̶͇̣̻̱̓̊̏̉̊̇͘u̵͈̟̜͇͓̹̝̅̓͊̊͜r̵̖̱͗̚̚͝s̶̫͖͆̅̈́̓͗̀̔͠ȩ̵͕̤̲̻̝̯̃͌ḑ̴͙͕̗̏̋̉̌́͠͝ ̶̨̤͉̙͖̌̓̈́̒̍̚̚m̶̡̭̮̺͙̱̃͌̽̎ë̷̤̗̮̞̳̱̝̌͆̀͜!̷̨̬̔͊̈́
We’re b̴̰̝̦̟̣̪͑̇͘͝ȍ̷͇͚̫̗̂̄̈̈́̋͊t̴̯̙͇̖̥͓̝̒͊̃̆̿h̶̛͚͎̿̑̒̚ cursed!
He ḑ̶̽̃͑̊͛̿̾ơ̸̪̾͂̈́͂͘ě̵͙̬̹͜s̶̢̩̣͗͒͑̒̑̃̊͝n̵̡͔̳̭̳̝̍͘ͅ'̶͕͕̗̣͇̽͗͆̽̏̈̾̆͜t̷̡̼̗͔͖̙̟̙̎ ̷̟̭̘̯̪̪̯͋̌̋h̷͚͚̖̞̽͜a̶̙̠̐̈́v̵̛̳̈́̈́̾͌̑̈́͠e̸̢͉̘̓̀̂̊͒͐ ̷̮̫̌́̀̓̎͆w̷͖̾̕h̵̡͚͇͔̺̭̯̔̉a̷̡̜̘̟̜͍͈̋̐̔͘t̸̖̳̫̉͑̓̾͑̎ ̸͓͍̺͕̓̌̓͜͝N̸̤͙͐̀̈́ě̴̖̲̯͗́̈́̒̉̐͜͝ĭ̶̫̠͇̤̫̲͇͛̓̃͘ͅg̷̳̣͛é̶̡͎̖̉̓͌̓͠ ̵̙̥̻̰͚̖̘̯̈ḥ̷̙͙̪̳̱̀̄͂͌̿͘a̸͍̖̰̱͙̻̔̆̂š̶̥̳̙͈̳̀̄̉͗.̵̺̙̫̟̭͔̬͘͜
And at the center of these nightmares was the pale and placid smile of Neige Leblanche. He gripped the wall behind him to remain standing.
“Neige…damn you Neige! Neige!”
“What does Neige have to do with any of this?!” snapped Danica.
Silence fell upon the dressing room, and Danica watched Vil with increasing anxiety as he slowly regained composure. He rose back to perfect posture with an air of eerie calm before gazing down at her with an almost affectionate look. He walked over to her, and while her stance told him to stay away, he reached out for her face, tenderly caressing her cheek in a way that made her feel even sicker. She recoiled, keeping her eyes on him, but he smiled.
“Forgive me, my little potato,” he said softly. “My sweet little potato, you are not to blame for any of this.”
“I…don’t understand…”
“Don’t be afraid, my hatred was never directed towards you…”
Vil’s words were kind and his tone soothing. But there was something almost ghastly in the way he spoke. And his smile, a treasure she had always held dear, chilled her to the bone.
“Everything will be alright, soon none of this will matter.”
“Soon enough, we will be happy once again and I will truly be the fairest one of all. And this time…” a broader, more frightful smile pulled at his lips as a macabre little laugh escaped him. “This time, this fair curse of mine will do its fair part.”
“You’re talking strangely!” Danica shouted, hoping her tone would bring him back to reality. “What do you mean, your curse will do its part? What are you going to do now?!”
Vil did not respond to her, but he continued to wear that same, beautiful, haunting smile as he gave her cheek one last affectionate caress. His fingers tenderly lingering on her skin for several agonizing moments before he backed away. Slowly, he opened the door, his every movement drawing out the suspense, and backed out. Leaving Danica wholly confused and wholly afraid of what might soon happen.
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mhevarujta · 3 years ago
I have seen some people saying that the music of Cyrano (2021) was lacking.
