#all my guy friends in college made fun of me because they drank like weird craft beers
allylikethecat · 3 months
mahogany 🤎🤎❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
AHHHH Thank you kind anon for sending me a color from the The Colors of the Moots ask game list!! You are now my favorite person and have made my entire night thank you so much 🥰 if anyone else wants to make me the happiest person ever and send a color, or reblog it themselves the list can be found HERE. Also all I could think when seeing this one is that line from the Hunger Games where Effie is like “That is mahogany!" lol
Mahogany - let's go on a late night drive together and listen to one of your playlists.
Yes! Let's! However please just be warned that I am very similar to Fictional!Matty in the sense that I get horrifically carsick so I need to be the one to drive... but also I'm not the best driver and I have astigmatism so I see extra bad at night... but we'll be fine I promise I've only hit one decorative rock ever and also I drive a Toyota SUV so we'll be fine 🫡 my only other concern is that you won't like my current playlist very much.... haha
Thank you so much for sending me this ask!! I love these games SO MUCH! I hope you are having the BEST Monday and that you have a wonderful rest of your week!
0 notes
believemedarlin · 9 months
The Perfect Man
Aaron Hotchner/Female Reader (3.9k words) Also available on AO3
“You know, if you combined all the men on the team… they’d make the perfect man.”
“What?” Emily sputtered into her wine.
Penelope giggled while JJ looked intrigued
A drunken night out with the girls leads to some interesting revelations.
“Let’s play Fuck, Marry, Kill.”
A round of groans sounded from the table, but Penelope Garcia was not to be dissuaded. 
“Come on, ladies. It’ll be fun!”
Her best puppy dog eyes firmly in place, Penelope implored her friends and coworkers with a practiced look. You were holding strong until she brought out the big guns and pouted at you.
A mere ten seconds later you caved. 
“Okay, fine,” You sighed. “But can we use kick instead of kill? I always hated that option. Why do you have to kill them when kicking would be just as effective in showing your lack of interest? No death required.”
“Ooh, I like that,” Penelope immediately agreed with a nod. “You know I’m a pacifist at heart.”
She turned to the other two women seated at the table, pout back in full force. JJ gave in first, patting Penelope’s hand with an indulgent smile and a nod. 
Seeing that she was outnumbered, Emily shrugged. “Sure. But I’ll need another drink if we’re doing this. I haven’t played this since college.”
“I’ll get us all another round.” Penelope jumped to her feet to join her and they made their way to the bar, weaving through the other patrons.
It was a rare Friday night off and the women of the FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit had decided to go out for a much-needed night of ladies-only fun and frivolity. They had happily left the guys to sort out their evenings and escaped the second the clock struck five.
They were all a few drinks in at this point, which is most likely the reason Penelope had suggested the game. She always got a bit playful when she drank.
They returned a few minutes later, fresh drinks in hand. 
Once settled, Penelope leaned in, an eager smile on her face. “Okay. Fuck, Marry, Kick. Henry Cavill, Ben Barnes, Zachary Levi. And go!”
Emily took a sip of her drink and wasted no time in voicing her choices, followed by JJ and you. You took turns coming up with more and more outlandish options, and pleasantly spent the next hour drinking and laughing with your friends.
You had just finished giggling over Penelope’s reasoning behind her choosing to kick Willy Wonka and marry Jareth the Goblin King so she could enjoy a night with Conan the Barbarian when Emily leaned in with a smirk.
“I’ve got a good one. Hotch, Morgan, and Reid.”
The table erupted in a chorus of ooohs and laughter. 
JJ bit her lip in thought. “Okay, since we know them personally and I’m a happily taken woman, I’m going to change mine to kiss, because it’s weird to say I want to fuck any of them. So, uh, I’ll go with kiss Morgan, marry Reid, and kick Hotch. But only barely, because I do not want him angry with me.”
“Easy,” Penelope chirped. “Fuck Morgan, marry Morgan, and kick Reid and Hotch.”
You, JJ, and Emily burst into laughter, with JJ swatting Penelope on the arm. “You can’t double up like that!”
“Can too! My game, my rules. Besides, it’s special circumstances with Morgan as an option.”
Emily snorted, then grinned. “Hmm. I think I’d go with fuck Morgan, marry Hotch, and kick Reid.”
All eyes then turned to you as you stared into your drink, taking entirely too long as you overthought the options.
Eventually, Emily cleared her throat and you looked up to see her watching you expectantly.
“What?” You grinned sheepishly with a shrug. “It’s harder than you’d think!”
The ladies teased you good-naturedly until you finally said, “Okay, okay! Um, I think…” 
You blew out a breath in a long sigh. “Fuck Reid, marry Hotch, kick Morgan. No wait… Maybe fuck Hotch, marry Reid?”
Emily and JJ cackled while Penelope put on a fake offended air. “Why you gotta kick my beloved cinnamon hot chocolate Adonis not once, but twice? He’s the perfect man!”
"I mean, a lot of women would think that, yeah, but not me.”
Penelope gasped and pressed her hand to her chest dramatically. “Why, I never.”
You giggled with a shrug. “Sorry?” 
“You’re forgiven.”
“What I want to know,” JJ chimed in with a mischievous grin, “is why you can’t decide between Reid and Hotch on who to marry?”
You buried your face in your hands to hide your blush. “I don’t know! Both seem like solid choices. I think they’d both make good husbands.”
Emily smirked. “Sure it wasn’t because you couldn’t decide which you’d rather fuck?”
Penelope and JJ burst into laughter again while you groaned into your hands.
“You all are menaces. I don’t know why I spend time with you.”
“Because we’re wonderful people and you love us.”  Penelope teased.
“That’s debatable.” You mumbled.
“Oh, come on,” she leaned into your side and laid her head on your shoulder. “You know you adore us.” Penelope batted her eyes and you couldn’t help but grin.
“Yeah, I do.”
She cheered and called for another round of drinks.
The game wound down and devolved into a rather extensive list of men and women that each of the ladies wouldn’t mind enjoying some personal one-on-one time with.
You had been sitting in a comfortable silence for the past few minutes, chin in hand and elbow on the table, your mind pondering on something Penelope had said earlier. Your voice took on a contemplative tone as you mused aloud, “You know, if you combined all the men on the team… they’d make the perfect man.”
“What?” Emily sputtered into her wine.
Penelope giggled while JJ looked intrigued.
“Okay, just hear me out. Now, granted, everyone’s idea of the perfect man is different but for me… If we go by physical attributes first, you have to admit that each guy is objectively attractive on their own. I mean seriously, was it a prerequisite that everyone has to be outrageously good-looking to be a member of the team?”
The ladies heartily agreed with laughter and nods, but you gestured across the table to them. “I’m including you three in this too. Have you looked at yourselves? You’re all absolutely gorgeous.”
“Damn right, we are,” Emily exclaimed as she high-fived JJ.
You raised your glass to her and took a sip before expanding on your premise. “So by themselves, each man is handsome but combined…”
You tilt your head in thought. “For me, it would be Reid’s hair. I’ve always liked longer hair on a guy and have you seen those curls when he lets it grow out? And then add in Hotch and Rossi’s dark hair and … yeah. Next would be Morgan and Rossi’s facial hair. I don’t know about you ladies but I like a man with a bit of scruff, you know what I mean? Goatee or full beard or just a couple of days growth, hell even a good five o’clock shadow, as long as it’s maintained and not all scraggly, I like it. Oooh, remember when Hotch came back with a beard?
“Yeah,” you sighed, a bit more dreamily than you had intended, surely caused by the late hour and not the memory of a casually dressed, bearded Hotch. “Like that.”
All three ladies shared a knowing look, but you paid them no mind. 
“Though there is something to be said about a freshly shaved face. It’s so soft…” You sighed again.
“And then there’s height.” You knew you were rambling, but with the alcohol fueling you, there was little chance of stopping you now. “They’re all at least 6 foot so the height difference is perfect for both cuddles and forehead kisses.”
At this, Emily snorted. “Forehead kisses?”
“Yes,” you snipped primly. “They are the pinnacle of non-lip-to-lip kisses and they are my favorite thing. They just make you feel so adored. Now shush.”
You shooed her and rested your chin back in your hand. “Let’s see… Eyes. Honestly, I think they all have lovely eyes. I’m not picky on eye color really but I think Hotch’s stand out the most to me. I mean, have you seen his eyelashes? It should be criminal for a man to have such beautiful eyelashes.”
Another round of nods and hummed agreements sounded from the table.
“You know,” you continue with barely a pause, “I’ve never been a fan of really buff dudes, which sorry Pen, but that’s kinda why poor Morgan got kicked twice.” You shrugged unapologetically at her. 
“I’ve always preferred lean guys. Not scrawny but not bugling out his shirt, you know? Strong but not shoved in your face. But!” You sit straighter in your chair, index finger raised to emphasize your point. “That’s just looks. Personality-wise, I’m drawn to kindness first and our boys all have that in spades. And they each show it in different ways, but it’s always present.”
You met Penelope’s eyes. “And Morgan’s kindness absolutely overrides his excessive muscle mass. He’s honestly one of the kindest people I know, even if he’d deny it. He’s not humble about a lot of things, but he is about that.”
Your eyes dropped to the table as your finger ran along the wood grain. “I also like intelligence and while yes, first thoughts go to Reid, the others are all brilliant too. Like, Rossi is so wise! It seems like he always knows what’s going on with someone before anyone else, and always seems to know just what to say just when you need to hear it. And they each have strengths that I admire. I genuinely like each of them as a person and I’m proud to know them and am honored they consider me a friend. Honestly, I feel that way about all of you.”
“Aw!” Penelope sniffled. “That’s so sweet. We love you too, you know.”
You gave her hand a quick squeeze and took another sip of your drink. 
“What about lips?”
You blinked at JJ. “Lips? I’m not sure. I don’t know that I look at them much.”
Emily tilted her head. “You seriously don’t look at men’s lips?”
“Not really? I mean, I notice smiles. And honestly, how did I not start with that? It’s usually one of the first things I notice about someone. Smiles make everyone look twice as attractive. Oh, and a sense of humor! Gotta love a man who can make you laugh.”
“This one is definitely Morgan,” Emily chimed in and you nodded in agreement while Penelope raised her glass.
“Absolutely. He always makes me laugh, but so do the others. Rossi is snarky, which I appreciate as a fellow snarker. I can’t tell you the number of times he’s made me hold back a laugh during a round table. Reid can be really funny, too. Especially when we’re making Star Trek or Doctor Who references that no one else gets. Except you, Pen, but you’re usually in your lair. And Hotch—”
“No,” Emily cut in. “No way you think he’s funny. The man barely smiles.”
You tsked and leaned in, your tone turning a bit haughty. “First of all, I think it’s a good thing that he holds those back because have you seen how handsome he is when he smiles? His whole face transforms and he has dimples. Dimples . It’s ridiculous and no one would be able to focus on work if he was blinding us with his smile all the time. And secondly, yes. He’s hilarious, actually. He has a dry sense of humor that gets me every time. And he is so straight-faced about it. I laughed embarrassingly loud once at something he said and I had to leave the room because I couldn’t stop giggling. And the man had the nerve to be smug about it later.”
You shook your head with exasperated fondness, not noticing the raised eyebrows and pointed looks the other ladies were sharing.
“Anyway,” You sighed and leaned back in your chair. “Morgan is my biggest supporter, Reid nerds out with me, Rossi gives the best advice, and Hotch makes me feel safe. All things that would attract me to someone. So, with their powers combined…” You spread your hands in a sweeping motion. “The perfect man.”
“Huh,” Penelope hummed. “You know, I kinda see it.”
“See?” You grinned triumphantly. “We really do work with amazing guys.”
A cry of ‘hear, hear’ sounded around the table and the four of you leaned in to clink glasses.
Emily settled back in her chair with a smirk, her eyes focused on you. “Okay, you waxed poetic about the guys. Now, what about us?”
You grinned. “You, my darling lady loves, all hold a special place in my heart. There’s no way I could choose. You are each the perfect woman.”
Another cheer went up and everyone downed their drinks, laughing merrily.
The outing wound down about half an hour later. You each stumbled your way outside, Emily and Penelope deciding to share a taxi.
You stood with JJ as you waved the other two goodbye; you waiting for your own taxi and JJ waiting for Will to pick her up.
“You know,” she said conversationally, her eyes on the street. “You mentioned Hotch quite a few times describing your perfect man.”
You blinked. “What? I did not.”
She turned to you with a wide grin. “Oh yes, you did. No denying it now.”
You sputtered, not sure how to reply.
She chuckled and laid a hand on your arm, just as your taxi arrived. “Seems to me like he ticks quite a few of the boxes for your perfect man.” She leaned in to whisper, “So what are you going to do about it?”
JJ winked as she stepped back to open the door of the car that pulled in behind your taxi and slid in. “Just think about it, okay?”
You nodded numbly, mechanically climbing into the back seat of the taxi while Will and JJ patiently waited to make sure you were safely on your way.
You mumbled out your address and barely noticed the drive home, arriving much sooner than expected, as your mind was focused on JJ’s words.
You shook your head as you entered your apartment, determined to think no more of it. It was just a silly statement born out of one too many drinks.
There was no way you thought of Hotch that way.
No way at all.
The rest of the weekend was miraculously quiet and work-free. You couldn’t remember the last time you had so much time to yourself, so you took full advantage of it.
As days off always tended to do, they flew by too quickly and Monday morning arrived before you were ready for it. You greeted everyone when you entered the department, nodding to Rossi and waving at Morgan and Penelope as you settled in at your desk.
No new case had come in, so today would be an in-office day catching up on paperwork and caseloads.
You were productive throughout the day, completing most of the pending work assigned to you, and you were feeling quite accomplished with the diminishing stack in your inbox.
Only a few minutes remained in the workday when you stood from your chair, stretching your stiff back, and made your way up the stairs to Hotch’s office to drop off an armful of completed reports.
You knocked on his door, only having to wait a second before he bid you enter.
He was focused on the open file in front of him and he didn’t look up until you spoke. “These are ready for you to review, Hotch.”
His eyes shot up to meet yours before dropping to the folders in your arms. He gestured to the corner of his desk nearest you and went back to scribbling notes on the report. “You can just leave them there, thank you.”
You set them down next to another stack and grimaced. There were multiple bundles of files littering his desk. While in-office days were great for clearing your desk of work, it unfortunately always added to Hotch’s workload.
“Looks like everyone had similar offerings for you today. Will you be able to leave at a reasonable hour tonight? I’d be happy to help with anything if you need it.”
Hotch finished the line he was writing and looked up at you through his long lashes, a small, shy kind of smile curving his lips. His cheeks were just a touch pinker than usual and you blinked because you’ve never seen that look on his face before.
He looked almost bashful, a word you would never have associated with Aaron Hotchner.
But damn, was it a good look on him. He really was a handsome man, wasn’t he? Kind, funny, successful, and a great father. He was practically the perfect man.
You froze and blinked again at the realization.
“Oh, uh,” his deep voice broke you from your thoughts. “I appreciate the offer, but I’ve got it covered. I shouldn’t be here too much longer.”
“Right, of course.” You nodded and prayed he couldn’t see the blush you knew was rapidly spreading across your face. “Well, good night, sir.” 
You spun on your heel and opened the door, ready to flee as fast as your feet could carry you.
His low, murmured good night followed you out the door and you nearly shivered because holy hell, even his voice was attractive.
You quickly grabbed your things and nearly sprinted to the elevators, not wanting to stay one second longer around skilled profilers who could read you so easily, knowing they would spot your flushed cheeks instantly and want to know what caused them. Or worse, they’d already know, and that was not something you were ready to discuss with any of them at the moment.
You had fully intended on ignoring JJ’s words from Friday night, but after your reaction just now, you knew she was right.
Hotch was pretty damn close to fitting the idea of your perfect man.
Or maybe, the idea of your perfect man came from Hotch.
You sighed as you entered the thankfully empty elevator, finally admitting to yourself the truth that had been staring you in the face for longer than you’d ever care to admit.
You had it bad for Aaron Hotchner.
Oh, you were in so much trouble.
Aaron watched as you left his office, your face a delightful shade of pink.
His eyes followed as you rushed to your desk, snatched up your things, and darted out the door.
He hadn’t meant to overhear Prentiss and Garcia’s conversation that morning as they reminisced over their night out last Friday. He certainly hadn’t meant to linger when they mentioned you and your adorable—according to Garcia—rant about the perfect man. And he most certainly hadn’t meant to lean in rather eagerly when they whispered about just how many times his name had come up as an example during said rant.
He had been pleasantly surprised and somewhat stunned by the information. He’d never thought of himself as an ideal for the perfect man. 
Sure, he supposed he had a few attributes that some women might find appealing. He had a successful career and tried to keep in shape, though that was more for his job than vanity.
But he never imagined that anyone would look at him and think that he was a paradigm of their perfect man. Least of all you.
You were a brilliant profiler, exceptional in the field and able to hold your own in a fight when needed, but you were also caring with the victims and their families. You were witty and kind and easygoing. You were someone who smiled freely and laughed readily and did your best to cheer and encourage the team on tough cases.
Not someone who would think of stoic, hardass Aaron Hotchner as the perfect man.
Still, he hadn’t been able to keep his eyes from drifting to the window of his office throughout the day, seeking you out.
He thought back to when you joined the BAU and how quickly you became not only an essential part of the team but a much-welcomed member of their little family. Everyone adored you and Aaron himself had to admit that you had wormed your way into his heart.
He loved the time he got to spend with you when the team got together to unwind after a case and the little moments of levity you all shared in between working. He recalled the times he managed to make you laugh and the occasions where he found himself chuckling as well. You were easy to talk to and more often than not, the two of you fell into conversation whenever everyone else was either asleep or preferred to be left alone on the jet going to and from cases.
He genuinely enjoyed your company and found himself wishing he could enjoy it more often.
His eyes wandered to the bullpen again, zeroing in on you almost immediately. Prentiss and Morgan were standing by your desk when one of them said something that made you laugh.
Your eyes squeezed shut and your mouth opened to release an enchanting sound of delight. Aaron couldn’t look away and had to admit that you really were quite lovely. Inside and out.
He wasn’t sure how long he sat looking at you but knew it was longer than appropriate. He shook his head and forced himself to focus back on his work.
He managed to shove all thoughts of you from his mind for the remainder of the day until a soft knock sounded on his door late in the afternoon.
He didn’t bother to look up from the report he was notating after giving a gruff come in until he heard your voice.
Aaron couldn’t keep his eyes from darting up to meet yours before dropping them to the large stack of files in your arms.
He gestured for you to place them on the corner of his desk next to the ones Reid had deposited earlier and thought that would be his singular interaction with you for the day.
But then your caring side came out again and you sweetly offered to help him, a proposition that both filled him with fondness and nervousness.
After all his wayward thoughts about you throughout the day, he wasn’t sure if being in close proximity with you was a good idea or not. 
Aaron looked up at you again, the late afternoon sun enveloping you, enhancing your features, and his only thought was that he’d been wrong earlier. 
You weren’t just lovely. You were stunning.
In that moment, he was completely captivated by you and his thoughts ran rampant as he cataloged every minute detail of you. Your beauty, your kindness, your brilliance, and all the little things that made you you . Everything that endeared you to him.
But his thoughts came to a crashing halt when he realized that he was staring at you. He felt his face flush and he stammered as he gently declined your help.
You bid him a good night, but Aaron couldn’t take his eyes off the spreading blush on your cheeks. It kept his attention until you were out of sight.
He blinked and dropped his eyes back to the forgotten report in front of him, a slow smile creeping across his face.
He may not have meant to overhear the conversation that caused him to think about you all day, but he was starting to be glad he had. It seemed it was all he needed to face a few truths he had been in denial about for a long while now.
He was completely and utterly smitten with you.
Now, he just had to decide what to do about it. 
Aaron sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
Oh, he was in so much trouble.
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scoobydooisadetective · 3 months
Tenoch's interview at the Vagos de la Vida Real Podcast
Hi! sorry this took so long, I'm a bit rusty. Sorry for any grammar mistakes too. If you find difficulties understanding anything or if you have any correction, let me know.
Bold is the interviewer, normal is Tenoch and italics are comments made by me (mostly explaining things or when I don’t understand what they’re saying)
We already have some followers here in this radio experimentation laboratory called "Vagos de la vida real", produced by La Universidad Autónoma de San Luis. And to start talking, I'd like to ask you something that has to do with your past, with your dreams, with nostalgia, I think. Let's see what you tell us: What does Ecatepec represent in your life?
Well, it’s the place where I was raised. I grew up on the border, right there, a few blocks away in between Ecatepec and Coacalco, and to me, apart from being the place where I grew up, it’s the place that gave me identity. Between the contrasts of things that I saw at home, what you see on the street, what you see at school, I think that at the end of the day the place where I grew up was very privileged because I was able to understand many dynamics and see many points of view and understand many types of lives and experiences based on the place where I grew up.
Back then, going from Mexico City to Ecatepec or from Ecatepec to the city was the equivalent to a trip outside the city, let’s say, it’s like going to Cuernavaca, to Querétaro, you know? It was literally like going to a city in a different state. The metropolitan area had not swallowed that part of the state of Mexico, so it was… Very particular, because I recall that when I have talked with friends that were raised outside the city, let’s say Jalisco or places like that, we have similar experiences about living “outside” the city, in another state and at the same time, this other identity that’s a lot more urban. In my case, it was formed towards my teenage years as a result of the closeness and “distance” between Ecatepunk (another way of calling Ecatepec that Tenoch uses)  and Mexico City.
That's right. Hey, right now we're going to talk about Ecatepunk, the term was among the questions I had (Tenoch laughs). Do you remember your friends from there?
Yeah, yeah!
What was everyday life like? Tell us about your friends, what did they do? Did they play in the street? Were they naughty nuisances? What was everyday life like when you were in middle school there in Ecatepec? Because you went to middle school in Ecatepec, right?
Yes, they're sons of a gun (the host laughs and I don't get to hear what Tenoch says properly, but he mentions something about being naughty or doing naughty things). Some were worse than others, you know, there's a bit of everything, from really quiet dudes, the majority of them are hard-working people, with their families and so on, but there were always the miscreants (he says malandrillos, idk how to translate it but basically reckless kids, 'bad' guys, etc, just in case this word is weird) and I just so happened to befriend them. I always had the... (Tenoch laughs and doesn’t finish the sentence). I was a very easy going kid, imagine that my first drop of alcohol... Well, I had tasted something, but I drank my first real drink when I was 21, 22 years old. I was finishing college when I had my first drink. Actually, I was really easy going and the majority of my friends were, let's say, a little more adventurous in life than me. And so I was friends with the bad guys and also the guys that were top in class, so I could move in all aspects, let's say, in all the areas that a public middle school could offer. I went to the Moisés Saenz middle school and when I was a little boy, that was the most posh school in the area, but by the time I started middle school there, it was a step before juvenile prison because everyone was a son of a gun, but the truth is I had a great time, it was fun and I still have many friends from middle school.
That's important, yes, yes. Hey, something that comes to mind about what you're talking about is, how did you and your friends saw Mexico City? You already told us it was like a trip to another city, but how did you guys see it? How did you imagine that urban monster that was growing? Did you ever realize that it was going to absorb you? You didn't realize? What was the imagery of those who lived there?
Well, you truly don't realize it. For starters, it was like a mythical place, it was a distant place, the big city. At the end of the day, it is the country's capital, so when you're a young what interests you is, or in my case, were the raves, the rock shows, going to bars and so on, but we didn't have enough money or the age... 14 years old, where the hell were they going to let us in? So that was like the dream of the city, the city, the city and suddenly, it began to become too urbanized there and when I started college... I mean, in high school I already acquired a little clearer awareness of the immensity of the city and the complexity of it. At the end of the day, I lived in a microcosm. When I was a child, there were, I don't know, four or five subdivisions and I lived in one of them. There were five or six villages that ended up being absorbed by the urban sprawl and now are interior villages and everything else was for plots. Then little by little it became urbanized, the city swallowed it up.
When I started my degree in the UNAM was when I really got to experience Mexico City, I was visiting it on a daily basis. I studied in Aragón, but the majority of my activities post-school where in Acatlán, because I played american football with los Pumas de Acatlán and the other part of my activities were in Mexico City, in Channel 22, where I did my social service, in ABC radio that's in the press building by the Hidalgo subway station, where I also did internships and eventually I did some work as a reporter and journalistic notes in the radio, I went on air and read news. Anyway, it was a whole adventure to discover... While I was growing, let's say... It's very funny, because while I was growing, my horizons were growing too. In terms of the city, the 'chilango' identity, that I personally love, I'm not a chilango supremacist, even though I make a lots of jokes about it, but the truth is I'm not. The bottom line is that something beautiful about Mexico City is that people from everywhere live in the city and Mexico City wouldn't be so cool if only us chilangos lived in it, because it's a really, really boring city. All the diversity, the food, the ambiance, the places, the people... I mean 25 millions of souls are 25 millions of different worlds, so there's a bit of everything for everyone and the truth is that I can brag that I have been able to live, well the precise term of the word is cosmopolitan, the cosmopolitan life of Mexico City, because we're a country that measures half of Europe. So, when we talk about cosmopolitanism, just with the inner immigration in the country is already half of Europe, that's how cosmopolitan Mexico City can be. So, truly, I've had a great time. Now I live in chilangolandia, I have become a chilango completely.
Full time
And I enjoy it a lot. Full time, truly. And I enjoy it a lot, I mean, we also have to keep the distances and proportions. I live in a central area of the city, in a middle class area, so obviously services such as transportation and security are greater, so it offers me a much more comfortable life in the city than to other people.
Hey, would you let us go back to your story?
Let's go, let's go. Yes.
In 91', before you went to college, one of the most complicated decades for this country began. In 94' the Zapatista war blows up, they kill Colosio, there's a series of complications that arose and are part of who we are today. I'd like for you to tell us if you remember how did you see it, if you were already in high school... How did you see everything that was happening? Or you didn't see it? It's something I've asked every guest we've had here in Vagos and the answers have been very diverse, from people that never knew, to people who participated, that went to protests. How was your experience with the '90s?
No, I was very... My parents politicized me since I was little. I went to my first march when I was 7 years old, which was the march in '88 ... (I don't understand what the march was for because they speak at the same time but I managed to hear something about something that they did to someone named Cardenas I think). So yeah, actually, I made things uncomfortable in the classroom since middle school, because when they started to talk about history, I'd bring up my facts like 'no, but wait, Porfirio Diaz did this and that' and they were like 'shut up, asshole' or I would go with my friends to chat and I'd start saying things like Mexico is a great nation and they have to respect us and they were like 'shut up, dude'. Eventually, the majority of my classmates ended up working in political parties and the only one who didn't work with political parties was me. It's like those people that tell you 'you're an atheist because you haven't read about religion' and you say 'no, because I've read about religion I'm an atheist', that happened to me. Since I was a kid my dad politicized me and well, yes, we saw all the events that were happening in the country, and well, I didn't only see them and was aware of them, my dad would talk to me about them and well when the... When the zapatista army arrived at Mexico City, I was there in the Zócalo with my family to receive them. I remember I learned a very important lesson there, I was telling my dad 'I think that Mexico isn't a racist country, but rather a classist country' and my dad told me 'go out to the street and yell 'indio' (indio it's used as a derogatory term in Mexico, meaning someone who's ignorant or uncivilized. Even though the original meaning is being descended from indigenous people) at any person and you'll see how it goes'.
That's right.
'If that is not racism, I don't know what is', and I was like 'oh, fuck'. I was around 13 or 14 years old at that time and since then I began to have a lot of awareness. I thank my dad for that, because regardless of the ideological or political positions that one might have, having awareness and being politicized in life allows you to make better conditions-- decisions, sorry.
Yeah, that's right.
I could say that a good part of the decisions I've taken in my career are based a lot on what I read in the newspapers and especially in the international news.
You have been telling us about your father. Would you like to tell us who your father is? About him?
Yeah, well, look, to me, my heroes in life are my parents. My mom and my dad, they're my fucking heroes, the two of them. My mom lost her mom when she was 11 or 12 years old and my dad lost his dad when he was 5 or 6 years old. So, the fact that my mom didn't have a mom and my dad didn't have a dad meant that no one ruined them (they laugh at this joke, and Tenoch adds something else but he's laughing so I can't manage to grasp what he's saying, though he says something about 'bad examples at home').
