#all of them are actually cia spies didnt you know
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hummingbird-hunter · 2 years ago
Tankies really have one argument to defend their genocide denial and that is "western sources are propaganda and you can't trust them". Ah, yes, the most westernest of sources, my Ukrainian grandma.
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pyrochickenpollo · 3 years ago
HOLY FLIPPIN SHIT YALLL I HAD THE BEST DREAM OF MY FUCKING LIFE BROOOO like at first it wasn't the greatest BuT the second half of the dream was when i woke up and went to go walk and had the time of my life!
So the good dream started off with these group of people in a room It was 3 guys and 3 girls. I dont know their names but that doesnt matter right now
Anyways it was
The Boss (A Guy who was like 32 but had grey hair naturally of course),
The Baby Densechick (like a 20 something year old girl who was Straight but had the LGBT loaf her like a baby but is very dense),
The Badass (A South American woman who didnt take shit from no one but was technically the mom of the place),
Le Himbono (The badass' Asian husband that was like the chillest laid back dingus dong you could meet BUT was very smart in the mechanical world),
The Gossip Grill (Shes a 18 year old that was very popular but didnt let it get to her head. She found out anything and everything like nothing and she wasnt an asshole!)
And The Soft/Smart Boio (A such loafly such Smartest boy who like didnt always get the good end of the stick. Like this man doesnt have the best of luck at all he kept trippin and shit)
Yes the dream was long and mannn i Loafed every minute of it. So the dream starts with them talking about what to do next in their operations of car designs. Like they were car mechanics but they were also fucking Spies. Not for the Government but like for the people. So like if the Gov wasn't trying to help you, you'd come to these guys. Anyways everyone knew EXCEPT for the Soft boi because he wasn't their for too long. Like even tho he wasn't supposed to know till later he found out already i don't know how but based on what the guy say later he finds out pretty early on his first week. So the team is working on the lastest model for a truck when a lady comes in asking for their services. Not trying to look suspicious in front the Soft Boi they all go to this office downstairs to discuss and shit. The Soft Boi goes and makes some tea as the boss was like "------- could you make some tea for the customer? It'll help her think of the car" while she quickly tells them her situation. It turned out some dude was following her around but when she tried to get authorities to protect her they basically called her a liar and stopped letting her call the station. Eventually she stopped seeing him but then she had gotten this weird package but she didn't want to open it by herself because she knew it from the sussy guy and her fiance was on their business trip thing. So first she wanted to open the package with them but she also wanted them to track down this guy and like y'know get him off her back.
So after that the Soft Boi comes back while their opening the package and slips on something. The Badass catches the tea but the Soft Boi ends up falling with the package. It was like this heart shaped chain thingy like this
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But more detailed of course and when the Soft Boi fell on it his looked like this
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But once again with more detailed. So like he was getting up and the Boss helped and the Soft boi looked at him and just went alll fucking red like ya boi was technically in a love trance but like no one knew. So they finish up with the client and everyone starts leaving but the Soft Boi tries to get the Boss to start with him so they could talk and like the Boss is like "We got cars to fix we can talk later my dude" and just like as he's about to headout the Soft Boi tells him that he knows what their actually doing (reminder this is all like confident and like blunt because he's in a trance) so the Boss and The Soft Boi end up going to the Bosses office down there and he starts asking him like "when did you find out?", "How long have you known?" "Did you know about it before you worked with us?" And like trying to make sure that he isn't y'know a spy or the CIA but he tells him the truth like "found out during the first week and no im not a spy i just found out on accident and didn't want you guys to kick him out cause i want to help people to." But then like something weird starts happening to the Soft boi and he starts telling The Boss how he liked him and all this stuff (He was with then for a while like they know alot about this dude i wanna say he's been in the business for a year but i don't actually know its never said but it feels like it y'know?)