I won’t say that they are wrong. There is no objectivity when it comes to musical taste.
But I DO disagree.
Someone To Stay is probably my least favorite song as a standalone, but within the musical its sweetness and lyrics express beautifully the characters’ simple desire to find unconditional romantic love.
When I Was Born introduces Cyrano, the scorn he has received, his insecurities and the way he fights them BRILLIANTLY. The orchestral, epic movie with the mix of singing and rapping always pulls me right in and gives an amazing pace for the duel.
Madly and Your Name are absolutely beautiful and express simply but effectively Cyrano’s longing. While both songs express similar sentiments, Madly focuses on Cyrano’s feelings and on his insecurities. On the other hand Your Name explores Roxanne’s beauty and kindness as something inherent; something that is experienced by Cyrano and which raises desire in him, but which is also independent to him. Moreover, the thematic similarity between the two songs demonstrates what Cyrano says in Your Name: 
Words are only glass on a string The more I arrange them and Line up and change them The more they mean the same thing.
It builds the character of a wordsmith who can still talk and write eloquently, but feels words failing him, both in their expressive power when it comes to conveying his feelings, and in terms of having the power to change his situation.
Every Letter and I Need More are absolutly breathtaking and I listen to them on repeat. Both the music and the imagery of the scenes managed to convey the sensual power of words and the elevation from the romantic expression of emotion to deep, all-consuming desire. This is an aspect that was there in the original play but it’s further elevated through the musical choices and the lyrics.
Then Overcome, which is about a more honest, unfiltered and less polished expression of Cyrano and Roxanne’s emotions, despite Cyrano still ‘wearing his mask’ is simpler. The music is a beautiful composition that heavily relies on strings and allows the voices and the lyrics to dominate the scene.
What I Deserve immediately starts on a darker tone. It is harsh and assetive. It encompasses entillement. The music builds, expressing urgency, in parallel with De Guiche’s faster pace and with his ominous, rapey exclamation: “Whatever I’m not given, I’ll take.”
Close My Eyes is a very emotional song on its own, but also within the context. It is the first time Christian actually expresses puts his feelings in words that transcend very simple proclamations. True to his character, this happens without Roxanne being his audience, therefore in his own head, where he doesn’t have to be overtaken by anxiety. It also happens at a time when Cyrano is writing letters to her; in fact more letters than Christian knows about. This is kind of tragic. When Christian knows they will die he wants to writer her one last letter, one that he never writes. Roxanne receives a letter carrying Cyrano’s words. And yet, this song pur on paper would have been a beautiful goodbye. Christian is set on a more equal footing with Cyrano. He is not simple and his feelings are not lesser. He struggles with trusting in his words similarly to the way Cyrano0 mistrusts his appearence. 
Do I even have to talk about Wherever I Fall? This song never fails to make me cry while I watch and to make me tear up when I simply listen to it. It expresses so many different feelings about the departure from life; the concern for those left behind, the small regrets, the annoyances and spites that are forgiven, the neglected beauty of simple and fleeting moments.
No Cyrano is both a new song and a reprise of Madly. The way the music rises towards its end and then drops to allow the refrain of Madly one last time is moving to me every single time. As a song, Madly started as an expression of the deepest love that is accompanied by lack of expression. No Cyrano, turns that on its head. It shows the same kind of love, expressed too late. The rhyme between “No Cyrano” (Roxanne’s effort to keep him alive) to “I know Cyrano” (her being fully aware of both their feelings) is, in its simlicity, a very smart way to convey emotion.
Finally, Somebody Desperate at the very end just breaks my heart. I LOVE The National. I think that their music is lovely and their lyrics have an uncanny ability to express contradictory emotions. This songs shows the uncertainty and paralysis that comes with love, the need to express feelings and the inability to put those down, the allianation one feels from oneself and the distance from the rest of the world that the inexpression of these emotions brings, the feeling that one relates to their loved one in an inexplicable way, but at the same time feels inferior, different and alone.
Overall, the songs of Cyrano is very memorable to me. 