They both have worked their whole lives. My mom was raised in what was back then the Iztapalapa village, and it was just that, a village. There were only a few streets that had lights. My dad was from the Colonia Obrera, so it’s funny now that I mention it to you, because my dad was from the Colonia Obrera, a very urban area in Mexico City and my mom was from Iztapalapa, a village, a very rural area in Mexico City and the place where I grew up was a mix between the urban and the rural, right? Because there were many lots there, and at the same time there were a lot of subdivisions, Mexico City, well, the state was starting to split.
My dad was a kid that worked since he was 5 years old as a shoemaker assistant and he was a laborer since he was 13 years old. And being a laborer and having 2 or 3 children, I don’t remember if my sister who was born before me had already been borned, but my dad being a laborer and everything ended up in night-time studies at the polytechnic university (not sure if this or trade school is a better translation but I think you can grasp the idea) and he graduated as an engineer and won a scholarship to study in Germany for a year and a half.
Well I never!
Well, yes. Back then, when going to college actually meant social mobility. And my mom was raised by her aunt, she studied a technical career, starts to work and meets my dad, they get married and made the decision that my mom would stay at home taking care of the kids and my dad was going to work, because back then, before people judge without knowing and understanding, and as the wise says ‘there’s no text without context’. The context about the period when my parents were young, the 60-70s, is that one person, with one salary could sustain a family of 6 or 7 members. In our case, we were six: four siblings, including me, my dad and my mom. So, with my dad’s salary as a teacher, because first he was a teacher at a technical school… With my dad being a teacher, he could sustain us, the whole family. And my mom, by her own decision, wanted to stay home, which I thank a lot because without my mom's effort of taking care of us, of being at home, having always the clothes clean for us and warm food, a mommy that would hug us and pamper us, and when we got sick she would send us to school anyway, she didn't give a fuck, but when we got back from it she would receive us with a hot soup and kisses. And my siblings got hit (he says ‘les ponía su chingazo’, I don’t think it means he hit them violently or anything, it’s probably more like a telling off? just putting this here because slang and intentions are hard to translate at times) because they earned them, those fuckers, but without that mommy, we wouldn't had made it. So that's why I say that both of them have given me great examples. My mom, by staying at home, my dad, by going to work and with all that life experience accumulated, from the two of them, their lives, everything they went through since childhood, their loss of mom and dad, well, they raised us... We're four, the four of us went to college, we're professionals, we are good people, so the clear thing is that without my parents, without my mother and without my father we would not be what we are and that is why I will always be eternally grateful to my parents. And I hope that one day I can give that same example and that same support to my two little girls that I adore, these two little girls are my raison d'être (I looked this up, but basically they’re his reason to exist), they are my solid rock. Someone told me “I’m glad your daughter, the eldest in this case, was born, because otherwise you would have gone crazy, she’s your anchor to reality”, then the little one came along also at a very important time in my life and these two brought good luck to me when they were born. The truth is that these two kids are now what my parents showed me we were for them.
Hey, so I have a question. I read in an interview somewhere that you said that in Ecatepec the microphones were turned off and it was not easy to get out of there. Did you realize this in middle school? Or when you went to high school? Or did you rationalize it when you were already in college?
I realized when I was in college, because you know what? When I was in middle school and high school to me it was normal, I was just another kid from the suburbs and that was it. I lived my life, I went to political rallies and things like that with my parents, but beyond that, well, no.
And your classmates? What were their dreams about their future? Or they didn’t dream of the future?
Well, besides having a good life, earning a good salary and having a house, the truth is that I don’t remember us having any other kind of talks about the future. I think that is something that happens when you’re young, which I think is very healthy too. But also, when you live in less fortunate contexts you’re not thinking so much about the future, because you’re worried about the present and how to overcome things.
Here and now.
For the here and now. I think not all of my classmates, but most of us thought about the future in terms of what career we wanted to pursue and things like that, but there was also a significant part of my classmates who didn’t even question such things, they didn’t have the sense of urgency about the future, really. Beyond buying a house and having a good job, there wasn’t any sort of talks or points of views and I think it has to do with age. 
When I started to study my career, when I was accepted at the UNAM in ‘99, just when the 99 strike was happening, the climate was extremely politicized and I appreciate it a lot because it made us question other things. I personally did have the belief that Mexico had to change, that there would have to be a revolution. I thought that at that moment, like a lot of young people and people who came before me, actually, my dad is from the ‘68 generation, several of his classmates lost their lives… Well, they didn’t lose them, they were killed, they died in the movement in ‘68. I did think that the revolution had to be armed, but that didn’t mean that the political fight should be left aside. Anyways, when I started college, I started to understand a lot of things and I realized that college was giving me a lot, a college that was sustained with the taxes of a society, well, it was a college that was giving the less fortunate sons of the revolution… It was giving us a future, right?
Hey, we're running out of time for this segment, we're going to continue talking about this later and I'd like to take this opportunity to tell our listeners, you've heard who's here with us. With studies in communication and journalism at the FES Aragón of the UANAM, from a very young age he dedicated himself to acting and the quality of his work has led him to participate in more than fifty films, more than twelve Mexican, European and North American series. Nominated for the Ariel on five occasions and recognized in one of them as best actor and recognized as best supporting actor in the 54th version of the awards granted by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, in the United States. Author of the book Orgullo Prieto, published in Editorial Grijalbo.
Tenoch huerta, I thank you with all my heart that you have opened a space in your agenda, an agenda that has a lot of work, that has many commitments and yet you still agreed to come and talk with us in this space. I'm going to play a song that closes this segment and I will continue talking with Tenoch Huerta in the next segment.
We’re back with Vagos de la Vida Real
We're back here, thank you for continuing with us in this radio experimentation laboratory called Vagos de la Vida Real. I take this opportunity to thank Gabriela Hernandez, our university radio director, who allows and supports this project in its second season. I thank you for your calls to the booth. Thank you for the messages we receive in our social networks, remember we have an Instagram for Vagos de la Vida Real if you want to write to us and there, we’ll say who’s going to be the next guests who will come to this program. Today, we have a top-level guest, Tenoch Huerta. Let’s continue talking with you, Tenoch.
I’d like, because of everything you said about Ecatepunk and all of that, to give a little more context: Ecatepec has always been considered as one of the municipalities with the biggest rate of violence, insecurity and femicides. Meaning, the zone where you grew up was very rough, then you moved to Coacalco and went to college. Something I’d like you to do is take us to the memory of your first day of college. I understand, if you want to tell us about that, that when your high school classmates applied for the exam, you were the only one admitted to college.
Yeah, yes, precisely. In the whole high school, I was the only one, which, now that I say it outloud, instead of speaking well of me, speaks badly of the school.
But well, that’s how it was. I was admitted to college. I took the test because my school wasn’t incorporated to the UNAM, it was rather incorporated to another system, so I had to take the test. I was admitted to journalism and I remember the first day I was very nervous. My first day of class was in extramuros, which was really funny because I felt a lot of affinity for the movement and its postures, from which I had some idea, but when I entered I could soak up much more about what was going on thanks to the flier distribution. The people in the general strike board would do it constantly and well, I started to read and soak up the ideas and overall, what the college was looking for at that moment, that topic seemed more important and attractive to me. I was never part of the strike board because I didn’t feel comfortable. Anyone could enter, right? You just went to the assembly and that was it, you were involved. I remember going to a few of them, and later on I went to another and no, it wasn’t something that moved me, but the things they talked about and the reason we were fighting mattered to me. So, yeah, I truly had a great time, but that first day I was very nervous, it was like the first day in kinder, middle school and high school, all of them together and multiplied for ten. So, that’s how the first day of class in my career felt, but the truth is I had a great time, I made great friends and the majority of my classmates are people that in one way or another, I still keep contact with. 
Also, it was very gratifying that the first college strike in the XXI century was in Mexico, and it also was a victorious one, because a lot of the things we were seeking, regardless of the phobias or philias of each person, well, the college is still public, free, secular and it still is and continues to have the status of the best college in Mexico. So, with all the love and respect that public and autonomous universities throughout the country deserve and also the private ones, well I come from a public school so evidently, my heart beats a bit more to the left. So, school, public education to me… If there’s something you have to bet on… Betting on the future is betting on education, but not education in an abstract way, but rather on a humanist education with a deep social commitment, which, at the end of the day, I ended up absorbing to a greater extent at the UNAM. Once I started having a bigger status in the film industry, I understood that my position is not only to enjoy the success, but also distribute the jar of honey. Start to distribute that jar and most importantly, well, take over the hives so we can start producing honey for everyone, that’s the idea I’ve always had in life, I know it sounds chairo (Chairo is a pejorative word that is used in Mexican politics to discriminate, disqualify or relegate militants or sympathizers of left-wing causes) and it’ll probably scare a lot of good consciences, but what can I say? Without social justice there’s no future.
No, that’s really poetic. That’s how it is, that’s how it is. Hey, something that comes up that I want to imagine, but I want you to tell us, how did a kid that enters college, what, were you like 18 years old?
How do you make it coincide? How do you reconcile the college where you were going to study communication, journalism… But also you were already involved in acting for a bit, for a few years, and a while ago you told me you played american football in college. Which one do you want to start telling us about first? Football, acting, what came first?
I played American football since I was 5 years old.
Oh, since you were a kid!
Yeah, since I was 5 years old until I was 21 years old.
Here and there I didn’t play two or three seasons for different reasons, but I played. I played every year my season of american football. I played in a lot of teams, the last team I played with was at the UNAM, with the Pumas de Ataclán. After that, I dislocated my shoulder and I couldn’t do anything and my dad… I had taken acting workshops when I was 17 just as a hobby, because I was really happy doing nothing on the couch in my living room, waiting for it to be 11:45 to watch Golden (they both laugh because golden was a channel where they would show adult movies around that hour). No, no, it’s not true. It’s a joke, but if you want to, it’s not a joke.
But it happened at the time, yes.
So, I was really happy doing nothing in life and suddenly, my dad said ‘go and do something with your life’ and he almost dragged me to take those acting workshops. I liked them a lot, but it was just a hobby and when I was in college, as I was telling you, I played my last season, I dislocated my shoulder and my dad told me ‘Why don’t you take the workshops again?’ So I went back to the workshops, a little bit for curiosity and a little bit for having something to do.
Hey, before you tell us about the workshops and acting, what position did you play in american football?
I played as everything, but like my natural position, I figured it out the last 3 or 4 years that I played and it was the defense. For those who don’t know a lot of american football, the front line is the defensive and in that line, in the edges, there’s a pair of players that are the defensive ends and basically and elementally you dedicate to run into the coreback and beat the crap out of him so the dude would see you come and would be scared and wouldn’t be able to play at ease. So, basically, you’re a beater.
And it’s a complex position to play. I also played american football and the line is tough.
It’s tough (Tenoch goes on to mention something about receiving kicks I think, but the host speaks over him and I don’t understand).
And even more here, the american football played in universities is tougher than in the United States, what we see on TV. Here, the hits hurt in a different way.
Yeah, no, yeah, yeah. I played equipped when I was five, imagine it. The atom ant. We looked like little martians with the helmets that would make us lean to the side, but we start to bump into each other since we’re little, you can imagine… (Tenoch adds something but the host talks over him).
Now, tell us about the workshops. You repeated workshops.
Well, since I couldn’t play anymore, I started to take acting workshops and well, more than see these acting workshops as a way of living, I rather took it seriously because I liked it. So I dedicated it all my time and energy to my texts, monologues, to prepare, to give it a spin over and over again, because I truly liked it, I never had aspirations or anything, I simply liked it and it was something I was doing because all my time, energy and abilities were poured into accomplishing the job. Later on, a therapist told me that I’m obsessive and that obsession makes you not be able to let go until it comes out perfectly. It will never be perfect, so you never let it go. So, that obsession or profile made me always try harder. I was bad, I was terrible as an actor, really bad, but since I didn’t give up and I always kept going and I thank american football for that…
The discipline
One time, they blew the skin off one of my fingers while playing, and you could see the bone. I was 10 years old, I went out of the field and told the doctor ‘put a bandage on me’ and he put a gauze on and adhesive tape on my finger and I went back to play, even though they had torn off my skin, because that’s how it is, I don’t understand life in any other way. So they put the gauze and in you go. That’s why I get so angry when I watch soccer players, they tell them ‘good day’ and they tumble around four hundred times and they cry, and throw themselves and drag their feet and cry tears in front of the camera. I say, ‘dude, these people should be acting, they should be in soap operas and not in soccer’. And I know good soccer players who are actors and should be on the field, dude, but oh well.
So, there’s this thing about holding onto pain, not giving in without moving forward, continuing to fight until the referee whistles the end of the match, it’s what took me to eventually go from the worst actor in my workshop to the worst actor on set, but I was a professional! I wasn’t a student anymore, I was a professional actor. A very bad one, but I was there fighting, battling and that leads you to question yourself, and demand yourself and put the ‘this doesn’t end until it ends’ always in front of you, and you can’t take it for granted until it’s perfect, so that’s how I’ve always tried to do my job. I obviously have to measure myself, because there were times when I didn’t sleep or would hurt my body because I overtrained or demanded too much of myself. So, my therapist told me ‘yes, dude, but calm down a bit, it’s not a vow (he says ‘tampoco es manda’ so I guess he’s talking about when people ask a favor from a deity and then they pay it back by sacrificing their physical integrity at times) either’. 
But I think that American football gave me a fighting spirit, a sense of camaraderie, of teamwork, of strategy and of what you can't do… A player on his own is no one in a match, it’s always teamwork. I mean, you’re a team, a group and in that group, there are many individualities, but at the end of the day, they align towards the same objective and it allows you to achieve something. So I think all of that shaped me, not only on a professional level, but also on a personal level and it ended up making me the actor that I am now.
I finished my degree, I worked for a while, and suddenly, they called me to make a movie professionally, beyond those little calls here and there I took because I was simply bored and looking for something to do and earn some money, no, it was in a professional way. Deficit by Gael García Bernal was my first professional film, and although I had already done things before, it was my first professional film for real. And since then I have not worked on anything else, I haven’t earned a living from anything that is not acting. I’ve lived well, I’ve had seasons of skinny cows, fat cows and seasons where there even aren’t cows (cows are used to talk about money, like, época de vacas flacas is equal to lean years. I kept it because otherwise it didn’t make sense and I don’t know if there’s like a proper translation for this saying, but basically he’s saying he has struggled, has seen a lot of money and sometimes nothing at all). But I keep going, and overall, I think it has allowed me to find myself, to question a lot of things about life that eventually make us grow and now gives me the chance to offer a life, the best life I can, to my daughters. Someone told me something very nice recently: our ceilings will always be the floors of our children, so I want to elevate my ceilings a lot, so my daughters can have firm, solid floors, but they’ll have to build their own buildings. I’m not building anything for these damn kids! (He laughs).
Hey, let’s see if you allow me to go back to Ecatepec but in another sense. I read somewhere, in some interview you gave about the movie where you star as a cop and before you starred in it, you went to enroll in the police academy in Ecatepec, but without saying you were an actor. Tell us about that, because at the end of the day you returned to your land in some way.
Well, yeah, when we were preparing the movie, by the way, I had the script like a year and a half before, well, when the time to prepare the character arrived the director… I wasn’t giving what it needed. Actually, when I finished reading the script, I was about to tell the director that I couldn’t do that, that he needed an actor with more life experience, meaning, an older actor or with more training, because I had only taken workshops, I didn’t study acting as a career. So I was about to quit when he sent me the script and I read it, I was going to see him to tell him “you know what, dude? This story deserves someone who’s more prepared than me or has more life experience’ and when I arrived, he tells me ‘before you tell me anything, before you even speak, I would like to tell you that there’s no other actor in Mexico that can do this, only you. Now, what did you want to tell me?’ and I was like ‘When do we start, dude?’ 
So, the truth is I wasn’t enough, so the director suggested… And at the end of the day it was an agreement, but he said ‘dude, what if you take a few trips to the police academy?’ So I went to the police academy in Mexico City and they told me that no. I said well, I’m going to sign up as a cadet, and they told me that I couldn’t do that either because, I think I can say it openly, I don’t have a military service card, so I couldn’t sign up. And I was like ‘damn it’ and then, my mom knew people in the municipality of Coacalco, from Ecatepunk, and my mom told me ‘go there, they’ll receive you’, so right there my mom did production work, that’s how cool my mom is. So I arrived at the academy and the production intervened, obviously, and the agreements that had to be signed were signed, because I was going to train as a police officer, but since I wasn’t going to sign up, because if I did sign up, like with paperwork and so on, well, after I finished the training I would have had to serve in the police for at least six months. So, we reached an agreement with both the academy authorities and the municipal authorities, which was that I would train there an in exchange, we were going to talk about what was happening, which meant the process, about the Ecatepec police, to whom, to be honest, despite everything, at least what I could see is that a lot of the people that are in the police academy and in the Ecatepec police are people that wants to do things right, good people, honest people. At least that’s what I discovered from my experience. Obviously, every person might have a different one, but I met really good people, with good intentions and well, I graduated. I was going everyday, I was treated just like any other cadet.
In fact, no one knew I was an actor, except for the directors. Only the two of them knew that I was an actor, and well, obviously the municipal president, but apart from them no one else knew. And well, I finished my cadet training and thanks to all that experience I was able to play a role that ended up winning an Ariel and we also were part of the official selection of the Cannes Film Festival, we were in the main competition and we had a great chance of winning, but that was the year when everything happened with Florence Cassez (Not sure if I picked up the name right, but if it’s the right person, she is “a French woman convicted in Mexico of belonging to the kidnapping gang Los Zodíacos (The Zodiacs). She received a 60-year sentence for the crimes of kidnapping, organized crime, and illegal possession of firearms”.). And so there was a lot of…
The camera lens was turned the other way
Yes. I don’t want to say that that’s why… I don’t want to say that that’s why we didn’t win the Cannes Film Festival, but it did have an influence because there was a lot of general animosity towards us.
Tenoch Huerta, we reach the end of the program, the end of this episode. I want you to briefly answer me this last question. That little boy that wore his american football uniform, that little boy that went to college, where you explained that it was like arriving to kinder but 10 times worse, the one that started acting and has conquered international stages, how does he see the future? Where is Tenoch Huerta headed now?
I think that everytime I’m… It’s funny because I think that while my path goes further inward, the further inward I go, ironically, my career is taking me further outward, it’s taking me further in geographical terms, obviously in work terms too, but also in emotional terms. It’s taking me inwards, towards my heart, towards my spirit, towards my mind, towards love. The love I have at home, the love I have from my daughters, even the love from my puppies that were just barking, you know? I think that the further inwards I go, the more the world expands. It’s very funny, they say that universals become universal because they talk about the local, so I think that universalizing ourselves implies, or its first condition is being really honest with an introspective look to see the more human, because in the most intimate and in the most human, it's what we all connect on.
Tenoch, I wish you to continue winning on stages, to continue receiving interesting projects, to continue growing. I thank you for accompanying us until the end of this episode and I ask you to recommend a song to close.
Goodness! There’s a song that was considered the best song of the year and probably of the time, of the decade, it’s called “Oye Mujer” by Raymix. By the way, this dude, if I’m remembering it right, worked in a NASA project, experimenting with sounds and so on, so this dude takes part of the sounds he used the most, he’s an engineer, so he uses his knowledge to design this song that to me seems so beautiful, it’s one of my favorite songs because it’s so pretty and it gives me so much peace and it makes me… It’s funny because he uses sounds from NASA and truly, if you hear it, this song does take you to the stars, no matter how cliché of a romantic gentleman that might sound.
I thank you again, I send you a hug. And I’ll wait for you (the listener) in the next episode.
To be honest, I'm a bit dissapointed he didn't speak about future projects, but I understand he might not be able to or doesn't want to just yet. It was fun to know more things about his background, though. It's good to hear him again ❤️‍🩹
(Also he said PUPPIES as in more than one?? I'm DECEASED)
@teeunderscorebee @artintel001 @cutelatinagirl @observers-journal @talokanda-forever @cantstayawaycani @too-many-atoms @neoboha @aolechan @chaoticcatbunny
(sorry if I didn't tag you, as I said I'm rusty and can't remember more usernames rn lol or you speak spanish so this isn't useful to you <3)
65 notes · View notes
corrupted-doll · 4 months
Turn Me Into a Goddess - Part 1
This is Part One, Part Two's Soon
The party had been going on for some time when Katelynne slammed down her wine cooler and said "I HAVE THE GREATEST IDEA" and snuck into her room-mates bedroom. Emerging with a tatty old notebook, she showed it off to the collection of college girls that made up her friendship, all drunk, some high, mostly dressed in pink.
"My room mate has a SPELL BOOK. She does WITCHCRAFT!!!"
There were gasps and oohs, but Brandie asked the question they were all thinking, "But she used to be a dude. Guys can't be witches!" Katelynne hit Brandie with the book, "Ugh, shut up bitch!" She sat down to find a fun spell to cast.
The girls shuffled around as she shaped them into a circle. "Is this gonna be like that old movie The Craft? Because those witches were cool." Stace asked.
Katelynne flicked through the notebook and read out the spells, as the other girls gathered around, 'This one says invoking feminine power, opening your third eye… that's gross. Communicate with angels, lame… OH MY GOD, YOU GUYS! This spell says Turn Me into a GODDESS! Go get me some candles!!! And some of the shitty incense she keeps on top of the fridge! I wanna be a goddess!"
Katelynne read the spell, it was a complicated incantation with a lot of strange movements and even a bit involving putting her nipple into a candle flame. Normally, she wouldn't, but she'd drunk rum, vodka and wine tonight and was game for anything.
"How do even know she had this?" Stace asked.
"Oh, I totally go through Hera's shit all the time. She's weird, but her taste in makeup is fire. OK, everyone shut up, I'm gonna try this. I think I'll be the goddess of… nice hair."
Katelynne asked for the lights to be turned out as she lit the candles and started chanting, it was not in English but the spell had a convenient pronunciation guide. She stood and wafted incense around her, her drunk friends sat in a circle, enraptured by the performance.
She ripped her top off, as demanded by the spell and waved a lit candle in front of her, as if possessed by the arcane foreign words she spoke.
Cathy had always crushed on Katelynne and drank up the sight of her bare chest.
Katelynne blew out the candle and concluded the spell, waiting for something to happen.
Noone said anything, barely breathing, but they all felt a shiver in their souls that something, somewhere had happened.
Part Two https://www.tumblr.com/corrupted-doll/750538590159863808/turn-me-into-a-goddess-part-2?source=share
18 notes · View notes
taechaos · 3 years
Silent Treatment
from Textbook Love drabble series
Tumblr media
pairing: bully!Jungkook x nerdy!fem!Reader
genre: drabble, smut, college au
synopsis: Why did you reject him? He’s consumed by his thoughts and theories of your behavior because you didn’t say a single word to him. If your actions were anything to go by, which apparently speak louder than words, you didn’t even want him to touch you.
warnings: slight angst, drugs, arguing, dubcon, cunnilingus, mild degredation
word count: 4.2k
tags: @mwitsmejk @1-in-abillion @kooookie
a/n: the request (contains some spoilers). i'm gonna take a very short break from this couple to write other requests!! hope u enjoy 💗
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The shift in the Spring weather is unpredictable. One moment it’s chilly, and the other sunny. Humans can only adapt so much, and it causes an outbreak of common colds. Most people recover easily, handy medicine soothing their sore throats, syrups suppressing coughs, and nose sprays ridding the blockage. You, on the other hand, are not that lucky. With a weak immune system, you’re very careful to not get sick, but there must have been a slip-up because you’ve somehow lost your voice after catching a cold.
You sniffle and cough, but you can’t speak. It’s advised to not exert your vocal cords in cases like these, and that is just so unfortunate for you. The last thing you’d ever want to do is spread your sickness to Jungkook, and that meant not getting too close to him; it meant no kissing. 
A very large white placard is spread out in front of you on the wooden table, and you’re plastering printed images of a specific global issue on it. You’re sitting on a bench with two of your friends as they chatter mindlessly while you work. Jungkook has a project about climate change due in a few days, and it’s supposed to be very important for his final grade. You’ve already written him a script for his presentation along with a stick prop to point at specific pictures. It’s fun, glittery and he’s going to love it. 
“Hey,” Minnie, your friend, calls for you, “we’re going to get some coffee from Starbucks. Want us to get you green tea?”
Soyeon laughs when your eyes light up; it’s your favorite beverage, and it’s supposed to help with your sore throat. They leave with a smile after you give them a hyper nod and you’re alone as you adjust your woolen scarf around your neck. You need to heal as fast as you can so you’re no longer missing your beloved’s affection.
Jungkook has been feeling more inclined to approach you without reason lately, but that doesn’t mean it’s a common occurrence. Getting teased by his friend, specifically Taehyung, about having a sissy crush on a girl like yourself angered him to no end. A hit always got him to shut up, but not for long. He’s walking your way today because there’s no one around to judge him for talking to you. 
You’re tearing a double-sided tape when he sits on your table, carefully avoiding your materials. Your breath hitches as his eyes gloss over your work in progress. “Working hard, I see,” he comments with disinterest. He doesn’t say anything about your efforts, but he’s impressed. The corner of his lip tugs upwards before he leans in for a kiss. You have enough self-control and concern for his well-being over your desires to lean back before your lips make contact. His face is close to yours as he pauses and slightly frowns before trying again. He receives the same results and finally pulls back. 
“You did well,” he frowns at you and speaks as if you’re a child, “I’m praising you.” Your eyes are darting back and forth awkwardly and you don’t know what to do other than sit in silence. You put your hands on his knees as a resort and his frown deepens as he watches you. “I can take a hint, you know. You don’t have to fucking ignore me.” He roughly shoves your hands and stands up before storming off with a scoff. You’re torn between following him and being responsible over your belongings. You can’t let his grades go to waste because of a small misunderstanding, so you decide to text him instead. There’s always a possibility someone might steal his project. Or maybe after he’s cooled off? You delay the message, but somewhere in your heart, you’re satisfied by his reaction because it’s clear that he wanted to kiss you.
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Heavy footsteps clomp against the sidewalk before Jungkook slumps on the seat next to Taehyung. It’s an isolated area for smoking students at the back of the campus, and his friend group is no exception to this role. They’re taking drags of cigarettes individually as Jungkook glares at his boots. They’re chunky and a bold black, and his dark outfit paints him as the big bad wolf. It fits, because he’s ready to attack when he’s filled with so much resentment. Why did you reject him? He’s consumed by his thoughts and theories of your behavior because you didn’t say a single word to him. If your actions were anything to go by, which apparently speak louder than words, you didn’t even want him to touch you. It doesn’t make sense, but you also grimaced at him, but then why were you doing his homework? He’s feeling frustrated, and upset all the same.
“Someone’s troubled,” Seokjin points out with a mouthful of smoke. “Kookie?”
Said boy only grunts in response.
“Did the lousy girl finally see you for who you really are and leave you?” Taehyung doesn’t hesitate to mock him with a pout. “Tragic.”
“Shut the fuck up, Tae,” Jungkook spits and sends him a death glare, fire flaming in his fierce eyes. “Go actually talk to a girl or something, and leave me alone. I can’t take your shit right now.”
The low blow doesn’t affect Taehyung in the slightest as he holds up his hands in defence with comically wide eyes. “Relax, tiger.”
“Moving on from Tae’s inability to talk to girls in broad daylight, what’s up with you Kook?” Namjoon butts in, earning a fake cough from the receiving end of the insult.
He pauses for a moment before babbling, “I hate those bitches. My mother for one, couldn’t stand wearing clothes whenever she saw a dude. Moving on from guy to guy, unless they’re a fucking asshole. What do they want? Why are they never fucking satisfied?!”
A moment of silence passes among the huddled friends before Yoongi breaks it with a joke, “Who’s the lucky girl?” It doesn’t land as Jungkook deeply sighs in response. “Did she cheat on you?” he tries again.
“No,” he murmurs.
“She… I don’t fucking know, she gave me the silent treatment. She leaned away from me too,” he shakes his head with a quiet groan, “it just doesn’t add up. I got mad and left.”
