#all my IRL queer friends live in the city but I can’t afford that.
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navigating lesbian spaces as a lesbian man on testosterone is NOT fun lmaooo help… ‘men dni, only lesbians interact 🥰’ girl i got bad news for you. some of us are both. did you forget about nonbinary people orrrrr are we just too complicated for y’all to cope with lmao. ‘i love weird queer freaks 🥰’ no u don’t y’all can’t even handle nonbinary people with sexualities that don’t fit into your normative tiny little boxes. go away with your performative nonsense.
#as per usual y’all forget that multigender people also fit under the nonbinary label#nonbinary is not a 3rd gender#its a fucking umbrella term and shit gets messy#nonbinary lesbian#gonna regret tagging this but im doing it anyways#the IRL queer spaces and people I’ve encountered have been mostly weirded out by my existence#maybe im just unlucky…. I live in a very conservative small town.#all my IRL queer friends live in the city but I can’t afford that.#it’s so isolating#yeah im ranting into the void again.
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sometimes there's just this huge gulf between the lived experiences of queer folks from rural/conservative areas and queer ppl from urban/progressive areas
and this gulf is just. so clearly exemplified in online spaces if you start payin attention
like you'll see two people engaging in unproductive discourse, goin at it with two COMPLETELY different points of reference and experiences of reality. both silently thinking "what in the sam hill is THAT dunce on about??? in what world does THAT opinion make sense???"
that kind of thing doesn't much happen in irl spaces, cuz unless someone's a traveller, you both live in the same general environment. and, generally, ya get to know someone and really understand where they're comin from before queer topics ever come up.
but online? people are mostly strangers, all you usually know is someone's username and maybe a few sentences from their bio. you don't know each other's different experiences, so both sides think the other is clearly off their rocker with absolutely no grip on reality
and like, sometimes even when we *consciously* know different people all go through different stuff, we still tend to *instinctively* assume everyone's life is roughly the same as our own. especially if we've only live in one kind of environment our whole life. cuz when everyone around us experiences the same stuff, it seems intuitive that it happens to all people everywhere.
i think the folks from urban/progressive areas are often worse about that, though. they're the majority, and they're oftentimes more vocal than us, cuz they typically had less fear of bein themselves ground into em by society. and they get represented in media more often. so the rest of us tend to hear their experiences way more than they hear ours.
so often im forced to read takes that make me think "wow, op has clearly never set foot outside of san francisco." like, i once saw someone on here tell my friend who lives in THE DEEP SOUTH "just log off and go outside, there are queer bookstores everywhere." and i had to go lie down for a minute
and i try to be empathetic towards people like that. like, they're going off their own frame of reality and maybe just never got the chance to learn how the rest of the world lives. but god, sometimes i just wanna grab em up by the shoulders, shake em, and yell "YOUR EXPERIENCES ARE NOT UNIVERSAL!!! WE CAN'T ALL LIVE IN PORTLAND YOU ABSOLUTE NITWIT!!!"
when people think of areas like mine, they either think A) it's 100% conservatives and no minorities live there. which completely ignores minors, those who can't afford to leave, and the stubborn lot who refuse to let bigots drive them from their homes. B) it's some kind of cottagecore/cowboy fantasy; people are just as accepting of queer things as they are in your progressive home city but there are cows and meadows uwu~~~
please. just remember we exist. remember our experiences are different.
here's the part where i could make some point about how to help us or tell you charities to donate to but. i dunno. we're all just burnt out. all i'm gonna ask you is to remember us and think before you speak/type, before i start biting people.
#eliot posts#queer#lgbtq+#rural queer#rural#farmcore#discourse#long post#appalachia#this is long and jumbled and full of rambles and weird tone switches but meh. it needed to be said.
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Question thingy for the lolz cos I’m procrastinating study.
Are you good at apologizing? Yeah, probably too good. But yeah tbh I’m good at owning my shit.
Do you prefer your looks or personality? That’s a hard one cos I have a face like a dropped pie but I am also an objectively terrible person, so, like, what a choice! Haha. No but I don’t think I’m good looking, so… personality I guess? Or my boobs.
Are you confident? Depends on the situation.
What are you most confident about yourself? I have the best tits in the Southern Hemisphere.
Name a song that reminds you of someone, and who it reminds you of: Goodnight Moon by Go Radio, always reminds me of Sophie because it’s one of her favourite songs. And it gets stuck in my head every time I see a copy of that book at work.