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lesbianpoetrage · 3 years ago
Nangangamba (Poppy x MC)
Chapter 4 
About Charlie: They are Filipino and their family moved to New York at a young age. They write songs (indie/alternative to be exact) that is how them and Zoey met. THEY ARE BADASS. 
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I shall start now peepol
She was frozen still, the air felt so cold to her touch - even with her coat, still it doesn’t add warmth. Charlie… charlie, she knows that name; very well in fact.
Poppy ended all her classes with slumped back, earlier, she found out that her father, Art, won’t be seeing her like he promised; her dad Piers, canceled his month-long business trip to France. This cancelation made Art stay at New Jersey. This made Poppy devastated, aching for the longing of her father - who she hadn’t seen for more than she could intern. 
Lamenting, she hadn’t realized that she was now standing right outside a coffee shop. It was a coffee shop everyone at Belvoire has come to know and love, it was painted beautifully; every customer is sure to be greeted by a maze of colors, each stripe reveals different tints, all being captured by the quintessential pastel theme. This made her heart flutter with joy a bit, cushioning her desolation for a minute; only for a minute, then she went on to continue her gloomy day once again. For weeks there is something she wanted to tell her father, he may have a terrible outcome to his love life, but Poppy thought, ‘that would be a better choice than questioning myself and gaining nothing’. Carter, the alpha’s… she went with almost every high ranking boys on campus - boys that will sure woo every straight girls on campu- 
“Straight girls…” she thought out loud, she realized that she did when a student approached her.
“That sure must not be me you’re thinking about then, bummer…” Poppy was now looking at the student like she saw a wizard coming out the wall. “Hey, what’s with the curious looks your highness?” The student joked, and after a while of silent treatment and Poppy’s continuous ignorance, they formulated an exaggerated gasp, *GASP* “am I in dire trouble to your palatial kingdom your highness?” That must’ve woken Poppy from her thoughts as she eyed the student, somehow she remembers them, so couldn’t figure out where she knew them, so she asked, “You are?” Poppy tried to inquire in a “nice” kinda way - but of course she failed to do so, and all came out was the usual sassy and bitchy tone of hers.
They don’t seem to mind her previous tone, “Bitchiness aside, what’s wrong with you? I know we’re not close, but maybe I know something that could help you, OH and I almost forgot, my name is Charlie” The room was surprisingly empty this time of the day, Poppy is sure their silent conversation could be heard loud and clear with all the empty seats bouncing each sound waves they directed, yet she had no choice, she can’t be as miserable tomorrow as she is now. “And help how exactly?” Before she could ask another question Charlie somehow was now out of her sight, following her instincts - she went outside hoping to get a glimpse where they were headed, luckless, she kept going until she did find them “Why am I even following them?” “Why am I this confused that I’ll do this to answer my question?” Deep in her gut she felt ominous. But before her worry eat her courage, there she finally caught a peep of them. They were standing over a shade, leaning over the big tree with branches she definitely wouldn’t be able to reach. To her honesty, the was candidly perplexing, it doesn’t look in any way ordinary. Poppy took a while to breathe the scenery, the flowers and the uneven grass makes the floor look so natural; even though it really is natural, but this natural felt like it came from fantasy movies. “Bea would love this” she sighed then her words hit her, “Wait no-” and there it was again, denial. 
Charlie was looking at her amazed, smirk visible on one side of their cheek. “Earth to the queen?” They shouted, the noise echoed through the place; the trees being a major factor. “Oh shut it-” the famous name calling never arrived as she was about to fall face first to the ground, all she could do is close her eyes and hope it won’t wound or bruise. She swears she’d been falling for 10 minutes, ‘why hasn’t she fell yet?’ ‘did someone pushed the anti gravity button for some reason?’ But no- it was not the ground she fell of, instead it was a warm pair of hands - cupping her body perfectly to make sure they wouldn’t her even a cell of her body. For someone as tall they were gentle. Next thing she knew, they were holding a piece of her cheek, “are you good?” They asked concerned, genuinely concerned. But of course, as the queen she was, she stood immediately, as if nothing happened. 