But The Boss is like 'AYOOO WAAH??' internally of course but hes like "no your not your just high or something" but the Soft Boi is really like nailing into him that Ya boi like him and then like the dream cuts to the guys upstairs trying to find out what the charm does but end up dropping it and it breaks on the concrete. So then the dream cuts Back to the two downstairs and the Soft Boi is like "I know you try and put your boss face on but I seriously like you alot and blah blah blah because your like so cool and stuff (he didnt say this but its a summary)" And finishes it off About to say he loves him while doing that heart shaped this with his hands and shit but then like he comes back to reality and remembers what the hell he just told this man. AND HE DIDNT FUCKING MOVE HE JUST SAT THEIR LIKE 'OHHH FUCK IM FIRED BROO' So of course i was like mannn he fired bro that sucks BUT THE FUCLING BOSS LIKE KISSES HIM ON THE CHEEK AND IS LIKE "where are you going after work?" ANF THE SOFT BOI LIKE EMBARRASSED AS FUCK TELL HIM THAT HES GOIMG TO HIS MOMS (he was gonna tell her what the hell just happened) AND LIKE THE BOSS WAS JUST LIKE "I can drop you off of you want" AND LIKE THISS MAN (soft boi) JUST GOES WITH IT BECAUSE LIKE IDK HES DUMB OR SOMETHING LIKE UGHHH IM GAY AS FUCK BRO WHAT KINDA DREAM IS THIS??
AnyWAYS they head back upstairs and the Soft Boi sees that the charm was broken on the floor and puts two and two together..But like he didn't tell anyone fucking yet and instead goes and picks up the charm and starts trying to find finger prints on it. The dream then jump cuts to the group finding the Sussy dude and taking him to jail and like everything is all chill.
BUT WE AINT DONE YET nah nah my dream said *Before u wake up we givin you that good shit*
SO The Boss is taking the Soft Boi to his moms and the Soft Boi ends up telling him yknow what happened and why he was acting like that. So The Boss was like "oh..... so you dont actually like me like that?" and The Soft Boi is like "Well now i Dont know because i Felt like fireworks going off when yknow you uhhhh yknow"
SO AT THIS POINT I THOUGHT THE BOSS WAS JUST GONNA BE LIKE 'my bad my dude i didnt knoww and like were still cool so your good' BUT NO NO MY BRAIN LOAFS ME BOIIII
So The Boss goes "uhhh....we don't have to go out if you don't want to but why didn't you tell me afterwards that it wasn't actually you talking?" AND LIKE THE SOFT BOI GOES "i mean..y'know....i don't think it was an accident and i didn't want to hurt your feelings and i actually wanted to try.....y'know seeing how it goes" So like The Boss says That they can try ti see how it goes because liek he had already kissed him and shittt. So they make it to the the Moms and the Soft Boi is like "okkkk welp ill see ya later for our first date and shit like bye (yet another summary cuase im dying here) AND LIKE RIGHT BEFORE THIS DUDE LEAVES HE LIKE GIVES THE BOSS A LITTLE PECK ON THE CHEEK AND I WAS LIKE "AYOOOO BROOO LETS GOOO!"
So then it cuts again to the whole group at thus like amusement park place that was mainly a park with a really pretty bench place and UGHH IT WAS SO PRETTY BRO I HAVE TO DRAW IT MANNN
Anyways like the Married couple are like trying out the rides and shit and the Boss and the Soft Boi are like talking in the bench place and like it cuts to the Gossip Grill and the Dense Chick are like talking about how all this lovey dovey shit was crazy and how they didn't think The Boss swung that way but like they were gonna get together they were just summarizing like what the heck happened and then i woke up
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smarmykemetic · 7 years ago
"to do everything in their power to sabotage socialist projects". Read a history book. Nothing you've said here is correct to the anon. None of it is correct, you are terribly confused.
If the USSR was not a Communist state, what do you say of China? Cuba? Vietnam? North Korea? A Communist state is one that is led by a single party that aims to become stateless. They become totalitarian because a stateless, classless society is IMPOSSIBLE. Then you have duplicitous despots like Stalin and Pol Pot take control. Communism is evil, and if you read a fucking history book you would realize that! You’re fucking disgusting.
And we’ve reached the part of the conversation where conservatives who think that their high school history teacher repeating capitalist red scare propaganda makes them ~truly educated~ about communism and tell leftists who’ve studied this far more than they ever will to “read a book” and furiously type nonsense statements in a fit of knee-jerk rage and ignorance.