What is your favourite colour combination? Idk man.
Define your “aesthetic”: I really don’t know like I don’t have the money or the figure to pull off the kind of aesthetic I’d like. Plus I don’t know because there are so many things, idk, probably a combination of soft goth and hippie with a strong femme lesbian undertone.
What is sex to you? Making each other cum.
Do you have any kinks? What are they? Yes.
What are some of your biggest pet peeves? People with bad manners, particularly customers. And slow drivers.
What’s something that automatically turns you off of other people? I can’t think of a blanket thing in general but like on Tinder, people who have their profiles written in atrocious 2000s-era text speak are an automatic swipe left. Because with autocorrect these days, you have to be doing that very deliberately.
What song always makes you sad/emotional? Hope There’s Someone by Anohni, Goodbye by Apparat/Soap & Skin, Wake by The Antlers, Sister by City And Colour, Vale Decem (lmao), Sparklehorse’s cover of Wish You Were Here, Heart Of Gold by Neil Young… there’s probably more but I can’t think of them right now. Some of them because sad songs, some of them because associations, you know?
How many people have you dated? How many of them do you still have feelings for? I guess like the only people I would count as having properly dated, four? I still have feelings for one of them.
How are you with moving on? Hahahahahahahahaha.
What’s a philosophy you agree with, but fail to live by? Tbh I can’t think of any right now but I’m sure there are lots because I am objectively the worst. Probably something about thinking good thoughts about other people and not being judgmental or something lmao.
What’s something you don’t like about yourself? That I have zero self control when it comes to making myself do things I don’t want to do but which I know will be good for me.
What’s something positive happening in your life right now? I feel like I am on the edge of something, and it could be really good, and I just have to push myself forward, you know? But I have to be less reliant on other people if I’m going to succeed. I don’t know, that’s vague. I feel like I am on the precipice of change, positive change, becoming the person that I want to be and that I have ached to be for my whole life. But it’s scary and hard and I just have to face that fear and feel it and do it anyway.
Are you truly able to admit your faults in relationships to yourself? Yeah, I’m pretty self-aware I think. At least, I like to think I am.
Is it important to you to be a good person? Yeah I try to be.
Are you a good person? I don’t know, I always have good intentions but I don’t know how well I pull it off.
How could you become a better person? Being a better friend. Being kinder, to myself and to others. Being more positive and less sarcastic. Actually fucking getting shit done. I don’t know.
Would/have you ever pierced your genitalia? No, and no.
Have you ever been in love? If so, with how many people? Yes. I would say technically with two people, but the first one doesn’t feel real compared to the second one, I can barely remember how that felt, because everything else is background noise, you know?
Do you believe in love at first sight? I don’t think so, maybe it’s possible but honestly I don’t know how you can fall in love with someone you don’t know.
Which social science interests you more; psychology (how the mind effects a person), sociology (how society affects a people) or anthropology (learning about culture)? Why? Psychology, obviously, because it’s what I study and what I want to do for a living.
Have you ever orgasmed? Lmao I had like eight orgasms last night alone, and that was the fourth time I’d had sex in 24 hours hahahahahahha.
Have you ever made someone else orgasm? See above.
During sexual interaction, what is the most important thing to you? That the other person is enjoying themselves, I love to please.
Are you comfortable being sexual with lots of people? That’s a vague question. Do I have a problem with people who have had lots of sexual partners? Not in the slightest. Would I be comfortable ever having a high number of historical sexual partners? I don’t see why I would. Am I comfortable having several sexual partners at the same time? Not really. I’m really quite conservative and traditional when it comes to relationships, like I am really a one-person girl, and I want love and commitment and companionship and all of the stuff that comes with a monogamous relationship. I just happen to want to do that stuff with women hahaha.
How do you usually get people to be interested in terms of romantic relationships? And sexual relationships? And platonic relationships? I don’t know like honestly it just happens? If you click with someone, you click with them. If you don’t, then there’s no point trying to force it! Romantic relationships, idk, I’m terrible at meeting people IRL, nearly everyone I have ever dated or slept with or anything, I met on Tinder or OkCupid. As a queer girl, it’s a lot easier than trying to figure out if another girl is attracted to girls, even - sadly - in one of the two gay bars in Wellington, and I’m shy, so it’s easier to talk to someone that way first. And I just choose to be who I am. Same with platonic relationships, it just happens, you know?
