#all of the men she dated were actually cool politician women
idc whatever the show tries to tell me kira is wlw leaning bi and odo is her agender he/him partner x
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sharktoothedboys · 3 years
One Of The Guys - Chapter 2
So here is the next part of the on going Kirishima story i am working on, hope you guys love it!! 
It had been a few hours since you were punched in the guy by the news that Kiri had bought a date to the event, your event, and didn’t even have the decency to tell you. Not that he had to in any way but still, you would have liked a heads up. 
You had your best pretend smile on your face while inside you were screaming   “I don’t wanna be here anymore!” You had become surrounded by Politicians, no idea how it had happened either, maybe you should stop drinking? Nah! They had roped you in to a chat about cleaning up the city, even though crime rates were at an all time low thanks to you and Shotos agency. Their dirty hands kept creeping up to rest on your waist or small of your back as the conversation continued, Something Kiri would normally be on like a shot and put a stop to. But tonight he was no where to be seen. how rude of him! 
You smiled at the thought, then mentally sobbed a little at the fact he hadn’t so much as looked at you all night, never mind spoken a word to you all evening. You’re only comfort was somewhere at the bottom of a glass, and you had yet to find it. So the drinks kept being poured, you were on your.... who cares?, the bourbon was good, vanilla tones calmed your anger as you necked yet another nest double. Holding up your empty glass, “Please excuse me gentle men, i seem to running on empty.” They all gave a laugh as you excused yourself form the conversation and made your way to the bar to refill your warm smoky liquid. 
You made your way to the bar, seeing your father and twin brother having a conversation on the stools at the end you decided to join them, holding up your glass to the bar tender as you did so, he rushed to replenish your drink and quickly returned with a full glass for you before you even sat down in between the two men, noting how small you looked perched between them and making a mental note to hit the gym a little more. 
“Haven’t you had enough of those tonight?” Your father said with a knowing smirk on his lips. A smile even, one you had only just recently become accustomed to. 
“Not nearly enough, dad” You replied with a finger gun and a wink, probably an indication you had in fact had enough to drink. Regardless you raised your glass to the two men and then to your lips, “To us” you say quietly looking to Shoto who raised his glass in silence in return to your toast. 
Your brother of course knew of your not so little secret crush on the red hero, of course he did, you rarely hid anything from each other, and he had quickly realized why you were slamming back double bourbons like they were going out of fashion. He had seen the woman practically attached to Kirishimas hip earlier on in the night and had been keeping an eye on you ever since, knowing you were probably not going to take it well, it may have been 12 years since your crush had began, but it had never faltered and he knew that, he also knew that you were not emotionally equipped to deal with this kind of situation. He watched as you necked another double, your cheeks a flaming red, a hiccup leaving your lungs as you smacked the glass onto the bar, he indicated to the barman, no more, then he called over a surprisingly sober Mina to help him get you upstairs. 
“Thank you Mina.” He quietly said as they guided you towards the elevators.
“No worries Sho,” She replied, still using his high school nickname that made him smile at her, “ I am deadpan sober, so I am here to help.” 
“Why are you sober? I haven’t seen you with one drink all night.” He asked, “Its a special night, I imagined seeing you dancing on tables with a jelly shot.”
“Normally I would be, but think about it Sho, why wouldn’t a women, actively trying to get pregnant, not be drinking?” She smirked at him and it clicked in his mind. 
His eyes widened and a small smile tugged at his lips as she out her finger to her mouth, a silent agreement between old friends that he would keep quiet.
“I’ll get her to bed if you wanna go and finish up your evening, one of you should be present at least.” She told him as she managed to get you to stagger in to the elevator that had just arrived, “Please tell Bakugo where I have gone, you know what he is like.” 
Shoto watched as you leaned against the cool glass of the wall, shoes in hand, “Goodnight Sho.” You said, a little slurred as the doors closed, he raised his hand in a goodbye gesture. He was Mad at the red headed boy, but he didn’t understand why, as far as he knew, Kirishima knew nothing of his sisters feelings and was unknowingly hurting her, but he was still mad at him for hurting her. But what could he do? really? 
You and Mina made it to your apartment and managed to stagged in to your bedroom, where Mina managed to get you sat on the end of the bed, where you just tried to lay yourself down in your gown. 
“Oh no no!” Mina said dragging you back to sitting up. “Come on, at least take off the dress.”
You sat at the end of the bed and whined like a child being told to eat the vegetables, you raised your arms, a silent plea for Mina to remove your dress for you as you didn’t have the capacity to do it yourself. She gave a small giggle as she looked at your puppy dog eyes and carefully unzipped and removed your dress for you and replaced with an absolutely huge crimson riot t-shirt that was folded on your pillows, assuming it was sleep wear but quickly realizing it was one of Kirishima’s fan boy shirts he always let you borrow, that you almost never returned. You tucked your arms in to the shirt and managed to unhook your bra yourself and let it fall to the ground and off your body as you stood to also remove your underwear, the shirt being long enough to cover your dignity. 
That’s when Mina saw the glint in your eyes, The threat of tears ready to spill over your eyeline and down your now very pink cheeks. Her heart broke for you, she knew how emotionally stunted you could be, along with the shyness that ran in your bloodline, she mentally slapped Kirishima for never noticing your feelings and making you suffer all these years. Her only wish right now was that you had gained the courage to tell him, but you never could and it pained her to see you this way. 
“Y/N...” She began, Placing a reassuring hand on your shoulder. 
“It smells like him.” You choked out, your breath racking your lungs and making it difficult for you to speak.
“Lets get you to bed.” She softly spoke, knowing the amount of drink in your body wasn’t helping and you needed sleep. Her heart really went out to you, when would you get your happy ending? She got you into bed and tucked in the sheets around you, oh how she wished you could have just told him all the wat back in 1A, but maybe that’s just not how things were meant to be? Its not like you had never had a boyfriend, but things never seemed to click, mainly because they were either afraid or insecure of the sheer amount of power your quirk held, or that fact that they were not Eijiro Kirishima. Mina sighed as she watched you fall asleep, a peaceful look finally overtaking your heartbroken features. Happy you were in a deep sleep, she left to go to Bakugos apartment and get some rest herself, leaving you a glass of water and a note to call her when you woke up. 
The next morning. 
You woke up, a little worse for wear to say the least. Your eyes slightly stuck together from un removed make up, your head surprisingly wasn’t to bad, but your mouth was dryer than the Sahara, you needed water. Luckily you found what mina had left you, downed the water and decided to call her once you had freshened up a little. 
You headed to the bathroom, you washed your face, brushed your teeth, sorted out your hair and felt much better. You noticed you were in His shirt and a wave of sadness washed over you as you remembered the woman, Kimiko. You shook off the sadness and made your way back to your bedroom to get ready for the day, luckily you were not on patrol today. 
As you exited the bathroom a flash of red caught your eye as Kiri was just leaving his room,  A Smile automatically began to pull at your lips until you saw he was closely followed out by her, both of them smiling widely, her hands on his bare chest, “I could break her hands with the blink of an eye.” You thought to yourself as you seethed from the bath room door. Trying to not let the anger get to you, thanks for anger issues dad! 
“Oh!! Good morning Y/N!” Kiri said happily giving you a beaming smile that you found very had to stay mad at, he waved cutely from the end of the corridor, adorable. Luckily your room was closest to the bathroom so you wouldn’t actually have to walk past them. Thank god. 
“Morning.” You replied, a little grumpier than you intended. 
“Woah!! You ok? A little hungover?” He laughed as he pulled Kimiko into his side. Not noticing the stank look she was giving you. 
You laughed dryly in response, running  ahnad through your freshly brushed locks.
“Something like that.” 
“What are you wearing?” Kimiko almost demanded as she put her hand on the hip that wasn’t surgically attached to Kirishima. 
You looked down at yourself and back at her with a confused look on your face. 
“Erm... a t-shirt.” you replied, sarcastically of course. 
“Is that my Kiri’s shirt?” She asked, the question loaded with Malice, You weren’t taking it. 
“No, I always wear a 5XL,” You retorted. “Of course its his shirt, I always sleep in his shirts.”
“Well, I think that’s really disrespectful, considering he has a girlfriend now.”
Girlfriend? You think you physically feel your heart stop.
Kirishima watched with a bewildered look on his face, as you looked over to him, he looked away and kept his eyes from looking at you. 
‘Thanks for defending me’ You thought to yourself. You stared her down a little, deciding what to do next. 
“Fine.” You said bitterly, angry that Kirishima had done absolutely nothing to make her not talk to you like dirt. “Here, you can have this one back now!” 
Then without missing a beat, and knowing full well you had nothing on underneath, you removed the giant shirt from your body and threw it down on to the floor in front of them. 
Stood there in all your glory, you smirked at her and then looked to Kirishima. 
“Its not manly to stare, Kirishima.” 
You then side stepped in to your room and slammed the door behind you. 