I’m just gonna quote @egowave​ for most of the first ask, referring to me being wrong about capitalist states sabotaging socialist states and capitalism causing more deaths than communism. Ahem:
list of us involvement in regime changes and heres a notable one when the cia helped overthrow the democratically elected socialist president of chile and replaced him with a fascist dictator who was responsible for thousands of deaths
oh here, 35 countries where the us supported fascists drug lords and terrorists
that time when reagan supported and funded islamic extremists because they were “fighting communists”, now go forward a decade or so and the us thinks islamic extremism is a huge threat
a timeline of atrocities committed by the cia- did you know the cia took in a bunch of nazis spies right after ww2 so they could help the us once again fight communists?
when reagan illegally sold weapons to iran and used the money to fund a right wing militia in nicaragua called the contras, who were fighting the left wing socialist sandinistas. oh heres all the human rights violations the contras committed while illegally getting money from the us, home of the free and land of the brave am i right
torture under the bush administration and by the cia
us war crimes and the casualties of the iraq war
btw the us has most likely been lying about the amount of civilian deaths caused by drone strikes and the actual number is way higher than theyre officially saying and this is just from the obama administration
that time coca cola used right wing death squads to murder and terrorize workers and stop them from unionzing
nestle using slave labour
how cointelpro targeted civil rights movements, black power movements, and radical leftists and murdered leaders of the movements
when the us outlawed the communist party and being involved in communist actions
and if you didnt know the us uses prison labour where prisoners get payed sometimes only a few dollars a week all for the profit of the prisons
list of people killed by police by year
if you want to tell leftists they need to study history but you dont want to look at any of the crimes of capital, or the crimes committed in upholding capitalism then you dont give a shit about studying history. if you can recognize that gulags were fucked up and horrible, as you should, you cant turn a blind eye on the american prison system where people are being forced to work for almost no pay. so the question is do you actually care about studying history or do you just want to deflect off every critique of capitalism.”
The black book of communism, where the “communists killed more people than nazis!” lie comes from, is thoroughly-debunked bullshit. “Some of the major criticisms against the Black Book of Communism includes the fact that it counts the following as “victims of communism”: some nazis and their collaborators who were killed by the Soviet Union during World War II, people who died in the 1921 Russian famine (which was caused by drought, the whites stealing food, war, etc), other hunger-related deaths caused by the nazi war against the Soviet Union, and many other incidents that were dishonestly attributed. The book contains deaths dishonestly attributed to communism by completely ignoring external factors such as sanctions, foreign military intervention, etc. It also includes inaccuracies of historical events such as when Werth credits the Austro-Hungarian army, not the German army, for the occupation of Poland in 1915, making the ridiculous claim that the bolsheviks only had 2,000 members in October 1917 when they actually had around 200,000 members, or claiming that the infamous U.S.-backed dictator Batista “fiercely opposed” the U.S., and in some instances, pulls numbers straight out of thin air.”
“a stateless, classless society is IMPOSSIBLE” A. that’s how human beings existed for the majority of our time as a species dumbshit and B. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revolutionary_Catalonia Like many revolutionary projects, Revolutionary Catalonia was crushed by imperialist states, but it didn’t just dissolve from the inside because it lacked capital and state power. Instances like this are why most lefists agree that communism can’t exist without global revolution, because you can’t really have a stateless society in world with states.
Finally, I wanna restate that most of the “communist states” you’re talking about weren’t communist, were actually socialist states, because communism by definition is stateless and classless. Also, a lot of the legitimate crimes of socialist states are things that as an anarchist, I don’t support; there are different kinds of communists who believe in different theories and methods, and within commie spaces, there is a lot of discourse criticizing so-called “communist states”. If you’re gonna insist on defining communism not by what communists describe as their goals, but why what their political enemies describe communism as in order to convince people it’s “evil” because it’s contrary to capitalist interests, you’re going to continue to not know what the fuck you’re talking about. 