“No way that could’ve ended up badly,” Taehyung chuckles but purses his lips when he’s sent another dirty look.  “How long was the interaction anyway?” 
“Like 30 seconds.”
“Are you coming out tonight?” Yoongi asks and puts out the burning tip of his stick. “Could help you feel better.”
“And we’ve got molly,” Namjoon adds.
“Yeah, fine, whatever.”
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Alcohol’s effect on a person differs in moods, and Jungkook is usually a horny drunk. Being a sad drunk is a first for him tonight, but he’s just so confused. It made his heart drop when you outwardly refused his advances and anxiety blossomed in his chest, which he has no idea how to deal with. It kicked in fight or flight instincts, and he just… hated the idea of you not loving him, even if it’s momentary. He can’t bear staying in a situation that makes him feel so insecure, and that feeling is supposed to be left in his childhood. You just about brought out the worst in him without doing anything. 
You didn’t do anything.
It’s 10PM and he’s waiting on your usual good night text that he never responds to. It’s so pathetic, and he hates himself for being so used to your affection that it worries him when he’s deprived of it. He’s never doubted your love for him, but his insecurities are churning his gut. It’s an overflow of all of his pent-up emotions, and he can’t handle it.
“Here,” Taehyung pops in out of nowhere, clutching a pill in his hand. There’s a bottle of water in the other as he holds them out for Jungkook to take. “Stop moping and get laid.”
“I’d say the same to you, but you’d probably start crying during sex,” he mumbles and uncaps the bottle before throwing in the pill and washing it down with the water. “Thanks.”
“See that girl over there?” he ignores him and steps behind his miserable friend to point at the owner of the sultry gaze directed at Jungkook from the bar. “She wants to fuck you. Or maybe me, but I’m passing her onto you.”
“How kind of you,” he sarcastically replies.
“Uh-uh, so you’re gonna be in ecstasy in about 10 minutes. Don’t fuck this up.” He slaps his shoulder before disappearing into the kitchen. It’s a lonesome party because not a lot of people are allowed in when drugs are involved. Causing a ruckus, receiving a noise complaint and then getting arrested is out of the question. 
He isn’t interested in sex with a stranger - not today at least -, but he hopes for it to change as he waits to approach her. Maybe drugs will rile him up enough to have fun with someone else and rid his mind of you. It’s an annoying itch on his brain, so he rests his head against the couch to comfort himself with the soft fabric. He’s sleepy from the beer he drank earlier, and he doesn’t know how time goes by so fast when he closes his eyes.
A few minutes must have passed, because he’s starting to feel dizzy in his seat. A smile carves on his face as his mind grows slightly fogged, and he opens his eyes to find the girl quietly chatting with a friend. When she glances at him, he beckons her to come over. She mouths a “be right back” to her friend before strutting in his direction.
“Hey,” she smiles down at him before sitting on the couch. She’s aristocratic, chic and pretty. “Sorry if I weirded you out earlier.” Her voice is sweet like honey, and her words flow out of her tongue so naturally. A dream girl, really, and Jungkook is starting to get horny.
“I don’t mind,” he reassures with a subtle seductive tone, “what’s a girl like you doing with this crowd? You look too innocent.” He wraps a finger around a strand of her hair and twirls it. It feels strange.
“My friend sent me here, told me to watch over someone,” she lowly speaks. “I’m Soyeon.”
“Nice to meet you, Soyeon,” he breathes before crashing her lips with his. His hand reaches down to grip her thigh, tongue poking out to swipe the sticky gloss. It’s flavored, and it tastes of strawberry. When she kisses him back so slowly, innocently, it turns him on so much. His pants feel tight around his crotch as he runs another hand through her soft hair. Compared to him, she’s passionate whereas he’s sloppy. He’s starting to get dizzier, and it feels so fucking good, but he hates it.
There is not a single reason for him to not enjoy this, not when his mood is lifting so high. The hand on her thigh lands on her cleavage instead and she’s so submissive and shy, but something’s off. He groans into her mouth before biting her lip, ripping a whine out of her. Why does she sound so sexy and annoying?  
He pulls away from her before sighing in irritation. “Fuck, I can’t do this.” 
“Did I do something wrong?” she asks worriedly.
“No, just, fuck.” He starts laughing before rubbing his palms on his eyes, “I really want to fuck, but I just can’t.”
“We can just chat,” she softly suggests. “What’s your name?”
He removes his hands from his face when she goes silent. Her eyes are wide and she’s gaping at him… guiltily? “Crap,” she hisses quietly, “I was supposed to make sure you were okay. My roommate is like, super in love with you and asked me to come here.”
He says your name in a question, wondering if it’s you. When she nods, he asks for your dorm instantly.
“She’s in room 124… Why?”
When he stands up, there’s a sway in his posture but he recovers quickly. There’s an involuntary grin on his face as he thanks her ignorantly. He’s out of the villa in a rush, and he has the overwhelming urge to just run. The campus is a bit far away from the house, but he doesn’t care as his footfalls echo in the dark streets. He has so much energy to waste, and with his current stamina, he’s confident he’ll find you before dawn. It’s stupid but it’s fun, and he doesn’t care for catching his breath as the corner stores pass by him in a blur. 
Throughout the two hours of his reckless jog, where he mixed up directions multiple times, his mind is starting to clear up little by little. He’s happy because of what Soyeon told him, and he feels relieved upon seeing the familiar college building. He’s not allowed in dorms at this time, but he’s done this too many times to get caught. Except he was drunk in those instances, and being on MDMA was different. Sneaking past security was tough because he couldn’t bring himself to tiptoe without making so much noise. When they glanced at him, he thought it to be the only choice to just run past them. He’s in the elevator by the time they catch on, and the numbers look wonky in his eyes but he presses the button for the right floor. 
He’s shifting his weight repeatedly in an attempt to contain his excitement; he wants to see you so bad. The moment he hears the ding of the elevator, he’s running past the halls and stops upon seeing 124. He has to squint, but he knows this is your dorm. 
You wake up with a silent gasp when there’s a pound on the door. You clutch your sheets in fear until someone starts to sing your name. “Jungkook?” you mouth to yourself. You stand up and look through the peephole and there’s a man on the other side who’s bouncing on his feet impatiently.
“Open up,” he sings loudly. You’re worried when you swing the door open and yank him inside so he doesn’t wake up any other students. You try to talk but only a wheeze comes out, so you switch on the light to see him instead. The brightness hurts your eyes as you close them for a few seconds. “Well, well, well, look who we have here…”
He starts to circle around you slowly and stumbles behind you. “Sending people to spy on me after rejecting me like that.” His words are slightly slurred and you turn around to face him with a pout. You point at your throat to give him a hint, but his eyes don’t waver from your pleading ones. “What are your intentions, huh?” he weakly pushes you, “Sending me mixed signals. Who- who do you think you are?”
You hold his hands and place them on your neck, trying to communicate with him by mouthing, “I’m sick,” but he only chuckles. He seems sickeningly joyous, but he’s not over his anger. “Still not going to talk to me? What did I even do?”
You deeply inhale from your nose because he’s not paying attention to you. You’re frustrated with yourself until he yells, “WHY WON’T YOU TALK TO ME?” The surge of serotonin, his state of euphoria is crashing down on him the more you ignore him. He had believed the drug would only make him happy, but it intensified his sadness and anxiety just as much when he saw you. It helped him forget you in a social circle, but you confused him so much after he was reassured for so long - coupled with your silence, he’s raging.
“Why are you ignoring me?! What did I do that was so bad that you can’t bear talking to me anymore? You told me you loved me, please,” he chokes and tries to swallow the lump in his throat. “I-I’ll make it up to you, I’m so sad right now. Just say something…”
You’re watching him in shock and a hint of fear from his fluctuating mood. You want to cry at how pitiful he looks, but instead you aim to grab a piece of paper from your bedside table. He misreads your actions and pushes you against the wall. “Stop this. Stop!” He has your arms pinned and he’s trying so hard to intimidate you so you give in. A dry sob leaves you because he's going mad, but then he has a sudden epiphany. “Maybe you’ll love me again if I fuck you hard enough and engrave it in your brain that you’re mine. Yes, yes!”
He starts unbuckling his belt and you immediately try to stop him; he’ll get sick! He shoves you again and pulls down his jeans before mashing his mouth against yours. All of your efforts have gone to waste when his tongue forces its way down your throat. There’s no point to denying him now, so you hesitantly kiss him back. You’re so guilty, and he’s so careless as he roughly pushes his hand down your white cotton shorts. You’re wearing a navy blue sweater to match so you don’t get cold in the night, but the shorts are meant to prevent a fever. What’s the point now, then? He hasn’t even read your texts that you only remembered to send before sleeping. He missed a whole paragraph of your explanation and confronted you so angrily.
“I’m going to fuck you all night,” he growls against your lips, “then you’ll remember how much you love me.” Your moans are quiet and hitched as he presses down on your clit through your panties. His other hand is on his cock as he strokes it eagerly, ready to get inside you. “I missed you so fucking much in one day,” he whispers in a croak. Hearing it makes you feel even warmer inside as you nudge his hand to urge him to enter you. “You missed me too, huh?” he takes notice of your neediness. “Shouldn’t have fucking brought it upon yourself then.”
He removes his hand from your shorts and taps your thighs before demanding, “Jump.” You bite your lip in consideration until he taps them harder and you quickly wrap your legs around his waist. Your shorts are relatively short, resembling loose boxers, so when your back is pressed against the wall he only pushes them and your underwear to the side before thrusting into you. A scream gets caught in your throat, and you forget all about your aches as he roughly fucks into you without caring for protection or lube. It stings only slightly, but the pleasure in feeling so full of him outweighs the pain.
Jungkook is moaning and groaning as he bruises your thighs in his hold. Your panting is all he can catch, and though the feeling of you is an amplified sensation because of the drug coursing in his system, he wants to hear you chant his name as well. “Still quiet?” he tuts and carries you to your narrow bed and you cling onto his shoulder while trying to catch your breath after the sudden attack. “Your cunt is throbbing though,” he says as he pulls out of you and drops you on the bed. He manhandles you by flipping you on your stomach and holds up your ass. He finally takes off your bottom clothing, but he’s slightly dizzy as he yanks them off your ankles. He spreads your thighs apart and you’re on your knees with your head against the mattress. “I wonder why that is,” he says before slapping your pussy, making you whimper quietly. “So wet, yet you don’t even make a sound. Some whore you are.” You purse your lips and muster a whine, but it’s interrupted when he pistons his cock inside you without warning. Your sounds are hoarse as he pounds into you from the back, hands kneading your ass to the shape of his hands. He gives it a spank as he moans loudly; the new position makes it feel so much more intense, and Jungkook loves it. His ears finally get to hear your pathetic mewls as he thrusts so deeply inside you that your vision blurs with tears and your eyes roll to the back of your skull. You feel like a doll that can’t speak or move, and he’s evidently enjoying it going by his rushed pace. You’re challenging him with your silence, and he loves proving himself.
All of a sudden however, he stops moving. You look behind you with a pout and he quirks a brow at you. You grit your teeth because you know he's waiting for you to tell him to continue, or rather daring you to do something. A sudden surge of confidence overcomes you and you gently slam your hips against his, fucking yourself on his cock with your eyes screwed shut.
“Yes, baby,” he strains, “show me that you're still my good girl.” At his encouragement, you meet his thrusts faster and you're seeing stars at how amazing it feels. You want to be his good girl so bad, and you arch your back to savour the pleasure. “Your pussy is mine, all mine,” he affirms to himself and stills your hips to turn you around without removing his length. His fingers are digging into your flesh and your tits bounce under the fabric as he rams into you restlessly. Your mouth is open in a silent scream and he can barely make out your pupils, the whites of your eyes stirring his climax at how attractive you look under the poor lighting. “I love you so fucking much,” he cries, “say it back, baby.”
You try to, but you can only dryly cough. “You fucking bitch,” he hisses at your defiance and pulls out of you to pump his length. He’s close to his release, and he pushes up your sweater to see your hard nipples that make him salivate. He crawls to slide his cock between the valley of your breasts and it hurts when he harshly pushes them together. “Stick out your tongue,” he commands in a whisper, and you do so while panting like a dog. Every time he thrusts upwards, the tip of his head grazes your tongue and leaves a bitter taste in your mouth. He’s massaging your tits as he stutters between whines, and eventually his load spurts out to land on your chest and cheek with a particularly loud groan. His cum surges down his shaft as he rides out his high with the last slow thrusts. 
“Oh fuck,” he sighs airily and collapses next to you in the tiny space available. You clumsily turn on your side to give him more room and he pecks your swollen lips. He zips his pants back up and you’re still naked from the waist down. You’re staring at each other adoringly in the romantic, fragile atmosphere; another first.
“I love you,” you croak finally. It’s quieter than a whisper, and it makes you cringe at how hideous you sound; it’s painful as well.
His face lights up once he registers your words before noticing the tone. “What happened to your voice?”
“Sick.” You can’t bring yourself to say anything more as you snuggle into his side and he instinctively wraps an arm around your shoulders.
“Shit,” he murmurs, “why didn’t you tell me that sooner, idiot?”
You slap a hand on his front pocket where his phone is, and he hastily takes it out to see a bunch of notifications from you. “You sent it at night, you’re still the idiot.” You giggle and roll your eyes. “A promise is a promise, though,” he purrs before cupping your bare heat. “I did say I would fuck you all night.” You widen your eyes when his head lowers down to face your sopping wet cunt, and he slowly licks up a stripe over your soaked folds, making you shudder and grip his hair. He’s leaving kitty licks all over your sensitivity, the tip of his tongue lightly brushing against your clit every now and then. Your hips lift involuntarily, and he finally takes your clit in his mouth and sucks on it loudly. He slurps your arousal before spitting it back on your hood, and you can only squeak in response. Your hazed mind only tells you that you want more, and he doesn’t fail to provide.
Two fingers enter your clenching hole, and he’s scissoring your walls as he messily eats you out. The pleasure from earlier returns all too soon and you know you won’t be able to last long. His lids are hooded when you glance down at him and the way he’s looking at you makes it even harder to resist your orgasm. The knot in your stomach picks back up right before unraveling and your moan is raspy as you start twitching under his relentless mouth. He grows gentle and leaves kisses all over your vulva until your body falls limp on the sheets.
After another round of penetrative sex, the two of you fall asleep from exhaustion in your bed. It’s a first for the both of you, and Jungkook decides in his drunken mind that tonight won’t be the last. It feels so intimate when he cuddles you, and you won’t ever forget his love confession.
The next morning is not so pleasant however, as Jungkook wakes up with a loud sneeze and in his now nasal voice says, “God fucking damn it.”
751 notes · View notes
XOXO, Spencer
A/N: This is my first fic so I hope you like it! Basically, Y/N performs at an open mic and Spencer is there. They meet, smut ensues, yadayada.
Warnings: NSFW, smut, oral (f receiving),
Spencer didn’t usually like bars. They were too loud, too sticky, and because of his sobriety he couldn’t drink anyway, but tonight Morgan and Garcia had dragged him to an open mic at their favorite bar. Garcia had a friend performing, and Morgan was just there to pick up artsy college girls.
As Spencer walked into the bar, he automatically felt stressed. His germophobia and general social anxiety were quickly taking over. Despite every instinct in his body telling him to go home, to run, he stayed, if only for his friends' sake. They were having so much fun, and he’d hate to ruin a night out.
Spencer sat and drank Shirley Temples as acts continued to rotate through. Garcia’s friend was alright, if a bit dull, but he clapped loud anyway. Some acts were good, some were mildly painful, and most were rather unmemorable. Until you stepped on stage.
“Hey, guys! I’m Y/N, and tonight I’ll be performing a cover of Moon Song by Phoebe Bridgers! I’m, uh, I’m gonna get started now, but uh, I hope you enjoy!”
Spencer gave you a small smile as you fumbled through your introduction. You were never one for performing in public, but when you saw the poster for the open-mic in the hall of your dorm, you felt the urge to sign up. You thought, what’s the worst that could happen? Now, on stage, you hated the confident person that signed you up just two days ago. You could feel the audience watching you, and the feeling was terrifying. Finally, you closed your eyes and strummed the first chords.
“You asked to walk me home, but I had to carry you-“
Spencer would be lying if he said he wasn't entranced by you the moment you started singing. Even if he weren’t a profiler he’d be able to see the pure emotion and heart you put into music. It didn’t matter that the song wasn’t yours, he could tell you fully felt it. As you hit the last verse, and your face contorted with emotion, Spencer realized that he hadn’t breathed the entire time.
As you came back to earth after the performance, you looked into the faces of the crowd, waiting for a reaction. You met eyes with a young man - he was absolutely gorgeous, with big, kind-looking brown eyes, prominent cheekbones, and soft long brown hair. He gave you an earnest smile, and you sent one right back. As the clapping subsided and you walked off stage, you couldn’t help but look back at him over and over.
As you sat back at your table, he got up and head to the bar, and before you knew it you were following him.
“Hey, I’m Y/N,” you said quietly to him. He turned, looking surprised when he saw it was you.
“Oh, hi! Uh, I’m Dr. Spencer Reid.”
“Doctor?” You replied
“Yeah, I uh, I have a few PHDs.” He said awkwardly
“Well then, nice to meet you Dr. Spencer Reid.” You said, smiling at his soft and endearing nature.
“Nice to meet you too, Y/N. You were great up there, by the way. You looked like you were really getting into the music.”
“Really? I sometimes make this weird face when I sing, I hope that didn’t show up.” You chuckled
“Not at all. You were beautiful.” and you could tell, he truly meant it.
You spent the next hours talking about various subjects - food, literature, music, and most interestingly, his job as a profiler.
“So you’re like a mind-reader?” You asked excitedly
“Well, not really.” He laughed
“Profile me!” you said. He looked hesitant, but Spencer couldn’t resist the eagerness in your eyes. After making sure that you really wanted this, he began.
“Well, you’re obviously a college student, but I don’t think you major in music. You were nervous getting on stage and you likely don’t perform much, even for friends or family, but the callouses on your fingers tell me that you spend a lot of time with your guitar. You’re probably majoring in a humanity instead, and music is just for fun and self-expression. Small family, maybe a sibling or two, and I’d say that you’re the youngest. Oh, and from your sweatshirt I can say that you’re probably from New England.”
You looked down at your red sox sweatshirt and gave him a big grin. “Almost all correct, Dr. Reid, but I’m a middle child.”
“Dang it.” he huffed.
The rest of the night was spent laughing at each other's jokes and flirtatious banter. Eventually, Morgan and Garcia left for the night, giving Reid discreet thumbs up on their way out, but he barely noticed. You were both so involved in your conversation that you didn’t realize the bar had emptied out, and you were the last two left.
“Hey, guys, can you get out so I can go home?” The tired bartender said. Realizing the time, you both quickly went outside into the biting November night.
“God, it’s freezing! It wasn’t this cold when I went in!” You whined. You hadn’t worn a coat, it was 60 degrees when you left the house, but it being 1 am the temperatures had dropped significantly. Spencer shucked off his overcoat, handing it to you. Underneath, he wore a cozy blue sweater with a white t-shirt peeking out of the collar and a plaid scarf. Wrapping his coat around you, he felt nervous. A pretty girl, standing next to him in the middle of the night, wrapped in his coat. It sounds like a romance novel, but here he was living it.
“Won’t you be cold?” You said, looking concerned.
“Don't worry about me,” He said running a hand across your cheek, “I can handle it.”
Feeling his hand on your cheek, you started leaning toward him. He leaned in too, and soon your lips were locked in a warm embrace, chasing off the cold winter air. The two of you kissed passionately for what seemed like an eternity, which was entirely too short. When you broke apart, neither of you felt so cold anymore.
“I don’t live too far from here, so if you wanted a nightcap, maybe some coffee, we could head over there?” Spencer said. He hadn’t invited many girls back to his apartment before, and doing so made him nervous, but when you softly replied “Yes” that all went away.
Holding hands, the two of you traipsed through the night, wrapped in each other’s warmth. When you reached his apartment, you stopped to kiss him before opening the door. Quickly, the kiss deepened, and the two of you kept kissing even as Spencer was opening the door. Fumbling through his apartment, knocking into walls and large stacks of books, you made it to his bedroom. Spencer hoisted you up to sit on top of his dresser and began kissing your neck. You moaned as he slowly nipped and licked down your neck. You wrapped your legs around his waist and lightly grinded into his cock. Spencer moaned against you and quickly began grinding as well.
When Spencer moved away from you, you thought you had done something wrong, but a split second later he was pulling up the hem of your shirt and looking to you for permission. You peeled off your sweatshirt, leaving you in a thin tank top and bralette. Spencer leaned back in to kiss you and began massaging your boobs over the tank top.
“Why don’t we get this off too?” He breathed, referring to your tank top. You nodded and Spencer pulled the garment off of your body, leaving you in your fairly see-through bralette and jeans. To even the score a bit, Spencer then pulled off his own sweater, and seeing your opportunity, you helped him to shirk off the tight white t-shirt underneath as well. Moving to his bed, you sat straddling his lap as he sat on the edge of the bed. He ogled you for a second, and then in one swift motion pulled off the remaining fabric covering your chest. Not wasting a moment, Spencer leaned in and began sucking on your boobs, moaning lightly against them.
“Oh my god, Spencer!” You moaned as he lightly bit down on your nipples. While still attached to your breast, he started unbuttoning your pants. Flipping you over with your back lying on the bed, he pulled down your jeans. You stared in awe as he knelt at the end of the bed, kissing up your calves and thighs, slowly teasing you. It was agonizing waiting for him to reach your core, but when he did, the wait was made worth it. He began by slowing licking up your heat, and then began sucking your clit. While still licking you, he eased his long fingers inside of you, curling up into your g-spot. With his tongue circling your clit and his two middle fingers hitting your g-spot, you could feel your climax quickly approaching.
“Please, fuck, Spencer!” You pleaded, making him go faster. Almost immediately, that wave of pleasure hit you like a truck, and you came on his tongue.
Panting, you sat up a bit, looking at the gorgeous sight of Spencer lapping up the rest of your juices. As soon as he finished, you pulled him up by the back of his neck and kissed him deeply, tasting yourself on his tongue.
Trying to pay him back, you leaned down and unzipped his pants, wanting to suck his cock, but he stopped you.
“No, baby, there's no time for that. I just want to be inside you.” There was no arguing with that. You pulled down his pants and boxers, revealing his fully hard cock, pink and dripping with pre-cum. As much as Spencer loved the sight of you staring at his member, he wanted to get down to business. He reached to grab a condom from his nightstand, but you stopped him.
“I have an IUD and I got tested last week. Clean. How about you?” you said
“I haven't been with anyone since I last got tested, and I was clean then. You wanna do this?”
“God, yes.” You replied.
Wasting no time, Spencer got on top of you and lined himself up with your entrance. Slowly, he pushed into you.
“Good girl, so tight for me.” He breathed. You moaned as you adjusted to his size, and after a moment, Spencer began to move. He went slowly at first, trying not to hurt you, but you were having none of that.
“Faster!” You demanded, and he listened. Picking up the pace, Spencer rocked into you, his hair cascading over his face and sweat dripping down his forehead. Instincts kicked in, and Spencer kept going faster and faster. He then pulled you against his chest, kissing you as he felt your walls contract around him. You felt his cock slip out of you, and his hands holding your face.
“Get on all fours, baby.” He commanded. You quickly obliged and turned over onto your hands and knees. Spencer moaned as he groped your ass and lined his cock up with your entrance. He pushed into you faster this time, eliciting a loud moan from both of you, and then began to thrust hard. You could nearly feel him in you stomach, and from the way his cock was twitching inside of you and your walls tightening around him, you knew you would both climax soon.
“I’m gonna cum.” You moaned. At this, Spencer sped up, now hitting your G spot perfectly. He grunted loudly with every thrust, and pulled your back against his chest to get an even deeper angle. Your climax came quickly after that, and you could feel yourself tightening even further. You screamed all the way through your high. A moment later, Spencer let out a loud moan and you felt yourself being filled with his cum. Spencer pulled himself out of you, and panting, you both crashed onto the bed. Spencer wrapped an arm around you and kissed your forehead, and then said,
“I loved hearing you sing earlier. And a minute ago.”
You laughed at the joke, still a little out of breath, and cuddled even closer to Spencer. Your head on his chest, you both fell asleep without a worry in the world.
The next morning, you woke up alone in his bed. Confused, you looked around, but then noticed a post-it note stuck to your hand.
“Y/N - Sorry for leaving so suddenly, but duty calls! I had an amazing time and I hope you did too. There’s a croissant on the table and there's still coffee in the pot, so help yourself, just lock the door behind you when you leave. Here’s my number, so call or text and maybe we can do this again. XOXO, Spencer.”
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boldlyanxious · 3 years
Jasonette July prompt 12: dare
My masterlist
Jasonette July
Marinette, Jon and Damian were happy to be together again even though they had only been apart a couple weeks. Marinette flew back in from France arriving after Jon had stopped back by from Metropolis. She knew they had been together a couple times since she had been home but it still felt great to have them all back together again. It was so weird not seeing them every day. They finally gave up their wonderful New York apartment since they were all graduated from university and getting jobs soon.
It was really weird at first to live with two guys she barely knew but they ended up getting along great and she had been desperate for a place to live when her place flooded. The landlord had offered her another apartment at the same price but it was really gross and too far away. The flooded apartment, she was told would take too long to repair so they could get rid of the lease. She passed it 6 months later and people were living there and it had a fitness center, coffee shop, and a water garden. She looked online and the rent was 3 times what she had been paying. She was pretty angry, but she ended up with 2 besties from the situation that she probably wouldn’t have gotten to know very well otherwise.
Tonight they were celebrating being back together again. Marinette barely had time to look around Damian’s house because he and Jon were rushing her. She was shoved into a room and Damian gave her a dress that his (sorta) sister helped him pick out and they had food ready for them to eat before they rushed out the door. The plan of the evening was to celebrate job offers and all of them being together again. Marinette wasn’t even given a chance to rest so she was reeling a little from the flight still. But she wasn’t going to pass this up. Jon was always willing to go out and have fun, but Damian feeling in a partying mood was rather rare so they were going to enjoy it.
It was loud in the place even though it was not a large New York club. Marinette had loved going to those so much it had probably eaten into her budget far too much. It was always better going with the guys because they wouldn’t let her pay. They knew she had a much tighter budget. Actually it was mostly Damian paying the covers and the tab without ever saying anything. She was pretty sure that he paid more rent than her too but he just told her that there was already an extra room and she more than made up for it with her constant cooking and she did more of the shared chores.
She knew his family had money, but she had a feeling she had no idea how much money until she saw the house. It was massive and the grounds went further than she could see. She never really talked about it because he didn’t. It was so much different from the people she knew growing up. Chloe who talked about the money all the time or Adrien and Kagami who didn’t talk about it but they were kept separate from others by their parents. She had never even met Damian’s family and they didn’t live that far away. She knew they talked but they didn't tell him how to live all the time.
They got drinks as soon as they were in the door and they did not go slow. Marinette was making up for all her time being considered a minor while living in New York when she left France right as she reached the drinking age there. She could finally drink in public here and they kept feeding her fun fruity drinks and laughing at her stumbling on her heels while still loopy from her flight. She didn’t care though. It was pretty standard for them to all pick on each other a bit it was all in good fun.
She pushed Jon towards a girl who had been watching them. He looked terrified and he tried to fight against her pushing him. He managed it but then she stumbled. She knocked into Damian who kept her on her feet but her arms still swung around wildly. Then she knocked over a drink. She looked back at them sheepishly but they were already looking at her grinning. They would not let her out of a dare even after having just gotten off a plane from Paris. They had been doing dares for knocked over drinks for a couple years but she had gotten a lot more of them that they had. She was significantly better about being more careful now, but It only took one little stumble to ruin her good streak.
Jason sat in the corner of his favorite bar looking sullenly around at the noisy crowd around him. He saw Damian across the room and wondered if his presence was responsible for some of the overly excited younger crowd. He may not care about his presence in the media, but they certainly cared about him. He was rich and single and a new college graduate, so he must be looking to mingle. Of course the Demon Spawn wasn’t interested in the crowd around him. He was perfectly happy with Jon nearby. Jason didn’t think he would ever want or need any other friends but as he glanced back he notice a girl with them.