That’s when what you had just done hit you, your heart was racing, you had never done anything so bold in your life! Kiri just saw you Naked, and not in th way you had wanted him to all these years. You internally screamed as you heard muffled yelling from his room and a door slam, your body temperature rose and you suddenly felt a little sick. 
You needed to call Mina. Now. 
I loved writing this chapter! So i hope you guys love it to!! Let me know by dropping a like pleaseeeeeeeee. Much love!
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hrhjoanne · 4 years
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&&. announcing her majesty, ( joanne villacura ), the ( 38 ) year old (queen consort ) of ( chile ). she is often confused with ( shay mitchell ). some say that she is ( conniving & selfish ), but she is actually ( resourceful & sharp-witted )
Okay so here goes muse number 4. Mainly I wanted to play someone bitchy ! I’ll give you a sort of bio and then some bullet points.
The beginning
Basically she was born Jessica Tala Adelaide Greenwood, an Australian heiress. Her mother belongs to the Greenwood mining empire. Her mother’s family is one percent type of rich. Her father is a Filipino second generation immigrant who raised through the ranks at the mining company and married her mother. She is an only child and likes it that way.
She had a cliché and classic elite type of life. Only the best for Jessica. She knew all the famous, rich, influential people in Australia and part of Asia. As an heiress she knew she would never have to worry about money or having a job. She was bored and aimless for part of her life. At some point one of her maternal uncle became senator. She took an interest into politics and influence. It was the seed of the scheming bitch she would grow into.
The middle
She went to the same school as Nathalie and Luca while they were in Australia. They did not met as Joanne was several years younger but she heard many rumours about them. Even years after they left, people kept talking about the royals who went to the Armidale Scool. Because of all those gossips Joanne thought that having a title was cool. But not just any title, a title that would grant her power for life. Eventually, she decided that she wanted real power over people. And politic was just temporary and a gamble. A crown lasted forever. It must be thrilling to be queen and less boring than just having a mining empire. A company and assets were not that interesting. Playing with people’s lives, that was something that excited her. 
She bribed her way into Oxford to shop for a husband. She studied economics but really what she was after was a crown. Oxford was full of important people, heirs, children of celebrities, politicians, nobles and royals. It was the best place to find a prince and trap him. She was pretty and rich. She was a catch and she knew it. It was not hard to get the attention of men. She seduced Fabricio, the crown prince of Chile. He was not necessarily her first choice, she would have liked a country more “important” than Chile, but he was the best she could do at the time. It was also at Oxford that she befriended Nathalie. After she arrived in England, Joanne reached out to the Romanian princess who was an alumni from Armidale. The two women quickly got along and they grew even closer as Joanne started to infiltrate the crowd of nobles and royals.  
The present
Fabricio, being older than her, finished his studies before her. Since she had no interest in her degree (or actual studying capability ), she dropped out of Oxford to follow him back to Chile. She managed to have him propose and they had a flashy wedding. She changed her name to Joanne. She went from Jessica Greenwood to her royal highness Joanne Villacura. 
She knew that at some point she would be queen and was happy to have achieved her goal. She became very involved in Chile’s affairs and was living her best scheming life. She gave Fabricio two sons mainly to secure her place and influence in case her husband would divorce her. For that same reason she was named duchess of Valparaíso. Her husband became king a few years ago.
She loves power and is basically a scheming bitch. She is bisexual but more into women. She likes to use men and use people in general. She sees most of them as means to an end. She probably won’t talk to you if she does not benefit from it. She can be a fake ass bitch. She is not a good person and not a good mother but she manages to control her image enough so that people believe that she loves her family and Chile. Does she actually love her husband and children ? In her own way I guess. She likes to surround herself with bright people and people who challenge her. She also likes to have a court of bootlickers. It makes her feel important. She has always many ideas and plans. She likes to play and toy with people’s lives. She is quickly bored and needs distractions to fill the void inside of her.
Some bullet points
She was Nathalie D'Ansembourg best friend. The two women loved to intrigue together. She was very sad when Nathalie passed away. Still is not over it because Joanne doesn’t have many “real” friends
She comes from a super rich family. Like 1% type of rich. The kind that don’t care that their mining company is destroying the environment and aboriginal lands. 
The Greenwood family claims old noble blood from England but it’s probably bs.
Jessica was the most popular girl name in 1984 in New South Wales. It’s a very basic name and she hates it. It does not sound royal at all. That’s why she changed it after she married Farbicio. 
Her father married into money and she married into royalty. I guess social climbing is in the blood
That don’t impress me much by Shania Twain.mp3
Her snobbishness gets her into trouble because she will straight up ignore you if you don’t look rich or important. She’s made a couple of mistakes with other royals in the past. 
A little bit about Chile (since I won’t do a task for forever)... The royal family was put in place in the 1970′s instead of the Pinochet dictatorship. The powerful Villacura family established a monarchy after decades of political instabilities. Some people are still wanting the country to be a republic but most have grown accustomed to the monarchy. 
She’s born in 1984 and I still need to decide the exact date for zodiac and all purposes
Her first son was born in 2012 and her second son in 2018
Fabricio Villacrua is Santiago Cabrera in my mind and I eventually will write an adopt for him. 
She speaks English, Filipino and Spanish 
Wanted connections
relatives of her husband
someone she could have had an affair with
a nemesis
a couple of friends
someone she manipulates ?
fake friends who like know they’re not really friends but pretends to be
mum club ?
An ally
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firelord-frowny · 4 years
and honestly??? i’m SO aware of the fact that ~hypersensitivity~ is a thing, and yes, sometimes people do tend to go from 0 to like 87 about things that they maybe only need to be at about a 22 for, but...
when you have wounds that get picked at and torn and reopened, wounds that are never allowed to heal and keep getting infected from a filthy environment, OF COURSE it’s going to be overly sensitive. OF COURSE women who spend their actual entire lives literally moving through the world like a don’t-get-raped obstacle course are going to be a bit jumpy at a perfectly harmless man who just happens to stand too close to her in the elevator. OF COURSE a black person who’s been stereotyped as uneducated and unprofessional is gonna get miffed when their prospective employer gasps and smiles and comments on how ~articulate~ they are. OF COURSE people who spend their lives constantly ducking and dodging bullets both figurative and literal are going to become short tempered and easily set off by even a hint of the danger or cruelty or humiliation they and others like them have been subject to for so long. 
A lot of people probably could stand to chill about some things. A lot of things really don’t require as much outrage as people express. But it’s a freaking trauma response. 
I guess we don’t culturally consider it to be ~traumatic~ since it’s so damn commonplace, but how is it NOT traumatizing to be a female-bodied person who’s constantly lectured about how to avoid all the many men who may want to rape or kill us? Don’t walk alone - you might get attacked! Don’t go out at night - you might get attacked! Don’t take your eyes off of your drink - you might get drugged and attacked! Don’t go to a private place on your first date - you might get attacked! Don’t smile too much at your boss - he might get the wrong idea. Don’t wear that skirt to your meeting. Your male colleagues might get the wrong idea. Don’t laugh at his jokes - he might get the wrong idea. Don’t invite him into your house after your date - he might get the wrong idea. Always carry a taser/pepperspray just in case you get attacked! Hold your car keyes between your fingers just in case you get attacked! If you get attacked, yell “fire” because it will get more attention! 
How is that not harrowing?? How is it not scary and demoralizing to have that constant narrative shadowing your every waking moment? At school? At work? At the grocery store? ANYWHERE. So yes, I’m going to be creeped out when some man I barely know thinks it’s appropriate to try to kiss me on the cheek when he ‘congratulates’ me on something. Yes, I’m going to loathe the male boss who always needs to put his hand on my waist any time he stands next to me. 
And lmfao that’s only the bullshit that comes with being a female-appearing person! Nevermind being black at the same time! 
Don’t walk too slow, you’ll look suspicious. Don’t walk too fast, you’ll look suspicious. Don’t wear baggy jeans and a t shirt - you’ll look suspicous. Don’t wear a nice suit - you’ll look suspicious. Don’t stand outside - you’ll look suspicious. Don’t put your hands in your pockets - you’ll look suspicious. Don’t wear your hair like that - you’ll look suspicious. (bonus: you’ll never get hired with hair like that).   Don’t hang out with your friends outdoors - You’ll look suspicious. Don’t spend too much time in that store -  you’ll look suspicious. Don’t rush in and out of that store - you’ll look suspicious. 
And god forbid if cops get involved: Don’t move. He might kill you. Don’t say anything. He might kill you. Don’t ask questions. He might kill you. Stay in the car or he might kill you. Get out of the car or he might kill you. Show him your hands or he might kill you. If you move your hands, he might kill you. 
And going through a LIFETIME of this shit??? A lifetime where it’s a daily concern?? And then you have to turn on the TV and see where some creep-ass politician thought it was okay to rest his hand on the waist of a woman who’s not his wife just because she’s a woman and that’s just How You’re Supposed To Touch Women???