I’m by no means an expert in this though, if you have questions or are curious about how anyone could be commies, this is a good place to start reading (and a couple of youtube videos for those who prefer it: Contrapoints: x x Philosophy Tube: x x x x) to understand what commies actually say and think, rather than just buying into “communism is evil because everyone else says so” bullshit.
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politicalfilth-blog · 8 years ago
10 Things You Didn’t Know About The CIA Before Yesterday
We Are Change
WikiLeaks’ Vault 7 release of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) documents yesterday opened eyes worldwide about an agency President John F. Kennedy once vowed to “splinter…into a thousand pieces and scatter it.”
Here’s a comprehensive list of ten things we didn’t know about the CIA before yesterday’s leak.
1. The CIA has an illegal domestic spying apparatus similar to the NSA
Perhaps one of the most revealing things that we learned yesterday is that the CIA’s domestic surveillance capabilities rival and may well surpass those of the National Security Agency (NSA).
While both agencies are required to report vulnerabilities found in hardware and software to manufacturers, each failed to do so – endangering national security and personal privacy by weakening encryption and installing back doors in consumer electronic devices. The agencies also hoarded zero-day vulnerabilities, exposing systems to other malicious hackers  – whether they are foreign governments or criminals, violating the Consumer Protection Act.
In doing so, both agencies also violated the Fourth Amendment. The NSA admitted in 2014 to the Guardian that it was obliged to follow federal surveillance laws, laws that we now know both the NSA and CIA have broken an unfathomable amount of times.
How can Americans trust the CIA or the NSA, when the two agencies made us less safe by breaking the law and endangering private information such as bank account numbers and credit card numbers, by keeping security holes open in the devices of millions of Americans, just so they could exploit them. As security expert Bruce Schneier said back in 2013, “It’s sheer folly to believe that only the NSA can exploit the vulnerabilities they create.”
2. The CIA has a secret base in Germany
The CIA has a secret U.S. hacking base at the consulate in Frankfurt, Germany that it would disguise as State Department employees. The CIA even instructed its employees at the base how to avoid German security and gave them a cover story. This base is now under investigation by German authorities.
CIA hackers operating out of the Frankfurt consulate ( “Center for Cyber Intelligence Europe” or CCIE) are given diplomatic (“black”) passports and State Department cover. The instructions for incoming CIA hackers make Germany’s counter-intelligence efforts appear inconsequential: “Breeze through German Customs because you have your cover-for-action story down pat, and all they did was stamp your passport”
Your Cover Story (for this trip) Q: Why are you here? A: Supporting technical consultations at the Consulate.
3. The CIA has a cyber group dedicated to forging other countries digital fingerprints in false-flag attacks
The CIA has a secret espionage group called UMBRAGE that is dedicated to forging malware signatures of other countries including Russia.
The group collects and maintains a substantial library of attack techniques ‘stolen’ from malware produced in other countries.
With UMBRAGE and related projects, the CIA cannot only increase its total number of attack types, but also misdirect attribution by leaving behind the “fingerprints” of the groups that the attack techniques were stolen from – allowing them to create cyber false-flag attacks in which they can attack targets in the U.S. and blame another country for the resulting damages.
4. The CIA can spy on you through your smart TV and tap into the microphone
What was absent from Edward Snowden’s leaks was evidence of the ability for the NSA to spy on you through your smart TV. The CIA has found a way to do so through a program it called “Weeping Angel.”
[RELATED: Wikileaks Reveals CIA Can Spy On You Through Your TV And Bypass Your Mobile Encryption Apps]
5. The CIA can spy on you through any tablet or phone
While the NSA displayed similar capabilities to breach a phone or tablet’s security and hijack its camera or intercept text messages, the CIA proved it could do more.
Through it’s Mobile Devices Branch (MDB) they can exploit Android and Apple phones and tablets to numerous attacks to remotely hack and control popular smart phones. Infected phones then can be instructed to send the CIA the user’s geo-location, audio and text communications, as well as covertly activate the phone’s camera and microphone.
6. The CIA can transcribe your Skype conversations
Kim Dotcom and 0hour explain how this is done in the following tweets.