Initially he thought that maybe she was trying to get close to one of the boys but not only did neither seem very interested in the beautiful girl but she seemed to be hanging around with them and bantering. He looked back up and saw her trying to encourage Jon to approach a girl at another table who had been looking their way. Jason nearly lost his foul mood when he saw her stumble and flail around being propped up by Damian. He could see their maniachal looks from across the bar and thought she was begging. But she soon squared her shoulders and took Damian’s fresh drink and drank it until it was only ice left.
She looked around and he looked back down at his drink so he wouldn’t be caught watching her. He finished his drink and signaled the bartender to make him another. He didn’t realize she had moved from beside his brother and friend until he glanced that way and saw her walking right his way. She seemed to be focused on a spot behind him as she walked. He looked back away again as he received his drink. When the waitress stepped away the girl was right behind her and looking right at him.
Jon and Damian laughed as they watched Marinette walk across the bar to complete her dare. She looked back at them several times hoping they would change their minds but they were more interested in laughing at her than anything else. She didn’t know anything about the angry looking man sitting alone at the end of the bar, but Jon and Damian knew that at least her fears about him lashing out at her were false. She had never met Damian’s brother so it was a bit fun for them to find a way to play a joke on both of them at once.
Marinette froze as she made eye contact with the man in front of her. He would have been very nice looking if her were smiling but he looked like he had had a very long day and just wanted to be left alone. But Marinette didn’t want to face the consequences for not doing the dare. Damian and Jon would never let her live it down. The man watched her standing there but he didn’t say anything and neither did Marinette. That was part of the challenge. She wasn’t allowed to say what was happening. She reached over to him and tapped his nose with her finger.
“Boop,” she said, as she touched his nose.
She almost expected him to yell or be angry. But she figured she could get away from that. But he just let it happen; he had no interest in causing a scene. As if he knew exactly what she would do he reached out and grabbed her arm before she could retract it. The way he held on caused her to lean heavily on the bar next to him. His face didn’t look angry, she almost thought he had a hint of a smirk. He loosened his hold but didn’t release her arm completely.
“Where did Damian and Jon find such a lovely friend to send to poke the bear?”
“Wha--do you know them?” she asked.
“I do. Do you feel like getting them back for tormenting you?”
He let his fingers slide off her arm but he leaned close to her. She leaned in close to him too.
“What did you have in mind?”
Jon and Damian watched, laughing as Marinette approached Jason. They expected to have an epic reaction from both of them to leave them with a story to tell in the future. But when Marinette reached out for Jason and didn’t pull away they didn’t know what to think. The two leaned close and seemed to be talking. They couldn’t see Marinette’s face, but Jason looked pretty serious. They hadn’t expected him to be very angry but maybe he was telling her off. Maybe they should have made it a comment to him rather than actually touching him even if it was a rather innocuous action.
They quickly decided he wasn’t angry and was possibly hitting on their friend when he reached over and pulled her close to him. Marinette went willingly and rested her weight against his thigh while he put his arm around her and the other he motioned for a waitress so they could order drinks. Marinette didn’t look back to see them at all. She continued talking close to Jason, and he was just as engaged with what Marinette was saying. They waited around trying to decide whether to go pull her away to hang out with them again but she didn’t use the signal that she wanted a rescue so they didn’t think she would be grateful for the interference.
“Are they still watching?” Marinette asked.
“Yeah. But they are trying to not be obvious about it.” He leaned down close to whisper in her ear. “Do you want to give up or do you want to up the ante?”
“I’m having too much fun to give up now.”
“Glad you think I’m such a good time.”
“Very funny. They always get me with dares. Its about time I got them back for it.”
“Well, I’m all for it. Did you want to leave with me?”
“I think you may have the wrong impression about what is going to happen here.”
Marinette pushed back from him slightly.
“I don’t have the impression that anything is happening after. But I would help you give them the impression. I am the delinquent brother after all.”
“So we would just walk out the door together as a joke.”
“Its all up to you. We could give them a show and stumble out together or just exit together and call them to meet you out there.”
Marinette considered carefully for a bit. She still thought it was unfair of them to enforce the challenge when she was fresh off a plane. Both of them had had a relaxing day before going out where as Marinette was still on Paris time and off a 9 hour flight. She made her decision and then moved in on Jason before she could back out. If he was shocked he didn’t show it. She held onto his collar while his hand slid to the back of her head. She was almost sorry that their kiss was far more chaste than it appeared to those around them. It was also far too brief. Jason just waited until her friends watched in shock before they separated and he took her by the hand and they left the bar.
The car he had called was already waiting so they were in it and off before they could be followed out. The other 2 would have to call a car still before following after them. Marinette laughed in the back of the cab and Jason grinned back at her. She recognised Damian’s house when they got there. It made sense that he would know that was where she was staying.
It was barely five minutes after Marinette and Jason arrived before Jon and Damian burst into the room they were in. Marinette had set the scene when she heard them rushing their way so her hair was partially pulled down and she had her legs resting over Jason’s. His arm was around her on the back of the couch and they had a movie started.
“Hey, did you guys want to watch a movie with us?”
They tried to act put out by the turn of events but after a moment they laughed at the turn of events. They joined the other two on the couch, but from that moment on they never made Marinette do another dare.
@jasonette-july-event | @theymakeupfairies | @emjrabbitwolf | @vixen-uchiha | @trythisagainlove | @trippingovermyfeet | @tbehartoo | @adrestar | @zynna
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fruitcoops · 4 years
If the requests are still open, I watched the try guys trying sexy alcohol video recently (The Try Guys Sexy Alcohol Taste Test is the name of the video) and I was laughing the whole time. I was thinking it would be really fun to have the team do it for a social media video if you wanted to write it! :)
I absolutely love the Try Guys and I’ve been watching their videos for years--thank you so much for suggesting this! Sweater Weather credit goes to @lumosinlove and the link to the original video is here
TW for alcohol and lots of sexual references
“I’m so fucking excited for this video,” Finn said, drumming his hands on the table.
Remus gave him a disbelieving look. “You have the lowest alcohol tolerance on the entire team, Harzy. I’d be shocked if you were still awake by the end of this.”
“We’ll find out soon enough!” Marlene announced offscreen. “Do the intro and then we’ll get started.”
“Welcome back to Lion Pride, folks! I’m Finn O’Hara—”
“—and I’m Remus Lupin.”
“Dude, you said I could do the intro.”
“I can’t even say my own name?”
“Boys,” Marlene warned.
Finn cleared his throat and turned back to the camera with a bright smile. “Today we’re tasting sexy alcohol, even though I have no idea what that means!”
The video cut to a different table and James waved to the camera. “Hey, everyone! I’m James Potter, and I’m here today with our wonderful captain Sirius Black to taste test sexy alcohol!”
“What qualifies alcohol as sexy?” Sirius asked. “Is it supposed to turn you on, or something?”
“The names are sexy,” Marlene clarified. “Ready for the first one?”
A title card appeared with Drink 1: Sex on the Beach written in cursive letters.
“Sex on the beach!” Remus and Finn chorused, clinking their glasses together and taking a sip. Remus made a face, while Finn looked thoughtful as he smacked his lips.
“Why is it so sour?” Remus coughed, setting the drink down.
“You’re not a fan of sex on the beach?” Finn teased. “This is always the classy lady drink in movies. It’s not bad, actually.”
James’ face scrunched up as he drank and Sirius went through a whole range of emotions, then tried it again. “It’s not better the second time,” he said. “Just…weird.”
“Much like actual sex on the beach, it’s flat out uncomfortable.” James slid the glass out of reach.
“You’ve had sex on a beach?”
“Haven’t you?”
“No, sand gets everywhere even when I don’t strip down.”
“Ha! Loser.” The video transitioned right as Sirius reached over to smack the back of his head.
Drink 2: Buttery Nipple
“A fucking what?” Remus laughed, leaning toward the camera crew. Marlene repeated the name and he nodded slowly. “Okay, that’s what I thought you said.”
Finn sniffed the shot. “Is that butterscotch?”
“It is,” Marlene said.
“Rad. On three. One, two, three!”
They knocked their shots back at the same time and Remus raised his eyebrows as he swallowed. “That’s really not that bad. Best nipple I’ve ever tasted.”
“Very sweet, I like it,” Finn agreed around his grin.
A smile twitched at the corners of Remus’ mouth. “You like the buttery nipple?”
“I do like the buttery nipple,” Finn snorted, sending them both into peals of laughter.
James stared down at his shot glass, then turned to Sirius and opened his mouth; Sirius reached over and covered it with his palm. “Don’t say it.”
“But it really looks like—”
“I know.” Sirius bit his lip, sighed, and downed the shot. “Y’know, that’s actually pretty good.”
James rolled the empty glass between his fingers. “That would give me a wicked headache in the morning.”
“Oh, yeah, for sure.”
Drink 3: Suck, Bang, Blow
There was a brief pause as Remus and Finn shared a look. “I think that’s the wrong order,” Finn said after a moment.
Remus nodded. “Bang is generally last on the list if you’re doing it right.”
“It also implies that you’re not sucking on the last part, which is just bad blowjob etiquette.”
“Bottoms up.” Remus tapped the rim of their glasses together and took a sip—almost immediately, he spat it back out. “What in the unholy fuck is that?”
“My whole face is itching,” Finn coughed. “Holy shit, there’s so many different types of alcohol in there that is just tastes like straight-up sugar. I would order this at a bar if I was horny and sad and didn’t care who I went home with.”
“Yeah, this is what you get if you want something that’ll fuck you up.” Remus paused for a second, then covered his mouth with his hand. “You know who would drink this?”
“People who live in Florida.”
Finn’s whole face lit up and he dug around in his back pocket, dialing a quick number on his phone before putting it on speaker; it rang twice before connecting. “ ‘Sup, Finner Finner Chicken Dinner?”
Remus’ jaw dropped and Finn rested his forehead on the table. “Thanks for that,” he sighed. “We’re filming a video for Lion Pride right now.”
“Oh, sick!” the voice on the other end said. “Hey Lions!”
“Hi, Alex!” Marlene called.
“I just have a quick question,” Finn continued. “Have you ever heard of a drink called Suck, Bang, Blow?”
“Hell yeah, they’re super popular down here.”
“Called it!” Remus grinned and high-fived Finn. “Thanks, Hazard.”
“Why do you ask?”
“Because if anyone is going to have shitty alcohol, it’s you and your bouncy ice.”
Finn ended the call and put his phone away once again with a gleeful smile. “He’s never going to hear the end of that.”
Drink 4: Amber Moon
“That’s a lot of whiskey,” James said as a crewman handed them their drinks; Sirius whistled lowly and held it up to the light.
“Why are there red flakes in it?”
“Tabasco sauce,” Marlene said off screen.
James nudged Sirius with his elbow. “I bet I can drink this is ten seconds.”
“Do it in five or you’re a coward.”
“You’re on.” He cleared his throat, then tipped the glass back.
“One, two, three, four, five, six!” Sirius pumped his fists in the air with a whoop.
“You counted too fast!” James protested, giving the camera crew a desperate look. “Marley, he counted way too fast!”
“Looks like…” There was a brief moment of silence. “Five point three four seconds, Pots.”
“Fuck,” he muttered, setting the glass down. “It tasted horrible, by the way.”
The video cut to Remus and Finn, who were eyeing the drink suspiciously. “I’ll bite,” Remus said. “What’s the sexy name for a hot sauce and whiskey monstrosity?”
“Amber Moon.”
“That would be my stripper name,” the two said in unison, then turned to each other with identical gasps.
Drink 5: Blowjob Shot
Sirius looked deeply uncomfortable as he set the shot glass on his lap. “Don’t make this weird.”
“What? The part where I’m putting my face in your lap?” James asked with false innocence as a smile spread over his face.
“Merde,” Sirius muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Just get it over with.”
“That’s a rude thing to say to someone who’s about to give you a blowjob.”
“You’re not giving me a blowjob.”
James raised his eyebrows and Sirius rolled his eyes, kicking him lightly. “Alright, alright. Do you want to go first?”
Sirius leaned forward, paused halfway down, then cursed under his breath and took the shot glass between his lips, knocking it back in a quick motion. James opened his mouth and the first bit of a fake moan slipped through before Sirius tackled him to the ground.
The video cut for a moment—when it returned, they were sitting in their chairs once again, and James looked incredibly smug as he rested his elbows on his thighs. “Ready, hot stuff?”
“You’re the worst person to have as a best friend.”
James didn’t hesitate before wrapping his mouth around the rim of the glass, then made a noise of panic when it didn’t go down his throat right away. His eyes went wide and he cupped his hand under his face, slapping Sirius’ knee with the other.
“Are you okay?” Sirius laughed. “Just—just knock it back, buddy, you can do it.”
James made a muffled sound and the camera crew started snickering off screen as the whipped cream smudged over his nose.
“His eyes are watering,” Sirius cackled. “Oh, this is karma in action. Is it too much? Spitters are quitters, Pots, you can—"
James glared at him, then choked slightly and spat the shot glass and all its contents onto Sirius’ chest. Dead silence fell over the studio, broken only by the steady drip of the liqueur on the paper below their table.
“Does anyone have a napkin?” Sirius asked after a moment, shaking his hands out.
“I am…so sorry,” James said as he wiped his lower lip.
“What happened?”
“I don’t know! It was doomed from the outset, I guess.” He wrinkled his nose. “I can feel it in my sinuses.”
Remus and Finn both downed their shots easily; neither struggled for more than half a second. They were both a little flushed from the alcohol and Finn hiccupped as they turned back to the camera.
“How did you do that so well?” Marlene asked, clearly amused.
“Frat,” Finn said at the same time Remus shrugged and said, “college.”
“Pots spat his all over Sirius.”
“It’s because he’s straight.” Finn hiccupped again and Remus burst out laughing.
Drink 6: Body Shot
“Who are we doing this off of?” James asked. All four men sat at the same table; Sirius had removed his flannel and James’ cheeks were pink from five—well, four and a half—drinks.
“Guess who, bitches!” Kasey grinned as he walked out from behind the backdrop, clad only in his Lions sweatpants. James, Finn, and Remus cheered while Sirius put his head in his hands. “Shit, Cap, you’re doing wonders for my self-esteem.”
“Is this a power imbalance?”
“I’m older than you, now move your elbows so I can lay down.”
The folding table creaked as Kasey laid on his back and all five of them froze for a second until Marlene emerged with salt, lime slices, and a bottle of clear alcohol under her arm. “Do you know how this works?”
Four nods answered her and she carefully poured the tequila into Kasey’s bellybutton—he jolted at the cold and some of it spilled down his sides. “Aw, man, now my pants are damp.”
“Where—” Remus cut himself off with a laugh as he took the salt. “Where do you want us to salt you, Bliz?”
“Wherever your heart desires.” They passed the container down the line, each sprinkling a pinch somewhere on Kasey’s bare chest. “Ready?”
Finn wrinkled his nose as he licked the salt, sipped some tequila, and quickly put the lime wedge in his mouth with a distressed sound. Remus was next, and he barely skimmed his mouth over Kasey’s belly button before shoving the lime between his teeth; James missed his mark completely because Kasey was still laughing, and Sirius got some of it up his nose on accident.
“You guys suck at this,” Kasey managed as he sat up, brushing the leftover salt off his front. “Jesus Christ, have any of you been to a party in your lives?”
All four exploded into indignant protesting and the video transitioned to a final slide. “Thanks for joking us today, Lions!” Marlene said in a voiceover. “Make sure to like and subscribe for more content.”
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dioko · 3 years
izuku midoriya x gn! reader
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Word Count -> ~ 1810
Genre -> oneshot, fluff 
Content -> mildly suggestive (spice rating is 1.5/5), drunk reader, swearing, college au! characters, older reader and younger deku | please lemme know if i missed anything!
Summary -> You really did believe a certain Izuku Midoriya had his nose buried in his textbooks 24/7. Your first impression of him had led you to pin him as a downright nerd - boring and young and nowhere near your type. 
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a/n -> 1. idk about the cover page i jus thought deku looked cool there and the oneshot title is eh 2. this was in my drafts for a long, LONG time and today i finally got it to the point where i didn't hate it. enjoyy <333
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Once, you really did believe a certain Izuku Midoriya had his nose buried in his textbooks 24/7. Your first impression of him had led you to pin him down as a nerd - boring, and young and nowhere near your type. 
Boy, were you wrong.
The first time you’d met him, he’d smiled at you with such bright, green eyes, it was almost impossible not to smile back.
“Hello, l/n y/n, s’nice to finally meet you! I’m Midoriya Izuku!” He'd very obviously sunken his voice an octave lower, and whether that was on purpose or not, it was still cute. Still innocent, still pure. 
Not attractive, whatsoever.
“Yeah,” you'd turned your attention back to your work,“it’s nice to meet you too.”
After that, your ever-so-impatient brother had rushed him into his room, and Midoriya had obliged - not before shooting you one last glance. In hindsight, there might’ve been something just a teeny bit darker that had resided in Midoriya's lively eyes. 
Then, weeks passed. 
Was it just you, or did college students grow really, really fast?
As he left your brother's work room for the millionth time that month, you found yourself noticing how different he looked compared to when you’d first met him. Now, when Izuku waved a (large, my god) hand at you, he looked taller, broader… older. 
“See you," he chirped to his friend, bringing you back to the reality where he was most definitely not older than you. 
Wake up, you're practically a senior citizen, you’d chided yourself, there’s no way he’s mature enough for you. Then, another side of you, presumably the devil that sat on your shoulder, tried to argue. You’re not much older, it said, he’s practically the same age as you.
“Oh wait- there was something I had to ask you, l/n-”
“S’fine, you can call me y/n, ‘Zuku.” you didn’t intend to call him something so intimate, the words just.... absent-mindedly slipped out your mouth. 
Oopsies daisies!
“Oh! I - I can? Um… ah,” you watched, mildly entertained by the way he tripped up his words, all from a nickname, “we’re all going out tonight, and I was wondering if you wanted to come-”
“Who’s we?” 
“Er- me, and… and your brother! And a few others!”
“Oh?” You couldn’t let yourself smile, not yet. 
“It’ll be fun!” He sputtered, “a lot of um, a lot of… um, drinking?” It sounded more like a question than a persuasive statement. 
You blinked. “Yeah sure, that sound’s good. I didn’t take you for someone who drank.”
“I don’t?”
“Then why are you going?”
“I thought it would be a good way to spend time with y- my friends.”
“Ah, your friends.”
“Yup,” he squeaked.
“Okay then!” You smacked him playfully on his arm - his large, extremely toned, t-shirt-stretching arm - and jolted him out of his fear, “I’ll see you then, ‘Zuku!”
Izuku Midoriya had a surprising number of friends. 
He had, in a gentlemanly fashion, offered to walk with you to the bar (though your brother was there too) and when you stepped in, you were taken aback by the several people at your table. 
Your guts told you to sit beside the angry one - he looked… fun. 
“Who the fuck is this?” The blond talked like you weren’t there.
“Kacchan,” another blond - with a black streak in his hair - chided, “be nice to the pretty birdie!” Was he drunk already?
“Yeah, Kacchan,” you smirked, “respect your elders.”
The first blond just about exploded on the spot. 
“Watch your mouth,” he seethed at you.
“Hot,” you muttered, unaware of evergreen eyes that couldn’t seem to peel themselves off your lips; your soft, pink, kissable lips. 
“What the fuck?” Kacchan flinched back.
“Sorry,” you grinned, “I meant ‘little snot’.”
“Yeah? I’ll show you little sn-”
Four flirtatious advances from three of Izuku’s friends, two hours and 1 mental breakdown later, you were finally ready to go home - everyone was, really - but where was your brother?”
“Deku,” he’d hissed at the greenette, “I’m not going back to the apartment today, can you take-” he gestured towards you, slumped over a pile of food, “- that thing back to the apartment?”
Izuku opened his mouth, about to ask why he couldn’t but immediately shut up again when he realized it was more time he had to spend with you. “Yeah, no problem.”
“Don’t try anything.”
“Wasn’t gonna!” Awkwardly, Izuku scooched his way past Sero and Uraraka, trying to find a place to put his hands so he could lift you off the table. Luckily, he didn’t have to. 
“Ah, ‘Zuku!” You gave him a cheeky grin, “you’re friends are so…” you watched Bakugou, “... cute. Have a drink!” It was almost laughable how quickly you changed from topic to topic. Almost. The only non-laughable part was that Bakugou seemed to be a recurring theme. 
Izuku pursed his lips, “no, you’re drunk. One of us has to be clear-minded enough to take you home.”
“You’re so smart! Good boy,” you ruffled his hair with a sticky hand, and your rapid strokes fell to a halt when you realized how soft his green hair was. “Wow,” you whispered, “I love your hair. Lemme smell it-”
“NO, no. We’re going home.”
“We?” A smirk played on your lips. 
“I didn’t mean it like that,” you frowned when he didn’t stutter - he didn’t even go red. Izuku’s entire demeanor had changed; there was no nervous little college guy right now trying to talk to you, there was a friend (haha) genuinely trying to get you home safely. “Now c’mon, can you walk?”
You stood up and skipped a few steps. “Yup.”
“So, Izuku,” you didn’t bother to hide the fact that you were (very greedily) squeezing his biceps, “gotta girlfriend?”
“... a boyfriend?”
“Nope,” he popped the ‘p’, and pulled you onto the wall-side of the sidewalk when a car drove by. 
“Any significant other...ss?” You added the plural, just in case. 
“No,” he smiled slyly at you, “why? Are you interested?”
You’d known him for months, but this was the first time he’d said something so forward, enough to make your cheeks flare so hot they felt cold. 
“No way,” you spoke like it was obvious, and then quickly checked to make sure he didn’t look hurt. “Hey! Why do you look so amused?”
“M’not,” he turned his head, so you couldn’t see the smile. 
“You are. Why?”
“Ah, I can’t say. We’re here,” he punched in the apartment code. “You should get ready for bed.”
There was a small, comfortable pause before drunk-you decided to ignore his advice and speak again. “So, do ya like anyone?”
“I like a lot of people,” Izuku smirked. 
“N-no,” you played with the hem of your sweater, “I meant, do you like-like anyone?”
“Hm,” he thought for a second, “that’s a secret.”
“C’mon ‘Zuku! You can trust me!”
“I know that - gimme your coat,” he set it onto a nearby couch and began to flick on random lights, “I still can’t say it, though.”
“Why not?”
“Y/n,” you froze. He’d called you by your first name before, why did it feel so weird now? 
“I’m taking you to your bedroom.”
“You… you are?”
“You’ve got to sleep.” 
Oh. Boringggg. 
“I don’t wanna,” you hissed, flopping onto your bed anyways. He took a seat at the foot of it. 
“Do you… do you ever remember anything once you're sober again?”
“Nope!” You knew you should’ve lied, but you didn’t, “m’friends say I don’t remember a single thing the next morning.”
He chuckled a little bit, almost in disbelief at you. “That’s not something you can just tell anyone.”
“I know, but you’re not just ‘anyone’.”
“I feel like I’m talking to a child.”
“I’m older than you.”
“Yeah,” he laughed, “it’s kinda hot.”
“What?” Did you mishear? “How do you know what hot means?”
“Y/n! I’m not that young!” He laughed, “sheesh, that hurts.”
“Yeah,” he smiled coolly. After all, you weren’t going to remember this conversation. 
“”Why does it hurt?”
“... No reason, don’t worry,” he laughs again, for the third time in a row, but it feels dry to you, and empty, too.
“So who do you like?” You chirped again, completely disregarding his ‘I’m pretty sure I just got brother-zoned’ ideology. 
“I told you, that’s a secret…” then, he bit his lip, “... but you won’t remember anyways, right?”
“Then... I like you.”
“Who?” You smiled. 
“Oh, I like you, too.”
“I like-like you.”
“I like-like you, too.”
“You’re drunk,” he smiled sadly, “sleep.”
“I want fruit.”
“Now? You want me to go get you fruit?”
You inhaled the bucket of raspberries, “anyways, I really do like you. You’re so small and cute.”
“I’m small?”
“No, you’re built like a tank,” you giggled. Sober-you would have called drunk-you an airhead, “I think you’re sexy as hell.”
You leaned closer to him. You were sure he could smell alcohol and sugar on your breath, but you didn’t care. “Yeah.”
“Then can I tell you something else?”
“Kacchan annoys me so much,” he wiped off the juice that dribbled down your chin with his thumb, and you made the mistake of leaning into his touch, “especially when he flirts with you.”
“When’s he ever flirted with me?”
“Tonight,” Izuku pulled back, and you (embarrassingly) fell forward. “I didn’t like it.”
“Were you jealous?”
“Yes,” he admitted, and quite shamelessly - but only because you weren’t sober. 
“Aw, don’t be jealous,” you cooed at him, and then randomly, “you remind me of bunnies!” 
“That’s cute,” his voice was hoarse, “then, can you promise me something, bunny?”
You flushed hot. “That - that’s not what I meant, I meant you’re my bunny.”
“Sure,” he nodded along.
You shuffled yourself a little closer to him. This wasn’t the Midoriya Izuku you’d come to know, who was he? Why was he so different from the twitchy student who cared so much about his grades?
“What did you want me to promise?” It was a good idea to change the topic, you thought, for his sake, not your own. Definitely. 
“Promise me you won’t let Kacchan get so close to you anymore,” he played with your fingers, “you can do that, right? You... can be a good bunny for me?”
“Mhm,” you couldn't refuse when he put it like that.
“Go to bed now, it’s late.”
“On one condition.”
“And what’s that?”
“Kiss me.”
Izuku paused. His eyes were on your lips, that was for sure, but he showed no sign of moving closer. “M’not gonna do that when you're drunk.”
You frowned. 
“I’ll sit with you ‘till you're asleep. I’m not… touching you, though.”
“Manly,” you murmured.
“Human decency,” he corrected. 
The greenette pulled your covers above your waist and moved to the desk chair in your room, “good night, y/n.”
It was a shame this would all be forgotten, and the two of you would be back to square one by morning.
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a/n -> yes the nickname has everything to do with my URL and so what 
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brekkerism · 4 years
Strange Addiction(Spencer Reid One-Shot)
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A/n: So, this is my fic for the lovely @andiebeaword in the swap fics event that my lovely @imagining-in-the-margins hosted, and it was a blast writing it. Pom also was my beta, as always, and also the sweet @definitelynotkatesblog. This was super fun to write, and I hope y’all like it!!
Couple: Spencer Reid/Reader
Word count: 2.8k
Rating: 18+
Content warning: hinted age gap, smut, cunnilingus, professor!Spencer, angst, misunderstandings and fluff. I think that’s all.
I don’t know much about addiction, but if I had to guess, I thought it would feel something like this.
When his hair falls in his face, and his hands are so warm they manage to stop me from shaking.
When his lips taste like coffee and the way he insists on sleeping over, even if we both know he’ll never hold me until the morning.
Craving something that is slowly killing you, refusing to give it up.
It’s an addiction. It has to be.
Or maybe I’ve gone mad. ‘Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.’ ’ I could hear it in his voice, telling me that “actually the quote was never linked to Einstein formally, but-“
I had to stop it. I had to stop myself, and put an end to it. It’s been weeks since we saw each other, it’s the perfect time to end-
“I miss you. Can we see each other today?”
A few words on a text.
That’s all it took.
Well. It’s supposed to be bad to stop cold turkey right?
He spilled coffee on me the first time we met. It was on one of the campus coffee stands and I was already having a shitty day. I would have been furious if I had the strength for it.
“FUCK!” Burning. Hot coffee burning it’s way down my chest.
“Are you okay?” The stranger that had spilled his unnecessarily hot cup of coffee in me said.
“Dude?! It’s fucking hot!” I tried to pull my dress away from my body, to try and stop the burning in some way.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I just saw this bird and it reminded me of someone and I got distracted and-“
“Please get me some napkins.” I cut him off promptly.
He did, and tried to help me clean up before realizing it was all over my breasts, and it really wouldn’t help his situation to touch me there.
“Again I’m so sorry. Uhm, whats your name? I can pay for your dress or if you’re hurt I can take you to the infirmary.”