It’s FUCKING INSULTING. Is it a heinous offense? No. Should it cause him to lose his job? I don’t believe so. Does it automatically mean he’s a predator? Definitely not. But it makes sense for someone’s gut reaction to be one of outrage. I don’t live my life in a constant state of trying-not-to-give-men-the-wrong-idea just for some old fuck to put his hands on an intimate part of my body in a context where I would be considered the rude one if I were to nudge his hand off of me or step away. 
YES, women* are liable to feel uncomfortable at any degree of physical contact initiated by a man, because OUR CULTURE TELLS US THAT ACCEPTING ANY PHYSICAL CONTACT FROM A MAN IS “IMPLYING” THAT WE’RE DOWN TO FUCK, SO DON’T! FUCKING! TOUCH! ME! YES, women are sensitive when just laughing at a guys joke makes him feel like we’d be totally cool with it if he groped us. Yes, we’re sensitive to the fact that men will convince theirselves that we’re ~trying to seduce them~ when literally all we’re doing is being alive while having boobs.
People wanna bitch about ~oversensitivity~ but don’t want to address the culture that caused certain people to live in the state of constant anxiety that made them ~oversensitive~ in the first place. 
im so UPSET omfg i cannot believe i stayed up until 7:04 to rant angrily because I overheard like 3.5 seconds of bill maher saying something idiotic. 
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Sometimes my asks are weird and they don’t send for some reason so I’ll send mine again if you don’t mind just to be safe😊 CONGRATS ON 300💕💕 can I suggest some detailed nsfw headcannons for Sebastian/Meyrin in both cannon and modern au? Thank you so much! And again well done of 300 followers! You deserve it!💕
It’s all good. I know sometimes my dumblr glitches in funny ways, too. So thank you for submitting this second ask. It actually worked out for how I answered, lol. And thank you for your support! I appreciate it so much! I hope you enjoy! <3
So, for the modern AU headcanons:
Mey-Rin owns a small studio where she mainly teaches self-defense, but will also help coach local wrestling teams as well. Though it’s a modest establishment, she has made a name for herself in her community and surrounding area and is often the first one people come to for speaking and performing demonstrations at events on the topic. This is how she came to meet Sebastian. She had given a demonstration at a local university when the tall, handsome man approached her. Sebastian works as part of the security detail for a prominent local politician and millionaire, Vincent Phantomhive, and acts as bodyguard to Vincent’s son, Ciel. Given that Ciel was a year away from graduating high school, Vincent wanted his son to be taught self-defense so he could protect himself if need be, given the young man’s slender build and quiet nature makes him a fairly easy target. He would have had one of his own staff see to the training, but given that most of his security detail included men like Wolfram and Baldroy, he wanted someone to teach his son who had a similarly sized build. Sebastian was the closest one who could fit that requirement, but given Ciel still stood a good foot shorter than the man, he was ruled out as well. And for Vincent Phantomhive only the best would do. So he sent Sebastian to make Mey-Rin an offer to become Ciel’s private instructor for his Senior year. She was hesitant at first, afraid to leave her business for that long, but she ultimately decided to accept, the paycheck too tempting, and left her business in the capable hands of her friend, Agni.
Living at the Phantomhive estate took quite a bit of adjusting for Mey-Rin. She has only ever seen houses this huge in movies. Her bathroom alone was almost as big as the entirety of her studio apartment. And the shifts took some getting used to as well. Any of the household staff that wasn’t part of the estate’s security was to stay out of sight, using the servant hallways and stairs in the restored Victorian mansion. She knew from the tour of the mansion Sebastian had given her that there were fifty members of staff who worked on the grounds, including security, but due to their different shifts, the only ones Mey-Rin interacted with on a regular basis was Sebastian, Bard (because he was the head of security), Wolfram (because he was Mr. Phantomhive’s personal bodyguard who had a habit for frequenting the kitchen), and Lau (he was the household chef and Sebastian said Lau was the true eyes and ears of the mansion). So her first few weeks felt rather lonely, given she was used to being surrounded by a sea of people whether she was teaching a class or walking down to the grocery. But in time, she grew used to the quiet, finding comfort in her self-made routine, and finally settled into her new, temporary life. 
Mey-Rin had been taken with Sebastian since he had approached her in the crowded school auditorium. He was hot, like, mouthwateringly hot. And when she had gone home that night, she had wished for the first time in a while that she had more female friends whom she could talk to. Her closest girl friends were Nina, who hadn’t the slightest interest in men, or Grelle, though she didn’t know if she had the energy to field the other redhead’s barrage of questions that would follow and discussion of the bodyguard. But she did her best to reign in her desire. This was a professional arrangement and she should strive to keep it as such, no matter how damn sexy Sebastian looked while he worked out-shirtless- in the mornings before starting his shift. She would just have to keep any wandering thoughts to herself and her fantasies. After all, she only had to stick it out for a year. It had been longer than that since she had seriously dated anyone, so surely she could accomplish not shagging the bodyguard of one of the most influential families of the region. Right? 
Sebastian’s interest in Mey-Rin took longer to develop. Sure, he thought she was attractive. She had a nice rack, too. But his job allowed him to come in contact with a number of attractive women (and men) and their interactions had never ventured beyond the professional. His training had prepared him for such self-denial. His employer’s safety would always supersede his desires. However, the more time he spent around the trainer, talking with her, watching her while she trained Ciel, the more he found that conviction wavering. Especially after the time when he came into the gym they had on the grounds to find her stretching after her morning workout. The image of her flushed cheeks, stray hairs clinging to her sweaty face, the way the visible swell of her breasts glistened with sweat, and her leggings hugged her shapely legs and ass as she easily bent herself in half one he visited often in his fantasies when he had the rare spare moment to masturbate. Her name was soon the one that would fall from his lips as, with a last, well timed stroke he would come, his release splattering the shower wall. 
Their first time was a result of a sparring workout. Mey-Rin had asked Sebastian if he would spar with her so her fighting skills wouldn’t become rusty. Things had been going well until during one session, he pinned her to the ground, quickly growing hard as she struggled against his iron grip. Mey-Rin stopped as soon as she knew what was happening and stared up at him breathlessly, waiting for what he would do. Though, given how wet she was becoming simply by having his erection pressing against her, she knew what she wanted him to do. Sebastian had the same thoughts going through his mind until he finally mustered a “Do you want to?” which was answered by a hurried “Yes”. At that, he drug her into the gym shower, turning the water up full blast in an attempt to drown out the sounds they would be making. Less than a minute later, they were both naked, Mey-Rin pressed up against the wall, legs wrapped around Sebastian’s waist, while he was already balls deep inside her. She was dizzy, the air thick and heavy. It was hard to breathe. Though whether it was from the steam that had filled the tiled room or how he stole her breath as every thrust hit her g-spot, she wasn’t sure. It was quick, messy, and was only a temporary sating of their lust at best. But when their eyes met after Sebasitan pulled out just in time to release on her stomach, they both knew this was only the beginning.
Sebastian soon finds he enjoys taking her against things-the wall, the kitchen counter, the back of the manor, anywhere. He loves how she is completely at his mercy in those moments, reliant on his strength alone. He is also a total dom when they have the rare moment to take their activities to the bedroom. His life is mainly dictated by the whims and needs of his employers, so he has no qualms with being a bit controlling when it comes to sex. Nothing against the trainer’s will, but he gets off on the times when he’s permitted to tie her to the bed, blindfolded, completely at his mercy whilst he does what he desires to her body. He also enjoys worshiping her body and exploring all of it with his tongue. He was pleasantly surprised to find that she enjoys anal stimulation, including rimming, and often employs it when he’s eating her out.
Given both of their professions rely heavily on self control, this follows them into the bedroom. Both of them enjoy orgasm control and denial, watching their partner as they struggle to remain in control while they get pushed to the edge over and over is almost as rewarding as their final release. But out of the two, Mey-Rin enjoys it the most. She enjoys toys as well, and has left Sebastian with a vibrating butt plug inserted inside him on more than one occasion, with the promise that if he makes it to the end of the day without coming, she will let him do whatever he wants to do with her, even if she would normally object. Conversely, if he doesn’t make it all day, he can only pleasure her that night. To Sebastian’s frustration, he’s not won once. She also enjoys pain play as well, though, because her job has given her a rather high pain tolerance, it takes more extreme forms of BDSM to properly stimulate her, paddles and nipple clamps often being used, though Sebastian is more than happy to oblige. Though Mey-Rin hasn’t been the only one to benefit from her vast toy collection. Sebastian groaned with need when she showed him the strap on she owned and practically begged her to peg him. Because, while he’s cool and collected and typically the dom, he is the most submissive bottom when he allows Mey-Rin to top him.