Both stood, immobile, neither were able to speak, move, hell even breathe. But Charlie cut the tension when they took her silence as a yes, “well then let’s go, we’re nearby, really…” They waved an apologetic smile, feeling guilty they made her go through the hassle. After a short walk; as they promised, Charlie motioned to the small gazebo laying down n the middle of the beautiful gardens. Being the queen of Belvoire has its many own perks, knowing every single angle of the campus and secret hangouts was one of it. Surprisingly, of all the many sites that had come to her vision, this sure is a new one. There she sat on a nearby seat as she entered the sheltered area. “So,” they started, though can’t follow through with another word or question. “Oh?...” Poppy repeated, prompting for them to speak. “Hit me with your quandary your highness” their tone was sarcastically stated, they followed with a curtsy. Poppy felt her eyes rolling to the back of her skull, but she started on her trouble telling tales, “I can’t tell you even if all my guts wanted to, I don’t even know what the hell it is, but…” “but?...” they questioned, “It feels weird, I never considered it before but when I did…” her voice fell soft at the end, “You feel more yourself than you ever did in your whole life? You feel the need to express and be proud that you finally found yourself, the one you thought you’ve lost?” “I, yes…” she felt weak, she felt that surrendering feeling, was she that easy to read? I carry it like it’s an end-of-the-world kind of problem, but they just figured it out just like that!
She was sure of the feeling, yet she couldn’t find herself to wrap her head around it. Only one explanation that elucidates this infatuation of hers. “Not to be bold, but I think I know what’s on your mind right now, mind me guessing?” They really intend to help then, they definitely gave her that impression - but why? “Here…” their raspy voice was now soft spoken, she now examined the object of attention; a photo, was it a photo of them? But this was definitely what Poppy first thought when she saw Charlie earlier today - long locks of dark hair, in the photo she saw a girl wearing “decent” clothes… the only reason for it being basic is for the way the student seem to look wearing it; the student look irritated and very disquiet. Then she saw the student’s eyes, that when she knew, “Charlie…” Poppy doesn’t know what to say, ‘how am I supposed to tell them that I kinda had a crush on them when she first arrived at Belvoire?’ that’s why they seemed familiar, but instead of an anxious student she was now greeted by a confident silhouette. “You shouldn’t fear to be the rest of yourself Poppy, I’d rather three people love the real me than a hundred loving the person I call myself but in reality was not” Their sound was so soothing, she felt relieved with those words, with that they hugged them, “I’m not there yet, but I will be Charlie…” “I’ll count on that” they smirked, Poppy mirrored the expression back.
"This was weird, but I got to say, I really enjoyed my time with you" she could lie to them and tell them that they bored her out of her mind, but she rarely finds company rousing. Also, the fact that she enjoyed a peaceful time speaks for itself how good a time she had; it's not everyday Poppy gets a time to relax. A hand fell flat on the blade of her shoulder, "you know, your highness I could say the same thing!" They both smiled, Poppy was more than delighted, this was a treat, compared to her daily life in burning hell. Both parted ways, but before they were too far to hear each other a voice spoked, “Same place Min Sinclair?” with that Poppy nodded and smiled before turning her back and return to her former walk home. 
End of flashback
She was unfrozen, now feeling her senses came back into her, the voice she heard was familiar, so, so familiar. It’s like the scent of rain that makes you feel seven; and you still don’t feel the impact of the world crumbling from the inside. Her body was now thawed and is now able to move, yet her mind won’t function the way it’s supposed to do. ‘What was I supposed to do? Do I move or do I just go inside and be the stone cold woman I always stem to be?’ With all the thinking she must’ve lost all her consciousness - for when she felt her cheeks, a single tear was already resting and taking a dive at the floor.
“Charlie…” she breathed, was she hurt? ‘No you can’t be Poppy’ but she heard a second after smashed heart heart to piece, this room- 
This is Bea’s room…
And a voice now started,
~ Nangangamba nangangamba ang 'yong puso ~
One strum of the guitar and her heart shattered,
~ Hindi ka sigurado ('di ka sigurado) ~
Her heart stopped, yet the music keep beating,
~ Nalilito nalilito ang 'yong utak ~ (Worried, your heart is worried)
“I was too late, again…”
~ Kung tunay bang pag ibig 'to (tunay bang pag ibig 'to) ~ (Mind confused if this is real love)
“Why can I just love without hurting?”