“My name is girl you burned the tits of.” I snapped. “And I’m fine, don’t worry that much.” I finally looked up at him, with his suit, his fluffy hair and the scruff. Cute. “What’s your name?”
“I’m Dr. Spencer Reid.” A professor then? Hot, older, professor. Wait, didn’t I hear something about this?
“Well doctor, you can just buy me a coffee and some pastries and, we’ll be even. Then you can go on your merry way and forget about the totally embarrassing afternoon that you spilled coffee all over a girl.” And maybe you can be so sorry that you slide me your number or something. A girl can hope.
I could have forgotten the whole thing. But he was himself: totally apologetic and cute, so tall and handsome, and his eyes-
I accepted his apology, and the coffee he bought me to make up for it, and we parted ways.
And if I went to my dorm and immediately tried to find out who he really was, it wasn’t completely weird right?
And yeah, maybe I sneaked into one of his classes, just to see what all the gossip and fuss was about (like I didn’t already know) but it didn’t start because of that.
It started way later at a bar. It’s not like I sought him out, maybe I had been going out a lil more than I used to in hopes that maybe, just maybe...
And then it happened. He was there, sitting at the corner of the bar sipping from his glass. Freshly out of class and all alone. The fucking universe. A chance to talk to him.
He was up from his seat, going for a refill at the bar when I rose from my seat before I even had time to come up with a plan or say goodbye to my friends, making a beeline to his direction.
Maybe it was the universe conspiring against us, or for us, because before I could tap him on the shoulder to get his attention, someone bumped into me sending me with force so that I would collide directly into him.
I luckily grabbed onto his suit jacket, stabilizing myself before I could do something stupid like fall to the floor and make a spectacle of myself.
He turned towards me, finally looking at who shoved him forward, and the recognition on his face was like relief washing over me.
“So, are you just gonna stare at me or will you buy me another apology-drink?” I tried my best to be charming and pretty, to keep his attention on me.
“Well this time I didn’t spill on you, so I don’t think I owe you one.” His smile. Fuck. He had a great smile.
“Okay. I’ll buy you one then.” I called over the bartender, getting him his scotch refill and something for me. Before he had the chance to do anything, I was taking the drinks back to his table. We wordlessly sat down and drank from our glasses.
“Should I ask why you went to one of my classes?”
Oh. oh. He saw that.
“Should I ask why you didn’t kick me out?”
“I asked first.”
“And I still don’t want to answer.” I pretended to inspect my shoes, racking my brain for ways to keep him here, talking to me. “Why are you drinking tonight?”
“You know, you ask a lot of questions for someone who won’t answer any of mine.”
“It’s part of my charm. So, what’s the reason?”
“What?” He did this cute thing with his nose, kinda scrunching it up, and he never stopped licking his damn lips, and maybe it was the alcohol in my system but I wanted to see how he tasted.
“There’s not that many reasons to be drinking alone at a sad college bar. You either have a problem with booze, can’t get a date, are drowning your sorrows, or trying to forget something.”
“Why don’t you try to guess?”
“Hm.” I leaned back on my seat to study him, using it as an excuse to look him head to toe. ”You’re both too put together and uncomfortable enough in this setting to have a problem. You’re too hot and have like, a billion college girls trying to get in your pants, so it’s not the date thing. You don’t look melancholic enough to be drowning your sorrows, especially with that choice of drink. So, who are you trying to forget, then?”
“Can’t a man just want to get a drink?” He chuckled.
“But that option would be no fun.” I could feel myself pouting and my cheeks getting warmer. Maybe it was the alcohol catching up to me.
“Well, it’s suiting, since I’m no fun.”
“That’s a lie. I’m talking to you and I’m having a blast” it was a joke on his part, but the way he said it sounded upset. Truthful. I wanted to make it go away.
“Kinda sad if this is your definition of a blast.” It sounded like a joke, but the way he said it... he sounded upset. I wanted to make it go away.
“Maybe it’s just because you’re hot. Who knows.”
“That's the second time you called me that.” He said it suspiciously, like he doubted that I really thought that.
“Can’t help it if it’s true.” I’m ridiculously attracted to you, I thought. Can you please realize that soon?
“What about you. What are you doing here?”
“Same reason as you.” Lies. Little liar. I’m here because I have been waiting and hoping to see you again, somewhere, anywhere.
“To drink cheap scotch?”
“To forget.” I’m so fucked up. I’m lying to the guy for what? So he can relate? That’s so stupid.
“Who is he?”
“Who is she?”
“She’s... A friend.” Oh. So there was a she. Shit. But that meant... was he looking for a rebound? A shoulder to cry on?
“Some guy I met at college.” You.
“Wow, an answer from you.”
“Wild, right? Next you’ll ask me my name and I’ll actually give it to you.”
“Your name isn’t actually ‘girl you burned the tits of’? Shocking.”
“No, I could only hope to be named something as elegant as that.” He laughed at that. If I could bottle up the sound, I would. Hell, I wanted it as my new ringtone. “C’mon, that’s what you laugh at?”
The night kept moving, and I learned little things, like that he worked for the FBI, his socks were mismatched, he didn’t blush at my dirty jokes after a while, and he was exceptionally bad at taking shots, but exceptionally good at magic tricks. It was nice. It was more than nice. It caused my face to flush and made my knees go weak.
“You should tell me your name now.” The seriousness in his voice made something inside me tremble, and warmth rose up deep in my guts.
“Because I won’t fuck you if I don’t know your name.” Finally. Fucking finally.
He was giving me a out. If I wanted, I could just say ‘no, thanks.’ and walk away.
Jokes on him if he thought I would give up that easy.
“(Y/n). My name is (y/n).” He took a shuddering breath in, lowered his hands down to my upper thigh and squeezed.
“Go to the second to last stall in the bathroom and wait.” There was no room in his voice for questioning. I did it anyways.
“Here.” He confirmed with a firm nod, his eyes never leaving mine.
We were both too desperate for it.
And it happened. In the second to last stall of a dirty bathroom, with him fucking me against the door and whispering dirty things in my ear. It was perfect, it was fucking heaven. It made me crave.
It happened again in my dorm room. Again and again. And then in his apartment. In his empty office. In my car. In his car. Not as frequently as I like, with his job at the FBI and teaching, but more than it should be for what we had. We weren’t in a relationship. We were just fuck buddies. And yeah, maybe he also gave me his time with the sex, with the sweet words, the occasional lunches and the not-dates to his favorite bookstore, but it didn’t mean anything. Six months in, and he didn’t seem any more over the mysterious girl he had loved for decades.
He was just using me to get over the woman he truly loved. The young college girl who he thought was also in love with someone else was the easiest choice. The least messy.
But it was messy. Because there was nobody else. There was just him. He was the one I was in love with.
I was trying to get over Spencer Reid, by sleeping with Spencer Reid.
Funny, right?
I didn’t have to knock twice at his door.
He hugged me as soon as he opened it. I melted into him, like I always did. He smelled like coffee and home to me.
“Rough day?” I asked.
“Rough week. Rough month.” Yeah, I think I know the feeling.
“Can I help?”
“Always. You always help.” He said softly.
Stop saying things like that. Stop making me feel like this.
“Come here little girl.” He led us to his bedroom, sitting on the bed and guiding me to his lap. It felt safe. Felt loving. “You’re always so pretty for me. So good. You don’t even know how much I.... how much I want you.”
He took my dress off with ease, kissing a wet trail from my face, to my neck, to my tits. I wanted his hands everywhere, I wanted him to touch me, to make me forget why I ever considered stopping this.
“You’re gonna be good for me right? You’ll be a perfect girl?” Always. Just for you.
“That’s my girl.”
His girl. I was his. I will always be his.
He just wasn’t mine.
I swallowed back the tears and tried to push down the lump in my throat. He needed me and I wanted to please him, to be good, to show him how much I loved him with this.
He always knew how to work my body, and this moment was no exception. Always knew how to make me go crazy with a swipe of his tongue on my pussy, a finger curling inside me, a thumb circling my clit. Sometimes I thought he was the only one that knew me at all. I was probably right.
The orgasm built and built and built, and I couldn’t do anything but hold on to his hair and smother him between my thighs while I rode it out. He was perfect. It was perfect.
I wanted it forever.
Tears. Pooling on the corners of my eyes, rolling down, no matter how hard I tried to blink them away.
It was killing me.
I loved him. Three little words. I love you. I love you I love you I love you I love you-
“I love you.” It felt natural rolling off my tongue. It felt okay. The world would still spin if he knew I love him. I might not have him anymore, but it would be okay.
“W-what did you just say?” He rose from his place between my legs, the frown on his forehead and his shaking hands making me just as nervous as he was.
“I love you. I’m in love with you. I’m sorry.”
“You’re... Why are you sorry?” That was the part he was worried about?
“Because I didn’t mean to. I know you can’t love me back. I’m sorry.” I retreated from him, bracing myself as tight as I could. Maybe I could use his shock to my advantage; dress quickly and leave. There wouldn’t be any awkwardness or tears or rejection-
He was kissing me. He was kissing me, coaxing my mouth open with his tongue, holding on to me like I would disappear if he didn’t ground me to him.
“We’re so stupid. I’m so, so stupid.” He was saying the words in between kisses, like he couldn’t take the time to pull away from me and actually talk.
What was happening?
“How can you not know? I thought you knew, I thought that was the whole reason-“ more kisses now, all over my face and my mouth.
“Spencer, what are you talking about?”
“Listen to me. I love you. I’m in love with you. I have been for a while now.” He was holding my face in his hands.
I must have gotten into a car accident on the way to his apartment. I was dead, or dreaming, or hallucinating.
He loved me?
He loved me.
“I thought the reason you were pulling away from me is because you knew, because I’m a shitty liar when it comes to you, and I don’t know how to hide how desperately in love with you I am.” He continued to ramble and I almost couldn’t keep up. I felt like I was inside a dream. “I was so sure you still loved the guy from your school, and I didn’t want to risk losing you, losing us, so I didn’t tell you. I’m so dumb.”
“But... but what about her? The woman you love? Your friend?”
“She’s just that: a friend. I think because we never had a shot at having a romantic relationship, I idealized it for so long. I thought that it was love. But I met you. I got to know you. I got to love you. This is love. Whatever I felt for her doesn’t come close.“
Blissful. I felt blissful. I felt like the universe gave me everything I wanted all at once.
“I love you. I’ve loved you since I met you.” I get to say it. I get to say it, I get to love him, and have him.
I needed him. Now. I needed to make love to him, needed to be his.
We kissed for too long, slow and sweet and perfect. When he drove himself inside my body, he looked into my eyes and told me how good I was for him, how much he loved me. When I came, it was with his name on my lips. It was everything. It was impossible for someone to be so right for me. He was everything.
We laid next to each other, too needy to not be touching every moment possible. My legs tangled between his, my hand in his.
Everything was out in the open, and we were together.
“Remember the guy at college that I liked? The one I was trying to get over?”
“Yes” his tone was tentative, like he halfway expected me to take back all that was said between us.
“He... kinda doesn’t exist. Well, he also kinda does, but I think it might be you.” He was silent, and for a moment I thought he fell asleep and didn’t hear me.
“…Honestly, I shouldn’t be surprised” there wasn’t any anger in his tone whatsoever, and the last of my worries was gone.
“Still love me?”
“Always, pretty girl.”
And I guess that was more than okay.
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chaoticforever · 4 years
Playboy Having Fun Part 2 | Yandere Dean Winchester x Playboy! Reader x Yandere Sam Winchester
A/N: Part 1 right here!
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Was one emotion that you never felt. 
How could you feel fear? You were someone who smelled fear from a mile away, not someone who has it. It also has to do with how you were trained to be. You were trained to be a soldier, a warrior, a fighter who can take anyone out and can break someone with their own words. 
Just how you were made to be. Eons ago. 
You, along with Castiel were one of Heaven's strongest soldiers, and one of the most powerful Angels in the Garrison. 
The two of you always fought side by side, protecting each other and taking care of any demons, or other creatures who would get in your way. You both led armies at one point and did a hella good job at it, too.
You loved being an Angel of the Lord. Well, that was until he came along. 
Another angel that was created by your father to assist you on missions when Castiel had missions he needed to go on alone. 
You and Caleb had spent many decades with one another. Fighting and smiting various beings, and even going to earth sometimes when you both had nothing to do, but sit at the park and watch over your father's creations. 
He even kissed you at one point which was weird at the time and made you feel something that you weren't supposed to feel.  
Unlike Castiel, you actually understood human behavior and emotions, having spent a lot of time watching over them. 
And when Caleb saved you from a demon attack, you felt that emotion again and knew what that emotion was. 
You were in love with Caleb and this was a huge problem because you were not supposed to feel human emotions, but you were somehow able to. 
You'd hope Michael wouldn't find out.
He was the Viceroy of Heaven since father was absent. He could either lock you up, or banish you from Heaven. 
So, you decided to ignore these feelings. 
They would surely go away soon and everything would be okay again. That was what you thought at first before one day, Caleb confessed that he somehow developed feelings for you. 
Michael found out and flipped out. He liked Caleb, but couldn't have him in Heaven anymore, so he banished him to earth and erased his memory. He was reborn and would live a human life. 
You were so pissed at Michael and wanted to hurt him for that, but knew that you wouldn't win that fight. You may be a powerful angel, but Michael was an Archangel, making him way more powerful than you. 
Feeling hurt and confused, you called on your father and begged for him to send you to earth and be reborn as well, but with your memories kept. 
You wanted to be with Caleb again and didn't even care about being an angel anymore. Father had abandoned all of you, so he could at least grant you this one wish from wherever he was. 
And that he did. 
You were reborn again and still had the memories of your former life along with a vessel that was yours forever. 
As you grew up, you met Caleb again in college, of course he didn't remember who you were, but you were at least hoping he'd remember his former life. 
Since he didn't remember you, you took the liberty of being his best friend instead. You'd rather keep him as your best friend since he couldn't remember and became a playboy to hide the feelings that would remain unrequited. 
In all of that has happened, you never felt fear. Not the fear of losing Caleb, or the fear of not returning back to Heaven, so what was Castiel on about that? 
That was a good question. 
"...What?" You asked, setting your drink down on the table, "What did you say?" 
"It's Sam and Dean," Castiel said once again, "They have grown an obsession towards you and also put up angel sigils that stops me from entering the bunker. It's best if you stayed away from them." 
You blinked at the angel and massaged your temples, letting out a sigh of frustration. Now, this was starting to get out of hand. None of the people you slept with ever acted this way. Were you really that hot? You knew the answer to that, but you were not going to fear these little humans. 
"Castiel," You sighed, "I appreciate your concern, but I'll be fine. Their obsession with me will go away eventually once they realize I'm not into them." 
Castiel shook his head, "Don't be so sure of that, Y/N. Don't ever underestimate the Winchesters. They are dangerous and my grace is running low, so I might not be able to protect you if they come after you." 
"And you shouldn't underestimate me either," You retaliated, "Don't forget that I was one of Heaven's strongest soldiers, you as well." You reminded him. 
"But I still have my powers. You don't." He pointed out. 
"That's true, but I still have my skills   and intellect from my life as an angel. That didn't go away, not to mention that I can still see your true form if I want too." 
Castiel sighed, it was so hard to reason with you. You were too stubborn to see that something is clearly wrong with them. 
You were his oldest friend and he didn't want anything bad to happen to you. 
"Just please make sure that you carry your knife around all the time cause humanity is causing me to weaken." 
"Jeez Castiel! I'll make sure to carry my knife around. Damn, why did those writers have to make you, a strong angel so weak throughout the seasons." 
"Nothing, man! Now, go wherever you go, or you can sleep in the guest room."
Castiel went to the guest room that he would sometimes stay in when he came to visit you. He mostly stayed there when he would lie to the Winchesters and tell them that he had Heaven business to attend to, or when he didn't feeling like being bothered by them. 
You drank the rest of your glass before walking into your room and crawling into bed, putting your phone on the charger. 
You put the covers over your body and closed your eyes, feeling yourself about to drift off to sleep. As you began drifting off, everything that Cas told you came rushing back to you in an instant. 
Their obsession would go away, right?
Multicolored lights flashed on the dance floor, as dancing sweaty bodies pressed up against each other. Music blared throughout the club as you danced to some of the songs with a bunch of people's eyes on you. Apparently, you were the main focus tonight, but you loved it. You've always loved attention, and the spotlight. 
Castiel had insisted for you not to go back to the bar you met the Winchesters at, even though you told him that it's been a week and nothing has happened to you, he was still cautious about it, so you ended up going to this bisexual club that has recently opened. 
Alex ditched you when he got here, seeing a hot girl somewhere, and Caleb works the night shifts, unfortunately. So, you decided to dance by yourself with the exception of people looking at you. 
A pair of large arms wrapped around you, taking a huge sniff of you, "Damn, you look so sexy out here. You're definitely teasing almost everyone in here with the way you were dancing." 
You turned your head slightly to see a dark skinned man with brown eyes and curly hair. This man was absolutely handsome. 
"Elliot!" Someone shouted through the loud music and you saw a woman with brown hair and hazel eyes along with glasses walking up to you, "I thought we were going back to your place to have some fun," She whined and turned to stare at you when Elliot didn't respond, "Well, that's not far, Elliot! This guy is freakin' hot!" She exclaimed, and you felt heat crawl up to your face. 
"I'm sorry Candance, but this guy is too hot to pass up." He responded, not letting go of you at all as she rolled her eyes. 
Though, she couldn't blame Elliot. 
You were freakin' hot. Like supermodel hot and she would love to have one night with you herself. 
"Or," You suddenly spoke up, and Candace turned to face you while Elliot lifted his head up from your neck to look at you, "How about we turn this into a threesome instead?" 
"I'm down for that," Elliot said without a second thought and turned to face Candace, "Are you down for that?" 
She pondered at that thought. To have a chance with these two muscular men. There was no way she could pass up this opportunity. 
She nodded, "Sounds like a good idea." 
Elliot unwrapped himself from around you and took a hold of your right hand, leading you out of the club as Candance took a hold of your left, going with you guys. 
Some bodies pressed up against you when you were leaving, but you didn't mind despite feeling their eyes on you. 
Introductions of names were made as all three of you exited the club along with Elliot and Candance glaring at some people who tried to take you. 
Exiting the club, the cool breeze hit your face and you loved the way it felt since you were in that club with a bunch of sweaty bodies. 
"I think you both should be warned," Elliot spoke, which caused you and Candance to look at him, "Most people call me The Punisher when were in bed together." 
"Punisher? And why do people call you that?" You asked and Candance nodded. 
"That I would have to show you." 
"Are you a bad boy?" You teased. 
Elliot smirked, "Something like that." Oh, you wanted to know why he's called the punisher. 
"Get away from Y/N, and we won't hurt any of you." A gruff voice insisted and to the right of you, there they were. 
The Winchesters. 
You huffed, "Why are you guys here?" 
"We came to bring you home." Sam said, taking a step forward as you backed up behind Elliot and Candance who stood in front of you protectively. 
"And I told you both already that what we had was a one night stand, that's all."
"It was more than a one night stand," Dean argued, clearly stuck in his own delusion, "That night showed us how much you love us, and how much we love you. You're coming home with us and you're going to love us." 
"You guys are freakin' sick!" 
"Were sick?" Sam scoffed, "Us loving you with both our hearts means that were sick? I think you're the sick one and your ours, okay? We love you and you're coming with us." 
Elliot pushed Dean and Sam back a few feet with one hand, and they stumbled back slightly in this alley, "He's not going with you guys. You heard the man, he doesn't want anything to do with you both, so it's time for you to bounce." 
The brothers shared a brief look with each other before pulling out 2 guns, aiming it at Elliot and Candance as Candance screamed. 
Your fight or flight instincts kicked in, and you kicked the gun out of Dean's hand and kicked him where the sun don't shine. He fell down, clutching his groin. 
You went to kick the gun out of Sam's hand, but he was quicker. He moved the gun out of your reach and hit the gun over your head, knocking you out. 
When you awoke after some time, you saw that you were chained to a bed and was in a room that you didn't recognize. 
The room wasn't big, but wasn't small either. Pictures covered the creamy colored walls, and you saw a map of the town you resided in. Red dots were covering certain locations and you realized that those were the places you had been. 
Seems as if The Winchesters has been watching you long before you had that one night stand with them. 
The door opened and Dean walked in, seeing that you were awake. 
"You're finally awake, my little prince." He walked over to your side, grabbing the back of your head and tried to kiss you on the lips, but you moved your head to the side and got your cheek instead. He looked disappointed, "Don't be like that, sweetheart. I'm sorry that Sam hit you over the head, but you had it coming." 
"Dean, please just let me go," You pleaded. You never pleaded for anything in with the exception of your father, but you were willing to plead if it meant that you could leave, "I don't belong here." 
"Actually, you do belong here," Sam entered the room and kissed you on the forehead, "And the reason for that is because we need to protect you. We both have watched you from afar for a long time and infatuation turned into an obsession once we saw how many people are attracted to you. We can't let you leave. We lost so many people in our lives and we can't lose you, too." 
"Too many people," Dean chimed in, "And we refuse to lose you too, so we decided to lock you up here for our eyes only. We love you, Y/N. We want you as ours and to never share you with anyone else." Dean kissed you, on the lips this time, "Do you love us, too?" 
"I. Hate. You. Both. So. Much." 
Boy, was that the wrong thing to say. 
Their eyes widened in anger, and Sam grabbed your chin roughly, making you face him as you tried your best to make sure that you didn't look scared. 
Sam grinned at you, "We are going to have so much fun breaking you down. And you're not going to have a choice, but to love us." Sam walked out of the room and now it was Dean's turn to grab your chin roughly. 
You will break for us, sweetheart. And you'll love us the way we love you. Your playboy days are over. We promise to cherish you and love you for as long as well all shall live, and your going anywhere, my little prince. Ours forever."
Dean left the room and you stared at the wall ahead with a complete blank stare.  
You let out a sigh. How did this happen? How did you go from a playboy just having fun to getting kidnapped by two crazy obsessed hunters? 
You tried calling out to Cas, but there was no answer. 
An unpleasant feeling made you feel like you weren't getting out of this situation. 
But you did have an upper hand against them because there was a little flaw in their plan to break you down until you break completely. You couldn't be broken. 
After all, how can someone with no soul be broken?
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jean-kayak · 4 years
Falling Back Into Your Bed
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Summary: One night was enough to have you crawling back to him
Pairing: Eren Jaeger x black!fem!reader
Warnings: college!au, (smut 18+!!), fingering, oral sex, unprotected sex, degradation, Eren's a little shit, little bit of ass smacking, mentions of sex under the influence (consensual), enemies to lovers sort of?
Word Count: 3120
A/N: This is has been in the drafts for a while, and it wasn't supposed to take the turn it was supposed to but I'm happy with it lmaoo. Completely unrelated, but I like making headers lol
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It happened one time. To say you weren't really in the straightest mindset, but it happened once and now you're hooked. Your brain only filled with those images from that night. You groan as you pull at your hair, no matter how hard you try, you can't focus on studying. Your brain completely occupied.
"You seem troubled? Need some help?" The snarky comment comes from your right, and you scoff as you rub your forehead.
"Shut the fuck up," you spit with a little more aggression than you intended as you try to focus on anything but that amazing night.
"You thinking about that night? It could always happen again." The words whispered against your skin makes the images flash fully in your head, and you push him away from you, which only gets a chuckle in return.
"Fuck off, Jaeger," you groan as you close your textbook.
"You alright?" Sasha asks you, and you sigh as you nod.
"Yeah, it's just been a long day. I think I'm gonna head back to my dorm." You end your study session with your friends, stuffing your books in your bag, giving them a wave of goodbye as you walk out of the library, sighing in content when the sun rays hit your skin.
You slept with Eren. The only person who can get on your nerves to the nth degree. You woke up in horror realizing what you did, but the horror was that you liked it. It was amazing, the best sex you've ever had. Of course, it has to come from the person you despise the most.
It was a party that Jean wanted you to go to, and he happened to be there, annoying you to no end as he usually is, and then he was kissing you, and then you're walking up to his room and the rest is history. The memories of that night flood your head again.
The way his hands felt hot against your skin, branding a path all over your body. The way his lips brushed all over your skin, stopping to show some parts of your body some love by sucking dark marks onto the skin that took you forever to cover up.
The way his d--
Wait, stop! What am I doing?
You shake your head as you take another deep breath. This is not how you thought your week was going to go.
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"I don't know if you have mind-blowing sex what's the big deal? I'm failing to see the problem," Hitch says, and you roll your eyes as you fall back on your bed.
"The problem is that I don't like him. He gets on my last nerve. Why can't I have amazing sex with a guy that I don't wanna stab on a daily basis?" you argue, and Hitch scoffs as she rolls her eyes.
"Well, maybe it's the fact that you don't like each other that's making the sex great."
"I just wanna stop thinking about it," you admit.
"Well, it doesn't seem to be bothering him as much as it is you," she responds, and that part is what makes you the most irritated and confused.
You were sure you weren't that bad,  but it's like he isn't even fazed by it, only teasing you about it in the best way possible. You groan as you roll over, burying your face in your pillow.
The only reason why you're forced to interact with him is that you're friends with Armin who's best friends with Eren. If that wasn't the case, you probably would never see him again, let alone be in the same room as him where he can annoy you.
"Whatever. Maybe I just need to get laid again, get him off my mind," you mumble into the pillow, and you know Hitch is giving you a look without even turning your head.
"Yeah, okay. Whatever you say," she muses. "Speaking of getting laid, there's another party tonight if you want to go."
You turn your head to the side to face her. "Weren't you just a party last weekend?" you comment, and she shrugs.
"You only live once." You raise your eyebrows at her answer but shrug anyway.
"If I don't have anything to do, then I'll go."
You should've stayed the fuck home because this party is not it. You don't know if it's because you really don't want to be here or the fact that you're sober, but you can't help but sigh in annoyance as you walk through the crowd until you find a corner where anyone isn't making out.
You nurse your drink, but the taste of the beer is slowly making you sick after two sips, so you just hold it to give you something to do. "You look like you're having fun."
You roll your eyes at the familiar voice, tilting your head to the side as you look at him. "I should've known you'd be here." You knew that you should've listened to that weird feeling in the back of your head the moment you stepped into the room. "I'm not really feeling it," you say, and he steps closer to you.
"Well, we could always go somewhere else, and I can make you scream while I split you open on my dick again." You clench your jaw as you find something else to look at, trying and failing to ignore the way his words make your body hot all over.
You scoff. "Yeah, in your dreams."
"Really? You don't miss this?" he asks, pulling you into him, and you can't help when your mouth falls open slightly your breath hitching. "Cause I sure miss the way your tight pussy clamped around me."
Your thighs squeeze together subconsciously as you let out a small moan, luckily it's muffled by the music, but he doesn't miss your reaction. "Yeah, I'll pass," you muster, and he smirks as he chuckles.
"Fine, have it your way. The offer still stands," he says before he walks away, and you sigh heavily as you drink from your cup. You have to get out of here.
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Eren can't take his eyes off of you as you walk around the room. You've filled your cup back up, but you haven't drank from it, the only thing on your face is that you want to get out of here. Even as you talk to some blond guy, Reiner he thinks his name is, your face is very evident in showing that you're tired of this conversation, but you're too nice to leave.
He walked over to talk to you just to tease you but ended up doing the same thing to himself. He finds it funny that you seem to deny what happened between you two even though you reacted the way you did. If he could take you in front of all these people, he would.
Well, he can, but he's better than that.
He doesn't tell you this, he doesn't think he will, but you're the only thing that's been on his mind, but he's just better at hiding it. He can't count how many times he's thought about your body, the noises you made, how fucked out you looked as you took his dick. Every time he touches himself, those are the only things he thinks about.
And every single time he finishes, he declares that he's going to get you back into his bed.
Which is why he decided to come to this party even though he didn't want to. He knew Hitch would drag you out here, and he knew that there was no way he was letting you go.
He almost feels bad for the guy. Even though he can't hear the conversation, he knows Reiner is trying and failing to woo you with his awful flirting tactics. He can recognize your fake laugh from a mile away.