What’s your favourite song to sing along to? I don’t know, I have so many! Usually something that has nice melodies that I can easily harmonise with, because harmonising is one of my favourite things to do. I do go through stages of listening to one song a lot while I’m getting ready in the mornings, and it’s usually something I can sing along to. But honestly I’ll sing to anything. I have been known to sing along to instrumental music lmao.
What’s some “embarrassing” music you listen to? Music that is undeniably country, in spite of my continued insistence that I hate country music, it has really just kind of devolved from listening to indie folk with a very slight country flavour, to musicians that self-identify as country artists hahahaha. But to be fair, it’s not “hard” country, like it is really still more indie folk than country. But maybe I’m trying to justify it. Also Sophie’s terrible taste in mid-2000s emo music has definitely rubbed off on me hahahahaha.
What are you most snobby/pretentious about? Oooh I don’t know, actually probably music to be honest. I’m a lot more relaxed than I used to be about it, but there is some music that I just think is terrible. But the difference is that I respect others’ right to listen to the music that they like, and accept that it isn’t a reflection of their intelligence or whatever, unlike when I was younger and more of an asshole lmao.
How do you express sad emotions? And happy emotions? I don’t know man, like, I am a talker. I gotta talk about that shit with someone. I guess because I never used to, always used to hold it in, now I just like telling people shit if I’m comfortable with them? It has got me in trouble before though when I’ve shared something with people, not realising that the other person to whom the information pertains is not necessarily as comfortable sharing stuff as I am. So I have had to learn to be careful with that. But yeah, talking about it is the main thing!
Do you use Skype? Facetime? I use Skype for therapy sometimes, if I’m working during the times that my therapist is in the city. Facetime, not really.
How do you feel about phone calls? They’re fine.
How do you feel about texting? It’s fine but I prefer to use Facebook Messenger, it’s my favourite way of communicating.
What are your thoughts on LDRs? I think they would be really hard and I applaud anyone who is able to make it work. I haven’t been in that situation so I don’t know how I would do with it, but for the right person I would make it work. I would have no problem not cheating on the person, but goddamn I don’t know how I would cope with missing them so much, especially since I am a student so it’s really hard for me to afford to go and visit the person, and especially if they’re really far away, or it will be long-distance for an indefinite amount of time. Idk, this is something I have thought about quite a bit, since it was a very real possibility with Sophie. I could do it, but I’d definitely prefer not to have to be long-distance!
Have you ever cried over a piece of visual art? What was it of? Why do you think it made you cry? I don’t think so? I have cried over a lot of movies.
When and why was the last time you cried? Last Thursday, during therapy.
What’s something you love that you never do anymore? Why don’t you do it? Singing in choir! God I miss it. But I’m too old for the youth choir this year, and I was too scared to audition for the yo pro choir since I didn’t get in last year. I mean, I had a much better chance of getting in this year. But also I didn’t audition because I know I won’t have time to do choir this year. Or orchestra either, so I’m going to really miss doing musical stuff, but I really really need to concentrate on my studies.
Are you afraid to die? Yes. Ironically, given how many times I’ve tried to kill myself hahahaha. But yes, I am afraid of dying - being in pain, being alone, being scared, and the nothingness that will most likely follow. I can’t imagine nothing, and that scares me. But I’m much more scared of my loved ones dying than I am of dying myself. Ideally we’d all get taken out by a massive meteor impact or nuclear bomb or something, so we all die together and it kind of just happens hahahaha.
If there were no limits; who and what would you be? God, I don’t know. Maybe my original plan of being a film composer, win a bunch of Oscars, become a household name more recognisable than John Williams or Hans Zimmer. Or maybe being a good enough musician that I could make a living off it - I have always wanted to be in a band, either an indie folk band where I can play violin and sing backing harmonies, or another kind of band where I can play piano/keyboards and vox. Or I would succeed on the track I am on now, succeed in becoming a child and youth clinical psychologist - maybe take it further, do some cutting-edge research that is game-changing, revolutionises the treatment of mental illness, maybe a Nobel prize or something hahaha. But I don’t know, if I could choose anything, I don’t honestly know what I would choose. In any case, I would be much more disciplined. I’d be happier, healthier, kinder, better… I don’t know.