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diavoloi · 4 years
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ASAMI ZDRENKA, TWENTY FOUR, FEMALE, SHE/HER  Have you seen KEIKO SAKURA down in St. Landry again? I heard they’re one of the LOUNGE SINGERS AT THE BLACK RABBIT, for the CIVILIANS now. They’ve been so ECCENTRIC & IMPULSIVE lately, it’s no wonder. I’ll sure miss when they were CARING & CREATIVE. I wonder if they’re going to stop listening to I AM .. by AYUMI HAMASAKI now, or if BRIGHTLY COLORED HAIR & THE COOL AUTUMN BREEZE will still announce ‘em.  hi ! thanks for checking in , i’m still a piece of garbage xo this is keiko and she’s the only character that actually deserves a colored banner  ( triggers beneath the cut ) @rennreblogs​
FULL NAME : keiko sakura NICKNAMES : kiki , keeks PLACE OF BIRTH : new orleans , louisiana OCCUPATION : lounge singer at the black rabbit  RESIDENCE : a real shoddy apartment in st landry AGE : twenty four FACECLAIM : asami zdrenka PRONOUNS : she / her NOTABLES : brightly colored hair , tattoos all over , piercings and ofc her VOICE HEIGHT : 5′3  ZODIAC : leo ALIGNMENT : true neutral SEXUALITY : defines bi-panic
triggering content : mentions of sexual assault , drug abuse , and mention of mental illness growing up in st landry, keiko sakura and her mother barely scraped by. having lost her father at a young age, the daughter of a dentist grew up with the brightest of minds but the dullest of hearts. having taught herself to live on the far side of the spectrum of society, keiko had many friends, but most - if not all - were kept within arms reach. after all, nobody wanted to be friends with the poor girl from the bad side of town whose mother would bring home all kinds of men after her own work. with this impression of a ‘stable’ society set in her mind, keiko wanted initially to make the world a better place, thinking that if she went on to become a doctor… or even a politician as a way to help the poor. this was her intention, but with her grades not at the top of her class, and the chances of her getting a scholarship slim to none college was only slipping further and further away from her. hopes drained, all else failed, it wasn’t until she was passing through the weekly paper to see ads in the back section of beautiful women posing in risque positions, a phone number in big letters underneath, this could be you! it said, and the vision came. with such an effeminate body, keiko knew how to make her money, and while she opted to avoid the clubs and poles, she picked her poison —— walking the streets at night, working for a mob boss that had no issues with the way the johns treated his girls , but it was the way to get by and to begin to pay for her college tuition as she longed to study psychology . what bruises she would come home with between her thighs and on other parts of her body felt unimportant and her own self worth brought her to slip into a world of drugs , partying and what she’d come to believe being an uttermost failure .  it was one fateful night that had changed her mind , one of her clients got not only too handsy with her , but aggressive , and when she tried to end the ‘ date ‘ she’d ended up forced against her will to comply and the abuse she took before , during and after the altercation left her in the hospital . this had been a wake up call for her , deciding then that she would have to step away from the life , and tried to find other ways to make money once she was out . however , from the attack , she was left broken suffering from depression and seeking anything that she could in order to numb the pain soon finding herself addicted to pain killers and not long after that became an addiction to heroin --- so to pay for her habits , she would play music on the street corner , singing to those passing by until one day approached by the owner of the local , exclusive private club that had fallen for her voice . offered a job at the black rabbit , she was given a new opportunity , singing had always been a passion for her , a creative outlet and the money made was passable to get her off the streets and into a small apartment and maintain her drug habit in the dark , and the party lifestyle in the light .  personality . keiko is a bright one with heart plated in gold. while defiant by nature, stubborn and sometimes all too abrasive for her own good, they have always had a talent for talking their way in and out of just about anything. having been raised with the idea that men were put on the earth for one purpose, and one purpose only – keiko learned quickly how to have a distrusting nature although that had never stopped them from having a lion’s heart in the sense when it came to protecting those she was close to. keiko has a bit of a martyr complex, and one that she doesn’t make known all too often, but having spent most of her life believing her entire existence had been a sham, she tends to dive face first into situations she often can’t get herself out of just simply for the need to protect people she finds deserves it while tossing others easily under the bus.
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sleemo · 7 years
Daisy Ridley on finding fame, Star Wars and her love for washing powder
Stylist discovers how Daisy Ridley, London-born star of the biggest movie franchise in the world, became a force to be reckoned with — Stylist Magazine
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Daisy Ridley is talking about her favourite washing powder.
“It has got to be Fairy Non-Bio, for sensitive skin. A little touch of fabric conditioner,” she tells me, happily. “God, I love washing my clothes.” Not the conversation I imagined as I flew to LA to hang out with the protagonist of the biggest movie franchise in the galaxy ahead of the anticipated arrival of Star Wars: The Last Jedi. But I’m happy to be immersed in it. The conversation sums up the actress: a normal 25-year-old woman thrust into an extraordinary world. A woman who’s a bit jittery from drinking strong coffee, she confesses.
The Last Jedi is steeped in secrecy. All Ridley can do is reassure me that “the question everyone is asking will be answered” (she is referring to the parentage of Rey, her Star Wars character). But what we do know is this: Ridley will be front and centre again.
The Force Awakens (2015) saw Rey, an orphan and scavenger on a desert planet, discover the Force and fight the First Order. The Last Jedi sees the young warrior develop her Jedi powers, with guidance from Luke Skywalker, and continue to seek her place in the world.
Rey was – is – important because she is not defined by the men around her. She is a talented pilot and combatant. She has been granted proper protagonist status; not just a cipher for plot development. Her costume is one she can move in. She is a survivor. There was an outcry – and a hashtag, #wheresrey – last year over the lack of female characters in the just-released Star Wars merchandise, which has since been addressed – but it is a sign that progress can be slow. Coincidentally, it’s the first time Ridley has seen the Rey mug we took to LA for our shoot.
In Princess Leia, played so powerfully by Carrie Fisher, Ridley had the ultimate beacon of how to be a woman in this world and the importance of inspiring a new generation. Fisher filmed The Last Jedi before her untimely passing in December 2016. Ridley says she offered her advice on dating (“You don’t want to give people the ability to say, ‘I had sex with Princess Leia’”) and fame, telling her to enjoy rather than shrink from success.
Whether Ridley has been able to take the latter on board… well, I can’t call it. “I found the hardest thing was everyone saying, ‘Your life’s going to change’,” says the actress, who grew up in London with two sisters and is still based in the capital. “So many people were telling me this thing was going to happen, then the thing happened and that didn’t happen. I go on the Tube, I’m not harassed all the time. People are super-cool.” But equally as we talk it becomes clear Ridley is in awe of the magnitude of the franchise, and is open about her fear of measuring up to the legacy.
Hardly surprising when you consider that The Force Awakens, the third-highest-grossing film of all time (after Avatar and Titanic), was Ridley’s second film role – the first was a student film – and before that she held bit parts in British TV dramas. This year also saw her join the all-star cast of Murder On The Orient Express, and next year will be equally dramatic with Ophelia – a retelling of Hamlet from the perspective of Polonius’s daughter. There’s more Star Wars to come, and Chaos Walking, a book adaptation about a dystopian world without women. Exciting, but perhaps not as much as putting a wash on.
What are the techniques you use when you feel like that?
I usually tell myself that I need to go through the thing. Don’t shy away from it. Definitely talk about it. Also just sleep. If something is overwhelming, I nap. If I have an emotional day, I’ll fall asleep when I get home. That’s how I process things. I can go to my trailer and fall asleep for five minutes, then get up again. It’s a good skill to have. I’d put it on my CV.
What other skills would you put on your CV? And when was the last time you had to write one?
Two and a half, three years ago… I’m an all right communicator. Pretty organised. Good phone manner. Can prioritise. Good at admin.
You’re hired. You quit Instagram last year. Has that freed up mental space?
It has made me feel like I wasn’t indebted to anyone. Suddenly I felt, ‘Oh, that must have been quite stressful, because now it is not that stressful any more being off it.’ I had a private one that I came off too, and that was much more freeing. People were saying, “But I like seeing what you’re doing.” I’d say, “Well, we can message or call each other.”
You talked openly about suffering from endometriosis on Instagram – was that a good platform to share that issue?
Periods are still not fully talked about; I thought it wasn’t a big deal. I know a lot of people who have really, really bad periods. I don’t understand why you aren’t referred to someone; you shouldn’t be doubled over in pain all the time. It felt nice to say. But ultimately, people [on social media] weren’t very nice and I thought, ‘I can’t be bothered.’
Why do we still have a taboo around periods?
I don’t know! You can have 300 people die in a film with blood everywhere, yet you can’t have period blood. It would be a 15 or an 18 [-rated film]. It’s stupid.
You have spent huge swathes of the year travelling and filming. What do you like to get up to when you’re in London?
I do my washing and sit on my sofa watching Netflix.
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People may be surprised to know the protagonist of Star Wars does her own washing…
[Looks shocked] I don’t know anyone who doesn’t do their own washing. Washing is one of my favourite things. I’m a 30-degreeer. I literally wear clothes once and then they go in the wash. I think, ‘If I’m going to wash clothes this much, at least I will do it at just 30 degrees.’
To what extent do you try to live in an environmentally conscious way?