He decides that he can't stand to watch this horror show any longer, and he moves over to where you are, rolling his eyes at a lame pick-up line he hears come from him. "Hey, I need to talk to you," he buds in, and you give him a look.
"I'm in the middle of a conversation." You state the obvious, and he gives you a lazy look.
"Yeah, not really," he responds, and you squint at him. "Come on, it'll take a second."
You sigh, giving in before turning to the buff guy next to you. "I'll be right back," you tell him, and only Eren knows that that's not true.
He eyes Eren before giving you a smile and a nod, and you follow Eren as you walk the too familiar walk to his room. He closes the door behind him when you walk in, and you cross your arms. "What was so important that you had to pull me from my conversation?" you question, annoyed, and he smiles at you.
"Yeah, it totally looked like you were enjoying that little chat." You roll your eyes as he takes your cup out of your hand, setting it on his dresser. "How much have you had?"
You frown at him. "To drink? Not enough because it's difficult to have a conversation with you sober."
He chuckles lightly as he walks closer to you until your knees hit the bed. "Can I say something?" he asks, and you try to act like his close proximity isn't bothering you.
"If it'll make this end sooner."
"All I've thought about is that night," he tells you, and he moves closer, making you fall down onto the bed as you look up at him with wide eyes. He hovers over you, one hand on the mattress next to you, the other trailing down your body, making goosebumps break out over your skin.
"How good you felt, how loud you were, how fucking soaked you were." His lips brush against yours as he runs a hand down your tube top, biting your lip when he rolls his finger over your nipple.
"What does this have to do with me being sober?" you ask breathlessly, and he smirks as his hand moves down to your shorts, and he doesn't miss the way your thighs tense like you don't know whether to close them or not.
"Because I want to see if I can make you scream just as loud." He crashes his lips down on yours, making you squeak in surprise before you finally let him in, moaning when his tongue rubs over the roof of your mouth.
You thought your thoughts about Eren would change if you were sober, but he's just as addicting as he was that night, and you find it difficult to object to anything he's doing.
He crawls with you as you move up further on the bed, your body flushing hot all over. He works your shirt off, throwing it somewhere off to the side before trailing hot, wet kisses down your neck before moving to your chest.
Your hand makes its way into his hair, messing up the bun that it was in as he mouths at your nipples, pulling the taut bud with his teeth and his fingers before switching. "Did I ever tell you that you have nice tits?" he tells you with a playful smile on his face as he fondles them, and you scoff at his childish comment as you shift on the bed, the rough abrasion of your shorts against your crotch becoming extremely uncomfortable.
He works his shirt off as he slides down your body, his lips just grazing your skin to be teasing, and he unbuttons your shorts, peeling them off your legs, letting out a huff when his eyes land on your panties.
"You're so fucking wet," he mumbles, and you hiss at the cool air hitting your sensitive core when he pulls the fabric down and off your legs. You start to say something when he doesn't move, but you let out a low moan in surprise when he licks a broad stripe up your folds.
Your back arches off the bed at the sudden stimulation, and he lays an arm over your hips to keep you still, his other hand digging into the flesh of your thighs as he keeps you spread open. "And you taste so fucking good," he groans as he moves from licking between your folds to flicking at your clit.
"Fuck, Eren," you whine, pulling at the roots when his tongue prods at your hole.
"Come on, baby, I know you can be louder than that," he challenges, pushing one of your legs over to give him more room. His tongue prods at your hole before he replaces it with his fingers, his mouth going back to focus on your clit.
He's already curling two fingers inside of you as he sucks on the bundles of nerves, pulling it into his mouth, before circling his tongue around the bud. What you definitely didn't forget was how amazing his head game was. Your toes curl as the grip on his hair tightens, and it takes a few more pumps on his fingers hitting that sensitive spot inside of you to make you cum, moaning loudly as your orgasm hits.
"There we go. That's better," Eren says before moving his tongue to your hole to lap up your release. You're panting as he moves back up towards your face, his covered in your release. "But I still think you can be louder."
"You sound like you're all talk," you challenge even though you're still breathless.
He chuckles darkly before getting rid of the rest of his clothes, putting himself right back over you. "Sounds like you're undermining my skills," he jabs back as he lines himself up.
"Sounds like you're overestimating yourself," you counter, but you trail off before you can finish the last word as he pushes himself in, and you both moan at the feeling.
"Shit, I'll never get over how amazing you feel," he breathes once he bottoms out, and you're urging him to move, which he quickly obliges, your mouth falling open at the feeling of being stretched out with every stroke.
He moves himself so that he's on his knees, your hips angled upwards as he thrusts into you way too slowly for your liking. "Come on, Eren," you whine, knowing he can make you feel way better than he is right now. "Fuck me harder," you plead, and he coos at you.
"Aww, but I'm trying to make love to you, princess," he drawls, and you groan in frustration as you try to move, but he holds you down, making sure he's the only one moving.
"I don't want you to make love to me," you whine, desperate to have him fuck you until you see stars.
"But I like seeing you beg for me, seeing you so desperate, it's cute, keep going," he says, and you roll your eyes.
"Fuck--" He cuts you off with a sharp thrust, nailing your g-spot with ease.
"Me? Well, you're already doing that, sweetheart." You scrunch your nose at the stupid pet name, and you scoff before you smirk at him.
"As I said, you're all talk," you taunt. "Pretty sure Reiner could make me scream louder than you ever could." The playful demeanor in his face drops and his eyes are going dark, and suddenly he's pulling out of you, and rolling you onto your stomach.
He pulls you up to your knees, and he slams into you, making you cry out at the sudden intrusion as your eyes roll back. "You think you're funny, huh?" he spits before pulling you to his chest by your shoulder. "You wanted to get a rise out of me so that I could fuck you like a filthy whore."
You can barely respond, your body feeling like it's being shocked every time he rams that spot, and you jolt when he pushes on your clit. "Already going stupid? I haven't even done anything yet."
He pushes you back down, pushing your back until your chest is flush against his bed. "You're such a needy slut, aren't you?" A smack to your ass, the sting snapping you out of your daze. "Answer me."
"Fuck yes!" You can barely get it out, your knuckles starting to hurt from how hard you're gripping the sheets.
"Who's fucking you this good?" You don't answer quick enough, it's not like you can, but that only makes him fuck you harder. "Who?!"
"You! God, Eren, you," you moan, and you release your grip on the sheets as you feel yourself starting to drool.
"Who owns this fucking cunt? Fuck." His head falls back on his shoulders as you clamp around him, and he pushes on your clit again when you don't respond.
"You, oh fuck, 's all yours." You buck your hips back, meeting his, and he smacks your ass again.
"Come on, baby, you can say my name." He sounds just as wrecked as you, and his name is the only thing you're coherent enough to say, and you know that you're loud and that anyone walking past the door or on the other side of the walls can hear you.
"Shit, your pussy is so," he cuts himself off with a groan, his body curling as he feels his high building up as you suck him back in.
"Eren, I'm--" You try to tell him that you're close, so close, but you can't, tears running down your face from the constant stimulation on that spot inside of you.
He responds with a groan, and you know he's close too, and the next thing you know, you're cumming hard, your body going rigid. Your orgasm triggers his, and he cums with a moan of your name, his climax hitting him so hard, he falls on top of you.
Both of you fall down on the bed, his ragged breathing fanning against your neck, and he rolls the both of you over before rubbing up and down your top half softly. "You okay?" he asks against your neck, and you can feel the smirk on your skin.
You respond with a content whine, and his grip on your waist tightens when you try to move. "Stop moving. I'm trying to cuddle you."
You scoff before chuckling lightly. "Since when you do cuddle?"
"Since now. Now, shut up, I'm trying to go to sleep."
You roll your eyes at the words, but there's no heat behind them, and you feel sleep catching up to you as well.
Eren Jaeger might annoy to no end, but maybe this isn't so bad.
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jay-and-dean · 4 years
More like him
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Dean x reader
So I had this request :
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I loved it, but it was a real challenge because I thing it wouldn’t be really “Dean like” to go on a diet. It took me months to manage to be satisfied by it. I really hope you like it. Oh, and I added a little Smut, couldn’t help it.
For me this fic is kinda part of the Become that Girl “saga”.
Warning : Swearing. Sassy Sam. Suffering and mentions of unhealthy behaviors and drinking. Jealous Dean. Insecurities. Smut. Unprotected sex (you’re smarter than this). Angst. Fluffy Fluff.
This is both in Reader’s Pov and Dean’s Pov
Words : 10.3 k (yes. You asked for it.)
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Dean’s Pov
             A grunt and a yawn. I turn around, a little pain in my neck from sleeping on the same position for hours.
           I drank too much last night, again. My arm blindly searches for a bottle of water in the deep dark of my windowless room to fight the intense dry feeling in my mouth, but I find nothing.
           One more night in a shady bar, one more hangover, and one more woman I won’t remember.
           I frown with my eyes still closed and think of her, my stomach gets sick. She was among the prettiest girl I have been with, and she was a little too young for me, I’m sure she wasn’t twenty-five yet. I remember her friends, young and fit boys and girls, celebrating a birthday.
           It’s really something how you see things differently when you’re drunk and when you are not. Maybe that’s why I drink so much : the sober truth gives me the creeps. Yesterday, I was feeling lucky, honored that a beautiful woman had laid her eyes on me, amazed by how confident she was. It felt like I had won the lottery of life, sex life at least. I was on top of the world, I could barely walk straight, but I didn’t care.
           This morning is different. I lay here, nausea making me sweat, disgusted by my own smell and the taste in my mouth, wondering how I came home. I drove Baby drunk like Hell, I could have hurt someone, or damaged her.
“Shit” I grunt again.
How pathetic it is to go look for a college girl to feel alive ? How pathetic it is to spend the whole time we spent together too focused on trying not to be too old or too drunk to actually enjoy any of it ? How pathetic it is to think of another woman, the very second my eyes open ?
I need coffee.
           I get up and make my way to the bathroom to pee and take a shower, I can’t stand the smell on me : alcohol sweat, the detergent of the cheap motel room I took not to bring her to our secret home, and, well, shame.
           After brushing my teeth, I drink all I can from the sink and wonder if she is here. I really hope she is.
The woman I call my friend. The person that have actually been my closest friend with Benny and Cas, maybe even closer. If she’s in the kitchen, she will make fun of me, she will make loud pan noises just to make my headache worse because she says hangover is not enough punishment for hurting my body like that. But in the end, she will probably order pizzas and spend the day with me in the Dean cave not really watching movies while talking about any kind of stuff from hunts to music, from social matters to memories, food -she talks about food a lot, with sparkles in her eyes-, movies, sharks during shark week, horror movie clichés, her childhood, mine, and really intimate things like Hell, Purgatory, like my mom, her dad, our dreams...
I didn’t know I had so much dreams.
           I put on underwear and the grey robe, then shuffle my way to the kitchen in the slippers that makes her call me grandpa.
           Sam is there. All energetic, dressed with those black sweatpants and this ridiculously tight shirt, he's pressing oranges or whatever, and it's noisy as hell.
"Can't you be quite in the morning ?" I groan with a pained frown, sitting with my coffee in front of me.
"Morning ? It's noon, Dean. So, how was last night ? I guess it must have been great considering how late you came back."
"You heard me come back ?" I ask, wondering how late it actually was.
"No, but Y/n waited for you, and around five a.m. she thought you weren't coming home at all, so she went to bed. That's why we haven't been running yet, she barely slept."
I look at him but he's now turning his back on me to fill a bottle with water.
           She has to stop doing that, waiting for me. I told her a few times already but it's like she was a worried mom or something. Y/n is always like that, she worries too much, every cut on Sam or me is a mortal wound, every yawn is a sign of exhaustion. And even if I secretly love this way more than I'll ever admit, I can't let her wait for me all night.
"Hey Dean" her voice catches my attention and I turn to meet her tired eyes.
How can she smile like that after the night she had ? How can she give me that kind smile? I really don't deserve it. I'm disgusting, damaged, violent even... Look at her.
           She walks in and I can't help but drift along her naked legs, strong and soft. She's wearing her working out shorts, the ones torturing me some days, those tiny grey shorts holding her waist, that makes it impossible to not linger on her thighs. The t-shirt she wears is one of mine, or was, since she never gave it back. It's a plain back worn out t-shirt that has really nothing special. She says it's the comfiest.
"Hangover ?" she asks, handing me a slice of her apple.
"Yeah" I grunt, taking it.
I don't like rabbit food and she knows it. So instead of telling me to eat some, like Sam constantly tried for a while, she just gives me little bites of hers. A piece of apple there, a bite of banana, a little of spinach on her fork... and I always let her feed me, maybe just because she does with that adorable kind of smile each time.
"You came back late" she states, turning her back on me.
There is not an ounce of reproach in her voice, but something slightly sad. Maybe she pities me. If she had seen my evening, she would for sure.
           A flash of that girl from yesterday saying my tattoo is weird and old fashion comes to my mind and I rub my face.
"Is there a hunt ?" I ask.
I really need a hunt, I really need some action and to get out of here.
"No" my brother lightly shakes his head.
"I thought I had found one" Y/n adds. "But it turns out it really was a bear this time !"
Her chuckle warms my heart.
"Movies in my room ?" I offer, trying to sound like it doesn't really matter, but the truth is, this perspective is what got me out of bed...
 Reader's Pov
             I cut another slice of apple with my hunter knife and give it to him.
"Hum, maybe later" I answer, looking away. "Sam and I planned on running to the lake..."
"The lake !" he almost chokes. "It's like twelve miles away !"
Sam chuckles and puts a hand on my shoulder, to inform me he's ready to go. He has been waiting for me a long time already, but I needed to check on Dean before I left for the day.
"Yeah..." I mumble. "And I want to practice my gun skills after, of fight skills if Sammy is not too tired from the running."
"I could help you practice too" he states and I give him a knowing smile.
           Dean is not interested in training me, he never was. And, unlike me, he barely needs practice himself anyway, so why should he care ? He's just the best, that's natural. He's Dean Winchester, the best hunter in the world, the best man, the best everything actually. Between the ladies waiting in line to get a piece of him and his friends, the parties, but above all, constantly saving the world... He doesn't have time for me. We're not made of the same wood, I'm from those who have to work hard to keep up. And I never want to be a burden for any of them.
"What ? I could !" he grunts and his brother laughs.
"Yeah right, Dean" Sam mocks him, giving me my bag. "You would probably get a stitch from just stretching with Y/n ! She's getting good !"
"Don't listen to you brother" I assure Dean with a little smile on the corner of my lips.
           I walk out of the bunker with Sam's back in front of me and bite my cheek, trying to ignore that sharp pain in my chest.
           That pain that fell on me again while I was waiting for him, trying to not imagine what he was doing, that dread burning my guts ; and the other, even worse, pain that kept me awake once I was finally sure of what he was doing.
Once outside, the tall hunter stretches a little, humming at the soft spring breeze.
"Why did you wait again" he finally speaks, earning only a sigh from me. "Y/n... I know you need to make sure he's safe but you're hurting yourself. Talk to him..."
"We already talked about this" I just shrug before I start running.
 Dean's Pov
             I stay in the kitchen, my heart pounding in my head, my liver struggling.
           Of course she won't spend the day with me. Why would she ? She waited all night and I was busy partying like those pathetic guys who didn't understand college is over.
You didn't even went to college...
Sipping at my coffee, I think of my brother’s hand on her shoulder and shiver, not really understanding why. I mean, he’s her friend too, a good friend actually, but something changed lately. They are close, more and more every day.
She used to spend all her time with me and now that I think of it… She does with him now. It started with morning runs, then there were going to the grocery store together. They cooked, Sam never cooked in his life, she taught him a few “healthy” recipes while I was making fun of them. Several times I found them talking until late in the library, or sending each other texts during hunts, when they were apart the whole day.
Maybe I’m missing something coming slow… Maybe the woman I think of the second I open my eyes in the morning thinks of Sam.
Why wouldn’t she ? My brother is better than me in every ways.
Sam is smart and educated, went to college and all. They can probably talk about things I have no idea of…
Sam is brave and fair. He’s the best man I know, and if I think of one man that would deserve a girl like her...
What are you saying ? There is no other girl like her.
But above all… Look at him. He just grew old way better than I did. All those healthy craps I always made fun of, in the end he’s right. While I was drinking beer for breakfast and eating fat crap, he was running, practicing. And yes, during hunts we're equals, because I was raised in this life, but if I had to catch him running, I would have a heart attack before he breaks a sweat.
I never cared about all of this. About having abs, comparing my body to my brother's, or about being healthy for that matters. Because let's be honest, I never really cared about myself. And girls like me…Right ?
What girls though. It was a long time since Cassie, since Lisa... And lately the one-night stands have had a bitter taste.
Sex with stranger was fun at first, for years it was. New body, new voice, new taste, and skin and preferences... I guess a guy feels pride by having sex with a lot of different women.  But most of the time it's far from great and I’m tired of starting over every time.
I just wonder how it feels to actually get to know someone intimately, to learn what makes them squirm, their secrets, to wake up next to a friend... Love must be so nice.
The only person I can think of is her, Y/n. The woman that is my friend and the only one I want tell my secrets, the things that make me squirm...
My Y/n.
I grunt, my heart beating too fast because of hangover, my skin still smells alcohol despite the shower.
I'm such a wreck and she's so pure. That woman overcame bad things, and I have seen her so depressed that she barely could move at all for days in the beginning of our friendship. And yet, here she is, smiling, running and dancing in the library at night, making me want to be better every day, to think more, be less self-destructive, to feel pride more than shame. Pride for helping people, pride for my little brother that I helped grow up, and pride for being her friend.
She’s always there, smiling when I need a smile, listening even when I can’t talk, rolled up asleep on a little corner of my bed when I had a night of nightmares. Her hand was in my back when mom betrayed us and chose to leave, like it was the only thing keeping me up…
I can’t imagine her gone, impossible. And I’m realizing, I can’t imagine her in the arms of another man. That’s selfish, but I have to admit it now. I love her. And I want her, I need her.
Yet all I do is pushing her in my brother’s arms. In my brother’s strong and fit arms…
 Reader’s Pov
             I’m running, my feet hurt and I have a stitch on my left side, my thighs are already sore and my skin and lungs are burning. But I ignore them. I run.
           I run to ignore my imagination and the images it brings. Dean laying on his back, giving his precious body to a blond girl that doesn’t even know who he is, how lucky she is. Dean grunting when she swallows around him. Dean grabbing her hair, biting her neck, coming inside her. Dean with two girls, why not…
           I run.
“Y/n !” Sam’s voice interrupts me. “Wow, easy tiger.”
Out of breath, he puts his hands on his knees and frowns at me.
“You know the point of all of this is not to faint ? It’s about endurance, not a sprint or a race.”
“I’m sorry, Sam” I sigh, my body screaming at me even more now that I stopped.
“Is this about Dean ?” he asks, making me roll my eyes.
“How running too fast could be about your brother ?” I grunt.
“You know perfectly why I say that” he shrugs, drinking from his water bottle. “Avoiding him won’t prevent the hurt.”
“It avoids the nausea from smelling cheap perfume on him at least…” saying that, I sit on a bench that is close in a huff. “I just…” I sigh, burying my face in my hands. “How do I avoid the hurt then ?”
“Talk to him” my friend says, joining me on the bench to sit next to me, his tall shadow wrapping me like angel wings, hiding me from this world I hate right now.
“Don’t be ridiculous” I scoff. “Hey Dean, could you not have sex with anyone ? It hurts me. Thank you.”
Sam lets out a chuckle and bumps my shoulder with his giant arm.
           A woman in an elegant sports outfit runs pass us, her tall form bouncing on her thin legs with grace, making her shiny hair fly. Dean would like her, he would totally sleep with her… Oh wait, we’re in Lebanon, there aren’t many girls that pretty around here, maybe he already did…
“How about ‘I have feelings for you’ ?”Sam suggests with puppy eyes and a childish adorable shrug.
I sigh, rubbing my face. Why doesn’t Sam understand ?
“Yeah so it can make our friendship awkward forever, with pity and shit” I look down at my hands. “Or so he chooses to erase my memory like he did with Lisa ?”
A silence falls between us.
           Sam knows what I think of this, how angry it makes me. Of course I don’t want to see him with Lisa, in fact my heart arches each time I think of what they had together, but take those memories from her… It wasn’t his choice to make. I happened to put myself in her shoes and hated it. I would rather long for a single smile from him all my life than being amputated of the only part of me I cherish : My love for him.
           The second reason I hate it is because of what it says about him : Dean is really convinced that he is not good enough. For anything, for anyone.
           During one of our nights in the Dean cave together, not really watching movies and drinking whiskey, he talked about it. And I know how much Lisa and him were meant to break up eventually. She wasn’t a hunter, and she didn’t really want to know about this life, even if she respected it. He was holding on to her like she was his only chance at happiness because, in his mind, happiness can’t come with the hunter life.
           Erasing her memory was not only a way to “protect her”, it was a closure for him. Away of closing the normal life door forever and throw away the key.
“You know he doesn’t think he deserves…” Sam starts but I cut him.
           I am a hunter. And despite the fact that I am desperately in love with my friend and going crazy with jealousy, I am pretty happy.
I am happy with my life, my heroic, never boring, full of magic life. I mean, they lost a lot, but do they think people with an apple pie life don’t ? Before I became a hunter, I went to so many funerals that the funeral home employees knew me personally before I hit puberty. And when you lose your family to cancer and heart attack, or suicide… You don’t even get to know for sure they’re in Heaven.
           But I am a hunter now, and I know. I am relieved and I feel safer, because magic exists, Heaven exists, and angels, even if they are quite different from what I had imagined.
“I just want Dean to be happy” I sigh and Sam’s giant hand rubs my back.
           That’s the truth. I wish with all my heart that Dean would realize he can be happy now. That the horror he has been through is over, and that the hunter life he can’t quit doesn’t mean he has to be miserable.
           And that is the reason I have to be the best friend I can. That’s the reason I have to swallow that jealousy that is making me bitter, to just love him, as selflessly as I can.
“Can we go home ?” I ask and Sam nods.
 Dean’s Pov
             I close the bathroom closet and swallow the pill, bending to drink water from the sink, then stand in front of the mirror.
           I never really thought of it, but I’m a little pudgy. My hips are not straight and firm, is my butt a little large ? I frown, making my wrinkles appear and sigh. And those freckles… I never really paid attention to them until that college girl said something about it. Something with a kind smile but her mean girl voice betraying her : “I guess it’s cute, but it always kinda look like the skin is dirty, you don’t have too many on the face so it’s okay”. Why do I have so many freckles ? Dad didn’t, mom either I think, not on her face anyway, and Sam… Sam’s skin is darker than mine, and perfectly smooth. Y/n must like that too.
Stop whining like a teen.
           I walk to my room and sit there, trying to ignore the voices in my head saying Y/n likes my brother. Does he like her too ?
           I take my headphones and turn the music on loud, closing my eyes, too bad for the headache, the silence is worse anyway.
           I’m in Hell, tied up like Alastair used to chain me, but I’m not hurt. Sam enters and points his finger at me.
“You will never be as good as me” he says. “Dad was better, I am better, and the woman you love ?” His laugh is terrifying, evil.
He puts his finger on my stomach and pushes it harder and harder on me, until it hurts.
Until it hurts a lot.
“You’re soft” he says, covering my whines of pain, that come out with my child voice now. “Dad was right, you’re too soft. Your heart is soft, your body too. You couldn’t say no to Alastair, like you can’t say no to a burger” his finger is so strong, like metal, and it feels like it is going to go through my skin and muscles any moment. “You have no self-control. You’re pathetic, Dean… Dean ? Dean.”
           I gasp, half sitting when I open my eyes.
“Sorry” Y/n says, and I look up to find her next to my bed, her hands up in a peace gesture.
“You’re back ?” I ask, still slightly panting.
The sight of her worried face makes my heart slow, and I notice she’s wearing that comfy pajama of hers, the very loose t-shirt draping lazily from her body, embracing her sweet curves.
“I got tired of running” she smiles kindly, finally plunging her hands in her sweatpants pockets.
I grunt and look at my watch, I have been sleeping a few hours, and I think the hangover is gone.
“I came to ask you if you were hungry and… You didn’t seem well” she nibbles at her lips. “Sorry if I scared you.”
I rub my eyes and give her a weak smile.
“You didn’t” I state. “I’m super hungry, yeah.”
I am. When I drink like that, I often skip diner.
I get up and grunt, rubbing my eyes. I thank her, walk to the kitchen with her and sit at the table in a sigh.
“So” she says with that radiant smile on her face. “I was thinking of making burgers. I know I don’t cook them as good as you, but !”
She turns around and shows me her phone screen, moving it too much in her enthusiasm for me to see anything. I chuckle and grab her wrist to still it, enjoying the softness of her skin under my fingers. On the phone, a recipe. “The best burger possible”, with descriptions of how to make the onions crispy, and to make the best sauce…
“Maybe I will finally make burgers as good as yours or close” she states, taking her hand back to read the recipe.
“You know you’re cute ?” I state, but I can’t give her the tender expression I intend to, as my dream comes back to me.
Maybe I should learn to say no to a burger.
“Not as much as your sleepy head” she chants.
“You know…” I clear my throat. “Maybe for once, we should eat what you like and not my greasy crap, like Sam says.”
She stops and turns to me with a pan in her hand and a surprised look.
“But” she pouts. “Me like burger.”
I look down, trying to think of something to say, she actually looks a little disappointed. She was so proud of what she had found… That woman is like a ray of sun.
           When I’m about to tell her that I would love to taste her burger, regretting having made her beautiful smile fade, she puts her phone on the table before me and starts looking in the fridge.
“I get it Dean.”
“Really ?”
“Too much alcohol, your grandpa stomach is fragile” she chuckles and I wonder how she seem to never show real hurt, annoyance or disappointment at anything I say. "Okay, you asked for it, I prepare the same for you as I do for Sam and me."
“Yeah…” I mumble.
           My eyes fall on her phone and my heart flutters. She forgot to lock it, and it’s the first time I see her wallpaper picture. It’s us. Just me and her. I remember that day.
           It was last summer, we were hunting a Wendigo that attacked campers, and had to camp ourselves in the wood for a night to find it. It was a beautiful night. When the photo was taken, I was telling a story, standing with a large smile on my face and a beer in my hand. Y/n came close, I don't remember why, and she wrapped her arms around me, holding my waist with her head on my shoulder.
           The picture really looks like we were a couple. She's staring up at me while I tell the story, her face inches away from mine. Behind us, that beautiful lake and a part of her blue tent. I don't remember who took this photo, and I think this moment must have been very short, or I would remember it. Maybe she just came that close to tell me something in the ear, maybe it was one of those quick hugs she gives me when I say something sad or mention being hurt.
           Why would she have that on her screen ? Before I can think of it further, her phone locks by itself and becomes black.
           I look up, her back is still on me, she's cutting something. With a discreet finger, I touch her phone, trying to make the photo appear again but her lock screen makes me sigh.
           Sam, of course Sam. It's a selfie they took together, simple and cute, both looking at the phone my brother is holding.
"I'm afraid you'll still be hungry after th-" she turns around and her eyes fall on my finger on her phone. "But if you are, there is pie" she states, taking her phone to put it in the back pocket of her jeans.
Like she needed to hide something, like she was embarrassed that I saw that Sam is on her screen.
           She arranges her salad or whatever she's making, puts a plate in front of me, and two others for Sam and her.
"Sam !" she calls and I look down at the plate.
I must say my it is pretty, all colorful. I recognize avocado, tomatoes... But as pretty as it is, it doesn't make me hungry, rabbit food never does.
"Oh wow, Dean is grounded or something ?" my brother chuckles, entering the kitchen.
"Leave him alone" she answers before I can make a comment. "His stomach is still upset."
Sam gives me suspicious look, I never ate this kind of veggie plate in my life, if my stomach is really upset, I wait an hour, and the second it's better, I fill it with beef jerky.
           I can see my brother is waiting for me to make a comment, complain. But when I don't, he just shrugs and starts eating, talking to her about something I don't listen to. I take a piece of avocado with my fork and when I look up to her, she's staring at me, her beautiful eyes searching my face.
"You can change your mind Deanie. I can still make bacon" she smiles.