Are you more likely to be sub or dom during sex? I’m really very versatile and enjoy both roles. I always thought I was much more submissive, but I have come to learn that I love being dominant too, so I really don’t mind if the person I am having sex with has a strong preference for one role over the other. But my ideal sex is when both of us take both roles, switching I guess? Is that what it’s called? I’m not really up with the terminology. Anyway, that.
Describe your fashion sense. “Does this actually fit me? Does it accentuate how fat I am or does it disguise it a bit? Does it make my boobs look good? Can I afford it?”
Do you have stage fright? Not as bad as I used to, but then again, I don’t do things that make me the same level of uncomfortable as I had to when I was, like, in school or whatever haha. When I’m performing music, it’s always in a group setting, which is how I’ve always preferred to make music - I have always hated performing solo, even for exams, so yeah. I want to perform at the next poetry slam, and that scares the shit out of me, and I don’t know how I’m going to cope with it. But I want to, so I’m going to do my best.
Did/do you ever put your hand up in class? Yeah, if I’m sure I know the answer and I’m not going to embarrass myself lmao. I occasionally ask questions too, idk.
Are you more of an open or closed person? I used to be a very very closed person. Now I think I’m probably more open than closed.
What’s the worst thing that ever happened to you? And the best? I want to say that the worst thing that ever happened to me was either being sectioned to the psych ward, or nearly dying - but both of those events, as well as all the other awful things that have ever happened to me, were the culmination of instances of abuse that happened to me as a child, so I guess that was the worst thing that ever happened to me. The best thing that ever happened to me is hard to say. I think maybe finally coming to terms with and being open about my sexuality has been very liberating for me? I don’t know.
Are you a theist (Not necessarily in the way of “guy in the sky”, maybe just believing in any higher power)? No. I used to be in my early teens, but not anymore. I mean, the scientist in me doesn’t want to rule out the possibility of a higher power, because there is no definitive proof that such a thing doesn’t exist, but I think that it is very very unlikely. Plus I don’t really want to subscribe to any kind of organised religion, since it has been used to hurt me and people like me in the past - at the level of both at a minority group that I am a part of, and of being targeted personally. So, yeah. Not inclined towards theism for that reason alone.
What are your top three places you’d like to travel and why? Ohhhh man please don’t ask me to narrow it down!!! I want to go literally everywhere. But three places that come to mind are: Iceland, because it’s beautiful and lots of my favourite musicians are from there and I want to see the northern lights and visit the hot springs; Thailand/Vietnam/South-east Asia in general, because everyone tells me how amazing and beautiful and cheap it is to visit hahaha; somewhere with amazing beaches like probably somewhere tropical where I can go scuba diving and sunbathe on the beach and drink cocktails and shit idk like Mauritius or somewhere else tropical, or maybe Rio during Carnaval, somewhere where there’s lots of gays, or Mediterranean Europe idk anyway I want to go to all the places.
What’s something you thought would be really scary/bad, but was actually fine when it happened/you did it? Oh gosh, I don’t know! Probably learning to drive my scooter, which is why I should really learn to drive a goddamn car because it will be fine and I don’t know why I’m so terrified.
When you sleep at friends’ houses, how often do you sleep in their bed? Pretty much always? I mean, I don’t often stay over with people who I’m not, like, dating or whatever, but like when I go to visit friends in other cities, I normally share a bed with them, because why not?
Can you sleep facing someone? Yeah but like I tend to turn over a bit in my sleep (I sleep on my side) so sometimes I’ll face them and sometimes I won’t. I’m not really able to sleep while cuddling someone though like I absolutely love sleeping in the same bed as my significant other, but I can’t really sleep entangled with them, if that makes sense? I’ve dated people who used to get really offended when I had to eventually extricate myself from them lmao. Dating someone who is the same as me is always perfect because neither of us gets offended when the other needs to pull away to go to sleep.
Do you ever get in slumps? If so; how often, and how long do they usually last for? Yeah, and it varies.
Do you like being alone? I enjoy spending time in my own company, but I don’t like to be alone for long periods of time, and I don’t like to be lonely at all.
Are you social? Same as above, I enjoy my own company, but I love spending time with people as well. I’m introverted in that I need a certain amount of alone time in order to stay sane, that is probably a bit higher than the average person, but I also need a certain amount of time with other people otherwise I get sad and lonely. It just needs to be with certain people who I care about and feel comfortable with, or it just makes me feel worse.