I hate how much plastic there is in America – and actually also in Prague, where I was just filming for two months. I watched an advert for [documentary] A Plastic Ocean and I thought, ‘S**t, this is gross.’ I try to use lower temperatures, I don’t use a dishwasher and I drive an electric car. I’ve always been fairly conscious. We’ve recycled since I can remember.
Are you vegetarian?
I don’t eat dairy, meat or eggs, but this only happened a few months ago as I watched Carnage, Simon Amstell’s film [a mockumentary on veganism]. And I was horrified. Initially I cut out everything and then thought, ‘I cannot survive without something’, so I eat fish. I was genuinely ignorant as to what went on. I didn’t know how dairy farming was done or what they did to male chicks, and I was so horrified by what I saw. Then I listened to his [Simon Amstell’s] podcast with Russell Brand, on which he said one of his friends was like, “Ugh, what is cashew cheese?” and he said, “Well, what is cheese cheese? What are you putting in your body?”
You’re studying for a degree in social sciences. What was the motivation? As a back-up in case this didn’t happen, or to expand your mind?
Not as a back-up. There’s something, mentally speaking, about having a back-up that’s not good. It’s to expand my mind, and I always wanted to have a BA. It’s an Open University course. One of the most interesting things I’ve learned is about social displacement. It usually happens when people don’t have much money and they’re treated very disposably. It feels like we’re going backwards. It doesn’t feel like all for one and one for all at the moment. The people who have more are able to get more. And then there are still people who are dying because they can’t afford to eat or have heating in England, which is horrific.
Did you grow up in a world where there was a great awareness of social injustices?
My mum and dad are super-smart, and so I was always aware of what was going on. My group of friends are all going through it together and everyone is becoming more interested, because it seems like everything is slightly more accessible. With Jeremy Corbyn, people are like, “Oh my god [a different type of politician]!” And regardless of whether people think he’s right or wrong, it’s amazing to see grime artists saying they support this guy. And to feel young people are engaged in something. It’s awesome to be part of that time and group of people.
It feels as though in 2017 there’s been a tangible mix of despair, but also hope because people have been coming together…
I remember talking to someone who I was working with the morning after the election and the announcement that the Conservatives were still in [power]. They said, “I hope that doesn’t mean people are going to stop talking about what’s going on.” But that’s the attitude that means people will stop talking about it. All you have to do is keep thinking the conversation will carry on and it will carry on. It seems hopeful, yes, but also despairing, because no matter the hope, these awful things that people haven’t asked for are still happening, and in a democracy that seems awful.
What do you think 25-year-olds are most worried about?
In London, rents are insanely high, so that’s one thing friends my age struggle with. The living wage, zero-hour contracts… but also having people in charge who do not listen to those who need it most.
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You’ve been described as a bookworm. What is the book you’ve been most enchanted by of late?
I was recently harping on about Grief Is The Thing With Feathers by Max Porter, which is amazing. I’m reading Tenant Of Wildfell Hall by Anne Brontë now, which is brilliant. I’m trying to get through  the classics – my mum gave me a list of them. I intercut them with chick lit or modern fiction. Reading has always been my thing. Last night I was doing a film quiz with a friend and her boyfriend, who is a film buff. My film knowledge is really poor because I read and didn’t watch films. He was asking me questions and I had no idea [what the answers were].
Is there a book that you would like to star in the adaptation of?
I’m adapting something now. I bought the rights, and a production company is writing it to be a series. It sounds far more serious when I say it out loud. It’s funny, these conversations when you’re like, “Sure, sure, it’ll never happen.” And then [it actually happens].
Will you star in it?
I know not. It depends when it’s is ready, and there are many things that don’t get to fruition. But it’s very exciting. John [Boyega, her Star Wars co-star] was saying last night he’s in the middle of adapting something, too. If people feel like their voices aren’t being heard, they can be the person to get their voice heard – and that’s a wonderful thing to be able to do.
You appeared on My Dad Wrote A Porno – Footnotes. What other podcasts do you listen to?
I listened to Serial and S-Town, which were good, but at the end I thought, ‘I don’t know quite what I’m going to take from this…’ I wanted to know who had been at fault. It was just awfully sad and so unexpected.
You mention that you didn’t enjoy watching yourself in Star Wars. Do you generally enjoy going to the cinema?
What I don’t like is people asking me questions or talking during films. The other day, I had to tell a group of guys [in the cinema] to put their phones away! And I went to see Cinderella at the Odeon and someone sat in front of me answered a phone call. I literally couldn’t believe it! Also, it was at the Odeon in Leicester Square – those tickets are so expensive. It was about £20.
If you were with your mum watching Star Wars: The Last Jedi, how would you react if she asked you a question?
None of my family ask questions [laughs]. I went to see a film with my friend once and she talked all the way through. I was fuming. Why would you ruin that? I like to concentrate. I’m trying to be better at not looking at my phone while I’m doing other things, as it is just too much for your brain. RuPaul’s Drag Race? I’m all there. The Graham Norton Show? I’m there. What’s the point in watching anything if you’re not going to concentrate on it? What is the point in doing something if you’re not going to do it properly?
Star Wars: The Last Jedi is in UK cinemas from 14 December.
Images: Rex Features / Photography: Eric Ray Davidson 
— Stylist Magazine
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sage-nebula · 7 years
Okay, so I really will talk about this more when I actually write up the eighth and ninth posts of this liveblog, but I’m feeling really, really aggravated at a certain turn this story has taken right now, and so I have to get it off my chest. Because honestly, this is one of my least favorite things and I really have to gripe about how it has been inserted into a narrative that I was otherwise really enjoying before this point (like, really, it’s kind of ruining it for me a little bit, ngl). Putting this under a cut since it’s pretty major #spoilers for Seven’s route.
So the whole deal, as you know if you’ve either played this game or have been reading my posts, is that Seven is a secret agent for an intelligence agency on top of managing security for the RFA. Because the intelligence agency does very shady things, and because he has had to do horrible things, and because of all the other bullshit going on in his life right now (re: Saeran and V and all that), Seven is (more than a little understandably) going through a really rough time and keeps trying to push everyone away, including the MC, who has feelings for him since this is a dating sim and this is the path in which you pursue him. Seven feels that it’s too dangerous for him to get involved with anyone or have connections, and as such the idea of having someone close like that---however much he may like them---is exceptionally stressful for him and he just . . . can’t deal, at least at the moment.
The problem is, the narrative can’t allow that because this is a dating sim. So even though it’s more than understandable that Seven wants his space, even though he has every right in the world to end this relationship where it is, the narrative is still pushing the MC to go after him despite him repeatedly saying “no” and “we can’t do this” and “it’s impossible” over and over again. Even in the Good Ending answer choices, the MC is like “but what about my feelings” and “just let me understand you”, and putting aside the understanding him bit for a minute (because I have a gripe about that, too), I hate that, I hate it so much, because it’s like---
Obviously it’s not just restricted to Mystic Messenger. This is a trope we see time, and time, and time again, wherein one character (usually male) has a very troubled and tragic backstory and, because It’s Dangerous™, he feels the need to push everyone away. But another character (usually female) refuses to accept this, and even though he very truthfully explains to her that it is dangerous and he does not feel comfortable with her coming along for the ride, she continues to ignore him and railroad over those boundaries (feeling that ~it’s okay because she loves him~) until he finally breaks down and accepts her. This is treated as the girl ~melting his icy exterior~, when in actuality it’s the girl completely disregarding his consent, stomping all over his boundaries, and wearing him down until he says “yes”.
Do me a favor. Flip those genders. If it was a woman repeatedly telling a man that they could not be together, that she could not have a relationship with him, that it was too dangerous to be with her, that she didn’t feel comfortable putting him in danger, et cetera, would you feel okay with the man character consistently ignoring that, pushing and pushing, until the woman was finally worn down and gave in with a “do whatever you want”? Would you be okay with that? I really hope the answer is “no”, because even if it’s “well, but we normally don’t see that so the gender inversion is cool!” that’s not okay. Double standards are not okay. A person having their consent and boundaries violated time and again is not okay, regardless of the genders of the parties involved. It’s not okay to do this to guys just because ~they’re guys~ or because ~well the girl loves him~, because in scenarios where men relentlessly pursue women, I’m sure they’d say it’s because they love them, too. And however ~pure~ the female characters’ intentions are framed (often because works like this refuse to acknowledge that women could be anything but pure---it’s why they’re often presented in the right in scenarios like this, even if the scenarios themselves are not romantic), that doesn’t make it right, or okay, or acceptable. It’s gross and extremely bothersome, and I would never do that to someone . . .
. . . and yet, in this game, I’m forced to, and to a character I really love and do relate to, at that.
