#all of morrowind continuing to benefit from slaves
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bam-monsterhospital · 1 year ago
really wish eso didn't make it so that in order to complete all the zone story quests (to count for cadwell's almanac), you have to help the slavery house, with its still-actively-practicing-slavery setup, get back power so it can continue to practice and benefit from slavery.
you can't depose the head of house dres, you can't harm house dres, you can only be lapdog to the slavery house of slavery.
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bam-monsterhospital · 8 months ago
it also says:
support the slavery house of slavery because they need slavery power back to continue their slave industry. yay!
we've heard slavery is bad but..... uh.... naw. it's fine. the ebonheart pact formed together and we've gaslit you all into believing a main part of that alliance is for morrowind to stop slavery. But we lied. Morrowind can keep using slaves. Its slavery house can keep on going. It's fine because hey, at least they're not argonian slaves, and that's where the beef was right? Right!
It's so fun and cool of humans to slaughter the orsimer people all throughout history, but goddammit those savages should feel grateful the bretons and nords bordering the wrothgarian mountains allow them to have that land. Why won't those savages join our human covenant? Why won't they let us humans have free reign into the land we've allowed them to have? Gawd, the nerve.
High elves are also racist supremacists, because elves amirite, so we're going to detail all sorts of micro and macro aggressions they inflict on others, as well as this racism school. Because it's fun. Oh wait, you want to stop racism?... okay fine, the school and the system isn't the problem, it's just a few bad apples, and no one learns anything. Done. Quest over. Nothing has changed. Phew that was a close one.
Hey nature magic is only special nature magic when white bretons living on rich-fuck vacation island do it while scoffing at civilization they benefit from. Argonians? Bosmer? Nah they don't count. They don't do nature magic hahahaha.
and on and on.
Isn't it wild that ESO looks you in the eye and says "Yes we're aware that goblins are sapient people with their own culture. And that you're slaughtering an entire clan just because they are blocking your path to some kind of artifact that ancient people took pains to carefully hide and defend for some reason. We're fully aware that what you're supposed to do here is stupid and evil, and we're still making you do it because lol who cares about goblins they don't really count amirite."
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viearsfirepyre · 7 years ago
Was asked to do a bit of a write up on viear’s family, so I’m going to go into a brief history and details of the family.
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>The Askulla family has long worked with the native Ashlander Tribes of Morrowind when they lived in Stonefalls, offering temporary shelter durring times of extreme weather in their kwama mine, and trade when it was convient for both tribe and family. Due to their remote location, there was no problems with this as the Great Houses would not harass the Askulla mine. for this, the family was given the name of ‘clan friend’ and called Askula in dunmeris amongst those who knew of the friendly house mer that could be trusted.  >Viear’s great-grandparents maintained this relationship for many years, and even passed on to Viear’s grandparents when they took the mine over. 
>As Viear’s parents took over the mining operations, the relationship with the Ashlanders changed, as they were not great-grand parents before, having a bit of a distant and distrust of the daedric worshipers and with the marriage of a daughter of house Indoriel (Viear’s mother). 
Family tree
Great grandparents: Halcan (greatgrandfather, deceased) Jedlay (greatgrandmother, deceased) -founders of the Askula family tree, and sworn loyalty to house Hlaalu. Founded by Viear’s great grandmother, Jedlay Askula. She had a vision of a successful kwama mine producing high quaility goods for trade while not employing slaves, but offering serfdom to the locals to support the small outpost in Stonefalls. It was durring a terribel ashstorm did the Askula family first meet the waundering Ashlander tribes of the area, and offered them a moments rest in the kwama mine for exchange of their own harvesting tools. This relationship built over time, and became an annual agreement of trade between the family and the tribe. Jedlay and Halcan both were honored as ‘Clan friend’, but their children did not earn such respect as they merely fulfilled their parents agreements in gesture not ‘heart’. 
Grandparents: Dernis (grandfather, alive, follower of Seht) + Nirure (grandmother, deceased)  -1 uncle- Mases, 1 aunt Vireeni ,and his own father Arelni . Jedlay’s serfdom has worked for a while, but times are getitng tight- two slaves were purchased from Halcan’s brother to show good favor to the Dres side of the family. The two servants were sibling khajit, and mostly worked in the mines to help the aging locals with heavy lifting and taxing tasks. Arelni was the only of the siblings that had intrest in maintaining the mine, however, as Mases and Vireeni went to vvardenfel to work directly with the great house there in some sort of government roles each. 
Parents: Miaala (mother) Arelni (father) -himself, a sister who died during the Akavri war (named Menlyn )and a brother named Nevvas  who works as a baker apprentice in Davon’s watch. Most of the community has died in the Akavri war, including the two slaves and Viear’s sister. Viear’s parents faced with scrambling to try to keep the mine operational and took out heavy lones from Hlaalu. through story and roleplay the mine was lost forever, and the loans undocumented there for not enforced anymore by law.
 The family has moved to Vvardenfel to Halcon’s old home that had been originally inherited to  Vireeni, but had “graciously” (in a shred heated debate of it being over priced and far to close to a daedric ruine and ashlander pilgrimage site) offered it at a fraction of the price to her brother Arelni after the tragic loss of the mine. 