"N-no really I'm okay" I state, eating a green thing without enthusiasm.
"Oh wow" Sam sneers. "Dean says no to bacon !"
           I swallow the lump in my throat and feel my cheek redden despite my effort to be as stern as possible. I don't need his smart words, and I don't need to see them being so perfect with each other. Getting up, I put the fork down.
"You know Sam, I actually can say no from time to time."
Leaving the room, I rub my face.
 Reader's Pov
             I stay still, my eyes on the kitchen exit where Dean just disappeared. Something is wrong, really wrong.
           I have seen Dean sad, grumpy and pushing people away, but this is new.
"I should go check on him after diner" Sam says. "He obviously have something on his mind."
My phone buzzes, it's him.
Hey Sweetheart, I'm sorry for leaving without eating what you prepared. Please tell Sam to not check on me. I'm going to bed, I'm just tired.
Dean is never "just tired".
Okay Deanie. Don't worry for the food. Please if you need something, remember I'm right here.
Tumblr media
           Dean didn't come out of his room at all.
           I waited a little in the kitchen, finishing that stupid show I had started the day before, when he was out with yet another woman. I was hoping maybe he would show up to eat something, and then I could talk to him, but he didn't.
"Y/n" Sam's voice makes me jump slightly, frowning at the too bright light. "Did you fell asleep out of bed again ?"
I look around, my laptop battery died, I don't know how long ago and I have no idea of what time it is.
           My friend lets out a deep sigh, offers me his hand and closes my laptop. I get up and follow him, a new ache in my back.
"What was it this time ?" he asks opening the door to my room. "And don't say it has nothing to do with him."
I frown, close the door and sigh letting myself fall sitting on my bed.
"He didn't eat" I mutter and Sam rolls his eyes. "What ? You admitted yourself that something is off."
"Can I sit ?" he asks, taking place beside me on the bed when I nod. "Your crush for my brother, it was cute at first..."
I can see him hesitate, and I know I won't like what he has to say.
"But ?"
"But this is getting unhealthy" he looks down. "You know I love my brother, b-but I think he's not a good thing for you in the end."
My eyes get wet but I keep listening silently.
"Dean is... We all are damaged. You can't stand seeing him angry or hurt but, you know, he is most of the time. Y/n you can't keep spending your nights on wooden chairs just in case he need a freaking sandwich. You're a hunter, a warrior !"
I want to protest, it's not that simple. But nothing come out of my mouth. When tears roll on my face, he opens his arms, welcoming me against him.
           I can't love Dean less, he knows that. But for the first time, he's telling me that he disagrees ; and that changes everything. Sam was always the one kindly making fun of me or taking pictures discreetly for me to stare at on my phone at night. What if he decides he has to talk to Dean ? What if he gets tired of me, his best friend ? And what if he's right ?
"You have to talk to him" he states, making my fears cut my air supply for a moment.
"I-I can't" I sob, half panicking.
"You know he really loves you..."
I let go of his arms, not really wanting to hear more but he keeps holding me.
"What are you so afraid of ?" he sighs.
Dean's Pov
             I'm hungry. My stomach is gurgling and I feel a little dizzy, I need to eat, it's not like I was going to be more like Sam by starving or skipping meals anyway. I will never be like him. More like Sam is not only a muscle thing, he's also taller, smarter, better...
           Coming out of my room, I rub my face, thinking of her pretty face a little shocked when I left. I should apologize.
           After a very quick shower, I put on my grey robe and slippers again, walking to her room slowly.
           I rarely felt that weak, after my heart failure years ago, or after a big blood loss... But hunger like that, I didn't feel it since that week dad left and I lost the food money. I was ten or eleven... I remember feeding Sammy with stolen food, and eating only the leftovers, a piece of fruit, a crust of bread... Sam was starting to realize something was odd. I was so tired...
           I am so tired.
           I ate eggs at lunch the day I went out, then nothing on the evening. And yesterday... Nothing either. I haven't eaten for like forty hours, not even the crusts of Sam's sandwich or three gummy bears he forgot on the nightstand this time. And I'm starting to shake.
           It's enough. I will apologize, make coffee and breakfast for both of us, and ask her to come to my room to continue our "What you haven't seen that ? It's a classic !" marathon movie.
           Just when I'm about to knock at her door, it opens.
           My brother comes out of her room... in the morning ; his perfect pecks showing through his t-shirt and his arms covered of superman veins.
"Dean" he says, surprised.
Then he closes the door behind him, not letting me in, and I feel my blood go down on my feet, making me dizzy.
"Give her a minute" he states, and leaves.
           I stay in front of the door, looking at it like I could see through it. A minute ? What, is she still naked ? Panting ? Dirty ?... I shake my head.
I can't.
She's my Y/n, how can he touch her ? How can he ? I need her, I need her for me... I can't...
           My breath is short and I try to fight the crushing wave of emotions almost making me fall on my knees. Sam is better, I'm a grunt, I'm damaged, dumb, unworthy... And I'm freaking fat !
           The door opens and Y/n bumps on my chest jumps, very surprised to find me here.
"Dean ?" she give me a well faked smile but it fades the second her eyes meet mine. "Dean... Are you okay ?"
I nod but I know the devastating hurricane raging inside of me is showing. And I'm not sure to feel my heart anymore.
"Deanie, did something happen ?"
"N-no" I state.
"Let's get breakfast" she frowns suspiciously. "I told Sammy that I wouldn't run this morning."
Why ? Are you tired ? Sore ? Did he hurt you ?
"I'm not hungry" I state.
The truth is I can't swallow anything right now.
"Not angry ?" she bites her lip. "What is it Dean ? Are you going on a hunger strike ?"
"No" I say and realize my tone is defensive.
She sighs and looks down, licking her lips, probably to taste my brother here...
"I'm worried" she whispers. "You didn't eat at all yesterday, and I know for a fact that you didn't get up for food."
"How can you be sure ?"
Her eyes are suddenly wet, and now I know what that fake smile was hiding : tears. It's enough to make me forget in a second about my own pain, about the crushing feeling on my heart.
"Because I slept in the kitchen again" she says a little coldly before walking pass me.
 Reader's Pov
             I have to hide my face. I can't deal with Dean telling me my love unhealthy too, or with his questions. And I can't cry before him, I wouldn't know how to explain it.
           I enter the kitchen and take eggs and bacon from the fridge. Hungry or not, he will eat a little, he needs it.
Not hungry... Is he sick ?
"Y/n..." he sighs behind me, but I don't answer, breaking the delicate eggshells against the pan edge. "Why did you sleep there ?"
"I don't know" I just say. "Why aren't you eating ?"
"I eat, Y/n."
"Not lately, no. S-so now I make you a real breakfast, like you like it, with meat and fat."
"Maybe I should stop eating that..." he mumbles for himself, but I hear him and turn around.
"What ?"
His whole body language changed. He doesn't stand with that confidence and dominance he usually has. He's hurt, hurt bad. He looks tired and pale, but not only...
"What is going on between Sam and you ?" he asks, low.
"Sam ?"
I slightly shake my head in confusion.
           I don't understand his question, I don't understand the pain on his face. Something happened when he went out, did someone hurt him ?
           Suddenly, a smell of burn come to my nose : the eggs ! I turn and try to save them but Dean's strong wrist grabs mine, making me turn to him.
"Answer please."
His voice is more somber than angry, but his gesture is firm and he's shaking. I can see the fire raging inside of him.
"What do you mean going on ? Dean... The food" I try to turn.
"I DON'T CARE ABOUT FOOD !" he suddenly yells, my heart racing and eyes wetting instantly. "I HAD ENOUGH FOOD FOR AN ENTIRE LIFE !"
           His vise fingers suddenly lets go of my wrist and he takes a step back, fear on his features, like he was afraid of his own emotions. Dean is an impressive and dangerous man, but I will never be scared of him.
           I wipe the tears that escaped my eyes and, on the surface calmly, turn off the fire under the burned eggs. Then I get closer to him and take his hand, way softer than he took mine a second before, under the slightly too long sleeves of his adorable robe. I decided I would be a better friend, it's my chance to be.
"If you precise your question, Deanie, I will answer. I just don't really get it" my eyes are on him, kind but firm, like I was taming a wolf.
He doesn't manage to finish his sentence, the gearwheels of his mind visible behind his sparkling eyes. If I don't help him, he will run away, and burry it forever.
"What do you think is going on between Sam and me ?" I ask, noticing his lips are really white, even more than before. But I know he won't agree to eat right now, not until we fix what is bothering him. "Do you think, we're hiding something ?"
That would explain why he was staring at my phone yesterday. Sam and him have been deceived so often, lied to...
"Are you together ?" he cuts my thoughts. "Or is it just casual ?"
"What ? No !" I frown, letting go of his hand just a second. "Dean... Sam is my friend."
"He's perfect" he whispers.
You're perfect.
"He's amazing" I nod. "Sam is one of the best person I know..."
"He's handsome" he cuts me.
I search his face, and he nervously licks his lips. I take his hand again shyly, just the tip of his fingers. He will close again because he regrets those words. I have to answer quickly even if I'm really wondering what this is about.
"H-he is" I state. "Not really my type but he really is a beautiful man."
"You're always together... He... He slept in your bedroom" he says, taking back his hand. "You guys do what you want, but don't take me for a fool."
           I take a deep breath, I won't get out of this without saying a little too much. I little of what I don't want to say. But Dean seems to need answers, and what Dean needs...
"He didn't sleep in my room, I told you I fell asleep in the kitchen. He found me, and bought me back there, tried to convince me to sleep but I was worried... and sad. Why those questions ?"
"Sad ?"
I don't want to answer now, so I continue.
"And... I spend a lot of time with him because he's my friend and..."
Being with you sometimes hurt.
           He doesn't answer, and looks down at himself. Is he jealous that spend time with Sam ? We indeed used to be even closer, before my love for him started being out of control. Does he feel like that third friend the others forget a little for the fun things ?
"Dean, are you upset because I went running with Sam instead of watching movies with you yesterday ?" he looks away. "Does this have anything to do with the fact that you're not eating ?"
"I... I don't know" he sighs. "I'm a little dizzy."
"Sit Dean" I say, guiding him to the table. "Tell me what's going on with food. Please. You know I hate to see you bad."
           He rubs his face with both hands, his scruff audible under his palm. How I wish I could kiss this jaw, how I wish I could show him how much I love him, how I know who he is, not like those girls.  
"It's ridiculous..." he tries, but I sit facing him, and wait for him to talk. "I'm not... like Sam."
"Like Sam ?"
"You know... Abs and..." he motions his body. "All."
"Wait" I blink a few times. "Dean you're perfect."
He scoffs so bend a little to make him look at me.
           How can he compare himself to his brother ? Where do that come from ? I know Dean struggles with serious self-hate, but would never have guessed it would reach that subject, of physical appearance... Maybe this is about a woman.
"Dean. You're the most beautiful man I have ever seen." My mouth starts freeing itself from truth I kept locked, and I can't stop it. "I'm serious. Your face looks like some masterpiece with perfect proportion, y-your eyes are ridiculously green, your jaw could cut glass, your lips..." my eyes fall on them and my words get lost. "You're tall and broad..."
"You're making me blush Sweetheart" he says, he voices back to its usual low hoarse tone. "Still I... You know I'm... a kid when it comes to food, I never exercise..."
"Never exercise ?" I smile. "Three days ago you climbed inside a house then dug a six feet deep hole on the ground, and the day after you chased a monster, fought him, and carried his body to a place where you can burn it... I say you deserve a burger."
His face seems to light up a little, but his pretty pillow lips are still too white.
"But it's not working out, like Sammy."
"Dean... Your brother likes it, he need it to focus, to think" my smile grows and I speak lower, I know my admiration is showing, and it honestly feels liberating. "And he needs that to keep up with you."
"He doesn't" he almost chuckles, finally warming my heart.
"Well, you're the best. It's natural for you, but we have to work, especially me."
"You two are better than me" he states.
"We're not. And... Dean not eating isn't going to make you feel better about yourself. It's going to wear you out, make you weak..."
"I know" he sighs.
"Can I make you a breakfast ? The color of your lips makes me want to draw a salt circle."
He chuckles fully this times, wrinkles appearing on the corner of his eyes.
           I gently pat his shoulder as I get up, still not believing Dean could have insecurities like those. I throw away the burnt cold eggs and make some new, with bacon.
"I hear comments sometimes you know..." he says like it was easier now I'm not looking at him. "The things you said, that my face is nice..."
"More than nice" I admit, turning a little to him, but not fully to keep watching the pan.
"It happened that girls expect more under my shirt" he looks down. "I know it's ridiculous... I just, I don't know, maybe I feel disappointing."
"It's not ridiculous" I state under my breath, grabbing a plate to finally give him food. " Here, eat this, all of it."
"Like with the whole FBI look or with my seductive smile" he stops and grunts. "I feel like a teen."
"Hey, nothing like that between us, you know that. I told you about very embarrassing stuff" I reassure him. "And, what you're saying is interesting, men endure the social standards too."
"I... I don't know I didn't age like a model, I'm... soft."
"You know..." I start.
I pour two coffees and take a chocolate bar for myself, watching him before I keep talking, to make sure he starts eating.
"Delicious" he states, putting big pieces in his mouth.
"One of the reason I work out with Sammy is... Precisely because I don't want to look ridiculous next to two total models."
"Now that's" he starts, opening his mouth too big at how hot it still is. "That's kinda ridiculous. You're the prettiest girl ever !"
"I'm not" I whisper, softly blowing on my coffee.
"What ? You are Y/n" I lift my eyes on him, his lips are still a little light but shining with grease.
"I'm not like the girl you go out with."
           I don't dare looking up, but see he stopped moving. His robe is now totally opened, the belt got loose, and my eyes are lost in the black of his shirt.
"The girls I go out with" he repeats. "You're way better than those girls."
"Oh listen to you, that doesn't sound cliché at all" I say a little too coldly, a shocked expression appears on his face. "I... I'm sorry."
"You know... the girls I go out with, that doesn't really mean anything."
"I know" I cut him to make him understand I'm not asking him to justify himself.
But he keeps talking anyway.
"I have been with divorced single moms, witnesses... college girls" he says the last one with something bitter and I take this occasion to make it about him again, and not me.
"Two day ago" I ask, although it's the last thing I want to talk about. "It was a college girl, Deanie ? Did something happen ?"
"Yeah... no" he states, answering my two questions. "I just... I just realize it wasn't really what I wanted, not anymore. And that it didn't... didn't really make me feel good about myself."
"Too young for you ?" I try to joke, giving him a piece of my chocolate bar, feeding him like I always do, with everything I have in my hand.
"Kinda yeah" he answers seriously. "I don't know... She... I wasn't frat boy enough for her I guess."
"Yes, that's exactly the idea, that you're not that !"
"I didn't really, you know... enjoy it" he says and I fight the images coming in waves in my head. "I was too focused on trying to prove something" a dark chuckle escapes his lips. "I don't even know who I was trying to convince. And she... She didn't like the tattoo, the scars, the freckles..."
"Whoa whoa ! Who's that bitch ?" I lift my hands in the air, sincerely shocked, I never knew some women would be able to not appreciate Dean.
He smiles kindly but looks at the bottom of his coffee.
           Silence. I wish I could make him see who he is, I wish I could speak more, ask questions, but just talking about that stupid college girl that had him, but on top of that made him feel bad about himself...
"You look sad again" he cuts my thoughts.
"Sad ?"
"Yeah, it happens often. You start thinking deeply and you get sad" he says. "Listen... You're the most amazing friend, and woman, there is..."
"But" I whisper, echoing the conversation with Sam in my head.
"There's no 'but'" he shakes his head. "I was just going to say that I want to be a better friend, and man, for you."
"You already are the best" I smile but he doesn't smile back at all, his green eyes searching mine.
"I'm not. I let you down several times. I get why you would rely on Sammy more. I left you at this bar after that hunt when that witness was hitting on me. And I cancelled movie night twice to go out, just to feel... I don't know desired, loved maybe ? I know how absurd it is" When I'm about to talk, he doesn't let me. "And I worry you... coming home drunk as fuck in the morning." He rolls his eyes a little. "And with Baby..."
"I'm not your mom, I have to stop being so protective, Sam is right..."
"Sam ?"
           That's it, the moment I say so much I regret it my whole life. But I promised my best friend I wouldn't go on like this, that I would either talk to Dean, like he wants me to, or at list try to work on my feelings to move on. It's time to stop hiding everything from the man I love and make our friendship pure again.
"Sam says..." I clear my throat. "That... I have to care a little less about you, to care a little more about me" I don't dare looking up and let out a dark chuckle. "Won't be easy... I care a lot about you."
           When he doesn't answer, I finally look up, fearing what I will see on his face. He's just staring at me with an expression I never really saw on his face. His gorgeous lips are pink again, and the scruff on his cheeks, a little darker than usual, highlights the radiant light of his big beautiful eyes.
           He half gets up, bending on the table. And before I can realize what's happening, he puts his lips on mine in a soft, warm kiss.
           My whole body responds to it. The thin hair on my arms stick up, my heart starts beating my chest and my thighs get moist with a thin layer of sweat.
           I stay frozen for a second, looking at him in disbelief, playing the quick kiss again and again in my head as he sits back.
"I just..." he clears his throat and sigh, getting up. "I'm not Sammy."
Before he can leave, before this moment becomes a memory I will struggle to think as real, before I find myself in that hole of secrets again, I get up. But he's already walking to his room.
"Dean !" I run after him, meeting him at his bedroom door. "Dean. You're not Sammy. You're you, you're perfect in every ways."
           My heart is pounding. Let's do this, he needs this. Dean needs to be loved and I didn't know he needed reassurance. No one can to this better than me, because I worship him. I always said I wanted to show Dean he can be happy, and loved without changing his life for good. This is my shot at it, I may not be enough, I may not be what he wants or needs, but at least I can share with him. My devotion, my love, my body, all he wants.
           And If my heart breaks, let it be a happy sacrifice.
"Your freckles are like stars in a summer sky" he frowns when my fingers come up to graze his cheek. "I already liked freckles but yours... You make any other skin look plain and boring."
His face is so close, the delicious smell of his skin reaching me. His pupils are large, just circled with that green that could make me cry.
"Your lips..." I say a little lower, looking at them intensely.
From here, I can see the few freckles that made their way on them. Then I see his tongue, slowly wetting them before he bends again, catching my lips softly, his nose bumping mine when he opens his mouth to capture my upper lip, once, twice...
           I open my mouth and wrap my arms around him, deepening the kiss with a shameless hunger, and all my love in it. Something blows up inside of me, something strong : need.
 Dean's Pov
             No drunk groans, and no shame anywhere. I kiss her like it was words, and take her inside my room.
"Your smell" she says and I feel emotions rush in every one of my veins, but it's not disturbing like it usually is. "I could bath in it, live it."
I bend to burry my face in her neck, inhaling deeply.
           And I take my time, I have no reason to hurry, nowhere to go, no woman to come back to. She slips her fingers between the strands of my hair, letting me hold her close, drowning in her smell.
           I want to cry, and I don't really know why. Probably because of how right this feels. Because of that relief : She not with my brother. She is not with Sam...
"Dean..." she whispers, her nails gently grazing my scalp. "Can I see you ?"
I put a kiss on her neck and murmur a tender 'yes' against it.
           Her hands leave my hair to go down along my neck, sending shivers down my spine, and push my robe, making it fall like a cape at my feet. That’s how she makes me feel, like her hero.
           Her chin goes up without me leaving her neck, and she gently rubs her cheek on my jaw. In a soft moan, I open my mouth to leave wet kisses on her skin.
Maybe she can be mine...
"Sometimes your voice makes me shiver" she whispers in my ear. "Just your voice... It's so deep."
Somehow her words send electricity to my crotch and I can feel my boxers getting tighter.
           My hands grab her ass, pressing her against me and when she moans, I feel my cock twitch.
"You're beautiful in everything" she continues, her hands slipping under my shirt to stroke my back, her voice slightly weaken by arousal. "But when you wear henleys or just a t-shirt..." she kisses just below my ear. "I can get wet by just looking at you."
My cock twitches and I groan.
"Are you wet now, Baby ?"
She nods and I let go of her ass to cup her face, kissing her like I always dreamed of, deeply and hungrily, not caring of being in control of myself, not caring if I seem desperate.
           She starts to walk, making me take a few steps back until my calf hit the edge of the bed and I sit on it. I tug at her shirt to make her straddle me, but she takes a second to take off her shorts, revealing her beautiful thighs, and her white panties.
           When she finally straddles me, spreading her legs, I spot a wet stain on her panties and a low growl leaves my chest.
"Fuck... You are..." I say, my hand coming down to cup her sex through it, feeling the tip of my finger get wet.
Her body immediately contracts, and, with my middle finger pressed against her entrance, I can even feel her walls clench around nothing.
"How can you be so reactive" I groan.
"It's you..." she moans, rolling her hips just a little to feel my hands more. "Dean... No men can do this to me."
           My other hand comes up to take that worn out black shirt she stole with impatience, because I notices she wasn't wearing a bra underneath.
"Oh baby..." I let out, bending to kiss her breasts, my other hand teasing her more.
           I'm burning up, my back sweating, my cock painfully hard. I don't remember being that turned on in my life by so little. She hasn't even touched me yet.
           Her head falls back and her nipples point at me, begging me to suck at them, so that's what I do. Mouth open, I take one in my mouth, along with the most of her soft breast I can.
"Ah..." she moans and squirms above me. "Dean !"
My cock twitches at just hearing my name like that, my real name on top of that.
           I slip my hand in her panties, desperate to hear more, feel more. She's soaked, her thighs contracted and her hips rolling against my hand. She doesn't form words, but her body is begging for more.
           So I slip a finger inside her and feel her squeeze him, hear her gasps. I can't wait to be inside of her but that's not my only purpose... Oh God when she will clench around me ! I’m panting now.
"Please Dean" she whines, one of her hand going behind her to find balance on my knee, her beautiful body arching back.
I give her what she needs, another finger, pumping slowly at first, then going a little stronger, and my thumb on her clit, gently circling. I look at her with my mouth open in awe, a devouring pleasure making me high.
"Fuck" I pant.
           I should try to focus, make that coil inside me calm, make my heart slow. I don't want to be aroused like a teen, or I won't last at all... But I can't, and my free hand comes on my crotch to touch myself through my boxers a little, desperate for some friction.
"Dean ! Dean..." she cried out, now joining the movement of my fingers with her whole body. "I need..."
"Come for me" I order. "Show me how much you want me Baby, clench those fingers."
And just like that, she does.
           Her whole body shakes and her thighs crush me, her walls trying to milk my finger for what they can't give her.
My cock twitches so hard it's painful, I bend on her chest to not see her face longer, and try to hold back as hard as I can.
"Baby... fuck..." I whine, my whole stomach contracting and my cock pulsating.
But when she grabs my head to hold it against her and start rolling her hips hard to prolong her powerful orgasm, I can't hold back...
           In a very loud frustrated grunt I come in my pants, feeling my cum drip along my twitching cock.
 Reader's Pov
             My bliss makes me high, but my senses are at their full power, so I can feel what’s happening. I can feel Dean squirm beneath me and shake, I can feel his hand unable to move and hear his gasps.
           He’s coming.
           My walls clench even more at the thought and he whimpers against my breasts. So I hold him, I just hold him.
           When I finally can have the control of my body again, I look down at him and he withdraws his fingers slowly.
“Y/n…” he whispers. “Fuck I…”
“Did you came ?” I ask with the largest smile I ever had on my face.
“I… yeah… I’m…”
He seems embarrassed.
“Dean, that’s the sexiest thing I have ever experienced” I assure him, bending to kiss his lips. “No one ever wanted me that bad.”
“I still want you” he states, his hands stroking my back and going down on my ass. “I… I think you’re all I want actually.”
           My eyes get wet. In my head : every single moment in my life that made me fall in love with Dean, every day, every moment I craved for a touch, for his smell, every time he laughed and cried… Everything.
“Then you have me Dean, you can have me forever if that’s what you want.”
“Yes, I do” he says, taking off his shirt.
           With a large smile I push him back on the bed, letting him drag both of us higher on it. I look down at him, and a tear falls on his chest. His hand comes up to wipe my cheek, we don’t need to talk for a moment.
           My hands go down his sides, enjoying his firm chest and the soft line of his stomach, my thumbs massaging it a little on their way up, feeling the strong muscles underneath and the silky-smooth skin.
           I bend to kiss his collarbones, and his tattoo, palms still roaming everywhere like I always dreamed of, like I will always dream of.
“This tattoo” I say, drawing its contour with my finger. “It’s so you, it has a story, and it protects you. I love it.”
“And I love you” he states without a hesitation, his chin almost on his neck to see me.
A tiny emotional sob escapes my lips, making him frown a little and wrap his strong arms around me.
“Hey baby…” he whispers. “Y/n…”
           My hand goes down to push his underwear down, and my panties to the side. He searches my eyes while I do, and licks his lips in a moan when I grab his cock to guide it at my entrance.
“I love you” I say, slowly sinking down on him. “I love you, I love you…”
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Forever Tags : @parinarain @animegirlgeeky @mogaruke​ @masterof-agony​ @rainflowermoon @tftumblin​ @deans-baby-momma​ @roonyxx​ @thefaithfulwriter​ @vicariouslythruspn​ @emeow1496​ @daryldixonandfrogs​ @holylulusworld​  @cocklesbelli​ @sandlee44​ @screenchingartisancashbailiff @donnaintx​ @stormchasingchick32​ @akshi8278​ @magssteenkamp​ @sister-winchesters99​ @neii3n​  @lyss-dw79​ @im-a-shrub​ @sadwaywardkid​@hopelesslydevotedtoyou1912 @slyqueenj​ @i-love-superhero​ @waywardsisterandpie @sunsetsandbooks​ @fangirlxwritesx67​ @mrspeacem1nusone​ @stylesismyhubs​ @deanwanddamons​ @jawritter​ @peridottea91​ @chelsea072498 @chocolateheart​ @vicmc624​ @teresa-67​ @nihilismworld​
Text divider by the amazing @talesmaniac89​
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bokutosworld · 4 years
tonight | akaashi k.
pairing: akaashi keiji x f!reader
wc: 1.9k words of fluff and love confessions. written in 3rd pov.  
summary: a typical college au where akaashi finally confronts his hidden feelings for his roommate. 
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it wasn't unusual for akaashi to spend his weekends at the apartment. especially now that he was a college senior, he spent extra time on his studies and internship work. he recently signed up to be a junior editor for a known publishing company, and because of his natural knack for writing, his superior trusted him with more transcripts to review and edit.
usually, he would be holed up in his room, seated on his desk for hours as he read through pages and pages of words. whenever he was in the zone, he had a bad habit to forget eating or drinking water. and if it weren't for his roommate who was always generous enough to check up on him, bug him to take a break, and bring him deliciously-cooked food, he was sure that he would have passed out sooner.
however, tonight was different. final exams in university just ended and all the students apparently made plans to take the night off and head to the bars.
'hey, keiji, are you sure you don't want to come with us,' she plumps down to his bed, swinging her socks-covered feet over the floor. he swivels his chair to look at her and sees that she has dressed up for the evening. and for a minute, he swears that his breath was caught in his chest as takes in her appearance. after being so used to seeing her in hoodies, shirts, and sweatpants in the dorm, he was always struck with her beauty when he saw her prepped in outside clothes.
'i'd love to come with you, y/n,' she lights up at his answer, however, sensing that he was about to follow up his statement with a but, she lowers her head in defeat and raises her hands. 'no, don't say it. you're gonna turn me down again, aren't you?' at this, he smiles, 'i am swamped with deadlines for my internship and i want to finish it as soon as possible.'
she sighs and stands up, making her way to his desk and ruffles his hair. 'alright, just don't forget to eat dinner and text me if you need anything.' with a final nod from his end, she retreats to the living room where she picks up her bag and shouts a goodbye to akaashi. this is going to be another long and lonely night, he thought.