It kills me, because before it felt like we were really bonding, but now we’re not. And part of this comes down to the fact that this is a dating sim, and so the MC has to have a really generic and bland personality (in this case, Plucky Shoujo Heroine™) so that the average person can self-insert into her. The problem is, though . . . okay, there’s no way to phrase this without sounding like a douche, so I’m just going to say it: I’m not the average person. Like, it kills me, because there were multiple points (and I took screenshots of some of them) where I just would not realistically say either of the answer choices. And when Seven is going on about how “you’re so bright and warm and you could never possibly understand the real me” or “you could never understand, but there’s never been a day when I haven’t been depressed” --- like, BRUH! I just wanted to snap back, like, seriously? You think I don’t understand? Really? Boy, take a seat, because it’s time for you to feast your ears on some truth pops that I’m about to lay down on this table for you, straight up. Obviously our situations are not exactly the same---I’m not the bastard child of a wealthy politician, for one, nor was I manipulated into joining an intelligence agency, et cetera---but trust me, I’ve faced more than my fair share of abuse in childhood, adolescence, and even adulthood, so I definitely know where he’s coming from with that. I have diagnosed chronic severe depression, anxiety disorder, and C-PTSD, so yeah, I can relate there, too! And all of those jokes? Those lols we had in the chat? The playing around, the trolling? No, it wasn’t all a lie (from him, either---people are multi-faceted, Seven, that can be just as much of a part of you as this part of you is, and yes, it is possible to joke while being severely depressed at the same time, I would fucking know), but that doesn’t mean that I don’t have my own issues, either. That doesn’t mean that I don’t also feel severe depression. I mean, for fucksake, I’m supposed to be at therapy in like six hours, what the fuck do you think I’m so cheerful and bright and carefree for, huh? It’s honestly insulting.
And no, it’s not Seven’s fault, because the game can’t flesh out the MC because the MC has to be relatable to everyone. Never mind the fact that the MC, despite being told that she has to stay in Rika’s apartment because of The Party™, apparently didn’t have a job that she had to notify that she would no longer be showing up to. Never mind that she apparently never had family she had to tell where she was, or bills to pay, or a pet at home, or anything like that, like---you’d think that’d raise some alarm bells, that it would raise some questions that no one in RFA knows literally anything about this person that they’ve let into their group, other than the fact that she seems nice and wants to help with The Party™. And again, I know it’s because the MC has to be relatable to any random person to pick up the game, so she has to be bland and generic and her backstory literally does not matter since the game is not about her, but rather is about these characters---but my point here is that aside from the obvious narrative flaw of constructing a story like this (which is just a problem inherent in the genre, I know), she’s not relatable to me anymore. It was much easier to feel absorbed when I was able to be snarky and and whatnot, but now that the VNMs have her being a Plucky Shoujo Protagonist™ . . . that’s not me. That’s not me even a little. It’s especially not me when I’m having to pressure Seven into ~thinking about his feelings for me~ and refusing to back down when he says it’s dangerous and we need to stop because, for fucksake, I’m not saying I’d give up completely, but I’d want to have a real talk and I absolutely would not keep pushing the romance thing regardless of how I feel, because he has more than enough problems to be getting on with now, and me being a whiny bint doesn’t need to be one of them. I wouldn’t want someone pressuring me like that, so I hate that the game is forcing me to do it to Seven.
Anyway, this got long, and I’m supposed to be saving it for the actual playthroughs, but . . . man. Aside from the MC having long hair in all these images (I’m actually rather pale, so even though I like my chosen avatar’s darker skin, that doesn’t yank me out as much as the long hair does---why do things like this act like girls can’t be pretty unless they have long hair?), it just really breaks the immersion and is a definite turn-off for me. I hate this kind of set-up, the “I’ll keep pushing until I wear you down” set-up, and especially how it’s always so excused when it’s the girl chasing after the boy. I mean, one of the few things JKR did right when writing Harry and Ginny is that, when they had that talk at the end of HBP, Ginny did back down after Harry said that he cared that she would be in danger. Like, yeah, she said “what if I don’t care?” but when he said, “I care,” she listened to him and respected that and backed off until he was ready to give it another go. That’s good. That’s what you should do. Not this bullshit where “but what I want matters toooooo” because no, not really, not to the same degree. Yeah, you’ll be sad if you’re not together, but the difference is that he’s unhappy because you’re imposing yourself on him despite how anxious and uncomfortable he is. You’re unhappy because he’s leaving you alone. Forcing your company on someone who doesn’t want it is always going to be more wrong than someone walking away from a relationship that, for whatever reason, doesn’t make them happy at the moment. Your happiness is not more important than someone else’s well-being*, and someone terminating a relationship with you---regardless of the reason---is not wrong if that’s what they need to do to feel comfortable. I very, very strongly believe this.
(*And no, “but what about my well-being since I’ll be sad if we’re not together” is not a valid response here, so don’t even play. It’s nowhere near the same thing and you know it.)
So yeah, I’m still going to keep playing, and I’m still going to keep going for the right answers (another thing that breaks the immersion), but I’m really upset that the narrative took such a turn. I guess I should have seen that coming, too, but . . . yeah. It’s really uncomfortable.
Anyway, more on that tomorrow.
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psiotechniqa · 8 years
Why I don’t like modern feminism
A lot of tumblr feminists simply balk at the idea that modern feminism has gone bad. Most say “but they’re not real feminists”
Ah yes, the “not all feminists” defence
You’ll have to forgive me, but... you’re the minority.
 You see, when big articles on Slate can’t understand why feminists look stupid: http://psiotechniqa.tumblr.com/post/155891842828/2016-was-the-year-the-feminist-bubble-burst
Or when politicians think via feminism that men should simply be taught not to rape, instead of allowing women to carry peper spray: http://psiotechniqa.tumblr.com/post/155849365903/canadian-politician-proposal-allowing-pepper
or when its cool and ok for women to assault men: http://psiotechniqa.tumblr.com/post/155848728478/matt-ruins-feminisms-shit-luvlydoll
or when feminists say that if you’re simply accused of rape, then you are autoomatically guilty and deserve no trial http://psiotechniqa.tumblr.com/post/155818765278/feminists-against-due-process
or when your feminism means that men commiting suicide doesn’t matter:  http://psiotechniqa.tumblr.com/post/155755510483/siryouarebeingmocked-sweet-carolion
or when you think that Islam and feminism is one and the same: http://psiotechniqa.tumblr.com/post/155665689298/hominishostilis-fuck-anotheranti-sjwblog
or when even the very first feminists are shown to have been rather racist: http://psiotechniqa.tumblr.com/post/155661000503/who-said-it-a-suffragette-or-a-member-of-the-kkk
or when some women today feel entitled to mess with men, but get upset when the tables are turned: http://psiotechniqa.tumblr.com/post/155634363213/kirkendauhl-%E3%83%84
or when some say that men who are abused by their girlfriends or wives are simply pathetic - instead of displaying empathy http://psiotechniqa.tumblr.com/post/155582589128/boys-positivity-nyc-conservative
These are all aspects of why modern feminism is bad. Modern feminism created the environment where these things are considered acceptable.
I can agree that in the past it was probably better - there were legit civil rights issues to be handled, which were won. But today the majority of feminists are entitled assholes who think they can shit on men as much as they want, then sit down and wonder why people do not like them, while also trying to destroy the justice system.
 You think this sounds cherry-picked and extreme? In 2016, the largest feminist organization in the US successfully lobbied to shut down a shared-parenting bill in the US: http://psiotechniqa.tumblr.com/post/155333715793/most-powerful-american-feminist-organization-kills
Emma Watson, big feminist spokes-person, says that in places where both men and women die from poverty - that the deaths of those women count as ‘violence against women’ - while completely ignoring that men also die there. Equality much? http://psiotechniqa.tumblr.com/post/155068507638/americansylveon-proudteenageconservative
Because some feminists think that its actually fair to enforce inequality against men: http://psiotechniqa.tumblr.com/post/154604237813/siryouarebeingmocked-before-you-say-it-this
Or when prominent feminists researchers lobby to ensure that the legal definition of rape only encompass men raping other people - so that legally a woman cannot be charged with rape, even if she holds a gun to your head and says “please me or you die” http://psiotechniqa.tumblr.com/post/154321124188/robbiehalls-mary-p-koss-has-a-lot-to-answer-for
When feminists say that heterosexual culture is based on hatred against women: http://psiotechniqa.tumblr.com/post/154252799473/my-blanny-is-ready-former-fatty (ok this one is a fringe one - but where do you think she got this idea?)
 Oh and as a final one: Emma Watson again - because over the last few years she has been used as a big feminist spokeswoman. http://psiotechniqa.tumblr.com/post/154251387973/siryouarebeingmocked-kamiyu910
Emma has said, as part of her feminist bullshit, that she wants men to be less aggressive and more nice. That sounds innocent enough, right?
Except she’s also said that she doesn’t want to date men who are too shy and not bold or brash enough. You know, sort of aggressive in their demeanor.
You know: “Men, be more soft and kind - but I don’t like soft men”
It is the ultimate in modern feminist hypocrisy - and why I hold that modern feminism has become something bad, something that says that men are bad, and that women cannot ever be bad.
You are the minority - and I feel bad for that
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socialattractionuk · 5 years
Will marriage really die out?
All of the wedding struggles might be a thing of the past (Picture: Ella Byworth for Metro.co.uk)
To have and to hold, ‘til death do us part.