Dernis- an eccentric mer who fancies himself an invetor and a cog in the great wheel of Seht’s plans. He creates ‘home convince items’ that work most of the time, sells in near my villages and towns, and then offers charges to repair them if they malfunction. From coffee machines to crushing waste bins, Dernis is crafty and has an eye for the oddly useful. Even if his workshop sounds like something is going to blow up in any moment.
Vireeni- a thin shrewd woman who cares little save for what lines her pockets. Her morals at face value- all things her great house Hlaalu care fore. In closed doors, she’s just as twisted as any other house mer and care little for ties or loyalties unless if benefits her.
Arelni- Viear’s father. Simple, quiet- the farming life suited him best, but now he’s adjusting to working as a tax collector for the near by town, having to balance the books and go over details of the city’s finances- finally putting his years of school to use beyond his former kwama business.
Miaala- a doting dreamy mer, Viear’s mother dreams of having a big family who is close and kind. She often worries about her two children- and how they will be able to bear her grandchildren, and often tries to offer alternatives for such endeavors to continue the family line. She is a woman of faith first however, having grown in the sharp environment of Indoriel all her life. Swallowing the Ashlander relationships that  the Askulas had been known for has been hard, but she tries her best and as long as things remain positive- her hospitality is endless. 
Nevvas- A quite boy, the winner of the buster bluth award- never seen nor heard most of the time. He lives a quite life baking bread and living with his breton husband Jhacquee in Davon’s Watch. 
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theegoist-houdini-splicer · 7 years ago
Left/Right Economies, and my opinion  So I have to define this “Sliding scale” but deep down this graph of Left Econ <--> Right Econ is a scale in amount of people holding power. The Farthest Left is “Direct Democracy” or “Anarchy” Depending on how it has been told to you. With this, from a “Center” outward towards the ‘Right’ side we see early Caste systems, having workers above slaves, preists above them and a divine caste above that. Next to the early Caste systems was Feudalism, which mixed the working class with the slave caste, having the minimum Divine>Priests>’Peasentry’. Divine here being Kings, Lords, or literally ‘gods’.   I still think we are in this level, in america. We have a super rich class, a very small middle class that doesn't experience the bad of the poor class nor the super excess of the rich, so keeping a blind eye to problems simply from ignorance of experience. Finally of course we have a huge poor class, but tribal instincts are played with by the media class, which some i give the benefit of ignorance of experience, whilst many use pre mass produced scripts and thus a single news company that reaches many local news networks get a mass audience, and the major networks simply debate about the fact our representatives are speaking, never going “hey .. that’s wrong..” they just tell you what’s said and that ‘s all you need ://
Ok so my opinion is of conflict, or my idea that “Necessity Conflict” turns to “Social Conflict” NOW to tell you why i think Capital is truly the cause... we are going to turn to the Elder Scrolls 3 Morrowind. . Seriously. In this Video Game (Please.. follow) you are able to sell items to vendors to receive Gold pieces so that you can buy better equipment. However in this game you can actually ask for the price specifically, whilst each items only tells you the projected cost based on the items rarity. with the need to maximize profit, as it is needed to live more comfortably, ether by being able to afford more than just Physiological necessity, or getting a better crafted piece of equipment. this intrinsic requirement to try to get more capital than an item is worth will eventually lead to some party to obtain a deficit.  Even now we see automation taking away our value withen the circulation of this capital, protesting and showing your value withen the shared labor is now easily being circumnavigated. You do not need to pay a livable wage to your employees if they are machines. Whilst I am a Futurist, and stargaze, I personally believe scientific discovery is literally the want to lessen the labor upon collecting physiological necessity, but automation at it’s current level and progress is pushing our hold on this necessity. To continue, I love 3D printers. They’re fucking awesome. They been shown to created cool art out of suger, print slightly bland food, and even print Cell tissue, and full organs! Like this is awesome, and whilst i think this would be an eventual mainstay withen the homes of all, this moving small factories into your home will lessen our power, as we lose the power to protest withen the factories, and with transportation and resource collection already heavily automated, or on the verge, we will lose most ways to hold any major power in our lives. Automation is the future, but only if everyone still gets the means to survive. I think the best outcome we can all hope for is perhaps creating a program to get communities together by using any and all unoccupied space to create green resource collectors and food growth, not using seedless shit, but trading plants with neighbors, even the for the same plant so that we can not just have clones of the same thing and risk famine. getting life long education with community driven schools, (but you know with actual history, math, science, and langue classes witch orient around individual learning style capability, and orient lessons on uses in life, and promoting creativity.)  So whilst I am not, nor do I advocate for hardcore mass conversion to Vegetarianism or veganism, we do have to admit the meat industry is pretty shit, I think obviously we just shift people away from it slightly, (Being that red meat is a carcinogen anyway) by having people actually raise the livestock animals. Cows, chickens and pigs could be introduce as families animals just like cats and dogs.  I also want to yell about how a free market would work in this economy of just making sure people are living comfortably, but i have to work, so if you are interested .. like or something idk.
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