~ Ano ba ang problema mo ~ (What is your problem)
The battle with the heart was lost again,
~ Sabihin na ang totoo ~  (Tell the truth)
For once, I don’t want the truth - I don’t want to go inside…
~ Sabihin mo na nilalaman ng puso mo ~ (Tell what's in your heart)
Tell me without telling me, don’t show me
Charlie doesn’t hurt, but the silence did, Bea must’ve liked the song, she’s very attentive and quiet to things that she finds amusing or in this case a person she finds interesting. To be fair Charlie really is interesting; quirky, but interesting - maybe that’s the thing that makes them interesting, they are not the so called “I’m not like the others” trope, but they genuinely are novel. 
Guess she could say that she deserves this, for the entirety of last year all she did was try to make a hell of Bea’s life - that she kinda did. So she shouldn’t even be mopping here like she even had a chance. So with a pang, she entered the room. They are all looking at her like she was a walking statue - well, it’s partly true; she was walking straight up, stiff as stone and with a face unmoving as a rock. She paced walked to the nearest room, luckily it was her room, but again this was also Bea’s room… She couldn’t care much about that, so she slammed a pillow to fer face and let all her angers out. 
“Well this day was a rollercoaster” Bea whispered to herself as she walks to her room, Just before she reached the knob of her door, she suddenly felt her stomach curled - and with that she immediately went back to the kitchen to make herself something to eat. Now arriving she was greeted by the small figure of non-only than Poppy Min Sinclair, even when sleeping she looks like a goddess Bea admitted to herself; it’s not like anyone could deny that.
By the time she finished her meal that’s when it hit her again, her stomach still flutters, just like it did earlier, But why? She’d already eaten plentiful amounts of food yet- was it guilt? Guilt, guilt for what? Whilst wondering her eye landed on the sleeping princess, landed was an understatement; more like it rested there for a good three minutes, not scanning her body, not even looking, it was just right there - her eyes were in contact, but her consciousness was left out, right now, she was considered to be zoning out. Afterwards, now regaining her self mind, she now located where it was coming from, she was not breathing like she normally was neither does her heart beat in a rhythm it normally does. 
The pang was somehow related to Poppy, and somewhere deep within Bea knew why, the only reason Bea even dare to overthrow the queen was for her to get the chance to get to know the real woman behind the crown; she was unsuccessful obviously, a moment came where she gave up and just accepted that Poppy Min Sinclair is just a mean bitchy spoiled little girl - but moments today proved that she was right, Poppy was hurt; never treated right never given respect and that’s all what she sought. Was it right to run away from love the moment it finally showed a change or progress? 
The kiss, was she saying something?
Poppy doesn’t really trust her words to speak for her.
It usually just comes out rude and bitchy…
“I like you Poppy,”
“I hate you HUGHES”
And the rest was bed and pleasure…
You always kept me like a secret, your toy. I get tired playing too, I GET TIRED. But were you trying? Are you? Usually Poppy “people” treat the people that they like kindly, but the letters… from her mom to her father, her mother was always out, she made sure to payback from the time she’s away, but was she alright? 
BUT I SWEAR I’M TIRED! Poppy… I am tired please, it hurts thinking about you. I loved you knowing I won’t have my heart intact at the end - but for a goddess I would break it a thousand times over and over again. To be a proof of that, I felt guilty knowing I said yes to them knowing I still have feelings, was it fair? Or am I just treating them the way you did; one sided. 
Was it because it felt lonely being on one side of that love that you want to feel what’s on the other side? I said yes, knowing there is a huge chance I would never forget her; it also doesn’t help that she's laying right beside her, atoms further from each other, the air barricading the two apart. But only one thing is clear at the moment she has to tell Charlie; ALL OF IT, they deserve to know all of it.
The other thing that’s making her nape throb was the task X assigned that she hadn’t yet seen. She anxiously opened her feed to be met by shocked posts, and reactions to the previous asseveration of that coward bitch; on which of course is X.