Marriage has been a key institution in our lives for decades and, as the summer months arrive, our best suits and dresses are being dusted off as we prepare for a season of weekends at country homes, churches and registry offices.
But the number of dates pencilled in your diary this summer for weddings may be fewer than previous years. We’ve seen headlines predicting that marriage will be virtually extinct in the next 30 years.
But will it really?
‘Dying is a strong way of putting it,’ says Dr Philip Cohen of the University of Maryland’s department of sociology.
‘People have become more selective about marriage.’
In 1958, men were married at the average age of 22.6, according to the US Census Bureau, women at 20.2.
Fast forward 60 years and the average age men and women got married for the first time was 29.8 and 27.8 respectively.
At the same time as the average age of people getting married goes up, the actual proportion of people choosing to get married is going down.
In 2017 – the latest year for which statistics are available – just more than half of adults living in England and Wales were married, according to the Office for National Statistics.
That’s down significantly over the years.
There were 243,000 marriages of opposite-sex couples in England and Wales in 2016 – around 4,700 couples each week.
In 1940, 471,000 couples walked down the aisle, with nearly 9,000 marriages per week.
What’s causing this decline in one of the oldest institutions in our society?
‘There are three reasons,’ says Brienna Perelli-Harris, associate professor in demography at the University of Southampton.
‘One is people are just ideologically opposed to it.
‘They just don’t like it anymore. They think it’s patriarchal as an institution. But I don’t think that’s the majority of people.’
For that majority, it’s something a lot less of an opposition to the institution.
‘They just aren’t getting around to it,’ Prof Perelli-Harris says.
‘They would like to get married but at the end of the day they would rather spend their money on something else.’
Priorities such as buying a house or having children are expensive.
The money that would traditionally have been spent on an expensive wedding would, Prof Perelli-Harris believes, be funneled elsewhere.
The third reason is that our commitment to partners has cooled.
The number of unmarried couples with children has increased at the same time as marriage has declined.
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are still negotiating the terms of their divorce (Picture: Michael Buckner/Getty Images)
Though couples love each other and will even have children together, they’re less willing to get hitched.
‘With Tinder and online dating, people feel like if they’re not in a perfect relationship they should keep their options open and not get married,’ says Prof Perelli-Harris.
People also look at the way in which an increasing number of marriages end and are dissuaded from taking the plunge in the first place.
More than 100,000 couples were divorced in England and Wales in 2017.
Splits can be costly and messy – especially when the union is formalised.
The increased rate of divorce is seen in large part due to demographics.
While in the past we would get married in our 20s and die in our 40s, we may now get married in our 30s, divorce in our 60s – and die in our 90s.
Many people would walk down the aisle expecting to spend 20 or 30 years with their loved one.
Today a marriage could theoretically be a 60-year commitment, or even longer.
Given we live in uncertain times, it is thought that people feel unwilling to commit to long-term relationships for fear that their lives will change fundamentally.
‘When you feel in control of your life and destiny and not unstable and insecure, marriage can be a choice people make that contributes to that security and stability,’ says Dr Cohen.
‘It communicates to people that you have arrived, and you have achieved a certain status to be married and stay married.’
It’s said to be a hangover from the 2008 financial crisis and the polarisation of politics but there have been severe shocks to the economy and politics before.
What’s different between the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis and the 1920s Great Depression – after which marriage rates stayed strong – is the role of women in society.
‘Originally, marriage was more of a financial decision,’ says Prof Perelli-Harris.
‘It was the tying together of two families, or a way to make sure women were protected financially and as women have become more educated and more likely to be independent and employed, there isn’t the need to be within a marriage as much.’
With that less the case, the idea of getting married has changed along with it:
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‘Marriage is less necessary than it used to be,’ says Cohen.
‘You’re not an outcast if you’re single, and women’s employment prospects have improved a lot. It’s more possible to survive on your own and be a “reasonable” member of society.’
As a result of shifts in society, what marriage represents has changed.
It’s seen as a way to celebrate love and devotion, rather than as a financial or social necessity.
‘There are fewer people pressured into it,’ says Cohen.
‘There’s less coercion into marriage. In the 1950s at the peak of the marriage craze in America, everyone was married by their mid-20s – something like 90% of people.
‘That level of conformity can’t be described as normal.’
That can be seen in the Nordic countries, including Sweden.
Around six in 10 births in the country occur within cohabiting unions, rather than marriage – and all Nordic countries saw a downturn in the number of people getting wed.
‘For a long time it appeared marriage was disappearing,’ says Prof Perelli-Harris.
But a large marriage revival occurred in the early 2000s in all the countries.
A focus group in Norway, conducted by one of Prof Perelli-Harris’s colleagues, were asked why people got married.
‘It was all about romance and love and, in some cases, being able to survive the early years of childhood,’ she says.
‘There’s still this desire to show the couple are committed to each other; it just happens after kids, not before.’
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It’s for that reason that experts doubt the idea of marriage will ever go away.
‘In the linear extrapolation of the future, marriage is extinct in the middle of the century,’ says Cohen. But it is unlikely that will actually happen.
‘I think what is likely to happen is it will continue to become a more elite institution and less prevalent.’
Prof Perelli-Harris is more definitive: ‘It might become more rare but I don’t think the institution is going to disappear.’
The Future Of Everything
This piece is part of Metro.co.uk's series The Future Of Everything.
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weedconsortium2 · 6 years
If you’ve never listened to Chris Webby’s music–you should. In a world where the hip-hop arena is dominated by trappers and mumble rappers with tattoos on their faces and little substance to their lyrics, Webby’s well-rounded bars shine like a beacon in the dark.
Webby became a viral star last year after dropping an amazing freestyle over Dr. Dre’s “What’s The Difference” during an interview with Sway Calloway on SiriusXM. He killed it, dissing “new school” MCs and slaying crooked policy-makers:
Remember the name, C-Web, I spit sickly, I got my competition breathing hard as Chris Christie.
Beyond free-styling, Webby is a great writer. A good intro to his music can be found in his “Raw Thoughts” series, a rap trilogy where he lists all the people he does not like and explains his reasons. In the first song of this trilogy, Webby puts “scummy politicians”—as he calls them—to shame.
It’s hard not to crack up over his slick burns, as he calls the former anti-weed Attorney General Jeff Sessions an “old Smurf,” promising to “light up a doobie” on his “turf.”
As one explores Webby’s music, it’s obvious this guy is all about weed. His albums Homegrown, The Checkup, and Wednesday all feature marijuana leaves on the cover art. Webby also recorded a few odes to pot, with his recent song “Sativa” featuring famous stoner B-Real of Cypress Hill:
This sh*t is sublime. Hit it and lift up your mind. The most specific of kinds, Particular strains I’m smoking during daytime Got me feeling high and energetic at the same damn time.
Feeling the urge to talk weed with this verbose, pot-loving rapper, High Times hit up Webby to meet up.
Webby’s Love of Weed
Webby says he grew up in a weed-friendly house. His dad was a musician, and his mom was a middle school teacher. They were respected members of the community and enjoyed a good ol’ joint every once in a while.
“I caught them when I was really young and, obviously, at the time they didn’t want me to smoke weed,” Webby tells High Times. “So, when they caught me in the eighth grade, they scolded me. They were right too. They explained my brain wasn’t done forming yet. Weed is for adults.”
But, as he got older, his love of pot could no longer be contained or hidden.
“Nowadays, I smoke weed with my parents,” he says. “I think that being in that sort of a household allowed me to realize marijuana isn’t a bad thing and that people like my mom, a school teacher for more than 30 years, a pillar of society, could use it and still be good, productive people.”
Over time, Webby didn’t just develop a love of weed and a passion for advocacy, he also developed a deep understanding of the strains that best work for him.
“There’s no doubt that different types of weed will put you in different types of places,” he says. “I have my bedtime weed, I have [my] when-I-want-to-write weed, I have a nice sativa for when it’s creative time, and a nice heavy indica when I’m ready to go to bed and just need something to help me get there.”
Best. Joint. Ever
Over a long conversation, Webby discussed politicians, opioids, his ADHD and use of Adderall, and many other topics. At one point, we decided to go for a classic cannabis enthusiast question: What’s the story of the best joint you’ve ever smoked?
“Well, that one’s a thinker,” he says. “Let me think for a while. In the meantime, let me tell you the story about the guy who taught me how to roll a joint. I was in high school and I went on vacation with my buddy Nick to an island called Bequia, in the Caribbean. It’s a very small island and his family knew somebody who lived there, so we went and stayed with them.”
“I remember we would walk around this island, we met everybody, and we befriended this young Rasta named Linton. I would say was probably about 25 [years-old] or so. Linton was the fucking man. He showed us around a bunch of nights and he was always rolling joints. Up to this point, I had remained pretty unsuccessful at rolling a good joint. Linton broke it down for me and he not only taught me how to roll a joint, [but] he also taught me how to roll a joint while on the move. We walked around town and he had me rolling joints until I got it right.”