How do you feel about parties? I like parties, when I feel comfortable there, I have to be with one or more people that I like and trust though.
Have you ever hosted a party? How did it go? Kind of, I hosted a couple with Sophie at her house, they went great! Oh and we had one in our flat when I lived with Sami and Olivia, it went okay I think?
What question(s) do you love to ask people? I don’t really know! Anything, I love hearing details about people. I like asking personal questions but I also don’t like to overstep boundaries and make people uncomfortable, so I have to be sure that they’re okay with those questions. But yeah, I like knowing personal shit about people, it makes me feel closer to them obviously. And I like hearing about the kind of music and film and tv that people enjoy, I don’t know.
What question(s) do you love being asked? The same, I feel like sharing any details about yourself with someone brings you closer together. I’m pretty open about the fact that I live with mental illness, since it has really shaped the person I have become and the priorities I have, and I don’t think it’s shameful, but I tend to share anything but general details only with people I am comfortable with. Unless it’s to ~1000 strangers on Tumblr hahahaha.
Are you confrontational? Does it make you uncomfortable when others are? Not in the sense that I like to get all up in someone’s grill or whatever, but I also very much do not like to avoid confrontation if it needs to happen? Like, if we need to have an argument, because there are some bad feelings between us, that’s so much more preferable to just letting that shit stew and becoming more and more resentful??? It’s not healthy. It’s much better to just get it all out there, talk about it and own your shit and validate each other’s feelings and then move past it. I’m not a grudge-holder, once I’ve said my piece and the other person knows how I feel, I’m fine. But communication is so very important for a healthy relationship of any kind, not just romantic relationships, so in that sense, I definitely prefer confrontation.
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tw death, ptsd, grief, sh, sui, abuse, pet death
this past year has all just been too much and i don’t even know how to talk to people about it and i’m hoping that just putting it out here will help relieve some of the anxiety
my grandma passed away while i was on my flight home last night. i didn’t make it back in time to see her and it’s eating at me.
in the past 12 months i’ve
-gotten married
-welcomed a nephew
-found out my husband is ace, knew, and didn’t tell me for years which caused a large rift between us
-distanced myself from all irl friends and distanced myself as much as possible from my family without worrying them enough that they’d do something about it because i was unable to figure out how to talk to them about anything
-ptsd nightmares came back
-my husband opened our marriage (under the condition i could only have nonmen partners) because he didn’t want to keep pretending to enjoy or want sex with me or keep pretending that he was attracted to me in that way at all and i didn’t want or think he should have to but i also need that in my life and he could tell it was hurting me to not have it
-came out to my mom for the fourth time (didn’t mention that we opened our marriage), and while it went much better than before when she just refused to acknowledge it, it still wasn’t great
-my grandpa who was my rock’s health took a bad turn and i began spending most of my time with him and my grandma
-had a non-romantic fling with a friend that was short lived and felt hollow but that my husband was 100% on board with me having
-lost all romantic feelings for my husband and started trying to come to terms with our marriage being one of just very important friendship
-my grandpa passed and i fell into a very dark place without him and drowning in my grief
-completely unable to take care of myself, didn’t shower for over a month, began self harming again, used all energy i had to keep going to work, pay bills, and take care of my husband as much as i could (he wouldn’t take his necessary-to-live daily medications for his disease/chronic illness without constant reminders from me, would lie to me about taking them, would get sick from not taking them and it was all on me, wouldn’t eat without reminder, pay his bills i couldn’t pay without reminders, etc)
-i felt isolated, alone, my husband wasn’t even being a friend to me
-the apartment became infested with bugs and trash because neither of us were taking care of it
-became sui***al
-begged my husband multiple times just to take care of the necessary things he had to for himself, that i wasn’t even asking him to do anything for me or the apartment, but that i couldn’t handle the grief and my life and taking care of myself AND taking care of him like that
-fell in love with one of my best friends that i know online, didn’t tell her but did tell my husband and he was 100% okay about me having feelings for her and acting on them if i wanted to
-found strength in my online friendships and in wanting to Get Better while pretending that all the difficulty i had was solely because of my grief and began doing very small things for myself like showering and going on walks with their encouragement
-my husband started realizing i had begun focusing on myself and was getting better without him, got scared i was pulling away from him, and became incredibly manipulative, mentally abusive, and scary