11:51 pm, at club evanescent
the girls were currently having the time of their life, dancing the night away to the tunes played by club's dj. admittedly, y/n has had one too many drinks of alcohol that she feels more confident to sway to the beat and laugh freely with her friends. from time to time, she feels her phone vibrate in her pocket, feeling giddy inside as she knows it's probably her cute roommate checking up on her.
back in the dorm, akaashi has just finished his mountain of work and was currently pacing around his bedroom as he waits for a reply from y/n. whenever she was enjoying a night out, she never failed to send him messages, updating him of her whereabouts, and sometimes even sending photos of whatever she found amusing at that time. he didn't know why, but he always appreciated these texts as it put him at ease. but now, she wasn't texting him, not one mail since she left the dorms and it was putting him on edge.
akaashi lays down on his bed, tossing and turning around for a few times as a voice nags him in his mind. why do you care? it's not like you're her boyfriend. this was an internal debate he's been having for the past year. often, he would rebut himself and say that he's just doing what every other nice and kind roommate would do. it's not like he has actual feelings or anything.
but somehow, somewhere in the constant visits to his room, lingering glances shared in the hallway, and unplanned all-nighters watching studio ghibli movies in the living room, a seed of emotion has been planted in both y/n and akaashi's hearts - only he was oblivious to it or so he forced himself to believe.
'y/n, i dare you to get a guy's number tonight,' her friends laughed in harmony around her, their eyes full of playfulness, teasing her as if she couldn't do it. she snickers, 'what? you think i'm gonna back out from this dare?' immediately, she scans the dimly-lit place, searching for someone who looks friendly enough not to reject her. she pauses and gasps when she thinks she spots a familiar face. her friends don't miss this and look over to where she was staring, 'what's got you looking like a deer caught in headlights? did you see akaashi here?' another fits of giggling erupts from them and she stands astonished.
her friend nini speaks up, 'you don't have to deny it. we know you like him.' in an instant, she is flustered, hands waving around in the air as if to fan the hotness in her cheeks, 'i don't know what you guys are saying.'
'please, y/n. we haven't missed the way you've been looking at your phone all night and grinning when you read his message,' another friend pipes up. 'honestly, we're surprised you guys haven't confessed to each other yet, after living together for so long.'
she thinks it was the alcohol. she blames it on the way she's let herself drink too many vodka on the rocks, because now she was trying to stop her tears from falling as she thinks of her crush on the said boy. her friends became frantic, surprised to see that she was a cryer when drunk. 'i don't know what to do. he's always so busy, and honestly, i admire keiji for being a hard worker but sometimes i wish he would rest and spend time with me, you know,' she was now bawling, almost screaming as she lets out her frustrations about him. her friends found it amusing, if they were being honest.
they all exchange a glance, knowing the fun night has come to an end and that they needed to get their friend home. as they waited for a cab to take to her apartment, she continues her outburst of emotions, 'you know, akaashi's a good cook.' she smiles as she clings to nini, telling her stories about him. 'one time, when i was sick, he made me a porridge, and it was so delicious, i felt my fever go down in an instant.' silly girl, nini thought, look how lovestruck you are.
on the taxi ride home, she calmed down and lay quietly in nini's lap. she was y/n's designated caretaker as they both lived in the same apartment complex. as nini stared idly at the window, she was stroking her friend's hair to bring her comfort. this gesture seemed to put a content smile to her face, but what shocked nini was what y/n muttered, 'that feels nice, keiji.' she couldn't wait to drop her home and tease him.
12:58 am, at the apartment complex
the incessant buzzing of the doorbell seemed to wake akaashi up from his nap. he looks at the time on his desk clock and sees it was almost one in the morning. the ringing continued as he made his way to the door, revealing a sleeping y/n leaning to her friend, who he recognizes as nini for support.
'what's up,' she greets. 'sorry, did we wake you up? your roommate here enjoyed herself too much and drank more than her limit.' akaashi makes a move to hold her by the waist as the two of them bring her to the couch. 'thank you for bringing her home safe. i was getting worried when she wasn't replying to my texts,' akaashi said as he bowed in gratitude to nini.
nini chuckles, 'if you were that worried, you should have just come with us, akaashi.' she reaches out to his shoulder, 'y/n would've liked to have you there.' he looks over her peaceful figure and lets out a subtle smile, 'i'd have liked it too.' and though he thinks he was being discrete with his feelings, nini notices this and takes it as her cue to leave. 'well, i should get going. good night, and good luck with your mutual feelings.'
akaashi hears this and was about to say something when the door shuts close. he tries to wake her up, hoping that she can at least change out of her clothes before dozing off for the night. he shakes her lightly, 'y/n, wake up. you'll have neck pains if you sleep here in the couch.' minutes pass by before she stirs awake, akaashi exhales and helps her sit up. he gives her a glass of warm water to help ease her hangover for tomorrow.
'can you walk to your bedroom,' he asks. still out of consciousness, she looks at him and blinks once, twice. without a word, she raises her arms up like a child and akaashi assists her in standing up. the walk to the room was quiet and he swears he can feels his heart beating at their closeness - with her arms wrapped around his torso, his on her waist as he tries to steady her. he sits her down on the bed and brings a change of clothes from her drawers. 'hey, change into your pajamas for me, will you? i don't want you sleeping uncomfortably.' thankfully, she nods and akaashi quickly makes a beeline to the bathroom to give her privacy and as well get her some mouthwash.
he returns to see her still sitting on the bed, slowly nodding off to sleep. he quickly catches her just before she falls face down on the floor, calling her name sweetly, 'ok, just one more thing before you sleep. can you quickly rinse with this mouthwash?' she nods and lifts her head to let akaashi give her the mouthwash. she rinses for a few minutes before spitting it back in the glass. like a good friend, he doesn't mind it and retreats to the bathroom to dispose it.
when he comes back, she was already lying down, her head resting in a weird position on the pillow. akaashi notices this, and proceeds to tuck her properly to bed. when he wraps the blanket around her, he lets himself adore her for a few minutes, staring at the way her eyelashes fall on her face and how her hair covers her forehead. unconsciously, his hands move to brush away some of the loose hair, moving to caress her cheeks, and he misses the way she opens her eyes and looks at him.
'your eyes are beautiful, akaashi,' she mumbles quietly that he almost misses it if it weren't for the fact that that they were a breath's away from each other. he was so lost in her gaze that it takes him by surprise when she says, 'i think i am in love with you.'
and in that moment, everything finally clicks to akaashi. he finally gets why he would feel warm inside whenever the both of them would cuddle on the couch, he finally gets why he would smile and laugh at the most mundane things that she would do, he finally gets why he would always look forward to her daily reminders for him not to overwork himself, and he finally gets why he felt worried and empty the whole time during this particular night.
he hopes she'd remember this when she wakes up tomorrow morning. but even if she didn't he wouldn't mind repeating it until his feelings were conveyed, 'i'm in love with you too.'
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twistedlymad · 4 years
Can you write an imagine where the reader has a twin brother and he suddenly appears in the Twisted Wonderland universe, and everyone gets confuse on who's who.
This was quite interesting! Of course when I first wrote this, I only had Jade and Floyd imprinted into my mind. 
Anyway, I hope this story meets your expectations! Thank you for requesting and have a lovely day!!
What if you had a twin brother? (Ft. Grim, Ace, Deuce, Jack, Sebek, Epel, Jade and Floyd) (Riddle and Trey are mentioned)
You were sitting by the window of your room. You had already finished your homework and it was almost time for bed.
It had been a few months since you first came to Twisted Wonderland, and over that time you regained some memories. You remembered who your family was, you remembered some old friends and you remembered some treasured memories you had before you had gotten yourself involved with Night Raven College.
But most importantly, you remembered a specific sibling of yours. He shared the same womb as you after all! It was your twin brother, (B/N). You were the older twin, by 5 minutes.
You two were identical twins. When you two were still babies, no one could tell you two apart! The only thing that helped the adults differentiate who was who, was a small little ribbon your mom would attach to your hair to tell people that you were the girl and the other was the boy.
Needless to say, you shared everything with him. Secrets, pranks, food and even clothes! He does the same to you too. You two care for each other a lot. If one of you gets bullied or heartbroken, you were 100% sure that the enemy would be taken care of the next day. No one, and you meant no one, gets to do something bad to your carbon copy and gets away with it scott-free.
You two had been through thick and thin together, getting away with pranks, helping one another study for subjects that the other wasn’t too familiar with and avoiding detention like it’s a plague.
The two of you were inseparable. Well, that was until you arrived at Night Raven College.
So there you were, reminiscing your pranks and your memories with your twin brother. You laughed softly while you remembered one of your more devious pranks. Grim noticed this, and crawled up to you.
“Yanno, (Y/N)? What’s wrong?” You snapped out of your daze and looked at Grim on your lap.
“Hmm? Oh nothing, I was just, thinking about my brother.” You said and petted the creature. You then let out a small sigh.
“I’d give anything to see him again.” You said as you looked to the crescent-shaped moon. After awhile, you found Grim asleep on your lap, you giggled a little and tucked him into bed. You got in yourself shortly after and went to sleep.
Little did you know, the mirror in your room started to glow.
You woke up the next morning due to your alarm blaring in your ears. You sat up, rubbed your eyes and started to get ready for school. When you were on your way to the bathroom, you heard shuffling coming from your room. You were immediately alarmed, the sleepiness that was once in you were gone like the wind.
“Grim? You awake?” You asked as Grim was the only reason for the shuffling heard from your room. But, he did not reply you. Now, you were kind of scared. It couldn’t have been the ghosts because the shuffling noise could not have come from them.
Nevertheless, you got into a fighting stance, ready to attack whoever was your intruder. Truth be told, the boys had taught you some fighting skills so you could protect yourself. Usually, Epel and Deuce were the ones who would teach you the most.
So there you were, in front of your door, walking in a step at a time. You saw a figure, hunched over your bed, looking at Grim who was still asleep. You slowly approached the figure, readying your fist as if you were about to punch them. You put your other hand firmly on the figure’s shoulder and turned him around, facing you. You were about to land the first hit.
But, you stopped.
As soon as you saw the figure’s features, you froze in place. They had (H/C) colored hair, (E/C) eyes and looked almost exactly like you. But they had a slightly shorter version of your hair. If someone saw you from afar, they would think that you’re punching a double of yourself. The figure immediately shielded their face, thinking they were to be hit by you.
“Please don’t hurt me! I don’t know how I got here!” The figure spoke.
The voice sounded so familiar to you, but you just couldn’t put your finger on it. You lowered your fist.
“Who are you? What is your name?” You asked the figure, still keeping a firm grip on their shoulder.
“(B-B/N), (B/N) (L/N).” The figure replied. You let out a small gasp.
It wasn’t possible right? The night before you were just reminiscing and thinking about your dear brother and how you wished he was there, now he is really there! But, why was he here?
“(B/N)? Is… Is it really you?” You let go of the figure and he lowered his hands.
“Y-Yes, do… I know you?” Your twin brother replied. You can’t help but feel slightly heartbroken at those words, but you recomposed yourself quickly.
“It’s me! (Y/N)! Your sister, remember?” You said to your brother and he widen his eyes.
“(Y/N)? (Y/N)?! You’re (Y/N)?! As in, onee-san?” Now it was your brother’s turn to grip your shoulders. You nodded furiously. He grinned from ear to ear and proceeded to entrap you in a bear hug.
“I… I can’t believe it! It’s really you!” You smiled and hugged back your carbon copy.
“I know, I know, why are you here though?” You released the hug and asked him.
“I don’t know, one night, I was remembering all our adventures together and the next thing I knew, I was here!” You thought for a moment, but you couldn’t figure out what.
“Hmm… Weird… But you’re here now!” You said and turned to him, he smiled back at you.
“Yes, but, where is here? What is this place? It looks like a dorm! And what is sleeping on that bed?” He questioned and pointed at Grim who was still asleep on your bed.
“Oh, I’ll tell you all about this place, just give me a moment to get ready for today. You can go to the common room downstairs and have a seat at the couch. Don’t worry about anything, it’s just the three of us in here.” You said and walked to the bathroom. Your brother followed your orders and sat down on the couch in the common room of the Ramshackle Dorm.
You got ready and saw that you had some time to spare. So, you headed to the common room and chatted with your brother. You told him how you first arrived at Night Raven College, how you were first treated as a handyman but after the chandelier incident, you were offered to stay in this dorm as the leader and with only one resident. You even told him about your adventures with your first-year friends and how all of you helped the other dorm leaders overcome their overblottings.
Your brother was immediately fascinated by all of this. Who knew such a world existed? Magic and potions? Talking creatures? He was absolutely awestruck. You giggled seeing your younger twin looking at you like a kid seeing candy for the first time.
You continued your conversation, seeing that you had time. You told him more adventures and he told you what your family were like back home. Grim had woken up 5 minutes ago to see the two of you sitting and talking.
Boy, was he confused.
“Yanno (Y/N)! We’re gonna be late if you don’t- WHY IS THERE TWO OF YOU?!” Grim shouted as he saw you and your brother on the couch. The both of you looked at the creature and back at each other. You guys blinked once and smiled at the same time. You brother proceeded to laugh while you walked over to Grim.
“Hahaha! Yep! You’re my sister alright!” You smiled and picked up Grim and introduced him to your brother.
“Grim, this is (B/N), my twin brother. He’s the younger twin.” You said and Grim looked at your brother.
“Ohh… Yanno, I thought you drank a potion that made you have a double of yourself.” Said the creature.
“No, that’s Cater-senpai’s unique magic.” You reminded Grim and he just shook his head.
“You two are really alike! Like those leech brothers, I can never tell who’s who.” Grim admitted. You and your brother shared a mischievous smile.
“Oh, we have a prank for that.” Your brother told Grim. “We called it ‘Switcherupper’.” You giggled and explained to the confused-looking creature in your arms.
“It’s when me and (B/N) switch places for a day to make fun of our family members. But we won’t pull that now, after all, we should introduce (B/N) to everyone!” You beamed at your brother.
“Would it be okay?” Your brother asked and you nodded.
“You could wear one of my uniforms and me and Grim can show you around campus!” You said and handed him one of your uniforms. Since Night Raven College was an all-boys school, they only had male student uniforms. Crowley gave you about 7 sets of the uniform so you won’t have to worry about doing laundry all the time, but you still did your laundry everyday.
So your brother wore one of your uniforms and the three of you left the dorm and walked to the campus. Along the way, you and your brother chatted, you two had so much to catch up after all! Grim would give his two cents whenever he was mentioned. The three of you walked to campus and you and Grim showed (B/N) the school.
Ace, Deuce, Jack, Epel and Sebek were on their way to the cafeteria. On their way, they heard a few familiar voices. They turned to see you, Grim and a boy walking.
Hold up, a BOY?!
They couldn’t believe what they saw. Did you get another friend to hang out with? Do you still want to hang out with them? Or worse,
Did you get a boyfriend?
Wait, hold it, I feel threatened. Reader-san send hel-
“Who’s that?” Ace asked.
“I don’t know, I don’t recognize him.” Jack replied.
“What’s he doin’ with (Y/N)?” Epel asked, his country accent slightly showing.
“Watch it Epel, your accent’s out.” Sebek said to the Pomefiore dorm member.
“Well, we should ask (Y/N). I mean, it isn’t like her to just get a new friend and shut us out.” Deuce said and the group agreed. They also agreed to make it as casual as they can.
Pffft, ‘casual’. As if lmao.
You were talking to (B/N) when the group approached you.
“And so Professor Crewel is most likely the teacher to help you with that sort of thing… I think.” You said to your brother and he nodded. “Now, for Professor Trein, you sh-“
“(Y/N)! Grim!” You and Grim turned to see your friends walking up to you. You failed to notice the dark aura surrounding the group as they walked closer to you.
“Ah! Guys!” You waved and smiled to them. Your brother then turned to see the group and they froze.
There’s… TWO OF YOU?
Ace and Deuce just stood there, mouths wide open while Jack, Sebek and Epel looked taken aback.
“(Y/N)! Did you mess up another potion again?!” Sebek asked you. You looked at them and back at your brother. You remembered Grim’s words on how alike you and your brother were if looked upon from far away. You just started to laugh.
“No! I never even went to Professor Crewel’s class today!” You said, wiping a tear from your eye. “This is my brother, (B/N). We’re identical twins!” You said to them and your brother greeted them with a slight bow.
“Hi everyone! Nice to meet you. Ah, you guys must be the friends my older sister was talking about!” Everyone then took a closer look at the both of you.
“Woah, you’re like those Leech brothers then?” Ace asked.
“Well, sort of.” You said to the group, shrugging.
“Come on! We’re going to miss out on breakfast if we don’t hurry!” Grim reminded you all and started to run to the cafeteria.
When you all got there, (B/N) went to get some food and you found a table to sit at.
“Ne, (Y/N), are you free after class today? Can we go practice some Magift?” Epel had asked (B/N), thinking that your brother was you. (B/N) looked at him and let out a small laugh.
“I think you’ve got the wrong dude, that’s my sister, not me.” Your brother pointed to you sitting at the table. Epel’s eyes widen, knowing he had made a small mistake.
“Ah, sorry, my mistake.” The Pomefiore dorm member said and accompanied your brother, asking if he needs anything.
On your side, Jack sat down beside you, thinking that you were your brother.
“(B/N), if there’s anything you need, we can help.” Jack said to you. You blinked at him and giggled.
“Nope, I’m (Y/N), that’s (B/N)!” You said and pointed at your brother, who was taking his food back to the table alongside Epel.
“ARGHHH! IT’S HARDER TO IDENTIFY YOU TWO COMPARED TO THE LEECH TWINS!” Ace yelled and everyone nodded their heads. You and (B/N) just smiled.
“You two are way too alike!” Deuce stated.
“Well, get used to it!” (B/N) said and the both of you laughed.
You let Crowley know that your brother had arrived at Night Raven College without a clue on how he got there. Crowley decided to have him, you and Grim become a student instead. So, your brother would also go to the same classes as you and live in Ramshackle Dorm.
Everyone except the first years freaked out when they saw the two of you. Riddle was slightly on edge as he thought your brother would be another Floyd, thankfully, Trey was there to calm him and told him that (B/N) would not be another Floyd.
The Leech twins were very intrigued.
“Ehh? Another koebi-chan?” Floyd asked when he saw the two of you as you were trying to show (B/N) to Mostro Lounge. You smiled and introduced your brother to them.
“I see, so you also have a twin.” Jade said to you and you just nodded.
“Ahahaha! There’s two koebi-chans! That’s great!” Floyd said, hugging your brother. You and Jade were having tea.
However, Jade thought he was having tea with your brother.
“It must be hard for the students to tell the two of you apart, right (B/N)?” Jade said to you as you sipped your tea.
“It’s (Y/N), Jade.” You had a small smile on your face when you saw Jade looking taken aback, almost dropping his tea cup.
“A-Ah, my apologies (Y/N), I thought you were your brother.” You just smiled at him.
“It’s okay, after all, you said it yourself. ‘It’s hard to tell the two of us apart.’” Jade just let out a simple laugh as the two of you watched your brother trying to get away from Floyd’s grip.
You had made everyone’s lives far harder because you and (B/N) kept pulling pranks on them. Your ‘Switcherupper’ prank was the most used one out of all the others and you and (B/N) had a good laugh out of all of them.  
It took everyone months to tell the two of you apart. When they finally did, you were glad.
Sure, it might mean your pranks won’t work on them anymore, but you were still glad that they welcomed and accepted your brother as an official student like you.
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everybodyscupoftea · 4 years
i’ll be there
frat jj x reader
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words: 2020
warnings: underage drinking, cursing
synopsis: in which boys will be boys and forget important dates
You and JJ had only been dating around seven months when your birthday came around. The birthday talk had come up because his was about four months before yours and you planned a whole day for the two of you to go fishing because you could tell how much he missed it with how busy school was keeping him.
JJ was ecstatic and the two of you drank all afternoon. You had a reservation at one of his favorite restaurants and a cake you’d made waiting in your room. He swore up and down to you that it was his favorite birthday ever and that he’d definitely one up you for yours.
As the date got closer, you began to doubt it. To clarify, it was fine, your birthday wasn’t a huge deal to you, just another day really. You never really announced it or had a party for it growing up, normally just movie marathon, dinner, and cake with your parents, sister, and some of your closest friends. But this year, it was your first birthday away from your family and home friends.
You thought maybe JJ was just planning something as a surprise until he started talking about a mixer he was helping plan that was supposed to take place on your birthday. While he was talking, you must’ve gotten a weird look on your face because he trailed off and asked, “Babe, everything okay? Do you think the theme is stupid?”
“No, the theme isn’t stupid, it sounds fun. What day is it again?”
He repeated the date and sure enough, you’d heard him right the first time. Nodding, you took a deep breath, “Well what if you moved it to that Friday instead of Saturday?”
“It’s like tradition or something to have Spring mixers on Saturday nights.”
This time you were absolutely sure that you were making a face. Your mouth fell open as you searched for the right words, “Wait, that’s one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard.”
JJ laughed and ruffled your hair, much to your annoyance, “Yeah, well, we don’t fuck with tradition.”
“Right,” you didn’t really feel like finishing the conversation, so you decided to just head out, “well, I have study group tonight, so I’m going to get something to eat before having to head over.”
“Oh, you want company?” JJ asked reaching for his wallet.
You shrugged, “I’m good. Have to call my sister anyway, so I’ll do that while I’m eating.”
JJ looked confused and a little hurt, you rarely ate dinner without him, but he quickly smoothed his face over, “Yeah, sure. Text me when you get out of study group, we can hang out later.”
With a weak smile, you nodded, “Sure, I’ll talk to you later.”
You left his room before he could lean in to kiss you goodbye and speed walked to the elevator before he could chase you down. The feeling in your chest was hard to pin down, maybe disappointment, maybe insecurity of not being important enough to JJ, but as soon as you had that thought, you pushed it away. That was absurd.
Pulling your phone out on the walk to the cafeteria on campus, you called your sister. She picked up on the second ring with an excited, “Hey!”
“Hey, loser, I miss you.”
She laughed, “Yeah, miss seeing your dumb face around the house.”
“I don’t know how, it’s like I’m still there with all the outfits of mine I keep seeing on Instagram.”
“Hey, if you didn’t want me to wear your clothes, you should’ve brought them with you.”
“Oh whatever,” you told her, not really in the mood to argue back.
She was quiet for a few seconds before gently asking, “Everything okay? Did you and JJ fight?”
You sighed, “No, I just, I think he forgot my birthday because he’s planning something with his frat and I asked if they could move the day and he was all like ‘no we don’t fuck with tradition’ and like I guess I get it, but I just wanted to do the whole movie thing with him this year since I won’t be with you guys.”
���Did you, I don’t know, tell him it was on your birthday or did you happen to leave that little detail out?”
With a soft laugh and slight blush, you responded, “What do you think?”
“I think you left that important bit out because you know how much the frat means to him and you’re willing to just get your feelings hurt for his sake.”
“Shut up,” you mumbled, hating how well she knew you.
“Well, Sis, unfortunately he’s probably going to be a typical boy about this and he’s not going to remember until after the fact and then he’s going to feel like shit and you’re going to feel like shit with him. Really this could all be avoided if you just tell him.”
“He doesn’t have to know.”
“Oh my god, you do realize he’s going to be thinking to himself in a few months, huh, I wonder when her birthday is and he’s going to find out.”
“Well, I’ll tell him I don’t celebrate it.”
She made an exasperated noise, “Okay, clearly nothing I say is going to change your mind, so I’ll just drop it for now. How are your classes going?”
And with that the two of you started catching up. You told her about your classes and your study group, and she told you about all the gossip going on with people at home and about how bullshit senior year of high school was.
“I’m just ready to be in college and doing whatever I want, like you,” she whined at the end of her rant.
You laughed, “The grass always seems greener, my friend, but I can promise you it is not.”
She complained a little bit more before the two of you exchanged goodbyes and you started walking to the library to meet with your group. By the time you finished there, it wasn’t too late, so you texted JJ that you were finished. He replied pretty quick, telling you to wait there, and he’d come walk you back since it was dark and your dorm was pretty far away from the library.
Everything was going to be totally fine, he still cared for you, it was going to be okay.
In the weeks leading up to the party, JJ got busier and busier, focused on making sure the details were exactly right. He was put in charge of coordinating the alcohol, which you didn’t really get because he was only 20, but he told you it was a real privilege, so you let it go.
The night before, he crashed in your room and by the time you woke up at 10, he was gone and you had a text from him that he had to go help set up and that he’d be back to pick you up at 5:30.
You stretched and decided to go for a run before getting some expensive coffee you normally didn’t spend money on as a treat for your birthday. It was nice outside, and you enjoyed the fresh air. While you were drinking your coffee, you parents FaceTimed you, so you moved to the outdoor patio and talked with them and your sister for a good 30 minutes.
After picking up lunch at your favorite sushi place, you went back to your room to eat and start getting ready for the Mardi Gras themed party. You scrolled through Instagram, smiling at your friends’ posts for you. It felt nice, especially since JJ hadn’t said anything about it yet.
Your suitemate let herself into your bedroom around 4 with a cupcake from the bakery downtown and a huge smile. It almost brought you to tears. She gave you a huge hug and sang to you before asking, “What do you and JJ have planned?”
“Oh, uh, we’re going to a party his frat is throwing. He helped plan it, so he’s pretty excited.”
She looked disappointed, “He planned a frat party on your birthday.”
“Yeah, but it’s okay. It means a lot to him, so, I don’t mind.”
“Right…” she trailed off before straightening back up, “want me to do your makeup?”
“Oh yes, please!”
JJ knocked at your door at exactly 5:30 and you greeted him with a smile and a kiss. He yelled out a greeting to your suitemate and she got off her bed to lean against the doorframe and glare at him, not returning his hello.
With a weird look in her direction, he grabbed your hand and pulled you out after him, rambling about how sick the house looked with all the decorations, still not bringing up your birthday at all. With that, you resigned yourself to just having to get over it.
You got a drink almost immediately and stayed pretty close to JJ’s side as he walked around socializing. A few people from your study group found you and started talking to you, which you were grateful for. And then it happened, before you could stop it, one of the boys in you group blurted, “Oh, by the way, happy birthday! The big 20, huh?”
JJ laughed, looking down at you, clearly thinking the guy was confused, and you blushed, “Oh, uh, thanks. Yeah, 20.”
“One more year till you’re legal!” he cheered before catching someone across the room’s eye and excused himself.
JJ had gone totally rigid next to you and you cautiously glanced up at his face. You held your hands up, and quietly told him, “J, it’s not a big deal.”
His face was incredibly pale as he whispered back, “It’s your fucking birthday?”
“Um, yep,” you responded with an awkward half smile.
“And you didn’t tell me why?”
You shrugged, “I don’t know, you were just really excited for the party, I didn’t want to ruin it for you or anything.”
“Ruin it for-“ he cut himself off and started pulling you through the crowd and out the back door. JJ ran his hands through his hair, “So that’s why your roommate gave me such a dirty look then.”
You nodded, playing with your fingers as he paced back and forth. Clearing your throat, you said, “It’s really not like a huge thing. I mean we get to spend time together tonight.”
JJ stopped, “No, it’s actually a huge fucking thing. What kind of boyfriend forgets that shit?”
“A busy one,” you joke.
His jaw tensed and he sighed heavily before speaking again, “Babe, I am so sorry. I promise I’ll make it up to you. I don’t know how this happened; I mean it’s in my phone calendar.” JJ pulled out his phone to show you and then sighed again, “I put it in April.”
“JJ, I promise it’s okay. I mean I was a little hurt, sure, but at least it wasn’t intentional.”
“It’s just, I love you, and I want to be there for you and I knew you had a problem with the party but I figured it must not be huge since you never said anything but I should’ve fucking asked.”
You had frozen at his words; he’d never said them to you before. JJ gave you a weird look when you didn’t react and it unfroze you. You surged forward, kissing him, before pulling away to look him in the eyes, “I love you, too.”
His eyes went wide, suddenly realizing what he said and he kissed you again, holding your face gently in his hands. When he pulled away, he pressed a final kiss on your forehead before taking your hand, “Let’s go.”
“No, you worked hard on this, we can stay.”
JJ gave you a look, “No, we’re going. I’m going to buy you some ice cream and then we’ll go for a walk and spend some time together. I know I’ve been really wrapped up in this and I haven’t seen you as much.”
You smiled and squeezed his hand a few times, “I’d love that.”
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