“To this day, I still use Linton’s rolling technique.”
‘Yo, Hillary’
Moving away from cannabis, we returned to “Raw Thoughts” rap. In that song, Webby does not only destroys Jeff Sessions, but he also incinerates other well-known conservative politicians like Ted Cruz (whose face puts him in a “crappy mood”) and former Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt—promising to “build a pipeline through his wooden kitchen cabinets.” At one point, Webby unexpectedly recites:
But, yo, Hillary. Really? You think that I wouldn’t mention you Just ’cause I tend to be liberal with all my general views? But you’re an evil lady; [I’ll] say it ’cause I got to. I’m down to have a woman President. Just not you! You Claire Underwood-ass bitch, you wicked witch Lyin’ through your fuckin’ teeth every single chance that you get…
We asked if he was really down to have a woman president. After all, “Raw Thoughts II” is a feminist-as-hell song:
Bill O’Reilly says he’s sorry but really none of us buy it, You can’t pay me off like all of those women to keep me quiet. Who cares if he denies it, I’ll still come for him… I’ll teach that old prick to treat women with respect When I jam a pair of stainless steel scissors in his neck… Old, gross, and crusty, outdated, and rusty, Out of shape and husky. Do you know how to tell if Bill O’Reilly’s near? When you hear a woman scream: “Don’t touch me!”
“Absolutely,” he unhesitantly responded. “I think a female in the White House could be a great thing. I think that Hillary Clinton is a very poor representation of what a female in America truly is; I think she is a corrupt politician like the rest of them… And, at that point, why even put a gender on it?”
“She is the same as them,” he continues. “She is a horrible person and horrible people cannot be defined by male and female. But I think a woman in the White House could actually be a great thing. I think women think differently [and] tend to be more compassionate [and] tend to sit back and think before they act a little bit more than testosterone-driven men… There are there are differences between men and women. I’m all for equal everything, but beyond all that there is the difference between a man and a female, going back to what we are as a species, before all this society stuff came into play.”
So, what about women in cannabis? What makes the cannabis industry more receptive to women? Why are there more C-Suite female executives in cannabis than in most other industries?
“I think the marijuana industry just attracts a lot of people like us; just cooler individuals who are just with it… Of course, women can be in charge of stuff. For me, that’s a no brainer.
“I think that’s one of the coolest things about marijuana: it brings cool people together. Through my life I’ve met some of the most incredible people through just smoking a joint.”
Keep up to date with all things Webby by following him on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter.
The post Chris Webby Talks About Hillary Clinton and His Long Love Affair With Weed appeared first on High Times.
The post Chris Webby Talks About Hillary Clinton and His Long Love Affair With Weed appeared first on CBD Oil Vape Liquid Spray - Cbd Pain Relief Capsules - Weed Consortium.
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growlegalweed-blog · 6 years
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Chris Webby Talks About Hillary Clinton and His Long Love Affair With Weed
If you’ve never listened to Chris Webby’s music–you should. In a world where the hip-hop arena is dominated by trappers and mumble rappers with tattoos on their faces and little substance to their lyrics, Webby’s well-rounded bars shine like a beacon in the dark.
Webby became a viral star last year after dropping an amazing freestyle over Dr. Dre’s “What’s The Difference” during an interview with Sway Calloway on SiriusXM. He killed it, dissing “new school” MCs and slaying crooked policy-makers:
Remember the name, C-Web, I spit sickly, I got my competition breathing hard as Chris Christie.
Beyond free-styling, Webby is a great writer. A good intro to his music can be found in his “Raw Thoughts” series, a rap trilogy where he lists all the people he does not like and explains his reasons. In the first song of this trilogy, Webby puts “scummy politicians”—as he calls them—to shame.
It’s hard not to crack up over his slick burns, as he calls the former anti-weed Attorney General Jeff Sessions an “old Smurf,” promising to “light up a doobie” on his “turf.”
As one explores Webby’s music, it’s obvious this guy is all about weed. His albums Homegrown, The Checkup, and Wednesday all feature marijuana leaves on the cover art. Webby also recorded a few odes to pot, with his recent song “Sativa” featuring famous stoner B-Real of Cypress Hill:
This sh*t is sublime. Hit it and lift up your mind. The most specific of kinds, Particular strains I’m smoking during daytime Got me feeling high and energetic at the same damn time.
Feeling the urge to talk weed with this verbose, pot-loving rapper, High Times hit up Webby to meet up.
Webby’s Love of Weed
Webby says he grew up in a weed-friendly house. His dad was a musician, and his mom was a middle school teacher. They were respected members of the community and enjoyed a good ol’ joint every once in a while.
“I caught them when I was really young and, obviously, at the time they didn’t want me to smoke weed,” Webby tells High Times. “So, when they caught me in the eighth grade, they scolded me. They were right too. They explained my brain wasn’t done forming yet. Weed is for adults.”
But, as he got older, his love of pot could no longer be contained or hidden.
“Nowadays, I smoke weed with my parents,” he says. “I think that being in that sort of a household allowed me to realize marijuana isn’t a bad thing and that people like my mom, a school teacher for more than 30 years, a pillar of society, could use it and still be good, productive people.”
Over time, Webby didn’t just develop a love of weed and a passion for advocacy, he also developed a deep understanding of the strains that best work for him.
“There’s no doubt that different types of weed will put you in different types of places,” he says. “I have my bedtime weed, I have [my] when-I-want-to-write weed, I have a nice sativa for when it’s creative time, and a nice heavy indica when I’m ready to go to bed and just need something to help me get there.”
Best. Joint. Ever
Over a long conversation, Webby discussed politicians, opioids, his ADHD and use of Adderall, and many other topics. At one point, we decided to go for a classic cannabis enthusiast question: What’s the story of the best joint you’ve ever smoked?
“Well, that one’s a thinker,” he says. “Let me think for a while. In the meantime, let me tell you the story about the guy who taught me how to roll a joint. I was in high school and I went on vacation with my buddy Nick to an island called Bequia, in the Caribbean. It’s a very small island and his family knew somebody who lived there, so we went and stayed with them.”
“I remember we would walk around this island, we met everybody, and we befriended this young Rasta named Linton. I would say was probably about 25 [years-old] or so. Linton was the fucking man. He showed us around a bunch of nights and he was always rolling joints. Up to this point, I had remained pretty unsuccessful at rolling a good joint. Linton broke it down for me and he not only taught me how to roll a joint, [but] he also taught me how to roll a joint while on the move. We walked around town and he had me rolling joints until I got it right.”
“To this day, I still use Linton’s rolling technique.”
‘Yo, Hillary’
Moving away from cannabis, we returned to “Raw Thoughts” rap. In that song, Webby does not only destroys Jeff Sessions, but he also incinerates other well-known conservative politicians like Ted Cruz (whose face puts him in a “crappy mood”) and former Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt—promising to “build a pipeline through his wooden kitchen cabinets.” At one point, Webby unexpectedly recites:
But, yo, Hillary. Really? You think that I wouldn’t mention you Just ’cause I tend to be liberal with all my general views? But you’re an evil lady; [I’ll] say it ’cause I got to. I’m down to have a woman President. Just not you! You Claire Underwood-ass bitch, you wicked witch Lyin’ through your fuckin’ teeth every single chance that you get…
We asked if he was really down to have a woman president. After all, “Raw Thoughts II” is a feminist-as-hell song:
Bill O’Reilly says he’s sorry but really none of us buy it, You can’t pay me off like all of those women to keep me quiet. Who cares if he denies it, I’ll still come for him… I’ll teach that old prick to treat women with respect When I jam a pair of stainless steel scissors in his neck… Old, gross, and crusty, outdated, and rusty, Out of shape and husky. Do you know how to tell if Bill O’Reilly’s near? When you hear a woman scream: “Don’t touch me!”
“Absolutely,” he unhesitantly responded. “I think a female in the White House could be a great thing. I think that Hillary Clinton is a very poor representation of what a female in America truly is; I think she is a corrupt politician like the rest of them… And, at that point, why even put a gender on it?”
“She is the same as them,” he continues. “She is a horrible person and horrible people cannot be defined by male and female. But I think a woman in the White House could actually be a great thing. I think women think differently [and] tend to be more compassionate [and] tend to sit back and think before they act a little bit more than testosterone-driven men… There are there are differences between men and women. I’m all for equal everything, but beyond all that there is the difference between a man and a female, going back to what we are as a species, before all this society stuff came into play.”
So, what about women in cannabis? What makes the cannabis industry more receptive to women? Why are there more C-Suite female executives in cannabis than in most other industries?
“I think the marijuana industry just attracts a lot of people like us; just cooler individuals who are just with it… Of course, women can be in charge of stuff. For me, that’s a no brainer.
“I think that’s one of the coolest things about marijuana: it brings cool people together. Through my life I’ve met some of the most incredible people through just smoking a joint.”
Keep up to date with all things Webby by following him on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter.
The post Chris Webby Talks About Hillary Clinton and His Long Love Affair With Weed appeared first on High Times.
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