-things escalated to a point that i left him and the apartment completely and went to stay with my parents and told them and the rest of my family and my online and irl friends everything (including about the girl i am in love with)
-after multiple difficult experiences (she got physical with us and didn’t recognize us most of the time we visited) between me and my cousins with my grandma who had dementia, we were told we were no longer allowed to see her
-focused on keeping my head above water while living with my parents again which is terrible for my mental health, navigating what to do next with my husband, cleaning up the apartment myself, and finally dealing with my grief
-decided mutually with my husband that we needed to get a divorce
-told my friend clearly about my feelings for her and she did with me, then she became my girlfriend on 10/31
-began seeing a counselor
-found out that my family knew i wasn’t okay and wasn’t showering but assumed i’d figure it out because my husband had always pretended everything was great when he was seeing them alone and when we went places with them
-officially moved out of the apartment with most of my things and moved in with my good friends, my husband moved in with his parents, and we split the animals between us
-my dad blew up at me on thanksgiving and yelled while i cried because i wasn’t doing enough with my life and i “shouldn’t have moved out of their house”
-spent the next couple weeks intensely cleaning the apartment and packing/dividing the rest of the stuff mostly alone
-was reminded that my extended family is very religious conservative anti-lgbt+, that they are finally accepting that i’m getting a divorce, but to not tell them about my girlfriend etc
-my husband told me that he is definitely ace but he’s not aro (he just lost feelings for me for a while while depressed and with my grief) and wants to try to work something out between us and i had to tell him no, we can’t
-one of our guinea pigs, the one he took, got sick the week of my birthday, and my husband thought he’d just get better, didn’t take him into the vet or tell me he was sick for three days, he passed two days before my birthday (on a thursday), i had to no show at work that friday because they still wanted me to come in
-had the worst birthday of my life after trying to stay home and cancel because i was still sensitive and grieving but was convinced to see my family anyway, with both my sister and my dad screaming at me, the first for me deciding i wasn’t going to my extended family’s christmas, the second for not spending more time with them, ended up having a full panic attack and throwing up in my parents bathroom then leaving, which made my mom incredibly sad that my birthday was so bad
-found out i can’t afford to have insurance this year
-finished cleaning the apartment and getting everything out, turned in my keys to my husband to turn in after he did the final walk through
-spent my first christmas without my grandpa, first without my grandma because she couldn’t leave the assisted living, first one without my husband in years and my first christmas not seeing my extended family
-went to chicago to spend time with my girlfriend and finally saw her in person, fell somehow more in love with her than before, experienced life being queer in a place that’s accepting and not where i fear for my safety whenever i’m noticeably queer or when i’m holding a fellow queer person’s hand in public and it was transformational, spent nye in the city with her and it was beautiful
-then my grandmas health took a sharp turn while i was there and i spent the last couple days trying to keep up with my family and with her while trying to get home
-cried the entire time at the airport leaving my girlfriend at the airport knowing it would be a while until i could see her again and knowing what i was going back to
-found out as soon as i got off the plane last night that my grandma passed while i was in the air and i didn’t make it back in time to see her.
there’s just been so much, and so much more than that, and i just don’t know how to deal with it all or process it all. i still have so much more to do with my grandma’s funeral, and legally getting the divorce, and experiencing my extended family hate me when they find out that not only did i get a divorce but i also have a girlfriend, i need to get a new job soon and move in somewhere on my own soon. my family keeps asking about my trip with my girlfriend amongst the grief and it’s fucking with me having them so connected.
i just don’t want to drown again, i’ve stopped SH and i’m not sui***al anymore, i want to keep moving forward and continue finding my place in the world, i’ve put in so much work to get to where i am mentally, but i still feel like i’m failing and i don’t know how to process my grandma dying and everything else right now, i don’t know how to navigate it all
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Art F City: This Week’s Must-See Art Events: Djinns Against Digital Colonialism, John Waters Action Figures, and “Werifesteria”
Tyson Tabbert’s “Female Trouble” action figures will be on view at La MaMa Galleria.
This week you’re in for a weird ride. From Aaron Pexa’s installation inspired by faeries from Welsh mythology (opening Wednesday at UrbanGlass) to a show of fake John Waters memorabilia Thursday night at La MaMa, there’s a lot of idiosyncratic happenings to partake in. Add to that itinerary a Friday night group show of emotion-altering colors (like the opposite of a mood ring!) at Small Editions and Eva Papamargariti’s speculative mutant frogs at TRANSFER on Saturday.