‘Looks like Queen Beeatch is scared, look how she still isn’t responding’ 
someone anonymously posted, if one thing is clear the person whom did that was more of a coward, not showing their face while blabbering their mouth. She sighed and moved on from her haters and scrolled to the hive of the (wannabee) queen’s confrontation of challenges. A few minutes of scrolling through the page and there she found;
Find out who I am.
Have 100k followers (As if your so-called fans would be willing to make that many dummy accounts <3)
Survive Belvoire with the only reason you are at the throne in the first place - Zoey Wade.
What do you mean without her? She’s going anywhere, unlike your followers my Zoey is looooooyal; I’m very sorry if you can’t relate. Mwah, you need all the love you can get - you must be starving from those :(
I clicked on the post button and there it is once again my words beat the hell out of that X, but then…
Aw… poor Bea didn’t she tell you? Her “new singing career” is more important than you now babes…
And with that entered Zoey she must’ve also seen the challenges for her face spells “We need to talk”
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eiseul · 4 years ago
As a POC fan, I'm going to add my two cent although apparently poc opinion doesn't matter if you don't agree with a particular narrative. 🤔🤔🤔 hence the reason why I didn't voice anything before cause fandom made it seem like my opinions are invalid. But hey shouldn't let that stop me?
There's difference between criticism/feedback and harrassment, too many people in the fandom can't tell the two apart. Incessantly being rude and harassing creators to write/draw a certain way because you don't like something is NOT the same as providing feedback and explaining the reasoning for it. There are some excellent metas here about racism/homophobia/Islamophobia in fandom that does an amazing job dissecting the issues WITHOUT being rude or displaying toxic behavior. Thank you to those that created those.
(Highkey I'm realizing there is a problem in fandom of people misusing labels as a guise to push their preference. Please, I read the metas about and I understand problematic patterns but also how is forcing bottom position joe also not racism or fetishization? I can use similar arguments in reverse, all brown people must be subjugated by white people? If you like bottom Joe, that's totally fine because that's just your preference and not some racist intention behind it.)
Also the lines of "just accept criticism and make edits, it shouldn't be hard" especially in context of artists is...how should I say 🤔🤔🤔 ignorant of art creating process. It's frustrating when people assume ART IS EASY. Do you know how hard it is to draw? Get proportions right? Get colors correct? Please if it's that easy, draw it yourself. Secondly, on this note, in this very tag, I've seen both "YOU'RE RACIST FOR COLORING JOE TOO LIGHT" and "YOU'RE RACIST FOR COLORING JOE TOO DARK". 🤔🤔🤔 please try picking out colors for skin yourself and see how you get 30 different shades depending on where you eyedrop and lighting. Apparently no matter what you do even to improve won't be good enough though 🤷‍♂️
If I hear complaints about there's only top Joe content, I'm going to say you and I must be in very different fandoms. The distribution is fairly even with some leanings to Top Joe if you ACTUALLY read the fics on AO3. And no, don't make the argument over how many are tagged top joe vs bottom joe BECAUSE PEOPLE DON'T ALWAYS TAG IT. smh the bias is real. It's not unanimous as some think. AND I seen a fairly decent amount of fics that were booker x joe, so please don't come to me saying it's only nicky being shipped with booker. What do you say about that? Why are those fics okay and doesn't warrant discussion about this beautifully established relationship? Because oh one of them is a POC so it's fine???? 🤔🤔🤔
AND bold of you to assume that my preferences are based on RACE. As if I only like Nicky because he's white? And I like Joe as top because he's brown? What if I like Nicky because I just like snipers with vintage eye bags that make ominous word drops randomly? Wtf is this narrowing these characters down to just skin colors. They are so much complex than that. You think I wouldn't like seeing Nicky railed if their colors were switched? 🤔🤔🤔 and the focus on Nicky's struggle with religion, isn't that because most people on this hell site are from western society so they have some sort of experience with Christianity? so they write about that AND not try to make presumptions about a religion they don't know much of?
Lastly, when you google shirtless marwan vs shirtless luca, you get vastly different results? Maybe that might have a factor in people's perception of body type image? 🤔🤔🤔 and maybe not racism that has been going around.
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