Told you all Skype is recorded later on ill show you all the servers @Skype uses to do it if they dont pull the plugs right after this tweet pic.twitter.com/6dQ2UC15VI
— Brian "0" (@0hour__1) March 8, 2017
7. The CIA has exploits for every major Anti-virus software provider and major personal computer software programs, including Microsoft Word, VLC and all operating systems
Wikileaks notes that a program called Fine Dining provides 24 decoy applications for CIA spies to use. To witnesses, the spy appears to be running a program showing videos (e.g VLC), presenting slides (Prezi), playing a computer game (Breakout2, 2048) or even running a fake virus scanner (Kaspersky, McAfee, Sophos). But while the decoy application is on the screen, the underlying system is automatically infected and ransacked. This would allow CIA agents to pose as testing a company’s security and appear as if they were really an IT tech, when in reality they were pillaging data. Wikileaks also revealed that the CIA has exploits for Windows, Linux and Mac OSX based systems as well as general software exploits for various applications on all three OS versions.
8. The CIA can hack vehicle control modules including cars, trains, and planes
Ex-FBI Head of Los Angelas Ted L. Gunderson said that the way that the elite get rid of people is through trains, cars and plane accidents. While the capabilities of hacking vehicles may not be something new, the evidence that the CIA has this capability warrants looking back at several suspicious incidents in the past few decades which raised flags as being possible assassinations rather than simple misfortunate accidents. Yesterday We Are Change reported on journalist Michael Hastings’ suspicious death, but many others that raise suspicion include John F. Kennedy Jr’s death and Senator Paul Wellstone – both powerful political dissenters that died in strange plane crashes.
9. The CIA has an air gap virus that can infect systems even if not connected to the internet
Air gapping is a technique this reported personally learned about in 2015 when a whistleblower personally came to me with what sounded like insane information.
Hint all new computer systems and cell phones hardware can be hacked via its radio signal Its called Air Gapping.#Security What Security?
— AKilluminati (@An0nKn0wledge) July 27, 2015
What is air gapping? Well it’s hacking a computer that isn’t connected to the internet.
Using the GSM network, electromagnetic waves and a basic low-end mobile phone through intercepting RF radio signals, researchers in Israel found they could extract data from computers, and Wired has now reported. Two weeks ago Wired reported that a drone has that type of capability, simply by watching a PC’s blinking led light – an incredible finding. Add that together with the CIA being able to implant malware and you have a dangerous weapon in the CIA’s hacking arsenal.
The CIA’s “Hammer Drill” infects software distributed on CD/DVDs, they have infectors for removable media such as USBs, and systems to hide data in images or in covert disk areas ( “Brutal Kangaroo”).
10. The CIA has a Meme Warfare Center. The meme war – is real.
The CIA actually has a meme warfare center which it uses to spread memes – giving cause for concern to anyone worried about government propaganda. Meme warfare is real, and the CIA has apparently been using it to spread disinformation. This is Operation Mockingbird in the 21st Century.
The CIA is not a friend to the people of the U.S., historically serving only the Wall Street and military-industrial complex elite. The CIA has been caught before spying domestically in the 1960’s – 70’s, including spying on journalists under Operation CELOTEX I-II and others in 702 documents called the “family jewels,” that catalog the agency’s domestic wiretapping operations, failed assassination plots, mind-control experiments and more during the early years of the CIA.
The CIA is the deep state, and it is dangerous.
What do you think of this list did we miss something that we should have covered? Let us know in the comment section below!
The post 10 Things You Didn’t Know About The CIA Before Yesterday appeared first on We Are Change.
from We Are Change https://wearechange.org/10-things-you-didnt-know-about-the-cia-before-yesterday/
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skypalacearchitect · 1 year ago
#also my Ukrainian curriculum in my Ukrainian school and Ukrainian writers and Ukrainian historians and Ukrainian people who lived under ussr
#all of them are actually cia spies didnt you know
Tankies really have one argument to defend their genocide denial and that is "western sources are propaganda and you can't trust them". Ah, yes, the most westernest of sources, my Ukrainian grandma.
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