Mitchell-Innes & Nash
1018 Madison Avenue New York, NY 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Website
Pope.L : Proto-Skin Set
A friend and I recently had a conversation about the trend of galleries putting together shows of famous artist’s lesser-known works from yesteryear and writing a vague exhibition text to explain why they’re important. Here, that means “an exhibition of early work by Pope.L dating from 1979-1994 that demonstrates the function of materiality and language in his practice.”
While that sentence doesn’t really say anything, we’re guessing this show will be good because Pope.L is a genius and the racial politics he’s addressed in his work since 1979 are sadly still all-too-relevant today. We’re guessing “the function of materiality and language” will always be “relevant” until we’re all telepathically linked by some Elon Musk gadget.
11 West 53rd Street New York, NY 3:30 p.m. Website
Ulrike Ottinger’s: Johanna D’Arc of Mongolia
This week’s “most-likely-to-offend-someone” event is likely MoMA’s presentation of Ulrike Ottinger’s nearly-three-hour-long bizarre 1989 film Johanna D’Arc of Mongolia.
I’m recommending it because of it’s supposedly gorgeous cinematography and because it sounds weird as hell. Mostly, you’ll want to know what people are talking about when the inevitable flood of think-pieces hits the web Thursday morning.
The story follows a group of privileged western women (including an ethnologist who happens to speak Mongolian… grimace) as they’re captured by “the exotic, fierce Mongolian princess Ulan Iga”. They spend a Summer as hostages and ultimately find common cultural ground with the Mongolian clan. I haven’t seen the film, so I can’t say if it’s a thoughtful, culturally sensitive story about overcoming differences or cringe-inducingly problematic. Either way, we can pretty much guess how it’s going to be received (at least on the internet) by audiences in 2017.
647 Fulton Street Brooklyn, NY 6;00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Website
Aaron Pexa: The Spoils of Annwn
Inspired by a Middle Welsh epic poem, “Preiddeu Annwn”, this immersive installation references King Arthur’s mythical voyage to the Glass Fortress, home of the faerie folk. Aaron Pexa is bringing this tale to life through surrealist glass sets, neon, video, light sculptures, and illustration.
All of this is supposed to evoke a feeling of “werifesteria,” which means to wander longingly through the forest in search of mystery.
San Damiano Mission in Brooklyn
85 North 15th St. Brooklyn, NY 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Website
Rally for a Better Loft Law
NYC Loft Tenants are organizing to demand a better version of the state’s “Loft Law”. Intended to protect housing in converted buildings, a new version of the Loft Law is making its way through the mess that is Albany and needs amendments and support. Basically anyone who cares about art in New York needs to come out and learn about what politicians are and aren’t doing to preserve affordable live/work housing.
Assemblywoman Maritza Davila, Senator Martin Dilan, Assemblyman Joe Lentol, Councilman Steven Levin, Councilman Rafael Espinal.
Legendary tenant advocates: Chuck Delaney – Lower Manhattan Loft Tenants and Michael Mckee – TenantsPAC;
Loft tenant lawyer: Michael Kozek;
Artists/Activists: Ximena Garnica – Leimay/NYLCT, Aniela Coveleski – Arts in Bushwick, Aaron Scaturro – NYCLT
La MaMa Galleria
47 Great Jones Street New York, NY 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.Website
Lost Merchandise of Dreamlanders
During Frieze week I was wandering the stalls of a satellite fair and thought: ���Someone should really make a guide of what art to not bother making. The top of that list would be anything involving Barbies.” But lo and behold, today I spied this Divine doll by Kyle Lords and changed my mind.
Kitschy, yes. But a fitting tribute to John Waters and his “Dreamlanders” (the Baltimore equivalent of Warhol’s factory scene). Except for Divine, most of the crew never achieved “superstar” status, sadly. But what if they did? Curator Tyson Tabbert imagines an alternate reality in which the trashy world of 1970s John Waters films filtered into pop minutiae: Pink Flamingos bed sheets and breakfast cereal, for example.
The project grew out of a Facebook community of likeminded fans, and now will have an IRL exhibition of things like the action figures for recreating the infamous “I WANT MY CHA CHA HEELS” Christmas morning scene from Female Trouble. The tagline is “The childhood you wish you had.” For those of us who had to resort to giving Cal Ripken (serious, he looks exactly like Divine) bobble heads colored pencil makeovers, that’s all too real.
Shin Gallery
322 Grand Street New York, NY 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Website
Grand Opening of Batu Museum
Batu Museum is a new nomadic curatorial platform dedicated to placing the work of artists at different career stages in dialog. Here, that means figurative work from canonical legends such as the late, great Louise Bourgeois will be shown alongside emerging artists and living art stars including Marlene Dumas. That’s an interesting curatorial concept, opening in a gallery I like for their wild installs. This show is dedicated to works that convey narratives about the body through figuration or related processes.
Artists: Hyon Gyon, Louise Bourgeois, Marlene Dumas, Goshka Macuga, Lucas Samaras and Keunmin Lee
The Jungle Lounge
248 McKibbin Street Brooklyn, NY 7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.Website
For the Love of Barbara (DeGenevieve)
This is a show paying tribute to the late artist/educator Barbara DeGenevieve, featuring work by artists who collaborated with or studied under her. DeGenevieve’s NEA-funded work famously came under attack during the Culture Wars of the 1990s, and she became an outspoken opponent of censorship and a popular professor at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
This show also marks the inauguration of the The Jungle Lounge, an apartment gallery in Sean Fader’s plant-filled McKibbin loft. He’s fundraising to convert the space into a gallery with queer-centric programming and a paid residency (the Barbara DeGenevieve Memorial Fellowship) program for recent queer SAIC grads to work and show in NYC.
Artists: Barbara DeGenevieve, Amber Hawk Swanson, Aiden Simon, Jules Rosskam, Mayumi Lake, Brad Farwell, Lacie Garnes, Eileen Mueller, Oli Rodriguez, AnnieLaurie Erickson, Jenyu Wang, Marissa L. Perel, Jamie Steele, Miao Jiaxin, Ei Jane Janet Lin, Annie Hogan, Liz Nielsen, Young Sun Han, Charles Lum, Elise Rasmussen, Sean Fader, Carly Ries, Catherine Gass, Christopher Sonny Martinez, Scott Patrick Wiener
Small Editions
60 Sackett Street Brooklyn, NY 7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Website
Four Steps to Self-Help: Color Therapy
Curated by collective Alt Esc, this show is all about the psychological effects of different colors. The description can read as a little-New-Age-y, but the work will likely be good. Aliza Morell’s radiant canvases seem to glow like a Lisa Frank screensaver or beauty shop neon signs. Evie Falci’s assemblage/painting technique is what Tibetan mandalas would look like if monks lived in a suburban craft store instead of the Himalayas. They’re so much better than how that description makes them sound. All of the work here is likely similar in the sense that it’s best experienced IRL.
Artists; Aliza Morell, Calli Moore, Nicole Ruggiero, and Evie Falci.
34 35th Sreet, 5th floor Brooklyn, NY 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Website
Eyebeam artist-in-residence Morehshin Allahyari is in the midst of a two-year project exploring “digital colonialism”. That reads like a research paper I probably couldn’t get through, but this show sounds surprisingly engaging. She’s invited artists, activists, and scientists (Gelare Khoshgozaran, Nooshin Rostami, Ida Momennejad, and Maryam Darvishi) to create “Fabulation Stations”. Here, they’ll present new and appropriated fables through different media that relate to past and hypothetical future colonization. They’ll be inhabiting the archetype of the female Djinn and drawing inspiration from sources ranging from Italo Calvino to Islamic mythology and the immigrant experience.
1030 Metropolitan Ave Brooklyn, NY 6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Website
Eva Papamargariti: Precarious Inhabitants
We’re very excited about this solo show from Greek multimedia artist Eva Papamargariti. We’re big fans (and sometimes curators) of her digital works, which comprise everything from biting critiques of consumer culture to surreal landscapes (or both at the same time).
Here, she’s focusing on plastic—that ubiquitous, supposedly “democratic” substance that’s literally rewriting the fabric of countless species’ DNA as it accumulates in landfills, roadsides, slums, and oceans. What will these future creatures look like after millennia of ingesting errant molecules synthetic polymers? Papamargariti proposes new mutations as she traces plastic’s real and speculative lifespan from creation to all-too-distant decomposition.
from Art F City http://ift.tt/2rMNDd1 via IFTTT
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